!". TOT WASHINGTON TIMES, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1916i; If -- M STARS OF THE PHOTOPLAY AMUSEMEfrTS Ai4USEMENT ;Atjiactipijs This Week's Music Events Far NEW NATIONAL rWATir,ES .TMIi) yBBBBBBBsP''lsaBsKV Photoplays This Week WEI.aniSAT. , WEEK ComingHere yCaH'aHOv O'nlif tlirater fn ahlnaton cff.rlng i01lvHy AmrcMhsid forlat aura n Jint "anky ystsBBBBBBBBsHHrl:?' " K ZssV4' '" 2MsBBBBsW CASINO. The Bvmnhonv Society of NeW York, JSfext Mme. Parah Bernhar tHo' great Waited Dmrocll, conducjon will give Tie Waahlngtpn W Week Frrnch trairedlchho.'Trlll the uttrrii!-tlo- it the cloaW concert of.the I k . MARGARET at the Caaluri Tlicater. bwlnnlnc season at the Belasco Theater tomorr.oy. fc (Continued Tag Ten.) 'SBBBBIBSBBBaBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEBBBBB&SE. l IIbJsIbsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI tolay nnd continuing- - Until Thuradav. (Monday) afternoon at 4: 0lock. JMlfa' from BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBKl!aBVE9L.V II ''BBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBmI soprano aeo-- V In the traulc drama ''Jenniio d'Oro," "Frieda llemnel, coloratura of WbUfrcd OfrceiWoM Wilt UnA, thn s BBBBBBBBBbBHmL UULBBBlMHftBBBHMR BBHl New" eaxlary alwauikm lii,;:thc tfiTpfly 'Mail SSlBBBBBBBBlBBBllaSB'' asHsV USbIbB1BBBbHHbBBT BBBBsBt This !s her flwt effort since tha tho Metropolitan Opera .House, qurad." rmialr by, tho Blrand BBBBBBBBBBnBBHslHr""'' BBBIBBBBBbBHFsIP'IBBBBBbW oieratloh to which she was sub- York, will be (he, soloist.' MjslJewpet Hnldl &e SsK Bymphbny Orotwjfira Will n feaiui-- IpJML H jected, and whnt may be her last in will appcar'twlce on the afternoon pro dally HHK' sHPnT''-a- Is being the er,tb' ' tho theatrical world. It the tory of n granv r first number alr rA aL- - ftlBBi"' by G "Vaudeville. HP" At; ImBBBBBBBBBIK' E-- . woman who lias n husband whose 'eul "Invotamt" from "jerBanl" Verdi AN ' LIN i BSBB1BBBBBBBBBBSBeP'''WTHiHHHOTi .r-.J- 3H was (riven bver to aambUng until sill'' Tli la ns fnltOWSt ' Irene? Krankltn. with. "Burton draen uS'--k'- bbbbbbbiibbbbbV nrMrnm Wtt"tmfT sbbbbbB cldn twt'ali end to bla career. tfympllW D' Minor, Introduc-- r accorripanylnK her at the dIavio, will only son murdered their sold No. 4. IX PAUIi be the atttactlcHi nt the B, F.. Keith Her Allegro, Romans, and Schwa JtKSTER'K SPARKLISU COMBDY '::V'BB1BB111111bL benefactor and.went.to the ftu'.llotlhc to and V- - f Theater next wcekv New aontfa With, ''ijA.it SBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBHSiL to' be beheaded, 'while ahe. fronv a and' Finale. Schumann r "InVoIanH'' lyrics by .Mlsa FnuiKUn and mutlo V'fViV streejU was obliged to. Mlaa by Mr. bo house aCroM the from "Ernahi." Verdi IJtmmi, Orcen will Introduced. !BBBBBBBlBBBBBffi(!l!'f'''''A r'dBBBBBBBlBBBlBBlBBBBV '(PXi&,i)'jk ' look helolertlv ;onr OBportuidtif w,as. lp Aulla." Other numbers on the program Will Play for tha display of exrerptB-fro- "Iphlgenla JEji; be Will M. and Blanche Davni ttlven In the powers .,. f tim Maidens' of Chalola, y tho tragic of the great BEVERLY'S Cry JflsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflsm famous in another Crt-M- comodv. VOhe NIrIiV Bmj?2 'tW'BSBBsl