Lyndhurst Public Lib rary, i r . . V alley Brook Ave. ■ LyW ihurst, N. 'J. m ' M - ___ Support The P H y Defense Council W a r Bonds! » * t a m i THE SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW Vol. XXII., No. SI tntared as aacond ciati mattar April 7, 1»tt. at the Poet 0 « n LYNDHURST, N. J.. THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1943 «“ «*>« « raoNK Kim . n « i F n r O Gm k* at nuttiertaeS, N. J., un dar tM Act o« March J. u n . 0*0 Asks Grounds Engaged Safety Is Volunteers Wanted Towe Behind Wins Silver Star Salaries OWN ■ A call far nlu lw n I« mil •arguai drenai aga la baiag made « i v n d n N C For Ploy At Advocated I «Ma week by Mrs. R. William*. A Single T ALK ; "nrtital Dressing Chairman al I- the Red ( m a t - Food Head To Remain by the River Rood By Council I Mrs. W illiam s urges atl - iad»e* tale waled la volunteer- - . Ì Observer Residents On Lower Post Phamplats ara OkM U-f, « .« J ^ r * . T £ K Congressmen Alleges * Boerd of Mucsti«« Re- And Forest Avenues ted Among .High Itii— m tw t.vMUnim tw n Serious Food Shortage ¡echSu^M tiesaf Now that our local draft board school, I« s'«* « “ : Feces the Nation Miss MuHk H calling men who have been Ask For Playfield n arricd for many years it might _ ~ - - - !1 d a r» fraaa 1 to 1* p. re » » ____ Declaring the United Slate* h e a good idea to re v ie w some Fifty-eight residents near low­ The Borgen County Val—ta tea are urged ta eaaatr Council this w e e k --- H T 'it'a "V lew | * facing its moat *eriou* fynt thè re ca n tly a 4 c•! thè »tuSBng asola *n order, they are: no funds available for improve­ ment of lower Page Avenue. J. Robb, son of Mrs Edward M \ awareness of rcaaaoa far a rn . Han ;«t V j I Pal I Hi lll>. of publican F*h <1 Studt Coin» ¡lie. ■« n > . »r- l>* *.-*.* *o.l w.-oi rangcd b* lk» kaoni, a ta* «a A man can be placed in a 2A Commissioner Carmine Savino, Robb of 285 Oriental Place, Lynd- j accidents, and to pioatda a- Teoaeek. w;ll not *-ek reelec appointed by Minority Leadel to Africa directly from thta eeeasa a l I M t •* gsao*o I Ha aocS classification for being essential Sr., suggested “keeping after” the hurst, at a dinner party given nite record aa to where i« n rtnaa »' this year, is w as diacloaed Joacph Martin That aurvry re count» y II. i* * gradual» of thr tra . ber in civilian life. This classifica­ state department until funds arc last Thursday evening, need to be applied loo*» a» imth the Conklin Low< veals the food situation fat l.vndhui>t High School where •■* M i » H eatrie» 1^ e t à « a*sd . A i tion is rarely used and hardly made available for the improve­ Miss Cafone and Mr. Robb are "Use the checking carei-il* 1> , uWifan Oiganuation and the more aerum* than ni««*t pe»>|ile piaved on the football tram, frad C GilMufa aaaar%ni flkM anyone in Lyndhurst is in it. ments which residents of the graduates of Lyndhurst H igh. M r and not ail at one tiaor Ra£et the appoartien force* le«t hy He illy realttr It also dtarlnaes that a.t «Hata waa mori« -e Mi«* H a a * a You can be placed in 2B for street have requested. Robb is em ployed at the Western co-opcration of the tracber* am-s StJte Senator Lloyd L Sch niihistrative incornpetenee hat « « » *• « _ _ * ugge»! *ea» T h e y neseOt ^Owal albe being essentian in a war industry. S. B Penick Company, E le c tric Com pany in K e a rn y trairt them in safety riurulxhwaa ta^drr i. -.titiueti tn rwnaider can- been the greatest *wi*l* ...o U U a l l àuhlast u t »aiaey :,»maars »gw• There are many men in this class manufacturers, wrote the com­ N o date has been set for the One leas injury is w*»rth t* a® “ dk'*t«-s for the September Prl j tributlng factor to present fixxt wW I I I I n w ™ ta ba r ao p é n a d ...... and it accounts for some of the missioners, explaining no odors wedding. Added to tlu* apprai » «« Ek-ction shortage*, GeOr gr t. H a » h a fs l arsa single men you sec around. are emanating from their factory made in thr booklet-* preia« b|»J K'-iily w ho was elected three CITKS NKW I t IRK C A ltK Runelli kaaaslr. »r#aa4 OHM fhferc is still the 3A classifica­ at New York and Grant Avenues Roy R Zimmerman. County Su­ j*».* age. on an antt-ofgaiuM-‘ . . . . Hag Day abc<> isa .*%• rvoaaa a*ea dia.HO» tion for married men with child­ The commissioners complained perintendent of Scbraks UK- ticket, cm peels aoon to be tni j1'** dlachaure* ed taw rawed aOkrct Uka» ren born before September ISth, Mrs. Favier that odors from the factory are "An earnest effort.” be arr^e. Ok Army He is a wountled vet Kuwl M l*oU,rr » 'n rn i ,, m* •aid Miss uWb 4asda#ad kba A man can be placed in a new raaantad tw any kaea*e»a kaal annoying nearby residents. The •has been made in preparaag tka 1 * n of tl«- First World War and n * U o n ** *'" Chri* Prenderggtt Ii in classification called 3D that, is Names Chairmen company asserted the odors ;nust check list The la t a by aa kfer- hem trying for the past year **'*' .re*,un ^ Admtnlati ator repurts tSey Sod kOaCsaabHA oaaat provided ior what is called dis- Cherg* of Elût Cerf* come from other sources Com means perfect and quite W get back into service Reilly is I fy r*,,rr •u*l*tn* what mu >i»*t u t Ih * leastw f» a»a o**sadlad tw s cases. They arc men both Lyndhurst Emblem Club No. missioner Savino, who lives near live, but it should te at gneai «• auditiH | Committee learned I espr« tally monies on Sunday Mtaa Haik» w b o « a * Ha cs«- atti, married and single, supporting 72 met at the Elks Home on Park 1 the factory, was delegated to in­ help to a principal in . .. . refer to that part of Mt (VticrV diente Mud » a '«no#**«* «e such dependents, who, if they Avenue. Monday evening. Presi­ kirn, of Hack |,-ttn reaignatwn which aald H*d*< Kaalted Hul* i t# schera fasi -#>* t * %**Oaié* vestigate further. out the safety needs "f I e«a*rk long time htader of the called, would be in financial dent Mrs Louis M Favier pre­ It in, f iu e iv a b lr hat ,th U l'A , | (•„ I . . ,,1!.,, ( „ 1, . .( r.'.k* t* an .«ita ia n d ie g g*etfa a* ««air* ■ Commissioner Gallagher sug­ that would otherwise na ■v*ubl«can O 1 gani/ation. 1* It. 1 because the serviee allot- sided ...... j.wkudi. oateaaihty was crealeit for-- h*» .»'iTnr.wwd ttiat m X a l i e 4 ttupet'IàiRi J* a - » * * #e*ea gested that til residents \Sc typed attention. Use th e eheeb ha* ti» p r s woman member r(f the] w ould not be su fficien t to Mrs. Favier outlined a plan for the public walfgtv ami the na prepaiatlona have been compleKMl itrtnarot waa m M m m m * * a* w for blood donations. H e said a quently as a self raftn» and p*ay er. who wll ; the aggrandiiement of Iwliltciarw n at tin rluh in uixta n>inri lo Ig,. C< u n ty *>»•.»• ! W , . « .*•»** The 4F classification you hear The Emblem Club will hold sev­ eafc I a full oppoaitton ticket, said, and poltluat partlea , 4 p „k *nd Tontine Avettue* ttent limanermoe laaaae -saaaagaa commissioner said the plan w ould grounds have a surface it"»« »« many jokes about is for men eral affairs to help raise money morning that “a very prom "The Uovem m *« s. now try . Th,. ,h.„m an ,M the m siM ta so, facilitate establishment of blood adequately smooth and free “ Mr Dhmmi «m iai **• who are mentally, morally and for the service committee She banks-' in emergencies He w a s oh*t ruct ions such H Z C m , m "’««■•Itfl liaelf by th#h.-H»t,«p. ,a ft,, J »«„rm..,,»,, physically unfit to serve. This appointed the following women m authorised to develop the sug­ stumpaT” * hi Mi» (onkhns oppo through l.~«t «uhsidira II..* KntaM ,.| H i.-lg* a.rhl llatry UsjtheU wnrnud class includes all the heart, lung to serve as chairmen of the ac­ but he lie I ,,f huttei for esaniple will be gested program. “Are play fie W f e m # , • ,hw o»> n. or of milter, for raamplc will be announrad. that ali fra tat Md abaemea a l p iaa iÉ»w * tiv itie s ; M rs Fred Bayer. Mrs aod nervous caaes, the criminals, enough to provide ttaa ^«!^ *' 1 e<1oce<1 » ernt* per (k iu o .I D is gamtatiuh» ul th< tuaiMhip ara l ’*n.|d»ilta C larence Sherw oo d , M r*. Jo sep h and aa on. tection and to ^ OT’* **'* nnlln na« eon-, OPA is going tn pay Mishgsn! tnvMad and utaad 10 attaad Me M eltllo . M rs. G Robertson. M rs ^.«ly defeated all betij^'c«, .«d t^tr tn g *” " Local Artist Fred Muhletsen, Mrs. Harry Ack- •T»o all a«*l J u -y ,,h‘‘ *** a|ao a ! uy» set«n prtrw ao «ohhmhhS. d M It f l f urnm, e l • JM iW J tn the n.-fwihttran N» Plainly this U padHicai tro kery erson, Mrs Joe«*> Gibbs. Mrs w a r d ’ ” Will hr !H«HFn| «< i Sm |« t t^.Bial C.wnmitte. until she re „X ,. lhr numry wH,rh the aw Exhibits Paintings Michael Eufemio, Mrs William "Are chem ical l»N«s«'**» 4*twm*U fttd n in iw fKff e f Griffith, Mrs H. Lagercnberg, Stag« Show Sot. properly ventilated* tired **attntarity sc-vetal years 1 arnment will uae I« tuM diia the iUs ■ * < **€ Four p ain tin g s, “Flowers,"' Mrs Edrnund Mundy "Is the building a*";-»*» * * ” j prixtucrrs usual *««t»>.- fro m U»» ■ Tltr oretm- if the 6my 'will lw The Lyndhurst Gardch Club's “Wings Over Cat," "Aggressir n! A meeting of the above named equmiied with nre eatanwaw*- Mr* Ciaikltn s running mate pockets of the taxpayer* Wtule V C m m fm m , OMru t Deft annual Rose and Spring Flow er in the Grass," and "Wintering,“ I ladies will be held at the home of e r s i" ■ »¿II undoubtedly I» Assembly Mhe taxiaiyen, Ihrrefor* will pay iliiiid 'K iiiio l Malet *4 N i Show w ill be held Saturday, Ju n e were exhibited by Hans Wein-; Mr* Favier during this week “Have fabric curtain* drew mart R.iacnr P MiClave. of Cliff 9 centi le«* for butter eventually rrmm Hie 4rnrnm§it-mtum the llth at the Town Hall. This gaortner of Lake Avenue.’in the Exalted Ruler Joseph Bader in ! t ion*, and drapes em the au3 «■ws « -^ own afternoon. June 13 Bus Drivers Pkk «(»uoccd candidate f«t< Ihc Repub Deal irw or.ipctfilce I» ttle mi Nulo AH A«g* ®i ih» IM Modi T here w ill be M different show rooms at his home The ox * rwtmtnetifm f«»r l U t v r t tu»r pending rui ìli N Y‘hK &t«i#i i%| M m u to be judged, and suitable M b it held in the Riverside aa ** a*..X L_J| CIO as Their UnNMbut «ithdrrw »ftt*r «Il orgentted Stelr mi fit tiriler« h*' t»* «n , *%f (im « w ill H« M usei priaes will be awarded for the utfum, Master Institute cl, M T S. H . w U Y n cll throughout On Sl»l* rtun imig «n ive.; «g* > t h o bast blooms of each clasa. United. Artiits, Inc . at 310 River- LJ C B T A Approximately toa •«» * • up bHititd iotm rr Ofivrrtvu gaillim« r«f n iìfei 4 «iii m I ’ I n « M u o n te The Garden Club ««tends a aide Avenue, New York FieOOS n .J. IlM the Cltffstde arut H ii . - Wailrr E Edgi ff|* v rn M >*f tm inte* liu i moat co rd ia l welcom e to a ll ama- About a year ago there was , • visions of the Jene» City if? Rrrgrtj C«unly 11 r»»unt*<1 u p p M rw n O h» mi ili tnt<> < ** **t Vrtrr««M «»f r*i fcf« taur llewer grower* of both a Carnegie Art Show at Pitts- At a meeting of the Lyndhurst hur»! Bus company Frakay •m b i I ha* Otgiirumetmfi U*ck*m fmwdirml fotni tin*» * Ihr iilltrr h •(« tml i Lgrndhursl and Rutherford to dis­ burgh. Pa , when New Jersey ar- ,jlgh School PTA last Friday ! to designate the CIO t# «tirrmthrn their tirkH mill» int** New V«* Siili' |*dh lie Ip g r t » %* g l* play their flcwera and plant*. Six tists were invited to submit mght, the election and inatalla . bargaining agent St hronlfr «Iao dWlm rvRirtrnl« of o V ** Prmn6#t§m*i % claaaea have been set aaide for painting* Weingaertner's pro-l ,lonof (>mcwl» m| * - H f #, f ^ t^r H ttn m u e# «t hr h *• h r|»1 '•«I*. . public from 4 p. si- to tM i- tor th e duration. When pM tt The brgaaizaUon voted a sum- j ha* been unkbla to grao* b# i ofegleii * h* I«t. W iftaiH Mgry Mgth-eaoat D*#a A ll entnes m ust be registered j comes this mural, an illustration ^ scholarship in music and a without ivrrri**' -n f?