Bishop Burton News 0

July 2021 Bishop Burton News

Three Hundred and Third Edition

It’s been a strange summer in more ways than one: odd weather patterns as well as the problems caused by Covid-19. “Normal” activities have though begun to resume and this is reflected in this edition of Bishop Burton News.

We paid a visit recently with our grandchildren to the gardens at Scampston Hall near Malton. The gardens are lovely and we look forward to returning there to visit the interior of the Hall when we’re allowed to do so.

In the children’s play area we came across a Bug Hotel built from tiles and pallets. I thought I could make one too using bits of wooden pallets, corrugated cardboard, twigs, branches and left-over tiles that I had lying around. A photo of it is on this edition’s cover. It’s free to all bugs as it cost nowt to build! I hope they like it.

Please may we have your contributions to the September 2021 edition of the newsletter by 23 rd August. Editor: Bryn Jones 01964 550255 or 07852 325179 or [email protected]

Printed and published at Bishop Burton 1st July 2021



The village shop will be closed on Friday 2 nd July and will re-open on Monday 19 th July giving Anne and Pete a well-earned break . The Editor


On Sunday 6 th June you might have caught sight of or been held up by a procession of old and new tractors passing through the village. It was a charity road run in memory of Derek Cash a farmer from Little Weighton who died last year. Their route took in Little Weighton, Risby, , Etton, Dalton, Newbald and South Cave as well as our village.

There were 123 tractors in total and at one point the whole of Finchcroft Lane was filled with tractors from top to bottom. It was much better than the Tour de as there were few police around and the tractors didn’t whizz by in the flash of an eye.

The procession was organised by Young Farmers and the proceeds (£4,600) were donated to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance Service. I took a few photos of the tractors as they passed our house - it’s a shame it wasn’t a sunny day for the drivers but they did well.

The Editor



Well I am writing this on the day play Scotland-yes I like football. But it does seem strange to have these and other events going on after almost 18 months of no crowds and events. The Church remains and I know that the communities have supported one another so a massive thanks to all.

So where are we? The Churches have had in attendance service with either recordings taking place or livestreaming and hopefully for those who cannot or are unable to attend this has been of help. This facility will continue for the foreseeable future. I will also continue with Compline.

From July the service patterns return to some sort of normality:

ALL HALLOWS WALKINGTON 4th July 9.30am Holy Communion 11 th July 11.00am Morning Prayer TBC 18 th July 9.30am Holy Communion 25 th July 9.30am Morning Worship 1st August 11.00am Benefice Holy Communion-with picnic to follow

ST PETERS ROWLEY 4th July 11am Holy Communion 11 th July 11.00am Morning Prayer 18 th July 11.00am Holy Communion 25 th July 11.00am Morning Prayer 8th August 11.00am Benefice Holy Communion

ST MICHAELS 4th July 9.30am Morning Worship 11 th July 9.30am Holy Communion 18 th July 9.30am Morning Worship 25 th July 9.30am Holy Communion 15 th August 9.30am Benefice Holy Communion 29 th August 11.00am Benefice Holy Communion

ALL SAINTS BISHOP BURTON 4th July 11.00am Morning Prayer 11 th July 11.00am Holy Communion 18 th July 11.00am Morning Prayer


25 th July 11.00am July Holy Communion 22 nd August 11.00am Benefice Holy Communion

This information is available on our website also any events and should you wish to donate. The services will also be available to watch via the site.

Please pray for all involved as we move forward and give thanks to all those who have done such a remarkable job in supporting so many within our communities.

Come on get involved it’s not difficult and it’s great fun!

God’s blessings upon you all.

If there is anything you need a chat or a moan about you can also contact me (01482) 864630 Revd David Messer [email protected]


The cost of keeping our churchyard and graves in trim is borne by the Parochial Church Council and their income has dropped significantly with the closure of churches for services. If you would like to make a donation to help cover the cost or to enable Chris Charlton to make an extra cut and keep the churchyard in pristine condition then please contact David Oxtoby on 07889 730753 or 01964 550346.

QUIZ SIX of these places do NOT exist in the UK. Which? Over Peover Blackboys Lower Slaughter Heaven Much Binding in the Marsh Wyre Piddle Elephant Green Tooze cum Pagnie Laustinspeys Llanddewi Brefi Nether Wallop Scratchy Bottom Lickey End Barchester World’s End St. Mary Mead



It is midsummer day and quite cool, everything is looking very fresh after the rains and the weeds are appearing everywhere. All the plants seem to have caught up from the cold spring and some that were frost damaged like the Jasmine and Hypericum have recovered. Even some of the Hebes which looked totally dead earlier on in the year are growing away now; it just shows how resilient nature is.

Our sports pitch renovations are complete for another year and all went well. We are concentrating more on looking after the soil condition rather than using so much product. This is more labour-intensive but we have seen a substantial drop in the spend on chemicals and fertilisers. There is an increase in Diesel use but overall I think it is a more environmentally friendly way of working.

The picture below is off a Ceris Siliquestrum in the walled garden. My reason for showing this is to encourage you to be brave when pruning. This tree was unstable and hanging over one of the green houses so three years ago we took some drastic action and pruned hard into timber which was at least 20 mm across. As you can see the tree has regenerated well and is now fit for another 50 years.