Bernhardt, whoao final effort In the Achllesi Racing-tl- Chariot, Melodram, r Only:" Harry Tlgho nnd. laabclle Jason. :l?l,! tWT,i prove to be. Damroaeh, Ned Monroe and Keller Mnclc. the World theatrical fnhiVla.' Farewell. Walter iV Charle. Ahearn comedy cycling, troupe, yioloncello aplo, Jflquea Renardi Slurn-b- er WasMngln's Flit nnd Lucy Urueh, Captain U ruber CRANDALt'8. Song from "DtnoraW Mey'trbeerr. Mile. Huroptoati 1 hblda place l and Adellna with their lf'T-t'-t 'aBBISllllWBBBlsVJ; t5v MtllllllllllflBBWHBBllllBllllllllllSBBlllBa Alice Brady the of hotior Serenade, Btrauaa. Mlaa ,Hempet; Birthday arenlo revue William Kerry, "The tfrog week, as ahe, BALANCE Man;" pine organ; a Crandall's this not Bymph6nlo POem, "mtava," biswh" the and the t'atho feature, Woman's power," will be current, nowa pictorial. uBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnf "A BBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBV week's attractlpna,, appearing In dif- VrMit' afternoon at tha National The- -' towoRRe w manx bbwhfit oborobtowx UNiVisRJiTr hospital ' vJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbK'1 Aid will appear JHUklc llBSBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBmCfc ferent productions. Today's feature. aUr.'Mme.'tancea Klaw n - HXT- Rrlaaser aad Geerse C Tyr SEATS- Milch Interest la- being arouaed In the BSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSV;; In which Mils Brady the artut-l- tne' nnai oncrv - VC "The Ballot Girl' JVrthur.". Present the Dlstlaamlahed Actar forthcoming: production of the musical l Is supported br I(olbroOK iinnn, is a Ten Star Serie,, fc which T. fnR inun phantasy,. "Do Tfbii Believe In Falrlear" engagement Smith haa been spoaH. - to be, presented by Mliw Hawke at the return, announcement 3, 3:16 Monday Tuesday the World .Flint' tit aimal interest: la the Belasco Theater, on Match at and AMleted GEORGE p. to. Prayer,'' will b that: Mme.. 'Alda will .be 'W ARLISS feature. "A Woman's la Bdnard Knehteach'a Wett Ceasedr e( Reaaaaev The plot related ;to the wanderings of seen1!, M?Mo Kin), Is tho featured play- Frank La Forge, whpaeaccompantmertU Betsy through the. four aeaaona in a er. on past occaalona have charmed Wash- search to' find Vthe fairies." She Is arranged followa: jrtilded'orf her Journey by her pet rabbit, Wednesday and Thursday the D. W. ington. The program "PAGANINI" ', production of "Tho Escape," ", 'Nebo, which she' eventually finds to Griffith Nocturne (Chopin), Btudo de Concert With a Brilliant Wnpyortltr Campmny '1 be, th BDlrt of a Photoplay feature founded on the (MacDowell), Frank Forge; "J no well-known play by Paul Armstrong, aula qu'une Bergere"f (Phlirdor). "My 'J Will seen. pictures the escape of a Josef fllofmann.tho great .pianist, will bo It Lovely Cella" (Munro). "Nympha and rV Rive bfrphly recital in Washington thll FILMS woman from poverty and degradation, Bhepherdfc" (Purcell). '"The Laaa With LMEN DORF 4:30 TODAY'S Al-d- season at tho Theater op the' BEST inraugn sin, suuering ana sorrow, 10 a. Mme. a: SB Vu Rational tho Delicate Air (Dr. wne). 