Faculty of Organisation and Management

BSc (Honours) Hospitality Business Management

Title The Relationship between Advertising Strategies and Brand Building of Café de Carol Fast Food

Name Lau Chi Kin

Student No 91203474

Month Year April 2009


Sheffield Hallam University

Faculty of Organisation and Management

Title The Relationship between Advertising Strategies and Brand Building of Café de Carol Fast Food Hong Kong


STUDENT No 91203474

Supervisor: Ms. Dorothy Tsui

In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Business Management.

Month Year April 2009


A very special gratitude is expressed to Ms. Dorothy Tsui, my dissertation supervisor, who generously gave her guidance and support throughout the course and research project. It is my honor to be her student.

A special note of thanks is extended to the respondents and my classmates for their kind assistance in doing the survey. They provided valuable advice on the research and knowledge of SPSS.

Lastly I would like to thank my higher diploma’s English teacher, Tim, the Centre for

Independent Language Learning assistance, Mike and my friend, Thompson. They helped me to proof read several parts of my work.


This study was examined the relationship between Advertising Strategies and Brand

Building of Café de Carol Fast Food Hong Kong. Many brands and companies will through mass media and several distribution channels to promote their product or service to reach customers (Pearson, 1996).

Advertising is a communication channel between companies and customers to promote their brand and product (O’Guinn et al, 2003). Also, it can establish the brand in people memory and linking strong, favorable and unique (Keller, 1998). Café de Coral promotes their brand and product through different advertising channels such as Television, Print,

Outdoor and Radio.

The primary research is using self-administered questionnaires to collect data to analyze

Café de Coral the relationship between advertising and brand. Four Café de Coral restaurants from commercial center and estate were utilized in this study. Total of 122

(out of 150) completed questionnaires received. The data were analyzed by Statistical

Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Also, all respondents knew Café de Coral restaurant and 88.5% of respondents were aware of advertisements.

Furthermore, advertisement is a powerful and useful channel to communicate with customers and can motivate people to patronage. It reminds the brand and gives a strong impression of Cafe de Coral to customers as well. For other companies, advertisement strategies also help them to build up their brand.









1.1 Information of Café de Coral 1

1.2 Purpose of the study 2

1.3 Aim and objectives of study 3

1.4 Research method 4

1.5 Overall structure of the report 5



2.1 Introduction 6

2.2 Fast food 6

2.2.1 Definition of fast food 6

2.2.2 Café de Coral in Hong Kong 7

2.3 Brand 8

2.3.1 Definition of brand 8

2.3.2 The important of brand 9

vi 2.3.3 Brand awareness 10

2.4 Strategy 12

2.4.1 Definition of strategy 12

2.4.2 Advertising strategies 12

2.5 Advertising 14

2.5.1 Type of advertising 15 Television advertising 16 Radio advertising 17 Printing advertising 17 Outdoor advertising 18

2.6 The functions of advertising 19

2.6.1 Build up awareness 19

2.6.2 Call for action 21

2.6.3 Build up and maintain loyalty 22

2.6.4 Maintain customer relationship 23

2.7 Customer behavior 24

2.7.1 Customer perception 24

2.7.2 Customer expectation 25



3.1 Research objective 28

3.2 Secondary research 28

3.3 Primary research 29

vii 3.4 Sampling 30

3.4.1 Sampling design 30

3.4.2 Sample size 31

3.4.3 Survey method 32

3.5 Questionnaire 32

3.5.1 Questionnaire design 32

3.5.2 Self-administered questionnaires 33

3.5.3 Pilot testing 33

3.6 Reliability and validity 34

3.7 Data analysis 35

3.8 Summary 35



4.1 Introduction 37

4.2 Data collection and response rate 37

4.3 Demographic data 38

4.4 Discussion of the company background 40

4.5 Discuss the current advertisements of Café de Coral 43

4.5.1 Discuss the effect of advertisements 49

4.5.2 Discuss people feeling of Café de Coral advertisements 52

4.6 Summary 58



5.1 Conclusion 59

5.2 Limitation 60

5.3 Recommendation 61




Figure 1 Companies, customer, competition and brands 10

Figure 2 Source of primary data 22

Figure 3 Types of questionnaire 24


Table 1 Slogan aware 40

Table 2 Aware or not aware of advertisements 41

Table 3 Aware percentages of current advertisements 43

Table 4 Advertisements and current advertisements 43

Table 5 Current advertisement and impression 45

Table 6 Expectation changed after watched advertisements 47

Table 7 Aspects of feeling 47

Table 8 Importance of promotional channels 49

Table 9 The mean of people feeling 52

Table 10 Try dishes because of advertisements 53

Table 11 Obtain a new product or promotion information 55

Table 12 Remind the brand 56

Table 13 Make people get a strong impression 57


1.1 Information of Café de Coral

Café de Coral is the largest and most famous Chinese fast food chain in Hong Kong.

From 1968 to present, Café de Coral has forty years experience in brand building and product promotion. Advertising strategies are a very important part of brand building because Café de Coral has created some promotion tool to promote their product to public.

In this case, Café de Coral is a very popular and famous Chinese and there are some big chains competitors such as Maxims’ and Fairwood, and how Café de

Coral can ensure their market leader position in past and future, most of the advertising strategies are a part of promotion tool in marketing management.

The Fast food industry is very popular and one of the main dining culture in Hong Kong.

In the Fast Food industry, there are many different styles existing such as Japanese style,

America style, Chinese style, Hong Kong style etc.

Café de Coral is a Chinese fast food restaurant. It is the market leader in the Chinese fast food industry.

For instance, Café de Coral had promoted their slogan ‘A Hundred point of Excellent” in all advertisements and this slogan was kept in every Hong Kong persons memory.

It is powerful and an advantage of advertising strategies.

By the advertising strategies, Café de Coral promotes their new dishes and their brand together though the MTR billboards, Television advertising, radio, newspaper and

xii magazine printing advertisement. About the Television advertisement, Café de Coral has created some very innovative and new ideas to attract public awareness. It is because TV advertisement can provide an active communication channel between company and public.

Café de Coral also has promoted their loyalty club plan, “Club 100”, to the public though advertisement and it can build up strong customer relationships and loyalty.( Café de

Coral Annual Report, 2008)

1.2 Purpose of the study

Brands generate an emotional response from consumers as we wonder at the aesthetic beauty of advertising images, laugh at the wit of copywriters or realize our fantasies about own attractiveness and power vicariously through owning the right brands.

Advertising is an important part of the creation and maintenance of the contrived brand values that make particular brands distinctive, memorable and above all desirable to their target groups. (Hackely 2005)

Café de Coral has kept improving their service, food quality, variety of food and hygiene standard to meet customer need and create a trend in the fast food industry.

This study will examine how Café de Coral maintains the brand popularity and catches customer awareness though advertisements.

xiii 1.3 Aim and Objectives of study

Many hospitality organizations now consider how to gain more market share in their industry. Some of the organizations would like to through innovation products, high quality service, reliable brand and other aspects to attract their target customer. If nobody knows what organizations have done, it is an effort and cost wastage. At this moment, advertising is an important role of promote the effort to public and make a awareness to everyone. Advertising can support specific marketing strategy and one of the functions is raising brand awareness.(Hackley,2005)\

Against this background, the aims and objectives of this study was to evaluate the advertising and brand relationship, from the advertising strategies, organizations may build awareness, loyalty and keep customer relationship from on a long term base. The aim of this study is to study how Café de Coral’s advertising strategies can help the company build its brand in Hong Kong. Therefore, there are three parts in the dissertation including Brand Building though advertising, analysis of Café de Coral’s current advertising strategies and the effect on brand building and study the customer expectation on Café de Coral’s advertisements vs. its brand.