Our bedding is coming along nicely but as I have mentioned

before I always like to plant a good mixture of species as something will always fail. This year the red Salvia and Petunia have been decimated by slugs. The purple salvias have done really well though and are untouched which is very odd. I don’t think slugs have great eyesight so it must be a different taste. A new addition that

[6] are doing very well are Bidens. They seem very tough and start flowering very early in the summer. I like to recycle random things that have come to the end of their useful life. The chimenea below was suffering from some serious rust so was heading to the skip, we rescued it and used it as a planter and I like the effect.

Black eyed Susie is a very underrated plant in my opinion. It is cheap, colourful and disease resistant and can be grown from seed. We grow ours in the jungle garden but it does do well outside as well. Sow seed under cover in early March. When seedings emerge prick out into finishing pots. I like to put 5 or 7 seedlings together. Pinch out the top when you get to the six-leaf stage and grow on.

We have a bed in the walled garden that was planted solely with Agapanthus. I love the effect of mass planting when in flower but as they only flower for two months it does look bare for the rest of the year. One of our sports staff who is a keen gardener came up with the idea of using Allium as a companion plant I think it was an excellent choice. The flowering season has now been extended for the whole of the summer.

We have a very good crop of bananas in the jungle garden. The fruit set in mid-January and have been growing steadily since. They seem to like the humidity to be kept high but are not as temperature sensitive as I first thought. We do not heat the greenhouse at this time of year but the plant seems to be thriving. Last time we had a crop they tasted horrible, the flesh had ripened to mush before the skins showed any indication of being ready to eat.



Rob Skells has kindly agreed to answer questions that readers may have about problems they have in their gardens. If you’d like to ask a question for the July 2021 issue of BB News please send your question to [email protected] by 20 th August 2021. Here is Rob’s answer to a question recently received.

Will woodlice do any harm to potted plants and seedlings. Whenever I move a seed tray or pot in the garden there are always loads of the little critters which go scampering to escape. Will they be eating my seedlings?

I don’t think that the woodlice do any direct harm to plants as their diet is mainly rotting vegetation, fungi and their own faeces. They do create cavities in the growing medium though and roots will be unable to cross these which can reduce vigour in a plant. These voids also act as ideal places for slugs to lay their eggs which of course will harm the plant when they hatch. Woodlice do not urinate but give off ammonia gas which you can smell if there is a large number of them. Plants need a certain amount of ammonia so this can be beneficial.

Keep well everyone and enjoy your gardens. Rob Skells Head Gardener Bishop Burton College


The work is currently on schedule with all the villagers who have chosen to be connected to KCOM scheduled to be connected by August. The remaining work to be carried out is along Joby/Mill Lane. Work up Joby is scheduled to be completed by the end of June and that up Mill Lane in the following 10days. During the work their will be rolling road closures, anyone living along the road will be able to access their properties. Thus, from August peace and tranquility should return to the village. However, I must say I do think that they have made a good job of maintaining the look of the village – given how much digging they have been doing.

If you originally expressed an interest in being connected then Jodie’s team – probably Sean or Dave will be in touch to discuss whether you wish to be connected, service terms and timings. If you have not previously expressed and

[8] interest and now wish to enquire then please give KCOM a ring and as to speak to either Sean or Dave in Jodie’s team.

I understand that KCOM are also planning to be in the village to answer any questions. I will put the dates and times on the noticeboard when I receive them. If anyone has any issues please ring me on 01964 551315 or contact me on [email protected] Margaret Hebb – Clerk, Bishop Burton Parish Council


Jan’s barrow is back for the fifth year. Please take a look next time you’re passing Lavender Cottage in Bryan Mere. Perennials in large pots at £2.00. Smaller pots £1 or £1.50. I’m just about managing to keep up with demand so plants change almost daily but special requests have also been accommodated.

Thank you to those villagers who have contributed to my barrow. All contributions gratefully received. All funds raised will go towards upkeep of the village hall during these difficult times.

If you don’t want to buy anything, please feel free to stop, take a deep breath, and smell the roses when you pass (they’re Gertrude Jekyll for those interested).


The Committee has decided that due to COVID levels to cancel the programme for this year. The intention, COVID permitting, is to re-start in January 2022 with our festive meal. More news in the next newsletter.

Eileen Green



GENTLE YOGA WITH SHAILA at Bishop Burton Village Hall for strength, flexibility, balance, posture and a quiet mind

10:00-11:15 am on Tuesdays 3-week course: 7-21 July £24

Email to book a place: [email protected] or call 07555 710532


The delayed Spring 2020 meeting took place on Wednesday 12 th May 2021 at Belvedere Golf Club a nice flattish course by the seaside. The weather for most of the round was very pleasant and several new members joined us for their first outing with the Society. We weren’t able to have our usual meal at the Altisidora afterwards so we weren’t able to present prizes to Karl Thorne and Heather Hayward who won the gents and ladies prizes respectively.

