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April 1979 Daily Egyptian 1979

4-3-1979 The aiD ly Egyptian, April 03, 1979 Daily Egyptian Staff

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This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1979 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in April 1979 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Brandt asked to resign, reports say !:f,:~~~unkf'1 a project in wluch aboul 100 Egyptian Transit Aulhorrty and Its rapt' rE'Signatior; l'nconhrmt'd bu s hustnt>Ssnwn and ,m~na!!l'rs ar£' twIll!! prt'vt'nllon mt'thods Tht' transIt systt'm Although :-.iorwood deOlE'd that tilt> say lhat WalTt'n wtBPt'~~an ~ent r:po~ tramffi b~ Iht' Sit (olll'~(' of BUl'-tnl'SS was forced to ('t'a,>t' opt'rating 10 board had asked for tht' prt'SJdf'nt '" as president of Sn:./ d tt!s ;SIRg of anel Adnllnlstra!lon. . . Dt'ct'mbt'r bt'caase thE' l'nlvprsit:. rE'Slgnatlon, he saId ht' did not kn"'\ '" an, oar ,Th(' presIdent s tnp tncluded \'ISIIs to r£'fusE'd to contlOUt' fundmg II what Brandt's mtentions will hE' OOl't> ht> :;''f!~O:; ar;::,,,::le~. to :ct o? tht''paI.Thalland, llalaysla,. IndIa, In addition, the ~urcp saId thf' board r£'turns from hiS tnp .. H' IIlg prl l 12 Poland, Egypt and the Phllipplllt'S. was not kPpl informed of the re<.'E'nl b~~OrdIBg Idt,SOUrcE'S clO!lE' II •. Brandt's pt'rslslent prachct' of n.,1 financIal problems eltpt'nt'ncl'd bv !h(' KeVin Wright, student Irllstt'f' r. ran s re-slgn~tlon s Informlllg the- board on matte-rs in· Law School in Its t'Horts to ("(mstr'lK't a declint'd to COf11ment, saylOj! all requested a~ the board S 1t'I" ,y vol\'lOg SIU was Clled, by thf' source as fk'W building, .·or examplE', the cost or QU('stJons of that sort should bt' rt'ft'rrt>n January me-e-ting 10 Sprtngfleld, The "'x, the- mam re-ason thaI hiS rt'Slgnatton was bookshe-lving for the buIlding was in. to Harris Rowe, chairman of tht' buard hour e-Xf'CUtiv~ Ses.'ilon on Jan 23 was asked fo!', cluded in the- pquipment budge-t instt'ad However, Rowl' was not avallabll' (or f~!cwed by a flve-·mtnute open m~ttng ThP source- listed thre-e- examples of of Ihto construction budge-t and the- stale- comment. His office in SprmRfil'ld saId The.board has not bE't'n ple-asl'd wHt. Brandt's practice of keeping in, Capital. Development Board de-laved hto could not hE' reachl'd until Tuesdav Brandt 5 peri.ormaoct' as" pl"!'Sldent, formation from thto board. "'or example, action on appropriating funds for "the afle-rnoon. - especlaUy III thto past year, thto source- the source said the board was not 1Il- proje<:t until thto shelves could be in- Brandt came to SIl' m 1974 (rom said. . formed of all the developments corporated into the COITf'Ct account Virginia Commonwealth Cniversitv 10 Brandt IS. scheduled to. r£'turn to .;;ulTount1ing the ~olf course which was The source said that wilen Brandt Richmond wherl' he was preo mf't 'Daily 'Egyptian (;.'" !la," Prf'Sidf'ni Branclt isn't aJonf'­, April 3. I979-VoI, 60 No. 128 l500thern IJlioois University a lot oi pt'Oplf' drop out a'Ift' Imet' ~f'ars in ('arbondal~, Bubble in disabled reactor shrinking HARRISBl'RG, Pa 'AP, - f:n~lOE't'rs achIeved a ""dramallc decrl'ast', !\Olonday in a Ilas bubble that has held a ~~~f~ho~:; t'f~~~: t~sf:::~ d~~,!~ r'l'a~tor Plant and federal officials said thto hydrogl'n bubble had shrunk to a much safer !'ize and the rl'actor's temperature had dropped significantly. Local civil. de-fl'nse- officials, hopeful that the changE'S meant that the fi\'e-day ensls h~ had passt'd, IIl'Vl'rthE'IE'SS mamtamed efforts to prE-pare for a pr«autionary evacuation of 25,000 rE'Sidents sliU within a five-mile radius of the plant. But the signals wl're clear' The situation had improved sub!'tantiall~; On Mondav, techniCians contmuffi efforts to I'I.mlnate tht' bubble com, pletely by Il'tting the gas dis~h'E' in tilt> constantly clrrulatmg cooling water and then allowing It to E'Scape from thl' water outSide outside the r£'actor Georgt' Troffl'r, an offiCial 101iith ~~:~Wl:~ ~~~c~;~:h~iear::s t!a~ been halted at the sIte MeanwhIle, all schools within 10 mIles or the- plant were closed Monday, and Hom ofplenty soml' state government officE'S r'l'portl'd up to one-thIrd of their employees stayed Jazz-l'Ut'li tnlm~Ift' Mayaanl Ft'r~ .em_.... '" ~ bancl ..It'rtaiIlN music: lovers Satanlay in Shryock home. Factories and busmesses were §lyle he says is built _ a lIOIid fOlllHlatioa eI ed ...atioa, ,4-lIIli_tam with thf'ir §~ial rembiaa&iell eI jazz. full ancl stWlg by absente-e-ism and operated 1o\ith f"IM'rimt'lllalion and n~n-., F~_ alMlltis Il-pifte diKo, ISlaff pilote by Phil BaDUsIft". sbleton staffs, Impeachment trial may begin J-Board appointees await approval

By Sus•• Ft'r1I."" hto has bE't'n notifit'd of, Previously, the are cootestt'd, And third. some senators said "Sam DWlning I an executive SUff Wrilft' power to make appointments was have been abusing long·distance assistant I ende-d up IIoTiting it. It was The impeachment trial of Student granted only to Uw student president. le-Iephone privileges here in thto !Student supposed to be turned in to tht' Fee President Garrick·Clinton Matthews Normally. a minim:.!m of seven Government) offices land may net'd Allocations Board Friday, but they gaVI' may begin if two students members of tM J·Board must try a disciplinary action I. .. • us a contmuance until Sunday .. when it nominated to the C";mpus Judicial Board Student Government official. CUrrentiy. According to Burton, the fact that was handed in." for Governance are approved by the the ~rd bs the required seven Mattbews didn't draft next year's He added that it was difficult for Student Senate. according to lienator memben .. H~~ver, one member has Student Government budget and thus Dunning to write the budget because Mary Haynes, said he wiD di'Jqualify himseH because caused it to be submitted to thto Fe-e­ Haynes, a member of the Campus he feels his close relationship to Mat­ Allocations Board late"angered"' ~=~~~~~~~~tFtt~~~~: Internal Affairs Committee, said that on thews is aconflict 01 interest. several senators into making the ap­ The budget, which totaled ap, Saturday the CIA committee approved According to Student Senator Greg pointments, proximately SZT,OOO last year, includf'S tM nominations of Labuda, fresh­ Burton. tbelast time Matthews accepted ". think they _ouId have bE't'n content man in business, and Garth Lumsden, the name of a J-Board candidate was to let it ride Ollt for the semester, but sud! items as grants-In-aid for the five weHS ago. Matthews was Mattt-s didn't wrilt' thto Student preside-nt, the vice president and thto sophomore in agriculture, The J-Boal'd executive assastants: the preside-ntial must try an impreached official be • WUlvailable for comment. Government budget. and !O it was tM elected representative may bl Burton, also a CIA committee submitted to thto Fee Allocationa Board and vice presidential contingency ac· removPd from offtce, member, said the CIA decided to make late," Burton said. counts: offtce supplies and secretaries' The CIA committee was ~ted the its own aj)pointme!'ts for several According to Student Vice President wages, authority to make such appomtments by reasons, Mark Rouleau. Matthews told him to Matthews WClS impeached by thto '1lIere a~ three reasons why we're write the budget about ~ and one-haH a recently passed amendment to the Senate last November on charges of constitution. The amendment aUows the malting ~ appointments." he said. months 810. HoweY@!'. Rouleau ~id committee to nominate people to ''One, we want to bring Garrick to biaI. that three weeks ago, Matthews told him denoliction of duty and failure to me-e-t campus boards if the student president Two. we need an C'iJeI'1lble J·Board in tbat be (Matthews. would write it. tM constitutional requirements 01 his fails to take ac:tioa 011 vacancies which case any 01 the (April 11) elecUoa results "But Garric:k never wrote it, .. Rouleau office, Student faces three charges lurch forward up and over two \'\Jrn,; Bv Bill TMobald whlll' il made a {j·turn in onrltrt.lnQ sian Wrlwr vehicle traffic l'n1verSlly police arrested Jc>i:n R (launch pursued and stoppM :h<> Atkinson. juntor In art. aboul 3 am Sunday and charged him WIth drlvmR vehicle as it atlemplf'd to exit on L''Ii!dn while under the innuence of IIItO'ncanls. Drive. Claunch said when he Slopp.'f1 'hP aRgravatf'd baltery and drlvmg With a vehicl~ Atkimon and his paSSf'nj!-r exchanged seats. Claunch then arr.. ~:"