However, according to this study result it will state the important role of advertising how to improve a food industry image and profit directly. Except Hong Kong, Café de Coral also can make reference to using advertising strategies in mainland china since Café de

Coral planned to expand more branches in mainland next year. (Café de Coral Annual

Report 2008)


1.4 Research method

To obtain this information and get into evaluation, all analysis data must be supported by a large data base system. Therefore, a primary research method is to be used by questionnaires. The purpose of the questionnaire is to provide several questions in Café de Coral information, advertisement effect and customer behavior of advertisement and brand. Beside primary research, secondary data also be carried out which includes related advertisement of café de Coral, annual report, news, any related statistic data from government department and other media which is related to this study.

Also, the questionnaires in the primary research will focus on advertising build up awareness of Café de Coral and will it influence customer behavior such as perception and expectation.

1.5 Overall structure of the report

The study is separated in four parts which are literature review, methodology, result and conclusion. Literature review will show some theories and relevant opinion about the study topic. Methodology will show that what research method, structuring, sampling information were used. Result will give the details of analysis for the primary and secondary data. Lastly, the conclusion will state the area of recommendations and limitations of the study.


2.1 Introduction

In this part, there are four major parts included which is Fast food, Strategy, Brand,

Customer behavior

The review would cover the definitions and some key theories in the literature. There are some different opinions to define. Also, there are some relationship between advertising and brand.

2.2 Fast Food

Hong Kong is an International city in the world. There are many different style of fast food restaurant are existing such as American style fast food restaurant (McDonald, KFC),

Chinese quick service restaurant (Café de Coral, Fairwood and Maxims), Hong Kong style restaurant ( Tsui Wah reataurant, Shun King Restaurant) , food court typically attached to malls (food public or city super food court) and some local snack (fish ball)

2.2.1 Definition of fast food

Fast food has not a single definition or interpretation since it can define in a number of ways (Ball 1992). Also in the food and culture encyclopedia (2003) stated that fast food and quick food in the restaurant industry, these items are between sold and delivered in an amount of time ranging from a few seconds to several minutes. Nowadays, there are widely in food type, encompassing virtually all kinds of meats, preparation methods, and ethnic cuisines.

xvi Random house unabridged dictionary (1987, p.701) defined it as “Food as hamburger, pizza or fried chicken, that is prepared in quantity by a standardized method a can be dispensed quickly at inexpensive restaurants for eating there or elsewhere”.

2.2.2 Café de Coral in Hong Kong

Café de Coral is the largest Chinese restaurant group in the world and Hong Kong Stock

Exchange listed company limited. The major operations include fast food outlets, institutional catering, specialty restaurants, food manufacturing, and distribution etc (Café de Coral Group website, 2008).

The first Café de Coral opened in 1968 on Sugar Street, Causeway Bay. After years, Café de Coral evolved from a single outlet to a leading Chinese fast food chain with over 120 restaurants, serving over 300,000 customers daily. It keeps improving its products, restaurant environment and service quality to ensure the best values for customer’s money in line with its performance pledge: “A Hundred points of Excellence” (Café de

Coral Group website, 2008).

At the 1979, Café de Coral was a first catering business setting a central food process plant to ensure the product standardization and in February of 2006, Café de Coral was create a new era in 4th Generation design to enhance their competitive (Café de Coral

Group website, 2008).

Nowadays, Café de Coral has 23% market share in Hong Kong fast food industry

(WenWeiPo, 2008) and had opened 135 restaurant in Hong Kong until March of 2008

xvii ( Café de Coral Annual Report, 2008).

There are many people through that Café de Coral’s food is value for money and they will concerning about money of their meal instead of taste. (Cheng, 1998)

2.3 Brand

2.3.1 Definition of Brand

Brand? What is it? There are some different meaning and definitions to descript. Brand can be tangible and intangible when the brand goes in the different situation.

But brand can affect repeat business and the image of the company as well.

Jewler and Drewniany (2008) pointed that brand is a much more than a name, logo, or slogan. It is a collection of experience in consumer’s minds. Also, an Oxford Advanced

Learner Dictionary (1992, p.106) was define “Brand is trademark or particular kind of goods with such a mark” that mean the brand is a label or sign which for customer to identify the company products and service

Therefore, Barlow and Stewart (2004) defined brand is a unique identity. It is a shorthand way the public thinks about what you do, produce, serve, and sell. Barlow and Stewart

(2004) also agreed that the brand meaning which is brand are names, logos, beliefs and experience which same as Jewler and Drewniany brand definition.

According to VanAuken(2003, p.5),“American Marketing Association describes a brand as a ‘name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them intended to identify the goods an service of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competition.”


2.3.2 The important of brand

From pass to present, many famous or popular companies recognize brand as a very important and essential part of their marketing strategies plan since the brand have promise customer something like benefit of the products and it will though advertisement distribute to public.

It is because brand can create a competitive advantage and profound image with product and service to customer. Many authors recognize brand is a promise which promise benefit to customers.

VanAuken (2003, p.5) pointed that the” more importantly, a brand is the source of a promise to the consumer. It promises relevant differentiated benefits. Every thing an organization dose should be focused on enhancing delivery against its brand’s promise. A brand is not an icon, a slogan or a mission statement. It is a promise, promise your company can keep in which level or standard Zhivago (1994), company would like to know what customer want company to do such as processes, products and people. Then consider which important aspects can give the best competitive advantage

2.3.3 Brand awareness

Base on the benefit and promise of the brand provided, customers will more aware that brand product announcement and it can maintain the brand relationship with customers but the brand must be provide a consistency or better benefit to them. Also, brand awareness is an issue of whether a brand name comes to mind when consumers think about a particular product category and the ease with which the name is evoked.

xix (Czinkota, Dickson and Dunne, 2000)

Brand awareness is very important when the company would like to be strong and get more profit. It is because the number of customer will increase when the brand awareness also increase. One of a firm’s valuable assets is a well-established brand name that provides competitive advantage (Kwun, Haemoon, 2007).

According to Hong Kong trade Development Council research (2005, p.7) “if brand promotion is successful and consumers like the brand, the company can set a higher retail price and achieve a higher profit margin. So it means the brand is a one the channel to help company add the product’s value and gain more profit.

xx 2.4. Strategy

2.4.1 Definition of Strategy

The Compact Oxford Dictionary thesaurus (2002 p.896) defines strategy as “1. A plan designed to achieve a particular long term aim. 2. The art of planning and directing military activity in a war battle.”

Day (1999, p.46) defined that “Strategy describes the direction the organization will purse within is chosen environment, and guides the allocation of resources. A strategy also provides the logic that integrates the parochial [perspectives of functional departments and operating units and points them in the same direction.

2.4.2 Advertising Strategies

Advertising strategies can separate in two parts which is promotion in media and below the line promotion

Advertised in media which is include TV, newspaper, outdoor promotion like billboard and poster which post in the MTR station or other place. And all media is though the advertising agencies to place the advertisement announce to mass market.

Another promotion which is intended to be other channel which is the consumer to be unaware that promotion is taking place (Batra, Myers and Aaker, 1996).E.g. sponsorship, product placement, endorsements, sales promotion, merchandising, direct mail, personal selling, public relations and trade shows. But all of the channels are also affect everyone who will dine in that restaurant.(Pearson, 1996)

xxi Though the advertising strategies, a company can promote their organization or product easier and it can increase the product awareness and positive image. Base on the Pearson

(1996 p.49) Figure 1.1, Companies and their brands will though the mass media and several distribution channels to promote their product or service to reach more tightly defined customer segments.