24 RRITfNII IHI.KS. MAR. 18 NORTHRRN ITAIiV, afternoon' of 'Febryiary It', at i'M o'clock, better life. The caat lncludea Blanche "An elnom Bacne" (Grieg), "Dn II(II.IA!VD. . AR., SOUTHERN ITALY under of .Mrs. W.tlaon By GARDNER MACK. Sweet, Mae Marah'. Robert , Harron, Rath Ut wohl gut" (Grieg), "Lea l'apll-lon- a" 8 8WIT7.KKI.AND. AND' 8ICI 7' Greene. ' Mri' Hbfman'n program will be Pwcn tMoore, Donald Crisp, F.jA. Turn-- , (Chauason). "Fantochea" (Debus- aa. repelrtlrih 'one-playe- In Car- picture was E! MCCTURE8 NOW OW SALK,'8, TSe. VIA. of tho er. and Ralph Lewis. The - yeux negie' Snrah Bernhardt In "Jennne ti'Ore" sy). "Ouvte- tea Bleus" (Maasanct)f " I"1 HftlP two WeeKs ago, and which (Universal), tho Casino, V near produced under the personal direction Mme. Alda; Tntermlaalon: ''Romance" XAST CONCKRT, ' created euch a furore among! mushi lov- street; of. Mr. .Griffith. . (La Forge), "Etlncollea" (Moaxkowakl), TBN.STAR 8JSRIE9 ers, - Seventh Brady will seen Friday and "Retreat1' (La Korge), in' "The Blacklist'" Alice be Trank I Forges FRIDAY , Saturday In her newest feature from Came AVIth m. Song" (Ia Forge), "My 'Pablo-Casals- "I HaroldiBauert pianist, and (Lsky), Lowe's Columbia, Twelfth the Equitable studies. "The Woman In Wddle" (Thayer), and two numbers 'cellist. 'Mil' appear' In joint recital and F streets. "Manon LescaUt" (PUcclnl). MME. FRANCES ALDA at tho National Theater on the after- Henry Woodruff In "The'BcckonliiK from 4:io 3 4 ' ny - noon of March at JO' o'clock, as the name,-- produced u. w. uru- ' Frlsaa Donaa Ropraao MetroelKa'a Opera Coaspaar fourth cotlfcert In the "artists' v. r nth (Trlanale). ino sirnna, xsinin AMUSEMENTS under thn tnanniretnnnt of. Mrs. Wilson-- ' and D streets. Admirers of William Farnum and gfAHHriSTKK In- aBRLsBBsHtW ' LA FORG3E, Utecrie;' This will bo one of Uie'most 'i'lBasss! TalmadKc. nnd Charles nich-ma- n liavo reason to FRANK teresting season, .Mr; Norma Dorothy Bernard anti concerts of the aa in "The Battle Cry pf I'coco." cipate with pleasure the showing of MASONIC AUDITORIUM Tickets, $Z.ee, BIJ1010, 75c. T. Arthar Smith, 130'O flt. Batter's' stBndfng In the world of music adapted from Hudson Maxims utly 'describes hlnv by tho phraio. "Defenseless America," y J, Stuart their latest production. "Fighting --" TONIGHT liABT CONCKRT THIS SEASO.'y Blackton (VltaKrnph). the Circle,. Blood." at the Empress today, to- ,iae teas Hir.Tih sbLeisr . cardctUlbe world 'over as the foremost 2105 Pennsylvania avenue. morrow and Tuesday, Farnum Is cast to "Strujrglo of the European AVnr," as Lem Hardy, sturdy scion of a fam- MARGUERITE SNOW 4:30 PHILHARMONIC JULIA GULP S19 f of New York Frit Krelster.'the greatest of all vio- IsssssssssssssssiBsSslssssssiH the Alhambrn. Savanth Street. ily o'f Kentucky mountaineers. Leav- IN TUB ocltr linists, will give a recital at the Na- William Couttenay and Eleanor his aged-mother- In "Tho' Sur- ing hla humble cabin and "UFSTAKT' ORCHESTRA tional Thcater''on tho' afternoon of Woodruff Island of fighting blood JOHEF HTRANHICY, Coadartor March 3p. at '4:30 o'clock, under the prise," .adapted from the story by Lem. heir to the' Pram the' Stae I Seeaakr Mrs.i WlUon-Oreen- e, Cyrus Townsend Brady (Vlta- of a long lino of pugnacious ancestors. Thomaa Banrr ' 5BsW graph), the Garden, C3 Ninth tne camp street betakes hlmseir to lumoer TMiarrw KrelaaT-tS- a t Tuesday