Thirty-sixth Annual Report

of the Business Done in Pursuance of the MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION ACT


Printed by K. M. MACDONALD, Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in right of the Province of British Columbia. 1976

To Colonel the Honourable WALTER S. OWEN, Q.C, LL.D., Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of British Columbia

MAY IT PLEASE YOUR HONOUR: The undersigned respectfully submits the Report of the business done in pur­ suance of the Municipal Superannuation Act during the year ended December 31, 1974. GRACE MCCARTHY Provincial Secretary

Provincial Secretary's Office Victoria, B.C., March 16,1976. The Honourable Grace McCarthy, Provincial Secretary, Victoria, B.C.

MADAM : I have the honour to lay before you the Report of the business done in pursuance of the Municipal Superannuation Act during the year ended December 31, 1974. I have the honour to be, Madam, Your obedient servant,

W. H. FORREST Commissioner of Municipal Superannuation



Report of Business Done in Pursuance of the Municipal Superannuation Act for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1974 Section 3 (1)—During the year the Act applied to the following additional employers effective from the date shown: District of Port Hardy June 16, 1965 North Vancouver Recreation Centre August 1, 1966 The Village of South Fort George January 9, 1968 James Bay Community Resources Board ..November 1, 1973 Mount Tolmie Hospital, Victoria November 1, 1973 Queen's Park Hospital, New Westminster... November 1, 1973 B.C. Medical Centre January 1, 1974 British Columbia School Trustee's Association January 1, 1974 Cariboo-Chilcotin School District No. 27 (for­ merly Williams Lake) January 1 1974 Maritime Museum of British Columbia January 1, 1974 Mount Waddington Regional District January 1 1974 Williams Lake Public Library Association—January 1 1974 Chetwynd General Hospital, Chetwynd February 1 1974 Glengarry Hospital, Victoria February 1 1974 Coquitlam and District Hospital, Coquitlam March 1 1974 South Okanagan Lands Irrigation District March 1 1974 Northern Training Centre (Smithers) May 1 1974 Dogwood Lodges July 1 1974 Shaughnessy Hospital, Vancouver July 29 1974 College September 1 1974 Mayne Island Improvement District September 1 1974 In the same period one employer was deleted and four employers were amalga­ mated with other employers. As at December 31, 1974, there were 377 active employer accounts in the Fund. Section 5—All moneys received and paid out under the provisions of this Act are shown in the statement of changes in fund balance and all assets and liabilities appertaining to the granting of superannuation allowances are shown in the state­ ment of financial position. These financial statements are attached to this Report. Section 6—Employee contributions amounted to $22,256,626, made up as follows: $ Basic contributions 20,192,080 Voluntary and special agreement 2,064,546 As at December 31, 1974, there were 42,317 contributors with credits in the Fund as set out by employer in attached Schedule 6. There were in addition 2,740 former contributors with credits remaining in the Fund, of whom 294 had deferred vested pension rights.

L_ O 6 BRITISH COLUMBIA Section 8 (1)—Employer contributions amounted to $21,223,308, made up as follows: $ In respect of current service 19,659,016 In respect of past service 1,564,292 Contributions by each of the 377 active employer accounts are set out in attached Schedule 2. Section 8 (2)—Pursuant to special agreements with 48 employers, supple­ mentary allowance payments amounting to $363,169 were made from the Fund and provided as follows: $ By reimbursement by former employers 295,188 From Reserve Account, being interest earnings of the Fund in excess of 4 per cent as authorized by section 10 (3) (d) 67,981 Section 10 (1)—The statutory contribution of the Minister of Finance toward reduction of employer obligations in respect of past service of employees was $25,000. Sections 13, 16, 17 (1), and 17n—Superannuation allowances were granted in respect of 745 employees made up as follows: Normal retirement age 642 Total and permanent disability 34 Death in service 37 Resumption of remarried widows' allowances 32 Transfers totalling $82,892 were received from one reciprocal pension plan in respect of two contributors upon grant of allowance. Transfers totalling $20,656 were made to one reciprocal pension plan in respect of three employees upon grant of allowance. Cost-of-living supplements totalling $441,261 were paid to eligible recipients of a superannuation allowance in the period July 1 through December 31, 1974. When the accumulated payments exceed 1 per cent of the average annual total of contributory salaries, cost-of-living supplements are to be financed by additional employee and employer contributions each at the rate of one-half per cent of con­ tributory salary, with a further similar increase when the accumulated payments again exceed 1 per cent of the average annual total of contributory salaries. Projec­ tions indicate the first increase in contributions will be effective on or about February 1,1977. For analysis and comparative statistics, see attached Schedules 3, 4, and 5. Section 15 (4)—Amounts totalling $141,061 were paid out of employer con­ tributions to the Medical Service Plan of British Columbia in respect of the matching one-half share of monthly medical coverage premiums of eligible recipients of a superannuation allowance. Sections 17 (6) and 18—Refunds were granted in respect of 5,039 employees and totalled $4,521,225 made up as follows: $ Resignations 4,992 4,424,676 Death in service 47 86,420 Miscellaneous employer 10,129 Refunds on resignations included 114 employees with more than 10 years countable service who elected to receive a refund rather than leave their credits in the fund in order to receive a deferred superannuation allowance after attaining the minimum retirement age. For analysis and comparative statistics see attached Schedules 3, 4, and 5. MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION REPORT, 1974 O 7 Section 22—Actuarial and administrative expenses paid from the Fund amounted to $210,556. Section 27—Securities held by the trustees as at December 31, 1974, amounted to $327,450,400 par value, as set out in the attached Schedule 1. Transactions during the year (par value) were as follows: $ Purchases 39,653,000 Redemptions 3,303,450 Net increase during year 36,349,550 The average yield on securities purchased during the year was 9.608 per cent. Every effort is made to invest the funds as soon as they become available and at the maximum yield possible at the time of purchase. Based on the mean of the Fund opening and closing balances amounting to $324,170,588 the net rate of interest earned during the year after charging adminis­ tration expense was 6.976 per cent.

LEGISLATION The Municipal Superannuation Act was amended at the 1975 Session of the Legislative Assembly. The more important changes are as follows: (1) Amending the definition of "salary" to exclude retroactive salary adjustments unless approved by the Provincial Secretary. (2) Providing for payment by the employee of up to one-half of the cost, as determined by the Commissioner, of recognition of additional service. (3) Permitting employees who transferred to a reciprocal employer and elected prior to July 1, 1973, to have their contributions transferred to the voluntary account of that employer's pension plan to reinstate those contributions and their service under this Act. (4) Amending the formula for calculating the highest average salary for pension purposes of persons who have been receiving benefits under an approved group disability salary continuance plan. (5) Permitting the spouse of an employee who dies in service, being eligible for an allowance, to select a plan with or without a temporary annuity. (6) Amending the formula for calculating cost-of-living supplements for pensioners. (7) Authorizing the trustees to invest available moneys also in fixed deposits, notes, certificates, and other short-term paper of a chartered bank, credit union, trust company, or the British Columbia Savings and Loan Corporation. W. H. FORREST Commissioner of Municipal Superannuation O 8 BRITISH COLUMBIA MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION FUND


ASSETS Cash and bank deposit notes $13,108,721 Contributions receivable 5,178,314 Accrued interest on investments 5,414,383 Investments at the lower of cost or par value after amortization of discounts 324,868,830 (Par value $327,450,400) $348,570,248

LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities Accounts payable $277,198 Fund Balance Members of Vancouver City Council Superannuation Account $9,211 Victoria Agreement Account for Policemen 10,929 Employees' Retirement Annuity Account 29,913,158 Municipal Superannuation Fund Basic Account 318,359,752 348,293,050 $348,570,248

NOTES— (1) During 1974, Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals at Vancouver and Victoria were transferred from Federal to Provincial administration. The amount of accumulated contributions by employees and employer has yet to be determined and transferred. (2) These financial statements show only the position of the Fund as at December 31, 1974, and the changes in Fund balance for the year then ended and do not purport to show the adequacy of the Fund to meet the obligations of the superannuation plan. W. H. FORREST C. WEBSTER, CA. Commissioner of Municipal Superannuation Accountant

