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The Paducah Daily Sun, November 3, 1897

The Paducah Daily Sun

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PADICAH, KENTUCKY, WEDNESDAY. NOVE.UBKU 8, 18517. VOLOMK 11—KUMBBB »« TIN CKNT8 A VTKKK AFTERMATH. .'GOES DEMOCRATIC YESTERDAY'S VOTE IN THE CITY rat'XINCTi* IN thk crrv Dr. Laiu Ueceivoi Many W»im Kentucky Ooe* Berk to Her Old 'I • *f Heating C(B|rriiuilaliuns. Time Practice*. I I 5 1 £ 5 : ? • 2 s i SOMETHING OF THE CANDIDATES. |GLOOMY RETURNS FROM OTHER ? Stoves PARTS OF THE WORLD. Clerk c.i.irl 1 pv . We Wave theiu in more Ikau J. • b.Mlr> ltr]> Kl l<* lis »i*ty aizm u\M patterns, for ; Everybody TWttnu S< h I aha h.llor I Oull j. lit 1 J.. A I'.irker I' •• i« 1 3 Ha—No I'roinUCs MuJ<. j K ll.u,la>..u N lieu. i 11 0 luinmuuy Capture* New York by 0 T. WatUee. lV(y u 1 1 autle vral-.i • u Ma^uiliccitt Majority. »l*. li. 1*11gu —I>. 'ii Ui Ms s* aus 1 ] 1 mi e; COAL WOOD U 1 FA: II L Hain«»i IttJ. 2 Cir.'Ult j ' I. I> Mn.ton I. lam 100 ' PKPMICKWS F01 A B 6 RAU» e .uw .„w«.lil, . tUwacj 1 SAID II.MIM'M, IUl ... ta ess 117 GAS OIL [V N OHO IS IN DiUBT W ar».l.haa. IN-ni M 9 1 SIT. J.mIaII I.arn, ln,l 1 •J 13 We are the oaly peeple who K'l-'r. 'Ula.i.. II M Ltaaa*** Krp < 1i 1,1 SI 1 l*> can please yau in ever j par- l>r. Jarn.a Latin, the »u > psaftii J H M ^.iju',1 Ocv, U Ha , 1*5 i.anljr litdK' I ticular, as to style, quality 1. laic f>r mayor of l'adueab, With a.'i preciucta out of 1,721 Julin e l--rle5 . Uif v»» i\> | 181 7H I and price. J C Tall. De,n toi il< ; rjo lap i rf.cued informal calls »' hit drug- rejKirted from yeaterlay'a election In C'-untv etc. k store thia arming tr-m hundreds «>f Kentucky, Sliarkelford, the ailverite K i' Uavis u«i> S-l I'M 1 j Mi L'lwtln K c.ialwui LKiu SU lii . 211 h« rnthitaia.friends. i andidate for Clerk of Court of Ap- Iflc COAL BUCKETS inc sfcthl •VI 21S ; ' V» Sir Lang «•»WWUCM l*> nil and |wala, haa a plurality of about 17, ehaile. VTik'.a aep : HI IU BEST QUALITY IU 1 II loam. I>,-u, • t&l | 2UI a modestly received the profuse con-Jt<7. CiwaM CU.k Will C K 1.1.1 Ki- 07 ai 1S7 % grelulalioaa tendered . but with man- The Naiiunal Democrat! evi'lenlly ll II II>.!,WHI Oral UJ lOO Ci1 • Ja.le* Wee a'lotia ot much gratitude in uiai.y caae), were more intereated J I IKwIan Rrj. ti -13 30 lowanla all. y. Miller I eui VI lfci « | •at* in local ra- k tbau in drfeoae of the C "«I|1» A,! ''T)f> f! l''**l>argp' wis arc being mad" l»r a p'atfurm anil Mr Ilindoian'B vote J If F.-id k. i> A: fis r V K. (iniee. Ian - y: 1 grand ^ ,t'iid»y aigbt. A large will not come up to expectationa. In conat f v. — - - tit "JOB QEO. MNRN itnailtcr of anient Oemoerats do Dot lelferaon county, with fourteen pre. . 1 lly-a Kep . ... "!3 M ! m W a. l»i. - Or i.i *tpou0 the demoualra cm cincla out, he received ouly l,MI3 ftuprrint, u.lenl H. h. l&l audi Friday. but it li likely tint in |lb,< llai,Wr. llclli i tin i 7S K; If Friday evening hut no far aa beard from the vole c.r-^ae U I-:u!(,. IHm | ,.t Alrmiy ibere arc acur.a of can- outaideof JefTeraon county la pretty 71 w Tt fel it.- MS SfS didates out f..r the vaiioua cilices, cmul) halancrcl. Jcflera-ju gave a 1 both appointive and elective. at the . Kep fet is: w 1*1 mai r ty of li.HIC for the amend TV HKk •M dii.|w.>i'ii.u of lite administration inert with fourteen prcciocta out. 1. i!> Prm«oi •i* Alt.»rt»c) : llcnsU-r i. 11 urns kep. ... «i 2.*V it: WI 10' WE CONTINUE Sotuuof those aim, according to ru- Almost complete returns from I \Vh«f lrr *:a 1!. i*cnt h.- III 2J7 j l.-J iri moi, are caadijalc., are a. follow: Cu> Manh«i I forty .-even out ot 100 l^gialativedi*- f A Ja:ncw. f,l 1 »» 1 K-J Fu» city clerk—K. Dudleigb. Hor- t nicta received up to midnight give tbe (itUir* C.-HlB* iVrni W 1*1 1 217 TO C 'JtHnhn. u Kirvt vtird ry Taod..H II I'atierioa, i: J. aiiventea forty and the; ana K. li- He 11 Kci* "1 »ll KM i .V Ki I* II.*. liarltat. Nat II. Harris and Audy W J While, kep al ra. n«i j 7J •a n> 19; •ev.u. The ailveritea will have a M W Clark. Dcm IL«I tit •m aa* lW c ir« Well, Jr. 1 ar | itc ilroi^ lead in the lower bouae, aa J M. Kscll IK-.!. - i i>. ht . For city treasur.r— C K<»*e. Vconti »«rj C. wi-ii aa in the i iut aeeaion, abould II C Alltaur.. Rri» '.'14 ,«,; K i TH ue For tax co'leeu-r—t.< -igc Koliert- t i^oTjrr brmbjru. Rrr> b-: mi V 75 u* one I* i. -cva-arv. J I# KoSrttaam I Vltl w i^ S41 1 >rr K» HOLD'EMDOWI aou and Feudal li iru. t it n.i» 1* V*1 Ai mi.laitfhl Mr. K J. Hampton, n-ira »Tirai For city asae.*.,:—T J Moor*. e, 1 117. cbairunn of tbe State Krpublican William B<.nit-manii 1 ili 110 a II.U Fur lockup keepci—John Hoghea. ii H SUtkv Xrv n -.-IX 1 7« Caiapaizn i-omuiiltee. aaid: '•! am ; M r. win M UI l>l 1V7 itik Marry K. liar. aaiWtiud thu State baa goue S II WinMe.. I>< in . i la. ro n»i ; ne » «:Tth WTkf.l Tho oid cry you hear every fall that leather is going up For eily allorncv—1£ T. l.-^ht- | Dcinocratii. I.y from 10,l<»o to 15,000 T I' Cuttct ke:. fin :l< flri mi fact. J. M. Worlcn. Will lluglie.. CnJ Kai«!e~it«rt Ki-,» «i VI. 101' •tl is all bosh! Good goods speak for themselT«». Bu«h as Ban- liiaralily. t»( courae. thia was nat- M W J havn Ihm lie |K| Vat atreet ia.pecicr —J. U Cosby. urally aomc anrprlac to tae. but there i s I-cltaoa.' IHut « H: 23» IJII Haii w-rd isUr's, in men's fine goods, and Curtis & Wheeler's, in <• A. S'.iel on. W ui. Wbcdt*. Jainei ia one gratifying fact, and that ia that CMa Lcibd. Kep.... M 0* Ksaer, W. W. L>ap«leat : Krp .. u. •-•li 1 ui 7V • HI. ladies', cannot be equaled. Our medium and cheap lines I! Mr. Bailey carrir I hi« own aecttoo Al«*«<» liltiott. iklll . 1.1 •ZSS mi l'jf> for liocoac iuafieclor—1*. J. Jiro-f the atnle by a majority, W W Ha.ii «• ixm ta IK? w: are hard to beat. Drop in, and we will take pleasure in Si>Oi «at, CT.a JM1. m J llemoctaiic l«jr ah ut a,0<>0. I think aj 11- i 1 u i'eal. it wai i|i e to a icuoiting of forces. K l*«i l»i - ROCK &> JSOIST. For w'uarfina,tcr—Sioadera Fuw * 'Thia la iarr*e v tiuc. in my npiuion. Mi l» T^T.i j I* IM hr. 1 all over liie alate. I don't kuow that 321 BROADWAY For lire •„u I'M . M> I* . UirT the fuiiowioj I jrou oaa latai It a fra* ailver victory, Ui u- a; liri UK »»flMcture free with eveiy aah puichaae of Sl.Ot or aver. aciiilone.1: lauwa »»>N, Jjuica f .r 1 don't think it ia." K t K^p . in. ail • 37 . Uj«t, J.'w Wa-1.. u'- a. I r.~Ked-!ick J>rni I.Vf | ">»! •Mi W. K Augustus. Walter Ingram I i'th ward li. II lltli]«.tl Krj. ft :ii mi ml ap,ly f r the place of B.« chief. majority t« ciiiaUlog lo 25.000. lbb 1!*- I F..r • ty bospilal '.eeper Mrs. Ilir- New York, Snr. a.—The New n>i IC. Allctl IKRJ •AJ IV«I JO oktll la ihe only apjiltcMt know* a.) ^ Tunc-1, which »U|>}>or(e«l Svlh tar c«»bocI fleet ion <»( Ui»bcrt 'J) | Cents TQ Cents CTJ Who »aT '!eiog ahle to walk better Vork l're*«. a aUach hup{Kjrter ot vavta II i" i . of the QiaClu rait than his companion. Th_' ofll«-er pur- White bodice ind colored (ten. Trae-cy »ii,iri'd md taiixalily nil MM for Two Youni: Men Krniu Cliutou aud captured him there. When he «>r Van Wyck by 100.000 plurality. a m^tch. Equal to what Equal to what others ask the i-ao.e was hauled out to the platform a pis- No. 5J03. H (ict Kill I other houses ask 75c for. In U. hi' - i - lb re »aa a New York. Nov. o.—The New tol wa< found in h>s pocket. It h you $1.00 for. atem>|'^. on .Ira, >i of the returna Y'ork Tribune, which bUp(>ortc l Seih tnought he ran into tbe sleeper to < arbioh ihe appiwi- L<*w aod ike C^i^ena* I ni<»n ticket make au effort to conceal the CO ate I. I.aije »:iiicaae 4i>t>>av. tion of Vaa Wyck by about 75.000 OKEGF WHOM WANTED TO CUT.' l'reviooa to the arrival of the cc An iniunair Incod of I>r. Laa« plurality. train both of ihe young men had been Fit Well! Look WtU! Well Made! Fit Well! atated I" a ir| . n.r liu. i ioralng that Th: Votw in (ir«-u«rr >tW York. raising oil kinds of *'c^in" on the 73 tbe doctor hat u t |>rn;u ae>l a ainn i- platform, flourishing knives and pis- Waa Struck Near CaueMille luat See Them. New York, Nov. 3 —Th* e*ti- They're Nobby. place 1" a i.. r b«* hr prowiwat Thc Other II.tJ a I'.sto! in His tob. threatening to knlstranger*,aod ma'etl vole of Greater .New Y«»rk for M|{bt and KillcU. O making the air blue with their pro- our to anyone lor bii inllueme and mayor »a a^ followa: JVan Wyck, P«»ck.t When Arrested by > fanitv. Thev live in Clinlon untl n,i|wrl Is *, 146.h21; Trary, £ Officer Jon came here uiih Deputy I S Mirahal In retai l I • »PI'' catiomi for; tieorge, 20,3^6: Vau I..Kmc last uight to attend a ttisl in I alti 'Di a< po ll c>, tbo >»iw Wyck'a plurality, The plu- I SEC I0H UkH LOSES I F.'O* the Idled Stales coir', before Corn- •grill lan remarkeit. It would be rnli'y c»f Pdfker, Democratic camli- X miaaiouer fury car. and evideotly gt.t Z to ol.tam a full lial of - B. WEILLE & SON BOTH HR SFtD f«R TH IB FJI too big a tloae of t'aducab win-key. tben. Yoq could come nearer to it im wU ia the fttate, i* ttstimaled at l. in llratcher, aged 1" years, C/) by piibtiahiaf (he eidiic city direo- Moss was arrested for car.iing 75,000. conceal.,1 a piatol and (iarilutr for young man who lives three milca 409-411 BROADWAY •*> ' ii from Caneyville. on lite Louiaviile M**»*ctiu«etta* Vote Normal. beii.g drui,k un-1 disorderly. A'inif of Hie cmunjiltcei will diTiaioa • I the lll.nois Central, wais flu>to , Nov. 3.—Ueturna from Ii is fortunate that < Hi er Jo.ics h. I tonl/ht and the arraii(f> u.eaU The.c was an ix- accue at the by "camoi-ball" No. 203, ill tail three of Ihe thirty-tliri-c citiea arrived wheu he itiil, aa he pcrhapa for iin- rallv. etc., w.ll completed. I'litnn Depot juat tiller the pa"«enjier which arrived here in charge ot Con- and 305 out of .'121 town*, indicate a averted bl.wi l.he.l. Vvllote Fever trainlrom ill.- uriivt I at I-: l(> ductor Crockct, a'. 2 o'clock Ibis RepuMtcau plura'ily in Mawachu- Moth i oung toeu gave bond this Mew UlU'taa, No*. 3.—A heavy l *o Vl.uo- 111.11 J .ht A. ut "e«ocra» of aborit l '<.O00. 1 Murray. Ky . X v. :>.—Inc f l.quor wi. i the om . I nine precinc'.s IC.i uy. for C liik ol Caneyville. The train was atopped, ^ i Th** legislature remains piaotically plele rci.irna (rum fall.!-ay - anluer. ren '.-1 i. 11 . n • I lit- I Court of App'al". lias .".Ol ; S!i.i k-1- an 1 the youug man was rendered ! unuUubgcd. that .Sfiacnelfor.i'a | .maiiiy moker, he Ic-ni'l Lnoai il co'.Tr. u;. fn.-.1, 1.57A ; Parker, in Bie preciucN, every jioasilile service, but lived only To have a comfortaUc ami baoiUo ue hoin«-. We arian^e that it woa'tc^al jan tauth. L» ica.