Tnx: PAoinc THE PAOiriO Commercial Jbbcrtiscr Commercial gbkriiscr 14 rUBUJHtl BT PC6LIt.nEt) AT THE P. C. ADVERTISER CO. Uonolulu, Hawaiian Ifclnmla. iVoi'v Saturday Moniiiiir. rirtto of Arlvortlajlue. mraurrd In Nonpareil tyt 1 w 1 in. t m 3 i C m. Km. Masataa. Wbm hargr4 tU.UO. I e Lines, (blf io M. . 00 to f .1 to )4 IK) 6 VO lo 00 r vwia;ai MP m tl $i ifriputiit an. lt Irar. 12 Lines, (one inch). 1 6o J tM 4 Co ft ta. I 14. 11 W 4 i inrs.ttwo inctir. 1 00 4 It) a IK 7 J0 id V IN C TH uftacrptao price . pap--rs fr l. to any part of id Lines, (three do.;. - 00 i W ' M 10 CO l( 0O '.'d fcO V ; la gl AO pr annua, ir r.iB l lafoct. 4S Lines, (tour do.). I Ml 6 10 00 18 00 Is ou (5 OS ;ehflli'vl Ma ti an arwt L' . All papers for Uusrter dinui o . , . . A 10 00 14 10 14 to .'0 00 40 00 if part tf ar9 w:lt a char! lh po.tac demaadd at Third CcIuuju IHI Vi 00 16 00 Xi 00 Sa 00 Ut fro " e nAr. !k.-- h fr. rr ja I enta oa each Dw- - Half Column j 14 oO ?4 00 : o oo 4i 00 : Co Whole Culuain Is ou ao 00 iS oo T 00 loO 00 160 09 cxctirTi ParaSLa Aitm la Aiftfti. Caasaaieatlooa from ail part of Ike faciSe Iil ET Advertisers re. I r.t In tl.r Fi'inn Tnitrd Plates, ran af a er ni Py for the. r carls by rrcu;r.r. tJrerr.bscks or Catted Stales 7" rVranoa la air pat a the Cait4 States, eaa rentage 9tairps for such iirruit ta ther wib to psy and their a loo aatoaat of aaSarr'.ptioa Jaea lor tola pa par la cards will t inserted aa rr aKnve tt.i, f the paid fr aostawa staaoa. Csrda, I XT Baamns al.rn rarrsio roa a Tlaa, an Oiiui'iii'ni envs'J lra J. aad aeeeaata allowed a discount from There ratrs, ahich are for transient pal urn. ll.r.nasv. advertisement when I'Sid or rhatgrd .aasr XXVI-N- O. quarterly. VOL. 12. . HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. SEPTEMBER 17, ISS1. S.ngl rop.ra of I lie AnvtsTims. Ten Cents I when charred faCIflC C0 4 4EKCI4L ADV EftTMR COMPANY. WHOLE NO. 1320. Fifteen Cetitti by the iliwn.Onr Iv.llaf .' BTffbanicai. Her Boy. jjlfrtaitirsl. nsnranrt (Taris. With fa a lb at waa ta and hazard ED. HOITSCHLAEGEB & CO., I. iCfltU C. M3I.I5a. With f t.t(,s ltbl aad toa. JAMES M. MONSAEEAT, C. SECELKEN & CO., THOMAS LACK, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE U AND COM M MCK raiua to tba litrls cottatfo. IMPORTERS tl AND COUNSELLOR AT NO. 6 NCUANU STREET, 2X1 JNJ" Wbf th honeysuckles (row. A CHANTS ATTORNKV attention paid to the negstiatlcg of A. O XI .AWAIIAf HOTEL INSURANCE CO., Corner af fart aad Merchant Street. Jan 11 ly Loans, Conveyancing sod all issuer, appertaining to Keal Dealers in Stoves and Ranges, v NO. 40 FORTI STREET,1ST U'jmaalrk. poor. Kstsu. I) I IT . 4 and aad friendless. OF LONDON AM) I: Ml Ri II 1 Ha baJ roamad from tow a to Iowa. NOTARY PUBLIC aad Tls, Shfft Iraa k Cspperwsrt ssapsC will attend to all order In the V$ M. PHILLIPS & Co., Derdt for State of .Nrw York BTA BLISUED, Slaaplnf Vraula tba ttar row CamnUtlaorr f tbe KmP COSiTAJiTLr OV Hi'D N. V & Guests Entertained on Either 10 M PORTERS AND WHOLESALE PEAL-- and fallfarnla. V LOCK, Gl CEXF.BIL EFT AIR LINE Wbaa tba drwj aiftt dowa. Af A FULL ASSORTMENT OF TINWARE ne will g;rr sfMfelal to cleaning, t. tint slaClothlog.Boota.Bboe, Hat. Men's Famishing and OFFICE: No. 9 attention tepalrlnr and re?. the American or European CAPITA tt.OOO.OUO Qood. Essburcsna alatingSewmu Machine,and Isist-alra- t war f w wbo lookM pit faary raaltl) No. 11 Kaabaaana St.. ionolala CslranUrd Irea sad Lrad Plpr, allotherkiodlof Lijrht Machinery ArrxDssilailrd and Fstaisl, 1,001,9 4 wlta jSULCLC. . t. 11 and Metal Work i.f every description, A Itr atampr Jnl Si" India Rabbrr illnrkaiallkiug. Plan. On povarty'a wratrad jil Us, Ac, At. ALSO. ON HAND AND FOR PALR CHEAP. I'VUKRSKJ K O HAVE IIRKN A Tbra wart many wbo otUred bwljir H. E. McINTYEE L BEOTHEE, (Tw. MACFAELANE & Co., TIIR AUKNTrifor the Sandwich Islands, and are - Or la oolj a tblaving tramp !" STUK A Variety of Sewing Machines, authorised to Insure against Fire apon favorable terns. 1KUI kKI r LtU NI COMMISSION' MERC- HAEEISON 4 PEDDLEE, THE Kisits latrn In any part or the Islands on Sroaa oo Corner af King and Port atreets. IMPORTERS Can. PU!oU. Shot. AtomBbitlon, RESTAURANT Buildings, tD Aa-- i HANTS. s. and Merchandise storedtherein. Dwrlhoi Iloasea tba wanderer. patad. but a.leiit. jaal II Hoaolala. H. I. Fire-proo- AND MASONS Robinson's f Rail Jlng, Queen . Itonolalu. H. I. STONE AND CON. Is and Furniture, Timber, Coals, Ships in with or without t-- BRICK TRACTORS AND BLILOER.S, .MACHINE OIL, NEEDLES, an Adjunct to the Hotel. harbor Bad aarar a wnrd aay o Ac., Ac rartroes or under r s Sewing Machine Tuckers, and .th repair. A tba rruel taunt waa apokao. M. The Puulo Sheep lontiCompscy , Kiog ?iret. rionolulu. with W. M. Gibb, binder, all other extra an Kuis Hoard.... Two Dollars and a Half ier day jsn i ev. II u JOHN S. McGBEW, D., Ranrh aupucaie parts or Machine on Roodi Board . si jrrrt'll i'if. away. The Hpeorer Plantation. supplied short notice with Three Dollats per day Bat patlaatly tornad Ililo, ARE PREPARED XT Rest Machine Twist. X Kiois without Itoard. per day and I.ATK HUnOEON TJ. M. A.TX31Y. The Walkapu PUntstion, ...One Itullar upwards To Undertake all Kinds of Mason Work: ?0L AOKST XT C 1ST Now ka atood by tba wlduw'a cottage. Caa be consulted at hia Reaidenee oa Hotel street, llueto ifugar Mill. is th:s kihosom von foitaies In CoiinfftloB with tbf llotfl at Special 3T Mlrrlers, Talt A Watson's Sugar Machinery. Special attention Kiren to setting Ranges, Bakers Ovens The Tlorence Scoring Machine, from to I Aad aaw thrones ttia raaamaat low. between Alakea J $40 $50. and Fort streets. sol II John lis A Co's Liverpool and London Packet. and all kind of Cooking apparatus. Colmnies, Foundstiont White Sewing Machine, from $45 to $75. Bates. aal-fa- J ma Fire and lYIarinc Insurance Co.. Tba da at bar Ura, Tba Ulasguw Honolulu Liue of Sl and Cisterns built, etc, etc. Home Shuttle Sewing Machine, AV V i spbbocilj wm. a. 1111. Jinl) and farkeu. $1S to $15. JOHN M. I.AWL.OR CO.. it Mot IUntly to and fro. l.cs Plantation Owners and Superintendents would do well to Including all extras. jal 81 jan 1 81 I'rwprlrlwra. WM. G. IEWIN & Co., entrnt us witb business In our line. We wish the public to OF Nr:V 7.KALANP.' d understand that all work done by us is guaranteed to give Hi ayaa graw dint aa hr waU-ba- bar. W. C. AKANA, CAPITA I', satisiMriion. Jan l hi Aad noted tba marl ol rare Suar Factors and Commission Agents, J. & O KSTAIil.lIIKI AN AUKNf'V Tba furrow tbat tear had dapaned - Jaal 11 HONOLULU, II. I. Chinese and Hawaiian AST R HOUSE HAVING lor the Hawaiian Inlands, the undersigned CEO. S. HARRIS, are to acacpt fire In dwellings, A Otl tbread to her hair. preared riki siainnt stores. tba allrer CRANE'S warenounes and trrrhaiidie, on lavoralde terms. Msrltte risks Translator and Interpreter, & GENERAL on cargo, Will ab trtra n away. be ronrmnred. CHULAN & CO., SHIP BLACKSMITH frriKhts, bottomry, prouls ntut ci mmlasloas, 4 When my atory of want I tell t OP AND D K A l,CRH IN yo, hIM) STREET. IIONOLtl.C. OIIIP WORK. BRIDGE. IIOTJSE. AND QOOOB 5 Ueary Wagon Work. Moulding Bitts, Planing Knires, Jan 1 81 J. p. WALKER. Will aba rail me a tle Impoater ' IMPORTERS Translation of of tl.e atove language made with all drarrlptiont, and la ail kinds of Dry either Anchors and Anvil repaired. Gooseneck. Crank Axles aarae f learaeil ao wrll t ol Good. AUo.eoo 21 Tba bare tsotly on hand, a superior quality of Hawaiian Rite. acrurary and diipatch and on reasonsb'.e term, my ly and n ngnn Axles made tor the trade on reasonable term. Jaal Naaana Street, Hoaolala. SI ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY. V ill tbe fa. a tbat ta bw ao saintly Wagon for Traction Engine, 1, s. OIIE&LICHFAH, Be flaabed with aa angry light, haqnin, A OF LIVERPOOL. Aa abe aenda ma oat from hrr preaen- - e. RTESIAN WELL TOOLS lata the rheerleM sight " AND PROVISION DEALER. IMPORTER and JOBBER With all their Fitting, a speciality. N.s. "d snd It Hoiel jitre.'tx. CAPITAL - IIMHIO.OOII. GROl'KR Grocery and Peed tttora, OF I'M IMI1H) I.IAUILI1V. Order me Ally Bat the widow, pa'itmg Idly. XT entrusted to from tba other islands will be Order J'rontjUly Attended to and I It A f all .(.rrli will be promptly attended to. 6 2 Port Street. Hooolalu. - SI STAPLE and F1MY GOODS, C LOTH IXC, BOOTS. HART BROTHERS, Proprietors. M M'K luna When her eTenlnff toll waa o'er. Jol Work Guaranteed. efleetnl at Mig rate Itslca nf I'ri'lii inni, .V tle iinderalgnej. Ar. W A UK Kit, Cam oat and atood for moment 1 SnOES, J. ao r. irtit. c. w. ronii JOT Shop on the EsrHnnade, in the rear of Mr. Geo. l.uras A p. 2, lyr. Agent fur the llswsilan Islauds By the lilac-shade- d door. At Great Eastern Store, 62 Fort Street. Planing 31111. jal 81 Board by the Day, Week or Transient I 6'81 IWCARBL.K LEWEES k COOKE, HONOLULU. (tnar ly WORKS A HG-.- M Sba looked n the wary wanderer, BET1IKL STREET, NEAR KINO. II Mill AiaiKIU'RU A ixl her heart with pity stirred. (dueceteor to Lswsa A Oicaeox j C2. e FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, She haateaad tt glra him weU-uru- IN Oe C DEALERS LUMBER AND Bl'ILDING COLEMAN BILLIARDS, OF IIAMBI KO. With many a kindly word. Material. Port Street. SI BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST. BUILDER, EV1AN U FACTURE t?S Coma la t she said; yoa sra weary, Steam Boilers, Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco, ldim;, MKHt'll ANDIHK. FH KM- - C. OF Bli and .Marin nery inaured against Fire on the snoat Aad tba night growl chill and gray; AFONG, Horse Shoeing, Furnaces, MONTJIEXTS, favorable tcruin. Coma, share my fuod and ahrlter, WHOLESALE AND RET A 1 L i I Agent r..r the llawaltsn Islands Pire-prn- Soda & A. .1 A I'll IMPORTER. of AND Water other Iced Drinks. T1IJ day. Merchandise !tore. Nana aSico. mi 1 HI tba dawn of another aa Street. 0ii'i,in.gj,o "Voi1t. IIEIUSTONES, TOMBS, JB II aa 1 Shop on Klcg street, next to Castle A Cooke. 81 I oora had a boy. a darling-- Ranges Set, TiBLKTS, MARBLE MANTELS, la IN lx o tba first glad pride of hia life. BEOWN k CO., BRICK STONE MEALS SERVED FIRST CUSS STYLE T and WORK WASIIST.4N0 TOPS, anil He longed to meat and to mingle IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ALES STRATEMEYER & JAMES, Done on reasonable term. SVISS LLOYO MARINE INS. CO., With tba world, and Ita busy atrlfe. SPIRITS, AT WHOLKSALK. AT AliK IIOl'RS. 9 I . MerchantStreet. Jaal SI Hoaolala, H. I. AtLleu i Emma Square, or through the Pntit Ortii-e- Siting in White & Black OF WINTKIITIK R. 1 PRACTICAL Marble. 'A aaw that to hold hlru fettered janl 81- - HENRY J.rtABT, Ol 81) ELLI3 A. II ART. ; i;nikksionki akk Wonld be to him bitter woe JAS. GAY, lOlNi-LH- ai:tiiorizki SIG1T AND SHOW PAINTERS MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 'iik1. And . with a ntotber'a bleaetng. St'RVEVOR. WA1MEA. HAWAII. 1 ON CARGO I let my one boy go. af importance on other Islands attended HO HOTEL STREET. C 1 1? . Or e T t z MADE TO ORDER AT THE FREIGHT and TREASURE la. j3 tl tf Ap. a. Sta. OPPOSITE FAMILY MARKET 84 FORT STREET. Kr.iu llwnelsilM, J- Ah i many a tender mteaive. Ijowesf -I "Possible Rates TO Panned by the Anger dear. THOS. J. HAYSELDEN, a. e. SLLSM. M. P. SOIISHOS. Importer arid in ALL I'AiT.S OF Tin: WORLD Waa borna to my bambla cottage. Dealer HOTEL ! 4 I'CTIONEER. Kwlsala. Hawaii. Saloa ALLEN & E0BINS0N, Slunauients and Headstone ( leanfil aud Beset. AND UPON With Its words of loving rhear. .' m. of Real Kataie, Uoode and Property of every description Gents1, Ladies' & Children's iniTIOM aitadd to. Coosmlssloos mnderat. myl ly IN Shoes, Or.lers from the other Islands promptly attended to. COASTERS, IIV SPECIAI P CRM ISSIO N a ROBINSON'S WHARF. DEALERS Bat at last there raoie a sileu-- LL'MBKRand all kind of BCILDINQ WATtltlAI.H HAS On the most Fsvorahle , AT j!n 1 81 Terns. Long, cruel, anl filled with fain-- Palcls, Oils, Nail. Ac, Ac. S. EOTH, 1. . WALKER, for months and for years I waited- - 0fT FOB SCBOOKES .MIST 81 Agent for the Hawaiian - RECEIVED sal Islands. MERCHANT TAILOR. 38 FORT ST. Kf'LAMANC,- A Ha never cam borne again. . A jenr Hoaolala, H. I. 1 OREAT VARIETY OP CONCHEE & ACHAT, PROPRIETORS, KEKAUI.L'OHI, IIIGGINS JESSETT, Death moat have stilled the CneT MART ELLEN, k NO. 84, HOTEL STREET, HONOLULl. amtstic proto. Whea the last kind word waa patraad. WILLIAM ATJLD, Roots Shoes & Slippers PATAIII. A LSO Ood ealy knows what ha auffered, ENT TO TAKI ACKNOWLEDGMENTS FAIRY Ql'EKN, AU tor In a. The laareHt. METROPOLITAN MARKET, r whether he a friend. ta Ceotracta Labor ina District of Kona, Island of 2 Oa&a. at tba OSc of lb Ilooolala Water Works, root ol CI LA MA Ladies' White Kid Button Boots. i. WAI.LKU, He may have kaowa want, and sorr.-- . Nauaaa Street. jal SI ly I.KUI1 jan 1 81 CooIeMt, (n92 Uonolula, Hawaiian IsUn.u NOS. 50 & 52 KINO STREET, mid Pure Itre.l Ayb shury lm-- a. Home Fed Turkeys. Aad alckaeaa. aa yott hare done; 111 IS KINU XTUKKT. HOHUI.VJ.V. an 1 Aad 1 glra yoa a kindly weWma JNO. A. HASSINGEE, est Kept . N. F. BURGESS INFORM THEIR PATRONS for tba sake of my dear, dead son." TO TAKE ACKNOWLEDGE WOl'Ll) general public, that they have formed a Co AGENT Contracts lor Labor. partnership for the purpos" of carrying on the h!isinfs ol FAMILY MARKET, ! ! CARPENTER AND BUILDER, Mother my own dear mother DIISTHSTG . Iaterlor Office, IIodoIuIu. Jaal II SIIOP.NO. 84. KINO STREET, OPPOflTR M.J. ROSE'S. ROOM O-- Prom the pale 11 pa faintly came ; WM. JOHNSON, Carriage Building, WALLKIi, Proprietor, While over tba face s haggard Mrrrham Tallar. tjlST IMATES oive.vov AI.I IIS THE CITY. HOTEL VISION STREETS. JOHN RUSSELL, Tort Ilonolula. Inland.. when reouired; Ofllceg and Storekindsoffitted un Sweft the dep rd diieh of shame. irrt. Illlan ia the latest Eaatern Stylis. K MKATS KltOM TIIK KINKST a MERCHANT 1 jn 1 81 Trimmiug, CIIIOM I'Lih, Poultry. cmtal.ka, fco. furnished to T TORNEV AT LAW. NO. 32 Forgive me. I pray, forgive me ! . fA Meals STREET. CORNER OP FORT STREET. BF.P11B1NG OF EVERY DESCRIPTION served at all Hours and no Pains Order. Shipping supplied on short notice. jsn 1 HI I have alnneit rn arul thee ' Hoontola. Febraary 2oth, 1111. leaiy Done in the best possible manner, Varnishing, nor Expense Spared to Keep the Table I aintam worthy A. A. MONTANO, and at reasonable rates. oil knows am mora UARDE.N ORNAMENTS of all kind male to order. Saws WAILUKU POI e Supplied with the Best the Market FACTORY, The light of thy fa-- to era ! " BENJ. H. AUSTIN, PB0TOORAPI1ER DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF filed and set. Harness Making, N. B. Personal attention sriven to the tnovina of at Affords. A I.1TV OF PA A I MANCFACTCRKD poor, form waa folded KAA-janl- Sl wi:Je CEVI-t- All filN d Bat tba this AT LAW. NO. 13. Picture Frames, Mats and Velvet Cases. kinds of building. Having had experience In -- order with diapatrh. COCNSELLOR the Eastern ff3a.33.c3. K. II. ta a mother's warm embrace; States, I feel confident 1 ran give satisfaction to the moat fas- $4 per IIAII.KY. Cornsr of King and Fort Si., Honolulu. jta 1 8 Saddlery, Table Board to $5 Week. jan 1 81 Walluko, Maul. preaaed childhood tidious. A have At the tips ha bad in nd engaged the services of janl 81 fs. e CEOIL BEOWN, TT Orders led at my shop or residence wi.l receive urompt Jtaiaed klsaaa apo his atlienton. Beat of reference given. AND AT W. E. FOSTER, First-Clas- s ! Is stronger ATTORNEr COUNSELOR LAW Residence, 319 Port Street, Honolulu. 'ANIY Oh. a mother 'a Ive it . NOTARY PCBLIO and Agent for taking Aekaosrledg Workmen COSMOPOLITAN Thaa the heart of cats can know-- . maiM ot laatraaienu tor the Island of Oaha. SADDLER and HARNESS MAKER, Orders from the other islandi folicited. FROM SAN FRANCISCO: RESTAURANT, MANUFACTORY and BAKERY, la raaaot dim Ita bnghtneaa No. Kaabamana Street, UoBoiaia, II. I. fe2 S9 1 J Fort street. cet door to T. Lack, ap.ltS, flm Time cannot chet k its flow. a Hassa axo 8tDLra Coi4TANTtT on Hand. Whw arr Thorooshly Acquainted with all the No. f52, Street. F. HORN, BICHAED F. BICKEETON, XT Orders from the other 1. lands promptly attends Io.jTI Hotel Prarllral Confe rtloner, i'astr) Cook and CaLr otrongeat of all earth a paeaiona 81 T. B. MURRAY, details of Jsl ly No. TA Hotel street, lx twi-e- Nttunnu Bora of a love divine A TTOR N ET AND COCNSELO R AT LA W. IT" THE BEST OF FOOD, and Fort. Lowo throagh the tomb' dark portal .'m Will at lead the Term of Coart oath other Idand. & Jin 1 81 M oey io lend on Uartgsge of OFFICE, No. Carriage Wagon Builder, TriiuuiiiiK, Will Its andlmmed lastre ahise. Freehold. XT WM. FENNELL. Metrhaal Street, S door Cross Dr. Staagen wald'. No. 50 King Street, opposite Station Houe. "VArxxlsliiiig, my 16 SO (Saccssaor to P. Dalton) HONOLULU SOAP WORKS, ISXo. OS 23Zlxa.ff Ul.aCKNM ITII1NO of all kind done to order with Xlrttiias nncl COMPETENT COOKS, Miscellaneous Items. street. 1 E. H. THAOHEB. HARNESS MAKER and promptness. 7AXc,liLiri.s. IjS'Is'O, 1 OllOllllll. SADDLE i ADDLER'4 HARDWAREIn. XIaruoss 2D LKATHE and a SPECIALTY, In Suutb AostraliA ihej hate chriatene4 tba All wark done Io toy establishment Is under my direct IIOKSe.SIIOKlNG and all work done outlast.1- warranted gjv (lu.lsraa IsnvlaaT Burseon -S to satisfaction, and I guarantee to atop We are Prepared to Furnish rMie oflhr sbsrr rsarrra OFFICE. 104 supervision, "HI use my best endeavor to my Chin question " the jellow ajooj." F.T4L Psrt Straet. and I plee g interfering no I heen transferred to uJ viid or abor Picksoo's Photograph Oallary. Jal SI customers. ST Glee m a call. fc6 '81 ly snd horse, or charges made. ATTENTIVE WAITERS. A French aristocrat wbo was one daj pasaio K L 1 1ST T W O 11 K CARRIAGE REPAIRING done at SHORT NO- x r E i: Ar. 11 Tj 1 1ST . aluag tli bouleTard was approached bj a little E COOK WEBB, M, D., TICE, and at AT T. S who asked piteoualj, Gito me a sou S. M. WHITMAN, He herrl-- jivij notice that the tnsnufcture of bxr ZZ omeoep GENERAL BLACKSMITH, FIRST-CLAS-S BOARD, oaJj one sou; I haven't bad aoj dinner." atlalait, C plea, CHIEF OF STAFF IIOMEOZPA-TIII- BED ROCK PRICES Tst.osoiiillo Priof1, AT Nor have I." murmured the aristocrat. " Well, HOSPITAL. Ward's Island, N. T. Offlre. 60 King Street, near Bethel, Honolulu. All Kinds of Soaps Fort scren. itpeclal to disease of wotnea and chil- 0 . A NO IT PAV TO make it two sous and we'll and dine attentioo C3A.&: WILL Will be continued by him. HulTKOAl' always on hand. then, fp dren PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO jsnl 81For C1VK MS A CALL. ill buy bctf, mutton and soap greusn, together." French Journal. II Until 10 A. M., 2 to 4 P M. REASONABLE n and sullen, 17 OSrr eara Horse-Shoeing- & RATES. consignments of the same from the other jal S or Carriage Work GIVE US CALL. Aa a siga of the times io Siam, an announce- jys si . (jal 81 ly) jalO Islands. HI ment io the Bangkok Adctriistr is worthy of 1. W. IIOPP, notice. It is to the effect tbat some omnibuses F. T. LENEHAN & CO., NO. 18 KING STREET, beeo ordered, and are expected ta arrive in TIIOK. 