CHICAGO AP-·-";egotiations WIll l'nion members rejected tpnall\p resume Tuesdav in Washington betwt't'n agn't"ments reached fo'eb. 2 and \Iarch l'Rlled Alrhnes and the URlOr. 19. Thto union and the company hav .. n t M'presenting more than 111,000 stl"lkmR mE'l smce March 19, Wllhams Solid mal'hllllstS. LOIted saId \fonday Williams said a ·'lightnlr.!! fa,:' The strike has idlf'd L"mlf'd's l.fiOO settiE'ment would enable ['"I!t'<1 to dally nights since mldmght fo'nday The resume its nOmlal schedule .n 1'.'0 to airhne nOrmallv averages about 1:tO.OOO thrt"e' davs. passengers daliy, . "The lOnger the stnke. the hartlt'r :t " .. - "It's lromc:' said l'mted spokpsman to start up again because WP plckl", "ar Ed Williams, "oot we could have started planes when they're not an use.' ht· ,.a;d ne-gotiations sooner if we dldn't have the "That mE'ans we dram the ga~ antl 011 !Otrike, The union peoplE' and t'ven our from the planes and put them in sloral(t; people had difficulty catching nIghts to We also have moved most of our }t'15 to Drive for blood Washington." a few cities where we han- j!o,Jd Rotb IIIUW and pati~nt I.... calm and "munwr .:ffort.. and thf' J~k_ Fnionspokesman Kenneth Thitde said S('('urity. So once we rt'ach agtl'Pmen! nJllKlfod as ()ian~ 1.a.r~lK"~ damps lb~ ('_nt\' .~ ... " 1ff'd('rC185, Donors rna\' the strike centers on a demand fo!" hPUer "'E"II have to ge'l the jt'ts and ttlt> flight tuiw to stop tM blood flow from gin aDytim~ ~.rou~h Thursday iw"'ffD cost.of.hving raISes f'Venu~ and mght l'M'WS to the nght Cltl~ .. KalblftoR Kann~\', fr~shman in ~~n~ral 10 a.m. and • p.m, i. Stud~nl ('~lf'r differE'ntials, and pension im· The' stnke caused LOItPd 10 1<1\ n!f stad~. Kann.. ~ _as on~ of thto dooon on Ballrooms ..\ and B. «Start pbMO by provements 13.1100 other employees. mciurttng p'1I0b Monda\', thf' first dn of thf' blood drin Raady Klaukl ''The parues are very far apart, .. fhRht attendants and olht;r CTf''A spOR .. or~d b~ thf" :\tobilizalioll of Thiede said mt'mbers. Crash kills two women Identification made 0.( homicide victim A ~\lTphysboro teen-ager and a By Bm TMobaltl relatives and tn~ £~amined the c:lolhed about 150 feel (rom tht' K~{'r ~ Carbondale "'oman were killed in a SCaff Wriwr c:lotJung. store by John W Rendleman. a farmer ~ head-on traffic colliSion on Old Illinois carbondale police have made a tE'h' Sharp had worked for the Bestway who owns the field Rendleman told lWu~ .3 about 3:40 a.m. SWlday mor­ tativeidentificalionofahomlcidevictim CAXlStruction Company of EvansVille. police he found the body II.hlle har· n.~. whose badly decomposed body was Ind. al the bme of dE.-alh. which IS vesti~g beans. . Kell) Blake. 16. of Murphysboro and found in a field behind the Kroger food Htimated to have been In late August or Pohce said the IdentlflcaUon of ttlt> Joa~ Havs. 22. of Carbondale ",ere killed store. 1270 E. Main, on Oct. :n, 1978 early September. accordinR 10 pohce \lctim was dilticult because ttlt> hOOy in th4: aCcident. Mark A. !Iohller. 17. of Police said the victim is believed to Police also said Sharp "'as workIng was so badly decomposed that they did Murph~'sboro was reporled in have been John Danny Sharp of Route 1. somewhere in thto Southern Ilhnois arf'a not even know if it was a man or woman satisfactt.ry condition at Carbondale Dawson Springs, Ky, before he was killed but JlOhce art' nol Police made dental plates oj the tl'l'th t)! Memorial Hospital Monday. A multi-state investigation was sure whether he was killed,. in Car· the victim bec."ause the amount of dt-cke. it has become obvious City Council rezoned t.he land in . These factors and othen. according to that not 1I1' residents oppose all owner therefore must pay prOpt'rty January. but HUD has not yet acted on the cntics. will lead to a middle class federally-subsidized housing. The taxes. Residents' rent payments are the project. exodus from the city. ard so will lead to limited to 25 pt'rct::'It of their incomes. by residents set!' housing developments that A third project, piaMed the an erosion of the tas base and a are planned as having several The remaining portions of the rent are Jackson County HOUSing Authority, deterioration of lhe at) al large. dnnrl:.acks for the city at large, but they paid to the develOpt'r by the federal involves construction of 97 apartments. Such criticism has come from a have indicated that they are willing to Department of Housing and Urban Unlike the projects piaMed t.y Egan and variety of sources. Elbert Simon. consider alternatives that would avoid ~velopment. West, financing for bot.h t'OnStruction president of the Carbondale chapter of Construction of Epn's project is tMse problems. and rent subsidies would come from the National Association for the Ad­ financed by the Illinois Housing HUD. It is not a Section 8 projf'ct. and it vancement of Colored People has an· 'I1Ie City Council, in turn. has shown a Development Authority. IHDA sells woold not be privately owned. nounced his opposition to multi-family willingness to study the matter, and to bonds for the construction and mort­ Like eacb of the other projecl$, housing for low-inocme families. consid~r those alternatives which gages, which Egan must pay back from though. the JCHA project, 85 piaMed. Simon's sister. City Council candidate woukin't threaten the city's supply of the receipts of his development. would provide subsizided housing fOl' Marpret Nesbitt. has also expressed federal dollars. Like The Fields project, an JIO.wtit low-income families in multi-famdy (ContInued on Poge 3) ..... 2. Doily Egyption. April 3. 1979 Caballero: GSC has 'watchdog'role

EdilOl'" :'\i~: In Ihill inslallm~nl concerned only With the problems save tht- (;l~C more than $2,160. explamf"d. adding that sut'h ub in IJtp ,~rtf'!l 8ft Stu.nt .'O'f·~m. of students and was By str... amhning its ad- jeCtivity is a trait that Stud.. nt m~nt, Staff WrttPl' Kath\' Bfo!.1 "overshadowed" b... Student mmistr:llion I"-"tead of cutting or (iovernml'flt lacks in\'f'!lU~," th~ hi~tory. ;urpM~ Governmt'nt. • redUClnli! programs, tht- GSC IS Other differences between tht' and r"~ibilit~ 01 th. ('ratiual. But Ihf.> group has sil1l'e become attemptmg to ",.t an example for Stud.nt (:QUndl. two studt>nt Jlovemi~ bndi('S in· more invoh'f"d in t:niversity-wldt> the t 'niverslh administration to clude the t'lectioo proc!"'~'S . In ISSIH'S. Some of the resulting follow. Caballero said Irrnal slructurt'S 'lnd emphitsis on 8~ Kath~ Rnt rhanges Caballero attributes to the Although II IS oftt'n highly parliamentary procf"dun' sian Wr'ik'r G<;("s influencl' include the In. rilllcal of the COIver~lI'· ad­ l'nhke Studpnt (,nvt'rnm('nl When a chan!!e ID Sludl'nt stltution of the Student's Atlornt'\· m, 'lstratlUn's actions and prillclt.~, ,;enators. ""ho art' t';t'Ct('nt !lon'rn­ enemies." saYS Caballero from acarlE-mll: rlt-partmento; Eilth ml'nts can do as moch as none" ? Student ? "We still want to keep our role as department has ont' rt'prt'~·nt"II\'t' Thost> prop(lsed changes w(Orl' watchdog," he l'xplamed, but bv pt'r SO ~arluatt' studt-n[s. iH.lIjlO£ tabll'd, but wlthm a Yl'ar, a second • Government • understandmg the powt'r structurE­ up 10 a total uf 41 (ollnul student go\'t>rnml'flt ""as formalh' 0- 01 a .~"" of artkln, wlthm the CDlvef!utv and bv reprt'St'ntall\'t'S recognizf"d Within the l'nivl'J"!;lti.· bPt-ommg involvl'd m the plannll~ The hody of tht' {'ouncil ;;erH''' governance structure-~thE­ !iervice and thf.> right of electl'd stages of admmlstrativp changes, both a lejllslatin' and judiCial mit'. Graduate Student {'ounClI studl'Tlt representatives to make thl' council can be mffit effectl\'t' tht' I,se dot'!' not have a St'pilrate Pnor to Its formal recognlllon in and !WCond mollons on higher "In the- last two yt'ars. a major JudiCial board of governan{'e :\Iay 1973, the (;raduatl' Student l'ducatlon boards of go\'emanl'e. aCl'omphshml'nt .of thl' (:ount'll) IS \'otes b\ the counCil are not ('ouncll IGSC • had been one of a that thf.> (.SC ha~ bt>l'n rft"l!(DlZPd subJft·t tn'a prp,;ldt>nllal H'lo ThiS ~·P-dr. Caballero said, !he b\' the l'mvt'fSltv and tht, Cilm· number of advlSOl')' bodies Within GSC was Instrumental in rl'ducmg Caballero dt'scrlbes th!' Student Govemml'Tlt. the parking fee for handicapped munnv." ('aballero ;;aId parliamentary proct"dure as one of It was recognizl'd a" a Hbon, fide students from S3tI to $10. "We are a respel'lt'd con· "'l'ollf'glality .. If thp. majOrity of StIUt."OCV. We can re~ld 10 an repl't"Sl'ntative body of graduate One of .the council's. continuinjZ the counl'Jl ajltrees 10 do somt>thmg. stlXlents.·' according to then-SIt: coocerns IS the economIC situation t'motloniess manner to I!\sues." he hf.> said. they do II President David Dtorge, "because of students at the Umversity of the significant differences that Last year, the GSC successfullv exist in the areas of curricular, fought a move 10 increase thE­ Activity fee funds Graduate Council research and co-clarricular ac· undergraduate student activity 8\' Kalh\ Rn& tivitit'S between graduate students fl'e-an Increase proposed by sCaff W.... i~r and undergraduate students at· Dtonnis AdamC"Zyk, former student rt'g,lstration, graduate students are required 10 pay up tending S n: ,C . " body presldent_ I-~ch st'mes~l'r ~t As the GSC gained widl'r to S.'l.Z5 to the l Dl1;ersJt~ In thl' form of thf.> graduatl' student acl!\'it\, fl't' "We usf"d that as an example to After It IS coll~tl'd by the Bursar's Office. the money IS e-\,enluall\' recot[nition. one of its main in­ the Uruversity," Caballero said. Ierests became the funding of . 'We not ooJy are preaching to keep ~':f:a~l:! ~r!:d~radua!t' Studt-nt Coneil for allocation via the GS<."s f'~ academic activities in the form of the cos!" of higher l'ducation travel for conferences. presen­ But ,,:~e!'l' does the money go from there and how IS It spent" reasonab:e. we are doing has two fund accounts_ one for eVl'nts and one for admmistratlve tations of papers and other similar somethinll dbout it." . c~ Gse actiVIties, says GSC President WitJun the couocil. that "doing As of Feb. 16, $8,53992 had been allocatl'd from thE' ('\'ents account and Ricardo Caballero-Aquino. something" took the form of a sa.1I3.81 had been Withdrawn from the allmlDistratlVt' al'count As a part of Student Govern­ changl' in the executive structure !\rlore than half or ttll' allocatl'd fund.o; In the events ac(:ount ""erc for lra"!'1 ment_ the GSC recelvl'd only 2 Currently, the GSC ad- expenses. percent 101 $10,0001 of the 10ta1 mirustration is composed of three GSC: President kicardo CabaUl'rn-Aqumo explainl'd that one of the liS("s activity fees paid by students in elected oHicers-a president, goals IS the Imprm'eml'nt of acadt>mic qualit:!' at the l:niversih' 1973. When it was recogruzf"d as a administrative vice president and Toa('hieve that goal, the GSC ",i!! i'ilY .>~,. of the travel and registration ;;eparatl' canstitueocy, all activity financial vice president. Exh costs for graduate students presentlllg papers or attending confert'oces fees paid by graduate students receives a on ... ·fourth-time outSide the l'niversity. caml' undt>r the control of the GSC. Caballero §Bid thIS function is .,vl'lI-known among the GSC's constituenc ... boosting the couocil's resoun:es =is~es~i8~~~r:s~~ An average of 200 students receive funds from the council in thf.> average fall from $10.000 to $t8,OOO. cent of the total administrative semester. That number rJSf'S ~o between 250 and :wo during the Spring (,SC funds totalll'd ap· budgt't for the couocil for one year. ~mester when more conferern:es are held. Caballt'T'o §BId. proximately S:iO.OOO in 1978. Beginrjng in June. the two viet' Also Iflcluded In the e\ent :.Uocations are the expenses for such Graduatt­ l'ntil two or three years ago, presidential offices will be com· School acllvltlE'S as guest lectures, publit-ations, recitals_ films and special Caballero said, the GSC was bml'd into one. a move that will eVl'nts l'llpendilures such as those for the Big Muddy f'ilm Festi\'al and the Women's TranSit Authority ~U:ulti1amily housing draws strongest criticism