Feb. 29, 4:30 of Henry Colby and acquires not only rEAHI. WHITE tai HAZaX K3BKEftf Marguerite Hnow- In "The Upstart" a Job. but the love of Evie. TIMK SH0WN Prices i ISJtO, C.oe, 91AO, (Metro.), the Masonic Auditorium, Wednesday, "The Serpent." featuring FIRST HOFMANN Boxes, sae.ee. fle. New A4apteal Steel Maekare'a Where To Go Thirteenth street and York Theda Bara, tho famous "vampire Staajefra Swceraa avenue. woman." Is scheduled. Thursday PIANIST 'Oa sale at Droop's, isth A G. Young In leading woman Clara Kimball "The Heart faude Gilbert, former THE PORTMANTEAU THEATRE HAROLD Today of the Blue Ridge" (World Film Wltn tne I01I HIOCK company i 'inn Jftut Recital PABLO .a Corp.). the Home Theater, Twelfth city, will be seen In "The Fool's Re- Fab. 22, Ull N.w Wlllard Ball Beom and C streets northeast. venge;" supported by William H. Took-e- r. MaUnse. J:M P. M. "The Island, of. Surprise," Cyrus. Town-sen- d Shay and Claire Whitney Tba Trtmpl.t Harcy Brady's, popular story for the flrat Alice Brady and Holbrook Blynn In William Six Who Pass While tba LsntiU Boll BAUERFridar CASALS seen Friday In "The Ruling .. time done. In Aim and featuring Wil- Newman Lecture on Africa "The Ballet Girl'' (World Film will be 'on N.vcrth.lM a. Corp.). Crundall's, Ninth and B paaalon." Saturday attraction la "The ET.nlna. S:M P. M. .FIARIBT in The World's Createat Cellist liam COurtenay, Eleanor WopdrulT, "Sorcer-eaa,- tM Zcna Keef, and other Vltagraph stars, Tonight, streets. Witch." founded on Sardou's " a.mmtr Ourtoa'a NmI. 9KJOO, wum, 9i.ro. .. boim, jv.vv. at Belasco, 8:15. and featuring Nance O'Nell. Six Who Pass While tha fntll. Boil Oa. Bale mt Droop's, 13th.aad G. will head tho double feature program Ethel Clayton and House Peters In Raata now on sal. In N.w Wlllard lobbjr. B today at Moore's Garden Theater. The Savage life In. the Interior .of Africa "The Great Divide" (Lubln), Cran-dall- 's aaammammmmasamamamHammmmmJjn supplementary attraction will bo tho Apollo, 621 H street north- CRANDALL'S APOLLO. st, will be Interestingly described by Mr. debut tupon' tho screen of tho funny east. A strong bill of photoplays has been Joe Jackson, In Mack Ben-i.ett- 'a Newman In "Wildest Africa." which Is William Farnum and Dorothy Ber- latest, "A Modern Knocli Ardeu." to be given tonight 8:15 Be- booked for presentation at Crandall's at nt tho nard in "FlKhtlnir Blood,' the Em- during coming lasco Theater. A country whoro the press, H16 Ninth' street Apollo the week. "The At 3 'and 8:15 today at the B. F. Keith Great Divide" will be given Its flrat Theater the bill will present "Weber and air Is' .filled with a whirr, of wings and i : Fields, Joste company, where beneath! presentation In the northeaat aa a' pho- Heather and the earth one's feet Note These. Selections are. mad Clayton Marshall Montgomery and.cbmpnny, Mr. fairly crawls, ttho nattvo of. the programs .prepareo toplay with Ethel and House asso-elat- es haunt irom or una Mrs. Frederla Voleker nnd' - 'the-fheat- ers I Petera aa the featured 'Players. Many BBi BBBBBk BBBBBBBr- A m A JBB Wild manager concern - Aaaa .a . :aeftru'IionHB(fJcncer'Vard j bea4he..sottlng for' the world's anil no la of the cenea having been ataged In the "WIIBRB THE NATION'S