13. WALKER, COSTA, have Importers and General Commission Builder, PETER BERKSHIRE PIGS Bangkok bj the first steamer from Singapore, Contractor and Cabinet PROPRIETOR. 01 the purest inirl-- strains, and of silages, enterprising owner would at once com- Merchants. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID Maker, Upholsterer wheo the to the setting of all kinds of Steam Boilers, Furnaces, mence running them. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Ovens and Ranges, Brick or Stone Chimneys, any -- AND I.ale Chief Steward of FOR SALE, height i Competition .Monument and Head stone. French newspapers report the discovery io ALES AND lloted and il. I v tn stmr. or .rlir. WINES, SPIRITS marble or grani'.e. (ET Satisfactory References given when Steamer Tjikelike. nd Algiers of a citj which had been entombed io the HONOLULU. H. I. Jail ly required. Addres P O. Jan 1 81 French Polisher. Jiily23. 'il.lvr aaod. Attention to it bad txea awakened bj V.t To dora to Rrio(is. the mound-lik- e appearance of the candj soil, and TANNATT, liiviiitxxve or axil Xvindn to the and CHAS. T. GULICK, THOMAS Now gome digging brought light minaret No. S3 St., opposite E. O. Hall & Son. Ilonolulii. CONSTANTLY ON I7AND. mosque. Further excavation Fort Blacksmithing Establishment. op per portion of a sr CLOCKS. PeroD wUhlns ta start with the Stark ar la and about a doxeo fJ ACKNOWI.EUQMKNTSpunijio.TO WATCHES. JEWELRY ltrt laid bare a terrace, a tower, notarENT TO'TAKE and FINE MACHINERY carefully re. Window Cornices and Curtains tinprovr wltat they now hatr, raa baj bouees, all io excellent preservation. LABOR CONTRACTS and paired in a workmanlike manner. IT Orders from the Other Island nrnroiitly at FURNISHED TO ORDER. J. H. HAIMLON la alr not akin. to 81 It is said a scheme baa been submitted the General Business Agent. tended to. Jal Has removed into his nw premise, at dO Su Addres.r A . H UKflT, Hawaiian Hotel. j Government, providing tbat Alsace be IBre in Masee's Block, corner Queen and Kaabamaoa THE FOOT OF ALAKEA MTRKKT. German Mreet. Honolula. jaal-l- l ly Houses Entirely Furnished and is now prepared to do all kinds ol I united with Baden, and io conjunction with that E. B. THOMAS. lilacksmithing 7 be erected the new king- In a Complete and Satisfactory Manner, rMir. r.VDF.RSIG.X El BEOS TO INFORM the Grand Ducbj into RiTtULIIIF.n IS&O. BRICKLAYER & BUILDER. ft his Customer and the public generally that i , dom ot the Rhine: Loraioe to be united with the a. watTssr. t. w. aossarsas. EXPEDITIOUSLY PANTHEON STABLES! PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO At AND Prussian province of RhiccUod, and become a WHITNEY EOBEETSON, t Setting steam Boilers. Furnaces. Baker's Ovens and Moderate Rates. II K I1VK PiiKIoVKr or tee Kingdom oi urana I Kscf.s, aod all kinds of nesting Apparatus. Also, Variegated JAS. DODD, Proprietor, rert rruMia. in rSaeressors ta II. it. Whitney.) Concrete Sidewalks. All Work entrusted to me will he execu li: Ba.inesM to llie AT OW RATES. Duke of Baden expects to be the first sovereign of ted promptly, and on reasonable terms. GIVE ME CALL. AND MANCFACTl'RIXO 1 XT Orders from the other Islands for Furniture, Bedding or ( new IMPORTING Addrssthrough Post Office 81 t sts., the kingdom. Dealers, Publishers, and Book b oders. te tn Matting stt.ndej to with promptne.s. no27 '80 ly SHOPS ON QUEEN STREET, especial conxim foiit hotel Drunk eh?"eaid the magistrate, li and 21 Merchant Street. Honolulu. H. I. ja.Jl ljl ; HIVF.NattentionTO IIO.MIM I.I . sgin, Adjoining IIACKFKLb i. looking severely II. .t CO.. whre he j Hurst Shoeing, and Carriage Repairing, contracting hi brow and at prepareil to re- A. S. CLEGHOEN Co., O. LiUCAS, the priooer. Yis, jer honor,' candidly k a. iiysGift. j SICK AND LAME HORSES tnkrst Care of turned Pat. I wa afther splittio wood at AND WHOLESALE AND and MANUFACTURE ALL. KINDS j and CCRED on the premises. I IMPORTERS IN Contractor Builder ' jcr hooor's house, and the leddj asked wud ! OF Stabling Provided for same if Required. I and I look two j Gunsmith and Machinist ' XT The Undersigned hopes by strict attention to busi- - XT 13 take uthin. will. js. I. Ceneral Merchandise, 1" 1ST?rfor Ladin or Ontlrtnen.) 81 Honolulu low And others wi.hiiiff 8addl: llorcs. suc-- Qoeea and Kaahamana Sta. jaal nes and rales, to continue to enjoy a full share of public I bad known yer honor kept '..rtr No. IloDoiuIu, II. I. i:- i- Teams, ran be furnish gUrs. but if T3 Kig Ntrvl, Carriages, Buggies, patron (re. naari 81 C'ri Horses, Mnile ir Iutle Ac, bad liquor, pon my soul. 1 wouldn't have luk ' JpKhlAA d with the same at any h"ur of the dsy ih night. bul waa." Brooklyn EajU. M. McINERNY, tO II III KKCKIVKII Inrije sad raa my I HAS ALWAYS ON HAND, Express Wagons, C. MONTING, Jl'ST There are some 3traizbtlorrJ triple in ; IMPORTER AND DEALER IN t LOT ... , . , r . i , , . ,w ' V . ft ISiil, Boots, echoes. Hats, Caps, Jewelry, Perfuatery, ' shippi HOUSE I i "thokized covebsmext I'lElSlllE U"isw. uw ' Pocket Cattery, aod every descrlptloa of Gent's Superior Alicl fof Ualo, Cane and Dump Carts, uwt Hllll TO, ; OF OCKV, auii asaoteriuj( uu vj " rurnisniag uooot XT .enherV. Fln. Ca, Ores. BK.. Also, to attend to Caputile of ctnfrtally .ccomni'xlKtinK pleasure parties With-ir- e I Bible beetl revised. siwaysoban4 jfitt HF to viit the or hMf that th ba w w FIREARMS Waikiki, D; . R. or vw w " w T Laborers for Plantations, Railroads, I'ali. Kasslsms, have been j Cosiss Foar aav MaacaaaT SrasiTs. jaal II " www other point, ot interest on the Island. Competent Drivers know changes I t,,t joo if oj imporUnt " (urni-- h' d when ; sven a? Repairing, of kinds. dnirl. -- A I beliete." Tt.en Blacksmithing Ranches, and for Work all ?aJ? icood manj, AND ParliruUr ere and attvnlion givi-- l the hoariling of horses there U do miatako about Ananiaa being struck ; J0H1. W. KALUA, ESPLANADE, Honolulu, H. I. CHINESE COOKS l) the day, week or month. i comfortatdy Ibehetenoi." "ttell. TTORNKT Ol'.S,BIIEEniiJllZZlEll).llllG; j And House Servants always on hand. No overcrowdiur, as my talle has capacity for dvleurlio?" N. .A Horse-slioein- s stabling fifty honw... I wauIJ od out About AnJ LAW. ' ' if wert yoa. I it." treat ia take ackaowlrdcmeats of insinamenis for the I SHALL Al.?0 KFFP A doors mm i all o. OFFICE No.39KI.VG STREET.three Reaxonahle Ratn and Ka'isfaction fiuaranleed in all trans- oncoocernedlj a A j kind. b itrolled oat joa pleae. t:.i.d of Mwi. Also fro I ta take ackaowledOieata for from Station House. A ISO At No. 37 Maunakea Fireet actions with me. winning I aO"T Contrsvrta far the District of Wallnka. jaal II ly j. Monldings,Bratifts, Window rramfi,Sahrs,Daari ' une 20,6ai Fats AacHUt whoaa aebietement ia Of All Klada aad .Maker a. Fvill and Complete- Stock baa tenderoi ' uundi...... ana an kinds ar objsD. OF thm Knijtiab Derbj on Iroqaoi," Me a ; Givo Call! near WONO LEONO 1 CO. Uub. jal7 61 bioa fatnoua all over the world, wm born Z. XIX XTJL U 1U 1 1 U 1U , TUJiXTXO AND SCROLL SA WJAG. Miie. WILLIAM TURNER, Cheltenham. IO 15 J,. ami ia therefore nw wf mm Maria Sirwrta. X Kims, ; FOR SPORTI.Nti PI EPOSES. All kinds of TAI & CO., wotv-foa- r jeara old lie tn ride wiitn "oow,i": " V Jt?"Z:ZZ Axles, WING WO famooah2n for winning ,oniaaiy'oo inr Carriage Trimming, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, mix jeare old, aod bcm band. Ha ' PlaninS and Sawing, Paints, Varnishes, Refined Bar Iron, I 811k on feorleM aerred a China caoire China Krina Iaior, China Haadker. Norway Iron, Dorse-shoe- s. Have Constantly Hand raeea aod aa a rider. lie -- IlVCr and Swede LATE OF SAX FRAXCISCO, doot h 4EW A N D 4 j caa. aaa --t. ie. Morticing and Tenoning. Cumberland Coal, Osk. Ash and Hickory Plank, apcreoticeahlp to Matthew Diwaoo. Haa established himself M tv year' 4-- at 8 8 KING ST.. opposite ; of iloanui Sugir Plantation, Alolokai White Wood, Ac, Carriage Factory. At fifteen jeara of age 0enrrs aT.V.CHXIN ! piaas, Speritiraliana. IUi.e'. -- tba Doocaatar trainer. Kaopa l"? Delallrd Drawlaga O 11 A - aukea on A Rica Plantation, Rica Plantation, S L E b woo the Cosarewitcb " SlTanoa." anal A - I Store, opposite Mo.sman's, Nuuanu street, " : )al (1 fireproof M. .. V7a K . aod fataaa Rr Plantattoo. rsliraales furaiabrd ipsa ppllratlaa- Which am Offering FINE WATCH WORK At their aoa loar yeara aiterwmrus un ivjbwuj AT ajato A SPnCIAI.TY, and guaranteed. Ap. 2, '81 A FL'LL LINE OF For th latter feat be received a winning fee of All satisfaction ly ava thoownd dollare. Since tbeo bia career haa JOSEPH E. WISEMAN, Kindsof Machinist'Work OKDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED, BED ROCK PRICES JAPAN and CHINA TEAS, In the eight : EM- - HAWAIIAN INVESTMENT & AGENCY baati ooe of unbroken auceetsi. tl!ll. ESTATE BROKER. AND .MADE AND and Work Cuaranteed. Both High and Low Triced, according to Quality. : UONOLCLtT.H. I he won 1.399 fl.OVMKM BCKCtl'i from the cth-- r solicited, with mid Dispatch. wMra --1373 to 1880. ioclaatre. Ordr Islands All Orders Filled Promptness COMPANY. or all ' , T 81 llse- -1 fall asst. Plantation Supplies, kind. F which 22Q were won in 1378 alone. 1J!?2 XZiZ? Z I- -? TT. T-- A T T-- ? TT. T) ? jsl ly (Limited.) J" kin j Alwsyionband a tb same reriod h Came in lor firat, aeeood, io, ttMe work la all lh various hraachea ol hastaesa Thanking the public for past patronage. I hope BY A CON-a- n LOANED OJf FIRST-CLAS- S LARGE STOCK OF RICE, Ia c -mo- with tnesw Islaada. IRON TANKS - my mfOXEV they being Agents for three plantations. U no leaa than 5 377 racee lla eted AND 8ATISFACTIO! Ql'ARANTFKD vi vv m- vr.R to h .Tt.rv patrons to m.rit XvA Securities, for long or short periods. Apply to Of third place fc LEaAL Dorassaots drawn. BUls Collected. Booka aiA a mj a continuance ct. the same, W. L. ORKKN, Msnsger. pro tern. A FAXCY PARLOR SCREENS Of a . oflV--a Orders from the will meet with iiiunr ait. HLii few f those SILK Iff Cava OOW ride at weifbt of Big bt .Ji Aecoata kept, and General skcrk iraaaacUd. Otter IslaoJs Prcaat IN GOOD ORPER. FOE SALE7b.,BY Office: v teen Ptreet.over O. W. MACFARLaNK CO. ice I TVTNO cu ratrcsaje aoilcited. ComaHsaloo Jladerau. ap,IM7- - AosaUsa. jaol II jacli tf II JAlaKI I. CCVT8ETT. my7 tf . aii30,t( JX '81 ly ffO TAI (117 pounds.) , C WEST. t0t 'Sum a'ti ittatyataa ,antiiiajwaaaaaa

at i

S- A-fe- P. M. S. - Co.'t 1881. feIlow-re.i-den- ts upon w ibfrlisniunis. Time Table for THE alarm by a majority of their determined and secured. acres three loud an.l heartv hurrah were Riven cv Vtivfrtiyfr.'.rrt'. F t a. SIDNEY AD A tl K LA PAiriC of foreign Honolulu. of the land formerly used for.salt pans near tity of Sydney Jaa IT; ealandia Jib 22 extraction in by the assembled people. Arulrall Feb 1 1 City of Sydney I'rh 1 As to their success with the chiefs and the tea, on tue soutu-ca- st siae or the : The Princess n... C 1 .' 1'. Recent then t,. HALL! ity tf New York. .March AT'.4trlla Manh (Commercial I ,t,. NEW MUSIC bbtrfbcr. town, has for years . Zeslaadia 11 'tty New April IS more intelligent among the native, even been leased fifteen from people, referred tt: m,!.,.', w,-,,- . ..: :. ...April cf York.. ivi T . V Zealan-lt- 14 TT IT i V ..luJrJi;, J- - City of Sydney May Mv xveeiib-uiaui- l 0,-0-- THE Mr. O'Meara is say very little. 10 an nq IdW.E 1 1 careful to lauui suoieci to l.i ii AntrIi Jim Cityjf y Inay lime 0i. expression of hoie in DIBKfTOB f AMtsr.MK.MS .tatO. V Ml.tFAH City of New 4 A sl . 1S-1- . He ve- arrangement yet to regar-- i York ta'.y it. July KI'TEMBEn 17, tells us indeed, after speaking of the be made with the to advantages to redound try iD ll nj, j Nf . ..Ant: s to lit if Ti'i:iv pre-e- nt lessee, who se , City of wjiney nif 20 ll -- .t hement opjtosition to it of Lot Taki, that term of occupation by a visit, which the Prince-- - s;ii.l rv 11 1 rs' 1 is' 7Ir. i a Aa. trili Sett V" ity a.f y lii T t not - "other chiefs and nobles favored it." But does expire for four years to come. It was now lieiug Maje.-t-y n. . fulfilled. His r Cityatf w Tor t 2 t the- had siTi KUtv.EisKT:.Mlt:K Antrali In t'ftlifonuait the irmeut month, s-- . . fr satisfactory reaiandla 21 of Nr Vjv , he only to name two of these, and that, however j City O'ilc-ara- tn-titK- -tl ventures tartly, this been received by great Power a cordi- - City ,t api-ur- i by James with : cf hylney IW U Ztva'Lmlia ..!. hu article after the bold manner in which he claims experiment is at length to be tried. ality, gnve PllOGKAMME " Sclienu-- . to Annex the ..amlwich that increased assurance for the MAKER, Mr. Wylie as an ardent advocate of the lthough we have heard it confidently maintenance of Hawaiian Independence. Grand Entertainment of Music and SDngs, CARMSE C 1YX IVT It contains what purorts to be 0 CICIAL. scheme, we may take leav. to doubt the stated that the number of lepers still at Her Royal Highness thank-fullnes- s including the Native Quartette, si l in arcount negotiation. expressed her iiiuitaiitial of.a Ne-halek- ea 1 accuracy regard to large V V lu bi nee CKx I''.. 1. 1 - of his memory in iu this community has been spoken for the evidences of JO II FINN ERT FRIDAY. inrvjtf.H 1 : v j i i in view th- annexation of thee prosperity in TOOTING bave U' t succeed- K .I V R A V in hi OrisHnal Ctimisliiieai Til kuiiom rir l' of thi. cmniimity J'l ha- - and Kaawai. They never of in exaggerated terms, the information the country she saw around her and of uch LPII .lav-i- c t Tnitetl States, which took Ktbinpian from the attendant ni-- n of To be l.tiloecJ by O'a. V. Sisretis' laughab'e r4vl tt ed and never could have succeeded in per- constantly coming to hand from all parts hearty patriotism an-- l loyalty, as were anmnnt cf received by tl.e la m l j.iu.'f in A, KiririiT the closing month of sketch. irrn ilv suading and "people it wa3 a we see I o-- the chiefs of Islands, our very manifest evening la .r roro:cr-la- l men - Kanif-h:iru-h- a that the and what at thi The remarks of the Xj Zj X X 3 " tn.lBO. still fair aiuit,rt tii- r of III. At that O 1j O W iai 1 Y V , Howard. Gm ' Local bnknea la not a brink aa tt Ua bn-a- tbe desirable tiling to sell their birthright in doors, compels the belief that a great deal Princess were receive.! with warm applause. ati.h Miss Jf;i ,(a'r.. mis own r. f rt.hjr . time oiiirni ioner r'g represented the rnk. Hail. nmui frora th iiurnb-r- and if cl-s- othr llan! biaj n.ill iu , the 'indeiiendence of Hawaii, and the of work has yet to fie done in the matter of At the of the address of the Prince, K K S i.i her SanJtt u State-- in country, and Mr. VKIN Arn0o datairintr t replenish Mm k in a watting l'iiitet thi l.l.l Ji. - treaty had really been signed as Mr. O'Meara segregation. they are not Hon. J. M. Kapena iu lle-i- r u SrWv- mooti at present. 'Mear write as if he would have hi their If as nu made ome remark, IHK MriVKHtMRTETTK ii was, it ti'tn-a- f- - would have believe it nearly merous as has and subsequently Hon. L. Sugar l arriving very 1. r been stated, they are cer Aholo. At the gr-a- l- toly at present, aii readers understand that lie was on such in- I'i. i rforrrnnre to c.iu. luJe with EliaN.i a ki Haifa t IUf. ala to ba tat in could only have gone into operation by the tainly widely spread. No locality is actually close of the meeting, the Regent ComeJy, en-ltl- it. aiua v.niiahtl kvarl timate terms with the ommmissioner as Prinees f; lrih Uy reading of the vehicle of the nation f the at thle port. The ;a-- in tapl- - i r -- l aid of overshadowing force. pro- be Xji . l t' iur be- an That the free from them, and all experience tends to and party paid a visit to the resilience of IX X3 M A. World, wheeU bnwtiir. only temporary, Blth'.u.'b, the iloD' in to have obtained a private view, from " 11B A Antique we learn that ibeir chariot ject ever got beyond the staga of negoti- prove that there is no hope of stamping out Hon. W. M. Gibson. 1 v arrival cf Eic be tra. e.l t. the uu tUinn- - f hind the scenes, of the a flairs he describes. nii'KM) svexim;, skit. ma te of olid U"rk of woo 1, aimiUr to those mitt natives, w :i M. 2. M--- Wil-liam- any one the 1S-V- At a. Friday r ationthat morning " to-d- ay qu-.ta- aniontr the disease hilst those afflicted with are the Princess planter, to aH at th l.,w r.t l In He relates, how in the year a proposi- it The LaushaWeKnive li. B." made up ly the schoolboy of ia Lis firit Dliut-n- A .fTth beyond the old King himself, was heartily to mingle freely Regent and party, left per '.' of the alt. for was allowed with their fellows, Labaina steamer V KVK. T. . effort at carringe makiag ; and it malt be laid, - tion annexation made by the SATI'KDi VING. SKf Th. principal pr-lu- ce eijtrt.-i- l daring thu ea- prepared to accept the proposed treaty we to live same Lehua: and steamed for on lemlerej Mr.OKO. Y. ie, and in the houses with healthv Pukoo Molokni j y linvoa CoajpUt.ratarv u the prepress ma le in the inetuit of 2'-i- lb-rt- King to wa not rig b ly. . "a. the I'uited States, but ANHY UK0WN baa noli thtnl of al S1EVKSS. for occanin.. Mr. , ait.l Ii.V. ur. do not believe; neither do we believe that people. All experience also prove arriving there at f. a. m. about 600 jeople 'nia-e- . that J e. in these modern t the primitive 1,U gaH'o4 ni' an.l hid'. Th"-- and how in Kil the project was Uyily Toluoleert-- bl nj mt ing ' l'p a Tr'. Ac. locomotion la.. J.1 the Government of the United States was the mass of the native population are utterly assembled on the beach to greet the Prin- grow- itl fr w DilM'Haniia K'l.. um up t. tI of renewed, tlie irojK-a- U coming this time 44 solid block .iae!i are in ue iu the wine Z6 a . ever negotiation, or on subject, and no cess Regent who staid a while at resi- iXl.t'j9 la d nm tic pria!rii-- axr.rtt-.- from the I'uited Ktates through (,'ouimis-ioiie- r an actual party to the reckless the will take the JOSHUA WHITCOMBE." ing IUn-- of the Kastern Atlantic, and on the That Import iitalU'lt-- obra, Ac., l.r,ivM tt"na rau-bing'- a had dence of Mr. F.dwin a rlT It on that the President and his advisers precautions to prevent the spread of the Jones and made However. (regg. He describes the jsi.-iti- of coit ot Africa. I .laud by th Wa.rr. and a car f lum- ever seriously considered the idea of pay- disease. If then the resistance" to segrega speech there to the throng of people. by Ut Julia, fr-r- u l th anioutitiii allairs in the Kingdom, and the men, (native ber, he., Ml. ing life to value of ?.1,Cs,(sjO so Hon. Kapena also made a speech. A to total aluati.n to IT.."). and foreign) w ho occupied positions ee annuities the tion, which has greatly hindered the John of A, M. HOSE 1 for i J. Tfca Blt ftr th Cont will the lr in. at the time. He claims that "Dr. the sake of annexing thi. little territory. efforts of the Government up to the present deputation of the people had prepared an ( rarr Kar Hait airrrla. 