AUDITOR'S REPORT I have examined the statement of financial position of the Municipal Superannuation Fund as at December 31, 1974, and the statement of changes in fund balance for the year then ended. My examination included a general review of accounting procedures and such tests of account­ ing records and other supporting evidence as I considered necessary in the circumstances. In my opinion these financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Fund as at December 31, 1974, and the changes in fund balance for the year then ended, in accord­ ance with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. J. W. MINTY, CA. Victoria, B.C. Comptroller-General January 30, 1976. Province of British Columbia MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION REPORT, 1974 O 9 MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION FUND


Fund Balance Increased During Year by Contributions— Employees: Basic contributions $20,192,080 Voluntary and special agreement contributions 2,064,546 $22,256,626 Employers: Current service 19,659,016 Past service 1,564,292 21,223,308 Province of British Columbia: Statutory contribution 25,000 Transfers from Public Service Superannuation Fund 82,892 Interest on investments 22,062,690


Fund Balance Decreased During Year by Superannuation allowances— Contributory allowances $12,002,853 Cost-of-living supplements 441,261 Special agreement supplementary allowances $363,169 Less reimbursement by former employers _i 295,188 67,981 Refund of contributions- Resignations 4,424,676 Death in service 86,420 Miscellaneous employer 10,129 4,521,225 Transfers to Public Service Superannuation Fund 20,656 Portion of medical premiums in respect of eligible recipients of a superannuation allowance 141,061 Actuarial and administration expenses 210,556 17,405,593

Net Increase in fund balance during year $48,244,923

Fund Balance—December 31, 1973 300,048,127

Fund Balance—December 31, 1974 $348,293,050 O 10 BRITISH COLUMBIA SCHEDULE 1

TRUSTEES OF THE MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION FUND AND THE MINISTER OF FINANCE FOR THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Securities Held as at December 31, 1974 Par Value Book Value Province of British Columbia Guaranty $ $ B.C. Hydro and Power Authority 197,762,700 196,293,795 B.C. Electric Company Limited 2,949,750 2,845,585 B.C. Power Commission 5,910,000 5,845,895 B.C. Railway Company 49,499,000 49,455,727 B.C. Toll Highways and Bridge Authority 1,671,000 1,671,000 Municipal Financing Authority of British Columbia 6,800,000 6,718,016 B.C. School Districts Serials 12,408,350 11,907,752 B.C. School Districts Capital Financing Authority Serials 3,585,000 3,553,203 B.C. School Districts Capital Financing Authority 25,644,000 25,571,125 B.C. Regional Hospital Districts Financing Authority 9,215,000 9,101,975 B.C. Municipal Serials 1,012,500 980,238 B.C. Irrigation Districts 4,997,000 4,984,614 B.C. Fire Protection and Waterworks Districts Serials 398,100 392,501 B.C. Waterworks Districts 322,000 320,427 B.C. Improvement Districts Serials 214,000 210,364 B.C. Improvement Districts 1,221,000 1,216,306 B.C. Hospital Improvement Districts Serials 831,000 825,405 Sewerage and Drainage District 769,000 767,643 Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District Serial 1,664,000 1,647,610 Greater Vancouver Water District 70,000 69,941 Greater Vancouver Water District Serials 507,000 489,708

327,450,400 324,868,830 MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION REPORT, 1974 O 11


MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION FUND Contributions by Employer for Year Ended December 31,1974

Employer Contributions Contributory Employer Salaries, For For 1974 Current Past Service Service

Cities (33) Armstrong 60,126.30 2,615.99 Castlegar (formerly Town of Castlegar, includes Town of Kinnaird, effective March 1, 1974) 155,274.01 6,953.65 314,779.26 14,075.79 413.04 Courtenay 234,850.39 12,950.25 72.00 Courtenay (volunteer firemen).... 48,105.00 2,656.78 Cranbrook 979,167.07 50,088.69 590.07 Dawson Creek 526,836.48 26,938.48 Duncan 230,401.27 11,967.98 Enderby 34,504.48 1,283.79 591.96 Fernie _ 274,358.46 16,027.20 Grand Forks 177,144.03 9,138.14 50.04 Greenwood 27,713.52 1,788.38 Kamloops 1,940,735.61 107,423.71 6,707.04 - 2,993,295.78 161,504.06 Kimberley. 502,225.76 25,680.11 Langley — 248,591.92 11,217.34 -.... _ 1,218,636.37 75,261.41 6,909.96 Nelson _ 1,041,073.58 60,804.37 8,026.08 New Westminster.. 5,291,162.02 344,290.70 53,620.06 North Vancouver... 2,523,336.20 143,575.76 16,782.00 Penticton 1,765,899.74 93,505.28 263.12 Port Alberni 1,426,243.87 71,538.79 4,878.00 Port Coquitlam 1,257,811.14 58,100.80 1,104.00 Port Moody 870,168.38 48,682.53 341.04 Prince George 1,997,298.00 92,308.73 Prince Rupert 1,346,690.94 63,803.72 5,007.96 Revelstoke 346,721.48 17,471.17 1,638.19 Rossland 216,753.95 13,654.95 1,631.04 Trail 929,310.21 53,007.18 13,708.08 Vancouver 56,793,825.73 3,779,164.28 633,129.00 Vernon 1,393,515.30 74,701.05 2,874.00 Victoria 8,697,630.76 553,678.78 122,425.08 White Rock.. 430,300.33 20,816.98 Subtotals of 33 active city accounts. 96,294,487.34 6,026,676.82 | 880,761.76 Districts (37) Abbotsford.. 325,280.82 16,273.67 Burnaby.. 9,659,328.71 547,569.75 15,276.00 Campbell River- 474,637.50 22,344.04 176.04 Central Saanich.. 335,346.50 16,740.82 Chilliwhack 648,327.63 41,124.22 1,251.00 Coldstream 107,869.73 4,300.39 885.96 Coquitlam 2,470,797.87 113,101.51 Delta 3,109,670.83 167,647.15 Esquimalt (includes Esquimalt Municipal Sports Centre, effective January 1, 1974) _ 1,102,656.64 67,371.54 2,238.96 Houston 65,135.00 3,551.20 Hudson's Hope . 38,348.00 1,501.90 Kent 107.607.89 5,248.54 302.04 Kitimat 849,859.64 44,447.74 834.00 Langley— 1,015,324.58 56,103.34 147.96 Mackenzie 190,787.46 8,586.23 Maple Ridge... 1,305,137.87 61,755.29 Matsqui 1,248,742.35 59,870.64 69.00 Mission 838,456.13 37,369.85 746.04 North Cowichan... 600,733.61 31,875.33 712.92 North Saanich 141,868.40 7,091.71 North Vancouver.. 4,280,433.80 234,980.12 3,692.00 Oak Bay 1,711,327.00 111,524.69 7,590.00 Peachland 46,040.28 1,635.00 56.04 Pitt Meadows 122,318.72 4,714.82 O 12 BRITISH COLUMBIA

SCHEDULE 2—Continued

MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION FUND—Continued Contributions by Employer for Year Ended December 31,1974—Continued

Employer Contributions Contributory Employer Salaries, For For 1974 Current Past Service Service