-b t.:>U0'.o that imn y. t'.a.k. K>ptibU.aBaClain lowft. by Conduct r l in e, \\ , r. II J.. and Hindman, in eight preciucts, a ahort time He was unmarried, Vou wili be rle! gluetl aud surprised at our af'jck, with our low pneat, wilk aur reaaaa- na.l U'. II' 1.1' an i Ihe con r. r ic- • 2. Tue vote in the county it IK low ailiertte nnmiaec t >r Cir uit Ju.l||e. Ui>< 5'oines, Nov. 3—Chairman and rcapected where known. ahle terms. (>jr store is croatlejke eonceaaton.. Two and drawing i ..ui r. audbel I freight from infected districla are al- Kiilton, K\ . Nov i—Ihe ilec- •lecteJ over Breathitt, Iiepuhlican., huo(|rr,1 sn,, (orlv^,0, precueta lo • t In n lliioteuing i r ti.nar.l* 'uwcl to lie put off. 1 Rockers and Folding Beds, Latest ihe conduct r. i >ii pa-aetl ,,ff .{-iMIy at t ia place, forWiackclforJ. (I . •« ShaX 131; White »0 - rhc county ailverile ticket rccci\e.l a Mr I'homas Kearney, formerly of ti.ilt.u-il tioca The ape lalola h .-in to lia-.k cll rU 1 :l 1 l,C1 lar-;e vi-le. The aiale vote at lhi> the city, who w is reported .lead from 1. kli'lc. Ky. Nov 1 —si* pre- «« " "" ' away It. in I! . ti l' i r -lllan aud a Patterns of Carpets. Rugs, Mattings. , ncv iu Hall ml 'enntv on. it. .,.-1Mck,n' place w.ia as follows: ll.i>v. Ml: v. How fever Sal unlay, is al ve and 11. clear rent «.ia Icfi all III-, way t-> iIm' i Vv I K. sbackel- I 'cy -l?,0ii , lliyan S.I, Shackelfonl, -7- : Uin.ltuan, : \\ well in Memphis The report waa t ,1 of t'-n II |rii.>t aalla iu Ihe " ai ll was fully Our Stoves for both cooking and heatiDg are un»ur|iasse All Kijrl'l. i-xiai led that C'uu.Ili r tVheeki aeems to lw c'cclcd Circuit Judge li ne, and no (.no knew it was un- See Our Ranges, our Trunks-in fact, ninthirg that will furnish jeur house. Wallace's vote Is out rc|»rle.l. Th« Democratic fusion ticket ek-ctcr. in whicii lie would over N I' Moai, present Juil/e. Tic- Ir-.e- proniisct have lietn fultilled in (he pa^t, which inspired public conltdeaoe ia aa. . I preciucta are l^c clacc fourtecu hnn.lteil. (Mcloan ia elector lave'livcu pcifcclly juat lied, but Ihe race he' 1 ceii M Kirman nud II igg t. i:.,n.1ana, Nnalnnue ami Ingle- representative Cook's majority lontluc'.or .Ii.played coiti:nenilab!c (.: aa. Wi.iifjkcr, a colored Action e | roniUe many astonishing bargains, and we always live up to our promisee—wa M.rc kelforil'a plurality u theClii . May .1 •••>:•• iu Trimt ll'-l, (Milncsa n ! i.imly rcasone.1 wi h hi i l on .he 1 liuois Central, bad his mil never dinnjijioiijl yon He number our stores are open every eveuing until I eclock. Il.oSll. ailieii'r n tinittce fur Hop ,iutv Wi i perliapa reach BOO. Li.ui ;'0. Cook's clectioo isoonce*!- tie voting 111* I. lefi I ot cu off night before last. lie .ii Kulln i and Hickinn e I by lieliuhlicans. Coudiirtur (.sKut at thi» juu. turc taaenlaii - wa. on I i I r Crockett's train »aa elecletl by l.'iOi lav t oinity MurJcra. ' T_ walked up ami ntitiuplcl, in u 'lict . lUlttica, en r ul« t > I.eili liOeld lie hail lieen Singletary, mi.Idle-of-1 hi oiiiaville. Nov. :l—News reached , lil„ Doubtful. and pitCruble miui er, to kV l""«ca- , nsjorily drinking freely, a-.d smldeuly jnoip- loader, on y re I I ii rot s ti the ialai of tan inur.lcra In Clay' Colunihiis, Nov. :|, 10 a. ui.—Tba f Cue kn tr lie did not a.e oil 111. anil ran outside to the plat- two precinds. llr'.wn'a vo e a t!li< line* at Koi k IVslle ami ratic icmiuiltec claima the leg force, fur llic dtunkeii des|teratlo ».ta to m and with the > \ illMlin, I in plat'U wa. 110 •. llindmin run f ur INSTALLMENT COMPANY at Cll. all o-curflng yeater-! ulatiire by 1 - on joint buot, ami id such proxi.inly t'» the contltti tor going to jump off and kill me JONES th' l'almir- !l.i N' | arli u'ars. ' election of governor of liy fr. to 8000 thai HJ c mid hai ,• without any tlil- vote, alien I ol ier man 1" swung nit from the platform election < CORNER THIRD AND COURT STREETS to 11,000, The Hepubllcau lommit- flenbv plui-gcd the knife into him ticket a! Kullon la-i yea.. and when his feet struck oue went raealnc Ihe Hie. I Me claima that the llcpuhUcao atata before his hau l .mid lie stayed. The vote in Fulton county -*vc under the wheel and «ss cut off ss W ,„„. Nov. 3 — 1'reai.leni1 ti,.|«.t is elccUd by 10,000 to 1J,000, I'be a tcili '0 ol the youth S larkeiford a plinaiity of IMO. neatly aa if the operation bad lieen i'«Mlay o, j't'iuted ninMeen [xbit the acnate alands 17 Uepubll was then diverted to tin' Sba:k. lfoid Carried Cald we I. rformed with an ax. M cans, 111 Democrats an.l , doubtful . ,1 I [ h clasaa ' |>o.tinaalera in ••n-wa I hi . It" n Ihe Irani and t'lincei n Uy . Nuv. — The • I - 'bilt lie House, &7 Bepuhlicaul r 0 Demo- Mr. ticorgc ' War Held was m t BETTER TIMES li ia rj|*c'ed «ld'a lie w i - , n 'ng aud abusing tire -ilvcritu ticket iu Caldwell coun y 1 .rats an.l * doubtful. ch ted out ifaterday by l'rav.- iug Arc a-su.icll> upon tia. You will desire good clothes. • iv. I,III ky piact a mi niciliaU'y !ic latur. t'.ii r Jowcs "as ca led is electeil. Ueturna aro not iu fruit I id lor Ijrattn ( oiinty I tcket in I running up .li-aiincl CSardtier. all the precincts in the coual v. lit,I A Our line ol noolciis t> exactly suited to every taste. \ itr.r I" Ills I sc.-. \l drat he real. .."i I...I when he saw Suits li Order 1 b MaySeld, Ky Nov. '..—Nine |irc- llic liepiiblicaus concedc Ihe county It palcber Allen Jorgenson was Call examine then". Vaue.-l.i r/. Ui-s.. Xov. S — Capl. ibn nUl 'er'a a a. a . elub he aurren- dacta ot tiravea coanty, 'or circ its^ gon.' l.'.O majority to the silvern - a ile to get out yeatardav and role, si^.oo merchant of thia place ler.-l hi* knllc a id nj;rcc listrict show Nairn's election f >r i a" ,. .._.. earl. ...y. threw vU.ovHtol 'tT^.^:,,ity of 11X5 over X ' ^'uZ. ad It Cll away all ticketa, arriv a^aiu. Creuil Judge by 1,001 majority. bjut lis lime ami shoved them Iu aadciwent lamp glo ,es suitable TAILORING rr.'^tyo, Stiackleloid has carriefU n flAILf UN. i»i>«>, al 11 an o-,«ern- j How IfUIri of Honor PluurUU'U > TlilK TAULKS. fit P •u Iv b<*»pi a Tiirr«- Half at Century Agii. performed o lirrjte w * lion bad I* ' In the Greeu isle dueling llouriah.-d Matil.Effi'pr&Co every afternoon, exrept undertaken ti ' emtalmart. Nuke , .CbatUoooKR * St. Louie fablistiel •u- Ixriiet |l hUI'IT"*, It dt - |5. ) \ ear* a#o as uiueii u* it did in Prance. Sunday, by i«e of the X-rav to Batlroed. ei led f.. m'k. When a Trinity eoiiejre atudeHt .u»ke-J IS MT CONCEIT.! • » ISO 8 Third pa. ...KHll-.l. DITUiOa. And it Seventeen exposure* to the the provost what bo -Kb he had better W e art coofidoot thai we have v THE SUN PUBLISHING COMPAQ \ The Most Fastidious •iMOMl^HATeD. ri \ a *eie uJ A>u refill La j trln^ to col lego the latter ttaid »to k ol itiiablc, useful luerciiandisc J mind the t*M>k.«; briugacweof pistol*." | a 14 PillUlfe Jell our, I he Mj^bt of 1 We are ct|im!ly confident that it } A. S. DABNEY, I'+rU if w V MfAtii H The &tudeuU were in* the ha In: of s» t 111,4k.. Kockla.nuu I I. S F. M. ri«Ht* .ISIDfcM e, a < tn. r« ht t» I*. of In Uiuaht tiL'lit. We km»w that it mil Will b< pi i«cd by an inspection t-'ioew. tM IG .. R S* TU . M. .rtMAHV tling tliose Little utfairs either just t. JKtU IW. M I . oho i l> • . . i ..t JLal Ui K In-t t iii • h il l lie a ! fort- or jii»t ufter morning piaveru. AM Ar. Mnuia.1. imp. —j-* UiHF TOB>: the distiug'iiihhfd IriRliinen I(K» your; this >ti tc i an supply Son can bank liN'MbTUI. , IVIM | F1>h-r J K t-iuHL B.W H'.cDla. J oiro \\(«eo duelists. Ctwrati, rattan. upon thia f.ict: It «i ' l>e supplied * DENTIST. • '...Uttooe. nil, V >. >rtan PETTY THtVcS. AIU.I.. .. 1 i» ,IM Wli'WiUU^"' J j S.u>ritl tn. Liurriugtou.Fitx^ibbon.F^l fairly and bcuesily. We're not i HH1I .Ol .li r r sip a .id Oio : ell wt-re often "out;" and In iog buaiueaa lor a week or Lv. J li Ma ti »!the O'tiorman Malion had 22 it'a a life lime tuatler with its. ai 4re WDWAY. iuia in Jutliit . Tilrs to his credit. The hnr led tlie NMliviltr » tiai Will +Ull vu-iutv* Two a a .a your pntrtxiat'e is valuable. If[..u. ... i>» aja u."Otni£» of : - i. uSS u -i net lee: it..: i:'.' i.«ws. Com t. I protect your bu\itiu interest, we cat. Ia-Ilaaluo I ai iclv^u ax ' h> ^ u. riailt allhf»ul re »jr. m > I ir.l . rs aud iu:i u«rs of t' I . , " T R. OH VIS, 1 Just ;w«jei»c<—w ort'.l, llfia-Sut ued p lomgc. I>oe-u'lali tlnaattik Ar iiaiiia THE WCLKLY S'JN • o:in.Ts. besides "frighteuiug*' \«nt as heiu^ common siuse aiwigood ill u-.ta. d.l Jr. I our cctttry | a •r: Tandy." as the Irish hi toriai.s Wl- have stwlied th, miti •! the Pad*- Throu, 1. 1 r.i 1. .T.J .r Mr.ic. . if. _ is devout v ihi-ict»r. »". ,.. .!.ii i . I« »". bu-ioesa p iin-y. a f«>r i;oo iO»>J. ' sah peoplr ar.d art rM.H >. eupply tke« CMIIW,.. I ||», ..Hiu«,uia foe a I porary with the sword. Two pri 'ta. i.ui*. u». Jm.h iii i.. I'U wwilaau.. on ;»li political affair* ••• • .. " DKESS GOOlhS llAUVKvr. BUum.r. fk 1 -J.I,nu.wl Nr.. York. . d os»f#*rk«*ai;'t u.e.e — • •• "tines lames," Maj. Park and evei t uee*l ie nktw lb. tki.tkw. mi J lo Ar...... V la. .ul irlue.- anu teaching of luts N-ukuoal it- pui i "« d. went to IreJand to find foe •' n»'lt uii^hl be s»anl about then $ and Triumph all P-4UL. SouUwmii rur (urtb.r .alunua- cm party ti»n rail n. or wlri.. I IV Mr. v.i'or^c Di-l/ I. ' 1 ri'.\ t thiir steel, and f.iund and it would :t!| be inU re.-tu jr llt'll»^ ^ Furnaces. a J. W.Wi nr. M.ta.ku. T.aa w u. COKRciPONDEhCt. ... I tie-1 i . In>c Vr he v and Mr. Maena- tn hundreds of dress ^cx.d buytra Uanlar U r mi T A Na.k«i.i,t T.aa. ho :\>nght with them in a pri- rur.. L.'iu i r .^t r a .r.imwH.ww A Biwctol C«atxre of tb« weekly c \ :..,il bi! I li» all»»«T li The ck is full td dte-s is a ^ (all on l>im aid gel otiinates f.'l.i-.t Kr K 14 Uarbkbin. d.put ll«k, Taa *«tll be H» Cortv*; r i. TVf l** , • 1 lU. lii llt.-'i'L 1.1 j.i at in inn, wounded them fi r iieatiati )our reeideiit-e. .(Ml. f^arak. K«. ui.-ui, in wale* u fcoi-e- r#' r' i to death, nuived them ben I. th • f« ; »iP2 c • ptires: 1 I• ! *very locality wlttda ta* liius.* f «» ilth d were rewarded with l.H , i . 25c. 35c. el' . "1H, . 1.5 Utlun tgeil » : hf Tin, Hate and Iron Rcofer. ul< r. J, ' . • :.• :d'blp. <5 . ai •! a >au) All hon- I l.l.)IH •»!.&• SON J ILLINOIS CKM itAL UAILROAD HQVtnllSINC. .. : iJ 1 1- 0 lit 8. Thid Hi. ( I* r: . on and Mr. Gilbert, two eatly | rind, and yta.ifvir.u to any of iocmriij.t ASD MmpH!t IIIv11on. Rak. of aetwstolag win triae.i. I ID ninit Nubth Mooii— >o as Nn ai ho &3 ii ddlc-n^ed mari ied men, had a desper- < ut saU>pi», pie to show )ou, the Jt« IlM.MWAM—'I lLIIII.I laT Nt w Orirau.. 6 au pui i> to *ui ate 1 ia ITiJ l. caiife th. y d'd uot different priced « n< * y« u'd like t- l.v JsrkHou. Mim> u 4; m- in 1 > pui ili ior, Of*r«, filaodard J. u a..a r. .;-'i to h ave an unsettled quarrel as a see »ilU • rimminglo match aud the Lv Mfuipfel» 1tu*iu ttlS|>m egacy for the^r «'hlidren. Ti.ey fought i. S. GANSTEJIl.v jHckM-ia, , T«uu mj '*>iaui I0u*iau a liieae- •tmt. on .i, 11 hnin-js : d Hi; nlher articiea necdeo 1 t horseback v ith sword. ])i«to! and Lr Cairo. I ... lOUttt I W un IU- UlUir ..A* * Sclicitor of Piision Claims. Vtcen." or Irish bowie knife. First inr t d in g an attractive diet s. a LT l""xi:toii ...... 