(Cont.nuod frOfn Page 2) The only other option the council has is complete halt t(, the influx oppositJon. Others opposed to the to~t ~ :::il C:=t~ma*::~Ett~ to prove that Egan's project is not in The ad hoc Task Force on l1langing projects ioclude mayoral candidate "the economy is atm-.dant on muJti· complianc:e with the HOUSing Assistanc:e Population in thP Community. apprm·t"d Rose S. Vieth and several c:ity landlords. family housing" because of the high Plan that was filf"d by the city as part of by the counc:il two weeks ago. will study Each of these parlJes has suggested price of single-family housing. Egan an application for Community the HAP as it exists now, and !t rna\" that the city work to promote con· said that his multi-family units will cost Development Block Grant ftmds_ and the recommend changes in the HAP thit struction Q( single-family. privately· ~.OOO to 133,000 dollars each to build. would alter the type and amount of owned homes. rather than multi-famil) and that. as a developer, he found the bousing coming into the city rental dwellings_ They say that construction costs of single·family Such a recommendation could force dispersed. single-family housil18 would bousing prohibitive. alterations in thl' plans of JCHA and prevent concentrations of low-iocome "The great American dream for a free Capital Associates, if Hl'D acct'ptl'd the families, and so might prevent potential standing. individual home is qwckly HAP alterations. increases in c:rime and the deterioration vanishing." he said. council is COIlSIdering that possibility. The city has also given tt'ntati\'l' ap­ of neighborhoods. However, Egan suggestl'd a possible HUD Section 8 guidelines prohibit the proval to a change in the statement of While provisions of the Section 8 sclution. He said that under lDHA concentration of low-income family housing and l'ommtmity dt>\'elopment program do permit subsidies for con· guidelines, he could build his develop­ units in one area, but Hl:D has never needs that calls for the "increased 0p­ <;truction of sinjZle family dwt'llings, a'ld ment as plann"rate-iocome :or the rehabilitation I'f existing hou-"'ing, part of it {or Section 8 subsidies and low· Frv has draftl'd a lettt'r to Ht:D residt>nts to uwn their own housing. Egan and c:ity staff members have iocoml' families. suggt-sting that Egan's project, because especially single-family housing." criticized these suggestions If that plan were followl'd, Egan said. of its prolJimlty to other low-iocome In itself, the change in the statement Their primary objection is that single­ the remdlDwg Units would ha\e to be housing dt'vt'lopments, might \;olate will have little effect. It does, howl'\'er. family housing would be too expensive to rented at a '-fair market rate" that guideline The council has not yet indicate that citv offiCials ma\- be build. e:ral regulatJons, and so 26, Assistant City Manager for Com· month for a one-~room apartment, :r~.!:t~J~~n~~jec~would ha\'e to to maintam a stead". supply of fedt>ral munity Development Don Monty noted S360 a month for a two-bedroom apart· funds. that the federal housing budget is gt'tting ment, and $-420 a month for a three-· Other action taken t the council in But. pending thf- rl'Sults of the task smaller. and that funds available to bedroom apartment. the la~t three weeks mav ~hannel the­ force t'ffort the futurE' of low-income But one opp«lSition leader. who askl'd housing influx mandated by Ht:D. but bousing. and according to some, the not to be Identified, call1'd Egan'" that action falls short of calling a future of the city, is uII"ertain. 'The greal American suggestior, "ludicrous." dream for' a free.,an­ "How many people are going to spend 'Daily 'Egyptian $4~ plus utilities {or a three·bedroom ding, individual home townhouse~" the sourc:e asked. "He's just blowing smoke in everyone's face." S,Vb"Cftpi't()f'I ro'e"\ err .. SI].,.,1 yeor ~ 57 5O'Of Whatever Egan's specific plans are. it Pubtl'\hes or zoninK da~ Ilh"o.lo Idltof' .ft. ch..f Pam Bo.I.., A",,,cxoOte Edt'Of ~ry ... un ¥hc.h hth POI't... Oa~e Pow.r" l:ndo units is the problem because they don't Monday night that be IJI8RS to continue fd1l'OftCIi and bu~,~, offtce .., Com. Pro~ Metod•• Redf-ar,.. GOty ~ph ••d Mdt. make as much money off of it," Fry work on the project. despite residents' "'vn'cO'II)"'" '",-'dlng: NO'''' '11'''9 phone 536 Ulr-.c.h ~"£dltOf arod "ttle' i'ntertQ..nmenl said. objectiOOS- 331' Vef"On A '!t'.:rne fls(oi offK: .... (d,'",. III,,"'!>or"" Pho!Q Ed.,,,, P"'IIo...... , Daily Egyptian, Apl'il3. 1979. Page 3 ------Letters------Nuclf:2r ~el cycle threat to humanity Mace kidding on Title IX Once again, the hazards of nuclear power come into nuclear power plants. I sir.cerely hope George Mace does not fracture both view. The entire nuclear fuel cvcle is ridded with The nuclear industry could not survive without arms trying ';, pat htmself on the back for his threats to human health, The problems of safety with Ia;-ge f:!deral subsidies for research and fuel enrich­ "monumental" efforts to lead intercollegiate athlettcs nuclear power inclu:le the mining of uranium ore ment and fUfOl reproces·~ing technol(>~les. Ad­ at SIU toward compliance with the mandates of Title .with the subsequent release of radon-2221; the ditIOnally, due IOJ lhe tremendous loss of life and IX legislatIon While Mace blathers incessantly about danger of low-level radiation from the daily operation property whtch would result from a major attldent at hts "achlt'vemmts" for the female athlete tn the Oallv /A a nuclear POWt'l" plant; the major release of a nuclear power plant. private insurance companies .:gyptlan, and hoodwtnk yet two more stud!'rit radiation due to technical malfunctions, human error, refused to insure the nuclear industrv reporters With his silver-tongUPd orllIOf)'. the n!'ahtv sabot.ige, or a natural msaster (eg. anearthquake.l ; In ordl'r to secure the suo'ival of-the nuclear in­ of the situahon still finds the Lady Salukis and their dustry. the federal gove:'Dmt'f)t insured the compames beleaguered athletic director groveling for t'\'E'rv ~:e7~~~~!~C: !,:!~~~l co.!n~~~~~:~:!nc~,:ut responSIble for an accident at a nuclear power plant. nig!l:ardly bock which happen·; to trickle ,!own from environmmt during the reprocessing of spent nudear tOne government study estimates the damage from a the alhlellc coffers of olvmpus. I hopt- Gt'Orge Ma('e f\l'el; 1!1t> dlvet'Slon of nuclt'ar fuel into the production major aCCIdent at an atomic power plant at S; biUion. realiuos thai the few loyaflsts like myself are tertatnh of nuclear weapons; and the ck-commissiorung of a The Price-Anderson Act will pay the victims of such oot fooled by thiS latest string of polished verblag'; nuclear power plant Which no longer opPrates and yet an accident a maximum of apPl'OlItimately S600 remains intensely radlOacllve. millior. .• Garv Auld We also can not tolerate the economic C'O!rt of Ho..- many cancer victims. deformed children, and Adrmssions & Records OffK-er 1\ nuclear power. The inflated projeCtions r)f electncal contanllnated acres Will we trade in for nuclear dl'mand by utihties and electric companit"S are self­ power~ Arrogance, greed, and ignorance have serving and ultimately self-dl'strocting. We will not created and sustained the nuclear threat. Let us Set Pigs have feelings too even need many of the nuclear power plants currently the accident at the Thl't'«' Mile Island nuclear power This I('tter IS in response to Mr C. Pape's letter of under con.<;U·uctlon. Furlhennore, the hugt' capital plant as the end of a peo·erted version of pr-ocperity March 8. which was wriltm in response to Mr m~·estml'nts necessary to complete the construction cA and energy self-sufficiency. I urge people to call for a )lIl1sap's letter of .'eb, 23. I would like to tkOO"'. what a nuclear power plant often result in electric rate nuclear moratorium. We should Immt'd:atelv the makt'S Mr. Pape such an expert on the digt'Stive l'onstruclton of all new nuclear power p&ants and hikE'S. AddItionally. the scarcity of high-grade ~·stem of swil1t'~ I have worked with swint' for !V~eral uranium ore -.ill greatly add to the cost of nuclear lnihate a phaSlng-out scheclule fr- ..::urrently operatq years on our family farm, plus on the neighboring po..-er The labor-intensive. safe "soH-technologies" faCIlities. swine farm, and there have been several tima I have !j.e small scale renewable energy sources. and Karen Greenberg seen a pig throw up. I want to inform Mr. Pape that a conservation measures surely mt"et the needs of our Intern with the Touch of Nature Environmental pg's digestive system may become upset just like a people more than the capital-intenSive and dangt'rous Workshops human ·s. Maybe drlOklllg beer and eating Fruit Loops could upset a pig's digestive track enough to cause Costs of det,eloping energy sources often too great htm to vomIt. I suggest Mr. Pape conduct an ex· periment. feeding pigs beer and .'ruit Loops, and see \\lule I understand the int('\}I of a recent article on pott'l:tial, but at what cost? Energy should not be if they throw up or not before making such a com· what Sick Danna still refers to as "exotic new energy developed at any cost. Ener~ is valuable only when it ment. sources" ..-as to placate our fears of an energy Slm"Ved is in harmony with the biosphere. when it entails I think Mr. Pape missed the main point 01 Mr. world. I must take issue with the naiv(' determinism of equity. human scale, and consideration of the con­ MIIlsap·s letter of Feb. 23. I would I1ke to know what the articl(' sequences of il3 consumption. Technology has m-ver up on Mr. Millsap's belongings should be respon5lble The wntE't"s pomt of \·iew seems to have come been and should never be solely a technical issue. enough to clean up hIS mess. or at least pay for the straight off the propaganda sheets of the Departmmt Every technology is political. damages done of Enell!~· or out of the mouth of one energy agency One need only IooIt locally for reinforcement of this director known better for hts stands on the Vietnam be1it'f. Ask yourself why in a coal sta te like IllillOlS. the Mark Hosto debacle. legtslature chose to establish a solar dnision of the Senior, Ammallndustnes It IS hardly irresponsible to feel "fatalistic" or Institute of ~atural Rl'SOU1'Ce5 and to provide it only a "pt'Sslmlstlc" about the ability of our country and the ptttance to "dl'velop the state's maJumum capabihty world to cope With the energy crisis. Oil embargos, of solar technology as soon as possIble, thereby Sundays all jazzed up wt'ather and market anomalies aside. there are, m\l;'rslfying our enerl'tY base .. admittedly. some optimistic SIgns of quality research, A..'i for the notion that solar and other appropriate The community of Carbondale and Soutt'.ern IlUiI10lS design. and demonstrations oceurring in the energy technologies are new, nolic. or futuristic, how far Umverslty have shown a definite thirst for jazz. field. )1any 01 the examples portrayed by the article from the truth can we g07 If properly oriented glazing, ~eginrung Sunday April lst J(l[P ~ and The are. however. far from this appropriate adequate insulation, good stroctural design, thermal Miles High Jazz Setw",,", .. ill come to WlDB. In technologh,t's·da-entrabst's list of exemplary or even mass. basic plumxing an~ ducting mechanisms. and respottSe to community needs the gathering of the jazz desirable exampl~. common sense in conslructiOll are "embryonic" head-.. will be broadcast on Sundays from 8 to 10 p.m.- Bhnd ad\'ocacy of concepts sllch as "energy farm­ "exotic," and "new" then we must be surely apes in a student ramo station s·'. microwave beaming satellites and other such the trees of ignorance. !:'k~no:~~tt!":t~ts~ technical fiXes. without consideration of social and ethical concerns. IS both deceiUuI and naive. Robert Pauls Bob Tonge Sure. there IS almost an unlimited energy producing SIt; Solar Energy CUrriculum DeYe.lopment Project Program Director, WlDB George F. Wi II Carter's naivete, Soviete be11igerence- SALT shakers WASHINGTON-Several visitors to Ilk! Oval Office, that seems SUited to disarming strikes against C.S. ministration's incoherent (e5ptlIlSe, the substance of inclumng legislators attentive to SALT, have found Mmuteman Sites. The most warheads on any l'S. SALT 11 is so dismaying to so many senaotrs that the Jimmy Carter holding mlstakt'n views about what his ICBMs are three, on Mmuteman substance alone would be enough to prevent SALT II negotiators already bave agreed to. He showed a SALT II limits on missile sizes deny the United from being approved as negotUited. l'Omparabie fallw. to master thl' subject of SALT States the right to achieve equality in siie~ Both sides It' dismiss op- ..-hen, in hts Georgia Tech speech, be raade much of The administration wiD not . able to are "equally" limited to kt"eping or impro1oing the • position as "partisanship." Some Republicans wiu the fact that SALT II Will require the Soviets to reduce "heal'Y" missiles they already have. The Soviets have by 250 their number of strategic weapons. support earter, and a larger number of Demucrats n, the l'ruted States has none. W11f oppose him. And those, like Edward Kennedy, Those "-111 be antique bombers or obsolete. single­ In Georgia. Carter said that SALT II serves "our warhead missllt'!. most of them liquid fueled. of the who say that opposition to SALT II could cause a efforts to protect our mISSiles." What efforts~ Carter same \'Intage as the AtJases and others the ljnileO "return" to the Cold War. will be hard-pressed to has delayed the MX I a mobile Iand-based missile 1 and are Stated dismantled unilaterally in the 1960s. As explalO how today's conditions an improvement is unwiliing to decide how-or whether-it should be upon the Cold War. prevIous admirustraltons ha\·e ..-=-ongly done, Carl£-r deployed. He is unenthusiastic about multiple shelters t'mphaslze5 numbers of launch \lehlcles. He does so for MX, and the decislClll to study Iaunchtng MX The Carter administration wiU not be able to because numerical equality m that category is one of airplanes looks like merely a way of avoiding a stigmatize opponents as "against arms limitation." the few equalities the t: mted States would enjoy under decision. The opponents' approach Will be positiv~haps a SALT II. It is crude cosme tic equality. series of imprOVing amendments, indudlDg ones You have a pickup truck, and I have an ll-wheeler; Carter said SALT II is '