Districts—Continued Port Hardy (effective June 16, 1965: first contribution, Feb 1, 1974) 60 697.60 2,191.15 Powell River 1,434 ,694.03 72,073.19 1,628.04 Richmond _. 5,604 ,029.00 311,518.42 854.04 Saanich 5,983 ,351.01 349,441.07 8,083.92 Salmon Arm 301 ,933.03 14,085.98 570.96 Spallumcheen 47 .051.64 1,931.12 Sparwood 112 ,015.17 4,130.25 Squamish.. 190 595.02 8,462.42 Stewart_ 21 ,029.64 864.14 Summerland.. 381 ,132,08 20,359.04 2,895.00 Surrey- 6,453 ,860.71 343,932.10 5,318.88 Terrace 442 ,566.59 22,174.32 West Vancouver- 3,866 ,313.13 219,834.03 7,286.04 Subtotals of 37 active district accounts- 55,695,305.61 3,037,726.72 | 60,614.84 Towns (11) Comox 77,184.83 3,138.76 Creston 137,611.59 5,855.34 Fort St. John . 366,441.58 17,487.07 Golden 72,560.95 2,974.10 Hope 108,905.02 5,110.17 135.98 Ladysmith 129,780.81 7,824.63 Merritt 244,067.01 15,537.61 240.38 Quesnel 355,653.20 15,621.79 24.00 Sidney 206,197.21 10,815.16 Smithers 288,311.03 14,459.96 Williams Lake- 324,794.97 15,856.13 Subtotals of 11 active town accounts 2,311,508.20 114,680.72 400.36 Villages (47) 48,832.95 2,632.46 Ashcroft 62,935.24 2,531.91 82,369.25 4,146.95 Cache Creek- 49,537.44 2,142.76 Chase 20,109.10 733.33 Chetwynd 53,567.70 1,982.19 Clinton 16,805.07 586.62 Cumberland. 83,219.30 3,824.65 Elkford 84,714.23 3,286.42 Fort Nelson 104,172.26 3,732.76 Fort St. James. 57,645.50 2,428.75 17,435.76 1,293.73 Fruitvale 24,288.32 1,376.85 Gibsons 92,888.69 4,872.58 426.96 Gold River 126,901.05 5,849.46 14,750.00 577.86 Harrison Hot Springs.. 31,260.00 1,105.02 Invermere 44,376.36 1,962.83 30,621.54 1,720.35 Lake Cowichan. 103,196.23 6,517.77 Lillooet 11,069.15 417.82 _ 28,125.00 1,038.01 Logan Lake 28,916.77 1,702.49 Lumby 28,700.00 1.736,37 7.00 MoBride 34,195.56 1,652.82 32,070.07 1,245.37 Midway Montrose 19,989.82 1,473.29 65,361.00 3,105.89 Oliver 63,299.43 2,548.53 31.33 MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION REPORT, 1974 O 13

SCHEDULE 2—Continued MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION FUND—Continued Contributions by Employer for Year Ended December 31,1974—Continued

Employer Contributions Contributory Salaries, Employer For For 1974 Current Past Service Service

Villages—Continued 100 Mile House.. 62,897.68 2,441.34 Osoyoos_ 73,797.00 3,078.18 Parksville 71,372.92 3,510.42 69,704.68 2,634.95 Port Edward 9,150.00 335.82 8,235.00 441.51 Princeton 71,858.57 4,499.66 Qualicum Beach.. 50,547.90 2,274.58 Salmo 10,080.00 356.10 Sechelt 11,400.00 819.66 Slocan 4,723.05 248.91 South Fort George (effective January 9, 1968; first contri­ bution, January 1, 1974) 29,564.00 1,175.17 — 86,684.66 3,216.76 Taylor 20,489.75 597.77 Ucluelet 22,730.05 871.24 — 16,175.00 584.36 Vanderhoof.. 73,925.00 4,461.80 Warfield 40,576.26 2,107.67 Subtotals of 47 active village accounts. 2,195,264.31 101,881.74 465.29 Regional Districts (25) Capital Regional District 1,298,881.52 57,990.16 Cariboo Regional District 91,946.79 4,435.92 Greater Vancouver Regional District 5,142,544.47 270,421.76 16,261.18 Regional District of Alberni-Clayoquot— 45,882.59 2,136.27 Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako 53,258.16 3,356.83 Central Fraser Valley Regional District 101,661.65 4,201.69 Regional District of Central Kootenay 123,783.58 6,581.28 Regional District of Central Okanagan 112,091.23 4,271.45 Regional District of Columbia-Shuswap 12,000.00 451.80 Regional District of Comox-Strathcona... 191,403.00 7,665.92 Cowichan Valley Regional District 111,693.83 5,527.51 Dewdney-Alouette Regional District 61,586.28 2,230.51 Regional District of East Kootenay. — 105,332.44 4,519.57 Regional District of Fraser-Cheam.. 30,924.26 1,168.93 Regional District of Fraser-Fort George. 147,241.00 5,665.03 Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine. 60,058.66 3,433.86 Regional District of Kootenay-Boundary.. 50,190.00 2,213.60 Regional District of Mount Waddington (effective January 1, 1974; first contribution, July 1, 1974) 16,459.98 658.38 Regional District of Nanaimo. 364,691.45 16,175.15 Regional District of North Okanagan 82,662.48 5,389.51 Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen. 116,691.00 4,567.94 Regional District of Peace River-Liard - 51,569.00 1,986.65 Squamish-Lillooet Regional District 16,580.00 981.66 Sunshine Coast Regional District 62,328.54 3,353.22 Thompson-Nicola Regional District 308,995.82 13,354.51 Subtotals of 25 active regional district accounts.. 8,760,457.73 432,739.11 | 16,261.18

Miscellaneous Employers (51) Art Gallery of - 39,927.10 1,724.30 B.C. Health Association (formerly B.C. Hospitals' Asso­ ciation) — 386,178.69 17,397.55 B.C. Housing Management Commission. 464,652.24 22,888.45 B.C. Medical Centre (effective January 1, 1974; first con­ tribution, September 1, 1974) 126,256.38 7,057.72 B.C. School Trustees Association (effective January 1, 1974). 169,600.00 6,343.03 9,644.79 Board of Cemetery Trustees of Greater Victoria 91,853.13 5,253.35 Camosun College _ 178,221.70 6,042.78 O 14 BRITISH COLUMBIA

SCHEDULE 2—Continued MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION FUND—Continued Contributions by Employer for Year Ended December 31,1974—Continued

Employer Contributions Contributory Employer Salaries, For For 1974 Current Past Service Service

Campbell River Fire Protection.. 147,715.74 10,195.63 Capilano College 311,616.85 11,609.78 Cariboo College- 292,479.98 9,162.82 Catholic Family and Children's Service.. 1,346,831.00 56,063.20 College of New Caledonia 276,660.53 10,116.92 Cominco Limited 288,683.84 27,983.50 Cultus Lake Park Board- 42,052.16 2,641.54 Dogwood Lodges (effective January 1, 1974; first contri­ bution, November 1, 1974)— 75,480.39 2,702.20 Douglas College. 751,930.80 22,431.09 Fraser Valley College (effective September 1, 1974).. 12,935.79 543.31 Greater Nanaimo Water District — 134,971.91 7,106.53 Greater Victoria Water District— — 552,482.60 26,611.77 732.96 Hospital Employees' Union- 200,057.00 10,620.47 James Bay Community Resources Board (effective Novem­ ber 1, 1973) 19,388.00 712.83 Kamloops Indian Band 3,900.00 158.60 Keremeos Irrigation District- 18,000.00 1,196.04 Malaspina College- 334,152.10 11,764.31 Maritime Museum of British Columbia (effective January 1, 1974) 37,153.00 2,013.99 Mayne Island Improvement District (effective September 1, 1974) - - - 1,200.00 81.60 Metropolitan Board of Health of Greater Vancouver 870,965.16 31,602.33 Municipal Finance Authority of British Columbia 44,320.00 2,452.48 Nechako Improvement District 48,576.54 2,846.40 Nelson Municipal Library—. 7,332.00 417.33 North Shore Union Board of Health- 687,977.97 36,108.03 747.96 North Vancouver City Public Library 44,754.68 1,723.25 North Vancouver Recreation Centre (formerly included with the City of North Vancouver) 90,135.11 5,134.37 4,416.00 Northern Training Centre (effective May 1, 1974). 19,643.93 636.49 Okanagan College.. 273,991.33 9,127.97 Penticton Public Library- 24,659.86 860.70 Provincial Court Judges- 547,971.00 40,703.76 Registered Nurses Association 68,178.85 2,170.99 Saltspring Island Fire Protection District- 22,327.54 2,093.79 Selkirk College _ 175,463.16 9,021.60 Southern Okanagan Lands Irrigation District (effective March 1, 1974) - _.... 64,981.26 3,002.10 Surrey Parks and Recreation Commission 563,086.11 25,253.12 Union of British Columbia Municipalities 52,003.54 2,863.15 University Endowment Lands _ Vancouver City Council... 8,580.00 772.20 Vancouver Island Regional Library — 317,255.87 12,950.57 Vancouver Municipal and Regional Employees' Union- 70,792.94 4,240.48 Vancouver Museums and Planetarium Association 598,609.00 27,791.89 Vancouver Public Aquarium Association — 269,229.03 11,849.53 Vancouver Public Library 2,589,066.40 99,538.56 View Royal Fire Protection District.. 13,092.00 789.72 Williams Lake Public Library Association (effective Janu­ ary 1, 1974; first contribution, May 1, 1974) 6,666.64 194.00 Subtotals of 51 active miscellaneous accounts 13,784,040.85 | 614,568.12 | 15,541.71

