International Journal of Engineering Science Invention ISSN (Online): 2319 – 6734, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 6726 Volume 3 Issue 8 ǁ August 2014 ǁ PP.11-16

k - Symmetric Doubly Stochastic, s - Symmetric Doubly Stochastic and s – k - Symmetric Doubly Stochastic Matrices

1,Dr. K. Gunasekaran , 2,Mrs. N. Mohana, Associate professor1 Assistant Professor2 1Department of Mathematics, Government Arts College (Autonomous), Kumbakonam, TamilNadu. 2 Department of Mathematics, A.V.C. College (Autonomous), Mannampandal, TamilNadu.

ABSTRACT: The basic concepts and theorems of k-symmetric doubly stochastic s-symmetric doubly stochastic and s-k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrices are introduced with examples.

KEY WORDS: k-symmetric doubly stochastic , s-symmetric doubly and s-k-symmetric .


I. INTRODUCTION We have already seen the concept of symmetric doubly stochastic matrices. In this paper the symmetric doubly stochastic matrix is developed in real matrices. Recently Hill and Waters[2] have developed a theory of k-real matrices as a generalization of s-real matrices. Ann Lee[1] has initiated the study of secondary symmetric matrices, that is matrices whose entries are symmetric about the secondary diagonal. Ann Lee[1] has shown that the matrix A, the usual AT and secondary transpose AS are related as AS = VATV and AT = VASV where V is a with units in the secondary diagonal.

II. PRELIMINARIES AND NOTATIONS AT - Transpose of A Let k be a fixed product of disjoint transpositions in Sn and „K‟ be the permutation matrix associated with k. Clearly K satisfies the following properties. K 2 = I, KT = K.

III. DEFINITIONS AND THEOREMS DEFINITION: 1 A matrix A  Rn x n is said to be symmetric doubly stochastic matrix if A = AT and = 1, j = 1, 2, ………n

and = 1, i = 1, 2, ………n and all a ij ≥ 0. If A is doubly stochastic and also symmetric then it is called a symmetric doubly stochastic matrix.

DEFINITION: 2 A matrix A  Rn x n is said to be k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix if A = K AT K

THEOREM: 1 Let A  Rn x n is k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix then A = K AT K. Proof: K AT K = KAK where AT = A = AKK where AK = KA = AK2 = A where K2 = I THEOREM: 2 Let AT  Rn x n is k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix then AT = KAK. Proof: K A K = KATK where A = AT = ATKK where K AT = AT K = AT K2 = AT where K2 = I 11 | Page k - Symmetric Doubly Stochastic, s – Symmetric…

THEOREM: 3 Let A, B  Rn x n is k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix then (A + B) is k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix. Proof: Let A and B are k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix if A = K AT K and B = KBTK. To prove (A + B) is k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix we will show that

(A + B) = K (A + B)T K

Now K (A + B)T K = K (AT + B T) K = K (AT + B T) K = (KAT + KB T) K = (KAT K+ KB T K)

= (A + B) where K AT K = A and KBTK = B THEOREM: 4 Any k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix can be represent as sum of k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix and skew k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix. Proof: To prove that (A + KATK) and (A - KATK) are k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrices the we will show that (A + KATK) = K (A + KATK)T K and (A - KATK) = K (A - KATK)T K.

K (A + KATK)T K = (A + KATK) using theorem 3 and K (A - KATK)T K = (A - KATK).

Then (A + KATK) + (A - KATK) = 2A/2 = A. Hence the theorem is proved.

THEOREM: 5 If A and B are k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrices then AB is also k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix. Proof: Let A and B are k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix if A = K AT K and B = KBTK. Since AT and BT are also k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrices then AT = KAK and BT = KBK. To prove A B is k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix we will show that AB= K (A B)T K Now K (A B)T K= KBTATK = K(KBK)(KAK)K where AT = KAK and BT = KBK. = K2B K2A K2 = BA where K2 = I = AB where BA = AB

THEOREM: 6 If A and B are k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrices and K is the permutation matrix, k = {(1), (2 3)} then KA is also k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix. Proof: Let A and B are k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix if A = K AT K and B = KBTK. Since AT and BT are also k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrices then AT = KAK and BT = KBK. To prove K B is K-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix we will show that KA= K (KA)T K Now K (KA)T K= K(ATKT )K = KATKTK = KAT where KT K = I . = KA where KAT = KA

RESULT: For A Rn x n is symmetric doubly stochastic matrices for the following are holds. [1] A = K AT K [2] KA is symmetric doubly stochastic matrix. [3] AK is symmetric doubly stochastic matrix.


A = AT = and k = (1) (2 3) = 12 | Page k - Symmetric Doubly Stochastic, s – Symmetric…

(i) K AT K = = A

Similarly KAK = AT

(ii) KA = = = (KA)T

 KA is symmetric doubly stochastic matrix. Similarly KAT is also symmetric doubly stochastic matrix.

(iii) AK = = = (AK)T

 AK is symmetric doubly stochastic matrix. Similarly AT K is also symmetric doubly stochastic matrix.

