Bradford) to Be Held on Tuesday 9 June 2009 A
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Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration to the meeting of the Area Planning Panel (Bradford) to be held on Tuesday 9 June 2009 A Summary Statement - Part One Applications recommended for Approval or Refusal The sites concerned are: Item No. Site Ward 1. 1 Woodlands Terrace Girlington Bradford West Toller Yorkshire BD8 9JP [Approve] (page 2) 2. 266 Allerton Road Bradford West Yorkshire Thornton And Allerton BD15 7QX [Approve] (page 8) 3. 40 Buttershaw Lane Bradford West Yorkshire Wibsey BD6 2DD [Approve] (page 14) 4. 79 Bradford Road Idle Bradford BD10 9LB [Approve] Idle And Thackley (page 22) 5. Former Sandy Lane Garage Wilsden Road Bradford Thornton And Allerton West Yorkshire BD15 9AD [Approve] (page 28) 6. Land At Black Dyke Mills Brighouse Road Queensbury Queensbury Bradford West Yorkshire [Approve] (page 34) 7. Land East Of Northside Terrace Bradford West Great Horton Yorkshire [Approve] (page 48) 8. Land South Of Bulmer And Lumb Limited Royds Hall Royds Lane Bradford [Approve] (page 56) Julian Jackson Portfolio: Assistant Director (Planning) Environment and Culture Report Contact: Mohammed Yousuf Improvement Committee Area: Phone: 01274 434402 Regeneration and Economy Email: [email protected] - 1 - Report to the Area Planning Panel (Bradford) - 2 - Report to the Area Planning Panel (Bradford) 9 June 2009 Item Number: 1 Ward: TOLLER Recommendation: TO GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION WITH CONDITIONS Application Number: 09/01147/FUL Type of Application/Proposal and Address: This is a full planning application for alterations to a previously approved application for extensions to 1 Woodlands Terrace, Girlington. The application proposes an additional first floor extension to the Whitby Road elevation of the building. Work on the previously approved extensions has started on site. This application is referred to the Planning Panel as the applicant is a local Ward Councillor. Site Description: The site is a rectangular plot occupying the area at the end of Fairbank Road and Whitby Road and is currently occupied by a part single storey and part two storey building constructed of brick and stone facing and blue slate roofing materials. Construction work has begun on the extension to the property. The main frontage of the building is to Woodlands Terrace to the North and the last use of the site was an A1 Cash and Carry. The site and the surrounding area slopes steeply to the south. The surrounding area is dominated by residential uses consisting mainly of stone built terraced properties. There are no parking restrictions on the roads in the surrounding area. Relevant Site History: 07/08399/SUB01 – Submission of details of proposed boundary treatment, samples of facing and roofing and full details of the bin storage area to comply with conditions 7, 8, 9 of permission 07/08399/FUL – Granted 07/08399/FUL – New A1 retail units (2) plus refurbishment of existing cash and carry to add additional first floor and A1 retail space – Granted (construction work has started) 95/01505/FUL – Erection of front and side ground floor extensions, first floor roof extensions and formation of side hardstanding – Granted (implemented by the construction of front extension) 93/03211/FUL – Front, side and roof extensions to retail unit – Granted 90/07443/FUL – Installation of new shopfront and security shutters – Granted - 3 - Report to the Area Planning Panel (Bradford) Replacement Unitary Development Plan (RUDP): Allocation The site is not allocated for a specific land use but within a Community Priority Area. This designation has no specific bearing on the current application. Proposals and Policies Policy UR3 The Local Impact of Development Policy D1 General Design Considerations Policy D3 Access for People with Disabilities Policy CR3A Small Shops Policy CR4A Retail Development Outside Centres Policy TM2 Impact of Traffic and its Mitigation Policy TM11 Parking Standards for Non-Residential Developments Policy TM19A Traffic Management & Road Safety Policy CF6 Community Priority Areas Parish Council: Not in a Parish. Publicity and Number of Representations: The application was advertised by neighbour notification letters and a site notice. The publicity period expired on the 21st April 2009. Two representations have been received. Summary of Representations Received: y First floor extension will overshadow and be overbearing to neighbouring occupiers. y The proposal will result in additional traffic congestion y The resultant building would be out of character with the surrounding area. y The proposed business would cause harm to neighbours through the generation of noise and general nuisance. Response – These issues are considered in the appraisal