K-2nd Grade Lesson 4/13-4/17 & 4/20-4/24

Hi families! I hope your spring break has been safe and relaxing. I’m excited about the next music activity I have for you. It’s a Music BINGO Board! Over the next two weeks, see if you can complete every square on the bingo board!


Ask someone in Name your Design and draw Name a song Find out what your family what favorite dance a new instrument. from your instrument the their favorite song move. Explain how it favorite movie or musician Lindsey is. would be played. TV Show. Stirling plays.

Describe what a Learn what the Sing the Hello Song Name an Find out how many ukulele looks like. Italian musical to someone in your instrument that beats a half rest gets. term “largo” family (Hello there, has strings. means. how are you, it’s so good, to see you…)

Listen to your favorite Find out what Tell someone in Name your favorite song. Describe the instrument the your family what kind of music to listen (slow, fast) musician Glenn Free Space your favorite to (country, pop, jazz, and dynamics (loud, Miller played. song is. etc.) soft).

Name the last song Create music Count how many Composer John Learn what the Italian you heard. using objects instruments you Williams wrote musical term “tacet” that aren’t can name. music for many means. instruments! movies. Name 3 movies he (Pots, forks, composed for. shoes!)

Find out how many Learn what the Describe what a Tell someone in Create your own song beats a Italian musical composer does. your family what about something that gets. term “tutti” instrument you makes you happy. means. would like to learn to play.