5Ia-y-- e-- tt llc'.iinf ut King Street, c tier a the full.w"l by tU r on the itvUi.l. Judd was the ablest advocate of the treaty" What this writer speaks of a the intended time) can be greatly mitigated by the esta- address of welome to the Princes Regent Are Constantly Receiving New Additions in bis in eouM local hospitals, finest sipeeiinei of modem art in carritg mtou-factur- and that Mr. Wylie. then Mini-te- r of For- signature of a treaty but have been blishment of these the cost and it was presented. to their PORT OP ZZOZJOZaUZaU. II. I. the final asent, by the King, to a proposi- of building and maintaining even a dozen At 9:. A. M., the steamer wa again tak- He rcii( the f itlhest remove from tbt eign Relations, zealous in promoting FINE A NO WELL ASSORTED STOCK . "was olid blot-k- in the production of the mot perfect AHK1VAL.V Lee ".sanc- tion to be made in his name, which no of them will not be money thrown away. en aud steamed away for Kalaupapa, the the project," while Chief Justice OF of lighiueM and itrengtb in hit i'orwir. tioned it." He further claims that though Government of the United .States would That the measure will have this effect, and lauding place of the Leper Settlement, ami combination Hpt l' itmr Ihna. from M.,1 .lai at.. I Mam ever have ventured to submit to Congress in consequence it is likely to result arrived at 2 p. m. The Princess Regent and w! eels, an I tiers the mot inrpriaing remits of 10 stmr ll tti. from Kahului l ot Paki and John Ii opi.oed the project, that in lt klliia Kto!aTi party were received by Father Damien and SATINS, vehicular in hi admirable Stmr M'tkoiil, 1mm Chief and Noble? favored fr acceptance. a victory over this plague we have every poor, FA NOV COOns, SII.KS. M hr M anna.kawal. frm flaiiamanla "other it;" that Mr. Meyers and by all of the unfortu- LACKS ItV tit hr C atari n a. fnni ilapnu Mr. O'Meara'squalilieation a a truthful reason to believe. who were to come meet nnd FMBKIMOERIKS. - the King "favored it wanted and was nates able and the li Jir Klnau. fruui Watanaa- it,' historian may be gauged by the falsity of Royal party. The Princess Kegent and Following are a few of Leading Lines : ID Karhr l.nka. from Kohala ready to sign the treaty if his nominated the Family 15 K i Ma-- Wi from Maliko the account of the death of Kamehameha low we give an extract from a rather party then rode through the Settlement and French. Knftlish aoJ American Silk in all ci.lom, rino. It HtDir I.lka-Hka- ., from circuit of Ha an heir to the Crown, Prince Alexander, con- remarkable document, in which the Presi- returned at i M. to the steamer, which China Silk la all color, emigre Silk, which he nJVr-.lilrli- 11 Mtrorl". R-- fiiahaip, fratm Kanal III., with concludes his little Genta' I'onge Silk shins. Fine Silk I '. r sented to it. That Prince is described as immediately headed for Honolulu, arriving UH-b- Claua t)preckala. from Kahul u narrative. The story of the old King dying dent of the Board of Health has embodied I.Ina-- Lawns, Taney Muslin, Kilf inj. A. 11 Mcbr Nettie Merrill, from wavering, but as ultimately, in response to here at midnight. l.a.lieV Fine I'nJrrwfar. C Ihaina' foot-bat- as to how South Sea Islanders IIRIAGBS! 11 Hcbr I.eahl. from lloooipu in consequence of drinking a h of his views LIKKWISK 11 Krkaalnohi. from lUnal'l the King'i urgency, signing his assent ought to be treated by their contract em- Fri.L ASSORTMENT OF II tVbr liatn'l Kaii;r. from W aialua brandy is a vulgar pothouse invention, PRESIDENT GARFIELD. . a few days before the old King's death. say very II hlmf J a. Maka-ar- from Kanal utterly false, and devoid of the smallest ployers. Everything he has to is Men's and Youths' Clothine, Hats and Caps. Wagons, 1J Stmr il'tkolil. from Koolan The influences which kept ha Imii the future good in its way, except for the fact that it By the Poiuare, which arrived at Kuhului, we Fl'I.I. St'lTS AT LOW PRICES. roKKKaX. hi.s ear- particle of foundation. Hut why "break IV from giving assent comes rather late in the day. Contract All tbi? abort? are beot aoIJ at ibe very L0WFST MAR-Iffc- T Sept li-- H. hr Claua gprevkela, Couaini, froiu Kahnlill this fly upon the wheel ?" What concerns have advices from San rram-isc- up to 1st Sept. laVHchr Julia. Goodman, from Earrka lier are described, the chief among them laborers from the South .Seas hate been RATES. (aelTly) OOO KIM A CO. . au We extract the latest telegram as to the Presi- .11 IV 1J H. Walka-r- l us most In connection with his article is rs hr Jannl Knark. r annlnK " being that of the lady to whom he was afll-- ii imported for some by a paternal gov- ii :mcl 1.1 Am bgtne vV. i. Irwin. Turner, In dintreaoi the question : What instigated him to dent's condition : dirt, need, (now Her Majesty the Queen Dow- ernment, when persuaded to leave write it ? Its publication, if not actually and their "The Frksidknt. The Surgeons say that his Grill RTZ1 Xsitivc Expresses. aUEI'AKTCKKS. ager Km ma), who is erroneously de- have been led to believe CHR.MO FORT STREET. instigated by the little clique who still homes, they that progress is very encouraging. His condition is cOAarraiar. scribed as the daughter of Dr. Hook. Thena-rativ- e would be paternally looked m c their interests jept lt Scbr Knlamann. for Koholalt-l- hanker after the absurd project of annex ; considered better than any other day since he Importer and Dealer in 10 eJttnr Iwalaat. for Maalea. and K.iu closes with a sensational story al.out after. Even if no such idea had been in- MR. ROSE imports the best of Eastern 1J Molokal and Maiu ing these islands to the United States, and j was shot; his appetite improved; the wounds CENTS', BOYS', Stmr Lehna. for la.--t illne--s and death of Kamehameha Govern- and executes all orders in the 11 Stmr Kilaaea Hon. for Kabulul the stilled into them, the duty of the w fa- - timber, who have disseminated the wild story j were doing well anil his other symptoms LADIES', MISSES 1J Stmr Mokolil. for Koolau III. The King's death is also said to have ment was no less clear and obligatory. At most thorough, workmanlike man- i Jjchr Ilalaakala. for Pepekoii occurred on the very daj, December 14th, about the design of Kalakaua to sell hi.s voruble. His early removal from the White House and CHILDREN'S 12 Bchr I.nka. for Honotpa kingdom to Chinese, has certainly been the very least, the Government of a Ha- is discussed." ner. He has also opened a 1J Svhr Knlamann. for Koholalrlr lv4, which had been flxed upon by the the H-- King might be to for as 1 J MannokawaJ, for Hananiaiiia occasioned by the- - circulation of this and waiian looked BOOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS I I Stmr I.ikelike. for Hawaii Privy Council for the signature of the careful tending of Polynesian immigrants, Mr. Jaegar has had an artesian well sunk ALSO 1:1 '. K. Biabop othef stupid fables. they can raise a lir Stmr for Kaaai treaty. Prince Alexander succeeded to If 310 HARNESS SHOP, 1J Schr Nettia Merrill, for Labaina the feeling of uneasiness in America, and dis induced to leave their homes by agents in which water was struck at feet. The 1.1 Schr Kekaaluohl. for Haualel throne as Kamehameha IV, and our histor- difference of level at which water has been ob- aV 13 Warwick, for Kalaiipapa acting under his authority, as is given to OeiitV Root SIio' hcbr credit the King with his own people and tained in the wells in that neighborhood show a VSIU'.V. THK MANAtir.MKNT OF fitmr Jamett Makee. for fcapaa ian quotes, from a note which Commissioner similar immigrants brought by private in- MADE TO ORDER. IC VYaiana with his Kuropean allies, they fancy that givat irregularity in the lay of the rock casing Schr Kaala. for received corona- 61 Oregg the day after the for own benefit, above water-be- d, decided- Janl FOREIGN. their cherished project may be aeeom dividuals, their into the which lies the and are o following 11 bgtn W. O. Fraucitu-- tion, the finale to the negotiation: colonies under the rule of Great Britain. ly remarkable. The rlow obtained by Mr. .laegar MR. P. H. TRIPP, bept Am Irwin. Turner, San pllshed. This "magazine article is but of a " .MORTaJAltKb'S SILK. t- - Fran.-- i o at of 28 l Am bk C. Murray, Ravena. for San ".Sir: All negotiations pending between now neces- reaches the surface an elevation about V 14 Am te liiacorery. flan r'rancico. piece newspaper squibs Yet, if it has been found !. ADAMS IS INSTRUCTED II M. celebrated Saddle Maker and Stamper, bkt Pernman. Government of the United States and with the that have feet above the level of the pipe. On adding a lata Mclneroy.lhe Mortgager named la tvccriiln Inilentura the IV Am bk Montano, Pteraon, for Paget Sound the sary for Mr. Carter to write such a letter wa In 63, on I'agra 2SS, S0 and 2V0. 15 H Oannet. crniaing been so freely circulated of late. What 10ft length of piping it found that the water of recorded Liber who will fill ordei sior ii ilH the , in relation to the to the native protector, as that from 14 feet (i inches in it, reaching the same and In coiiita-quenc- of the breach of th corenanla contained view had iu It rfse dt-e- lila I?! rem, Honolulu, subject of annexation, are hereby declared the writer himself preparing .Tudge in the aaid Io sell at ronton, ijueen is not difficult to discover. His closing which our extract is taken, it is quite level as in Widemann's well. Th. first ly Puhlir Auction, on Saturday, the flrit day of Oclnfier, Single siimI FOREIGN' VESSELS IX POUT. an end." As a moral to his tale Mr. 100 feet of sinking was chiefly through earth and at 12 o'clock, noon, a piece of Land aituated at Kaneolie, on Fim Mr Rnrprlaa. Jackson, at evident that such an expectation has, in Butne fol-- words, already quoted, are significant as to gravel; then followed 150 feet of coral; the thick- the Ialnnd of Onhu,' containing lour acre and hi fir bk HafTo'.k. Byford. O'Meara concludes his article with the ! the past, been belied; and that South Sea chaloa, deacribed in Koyal l'atent No. a) 020. Double1 IIxiriicNs the tendency of his wishes. We, and est coral bed that has been found in any boring con- Br ahip City of Bombay. Stowell. lowing enigmatical utterance; "Now reigns the cared for Alao, two tract of Land aituale at Kaneohe aforeaald, Am schr W H Meyer, Howe. great majority of his subjects, however, are Island laborers have been better yet made here. It was leueath this coral, and taining together two acrea and b chain, de ribed In (vOiicortl Am bktne J A Fsiklnbarg. Hubbard Kalakaua. He declares he will never sell and better ofT in Queensland and in Fiji at a deptli of 2"iu feet, that two pieces of wood Royal Patent No. 2,010, and now, or lat, the property of one :inl Br bk Birch as to For Ordr. Francis. not in fear what answer the future tr-- e were Below was a Mahoe (k. further InfurniRtion apply lo Bnl bk Oberon. Harrey. his Kingdom. It remains to be seen what than they have been here. of the cocoanut. found. KDWAKU rKKMUH. 1 1 si 111 CMS W career of King Kalakaua, a the Constitu lliilc Am bartn U j layer, of 10 feet of bluish gray cement, then Irwin he will do with it." Letter the the Board Solicitor for the Morlrgee, 60 Fort St., Honolulu, Am acbr Claua Spree kela. Contain. tional monarch of Hawaii, will give to the Extract from of President of 10 feet of clay, and the vest of the sinking was .T.10,3l or to the Auctioneer. The of this article is well reruem- - Immigration to Rev. And sill writer question " What will he do. with his of Mr. Bingham. through the rock a slightly ferruginous tra- kind of boozy and Fess-le- r. Vratel rr IIailtalai froaa Fofritji Porta. bered in Honolulu as a politician, kingdom First Wages under these particular contracts are to chyte. The well was sunk by Mr. George MRS. .SIMMONS, IlnrncNs. YtaacL. Rio. Caftaix. FOM. Drr. his statement ?" be paid at the end of each calendar month, commencing In its construction substantial iron tubes B'lmitnlion the many inaccuracies in date of the of immigrant at Hono- TEACHER OF Oanibla-..icj)-t from the arrival the made of inch iron have been used instead of Jenny Pitta Am bk..Wickbnrg.. ..I't ' cause no surprise to those who knew him. lulu. At the end of three years (3G months) '4 bk . . . LI verpoad. . . Hepl is the custom to speak of our Chinese ... whi-l- i Olrni(aler...... Br McOre. .. It ex- the pipes made of ordinary sheet iron ; from the date of bis arrival in Honolulu his contract lolaAl Haw bk. Bremen.... Oct There is some truth but also a great deal of fellow-citize- ns with approval as a quiet and pires. have been deemed sufficient in so many other As we are frugal iu our style, we cau Tnnmpb M B U .Stirling. S Amerlca..dbtll. lodg- VOCAL AMI il'SIt, law-abidin- Second As to what constitutes being "properly IMRTOm . lbralta-r..ep- t untruth in his recital of events. It is well g cases. It is. to be regretted that the same pre- atiord sell cheap. You can go Dof l.UinburKh-K-n CTtK race. The records of the Police ed." it is somewhat difficult to define. Each family to farther crtte. Hopap. . . . albtfl suc- not been taken with other wells, as, Cbampia...... Br ...London understood that Commissioner CJregg Court hardly bear out opinion. should certainly have a separate room of suitable aize. caution has No. 95 Hotel St..opp- - Dr.McGrew's Wanderer Br yht... bill dbtil this No The law requires 300 cubic feet of space for each adult, when the slight casings of iron rusts through, and fare worse than by calling on F H fbompaon-A- .. .. York..Oa-- t ceeded iu iersuading King Kamehameha bk. Potter. ...New week passes but two or three eases of assault or feet for a man, woman, and two children; and the i aa By there will be some costly trouble with them. Am h..Paul lep room should be ventilated (having at least one window i In to favor a scheme of annexation devised t CaJbairian Am bk..Uopklna., N Y III ami uanery, in wnicii tne iietenaants are a complete protection from and ho m. ..ct or shutter) aud rain, I J. ROSE, . Nov Idotn Am bk Bremen by himself. In thi he was undoubtedly Chinese, are brought before Hicker rai-ae- above the ground aa to avoid dampness. A separ- Thk Y. M. ('. A. The regular meeting of THE UNDERSIGNED aug27,tf Xos. 7S, 81 Hi STREL'T. l bk ... Lord . Pugrt Sd Sept Julge k K1C inerai-- Jim ate house for each family is much to be preferred. The this association was held in tho T.yof-n- on by Dr. Hut statement wlnte-waxhin- Ceylon .Ala bk Uallett .. Boaton O. t assisted Judd. the ton, and in a large majority of the cases, rooms and houses should be kept clean inside; g Kata sudJen... Am bktne.. Pt Towned for KaUulni ' that Mr. Wylie gave his assistance to furth- or other cleansing is more important for health Thursday evening. The atteiu'lanec was lunch Would respectfully inform the public that brtj...Drew .. H F 4epl the charges have been sustained and con white-washin- g Poniare Haw than outside. larger than usual, anal theiv was considerably in- JosiTphk. Maatiar F Caller. Am LrwD... H F Sart er this etcheme is certainly untrue. In his viction secured. As to cases of a more seri Tliirtl All necessary and suitable bedding and bed more interest evinced in the business than form- they are prepared to give wiskmam, Kalakaua Haw bk Jenka H 1' Salt as Minister of Foreign Relations, clothing " means at least one mat or mattress of proper of structions to Beginners or Keyere Am bk ....M'lntyre Depte I5ay alue capacity ous character the public is but too familiar size, and a yood blanket for each individual; and both the erly. After receiving the reports the various Liaiay How. .Am aa hr...HLKKini.... S F, VIA Uockpa-rCdu- it was neccs-sar- for him to obey the com- mat and blanket should be replaced when committees the subject of erecting a suitable Advanced Pupils in !7 MKUCIIAT STIiKKT. S .Sydney.... Sept i with the details of those which have oc Australia R il Carglll of King so fax as to part in use and wear they bticome unfit for use. building, centrally situated, occupied the atten- CLOG, JIG, REEL. SONG AND DANCE.0R II0MII4I.I, II. I. mand the take curred within the past few month. Furious Fourth " Good and suitable food." stipulated for In of Mr. ('. took the some negotiation.. He the contract, implies proper and sufficient tood for such tion the meeting. P. Jones llaU.NU THE WHARVES. of the preliminary driving or riding also appear. to be a favor persons. In view of the diet they have been accustomed matter up iu a practical form by starting the FANCY DANCING. opposed to of That Irwin la In the atreatu anal has her new topmaxl lu was, however, thoroughly the ite method of breaking the law with the to. a diet wholly rice ia not sufficient for South Sea fund with a donation of $500, on the condition REAL ESTATE BROKER. EM- place. The celerity wttb which the rer air bate been made w hole scheme from the beginning, and Mr. Islanders, who are unaccustomed to it. Poi or kalo that a similar amount be there and then sub- Instructions given to Ladies and reflects cretllt on Mr. Hajrenaain. well known Celestials, so much so that, lately, they seem should be supplied, a part, or if not. all of the time. PLOYMENT AGENT, one-ha- lf by any two gentlemen, Messrs. The Irwin will probably sail the tin O'Meara'. statements to the .contrary are Their daily ratlom should be equivalent to one and scribed other Children, and satisfaction promised. fr ' to have acquired as close a monopoly of this pounds rice or three pounds paiai for each adult, and J. B. Atherton & C. M. Cooke quickly responded AND i totally devoid of truth. Kqually untrue is half as much for each child, besides beef or salmon. If W. W. !V For terms, or other particulars, The Clans Sprtt kels la Uo In the stream and the rrew class of offence aa they have of the washing or given by donating the sum of S2"0 each. Mr. GENERAL BUSINESS I this cannot be obtained, flour bread should be please address OFFICE. will probably amuse tbemselyes for a ranple of weeks to the statement that either of the young Fretih be as well as Hall then subscribed S200, and Messrs. A. F. nverhaul-Int- business. There is reason to believe Ihat if with the rice. beef should furnished com la Urrintj and scraping anal In K'oerallj f ' food " car-talnl- v 100 JOHN riVMRTV or very prince, Iot and Alexander, at any time salmon and salt beef. " Good and suitable Cooke, C. W. Urey, and Aldrich each. tbo eeaaael. Sngar will bare to arrive freely to we had a few smart policemen, who under includes suitable diet in sickness. fol- Rents Houses, Cottages and Rooms Sells i Subscription varying from JSO down to 810 RALPH WRAY, enable her to aail by the JT.IH Inst. gave their assent to the proposal. Kven as stood Chinese ways aud the Chinese lan Fifth ' Sufficient and suitable medical attendance" TarTTTiae is Tet a filtare I also the horrible means the attendance of a professional medical man lowed, swelling the total to $2170 a really noble sepl0,2t Honolulu, II. I. and Leases property in all parts r to tho conduct of King Kamehameha III, attend- thc-o-f meil thai bas lately attached itself to ber. (axd for the guage, the number of cases in which the when such can be obtained; otherwise the best sum to be put together on the spur of - ; of the Kingdom- commanlty that ahe la to leeward of the tawn. what Mr. O'Meara lias to tell is not reliable, Chinamen figure as defendants, would be ance that the facilities and judgment of the employer can the moment. A subscription committee was alowly-Bh- e provide. If the services of a medical man can be procur- HAWAIIAN Tbw W.H. Meyer Is at Brewer's wharf loadlnx i appointed, viz : Messrs. 