↓ ↓ ↓ Mass media and distribution channels

↙ ↓ ↘ Customers

Figure 1. Companies, Customer, Competition and Brands (Pearson, 1996, p.49)

Also, Café de Coral advertisement have not represented by any celebrities. On the

other hand, all advertisements are using other way promoted which is informative

and elegant picture. It can enhance the class in overall feeling. (see appendix for current


2.5 Advertising

For the advertising, we can find out in everywhere such as TV, newspaper, poster in the

wall, mobile phone message deliver, transportation print advertisement or

xxii website.Advertising is one the most frequently used and powerful communications mediums for brand building (VanAuken, 2003) and which is a paid communication channel for all people who want to promote whatever they want to let people know.

(VanAuken, 2003)

From the O’Guinn, Allen, Semenik (2003, p13) stated the advertising is

“Communication is a fundamental aspect of human existence, and advertising is communication.” Which mean the advertising is a communication channel between company and customer. “In marketing management texts advertising is conventionally regarded as one element of the promotional mix, a management tool defined by its explicitly promotional, mediated and paid-for character and differentiated from other marketing communications disciplines such as public relations, personal selling, corporate communications, sales promotion and so on.” (Hackley, 2005. p.7)

Company can deliver message though a communication medium to reach more than one person, typically a large number or mass of people. The advertisement informs the consumer for some purpose, and that purpose is to get the consumer to like the brand and because of that liking to eventually buy the brand. Advertising is a middleman between company and customer and company do not use one-on-one promotion tool to promote their brand and product. (O’Guinn, Allen, Semenik article, 2003)

From those author’s theories, the role of advertisement and other communication tool is to establishing the brand in people memory and linking strong, favorable and unique.

xxiii (Keller, 1998)

2.5.1 Type of advertising

There are many types of advertising nowadays and company will show the advertisement in everywhere customer they will touch with such as advertise at the back of ticket, product packaging, TV, newspaper, magazine etc. The major channel of advertising such as the following: Television advertising

TV is the media vehicle that most powerfully reflects and projects audience aspirations and fantasies. “TV advertising remains the most visible and prestigious form of advertising and the most convenient way to reach an audience of millions. It can be an expensive medium. A TV ad sends a message about the aspirations of the brand and places it in just position with the most prestigious brands” (Hackley 2005 p.118-119).

“Advertising is a very huge communication channel to announce to mass market.

Television advertising has a great ability to dramatize the brand and broad reach many people at the same time” (VanAuken 2003, p.100).

There were some television advertisement of Café de Coral used to promote the new product and brand to public such as Dairy Brisket , Baked Thick-Cut Pork Chop with rice, Connoisseur, Flaming Hot Dishes, year round student offer and etc.

(See appendix for current advertisements)

All of the products with brand name, slogan were broadcasted by television to enhance

xxiv the total feeling of Café de Coral.(Café de Coral official website,3 2009) Radio Advertising

Radio has the quality of immediacy, since many radio ads can be produced in a few hours and broadcast that every day. Radio can reach many people attention since it is often background music of workshop, motorcar and listeners can do anything while radio plays (Hackely 2005).

Radio is a very efficient media since can broadcast everywhere when you have a radio even a small size or big size one. Therefore, it is a good frequency medium and can coverage flexibility (VanAuken 2003). Printing advertising

Print media offers big contrast to broadcast media. Most importantly, because of its self-paced nature, magazine and newspapers can provide much detailed product information. At the same point, printing advertisement difficult to provide dynamic presentation or demonstrations.(Keller, 1998)

Magazine and newspapers advertisement can reach readers well. Around 88 percent of reader read newspapers at least once a week. The importance of newspaper advertising is emphasized especially to influence the buying habits of products or services.

Newspaper advertising can used to attract attention to a web site for further information.

Newspapers reach people in the mornings better than other media (hakeneille, 2005)


Free newspapers to be more popular in Hong Kong and MTR station distribution was the main channel to get free newspaper .70% Hong Kong people will read free newspaper and 80% will read the traditional newspaper (江迅, 2005).

Café de Coral had post the advertisement in some local newspaper and magazine such as apple daily, oriental daily and U magazine. (Apple daily, 2008 ; oriental daily, 2008,

U magazine, 2008). However, in shop poster and internet banner also had posted to promote the new products and company slogan” A hundred points of excellent”. (Café de Coral website, 2009) Outdoor Advertising

Outdoor advertising has undergone a renaissance in recent years as advertisers have realized that it has greater impact and reach than previously thought (Hackley, 2005).

Also, there are many new approaches of outdoor advertising such as space on air balloon, Bus advertising, laser beam projected promotional image on large building and taxi. All of them can use with moving effect together to attract view of people.

While national coverage is difficult to achieve and targeted audiences cannot be well defined, outdoor advertising is a powerful medium for attract high awareness. (Hackely

2005). Café de Coral had posted their new advertisements in the MTR station and outside billboard.

2.6 The functions of advertising

xxvi The advertising can help the brand reach their target customers in a short period and can build up awareness, relationship and loyalty between customer and brand. In following parts it will state advertising how to influence brand building.

Advertising can increase customer awareness and make another feeling to customer of the product or company image and knowledge. According to Hackley (2005, p.66) state that, ”Advertising can also support more closely specified marketing techniques such as positioning and repositioning, market segmentation, launch and relaunch, raising brand awareness or rebranding, fulfilling corporate communication and other objectives”

2.6.1 Build up awareness

Awareness, an important beginning of all brand and product, it can help brand and product to announce where ever the company want promote. Advertising has helped to develop a world’s most well known brands like Coca-Cola, Sony, McDonald’s, etc.

(Hackely, 2005). Keller(1998, p.70-71)stated that “the awareness or memorable of a brand name is improved the extent to which it is: (1) simple and easy to pronounce or spell; (2) familiar and meaningful; and (3) different, distinctive, and unusual”.

Advertising means different things to different people. To a media planner, advertising is a way of firm uses the mass media to communicate to current and potential customers. It is an essential marketing tool that helps create brand awareness and loyalty. (O’Guinn,

Allen, Semenik , 2003)

Advertising is one of the most important means of promotion for brands. It can increase

xxvii brand awareness and build up brand image and reputation within a short time. (Stone and desomond, 2006) It can also reinforce consumer’s memory of the brand and guide or stimulate their demand and consumption. (Hong Kong trade development council research 2005 p.38)

In order to the Li and Soo (2008, p.260), “Advertising can enhance brand name recognition and create a brand premium so that the brand can command a higher price relative to competing products almost identical physical features. They also pointed that the Advertising activities of restaurant company aim to create awareness and to preside consumers by establishing brand identity, creating demand, and positioning the brand.”

Moreover, advertising is customer last memory of product before they buy it. “From consumer perspective, advertising is often the only step that they see before consumption.” (Hackley 2005 p.56). In context Jackson et al. (2008) state that the large corporations will more often have the resources for major advertising campaigns using mass media such as television and radio than smaller independent establishment.

2.6.2 Call for action

Advertising can make customer to take action to buy or other further action. Make customers have to try the product and experience the brand benefit. It is a first step of building relationship between customer and brand. (Alperstein, 2003)Advertising can make a interactive between customer and company though advertisement. The method by response is invited, the reward for response and data collected at response are all

xxviii factors that affect brand image as well as response levels. (Pearson, 1996)

2.6.3 Build up and maintain brand loyalty

Upshaw(1995) state that advertising is only one form of brand identify support, but it is one form of commitment marketers must consider making to maintain brand loyalty and build a stronger brand identity. Brand loyalty is very important of company sustainable since it can help the brand and company increase their repeat customer and profit.

Advertising can help the product and brand to establishing long term purchasing pattern.

(Alperstein 2003, p.8, cited in Driver & Foxall 1984).

O’Guinn, Alen, Semeniik (2003, p.23) agreed that that the Brand loyalty is very important which is “Loyalty to a brand is one of the most important assets a firm can have. While brand features are the most important influence on building and maintaining brand loyalty, advertising plays a key role in the process as well.