1 U-pin nri>i| nt • » am AT k*adnr»h Daily, |*-r annum.. liuiiiaiy IlL III. •• pistols were fired. Harrington re- JACK.Kl^ CAPES, CHILDREN'!* Veteran of four yeara iu the war of -I'imi I MID 7 ivnl a ul • LTl'aU'uah I ion 1 '£5 am Dni)r, ttonti.-i.. . Mats- •'•visome of the charge in his face: G AlOlhN I S. 1961-66. Kr HrlnerU'O t w .-km 9M7 am* Daily, Oil in'uilU,.- ' aui Ul' Ull ( u >lar«li»l J. t he rus'icd on Gilbert^killed hh Prosecutes claims before the Bureau Ar Svsa»TUbi.... . " lo pui iu ¥) am No w man o" child In 'his section Ar lioiiklnsviik*.. Daily, per ,... c I. < I J k i, IVu. . • borse w ith h's broadsword, dis'nountetl of renaiouA. »• :«J i>iu liaaam ueeil ait'u'tita warm wi .ter Ar KotumviU* . . SWpia 3 > am IJ *> am W eekly, p r anuuin u ail- 1 11 I Lai li Ui.i i» 114ii 'wl in tii^'i ai d j uttb. ' hts '•skcen** to the Other's Tt. eoi i m. *Wo*l ot noldl«rs,of Ihe W»r of Ar c vntrai Cti> « so pa 4 U am 11 Maui 1,'JO . ' . t a!* 1 i i" n bim t »".».• k f ir hi- n«.•&». pui • lu pm S|*clBit-n c'e« fn til U. n ui.. . i. u» »b. i.'ii.g. Ikot'iUtfi. a - ii morf-.v- D Ul rvjeetod « lasM-n tuJ sh ;*.e hards and be friends, bat our clor uiy busl 4r Uml«v1U«-. 10 M put ft l»pm %ltfrh ihf) it«nin< trikii>a«-iKd m tbe .N» Cl&ClDDAll . am e'thoit condition or apolrgy. Har- SI up t £-5 a garmeut, l'u.%1 rs.lui • houlii *i lie me or nt>« a« » UN;,\LYSD coTTt -' •i "'. ou conse>ted. SotJTH Kocau— No »i ho * \ ho an HON I: V s \ M NG LO rs OF MI L Lvciactnrati 7 pm I la rcm^uirllnu \|« I.r.rfp ... A. "Fighting Fltigerahl,** a well-known L<'Ul"MLo . .-3 JO am 2 U ;«n "< J5 pm ft*> i m ll.r Vine IkPrisilfaf. haracts. , :• cousin of the earl of Pes LlNKUY. LT I iwrm»i>.»ro WntKi: were li 1" ipulitU? DR W. C. EUBANKS, -ui *Tlie mri' u uusal'.ed o 'n.: I.- ; Trum boy, an Oxford graduate, Ar PaJui-at . .is jo pun These demand your early attention Lv 1'aduenh li j l-iu I M iu 1 m >\\ i .-i bullrr in lb v is lucreasiiij :•! an r- r in the Sixty-ninth foot. for they ati i.un to iu quantity, aud I ^T nru « U i-m WllIU »erf t' e I Iillfar :, . !s duels and was thought by H0IIUC0PATU1ST, Ar MATtitiJ I le pm ¥1 am ; u pm a'.l the time. A f ats ago ther. iitst comet- secure lbe bargaius. AT Fuh. t t Un i-ai 3 IA lam • iv vm were only ihne • n eoinujis.-io rvr \ to be mad. H - hired a gang of OOce-M llNM^Vaf. T»>|>Loar 190 Ar Cairo Ten di /tn leather tritium <1 cow ft >i hou« li * ua pm I lilld Wuiki: Hi- Ueel l)*T«HTaU? li'jti»es thai 1;;.ii.' at ell; no\ r"i i: v . v.a\! Id and killed a gent!»*- Ar Jai lUKiii, let:u.. 4 io pm b £l ; m Itrhapt a ii that do. so in» " en th. - kind's highway, and was boy walkiug hats, same as Ar lle-mpblA • pa T Si am .1 at t':: itlebar. Among others he are being sold all over Ar Ja<-aat*ia. M'- .» Vim ae.e iLe Xaiional Demo- of ill "iff •ol*' ju:ui;die*. Tiii ArXi-w OrtrMu Ji am ? Oi. 1 'fu •iu'otinl.'rc! Martin cf Gal way. Rev. town at $1.25, nil) go on sale C ota ? ck of ur leil bin.i' umt to le> HARRY F. WILLUMSON. M.DAr .(.r'nvtii * }tU« :i »i put 15ut t !;e tot . 1:1 hard l! ii • ajul r ;ipt. Ilarvey Ashton. Monday st 4l»c. Perfect Home Ar Vkkabnrtf a u> j w. 6 i*i pui •rut. of Ai N'kU-bt-i C *> am Vdue mi ih. pi. i<1 ' ir 1 cf vie butter here :.- id i at Madras in a due! Nine di z- n felt sailors, S^baud vel- Physician and Ail trnius run aailjr •it cf i:ns-a.t« 'id SH uny!mac lorv that «iu'tl Lji- •1; i'c.l. The Ayhton duel, ami vet a:ou:id crawn, velvet Ixiuml .sr> ^nJ fi.-* ravJinlu • b ar rar> l«i»e«a CU I mter m ir f. ; t by i live Willi a Cal- edges, not shoddy, but good felt at :::: APPOINTMENTS Surgeon Uuu tl Nrw orlrai.v percbeil on our biuM t-.' I n u —I. t. ,. v be ta;d jli.i Nmi a>l »nil uC run »»> iJ b«4iirMti{C:ueiBii»u rntta i ivi- in.i, r.-Vre-d !y he'pt d Brit lab 60 t^-tits. OfHc% ll<-ur«: •t. r i :•. uiostiy l>v thi Must incluilc, ji moat im|K rlarit.«t riumliinu. No bonie au.t New v ilcaua. earryiag l»u:li..ati bu.?t-i ar;rs to many * :"r-torles. Th- lirst made Six «l 7.en gi-otl felt flats, all eol T to 9 s »a . I lo I p m ihupmi. Whilc fc» Bepllblicaa . ik.t «»• Vriy |i. ^l.M I by uli. xv-v a (\1. Welles-!t»v, aftc-rward cm be healthy ar.d ill drained. A humlrad dollar* epeat for Tialu a* esrrMn Paau^ai, Uiuuti.Iw «:wper. ors, ai i>5 cents^_ Office, No Broadwmy. ap»'. In fatlbrtii uub>n de(M>t ai kl p m ileJeale l at ibe |« lla it »»» ml bo- are brtably situated, fly fa. I '.'i :. r ! jiwn under another name, to belter Pluuibiug maani 110 bua.lred aaeed from tk* doctors. Olivet t' aii.^ . it. t. r - t lui.uis v a,»"ai, pert ct>. isumcrs of in -ailed Ijui n:: iti',jort oit command before Seringa- CAN VOU BEAT Tlllii. rvfc auu «>uin TV nn cA..«, cau«e tbe nouiiute. were not iiixil i: u«r Ui« i'aim«*r. am: at ib* ui.toa dapvi ter here i:re the Hebrews. And uxi- patain. The second had. by displaying Misses uutou sui.s for 25c. ST. uc..s Dirisiosr. men, but it M) i»u» a by a eou»l»i- fc::lttd butler is now used, or i: ma,' the desperate couruge of CI ire, secured Iron nvaiing school shoes fo.' $1 him n ni'itary appoialment in a time C. A. ISSELL, M.D. •('UTS ••'l>l> VI >-i Datiou of jircuin»ta.D eft. A> a »bo!e be l ad, i.; ntui.> of the It::. st fcou: aud $1.25 a pair. -«'t%k' t'aUuca!...... i: ' if to, ( ii|.a nr.d reslaurants. ft has long b*ea usei of emergency.—CornhMI >f:irra^iue. ED D. HANNAN^ riiyHciun »nd Sur^n. in Matn>p>>:p. 1 ju p m. 7 •» p .11 it can bo truibfully •! iliai tbe Heavy wrought iron bicycle hose iu acu:e of these;, fis icercusirg ust >fflc« 5ua 12 Sevinth M. " Or»B'«i'iit),' . I tl p U f *'» p ij for school wear at 16c a pair. 132 Ssulh Fourth Slresl TrlcoSen* 201 . " )*iti.w City .. s p in. i« •• p names peesenteil were ibe cream (I tbe jn tin ni is jicrliips due, in scice degri-f QUESTION CF NAMES. Hesidesce 723 8. Sixth ii. i ; j Heavy Cantor, fldfomla lor 7 "s anil CarU*iMla> . M) party, ami eoubl not lie improved un. to d» syant!s from foreign guests, t n The I'loKcr of AJvrrar J*o»-ias ol Jfflee Hours 7:30 to 9 a. m . 1:30 to S " Pia-titn-yrUi*. - «ftSp m . salted butter is f-r more cotumoni.v 8,'tc a yard p. m , 6 to 8 p. m 14 c It was not tbe pefMiualitie-i, but p"l- 'j'hiMir in I'lTt li-n Laud*. . l- Ls.ut'.... • ' n.sed in Europe than here. One of tue minor yet real urd wlde- Ladies $o.5C black sk rU for ."W SOl'TM Col an an itic* tbat tarried theelection. Tbele * » a tn. • 1 y UJ TIi? butter commonly sold contain sprftiid wot s of war or even .of explora- HARHOL'K'S v is a u.. *> » ,, Vj was not eunugb difference be'wei-n I about an cf tult to the poum tion in alien lands is the jdague of di- J-ii.f ba- is of VV*llr>rsuia a IS a : . U p la O Xorih TblrU svn. I w a in, tbe parly receivins! tbe largest an I ai d more tr e. < ;; matter. Tb« vers forms of namea. The names are 1. U p .1. sweet b rtter i oi iaii:: co salt whatever often outlandish and jaw brcaki-ig in HIGH-GRADE BICYCLESremMD! i mm tbe one receiving tbe i.uialle»l onisl er l.o> p is. suia tn und is uncc'oied; stlt is aJU^d to suit any form. !?ut when there are half a ..... t C ; a\ND BICYCLE SUNDRIE8. < Uiu ol votea to attribute lbe tau-e to tbe tli? taste of ihe cunsumer. ju som« d.j -.-.I different spellings of cach, with Arrt' • .'nlv * • 5 -V) 9 Ej7 n » ai reAtnurauts there is tow a but- ail of .which one must keep himself fa ii 'l i' r i'»aia. All train* is popularity of any one man. Ta'-i u> ih«- paial It:.* n ^t. l < ir«i an 1 ter eoiitaii:i:.g si 1x5;:t half the usuax 4wil_ax.-J_hx' tiUuiticJi he»*omes ci of nti- i e •• CM - »ru »,liiu!PUii tb>i .l«i. Solid Agent for the highest grades of Bteyclea ma le. We are prepared to offer Trtla lor i'i4a.U klaiiy a. i _Eroportinn of salt. ni'i :; 'id 1 • rror, To take « .-.i»|:V V STEAM uaa ifcr.'H k l"Ua.ii an i !.!•<• hi". iCk Thcuf. is cra^.e ou uiir" "iiu'i.lcal -und -the oriL. -Mii'd t v.iti-j. v elo?e. at tj^-v- 1S1W Stearnn for S58.6O Don't fail to aee our •45.00 Overlandaand Rugby* Pa.-, r1 i'oucU-U ih nw*, .'I 86 ri.a.' r«u•.-. . t. ,.'js door and it ban^s lu v and ii heavt t»t of ecr.. i: ree keeps muet |»i* tl; : k» has !•-*« n <*n r '..' — beat on tue market. prettie«it wheel made. l>ou't fall to aee our line of for lurW'T " '»is«, rr^, 1 iQU^^r.tlipt aw.xt I uMt r, which iuu* • - i ..»..d\kt. or 1 dike t.r ( Inntlykeor wJieela before buying. We arc tiio oiily oxcIuaiV® Bicycle htmae mtb«vuy. ili* , . rati nu or • ,erss.» J "i u.v>vaa folds. We bare met t e enemy anil Values — 4." A • » a nit r HiiCrt,.. f jt.J b€"Tt ed wbi . ijweet butter whate er it mi v be! It' we go b.i k a Complete repair ahop. Free riding school to those buving wheels from ur. we are tbciia by a largo majority LAUNDRY iluuin, tiiiwral l'd«MU(i As*at (.Vluus. V mainly New fcerk s ;..te butter, but :i 111 tie iiiriher t • the Ireek anu Gained our popularity. Solid Don't fail to call— r«memb«r the plaee, X Xigbt and Blucher l>otb rime, ami ,ight from fart he: winter same is bro Cretan insurrection, nifmorie- keep and add to iL No To No. i.O Not Ik Fourth M, owl. A pfil dva . ol the aweet but history will r cord yesterday us our ari.^e of i anea aLd Chania and Kb&nea. catcb-penny schcmes, no cxag^tr- ter is broughbr t to the city bv ex|>res of Ketiino and Itethymo, of Plier*aln Raduc^»h Cycle Works, Waterloo We are prepared to re- I aUd suitcmerds, no dazzling ^encr- New Machinery which ade's to the.* ccst cf it. aud t; and Pharsa'a and I'her.-:jh^s.and Phar- 126 ac.l 129 North Fifth street, near Palmer Hotu< raijitf aympstbies, re- buttcr-maUcrs charge a little more f salcs and a!l the rest of them aiities; nothing but good, sound, Good Woik iV SSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY ;lid values in new, meritorious and - or»?!t "Pifi aft grets anil all tlS^T"** it. Iieeausp it is all birtter and r.o sal Hut all these are a m* e »»-eia>te oi ^.is'a<-tiu.| (iuarant.'e.l. . i.! Sweet butter eu«:> : whclrsale rihcvaphie ,1-rj. .. . I wanted ^oods bring the multitudes < xiire»»|o««. We are sometliin< «.r- tnonly a cer.t a poui.i ere tb.iU >a!tri with v hat now come* to i:» In ..-. I: «i;ai ; to Our store. Wise people buy here; J. W. YOUNG & SON, 1. Loais r iwful, bu' mult uot weep. I > crnr butter, aud » -raoi r 5 I hrt p or foi : crmj . I"' tbe trouble on 'he 1« .- I tiie wii*r they arc about values the ;t i, cf hgLit r I EU-.PIIIINE 200. woe we ratse our eyes timidly and eei.ts a pound na : better we like them to come. Our Dr. Albert Bernheim color than -t d butters, a no A:, • ,.e ! dco liu-h or I' m'.i Ki-sh i gocds and prices welcome the most TRY THE IfWFUlTKAH congratulate tbe winueri*.wi>b luck to Is of an agreea- wte :v fresh . .ta s? Around the Ki.