11. Dernpsie, C. M. -- He would to have his readers believe that ed, obligatory upon employer to procure them. then will probably sail for the coa---t about the VI t lnt. considerably increased. Where the Chi it is the - wa No laborer who insists that be is unable to work, on ac- Cooke and J, B. Atherton. Also a committee on Employment found for those seeking work The Falkinbartf bas Wen repaireal au.l thoronihIy the scheme which worked into shape in nese are in a hopeless minority, as they are count illness, should be compelled to do so, except as COLLECTION AND GENERAL BUSINESS awaiting to and Captaiu of the " Advisibilitv of Bnikling and securing a on cleaneal while ber turn la.1. ; wa no new idea on the part of the King, pronounced by the physician to be lle to wort. In the these Islands. Uabbafi la now anxious to return Lastward -- sailing In most districts in which they are to be absence of such physician, he should not be forced to Charter : " Rev. C. 31. Hyde, 1. C. Jones and probaDly abont the 24tn Inst. : but only a repetition of a proposal made to found in the Australian Colonies of Great labor on the judgment of a subordinate overseer or luna. A, F. Judd. Mr. Waterhouse has since prom- AGENCY. ali-a- . -- con- Bills collected, The Birch (trova baa only attaint 2) tona of coal to Kach case of alleged sickness should be carefully a of 1,000, and Mr. Lewers 7 KING Opponile Legal papers of all kinds . Government of the United states so far ised subsoription 0TF1CK STREET, BETIIKI. STRt'ET, alter beintf balla-ate.l- will leave for Port the Britain, they are exceedingly quiet and well sidered bv the employer, as in case of the death of a man charge, and. as $250, and some smaller amounts have also been drawn. Books and Accounts solicited, Tvwnsend. back us ls'A). If Mr. O'Meara believed this behaved. in places Singapore am' compelled to work when really ill, it might be held . HOXOLl Lr. II. I. Rut like r. subscribed. Th Oberon la at the Mail Wharf i the Suffolk, and to be a fact he took it upon hearsay, for lie Roaima Rrnied, and general office work transacted. City of Bombay, at the Esplanade all discharging. Penang, they are, even under British rule, Houses and Lamia LeaifJ, The Jennie Walker returns to Fannlnii'a Island ou ber I himself tells us that he only arrived in this almost as truculent and troublesome as in STtlij Renti and Bill Collected, I Tour of Princess Regent on Maui. bbcrtistmcnfs. for 0. Visl-tor.- " next np trip, she will probably brlnrf a iad of fruano. j country in October, 1n4. That any such the Booki Opened, Poal'J and Clojed. Agent "P. Vickery's Fireside There were no vesaels loaailntf at Fanninif'a Ulan.l when the great cities of their native country. f nor were any likely to arrive, the terms I proposition was made during the Presidency Quarterly B1IU Made Out aft Collt-cle- Subscription, $1.25 per year. she left there, Wai-luk- u GENTLEMEN not satisfactory to former shippers. Honolulu is evidently in a transition state. Her Koyal Highness and suite left LADIES AND Correapondence Solicited. for ffnaao belntf of Taylor is not true, and we take leave to f DMiRors of Taking The reputation of this The Murray sailed for the Toast on the 13th Init.. and The proportion of Chinese to the rest of the on Wednesday at 3 A. r., and rode to interesting the iMaMwrvery on the lth-- TbeInrray'a list of passen- doubt that it was even talked about between imputation has been steadily increasing, Lessons in Elocntion or Dramatic Culture, FRANK GODFREY, pictorial journal is second to gers prrv that she la yet favorite amongst the travel- his advisers. The idea, Maalaea; and there took boat. Six boats ri.lOit Gar.RaL BriiNfsi Agent. ing public. the King anil of and if the authorities neglect Ad.l none on support- - the much transported the Princess Regent and her i these Islands. Each The Sadie F. Caller is the next vessel due from San which we find him such an ardent longer to place themselves in a position to f Ppla It Care th! office. WANTED. subscriber receives five Francisco direct ; the Daisy Rowe, via Kockporl. Our cr at a later date, may have suggested itself party. The little fleet coasted gaily along by Caller, due about f.'nd Inst. : cope '. news will come the the a . . i i .... : a r l , e with possible disorder, the peaceable shores of Ukumehame and Olowalu, on NOTICE. IIOI SES TO BEXT, OR BOOMS TO LET BEAUTIFUL CHR0M0S Only ten days' later news, ana) have to wait fourteen days. i. t uuniiK i. iu.ra.uu iru...... i.i.i. , the Where a our line of steamers ? cltIzen9 0f Honolulu mav have occasion to a gentle breezy sea. The Royal banner was CIIU.VU L. UN f3 HAS THIS DAY RE- - rMIE UMIERSIOXED- - HAS ON HAM) with the first number of the paper lie or even some . 1"JIIfR.lired from the Arm of F. T. LENKHAN CO. JL aeveral applications for Houses to rang- W. to pa-r- t on returneu in ivo, ai lar i eupinenes-.- Rent at pnef The bfrtntt a. Irwin retortwal th rue their We may add that, in displayed on the foremost boat, a swift, F. F. LENKHAN CO. ing from 15 to per month, fore-topma- st, rijnedl 4 f $30 all desirable tenants. Inst., with sprang anal lotas of npper top'' earlier time, Imt that the King had then t Having removed Into the any steps which the Government may take skiff", Honolulu, Sept. 1, 1SM1. I'ariles owning or leasing houses, and wis'iing good tenant, NMf f yard. light pulled by stout arms, that made will looked favorably upon any such project, advance their Interests bj Informing me personal! at t lRE-I'UO- ttUKK Bl ILIUM. In this matter, they are sure to have the part- my office, or by letter. whil-- j her bound over the swelling surf, as she MR. J. a. Tl'CKER haatbls day been admitted as N no evidence to show, t there I lii-if- I r?1 ? 1 FRANK OODFREV, .'.Joining tny former Office, I am now prepared to MEMORANDA. there ! a cm r f lia r 11 a n o n n.l ii- ner in our firm, the Dear firm atiuming the respnciibililiea of Qen'l Business Agent, conduct a road- s-- i- shot inside the reef of the Lahaina lin 74 Report of , hooner Jennie Walker, Capt. Kna. ke : - much to hhow that no thought of such a L and collecting all the debta due lo th late firm.. King street, Honolulu. more extensive business with my enlarged faclUtie.. Io 15. NF-- pleaaaaut Chinese resident throughout the Signed) F. T. I.KNKHAR at CO. Sauled from Honolulu Auirnat wind lltfrit telligent, stead. addition io the above various branches, I Invite Agents, 10- - N", heavy ram thing was entertained. lie had but just Honolulu , Sept. 1, 1S81. aelT weather. In wind bE. weather squally, - WANTED Planters, and private parties rn the other a V'-- at p m. : KlnKl,om- The lrinees3 Kegent, and the Princess Islands lo make storm ; Arrived off Fanning Island on concluded a new treaty with the Unite..; (heir in Fanning'a Inland A purchases Honolulu through toe, guaranteeing to give passage down, aeven daya. Kailed from dif-- Likelike were met at the wharf by a con- .MAN. A POSITION TO COOK I wife on return trip r)ept 1st. wind SE moilerate, rbanging to Mates which, except for its verbosity, spirit in which a certain portion of BY to do funeral houvw.irk. Apply to al! orders close attention, and to procore the txst bargains the E with heavy rain squalls ; la 10- - N. encountered heavy . the course of people ; and the two Princesses SPECIAL NOTICE, M. O. CORIa, Hotel Ptreet. market affords. NK. ftred in no essential way from those negoti-- TH northerly swell, and on the 9th had heavy gale from ( oommunlty look upon a new.COmers, were driven by Mrs. Hayselden in her car- Sightail at 2 a.m. on the lith. and arrived in ort ated countries. Moreover, had . with other reganling them in (he llgh, of interlopers, J same day. Pataaage, 10 daya i hours. on subject of annexa- - riage to Kia's cottage ; a residence of the Reception of His Maiestv !TVn per if Chairmen alvvayn any proportion the am, M unile3irabIe competitors with them I al V FRANK QODFREY, aug27,3ro Moderate. put before President . late Governor Nahaolelua. , General Hiilnt--' Agent, tion been tentatively hllainMfl standinp-- and - IMPORTS. f iWition. The following day, Thursday, the Prin- - i MIF. FINANCE COMMITTEE- WILL 74 King Clreei. From Fannlng'a IsUnd, per Jennie Walker. Sept V2 Taylor we should not find him saying in commence to collect ubcripllon early nxt week to 1 l possibly for political influence, has about it i 1130 bags cobra, 1 horse. mnle. 60i coooanuU. pka lS-VJ- cess Regent and party visited the Catholic meet the expense ol ' his message to Congress, in : We de- LET, twa ROOMS, Furnished , suitable for man & miac malse. all the characteristics of that of the . small schools, in the rear of the Catholic Church, 'lO1 a.nd wife, nr two nlDKle situated williln ten LEY SPENCER, ! 12 : may main- From Humboldt Pay. ner Jalia. Sept 92,1C ft It W sire that the (Hawaiian) Islands tradesman in some petty village in an older were Decorating the City miniit' walk of Post Office. lumber, 7J.i R W shingles, bgs oaU. 97 bgs potaMes. independence in charge of Father Aubert. There FRANK (iODFRKY, tain their and that other country, who looks upon the man who Oeneral Business A gem, about eitrhtv pupils neatly dressed. The t 74 King-Stree- nations should concur with us in the senti- per- j EXPORTS. opens a new shop as necessarily his Regent spoke to in ; 10 : Princess them the Honor His Majesty's Arrival ! For Jan Franclsaro. per W. O. Irwin, Sept Itel pks ment." Nor should we find Kamehameha enemy. which of ' 1 5. sonal This is the spirit in tl . sugar, 13" bags lice. dry hides. bundlaai hidc. Hawaiian language, an Urged theill to Which may be expected towards the f neit month. IN CHAMBERS. CIRCUIT JUDGE, SEC- aH. Irwin to himself, in his speech to the Chiefs and t h it .j DomesUc vslue. fTiJU (The returned j.rt one of the organs of this party prays goodness, to teach The Commiitte hope that liberality will be aihowa by nur cill- - inst--. and to be obedient their OND JUDICIAL HA- on the Uth in distress. llepresentatives when assembled during the we may be delivered from incursion- of tens to enable them to tender to Hit Majesty a reception wor-- I DISTRICT. For Baa Francisco, per D C-- Murray. ept 1 : Wl t ers. All tne young people, ami a company ihy of the occasion. All on the othair islands who ISLANDS. a. 13'2 same year, referring to the appointment of ; ' WAIIAN pkgs angar. 1J7.S bags cob-- bdla sunsr. sne. i Uxes tourists. In the same temper are the letters of their relatives am1 friends come forward, wish to forward subscriptions will i.;eaia address Ilis Excel-- 1 roraJ 4 bbls molasee. IS bbls tallow. 5J bags born". :sJ confidential agents to procure a convention lenry, the Minister of Interior, or any of the Finance of State,'' who is acting - bunchea bananas, 42 dry hides. 32 buis wet ni.te. .i oaii of the Minister and tendered a hearty aloha, each one kiss- Committee, whose names are here aprta-mla-- hard-presae- the matter or the Partition of the V goarsklne ; la mlsc maise. Inclndlng H.Osl with Great Britain, France and America, asour Immigration Commissioner, anil tells B. W. KAVV 1.NCI, II I O II 4 M A TO ; jl.'.T J ; ing the hand of the Princess Regent. W. InKCAFOKO." M bricks. Ijairoe.tic value, foreign do.. more favorable than hitherto to his inde- Belgians ami (Jermans if they like to P. VOOI. All. Lively & transhipped. that Leaving the Catholic School the Princess sel7 tf J, E. WISEMAN. ON READING AND FILIN'O TtIK REPORT of the Coiu H. Montano. Sept bbl tar, 1 pendence in matters of domestic policy. But For Victoria. C. per 14:1 come here, well ami good, but that they Regent and party proceeded to visit the niiinioQern appointed by this Court on May 16, 1881, to parti- oeknia. 1 l"t canvas. Foreign value. J4 SO. SALE bale the best answer to the insinuation that this before and set apart the different In I II AMA- STABLES, it tion shsrea the O . Sapt 14 r pkifs had better think twiee about they charge Miss "HI' For San Fran. isco. per Discovery long-cherih- ed English School of St. Cross, in of was a e IVIarlict, RU A POKO," KING ST.. angar, baits paaidy. 4'J baga rice, 117 bnebs bananas. annexation scheme start. In eontrast to this inditTei'i'iii-- to ' Gcrmania Msui, in their refpective Garner, and the said OPPOSITE BETHEL ST. ! ; Albro. There are at this boarding Institu-- j 1.1 iron tanks, t boxee'bardware. I torn, value, it!.'i hobby of the King's lies in the fact that the country Commioloners aUng that their said Report be approved and foreign $'."t. 1 a ! the interests of the in the matter tion twenty young Misses of various ages, d. - la l . I. . t confirmed: IIOKSKS BOARDED BV THE - I is A IVKW WKKK, UAV iirimiiuiin- of bringing people here, the ellnsive who appeared tastefully dressed and under DEPARTURE It is Ordered that F. OC-TOII- F.R OK MONTH. i FRIDAY. Til lib OF . PASSENGERS. wa, Kamehameha III it author nor could thp)ae - 1 reulineS!j with whch people oeeasion- S S I , m II a v., at the Cr urt House In Maka-wa- Tlorso.s Bought I 12 : eu-feebl- e-l excellent discipline. Miss Albro exercised and Fannlng'a per Walk. r. Sept -- Frm Jennie be persuauea io io it umu b t the time an 1 place for hearing said Kepnrt Sold. p.ta'knell and S m. Oregg. he uien ally help a man to get away, or bring into i ex-- J fTaaorne wife. her young pupils in combined song and BLOOD PUDDING, an A a. and embar- and r"rii'iitii an) oljecti.tiiii tlmt mn be oaTered (hereto; Splendid Assortment For San Frsn. per D. C. Murray. Sept 1 1 : Mr. and in bxly and in intellect, play every engine of law and police, to of Carriage Baa4 t .1 ercise, in accordance with a new Kinder-- I and all person interested are hereby maiructej Mr. H. . ( oilmen anal children. Mln Barkrl. Win. rassed by need of pecuniary means suffi- Kingdom. LIVER PUDDING, to attend. LET A.D 8 ELL. Lawler. W. H. Jameann. B.Mason. W. 1. t'urtis. C. C drive him out of the This garten system, and children made a very Th following are the NAMES OF T11K iSIl ARF.IIOLDERS ng the Mr. and AllaMyce and f. cbillren. H. cient for hi9 ever-iucreasl- expenditures. AMI .NEWLi MADE EVERY In O Pntnanr. Mr. temper on the part ol a too influential j IBESH, DIV.j the said Ufl II AMAKUAPOKO," who by theaw. SS pre. a M'LtonaM, M. hroe.ler. 1S.VI start-e- .l excellent display, highly gratifying to the .Vi,.Bw,BM ""Ported On. selection of scheme of was sents are espevia'ly SL'MMONFD lo IA person, Horse., andhrcall the Eaur and a. annexation attend or by lls.-over- The ran poblli ' For Ban Frna-ic- per rVpt 14 : Mi ainnie section of the community has done re Princess Regent. attention of lt,e theli I- M. foreign ! au:horixM prow V.z HANDWOMK PT0CK Halsteaal. Miss I. Allison. Mia F. - burke. Mr. J. by a combination of merchants to retard the material progress nf the PORK SAUSAGE SEVERAL FINE ANIMALH I- chil.1. Her Royal Highness addressed a few are on ,helr oat. Jnn-- . Mrs. - Potter and to enhance the ROLEKA. KAMAKAOKAI .y ,o from California, J' of Honolulu who wanted els, AN! and the East. i Hawaiian Islands than anything that Our Customers are informed that wer' A I ed words in English language to pupils. KANOUO. K N Kil KK I.I who ier-suad- the the here, and j . BI M.1F.S, I value of their interests could be named. de- KOI.OHE. MAKAOi, niAKTONS 1M ( ABUI UEATIIs. She wa happy, she said, to see in their axe enabled 1 KAMAKAI.A. I.KONOH, ACES, 1 the United States Commissioner to on Thursday. September KAINALL'A. KAVVAWA, OF THE Bt naows. In this city, llth. gool-nature- portment ami exercises the evidence of t co-oper- ate d n-- Mosi Iru,.roed PsvtD Builder and Contra.-- .r. aifed II with them. The weak, TilK approach of the time for KKI.ALRELA. NCI. Puiieru. now on hand, an.l on their trom i Swcrt. good ini- - TO PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION C. Eastern w., years. . simple-minde- d over-ttersuad.- -d their attention to tuition. .She LAlONE. H lUCKfcV, Manufactories. and King was of Legislative Assem- I A of members the El. , NAMAKA, AUo,a CARRV-AL- L pressed upon young minds, all TO TKI.S and WAGOON .N ETFE. for by these men; even ns in later evidently waking up Government their that rkakua. KKIOHA, Excursion.. Wghwwinf Tbnr-ala- cn bly is the etc., around ibe I.lind"' u eiiajulry hel.l aft would be they were MOSK N A ft" A I , LANSI,, vai in days I.imai.lo was persualeil by designing of carrying out ex- tuition in vain, unless y Hi Kx- - th Acting Aturny-Jiir-ra- l to the desirability the KALA1KIM, K APPLE. cede good. They must always obey their teach- -' BRANCH of OUR BUSINESS, NAKOOKOO. T II. HOBRON, Drputj-lUrsL- al hargc ma.! foreigners to consent to the proposal to pressed wishes of the representatives of the anil D.tytrn, into i er, be good and obedient, they would KA.NE, AHINA, I s w were How then AND ' Hill And as;junt rertain eron., snie of Lorn Pearl Harbor to the United States. leop!e as recorded during last session, j ASCK. O. E. BKCKWITU BrSadd!e.HorsfsgperIortaaF t' i.a aMuxt.a.ynl uh qnoraiitin grinriU in town. self- become gooal women, and a blessing to their JOE ANTONC, UAl-K- SLQAR CO flty, bfttb for Cf atleneHi and iptraSf. rently - mall was this clique, aud how entirely After Iteing sneered at for a twelvemouth, A N A t- Lave Will Guarantee to Please wilb Onr Goods KAIXA, M , t,T let ers frnfii wLoui tluy were country. II U N .i nllel were Interests, could hardly be proposed hospitals for preliminary , JOJKPA KIK F.MELIA, San.lry ish their the ' t.iken ltrilH for fnnralintc their 7. p. m. people as- T11F.Y RL' r. STOI.TZ, TIIF. lifiVERAl, HI BUC ?. Mr. O'Meara' lepers are at length to be At the of Lahaina had IF I). T I" NVlTrii pst.