Lynn;" greatest' cataract, ana many reananslbllltv naaitm, eA. teJKEITHdM!GREATEST LAUGH AT VAUDBVILLB." Bert Metros!: Bura. and the other arbitrary changes without Grand Canvon. and-jother- ,' notice to Dally Graaicra) regulfer and added things to attract and pleapc. combine The Times. They are based on the The concerts, by the Apollo orchestra Twin 8Mb Imfay. HH., 25b. int., 25t ti $1. lay ! lafj. attractions. " will all performancea to make this ono of tho most unusual personality of the playera and, tha be a feature at BeKlaalaa; Toaaorrow Matinee Badlas; Next NUrht J The Greatest of easy-cha- ir producing company, per-aon- al' today. Blanche Sweet will aad aadar At Moore's Btrund today of Journeys for the trav- and not Tomorrow Shona Blrthdare,JD, Hiltt aa Theater the eler. Inspection, except In special be "aeen in the Paramount feature. tn Washtactoa'a aad P.M. Other Dara, double feature program will s UaaaU Not consist of Remarkably close-view- of wild beasts, caaea. o. M. Prices lacreaaed. M Burlesque a Triangle drama, "The Beckoning (Other Theatrical Newa and Gossip on Bxtraordlaarr Uotldar BUI, iBtrodBclap; World Renowned Flame." featuring Henry Woodruff. Tho laxen wunin a row reet or ine camera, rage inirxeen.j the Beantr, secondary attraction will he Anna Little Is but ono of tho features to be pre- Attractions In a nimlzatton of Rudyard Kipling's sented. In the Jungles nature will be story, "When the Light came." seen at Its beat, and an added thrill will bo Riven In a hunt for hippo- AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS Special concerts at 3 and 8 "p. m. to- potami, showing two of the huge mona- LILLIAN RUSSELL All This Week day at which the 'entire company of tho sters killed In tho Zambesi river. The Sporting Widows will appear, have, been Victoria Falls will be portrayed from arranged by the. Ouyety Theater man- every, point of view In motion pictures Presenting the In Hr First and Limited VaudevllU'Tour. PrrMntlna lltr I'eraonsl Ixve1lnM. agement. which have- no equal for beauty. Bawltchlnc Voice. Daxsllna Qowna and Wealth of Ocma, In an Offering ot Nina New Features Include '"The Stein A World's Foremost floBff If KntArmm d, knA ROSE Zulu-lan- If Ntimmna Bong," by the Five Rounders; "If tho visit 'Will bo made to Zahzlbar, Photo-Play- U. fl; A." Should Go To War,!' by Vni the Orango "Free State, the Trans- s LOEWS The New Broadwar Alliance of Art, Grace, aad' Genius, cent Dusey;the miser scene' from "Tho vaal, and tlion to .Cape Town, where EXTRA Chimes. Of Normandy," by Ray Leavltt, the remarkable story told In this travel The Most Select MELVILLE ELLIS "ISS IRENE BORDONI IN and Imitations of celebrities. . talk will conclude. . Following; In the COLUMBIA THEATER ... SONGS SYDELL City of Washington AsaUted br Hon.. Rudolph In a Dalatr Mualral Uorceau. with' the Entire Stage V Continuous 10:30 A.M. to II P.M. Sow Picture by Mr. Ellis. Attar Palntlnas br Btrccnnt, Uarrtt and Conant. HERSELF ht AMUSEMENTS AMUSEivibNTS SUiiaS' VAUDEVILLE Sunday Continuous 3 P. M. lo 10:30 P.M. j Program Changed Sundays and Thursday HENRY LEWIS &I' "A COCKTAIL" AND HER Orsce Ooodall Co. In ''Her Weddlnc Gown." Kenneth Casey, tha Vltaaraph FAMOUS Uoy. Kramer ft Morton. Olympla Uesrall & Co. "The Internatlbnal Girl." Pipe Or. WASilfflGTOMS TODAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY can ItacluU.. Paths Naws Plctorlsl. PLAYHOUSE ' Jojle Heather tc Co. FEB. 20 FEB; 21 FEB. 22 JVltX Weber tc il.rsh.ll Montcomery. MfMnTING OWITJ ATAU. OHW THE. UtUTIr UU FEB.23 Fields LONDON 3Te Tints Mr. and Mra. Frederlo Voelfcer A' Co. Lonr & Wsrd. Ilert Melrote. Rums U iseiArcc.FORCMOr FOlKIGN A NATIVE PT$TS a ATTRACTIONS JESSE L. LASKY Presents Lynn. Tha Qraters, Etc. All Ut.t Weelc's Pncceetes. every mnm v . t nigai a JHaiS.He, Yrea., sat. FEI. Is YOU WILL BE IfYOU m -- ., TIPPEpTHC OOKTSEC .erttOWOn" BLANCHE SWEET 21th IRENE FRANKLIN m -,-- Nine-St- ar nnRfRT"7cUHJ. 14 With Barton Green and a Bill. lf f'" fV msbbbbbbbbbbA W t" -- U iBBBBBBBB pVWjWSp in POSITIVELY U I. GthMHTH CT nrilllb O An BELIES W5Vtt "THE BLACKLIST" twice a AYMarcnwk.nu m uv SKWw! The spectacular answer to the problem of capital and labor, revealed la in di, ucnid 'ii thla thrilling photoplay of the 'nines. la ller Wonderful Symbolical Dance Spectacles and Scenes. w Bar Seats for Kranklla Week aad Order Selections for St, Denis Week; THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY rnG&. DANIEL FROHMAN Presents MARGUERITE CLARK S. Z. ,FRED Q. V; rou, BKRQER, rttetiSG, IV in PROP. MQR. A0 KV ' ' MfiM "OUT OF THE DRIFTS ' A Stirring-- POM'S coT GOWL!! Tale of the Swlaa Alps. With Its fiteran! Knows. Till &s M. BY , vmmmr Next Swday and firtirc Week MARY P1CKF0RD as POOR LITTLE PEPPINA lAWrNTVWV ALL THIS WEEK AULTHEFAMIUAR SCENES VISUAllZEO LOVE 10 A. M. 6 . ALLTHEJ5EL0VED CHABAfctERS. COME TO UEE P.M. THE WORLD PREMIERE 6 P. M. With LAUGHS ftTHRIlLS ALTENA' E EVERY MINUTE Till of Ihe Great Prize Play, ,Tonoht Only-- At 8:15 LAUGHTER JOHNNIE WEBEA WILDEST 10c GARDEN 15c 1 I in . IN NEWMAN AFRICA STARS DATES? Hj - PLAYS t t 'siionlBK- Savage Xlfe In Tropical PURITY Jungle, Victoria Falls, Hippo. ti Travel potaniu Hunt at Close flange WILLIAM TODAY BY REV. CYRUS TOWNSEND BRABY U . talk nd KXtlUlHITH' COT.OR VIeAVS Other Unusual Scene. TZT "Oh, Papa" WOUKRirUI, MOTION PICTUHEH S3c 1. nox Ofnee I to Open at 1. MOH. 'i 'it I fi i COURTENAY THE ISLAND . " NEXT tTEIK HEAT NOW SUNSHINE WALKED .ui I TUES. OF SURPRISE 20 Statuesque Beauties $&& I I in Classic s r5a7JBiviT-r- DAVg Presents NO. 2.-- J0E JACKSON In Belasco "MOIERN ENOCH AMEN' PLEASURE Living Pictures 10 A.M. 6 P.M. JIMMY 6 P.M. TO II A Bombardment of Mirth By Mrs. Ronie H. Jaffa aT TRUTH and Music That Will Annihi-lat- e T rauassxair the Forts of Gloom t 10c STRAND 1 A Most Wonderful Love Story rBBBbAgK sTOart-d- Q 5c Firt Time on Any Stage TODAY at 3 and 8 P. M. TOMORROW TODAY HAPPINESS 4:30 m j HENRY THE BECKONING All New and Special Scenery FRIEDA HEMPCL ? 1 , it HON. rrfTLI1i ' i ' J Sporting Widows AND, m i i iw WOODRUFF HI , SOUVENIR MATINEE WED. TUES. FLAME A Copy and German TaltfT!L9Tl4iBUBBBBBMBB HUH ll II JOY of the Song "In Walked War Picture I M M ""I" I COWBUCTOW Jimmy," will be given every lady patron KItIAY 1IATINKK. MAIUT1I 3. "DO YOU BELIEVE IN FATRIES?" N6. 2.-A- MNA MTTCE In "WNEN TNE LI6NT CAME" COMING A Fnly l'ndr the Direction uf Mlu Hawks. he NEXTWEEk "KICK IN" Murlv.'aiv'y ILJIrijjjjJJiJ DELIGHT FRED IRWIN'S MAJEST7CS

V- w