Advertising and integrated brand promotions often provide an extra incentive to consumers to remain brand loyal.” Pearson (1996) state that loyalty is the propensity of customer and it can make the relationship closer with brand and it can make customer more products and service.

Also, newspaper advertising, filers, coupons, gift certificates, internet, tele-marketing, and special promotion are just few of the marketing strategies used by restaurant operator to attract and keep their loyal customer. That mean companies will though some communication channel to inform the customer told them what new promotion is such as new product and any special promotion (Jackson et al, 2008).


Customer loyalty program, Club 100, is announced and implement to all of the branches.

This program will provide welcome gifts to customers who join this club at the first time and customers can accumulate the purchase points to redeem some special offers.

(Café de Coral Annual Report, 2008)

2.6.4 Maintain customer relationship

Pearson (1996) agreed that the customer relationship can make customer more closely associate with the brand and more likely the customer is to buy and Pearson (1996) also pointed membership, advocacy and association also can help the company make a positive relationship with their customer and those aspects may though advertising to promote for all target customers.

Therefore, advertising is announce in everywhere in any time and people was make a relationship with advertising unconsciously. According to Alperstein(2003) Media consumption like watching TV, listening radio, reading magazines and surfing the internet, all of them is a n integral part of everyday life and as such it is not a one dimensional activity.

Also, advertising have two functions which can maintain customer relationship, there are build awareness of new product and remind the exiting product and brand name to customers.

xxx 2.7 Customer behavior

Sheth (2000, p.136) defined that Consumer behavior is the mental and physical activity undertaken by household and business consumers that result in decisions and action to pay for and use products. And it is includes a variety of activities and a number of roles that people hold as consumers.

2.7.1 Customer perception

Customer perception is collected by experience, word of mouth, feeling and company promotion strategy which affect the customer feeling. Also, customer perception will affect the brand building and the number of repeat customer. What is customer perception? It will be stated in the following:

According to Sheth (2000, p.142) defined the perception is “the process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets the information he or she receives from the environment.”

In addition, Sheth (2000, p.142-143), there are three steps of the perception process in customer behavior which is sensation, organization and interpretation:

Sensation that mean attending to an object or an event in the environment with one or more of the five senses: seeing, hearing, smelling, touching and tasting

Organization which is categorizing by matching the sensed stimulus with similar object categories in one’s memory

Interpretation is attaching meaning to the stimulus, forming a “ruling” as to whether it is an object you like and what value it would be to you


2.7.2 Customer expectation

Customer expectation will affected by price, location, experience and promotion. some people think the high price product must be better than the cheap price product as well, it is because they pay a lot of money in the product also they would like to receive a equal value of the product provide.

Sheth, Mittal and Newman (2001) purposed that customer expectation is “such prior knowledge and feelings become expectation – prior beliefs about what something will posses or offer. Expectation influences perception in that we often end up seeing what we expect to see.”

Customer’s expectation will be affected by how well a provider performs. In general, there are several factors affect customers expectations including word of mouth recommendation from other customers, personal needs, past experience and external communications (Zeithaml, Parasurama and berry, 1988). According to Lewis &

Chambers (2000) Service Gap 7 pointed that many advertising intentionally builds expectations that knowingly not realistic and there is unlikely to be fulfilled.

At the Café de Coral, they will do the best in service, quality of food and other aspects by their slogan” a hundred points of excellent”. (Café de Coral official web site, 2008)

Promises are important thing in all categories of products, but in service industries the promises are critical to ensure that the promises can made all aspects to be realistic and that every employee involved in the delivery of a service is aware of those promises.

xxxii Also, if any changes company should keep customer know about the situation difference.

In addition, too many broken promises and wrong message deliver will lead to company lost customers.(Adcock et al, 1998)


3.1 Research Objective

The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between advertising strategies and brand building of Café de Coral. Primary and secondary research also used in this study to find out advertising how to influence the brand of Café de Coral.

Secondary research is to find out which current advertisement or advertising strategies are Café de Coral using. The primary research is using self-administered questionnaires to collect some data to analyze if the Café de Coral advertising is really influencing the brand and customer behavior.

3.2 Secondary research

Zikmund (2003, p.136) defined that “Secondary data are data gathered and recorded by someone else prior to (and for purpose other than) the current needs of the researcher.

Secondary data are usually historical, already assembled, and do not require access to respondents or subjects.”

Secondary data is including government reports, census reports, state budget; studies and report from universities, marketing and other research institutes or trade center; academic journals and newsletters relevant to the problem area and etc. (Churchill, 1991)

In this study, secondary research is done by studying the Café de Coral homepage,

Annual Report, related news and other media which have mentioned Café de Coral.

3.3 Primary research

Primary data is collect data by researcher themselves which are relevant to their study

xxxiv and research problem.( Ghauri, GrØnhaug and Kristianslund, 1995)

Zikmund (2003, p.175) pointed that “Questionnaire or interviews are utilized to collect data on the telephone, face to face, and though other communication media. The more formal term sample survey emphasizes that the purpose of contacting respondents is to obtain a representative sample of the target population.”

In the study, a questionnaire will be use to measure Café de Coral’s advertising effect on customers.

According to figure 1.2, there are several choices regarding the means of collecting primary data. Normally it includes observations, communications and experiment.

(Ghauri and GrØnhaug, 2005). Primary data is important in order to learn the effects of an advertising campaign such as the recall the advertisement and the awareness and knowledge of the data to the respondents. (Ghauri and GrØnhaug, 1995)

Primary data

Experiment Observations Communication Human / Mechanical Surveys/ Interviews

Natural settings Contrived Mail Phone, email Personal settings

Figure 2. Source of primary data (Ghauri and GrØnhaug, 2005)

3.4 Sampling

xxxv 3.4.1 Sampling Design

Sampling means reducing the researcher work load by examining the sample rather than the whole population. So, sampling design consisted of a selection of participants for the study. The target population for this study consists for all people in Café de Coral restaurant. Due to the Café de Coral branches number being so large and convenient, the sampling frame was limited to a small sample of Café de Coral diners who dine in the business district (Tsim Sha Tsui) and estate district (Mei Foo Sun Chuen) Café de Coral.

Also, an approval from the shop manager was attained before collect data outside the

Café de Coral.

Colleting the target population of this study were identified and screened by researcher.

Base on the ethical consideration, selection screening criteria was everyone aged 18 years old or above, who have seen the advertisement of Café de Coral and have dined in the

Café de Coral. The researcher approached the respondents outside of a Café de Coral restaurant. Every tenth person who came out from Café de Coral was selected for the survey. A self administered questionnaire was used for those respondents who matched the sampling criteria and agreed to participate in the survey.

3.4.2 Sample Size

The number of units included in the sample is called the sample size. (Ghauri, GrØnhaug and Kristianslund, 1995)

Normally, people think that a large sample size is better than a small one since a large sample size can get more support for the study, but the sampling frame is a very similar type of interviewee, so a large number of samples is not needed. Also, sample size is

xxxvi usually chosen with a compromise between the practical issues (e.g. time, money, etc) and theoretical considerations. (White, 2003)

This study will use around 150 self administered questionnaires to collect data for three days. It will allow a large number of respondents to be interviewed in a short time.(Hair,

Bush and Ortinau, 2003)

3.4.3 Survey method

A survey is a way or method of describing and explaining some aspect of a population or group of people you would like to study. Surveys include interviews or questionnaires, or use both. (White, 2003)

In this study, a face to face questionnaire is the only one survey channel used to collect relevant informative.

3.5 Questionnaire

3.5.1 Questionnaire design


Self-administered Interviewer administered

Online questionnaire Postal Questionnaire Telephone Structured interview Questionnaire

Delivery and Collection Questionnaire

Figure 3. Types of Questionnaire (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2003)

xxxvii According to Figure 1.3, there are two main methods which are self administered and interviewer administered including questionnaire on the structure chart. Under the self-administered part is, delivery and collection questionnaire which mean delivering it by hand to each respondent and then collecting to be used in the study.

