and . :i29 SHITLINGTON, from 4 to 6 miles south of Dewsbury, and the same distance S.W. by W. of , is a township abounding in coal, and comprising over 2022 inhabitants and about 3409 acres of land, the villages of Middle, Ove1·, and Nether Shitlington, on and near tho Wakefield and road; Midgley, on the Bamslcy and Huddersfield road; part of Horbury Bridge ; the hamlet of Smithy Brook, and many scattered houses. There are ~Mission Rooms in the township, at which the Rev. Robert Bevan Hull officiates; and large National Schools are being built at a cost of £1600. The Methodists have chapels at N etherton and Middletown. The PosT 0FEICE is at Mr. George Walker's, Middletuwn. Letters via Wakefielcl. The nearest Money Order Office is at Horbury. Bedford Thomas, mason BLACKS:\IITHS. Charlesworth D. Smith Geo. jun. Carr James Coe Mr George 11 Ealmforth IIy. mgr Ingham John Charlesworth1Urs Stringer Brothrs. Douglas Thos. Earnshaw Job, timber merchant Walker Edward Judith Ann (J ph.,Geo.&Edw) Ingham J ames }'earnside Joshua, mfr. Netherton hl BUTCHERS. Charlesworth G. Stringer John Lambert Chas. Boar Henry, National school master Armitage Wm. Charlesworth J. Swift James Listcr John Hull Rev. Bobert Bevan, curate Bedford Francis Dyson Hainby Taylor Richard Littlewood Wm. J a.rvis William, ironfouncler Blakclcy J oseph Earnshaw Job White John Townend Henry Oldroyd Mark, manufacturer (at Smith George Fearnside Josh. White John Walker G. & W. Dewsbury), Overton house COR~ MILLERS. Garfitt Joseph Young Tllomas Wood Thomas Sherwin \Villiam, assistant overseer Garfitt J oseph Hutchinson Geo. MALTS TER. TAILORS. INNS AND TAVERNS. l\Iatthews Wm. Ingham J ames White .John Townsend IIy. Taylor Richard Ingham John SHOE:\IAKERS, Longley Charles Bingley Arms, ~frs Mary Salmons FAR~IEUS. Jeffery John ·• Asquith George Walker G. & W. Black Bull, John Charlesworth Adamson John Johnson Wm. Bennett Chas. Walker Samuel Little Bull, John l\fatthews Armitage John Lumb Joseph Bower James Wood Thomas Reindeer, Charles Mountain Armitage Richd. l\lathews J ames Bower William WHEELWRIGHTS. Star, George Kilburn Beatson l\Irs E. 1\Iathews J oseph Schofield David Littlewood Chas. White Swan, George Smith Beatson Joseph l\Iathews Wm. SIIOPKEEPERS. White William BEERIIO"CSES. Brown Wm. Bedford Francis Pickles John Ealmforth John RAILWAY Armitage Wm. Douglas Thos. Blakeley J oseph Salmon l\lrs My. Co-op. Stores; H. Trains from Hor­ Briggs Moses "\Vood Thomas Briggs Alfred Smith George Ealmforth,mgr bury Briclge

SKELMANTHORPE ancl SCISSETT, two hamlets, now forming a large village 2 miles from Railway station, and 8 miles S.E. by E. of llucldersfield, bave about 5000 inhabitants, and are in the townships of Cumberworth and Cumberworth Half, already noticed, and in tlle parishes of High Hoyland and Emley. It is lighted with gas, and has a Local Board of Health, formed in 1867. Scissett Church (St. Augustine) was built by subscription in 1837-8, at a cost of about £2000. It is a neat Gothic structure with an apsidal chancel, and a tower 24 yards high. Joseph Kaye, Esq., gave the land, and T. W. Beaumont, Esq., erected tho parson­ age housP, and endowed the living with £1300. The benefice is a vicarage, valued at £140 per annum, in the patronage of W. B. Beaumont, Esq., and incumbency of the Rev. Henry N owland, l\LA. The ecclesiastical parish of Scissett contains a population of over 3300. The Wesleyans and Primitive Methodists have chapels here. At the enclosure of Curnberworth common, in 1800, seven acres of land were allotted to the hamlet of Skelman. thorpe, to pay £(j yearly to the schoolmaster, and the surplus rent to the poor. It is now let for £10. 10s. a. year. The schoolmaster teacbes six free scholars to read and write. The poor of Skelmanthorpe have also 10s. a year from