I~~., .~. Showing 5, :) p,m. Show 51.50 Weekdovs 5 15 7 159 15 April 3. 4. S••• 7 I:Hp.m. "e.G C Ken HARD- ~'~t .' FOURTH FLOOR CORE '\.( STU. CTR. A '11 ... S 00 pm Show $1 SO Weeltdoys 5 00 7.00 9:00..... With Special Guest Star Murdale Shopping Center Open Mon.·Fri. 7:30·6:OC Sot. 8:00·5:00 Phone 457-1244 Ian Matthews ''mRRTIDIIIDC: Beat the Easter Rush SPECIAL Tickets On Sale Ther.'sonly Don't be to laid back SIU Arena SpeCial Events 12 cloys left a b out your Easter d ry-c Ieanmg . Ticket Office beat the rush and get SIU Student Center Central Ticket Office m ~I ALL YOUR DRY CLEANING IS70 fIr'~' iE-cludlng f"r~ suede leolher~) $8.00 - $9.00 COUpon good. cloys only =':' SO HURRY " ..118 .. flOOd li.... __ "mlllTIRIIIRG.- SIU AliENA CUANI"

...... 6. Doily Egrption. April 3. 1979 Lawrence's work remembered By J ••• ,'.. n., WII a 101111 titled "The Prif'~t of Lov~:' wrillrn and sunil h\ Rn: lII.ff WrIWr Ray D.H Lawrell('e would hav~ ~ proud of 1M T·.avehn!! Ml'dlclne Thfo lOlli, accordin!! to Ray, had Its Thl. newly founded Khoot opened on February 26. Show's portr.yal of his works "Blood Knowled!lf''' 85 Lawrence genesIS after a 3 a m. In.~plr~!lon 1919. A comprehen.lve year-round four year Friday night t ..rm .. d. l.awrt'f1cl' wmtl' of lou', 0' The song WII about the for('''~ of graduate educational program I. offered. The Thf' Calipre Stallf"S produ("tion of human reai.tlon.~hlpe, uf Sf'X, and of rl'8501l and mtuition Th .. mu", '... a~ cunlculum con.lsU o. both academic course-work ··n.H Lawrence: A DramallC and hstemng to thf' forcE'S of thfo wlf Hf' ~~'1f by Phil SchmIdt and John MIIIIICa! Work in Progress" was I ran tnto diffic:-ulllf'ol wil" the censon and dlnlca. e.perlence. reflecting the broad scope fitlin!! introduction to thf' In' whom hf' called thE' "censor of profeulonal psychology. Thl. not-for-proflt In­ Kf'MS werr "So"" If'rnallonal confe~en('e on D H morons." OtMr from and tovers:' Inc."dmg anI' skl'tch of a stitution dedicates Itself to providing the Mghut Lawrence lhal i.~ bf'm!! hf'ld on "Snake" portrayf'd Ihf' diChotomy campus t/us wePlt Tl'e play Ins a of tM pot'I s L'tought: Thfo first mother and son waltlnll for th",~ levels of profe•• lonal and ethical "tano,ds for Its drunk,," lath,·r·husharnl 10. rt'turn rombmal1on of Law, renee " pot'Iry, thou!lht we intl'lll'<'tual, hf' did nol student boety. Inquiries should be directed to: shorl slOflf!l and Sf'1l'<'lIons from want to kill thE' snakE' bec:-aU!le It was from it pub The man cam. homE' "Thfo RamboW," "Women m Love" and quarre\f'd With hiS ,"'lfE' The Alan K. Rosenwald. Ph.D., Dean and "Lady Ch::tllerly's Lover," r::t, 1: =~ t~'U::lt ~: :::! !lC't'n .. "as .. H",'tl\ pl~ pnrtra~f'd b~ three of l..awrenee's hf'st known bl'<'ause he fearl'd It and its power Melodle Ranslrom and Ray novels In Ihf' md, thE' snake crawled ba("k One humorol!S note was a parody £ The Chicago School of into Its hole after both men had of "To Tell thf' Truth" Three con· un~ar~'!~=r. o~~ ~~Vf'~n attemptt'd to Btnke it. After heannR testants (Jim Edwardi, ChriS WProfessional Psychology member Traveling Ml'dic:-tnf' Show, the poem inlerpreted and the Vil'<'kler and Ray I slud tll'y all voert' 10 Wnt Clllugo !\ft"~ lrd Floor ·C~j(~, Il 60610 an unpro\'isational group that was mUllCal ac:-companlment. one could D H. Lawreocl', and tm. womm hl~ .... : 1 12/280 ,12" IIr1ginaUy In oral Interpretation and MStiy have thought a IlnallE' was ,Ranstrom. Ann Malinskv and mUIIlclll(roup that perlormt'd m Le actually presenl Colleen Murphy I .... ere thl' panelists The school...,.. ~t dlSC'f'imiMte on 1M baSi! of ,.,t.. BIStro, dId a yoga and back,rubbing Lawrence's work was erotic and A poem that was nleely set to C~Of ••_ Of nattOfWlf or etftnK orjqtn. l'lll'l'ClR to re:a. themselv('5 It not pornOllrapbte. Eroticism IS musIc was "Bavari,'UI Gentain." a seemed to relax thE' audieoce as chanlctf'l'tzed by lenderness and poem I..awren<~ wrote about a walk well Ion: portIOIIrapby is crude and hf' and hIS "II... f'-neda. took whll.. After ~ warm·up eo