In the questionnaire format, numerical Scales and category Scales are used to chose the answer.

3.5.2 Self-administered questionnaires

This type of questionnaire is where the questionnaires is filled in by the respondents.

Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill (2003) state that the self administered questionnaire is usually completed by the respondents, which is include online, postal and delivery and collection. (Figure 1.3). This study will use this type of questionnaire to collect a useful data to assist my work.

3.5.3 Pilot testing

Pilot testing is intended to reveal errors in the design and improper control of extraneous and environmental conditions. Also, pre-testing the questionnaire structure and meaning of statements before the final test. (Cooper and Schindler, 2006). Also, pilot testing can modify and find out the mistakes in question of questionnaires to make the questions make sense. (Morris, 2003).

According to those theories, there were 20 questionnaires sent out to four groups with age range of 18-25, 26-32, 33-39 and 40-47. There were 4 questionnaires for each age group collected within 3 days.

xxxviii After the testing, I had found some mistakes of my wordings in grammar, spelling and formatting. Therefore, many respondents did not understand the English name of Café de

Coral or the product advertisements. So that questionnaire will be adjusted to add the

Chinese translation in the same questionnaire to help the respondents select the appropriate answer.

3.6 Reliability and Validity

Reliability is the degree to which the measure supplies consistent results (Cooper and Schlindler, 2003), the stability or consistency with which we measure something

(Robson, 2002). For the questionnaire, one sample using to ensure the consistency of answer collection. Also, collection of data is in standardized form (White, 2003).

Unifying the questionnaire questions for respondents to answer makes the results more reliable.

A Validity questionnaire is affects the research consequences. Validity is the content of test measure what we actually wish to measure (Cooper and Schindler, 2006), pre-testing ensures the questionnaires are sent to the target respondents before taking the test to find some mistakes or errors of those questions, thus affecting the validity of the experiment.(Zikmund, 2003). So, pilot testing must be done before widely distributing the questionnaire to ensure the validity of the experiment.

3.7 Data Analysis

The data analysis that was employed, used the Statistical Package for Social

Sciences (SPSS), a standard and widely accepted analytical approach within the

xxxix scholarly community. Survey data was transcribed from hard copy surveys into the SPSS electronic database by the researcher. Backup copies were made and stored appropriately in regards to fire, damage, theft and confidentiality.

Descriptive statistics were reported for all questions such as company background basic knowledge, advertisement awareness, customer behavior and demographics. Descriptive statistics including the number of responses(n), mean(x) , frequency (%).

In addition, Crosstab, independent sample test, Frequency and Means will using in the analysis

3.8 Summary

This chapter is discussing the methodology study. It shows and explains how the study plans on collecting and testing the relationship between advertisement and brand. As mentioned in this chapter, basic steps of research will be included. They are sampling, questionnaire design, type of questionnaire, data analysis method, primary and secondary research.


4.1 Introduction

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between advertising strategies and brand building of Café de Coral Hong Kong.

In this study, collect the research results by questionnaires. Therefore, this section will interpret the data and give details of any calculations.

This chapter will present the data analysis and results data was collected questionnaires in the following order: Data collection, findings, demographic data, result and analysis.

4.2 Data collection and response rate

A total of four Café de Coral restaurants were utilized in this study, two from Commerce

Center and two from Estate. They are located in Harbor City at Tsim Sha Tsui, Cheung

Kong Centre of Central, Mount Sterling Mall at Mei Foo Sun Chuen and Shek Kip Mei

Estate, providing a cross section of the population. A total of 150 questionnaires were distributed to customers dinning in the participating restaurant. The questionnaires were distributed to every tenth customer who leaving from the restaurant over the age of 18.

Additionally, the customers participating in the study had to have dined in the Café de

Coral and also watched Café de Coral advertisements.

Half of the data was collected from the restaurant in commercial district, the other half from the restaurant in estate. Of the 150 surveys distributed, 28 were returned incomplete and were not include in the sample. So, the final samples include 122 usable surveys.

4.3 Demographic data

xli Four Café de Coral restaurants were utilized in this study. A total of 122 usable questionnaires were analyzed for the demographic information. For the age group, there are five groups.

For the results of the questionnaires, Appendix A showed that the largest customer group

(f=36.9%) 18-25 years old category was and other two large groups were 26-32 (f=26.2%) and 33-39 (f=27%) years old of the sample population. Therefore, 40-47 and 47 or above age groups were the smallest customer group 6.6% and 3.3% respectively. (See appendix for SPSS outputs)

Appendix B indicates that respondents 53.3% men, 46.7% women with 0.8% not answering. (See appendix for SPSS outputs) According to Appendix C, the largest education group was university (f=47.5%) other large groups being certificate or diploma

(f=21.3%) and secondary school (f=20.5%).(See appendix for SPSS outputs) According to

Appendix D, the largest single occupation category was white collar with 41% of the sample population. The two other largest categories were student (f=27.9%) and blue collar (f=19.7%). (See appendix for SPSS outputs)

Appendix E has showed an income $10000 or below per month was the biggest category with 50.8% of sample population. The other categories were $10001-$20000 with

(f=37.7%), $20001-$30000(f=8.2%), $30001-$40000(f=1.6%) and $40001 or above

(f=1.6%) of the population. (See appendix for SPSS outputs)

xlii 4.4 Discussion of the Company background



Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid a hundred points of 111 91.0 91.0 91.0


a excellent dining 1 .8 .8 91.8


don't know 10 8.2 8.2 100.0

Total 122 100.0 100.0

Table 1. Slogan aware

In this section, there were three common questions for the respondents to answer. They were the name, slogan and overall experience of food quality and product price. Café de

Coral is a famous Chinese fast food restaurant in Hong Kong, so all of the respondents

(n=122) knew of Café de Coral. Even though all of the respondents knew of Café de

Coral, someone did not know the slogan of Café de Coral. The questionnaire had six choices including “do not know”, 91% (n=111) of respondents answered the right slogan

(“the hundred points of excellent”), 8.2 %( n=10) answered “do not know” and 0.8

%( n=1) respondents selected a wrong slogan (table1.1).



Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

xliii Valid yes 108 88.5 88.5 88.5

no 14 11.5 11.5 100.0

Total 122 100.0 100.0

Table 2. Aware or not aware of advertisements

Respondents understood the name but did not know the slogan of Café de Coral, one of the reasons was they were not aware of any Café de Coral advertisements which include

Television advertisements, Print advertisements or other promotions. Respondents filled the questionnaire after dined in Café de Coral, so they must know the name of Café de

Coral in that moment. Café de Coral’s name and slogan were promise to the customers, promise a hundred points of excellent on service, product and value sections. According to Appendix F, 69.7% respondents agreed Café de Coral was value for money and other

30.3% were disagreed. Café de Coral customer concerned money instead of taste for their meal. (Cheng, 1998)

Table 1.2 showed that, there were 11.5% of respondents not aware Café de Coral advertisements and this percentage was almost similar the wrong answer percentage

(0.8%+8.1% = 9%) of slogan. Otherwise, 91% of respondents knew the slogan and

88.5% aware advertisements, it also showed that when people watched the advertisements they will know the company slogan defiantly. It may show advertisements are an important tool to build an awareness or depth memory in people mind.

xliv 4.5 Discuss the current advertisements of Café de Coral

Aware Not aware

N Percent N Percent

98 80.3% 24 19.7%

Table 3. Aware percentages of current advertisements

Aware general advertisement and current


Current advertisements

yes no Total

General yes 92 16 108 advertisements no 6 8 14

Total 98 24 122

Table 4. Advertisements and current advertisements

This is a comparison between aware advertisements and aware current advertisements. A table 1.3 indicates that there are 80.3% of respondent aware current advertisement and

19.7% of respondents not aware.