«s * - * W à f Vmn Winhl* M Hullwtf.ivd m >4 » mg pN»««’rr» « thi,tuff *( 9 JO p m iim and staged b y 2 p. tn. sharp of the "Three Sisters," will un- mu,ic mrrtal. to be presented to l^bor Board Now th. WY B % *!■? f> «od erteti th«t » « •M ft W * I Item- / « r« iè W g» fa»* a «ad A H g i1 Prraident Elmer D avenport will doubtedly be enjoyed by hun- ,hr out^.odmg pupil at gtadua- be petitioned to rui* t MA tf fingt «MM*ev m A'æmhlymsn thavM Van AI «od Mob row ««rerd the prizes at 0 p. m died* of interested folks V h * N#«» fh*i th m o «tMl M t» r . i « tion crease* -iy Jr of Eogtasamal. will t*c The entertainment conaust^d of under Ih * r#**pe ph « t * * * g#ei ip# % MotK^o rit. **«*-* e ü e«*« #« • w tw le r'e a g p afien t Um ih# h u t.r w é Ih# |MgB éiirihg th* m Leslie Co. implement Sesad* mm»nali»«l wm-r. he m pt**i- to prrwpectrve w«r their 20th wedding annlveriory p r* riic e l ' IB jC hr«!## werkera. LesiIe Co wlU open, wlth a party at thè Stuyveaant ,moi nU io 3«« ^ M iib d ta y. **•* o-sh e f Hw- C ity O s u t v ii their employment office al » 1 1 Grill last baturday | rpr,)rft (m it>f high school Jo h n § mtrmk# T a ta n * th* placa-» of M<< i » . Tbmine Avenue ty fe* ?*+*<•* W * c * vartous departmenti Incxperi Wlliam A. Miller,-Mr and Mr* Refreahn^ent* and a social hour houBT. Mr» J n k n S • -.*! Jtedge If» . I- • V |> IJr.yd. epeed men and «omen who wi*l' J*me» Smilh, Mr and Mr* John f„ n„ wr, ,»! for a shift that wtU matr» > work Mr and Mr» Warreti HanaonThe annua! *pring leatival M w m houae M iJ» » o > » .. ,g n d Me* tat!Iran Matht*. j H-, eonvemenca A* ha» often Mr and Mr* Ookley BUke. Mr Weatmmrter IPre .1b » torian t«aprtai,ty. Me, Er ' ita» aa> a « 4 1 )on-.p»e«r the heen «atd thi. war can b» w.m and Mr* Pum , Mr and Churrh w .11 bt ^td at thè Ly ga»l.mer.lar-.a», -raaritaot^ t s A*aa stot* by ■•»a oo re » a* y <: thè home front U W» dont ! Mrs. Otto Rudolph Mr and Mi» " * m 0 » » a » » * r» nroduce Uh ea*»«toU froduct» S Ricade Ila Mr Md Mr» Ilo» Avrni» ** * " d p r * ^ F ràaeu^dee* RoONari Aieaood*e. - tor thè boy* at thè ftghttng front ard U tile, Mr and Mrs Jame.auaptee» .<»*.«*>» yodiaf Aid »c Cotlim Ÿ , ^ a rk * * 4 f f «rs è A ? n«4e*t* «psi- Ä-« reperì »Pag gr**r « den,. «7 T i'g iifti W m m r m m F i oe eeenonly eannoi hop* k n n g H ^ K r and Mr» Fred ,±Z' ta « B*ì Mrs Char»** Rirrtiner eeanrendon N>.M a» -^mêm i» e rr r* *. M*-m A i** erer le •« lar* Mr* C Shafner Mr», Lang. H'«N*«*e * Bew w:-mÊÊ Mm 1 ■ «idtee e nÉtyr** *»- Ml»» Dot Rhodes, Hurry Tirgralh Mrs Frad itotilb aa* m - . Cemtnnd«»*. R*-w V utm ptri m# s* f #|*e« IFdNfef !# * im- *01 ihr Robert .Orrtrk. Mr and Mr» Wm. G oris on fnsign George Wtrrnng. Otarie* Fruel A play li Wa* Sueti a l^ a lr 1-0**+* v e * «pgiH.ii*Hi«id| f ine I* #t«- De<0f e * e t l a * « N i enherg and Seaman W illiam Reed wtU he D»aaen»»^ by %i, mt é Ipt W illia m Ciana, »oc, j t \ * t »od of the U 5 Navy Mr» Andrei Aiteidrng M*» *'iü lB «#*- i» teil# VNr mm1! *4 Jam*tâ C a * # W s * c e Mr» Wltham Ggrt* a# W I f n é M r ^ ^ Jean Mitrhell. Me* Dm» Unoth. % ìy-*kqm**. **# H.hk4o» Iweat Avenue was tW IHnm ert m M . _ r tW .n o M» % R IA Mia» M« Bea V«tfM Mrs Je^anna sent a# a* far» *■ - aa» ss* • tm mÊÈ&mé U» ìmmmm. » p *jf «p'j^e le Mi Enaigii m tb a tfu rf end ha» L. JabnaMn. Ito * Kalbario* Ma* F i* da i at«e Me» Chartaa C> aa ■ '«ewty T»«eeeier ^iRggpgtfp I# Mkdb> e« ■ «*»• « ‘«NF lagt for tMMNI M Fart «buy 1er ktell, Mrs Helen Qumrn Mrs m Mr» J>«Mi S lar .g* Mes I ü '#gg ' »• Sue’gB^» C*ggp|g? M o « York Domai Abrtoia, arn of Ralpr Mah. Gtli and Mes Mary ftmilh jotin TrinOa Mrs Ja»«a * « r » &^e -w g ^NMMBMRe s r»* Paoaa Oaggaar* & O orw » » gradoni* cd Abmnia. 44S Forasi Avenue, r». d.r*«- « Mo P*r..«ai Oapur *-»' «-■ i.-üh«*:"üeiW ffheepB '€^sgaNfc-e'-:-m« - d and Um- (»read ha eerttfkau at gradua- Refreateweot» wrlS br weved Lotaha M *a * I t a t i > - * ie it f h m te* w a Colle*» «I Nartb boa fraai mm 1 truie gunnery fturtng a tettowaMphoia after It «a* plwuaNI ta t» ««t «eiiMMhgft geHMlniwaiMNB • ’Ä 5 Vruvera»ty «ebooi al Caanp T Mile* Waa». the program r»tenda »re mettaa» «nee s aanetts duo»« j«aa f irta«»,- »«a ****** *« d P ia I I » gì O r «b «antoana g* aptoMM by tb» lt it ■ «gtoai Hm baokher Bacco, baa T%rtia«a may ba seeur*4 fraan Mia «han** «MK.*aaaatua ttkaaaa **•€«**'■• '* 1 -v»f»de »# w yto dti i » at War TtOMparto- . ba*a made a eweparat u d u u meatOers at the ' tw e tn* *w *»a thary > « w a M .* tOiaq 4 » b a h a l * 0g»e- M e df giidge«' É«eMgg| e ;^ii ttn» badnee «jO an ag acresee hegaa. r * fwrtoaigh, teow • -Oarg r ìmbuìHb «hi thei « *. i ■%! « t leeesi#:«# * ■mm. gp|,i#i>.*e •nÊt' ..- -■** - «•AGE TWO T H E LEADER THURSDAY, JUNE It, 1943 Miss Wykoff Entertains Pvt. Kirchner Surprise Shower for Gertrude Filippone Mamed ¡ Jefferson PTA Miss Williams Heads High School Senior Girls Guest of Honor Miss Ann Episcopia Plan Bridge Party New Wo mens Group Miss Lillian Wikafi. »ussc su­ Misses Trina and Eleanor Epis- To Kai Moller on Saturday Mrs. Marion Woodruff, was A new organization' for young pervisor of the Lyndaurst schools Private Robert Kirchner, who copia and Mr*. Catherine Gibbons elected councilor of Star of J Last details of arrangements women was formed Mcnday at gave a tea Tuesday jn .Bamber ­ is home on a ten-day furlough gave a surprise shower this week Morgan Read Council, daughters have been coimpleted for the lawn the Westminster Presbyterian ried white orchids and lillw of ger and Co. Tievark. for the ■from Fort Jackson. S. C., wa 3 in honor of their sister. Ann Miss Gertrude C. Filippone, of America, No. 44 at thé meet­ dessert bftdge tc be given today Church. Mi#s, Catherine William s ienicr graduatoar. g ir l s fr o t n th e guest of honor at a welcome home Miss Episcopia, daughter of Mr daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Filip­ the valley. ing, held Wednesday night at the at 1:30 p. m., at the home of Mr. was -Elected president. Other of­ Lyndhurst Higf. School Girl's party given by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Epi,scopia, 265 pone and the late Lawrence Fil­ Her maid of hsrar a :lub house. She succeeds, Mrs. and Mrs. Herman Wundling, 240 ficers elected were: secretary, yellow marquisette stress made Choir Following the tea the girls and Mrs. George Kirchner. of 426 Furman Place, will be married ippone, 551 Park Place and Kai Charlotte Vogel, who served in Jay Avenue, under auspices of Miss Helen £ l*ven and treasur­ redingote style with te t trim­ „wiB te taken c m a tcur of in­ Page Avenue, at Iheir home. Sunday, June 13, to James Grov­ Moller, sen of Mrs. Agnes Stok- that capacity for the past year. the executive board of the Je f­ er, Mrs. Harriet Osborne, spection of the Bamberger kit­ There was a family re-union in er Heinsdorff, son of Mr. and by of New York City, were mar­ ming and short star««. She wore Other officers elected were: ferson PTA Friends are invited. Members of the organization chens. his honor. Mrs. Grover Heinsdorff <,f Cati- ried Saturday at 5 P. M. at the a matching uaza aad veil and associate councilor, Mrs. Harriet Reservations may be made by are: Misses Dorothy Zeltman, Sacred Heart Roman Catholic carried blue detpfrina— and yel­ Florence Ritter, Jean Dolan, The following gsrls attended: Dinner was served, with a stadt. The wedding will fake Wilson, vice councilor, Mrs. Claire calling Mrs. Wundling. In case Church. Rev. Thomas J. Mc­ low daisies. Eileen Weber. Virgir.j Kleckner. huge cake used as the table cen­ place at Sacred Heart R. C. Thalman; associate vice council­ of inclement weather, the party Mary Houston, Dorothy Kieffer, Dermott, pastor of the dhurch, The mother a t the brake wore Audrey Borg and Mrs. Esther Doris Bachinacn. Jeanne M cFar­ terpiece. Decorations were in the Church at 5~ p. m. or, Mrs. Mary Brazer; conduct- ; will be held in the Je ffe rs o n performed the ceremony. The a powder blue dress u k match­ land. Virginia Kaos. -Dcrothy National colors. Miss Episcopia attended Lynd­ r e t s , Mrs. Jessis Wilson; warden, School auditorium. Sum m ers. bride was given in marriage by ing accessories and a «n ag e of Haggerty. Jane Peters. Muriel Guests included Mr, and Mrs. hurst High School. Mr. Heins­ Mrs. Ethel Wilson; inside senti­ her brother, Michael, who was yellow- orchids. Monsanto, Claire Berg Jean Raymond Gills and sons Ray­ dorff graduated from East Buth- nel, Mrs, Vivian Wood; outside Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caraccio, Mrs, iiarry Linicus. 223 Post also best man. A reception was hr¿3 af»er the Thalman. Audrey Twtjen. Marie mond and Kenneth, of Ea#t Ruth­ trferd High School. He is em­ -entina!, Mrs. Ethel Stretz; re­ returned Monday from their Avenue, was hostess Tuesday at ceremony at the S£ewa*fc Athletic Seelsa. Phyflis Sfelu . Patricia erford; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carr ployed at Bendix. Miss Mae Filippone. sister of cording secretary, Mrs. Muriel honeymoon trip and are now at cards for Mrs. Siguard Schmidt, Club for 100. After a j**r in the Eustace, Peart Lehrai-r. Ann Eng­ and daughter, Evelyn, of Harri- Guests at the party were Miss­ the bride, was maid of honor and Near; assistant recording secre­ home at 38 Park Avenue. Mrs. Mrs. Elmer Davenport, Mrs. W al­ Pocono Mts the a s e p l e s r ilj re ­ lish. Claire Wehlac. Ruth PJatt. M>n: M r and Mrs. Harry Cooper es Ann and Lee Picifleo, Marie ushers were: Theodore and An­ tary, Mrs. Beatrice Donten; fi­ Caraccio was before her marriage ter Phillips, Mrs. Frederick Mit­ side in New Yort C m y Christine Ahnar?. Dorothy As­ Shtolbraid and daughter. Doro­ DeMeo, Lucy Clemento. Lee Ro- thony Vilardi, uncles of the bride. nancial secretary, Mrs. Mabel I Miss Virginia Graglia, daughter chell, Mrs. Jack Solow and Mrs. The bride is a graduate of the ton. Audrey Wetr. Jeanne Abr:i thy, and son, Donald, of Kearny; bertelli, Mary and Jessie Man- The bride wore a white mar­ Johnson; treasurer, Mrs. Minnie of Mrs. Mary Graglia. Carl Peterson. ■ ^ Lyndhhrst High Schawl and Cole­ hamsort, Gloria Slayer. Cynthia Mi and Mrs. Robert Kirchner of gaiio, Carmella Lombardi, Ro­ quisette dress made redingote Osback; trustee, Mrs. Lillian I j ^ _ __ man Business CoUegje and was Samuels. Audrey Wilson. Anna Pali«ade Mrs William Hoffman berta Carol, Nancy Gillespie, and princess style, with lace trim­ Meyers: representative for two imployed ty the Prwhm il Life Mae Eufemio and Vsrgn.a Sirr p- of Queen's Village, L, I.; Mrs, Grace Guidetti, Florence Pirat- ming and sweetheart neckline, vears, Mrs. Annette Savilla; al- Insurance G. The sndqgroom » scii. Julia Larkin?, Miss Helen Kark- sky, Evelyn DeRensis, Kitty Chi- with buttons down the front, ernate for two years, Mrs. Min- Picture Service Available by a la graduate of tte Sew Yorfc ins. of Jersey City funth Pauline Chiftme. long sleeves with lace ruffles ar­ rue Kackenberg; alternate for one School - of Electrical Engineering — Press Photographer Also, Private Kirchner, the Also Mrs. Mary Valuto, Mrs ranged at the neck. year, Mrs. Sarah Lehmann. M r and Mrs. Otfc Pipo of 35»* guest of honor: the Misses Jean Florence Parella, Mrs Lena Scril- and is employed by the Conlan Installation will be held Wed­ Her three quarter length veil Electrical Corpora:*« a t N e w PHOTOS TAKEN ANYWHERE. ANY TIM E Stoyvesant Avenu» ri'.f