Newtyle and Community Council Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 4th June at 7.30pm in Newtyle School

Present: Cllr J Bell, Cllr R Proctor, P Small, J Ross, K Band, D Treffry, O Hindmarsh, M Hodgkinson, J Berg, A Berg, S Sherriff and R McDonald. Apologies: T Harley, Cllr McMillan Douglas and J Buchan

M Hodgkinson gave us a talk about SCAMMERS. There was a government act ( only) brought in in 2007 to protect vulnerable adults who had various disabilities and mental health issues. Angus have their own Adult Protection Team, dealing with various issues around vulnerable people being scammed out of their savings. This is often from members of their own family to feed an addiction. He spoke about the “Think Jessica Campaign” and talked more about the work the Financial Abuse Support Team in Angus do. If anyone is concerned about anyone being scammed contact Mark Hodgkinson through the Angus Action Line on 0345 277 7778

Police Report: Read out

Approval of last minutes: Approved by O Hindmarsh and seconded by J Berg

Matters Arising from minutes: 1. Dead tree on the Road is to be taken down. 2. Issues with trees in a front garden in South Street, it is the houseowners responsibility to maintain their trees. 3. Cycle route; J Berg attended Sidlaw Path Network A.G.M. There might still be a possibility to link Newtyle to . Funding may be available form TACTRAN. Cllr Bell mentioned member officer working groups for road safety action plan re. active travel. 4. Bannatyne path across field – Mr McDonald spoke to both John Skea and John Burnett. Mr Skea is very aware of path legislation. Perhaps there could be a sign put up as crops are planted highlighting what is planted in the field, to avoid contamination of organic crops. 5. The Paths Network Group are still looking for volunteers- A Berg kindly offered to help while he is at home for the Summer. 6. Church Hall resubmission of planning application was required as previous consent had expired. 7. Davie Robertson Memorial Bench – Cllr McMillan Douglas is still waiting for clarification around where the bench must be bought from etc. 8. Abandoned car in South Street – this will be removed as soon as possible. 9. We asked two or three months ago if a 40mph buffer zone could be implemented on all four roads entering the village. Good news the buffer zone will be implemented on North and South bound approaches, we asked if buffer zone could extend past Jacobs ladder for walkers’ safety, criteria around buffer zone lengths will need to be checked around this. Hopefully once surveys have been carried out on Coupar Angus Road and Road they too will have 40mph buffer zones – we have also asked if the 30mph signs be moved to around the water treatment plant on the Glamis Road. Resilience: D Treffry attended a Roadshow in Birkhill. L Andrews, D Treffry and H McFarlane are to meet with Mr McLusky to finalise First Responders phone number McFarlane has agreed to be Team Leader and our thanks go out to her. SSE bid for funding has been accepted for consideration and result will begiven in September. Mr McDonald is providing maps for an open evening and he has contacted P Conroy for training at work around the defibrillator.

Correspondence – read and discussed

New Street Name – after a few technical problems we asked people to contact either P Small or K Band with their vote for preferred street name, slips were also available in the Post Office for people to cast their vote. Votes were counted and collated at the meeting and most preferred name was Old School Court, very fitting as the houses are to be built on what was the tennis and netball courts. Thank you to everyone who took the time to either fill in a slip or get intouch with us.

Sustainable Newtyle Group J Berg would like people to get involved in a sustainable Newtyle Group for various projects – he is to be holding a meeting re. the group on 22nd June – Please watch out for details on Facebook page.