-- of the nantry, the native Kahnua. more clearly shown than by treatment of KKKLA, pooniwi. VIH1 OCR STAHlTF' t M. tht i sembled at Wainee Church. The large J. ALK.VANUFR, C. K. r 1 A large agents as to for the KAPLI.E, aiirx-a- t P in tbin matter. own admission, that "the owners and erected. Arrangements that I ML'Ol.O Reasonable rale., and Ppeci.l Car. mifl - I US A laken oi Block contfia'ting rvUr.ce- was taken. Lut as of Maui are reported to be well ad- - building was well filled by a very large as- GIVE CALL tr nur care. rntru.ted iiiuintitr ff of the whaling fleets in New England" island AMR. FORNADER, m ! what utepn nhall takeu ha not j semblage people. On entry of .laTinioa a pains to counteract their vanced. So ar as Oahu is concerned, the of the the RAUPP & SCHRAEDER. Clr'l Judge. 2nd Judicial ' aB. Those Boarding Horse. Ln not n placed at th took eminent District. H I ' their ml'l " V cbarg.d t. thi got a being . two Princesses and suite Into the building, sel" 8 5 LaVSAISA, Azg. 20.1SSI. extra for Dortnrir. ai,.i Wn arril scheme1?. Their intrigues were viewed with matter has the length of site ly ". Hotel strcrl. ornarn-s- s. pI . """" urn to Baddl, V Jl-poa- l of the PreT t pnblicatioc. ,3t. . I, . j jalya,Sm j ?tftr 3Cdvtrti.3rnrtit.3. DY AUTHORITY. THU PAOiriO ta?" Mr. IlalleiiVi-c- and the Rev. W. J. Smith Inquest Comnioal.-ate- d I are expected to icturn to Ilouolalu. STREET TALK. E. S. CUNHA. ; y the Lik like. A already reported iu the Am kbtiskb, an in FLAT-FOOTE- (Lomincrcialbcrtiscr. Uy D i." t -- quest on the Iwdy of the late Mrs. John Russell ! ! ! RETAIL WINE DEALER. I t ' lp date th re has iiot li in n ii! jit1 !). i- - was eomnu need on Thursday Sth instant. The IN THK , coiiiiiutnit ut fioM the OaIiu rlice Courts to the or tuk " F. F. II." -- ; 17. If Vtrr is one 11.1:14 .rr .1 k ic.., ,5 ih.-- - r, 11 SATI IIDAY SKl'TKMl' October Ti appe.ils have inquest ha I necessary by dis .Smith, n B I I' K I .M ! s, N . J M KK Jl W T i: l. T, 11. iiu. but St'vral leeu leen rendered the of the Poi and Knkui Plantation, has t--- 1 or I M i M . ! aid 1 U'I pn-p- 10 be a i j d decision-- fr tr4 J Iilp' rt':iiiit m :1uso Comts eove-r- a (corrosive turn-ou- t n K M.--l-.s t:i.-!!- c, ef poisonous substance sub made a big of sugar this season, and ; then, yoo g- -t interested, the thing into a OHsr.-- f'r but 1 THE WEEK. 1J u 11 OF limatejr among of stomach t. I NOTES the contents the was at the Highwav.iii Hotel a few days atarrable ..sack aderiirtn-r.- a pa,ier ioul be l - j I lifoir iho departure of Mr. HalleuK'ck ra'i TL folio- in ;r . - ' - havt- - poo anal if ILe man o t. t'ou:titMin'l to-a- t removed when a sar.VTt examination on llie an I as I knew i Ukeo in ha. the proper r.r.g. Ti.,u. Wait. 1 M. Glboit K'ft pT many people would like to h ar him conduct one ;ovf him when he nsod to Mickle ;. r t:.-- - II i intrna'aetioo is ! Tax Clle; tors , t h-- re,art to ih Filter fuch a .dr I.ik lik- - ..ii Tv.. ltbin-t- Lahnhia. ! "New Mn-- i, lndv was made. Asthelewa.s lunch reason to handle in Ihe cane rws of a Ixms, he ha TctlSLG IVTotioe V !l. or two. revival meetings in the Hall. ! p e.,c.e II fraud, and ibe afr i n' All. tni-- ht at time of Mrs. Rtiss always Wen no gdj General Groceries and Provisions, Utii.-u.- Many who will not frequent a church, be the ll's death that kind o' cosy with nie, and he . .! Naw&iii V "uitie t jiti le is not rure mi re to him a w wah-do- il i 1. mm: o: !:.l'UU Moiubi induced listen to in theatre. it might lv owing to natural causes brought into incited ii,,. ton luck out, ith n n of alo, n w - !V'. prvi.lin- - it H.UHIOI r:i. K. I' Kiuosu a lal Pfwt ntfio- play by juetital excitement which she lb idsii k. "oliltl . . p intense "nd sy that )o baif !o f"V KDft. John Nihiiiu actPtl ujwii. Set?" Mr. F. T. Leiuhan has dissolved p.m-nershi- Kuci . . . Smokor's Mntorial.s. 'nh J Mkaini was known to be laKning under, the precaution Smith is now an exclusive ot m fellow To Geo BU Warwick, hieli stiilcd for with Mr. Chun Lung and formed a ut-- oit N'urtu The of commencing the inquest at that time was not ohi. t J Kahockano y took with Ler fourteen firm, Mr. J. G. Tucker, late of the firm of Bar- since he got n lift into some plantation stork, be Accommodate Customers, HtTub'Ji . . C'ha. W'j;ilara MLokai oa Tuesday, r.M.Irt the HEAD AND thought of. hoe-hau- dl HORSE Bit I ayn ranrjttl !!! mj tow S: Tucker, being now his partner. That Hence the exhumation of the body. and has ulstitnte.l Bugur-ke- ? for a A to a . Plafc- l- The er led Oot ntab!Lset m lepen for Kalawao. purbaT fot t? r.raw-- h ri. two a deeply of a - i these favorite business men mav have a circumstance painful to the relatives in his scutcheon, and he claim, to W an T. F. H., inspection j eond.ii-i- ar.d smo-CHar- e i. LlLh.M ... S E KaiU- horse E-- ?? .f Mr. Canipbeli's uew stores ou i - oJ W B One successful career the- heart v wish of ail their the deceased and shocking to many who were i The f r hi use. w:iuu Kann a fur- . oi"of the "First Families of H.WAii." It barer, howteer. ibsfhl t t' arnt j . .V . t l 1ft, to l.e a friend-;- l'urt Strf has en : Th koxlrr, on the sly. .nj-rt- ej a Lit. uf that BnM In j Mi.'o P strangers to her commented on in seere terms ti ne that he once sawed cord-woo- d at four bit, a t W here Fresh Milk fr the IMIP.V HD Kamal niture warehouse. eff-- rt was fAHl . i le We i;jiil state ,ofj the bore eye The sigirl. may t oMainej SU?" hardly know of a city where a patent by a great number of people and especially by day at Sb.btowu. iu his native State ; and that ; 1 (vi Ho- lso-lute- Il eetoreJ the animal to eju.oe 700th there ru a skill be dllerej in any port.m rj it,- - City. fre of t. ue MUs Kinney, who lately returnei to dust sweeper and mud scraper could find a great the ladies of this but ly Kou-it.i- rendered he .one out to the islands iu Ihe hteerage of the1 ,. No -- 1 Ui I u I.u.-- e praarin the yrt r.nt'er hr.ul f&irt". ..r. H yearns residence in California. er scope utility lr-.- -- . aft. r two of than in wording Ue rre wrier the other I lands tteod-- d to promptly. Anakalea KauM nolulu Honolulu. Where obligatory on the Marshal by the Sunflower, and was glad to get a Job on the it. A ad ll.eas there in. ssitbnut . vv a po- -t as assistant teacher of ,- - J a J. RAUKV, e: UotM t. :; J Acaia resumed her old labor is scarce and dear, as it is here, these and of the law which to i. trf , relates such inquests. Beach" at a dollar a day his K.K!uio ...J Paulriaianl Fort street school. similar inventions are a perfect blessing, that is after nrrival. K iaupoko ... . WO lane The following gentleman were sworn in as But now he employs with his now an to say, they would be if bought and put into "hands," aud. LORILLARD, We notice that ben viva.i!t have : V. know-ing- 3iT practical use. jurors viz Messrs W. Hall, J. B. Athertou thumbs in the arm-hole- s of his veM, talks U Koloa Kirn. f H Kapuciai opportunity to indulge in Pork Sausages, fresh John Nott. G. H. Luce jr, .1. Hoting aud J. W. Ik? Llhue W .Malobo newly made daily. Messrs Raupp and ITir Neilsou, Medical of what's got to donn about the Treaty, I UIW: TIMS EsTlBLISUtU Kawaibau Bush and rr. the Superintendent The ,0 i. pe Illl MislLf Ja. for Robertson. Coroner and jury vere convey and ng Hinalel W Lorell Schroder's advertisement speaks itstlf. f the Leper Settlement, is in town just now. what the Government has got to do in UtRU Cll;IU. tir.HT rnt-J.-E- LARl.t. HKi', Waluea A Kaokau ed to the cemetery, and the latter Ining there the plantations with labor. : His reports on state of affairs cheap i. LrAfi-iun- Nltbau E Kahale McCnllv sailed for Kauai in the the in Kalawao are sworn, body K mi nil. PROVISION 1F Jnde having the before them, Mr. C. I w. 1 .1 MERCHANT, JOHN 5. WALKKP., or to always interesting, aud we should like to see speaking to Smith about the lot of folk rui then Minister Finaure. C. It. Bishop, on Tuesday, hold his Court. Williams gave the necessary evidence ing Ii''nvltil'j. S-- unahle to leave town, Mr. more of them. It is, however, to be regretted idcutif that : in,.' by the steamer. "Too Bad;" e- -. COMMISSION TtLll Mr. Treston Win as of lato Mrs. GENERAL AGENT, pluee As that he did not receive notice of the purpose of it that the Russell. The inquest ! u ttiifii-i.-ioii-- in his to a?t Lid. up-tur- an .Tfle i,.t? i l Ci i t. le j':ii.l Tai As-- . fVil lrown went Smith, with an of his nose, HANCOCK. AND I H. ii. H. the Princess Regent, to visit the settle- was then adjourned to the following day. s-- Crown prosecutor. or y.-u- i 1 S t( 1 he sipi nted at the bead of the Heidsick ha Laid l T:tx Collectors for the , will ment this "M k. On Friday 3th inst., the first evidence taken Dealer in Dry Goods, Hardware, &, Le at fijll.u,: lor Honolulu. Labaiua, Wailuku, A new list of addresses just issued from tip in his rigltt baud, " We are getting overrun Tele- ITp was that of Mr. John Russell, husband of the nunc th Central Office of the Hawaiian Bell The demolition of the old Cuiou Saloon with ii.-- tieople -- Tom. Dick, and Harry from mo. Patent Medicines. Makaw hc, HAo, uu.l Ncith KoLfila throe pr He rrL BLACK PI-I- phone Company, bhows that 13 different premi- proves the necessity of looking into the condition deceased. deposed that for a couple of das cent, nil otht-- r listri-t- 5 fo tr pv the slums of 'Frisco, Chicago, and New York r Be fealf anil anotb'-- r kinj cut. ses are now connected together by this latest and death, Mrs. Russell had un-wel- l, Bierl lnf. that tn'i F. D'A. MARQUEZ. of other old wooden structures. Stanchions and previous to her now e. tiling here." Thinks I. what about the JOHS S. W.VI.Kri:. Mltust. r of I hum. hihe-- t triumph of electric science. beams, with a thick coat of paint outride, were but that on the morning of Friday July 'J'., IIOM APO, KAC.IU waii. Honolulu, Sept. 7th slums of Slabtowu '! But. as he paid for th apparently sound, but when looked into were sh- ; mI Afat Utb, li'l. imZT.Cai body of the late Mrs. had been able to go to breakfast that w rZf The innuost uu the found to havebcen hollowed out by ants. It is Ileidsn k. I rcsjumded ith the deferential smile -r to a close on Monday and a lunch time (twelve o'clock) he found her King FINE CUT. Rou. Jno. E. Li ktpr'lutc.t Tax Kussell whs brought questionable whether :t number of other prem- of a sucker drawing on patronizing pap. I 1'or verdict of suicide under the influence of severe on bed, and ef the District r.f Honolulu. ire rha.. H. Jtidd. ate&t. ises in town thnt might be named would a the but dressed complaining pain : EW STORE, was piveu. A report of the pass He went on " It used to be like one family JOHN S WALKER. mental depression rigid survt v. in the head and stomach ; tlmt he remained tl'LK. IS TIN FOIL. fOLAt K. 4. ?r .Tin. Minister of Fmaare. proceedings appears in another column. when I first come here." RV GOODS, u. - with her duriug .the lunch hour, mid, having HI DR. tTAR. MiS. l OMtr Uf'- The following programme of music will He come along somewhere about the siktiea. i o . I AirSM'SBor last week on the Any mf thee braiMl-- of t'i-- r i i.. f m XEW Mr. J. O. Trent ha been appointed Tax for y' An inquest was held be played by the Baud, in Emma Square, this business to attend to. requested his stepson to " One knew cveryixidy then he met in the street" PRICES, half-pa- was st jnnr oaouib r the District of Kwainu. Kauai, in place of f. 1'osratitr, bodv of a laborer who killed at tne iiama afternoon, commencing at 4 o'clock : stay with her whilst Le went into town ; that Supar Mill. The unfortunate man was of Honolulu." He nevrr got a nod from auyoue TUT, realLeJ. JOHN !. WALKER. kuapoko March Our Vtanzel," Stranss shortly after 2 r. m. the latter came to his office . 8pades," except from No 71, Nuaana ?treri,ppoaiie McLean 2Tth- MlnUter of I liianc-- cauht in the belt which works the centrifugals Overture Queen of Suppe then, a bummer or two that used to I Brr. Ani. (new) ; so severelv injured that he only lived for a Chorus" Parisina," Donizetti and told him his mother was dead and that he " H oow and . , . , hang about "Cape Horn." "Now," said Smith, 1 f.po for pobiic lo.'prtir.n large trvk f.f t ... Waltz' German Hearts." (new) Strauss 000 lx-e- flrt A.nies-o- vci-fic- ho-- e Mr. V. KaI ha Ta r fur A ot oeam had no reason to suspect deceased s, CIOAES. rlrai ant 1 rnrflpriin( r J. r few hours after. accidental Selection The I.ombar.lians," (dps). Verdi that the would as he leaned back with his thumlnt iu his arm-hole- (lnl, .f I aha'.na. Mattt. In pla.-eV- A. was Oalop ' Champagne Ooulet," (new) W legaud thDlatrtrt rf returned. commit suicide. mid raising his upricr lip into a sort of. ieignea. !OH S. WALKER. By general request, the Band will give two & Mr. Edwin Browne who has severed his Dr. McGrew was the next witness. He had tanyard " You are by a lousy crowd lNIL.lh b'.t of th-- KIN. K ALAKAl A. a Dry Fancy Goods Au. 27th. Minister of Finance. extra evening concerts next week, at the Hawaiian grin, jostled ! 1 ; X-aficU- troupe, made a post morttm examination of the lody ef knows, acJ put up t thi nurk't rhnr.j:; es, connection with the theatrical advertises Hotel, on Monday, Sept. 19th, and on Thursday, lhat lioltodv or a rifruf of extortionists." I Dram-- j and lael An I ii"a nthir trn-- ! t.riiileaieaForr(hlldrrnN Eorllsh, Frratb and that he will give lessons in Elocution and Sept. 2d. Mrs. Russell, and saw then appearances likely I could not help but think of the immigrant r. SPECIAL NOTICES. atic culture. We have in Honolulu very good thlte-- e Sttln-.- , to have caused death. The stomach was dis- from Slabtowu, a change of a he silks f all Colr, Cvlarrd i rleruents for an Amateur Dramatic Club and Lame--- ' Bk.nkvolkxt Society of Fout stiikkt without shirt, colored and full of erosions. He examined the out of steerage of Sunflower. CIOARETTES- - Lailek' nd GfnttfnfDs' raderwrar. I. 0. 0. F. this would be a favorable time for organizing Chckch. On Tuesday evening last the Ladies' shambhd the the heart and found nothing wrong there. He and Smith have got too many A DEfiLEE MEETINO OF EXCELSIoIt such an institution, Benevolent Society gave a social party at the continued: "We Vestry Up- Dr. Emerson put a portion of the stomach and iu country, and a few ought to be . A line Sineking-i- , 1 1. .u - room of the Fort Street Church. interlopers the VatlTY OLD JCDUK. HWKKT CAI-RI.- UnJ.J of Bnrk and Silk, H'oolleon, Cot. LmlJe tt!U te neia Jiu.t.x .r- Ah Sam has been sentenced to three ( all Bet ftalhrigfina r La.lle, Children and r. "Vj oVl.-ck- . All wards of two hundred ladies and gentlemen, small intestines iuto bottles and by order of Mar- out. I here h u Kicliard-Ntree- t, DLRHAM,rl, POWIIATTAX. CARDINAL. ' EVEMNO. Sept. ICth. at itiu lhat Jack . months imprisonment, at hard labor, for steal- boys, to gave Dr. ! cordially to atu-nd- girls and responded the kind invitation shal Parke them to Stangenwald. He I got With auan oUit brand thai I eafert lo lure Brothers of the Order are lnlted from premises on Funehbowl St. you know, have a point or two on him. I ing chickens extended to them by "The Happy examined the coating of tho stomach with Dr. Ulbboa, I.Utp, Jt welrj, lapv Bol X Shoe. sel7 it JOHN EMMALrTII. Kef. Seev. Ladies." 1 I get so as PIPES. Ilit. Keauhi, missing his chickens, kept a lookout, faces beaming with Christian love pervaded Stangenwald but was not present when the and think can the law worked to - C extremely to an.1 iw f.umhuj. ,1 N(;ll.-- j- tii'i !a4 UMda at pricr. Mrk and with the aid of a neighbor, caught Ah Sam He make hi fit vamose the ranch. And I wouldn't V.HRrii .ifl l being added to bj every (earner. Improved Order of Red Men throughout the gathering. The ladies in their stomach etc. were tested. formed an opinion RHirS W'jOD, ClITRRV, APPL . not J. ri'l-t.n- f ; literally a tret." with one chicken in his bag gay evening costumes, presented a ap- was e vidence enough of cause mind coming down with some thing to get a few rLY. r.2S ir "un brilliant that there the of ar.J aoao fitUer km 1 m.o a. 1 and intent on securing Others ever, have fORS IOB. finnct OHvo Call. j THE MEMBEU9 Or HAWAIIAN TRIBE No. . are pearance thai has rarely, if been surpassed death, and suggested it might been caused more bilks out of the country." half-pa- now enumerate. ' (SL"N- - At st seven Damon by corrosive He identified two bot- reaue-t- to at the Wlaaaiu. ; in Honolulu. Father sublimate. You on occasions, I ' esteidav was the of the have contributed several i or nd- - llf anniversary asked a blessing, after which a bountiful spread tles produce, one marked "poison" and the CIOAR & CIOARETTE HOLDERS. MRS. WILKINSON, DAi) aftruoon, at 2 o'clock, for the purpoe tt ; remark' d, either to run men off you did not I marfe year of the good things of this world was partaken of " " as similar to he had uorn. aoj raw me the mn.ral of the late 9. David Burrow. j Declaration of Independence, in the other laudanum those u:anArx, wkd. ; iV s dead-beat- 's passage IIIDII.the Soest of all. FASHIONABLE HENRY SMITH, 1S10, by the Spanish Colonies hieh now form by old and young at the hands of these good, seen in Mrs. Russell's room. want or to p tme home. Per Outfit. 