had as and Helen K irch n er. George lo, Mrs. Eleanor Scotti, Mrs. W il­ nesday,- July 7 at the Westmins­ arranged with a tiara. She car- York. Ä ir guests dunce the past few Kirchner, the hosts Mr. arid Mrs ma LaRusso, Mrs. Caroline Gui­ ter Presbyterian Church, Faded and Old Photos Copied and Reproduced , •s their sons. Pfc iteseli Pipo. Gecrge Kirchner. detti,. Mrs Claire Hubado, Mrs Arrangements have been made SPECIALIST IN PRESS, COMMERCIAL t ;it ned in Philadelphia, and Nettie Lula, Mrs. Margaret Mar- Party for Mildred Nuti Mrs. Sellens Entertains for a card party to be given at o Pipo. Jr.. whe ss serving ai Mr and Mrs. Arthur Herr­ derelli. Mrs. Gloria Fusaro, Mrs thè Westminster Church annex, AND PICTORIAL PHOTOS mann of Travers Place marked Geraldine Sabina, Mrs. Marv assistant eocpcral at Fort D ì» Mildred Barbara Nutz, daugh­ Mrs Gus Seller; of Lyndhurst Wednesday, June 23. Mrs. Wood- their seventh wedding anniver­ Mover, Mrs. Nettie Episcopia, all tir son-in-law Walser Kluznik ter of Mr. and Mrs. George K. Avenue entertained Tuesday eve mff and her committee w ill take sary on Mcnday. of Lyndhurst: Mrs. Frieda Heins­ Thomas Anthony ¡» stationed in W am ssiB Nutz, of 311 Tontine Avenue, has ning at her home fur M rs Clar- hargc. dorff of Carlstidt and Mrs. EJois« 230 Lake Ave. RUth. M579-W Lyndhurst, N. J. just marked her eighth birthday ence A. Smith. Mrs. lam b Stark Boy sen of Rutherford. anniversary. Miss Anne TresnethstR, Mrs. Ssd- Decorations for a party given ney Walker, Sirs. Henry Wbrtney Kirs. Near President Officers for the ensuing yenr Telephone NuHey 2-2400-1 in her honor at her home were in Mrs. John Fbwies. Mrs. I# Rm were elected at a meeting of th< Of Republican Club pink and included a rake trim- Hassard. Mrs BtaM fe Howell, Tri-Y of Lyndhurst High School mod with pink, Mrs. George Koehler. Mrs held Tuesday evening at the W o­ M rs . E m m e t -K. Near, w as re- G u e s t s in clu d e d G e o r g e Nutz, Charles Kutschier at Lyndhurst man’s Club. Miss Rutii Lehne lected president of the Progres- Jr , Paul Petzsch, Ahabel Garty, j and Mrs Willard Avar*««* of VIOLA BROS., Inc. president, will be graduated this ive Woman's Republican Club Lea Aimiinn, Marion Doe, Mfcri-; Rutherford. m onth. it their annual election Tuesday lyn and Carl Weber, Berty a n d ------night at the Woman’s Club MASON MATERIALS Karl Diebcld, Emily and Billy house. Mrs. William F. Jurgens of Shadel, William Comes, Mrs. RAS Club Mams Party Other officers elected were: Livingston Avenue is improving Karl Diebold, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Vice President, Mrs. Lillian Meyer Cement, Bricks, Pipes, Blocks, Lime at HSikensack Hospital, where William Shade!, Mrs. Charles pUns f d;nCje, a, the and secretary, Miss Virginia she has been a patient for more Comes and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Diamond Horseshoe * Sew York Townsend, treasurer, Mrs. Eliza­ Adamant Stone, Ashes, Lath, Etc. than a week B Peagh, maternal grandparents were made at a rsw r. ^ , tra£ beth Vogel. Clay. Top Soil, Agricultural Lime or int. child. of the R A S Club at the home The next meeting will be held, of Mrs. William F Gailagher, of T uesd ay, S e p te m b e r 7th. Mrs Gordon Gerard of Travers T I I E N E W Oita via Place The pasty wiH be Plate entertained Monday eve­ held Friday a» ws«h far! INTERIOR DECORATOR Hours: 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Mary Prinzivalü, Marv Palazzo, (he united bazaar t» 6» “teld later i Stoney-Fork WAR tfONDS M a d e t o O r d e r Evenings by Appointment Mildred Wächter, and Miss Edith »he vcar Kulmes, principal. i ______Copynabl (943 A ll blinds are absolutely 7S3 R idge Road, L yndhurst Whiskey tdicoM Itrrimm C«*. » , ----; , Mr and Mr- RaJS* I^eroque. ' | guaranteed. Phone RUtherford 2-2545-J Mrs. J J. Ruggier, 637 Third, j j j Post Avenue « rd on Avenue, entertained Thursday at, m|tfcr * . , dessert per quart 46 Park Ave. luncheon for Miss Edith Hulmes, bridge Guest- U an d Miss C a th e rin e D o w n ie . M is s |M rs 4 , m« Prer.A- -*a«s. M ? and Hazel Snyder and Mrs Martin Mr- Arthur E. W Ù m m y t r . M rs . *2.75 Louis Mion H iggins. HEADQUARTERS FOR Bessie Strader. Xa* Augusta ; EHDICOTT^JOHHSOK «ìtr?"«feìd. M r v * »at Frank Tile Contractor double-check’-check your R C u rtis . M r ana* M rs F r a n k , C o rrid e n HOSPITALIZATION “Quality Produced By car for spring Master Mechanics” Mr. and Mrs M 4 * Mailer Individual or Group of STS Sect nd A n w r haw as W e invite you to see their guest Mrs W k r's nwAher. our showroom. Mrs Phoebe McMahae. ** W est Go To Your S H O W R O O M A N D O F F I C E Wood. 56 KEARNY 5TREET Mr and Mrs ¿.srph Patemo LYNDHURST, N. J. .ind daughter RiU C MiHcwi Avenue, left Frida* *a th e ir Building Contractor Phone Rutherford 2-5045 son P f c An#eUi P»»«4w» « h o is C. SAVINO AGENCY stationed at S c o tt F M 1 I S RESIDENCE Arrange to Have Him Recondition 255 Ridge Road Lyndhurst, N. J. 54 Kearny Street Your Home or Other Structure RUTHERFORD 2-1*31 © Founded 1*27 Bring in yoor car lor spring servtee. Our Care Saves Wear and length­ *1 AMO iMPitovisiasa GET AN FHA LOAN FOR IT ens the life of jronr ear. et**to *c< COX’S ESSO STATION Fix up your home now. Make it more comfortable Riverside A RUgsIand Avenue«. LysAarst and attractive to live in, or put it in bettor shape to sell H you have that in mind. The Government permits this kind of work now and you can get an FHA loan for this purpose at KNOWN rOR REST the Rutherford National Bank — to run for 12 Ben’s Delicotessen months et only tbe usual low FHA (Federal Hous* WINBS - I lUt'ORS - u n s 500 Stuyvesant Ave., cor. Pag«, Lyndharst—BU. X4MW ing Administration) interest rate.

C Y I A K W H I S R E Y No mortgage required, and no down payment. Eiqht-Eiqhty-Eiqht. - fnSqt-1.75 Call, write or telephone any of our five conven- iently located offices. 8 T IU . A V . 4 I I. A M F Popular Brands af GINS TERMS We bave établit Iwirreb «f t e r tmt Maiateoaace. repairs aad remodeling - 1! w M r«r aMttiaaal living »Harter, «r »fartownt I l ta M tnoaUtv m * 4««rs_ Jt amith». SET YOtJR HOUSE IN ORDER ( oaeertlng «il Seat U ë«U 3« aw aite.

Painting . . . Paper-Hogging Decorating RUTHERFORD NATIONAL BANK FLOORS SCRAPED m i REFIN1SHED : Ml U |t Raad East R*therferd: 21S Patsraaa A m 20 Years' EsperWwce JlQ/VBIBlK A l 24 Park As 221 Hatfcain ik Sh

J . . Balleriai Meonbcx FedknU R üffV f HeoiòiHr of Um Foden^í Dtpos^t m PACE AVENUE. LYNDHUUST »Hi THURSDAY, JUNE Iff. 1M3^ ______, . T H E LEADER ______/ - PACK TfOtn

his Naval Aviation career at the I School (Kadio,) Miami Univer­ Westminster PrtikylirÌM W ITH OUR Navy's Pre-Flight School at the s ity fo r advanced study to fur­ Church University of North Carolina, at th e r prepare herself to take her Ridge Road A N»w itrw ; A»* Chapel Hill, N. C. ! place in the Armed Forces. Rev. Frederick Buchholt». Pastor Men and She entered the. service on R esid en ce 804 F o u rth S tre e t THEODORE O. OSBACK February IS, 1943, enlisting at Theodore 0 O sback, 22. h u s ­ j New York, N Y man's Society of Christian Se: Rutherford Baptist Women band of Mrs. Dorothy Y. Osback. S t Matthew's Evangelic«] vice No I. at Mr* Fred Hes- Church 441 Post Avenue, Lyndhurst, New RAYMOND M. NAZARE Lutheran Church i n sc w ic e oink. Webster Avenue No 2 at West Favate Ave» Ratherford j Jersey, was advanced to the rat- Raymond Michael Nazare, son Valley Break and Travers Place Lyndhurst, N. J. Mrs S J Uixson. 250 Livinguv-n * ing of fireman, first class upon o f M r a n d Mrs. Nicholas Narare, Rev. George M ulltr Avenue: No 3, covered dish ALBERA W. PATTERSON graduation from the Service 288 L a fa y e tte A ve n u e , L y n d h u rs t, 2*5 Travers P I, Lyndhurst, N. J luncheon for member* at horn* Pfc. Albert Warren Patterson,: School at the U. S. Naval Train- New Jersey, was promoted to R u th 2-2134 of Mr* M D Lewis. 352 Living son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M Pat- ing Station, Great Lakes, 111. to- Private First Class at th e A ir ­ Sunday. June 13 .-¡ton A v e n u e ; No 4 , all-day at terson of 240 Clinton Terrace,j day (Monday,'May 31) Included craft Armament School at L o w ­ 9:15 a m , Sunday School home, of Mr* F Chapman. f7l Lyndhurst. N J., graduated form j in a class of 581 Bluejackets who ry Field, Colorado. 10:30 a m , R e c e p tio n into Post Avenue Armament School, Lowry Field, were awarded certificates upon He attended Franklin School Communicant membership of fif­ Thumday. June 11— Colorado completing specialized courses he and Lyndhurst High School H e teen young people by the rite of Afternoon, at the church. Sal He attended Jefferson Gram- awaits assignment to duty with was inducted on January th. 8 Confirmation They are Ruth magundi party Mr* Henry I>u mer School and Lyndhurst High the fleet or at a shore station. 1943 at the Rpcepticn- Center at Eickhcff, Joan Hein, Irene Han­ buy and Mr- P Chapman head School Osback has completed the F o rt D ix , N. J . an d on Ja n 20 sen, Dons Long, Dorothy Leh­ the cv mm it tee of arrangement* He was a pipefitter employed course for Boilermakers. He is went to Atlantic City From there mann, Dolores Ribau, Iris McMil- J u ly IS — at The Brewer DrydocK Comp- now a “striker" in that branch, to Buckly and then to Lowry len, Annette Slahor. Victor Ack Salver tea at home of Mrs W any. Staten Island before enter- meaning that he will be eligible Fie ld . eV, D onald H aenggi, R o b e rt No H Chamberlain, 284 Oriental Mi and M u Robert W Miller ing the service. for a third class petty officer Before entering the service he wak, Paul Peters, Wiilter Skytj, P la c e of Chase Avenue, entertained *t His wife Catherine Patteifeon, rating upon obtaining further ex- was employM by the Columbia Richard Spies. Rolft WeUel Friends are invited to share th* a , family dinrwi at then home BLACKOUT DRAPERIES resides at 240 Clinton Terrace, perience on active duty. He was Protektosite Co.. Inc. Central “Fear the Lord 'and serv e Him activities of this church Person» Sunday m celebration ef their Lyndhurst, N. J. selected to attend th N j » T A V ing School (Radio), Miami Um- Lowry Field, Colorado, on May bers of St Matthew's in service Hev Howland F N y« , V ic a r i •' *Nlt to w» s* -, u 112 FE R N AVENUF. L Y N D H U R ST ERNEST ROYCRAFT versity, Oxford, Ohm,.. has an- 351»ion Avenue V.\uM ’t I- ANI» m*P»M r vii V Î i Sunday. June 20th fit# M id ol t'.'iflmlMlBKtfi «V# %%* • t. Hlth*rfor«l 2-1114 Naval Aviation Cadet Ernest nounced that Ruth Evelyn Lind- Lande! Is is a graduate of the T hursd ay. Ju n e ll->- 4 1.* t>«lhvtf •« IB Ik f ( 'W i M y 9 15 a m , Sunday School M JP COVUH < MOIt fTo» MAtUUAl » Roycraft, son of Mrs. Theresa ley daughter of Mr and Mrs. Lyndhurst High School, 1942. He 10:30 a m , A n n u a l R e u n io n Members of St Mary's Guild of MtUlx •• I»'*!•’• • 1 T M l «Ih» {«»ti* 4* Roycraft of 322 Weart Avenue, Rex A. Lindley, due to outstand- participated in basketball at the w ill meet at the Church Hall at tt*Tt»M %tAt»» ind Roll Call of the Confirmant* • c r t M im >i lt»f p « M it Lyndhurst. New Jersey, has ing aptitude, has been selected to school. Prior to en terin g service, 10:00 a m to w o rk o n the U n ite d t Th# v>| HMnnitwmnM« 4*> af St Matthew's Holy Commun­ Hprpfcir kuiti«*riif lit« M l* «I tli* M been transferred to the Naval undergo a course of training in he was employed by the Conti­ ion will be attended by the en­ Bataar which will be held later »«mm* w o |M fU n ni tittbitv «*» t»*i Air Training Center at Corpus Naval Radio work at the Naval nental Electric Co., Newark. tire group We urge all our Con- tn the yeai «*1« tm « iMpriooi »I ïl» Christi, Texas, after successful Training School (Radio), Miami >***» lh>w und «fl»r «tw i»)» *h*R firmants to attend Let us all join Ju n e 13—Whttminday : ihia OfditiAiMt ihiiil W tw « »ftKil** completion of the primary flight University, Oxford, Ohio, ROBERT COCKCROFT in our prayers (or our service 7 30 a m , Holy Communion and <£•**'• fl* ike i»iw * »»>4 training course at the Naval Air At the expiration of her course, Pfc Robert Cockcroft, son•1ft*' 9 30 a m , Church School 11 (JO minimum »n t. t4i l«f *«t h «# *«i4 lads and lassies l»f, »(»«rti?