The most insignificant meaningful night * Eve 2018 Langford Community Church * Graham Gladstone

I wrap up the top of the Christmas pyramid in a big box and get a volunteer to come and open it. They will be very excited to find out what’s inside, but be disappointed to find out it’s only this little circle. BOOOO-ring.

But then – look at what it does! This ‘insignificant’ thing is actually quite meaningful.

And that’s what we’ve heard about here tonight – the most insignificant meaningful night ever.

I mean, the average person in 2000 years ago would have had no idea that anything important had just happened. There were a whole lot of people in town on account of the census, but besides that this was just another insignificant night in an insignificant town.

And if you think about how was born – there was nothing special about that either. There was no room for them anywhere else, so Jesus was born in a stable. There was no royal cradle for Him – no, they wrapped Him in strips of cloth and laid Him in a manger, surrounded by animals. You don’t get much more insignificant than that.

But like our little wheel, what appeared to be small and unimportant was actually INCREDIBLY important!

This baby, born in a manger, was not just a baby, but God Himself, entering into the world that He had made.

This was ‘Emmanuel’ – God with us.

And God came to be with us – not just to hang out – but to save His people from their sins. That’s why they called Him ‘Jesus.’ When we ignore God (that’s sin!), it separates us from Him, but Jesus came to forgive our sin and reunite us to Him.

And the knew that. They knew how awesome that was. They lit up the night skies around Bethlehem – singing praises to God and announcing to other supposedly ‘insignificant people’ that the long awaited Messiah – Christ the Lord – had been born.

What appeared to be insignificant was actually one of the most important events in human history.

God Himself stepped into the world that He created to deliver us from sin and give us eternal life.

Now – here’s the question – how do you see these events?

As insignificant? Or as meaningful?

Is just another box to check off on the long list of things that needs to be done to get ready for Christmas?

Is Jesus just a baby in a manger?

Or is He God Himself, inviting you into eternal relationship and peace with Him?

I want to invite you this Christmas to look closely at how you feel about this baby in a manger.

He is sent by God, to demonstrate the love of God, to give life to all who believe.

3. How silently, how silently The wondrous gift is giv’n! So God imparts to human hearts The blessings of his heav’n. No ear may hear his coming; But in this world of sin, Where meek souls will receive him, still The dear Christ enters in.

Will you receive the Saviour? Is there room in your heart for Him?


"At Christmas may God open Your heart to His love, Your mind to His wonders, Your ears to His voice, and Your life to His presence.

May you experience His peace for your troubles, His forgiveness for your guilt, His presence for your loneliness, His light for your path, His guidance for your journey, and His joy for your life..."

1 Wesley Methodist Church (Singapore) - December 23, 2012 · A Christmas Benediction