Pat Metheny to appear at SIu-yock ALL BASF TAF'E· guy 1 at regular (;Ullans' Pal Mf'lht'f1\' Will hf' Ralleoy and Louis B.. llson It WI" al'lO leresllllg ImprO\'Isallonal mE'lodll"S comm!! It> S~;ryO('k AudltoJ'lum at 8 In MiamI that h .. met and pla)1'd all conlnbule to hiS U"'qu..., .....~ a ... price and get 2nf! p m AprIl 12 Tlck .. ls for tht- show WIth "th.. FlOrida f'lash." Jaco guitarlst Has band on t/us tour IS tape of equal or are s.'>:;.; and are on sail' at Ihf' Pastorius, curn'lllly thr ba...s player Ma: :< Egan on bass, Dan Gotth'i> 011 Sturl.'flt CE'nter ("<'IIlral Ticket Of, .... th Wealhf'r Report and I.yre Mays on kE'y"..ards lesser value for 14 f",.. ThE'fl' has bet'n a host of 1m­ By 1M wa~, Ma~s IS something of a Thfo :l4,y .. ar~1d stariN plaYlnll prt'SSIVl' young guitarISts to f'merge wonder IumRU. In IV75 ht" alt.. ndl'd !NIta. ;st Iht- aile of 14 and sonn m thf' last fl'W VI":..". Lee Hilenour, North TexIS Stale t'mv .. rslly. reahzl'd that hf' wantt'd to ··achl.. vE' "aVid Sponnma, tarry Carlton and known for havan!! thfo Ieadll1g coI~gE' a sound that .... a.~ dlffl'n"llt [han Joe RE'Ck aml1l'lll many othl'f'S. One jaZZ band ID thE' country. HO!' bl'<'ame any"n.. E'llIl'." In hIS own words of thfo thIngs thaI elnates Metheny a member of thf' band and C>.>mposed ME'tht'l'ly IIraduatl'd /ugh school With abovE' the others IS "'5 InnovallYe' and orchrstrated an album thaI was a full Kholars/up tn thfo t' nlVersil)' U!U' "f the !2'Slring IIwlar to bE'c:ome ~ fint college band 01 Miami ti~' employu.c diffE'FE'nl WRIngs III! album an history to be nommated After only ont' S('mt'Sll'r of Sludy, IS ab~ to achIeVE' sounds that lIle for a grammy for bf'st Jazz album of at a>;e JS he was asked 10 JOin the rarely. if ever. hear romi.. out of a the yrar. f .. ~ulty. Wh,le leaching. he was guItar. This, almg with Ius abohty to There is little doubt lhal ltl@theny askl'd to perform WIth such jaZZ steoer clear of the jazz,rock elk"" and his ItfOUP WtU be amonl the notables aa Della Reese. Pearl that are all too popular and hIS in- forerunners of jazz WE HAVE MOVED to 521 S. Illinois Ave.

He bel Optical Center Dr. J. C. Hetzel. Optometrist Phone 457-4.1.

HAPPY HOUR EVERYDAY 1201. BUD DRAfT... 35~ ~~g7 6001. PITCHERS •••• l.75 3:a~~~ 60~ 406L illinois Jim Beam Passport 549-336. Montezuma ~. Full "I.I.I.I.;;;.~;;I Swing

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!.e., • • ...... !' ..~ •• 'J ..... ~ ., f'" ...... t...a. •. ""~"'Itypttan. April 3, 1979.,aga1 1\: 'to" •. : ,'" t J ~ COllference on D.H. Lau~rence set

f"rtlnUflCtnl ... onal suenflsls from lmlt'(\ SI.lI..,. .. Part I"" !'BId La ... p'P,;oonll'd al HI am," Ih .. ~!u<1t-nl dP.uncl I ht· ,."rld ha\"(' llalht>rPd al rl'1l(,(,·'" mMl wf'lI-known work In Ct'nlt'r .-\udllorIWII ThaI 1t'l'!lIrt' "'III ~Il Ihl;' ", ...'1. lur ,In mlI'\'"nallOllaI dud,,,, Ih.. nO\('ls "~on'" an.! h,' !"I1"""'d at :I P Ii' wllh FOOSBALL DOUBLES nKllt'ren('1;" nn 1) H l..a" n"n.',· an IAI\·t"rs. "\\mnE"'n 1I1 1..0\·,.. ·· .nd "l.awfE'!l('t's Pnt·IT)·· and al 8 p m,h ,uih'r ... ho hd~ nt-:." ae: Lad\ ("halll'rlv's Lovf'r· Th,' ""Ih ··I.awrt'nt·p and Ih .. d"Hmt"(t d,S ,,"to uf thl~ (-pntur\" 5 ,no"I"; 'l'fSlOr of ···L.. d\· Chatterl,·~ t\f"'!'-urr~ lion " & SINGLES TOURNEY must l-unlmandlnll. htpra~' h~ur~ l..on·r·· "'a~ hannrd b,' a :-'MI/ Yark On W ,'dn .. ,da\" a 1.... lur.. on nit' ",ork "I I ... \\rt'fll.... who ",ro ('ourl III the 1_ b...·au~e of lis ·I.a\\r.. n'... ·~ Imjx.t.. oc,," Will iJP in 193<) al lho· ~j(" 0' .1;. "II' bto alhll .. elh ob"ec'ene conl .. nl pr~I'1lI<'" at R .Itt a m .n ~ SII:dt'nl r .., " ...... 1 I" ",·hol .. " dnJ dt-, '1",5 . 1,,"·P'o·"'·. Ihl' t: S <;upr....m.. \ 'Ollrl I"'nlt'r .-\ulbtorlum AI J P h~ .. slid!' WEDNESDAY Ir"", Ih"', nlll'd "lalt'S. (·a. ada. latt'f ""·t·,.,....;! IIII' ruhnll 1t'('lurf' lin I..,'u·.. nt.... "'III hi' Ill""" .J •• ~n. \\''S'''''n ElifOpt" and I;rt'al Adl~III"" Includ .. d In Ihe ('on· and al :1 p m a talk ut ...eI ··La ... rmt'" APRIL 4 11"11 .. ", ~ .. :,. lh~n .JjM) partll'l~nt' I .. reo,·" Indud .. I.. ..rur.... him,. and Wornt'll·· "'III III't.. alurf'd ,Jrt' ."pt"'l ft-d t~l a!tt.~d. al't.'ordull' h.l elramatlC T .... dIIl!(S and an eX/llt"l "I 1111(' 1t'Clur.. 01 L:.·~rt'll'... ·s work 18 Hut.. 'ri i .lTtiu", . halrtnan ~.I tt.­ La'" ""0('(' mal .. nal~ al ~f"rT1~ sC'hf'dult'd for Thursdav t:nl!lIsh llot-p.'r~I1:,_·m Llbran "I.awrm~·s Pf'O!;t' Shll.. ·· WIll iw Th" ~hnuld h~ lho- la~Il..s1 ,00 lin f:.. ,.cta, a 1",lur.. htlPd·TIII' prl'!lf'fllf'd at 10 II m In IIII' SlutIt'nt "·n·ne .....1 Its kmd "'''r 1~'ld !II lilt l"w1l1" 01 Lddy Challerly·· .. III br I"ellt .. r·~ Ballroom B Th.. ,·.I11I .... enep IS """nsort'd b, a $!~.o.. u IIfo:nl frnm IhE' SallOnal Endflwmen( lor !he Humallltlt'5 Ml·SF.t·M GR.'~T RO('Ht:..'iTt:R. !II y ,AP,-Thl' tome Soclr!,' tor .\d'·an<:f'mrnt or ~ JO p.m., Sludeni Cent .. r being built :'tIanagt'mt'nt R~t'pllon Ii to \I :1(1 RE'Ilalssant:'t'Rnom p m Studt'rll emll'T Old :\Ialn Tal Oil nub m"E'IInl{. 7 10 9 pm. at Room and LOW'lIl" Pulliam 214 lake Chautauqua A""1S8dt' Breakfast. '; to I Art Education studI'Ilt MIoc:iatiael a.m. Studmt Cl'lIt.r Troy Room Art ExhibIt. April 3 to 11. Student SGAC VIdeo ...R .... ft'f" Madness'· 8 Cpnlt!l" FU'SI Floor d;.play calII'. I ( offer &ood with coupon) Ib...... II m. Sludl'nl Cl'nl ..r Vld ..o John F. Boyd Art Exhiblt. Mardi 3D Expires 4/4179 2 p.m. ~ ...... " " ~ Lountle Admwion 2:; Ct'nts \']I April 1$. Wesll'Y HOUR. I

:~.~iOpen Face L---;-A;-~;k;~T-;~ J ~. Tuna and Alfalfa Sandwich . ~ ~~ ~ with ~~1~1J~~ Carrot Raisin Salad - This week's Special 25ct DRAFTS Food 1M Though' :"unlale Ul-G1J Murclal. only 60e SPEEDRAILS THERE ARE PEOPLE OUT THERE TIME RED LIPS OPEN KlSSMYBlU TO TIME CLOSE!