1 ' c. of R. ! Christian ladies. A musical programme was Dr. Emerson corroborated the evidence given O, yes; I have done both. he fact Is, I SHOW-CAS- E pi: it the Republic of Mexico. In recognition of the GOODS. by Mrs. Cruzan McGrew. would like to work off a good-size- d brigade of awT- - e j Consuls, opened singing a plaintive love bv Dr. The examination of the thoraic T Are too lariou la be mentkoe. illiner and Dress Maker, ran i3 m aiu ndauee. day, the flags of the foreign and that at I Custom were nying, and song which sent a glow of delight to the heart of cavity disclosed no cause of death, although the foreign si'iim out of this Highway nay. You see, - the lloue, consul ll-i- n rort-strec- t, SMOKINO TOBACCO- ! everyone present. When company blood was a very fluid state very dark, Don, I have worked wi with I'ORT kIRCKT, IIONOI.t l.V, j FUNERAL NOTICE. Laine received many congratulatory greetings. the parted in and expressions of delight at the pleasantries of the not turning light as it should have done on ex aud we are working things about right; and we LONK IACK. Is CONSTANTLY IN KF.CF.IPT OF ALL THE I The funeral of the lata 9. D. EURftOWS, a member of A little Loy, the son of n Norwegian la- evening that had slipped away were universal. posure to the air. From the appearance of the don't want a new crowd elbowing around here. "Mechanic " Engine Co. No. 2. will take place iy ex- beloni; to us, Uiey just Dl borer, was drowned last week in the water-ntc- e stomach and the portion of the bowels they The islands and aie bis rhm. . Latest Novelties in Millinery ! KOff (Sunday), lravlng his Ute residence on Beretania ITf A story was current yesterday that a amined he and Dr. McGrew agreed that there enough for a score or two of planters, with hands hereby which Mipplies Mr. Claus Spreckels' plantations. ComprUinir the Neiret rtjla in i Btreet, at 3 r. M. The several Companies are Chinaman employed on Messrs. Wideinann k was sufficient cause on those parts to account enough to run things casv, and make a few to form in front of No. Tiro'i Engine House, at His sister was with him at the time, but the child for He considered that death was caused decent piles. When I go k to Slabtow u, I IMPERIAL away by current, Richardson's plantation had been killed by ihe death. liu IIa!, FfAlLfrs, I laners Lacf 4f. 2 oYlock tiharp. (se!7 11) I'F.R ORDER ; was so swiftly carried the into by want to hire my own car, and label ' Smith ir Ulki, s lr., water to planta- overseer there. This originated in a letter irritant poison. it, rKAIU.T the pipes which convey the the Dr. Stangenwald was next examined. He had Swrtt.ot Ihe Tot and hukui I'lardahon. And tion, that assistance could not be procured. written by a Chinaman, at Waianae, to his friend Sunday Afternoon Prayer Meeting. in town, in which he states that the overseer exan ined the contents of the jars given to him as he spoke, he traced the contemplated laln l IT. six-inc- h Wlo-- e akill too n to any Y. A. eif by D.s. McGrew and Emerson in order to ascer with a pencil on a cuff that ran out to ta'te and are require The early Sunday Evening Meetings of the M. C. 1 The Government Sehools and several having had trouble with some the Chinamen i- -k ro ia to nay. men da lion, still in charge of the Millinery and held for several years past In the vestry of Fort Street during Mr. Richardson's absence, the latter sent tain whether any poison was there. He read his knuckles. "Now," he continued J.r" t Je.., S . .... Trimming Department, which la a audit-len- t guarantee that private schools resumed work on Monday. The the elaborate report cf the results of his exam- ' a send-of- f like that is reasonable, after a fellow Church, will be moved to the Lyceum hert ailer till fur-t- b for the man in ejuesiion, and had him tied and 1TR AIQHT work will be dnr.e in an artinlic manner. is reported as being better than at which he to has Itecti working himself v in building r notice, and will change to 3:30 o'clock. itttendanee taken into a room, where, as the writer supposes, ination and analysis had supplied tip Cl'T. any time since the epidemic of small-po- x first he was beaten. As the man had not since been the Marshal under date Aug. '20th. The report the d country, that would have gon in THE DRESSM AKINC It is Intended to make tbla a meeting especially for '.beian May the Advektiskr account iu detail of everlasting smash long ago but for men like me. lan-gaug- to interfere with it. contains an the rRKCTION rlTRAiaUT Ct'T. M ARCllAST ol.D Will be under the lmmeliate auperrltlon of Mr. Wlikiii-.i,- , young men. Hawaiian! understanding the English e ' seen, his friends were anxious about lain. In 1 wrll-kcow- never again have to record any similar disturb processes by which poison had been And do you thiuk we care to see a new lot of VIR(3I!fIA. MARCH A XT, MKMrATRD. put P whose reputation for accuracy and neatnea lo are cordially Invited to attend. Mr. HALLEN-BEC- answer to their inquiries, Mr. Richardson told the n Honolala and ance of school as which has detected, defined, bummers coming out here, and rummag- vitb ry to the rquiretnrr.!a of bat ing the ladiea the other I!ind. will the services. routine that occurred them that he had sent the man up to Honolulu and eliminated. Tin different poking is rron conduct year. of Wen adopted. ing about, and looking for chances ? Why ! ?OFT and HARD BEFFSTRAK3. It DRESS CAPS N II.A liming the past by the schooner by which he himself had just methods testing had the TKETII LADIF.V witness tlelay which pickings and ceteras are small enough anyhow. IV I HROW.N', Inspector of Weight and returned to the plantation. The Chinamen who The thus explained the had aat .fiireatino. a Jo.lic.ou rrflrrllna Or made to order. Alao. JOHN II. in Honolui I most of steamer a Meaure, the of Oaba. lO.I Beretania Hirwt. ytT Racing is a thing of the past received this letter went to the schooner when occurred in the production of his report. " I re And d just its lief have the the Al.l.TII KSK TIII.Ci. A MINT (ITIf KK. I and Children' Ready Made Clothing. Zephyr IUnd jdle' Shawl. race-trac- coming way sunk, and only have one or Can be b til at Order may be left at the Folic Station. j.i1y9.91,tf hi, aud the k is closed tine die. It is she arrived Thusday night, and, not find gret very much that it was not possible to finish this Hileaiana, Freoch Grenadinea. filat PlncklnK, Lace annalysis a time, from two to bring galoots to work my cane, and carry Handkerchief, Japan Tidfe, c; ate. hardlv possible, under the circumstances, to ex-- 4 ing tneir triend, appear to nave immediately this in shorter but the MARCH ANT'S SMOKING EM- foregoing report you will perceive that an enor- my mail. Don't talk to me about new arrivals see any mure 111 ; conjectured that he had been thrown overboard A Line of Mourning Goods TO ETC. peci to ruim iuin muuuiii uuui mous of work been done. To sepa- by steamer, as though it. were a big thing. PORIUM, Fine MEIlllimSJlttTEIlS, Chapter .; of tne lenal Code is amended and,', during the voyage. Captain Fehlber was dis amount has It's NO. 1TRK.KT. 1 1 y rate an absorbed poison, of a volatile nature, a d nuisance." IS I'OKT Cwwatn ai haaia. becom es law. Who will risk his or her reputa-- i patched early yesterday to inquire into the l KS. W. hope by atrlct attention to the want ol tier JAMRH ll'N MERCHANT, fil.tsiiOW, by betting a of gloves" or matter, and will, no doubt, bring in his report from organic matters, and to reproduce it in a Then Smith up from the table, pulled trune, mo.erate and furnishing only flrat-cla- arti- lioti and liberty "pair term, (HAWAIIAN C0N8CL) to-da- y. pure form, so as to allow of its being weighed, down hin vest, patted his stomach gently with in line, ahare of puMic patronage a hat " as long as there is a liability to be cle, her to merit a the the piirelia4 and of all Vii.ds nl Brit-- , "new both palms, twirled a heavy gold gave a ap.lfl.tL Undertake t,,.uieDt arrested for it? requires much time and patient labor. The chain, irh and Continental j, and will he glH l t receiv.. inler. JESS The first performance at the Music Hall poison being volatile, no great amount of heat loosening sag to his pants ; and, as we reached at rates either tree on b arj at s!.!piin(t port la Knrope, or j It was reported on Monday last, that Hi under new arrangements takes place this even could at any time be used to push evaporations, the verandah, he pulled out Home choice Manila delivered es l.ip (l,at wiiU duty for buyer' account) at Geo. 1 . Stevens assumes management cheroots, me one of' tire Interior, proi ing. the or to hurry up the process of decomposition. and as he handed he said, At 27 Uereliant Street. Honolala. Such Order may he accompanied by remittances, Excellency, the Minister and M. J. Llleford will act as Assistant Stage " " Considerable time was also required toVo voce, " By the way, I am going to look into payable In London or Han Francljco ', or he will draw at 60 posed to proceed per Likelike to Lahaina, t Director. The first part of the entertainment is a for preparing frtthly all the test solutions used that Manila basis the old man of the Advkhtiskk BLACK- - -- J. II. U. T. REFOLDS. J day sight again: confirmed creiit from Honolulu Bankers, meet ner Royal Highness the Princess Regent programme of Minstrelsy in which the company for the purpose, and great care was taken to in- has been talking about. I ain't going to be out- RECEIVED or otberwle. to suit the conrenlenc of buyer there, and from there to proceed to the Lepei will be assisted bv the Native Quartette. rin- - sure the undoubted purity of each and every done by the sharps of 'Frisco, any more than I'll I'F.R rcrsaSNccs: Settlement to inspect that institution. The re- nerty and Wray follow iu their own specialties. article employed during the work." The report be overrun bv their scuni.' ' SMOKER'S MATERIALS XK.Rj. WM. O. IRWIN & CO.. port appears to have been perfectly correct, but Geo. Y. Stevens' Ethiopian sketch, entitled adds that "the amount of poison which has - I-- llo.N W. L. GREEN, Honolulu. homething or other ruined up to prevent so wise Lollvpons" will be the next piece, followed by- been actually separated from the tissues of the A V A S, Kohala. Is A T E R R I OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. IIOX. J.8 WALKER, Ilonolu'42. a purpose from being carried out. Miss Nellie Stein in her sand jig and the Native body, in a condition pure enough to be weighed AND NOW IIIE AOR a BANK. (Limited). London Quartette in their own selections. The perform and to be recognized by every available test, (f rom our own Correapoudeut.) JuolS.lyr On Sunday last Mr. Halleubeck com- ance will conclude with Elleford and Hall's Com- Meerschaum Pipes. Briar-woo- d Pipes. amounts to 23.3 grains. Death was Mr. Koitor, In perumng the Gazeiieot ?s menced a series of Gospel Temperance meetings edy the "Rehearsal" in which the whole strength produced by poisoning with the corrosive chlo- kit SALE week, I was somewhat amused with the state- AT THE --- Clay Pipes. Yacht Pipes. Billiard alt to 3iit7crisfinfnts. at Hilo. If the accounts brought from that of the company will be engaged. The Farce ride of .mercury,, otherwise called corrosive sub- " B. B. is to be played on Ihursdav evening limate." Dr. Stangenwald, in his evidence, ment that " Kohala was just "rlcndid." One Pipes, Stems. Amber quarter, by those who recently attended the ses- Cherry sion of the Circuit Court there, are to be credit- next and on the following Saturday Mr. Stevens further stated that he did not think that the poi- would naturally infer that, as a general thing, TO is to a benefit when a great bill is promised. bex-- be- Mouthpieces, NEW FURNISHED ROOMS LET. ed, his advent on the scene was timely and de- take son had taken more than a few hours we fluttered here a reverse of that condition. Mr. Andv Brown has volunteered to assist on fore from twe to of It Saloon PI-EA- of death, and that three grains Union He in labors, S sirable. has the assistance, his NTI.Y IS A M('K occasion will sing song "Up i staled that our jnliLia are No more ULLi.oTOFTiic(Ki.KBRiTED Rubber Mouthpieces, Tobacco Pouches. SITlATEIV. Apply at No. ICO Nauanu Avenue Mr. Henry Waterhouse and the Rev. W. J. this and his favorite it was considered the minimum dose to c mse jau. A ugSm a Tree." The management advertise "Joshua death. " drought. Why, we have not had an I do Smith, of the Tabernacle, San Francisco. t j. BOISNARD, GONZALEZ & CO. ! Whitcombe" as in preparation. This company-ough- Wm. Tell, police officer, gave evidence as to not think that the croja have ever really suffered CJIC3r.n.S, RO0M3 TO RENT. 2P One of the objects of the visit to Hawaii to patronized, as at the close of their sea- finding the bottles, which were produced in Court, "Manila, no be long spell ami certainly not during the current year; Havanna and Wode-hous- e, son there will, doubt, another' in Mrs. Russel's room. Foi'R nvErRows I.ET-XEt- Tl.r K OOMS which the British Commissioner, Major ad 'Mlft Fl'KMSIIEO without any public amusement. Mrs. Amanda Powell two or indeed the year 1881, taken altogether, has been at 47 Pti nrbhowl Street. aug27,tf was to case stated that three Holders (Meerschaum), Cigarettes, is now making, investigate the weeks before Mrs. Russell's death she had as- really exceptional, our fields have looked 1 ' CiSar Leslie, of have al- tiptop VJ-T"- j NOTICE of F. whose complaints injustice On Wednesday some rascal spent a great sisted her to remove from the hotel to the cot- XI -- - all thr u std. Ve C3 Cigarette Holders ready caused Marshal Parke to take a trip to deal of ingenuity aud trouble upon the endeavor tage in which ehe died, and that deceased had T IIO.M AS Mar- y M riMlEBCSO t:sSOK THE I. ATE Kohala. Major Wodehouse, having seen to give some passer-b- an ugly tumble. In a before-mentione- d iteiial I'arkc., aa elated, ha, been, and is now, FOR M- 1, w,ll he rontiuuej heretuf. re. nt hi old then cautioned her as to one of the r4Sl'RP.0En ; A large variety of Match Boxes, Universal 4 CK report, does not now deem an inde- No. 7i fort Mieet. seplO.St shal Parke's dark part on Ntiuanu street, just about opposite bottles, saying it held poison, and that she in Kohala. He wan requested to come here and tiil. pendent enquiry necessary, as the matter is to be A-- FAMILY USE. Tobacco Boxes, Tooth-pick- s. Messrs. Hollister Co's former premises, and should be careful not to get its contents on to examine minutely into was MEDICAL OR Lighters. with open court, at the November ses-sio- u the matter that raised ; TO LET. dealt in precisely at the point where there is a break in fingers. her Mr. Fred. Leslie, und Canes. Tobacco Cutters, IIUt'SE O.V I'L'.NCII HOW I. STREET. at Waimea. the wooden pavement, this jocose individual After a short adjournment the jury proceeded by communicated by kiin I a Beretania Hi reft and I'alace Walk, lo a Uood wire across path- E. S. CUNHA. ' fastened a light fencing the to the residence of Dr. Stangenwald, iu Nuiiauu tj Her Ihitannic Majesty's Commissioner, J. 11. &c , &c , &c Tenant. on other reed applv. Enqune of fTp case was reported to Police yes- hitching-pos- The the way from a t to the adjoining build K-- q. CHOICE ! JilyW If UK. McOREW, Hotel ptieet. Avenue, where his labratory is. There Dr. S. Wodchourv, The whole thing shows how RETAIL DEALER IN WINES terday of a foreigner, a carpenter by trade, who ing, lliose who nrst came up to tne wire were maele by him in illustrated the various tests the very necessary it is to have a man AND SPIRITS SPECIALNOTICE. is suffering from religious monomania. He has fortunately walking slowly and took no harm. The analysis. The inquest was then adjourned till appointed to HETIIKI. X3 commited to mean- scamp who set up this trap for unwary feet had Monrl.iv. 12th hist. On resmniric. the followitio the office of Sheriff who knows how to exercise ST. BfcTWEE ( not been the asylum in the IKKIINT fIiS CARRIE I). CASTI.R V ILL GIVE taken a great deal of pains to secure tne wire at 41 FORT STREET. VND M piano l.eon at the house of S. N. Cast e. to a few time, his lunacy being of a harmless character. common s;nsc, one wlu will not exceed his J scholars. floor o' Instruction tr be arrnr,gel wilh the A it appears to have been developed during the either end, but was evidently not quite up to his John M. Lawlor said that he believed deceased ! paplis, on appllcalicn at Mr. Castle's residence. of omci.ii uuty. tne wnoic community nere TO- - Clae late period of religious excitement in the city, in business, or he would have placed his line three had at times, during periods of great depression, is. PLOWER FINE CUT CHEWING two cr fnur can he farmed if de;red. case simply aiuazeij that one occupjing the position of, '.-p- i,' been-a- lower, which the slowest ' Sept. 2. 1561. which he has n enthusiastic participator, or four inches in contemplated suicide. Aliont two months before tem-poia- came Deputy-Sherif- BACCO. & ALL VARIETIES OF ' it is to be hoped that it may prove of only iy and most careful plodder who in contact her death she wanted him to send for an express f should so far forget himself, and - on SPECIAL NOTICE- duration. with it would surely have been thrown his to take her to Waikiki so that she might drown drop his dignity of office, and be led into PLUG TOBACCO face, with, probably, a nasty twist of the ankle to herself. His impression was that deceased had t .'A POWERS OF ATTORN EV GIVEN , trj" The Rev. Dr. Damon, whiUt conducting boot. The gentlemen who discovered this.snare, stiicidal mania. direct violation of the law of common decency. j hereby revoked, ex-- lk h th undersignej heretofore, are well-know- n officials, OEDING, i citizens and Government deposed age A community like ours docs not want to F. , the services at Fort Street Church on Monday last, Walter Russell that his mother's submit II. I'je afcwte sre all XET fcOOUS, mud tiatlug eipunr ht of h. b. uie. Esq which shall be lw1JGC3. house for a foreign membtr T TE TO of in- sent to the station was between 30 and 37; that he had, on going to the continuance in office of one who has proved BEGS IMIM I vale at Ut -i sePio,3t trenched on the subject tobacco smoking, Wer kitazbt for CASH, sre vffcrrd fr H..noiu;a. 5ePt. 7. i?- of the. police force to come and take note of what home for lunch on the 29th July, found her ill tended, as he clearly stated, to deter youths could be done in at a comparatively himself no grofefy incompetent. A warrant is AND j i.oi i:vr possible FICfRE. this line and complaining of pain in the chest; that she CUSTOMERS, from indulging, in the use of the pernicious half-pas- HIS early hour of the evening, (before t nin), grew worse after 1 p. f., coughed much, had iHuied ; the i m required is a woman, a wife. V A VI NC It weed. The Rev. J. A. Crnzan supplemented the tiif. IIEK Elt GIVKV, THAT II very eyes of the force, in one busiest j -- s under the palpitation of the heart, aud felt oppression on u mother, and is in a vcrv delicate IS to the King Im. t jrsonsliy uperintend my first sju-aker'- remarks by endeavoring to make thoroughfare." got a message state of I hereby tevuke all I'c rn i.l Attorney exisiine up They for reply the lungs; spitting up mucus slightly tinged , , GENERALLY, RECEIVED I'litine. the restriction more general, while Mrs. Cruzan, only haole at the station house could not lll0 dl,ctor j,es cerlifiCa,e tlmt the PUBLIC JUST to tills date iu her little sprceh, urged old as well as young, that the with blood. He went away to carder ice water' .PER. OILBF.RT WALLER. walk so far. If the Government are reduced to nt her nnd on his return sh sle,i him warrant cannot be served. hat follows? The THAT HI- - nolulo. .c t. not to defile God's temple by the use of that lsl. i"r:t' the employment of lame 01 goutv policemen they j Sheriff and his gang of roughs invade the pre which is unclean. if he had given the order. After that he was ought to keep an express in attendance to enable. sitting beside her, and she remained so long with- miscs of Mr. Lcttlie ; they demand admittance ; J-ATE ARRIVALS, BARGAIN. to perform Mr. Letdie rightfully disputes every inch the OFFICE FOR SALE ATA Bi2? Marshal by them their duty. out moving that he thought she had fallen asleep, of EXPRESS i Ne f,,uving whiih Will te s..U at Parke returned the Likelike his wife I- - AT but on looking at ber he found she was dead. passage to the bedchamber where lies NO DIMMJ ROOM on Sunday morning last from Hawaii after inves- We have, with vegret, to record the death The a verdict Ger- eick. Superior numbers overwhelm him they 1 , of 1 Double jury returned that "Mrs. KITCHEN l.inn. ete mnntln; Iirge Deputy-Shenfl'- of STREET, e, tigating charges made against the of Mr. S. D. Burrows, well known contractor : ? n; the the tak- throng take what 84 KINO $()TTO PRICKS l v iii.Jer nil with Oven and Furnitu-- in pood con-diri'-- trude Augusta Russell came to her death by in they pwoiwion of All Tabie-oio'- U. by Mr. of city. Mr. Bur- Shop, Hle Best California Hy, , 1 Lrc lih Clet snlSafe. Crockery Ware, North Kohala Leslie. The and sawmill proprietor this ing corrosive sublimate with suicidal intent, he holds mot sacred ; all that every man holds Next to Mr. Burgess's Carpenter Hair Bran. Napkin, eti'. A rre largsin. Apply to. Foreman popular account of the alleged outrage is given rows has suffered for some time from aneurism - while laboring under depression of spirits." most dear and inviolable his home. Yes ; they Bag Coal. r. Adtertiaer OXce. 