« «*a «*** Ih* ml Station at Glenview, Hlinois. she will be assigned to shore law of M r and Mrs. Julius Follcr During the month of July the j a m , Choral Eucharist-and sei- Am»*-*»wir»\| Ma|t «I- ih» Tu«Mlki|t òl l„> t.dht.tal •• M lv«» After passing the advanced duty within the continental Iim- of Green Avenue, has returned to Sunday service will be held at mon The Church School close* flight training course at Corpus its of the United States, replac- his duties after a visit with his this Sunday until after Labor D I I C R i P t ION * * IÇ » 8 30 a m Sunday Schiol will In- • LO CK P AK f WÓT %ê Christi, Cadet Roycraft will pin ing an enlisted man in order that family. He is now studying at held at 9 30 a m D a y tOT tO BART IO» •> on his wings as a Naval Aviator he mav be assigned to duty with Ohio State University. Monday. June 14— l*h'l «*« Ih*1 » o u lh r r h #-«••’ “ f and be cr.mmissioned as an Eij- one, i f the various fighting units St Margaivt's Guild will meet K)<«|M»nd ,A V i » « * diluiti * I Lyndhurst Methodist sign in the Naval Reserve or as of the U S. Navy, Coast Guard WnXIAM D. BAYES M the rhurrh Hall a) # 00 |> m . *{>|,tukl|i •«(*t*'tl* «111* >•< t*«l Rovcraft is a graduate of the ing at the Bronx, N Y . and was has been pit moted to the rank Rev. G W Alexander, Pastor Chapel Hoorn at 8 00 p m 307 T o ntin* A v e n u e Lyndhurst High School. He began assigned to the Naval Training of Corporal at that base. Thursday, June 17 U m Miul r lh I». »* |«i(H<4tt -' R u th 2-8928 H«> m *1 Sunday, June U— St Marv * Guild will hold ft so BLOCH t$4 PAH t LOT »• (LOT I GALE DONALD NOUUELL cial meeting at the Church Hall H u I 4|>Ht«|lm«l*U It | tl| 10 30 a m, Ttie Children's un i»*i»rl> »id*- *** Tfelfd Galt* Donald Morrell, motor Day aervice will be combined at 8 00 p m Mr Edgar Karp, m rm *t m a c h in ist’s m ate 2-c. son o f M r. w tuthvrl) irW » hut§* with the regular worship service chairman of the United Baraar WACHTER S DELICATESSEN and Mrs W H Morrell, 484 U m I "Swwmwm »**' CHOICE CUTS at this hour, half an hour earlier Committee will speak Motim Roosevelt Avenue, has com pleted COMPLETE LINE OF LIQUORS - WINES ft BEERS than the usual morning worship pictures will be shown basic training at the Submarine A helpful program is being pre­ Every Friday Special! School, Submarine Bare. New pared Reed Memorial United London, Conn , for duty with the Try Oar Delicious Fish Cakes & Home Made Clam Chowder Thursday. June 18 ( tod ay»— Presbyterian Church growing fleet of underseas fight­ Group meetings of the Wo­ Stuyvesant Avenue A LARGE STOCK OF HONOR BRAND FROSTED FOODS ers. Morrell will be entitled to Phone RUtherford 2-1275 wear the twin dolphin insignia of the service after further ex p eri­ «53 RIDGE ROAD LYNDHURST, N. J ence aboard a submarine during which he must demonstrate to hi* cemmandine officer that he is fully qualified to carry out the duties of his rate The inaigniu is regarded as a mark of d istinc­ tion throughout the Navy * tsr l o t h ft* U MorrpU was graduated, from L y n d h u rs t High School three "LET THE WELFARE OF THE PEOPLE NOTICE \ears ago He was on the foot­ BE THÉ SUPREME LAW" ball team at the school He had The supreme* law oí \ h i% mod?ftt Í vitK-ial I fotti CMTC training during July, 1939 BEGINNING ON JUNE 9th and after joining the Navv last i?s th r u <* Mar# n i flu profilr* u r % r r v r We will be closed every Wednesday afternoon November, received recruit in­ Serving rtjrhtt*oii*lv, taviitilU. »ml vutti in •t 1 P.M. during the months of struction at Great Lakes, III “1 consider submarine duty a more interesting branch of ser­ JUNE, JULY and AUGUST vice,'' he said, “and promotions This decision was made to rdnscrvp fuel and jalxir are possible sooner ” Iwcause of conditions lievond our control. 52 RIDGE ROAD LYNDHURST Mrs Warren Dowling. 7S4J Rutherford Avenue, entertained RUtherford 2-0490 Wednesday at bridge for Mrs Carl A Oh Ison, Mr*. George Jacob Burk, Director Elkins Cleaners W.stervclt, Mrs. Harry Wregg. Mfs Arthur Zeltman, Mr*. Lulu 469-471 Pelisede Avenue Jersey City ; 459 RIDGE ROAD LYNDHURST, N. J. ; Bergman. Mr*. David Bergman Journal Square 4-4(71 and Mrs Henry Behrens

IT CO STS NO M O RE . . , ta have Griffith funeral sarvice. We offer facilities and equipment of unsurpassable »*- Spinach L i m a S c a n t celle nr* and the personal rare and attention most necessary. WhtaHei ...... 2 P*1*** 2 1 c i tu.i r*i ittii » (libili m i Fratta Cok« Flour ...... 2 6 * P A I K 4 I . I S a n d w i c h loqi . | 0 c I t «»I h i t t t y Filigree Apple Sau ce ...... ] 3 C I# <»t S t t f 4% G ropafm il Juice . w Rod law Fancy Rice 2 25c Il Works Well Now, Madam FRUITS ead VEGETABLES LUSCIOUS RiPl rOMATOtS - b IC E doc^n t o p e ra te •OSION LHfUCfc *0 éd 1 0 c ate it looted over, STRiNGKSS GRt a n IIANS t> ite and In-'C. nseiiti CALIFO RNIA Pt a S t> I 9 c

C R I S P S S P i n a C h j ¡fe» 2S< CALIFORNIA CABBOTS bvm 1 0 c


a IUT UNITED STATI* WAI SAVIN 6 S »ONDI Off STAMPS a BuSiM iim tSiwtiihUM Uii THE LEADER THURSDAY, JUNE 1«, IMS PAGE FOUR — 1------M O T IC fc I,>-ndhurflt. Xew Jersey, for a Plen-t NOTICE premises situated at 295 Ch*** Ave­ T a k « no P o lis h ary Retail Distribution License for Ta/kc nottoe that Anna Pacified nue. Lyndhurst. tic*' thut Objections, if any. «tiookft be mad» Citizen * Club ln< iute-nifev to appl> premise* Kituai«a Ht bl# Ttiälfe Koafl. tnt4*nds to ap p ly t6 the P»«trd rd Mrs. ft. Palmer inumdiately in Writing to DOM INICK to tin hoard of t.ouuitUMMm*n of ik * L*nd/»ur*t. i Commissioners of the Townahip ol i v «Vnsbi p «*1 L> ndhurnt. X . J , f o r a objections, if Any. should I>e made l.yiMfburst. New Jet%sy. f* « t t r m m ih. CHARLE* GORDON, Objections, if any. should he made CLASSIFIED ADS Sacre t ary & Treasurer. imineuiately In writing to DOMlXi«*K NO tl C E as> Episcopal C h u rc h e lected the t,w)r Take notice that Oregorto C»eco 4%m r 3-IS — F e é s $3.00. J. LIVKLL1, Municipal Clerk of Intends to apply to the Board cf following officers at its annual j , a i. » MHn*>ri i«r* mises situated at 749 M arin Al'«-] Com mis isoner* o f the Township of Thousands have found that these nae. Lyn«rhurst. Lyndfrurst. Xew Jersey, for a Pleti- J LFVELLI, Muniiopal Clerk of imall advertise­ Wingct; Corresponding Secretary ,1 !iMi,!n"'"i“ «iui'’»r.kT i d .je.'ttons, if a a y . should h e mad«* arj Retail «‘onaumption License for Lyndhurst. ______muiediately in arrlting lo IX>MLM' K premises sltuat»d at 124 Stuyvesant ORE«iO!tf$* 1 W 0 . ment» are the most eagerly read in Bergen County. Con­ Mrs. C. Garde; Treasurer, Mrs. '«•■<*>• vi.i.» itu.^.«Vi Ju n e 3-10— F e e s #8.00. ©»«.•* rtwi. i* *, wski. hraid J* m*i I UVVa.U. MurrlHjwl Clerk of Av««noe, Lyadhurst. vince yourself by buying them. T1iroufh them rant, buy B . rnci. t/bjc tious, »* any. *b L y o d h u r s t. Obje«-lions, if a n y . should 1.« mad»* NOTICE C ustodian of the U n ite d T h a n k { ¡inm.-ii m » " » * TFRF.SA TOÜOLKWSKI immediately In writing to DOMINICK or exchange; find the bargain for which you have been 'uno :3 ■10—Fee« fS.00. J. L1VRLLI, Municipal Clerk of Take notice that Ralph Albino .Offering. Mrs. A. Muller. The i U i i ' v j " L y m lh u rs t. intends to apply to the Ho^rd of searching. Telephone or write your classified advertise­ C o m m issio n ers o f the T ietsR t'onsunipti-jTi License for Intends to apply to the Board of Objections, if any. should b* made lmni«‘dtately In writing to T>OMlNlCK 190 O rient W a y R uth erford T o h li,*hip <>, L\" iji'oiui f*v, *«wr •runfcses «it tial»d at 164 Riverside «*ommb*sioiKTs of the Township of One insertion is fifty cents. ¿a111» Lie. UK. for prwmloa-# »UBSftrf a vinse. Lyndhurst. Lyndhurst. Xew Jersey, for a Plen­ .r. I.IV BLLI, M unit-ipal • Clerk 6 t Phone R U th . 2-3*35 Mrs, Rofeanna Hobin, 870 Val­ Pjuk-« ouri arid WVIwttr A»r«u*> Objections, if any. should bp made ary Retail i’of!sumption License for \ Lyndhurst. Two insertions are seventy-f*- cents. f^ytidhurnr, N. J. uniediately in writitig to DO M INICK premise» situated at 418 Vasttey Brook RALPH ALBINO ley Brook Avenue, had as her Ju n e :i-io— F ees $3.00. B U ¥ s : Th» ñam e» .*« th*- e ra o f »I IJVKLU, Municipal Clerk of Avenue, Lyndhurst. Three insertions are one dollar. cuest her grandson, Robert Ciui. and t. » Oifl«-»*» they fili reas#** * »Tidhurst. Objections, if any, should l*e mad» Converted Two Family If owe Four Goodwin of the Bronx. ti\ » i>. art: . HKXRV VEDDE. immediately in writing to DOMINICK NOTICE ¿nom* on Each Floor Lory \Y wai R a lp h I. !*••• r/iu*-. P r .fr id * » « . IVi un e 3-t#— F e e s $3.00. J. LIVELLI, M'unicipal Clerk of Take , hotter that Andrew Kraft work. In Fin»» Rutherford Reisid* uttal liam Jar\is. Vijce iY^kd«-«*; Ti*» L y n d h u rs t. intends to apply to the Hoard of . B e e t Ion. A e«-fs.sihk» to « y e t y i hing Mr and Mrs. Arthur Schreck- Hlêâey, Tt’oasure-r, VrnnU ll«»ith*n NOTICE PR AX K A. Dii FIX). Commissioners of the TownsbUi of T he Leader Lyndhurst, New- Jersey, for a Plen­ O n ly $3 .»00. Igt'i-retary. Take notic that Freda Waehter Ju n e 3-10— F e e s 13.00. enstrin, 242 fern Avenue enter­ The ii.tmts •»« 0*« *ru*t»-r* of tht n tends to apidy to the flosrd of ary Retail Consumption Lkenae 1 b r CHlSERFCL SIX R* * >M IHH SK tained for a few days thcr sen, C lu b art . ommlsisonera of the XovtmMp of NOTICE (iremises sltuat.«*d at 5lS Stuyvesant C O M J’ L E T E LY ltKI>Wt*RATKI« Ivulpli L. I.*«* m h io . Willlan* Jan> yndhurst. New Jersey, for a Hen­ Avenue, Lyndhufst. , Corporal Arthur Schreekenstein, Take notice that Xlcola Coshlg- AND WITH NKW ROOF Thou. H i* U» ;>, AriMrid H uta^n. I. ry Retail Distribution License for nano intends to apply to the Board Objections, if any. should be mad*» H i a t w ith « 'oaf. «¡¡arag»- If O R t b h HELP WANTED “MALE I who is statiohed at Blyth, Calif. nartahorfi. I* II>aw»on. h Well? remises situated a L S«#3 llidge Hoad, of Commisisoners of the Township o f immediately in writing to DOM INICK J. LfVELU. Municipal Clerk of carrying »barges only $47 i#. ir ■■ r.A- Group Presents Ptay OhjiHdionx, if any. '»h.mid b» mad •yndhurst. Lyndhurst, Xew Jersey, for a Hen- InK lnt»r»**t on mortgage. am nrtii.- FJREM EN — PART TIME Immediately in wtitini; t i l*«iM<ìaÌH i >hjM'. t iotis. flf any, should he made ary Retail « 'onaumption License for L y n d h u rs t. AXDREW KRAFT. tlon, tax os and lire insurau**-. ObIj t h»*a\> wrtrk. iiiKh-pri-s.stire Mispes Violet Hayes, Josephine J. Livelli. Muni«'ipal C k rk of l.yvtd ■nme4Jat*ly ln writing to DO M INICK p re m ise s s itu s ted a t 614 F re e m a n 14200. n’n.i Lyndhurst Footlight Theatre i hui> t. N J IJVfeLM.o n »uhidpfcl Oerli of Ju n e 3-10— F e e s $3.00. Siiturday. Sunday daytime Monaco. Anna Mae Eufemio, El- Street. Lyndhurst. *kda> . venint;. I.V.NDHi: RS*r A M 88» * A N yndhut* m rst. Objections, if any. should be mad«* group presented three one act! NOTICE Quaint Whir. C«>ionlal H-n . of S B PENICK A CO. vera Caputo and Ellse Kirsch- LFíJIO N . IX«*.