11:30 am MY LIVE IN PLACES LIKE CHAD, MALI, TOGO, to BElIZE,BENIN ••• GABOO, RWANDA AND FIJI. IN AFRICA,ASIA,LATIN N£RICA. Tl£Y LIVE IN N£R I CA .. TOO. IN CRCNE) CITlES,FORGOTTEN 2:00am HILLS. Tl-£IR ffiEAMS ARE ~ .. NEEDS BASIC: FOOD AND WATE~ .. I£ALTH AND t()lJSING .. JOBS, ••• AND VOU ••• TO t£LP AS A PEACE CORPS ~ VISTA WLltITEER . • ...... t Plecemeat OHIce for 'nt""'" with.., ...... volunt_r 51' S. III. A"e• ...... 2 VISTA ~ .~

Page" Doily fgyptlan, April 3, 1979. Job Interviews Oi,'ision. Houston. Tnas: 2 year enlry-Ien-I positIon' un in~v:::c:-~t:dul~::"ta~~ ELT t: S ciltzenship reqUired. derwrlunll Of'ICree rl'qulrt'd PI ...,,;". • PlKemftll Cftllt'I' for .,..,.lIn .. ",prill • .,7' BUSiness. flnanct'. markeltng. the wed of Api'll 10 t'or IDIt-rvlt>W IlsArow Seed Co.. Kalamazoo. manalleme:ll ""onomlcs and appolnlmenls and addItIonal In ~llch Sales R"presenliltIVl'S 10 pohltcal SCIence maJor. Ma~ lII'ads fnrmallon nSlt lilt" CarPt"l' PlannlnlZ ... urll. a5Slgnersons who are MaJ(JI'!I' AjCrttnflITIy. Ag Econ • farm required. unable 10 "1511 the Pla<-ement Off~ hackj{round helpful May til' Aug "rdn.... n ..",pril II. Ir., "Ioahy.-\prU' I,." jCrads l'.S clltzel15tup required SoUCh Bend School Corporation. LIberty Mucual Insurance Co.. South Bend. Ind.: An grade levels DreHer '"dustriu . Atla!! TayloTVIne: St"ekin8 inchviduala for aDd sub]f'C1 areas English major requirements changed

By T_ MaleHy To accommodate the extra COUl"5t". Wlu affect students mroUing in the St.... , "'rtcer the department has ~ ita dt'partmenl's general and graduate HYPEIITINSION-NUTR.TION-ORAL The English De-partment has required hours for the Engbsb school .penalizations The %1 houn iIIstituhld St"\'eral dtanges in ita ma_ from 33 to •. 'lbis means all HEALTH CLINIC major requirements IMI ..... affect of f'lectives these sludt'nts lake musl n Enllhsh majOrs will han three include one course In Enillish any SIUck:-~ entering the English '",eor hours of electi'·E'S. !tleralUre before 1800. Ollt" must be ill -Blood pt'MSure testing major begllUlinll in 1M §ummer of "The reason for splitting tbr 302 ~ is IWoIoM." Hat!on said American literature before 1900 and -Information regarding hypertension ~~~::w=~::..~;~':~ "First. the iJUUuctors t_dlu .. the one must be in Conltnt'ntal -Skin fold calibet' testing In Enail§h COUl"5t" f~1t there is entirely II.:: ;l1uch literature. These elective courses to m4QSUle percentage of body fat El1(!ilsh 302. a hlt'I'Bry hlSlOry of matenal to cover in one semesler. must also inc:lude al wast Ollt" COUl"5t" -Nutrifional information England. will be split into two a in eadl of these calt"gOnes' poetry. ~ :uu::~ baz} piCtun! of -Pr~..,tation on brushing ond flossing techniques courses. Each course will be wortll t'st ftctlOO and drama. three rredit hou.5 ··Second. most univtnities "av~ a The fint coune will be f'lllItJed IWlHIt"mester hteratun COIInt". If a These dtanges win aff~ct only 3:12A and will cover English transfer student takes only Ollt" of students decianng En~ish majon Detr. TI_: ...... S ...... after March L Students t'Urrftltly htt'I'Bture from Beowulf to 1750. The thee It does him little if any good. .. 1 P ... IIU ltutlent c.ntw·S-th Iollc'twtl_ A.­ 5t"C'Ond course. entitled 3028 • ..,ill can't Id hIm take half the coune." ftIJ'OIJed as English majon may dt'aJ ..... th F.nghsh Iitt'l'ature from lit" said. select either Ollt" of the 302 c:ounH to MEOPREP Outreach Club 1750 to the r,.rewnl Othe'f changes in the department satisfy ttwif requirements_

C.nlhlc-Pul...... ry I ...... tlon Coune (eM) with certification will be offered from 1·5 pm at the Family Practke Center.

Those interested please sigh up in ,he "'n Offlce (1M 211) of W...... He" ..yA ......

...... y MlD... P/OU ...... C.u.. CONTACT LENSES

J BY POPULAR DEMAND WE "­ ARE REPEA TlNG THIS OFFER SALE Hard Contacts $69.95 SoH Contacts $169.95 (eye e .. amlnatlOft . ..,,.,.,, necessary .•"Iraj

Or-~ER GOOD THRU '\ April 30, 1979 .---I

After 30 clavs. II you don'l love your con· lacts. bt'.ng lhem baCk to HOlner RauSCll wltll,n lhe nelll 30 dayS and W •••11 gladly I. tund lhe cost ot your conlact lenses ThaI's a full 6() Clays 10 be sur. you 10" your new contacls_ II'S as Simple as lhal. You rully can'l allord 10 buy conlacl lenses aI1Y'*her. else dIaue~~~,!~~ Off... Good otCampus McDonald''' ~ / Me 817 Souftt Illinois Ave. '. • ~ lreakfostServed: Man-Sot 7 o.m.· 10o.m. ' Sunday 7 o.m. - 11:30 o.m. Unl ••rslty Mell stt-un .~,-...... t. Doity Egyp"on. AOtill. 1979. Poge 9 Device lets deaf persons use phone

K, t itod. lIi\ AnothE-r bhnkm~ light IS ust'd If. l'Qulpmenl. ailu,,"ln2 !'oIddrnl '"riln Indl{'al~ In{"lmln!C call:. ThE- unll '·I!,tnm..r~ to hE-1ot'n ..,.102 It l)f-"f an" """",h,,mpatl't'd pt-.,p1e .".. "" Y!;;I!CIl .. d 'nln r,,!Cular I •• n nl-'~ ,·",'Omum,·at ... ~Ia telfpt.• ,,,,, h 'USf"oold rurr... n' or ~.... rated ",th "11115 IS thE- fil'sl offmng of ,!, -,~ "'""~ :h.. Porla·Pnnter·lI. 3 ho.'::-nt>5 kind ,n th .. sial ... ·· s31d (h"llht l",r!·,1I1 .. , .. it'pnnter a,·allabl.. from R,ros<'illk. !ard and a roll ,J Iht'rmal (oTt: .. ,II nl~'I\' arf'8 allt>rlt'lt'S Ihal m!lnll'allons for d .. nd 'I..... ,·h prlnllnj( pl .. t.. I,·phon .. numbt'r of anllttlt-r pt'rson .A ,;n: "'_~tom .. r "no loa. bt·f'fI tf) olhf"'r customt-rs-. sUt.·h a~ ,.~. has sImIlar I'qulpmt'nt and ,,,rllnt'd ":. a rt'!!"t.. rt'd ph~"rlan hu,pllals. pohC'f' d .. paflmt'nt •. nt' by usmg ItIt- I~·pt·,,; lI.. r or a ft'C"'Iolnized af(t'nQ. ,uch as a ,'Of1, .. banb. hbrant'!< and a"t'n,'It'S ·.. r k.·'bo<.~d and roll c' papt'r II' *"d ",'unly ht'allh dt·parlm .. r,t. a~ and r ...:,·,,·t' m..,..",;It'S. accoramll 10 ha'lOj( a h('arln" or .p.... '·h 1m "nf( Ih .. dO'af and ~pl't'<'h·'mpa,J'f'd Tern \liiO; ';Tt: accounl pt'd,mt'nl ,'an I.. a~ .. thE' ""rla al a rat .. "' 1~1 :,,' a mllnth. plu' a m"nag.. r for SIl' Prrnt.. r·llfrom ,;Tt: to .. $I~ a monlh ,,,,,··llm .. ,.hal'1l"!.11 $1:; 111~ dl'\'''''' ",...,. .. hill' to tl'lI IbP m add,tIon 10 hI> rt'gular monthl} ('allers ,. h ..n ItIt-, aft> rt· .... "·1111 a phon" "'1'\',(,(, bIll (ott pt'"","!1t'1 "'111 Inslall IIIP d,al ton,- lin 1hE- pb/on .. ai rl IIIhE- Til .. illinOIS Comm ... rl·" ('om ''qUlpmMl!. and Ih .. r" .. ,II bt> nn numbl'- ,ualt'd IS rmll'llIiI or os bu,y n ;""'on rt><"t'ntiy appro,...:! 1hE-...... add,l,onal "'",r" tor 1';a'lIIt'flao<... Series of health tt"orkshops planned