Table 1.4 has showed there are 92 respondents had aware general advertisements and current advertisements. Also, 16 respondents had aware the general advertisements but they had not aware the current advertisements.

However, there are 6 people was not aware any Café de Coral advertisements before, but they had to answer “yes” of aware current advertisements. So that, it is a missing

xlv valuable data since they might did not remember they had nor had not aware advertisements. Lastly, 8 respondents had not aware any promotion advertisements of

Café de Coral.



attractive original to be improve boring Total

Current yes Count 31 37 27 3 98 advertisement % within 31.6% 37.8% 27.6% 3.1% 100.0% newad

% within 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% think

Tota Count 31 37 27 3 98

l % within 31.6% 37.8% 27.6% 3.1% 100.0% newad

% within 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% think

Table 5. Current advertisements and impression

Crosstabs is using to compare two different categories, one is new advertisement and one is impression of current advertisement. There were (total 69.4%) 31.6% and 37.8% respondents through the current advertisements were attractive and original respectively.

It shows they were satisfied current advertisement so much. In the pervious advertisements, Café de Coral had invited some celebrities who were Alex Fong and

Janice Man to represent the company and promote new product. Nowadays, there is no celebrities represented and change to other presentation way which is predominate in more informative compare with previous advertisements. According to customer research

(2008), customers had a very strong impression of new advertisements when hear the

xlvii topic of new series advertisements. Café de Coral investments will more than next year approximately 8% in the promotion expenses.

In this research, it shows the new advertisement is good for customer commented.

According the result data, other respondents commented the new advertisements were need to improve (27.6%) and boring (3.1%). It shows the advertisement can have some improvements to be better. In this research, there are no others further questions to explain what weakness and improvement can do in current advertisement.


Expectation change after watched advertisements


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid yes 86 70.5 70.5 70.5

no 36 29.5 29.5 100.0

Total 122 100.0 100.0

Table 6. Expectation changde after watched advertisements

Items Yes No

Word of mouth 62.8% 37.2%

Advertisement 79.1% 20.9%

News 20.9% 79.1%

Lifestyle 32.6% 67.4%

Recommendation 26.7% 73.3%

Table 7. Aspects of feeling

According to table 1.5, it shows that the respondents satisfied Café de Coral advertisements and commented it is attractive and original. Also, table 1.7, the respondents agreed the advertisement could changed their expectation and also can took their awareness. Meanwhile, there are 79.1% of respondents agreed that advertisement was a main effective channel to change their expectation of Café de Coral. The other effective channel was word of mouth which is 62.8% of respondents agreed that it was a other good channel to change their expectation. Word-of mouth communications can be

xlix positive or negative, with each proving to influence other people’s behavior (Susskind,


For the table 1.6, it shows that 70.5% of respondent expectations were changed after they watched the promotion advertisements. There are several factors affect customers expectations including word of mouth, recommendation personal needs, external communications (Zeithaml et al, 1988). Advertising is a communication channel between company and customer. (Guinn et al, 2003) in this research, it indicates that the advertisements are a useful tool to change the people expectation. Other 29.5% of respondent were not changed their expectation after watched expectation. They may had their own perception in Café de Coral such as they through that Café de Coral was not value for money, even they had watched attractive advertisement. So their expectations still no changing.

l 4.5.1 Discuss the effect of Advertisements


Importance of promotional channel 8.

t-test for Equality of Means Impor

Promotion Channel t df Sig. (2-tailed) tance

Television aware -2.118 120 .036 of

Advertisements No aware -2.058 16.287 .056 prom

Print advertisements aware -2.396 120 .018 otiona

No aware -2.404 16.588 .028 l

Outdoor aware -1.519 120 .131 chann advertisements No aware -1.613 17.187 .125 els

Word of mouth aware -1.643 120 .103 There are No aware -1.440 15.493 .170 six In shop promotion aware -1.966 120 .052 Prom No aware -2.528 20.167 .020 otiona Internet aware -.335 120 .738 l No aware -.420 19.695 .679 chann els which can strongly motivate customers to buy food at Café de Coral. Independent

Samples Test was used to analysis the data of these promotional channels. This sample test showed that there were significant differences between how aware the respondents were of the different channels and their views on the channel’s motivation.

Except Television advertisements, print advertisements and in shop promotion, other

li channels were not significant. For the television advertisements, who aware Café de

Coral promotion advertisements were commented that it was an important channels to motivate people to come in the restaurant since “television was a huge communication channel to announce the message to mass market” (VanAuken, 2003).

Those respondents aware of Café de Coral’s TV advertisements achieved them to be an important channel could motivate them to dine in Café de Coral.

The results of Table 1.8 showed that the print advertisements and in shop promotion strongly motivated people to buy food in Café de Coral even if the respondents not aware of this promotional channel. Print advertisements can provide a brand name, slogan and detailed product information to the public (Keller, 1998) and the advertisements are always posted in newspaper and magazine.

Newspaper and Magazine advertisements influence people’s habits since many people read newspaper at least once a week (BBC Chinese, 2005). According to those factors, even people had not especially aware the Café de Coral advertisements but when they read the newspaper and magazine also watches the advertisements. \

People through that in shop promotion was important motivation channel because they had not aware the promotion advertisements before they came in the restaurant. They saw the in shop promotion items such as point of sale and in shop posters. All of the items were attractive than others promotion advertisements in their mind. So that, in shop promotion also can build up awareness.

On the other hand, if somebody was aware the promotion advertisements and they were not really agreed the in shop promotion was a high motivation tool for them. It is because

lii they had seen the advertisements and had their own choice or expectation. It was not any change even they came in the restaurant and saw the in shop promotion.

Finally, Outdoor advertisements, word of mouth and internet promotion were not a very important motivation tool to promote brand name and product information in this research.

4.5.2 Discuss people feeling of Café de Coral advertisements

There are four categories which were “try dishes because of the advertisements”, “obtain the new product information”, “remind the brand or brand name” and “make people get the strong impression” to discuss the feeling people think about the advertisements effect of Café de Coral.

One-Sample Statistics

N Mean

Try dishes 122 2.0000

Obtain 122 1.8934 information

Remind the 122 2.1311 brand

Strong 122 2.0164 impression

Table 9. The mean of people feeling

(*1 = strongly agree, 2=agree, 3=disagree, 4= strongly disagree

liii **Average point= 2.5 )

According to the table 1.9, there is assuming that average point of those questions was

2.5 since there was only 1 to 4 point for respondents answer. There were four choices which were strongly agree, agree, disagree and strongly disagree to identify the people feeling. At the table, all of the mean were above average point (2.5). The range of the mean was within 1.89 to 2.13 which was between strongly agree and agree. It seems that almost all of the respondents agree that the Café de Coral advertisements could affect the people feeling of the restaurant. There was analysis each question deeply in the following.

Try dishes because of advertisements


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid strongly agree 41 33.6 33.6 33.6

agree 51 41.8 41.8 75.4

disagree 19 15.6 15.6 91.0

strongly 11 9.0 9.0 100.0


Total 122 100.0 100.0

Table 10. Try dishes because of advertisements

As the result of table 1.10, there were 33.6% of respondents strongly agreed and 41.8% of respondents agreed the Café de Coral advertisements were influenced them to try the

liv dishes because of advertisements. Base on the literature, there was a function of advertisements which was call for action and it was a first step or opportunity to build a relationship between customers and brand (Alperstein, 2003) since the customer willing to try the dishes.

According to table 1.8, respondents through that television and printing advertisements were a very important tool for motivate people try the dishes. Other 24.6% respondents disagreed the advertisements could made them to try the dishes. In this case, they may not aware Café de Coral advertisements or they had their own perception or eating habit even the advertisements was attractive.