- FBKDA W.U'HTWL inmiodlately in writing to DOM INICK Fa tin Hnuw Typ. \ .■ w t;r**en Hoof • 10 —F e e s $3.00. Take notice that Ethel P. Dunham LYNDHURST, N. J. plays at the Lyndhurst High Ralph L. lat'«t|iK, I v -hI*-». u w l 3-: J. LIVELLI, Municipal Clerk of Hardwood Floors. ivar> ft'i. doerffer, spent the week-end at June jo. 17 __ Intends to apply to the Board of it School, Thursday night Service! NOTICE L y n d b u ra t. Pastel pap« r. l*arg» Ro* ■ - Scrrew 4 Bo lm ar. XI« ’OLA «'(rSIlKjNAXO. Commissioners «»f the Township of P o re b Ov»*rlo«>king V i* »la n rb n Take notice that Oasper Scarpinato Lyndhurst, New Jersey, for a Plen­ -tort LABORERS—PART TIME men were admitted frie, Dane -1 V - NOTICE • Jt in e 3-10— F e e s $3.00. T w o Cm- (] a r a n t * Saturday ami Sunday war work. l ake niitjee tiiat IVrtil rl In hit« intends to apply to the Board of ary Retail Consumption License for ing followed the entertainment «"o*nadfMdoners «»f the Township of premises situated at 225 Stuyvesant S.hools, Store« and Transporta**«»** N o * x |m ri' ii* < r« <|Vilrod . a|*l»l> Mr snd Mrs. Frank Monaco, Z'lW Lake Avenue, LflMHlWVt N J « ►.•69 Valley Brook Avenue, had ary Retsil Consyntptlon l 4k*ense for NOTICE A t only **:>< LYNDHURST. N. J. Frangipane and his orchestra I A ven tie. Lyndhurst. N J a patri rt—r- Take notice that Nick Marino, Objections, if any. should be made as their ouests for a few days 1 “»''e tnond« t«. ai'Wy f . «h. n.«.rd .( «remises sit anted at 746 Riverside iiR» nds lo apply to the Hoard of immediately in writing to D O M INICK1 RENT ALS^-A PA RTM ENTS furnished the music. i l u » t. w .. e «V>inmÌBHh.iìerH oi th»* T o n a h i s « f A v^niie, Lyndhurst Commissioners of the Township of .1 t.rvKi.i.i, siiinMi»! n*Tk ol Mr. and Mrs. John Malfatano of ndhun•. should b* made Lyndhurst. Xew Jersey, for a Plen­ L y n d h u rs t. MIC ELLA NEO US FOR SALE f*jr pro^nlfw-s immediately in writipir to DOM INICK ETHEL P. DCXHAM. Cheerful Two Room Ajwrtmrnt «»n B ro o k ly n . J CoiiHUinpttoii Li«* a ry R e ta il D is trib u tio n Lice n s e f«»r Helen Golembiewski, Helen Pal­ situated at âsa Ri\ ►*r>dde A r m » ï L!VFt,LT, Municipal Clerk of June .V10— Fees $3 00. S« « '¡•nd Floor. II* at |!<.t W a«.t C;i* yiir CANNOT II AT premises situated at 522 Valley Brook and Electric Intruded Avail.? > at 10 l^yndhuritt. X. I L y n d h u rs t. A v» •« ue. Lyirdhurat. Tin: W 1NFit BLKAX’HINC IM ’II» azzo, Josephine Dagnelli, Lois NOTICE Objections, iï any. ahouht »*♦ n »d* « ; A « P E R S C A R i ' I X A TO. Objections, If any. should I»*- made Tak«* notice that Harry J. Leichter 'Once. Centrally Un ai*il $:> &• For st**riliKinK and d'*o«loiiitlng, 'I’ake notice that «rpjuinl.u« A. S. Kiper, Mabel Blake, Mary Fish­ immediately in writing: t» KUniiakt Ju n .* 3-10— F e e s $3.00. Immediately in writing to DOM INICK intends to apply to the Board of i-leanliifc of all kinds. and P. AsstM-lntion Ific/'intemla to ap- J Li Velli. Municipal » Merk ••€ l'.yiid- J. LIVELLI, Municipal Clerk of Ctumnission.'rs fff the Townahlp of * ’ool 'Three Room Apartment s-> - WILLIAM ELLIOTT er. Gloria Volk, Marie McIntyre pl> to the Jlourd ot «VitiiuiMaionera ond »Floor Owner Sut-ni*» *V«I hurs.. NOTICE L y n d h u rs t. Lyndhurst, New Jersey, for a Plen­ 2S1' P a g e A v e n u e L y n d h u rs t <»f the Ttiwnsrdp of Lyndhurst. N. .1 . and Annette Trocolli. IHSRTIL K PKHI.IX and Tsk* notice that William Monahan NICK MARINO. ary Retail Consumption License for Availahh* .fnly l«t In L>ndhur>* At Sole Aoent for Bergen County for u «lot» License for prejnfH«*n sltu- O n ly $80 00. Special numbers and tap danc W i l l i a m h d l i j s j intends to apply to the Board of Ju n o 3-10— F e e s $3.00. premises situated at '»*.» Ridffe Road. Send Postal and AK»tit Will (all at»*d a t #»21 Valle> flrook A v e n u e , t radin« as RKRT Jt IH Ll < i t VMomissinncrs of the Township of L y n d h u rs t, N .i. Hrildit Fotir Room A|>artn • » ing and singing unmbers were 1 Jtim * ' 10, T7 Lyndhurst. Xew Jersey, for a Plen- Objections, If any. should be made 01 01 'I’h»- mtin.H oi the ofncerH «»f this NOTICE S«*«f»nd Floor. Heat, Hot W at.t ln- 1 ary Retail Consumption License for Take, notice that Bert Mllllaon Immediately ln writing to IJOMMXICK rendered by Josephine Dagnelli, <*lub and th.i offlees th»y fill reape«'- < lodi ri. Availahl»* at Once, «iara^* p a i n t i n g & d k (; o r a T i n g NOTICE • premises situated at 37 Ridge Road, intends to apply to the Board of J. LIVELL1, Municipal 4'lerk of Arlene Jaeljson, Helen Palazzo, ttrrty’ ore; T a k e n o tice th a t ap p ln „»rs.., g tfll Ü ‘ I,y n d h u rs t «’nmmiselomrs of thiu Township of L y n d h u rs t. 1 »ptional .U itly 140.‘Ht, ^ ...... M t h o in h A « 'a r e I 1 a. P r* K ld e n t; PApF.RHAS^.rSfJ'olid d. 'orafinfc tu Naomi Webber, Ella Caslintalin Iliade i • the Board »»f «’ etoas«^ -«n*-rs i'ark Ave Victor Frangipane accompan­ located at 41‘* Ridge R *»d th‘ 11-«- L v n d h u rs t. L y n d h u rs t, NOTICE O n c e | IS 00 — ou« l.yudhurKt. Charles HMIUere, Fiiuiialal Secretary. ur>v;Retail distribution Li*ms*~ X« W 1LLÍ A M MO.VA BAX. Take notU c that Lanr Dunr ied i n the piano, Objections. If an\,’ .should »>.- made Obje»>tiOhs, if a n y . should be m a d e D ll heretofore issiò-d in Frank Rxnu JtM ie 3-10— F e e s $3.00. immediately in writing to DOM INICK intends lo appl> lo the Roard of inmvdloteh In wilting to ■ l>omini» k for premises Usatati at 4b UaAge «’oinfortahl. Four Aiwrtji * nj p.MXTisn. i'k c u iu rr s u a v i J. LIVELLI, Municipal Clerk of Contili laionara «»f thè Townshtp of* on Secsond Floor. H* at H W a te r J. Livelll, Municipal Chrk. »»I Lvnd- Road, Lvndhurst X J NOTICE Lyndhurst; New Jersey, for a Plen- P M ’lCRH AN«SIN<3 done reasonahly Mis' William Buckley, Mrs liur«t, N. J. Lv n d h u rs t. and fiara«» (fidudetl. AntiliM* J«J> F.’-timates .-he. « fully riven >' J iit iK O b jecthm s, If a n y sh<»fel»i »•*- n»^d*- Take notice that Antonio DelGrosaO BERT MILI.ISON. ary Retali Codatimptlon Li cena* for H U ’7101,AH < A R K 1 A .A fuini. diately m w'riting t.* {► ïami- à 1st. In ljyndhifTRt. Only $4* *<•> € 1 * Fpurt i Stre* t RPth. 2-4IK4-R. Philip Ferinde. Mrs. George Hav- j intends to apply to the Mç rd elf June n-10—Ft'es $:; no. prcmJses sifuatevd al 455 A’alley Brook Ju n e It*. 17. J Livelli. Municipal *1*rfe of tbe j «-onindsisoners of the Towns hit» of A v eli ue, Lyndhurst. nt WMk M.^-rts, iland, Mrs Alfred Munn were T o w n s h ip o í L ndhurst. Lyndhurst. New- Jersey, for a Plen- Ohje#*tlons. If any. should la* made Six llunin Atwrtliu NOTICI NOTICE Tile Hath and Saow** i I!. »* a od Hot PLUMBING HEATING quests at a sewiftg narty eiven JOHN C A V I»III i ary Retsil « ’onsuirtptioa IJoensg for Tak*- notice that Rose A Schmidt Imimdiately in vvrlting to DOMINICIC Tslte noti» », tliat Hernard and H» l« n 419 Ridge Koad . t*r»'-uiWe« situ a te d a t 2«2 R l.lg e Ro nd . I LIVELLI, Mnnicipal «’lerti of W a t e r In» tnde«l lo R a ti» ' Tuesday evening by Mrs. A l f r e d int» mis to ap|dy to the B»»srd of «.rford N'» ìkIiI» rtWiO'l Avallai»!*- J«ò»- «irofrsman. Afa* and MI!dr»d Hlckof». Ltrldhurat. X J. I I.) udhurst. L y n d h u rs t. M*Ntf e*pei*ien» e. expert work. Ph.I trading , ai. Ttiree. Aere tirili int«*nd Cntnmisisotiers of th.- Townsh ip <*f j ; Endelkofer at her home in Crane June 3-10—F i •a $3.00. objection*, if any. sluaikl be mad»* Lynd’iiurst. New J.rsey. for a Plen­ LPCY DPNX. jr.. oni> Pisano. r.OO Park Pla.-e, Lvndhurat tfl ap p ly to tlw Il«/ard of «'o u im is* - lono.dlalely iti writing to |a>MINl«'K ary Beta 11 Distribution License for Jub © 3-10— Fe e a $3 00. ______di» n Rid«I Awiiu--, Montclair Avenue, Rutherford. slonern ot thè Townahlp of Lyndhurst Four U*.oni Apaffìiv «r fin * 'fMnr-.ttr i L1VKLU, Municipal Clerk of premises situated at 2*'S Ridge Rond. Imbotte M o n t«'!air fot ìi R e t a li rtdtSiifH ptUhi Lh-*-nn». f r S fo d e ro Til< fin ih Km t Hot W*l**r NOTICE L y n d h u r s t Lyrtd h u rm NOTICE premfses altuiif.-d at X24-*4ti R H c r s id e T a k e noth < that applicati«»!* ariti Im •tnd C.arape Included «H»rW»kii • ANTOXIO D EL <7 ROSS«». Ohjectiofts., If «n y. should 1**- in«d* Take norie** that John Dohrowolski Mi and Mrs. Bernard BeVcmio Avenue In thè Towmddp ot Lynd- made to th. I *.» >a rd «>f « *«>*ujrs. <«» » « n m ooum (»arden and Fu-*ut-full* IJ*od- SrRC.lCAL SUPPLIES Ju n e 3-1«— F e e s $3.00. Imtdedlatelv in writing to Ia»MIN*B*K Intonds to apply to the Board of H» ap« d Plot. • rpitl Country Ato. >*- cf 296 Willow Ave nue, who were InirHt-. ‘ N . .1. of the Township of I.*’i«Riur»t to Commlsiaoners of the ToW nshlp of O hjectiom ». If an.v. should tu* nu»d.* .1 L I V E L L L M u n ic ip a l «Merk o f pheire Onl> $«»0.00. transfer to Carri* Woflfc) f»Mr tuvnAs»-* L y n d h u rs t Lyndhurat. New Jersey, for a Plen- TR1S.SIÌS. sur«ieat hells. » last i. hwe. married 27 years on Monday. Iniinediatoly fn writing to Oouilnlek NOTICE lo cate d at 201 P a r k A vm u»- the P$*rt- notice that Sir! B o g g e tti ROHE A. SCHMIDT •ry Retali Conaamptlon Llcenae for F x pe rle n»-e«l fi I t i n k , safisfaelloN uniclnaj Chrk t»f L.vnd- «g«- celebrated the event with a fanii- J m ar.v Retail ( 'oin*tmurti*tit Ij.-riu \»< intends to apply tt> the Boardloa rd oof f Ju n e -1«— F e e s I.T.00. premises sltunted at 442 ftecond L I S T N O W iraarnnteed Prices mu« h lower than ...... , 1hurai* N. .1. .. . , «'Ì4 her. i«.for.- issued to «“«f» « .'oiomislsoners , of * fbe ETow nshlp of Street. Lyndhurat. N» wark \ppiiam. M repaireti altered, j ly dinner party at their home. BRRNARI» and II Kl.KN UROMHMAX Open Dailv, Nights and Sundays jC orji In c f.»r p re m ise s i^ - ated a t 2*1 Lyndhurst, Xew Jersey, for a Pb*n NOTICE Objectlons, If anv. should he made duplicated Silk Suru.i' ar Supply. 41!• MAX and MILI>Rf!l » RUfOVMv Park A ve nue, Lyndhnrwr X j ary Retail «'onsumirtion Llcens«- for Take 'nolle»! that Leon lIoehheia«T Immedia tely in wrltmg to DOMIN1CK Street < i»rn*T Central Avenu< I fa rri r tfadlng as THRRM Al’RF. «îfULL. MARION C. BULL O b jectio n s, i f a n y xImhiUI lm- m ade pi.talKWH situated at 162 l*ark A\*e- Int» nd** to a p p ly t * * th.- Board o f t LIVELLI. Murilclpgl Clerk of The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Ju n o ÎO, 1?. Plioii.- Harri*»r>u..«.r,W'i iiiii/i’.-iliiii. h in n r liin K *» ¡tmmtink'-k aue. Lyndhurst. Commissioners o f th»- T o w n s h ip «»f L v n d h u rs t. 296 Orient Way Rutherford .Lyndhurst Mascnie Club held a •I Livelli \|imi»-»pal i*|*^rk »»I th* JOHN DOBROWOI^KI. NOTICE Objactiotis. if any. should be inadc Lyndhurst New- Jersey, for a Plen­ Phone Rt’th. Ï-3Î35 Township of Lyndfourrt itn mediately in writ ing to D O M INICK a ry B e la li D is trib u tio n Lb-ense f«»r Ju n o 3-t0t—F e e a >3.00 REPAIRS business meetinu Wednesday ai- Take notltt* that Lyndhur-t F,odgc ♦ ARRIE W .KIItV AMPLE FREE PARKING J 1.1 \ Kt.1,1, Muiiuipal CJerk of premises situated at 54# Valley Brook ter noon at th«' club house on Riv- N»». 