Hospitals by Name (113) Armstrong and Spallumcheen—Armstrong. 130,526.36 6,065.48 715.91 Arrow Lakes—Nakusp . 88,131.20 2,942.70 364.00 Ashcroft and District General—Ashcroft 296,027.53 11,593.74 1,476.93 B.C. Cancer Institute of the Cancer Control Agency of British Columbia (formerly B.C. Cancer Institute) 2,653,045.00 114,217.04 8,912.16 Bella Coola General—Bella Coola 125,062.27 4,806.48 308.04 MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION REPORT, 1974 O 15

SCHEDULE 2—Continued MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION FUND—Continued Contributions by Employer for Year Ended December 31,1974—Continued

Employer Contributions Contributory Employer Salaries, For For 1974 Current Past Service Service

Hospitals by Name—Continued $ $ $ 250,237.66 9,065.56 754.00 Bulkley Valley District—Smithers 568,954.05 22,387.08 618.48 3,303,970.47 134,881.18 8,531.90 453,039.37 17,809.51 694.92 Campbell River and District General—Campbell River 850,956.73 33,185.93 1,428.96 971,653.14 38,837.23 483.96 424,729.05 15,720.48 394.42 200,107.00 7,718.61 198.00 Chetwynd General—Chetwynd (effective February 1, 1974; first contribution, May 1, 1974) ... 43,272.00 1,350.07 Children's Hospital—Vancouver 1,445,796.32 63,452.98 10,004.69 Chilliwack General—Chilliwack 2,829,690.51 115,145.99 8,439.98 Coquitlam and District—Coquitlam (effective March 1, 1974) 26,499.20 2,064.29 Cowichan District—Duncan 1,693,249.78 71,767.07 9,317.10 1,469,866.00 53,931.88 3,297.19 390,115.01 17,002.10 1,731.25 Cumberland Diagnostic and Treatment Centre—Cumber­ land (formerly Cumberland General Hospital) 238,960.66 12,039.78 2,039.04 Dawson Creek and District—Dawson Creek 1,013,144.00 35,472.03 2,121.08 74,103.04 2,691.36 Enderby and District Memorial—Enderby 178,666.50 6,764.56 1,218.10 399,841.12 16,271.64 1,494.96 243,600.08 9,081.80 Fort St. John—Fort St. John 1,061,592.21 41,563.14 141.86 Fraser Canyon Hospital—Hope 274,794.57 11,103.44 122.04 G. F. Strong Rehabilitation Centre—Vancouver... 1,206,189.00 54,751.01 3,894.00 Glengarry—Victoria (effective February 1, 1974) 85,975.12 3,147.77 Golden and District—Golden 263,548.95 12,110.78 181.09 Gorge Road—Victoria 2,193,949.00 98,310.81 1,477.08 Grace Hospital—Vancouver 1,210,371.33 50,944.01 8,636.03 G. R. Baker Memorial—Qjjpsnel 961,461.00 37,600.31 1,139.06 Holy Family—Vancouver _ _ 438,411.85 17,895.66 718.25 Kelowna General—Kelowna 3,448,967.25 143,970.02 11,187.96 Kimberley and District—Kimberley 551,961.26 24,204.70 3,981.36 978,612.00 36,648.72 Kootenay Lake District—Nelson 1,193,495.00 49,177.80 7,757.04 203,515.95 9,260.85 1,308.00 Ladysmith and District—Ladysmith 347,968.65 13,810.52 2,798.04 Langley Memorial—Langley 1,482,069.00 59,169.53 4,112.50 275,804.30 9,718.08 22.20 6,763,916.01 265,335.24 17,516.98 Louis Brier—Vancouver.. 136,186.27 4,187.83 McBride and District—McBride 96,137.16 3,555.60 66.00 130,203.00 4,027.64 1,294,848.00 48,317.48 1,635.92 242,686.95 10,655.92 2,118.96 1,444,092.62 52,928.97 1,762.02 284,188.00 13,256.66 129,068.00 5,858.08 273.00 793,027.26 29,513.36 246.09 617,878.92 24,598.14 2,148.90 564,504.58 24,474.24 470.04 1,024,985.48 40,441.36 4,239.18 Mount St. Mary—Victoria 644,271.19 29,065.66 1,872.00 96,431.61 3,317.25 4,599,557.06 189,397.72 8,730.54 318,938.36 11,468.52 819.00 29,714.34 1,263.28 121.08 100 Mile Hnusd District fipncral—100 Milp Hniisp. 308,893.69 11,236.46 1,544,995.83 63,624.17 2,448.04 Penticton Regional—Penticton 2,605,706.40 105,130.26 7,633.99 O 16 BRITISH COLUMBIA

SCHEDULE 2—Continued

MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION FUND—Continued Contributions by Employer for Year Ended December 31,1974—Continued

Employer Contributions Contributory Employer Salaries, For For 1974 Current Past Service Service

Hospitals by Name—Continued $ Port Alice Hospital—Port Alice 23,213.34 753.72 Port Hardy Hospital—Port Hardy 61,231.32 2,135.31 Pouce Coupe Community—Pouce Coupe 246,945.02 8,166.28 205.08 Powell River General—Powell River 1,238,386.00 47,977.06 6,871.02 Prince George Regional District—Prince George 3,300,584.64 120,799.67 2,987.01 Prince Rupert Regional—Prince Rupert (formerly Prince Rupert General) 1,244,021.00 45,324.65 4,885.01 Princeton General—Princeton (formerly Princeton Re­ gional) 102,464.60 4,366.35 1,088.04 Queen Alexandra Hospital for Children—Victoria 522,811.09 25,385.10 2,432.95 Queen Charlotte Islands General—Queen Charlotte City.. 77,747.14 2,768.52 117.96 Queen Victoria—Revelstoke_ 338,762.91 13,195.24 1,576.12 Queen's Park Hospital Society—New Westminster (effec­ tive November 1, 1974) _ 33,376.45 2,560.02 Rest Haven—Sidney. 415,932.50 17,024.55 1,712.04 Richmond General—Richmond 2,128,858.89 78,787.78 Royal Columbian—New Westminster 7,956,074.63 324,830.50 63,243.05 Royal Inland—Kamloops 5,150,955.00 188,425.71 9,195.94 Royal Jubilee—Victoria 11,080,212.88 447,540.50 23,527.14 R. W. Large Memorial—Bella Bella 89,864.27 2,806.44 387.00 St. Bartholomew's—Lytton 28,411.35 898.67 St. George's—Alert Bay - 197,132.10 8,559.83 2,023.08 St. John—Vanderhoof 430,950.00 14,526.91 500.89 St. Joseph's—Comox_ 1,423,451.24 57,322.28 3,046.20 St. Mary's—New Westminster 2,359,053.00 88,201.18 4,373.08 St. Mary's—Sechelt _ 498,160.00 18,612.45 168.00 St. Mary's Priory—Victoria.... 421,400.39 18,742.39 St. Paul's—Vancouver 9,115,918.73 350,415.57 53,315.99 St. Vincent's—Vancouver _ _ 2,096,565.19 87,254.92 9,155.90 Saanich Peninsula—Saanichton . 185,959.39 10,617.81 Shaughnessy—Vancouver (effective July 29, 1974). 5,349,955.08 254,122.87 Shuswap Lake General—Salmon Arm 1,071,474.07 49,169.48 3,031.99 Slocan Community— 46,454.23 2,488.91 610.08 South Okanagan General—Oliver 385,852.00 16,213.67 962.00 Squamish General—Squamish 208,077.86 9,314.64 1,299.00 Stuart Lake—Fort St. James., 140,276.00 6,105.52 Summerland General—Summerland 300,103.00 13,452.46 1,524.00 Sunny Hill Hospital for Children—Vancouver- 504,334.83 20,392.78 270.96 Surrey Memorial—North Surrey 4,295,779.00 154,051.65 2,391.09 Tahsis Hospital—Tahsis_ .. 71,725.54 2,114.52 Tofino General—Tofino 163,110.01 6,569.79 179.04 Trail Regional—Trail 2,451,578.26 97,028.70 11,796.98 University Health Sciences Centre—Vancouver 538,018.91 18,195.40 University Health Services of British Columbia—Vancouver 97,083.69 3,394.11 Vancouver General—Vancouver 29,609,949.16 1,194,001.54 52,212.96 Vernon Jubilee—Vernon 2,398,458.50 94,338.83 9,732.06 Victoria General—Victoria 6,713,192.00 277,001.57 32,284.07 Victorian— 71,562.94 3,100.04 252.96 West Coast General—Port Alberni . 1,769,378.23 73,674.32 9,064.92 Windermere District—Invermere 274,501.67 9,475.01 20.04 Wrinch Memorial—Hazelton 404,508.19 16,622.51 1,668.96 Subtotals of 113 active hospitals accounts. 167,845,977.46 6,750,135.29 482,235.93