'plO tl iu our correspondent's letter, but we understand of an artery in immediate proximity to the heart, where orders may be left at any time California Hard Red Br. k. approach (just think of it) the bed on which Barrels Fresh Cal.fbroi. L:n.-- that the invasion of Mr. Leslie's premises by and had been informed bv more than one y The excursion to these Islands which Mr: lies his sick wife, aud, to add insult to injury, - ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. of the Day or Night- t.iie Brr.s ' Bet Knghsh Portland Cement. Mr. Kamauoha and his officers was not for the medical man of the slender tenure on which he George Bowser endeavored to arrange, and they dare read the warrant, and would fain take Mr.ita. Rnpea, Blanket, Pea Jsrket, purposp of arrest, bonds having been previously held hin life. On Wednesday night he was ill, 1 1 in her enfeebled condition to the tv Ssimoo. and 2 ll. tin; A I.l. lERKOSIIA VING tf.AIMN 4gin.l accepted for Mrs. Leslie's appearance when in a fit the symptoms showing that the aneurism was which has so alarmed a cotemporary, appears her lockup. TF.LF.PHONK MMKIU. t.. Cae iiyter. 1 and 2 lb. Ilrj, , ihLtieof the late Kciuswi. alia Kihkwi, alias Can the domestic circle be more fully outraged T HooMits. (w) of Honolulu. Oiii'i. are hereby notified to pre- -- tate, but in order to hold a court and hear the the cause, and before morning he was dead. from the Prospectus to have been intended to well-organiz- Nay : is it not simply shocking that such cruel aui7.Ir sent them to ihe udders gr.e l n itliiQ six months lr m ilte. or charge on the spot. Mr. Burrows was born at Lahaina in the vear be a really ed affair, and likely to - ; ; p- -r Ales, Wines and Liquors they will he ,.rv-- r harred and ail r.s indrbled Ic the 1S40. When 10 vears of age he went to the and unwarrantable conduct be tolerated. Ho. K.ia'e will make Iruraedlate payment to have been a great success, if out as pro- thank G id, onr community will not tolerate such Brandy, APIKI. s3?" Arrangements have been made between United States, and spent six years at Brockton, jected. The party was to have consisted of not more Brandy. of Kuih.-w- I I'lnrovrni-Tlnmininon.ll- force. Ti e husband was violently handled 3STOTIC.K. Cae Martell' AJmlnlstraior the K:ateof n;.r.. . f - TT Massachusetts, where he learned his trade. bj -- Hex-hil- Tnf. Vli. Cae Bontelleau Brandy, aim Hihewa and w When he returned to his native land, he com than twelve nor less than eight, and Mr. Bowser the police, aud finally obliged to accompany them Cask Bootelleau Brandy. Honolulu, s p;. s. j im- - Hnre.v kolcini for a site for a battery on the sea shore to accompany to a place called the " Station-hous- e 1 i 1 and O K Whisky, menced business on his account. He built his undertook them throughout th. "bound UNDERSIGNED. ui;er So. ' THE fe. -- O. t. M,.rr .es O P C K F Whisky, unediately b. yond the Immigration Barracks at mill in Fort-stre- et about two years afjo. He was as guide and caterer, to provide neces- hand and foot. On arriving there, he solicited a HainT bought the bwloeurf C ( JIORTGAf.LF.'S SILI trip the ! . u Case in. It is guns to be Kee- - glass of water ; the man in pointed to a Street, ar prepared crr Oln. Kaakoako. intended that the contractor for the erection of H. H. Ruth sary conveyances, horses, nnd native guides, at charge ..f PVts 11 MS is I n'V k I' t" I" EH RY J s. j j.muut.d there hall replace those on Punchbowl likolani's new in Emma-stree- t, the bottle in the corner of the cell, which, on putting the balr.r t'aes DufI G'.rJon l.errt. t I'. mansion with par- - F.nglWh H sahite-hrin- g, every point, tents and bedding for the Case Best rt i for the purpose of and the fort (if Paiko block, and many other buildings in the to his bus, he found to contain urine. Mr. Lee He PLUMBING. California Port Wine, WlTiWX ortloe r,f of in of the j we can SO Cull It.) on the hill Will be dismantled. town, ty when needed. The tourists were to proceed incarcerated for hours in this filthy t".;eeBiClaret, best brands; the Registrar ConrrysnCfs, and had undertaken to superintend the wa8 several OAS FITTING. AND breach UXllof the coeDr.t loLtained in the id deed, to . ii at j jr i five vears since it was resolved to discon-h.- s erection of new Kaumakapili church. Mr. to Hilo, and after visiting Kilauea now was finally liberated on bail. Case Old Maderia and other Wine. by Auction on the and the den, but This on Queen e.resi II onolulu Fbl.c ( Ca- - Beat Knglish Ale. qi and pti; rin. noon, - Punchbowl on account of the Burrows was a man of good education, and cd flow gentleman has the sympathy of everyone TIN SMITHING. English. ih Hub d cf September, t UorKt a , quiescent lava from Mauiialoa, to make the fullct Case Best Porrer. qls and pis, M.i-ka- i. un-pir.h- cr t 01 t M.a' leiaod r.f i- -r tjnerii s Hospital being situated immediately pleasant manners ; much liked and esteemed by here. He has testified to tho unjust treatment j.-..- i Be. r. and pts; ir. ir.d of Hawaii in the remain- qts i circuit The ALL 1:1: N'Hi:s. inf,.rxHtir,!i " d-- r married, Likelik. IS its l sse tiora reer, sdj p.s. sj r'V the guns. During that interval, those who a large circle of friends. He never and he has met at tbe hands of those who certainly I time to de- JAlf "x,11" ought to know, state that more than one patient living is his sister, Mrs. ing after return Honolulu was to le in- kuJ2T 2 Attorney I . his only near relative have shown nothing but brutality and gross Patronage Solicited. . . . - - . Public Brands - - ' jn the hospital has been hurried to the grave Sarah King. His death brought his business voted at the option of the party to a ride round justice. And. Mr. Editor, it is to be hoped that C. KIsTLr K mil.taimm ' through the hock caused by discharge of the operations to a sudden stand-stil- l. Work was SMITH NOTICE thfi northern portion of Oahu, or to a visit to a righteous public sentiment may bring about a THAS. OF LTiins. a Muiiif new 01 as usual on Thursday nam-- r .iiicr luiiy nci.n pieces begun at the factory will do to KI;TLF.R UMirH j Haleakala. For this trip and his services Mr. change that credit our social status, - H1.H NOTICE is I1EKEHY GIVKV. ordnance were sent for. Last vear these arrived, morning, but was shortly afterwards stopped, Aagust 29i. il- . helping our community to avoid a con- Uttoolalu. T??. ill ' Bowser proposed to charge S3"0 to each tourist, besides ENGLISH ALES & PORTER .iu of' J!-- 1. year the selection and obtaining of a site have and the busy hum. well known to residents in BEST Cart-wrig- affairs that is at all times seriously to :iu'kuV ht dition of MLtul u. So. r.Sal. B':d Royl Fatentl No. HI There are CI si re in ocen accouiiui-iie- 1 looauiy next year .t vote its neighliorhood, was hushed. Mr. A. J. a charge which was intended to cover all ex- . i be deprecated. NOTICE. STOCK. one P'e'-e- and in ether, making a of 72 except those for use of in- iONSTlNTLY KEPT IX ld'acre a? . in be got from the Legislature for the cost of has undertaken to act as temporary penses incurred the 1. I :c I oni any crops arc looking fine, and prospects A CIIOU'E in. heresy pub nMir, that i... batterv, and before the end of five vears administrator of the estate. The funeral is. to toxicating liquors. Among other advantages The HAVE RECEIVEIl or l.i 1 ! n an authority Good will be sold 00 the sat Isr.d wim ele I iain e and base All ihe ahoe nientlnned rial, hs e - a generally are very promising. I.OT IU and wrai arnls. nr oth-rwi- se env-- v --f said the AliVKETIsF.B Will, HO doubt, be able tO Chron- take place on Sunday, in the Cemetery at the the party were guaranteed the services of Wir: - - In I, ;.,,. r.irtion r"-- . part w .! nck in the Kh en...unf - eith-- r i . "first-clas- and "" oi Und. Ar,y person ho in- wed said icle its completion au.l the mounting of the guns. Kawaihao Church, when after a funeral service s professed cook from San Mi- - Day. Bran. Sew f th- - Aeax:.l r''u-Me- land- or porter,, t .cr-i.- tm:: see ant to me inr rent, as of fare."' andUroond W- - "' t Most Reasonable Terms Thus within ten veais from the decision being in the Church, the remains of the deceased will Francisco, so as to ensure good bill Japan has now 4,477 poet offices and the length al Xc , an such is .talv u.isutb in d. farmer cwner, l. Oil Cake Meal. Br.M Midline. feej, heVrg Tli having por- - taken to cease Using the guns Oh Punchbowl, be temporarily deposited in a vault, The ulti- Only four being prepared to join the excursion, Y PMClM. sllll al.v. 1 B , -, it t.aa r rvni ia.1 n ti f nPTt Anril. Mr. of its operated mail routes is 42,291 mi!cs. Ten NOT BE IM1ERSOI.U ched the lit.e In aid land-- a it.: puM n.u.c- miske preparations lor carrj tug out iuis resoiTr win mate interment is to be at Mr. Burrows' birth- rn. AND WE W.I.I. j pOt- - office ANY (feet from the due hereof : have been completed. And vet people say this place, Lahaina, and the coffin will be conveyed Bowser says that people were too much afraid r.f years ago Japan had not OM rit BY E., & GO, Wa'.klkika',. A a LOB IKE a Gram Urcccd Order. XX F. T. LENEHAN H'l ia a 9ieepy country! on Tuesday. smallpox to venture down here at prosent. . (.joined the U. P. U. "right awaj." rr AIfc aiot u j4 Ca there in the Likelike. THE PACIFIC j.Urj iibfrtisfmtpjs. Fine Phiiios and Elegant 'Furniture Commercial Slbkrtisfr. NEW LAW OFFICE. JEWELER, ENGRAVER JONES. (Ark) ('- - WATCHMAKER, ? ' Altarnr? aad -- - scllor at Law and Georrsl Laad Aj-- ci ANI U and Coliwor SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER IT. lvSI. practice in aH Ccarls of the rera! !r.ds in th Kid- -' ,er A'"en Eo,;alJU' , I1EGEIVED AT WELLS' MUSIC STORE. nLI ' Qan Strret. Hand ;n i x u JUST SUPREME COURT. a. al ONP s Kr k JUST RECEIVED ! ! NO.' KAAHUMANU STREET. Honolulu, H. I. Is Peouatk. 6 Street, ' Nos, and BY '" 66 68 Fort Monday, Sept. o;h, 181 Btfoie Mr. Justice 1 McCcixt. T. FI. 13 T? U ZV i WATCHES to tin Wpn ion in business on the Coast and in Eastern Cities and In re the estate of Kibewa (w), deceased. NO tO. FORT STREET. Owini: irrcat This was au application for letters of adminis- A CIJOICE LuT OF OF XML for tration!? u favor of Apiki Mr. Holokahiki KINDS consequent bard times, Goods ran now be bought CASH LOWER THEN EVER (k. NO. 1 FRESH SALMON ' ! in- FINEST business, and I have taken appeared for the petitioner and for others fcTCALL EARI.V. and :.., and the the After evidence .fr.r, f BEFORE. Having just returned from centres of terested in estate. had been Article. jjou-.- MECHANISM offered by buying for CASH a taken, the Court adjourned the hearing to "We- STYLE: advantage of all opportunities in the wav of 'bargains SPOT dnesday, in order that better securities might be HORSE BEDDING MATTRAS3 HAY. i -- or- rcpaibkd ar CASH Cheaper than goods have ever procured. WELL I I REII, BALED. AMI large Stock of Goods, which I WILL SELL FOR In re the Will of Dauivl Smith, deceased. I OELIVERKU 11 ANT1T1ES TO ! was it.IT Competent been - This an application for probate and for it v.ur Dollar prr 160 Ponnd-- . JEWELRY offered heretofore. of be ! letters administration to granted to the Apply. Ihr ugh the PcwlO.F.o. to MAUK to orpkr. widow of deceased. The executor under the Will J . H . WOO l. or Workmen, having declined to act, and renouncing the j J. W. HlNDLEi . Unique executorship in open Court, an order was made i LOW RATES JOHN FOWLER & CO. IN AT low we give our Customers m accordance with the petition. HavinL' purchased these? Goods at extraordinary figures, Tcespay, 0th Before Mr. Justice Jcdd. Leeds. England, . J AND - B P II Design. .... : In re the estate of Andre Machado. The A KK PREPARED TOFl RMSII I'LtNS benefit as will be seen by the following prices au I F:mar'i I Steel portable Tramways, with or TI1F the administrator, Mr. A. J. Cartwright, presented t . AM 'F Warranted, without cars or lccaio:iv-s- specially adapted for tur 44,00 his accounts, and was discharged. Mr. John Plantation. Permanent Railways, witu locomotives and Cars. Most Approved FINE CHAMBER SETS, complete, (Imitation Walnut) $ Ribello was subsequently appointed as guardian Traction Kngices and Road Locomotives, Steam Ploughing and Cultlv&tine Machinery, Portable Steam Engines for all of the persons of the minors, Mary and John purposes. Winding Engines for Incline. TIicmc mc mid quality as those sold for 8SO, Ribello, who are heirs to the estate ; and Mr. Cat alogut-s- , with illustration. Models and Photograph of PATTERNS. Engraving Siiil lire the kind Cartwright, guardian of the property. the artove Plant and Machinery tnsy be on at th offices of the undersipnej re the estate of J. Kaonohi, deceased. -A- only Two Years affo. lu W. 1. lii'.F.EN. 4: ND- Accounts were presented by the administratrix U. W. MACFARLANE A. CO. Marble-top- , (formerly sold at $125) - - - - 100,00 Mailohi. wbii-- were approved. Mailohi was Ajenta fcr JlHS iOHl.KKi CO. KUKUI SOLID WALNUT SUITS, full of sou Kawaa,' . - - - - appointed guardian her oue of Stone SOLID WALNUT SUITS, full Marblo-top- , (formerly sold at 8150) 125,00 the devisees under the will, and an order was v w . 7s r i made that his share of the property a sum of JEWELRY $3Kj should be deposited in the Savings Bank ! ! Setting by the Clerk of the Court. A 11 - IMatnealcRit Irban ESafrs, corres- Wednesday, 7th Before Mr. Justice McCclly. U Prices with lre-proe- r. &. I'rtwpllj Altf44 at different Fire Jt Bnrglsr Proof, Other Suits l lUr&lar Proof, SPECIALTY. - In re the estate of Kihewa ?w), deceased. I : ' smaller sizes constnn'ttj un hand. Proper security being forthcoming, the Court - assure all toy atrona of prf appointed Apiki (k) administrator of the estate. O- I hold myself personally responsible tor ALL C08DS entrusted to my rare, and Orders for l.arce Sizes Filled at Shortest Notice. euriiy of their goods. . ponding Reductions. In ie the estate of Kalo (w) and Kalaina (k), late of Moloaa, Kauai. Wahineaea (w), the Old Safes Taken la Exchange. of Kalo, had applied for letters of adminis- OF FURNITURE COMPRISING aunt ! OUR STOCK tration, and to be apiointed guardian of the Babcock's Fire Extinguishers heir Kalaina. . Objections to this application BUFFALO SCALES, First-Clas-s were lodged by Fuaa, the uncle on the father's Ik Same of Goods, side of the child Kalaina. Puaa brought the Platform, Dormant, and Combination Beam Stale! Fiill child to the Court, where the little fellow slept XT For Prices and Circutars. write to . ' OF TIIK FROM THE FACTORIES. INCLUDES very soundly in an arm-cha- ir during the greater C O. BKRCiKR, FRESH part of the hearing of the case, not being aroused even by of General A sen t for the Hawaiian Islands. Tables, the impussioued oratory his uncle's myli'SO y Fancy Parlor Chairs, Upholstered Piano Stools, Bouquet counsel, Mr. J. I.. Kaulukou. After hearing a (fall Marble-to- p Centre Tables, What-not- s &, Side Stands, number of witnesses, the Court decided that MMMOTI--I STOCK Walnut Extension Tables, leaf); Puaa was the more suitable guardian for the XE1V GIIOIEIU MI) FEED STORE, OF NEW in raw silk, hair cloth &spun silk; Lounges, upholstered same styles, child, and suggested that, as he resides in Kauai, Parlor Suits, upholstered he should appoint a responsible agent to look SO. IO KING STREET. Library, Office and Dining Room Chairs, Spring Mattresses, Wire Matresses, after the rents of the property in Honolulu,-whic- h TV DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, GIOTEUG, Pillows; consists of land and buildings near King-stree- t, O. W I, iv Mattresses, Cat Tail Mattresses and Feather and is valued at $3,000. Mr. W. C. HAS OPKNKK A Hair Jones was for petitioner GOODS, Folding Chairs and Patent Rockers, (new styles). counsel the Wahineaea. CENT'S FURNISHING Upholstered In Eqcity. GROCERY AND FEED STORE ALL DIRECT FROM NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND EUROPE. Lam Chock et at. vs. Chung Wah el al. This ! j KT33W and. KTOTTESIEa is a suit for dissolution of a partnership and SKiT Where he will be pleaed to serve hi I SOJilETHIEIG settlement of accounts between the parties. Mr. Popular Prices and Square Dealing friends and the pabllr In general. j Hatch appealed for the petitioners. Mr. Russell European and American Dry Coeds, PATUXT SOFA BED, just out. Call & Examine. appeared for one of the defendants, Feu I invite the public lo exsniine my Magnlfleent Stock of TIIK KLEGAXT which ia question the of every Description. Shin, and argued that the latter was not a With any Article in His Line ! without Pianos, Organs and Ulnsical merchandise partner at the time of the prayer for dissolution. AT THE Arc. The Court held that Chen Feu Shin was a and Best Selected Stock in the City of Honolulu Cash Tills, Clocks, Jewelry, &c, &c, dec., partner. A demurrer has been filed in the case ! Largest Alarm by Mr. Hartwell as counsel for Chun Wah, and LOWEST MABKET PRICES hly Prices for perfectly FRESH, XF.W FABRICS are rwiiively lower ilmn are charged tj other the further proceedings were qrdered to stand S ELLIN I. OFF I SOLE AGENT FOR THE over until that gentleman's return to Honolulu. FRESH Houses for OLD, SHOPWORN, SOILED I..OODS, under ihe guine of ! In Probate. Deceived, Come and Examine for Yourself. iLmericah Sewing Mlachine Thursday, 8th Before Mr. Justice McCclly. Don't be Popular Kapolei. In re the estate of Application for ISLAND EXAMINE MY BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF CHROMOS New Subjects, New Frames, New Prices letters of administration in favor of Mihahala Sizes, and at .greatly reduced prices. (w), end Saimiel Kaeo her husband. The peti- PANELS In over one hundred different Styles and tioner is daughter of deceased's third husband, Dry Goods, Underwear, Hosiery, Fancy Goods made to order. but Kapolei was not her mother. In view of the BUTTER ! FRAMES Of every kind and description absence of the husband (father of petitioner). TRIMMINGS, CLOTHING & CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. PICTURE j the Court continued the matter till 21st instant, reduced, $2.00 Dozen, 4 for SI. RECEIVED EVERY WEEK. PICTURE FRAMES Prices greatly j to enable him to appear. Mr. Hatch appeared CABINET RUSTIC jr I GREAT BARGAINS EASELS, MUSIC RACKS. WALL POCKETS, Etc., Etc. for petitioner. O" OrVKHIMACAI.I.. mar2 tf oA New Line of GENTS' CLOTHING at Abo, a Large Variety of R RACKETS, In re the estate of J. H. JUahiai (k). Letters I invite a careful inspection of my Good, and Prices. VO TR0I BLE TO SHOW GOODS. from the other Islands filed with dispatch. of administration were granted to Kauihou "Tm Orders Holo-kahi- ki Ordera from the country carelully executed. generous patronage in the pa.t, I hoi by close attention to business and a careful consulerat.on Mahiai, widow of deceased. Mr. W. L. Thankir- .