The Autumn meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 29th September 2021 and will take place at Normanby Park on the South Bank of the - don’t forget to add this to your diary. We played there a few years ago and had a great time. The golf course is set in 117 stunning acres of mature woodland and parkland. The beautiful 18 hole, par 72 course is considered one of the best municipal courses in the country, providing interesting play for members, green fee players and societies alike. The course features greens of a quality you’ll find hard to match anywhere


The event will begin with coffee and a bacon sandwich at about 11.15 and the first tee-off time will be 12 noon. The cost including the golf, prizes and the pre- round snack will be £33. Afterwards we’ll have a meal at the Altisidora and non-golfing partners are most welcome. Buggies can be booked directly with the Pro on 01724 720226.

All players – ladies and gentlemen – are welcome to play. Your standard or handicap doesn’t matter. We’re just out to enjoy ourselves with friends from the village and beyond. Social golf at its best! Please, don’t think we’re all massively talented; we’re not, so there’s nothing to be frightened of.

Drop me a note or call me if you’d like to play. Please don’t leave it till the last minute. Bryn Jones [email protected] (01964) 550255 or 07852 325179


The Bishop Burton Ramblers have re-started their walks in the vicinity. We have a mailing list that will keep you informed about upcoming walks. We vary the length and day of the walks so some are a decent hike while others are gentle strolls. Well behaved dogs are allowed. The first walk was in the Newbald area and took place on 24 th June. On Friday 2 nd July we will have walked around the Millenium Wood and Beverley Parks.

On Monday 12 th July we plan a 3 mile walk on the Wolds starting at Skidby Mill and circling Skidby with an optional extension to Eppleworth. Meet in Bishop Burton Village Hall car park at 10.30 a.m. or the Mill car park at 11.00 am. We hope to call in at the Half Moon. If you would like to take part or be added to the mailing list please contact me by email.

Bryn Jones - [email protected]


Starting at Bishop Burton shop, take Dale Gate south out of the village to Walkington Heads. This 1 mile section is on the road with wide verges.


At Walkington Heads turn left and after quarter of a mile turn right onto the footpath to Walkington. Going through Walkington to the church and onto the footpath that leads East off the end of Little Weighton Road, this path leads past the playing fields and continues through fields to Bentley Lane.

After a short (600 yards) section on the road take the footpath on the left and follow this to a go through a small wooded area (this footpath not recommended in very wet conditions as gets very muddy).

The path leads out of the wooded area through fields now heading north. As you cross a bridge at the bottom of field at Autherd Drain, continue on the footpath signposted straight ahead rather than the path to the right (which leads to Butt Farm and eventually Morrison’s). The path straight ahead leads to the road from Walkington to Beverley and comes out next to East Wood house. At the road turn right.

After approximately 200 yards (and immediately having crossed the bridge over the Beverley bypass), cross the road and take the footpath down to the left. When nearly at the bottom of this slope there is a gate that leads to a footpath on the right. Follow this path along the hedgerow to the Westwood popping out behind the 14 th green.

Head left up the slope and continue across the Westwood, crossing Newbald Road and going either through Burton Bushes or around to exit the Westwood at the cattle grid by the racecourse. Return to Bishop Burton along the pavement next to Beverley Road, with the final mile starting at Killingwoldgraves roundabout.



Starting at Bishop Burton shop, take Dale Gate south out of the village to Walkington Heads. This 1 mile section is on the road with wide verges. At Walkington Heads turn left and after quarter of a mile turn right onto the footpath to Walkington. The route shown goes right at the end of the footpath and round the edge of Walkington, eventually to Little Weighton Road where a private road / footpath leads south. Following this road it leads up between a couple of houses on the way towards Poplar Farm. At this point ‘ A’ you can loop back for a 6-mile round walk to the start.

Continue ahead to the end of the road picking up the track at Poplar Farm and following it straight ahead to the road, ignoring the path to the left which is the return route via the Risby Round. (this junction shown at mile 10 on the map). The road is at mile 4 on the map. Continuing along this road to the left there is an information board on the left describing the Risby Estate.

Opposite this board there is a footpath that adds a loop to Skidby showing as miles 5, 6, 7 and 8 on the map, taking in the Skidby Mill café Sails (courtyard tables or inside). These paths are easy to follow and when reaching Skidby go through the village to Sails café, exiting at the back and along the fields round to the graveyard to pick up the road back. To the footpath you arrived at Skidby on. If you ignore the turning to Skidby by the Risby info board continue

[14] along the road – passing the entrance to Risby fishing lakes (alternatively call at the Café at the fishing lakes which has plenty of outside tables as well as inside option). Parking at this café is possible for a shorter route including the Risby Round.

Having passed the entrance to the fishing lakes, at the end of the woods there is a footpath to the left which follows down through a dip before a small slope up to Bentley Lane. Rather than exiting to Bentley Lane follow the path round to the left at mile 9, and continue on for a mile to pick up the track from Poplar Farm.

Turn Right at this junction to return back towards Bishop Burton. This route shows taking the right hand fork before passing between the two houses to cross the field back to Walkington and exiting the field near the church. Make your way through Walkington to Manorhouse Road (shown via Northgate by the Dog and Duck). Along Manorhouse Lane you can pick up the footpath back to Walkington Heads and return to Bishop Burton. Margaret Hebb


Amended plans have been received in respect of the proposed petrol station and retail development on Killingwoldgraves Lane. The only real change is that the size of the shop has been reduced compared to the plans that were refused planning. However, it still remains 42% larger than that upon which outline planning was granted and 75% larger than the size that the developers suggested as an appropriate minimum.