\ r p | critical inspection and comparison, Physician and Surgeor them aod tbciil. We are jier(ecll) b!e fra^ranc r «h. kha«l>ar? Ar. the A'• • i'- « :ii AhiAS AkO NEBRASKA LiUITEO. •iiil package < 1 i, willing tbat majiy of 'iur incl-ive < \ , The ordiu d-cone«rr:ed in .! .'•» Ih loo- l-'ir-a STRK&r.... IIRSali' I I'U , CJ pou:.«W= ehi. tan « r IJeTiirbM:-.u cr I .!..••! ; - tan NSST II.h.- Ills 1'aLMKB J. W. r^oore pressions may tie laUi n in tbal [it- Hebrew jo! .•!i packages (•: .r d i. :-er of d'saffi'-tion? Is the fellow California Blankets f Im MtJUNiAiii ROUTE. c ii liar MOM known as I'.ikm. i. au the v. !.<:'»•«;: .inn meridiani- who stir.\ I ip the row the M an ' ;::;0—>:00 a We have just opened our line lor 364 r Alter witday we find our- and b; .ih : !• t 'il: • h of the Mo- Aie of Adda? If HUL U- I :0U 3:U0 j. III. tie lcn*V UiWl nne li. Mi-r'j' .!. to f.i^!, is<>7. and they certainly arc Tilipbonu . fo - • d >r;.ill ^ a "d of Swa; ? Is lie a fri« : < the handsomest goods ever shown .8. 1 tb'i titer is w-iij. l\ aHKANSAS ANO TEXAS an I ofter our baud in token of siii- sc-l of. I I. op . :r i::r.eer ©f Cabut or< .•.'• *• -I on any counter. We are the agents C2fl«ed 6&0C1 of All KioCt. WEST AND IOUTMWLST. ctreat amity au.l Irk jiUuiji. to lu.t K.'- u.? Such ere the *exalioos r these blankets in this city, and ii. t! crowd i'.m.-Iv ar.d fast'njcr ve cla in without hesitancy that Kree deliterj to all parts ol the eitr Kree Rcclunc^ L ha.rn ih. All Tra'.on. and foreyer, until tlie 11 r. 'ifi'Is < f evi-ry day's ilispatches. .hey arc the cheapest fine blankets V. J. BM KG DULL. Cor 7tb ami Adams r««oron Cotrnn JUvruia to N r is it to Ive v. r dered at that t o,>|i iriunitv occurs for aon'.i er figut. -vcr otfered. Fnccs ^4 95 to 510.00. 1>ALLA* Ann l our w . u-.n Is so. *ee:rg Imv. l.ijrh authorities t then we shall be aharply into it. A W e have an immense stock ol other -I'KUI'HIKTDR- • ee eoneerninp l>': "-familiar nan fit max.. rku., trr- t*r .. ol 'r we hrow-P on tbe dreary lufl^f.It-. «i- We l.-!\e all 1 . :i;d i'f li e Sepoy muli makes horn 69c to $4 45. I.G1ICE Of FRANCHISE SALE. i.w... ul alt IT«Ml .ua ,..:..« In i nt>sarow OrOtBauee of ih-CoSB inf.i'natkja. call oa jomr lurm n. i ... ctnnot Tefraia 'rout^eiwymii tuc cal- must I <* sol- I * ii t C< .1. Mai ie>o:i tells t:s it Wrs 1 < i" U ««f lbe Cuyot m.Ui.'ah .nn • U n wrl . . Paducah - Bottling - Co., Ai 'Minr.ii tn Se-ii 1 1 ihe Hiirbe.t 1'l.lOer tle in tbe pasture. Tbe ' la^b Im-j - - ; .-hi, n.i.ti-;. . It broke out i.ot lie- ; tm tiKMl llblul ltd I'l'it'r 4 s.refl K. 1. U. SI AITIIHV.S, HI .A. sir^ J LAV.N MOW2H. "I.-erii!. but at X' rnlh; thehiost iiidei J -1 I I-'O Tfclrteenth TVua Lot ILU... k * a<> foodiy lief-ollipseii •.in-.i' le was I.. Your Cloak AtiK.M CkLiibllATiD •sw. Miiri i » Jmlauu Sli<>< t, par "-'it Ool Too i.r :• 1 Trial Trip i at Catvnpore, b- t at Itl. kl> l • ppf. 1. - «1 n «lth a p. »lhud*. . t I.uelirofv. bet I ikh- May as Well be Correct >.h «>•/ .t ',.»»•tuber. It'V?, beiwc u tr.e d e.. • cf hiRr .i jz --ors. I..ur«'>f :o an t 11 «.".c»h. Ml lotno H l4rr frrok. lbe TtNNESSEE CENTENNIAL belter days." > i d i. i elcelri rubi hlv lo butUI av«l oterit* l< r twraiy .<1 i M ISiiml>'eund and an expensive cloak. More people Ik ke^k act Mlu, rats a a f 1 hi• 1 I f s.^f' a free con see occ tha* i'. di 1 l* $25.00. We don't mean to meddle • tven tiud'-r try b .• M .n.roftlie ( |ir atta* d a coup r . !fi t'1 r.i Piiinph ••) r te.s Ai e l until 11 •'.Iocs at Bi£l>l during w«ek and 12 o'aloek Nashville. Chattanooga whole duty to the party, the i omi- 'j.enk« i lv i f I nn.i. One write? nid- with your choice: we merely sug- of PaCucab ilci, ihc 'iii, isu. «>ar ( f his mower t wheel Itnsa "."V.Lt iVJ oneil I . ot • up-pvr. another I' iau- gest that no matter how little ycu A Yl MR nces aud tbe full ticket. I wor«e- to arry a platform , whit i he M rd H'latnaeur. A: >1 co Telephone aOl. Mi>'; and St. Louis Railway i g... I deal « pay, you may as well have the cor | faithfully and did what t t> ou^l. sflir.'l ' !y t»: I v.' , f jermtit- ".'hail tlxii^u K-.r- ta HDl'taB.KT h. rect tiling, stylish, well-made best for the jp»od f party. It ot tl. >- "tlh. Il r- IV. if and ...i <•.<* n eon. NOTIONS EXCURSION TICKtT3 —It i- • Von '••a *-le at TeUaosI raua 1 1 Roffle differences in cv» ry c c ' • 1 file r evvp.^pf r. Dic«« •.ii.etd* Fcu.:drw and t- •» Ills* aiu" <. «um i.. • - t -. NaauTi fehine w lf.l beautiful r. turn nrp,; the e»mi 1. minor iinpor lance ; but in ihn«.(t 11 .' " i unaie! v Mrs. Si;iy> tic Velvet skirt fa Window Shades. 4ei» Oni^BrtUI an.l Inter :i i> I lur> II ti Nikdi ... j 1 .' tion, w .ih a parly vote of 1 .», tin i |-> v '' i i. Tli. - 1 • Culoted dre*« • i. li- r^- Machine Co. PULLMAN H*, A lie fat t.. ' ,. hea l of the ticket ran " •' I i ron: O .. . I(l'l Safely pii:« all IN THE LATEST PATTERNS. rA LAC t I " • rtr.l l! Be>t telected 5 I'KOMiT ATTENTION Q1VKN TO Al.L OBDKRS. Macafactarers sn«l Dealeis Ir Win the parly vote Thin i • 1U[I 'All "n il cut in I • • ttlflNQ <'••':,'! '-.-. 1 V«u rome : R pi« r CARS . . r .K. J ... K«t>; id th. "Mi ordinary. The ipieslioti • | r.| ti i ... t I I me Wr. Ir, l All-silk Ii !!•* 5t.'IV*sr i n I aeci C r» < hel 'I k «1 Steam Engines, Goiiers, I'alla-4 as.l F.»it W. rib parly asks is, who h res » :. ih d' nft- f W. S. CREIF, wua DO COM Ills ON All this result, ll is uior-. ti: i j.'- 1. r I IS s Tli r-1 S- eot Telephone No. Housefronls, Mill Machinery IMMSSl P < b Tif : able the people know lit the ' nl i erk KID GLOVES | Information prrtu'nnn* And Tobacco Screws, Urass | TICKETS. ROUTES RATES of the leaders who or.'ani/. I A few odds and ends go Ibis It v .-Hi tbat l.e and Iron Fttings. ( astings ' will he- rhe. iftil r fun . „. able oin>osition to defeat t reek at 49c. cvrAiiLisnri) 1864.- of all Idods. ] to tleUet iim-iit. w r.u 11 :m .... .; p.,.,., and its nominees. It is no- . uij , • lii CU t PiPrcin, Kewtvckt. lo determine who were t i • -c M .1. d : j f, Gieif & Co I Hepuldicans wlr» vu'.cd f -r a I) v L. B. OGILVFE & C0. ri SS Pii;, cratic nominee for the j • , the U nite CITIZENS' p .it.ts t. • 1 INSURANCE tenting the Republican li. ket. 1 e e;. f Ini GEKEIwVIi far as yesterday's result i^ concerned U1 »• a roii i l^omintr SAVINGS Republicans know who were (in hiirh prir AGENTS. W. I . IUMI trait.ors> and they have a good memV pperinien • In the inn Hie BANK. ory. •M-Tilal . KLUNDYKE REPAID 10. Tnlrnhono 1 74. TADUCAH, KY mm h pi./ 22G llri'ii'Ukv, l'mlursli, li = T— " Ili» M i.^ I)A M \C»KS Repalri on Gum an I UicycUl |irii c aylli.-i^ntl.v li to e:i 1 ii l-i ' • ••• t-'il Ll ir . .cr.1! jienKinti tu ri much i. a op' ctal y. JiC t 0 M- Capital and Surplus, $120,000.00 .-tid C.uro Pa kct Anted for Injuries From X-Ha\* • n ^p.i n li it tin? fiM-fniliii " 1 i-. ." - N. V. s.i Cbas. A. Fbk - 1.3 Orca.w Open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. in. On Sat- n Chicago Patient. . M! t Ml^rltc urday nights from 7 to 8. riiiiinMu un.i ( I -irl. ii. 1'a.i... . 'i .. ii r • t . vm 11 11..u.i or» Chicago, Nov. 3— In the near fu- A . ni. i i -rrlil". i il*' ii ..1 tn. \ ... ti. ture the courts of Cock county- '.or I'liala. in t Hi' r' <• IJ-'' il. ..( Kin •>.. The lie called U|»ou to decide a case which iirerLs. t'v re. vi ". rj? „.'. . mid Interest Paid on Time Deposits iu all probability will prove tine of peopled. e:it-i I ST. J c* fi' hery. No girl in thir ST. l.Ol'IS • the most interesting, from n legal OFFICERS. .\ed to marry unti! she hue is anil I Jealers In Rato?, $2 OO Per Day Jas. A. Rt'i.v — Presiiloi.i and medical view, ever presented. a certn'a niisnhef of Rwm »nd .'"fast, SI 00. W. P, ajck.n CaaHler James Carey, who was so severe v i must be takeu'from n P W -11' el... ' a hosp! K. Runr Aitt't I a . i, r I Ml Eumoean Plan. >1 ou i'.r l.iy defaced and crippled as the result o 'WUiin dej*h. In M»me of th^ other like]- to re i all) » ».ept 1 (loot. BmiM. Oooo Ma 1 he use o X-rays, "rought suit for fireeh ^aiiu' -* tlda d(nKin*tra'fon of m hror ? DIBKITOKI'. 1 ,r Si can 1.^ 1 •10 I KK auit H N IIOTKim $20,000 damages against the pbjs . ':il lijly is reouirrd of the men, and. If ^irnnnollr ( olony for Tniu. Gi>ol> RKUVK y * Hui-se FrontsJas.. A . Ri oy, Jas. R. Hmith, • li'si, at < k Tho Mennonites are to found a co'.- ctai Jl. WIk> ba^cbaripe of- - tlie expert* tfeere arm several suitors foe the hand Wk.n r^a f*t. t>-u.1 .1 K. M. Fishfh, Uko. C. Wai lac* idea, her f :ihcr lM»s?tows her on ony ne'er liniHaton, Text, punjtif ing nv» 1 1 ch tiaf K. Kaxi.itirFr, W. F. Paxto.v, menl-in I he foilHt^flnaptnilr immense fa rip. _Lr> bs rokui.iy.tii ity all. aX. JA^lE B > i E ft c. Quo. O. Hart, E. F*ai|.--., si. i ;.r un 'u K> \v k ' BaoAiiwar aao WaaHOT. INCUltl'OliAlJCU rACHCAS.kV B. Blur. t-uTtt l'.oiaa, a. s ia C. ey w« ^ ,n tbe b«d In > t'hs Mena^itea n ' s' '* » T«i »'rvacktmr II a. m ana Wait till November, v t. Mcv C il I'^lan-r paator favor of the one charged with crime. are shorteniug EOCKIRS tetcd I urtas • Tt.. aao ' i > . »t».slM> Sau- Aside f .-om tli"? tuiuy wuo cud I \\, wuj uui*. Then you will set. I the 1 J.y . :,.«..! in l . lOuk.' 11 • in s^aai*. their live. gtlluwa. -r- li( <6* week? We Ute iu.t received . M ol nice Uo< kcra. oak m.h«*.»y • ui.h s'.'.Ctl .» « ! • • • |m».t r U|XID THE AMI UIANUI UI But yon don't have to wait \\ u arc otVrio^ tbein I W uO in. t U SUret H Ipnil i'Siwca.-hundj.) IhoM «b« are wr\io|{ term, m our tueutiug our IV the k .use > II. I'N-ji'tklaK I)i m Kef 0*o. r'or Bargain Day at ' «'C can tUo furnish you auitlnng ne'-l.u 10 in tariou alate pruoua, fruiu one year homes there i IM . . the DORIAN'S Hi Itouki r tkitul V .'Iki r l*c«. iu « *. for i nly 16i 60. A', inn**, yasior. lo life ioi|>ri«oum«-ut. there arc thou,. aeleclk>»i ot 1' . . i .king ooatpwlitota Teiuis to «uil pimbi»ir. Call uud f^t.-ui.. ii> -i llsptlnt i hur k -"UBJif We are running a special CUT PRICE sale of DPIV GOODS luruLt.ii line, b- lid oak e.tit. cheaper «l>ao .11. ml I* our 1^4M . k .j »'i<- . ciuk' 11 a. Ui and S |>. in. anil, »ht«e laljor. are keeping up the (Cyi«g. .Hi I'so A M K rbui't. Huatl^jr'fctbool • a MISSES' SHOES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. This cut price m. ».»