Obtain a new product or promotion information


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid strongly agree 30 24.6 24.6 24.6

agree 77 63.1 63.1 87.7

disagree 13 10.7 10.7 98.4

strongly 2 1.6 1.6 100.0


Total 122 100.0 100.0

Table 11. Obtain a new product or promotion information

The total percentage of respondents who strongly agree (24.6%) and agree (63.1%) they could though the Café de Coral advertisements to obtain the new products or promotion information. Advertisements are a one of the communication channel to inform people or pervious customers roughly the new promotion or any special promotion (Jackson et al,

2008). It is a one of the advertisements functions if the people aware the advertisements they will have a memory about the brand and product and a marketing strategies to attract and keep their loyal customer (Jackson et al, 2008). Therefore, the table 1.11, was indicated that mean of the respondents obtain information by advertisements were predominately strongly agree (x=1.89), compare with others categories (x= 2 - 2.13). It seems that the most important function of Café de Coral advertisements were received information.

Remind the brand

lvi Cumulative

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid strongly agree 17 13.9 13.9 13.9

agree 74 60.7 60.7 74.6

disagree 29 23.8 23.8 98.4

strongly 2 1.6 1.6 100.0


Total 122 100.0 100.0

Table 12. Remind the brand

The findings in table 1.12 indicated that there were 74.6% of the respondents strongly agree and agree the Café de Coral advertisements could helping them to remind the brand name and other memories. When Customers more aware the brand product announcement and it can maintain the brand relationship and brand name comes to mind, the name is evoked when consumers think about a particular product category (Czinkota et al, 2000). Remind the brand and build up loyalty also a one of the important role of advertisements. But according to the table 1.9, the mean of the remind brand was not rank on the highest level (x= 2.13) and it was the least of those categories. It seems that, at this moment respondents through that reminding brand was not a most important function of

Café de Coral advertisements.

Make people get a strong impression


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid strongly agree 30 24.6 24.6 24.6

lvii agree 62 50.8 50.8 75.4

disagree 28 23.0 23.0 98.4

strongly 2 1.6 1.6 100.0


Total 122 100.0 100.0

Table 13. Make people get a strong impression

As this table 1.13, there are shows that 75.4% of respondents strongly agree and agree

Café de Coral advertisements were a good channel to make them had a strong impression in brand, company, product and so on. As the advertisements could build up awareness of the brand or product, after awareness advertisements which could make people impression to be more strongly and built up their loyalty. It can also reinforce consumer’s memory of the brand and guide or stimulate their demand and consumption (Hong Kong trade development council research 2005 p.38). Also, an advertisement is people last memory and only step that they see before consumption (Hackley 2005). Other people who disagree the advertisements was not made their impression strongly since they through that made strong impression must though dining experience rather than watched advertisements, but advertisements and other communication tool is to establishing the brand in people memory and linking strong, favorable and unique (Keller, 1998).

4.6 Summary

This chapter presented the results of the data collection for this study of the effect of current advertisement, customer expectation. It gives an overview of the demographics of the sample population as well as the descriptive statistics.

lviii After the analyzed of those data, it found that an advertisement was a very powerful and useful promotion channel to build up awareness and enhance expectation of company.

Therefore, world of mouth is an others useful channel to affect company reputation or customer expectation. But, in this study, word of mouth is not a main analyze items. It may analysis in further study from other researcher. In the next chapter will give a conclusion and recommendation of this study.


5.1 Conclusion

Café de Coral provides its service which food quality and variety of food in good standard.

Advertising can provide a suitable stage to announce Café de Coral service and food how to meet the standard and put it into people memory. This is a relationship between brand building and advertising strategies.

In the research, there were using survey and evaluated using Statistic Package for Social

Sciences (SPSS). Total of 122 completed survey after screen incomplete or somebody was below the standard to answer the questionnaires. For the demographic information, the largest customer group were 18-25 years old (f=36.9%), 26-32 (f=26.2%) and 33-39

(f=27%) years old categories that their educational level between certificates (f=21.2%) and university (f=47.2%), white collar (f=41%) and student (f=29.7%) were the largest occupation level.

All of respondents (n=122) knew of Café de Coral, but someone did not know the slogan which only 91% (n=111) of respondents answered the right slogan.

From the research data, there were similar percentages of no aware advertisement and answered a wrong slogan. It can be slightly proved advertisement which can affect people knowledge of the company.

In the advertising strategy, Café de Coral has changed their promotion style which is represented by celebrities, Alex Fong and Janice Man, use an informative advertisement

lx and elegant picture to attract people awareness. There were 69.4% of respondents thought the current advertisement were attractive and original. Also, advertisement can changed people expectation when they watched and could build up a strong impression in Café de


Finally, people would like to try the dishes which used advertisement; can remind the brand and give a strong impression of Cafe de Coral. So, advertisement is a powerful and useful channel to communicate with customers.

5.2 Limitation

As there are lacks of research, human resource, internal data of Café de coral, time, cost and limited number of respondents could be surveyed.

There were not enough skills and knowledge in using SPSS which is very huge and complicated software for survey analysis. Because of there is lack of practice and chance to use SPSS.

For the data collection is using surveys and limited time to create limited sample size

(n=150). It may could not fully analysis the whole society of this study. This study was focused on two districts only and four restaurants out of more than hundred Café de Coral restaurants; it may not to identify the realistic of overall view in the whole society.

Also, in this study it cannot find out some internal data of Café de Coral for its reference

lxi and analysis. It make the research cannot analyze more deeply.

5.3 Recommendation

Due to the limitation of above factors, recommendation may consider in following.

For the SPSS, it may provide much practice and further knowledge to researcher. If there is enough practice and knowledge, it could do well in less time in other sections of this study.

Even though research data, it may not identify the whole society, but the data can show up the real data from several levels of respondents. It can help the further researcher to do well wide research.

Furthermore, further research on this study should be recommended. The relationship between advertisement strategies and brand building as these two are strongly related to all industry which would like to promote their brand and product together. Exploring these elements provide a clear and good opportunity for future research.

Café de Coral has a big extension plan in Mainland china which is a one of a largest market in the world. There are two main aspects if Cafe de Coral would like to expand their business effectively. There are service and food quality, another is advertising strategies. It is believed that this study would be helpful that provide some useful information about advertising strategies and brand building of the Café de Coral in Hong

Kong or other business districts.


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lxv http://news.bbc.co.uk/chinese/trad/hi/newsid_4150000/newsid_4158800/4158812.stm


Questionnaire 問卷 I am now a final year student of Sheffield Hallam University, UK with BSc (Hons) in Hospitality Business Management. I am going to study “The Relationship between Advertising Strategies and Brand Building of Café de Coral Fast Food Hong Kong” in my dissertation. So, I would like to collect some useful data from you to analysis my dissertation topic. Pleas take a few minutes to answer the following questions in this survey and return your completed questionnaire to me to assist me finish my research. 我是謝菲爾哈林大學款接及商業管理系的學生, 現在我的畢業論文是研究香港大家樂的廣告策略與 名牌建立的關係. 所以我希望就這一份問卷可以收集到一些寶貴而有用的資料作為論文分析之用. 希望你可以抽出幾分鐘時間完成以下問卷. 謝謝!