1 .”»05 II. P. t). KHim lllteiitls t«» ap- 7:ia I w » « str«*-t Avenue. Lyndhurst NOTICE ph fo L ie Board o f offlcerM. of thls Take nottoe that James A. Reid. R P tlw ,2-J<‘Si-X Twins, a son and « daughter, Take notice that l»>r.k»n Win« and tr a d in g as Town Tav«*trn. intends to June 3-B» Fees $3.00. n re m lse s s itu a te d a t Sfl* RWAg* Ro nd , <’IU»- and Hie Offleea they llll reapeo Linuor « ‘^nter. lue . L y n d h u rs t were boiti Thursday to Mr and tlvely sr» ap p i» to th« H oard o f C«Mnmlas1onera O ffieee« NOTICE Objections, if ariv. shrmld be mo do Joseph F. Rader, Fxalted Ruhr; #f # e Township, of l.yndhurat. New «I« »OI >, ».ia*- fu rn l h»‘d r Mr?v Nicholas Servideo, 63 Sum­ Tsad«»r G o rd o n . P re s td e o t. 113 i:k>on> jersey, for a Plenary Retail «’on- Take notice that Carrie Wooby, immediately in waiting to DO»IIXR*K t»8th. pi* ntv o l h a t lord Pue# fî Pottrell. S. » r» tary; llarold J. field Avenue. XeWarfc trading as Woobvson, intends to ap- I LlVEf.U, Municipal Clerk ot GIRLS—HOUSEWIVES mit Avenue, at home. « ‘amelet, Trfaàurer auinptkui Ì Accuse for premise« situ­ n« l»hhorh«a>d Jtu s e a pa nod Surah Oowb.n. \ b*e l*r. a»t 113 a te d u t 137 Stnyveaant Avenue, Lynd- i»lv to the B o n r d <»f <'omm lssl«»ners Lyndhurat. ___ n.^iV R Ft s t;iti»**i H* & S The nnniea of the trustées of .thin Bloomfield Avenue Newark of th- Township of Lyndhurst. Xew o c r w s r r p r c s h o . 1 Yoti can w«*rk part tim e <»r f’IuV are: - b n rs t X J . i4ct«nd Avenue Ki th Charh-H «îordf'ri S»*«T**t»rv arndl T»*-a»- Oh,h*. tm ns, i f a n y . s h o u ld be mad«* Jers«-> for a P l» "ta ry R e ta il (' h ì - Ju n .* 3-10— F e e s $3 00. Peter F N>t*sre. Joseph I tllhist. ur* » IS * R id i;. R im é . D M I k i n t iiim tdlatcly In writing to DOM IN If'K sumptlon License for premises situ­ all tla> m «»ui launtlrs tie LOST Jame» A Retd. Hurry FI, Acker-son. Stockholders Hold ng Mort than J UVKI.IJ, Municipal Clerk of at'd at L‘0T Park Avenu«*. I.\ndburst NOTICE I.M > li:s Lomruines watch, of yehow JoMéph Wootiy THItFK rooms h» j.arttiient ial li^lit. 1 Fsr Cent Of Stick L y n d b u rs t. Obje.-tlons. if any, should !»•* rnadle Tak»* notice that John A. Teasalon* «olii w it ii a 1.1st k hand Lj*t «*n OaJjM'tlons. if anv, ahottld hé tnnd- til» I tided N . wl> Isador Oordon. ” r. — «ante »«Mt.*« JAMKH A It LID lmimdlat*lv In writing to DOMINH'K intends to apply to the Roard of clean work Apply ! Monda v inoruin« la-tween Sixth Wtre«'t hmB«,diifcti‘l> ln w r ltjn a to r>om4nlek t .•rator Indudtil \di Sarah «¡ortlon. 2^_j *«»*■■ »«ÌE -*» \ Trading as Town Tavern. t. DIVELLI. M unlcipal <%* rk of Coimnlsia«>n**rs of the Townshln of Jn l> l at *:;s i»»» 1 I and Ridire Hoad, on Summer A tiue. J I.I» eiu. Municipal fierk’ « .f Lynd- «'h a rle s d o r don ***'>'• - •*.»»»,* »«idr*ss Lvndhurst. New- Jersey, for a- Plen- headqtisr- Ju n e 3-10— F ee s $ nd h u rst I lip w a rd Su t l^»y»’r. PoUe< hvrit. X, J. Intend s to a p p b to th- lt>x>rd ,.f « ’ A R R I E AVO« » B Y . ;ir\ Retail Cf*isuni»tlon Idoanae foe II Jun» . J l , GREAT ATLANTIC AND t* 10 Commlsslone>rs of the T»«axMp of NOTICE Ju n e 3-10—-Fees- >3.00. premises situât««! at 113 Ridde Road. T»*k* i»«.t1« » that S a lv a to r . D o ra n - Lv n d h u rs t. T HR ISF. rooms on PACIFIC TEA COMPANY «b» intend» to ai>(>l> to the Hoard of NOTICE « »bb*«‘tions. I f a n v . slm uld l»e m a d « la tin e eTH'IOKed t emmission«-rs of the Township of Take, notice that Rose Levito- ihtmedlatelv in writing to DOM INICK water furnish»'»! \\ » Z6 S Courtlant St., Belleville lAitdliurst. New Jersey, for a Plen­ intend« to aptdv t>. -the Board «»f t. LIVELLI. Municipal Clerk of 501 |»wt Avenu*. « ary Retail <'onaufflptlmi iJcehse fctr Con#m is »loners of. the TovtiuMti of Ly n d h u rs t. K H a rn y 2-0nú# M HI llville 1 4444 situat»d at Stuj’vesant. L v n d h u rs t. X.-w Je rs e y . i«»r a P l e n ­ JO H X A TESSA LOK E Avenue. Lyndhurst. a ry . R»-ta 11 D is trib u tio n Lb-enae fo r Ju n o 3-10— F e e s $3.00. TH It KK n.edium M I .* »h^**li«sas. n aitv should be made premises situ -*ed at '»«Mi Stuvveaant Utth. liaht h*»us.*ke iiom*-diau*ly in writing to DOM INICK Av.uue I,yndhurst. NOTICE h«*t water Muptdied * f Take .notice that Samuel Tutlb* Experience Unnecessary .1 LIVELLI. MunlcVpnl Clerk of 3.00. W K PAY. full value for little AS 10% CASH AND A 16 t ares, • old giagawari * I Male and Female Help Wanted Tak«- notki tbaA Anr«d Ander­ i Avenue, Lyndhurst YEAR MORTGAGE WITH INTER­ dishes, old fa mil v furnitare son. Jr intenda to apply to ntl»e NOTICE Obj*«-t1ons. If ah' should be made E S T A T Poi«rd of Commissioners of the Tak. noti«'.* th a t D o m ln k k DeNla«*o Immediately In writing to P**»MTNT»Jt; »old jew*lry. camera* »k-hn- l v n o i i p r s t writers, coins and statni* Town*hta of Lyndhurst, N«w Jersey, Intend« to apply to the Board of t 1.IAELLI Munlripal Clerk a# It" HARDIN«* A VEX PE BP NO A «Commissioner* of the Townshto of L y n d h u rs t. etr, Telephone PAsaat. f-sar IA»\\ n*-w U paint, tl .. rooms, batli. for a Plenary TthtaR Cortmmptlon I J« ette** for premtaefi situated at 222 Lyttdhurst \**w Jersey, for n R»»n- S A AI C E L YPRK1EW1CZ. ttot w at. r to at. 40x!*v WANTED *Mu> ven ant A n n u e . L y n d h u rs t ar% Retail I’onsumptlon License for June 3-1»— Fees $3 00 .«I AVKNI.-K -' r»mll> K Ir« » Selection **f ivsMSts X baths, st. ain, 2 car garag« . objections. W any. should ba made USED CARS AM» TRI ♦ KS tn i mediately In writing to D O M INICK Best Prb*e- larg* • onier plot J LIVELLI. Municipal Clwk of 1» OELAFlEl.l* AVENl E, VAPAXI’ ESSENTIAL WAR JOBS Tewtag Sarvtre J l L A 1 s t - « r«Mime. b ath, steam . b y n d h w d SAL’S AUTO SALES |.im (l |*t»r» h latn st«*im. ' • <»r «a NOTICE / A N T E O M * I 'Ut>l. v » fun- tttids. motors va» onte »od •» bm ur, l»ndhurat Buys O ld Rags — Newspapers — Magazines machine*, scrap ami *>ld * :*rm. it* Objec tions, tf any. should be made a*«t l«t iâte pick-up Cair.»»r writ#- »N lb »P LE V ARI» Immediately In writing to DOMINI«*K M R A O E S A U M N O T 4 st earn. 2(1*1*» J 14 VELIA. MunMpal Clerk of 14S Seth boydeo Teeraca iwt»ms l*ath. LATHE HANDS A ll Kinds of Metcrfs »HD PLAOE « LtrwitiMWt j N e w a rk 103"t h e r e RENETA Wll^CEYNHKl -**St H th e sr r np **41». - c a i Jut.H r..ta—Fees 1 1 00 PAYS THE PREVAILING PRICES NOTICE ß " "Ir.. A L A R i l K DRILL PRESS OPERATORS Take saH»» tbat h it M i M p m • ’all R1'Ui< mt* nd*» to apfdy to the Board I Call Now .. . RUtherford 2-176S-J j A A B f A 'swtkiMhnlbnara of the Townahit» of. uiurst N. W J»r«e\ for n t*len 1 H . K S A L E w r y R e ta ti «*»»nw%»mptlen i Jc e f i i e fo rt Old Beds — Springs and Mattresses FOUNDRY LABORERS situated al Ï44 Ridge Rood. I l#f MIDLAND AVENTI: Bai FE1 l.t ndb»|at. A r l i n g t o n «»kKuMW, if any should Is* mnde »-¡»•i* dist»iv i>t w riting to D o m i n i «'E 1 P< K i : 2 -#«32 — 2 §042 all W ill i T R U C K E R S f Id A E L U M » Iti««ipa I Herb of itdh L * »*dhanst PAT MCI.1 JOAX June S - lb —E c e s f ! 00 You haar people say: "I wish I'd had the a n a i* i\ i: i p RENT Only Late Model. bath LEARNERS NOTICE TUkr Ndke that Mai Aaron to buy a house when prices ware law.' Ini* Od* I«. ap td y to tl»*» Boa» d of typewriters « '»s ■ iì^ìmIi» r* «if the Township »*f You can »till buy i houte today for W'< le»> i L*odhtw-t Xew Jersey, fiir a 1*1» n HELP WANTED FEMALE • m l I *r» Re««ii «i wn*umptto»i t> « na* far . tban you could build MM. |«re*» »it*«!#. SSS Stu.!.»e«aot E X P E R U Adding Machine* Item s t.\»»dH* U ’< i n v i t r yoti l o 1>»'k at * f.u largain>> li^tetl «rifh tii lin e r * « guaran** - »I C * »«•* f . * * *L <-tn>n> If M U 1— n u d i* w e ek or, pi.-. i. v - .Ti-xler »»•-dwtelv In w r itin g to la » M IN l* s by tnw tgage c«uwjK»fti ? ur.It-re tht lîankiftg y e a rs MA gaai’.'í'.tewi I.: a»* *«r s w o r k o r L1VEL1J Municipal «Vrk of a u t h o n t ie u , . rr.R S O N S N OW IN \ \ AK ESSENTIAL ACTtVtTlE -«db nest tn luiuinate. trai Avenue, E.»-t Newark M A X A A R O V W IU. NOT HE l.’ONS!t*FRIi> Huv *M M tSrw Im hM li taifM , and W OM AN ..r s*r! f,-r n- - - M*ari BERGEN tbe (« I at your houae real to ft«.M per i bigs Ot' a ft. Ill*»,e \pfdh M r . \ IT***-*. *1 R id g » Road. K a ia w etsad TYPEWRITER SERVICE NOTICE AO Make, New and IW '**fk * *ba( d u tf' ttl- Rticwlwki MEVtR AVENU* m ia I mom* 2 baUn. Met " f* V F W Intend* t<>. t «team bmler» E X P E R I K \« ‘E I i b liawrd af < *w»» w iaii ou« r* avem s t i a - » fld f J*ötiKt * ’ .w*»ibt* 9tt 1.« ndbgrst Nb*» - sew a v a ie ♦».»*41 y an» for b • lo b 1 Jc^f»«»- f#»r aw*-»«» * 1 «tram boAen haret- T»#4 Rt t RENTED. REPAIRED APPLY tMMCDIATiLY AT EMPLOYMENT OfiHCE tt < Ndl at *ïî Tajh»y ytmok sTt rv«sA !cr a v e m c s —T*r m — *• ln I he evening 2 steam ballert Laay Payment Sale» be offb'er* uvnSM Avm rt-aim A W AR 40»*' Trade Where A TTÏN TIO S: Oui Kmpfcryn enl OWt» * il) I^SiKti Su ea fbey fUl 11 wiw eti H» « Î I^eam botter* . Satnefartum I« Guaranteed from | IS A M to I P M for inle. vie* < bitrnrk** rr»alred I ‘ n r » t i» v v d i r y ? m aa.Trts Av»wtf sous » nmm. j Kav* d b» wa» ZS3 Main St., Hack en »a ck daily from I 00 A M to $ uu 1’ M m uaual -««ma «der Co., t.yadhiiret rH t»A T I ANN* 1% V S SESÉMS ^MiiE^dVb HAckeanark 2-U4I nbw V k e .i'a n m i SECOND AVESTE «Saisi—4 ru — , t UtMl’K \t«»Rlto> $r,,#aa— I fam »H tvum- a» et *-rsmes#*sr tirvaitrfirrit in e». «**!- ** IN RtHffgTUSfy. I».»« h. beat. 2 *w f t*4#«i « a t r a la *• alear\ _ I Esqle Wo oder# ft ad tbe dle«wtar« irtae Terms con be arranged h f r f t » # » r * t t 9mm S tS JF*#* M i l L W O S M, E ft « »*Mf LESLIE CO. f<>* .t»l«| W t of tm* *m*m ******* CABINET MUSIMI « »éroer — ll«S w . I.a»fcdke » •* « mifiti»osm ti. it u m i, »HIN fgTgllJ#». ew> »aalsaa w i t * »»*< »eaaa a»tc»- WALTK*! «m û , C. SAVINO «*#a»e**<»»a s o g CaipssiSr >., LYNDHURST, N. J. % M r* *u<. \o a tt r ■ MMsry. aed ®a«ara* rsgafea. 231 TONTINE AVENUE i b a « - f*CMBt»«*t A- ar .■ - r a«* .b-H«M ba »ei* •*# le ta »W W W »S RIDGE SOAP, LYMDHUaST r u t h M a n CE RO N AStt INC.TON A « M j h FX 1*4 l J \ 1 V k T \ 8 .tPMOkt Kf ? JaSt A V # V t RPft» î-STS? « A vnhtvi vai cam Ib» THURSDAY, JUNE 1«, IMS T H E LEADER p a c e r i v t

A daughter was bprn Friday . Mrs. Mary Hickey, 618 Second Avenue, was initiated into Mu Mr and Mrs J • N e t h Mrv “ ?d ,Mfs ^ M*ye5; Avenue, had as her guest Mrs f Kappa TJiCTionorarvndve-flis Mm Edith OratoMM <4 W * 1 700 341 W.-art Aven*. i S t S i tw-d THqht for Freodom ' at Rivoli New Policy qì JU t i N e w Y o n t Avenue, at the Hack- William Hill and daughters, M yr*‘ ing sorority of New Ycrk Uni- Rid*f K. «ri u iti »r f t » » e w a r tt «nsjcklfcsptel Mrs. Meyer w as tie H ill and M rs. George Wil-i versity at a dinner held, at the thr.r fcrty-frnd wedding an««-«-- K**. Immt «mi >11— >Hmp>ul. For the eonvenienc* !(■» « h r n * s h e u ^ it r w r n ! i n «»oera* b e ia re her marriage Miss Eleanor letts and daughter, Judy, of Hotel Sheraton. May 21 Miss “ O' with a fan»i> d.r.-ter Sun- patr.n«, the Km» *,11 b. ^ daU'ihter *lrs' ScullviUe, N. J. ¡Cohn is in her senior year at day Guest? »m Mr and Mrs open »t t | 49 4»8y heg»nr,m* on . r1^“',, Gedar St., ------¡ the School of Commerce Accounts Frederick NeutuuMrr and th«r Wednesday. Juiw l«th Th* per Hf trta Mr» Jm rpt, O i\km . ,4 Lyndhurst. Mr Meyer is a second an(j finance of New York' Uni* daughter and Miss Edit*- Nrtthau- claaa seaman m the U. S. Navy. i Miss Evelyn Cohn, 432 Post versity. #vr. furrrisnce «.II start *t |» Pm. A^rnue h«t « then w»th th. n«.n futur. U> b. M , w f X S < - H *Wrt M.»»r* Mr. o^*d by.a iompletr shoeing , f t>tllons brtfher. ”«h« ta » n i m m cth features, enahltn« patr^, ^ F.. 1.1 F l c , U Featuring America s Great ^ * e w m tm w f*trf*ded rumine - *«*>edule , to rtxne earlier Jdw William f* la tt i-, to «t m with their sh ’ Crw*hy f t K>n(Kian Mr *»rJ Ur* J M I .tra. « W - S W E E T CREAM T*se m»n»*tm« nt alwt ann^uit Chaar A tnw we #ai thete c m *« a a ix fia l trib u te t.