> H. !iiii»: li » UJ 7 Jiip Irt., IU*. J. U Il u well that »e .top here ami not sulti -tiling to protect f:u .., fwi.' will continue until (StanforU. j^ior bi. JA M r. church, loth A Triianla take ourl>earlu(r auil vie» the a^lul the c< vsatchful of the iu- «ir»ft* Suodsy im at p in., I^tsachlnir " uumlilion just a» it ia ami impiire for jui:. . I feel and daui[> clo'.h- j pm . K-v J ii stauford jta e lor. ELECTION DAY,NOVEMBER 2 in • • MII**I carHInn etiurvh—suad»y a remedy. ir i^ f eat bargain season on rwoorri We kavc yet a few .,,»r„ni w wlnrtSlar **« ' ROCKING to give away. Thla may be your • ^Mj'v .vln. i ir4fb«ra Hi ' tin Thuisdsj veulative to crime to give ami rveu itc : < o.tdl i IREi CHAIR8 ^Gardner Bros, & Co. t cot UllallJ ln» »u*L (orcc lo employinent of some kind, I . into ': ni ^r i quarters of auy last . Iiance. t(. Collar. pa«l>'r 203-205 80UIH THIRD Ki r n, Cuur. h (fril'ad of uu li'«e.t uature, the thousand* city, xillag i c. unlry and all hours Telephone 308 ID' uii-'i ,-^rricw bumlaj|»thwtd from parental care every year, acd . ar hours for relir- 206 Broadway, Padueah. Ry. * WHAT ARE SARDINES*? i • 1 if • i. .-rrcl. be twees Onto »n«* awelliog our crimiual aid pauper ing. And re.sult there are fre- j 'J bn. Tin aho:.'* r- Me*. J«F. A. WO-xiwaid, WRITTEN AT HAPtOOM. 'Air you nil , Jim?" U OSIelMl llrrl^li n h> a t u^l.n popataUon. qui l.t ! i-uely dculbs. I •Yw, John. I'm purty <«»rta«u." ll»uk<* Ai.pralx'f- OUr.I) L0D• i >i» being overworked Dr. Jim Lanft, the aucceaaful cau "Vci, the doctor a ay a I'm bal cared for more. Circuiu.lances have came b« fore the liiil.-il a j i M !!.»••• l« l»l .Lur-'ia i waste of lb2 day li «s di late for mayor, wan out eleciiua- f| shot." lu « u in. mil at < aj < forced many that would be hone»t ihe at t . pi-u.sersi reeently is not e*inr«- \ ii. • no way to >;p rate, if ihe nigb'.s eero Uu other <{ sy wheu Le rau jI ' You don't say,,Jim! Now, did tute of that element. It- >V4S uiiet> « aud upright, into pits of iufaoiy from SHOES V u \ M-. u»-rt» I which they have not beeu able to lift are spet.t t r.i-ry. •trfcv* n . iljikcy on bouth Sec- he tkiat! ' sprat lire «arilines. This quest 'on Ii M(. Zi ty e I kdj i ricb li.oO.U »t • ^ Wi a it ue class of people the | ond mmi. ' "Yea, that's what he said." \ohfd thf broader on* a* to v. h.:t ai o clo. k llicmielvea. "Mutah Lanjr, you'ae :i eauMnlej Did ho say you'd die or git sprats, shaudioes* pi!:-h'i' > liri-«'lni N r, K 4. A M Theniet it be thundered fioin the . a e of a good bath is i rietl other quMr t.-! i !...... ^ 1.j rtMb mouikt a FOR ALL CL fob iua%i>li. hain't r" pulpit, aroclaimed froui every pU - • lie d» In't aay. Ju»t Mid I was now {Uaxiusr %o eon>i r tunsn i j ait it forni where there is a negro audle- .j PS, foul bedding, foui j " W*. s»uv..J «u. catrlidate f«>r tlir Ike new tariff. Thc'v :il bri '^.ti s^fiLDibl'iMirt 'la , nlig la «ac a loostb aud taught in every schoolroom, | il }ar ls, foal air to ^ mayor, I ncle Jody." be affuMy re ba 1 .-hot, Jim " when it sa« diheoverd in t!: • i>:ugl« breath. : v. b conditions are juit as ; plied, a» he Ibuu^Ul of m ticiu j m- ••Wei, well! Did he fav thai bit!, alortled itm rca d I.p. z disea%e aud death a^ Gail Woking Shoe, SI.DO other vole. , Lools parly bad. Now do you aries were appealed t > ... \ .i' 1' JU Jt*:*J . n cif.g la ea L rk they rxi >•. "Wail, Miatah Laug, yo* remctu- reckon be undersLauds tbe uatur of had ealen "hii- I'.ivg," but >f them b> :e-.> .. il-.ts iu each inouti. at Colored yeara on np to manhood aod wotnau- We an*, as a people, ^real ealers of fb pairs Ladies' Laos Shoes, 58c. each other for tweuly yt-ara, I r« -k- humor: .ents ii lx>\ on ail t!.i t'. on, ' agreed the doctor. tx|**«. Iinj; Ilioied, no umtu r whit 1 «•> re •• '• - , «fv^ry lira hood roving the streele. If they hav:> swi-.e lle>i». w:.:c:i often full of -ii-- 1 um reiuiuds uie, hoys, of tbe A I htNiktton «v r,... irnj'ort I .' u. »tiia al Colored a home it is the laat place they ure eate germs. A I if told tf U»..-u 1 keep all kinds. I can sell you low price every luomeul to hear the welcome tune me aLtl |>a »u.t to Arkausa* mtn.i t>n Ik'i mber i found. They are not taught to eviis they go light on, bee. .- -- el i ie MOouucement that llie o! I darkey ard a^o. tl.ic day -we crossed over fJrUnhi K< nurooF- afcoes, and I can please you in high price c-ontaitiinjr Urn > wf y tr* < b>. I rlvii. ml: i la escb love home, and tbe consequence is advice. 1-et us stop aud i i»-k, audj Wa- going t.i vote f».r him MiNSoiiri, me aud J an an I 1< ge, lyiog, * io 1 would bnv»- n3 da so. shoes. • 'Yea, an' w'en me act' my ole aud lame on a l ouse wheer a st;an- rr • 'oax I tl brand of I. M]ueran A < highways, often in the road to ruin, !- fv>r parlies, late .'oroan wiu - k u-Im*Ivo' au good r lived, ilis brother . inside t > ruing In « • is UMJKth al Ma! . and there is no mother's or father * _ ale meals, changes from I a migh y ai^ht to *ce, aho! 'Al.m- • l«d uji Wilii sjmetbin^, and he Hh ">*»rJines,** under the f i f ]- w i-.. iiiocUjr ixHi,!-- Meet* counsel to aid them. What can suc'i J r.. to'open, coid a r, with-' ba!i cnin| 1 a class of wanderers be than crimi- ot. i r 'ti, are olhir »ouces of wVn I wti/. alio't ol» iu-»nt \ ': A doctor didn't know wual ailed al 1 I ' cut. id -s — : .uuoim; oew'fu! gul mau! L>U •but doctor,' he said, 'you'll tys: at <»v i .\u 'm il runway. an» and attractive, with books and Th einea the inquiry, how ,halljf lota «»h mediciae! nave l<> do touielhuig foi him. lie's " Thr-e Inixes eont;dii \ i . v : 1'NIT KD bllo: iiKlts 01 ITRlCNDaUlP papers to read, then make them & ay ^ i- lac death lateJ llah. iH-lnniriiiy tt» ihe • :i a. N« '->—Mrt-ta e .'ery Stwac. * Thank you, thank you" — Tint and read tbem. 1 alio K . must teach the] | uii^blv ba I olf, »ad has to be the *eieutlfle rviim-1o • ii v n uia»; Ui each u*oi.:b at An' Miotab Laur I lied.-be* 1 I 1 lliwAay. Some cries liberty lor children, but I . a - i ur^e them lo avoid th -sc u r«d ' •pr which fi«h :ire ) V M >.a. i! ; .. K)":«rt0wT*n,ll M I believe that that liberty which al- eotf.iu«>na aud things llitt tend to- FINE DRIVERS AND SAMLE HORSES. Ojffea yo* aomelhin* yit on ali dat • 'Hut I can't do nolhiu' for him.' i; !i« - - virV ^ if«. ui •>! i u. aday lu e«. b mor -h a Mf medicine yo* leU me hah ou credit repiK 1 tbe doctor, 4cause I don't .rwrvfil with spirf*,a . who*: 131 lows a child t.r children to blast their ward mortality. Herein is lab >r fori knovt .. I . ,r i -Mwit Fi-cond Thura- Elegant Carriages and Turnouts w'en i k." what-.- tbe natur t>f bin case.' v fl. Mil OK., | a, l*.| Ii l.isl 111 lives, is in itself criminal. Ihe teachers ami preachers, labor that J ay lb <'. ^ Ii. >1 lit, M U'i UroMD a) —AT ve#." atf»l>iy ae done to impress these facts: — XU U. K. T. 777. nfe oughl to be quadrupled iu its upon the people. JAS. A. tbe do. tor, who ha I forgotten al. r !i*in lie's my brolhcr ar.d 1 try di-fit.ii sartfincK - (I) ° Cr^etaoalal T'-iaple Ko I—J.-t-u flrsi an? j GLAUBER'S about lLc balance due, unul tbat n't u n« »ec linn die, by — u-vernl ilifferent unaII elu I'. ibU\l lutn ay Light lu <*aecU-d every tecou«l •uitable for eannlnir Iu • •Sin tl t. ..iu.ii U u« Tabetuacie. N«>. in, um-u fir^r mother's hoy, ought regardless of a II have to >;ive Inm M-melloug. 1 <-«»arse at-U lb;:.i Wcca«aday nl^bta !n»nrj tBouiu the people cannot get the information, Livery, reed and fio&raiii^ Stable lines :»re most priaed. latrpr* her love, poverty or carelessness, to hear t!»e old mau -%ay th:i'. bo would mailer what it it ii.' i-i» put up in the United States a' »»r- Qott - . .oemai Nor—sec. c- as how to best avoid such coudilton!1. provide a b me where he can (>e for him, ami tbu» at least »ij»e •WfM. I d .11 i underatand the lines under the nanu* of*- are a no lourtb v- i . j to^L.^ lu each ttoai • for Ihey know ia part, but because! Cor. Third and Waahin^toa. «— Vireu Crat an^ taught to) it obedience to govern- tut a {-ait of tbe obligation. natur »-f lUe case.' Mowed the doc lor, louiijf menhadrn. l2> The Ii, "j i ir l lu : i.> In t tbey will not read and study tbe situ- TELKI'IIONK 14». Lai.,;, you'aea l>imocrat, ">ut I li teil you what I'll .do. I can baden. (t> The eommon meuVi V. t TaO»-n»»tlr, No O, neut. alion, and liccause tbey will not proli1 i Ti.uiv.aj aisbla iu 1 hebeba." ivc biiu something to throw him iu rhen pre[»nre ! '«-•» N Mil!.'! eliifv . 1 (1 ho have power to say, give us ncit. Miitali Lang IbaU's a liuc be- ! . . _ • n i" ed : Us lii t»- : whatever lo us. When we learu to u ' Urt t» ILlrU t. i lean bouses and ihus save every make capital of what we know we *' thah'a a line betwixt ua A ludicrous lucideut wns aitutsae ..1 « n --nvnrr -rrr-j-r-f child lioui Ihoae condi.ions that dra£ wiil be healthier, wealthier aud. bap? Rose & Paxton • ah an' I wauU (yV viW trti TO' »t tuc court hou>e several iln* a^rr - humanity lo the brute level, from pier. but tbah'-s a line betwixt us!" V prominent ctliien who i-t ut>w au vyireia > tl" an | I Hj hnrd.. I Tin: which condition the gate to any man- Give you All Kinds o( ile ncratcbed bia woolly head uvali 1 aud cattuol walk without a»- -I J-I I believe it should l>e just as mach J riv1'» and a* he »lowl> sliamhlc**! !-e herrifi.*. ner of evil is always open. the government's business to prevent I i*-tauce from tach si le. was carruo lilf i-h ant Uir epared. )t disease, as to provide a hospital aud that Wi ! make life le£d pleasant or town!" Ii a iii* t'ld gentleman'^ IV 'i, 1t ion* :til .•.-vrijii '11.ere wiil be rommubiou scnit treatment for tbe diseased. elopedii will add a burden to the already lla*Ut I «ill» ir -ud wi'lb a re p t r f 1 fr.Mu tli «• .Vmrri.Mi i:ild at Ihe First kVard iiaj»li>t t huic There is not a city, town or neigh- TORNADO "hi nil . • K»« yr'< pe lia :i i t\t fcutidav n'jiht, >ov. al 7 •'< burdened public. borhood but what is allowing ttial Office over Citiz:n's Savinf Bank. Many members of the L A W u:uo' W i k he broU^iit Ll< Cau^ 1 IVIVJ rt'n work oi «loau up >11 the laad of his Iu. klo»s j. m. it! Mvti tiiutcbcs toraia.. Do you say punish for crime? 1 condi'.i >u of babiialiou lhat renders Insurance in wheeling over Ohio have ob - • ' 'Ihohiwt say we ought to be ju*l is free to see thousands of homes very hotbeds of >f(«pring. tx taiiuii-g, "lly <1— air. are found . • foil mine inviltti to attend. the atrau^f an l interesting ui> that the 3 out li is dealt with in a man- liseaac and death and crime, an 1 s.ll; au i eartnaorks of |ircbtalur < no v yon J tr\ that a^aiu !'' t dam Sweden. I, Norway. KM N K C*I.OVLK. l'aal> r. Cermant. ner so as to prevent his being a over the south our people are largely! wnicb exut in aoutberu e-»unt c The sou g«4 a little mad, loo. bn rMiftp-: J't clan-!. 11 J. ISowrna, Chuich C elk. n. sardine: criminal. Let us labor earnestly t » Ihe occupants of these tiens. cfHisiderabie numbers, writes V*; *u joiucd in t.-c laughter tnat f »1 i'< hard end l>re,»l It., impress ibis thought upon the public, Tiie People's Light i»rttijr urilinii' The jixent city and couut^ eitclion Oid cellars, old garre'-s, old waste K. Morehead, of C"iutnb>ii, Ions. — '.'j I he f.-rect'i^ 7 t ita ier.