- the Public for their very appeared for the petitioner. people, to morit a continuance of the same. F. LASSETTER&CO., of the want, of the 3 . . X X 5 (has. si. risiii:i,. E G W E Is Anything Fit to Eat ? First-cl- a W Leave your Orders at Wells' Music Store, Nos 66 (LIMITED.) S PKnos and Organs Tuned and Repaired by a orkraan. Onlilovriiii On ITM'ico Dnni's J and 63 Fort Street. From tbe Xew York Herald. CORXKK OK FORT AM) IIOI KI. &TKKICTM. From the objections that are made to one after SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA. 2VnVfvti.srmcut.s5. another of the commonest articles of diet it would Jcrttgit 3jKrstmtnts. appear that there is among us a number of base DK8IRK- - WILLIAMS, DIM0ND & CO., GRATEFUL COMFORTING. persons who are conspiring to make trade for To direct the Attention of the H. W. SEVERANCE, gravediggers. There is not a single dish in com- i i t t i mm mm mm a 0m af a n mon use is soundlj abused by some one; M. S, r COSSCLASDfOMMIWIDS MiippiDS dirrcuaui but Inhabitants of the ALFRED MEL LI Vio.ant. ominiiun V IS bread is said to be worthless because it lacks the wmmW RHIWmmm ?nSZSZu EM VmmW II mmmm II Ksava mhW .m Caurnrni. SOT mW I Bn o. I H l"ialirrala Street. gluten of the wheat, butter is said to be the cause . of biliousness, salt thickens the blood and makes IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF wco.r.corr.. hiiitioi.f.. ,,,1,3 SI AN FRANCISCO. & CO., BREAKFAST. the user cross, milk softens the muscles and SAiMDWIGH ISLES GEORGE F. COFFIN " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which gov- bones, beefetcak contaiua prussic acid, mutton is IXD C0MlIISI0 JUKCHIMS, j ern the operation! of digrstion and nutrition, and by a to eat unless has been kept so long SlllPPHC of fine properties of well-seiect- unfit it that BI-- , J careful application the TO Nv U Pi 8trt. Uninn cocoa, Mr. Eppa ha provided our hreakfait table with, a it is unfit to smell, pork menns trichinae, fish PAN rRANCHCO. delicately.flaTored beverage which may save ua many heavy thins the blood, tomatoes produce cancer, berries I judicious of FOLLOWING FACTS: ATTKXTION I'K. TO doctor' bills. It by the ute such articles of sour on the stomach, tbe coats of which are' ruin- TEE ItRTirrl.AR diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until The business of F. LJSSEXTER & Co.. (I.imitr.1) ALSO strong enough 10 resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds ed by rhubarb stalks in pie or sauce; green beans (fe . - : is to Import ami have on Sale every description of of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack be ex- rosy escape many a produce boils, and tbe dreary list might & CO.. wherever there is a weak point. We Between all these JOHN HARVEY fatal shaft, by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood tended indefinitely. calamities ENGLISH HARDWARE, .A. ; See in the Civ if is LIISTE OF 7mMMMIUN MKRCHAXTN n.a WOOL ar.d a properly nourished frame." article antl death by starvation there not much choice, Anil their Depot id Sydney contains the largent assortment ef FULL DOMESTICS. .Srrviee Gazette. unless one prefers to prolong a miserable exis- - Mad simply with boiling water or milk. tence by using some of the alleged foods that are IIMilla. 'nli- : HARDWARE GOODS Sold only in packets, labelled up in with attractive labels. Yet Hnk of MontreaO. put bottles & somehow people go on eating all these dreadful ! Complete JStock in tlic following; Iepmliiicntst JAMES EPPS CO., things and living, and when any perticular food SHIP'S STORES HOMEOPATHIC CI1KM1?T?, and European Dress Good. H Notions in an endlefs 6ub.-titut- CAN BE FOUND Amei 'can tariety. fails and is ed WHICH IN THE A P. EVERETT. LONDON. product another the 2. Qlack and Fancy Silk9 and Velvet. 10 Open-worke- d Drees aw CORNER OF health of the public does not seem to sutler by j Goods id Lawns. & Merchanl or SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, Forwarding Commission JliaEPI'S'S CHOCOLATE ESSEXCE, Afternoon the change. If the people who buy family stores 3. C assi meres r ml Crepes. 1C. parasols for Ladies and Children. use. iunll.Iy health-fuloe- ss 8TRKET, CORNER CLAY will pay less attention to talk about the paF Lisis and Catalogues $e7it jjost free "68 40 mONT 4 Damask Table Linen and Napkins. 17 and Bedspreads, 10, 11 12 t Streets, food and more atten- Quilts and garters Beale and Howard of various articles of on application. j SAX PRAMIH'O. 5 of I.ln.l PrUe. j tion to such methods of cooking as will make Embroideries and Insertions. 18. Ribbons Silk, Satin and Brocaded. Part.uUriu,.two Coo..tnont , hy I I OR The facilities afforded the fteaoiera of the Australian and - tSA IR.ANCIi-fO- CAM MA food most palatable and easy of digestion there Fan-Holde- janl ! & C pans and 19. Noticeto Planters Others need by very little fear of the natural quality of New Zealand Mail Steamship Co., enable purchasers in Sta79 ad Corset Cover. CE0SS1JAN & BR0., the rough materials brought to the cook. It is TIIK SANDWICII ISLANDS 7. Qent'a and Ladies' Bathing Suits. 20. Trimm'Dg' nd Tassels. W. H. w jailok, rreoldrnl, to ohtain goods in KEG TO XOTIFV PLANTERS AND the dry, tough steak, the leathery slices of fried Silk, Linen and Cotton. the public that I am prepared to furnish Plans and Esti 8. Hadkercbiefs 21. Underwear both Ladies' and Gent's. ' MO,,RK SapfrtDtrDdfot, I ham, the underdone vegetables and overdone Large or small quantities every mouth. s- J0 mal9s lor T TT A meats, the greasy pies and heavy cake that play 9. risb Trimmings. 22. Velvet Ribbons. - T STEEL. TRAMWAYS with or LIST OF SOME OF THE DEPART JIEVTS. VORK. PORTABLE the mischief with digestion, health and temper. 10. Jewelry a Full Assortment. 23. and Worsted g Ch.-k- er. Street. NEW BUILDERS OF without Car and Locomotives, especially adapted for Woolen Jackets and Shawls. Wastle A Cocke and J. T. Waterhou. Sugar Plantation. Galvanized Corrugated Roofing Iron, in ton cae, 11. Gloves--a- ll Colors and Sizea. 21. Gent's. Ladies' Chillren'i aufoe twenty-fiv- e in Kd Xi and Hoao. Some Chinese students arrived Fencing Wire, all sizes, In colls. ATI riTTlVl.M)V STEAM PLOUGHING nasi CULTIVATING San Francisco from the East last month, and 12. Laces of alL kinds. 25. Yarn 1 all colors. ..mswl1 1 Hotel, to Pa luts, Oils, Colors, and Paint Brashes Monthly, J '"k ' MACHINERY. registered at the Palace preparatory 18. IVIerinos in all CoJors. 2C. solid The Great Popular 'AWlin The San Bar Iron and Blacksmith Tools, X'phyrs in and sariegated colors. IN ALL IT. nRANCUK. TRACTION ENGINES Aarf KOAIi LOCO- leaving for home on the next steamer. MOTIVES. Francisco Chronicle 6ays of them ; The Wheelwright's and Carpenter's Edge Tools, Chinese Government 60ine years ago, with a view Locks, and Fittings. CALIFORNIAN. all, Bonder's above-mentione- d THE Ste:iniIo:it, LOCOMOTIVES for any guage of Railway. of stimulating the young men in the Government All of the Goods are on Exhibition, and for sale by the under and m- for all purposes. C A LI AX U the -t PORTABLE ENGINES schools to close application to study and of THE FORM bt It is the FIREARMS. COMPRISING signed at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PSICES this Market can afford. ssojuotyever publUhed on the CoM. Vr W I .SUING ENGINES for inclines. elevating the educational standard, resolved to Shot tans, Breech Loaders, Rifles of all Valley, and Is fa' I Stcniiisliip, ex- sorts est magMin Missirfi Itu1 A CO. England, whom 1 offer as an incentive a series of competitive BEFORE GOING COME AND FOWLER of Leeds, &.e. ELSEWHERE. CONVINCE YOURSELF " VTe.t, Its Ur. ao 1 Moasr. JOflN Revolvers, Repeating weapous, &.c, AT -- r it . timu life ef the Crat represent have supplied Portable Railwey for fugar Planta- aminations. Those who showed the greatest printed p.g'S are fi 1 N intent g and tion in Cuba, Trinidad, Iemerara, Peru and Mexico, for alt proficiency were to be allowed to study abroad. Ammunition and Cartridges for all sorts of ta.d..e1y ! AND BOILERS, supplied fcVK eoouibutioos frcm the jeos if many M tl.e aMrt ENGINES which places they have alto The main subjects were English and Chinese Weapons. A. MELLIS'S, vlnM -- arwi mt eminent wntrrj in me tnuru n.r,. STEAM PLOUGHING TACKLE. literature. Gentlemanly deportment was also Blasting Powder, Irjnauilte, and Mining 104 FORT STREET. Vn.lyr KR'S th an.l l .te,t Prrsirr or (ompaoad. way idea BREU BLOCK. verliy n.l klgMj ro Ij lcl They have also during the lait 15 years manufacture! Loco- an indispensable factor. In this tbe of Explosives of all kinds. ne cf V e .Uj. and rscel-Irnr- e Prrf. It the rUicg ma - motives fur Railway in Great Britain and the Colonies, In- sending Chinese students nbroad was carried into SsWrlk-ti.- a complete Peru, gug up & ft. 3 Increase with each bUf. Vrsirly STKIM VESSKLM d all kinds, built r.itb dia Mexico, Ceylon, Egypt and i) in. to practice, and continued until the present time. agriculturTlimplements 33 Si-a- le Hulls ot Wooil, Iron or Composite. in. gaage, and suited fur all kind of Tracks and Trflic. T CHOICE CALIFORNIA Im, 4.00. Xber. The cause of the withdrawal of these students AS FOIJLOWS : II STOCK Tblrtr-- e M " KS impounded wten advisable. They have supplied the governments of flreat II itain, Ger- was ascribed to the increased want in China of " " Osls. ORDINARY t:GIV many. Kossia, Italy with Traction Engines, which have given Plows, Harrows, Cultivators Chaff ( utters. Big Collar Harness Shop for use. practical engineers as well as skilled telegraphic A and Pteam Tugs coo every satisfaction, as well as large numbers private L. P.FISHER, TK AI I. I" M'll ES. Tarees Anoth- Mowing Machines (for Lawn or Grain), d who knew Chinese and English. trucb-- with lolne iraue in wr.icn iney arc i Any Communication to be addressed to R. II. FOWLER operators . water guaran- &.e., -- . agkxx. ki te empU jetl. ?pe-l- tonnage and draft of W. MACFARLANE & CO., reason was desire of Chinese Govern- Threshing Machine &r., c. . uv:rtisig...... -- v r,mncitfA. California, is atv.h'ri-'- l W. I.. GREEN. Esq . Messrs. O. er the the C HAMMER, of this pp r. teed. Honolulu, who will act a the Agent. ment to a military education for the young SU K I ta receive a.1 vertisements lor the columns '"''' 'ciire NG STREET MfJAR MILLS AXU SlCAR MAKING Catalogues with Illustrations. Models, and men, which was found impossible in this coun- FURNISHING IRONMONGERY. l At' 1 1 1 N KK V made after the most approved plans. try. The students were dressed in American PRACTICAL HARNESS MAKER! i an d- ner aim, iron iUri..ii. Photographs of the above Plant i clothes, laid much stress on the fact that EVERVTHING WANTED IV HOTELS OR ' rcn"ini but Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any Six- -. to coun- PRIVATE RESIDENCES WILL BE Fine Single & Double Buggy Harness BP W PIPE, of and Machinery, this had been done out of deference the Jm, ! tTKR or P. ma le in suitable lengths for connecting together, Sheets try which had received them, and not because FOUND IN OCR AV A R EHOl'SE. FISHER'S Kr.lltd. Punched, and Packed for Shipment, ready to be may be seen at the Olflce of W. L. GREEN, above the Office Concord NEWSPAPER dress. SUCH AS and Mule Harness j riveted on the ground. of Q. W. Macfarlane A Co. they had growd tired of their national R. II. FOWLER. asked the reporter of one of them, "has faoklog Stove, Cooking T'temlN, Forks Plantation Harness of all sorts, FOR SALE TO AGENCY, Boiler Work and Wa- for John Fowler A Co. " Well," knlte, ARRIVE. ADVERTISING 1)R At'I.IC RIVET INC. affected former ideas ; Illter P:pe made by this Establishment. Riveted by Hy- - not your sojourn here your and Spoons Dining Boom Plated Ware, Riding Bridles. Saddles & Whips I 1 . Merchants' Machinery, quality of work being No; we are noted R.kkt.s 20 and 2 rauhc Riveting that as to customs at home?" Frthenware IMoner Servlees Currycombs, Brushes, Saddle CalUornia Street, fan FrnclHco, far superior to hand work. N. B. I Propose to Visit the Different Is- for the love of our country. But placing it as a Cloths, - assume China Tea and loflre Sets An.) very f.r stable use at for Ship and Steam Csptan, Steam Winch- matter of convenience I would rather the nwiirv . B IdtfrtMa? Solltitfd all SHIP WORK. Pumps, ma.le after the most ap--j lands During the Next Few Weeks, Dessert Service, f2T es. Air and Circulating Oriental style. We have a brilliant prospect SUPERIOR papers PsWlhfd tfce VtU Ct,th ndirh proved plans. and shall be glad to give any information with regard to the berore us and cannot afford to risk anything by ftlas Tumblers, Wine Glares and lieranter. BEDROCK PRICES for CASH DURHAM COWS Wa- application of the different styles of the above Machinery to Repairing of every description in tient Hf Parts, Pno.irti.i. ;Ip I Acting Pumps, for Irrigation or City -' offending public taste. Ob, yes, we were very O dune the j,Mji,le Pljiela, ltn PI" MPS. Direct each locality. material.-"- , Well-Bre- d IIais Aa-tral- celebrated Wavy alve manlier, with the ben at lowest workmen's 12 t- -r Works' purposes, built with the R. U. colleges, and leave rule. Fresh Calved Milk Jadao. Chloa. New Zealand, the y ja2 SI tf FOWLER. well treated in the Eastern Room Stoves and Ornaments, Cow, rsls. I any pump. di. Drawing f Motion. suirior to tther very dear friends behind us whom we will never the Easter. Stairs aid larope. files Pamp. All Work Guaranteed or Exchanged NOW ON HAND I for Worthington Duple Bream AT THE KALI H I RANCH. earlj!!, ewpaper on iup ratine AG ENTS HONOLULU STEAM BAKERY ! forget." METALLIC: BEDSTEADS IN GREAT taT" Look for the " IVkj Collar.'" eirrj rhltnfd jal St tt "a adrr-.r- . VARIETT. A Caast are k'P C stanllj Hand, aod all R. LOVE & BROTHER, Proprietors, Two fashionable young men, who are Tegular LHO allawed Trt arte ! thtm darlns DbI- - tup: FRENCH Dr. Pentecost's Ebenerer chapel, Ize and other Mattrasses. M'UANC STREET. attendants at HI of Horsehair TipJcmccoar.ciiiLp.iTrafift Iniirnal & Fxnorter. on their way to church the other Sunday paused Palliasses, Pillows, kt. THIRTY HEAD PU5IATI0S Ml'lES. .mn... - H on corner T71T At th Office- of L. P. I ISIIKB i i uuu j m iimi I MEDIUM AND NAVV R E.A in front of Fritz's beer saloon, the of n USER i kept made to l, Dfl tf PILOT. on hand and order. Austin avenue, when one of them said: Do General LAUNDRY "REQUISITES, & AITI.V TO Produce Markets Review and Also. H atrr. Soda and Butter Cracker. you think it is wrong to go in and get a cold AUCTIONEER COMMISSION lYIERCH'NT CUP CONSULTATION. Prices Current. glass of beer before the church service begins ?" SUCH AS A. IIEKUERT. MELBOURNE J K.N NY LIXD CAKES. Ac. DKALtU IN Ilawaiiau Hotel. - Indispensable for pur- Are you going to pay cash down ?" asked the Washing Machines, JIauglcs. Vrlmrlui Jlathlnes, lODl- Publi.hed Mcnthlv. and in EDglish REBAKED on the shortest ootUe chasers of Continental Roods; gives Wholesale Prices, and SHIP BREAD ither. " Not much; I am going to make Fritz Wahlns Copper. OVK EU1I. allowed, of FAMILT BREAD, made or the Beet Floor, baked daily and 19,000 srBSCUlBKRS IT PUI Disuots Lang it up on the 6late with the rest." In A LAI) IKS AM GENTS Brandies. Preserved Provisions. Fancy Goods. g ST A ULE AND WARDEN TOOLS LARGE IIOSIKRV. 3VC Wines. always oa band. are-doin- Millinerv, Dress Materials. Glass, Porcelain, that case we a good deed. Fritz will ASSORTMENT. .i-0- M .V. H BROiry BREAD OF THI BEST qUAUTt Htco-i- lloa-i- a 1000: (divded). Plated Ware, Watches. Clocks, never get his money, and that will be a lesson to ( GENTS FURNISHING GOODS ! ca Shoes, jan 1 81 Dall Tables, Bronzed Iron Hat and oat Stands, Tatao too ..ta Real and Imitation Jewelry, Hoots aod the Dutchman. will teach him is Ho. Perfumery. Photographic and Printing Materials, It that it Ladles Gfnt' 1 ( biidreo's BooU Te-ia- Garden tables and VKKAVDIII CtUIBS from a k Sburs, ("vi.leJ). or 10 1.100 Scientific and Musical Instruments, wrong to sell beer on the Lord's day. s IVI. .l,500 UOPai7s Tovs oleographs. GROCERIES AND CANNED H. Drugs. Chemicals, Pharmaceutical Preparation, (.IINF.I IPW1RDS. QO0D, MOORE, and n the Received, Ex. "Ceylon," Siftings. Thi 1 my fifth ConulUlion since Oolo!er Isst. stationery, fcweets. Bilk. Varnishes, Paints, Just Hardware, Crockery To- ever before the Public in t- t- Si- - Paper Hangings, Etc., Etc. and Glassware, opportunity brouht Reports, Notices FROM BOSTON Home Do not forget of English make. tst Also Prices Current of Produce, Market Influences. that childran Saddles and Bridles bacco, Cigars, O Pipe Yankee Notions Frizes, consistinz of 6 Prizes of Ii en h. on Industrial Novelties, Trade Intelligence, Etc. are far more sensitive and observant than they -- ,rThnir' 11 of 10 each, nrl: g. th- - n-: for Postal L nlon, and Bs for other WHITE FOR LISTS. 4 AMI UtAI.KH IN . C rtte of SO each, and Fril'S Annual Subscriptio- have the means to evince. They feel a slight S& o - , of Oak Plank PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. VI Fine Assortment Damner twii exchanee must be !r.l hire. CMoney"orJer. payaMe to GEOROE WATER3 on Paris or more keenly, a realization of wrong more acutely, STATIONER. If chia frwar.ll ar. l tamp currency or portage F. LASSETTERT Co., (limited), 32. AM) 34 FRONT CIGARS. TOBACCO. A sver mwible P. O. Order shouU be forwarded London, or the equivalent in any local and a glowing sense ol gratitude more ardently, 3. STREET. c. For Sale in Lots to Suit, I ' stamps. LETTERS REFUSED. than grown people ever do. The scenes of child- Sydney, Australia. 93 FORT THEODORE BROWN. D C R NAL E X P0 R HILO, STREET. A J A J J F R EX CH IB 0 A'eStf ALLEN ROBINSON. hood are the memories of future years. Ap. 83. l, IO t5 fn Br :. 1 9 O rT 9,re-- r frLOMiv 2. wehl9,Sl,iyr