below. Consultations: Highways Development Control – No comments received. Summary of Main Issues: y Principle of the Development y Visual amenity y Residential amenity y Highway Safety and Access Issues y Community Safety Implications Appraisal: This is a full planning application for alterations to a previously approved application for extensions to 1 Woodlands Terrace, Girlington. The application proposes an additional first floor extension to the Whitby Road elevation of the building. Work on the previously approved extensions has started on site. - 4 - Report to the Area Planning Panel (Bradford) Principle of the Development The site is unallocated on the RUDP and so is not protected for any uses other than those which accord with the general policies of RUDP. The previous application permitted the extension of the premises to total floorspace of around 1300sqm. The current application would add a further 45sqm. The principle of the development and its impact on the designated retail centres was considered to be acceptable in the consideration of the previous application. The addition of this relatively modest amount of floorspace is not considered to significantly alter the situation from that which has been previously approved. Consequently the principle of the development is considered to be acceptable subject to its local impact. Visual Amenity The original building which occupied the site was in poor condition and the redevelopment of the site was considered to be of significant benefit to the streetscene. The previous approval substantially increased the massing of the building and in that context the addition of a further first floor extension is unlikely to have a significantly adverse impact. The proposed extension raises the height of the part of the Whitby Road elevation by around 3m with a sheet metal roof hidden behind a parapet. The section of the Whitby Road elevation closest to the boundary with 45 Whitby Road remains the same height as the previous approval with a hipped roof clad in slates matching those of the original roof. All the facing and roofing materials have been approved as part of the original application and so subject to conditions requiring the use of materials matching those previously approved the proposal is not considered to be harmful to visual amenity. Residential Amenity The previous approval included a single storey extension to the Whitby Road elevation which was around 6m to the eaves height. This was based on an identical extension which was approved in 1995 which could still be constructed as the permission had been partially implemented. The current application retains a 6m eaves height for around 5m with a hipped roof along the boundary with 45 Whitby Road. Consequently the impact of the proposal on this neighbour is no different to that previously approved. The proposed extension is more than 20m from the properties opposite the site (to the west) on Whitby Road, which is considered to be sufficiently distant to avoid any significant loss of amenity to the occupiers. Objections have been received regarding noise and general nuisance that may be generated from the commercial use of the premises. The site carries a long history of commercial use and the proposed extension is not of a scale which would contribute to any significant further detriment in light of previous planning approvals on the site. Overall the proposal is not considered to be harmful to residential amenity. Highway Safety and Access Issues The application does not alter the previous car parking layout and the relatively modest increase in the floorspace is unlikely to generate any significant increase in the number of vehicles visiting the site. The proposal is not therefore considered to cause any significant harm to highway safety. - 5 - Report to the Area Planning Panel (Bradford) Access for People with Disabilities The proposal does not alter the layout from that previously approved with provision of level access and a lift to the first floor. The proposal is considered to provide equal access for people with disabilities in accordance with Policy D3 of the Replacement Unitary Development Plan. Community Safety Implications: The proposal does not present any community safety implications Reason for Granting Planning Permission: The proposed development is not considered to be harmful to the vitality or viability of the designated centres, residential amenity, visual amenity or highway safety and would accord with the requirements of Policies UR3, D1, D3, CR3A, CR4A, TM2, TM11, TM19A and CF6 of the Replacement Unitary Development Plan. Conditions of Approval: 1. Three year time limit 2. Materials to be in accordance with those approved on previous application - 6 - Report to the Area Planning Panel (Bradford) - 7 - Report to the Area Planning Panel (Bradford)