HEDONISM IN THE QUR’A>N ( STUDY OF THEMATIC INTERPRETATION ) THESIS Submitted to Ushuluddin and Humaniora Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree Strata-1 (S.1) of Islamic Theology on Tafsir Hadith Departement Written By: HILYATUZ ZULFA NIM: 114211022 USHULUDDIN AND HUMANIORA FACULTY STATE OF ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY WALISONGO SEMARANG 2015 i DECLARATION I certify that this thesis is definitely my own work. I am completely responsible for content of this thesis. Other writer’s opinions or findings included in the thesis are quoted or cited in accordance with ethical standards. Semarang, July 13, 2015 The Writer, Hilyatuz Zulfa NIM. 114211022 ii iii iv MOTTO QS. Al-Furqan: 67 . And [they are] those who, when they spend, do so not excessively or sparingly but are ever, between that, [justly] moderate (Q.S 25: 67) QS. Al-Isra’ : 29 . And do not make your hand [as] chained to your neck or extend it completely and [thereby] become blamed and insolvent. v DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to: My beloved parents : H. Asfaroni Asror, M.Ag and Hj.Zumronah, AH, S.Pd.I, love and respect are always for you. My Sister Zahrotul Mufidah, S.Hum. M.Pd, and Zatin Nada, AH. My brother M.Faiz Ali Musyafa’ and M. Hamidum Majid. My husband, M. Shobahus sadad, S.Th.I (endut, iyeng, ecek ) Thank you for the valuable efforts and contributions in making my education success. My classmates, FUPK 2011, “PK tuju makin maju, PK sab’ah makin berkah, PK pitu unyu-unyu.” We have made a history guys.
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