* r Hl'nh eon- i* over. 1 will Lot be &o Lo that parents should give more care to h«Juse», where eilher no pure air tau the L. A. W. Bulletin. I have let 1 • • i • • t J V niMt,.; d is th'-i •is usual We will not have the |m> the t amine, lives ani associations of come, or where too much ui:, pure or tera froai inetnb ra miuesliu/ iufoc ^Councilman Carter s^ys it wras n< ral impure comes, are the hovels into Power and Railway Co. matiou its to where the m«»«t nnj>or imi't. V. hr i I #re tiiau he h»'f expecte«l ''I neis men cau ^o to their business, tbsr will not restrain a'child: such which our people arc crowded. Will furnish you monuuieut^ of tbt* Mouad ll iikl '. ii :• j>a"tieu!ar i. nave nolli t 1," he said to a crowd in i uael.ers lo t.u pu' ami a.lean lo\e is a curse wherever found. llave a phv>iciau prescribe and erf can lie found. Uj*>u receipl tin , and nriver-ali; the city hall today, that aiwa\s i na.i\ t. .i if our l.a'.s io tbt Wc should uot forgrt that wc arc had the liuie lue me iiciue is given al direction*, several corii-«i>on*lenl a! eleeiion the ••Tl • i 'M: iZ. of year alt r a president! mletl States i^ :. in k\ cbUditlalC;!. A i> ea-Uiil suii.i o-leach tlie citizens of the nation. random, thus paitiaily or wholly de* POWER AND LIGHT. have taken trip* down the Sci ito. the other w«> vjok* country g«»€H Ti v are l>uin n in * aial icL^r >'.alte of t!ie band is over Wc are public servants to teach all strov ing the desirttl effect of the med- alon^ ihe Miami* aud Muikiu^uai sona f r iLi- Reasonable Prices. There are ctveral r* a - Ac filean. . r don 1 .el a id i.f eii.-ke baiitls actoea liic la»»cs of people where there is a do^r icine ami Lot honest to confess '.heir river*, fiu.liu»< what they de»ired,and thoitvands td i* that there are rtr nni e U.h. tii,.\i.u open for instruction. t.egligeucc ;-by Minplc care Its-ness •laogood roa is and fair accom n lia^ruutle-l t lli.e eeeiteis ali over U:« thr T I V I Parents mu«t be taught that sim- , ihe patient is u-htieil prematurely datious "for man aud bea«t." ,»unlry auo have it in f- r the new M ICv ply to partially feed nnd partialis 1 into eternity. Let one get >iek:he SCIENTIFIC AND FIRST CLASS 1 capectally recommend two routes immMrafioa. Then there are |»eo f ijrur« rdini clothe a child is Ihe least of parental its shut out lioui ad ttir and h^bl and ^tn- dov i the L ckin^ and Mui pic aim ht\c vote i a ticket aud tbt: a ro|. some other sr ' responsibility. lanuo^etlby loo fitipunl calls and BLftCKSMITHING rkingiiin ('tartinjr at Newark an i au«e t'.»e policy advocated had mu i f Mu the i!nropeat» ear halt 1)1.1 1 tli. I la v tt*>. generally believe that ntiise, the poor suQciei is hastened ending at Marietta), the other down n rrii ! ou' during the short (>e Li No i;; t. I U tj Port* ihoee familiar « i:' liitir children ate but their serva nts. lo tlivtli, REPftlRING \» the Scioto from iMawart I of a le t in >hi;i", turn a:ouu use llmu too often only as :. By 4 b civicg these tbiugs, often uoutb. The acenery i« I v.te s : Ml the par, inert »|.ia f the i 1. 1 ' ul I 1 :-.<» » . le k a. in. > tae I »wer L'tns of support, ihe lives of the ill eouM he havi-.l HORSESMOEINe ful al >n^ eilaer uvcr. I ? \oOUS, but these ar» r aud th icd f;id liiun of Chn- earth I li. tl oave them as blessings to the 1 he ttale that wiH make us, a- All work guaranteed. Sciot«> region tbe mounds ail fiinif pllehnr»N." UlS llltMlttt •mid married relation, and the parent thai Uachcr®. instruct the clu dien rela- wjrk» can Ik* found wiUkw*^! The upj»ri» >t-r« t A >1 i: t hurt b lu Hi - 1 • ii lbe nlinra and that Iocs not regard I is childreu as the tive lo the laws of health, in the ly they are in plain p-.b . i\ \ S I \ » 14 t'tMlPANV ( tt;,,,!. hi> • udeah.-i^linfr.hw Is ii iLaments of hi" Title ty>me. wpl school n ou, will let parents pike d i. sdl. to t. ft. W. GREIF, 1 r« ' 1 ever see child life «s ;; i« or treat s up the children iu tivuie* where ever) 1 have been at koik uyin [Court Street b«l. 2d aod 3d. I'rdliahl) li 5 Started I or a | Fran I Mill. hild so ts lo ui Ae it nt ble and law ol bj£*li>» iutl deceucy is put lo map, showing nil the am n • a: F I- i n \ny i>r n .M -i I am nil r>. T manly. uatigbt. places and forlilicalions oltiu lu P. h.ian nn.l m,.. oti'\ Ai?ain ihe masses of our people do 1 have t^uestioneil along Ibis line, close.I. an.l tbey iboul.l il will lie Huddor-" Tbn will U* not Tiie -t ;:tcn m in t.«! u Hi ;i-ti r arms he - t chttrch . 1 id in siatc icud v HI i ot see in criminality that basenes: as a iace cut juet a few centuries une ui.-at alep in tiie direction of great s i n'iti • value but a t .• « .at Mr. ( . i (iridley bad told ou! latte i:. I fill da! The Ardmore, tl d with which il is covered, and often a from bcalbcnitui into a debasing cloting the d.Nira of deatb. ThirtMBtk atraal, batwaen elit e f «i i t-ts ari I wlieelm. wa« a *ut* ake Mr. a.i • ii nr. snl-p t > iu.inal of other days is given tbe system of slaver>'i uuder conditions Thia 1. neither a popular nor ia it a PennaylTaiua avaawe and F >lre«t well. Not have.c 'neii ul. t<> M II seen this morning . . frn: . "No. liisi seat, thus bout ring a |>crfon who mat tend to weaken the svs- general tbouj(lit. but tbe fact reinaina Marthw.«l, through every eoun'.y , I 1 m) • rit staled thai there was u U- aibu-ini. u V II II ' iH'ht to lie luM up to the disgust of tem, these conditions coming u> and we aliould in ull liuueaty con- WASHINGTON,4®- r. " dcliclrut iu a nnin ur of •<• [ u r. >a :iity of n stock company I" If «c I ail boys and git Is and thus deter them our henlage through au unbroaei. sider it. lb utate —nllbou.;b I ntiw have IU00 •rmed none 11tue fo «.i, including turaimn, 11.00 tn4 up U. pri-tfuVy. fi- ni th" paths of vice. 1 have even stream of transmission, are we cqutl I*reai'ti of tbe danger, teach of il, luouuinci lecoricd. I. atiall iui'e'f ami two Kenllemen ftoiu N.l- i I M. I" I i. r i: i \ K now u men '.o he licensed to preach in constitutional strength lo a people sing of it to both old an.l young un- Ki 11 h iu fiotn Un'ml clubs or in • >n c iuntv. b il the milter has not ar« who had a criminal retort! behind who have been transmuting a tiiUer- til the |>eo|ilc arc arouae *ourceaj„,t. Mtwic«,leml l^a-.^n, and p.ea- 1 ha\e count\ nntl township tra< ii-de -I- . • |• Prof. II A. I . i . in ii 'niter homes, inorc tcachiug, more adtking nlrengih lo strehjTnr^ *"tti tliat are neak.mnK auJ deatroying ant boiae for tourl.u and aigtot- ar r which I an luailto any one dvs.r. In 'in i.a*. T: M. HALL Pr lontrohing in li e Htful days of child- can ful and largely syslematie lialv u«. I'uor. U. A. KLKKWAX. ulhaally. ,. . rate auh tiie in ibis u ider •"id two . v r . , r'll .1 «t J .Ionia. Ky. imotl, less td idleness, m-ro of cm- its? Aud arc now ruost care Kremeot wi I lessen crime, and give every law touching their health. If^i-i U^ who kn< W of preli to c 1 n tl .» • nil • I I'll • 1 Un I When In Matropolla '1 1 •! us a letter Htl/enshlp. PEiSSO NRL. Oetohe.'. I"" all rate Qmnrg u- r'' Not a fvw, but tt.c mafcses of us, lain*, r who i- wi I.i « lo p U • rr f ' :1 d lfli . rn vtfcV. Im 1. . i'1'l peo- • op the U1 l 5,1,011 CC ami po:' «'r v\ It must be learned by il must learu to observe these facts. M , on ' • > . ' * fht's 'I V il suffering Iron coily imliscrc | . fp 'rrnmn,T I ,! t \rk«l as well as taught to ti )oung Tiny view danger afar off, we wail tiui 1 f tlieui, will wrl'e me. fht i.-f f. :>..•' 1 \ . «' il There £ a vitality goue, we are just the pai >150 a day. SpMial rate, by lk< I •, i.w t ii 'i ! to law even where. ami tInn nc sbiink L-aek. bt^t it is 1 h«- fret ai .1 lit ad «! ••• f evirv law. tics you arc looking for. We have week D A. BAILSY, Propr. xv it* nutrx 1on>!.s lil"' '<• ,131000 POISON [ | Iramp'.ipg cn ler f< ot teK) latei wc go lo lucreate the - twv ! right hand a remedy uliiclijwe guarantee to AstwMn 4th and 5th on Parry al. Tilt- vie lion nlll. ers on the North prratTVi •! i i 1 tin- rt«. t.i j I human and div ing J -Irtadv growing horror ot the race. The l« had do prompt work and give pcrlect > le of llie county court liou • of hlootl. 1 i>u\ thr | '1 r,lt \y 6 not Vt i li l t home, in Nome sre lr>ing to establish as a I, N ' • ' satisfaction— a remedy wry power- c .Id lime of it counting I.nil.,,. wTjistc.'^t v> H" " ' n V :: 1 »* 1 ': iact nom seteuliUO investigation lhat he *cln ol room, in to < hurch, by ful in its action, aud abwlutcly Tii.-y were eugaged iu tli- i-li n- growing intelligence ii killing us, it , Itonlep'il I lir"iv!l f n iemmonwraiiii i ! wl i !i re form harmless to the system. Results I p. in. until o'clock tlii, •a rathei the airead.t ptevailing ig- Clarence Ballam j with Ida 11.nt on it li " " i | fil we will i. ! be lo'.d auy- are obtained .it ten days, l.ost Far»«rlf ol morning without a lire, a I Ifold Mt .1 .11 \ ill li - - -J.i" l r :l ' : ' '*"' 11 lie. It i* n s:id < blion that norance lhat ii cairyiug us so bur- 1 1 manhood, lncl: of vitality and iin- DALLAM, PadaeaS, K7. luything but a bghl colli i j one vt it Ii a lin;n'»: '1 *-.. r 'liif 1 '" netii v off. w • •, 11: Ii i fronts us, we. in >t * '.nr^e the potence are things of the |>ostwhcn I hey were very glad to II u I of n Mlv«-r -in 1 ti . b. t of alf rs cr ex'.t i mil at.on is iu- >Slice, iu ihe vhj or elsewhere, 'J-NO is so easily obtained. One Attoraeyif-Law work, ns might bo expert I |ioeket 1 hi- imM ' 1 lip 1. M! v , Tl v liable. whit* via-s tl our peop.e il is thai is dollar a Ixjttlc, six bottles (or $5 F^rixaai r llrrLriar, teen hours coupling n were r^'i 11" justice of 11 r pear*, t: • • f:i.- • i-r. » il< ( hildren learu disobedience and •ucitatiag Ihe death rat . Aud i:i- Kucl'isc >1 aud receivt U-NO h" MIR KM ar raamaMoii hour, preparing the ballots tor nnd thr local r • i tegard for law silling al tl»eif par- van «t» y >ou wi.iy i u the i.literate private delivery al j-om address LOUiaVILLE voter* i. sometliinij not Inquent ot cr 11ii "' rmi .1 fynt-il aft i nf s feet ua.l leu, hid y pe plj who aie same day, A-.tofTice liox rl.Uiitf and ( aaaaUj «n very* pleasant feelings. if Mlut r.'.ari johu v rti.inr wmt >*t d 8. V Co. r.l yeara in t 10 shallow I < j li arn their duty in KUl\j In. , 359. Cape Qlr.trdeau Mo. rutiliabl* L»lf* Awtiraa** Harlan V. Y. Wot Id .1 Kubtnb i ' . in I tt ach by t x 1 M<-Mr«. Humphrey a I «e city, town oi ' M«HWn>. Mtilr a Mali'. • the d gidtv of law rs m»; OR. ii. PAHKKK. MMCIN Mr. torn Kvetli went lu CJil on a Th.- ID «.r «l W I, Vnltnnl'. j^m right PaHnrah Strt^l Railway Co. • N n d | 1 . th d boyi and Pad»r*b Wii#r Co. friend yesler.lny who j, suiTering to idlow ^Hp Ii'.i,/.,i»l to fell tho-e —— In n to • -n rt.t I. ^^ rn C.-r N»U..n«, llank from a pistol shot wottii I. rt <• ., ui^^ii hi i, as tney have lo llofi M»nry llnra#«l : .» or w< u n » e«*o ail • d l' wis there a brother of th; patient, anow u man to sell the n^ul e f occu- Why ! til y. t iug that I belli, i ce t. who had Just heard Ihe urnx, lm».r . amy ef »v m; ol I sa te 'boil c, gtu- i . is u virtue thai ii a btlll in» OoiitYoufake' in lie is nuile au »• -e ,i i elu. Ml" rrln let or cellar ILa will na.c llie samt mant < Brinton B. Davis, ter, an.1 s tippleil. i ld I e ni nisv ft' 1 result. Why iiiolvct life ou oue s tit .Browns'lron, must IH* decided a'anils Ills brother will be caj! .1 -li n I hirda of pr«-\ the I I .mo in ceil au«aula ifftv-anTee Hu ex,»oset-ajPowt-dM owuh Inn.«er other. ABOHITECT. Iff*, rqnlrrel. rriulrr ror.g mu fur short. ; ' A . 1 -V I >> thoM bouse*, ee lar» and iitters' I tur. « . f tl"- r I !JI« • In- UM, Office A/n.-Oerman Nat. Ha k 'Wall, Jim. wh it's l ie .ul evil .-n^ustliot Uv \amuwh«n» dtsoa^ is tiftd, ;re imp Uw^iic^-' q.Au.ith-1 •ol our aym^alhy \ and tUat Ijoys oi ^ V IM inquired. amon^ w thev iiTW-