The Parish Council understands that whilst the principal of a shop and a petrol station has been agreed by granting outline planning, the size of the shop proposed is far too large. It is not in keeping with that which would have been expected when planning was granted. The Parish Council has written to East Riding requesting that the planning is refused as it would have a detrimental effect on the shops in the three local villages and it is far more than is needed to service the passing motorist.

We will see what happens.

Margaret Hebb, Clerk, Bishop Burton Parish Council.



As many of you are aware the majority of the village of Bishop Burton is within a conservation area. In Conservation Areas in recognition of the special contribution of trees, conservation area legislation was introduced in 1967. This includes the blanket protection of all trees having a stem diameter greater than 75mm (3 inches) when measured at 1.5 metres (5 feet) above ground level.

Anyone proposing to fell, prune, lop or top a tree within a conservation area needs to give East Riding Council six weeks’ notice of such intent in writing preferably on the appropriate application form, but this can also be by letter. The notification must include details of ownership, location of the trees on a sketch plan and describe the works you intend to carry out.

If you are applying to prune a tree you must specify as concisely as possible, the extent to be removed.

Once received East Riding Council notifies the Parish Council of the intent and the matter is discussed by the Parish Council and their comments submitted to East Riding for their consideration. Notices of the Parish Council meetings are displayed on the village website and village noticeboards. Should the applicant or anyone else wish to attend the Parish Council meetings they are more than welcome.

If you cut down, uproot or wilfully destroy a tree, or wilfully damage (including cutting roots), top or lop a tree in a manner likely to destroy it, you could be fined up to £20,000 for each offence. In determining the amount of the fine, the court will take account of the actual, or likely, financial benefit arising from the offence. For other offences you could be fined up to £2,500. You will normally have to plant a replacement tree if the tree was removed or destroyed.

Margaret Hebb, Clerk, Bishop Burton Parish Council.


During lockdown and the KCOM work several cars without permits were being parked in the Village Hall car park. The Village Hall Committee understood the need for this in these exceptional circumstances. However, the Hall is now open and classes are back.


When booking, the hirer expects, rightly, that those attending will be able to park in the car park. In view of this will you please refrain from using the Village Hall car park at all times unless you are attending something in the Village Hall or have one of the limited parking permits.

If you or any workmen working at your house wish to use the car park as a one off for a specific reason, please ask Jan on 552364 and obtain permission prior to its use and she will advise when the car park is available.

Many thanks


Hilary James and Simon Mayor plus a 2-course home- cooked meal and licensed bar. Saturday 9 th October 2021. Doors open 6.45 pm.


Artists’ website:

This popular, world-class duo bring a unique combination of Simon Mayor’s humour and virtuosity and Hilary James’ “honey dripping voice”... not to mention her enormous mandobass! But it’s probably the diversity of their repertoire that surprises people most: from folksongs to blues, Berlioz, classical mandolin show-stoppers, swing fiddle and some of their own notorious comic songs. Jan Biden 01964 552364

VILLAGE HALL REFURBISHMENT PHASE II As some of you may recall, in 2018 the Village Hall Committee undertook Phase I of the Village Hall refurbishment which saw the toilets and kitchen brought up to date.

The Village Hall Committee is now looking to move to Phase II. Phase II will include refurbishing the car park, hopefully extending the storage area and refurbishing the main hall and corridors. As anyone who uses the Hall knows,

[17] the car park has long been in need of repair and the storage areas are bursting at the seams.

The Village Hall Committee is currently looking at options as to how this can be achieved. Like the previous refurbishment, it will only be possible if the we are able to secure grant funding.

This project is likely to be even larger than Phase I and the Committee would be very happy to enlist the help of anyone who has experience in applying for grants or is a tradesman who could help advise. Funds will also need to be raised. If anyone has any ideas in this respect they will be gratefully received. Needless to say, the proceeds for all future events, COVID permitting, will go towards the Phase II refurbishment.

If you are able to help us achieve this project in any way please call Margaret on 551315 or Jan on 552364. Thank you. Village Hall Committee


Minutes of Bishop Burton Parish Council meeting held by Zoom on Monday 15 th March 2021 at 7.30pm. Present: Councillors: Cllr Jack Wray; Cllr Bryn Jones; Cllr Mrs Sue Ellerington; Cllr David Oxtoby; Cllr Jonathon Dolton; Cllr Mark Hoddinott; Cllr Leonard Byass; Cllr Andrew Oxtoby; Cllr Martin Gray Ward Councillor: Cllr Kevin Beaumont Members of the public – One. 3.1990 Apologies for absence: None. 3.1991 Declaration of Pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests and requests for dispensations: None 3.1992 Open Forum – Mr Tomkys addressed the meeting re road safety along the Bishop Burton/ Road. 3.1993 Minutes of previous meetings – Minutes of the Full Council Meeting of 12 th January and planning meetings of 1st and 15 th February and 1 st and 8 th of March were previously circulated. It was unanimously resolved, proposed Cllr Hoddinott, seconded Cllr Jones, that the minutes of the meetings are a true and correct record. The Chair to duly sign the minutes. 3.1994 Matters Arising: a) Street light School Green update – now working, painted, invoice received - £1,484.32. b) Footpath Sign into field off Dale Gate – ERYC have replaced.