> the itt«e*t M « ’* U » ; a t *«■ <■( -fathers «»I A m e r i t a All rather M u e & tt m , N ' J with * ».'it or. dau«ht< • m t>, ! amteif fivice», are inv Ited to he 1 Mr- 1 the gut tí* id Um i’iÄUji j. ..'r!■ ’ 141 ». • A\n^e. retu n ed » fre» 6« Kdlhcr. t>«\ June ä»> ta » frttant th. H .. », •- ^ ll-»| BUTTER Ar,y |« *lmaiard onteli^»- fr..h , •al, and « 4t h a « n . r ttauthtrf in »ervtee «til I hrntw •dm'* a rather a.« the gwh«> tiatted Mlred «ureecaftilh Anno T. Schtvviqard T«k<* a Letter Purlittts ai< i<‘ untied ui H tOUT FOR KBKr t 1 sh m ilk (|üt ■> j ■ H n Arin# T Sehev'eig o ‘~tt rl,r.i IHiM m whkb they are ro iH ilvd, »Ith Herbert Mattheit henUin* M< ndav in tv*ih Nid(e ah*:* a into every ,jound « |ttH> featu red ca*t T h e tUr>- i* th a t of .1 n«»t«d o v ia trt« , «if net U>ve LU ct LoueMo but m ( aftaira, and of hvi hemti- gettute in In-half ..f the Ululad State» l> it* illrteu She ■.% »tirvive«! bv e A ia ^ r ■ 1^ * s ter Today s 6'ost Nav> TI» ..«kaut« featuie i» HKVKHXK WITH BKVKHLY * «>n, J«dtn l i (ia r t v S t t W tilt w butter volu- j *ith #n ttJl^ut tiiuak.'«! .ea»t TI.e double feat tir* pt«*ian> «dl A v e n u e • dau«hi><< M r* VI K>l [HUMPHREY BO ART ■ ■»-»Sunday théomh ji th> Hitii», Hnt)i«rf«nd t heit ul Wathlngtofi 11 C . »tut t 6 4 9 w w w » ihpÀi:, M k » ' 0 gl »I .V ltii.itt it %»*.' *# h rv tn*r IlttafMriM!Tritata at fi OK» a "tu CA«TiHEI% NCwk« j had ttnttdtd in l.yndhuist for 31 Ktchartf. ikuighu j s Mrs J Aftcm! I rAil C h * * f t h |ni«>vr^ J y. ars. H< »»s a mewsher id the T linkt,y “ f 1 vmihur-st Sir«» J w 4* iß CaHai> (%’ntrIvtv N- M ost of the Best for Your S i a m p s I S. its <>f ItiUy. and of tlw'Italian BLUE P Jttl i j } -i H» *.t* . n»i*l Y *ifc , t'irete, of Lyndhurtt. Sunrise “Grade A" TOMATO ftvt* gi u iitU h ild ivM . Mr Aliamo I* *urvit«t.hy hi* i l i y a l i M r* A ttilt t * « M a r**%Mlt n t »t( t'I* e« *e» a» * « alte Otti a I Iti» i V tie, Mi s A r lut Atiamo: by five w a n * « « * l viuthii! tv fo In .» «nd «. h«if if.tpa; Anthrmy, of New York S;, a Utt 1 tn«*m 3 City; Jowolt, (S«ni> .Salvatore bi t i f tin* Oeugliter# t \Vt« c «n> J .ho and M tritar 1, of I.yiiilhur»t LINCOLN & 9c -fri <»( W a m §£■ . M «•».'* Point!*// Pit« M ijs Prested from wlecttd lutciout ruse ton's’ .> añfl "B y Z W r ïï'" Ja epts a i i i m i m «ta I t a il HrrvKti ir h#H Turmlay At I u m Ifarntn**, ttf B r m K U h A fuíHTttl st rv k « ' w as h r kl i»n i J i tin t H ti k > n.i< i « I • i> f «i aar u n» ■ 'Acme Produce It Tops!' Campbell \ 10c 3 Htv m e* Tta*« j *1 ut’sday, Hitigr jRftadh M* v AU * miter NU POINTS NLtUtU! UEY IT? i mU‘tt Itilt J mt rtt rtf ;*t fhv htlkanne Neabnta Juice NC^ 13c 2 t ¿,t“t ÜHt^t ia w il l ’t ttm |«:-i ) | K'Iti -K IFPI H OI TH» St. Matthew's Card Party u anna n a m i " FANCY N EW Grapefruit Juice 29c 4 On Thurtday, June 17 %iaa Muafcra* tt «tun V -8 .¿ S i, ,t .. 13c 2 lee lie «It. ^ ca rd p a rty an d n « m l «ft« : H oitî «{ Sunddy Dinner *TMI IMVII WITtl Potatoes : r.- n will I* held Th Pure Alice c 26c 3 IT at 2 j* m at S» M u tih i'u « M ITI I R" Mt I' » a I ti I »*»l »II». tttmtll 1 it ht ran Cftu« B Hall t*el h t I,)lK fti I III I NINI, Beets C u t R££ d G len Jor 15 ; TH. tn rh aiWilli il litro h • !\ » i:Hk< fit Ifi s s¡t. ■ J tt H NOM h tt ¡. «*« .1 ib. Beets Sliced t 9 ■ V. i o h a t liaiHatd luha tiiütrlt S c - ~ -frnni I. l«i| ï« « l *»» Imetv*« Tomatoes ,! • 16 H« f n *hrr>**nt* w ill t ^ it pvi 1 0 c • ««•tt***i | . I The RITZ THEATRE M im s aThlHl* Htm H IM ,» tati Ibe W tlM ts Fresh Flounders - 15c WILL OPEN AT I2.-45 iVFRY DAY Fresh P0R6IES » 12« fillet Mackerel * 25( MAIN Fillel Haddock » 3 9 ( Fresh CROAKERS »■ I 3 { BOTH Freth HADDOCK lb . 1 7 c W hole SAVARIN COFFEE n « «, RITZ 1.1 n n i r v * » T ib. Granulated Sugar N;' S J 1C f f. M. ANY EVENING and Fresh Mackerel 15< s«t« Slaal#« IS a*4 16 G c t é I.- 2 IL, Ink % C« ■ cam. u ta i «mi Gold Seal ' Grad* A" Large Most of the Best'for Your RtD Siamo; 10 P. M. ON SATURDAY • mi mi I l M I I i t C o rtó n AS USUAI, CONTINUOUS 1*1 HI OttMANCE INRot n *NN o f 12 ^ ® IH Fermdole Fresh EGGS 5 3 c ON SATUKOAY. SUNDAY and KOI HiAYS ¡th M lim iltN 1 Silver Seal "Dated' EGGS Co7u 49c I —IN ■ I — — — ■ .IIII.L » M ilk lU c "EO G E OF GOiD MAI OOiO HAL * 4 1 u Store Cheese •b. 3 2c 8 DARKNESS" 5 Com Flakes *-•> pk» k Flour IH 4k fteV I I % Xraft Velveeta Cheese 2 0 c 4 «il i mm m *i t WHEATTES Masfr Mix 000 WODU 2 S i l*>* MHII« PRUNES______r* " Ik 16*. Scott Tissue J T . U Oleomargarine DhtT it» c - « 19c 5 “FALL IN'* î RfCE r S 2 2£20< ¿ 20* Waldorf X 4 — 16« Best Pure Tub Lard Î7 c I 5 Fancy Canned Shrimp 31c 4 < ». i^te ». la r m Apple Butter Fancus <^:» F L A M f 1 rit<ç#r ro* Ml b tl N tl I r x i i û o m r a w *•/» i HtiMMt M iaiM 1 It xrtRi ii DuH s Waffle Mix- 20. 1 MAffSKaU tara #* Rea Stampi ]***••••*«•«* KftP | M i a «.* S U P E R S U D S *0Cl«0||»23C package m ra rri'ßoloQna • 3Ic 6 SLUGGING Octagon Granulated Soap ¿¿¿^23c Salami I It 2 Octagon Cleanser 2 can« 9c t a t i * i m i l i I t *1 la t Pork Roll » * 2 ) t 4 m % % tt a i mm a< Octagon Toilet Soap 2 ceke* 9c j*. u n tJmiHis iMtt f i t»» it« ta i Kirkman s Complexion Soapcek« 5c* 21c 4 Pori Lim * l k : 4 **LAUG H Y O U P LAUNDRY HUES AWAY O ctagon SOAP 3 1 4 c Pork Brains - 19c Ì a i t i « m *1 » r • t a m .! u n i «t


I — lidi t¡Ñ m . MIRABELLA S at,.«»« au itiaa ii ta » lath ih* ia«tt.. «ti m «TUtrvESAirr a v i n u i l v n o m u k s t . n ì «tt»a m u t t a* i t M Acm e ZkM ahketi r w a n t «I T*I«I»«I< i«M (_ I mm ai tuie a t f al #• • s*e*ew MMl *aa t a O W N Í O ANO CW UTtD BY TMt AMIR ST0«tS COMPANY -CAN « »»art t t t % m * m Q ç m i T « m 4 i m m é li«A t t* «ai»|t ilald « f M ^ snrrvESAWT avenue, ltw ohurst m Pake avenue, ruthi»# oeo i »


for these grow« as the armed forces expand. With FViday, M ay 28, 1943 J u n e 1, 1943 1,700 local men and women in the services, it can be quickly Dear Editor: Dear Editor! While in Florid? for my Basic Would you kindly send me the understood that the demand for the dressing* also grows. paper each w e e k ? I t is one o f Get in touch with, Red Cross authorities at once. Training, I was able to read my Commercialand THE SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW ïeailer friend's Commercial Leader, that the things I miss most since I've > E s ta b lis h e d 1921 you w e re sin ding to him. been away and I like to keep up Now that I’ve moved to a new with the town folks as much as possible. Published every Thursday by The Commercial Leader camp, I am unable to read of any THE TASK FORCE CORNER news or happenings at home. Thank you for your kindness. Printing Company at 255 Ridge Road, Lyndhurst. Telephone I a m w r itin g to a s k if yo u S in c e re ly, R U th. 2-1031. would send a Commercial Lead­ Dorothy Kiefer S2-c The Leader reserve* this apace for the boys in er weekly to me. 230 En n is H a ll, U S N T S service — who they are, where they are and what they It sure would be appreciated Milledgeville. Georgia E d ito r . Carmine Savino, Jr. are doing. Our newspaper, which i* sent without cost to among us Lyndhurst fellows. T h a n k you. M a y 25, 1943 Business Manager...... Ernest J. Dabinett any Lyndhurst service man who wants it, has proved S in c e re ly Dear Editor: such an aid in keeping each other informed about their Y o u r Pfc. J. Schneider Have been receiving the home whereabouts that we will each week set aside space for B o x 1158 town paper the past few weeks, Entered as second class m atter April 7, 1938, a t th e P o s t them. If relatives receive interesting letters their neigh­ 415 T. S. S. Flight E ' thanks a lot, it sure feels good Office at Rutherford, N. J., under the Act of March 3, 1879. bors might enjoy reading, we will gladly print them. Gulfport Field, Miss. to get the news from home. Been over the pond the past 7 months Dear Editor: and like it a whole lot. Subscription $2.00 Per Year Five Cents Per Copy M a y 26, 1943 here. Just a few l i n e s 1 w e - t to p e r­ Give my regards to all my Dear Editor: I have ben receiving the Leader sonally thank you for mailing the friend s in L y n d h u rs t, a n d lots o f Just a few lines to let you for the past three-four months paper to me over here. Sure is luck to the Commercial Leader. Lyndhurst, N. J., Thursday, June 10, 1943 know that I am still receiving »nd strangely enough am look­ good to read the news about the Sin ce re ly, W O O LENS the home town paper and just ing forward for more copies. old town. As you know I am Pfc. G. E. Kreigh how much I really appreciate Through the Task Corner I have somewhere in North Africa, not A PO 637, c-o Postmaster Graduates' Future it. It certainly does make one feel gotten a few addresses of the like the good oltl U.S.A. Can’t New York City, N. Y. The armed forces are siphoning off high graduates good to receive a letter or paper beys I used to know. I said infcrm you of my experiences — -V—- and college graduates and students completing their college from home and to find out how “used to know" because, believe but had a few. I get a kick out M a y 17, 1943 semesters so rapidly some have but little time to change everything is getting along. it/or ndt with all that is going of your editorials en some of the Dear Editor: I have been transferred out of oh, lack of constant correspon­ experiences the boys from town I want to thank you ever so from then school clothes. my old outfit and I am now do­ dence and the new and daily If they fail, after the war, to complete their educational have had. W hy they brag about much for sending me the Com­ ing office work and am very companionship of the boys in m y it is beyond me Possibly I’ll tell B LA N K E T S programs it will be unfortunate, indeed, for the country. mercial Leader at Fort Knox, but interested in the work. I would outfit it is pretty hard to keep you some day. The climate here now since . I x am stationed at The New York Times recently printed the fact the appreciate it very much if you a line on everybody back home. is fc-»einnim» to get r e a l hot. I Camp Campbell, , Kentucky, I college courses mapped out by the armed forces are far would continue to send the paper I haven't met anybody from town, am in the best of health. would appreciate'it very much from successful. to me but to the address at the for that matter, anybody that C b l. C h ris Ju ng , 32300365 if you send th e p a p e r here. I Perhaps they will never be adile to put into effect the end of this letter. even heard of Lyndhurst. A P O 759. enjoy it if I receive it. plans they first contemplated. But a real service can be It has been over a year sincn Of course everything over here care Postmaster, N. Y. and I know I will continue to rendered if the Army and Navy begin now to condition the I have seen the old town and 1 is rationed, including the beer, tnjoy it if I receive it. minds of their charges toward education after the war. am anxiously waiting for the day which hurts. The beer we do Ju n e 2, 1943. S in ce re ly, when I w ill be able to return to get is pretty strong until you get Dear Editor: P v t . .J. G a w r e lu k CLOTHING! High school boys who have failed to finish their school­ it once again. One never real­ used to it. The people over here I have only been in the Army Co. B. 220th Armored Eng. ing should be encouraged to do after the war and to go on izes how much the old home are picking up the American Air Forcc for two months but in A P O 444 to college, if possible. College students whose educations town means to them until they slang and using it in their own that time I have received the Camp