Ifcr. PERSONALS. MAFRIAGfc. WE UNDERSELL THEM ALL! Never Rains Mr. John L. Pa: La.a is ajaiu iu It You Intend » Has Le k;d Ool fhi Ttu k u Ktm the «ftv. • Nits Mi in ie Lvflln ami Mr. C * At Sob mou, of St. LouU, ii at the Palmer. Walk r linteil. Buying SAMPLE CAPES AT HALF P^ICE But It Pours A lot of »" ""oJ. n"*1) l^nna*"*1. «Bil ""T'11 ** 50 »nd Mr. F:*i Houck, oi St. Luai*,Uat •3 00, our tl . . , U»C i'kllUtT. Olli r We.lJinna it. anil Abo it lb* An.lot .I nrj lliio ui,'< np><, si »' '»t*» »ha hsn.l- Mr J. A liaticr lift ted ay f-r brai.l. I s...i real fur Tiuii.1 ll»t urrl 'ill lor l.a^ U n t. 50 »i"t Cairo uu Rainess. l ily lull) uuj V alsiday. ft) 00, our price ».l>'wUwo garments alike; ever) oie « dei. idwU liar- L. t. Mojah and J. U (jarOucl'i «-»f galu. '.iiiitni. ate at the Palun-r. THREE HUNDRED PAIRS ol men s and boy* boot* received A STIVE The marriage of Mr. J. K. Woiieri w «t biwie have Mi-a Maiuie on consignment to l>e cloacd out at once. The Boston Shoe Manulac- SKIRTS KveUi to Mr C L, v turoe i fr»w tadr bridal tour. W.lket uajkltory\ guarantee every pair lo be eijual to any | "* ' A new lot of JJOu tai.^, in blsin. faacf colond lirocad s xb.l all l0 this fun-no-n at the r Will m $3.00 at Sj. ,so boot on the market. We wilinl cioocloae thesm< ~e ^JQ You money the near plants — ahile Ui.y laal, oui pri ell.t'J. Mi Matthew*' ruty went down idea' «'C the hntie ou North Sixth boats out at the ridiculously low pricrs of 5 I t M :>lit i I Ut lit 0.1 uu )lU8lt:e*>S. street H v W. K P«nrt>d, of the We have al-o received 150 pairs ol men * ladies' 1 3rd heve a larger Mr. K. L Scott went up to Hop- First H«|»ti»i church, tf«»rme 1 tb 25 iM Baby cloaks »t $1.00 nr.J $1.25, wouh double the price. and children's shoes suitable lor this rainy weather, to r uIisvmc tin* morning »>u l>u>uu-84. cieiuouy iu the pieseuee of quite a be ;o!d at prices fioui 50c to fi.JJ, J1.50 aud $j oo. 75 stock fo siliet frcm All?* Hatlie Nau>.*e bas relume* • UfWil of friends. MILLINERY from : Clm«iuu Eudeavur eonveu- The bride n one of Paducab*a heat S1 bti>Ing ti). known and most highly respected tew ibules, worsli $1 ii. our price Mr. Torn UoswelL who has been uuji lilies, and has many friends tee et:ee' w here. Mr Wdker a i>rorui« lta.e .n-> iv»»in 10 »a\. All ocr SS.00. $10 00 nnil 812 00 patu-rn bal g> this »e.k for $4.00, Tenn. SCOTT f vlr. ny Mr aud Mrs returned to their home i/j Cleveland. M Si 1 Ask (•> s.e our new stock of chiilrens lain 'Si.iters. 85 p N\ alker It It for their fuiun* kome in Still goes at low puces. Come and exauiiue our goods and prices aud t t-r a vL*jI lu Mr. Jihu Hock au the west. They will sivp over at St. convince yourself. You will fiud a lull stock ol fall and winter under lew ttiau at \wltere else tn ttu; iity. family. L'-nij r, «1 Kansas City. wear, oversUirts, and pretty near everything a luniilv needs. HARDWARE L We still have a lot of those Si ..0 (Kitchen for $1.50, a id »2.t0 switc. is _ „ Big inducements in boys' aud children's suits Boys heavy knee for 76c. w. c. t. u. fbe marriage of M-a. J.-' n Tully pams JJC 3?c aIlll 50c. COMPANY . .. THE BAZAAR.... The fol owiua 8ut>'iinteadenta will !<• M Johu Liule was aolemiiiaetl Irtat Iiiglu at 1 o'clock at He resl> • NRW STORE. y 6 Hroa-'wnv. ejairt Tue^ iay aftetuoon ut 2 : ^o >'rl uai deuce of tlie l.uU^V father on Jeffer- neaa nioi tsr.j* cf the Union : aon street, Btv II. it. Johuson, of LOC.AL /ALNIiON. 1 Kvai.geU.ttc—-Ul». (J-taua tbe 11 roadway M K. church, offi. :*t- f] Wallace. , iog. A few iu«iieKth«. dixt Chursli. *ork— Mrj feail Korvtll. tour, ami will reside here. L* 3 5 FI 1.1 sriuu—5Ir». Emm SOUTHEAST CORNER Will tb- uM-mbers of the Broadwa> Mr J. J. Howell and Misa Zlt* IS THE RECORD Fox. THIRD AND COURT STREETS 11 M 'hotii'i churoh, «lio have not al- Mulcr were united in marriage li 4 Ubfirmeijlcd aiuc—\lia. Season I Violet Cream rfc-* ly do"e s . jilea^e send me imw«- oigLl at the residence of the brids'a Open daily till 10 p in. WE MAKE. M. lt> r di »'eiv their a«Mre?s—street and uutr.- pa cola, nit North Seventh street, 6 Prison »td jail work—Slrs.W be aie wanted. We are (^mg t Uev. 11. li. Jt'liuson olliciatlng. UR stock ol staple and fancy groceties is L. (towana. 1..The exquisite odor of the violet, pu th«h a ehurrh directory aud «aut complete and up-to-date. Splendid line 6. P.irior mcH;t!ng'—Mrs. Farle with wOieh it is perfumed. i even thing exact. Mi-s Eveljn Ursndoa and llr. Take Your Choice y JWy-weifht of c.mued goods. Our meat niaiket is 1 It. 11 JnHXSTb*, Pastor. Ct'litnin. Sain Jackson left (hi. inornit g tor 0unexcelled, having eserythiug in the line ol : f ' 2..Tl:e entire absence of stick nese 7. I'ros, woik—lira. Dorothy Cairo, wiu-re tiiey will beeaaried to- vs. treah ami salt meats. a d grease, so common in similar Cami»Wil Mul> till Co«l Com- Kogcr. day. Tl>ey »ill return lo the city Have just received the largest, finest Light-weight Lang preparations. pany ft!l y«m onl ln»ns- n«»w 0 Li . ratuie—U:g. Bowena Bi» tomorrow ami 110 to housekeepiau iu aud cheapest t, * 0 Telephone 11 *. er^. a cosy little < llnge on South Eighth Cor. ijth aud Tiimble. 3d) wing to the combination of two efaeitper iliftii hi •one. Call aud P. F. LALLY. auliaepti's its power as a heaiing U I. 'va1 Temp-rance Legi street. 11 1I1 art well koown yaog Imported and agent is guaranteed to be auperior ni ike writ met. tlra Ooavia Wallace A«siMani» Mr. 1-eople. aad wry |*>pularamong their Domestic French Briar Pipes to a l other remedies. The W li W • mil meet t'»- Jet lip K In it. Mr.< C. M. Kirkpal many friends and ncquaiQtaoces. Mr. Ever shipjictl to the city—like tlie mayoralty candidates toe geed te SSaTDrop in and get a bottle the next tn »rrow, Tltnr^H nftemoon with rick. Mr». It Kiv. r*. Jacb»«.11 ia a sod of Mr. J. 8. Jack- last long Come at once and take your choice They are n.MSHS. I ]m time jipu go oown town. Mrs LuSa Seam<»o tn Mechanics 10 ^ahbaib ob er.ance—Mr sou. of the li anl of Education. will dispose ol this lot of pipes at extraordinarily low prices for die A BRAND NEW RESTAURANT. •k Seere'arv. P>> kiDP'lt"tn buig. h'v it«.M next ten days. tjr. a. KOLLEY '"t^Y"4 ff 11 fui.nnee«on with hia 12. a. loon. • DRUG STORE wri'e: "Wo have st»ld twmly'-four o Id. ft Nlxht.—A t ine E*Un*l*i*s*t. . HENRY MAMMEN, Jr. rJ bot Irs of l)r. Mendeniiaii's Chill 13. I niou signal—Mrs. Uoweqa Oy&ters, Fish, Spriit|{ Chicktn, Ham, 4 Ptlk Miller, assisted by Oicar Cure to oi:e c»f anv other since we liners Egfjs, Steak, G>lt««, etc. have had it in stock, and we have Ave 14. Wall pocketa—Mr*. Jet'. Siskin and Kster Wallace. « 1! appear BOOKBINDER tn (act. everything loeat, ,»en> on. thing to eat, at POH'LAX PBI1E8. y. j. D. TAKJY. Other brands " If it is rot the best Mra. Sue et Morton's opera boij.e tomorrow Give us a rail are we a ill try to mAr a eualomer ol yon Ac burs aome P M ii-icnl director—Mr» Sue night in a novel euterlsunnent. Mr. tblBKli.wit; lOebuva M.meihln), lu cat liebma aonnninK la eat. .tail lemeily for malaiial compSamts you 13 A thoroughly equipped Rook-making plant. ao on. V'O d..!.'t haw to le ju.l ba. k frt.m lb. Kluiidt ke lo a good have ever tred. Iiu lioi> A Co. will Jauea. M'Kcr, Mr Sisaon and Miss Wallace You need send nothing out of town. square meal al all hoa a. Furniahcd roomi lo rent al popular prices refund the money. Pri> e 50e. tf The V: : e PrcaidtnUof cach chnrol- ttire two hours aud a Uaif of as clean I Death of a Prominent Citizen eomedv ami id isical cntcrtsiumsa' n e rcqujrs'td la be j ri^ciil for a con- Patent Fiat-Opsninj; Books... 126 BROADWAY CASPER'S of H«»pk nsville. Seat- Now on Sale. ft rent c. as c uld be naked bv tn.' exac'.- Seats are now on j»»le at Van Cu- M Me. .o't: 2 'I I'lir:. lau—VIr«. tiannlag. cases Dr. Beit's 1 1 e Tar Honey r Mr. John D. Tandv, a vene nble K, l-c .1—Mr« W A. K lev. Hold Them Up and pr«»miuent citizr^of Hopkins, gives iu*lant relief. Ii is fa*t be- 1 1'. 'it critn—Mr*. C'hri.iirK- •ille. died yesterdaj morning at the coming famous as a r- medy for ah Jlmrt: iud Pre-Uriac—Ml>.- residence gf bia sou. Mr. William T. a flee l ion of the throat, chest a. d !.-mise l a iaoo. £4. lungs. lcb T»ndy, on Sixteenth Ktreef. j CCumberlanm d Pr-sb> teriao—Mrs J. Tbe deceased had 11 ve-t tnrj^-r tti«m How*e Thb? 2Jprr — TRY ONE PAIR AND YOU tlie allotted |ierio-5 f h?. hanicaSarg clurchea—Mr». HAV£ ence, says tbe Ifcew Era, arid the wy ii«.i»oi(:«i*rr|i 19*:, u;n,.t t>» caied by WILL NO OTHER H>h'h I'siurrli Co McKal. many years of his life were cr wded F J CHBKEY.a CO.. t'ropa ,TnVd< , O r®* tleedn He Was held in W».i«.«W'i bfiMKMlb »r»* r.t»wii f J C y I hj Vo c in li I 1 t 'T »!*: IjJj ao . h:ui j- ty tUiuflr iri cx^bar;*" f->r it The t I high e»tec« by TTlH,! His char- bO'-w t>i" i:t a 1 ln + .uw r&UMrtl ... Tlie 1 11 li 1 w 1 i* is iik u i ^ ' v: ; Unarm. Jr »r>iv k> strty ur oj. n iH-fl <»f hi* f-.rhcT*.* 1 i 'ur inr on the I acter wan abftve. reproach and his ni4 iji Bmumv '. ll»i- bi;'i- -ir lorwl.— ("h jmbctV Jowna'. c v t fa i N Ci RCVEMBER 4 Mr. Taod>!a health Lad lxen ex- 1 !•<»"«.•( Ui- ejai-m rl,«» 7a..- p r - JT tremely bad for a long inn-. anc»ltrday m »ruing. Dec i'l Ii.e Illinois C • tral K .ilroad Ke| 1: i —M.Lit.ugslooddti . 1 1 tii ineati.uis, a musical cometly . cf 1L0 rt;i..iir,« cf J.i hold lha! the body was prtriflrtf '•nit ol c:«th« *. n? as hard as our ordinary building piae*.! '„rW| frm m The deeeeaed wa» a native of tMs coapsui will eell lir-t els.s r und- J II M 'I 1 • • HO I sketch. by Oscar Siaaoo end Mi.s u i.t Mciii.i lit jr.l.y ^^ Esther Wallace r.K-'. and an ««'iphtr a« the molt mIh. -we!.e fret I rf,w cotinty. He wa« ln»rn near Uopkins- tri( lickets 10 (*rt-iin | -inrs in Ale- Ct.uut v j- Ij.—J.,lm C. Karie A I'. j. li ebaraetet study. 10 ' i'i, iu tbo iJIsiov- *tone.