R~ Paala Daaan haSlC t('('h",qu~ of nalural hl'lJltna laA' l.ipt'n Forum ..... hlC"h '.... 11 ~ Staff "ritn for rt'mfol'('mg thE- bod).··s ht'allng hE-Id Apnl Z. 111 .. "ratf ,.111 dl5tl'r.hal. SmU5z saId , .. If· can' for common spnng rh'p worksoops on ,...If·(,RI't'. I. hE-10II ..\ ~E'mlnar on ba,,(' nutntlonal alimt"nt§ .1nd ,,",II an5,. .... q~tlon.. SpnMOred ~ thO' Pallenl .'><,II\·alrr.n rf'QUlr.. ml'rltll. ,.,Ih an t'mpha"" on on olht'r It'I)!."!' .. Prolll'arr. 0' [hE' Stud W .. Unl'$s ""~"'anan mpL•. "'ll be h.. lrl .Ap~ 'W~ll!hlnll riMo IJIPt$' ,.,11 bP thf' (, \ Rl'SOUr('(' C''fIf('f and [hE' :\It'd-prt>p IR I! .. ,II dPal ,.;uh a:tf'rnat,,·..,. h. final ...nunar sdlt'dulf'd for ",,' 2 ( /\ \ llulrt>~ch Cluh th .. ~ladlllOnal .A:" .. rt('an d,p!. (·urr.. nt p"pular dlt"ls .. ,;;' b .. Th.. Sf'm'nars ,.,11 bP h .. ld from] Smu" "",d. and ,.,ij ft"atUTt' a anal~l .. d and partll"pant~ ",II 105 p"ll ...... dnt>5da\,s In Ih .. Slu,l.. "l hlmslnJi "" tb,- ""htll'al aspt'<·ts of A't:t'I\'t' h.. lp In ('hooslng IIpprnpna[ .. J// I U ('enl .. r A"I" ,!,. Ilmm R 3l'cllrd!llji! th .. ..\mt"rlt·an dlt'l mets for th ... mSt"lvl'S. ~mu!:o. hr CfHHn.on ;iIJr.. f""nt!lo and • To ~erve as Assistant to the Business Trip on ~hO"'bo8t (\"'~/\'\ Manager of the Doily Eg... ptian. offen-d b,· S(;:\(:

H, Philip lam "t1Jd~nl Writ.. r • Must plan to be in school thi' summer. lrri.i"':10t" ~nu.r~il "olttUlI( C.P\alfl to next fall. and spring. ~_/~~ !I~,r.t·r ,~l ~ht, (~q'~.IH' ... d:m:-:.:. room "~'Plitd ~t"., (' .. i{!f·n!'o.:l ..... n.'''''llOat i-rh' Ilt n"." ~a ... ~ ..!rt'd. \! :~~I""'lPPI r n t r )lI.)at'"' J. < -b,," :r: ..' ,!.~:~~f';' .'" dJ ht· (iI' • Duties include: Inventory controf. purchasing. It's rude to t'·. t~tll::"" ,It t"'r:~t""r~ iii'.'~.,·nr ~Jn:iJn;!: .", :fr. .... 4'rr.:t' n:d\ 'to, ."~..-irrln-: L;turf' supply and other misc. jobs . ~;~~J{:~~rt(1~\.1 r;:~. J,.\i;:~:.~~~.d db~f~::; refuse a drink.

p.aeE"o 10 duelt'" ,lit" .ho and mU!'ro14: b\ thl" St ~.UlJ,l~ H4.t2t11'1t"r!i . • Must "'ave current ACT on file. Thl::;' no~tal)t)( ':"P ... ,11 rakt· p'au' ·\pnl ..! I ;n.d .~ tM;'lnt-! oiff'Tt"d h~ thf­ ~nn~nst'. Stun~-"n! (,O\f':'"nnlt"nt .-\l i!\ltlP'" ("oun(,:il Tht, prit."'t" I~ $!Y K;") pt':­ • Must be Capable of lifting heavy loads. What's mdt, is t~'in~ to pu~h pt·r~·t".c, dnd 1r:~'lud~ tr:trt.'pol"lalHWl t() and !rnm ~{ l,...Lui Tht' N'-t IAdl a drink on somt'om' who dllt':'n't dPpar! fl'l.m !h.. Studt'f,! (·Pllt ..r .~- ~-. t"'tlt'n~~ ; .... ".. '. ~ .... , Th.· '. ~!Idt'\·ltlt' oho .~ .J ,"' •• mlt.' nl~·~j-1r~'m~l \A.n:('h ll"k·judt~ ,tn;':lnlil, d.1~H·tn~ ancJ !'IoKlt!' Ppr .....,n ... mtfl-r~h"d m IiHnn5&! nn tht­ tr;~ ,,..,,,1 "j(n up b~ :; p n, :\pnl ~ In Ih.· '" ;.\(' .,If" t· on the th,rd nll"r 01 th~' ~fud.'nt f.'entf'r ~t'dtln~ 1:0- hmll.-d 10 .~.) po·'opl .. ATTENTION ALL STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS


Ordf'r \our rt'~um(' rHlntl'c1 on onp of our Bids to man the polls for the Student Senate Elections are r lo,('oul pJP('r<' .and now being aC(:epted. ~wt In ('quJI qu.anttty 01 hl,mk mJtching ('O\('lopl''> . , ...... Bid forms may be obtained at the Student Government office FREE! 3rd floor, Student Center. \\ hilt' 'upplv la .. t~!

All bids must be turned in to the electio . Commission by .Cj;OO pm, F'riday, April 6. 118 South llIlOOIS r [rbond.!l£' 4):"-4411

Pogtl 10. Doily ~9'fpt;on. April 3. 1979 New self-care room opened WEST ROADS "The Allin One Store" 8, Paala "".a­ r.o aI'P(.!ntm(·nls are nf"(·e!'.t"'·r~.· ... tw 69 ""allh fare ··W.. always t'mpbaslle prev"'ttvt' 'Jld -"'nHI~1 ... aut '" III d I.~' nt­ 53 The " ..m. _hlch 15 localed 10:hP measures." Smusz sate! "One of tht' t"('IPt;ln~ m/;rt.. Infnrmdllnn (lU i.oil 01 ttw I'ft"t'ptllll'l dt'S. on th .. hrsl ma.n functions we p.-rlonn is to "ll .. r~"",,'~ 10 Ih,· tradlllOnal 12 pk 12 oz. can~ t100f"0I tht' H.... lth s..T-v.t"E'. I~ siafft'd ~~~.~or:I~:~ ~en!.:..du::1~~ '''''d,ral car.. 'u"h al- h('rbal b} :'o1t'dPrt'p slud.-nts and lITadlld!(' Cf·rn.-d,,,,,. Ih .. rapul'l· mas.~al(t' .lnd -ludt'n!! In Health Educallon dot1ora and nurws.·· w said l'ampltlelJl. fl:'en!'nrt" t>ook5. hf'alth Sm!IU said thai fPC","!.ly many ~'~.. room IS pAId for through th.. 79 hull"ll"" and "",",sit'll..". cueron!ll studenls have rome to the Rf'SOUrCt" Studenl M... ··c;,1 Bpneht fees. $1 all tyPl"i 01 lIII'allb mformahon art­ Room before mailing an ;oj)­ SmUllZ saId d"allable in IIIII' _. Sme' !'aId pointm"'t 10 see a doctor or nurse "We're ~ally amlOUS for !llud",ts 6 plr 12 oz. cans l'he room ~ opt'II from II a ~. to 5 ·'Studeonts have bHII rom.RI m 10 to get thetr mon~"s worUt out of.I." pm Monday Ihroul(h Froday. and find out how 10 care fill' minor she said. Our New Wine Shlp...... t IslNI Drop 1ft ...... what w. ha".. Countries topic of symposium ", uSuol "ole pro!e, .n

B~ Jam" Pallenoa DanIel Leamer. a proff'S..'o;or at the t'mvt'r5lty 01 !\4assac:huM'ttf'5. .·m "rIler l'mnl'Slty of Cahfor.ll1 al Santa speak si."1be wora of !IOcia1 scienUls in the Barbara. 'II'iII be the first speaker Thund.oy's _Ion wlli IlPlfJn with dnelop1lll Third World nations 0: HIS \ec:ture. "From Progress 10 a talk on thE' resea~h of !IOCloiOItli '" -\fnca. AsIa and Latm AmerIca will Development." will Slart al 8:45 the devt'loping nal10ns Wl'lldt'll h .. dlscussrd al a sympOlllum •. m Bell. a Yale proff'5llOl' 01 SOClO\;l\Co' s('hPduled for WPdnesday and "Lt'amer.5 really the 5iandfather ••11 talk al 8 ~5 a.m ThursdaY in c:etebratior. of Liberal of mocit'rn sMi.1 ."Clence. Victor l' chfl1d11. head of th.. Arts 0\ ..... specIfIcally '" the commuI:icatlon Afncan Stuliles deparlmt'nl at thc "S", DlfPCllons of Social Sc:ielK''' fteld." Eynon said "He has bftn t'ruvt'rslI)' of IIhnolS-l'rbana, WIll Rt'SC'IIrc:h in Rt'SponSC' 10 Failures m around a long time and if people diKuss Ihe developing nallon s IH-...... opmeonl: What Have Wc want to~' a Iradltlonal VI''''pllnt of Vle ...-pomt on thiS subJt'cl al 10' 15 1.nmed" IS the title of Ihe sym· how soclIl 5CII'IICe hal! dneloped. am i""'lum to be held In Mnrru Library tht"Y should Mar hIm." Evnon ..aid ~ soctOlOltlSts will be at a A.ldaorium Maxwell o.usu. a nah.? of Ghana rec..peionalRp m Wf'dnesdaJi at Iht' 'Whal IhlS Ihlr., all bolls down to and anlhropolo!!151 from the HoItda)' Inn to a,.".. i'!' qUt'S\I ... '1~. is who ((3\'e us th~ righl to go around l'niversity of !\llchlgan. \Oo';!1 .i;~", ... i.C Eynon saId. MAKE Ii de~ ('lop'"!! other I:ation,." said the ('ffeelS SO<'Ial KII'IICl' ha\'t' had Sympo... um Dlreclor Thomas on developl"ll nallOllS. particularly S,\Ti:l.LlTof': I I~!'. WITH Eynon "I mt'an IS the dt>portahon in "",'thVit'S1 Africa. al 10 3(l a m Wt'dr.-sday afternoon's leclures BrE~Os AIRt:S,..\,,,pntma :!:;,r~~I~~~.;.e:I::~UZJo=,~1 ... ui r.:alur~ Robert Kates. who will 'Af' ,. - Plans ir.~ hulldmg a Klt'I!{'e m It..... ral or art' we JUSt dlsclll!lS t~ Sahellln drought and .ts rt'C('i\ Iftll stallon to Imil up 10 tho> JUAREZ iooamg for' more money~" asIlPd Impact on lhe Sahelian desert. Land.. ·., ..alt'lllt!! data bank ha.'.. Evnon. dlfPCtor 01 the Social Sc:ieoce kates is a professor 01 geography at bo.ot'f' allllOWK't'd b!i Atgl'lltlfta' s TEDUllA Ree..n:b BuI1'l'J al sn:. Clark l'nivenlty 'auonal Space In\'estlgatl"n EVOOII said .t Will nice to apply t:conomIC denlopment and its I:omm.sslon. wf'Stem "''lCIal Kiences to various relatioll to the monetary strurturft Tht'

trlin~ and au I. III. A....