School Districts (62) Agassiz-Harrison (No. 76) 102,671.41 4,894.79 Alberni (No. 70). 958,358.45 42,711.15 3,163.92 Arrow Lakes (No. 10).. 106,559.22 6,602.01 Burnaby (No. 41). 3,113,219.00 184,625.15 2,295.00 Campbell River (No. 72) 508,520.97 29,972.42 Cariboo-Chilcotin (No. 27) (effective January 1, 1974; formerly Williams Lake) — 877,143.75 39,635.53 Castlegar (No. 9) 316,887.48 17,076.22 r MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION REPORT, 1974 O 17

SCHEDULE 2—Continued MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION FUND—Continued Contributions by Employer for Year Ended December 31,1974—Continued

Employer Contributions Contributory Employer Salaries, For For 1974 Current Past Service Service

School Districts—Continued $ $ Central Okanagan (No. 23).. 1,033,078.08 50,357.17 309.96 Chilliwack (No. 33) 914,861.72 45,354.00 123.00 Courtenay (No. 71) 766,796.40 39,061.71 1,290.00 Cowichan (No. 65) 570,357.68 27,457.24 464.04 Creston-Kaslo (No. 86) 277,428.39 12,844.10 168.00 Delta (No. 37) 1,166,856.22 57,049.75 Fernie (No. 1).. 330,393.40 15,712.45 57.96 Grand Forks (No. 12) 137,257.91 5,346.88 111.00 Greater Victoria (No. 61). 3,719,878.50 182,226.21 11,810.04 Gulf Islands (No. 64) 98,533.34 4,994.96 632.52 Hope (No. 32) _ 104,930.14 5,708.57 648.00 Howe Sound (No. 48).. 396,870.87 20,831.66 1,790.62 Kamloops (No. 24) 1,834,751.67 88,645.27 1,338.00 Keremeos (No. 16) 70,982.05 4,351.20 Kettle Valley (No. 13). 67,428.09 3,308.41 Kimberley (No. 3) 175,214.90 8,231.76 179.04 Kitimat (No. 80).. 278,789.41 13,702.31 Lake Cowichan (No. 66)_ 208,719.35 11,226.50 6,170.04 Lillooet (No. 29) 137,655.27 7,168.03 2,282.04 Merritt (No. 31) 215,191.90 10,738.66 Mission (No. 75) 413,886.60 24,458.99 Nanaimo (No. 68) 1,257,250.61 65,283.00 Nechako (No. 56) 383,372.45 18,365.33 36.00 Nelson (No. 7).. 523,833.11 29,442.71 1,068.00 New Westminster (No. 40).. 610,262.25 32,593.15 3,327.96 North Thompson (No. 26) _ 147,347.04 6,445.18 6,724.48 North Vancouver (No. 44).. 2,023,771.58 120,618.38 3,027.00 Ocean Falls (No. 49) - 67,350.02 3,777.16 643.23 Peace River South (No. 59).. 523,187.62 25,090.95 9,394.58 Penticton (No. 15)— 477,905.86 26,310.13 363.00 Powell River (No. 47) 667,978.19 34,454.15 258.00 Prince George (No. 57) 1,689,566.53 79,259.11 Prince Rupert (No. 52)._ 267,943.27 13,292.12 120.00 Princeton (No. 17) 103,422.92 5,852.52 Qualicum (No. 69) 182,736.97 10,836.55 309.00 Quesnel (No. 28)._ 520,350.09 29,446.78 1,155.00 Revelstoke (No. 19) 218,264.42 9,377.35 Richmond (No. 38) 1,976,171.41 102,496.74 611.04 Saanich (No. 63) _ 570,669.32 28,641.04 758.04 Sechelt (No. 46) 232,696.98 12,403.79 Shuswap (No. 89) . 687,789.19 34,260.17 Skeena-Cassiar (No. 88).. 460,278.61 22,619.38 Smithers (No. 54) 259,465.29 12,703.44 Sooke (No. 62). 603,330.13 33,334.16 117.96 South Cariboo (No. 30) 300,607.89 13,360.70 774.% Southern Okanagan (No. 14).. 252,564.64 15,431.21 219.96 Summerland (No. 77) 84,260.57 3,891.23 Surrey (No. 36) __ 2,317,882.92 128,180.33 Trail (No. ID- 515,291.12 26,287.49 Vancouver (No. 39) 9,763,524.37 553,316.38 45,581.04 Vancouver Island North (No. 85).. 161,570.65 6,730.90 516.80 Vancouver Island West (No. 84) „. 70,900.00 3,214.27 Vemon (No. 22)... 925,639.76 52,158.89 171.21 West Vancouver (No. 45) 981,779.90 50,664.69 Windermere (No. 4) __ 127,246.67 6,175.13 Subtotals of 62 active school district accounts.. 48,859,434.52 2,580,607.61 108,010.44 Totals of 377 active accounts 395,746,476.02 19,659,016.13 1,564,291.51 O 18 BRITISH COLUMBIA SCHEDULE 3


Main Comparative Statistics, April 1,1939, to December 31,1974

Contributions Employee Refunds Superannuation Allowances Number Fiscal of Con­ Year tributors Granted Deaths In Force Amount Employee Employer Number Amount During and Ex­ at End Year pirations of Year Paid

$ $ $ $ 3,515 376,213 71 78 36 973 1939/40 273,204 42,575 329,309 3,460 403,590 128 116 34 1,118 369,231 1941/42 277,946 46,504 3,340 411,337 125 45,792 120 44 1,334 460,091 1943/44 278,996 3,949 505,050 314 74,102 215 51 1,582 551,639 1945/46 351,672 4,707 693,553 499 99,412 149 42 1,812 702,630 1947/48 474,499 5,907 1,072,595 459 75,659 115 65 1,954 827,006 1949/50 689,155 6,800 1,388,865 804 200,167 88 80 2,024 954,168 1951/52 1,068,137 7,435 1,808,218 216,982 74 2,068 1953/54 1,501,183 753 91 1,137,286 8,269 1,991,952 101 83 2,093 1955/56 1,787,161 909 349,179 1,185,087 2,227,693 2,076 1957/58 9,193 2,234,295 853 356,042 73 92 1,205,586 3,889,051 107 2,110 1959/60 12,749 3,348,195 1,054 377,070 89 1,452,696 5,707,400 227 2,374 1961/62 18,689 4,737,026 1,787 683,172 104 1,785,352 6,209,670 216 2,587 1963/64 20,344 5,440,086 2,089 1,037,284 107 2,554,987 6,864,937 204 2,800 1965/66 21,701 6,188,336 2,555 1,632,103 104 3,012,344 7,125,025 280 3,132 1967/68 24,642 6,251,455 2,585 1,662,339 108 4,050,586 6,706,144 291 3,519 19691 ... 28,646 6,209,310 2,651 1,480,781 92 3,691,733 10,088,682 433 3,808 1970 30,313 9,500,655 3,095 1,737,302 144 5,447,736 32,080 12,269,656 396 4,068 1971 11,723,160 3,066 1,794,082 136 6,842,984 1972 14,884,563 456 4,375 33,585 13,989,426 3,782 2,598,182 149 8,374,177 17,017,372 645 4,895 1973 35,182 17,131,305 4,233 3,434,686 125 9,737,854 1974.. 21,223,308 745 5,509 42,317 22,256,626 5,039 4,521,225 131 12,512,095

i Nine-month period. MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION REPORT, 1974 O 19