c) School bus road markings/signage – The School bus sign is now in place. Signage on the road is outstanding. ERYC have queried whether BBPC are still willing to contribute. Originally BBPC said they would consider contributing if the matter was completed by the start of 2019/20 academic year. It was subsequently agreed that this was not possible and that ERYC would carry out the work, without contribution, in the current financial year. It was unanimously resolved, proposed Cllr Ellerington, seconded Cllr Hoddinott, that given the time it has taken the Council were no longer willing to contribute. d) Cold Harbour view sign – now erected. e) Steps up to Messengers Cottage on Callas – ERYC response - No capacity this year. Depends on funding. Will look to see if possible next year. f) Parking – Callas/Pudding Gate – no response from ERYC. Clerk to chase with ward councillors. g) Tank under Bryan mere and other flood prevention works – ERYC response – hope to clean out tank near Altisidora next month. No date yet for the work to connect an overflow from the tank under Bryan Mere to the surface water system, but it should be early in the next financial year. h) Broadband – work is on schedule and no issues to date. i) Gritter – Cllr Byass confirmed the matter is in hand, but parts are difficult to obtain at the moment. j) Garage Ratten Row – Aluminium site fencing has now been erected to ensure the safety of villagers. It is understood that work is scheduled to start soon. k) Dog fouling signs – signs have been requested from ERYC, awaiting receipt. 3.1995 Greening the lanes - Sancton Hill Wind Farm grant. The matter is ongoing awaiting the trees. 3.1996 War memorial – repointing and sealing. Mr Lythe has very kindly agreed to point the war memorial and Mr Pittaway has agreed to look to source some appropriate sealant. The Parish Council wish to express their thanks to Mr Lythe for donating his time and materials. 3.1997 Donations – The latest accounts of the Ralph Hansby Charity have now been received and were reviewed. It was unanimously resolved, proposed Cllr Dolton, seconded Cllr D.Oxtoby, that the Parish Council donate £500.00 to the Ralph Hansby’s Charity. 3.1998 Yellow lines Finkle Street/ Bryan Mere – Cllr Hoddinott has circulated a questionnaire to all those affected by the proposed double yellow lines on Finkle Street and Bryan Mere to seek their views. The ERYC team will begin their work in April. To expedite the matter responses are required by then. Cllr Hoddinott agreed to chase responses. 3.1999 Speed Limit Dale Gate – ERYC have confirmed that they are not able to reduce the speed limit on Dale Gate, 50mph speed limits are only used on A&B roads where they are deemed most effective. They have offered pedestrian warning signs. It was unanimously resolved, proposed Cllr Ellerington, seconded Cllr Wray, to request that these are installed.


3.2000 Census. 21 st March is census day. It is a legal requirement to complete. Councillors have been asked to encourage those in their Parish to complete. 3.2001 Listed Buildings – c/fwd 3.2002 Web site – c/fwd 3.2003 Tree Preservation orders – c/fwd 3.2004 Playground – a) inspections – It has been noted that a couple of minor matters re the gate need attention. The handyman has been asked to carry these out and to re-seed areas where it is going bald. Cllr D.Oxtoby has kindly agreed to supply the seed. 3.2005 Neighbourhood Watch – no matters arising. 3.2006 Planning ERYC have been approved the following applications: Hollow Meadow – 20/03102/PLF; ERYC raised no Objections in respect of the following tree works: DC/20/04330/TCA; DC/21/00132/TCA The Following applications have been received: a) Ref 21/00673/PLF Proposal: Construction of a vehicular access and erection of a detached garage and boundary wall to rear Location: Old Chapel 51 Pudding Gate Bishop Burton HU17 8QH Applicant: Mr Adam Watson Application type: Full Planning Permission The Parish Council unanimously resolved, proposed Cllr Wray, seconded Cllr D.Oxtoby, that it strongly objected to the plans as drawn up. The Parish council believes that the plans as drawn are not in keeping with the conservation area. They object to the white wall and wish the current hedge and fencing to remain. They are also concerned about the height of the proposed garage and wish it to be reduced. The Parish council are also very concerned in respect of the access to the new entrance which is across ERYC land. Currently it is used as parking by the neighbouring two council bungalows, one of whom has resident who uses a wheelchair. There are no other areas close where parking would be possible, Cold Harbour View is too narrow. The Parish Council believes that if the access is allowed it should be access only and parking should also be created for the residents of 9 and 10 Cold Harbour View. It is understood that the applicant may be willing to alter these aspects. Clerk to discuss with the applicant, and if appropriate circulate updated plans for comment prior to submission of response to ERYC. 3.2007 Finance – year end accounts to 31 March 2021

i Main account - To review and approve the receipts and payments account to date, and December, January and February reconciliations. (as circulated). It was unanimously resolved to approve them, proposed Cllr Hoddinott, seconded Cllr Wray. The chair to duly sign the papers. ii Internal Auditor – It was unanimously resolved, proposed Cllr Jones, seconded Cllr.D.Oxtoby to approve Richard Dixon as internal auditor for 2020.21. at £375 (2019.20 - £360).