DEFINITION: 3 A matrix A  Rn x n is said to be s-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix if AS = V AT V where V is a permutation matrix with units in the secondary diagonal.

THEOREM: 7 Let A  Rn x n is s-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix then AS = V AT V. Proof: V AT V = V (VAS V) V = V2AS V2 = AS where V2 = I

THEOREM: 8 Let AT  Rn x n is s-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix then AT = VASV. Proof: V AS V = V (VAT V) V =V2AT V2 = AT where V2 = I

THEOREM: 9 Let A, B  Rn x n is s-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix then (A + B) is s-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix. Proof: Let A and B are s-symmetric doubly stochastic matrices if AS = V AT V and BS = VBTV. To prove (A + B) is s-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix we will show that

(A + B)S = V (A + B)T V

Now V (A + B)T V = V (AT + BT ) V = V(AT + BT ) V = (VAT + VBT) V= (VAT V+ VBT V)

= (AS + BS) where V AT V = AS and VBTV = BS

= (A + B)S THEOREM: 10 If A and B are s-symmetric doubly stochastic matrices then AB is also s-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix. Proof: Let A and B are s-symmetric doubly stochastic matrices if AS = V AT V and BS = VBTV. Since AT and BT are also s-symmetric doubly stochastic matrices then AT = VASV and BT= VBSV. To prove A B is s-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix we will show that (AB)S = V(A B )T V Now V (A B)T V= VBTATV = V(VBS V)(VASV)V where AT = KASK and BT = KBSK. = V2 BSV2AS V2 = BS AS where V2 = I = (AB)S 13 | Page k - Symmetric Doubly Stochastic, s – Symmetric…

THEOREM: 11 If A is s-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix and V is a permutation matrix with units in the secondary diagonal then VA is also s-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix. Proof: Let A is s-symmetric doubly stochastic matrices if AS = V AT V. Since AT is s-symmetric doubly stochastic matrices then AT = VASV. To prove VA is s-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix we will show that (VA)S= V(VA)T V Now V (VA)T V = V(ATVT )V= V(VASV) V2 = AS V S where V2 = I = (VA)S

RESULT: For A Rn x n is s-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix for the following are holds. [1] AS = V AT V [2] VA is symmetric doubly stochastic matrix. [3] AV is symmetric doubly stochastic matrix.


A = AT = AS = V =

(i) V AT V = =AS

Similarly VASV = AT

(ii) VA = = = (VA)T

 VA is symmetric doubly stochastic matrix. Similarly VAT is also symmetric doubly stochastic matrix.

(iii) AV = = = (AV)T

 AV is symmetric doubly stochastic matrix. Similarly AT V is also symmetric doubly stochastic matrix.

DEFINITION: 4 A matrix A  Rn x n is said to be s-k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix if [1] A = KVATVK [2] AT = KVAVK [3] A = VKATKV [4] AT = VKAKV

Where V is a permutation matrix with units in the secondary diagonal and K is a permutation matrix and k = {(1) (2 3)}.

THEOREM: 12 Let A  Rn x n is s-k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix then [1] AS = KVATVK [2] AT = KVASVK [3] AS = VKATKV [4] AT = VK AS KV 14 | Page k - Symmetric Doubly Stochastic, s – Symmetric…

Proof: (i) KVATVK = K(VATV)K = KAS K where VATV = AS =K(AT)T K = K AT K where AT = A = A = AS where KAT K = A and A = AS (ii) KVASVK = K(VAS V)K = K AT K where VASV = AT = A where K AT K = A = AT where A = AT (iii) VKATKV = V(KATK)V = VAV where KAT K = A = VATV where A = AT = AS where VATV = AS (iv) VKASKV = V(KASK)V = V (K(AT)T K)V = VATV where K(AT )TK = AT = AS where V AT V= AS = (AT )T = AT where A = AT THEOREM: 13 Let A, B  Rn x n is s-k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix then (A + B ) is s-k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix. Proof: Let A and B are s-k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix if A =KV AT VK and B = KVBTVK. To prove (A + B ) is s-k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix we will show that

(A + B ) = KV (A + B )T VK

Now KV (A + B )T VK = K( V (A + B )T V)K = K (A + B )S K using theorem (9)

= K (A + B )T K = (A + B ) using theorem (3) THEOREM: 14 If A and B are s-k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix then AB is also s-k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix.

Proof: Let A and B are s-k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix if A =KV AT VK and B = KVBTVK. Since AT and BT are also s-k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrices AT = KVAVK and BT = KVBVK. To prove A B is s-k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix we will show that AB = KV(A B )T VK Now KV(A B )T VK = K(V(A B )T )VK = K(A B )SK using theorem (10) = K(A B )TK = AB using theorem (5)

RESULT: For A Rn x n is s-k-symmetric doubly stochastic matrix the following are equivalent. (i) A = KVATVK (ii) AT = KVAVK (iii) A = VKATKV (iv) AT = VKAKV Example:

A = K = V =

(i) KVATVK = = A

(ii) KVAVK = = AT 15 | Page k - Symmetric Doubly Stochastic, s – Symmetric…

(iii) VKATKV = = A

(iv) VKAKV = = AT

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