Comparative Statistics, April 1,1963, to December 31,1974, Subdivided According to Sex of Contributor

Superannuation Allowances Number of Mini­ Number of Refunds mum Contributors Granted In Force at Fiscal Retire­ Granted During Deaths and Year ment Year Expirations End of Year Age Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

1963/64 65 9,695 6,669 531 1,170 131 29 77 1,535 29 60 2,208 1,772 31 357 39 17 23 7 592 431 1965/66 65 10,173 6,934 719 1,465 107 41 78 1,629 104 60 2,490 2,104 59 312 44 12 15 , 11 634 433 1967/68 65 11,243 8,481 642 1,550 178 52 67 5 1,817 194 60 2,601 2,317 64 329 34 16 23 13 673 448 19691 65 12,299 10,951 703 1,552 161 65 56 3 2,037 315 60 2,696 2,700 52 367 38 27 17 16 707 460 1970 65 12,824 11,900 684 1,939 248 97 99 20 2,186 392 60 2,861 2,728 51 421 57 31 23 2 741 489 1971 65 13,515 14,338 689 1,912 226 110 83 3 2,329 499 60 3,017 1,210 52 413 43 17 29 21 755 485 1972 65 13,832 15,604 956 2,442 193 95 80 18 2,442 576 60 3,117 1,032 69 315 112 56 36 15 831 526 1973 65 14,521 16,657 1,164 2,911 361 1862 71 24 2,736 734 60 3,109 895 65 93 77 21 18 12 890 535 1974 65 16,163 22,136 1,522 3,321 434 | 2102 78 31 3,092 913 60 3,270 748 81 115 71 | 30 18 4 943 561 1 i Nine-month period. 2 Includes resumption of remarried widows' allowances (1973, 2, 1974, 32). O 20 BRITISH COLUMBIA



Normal Allowances Granted During Year Ended December 31,1974, Subdivided by Years of Service and Age at Retirement GRANTED TO FORMER CONTRIBUTORS WHOSE MAXIMUM RETIREMENT AGE WAS 65

Age at Retirement Years of Service Total Per Under Cent 55 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65

Under 10 1 1 1 2 3 3 5 1 15 32 6 10-14 9 5 4 3 3 3 8 3 4 3 9 36 90 17 15-19 _ 7 1 1 4 2 3 25 13 16 8 14 66 160 30 20-24 7 3 2 3 2 6 33 5 6 6 5 31 109 21 25-29 3 1 1 1 4 4 23 10 13 4 5 18 87 16 30-34 1 1 1 2 9 3 3 1 1 8 30 6 35 _ 2 1 3 6 1 Over 35 1 1 2 2 ~2 6 14 3 Totals 28 10 9 12 14 21 104 37 46 27 37 183 528 100


Age at Retirement Years of Service Total Per Under Cent 50 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Under 10 2 2 3 10-14 2 1 1 3 i 1 3 12 15 15-19. .., _ 1 2 7 11 13 20-24 _ 1 1 1 1 1 6 7 25-29 2 2 5 1 3 4 7 25 31 30-34 _ 1 1 1 4 7 15 19 35 _ 3 4 5 Over 35.. ~1 2 3 6 7 Totals.. . 4 2 2 1 1 4 8 6 2 6 13 32 81 100

Allowances Other Than Normal Granted During Year Ended December 31,1974 Resumption of Number of Remarried Widows Allowances Granted Death Disability Deferred Allowances 137 37 32 35 33 MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION REPORT, 1974 O 21


MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION FUND Number of Contributors and Pensioners by Employer, as at December 31,1974

Contributors Total Pension­ Contribu­ Employer ers tors and Class Class Class Class Pensioners 1 11 HI IV

Cities (33) 5 1 6 Castlegar (formerly Town of Castlegar, includes Town of Kinnaird effective March 1, 1974) 12 3 1 16 24 11 1 36 17 1 1 2 2 23 Courtenay (volunteer firemen) 1 24 25 60 16 1 9 10 96 38 9 7 1 55 Duncan 20 1 1 3 25 Enderby. 4 2 6 12 4 2 4 22 16 2 1 19 1 1 131 37 2 35 30 235 180 54 9 45 21 309 36 7 5 3 51 15 3 18 74 20 11 24 129 60 21 14 37 132 New Westminster 203 146 29 54 146 578 142 41 4 38 74 299 128 23 4 18 18 191 84 18 15 25 142 Port Coquitlam 83 16 21 6 126 44 17 13 3 77 134 30 27 10 201 88 13 15 20 136 Revelstoke 26 4 2 10 42 16 2 2 6 26 Trail 68 11 2 8 40 129 2,351 1,575 187 1,060 1,708 6,881 93 15 17 15 140 434 209 31 109 311 1,094 White Rock 27 2 3 5 37 Subtotals of 33 active city accounts 4,627 2,315 271 1,553 2,537 11,303 Districts (37) Abbotsford 24 11 4 39 478 169 49 128 106 930 35 11 2 48 20 7 4 5 36 Chilliwack 44 3 16 4 67 8 3 1 12 154 34 51 239 Delta 141 76 13 33 1 264 Esquimalt (includes Esquimalt Municipal Sports Centre, effective January 1, 1974) 65 26 6 8 105 6 1 7 Hudson's Hope 3 __ 3 Kent 10 2 15 52 11 5 11 5 84 81 4 18 15 118 Mackenzie 15 1 4 20 116 1 30 3 150 90 21 18 10 139 Mission 72 21 11 104 North Cowichan 52 3 9 8 72 10 4 14 North Vancouver 201 79 46 46 372 Oak Bay ... — . 79 47 14 42 182 Peachland 5 5 9 4 13 Port Hardy (effective June 16, 1965; first contribution, February 1, 1974) 6 1 7 O 22 BRITISH COLUMBIA

SCHEDULE 6—-Continued


Number of Contributors and Pensioners by Employer, as at December 31, 1974 —Continued

Contributors Total Pension­ Employer Class Class Class Class ers tors and 1 II III IV Pensioners

Districts—Continued 93 17 16 16 142 291 110 2 83 28 514 328 153 25 40 91 637 21 7 6 34 4 5 8 1 3 11 14 1 8 2 25 3 3 30 10 9 49 417 60 ___ 104 84 681 27 6 6 1 40 West Vancouver ~ . 200 81 50 47 378 Subtotals of 37 active districts accounts . 3,212 903 | 118 | 773 558 5,564 Towns (11) 4 2 6 10 1 2 1 14 Fort St. John 31 6 6 4 47 6 6 9 4 13 Ladysmith 12 "i 1 15 20 4 1 25 Quesnel 30 2 2 34 17 1 6 1 25 21 1 2 24 25 3 1 29 Subtotals of 11 active town accounts 185 8 [ 1 | 25 19 238

Villages (48) 3 1 1 5 6 1 7 6 1 7 5 1 6 2 2 4 1 5 Clinton 2 2 7 2 9 Elkford 8 1 9 6 2 4 12 5 1 6 5 2 1 8 2 1 3 Gibsons 8 i 2 11 Gold River 10 i I 12 1 1 Harrison Hot Springs 3 3 4 4 Keremeos 1 2 3 7 1 1 9 Lillooet 1 3 1 1 3 1 3 3 1 4 1 4 McBride 3 1 5 Masset 3

1 2 3 Nakusp 6 1 7 5 1 1 7 100 Mile House 4 2 6 2 9 8 ! 1 9 MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION REPORT, 1974 O 23