Finance – other To Pay: Clerk Q4 overtime and expenses (cheque 101666) £1,616.35 CPRE membership (cheque 101667) £36.00 C.Charlton (gritting) (cheque 101668) £200.00 M.Gray (Grass cutting) (cheque 101669) (£950 + VAT) £1,140.00 M.Gray (Tree Works) (cheque 101670) (£400+vat) £480.00 ERYC (Lighting column A1079/School Green- per quote) (cheque 101671) £1484.32 Ralph Hansby’s Charity (cheque 10672) £500.00 Paid C.Charlton (Gritting x12) (Cheque 101663) £480.00 ERNLLCA (planning courses) (cheque 101664) £114.00 Business Stream (Water Cottage Field) (cheque 101665) £16.99 Paid – direct debit: Opus energy (9 Dec) £120.53 Opus energy (11 Jan) £135.56 Opus energy (9 Feb) £143.72 The above payments were reviewed, and it was unanimously resolved that they should be paid. Proposed Cllr Ellerington seconded Cllr Wray. 3.2008 Correspondence a. Path/Cycleway; Road Signs; Speed limits Bishop Burton Road. Mr Tomkys addressed the meeting in respect of the matter. It was resolved, proposed Cllr Dolton, seconded Cllr Hoddinott, that I. Cycleway/Path. Whilst the Parish council has sympathy with Mr Tomkys views and in principle supports the need for a cycle and walking path along this stretch of road, given that the landowner has stated that they will not sell/give the required width of land for this purpose the parish council continues to believe that the most appropriate solution would be to make the road as safe as possible for road users. In this respect the Parish Council believes that widening the road as much as possible and resurfacing it is the appropriate solution. They are however concerned about the proposal to kerb the road. At the moment the verges are used by cyclists and other road users to avoid large vehicles and those that overtake inappropriately. The use of kerbing will make it impossible for cyclists to get off the road and cars more reluctant to do so, the effect will be to make the kerbed road more dangerous. The Parish council believe that kerbing should only be used if the road is able to be widened sufficiently. II.The Parish Council fully supports the request for additional signage warning users of the use of the road by pedestrian and cyclists. III.The Parish Council’s main priority is for a safe pedestrian/cycle route from Bishop Burton to Beverley. The current pedestrian route is unsuitable as it is too narrow and becomes overgrown. Widening it from the Cherry Crossroads to Killingwoldgraves roundabout into a full width pedestrian and cycle way would resolve the issue. The Parish Council have been requesting that this matter is addressed for


some years now, and given limited funding believe that this is the more pressing issue. b. EPC2-21-Model Design Code. The matter was discussed. It was resolved, proposed Cllr Wray, seconded Cllr Ellerington that Cllr Hoddinott would look into the matter and pass any comments to the Clerk for submission if appropriate. 3.2009 Any Other Business. c. Heritage Open Days 2021 10-12 September. It was unanimously resolved to support the Heritage Open Day in 2021 and agreed that the historic walks and church tours would take place on Saturday 11 th September. The village hall would also be open during the day for refreshments. All arrangements being COVID dependent. d. Beverley Wombles. It had been noted that the Beverley Wombles have made a magnificent job of clearing the litter from Walkington Heads Road. Clerk to send letter of thanks. e. Lorries Church Side. It has been noted that lorries have been using Church Side to access the village. It was queried whether this was to avoid the current traffic lights on a A1079 or a more longstanding issue. Clerk to enquire, and action as appropriate. f. Maintenance /Grass cutting. Cllr Gray informed the meeting that he was no longer able to carry out the general maintenance grass cutting of the village. It was unanimously resolved, proposed Cllr Ellerington, seconded Cllr Wray, the Clerk to drawn up at list of matters that are normally undertaken and to put the matter out to tender. To review responses at next full meeting. g. Village Task Force – The village walkabout is scheduled for the 23 rd June at 9.45am. Due to COVID only one person can accompany the ERYC personal. It was resolved, proposed Cllr Ellerington, seconded Cllr Dolton, to confirm that someone would attend and all councillors to identify matters to be included and inform the Clerk. h. Trees. It was resolved, proposed Cllr Ellerington, seconded Cllr Gray, that the council will look for additional grant funding to complete the original tree planting scheme and to plant some Oak trees in Cottage Field. It was agreed in respect of Cottage Field that the trees need to be surrounded by the metal surrounds to prevent the cattle damaging the trees and humans accessing the trees.

Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.31pm Date of Annual Council Meeting and next Full Parish Council meeting 4th May 2021 7.30pm by zoom. Note: parish Open Meeting is on the 19 th April by zoom.