Campbell, K y.j ______have been disrupted should certainly be encouraged to win have been away for a length of way which sort of tangles us up Commercial Leader repularlv. theii degrees. tim e. after awhile. They like to swing, It is swell to know that those si home have not forgotten the Doubtless, there will be a grand drive on after the war I also would like to thank the out tut their own arrangements Troop 4 Girls on Hike American Legion at this time for are pretty tough to get the hang bovs who are trying to help get for bonuses. the Chrtstmas gift that I receiv­ of— you sort of keep at least one this Jwt^over with so peace can Troop Four,. Girl Scouts, went No better bonus can be offered than an educational ed. It made me happy to think step ahead of the music. reign once again. on a hike on M ay 31 After lunch bonus. These students whose educational lives have been that the folks back home remem­ Again I thank you and regret T h e A ussie is a good fig h tin g games and songs were enjoyed. ber the boys that left the town that I have not written sooner. snapped off so suddenly should be made to feel the break is soldier-—not a, parade ground The girls who went on the hike to enter the service of our won­ Pvt. William Vllliez temporary and the rest is certain to comer after the war. soldier. Some of the boys in the were Ethelwynn Bartlett, Mau­ BARON’S derful counry. I know that it 413 TG Flight N This appears to be a project on which the best educa­ (ther branches of the service reen Bennett, Paulette Bibaud, has been some time since I have B T C No. 4 will understand—if I explain Anna Bittner, Elinor Blake, Do­ tional minds of the country should now turn themselves. received the gift but this is the Miami Beach. Florida further it might be censored. The lores Brooks, Dolores Byrnes, first opportunity I have had to Red Cross is doing a good job Dear Editor: Evelyn Cieszynski, Camille Cin- th a n k 1 them . over here keeping the boys in ardo, Rosa Daub, Lorraine Eck, Stocks A Complete W ill you please send the Com­ I will close now but I will drop this outfit haopy. The country . Women Needed m e rcia l L e a d e r to m y address Paula Fp.ury, Mildred Hartshorn, a line real soon. over here is like our own, at Doris Henne, Joan Henne, Laura The Red Cross reports that a serious shortage of surgi­ below. Again I moved uo by Thanking you again, I remain. least the section I have seen. cal dressings has developed because of a paucity of women pullmin about 450 miles, but I Impelluzeri, Marion Lecitrc, Bet­ CpI. Mm. Schreckcnstein This will have to be cut short, volunteers for this important job. am stil in Texas, what a big wide ty Martin, Virginia Meola, Ellen A P O 853 more later. Nash, Lillian Nash, Evelyn Orli- n o e n Assortment Of space th is state is. Ju a re z , A few hours a week are wanted of women who wish c-o Postm aster, N ew Y o rk , Best to all of mv friends. kowski, Diane Rediker. Margaret New York. , Mexico is only a few blocks from to contribute to the war effort. - ■ Ret. John T. Carrig Rediker, Rosalie Reilly, Anita ...... El Paso. I a n there quite often to Red Cross leaders say the only reason the shortage oc­ A P O 704, e*o Po stm aster see their hull fights Richards, Rose Fudge, Joan Schif- M ay 4. 1343 curred is because too few women realize the need of the San Francisco, Calif. I ran into cne of the Iosco fcr. Mildred Steinmctz, Marie work. Dear Editor; b ovs here. Vallery, Jean Walker. Eleanor Just a few words from "Down We are confident that Lyndhurst women will respond Dear Editor: Many thanks for vnur paper. Wisniewski. Under”, from'a fellow that could Moth to the appeal for more volunteers. I want Jp thank you for send­ Sincerely. BROWNIES HAVE DAY CAMP really enjoy that little town of ing me the Commercial Leader John J. Checki Fifty-five Brownies registered The many splendid women’s organizations can lend a Lyndhurst. I am in Australia, I am now in Navy boot camp fith Tow Tareet Squadron on S a tu rd a y fo r C a m p H a p p y hand here. By polling their memberships and delegating somewhere, and of coure under up here in Sampson. Navy life is Biggs Field El Paso, Texas Hour which is being planned and those who have the time to do the work, the shortage can going training. I cannot tell how pretty good but it rains to much enjoyed at the Little House. soon be made up. long I've been over here, how I up here. M a y 27. 1043 Ttiere were 10 leaders to assist got here, and what 1 am doing P reven tatives The dressings are sent to the armed forces. The need I used to be a weekly reader Dear Editor: Miss Elizabeth Lindsay, Camp of yfcur paper until I enlisted Up to a week ago I received | Director. At the opening exer- now I enjoy your paper more a cony of your caper regularly | cises, Mrs. H. J. Emmons, Com- ICTORY th a n ever. snd I must sav, that it provided j missioncr of the Lyndhurst G irl Thanks again for your paper a fine means of kprping in touch, Scouts, spoke briefly, and wished and I hope you keep on send­ w>*h event« a n d folks back ho m e the girls a happy time. The 12 OUNCES in g it. M y station has benn chaneed Brownies will meet each Satur­ Yours Truly, recently form cool.placid Ver­ day, through June. They were H. F Lemanowicz mont. to warm, buzzing Tennes­ gathered in groups and took a M OTH FLAKES . .9« C. 344, U S N T S see. M uch as I h a ted to le a v e walk to the Camp Grounds. Fol­ Sampson, N. Y. Vermont, I can say that I looked lowing the lunch hour, they had V ---- forward to being transferred to a rest period. Games were en­ 12 SHEETS M a y 2B, 1943 th is nost. joyed. stories tdd and then little Dear Editor: In Tennessee I shall receive my nursery rhymes were dramatized. As I expect to,hr stationed TAR PAPER. . classification and then on to a- 4 o'clock came all too quickly and \ here (or a couple of months, I nother post, which can't be to the girls are impatiently awaiting “Mistress Mary, Quite shall apreeiste receiving your soon another Saturday. QUART Oil pet each w eek N ew s fro m the Well, again I want to thank A ll registered Brownies pay 50 ho m e to w n is a lw a y s w elcom e you for the enjoyment you have cents and other girls wishing to when you are away provided for me unknowingly. ente- pay-W , of %»/hich 50 ce n ts FLIT < . . . . I have m et several fe llo w s up 00 Very truly yours, will be used toward their regis­ Contrary, How Does here from Lyndhurst. some that A S H Sknhik tration should they desire to join I had never met before. As yet QUART Sqd. A Sec 2 the Brownies in the fall . wo are quarantined hut that will N A A C A A F C. C. G irl Scouts will hold d»y camp end in another week Nashville, Tcnn on June 28 to 30, snd July 1 and BLACK FLAG.. 29c Your Garden Grow” T h a n k in g you in ad van ce anrl with best regards to all my 2. Fees for the older girls are the Dear Editor: same as for Brownies. friends at home. Would you please send me a POUND Yours Truly, Commercial Leader so I ran keep W B Van der Reck Jr. ] up with the news of the town I Local Students Attend II S N T S Co 4R5 w i l l ap p reciate it v e r y much Paradichlorbenzine . 24c Newport, R I Thanking you in advance, I Radio Work Shop Class D °N T let up in your gardening efforts. Keep V - - A rem ain. . May. 27, |!)4:t Pvt Andrew Greco • . Edward Liva and Dsvid Gil- POUND Dear Editor: Med Del 423 Inf I lette, students, and Andrew G ray. right after those weeds . . . give the plants I would like to inform you <>l A P O 443 ! member of the faculty, at Lynd- . . 49c a ehange of address. DICHLORICIDE . Ftrt Jacksen. S C, | hurst High School, were smong I have ecmpleted bv training all the water they need . . . and cultivate. , ---- V ---- ! a group of interested high school at Great Lakes and have hern i M a y 15, 1943 students and tcscbers invited to PINT pi-emoted to Petty Officer Third Dtar Editor a m eeting of the Radio Workshop Class I’m now stationed at the I sm writing this letter to ask at Fairlrigh Dicktr»*on Jr. Col- Navy's Atrial Ounnerv school at • • t M's an exacting job, bul once you start eating vou if you would please send me i |rgc Tuesday night. Expansion a t LARVEX. . . 79c Hollywood Florida, where I will the Commercial Leader I sure | ihe workshop's present program have orimary training, and then would likt' to keep up with th in the 1943-44 college year was b e shipped to a squadron fo r ac vegetables fresh-picked from your very own gar­ le t I vit ics in good o ld L y n d h u rs t discussed tual flying » COUPON CLIPPING SALE OF Laure would »pprcciito it very Present affiliations of the col­ I wish to thank you for send much if you would do that for lege permit radio to be taught ing me the Leader, for I have POPULAR BRAND den, you'll forget all about the work. me Army life is grand and it is from s practical point of view. enjoyed reading the town new« s u re hot d o w n h e re in S o u th Students now have actual experi­ S in c e re ly Carolina I want to wish you the ence in the planning and staging «3 Louis Bennett AOM 3-r beat of everything of regular programs And don't forget to can what you don't eat — O b servatio n Sq u a d 20-43 Sinccrtly Yours, ! CIGARETTES \ Section t Pvt Al Lnpacienski CHESTERFIELDS Naval Air Gunners School S e r B t r v , 591st F A B n Cub Pack 5 M eett Pri. I it's a wonderful feeling to start a winter with a Hollywood. Florida A P O 443 ■ C A M ELS V ---- Fort J a r k s There w ill b* a meeting of Cub L U C K IE S Ju n e 3. 1043 well-stocked pantry. Pack No. 5 on Friday evening. I RALEIGHS I I Dear Editor M a y 30. I!>43 June II. at the Cub Hut, Park OLD GOLDS 1 . 1 7 I Wish to take this ooportunitv Dear Editor m and Lake Avenues ; U- express my sincere thanks and I have been reeciv ng the Com- I NOTE: Tan Mast Cat (Hit raupe« far Cigarettes al »L17 * ap p recia tio n for sending m e the mereiai Leader quit regular and A mock wedding was held by g JI'NF. Il 11 U ^ JJI i Commarctal leader weekly I I thought I would ite a few.' Cub P^ck No S on June 4 at the ! I've been receiving it weekly for lines to tel) you I .- much I Franklin School. M r Benson, ex­ ' the uast It months and look tor appreciate it, I know -1 ~i ■uld ecutive of Tamarack Council. ward to the day it is scheduled have written sooner but I guess B S A . led community singing «>f the children and their parrn'v, J to arrive, »o ! csn read what is it’s just one of thoae things W* Rewrve Th® Right To Limit Qu«ntittM i going on in good old Lvndhurst Fve been in Texas 7 menths accompanying them on the ac- Boiling Springs Savings As you know l am in the Medie» cordton. r j Alto through the Tssk Feirre I Corner locate very gor’d friend» We are attached tn a tank corp of m ine I'll he coming home on a fur AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Would anoeeeiate it immensely lough m a week or tn It w ill he M . Frangiponm on Visit if you would rhange my address Ijood to H f Lyr st again. Td also tike thank P v t N»ch las A, Frangipane ♦ * * ti atrve as 1 have been trans- ' (rirn i out of my organisation intn American I - ‘sending 134 Sum * it Avenue, was hr* B a r o n ’s th*’ one b elo w a carton n t wi ■ fhre* day furlough recent RUTHERFORD.N.J. Thanks again for your continu­ W e ll, its time for f H e was Ipenane at eie conftr 23 PARK AVENUE. ous sending of The Leader and giara* rii run aloni T hank* «*x>n of Jo se p h M r g tU , an o o f hooc to keep receiving it regu­ ga in for sending n the p «| Mrs Jiseptune Frangipane M7 CUT RÀTE DRUG STORE la rly . as 1 enjoy it verv much and hope to co n tin i getting W a r r e n Street .« -