SCHEDULE 6—Continued

MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION FUND—Continued Number of Contributors and Pensioners by Employer, as at December 31,1974 —Continued

Contributors Total Pension­ Contribu­ Employer ers tors and Class Class Class Class Pensioners 1 11 III IV

Villages—Continued 5 4 9 Port Edward 1 1 2 Pouce Coupe. 2 2 Princeton 7 2 3 12 4 1 2 7 Salmo 1 1 Sechelt 1 2 3 1 1 South Fort George (effective January 9, 1968; first contribution, January 1, 1974) 2 1 3 Tahsis 5 1 6 Taylor 1 2 ::::::: 3 Ucluelet 2 1 3 Valemount 2 2 5 1 — 6 Warfield 3 1 4 Subtotals of 47 active village accounts... 180 4 3 45 16 | 248

Regional Districts (25) 62 14 96 2 174 6 1 7 Greater Vancouver Regional District 351 1 10 28 91 481 Regional District of Alberni-Clayoquot 3 4 Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako 2 1 4 Central Fraser Valley Regional District 6 8 Regional District of Central Kootenay. 6 11 Regional District of Central Okanagan 7 9 Regional District of Columbia-Shuswap 1 1 Regional District of Comox-Strathcona 13 16 11 3 14 Dewdney-Alouette Regional District 4 4 1 9 8 2 1 11 2 1 3 Regional District of Fraser-Fort George 6 4 10 4 3 7 Regional District of Kootenay Boundary _ 3 2 1 6 Regional District of Mount Waddington (effective January 1, 1974; first contri­ - bution, July 1, 1974) - 1 1 33 4 37 Regional District of North Okanagan 5 2 1 8 Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen 7 2 9 4 1 5 1 1 2 7 2 9 Thompson-Nicola Regional District._ 13 3 39 1 56 Subtotals of 25 active regional district accounts 566 1 27 208 100 902

Miscellaneous Employers (53) Art Gallery of Greater Victoria 3 2 5 B.C. Health Association (formerly B.C. 18 17 35 B.C. Housing Management Commission 39 10 3 52 B.C. Medical Centre (effective January 1, 1974; first contribution, September 1, 1974) 7 15 22 B.C. School Trustees Association (effective January 1,1974) 7 5 12 Board of Cemetery Trustees of Greater Victoria 9 9 8 | 36 44 10 1 10 O 24 BRITISH COLUMBIA

SCHEDULE 6—Continued

MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION FUND—Continued Number of Contributors and Pensioners by Employer, as at December 31, 1974 —Continued

Contributors Total Pension­ Contribu­ Class ers tors and Class Class Class Pensioners I II HI rv Miscellaneous Employers—Continued 17 24 41 11 28 39 Catholic Family and Children's Service. 6 11 3 20 13 31 44 23 13 36 5 1 6 Dogwood Lodges (effective January 1,1974; first contribution, November 1, 1974) 7 51 58 26 91 117 Family and Children's Service 4 4 Fraser Valley College (effective September 1, 1974) 2 6 8 10 1 3 14 42 3 3 49 9 7 5 21 James Bay Community Resources Board (effective November 1,1973) 2 1 3

Keremeos Irrigation District 2 2 14 29 43 Maritime Museum of British Columbia (ef­ fective January 1,1974) 4 1 5 Mayne Island Improvement District (effec­ tive September 1,1974) 1 Metropolitan Board of Health of Greater 28 69 97 Municipal Finance Authority of British 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 9 17 32 8 66 8 8 North Vancouver Recreation Centre (for­ merly included with the City of North Vancouver) 1 1 Northern Training Centre (effective May 1, 1974) 3 5 8 Okanagan College 10 34 44 1 2 3 14 1 7 22 6 6 Saltspring Island Fire Protection District 2 2 Selkirk College 12 2 8 22 Southern Okanagan Lands Irrigation Dis­ trict (effective March 1,1974) 8 8 Surrey Parks and Recreation Commission 51 6 1 58 Union of British Columbia Municipalities ... 3 1 4 5 5 1 3 4 9 25 1 35 Vancouver Municipal and Regional Em- 2 3 5 Vancouver Museums and Planetarium As­ sociation 35 2 18 2 57 Vancouver Public Aquarium Association 14 8 2 24 25 25 1 1 Williams Lake Public Library Association (effective January 1, 1974; first contri­ bution May 1,1974) _ 1 1 Subtotals of 51 active miscellaneous 1 I accounts 462 | 38 22 600 89 1,211 MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION REPORT, 1974 O 25

SCHEDULE 6—Continued

MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION FUND—Continued Number of Contributors and Pensioners by Employer, as at December 31, 1974 —Continued

Contributors Total Pension­ Contribu­ Employer ers tors and Class Class Class Class Pensioners I II III rv Hospitals by Name (113) Armstrong and Spallumcheen—Armstrong. 16 17 Arrow Lakes—Nakusp . 13 19 Ashcroft and District General—Ashcroft — 31 41 B.C. Cancer Institute of the Cancer Control Agency of British Columbia (formerly B.C. Cancer Institute) 48 199 14 261 Bella Coola General—Bella Coola 1 13 1 15 Boundary—Grand Forks 4 34 3 41 Bulkley Valley District—Smithers 14 55 3 72 Burnaby General—Burnaby 42 330 35 407 Burns Lake and District—Burns Lake 11 37 1 49 Campbell River and District General— Campbell River. 12 96 3 111 Cariboo Memorial—Williams Lake 9 120 4 133 Castlegar and District—Castlegar 40 4 52 Chemainus General—Chemainus 19 22 Chetwynd General—Chetwynd (effective February 1, 1974; first contribution, May 1, 1974) Children's Hospital—Vancouver 14 141 29 184 Chilliwack General—Chilliwack 50 276 14 340 Coquitlam and District—Coquitlam (effec­ tive March 1, 1974) _ 1 1 2 Cowichan District—Duncan 26 173 34 233 Cranbrook District—Cranbrook 25 173 7 205 Creston Valley—Creston 7 40 5 52 Cumberland Diagnostic and Treatment Centre—Cumberland (formerly Cumber­ land General Hospital) 6 15 29 Dawson Creek and District—Dawson Creek 15 98 120 Dr. Helmcken Memorial—Clearwater 1 8 9 Enderby and District Memorial—Enderby.— 2 20 25 Esperanza General—Esperanza 1 4 Fernie Memorial—Fernie 7 35 46 Fort Nelson General—Fort Nelson 4 26 30 Fort St. John—Fort St. John 17 111 3 131 Fraser Canyon Hospital—Hope. 3 32 1 36 G. F. Strong Rehabilitation Centre—Van­ 38 113 10 161 couver Glengarry—Victoria (effective February 1, 41 44 1974) Golden and District—Golden 7 29 2 38 Gorge Road—Victoria 50 229 3 282 Grace Hospital—Vancouver 7 128 32 167 G. R. Baker Memorial—Quesnel . 13 101 122 Holy Family—Vancouver 5 54 59 Kelowna General—Kelowna 65 362 43 470 Kimberley and District—Kimberley.. 6 55 10 71 Kitimat General—Kitimat. 16 102 118 Kootenay Lake District—Nelson 23 113 18 154 Lady Minto—Gulf Islands (Ganges). 4 17 7 28 Ladysmith and District—Ladysmith .. 8 33 4 45 Langley Memorial—Langley. 22 172 13 207 Lillooet District—Lillooet 2 31 1 34 Lions Gate—North Vancouver. 95 653 28 776 Louis Brier—Vancouver _ 21 21 McBride and District—McBride 3 14 18 Mackenzie and District—Mackenzie. 1 18 19 Maple Ridge—Haney... 27 182 8 217 Mater Misericordiae—Rossland 6 21 6 33 Matsqui-Sumas-Abbotsford—Abbotsford- 16 148 10 174 Menno Hospital—Abbotsford 7 36 43 O 26 BRITISH COLUMBIA

SCHEDULE 6—Continued

MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION FUND—Continued Number of Contributors and Pensioners by Employer, as at December 31, 1974 —Continued

Contributors Total Employer Pension­ Contribu­ Class Class Class Class ers tors and I II III IV Pensioners