Minutes of Bishop Burton Parish Council meeting held by Zoom on Monday 19 th April 2021 at 7.30pm. Present: Councillors: Cllr Jonathon Dolton; Cllr Leonard Byass; Cllr Bryn Jones; Cllr Mrs Sue Ellerington; Cllr Mark Hoddinott; Cllr Martin Gray; Cllr Jack Wray; Cllr David Oxtoby; Cllr Andrew Oxtoby. Members of the public – None. 4.2010 Apologies for absence: None 4.2011 Declaration of Pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests and requests for dispensations: None 4.2012 Open Forum – None 4.2013 Planning Applications received: - Ref: 21/00626/PLF. Proposal: Erection of a single storey extension to rear Location: 22 Callas Bishop Burton East Riding Of Yorkshire HU17 8QL Applicant: Mr Daniel Cox Application type: Full Planning Permission. It was unanimously resolved proposed Cllr Wray, seconded Cllr Ellerington, that, with the exception of the single ply grey membrane roof proposed for the extension, the parish council has no objection to the plans as submitted. In respect of the roof the Parish Council believes that it is not in keeping with the conservation area in which this building sits, and whilst it will only be seen from the side and will not be in full view of the road, it will detract from the area and could be seen as setting a precedent. The Parish Council requests that red clay pan tiles are used in keeping with the rest of the building. Cllr Hoddinott to discuss the matter with the applicant and revert to the Clerk. 4.2014 Correspondence/ other matters i. Wildflower Meadow Cold Harbour View – Cllr Ellerington has noted a post by one of the children of the village proposing that the green by Cold Harbour View is turned into a wildflower meadow. It was unanimously resolved, proposed Cllr Ellerington, seconded Cllr Wray, that in principle the Parish council has no objection to the idea but that they would need to have more detail of the proposal to make a decision. It was agreed clerk to invite the proposer to attend the next parish council meeting to describe in more detail the proposal. j. Trees Garth ends Road . It has been noted that an Ash tree has been removed from Garth Ends Road by ERYC. The parish council had not been notified of its removal. It is understood from discussion with the workmen that ERYC will plant 2 trees for every one taken out. However, the comment was that they would probably be Cherry or Silver Birch. The Parish Council unanimously resolved, proposed Cllr Ellerington, seconded Cllr Gray, that these tree types are not ideal for this location, and that it was disappointed that it had not been made aware of the work. Clerk to write to ERYC requesting that in future it is informed in advance of tree works in the village and is consulted on the types and positioning of replacement trees.


k. ASB . It was brought to the Parish Council’s attention that the ASB continues. It was unanimously resolved, proposed Cllr Hoddinott, seconded Cllr Ellerington, that the matter is raised again with ERYC. l. Playground . A request has been received for discussion at the open meeting to have a review of the vegetation surrounding the playground. The suggestion is that it is dark, gloomy and not conducive to play for small children and is used by others such as students. The proposal is that the line of beech should be cut to 2m and the laurel to 1m, and that the specimen trees crown lifted and shaped. The parish councillors commented that they would see what the thoughts of the open meeting were but that in their experience children like playing there it has a “den” feel to it. It was confirmed that children’s voices are often heard from neighbouring properties confirming its use. It is noted that students are rarely seen up there. It was noted that permission had already been given to trim the laurel bushes to reduce their height to under the light. The matter will be raised at the open meeting and if required brought back to the next parish council meeting.

Date of next Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 4 th May 2021, 7.30 pm by zoom. Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.30pm


• Wildflower Meadow – Saskia addressed the meeting and explained her idea for turning Cold Harbour Green into a Wildflower Meadow. The Councillors expressed their support in principle for the project and have asked that further details be brought to the next meeting. • Dog Fouling signs – These have now been received and erected on the entrance to the footpath that goes across Kittifish. Further signs are being created to put around the village in areas where is seems to be becoming an issue. • Tank under Bryan Mere. ERYC have confirmed that contractors are on standby to start the work once the KCOM work down Bryan Mere is complete. • Tank near Altisidora. ERYC have confirmed that the chamber has now been cleaned out. • Sancton Wind Farm Grant – have confirmed extension to grant to the end of 2021 has been granted. • Yellow lines Finkle Street/ Bryan Mere. Questionnaires have been returned to ERYC and the proposed extent of the lines agreed. ERYC to progress. • Dale Gate speed limit. The Parish Council has agreed on locations for the pedestrian warning signs, and advised ERYC. Awaiting response from ERYC. • KCOM – the project continues to progress and it is expected that all addresses which wish to be connected will be in the next couple of months. • War Memorial – It has been pointed and cleaned and is looking much better. Mr Lythe was thanked for all his efforts.


Note: the full draft minutes can be found on the village website within 28 days of the meeting.

Next meeting of Parish Councillors Monday 5 th July 2021 – 7.30pm

Margaret Hebb – Clerk – Bishop Burton Parish Council (01964) 551315. (Dunvegan, Pudding Gate, Bishop Burton HU17 8QH)


The newly elected Police and Crime Commissioner is asking for your input in developing the Police and Crime Plan for the Humber for 2021-2024. This is the document that sets out the police and crime objectives for the Humber and the policing that the Chief Constable of Humberside Police is to provide, as well as how organisations will work together to deliver safer communities and support victims and witnesses of crime and antisocial behaviour.