1. Are you 18 or above? 請問閣下是否年滿十八歲? Yes□ No□ ( if NO, it end of the interview and thank you for your cooperation, 如選否,多謝你的幫 助與合作)

Company background 工司背景 2 Do you know what is Café de Coral? 你知否什麼是大家樂嗎? Yes□ No□ ( if NO, it end of the interview and thank you for your cooperation, 如選否,多謝你的幫 助與合作)

3. Do you know what the Café de Coral Slogan is? 你知道以下哪個是大家樂的口號嗎? A Hundred Points of Excellence 為你做足一百分□ A Excellent dinning Experience 優質的進餐體 驗□ No regret when you come 不會後悔的選擇□ Just do It 只要做□ I’m lovin it 我就是喜 歡□ Don’t know 不知道□

4. Do you think that Café de Coral is value for money? 你認為大家樂是否物有所值? Strongly agree Strongly Disagree 強烈同意 強烈反對 1 2 3 4

Advertisement 廣告 5. Did you aware Café de Coral has any promotion advertisement? 你有否看過大家樂的廣告? Yes 有□ No 沒有□

6. What promotional channel can strongly motivate you to buy food at Café de Coral? 哪一種推廣媒介可以推動你到大家樂進餐?

1 Higher motivation 2 3 4 Lower 強烈推動 motivation 不強烈推動 1. Television advertisement 1 2 3 4 電視廣告 2. Print advertisement 印刷廣告 1 2 3 4 (E.g. newspaper, magazine, leaflet 報紙, 雜誌, 傳單) 3.Outdoor advertisement 戶外廣告 1 2 3 4 (Billboard, MTR, bus and taxi 大型廣告

lxvii 板,地鐵廣告,的士車身廣告) 4. Word of mouth 口碑 1 2 3 4 5. In shop Promotion 店內廣告 1 2 3 4 (e.g. in shop poster, Point of sell, new product launch decoration 海報, 新產品 宣傳佈置, ) 6. Internet 網上資料 (forum, webpage 1 2 3 4 討論區, 網頁 etc)

7. Have you remember the following dish(es) which is/are promoted by advertisement? (you can choose more than one) 你記得以下哪一個菜曾在廣告裏宣傳過嗎? (選擇可以多於一個) Hot Pot 一哥火煱□ 2. Chocolate fountain sizzling plate 朱古力噴泉鐵板餐□ Make to order collection 即叫即炒□ Baked Pork Chop Rice 一哥焗豬扒飯□ Banana Boat with Sizzling Plate 香蕉船鐵板餐□ Curry Rice 咖喱飯□ Angel noodle 3.0 天使麵 3.0□

8. What is your feeling about advertising of Café de Coral? Following statement are related to advertisement of café de Coral. Please circle a appropriate answer 你對大家樂的廣告有什麼感覺? 以下有一些關於大家樂廣告的提問. 請圈出正確答案 1 Strongly agree 2 3 4 Strongly disagree 強烈贊成 強烈反對 Try dishes because of advertisement 1 2 3 4 因為廣告而嘗到 Obtain a new product or promotion 1 2 3 4 information 透過廣告獲得新產品及推廣 資訊 Remain the brand of your mind 1 2 3 4 令你記起大家樂這個品牌 Make you get strong impression 1 2 3 4 令你有強烈的引象

9. Have you seen a new series advertisement of Café de Coral which have not represent by celebrities? (E.g. Flaming hot Dish, Daily Brisket Curry, Baked Think Cut Pork Chop Rice, Hot Pot Connoisseur) 你有否 看過沒有用代言人的大家樂新廣告? (例如: 熊熊小炒, 咖喱乳飼牛坑腩, 厚切一哥焗豬扒飯, 一哥 火煱) Yes 有□ (Please go to next question 請到下一題) No 沒有□ (Please go to question no. 12 請到第 12 題)

10. What is your impression of following new series advertisement of Café de Coral? Please circle a appropriate box. Ranging from 1 (Higher impression) to 4 (Lower impression) 你對以下大家樂新廣告有多強烈的引象?? 請圈出合適的答案 1 Higher impression 2 3 4 Lower impression 強烈印象 不強烈印象 Daily Brisket Curry 咖喱乳飼牛坑腩 1 2 3 4 Flaming hot Dish 熊熊小炒 1 2 3 4 Hot Pot Connoisseur 一哥火煱 1 2 3 4 Baked Think Cut Pork Chop Rice 厚切一 1 2 3 4 哥焗豬扒飯 New Zealand Sirloin Steak 紐西蘭牛扒 1 2 3 4

lxviii Tonkotsu Ramen 元祖豚骨湯拉麵 1 2 3 4 Grilled Unagi with Rice 御品鰻魚飯 1 2 3 4

11. What do you think about the new series advertisement of Café de Coral? 你覺得大家樂新廣告如何? Attractive 吸引□ .Original 新穎□ To be improve 有待改進□ Boring 沉悶□

Customer Behavior 顧客行為 12. What is your expectation level of Café de Coral product before you watch any advertisement? (circle the answer) 當你未看大家樂廣告前你對其產品有多大期望? (請圈出你的答案) Low 1 2 3 4 5 High 13. Have you change your expectation of brand after you watch the advertisement? 當你看完大家樂廣告後有否改變你對大家樂的期望? Yes□ No□

14. Which criteria(s) make your expectation changed? (Answers can more than one) 那一個範疇令你的期望產生改變?? (答案可以多過一個) Word of mouth□ advertisement□ news□ lifestyle□ recommendation□

Personal information 個人資料 15. Age 年齡 18-25□ 26-32□ 33-39□ 40-47□ 47 or above□

16. Gender 性別 Male 男□ Female 女□

17. Education 教育程度 Lower than Primary school 小學或以下□ Primary school 小學□ Secondary school 中學 Certificate/Diploma 証書/文憑□ University or above 大學或以上□

18. Present occupation 工作狀況 White collar 白領□ Blue collar 藍領□ Housewife 家庭主婦□ Student 學生□ Unemployed 待業□.Retired 退休□

19. Salary 月薪 $10000 or below 以下□ $10001 - $20000□ $20001-$30000□ $30001-$40000□ $40001or above 以上□

Thank you for your kindly assistance and cooperation 多謝您提供幫助及合作

lxix SPSS Outputs (Demographic Information)

A) age Frequenc Valid Cumulative y Percent Percent Percent Valid 18-25 45 36.9 36.9 36.9 26-32 32 26.2 26.2 63.1 33-39 33 27.0 27.0 90.2 40-47 8 6.6 6.6 96.7 47 or 4 3.3 3.3 100.0 above Total 122 100.0 100.0


gender Frequenc Valid Cumulative y Percent Percent Percent Valid male 65 53.3 53.3 53.3 female 57 46.7 46.7 100.0 Total 122 100.0 100.0

lxx C)

education Frequenc Valid Cumulative y Percent Percent Percent Valid primary school or 2 1.6 1.6 1.6 below primary school 11 9.0 9.0 10.7 secondary school 25 20.5 20.5 31.1 certificate/diploma 26 21.3 21.3 52.5 university or above 58 47.5 47.5 100.0 Total 122 100.0 100.0


occupation Frequenc Valid Cumulative y Percent Percent Percent Valid white 50 41.0 41.0 41.0 collar blue collar 24 19.7 19.7 60.7 housewife 7 5.7 5.7 66.4 student 34 27.9 27.9 94.3 unemplye 7 5.7 5.7 100.0 d Total 122 100.0 100.0

lxxi E)

income Frequenc Valid Cumulative y Percent Percent Percent Valid $10000 or 62 50.8 50.8 50.8 below $10001-$2000 46 37.7 37.7 88.5 0 $20001-$3000 10 8.2 8.2 96.7 0 $30001-$4000 2 1.6 1.6 98.4 0 $40001 or 2 1.6 1.6 100.0 above Total 122 100.0 100.0


value Frequenc Valid Cumulative y Percent Percent Percent Valid strongly agree 11 9.0 9.0 9.0 agree 74 60.7 60.7 69.7 disagree 33 27.0 27.0 96.7 strongly 4 3.3 3.3 100.0 disagree Total 122 100.0 100.0

Current advertisements of Café de Coral

Flaming Hot Dishes


Dairy Brisket Curry

Hot Pot Connoisseur


Baked Pork Chop Rice

Special Offer to Student


Club 100 of Café de Coral