—Chirayo ( bronk-lr. oc rail R kite • Iftfttl Uril^lM vi:lc November 10, 1819. During liainj, Ariz.i' a, t ::t io, Jlaii >ia, 2S.I ; J. t_ . 1 u n . Nil. til , P, ik Miller appears as au old iv !ji hdtl bfciiiiit- trififti Tr' » tk(> ww idt cfrlcHi»||||J : >;;• ..l LONG-LOST BOOK RECOVERED. 'i'P -e. eti 1 the !o.!y Is plaeed »• Ih»» »-\l 1 'I fur f;n* purpocc was enga^id in the farming business, Mi-.-ouii. Mis - j.|i. Mi ....'a, C K lit' ili-ini. '.'(IS lours Down SoUh 1 Scats are now n 1 P 1 / r 1'po- iticn on »*&»« Nipa Dialect Stories ard Sc|s cl Ir.>v ! . th. n ;n 10 Spring I.oaartl in a i'rlrml It U K»a«d la r out * i whi h he made a coU-i lerahJe Xeii a-ka. New M. xi -«>, (l j • 1. 1 -- .-her If—' lia-. « . IU" : I. II ni su.e al Van Uuiiii's. tilhii e ".rrl; T a ]u\e t r rieer. that th» tiic>e t in C i: 11 . ni. On U- rtuok Fort) -Five 1 ear* tfter. fortune, and at one time wa* quite vii • i f .h • r' t?' mnv rre l! cf*rce* c Bmiw-Hcku.' lr-p»iM.:.iicus Dt—ft*. Utah. tti. . -i-i . a ) -. v- li .! • r ;>J ii r ra •. ili^ mrf-T < .. <1 examiDtd, A Ixiudon tKK»k bunterof the laat grr. f T by. Pir-;'",te wr: pen wealthy. He b-st m -«t of bis |-r»»p- omi.j al one fore. ] lits e:'. 1 r 1 . Ci i-iiit i i. — \\ C. Kit Id, J'.'t lliCT » . foi;: I to ha»«- 1..K- si Cs;mp>te- eration tra*e to his son a»the"ne*te*jr" e^it. however, bv unfortunate invest- round trij», o-'"d f,,r 1*1 vv.. > c 1 •. 11. II I' Ii I HCAVY FHOJ. of his future library a translation of •rr . . \ h i T-. ' ^ the I,or!; •• UK. MILLER A8 I XCLE HA.MEL lv I ra I.: 1" a jsuiiti drab-colored -C^i' ' C' ft ro n i t i «• ments Hi' «a< tir-L married t«» a J -it. 1. J... The Life and ( haracter of Theophra* to rftuin. I' r tlc-e's or f.j.tJ, r m- J. U.iiao. »ub> ...191... daughter « i Kdwar»l J U«»l^rt». Sev- fo, inali ii ar^'l\ 'o M -i.H. ft]; 1 vviis tho body tils'," minus the title paye, but uttrib- "'lis- Lir.j « aetata*. eral je-trs af er her death he msriied and i*^ t! it t vi :i the lap* . •ited to Cote man. On »rirtn|r thia book rn.'.i —I. 11. Ki r I iS 1>« Ktlll is Now curtains may ir piuned tb« J r. I>IIM»1 AS ( A.. Yell i\v Jar! of tb. coat, the « :-..t - if. the white to his son the father rote his name or OLD TIMES DOWN SOUTH Mis- Fant etta Howell. Four w»ns K K. tir \cs. KC.7 earp. t upon clean white •iieets if or- Pa lu ah. Kv bPuled. ai.d craxiit in a 1. ' li the dead tlie fl\ loaf. A few years afterward the wer - th" result of tin- union—Me«-rs. r—L C. Disc 11, :;6H; S. is without drv iu/ frames. Pin tllo as dreKKed for burial ret ai nod roii. att'oruponied by his beloved book*. Uf* ALL THt WAV THUOCGH \\i I r. I'm ml, , John I) Tandy. Jr , Ini 1- ...HUM Kwte.s. i>i- .. K'l1 v> ent to Jumaic-a, where the transbition sheets down fierfectly smooth; then pi- can,ml apprc •ancf, thouKh II well Tau«U a d Kd»ard la •>•' ('—N:t" KucllI r. ; Tlie I I n"is Ceidial Kaiiroid < -i lack Fr»ml lot lijrhllv from the vxtnr of tiriie number of ptna to tntike ths c rrirn ... ., . .. | .v su Tbe oeceaaed was au tnrcle of .Mr. " p . Pnepi "71 [ »rMl \ is t oi u Hilary officer, who. i»einpunexpected- t-lo.Ml., .i i .at'till. . Ik....tin* pan\ It... now «m sa clickels 1,. ju ,11 i t ic :.«:»•rfui change from tlex- ho curtains 1> perfect!y *?r,v»/ht.- Berry Tandy, of this city. the So anon. lo thai .if the *olid »tai > 11 'l^fi-rred with bin regiment to un- in.* .1 ni I, r iu K1 ri l .. r.. . 1 ,irs 1. l-.-r K.Sony, quitted Jamaica very aud- Hr. .. Tot 'i pitr.fat . The «Tfikiiifr, siu«»oth gia, Soulli Carolina, Texas, .V 'v si.'t ffti . be • I'l s and inadvertently took with him ( API 1 ' I.I.I>S Mr. Siiodprr;.- wL rli were Met'"' ' and Mi lit re'!.. , i la.i )lr.l i .'Pr. taVr 1 -r.»wed translation, a eircutn- i lu- k.. nit in i.yon nl 1 L... . . f.tlc ni lnvwiesl fro>t of the (ail ? | i < hararteri*tic < t the de- For further ii f- rain i tn up,.i) lo '. — 1 g. A Irfrocii .1 , nrll. Curu The htiiii,.- whirh caused jjreat annoyance REVENUE ViOiAIOI. S*S. K> , Nov. 3 —J.jnc . -1 Buofclrt .-ml si'He ti n m-'ruiiig, uji.i tv«rytWu^j | r- ^rtcd tT ( r f«i!i natu .1 r-^ret to it« owner, who prized it on tall.: itions I r onl J T. Ik.S uv. ' i, ,1 Ir's. A.'.,ri uuoty Lst pnne for the si!ir(;,il,.. i,y ur.iBt lien.t-lj l o . Ci .. 1 ,r K.w Vo:* c<>v»r»fl null ;» coal<»f »u to. nly d -Ijjth! merit noted be- < n Injrhly n- b« in|r Jbe pift of hi* fa- Paducab, Ky. .' «tH-krrjs. j. (Jeorg** I'flwav Itrontrlit in Frnu 'i u. .a.,I rnsji.rti^. Uu mtllr I mi -iillc. • -Suotftcil nil-1 r," \t wbHl uarly' ;u*i containing that parent's han.i- p uralii 1 s in Ki.llon. thai th.- - s had escaped vM-ii np. lie made varioua attempt• to "U n\ tu U-t In inn sal*. Cook, s.l^ M I J IU • I'ol.llH toI r re 1 1> .. ,1.. ristfN jiic^acly veiled io uuwary Kc- of , Pit s I '• Clinton. Ky. •'* itr. ilcftiinl Urrsllutt lijr l.'.O Ilii kmsn, Kv-. N • .1—> x pre . at tl had. pri - an. thew hereabouts of tlie officer who L 1 a 1. < rati iatory t en lo sin I.I a L. AM tt, aged III. dieil pUidles bul etvrjboiij v at ^lidto ibl at. d i - in! I lit imlk-ations »ro Hint bir cei cln 1. in pultun 1 .in.-1 i.i.liif a ti.i: tli. ir corstitu- I ad .-arcieaaly f^rrle.1 off the treas fro n * I t I I) . ct Y s J h Leliu- V I:tl • I II I'll it tel er a 1 er e€ the float, if not the elation ie- ••i., ,t elements, An ; K r fn>:.r ji.-t « f i:red volutne. but could nevfjr obtain sill l«- tl.e nejl Circuit Judge. Ctm- X eig'tu'ie Hsiley 'jnif, Nlia-kelf .rd He Was Tried and Held to Aiinuo f bar 1 .; -11 ,e, t Ver bis II Ii • i ar .M . x n'a Mills. Nile wa* turns. j rrtilk-ial t^-th won M idjjra** in\ tiding* of hlcu, and at length rcJin- i '.-ii th- «cs'bi-r a heavy votn 650, Parker 10, Illudinau 60. Wal- 1 n i r*' ^p'cndidiy pre »; n ret. )iu«hcd ibe effort and gave up the book tiou j i 1 : r- al. d r • I llr .1 I- Alt I .';o d lie Down tlie I. C. frcMt an •re like- Thia .floruit r. su |iolleil. la^. .'•. Ti.e |.-r - • ti.e delicnie. r\ el.kj.h. fl' 1 I IU iLc j'a is:ine 1 s (ii tiiicK i j aouie placid, a« c >r Inu.j t'-r lost, '|iov\ the fine est* ...! «r f thtile p. will .-i.e altiuit 60 Lli'itio ratic , n jMiiU brougbi ia f y passci'gfcra ious Fiw and tw cnty rear* nfu rward th* I hi. V .le In « .irll.{«., tvoik « f 11 ar.» rorn. .; : (»c<»rj;c P»t»:j*. colon<1, u and l.i l{ |i i'i ail. 1'...' Jtn.-ple* 1 k hunter. lia\inp n-turned to Lon- Usnlt.rH, K\., N .t a —The ,fl- »u tbe ^ "o'clo k traiu i no frost live of Air. Snotl^rapi^, c. j.o i riuct p I 27 vote, fur 1 in* » •- -ti 11- lon, was on«' day wtroiiiuf alon^r the irougbt in tlii* nt l:*.fc I , 11 ion i^ . vrobabK « j tbo uxtreme at 'he rxbtliuatinn: vi i'i- ti .litl Is . !i-i till io llilsiam.t fdd Kent road nud, |>eerin|r about him Vclotkbv Deput) U. H. Martha I 1,u I tnina amen lilieiit aud l.> Voles oUvU. bjslK.utS'JO lint I,i,r» ar.' "Aft^r rfrtioviiiif the ^ro i'i <.snal. when in- came to the abop of a r{ne from Clinton, wlierc be bait hit-n 1 gal l.i I pi. auainat it. 11'tnpted to lift the ••a>l-:fi no 1 i >i r|i'iitr.s. Wi-liO. Ii tie|ieet|. ' I'lll ten lor in old iron, near the then ex- • jsii f« r several i-ffensea. IVIkb) (' 1 ' t Mr-. Jennie Sa *:nv that our fcrce of four r ent I'lipuii.t, hsi |ierlin|i« ilciealed I Hickman, Nov. .1 —s x pr* 1 li. ts A lS^ FRAY. '« t turnpike **ite which formerly is chngcd «itb violation of the iev«- X w , N. 11 M. . hi / 1 CLUODL •hfient. A\e sent for \ ..; * " tl le and Noan eeKsDC for scbvul lupi rm- ltd 1 111 rri.iv. of Kul'i n c ei'ity I r (i ill jmige pi'«r lnearlyeppotdte the ituria? umitnd. >ne laws, and this morning he 21 11 • iirec ^iher men. and. after »-on*idera- V Lo clnured into the dinjr>' riepUm of i, ..... a II' ««ell, in,|t.,„.„ „ „i <•• : Mrs. Jep- yiee J. E. Bobbins 1 pliraiitv of i corded a prclitvii uy heaiing before 24 lli- it a '!«• labor, auecenied in Hinjr tin- tli in shop he suddenly espied his lost KipuMi ni. Inv \ ririit- Ki ! er I 225 over N. P. Mis- ; for common- IT S C'oir»rol"*W»'i J. U. Purvtar, Jones ' n v t m kef to tin • urfa« . \\< at niliv la'li n flowed away upon a shelf a Ins.- rni-i- t, r .U tifT. 11 uiili: :.u ha. 1 1 wealth's attorney, II rry M oriiinn Jo Ontlaiul vninii.t-4 the j/i-hi and wan btld to atuwer. (» • o ir t" ff whether it I l.i • It cnierin«r the •hop he boii^ht alt ml 140 ». i.. in -i, , ,„, •, T ifp a 1 ' ••! 1 1 •< nvi r it ( k Have n Mix. > as damp or iui,i n t I oi: iii H 'ai it1 i the coflln, v\hi. f ^ •• a Itietaliic eaBe, llegnUir Me.tlng to He Held oiih!* Murray Y ntvnUy «-Uj7'j»e*tcd to toi 11 .'.tiiuty 1 '( I isi e\e'e i i n j 1 imliU -t perhaps the nii- (KT&noua weight i • vriit U canard by '1 nmiilit. ( siv..ii ;,(/•.. x txciuiij ul ami Itullet Sl. ppcd in lli.i I'wkd, •rater beirp in i; • < i-k'-J The cQXcr small vote iM.lletl, ,k Tbe Board •I Kln aii rcwgtf - ' ' ru. « a 'ket had m> rn ere ' deterred uutil tonight on account of no kililntf >»» M ' i) work th. !i • 111 ;...m k t'je election Awarded aa coutfiujH»rary ropoU- \|i'j«l lh- I ioier ut tl, l.i . i| i A1 ine a.ei' ^ • 1 . tu JolKHlaiW I II:.- rs.kel. | .richest K-al» that the eo»- will be nia-li-1." t 1 t ke*-(H-r lit Mil ray, b-d au aJ- Gold Medal. Midwinter Fair. ' i ST.. fii;.,l ulth water, whieli . lui I ,.f) , ,f, wiib Kul« Jonea over 1 c • r tli tempi.' I \ hiil llie fare of the ileo.l on Broa lwoy. •oa oyt'era " If. li -I In open the casket, but, A GENER0U3LY GOOD CKbL CIG^R lit ihe tot*It*** lliitlrwi I at Joucs Pi-i : :* Hi . impoi.ible hllhoiit ei-ri-1 < I K L' t ut it r. ONCK TRIED. ALWAYS ii lllt. j,,. 11 a rock lisrd t< li- i. Illy ilamafring it onil dlaturblnif the I- lt pocket and a ut k rp.e. we th'iiilnl I , drill bolrr in the Ail L'nin' tea 11 c . lleltl rano^ U»e lL-ata atai'. • le nr il bt.lif.m In nriler to let Iht* • cut \. ,m,n o, He btllra Here To ay. Clirlnll 111 4 ..tilily's Voto. l-.irf'l nitil the wilir ilruincil out we For a Limited Time I 011 ns eis iisiitiereil tlint lite rrins.ns were In II..|ikin-iii, - K\ Nov. 3 — Eight- loll I e Bishop pr Noth- nn .lino.t pirfr.t .(jt. nf preserra* een |>n- lui is in < i 'ii flinty "ill I ion, mill ,-ui n-it urul ij,. ,jar „ . n'e 1 w We will sell to each person once 011 Saturdays . hi „f u t 'lll of t v. " i- Klit IJ.iley 1 I.,'In- 1. Iiniie.1 Ibi-ip II- iu. thou^lit «| tir.i tvi r, 01 • a f.-'v m - ion I Ml.Slistkelf nl I -'. 1'arkcrlll. thsl lh ttrillinif ol tlf hrles, allow in three 5-cent cigars for 10 cents. You can pick Clacs act an l den.urrfra !. li .tin lia Wall. • .' 'I I lie nlr to p.t-s Into Ihe laskri; might your choice of the brands. Call on us at our man m-eltreil «Imi t «k> votes in l e aire, t llif I km I;, tu Ihe eMent of euiiv- * I' i rinl hoinlled inuih j >111 ii to eollapae, n. i-, ofirn the rt-.tili ty. L*as than "li.-tenth of tlie cane end umbrrllu ; left in cotridor whin s I -.Uel long Kralril f, .luMrnly new drug store if you want a good cigar • |>ai

- ; V