A public survey has been launched to gather people’s views and experiences. The more people that complete it the better the information will be. The survey will run until Sunday 11 th July. The link to the survey is: Crime-Plan-2021-24-Have-Your-Say.aspx

Once analysed the results will be published. Please complete the survey and help us all get the police force we deserve.

Margaret Hebb – Clerk – Bishop Burton Parish Council

QUIZ ANSWERS These SIX (X)places do NOT exist in the UK: Over Peover Blackboys Lower Slaughter Heaven X Much Binding in the Marsh X Wyre Piddle Elephant Green Tooze cum Pagnie X Laustinspeys X Llanddewi Brefi Nether Wallop Scratchy Bottom Lickey End Barchester X World’s End St. Mary Mead X



The East Riding Local Plan is the suite of documents that sets out the scale, location and infrastructure requirements of new development for uses such as housing, employment and open space over the next 15 years. It sets out planning policies for the area and is a key driver in determining planning applications and development opportunities in the East Riding.

The government requires the document to be updated every 5 years. The last adopted plan was in 2016 and the first full draft of the updated plan

has just been published and is currently out for consultation. The consultation runs until Friday 6 th August 2021.

To find out more visit where you will find copies of all the relevant documents and details on how to respond to the consultation.

There are also scheduled drop-in events that you can attend at locations across East Yorkshire where you can go and speak to a planning officer about the Draft Local Plan. The nearest ones to us are:

8 July 2021 (12:00pm - 19:00pm) Community Centre, Mill St, Driffield YO25 6TR.

14 July 2021 (12:00pm - 19:00pm) Beverley Leisure Centre, Flemingate, Beverley HU17 0LT.

20 July 2021 (12:00pm - 19:00pm) Arts Centre, 22-24 Market Pl, Pocklington, York YO42 2AR.

MOBILE LIBRARY – CHANGE OF TIME The ERYC mobile library visits Bishop Burton every four weeks and stops by the Mere. Please note that from July2021 the van will be there from 10.05 am to 10.35 am on Wednesday 7 th July, Wednesday 4 th August and Wednesday 1 st September.



The Village Hall re-opened on Monday, 17th May, assuming there are no changes to the Government’s road map. The following events will restart as soon as the organisers of each group think they are able. Please contact Jan on 01964 552364 for the latest information.

Days Time Event Every 2 nd Monday 7.15 - 9.00 pm The Monday Club [restarting in January 2022 ] Every Monday except 7.30 - 9.30 Hull & East Riding Canine Society 2nd of month Every Tuesday 10.00 to 11.15 Gentle Yoga. am Every Tuesday 7.30 to 9.30 pm Village choir at the Granary, Westfield Farm (currently using Zoom) Every Wednesday 7.00 to 9.00 pm Short Mat Bowls Every Thursday 10.00 to 11.00 Tai Chi am Every Thursday 6.00 to 7.00 pm Beginners’ Line Dancing Every Thursday 7.15 to 8. 15 pm Intermediate Line Dancing 3rd Thursday of the 7.30 pm Book club [currently online only] month Every Friday 9.30 to 1. 30 pm Dog training Every Sunday 7.30 to 9.30 pm Table tennis Contact Bridget Knight on 01964 551691. Pre-booking is required. [restarting on 23 rd May] Every week 7.00 - 10.00 pm Social Bridge Members’ homes; evenings vary [tba] Occasional dates BB Ramblers Long and short walks. Times and days vary. Contact Jo Beckett to join in on 01964 550155 .

If you are new to the village - Welcome. If you would like information on any of the above please call me, Jan, on 01964 552364 or drop by at Lavender Cottage, 11 Bryan Mere where I will happily tell you more about any of the above and give you the relevant contact numbers. Please don’t be shy. Come and join in events in your village. You will be most welcome.

Jan Biden


SPECIAL EVENTS IN THE VILLAGE These events will only take place if lockdown restrictions permit.

Date Time Event Wed 7 July 10.05 - 10.35 Mobile Library by the Mere. You will need am to wear a face mask. Note time change. Mon 12 July 10.30 or 11.00 BB Ramblers walk near Skidby. Details elsewhere in the newsletter Wed 4 10.05 - 10.35 Mobile Library by the Mere. You will need August am to wear a face mask. Note time change. Sat 11 9.30 am - 4.00 Heritage Open Day . Guided tours of September pm Church and village Wed 29 11.15 am Bishop Burton Golf Society : Autumn September meeting at Normanby Park. Details elsewhere in the newsletter. Sat 9 October Doors open Hilary James and Simon Mayor plus a 2- 6.45 course home-cooked meal and licensed bar. Book early (call Jan) to avoid disappointment and reserve your place . Details elsewhere in the newsletter Sat 16 Craft Fayre Details in next newsletter. October Fri 22 Show starts Other Lives Productions feature a comic October 7.30 pm play “The Catch” by Nick Darke. Details in next newsletter. For more information visit their web site: https://o


Here are the remaining dates when the Parish Council will meet in full council during 2021. Meetings to consider planning applications will be arranged as and when necessary.

Mon July 5 th Mon September 20 th Mon October 18 th Mon November 29 th

All Full Council meetings will start at 7.30pm (unless notified differently in the summons). At present they are taking place using Zoom.