Hospitals by Name—Continued Michel-Natal District—Michel 12 1 14 Mills Memorial—Terrace 83 2 93 Mission Memorial—Mission 63 2 73 Mount St. Francis—Nelson 4 70 3 77 Mount St. Joseph—Vancouver 21 89 11 121 Mount St. Mary—Victoria 10 77 95 Mount Tolmie—Victoria {effective Novem­ ber 1,1973) 1 38 39 Nanaimo Regional General—Nanaimo 84 437 24 545 Nicola Valley General—Merritt 5 30 1 36 Ocean Falls General—Ocean Falls 3 3 100 Mile House District General—100 Mile House 6 41 47 Peace Arch District—White Rock_ 22 143 9 174 Penticton Regional—Penticton 50 251 31 332 Port Alice Hospital—Port Alice 4 4 Port Hardy Hospital—Port Hardy 1 5 6 Pouce Coupe Community—Pouce Coupe— 2 31 33 Powell River General—Powell River 18 114 18 150 Prince George Regional District—Prince George 55 457 13 525 Prince Rupert Regional—Prince Rupert (formerly Prince Rupert General) 18 141 11 170 Princeton General—Princeton (formerly Princeton Regional) 11 2 14 Queen Alexandra Hospital for Children— Victoria 48 7 68 Queen Charlotte Islands General—Queen Charlotte City- 1 11 2 14 Queen Victoria—Revelstoke 5 33 2 40 Queen's Park Hospital Society—New West­ minster (effective November 1, 1974) 2 1 3 Rest Haven—Sidney.- _ 13 43 6 62 Richmond General—Richmond 22 244 1 267 Royal Columbian—New Westminster 146 819 162 1,127 Royal Inland—Kamloops 70 533 24 627 Royal Jubilee—Victoria 315 1,007 113 1,435 R. W. Large Memorial—Bella Bella 1 7 8 St. Bartholomew's—Lytton 1 2 3 St. George's—Alert Bay 4 16 26 St. John—Vanderhoof _ 8 45 55 St. Joseph's—Comox.. 31 179 218 St. Mary's—New Westminster . 29 227 13 269 St. Mary's—Sechelt- 8 66 1 75 St. Mary's Priory—Victoria 6 53 59 St. Paul's—Vancouver 173 877 103 1,153 St. Vincent's—Vancouver..— 28 241 25 294 Saanich Peninsula—Saanichton 5 24 29 Shaughnessy—Vancouver (effective July 29, 1974) 537 747 2 1,286 Shuswap Lake General—Salmon Arm. 19 117 13 149 Slocan Community—New Denver- 5 3 8 South Okanagan General—Oliver 8 37 6 51 Squamish General—Squamish 3 23 2 28 Stuart Lake—Fort St. James 1 20 21 Summerland General—Summerland 4 33 11 48 Sunny HiU Hospital for Children—Vancou­ ver 11 50 65 Surrey Memorial—North Surrey- 48 441 497 Tahsis Hospital—Tahsis 1 9 10 Tofino General—Torino 2 21 1 24 Trail Regional—Trail 43 225 24 292 MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION REPORT, 1974 O 27

SCHEDULE 6—Continued

MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION FUND—Continued Number of Contributors and Pensioners by Employer, as at December 31, 1974 —Continued

Contributors Total Pension­ Contribu­ Employer ers tors and Class Class Class Class Pensioners I II III rv Hospitals by Name—Continued University Health Sciences Centre—Van­ couver 1 University Health Services Centre—Van­ couver 10 39 49 Vancouver General—^Vancouver.. 590 2,832 295 3,717 Vemon Jubilee—Vernon 49 273 24 346 Victoria General—Victoria 155 591 95 841 Victorian—Kaslo 1 6 2 9 West Coast General—Port Alberni.. 27 159 18 204 Windermere District—Invermere 4 24 28 Wrinch Memorial—Hazelton 7 43 55 Subtotals of 113 active hospital ac­ counts 3,482 17,113 1,520 22,115

School Districts (62) Agassiz-Harrison (No. 76) 6 5 2 13 Alberni (No. 70).. 60 39 16 115 Arrow Lakes (No. 10) 9 2 1 12 Burnaby (No. 41).. 172 40 87 45 344 Campbell River (No. 72) 32 3 17 8 60 Cariboo-Chilcotin (No. 27) (effective Jan­ uary 1,1974; formerly Williams Lake) 73 28 101 Castlegar (No. 9). 30 7 5 45 Central Okanagan (No. 23). 94 11 6 116 Chilliwack (No. 33) 72 24 3 101 Courtenay (No. 71) 55 38 17 110 Cowichan (No. 65) 42 30 8 80 Creston-Kaslo (No. 86) 29 11 8 48 Delta (No. 37) 85 37 9 140 Fernie (No. 1).. 27 9 1 41 Grand Forks (No. 12). . 11 5 1 17 Greater Victoria (No. 61) 276 156 64 496 Gulf Islands (No. 64) 11 3 2 16 Hope (No. 32) 8 4 3 15 Howe Sound (No. 48).. 25 3 20 4 52 Kamloops (No. 24) 133 13 101 14 261 Keremeos (No. 16) 8 8 Kettle Valley (No. 13).. 5 4 9 Kimberley (No. 3) 14 5 3 22 Kitimat (No. 80) . 20 6 5 32 Lake Cowichan (No. 66).. 13 8 6 31 Lillooet (No. 29) 9 9 2 20 Merritt (No. 31) _ 16 7 1 24 Mission (No. 75) 36 17 1 56 Nanaimo (No. 68) 86 39 21 155 Nechako (No. 56)..... 23 75 4 102 Nelson (No. 7).. 48 13 10 71 New Westminster (No. 40 )~. 44 3 13 16 76 North Thompson (No. 26) ... 14 5 19 North Vancouver (No. 44) ... 150 25 52 38 265 Ocean Falls (No. 49) 7 1 8 Peace River South (No. 59).. 41 24 9 74 Penticton (No. 15) 38 11 11 11 71 Powell River (No. 47) 48 36 6 90 Prince George (No. 57) ~ 120 1 76 11 208 Prince Rupert (No. 52) 17 7 2 26 Princeton (No. 17) 5 1 4 2 12 Qualicum (No. 69) 13 1 7 21 Quesnel (No. 28) _ 34 7 19 7 67 Revelstoke (No. 19) ... 17 9 26 Richmond (No. 38) 115 31 62 15 223 O 28 BRITISH COLUMBIA

SCHEDULE 6—Continued

MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION FUND—Continued Number of Contributors and Pensioners by Employer, as at December 31, 1974 —Continued

Contributors Total Employer Pension­ Contribu­ Class Class Class Class ers tors and I II III IV Pensioners

School Districts—Continued Saanich (No. 63) 46 21 9 81 Sechelt (No. 46) 14 8 6 28 Shuswap (No. 89) 77 26 11 114 Skeena-Cassiar (No. 88) 34 24 2 60 Smithers (No. 54) 18 12 3 33 Sooke (No. 62) _ 44 29 8 85 South Cariboo (No. 30) 22 9 0 32 Southern Okanagan (No. 14)_ 20 12 16 48 Summerland (No. 77) 7 2 2 11 Surrey (No. 36) 165 108 1 274 Trail (No. ID- 47 10 9 14 80 Vancouver (No. 39) 585 92 322 199 1,198 Vancouver Island North (No. 85). 8 8 1 17 Vancouver Island West (No. 84) „ 4 4 8 Vernon (No. 22) . 95 15 27 4 141 West Vancouver (No. 45).. 61 55 7 123 Windermere (No. 4) 11 2 13 Subtotals of 62 active school district accounts 3,449 306 1,819 670 6,245 Total of 377 active accounts- 16,163 3,270 748 22,136 5,509 47,826 I In addition to the above there are 294 inactive accounts, in respect of contributors who had 10 or more years of service and are immediately eligible for pension benefits, and 2,446 inactive unclaimed money accounts, including contributors who have transferred to reciprocal or approved employers.

Printed by K. M. MACDONALD, Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in right of the Province of British Columbia. 1976