Ocrily Egyptian, April 3. 1979. Po~ 11 Different approach to medicine emphasized at Health Service

B...... DeeDa­ At-tivation Protram. In addition. the care a5 low as possible and main­ si." Wrtlft' cefller partially funds Synergy. taining an interest in keepnll the .(:I!~. Tndltion.Uy. the field of winch providft peer 4:V_Iint! and studrnts healthy .. T-- medidJKo has bfftI concerned only criSIS intervention services for Man: Cohen. 4:OGrdinalor of the ~: NIGH with illness. Howt'~r. the stu studrnts. Wellness Center. ag~ with Mc· j HMItII Senic:e has tallen • dIfferent This concept of .eI1n.. was first Vay. He said the prollT8ms are c:onc:eived by Sam McVay. ad­ deslllJ1ed 10 live individuals support ~~J::e!s~. a hMvy em- STREO _ =: ministrati~ director of the Student and wormation 10 that lhey can La In order to promote this concept of Health Pmgrams. afta- he heard assume re.po"~ibility for their ~ SPEC/At/" W wellneu to students. tM Health someone say that 901 percent 01 the healtb and well·!)e;ng. people who go 10 the doctor would '"We w.nt to provide tools .. nd :~e ':~ ~:= a~fn:: get well without the doctl1l'·. help ~ OLY BonLES 50c "'" Resource Center. Actually four "Health is tM responSIbility of :f:e~~ ~1:i.m:~eI~ ~~ indivlck1als." McVay says said ku:::SSe~ua~y ~er~~~s t:! McVay believes th.· moti.atioll of Cohea said 4:Vllele students are Alcohol Education Project the Health Service he!: ~Id be often unaware of certain thingSIhey Lifestylil1ll PT'O(Iram and Patient twofold: lleepmg the cost of health can do or not do 10 affect the quality of thE'ir bves. "Whal you do today ... lloing to afff't't tomorrow." he said In addition 10 20 ~ id staff members. the procram mlpioys an additional 20 interns a"d ;,rac:tic:um ACROSS 56 Ice ~t>ode studrnts from a variety of depart· , Florujd CI!Y ~l YeHo* buqle Monday s puzzle solved ments. Cohen ...1eI. Th,,: worlrf'l"S 6 Covers 58 E dOl offer group and ind; mUll­ 10 Fla" IiO Mr. a .. f,. f , selmg. activities. w,rIrshops and :4 Uo an<1 - I!J lou1soeak- retlQUrc:e5. not only t'" help prevent '5 MIscellany e'~ dtSf'B.r) Prlnler 5 59 I( '''gs So iK'1I." ~'ohen said. .\...fd 7'() NOhces, "ebid Human Sexuality Services SPECIALS" :! S[)edtllfU' n Coarse proVIdes indindual coull!leling for ~-; Naflv,' OOWN Lmited Supply of Surtn , Curlers ~~e=IrO~::U: ide7.~ ,3 Slop caps ;nterper!K>nal relationships. The New Releases From :5 Brandy - 2 Blind as - 19 Zodiac s'gn Informal Rf'Ylc:e alsc mall... prnentabons in 27 Grouch It Kansas river 46 E Ind,an residence halls and classrooms on a .t.M • '3." SINGLES 3D Behold J Alo"'" 14 "!lvS gP cymbalS Wide range of sexu.1 issues. 31 Wong 4 Golf Club 16 E.plo.1 49 SlIaroens .5•• 5 DOUBLES 32 Oroce ",ore S -- lOSS 17 Ego 51 P1«ard :r=.-'::~::=ta:; ).4 Easl Indoan ~r8J dillM_ and \ont-tenn U"sure "" Margarone 52 F.lamen! hUe 6 Show rela- 29 Some coos SJEqg C'IIWISeling. COME IN SOONI The Alcohol ~.tion Project J8 GraSSlands tlonsn'f' lJ FIO\IIIer Soc ReVIve ia the fint prnenllOll in 40 lamo~ 7 Alhena tllle 15 Nasty pro!). 55 Hindu gar. program Seiling Fastl ~J 5ouf!(! 8 Earty Seols lem 2 wordS menl ...... 43 B'arn::hes 9 Sages 16 Arrow 59 ~=:~~:~ ~~~t.t~J~i'\'l~ in­ Alay parapherna"a lal. 45 10 Hebrl'w po.son 2 *OI'ds C.ohen saKi. Educational and 47 l ..rr .. r formationalworbl!opa are held for ludoe 37 - and Sk.t- 61 FIO\IIIer IWdents. and traininl OIa.8onp'1" oN 48 Pronoun l' Ae:;!ttct ties III Can _:= SO FIOhler 12 Rodge 39 r.tance wh.,koes ."oN 5< ::J'h~':oa':::: ::~ 13 Consumer 41 Surllng 60&- Vegas faculty. he said. layouts advocate ~ Bactenum: 55 Co C!:"':t:,;:.r~.:. on alcohol 4ind pnxnote responMble drinlrmg by bnakmg down myths concernin. alcohol· related Liquor ~~~eson~:;;:':i~rv:r;.: Store WIth alcohol problems .nd IbeIr families. The Human Lifestyling ProllTam ia '"gMreeI toward helpmg students us\lme self-responslhle dec:Is __ mailing 10 they can engage in practices and actiyjties to promote their level oIllt-alth .net well-MUll." said Scott VlerR. assiatant coor­ dinator of Student Health Programs. The program has four com­ ponents-exercise. ecology. rel.lIation and nutrition-which iDtft'ad wtth ead! odIer to help the Itudenl maintain a hiah level of well­ bemg. he said Studf'nts .re Sft";ed by tbe program indtvtdually in smaU IIJ'O. and worIIshopa. Vlerile 18Jd. The fourth wellnesa program. Patient Activalioo.. IS destped to 24 - 12 oz. R.turnabl. Bottles + Dep. MaISl studmts in ba:omint! acti~ _.. I ...... t to 11.15 .11 ..... ::::I:.n: io their penonal Achllflonalln Sfore Speclel.. ••••• •• .,004 T...... WM_. Thurs. • ...... Prosperity Cleaners 515 % S. Illinois Full Service Dry Cleaner, inciudes. pick up & delivery "The Wine Store" drive-up window mending & alterations, • suede. fur & leathers I' BUSCH oriental rugs. no rugs '00 large or small I 59 In addition to these many services, we have now added III $3 .....HI.1''' •• 12pak LAU••• Y S ••VIC •• cans

Page 12. Doily Egyptian. April 3. 1979 Garnpus 'Briefs &Jobs on Campus The followl!1K ... _ for ~lud,,"1 work,," have bt't'n listed bv the A financt' symposIUm will Ix> prt"S('nted at i::m p.m Offlct' of Stude-nt Work' and TUt'Sday 10 :\torns Lihrary Auditonum. SPt'akt'l'S will Ix>: Financial AMisUlocf' Martha Pt'nnt', assistant VICt' prt'Sidt'nt of the Fl'dt'ral To bt' phglbie. a studt-nl must bt' enrolled full time and havt' a nJrren' Rt'St'n' .. Bank 10 5t IAlUIS: BrlK't' Burnctt, chairman of tht' ACT I;amllv .'Inanclal Stalemt'll' on bocir... 1;l the City Statt' Bank: Roger Grt'y, prpsidt'nt of the rl~ With thf. Offict' or StudPnt Work APRIL fo'lrs', ~atlonal Bam' of Cobdt>n and Jamt'S Jolle, vice and Financial'lJlCt' ~t>SoIit'nt of the Firs! :'Iiational Bank of BeIlt'vIUt'. Applications should bt' madto In SPECIAL! person at the SlucJeont Work Office. A workshop t'ntitled "AIlt'rnativt' Highs" Will he Woodv Hall·B. tlurd floor. pre;ented from I to .. p.m. Tut'Sday in the Studt'nt Center Job; avaIlable lUI of April 2' r;;?0 1IohsilSSippI River Room. The workshop is sponsored by the Typist-SIll opl'nlnJ(s. morning work bloc.. ; four opetllnRll. af· ~~) Student WellDt'Ss Rt'SOUrce Center ternoon work block: thrft' operungs. to bt' arranged. The Studt'nt Bar AssOCiation and the Graduate Student One openmg for a typist. Time to Council will be sponsoring John E. !liorton as a guest lec­ be arranRed. eIght to 10 hours per turer at the School of Law from 3 to 5 p.m. TtIt'Sday in the law school room 201. :'Iiorlon. an attorney from Belleville. ~=.: ~:::"i~'::"'.J ~c~::'al opernl1gs for summer work 011 SHO~ "ill be spea!ting I)f1 tht' St'lection of a jury, opening statemen~5 and ci06ing arglK'ments 10 a cIvil case. campus M!SC'ellanftJUS-five flPftIIRIIS for SELECT GROUPS janitonal TIme: four opprungs. 6 to Richard Gray. of Ca~r Planning and Plact'l'1ent. will be 10 p.m .. Monday throuah Fnday the !(ut'St spt'akt"r at the Curriculum. Instructior' and Media Ont' opt'IIang ~ to 9 pm at thE' aar· assorted styles and Graduate ()q!ar.lzation. at noon Tuesday in the Wham port. Must ha1lf' own transportation fo'aculty Lounge. Persons attending may b;ing a sack prices C'ZECH HO~ORED lunch. The tht'me of the ll'Cture wHi Ix> "Gf>neral Tips on VIENNA. AUlltria 'API- 8t'Sume Writing and Job Hunting " Austria's top literary priZf' was awarded recftltly to Pavel Kohout. SPORTS MART The Accounting Club will meet at 7:30 p.m, 'tuesday in SO. a CtedloSlovakUIII playwnght .• EVERYTHING fOR THE A THLETf tht' Student Center Renaissanct' Room. A prt'Sentation of Kohout had to walt nNrly a year tht' Becker Revit'w Course, ela:tjons and the field tnp will for hiS awanl before belll8 granted Ix> the topics of discussion pt'rnllSSlOlI 10 lent' hIS country Road racers vie Sundays EVERY \VEDNESDAY R. \·1 ....1 Saba ·'..\11 of our raUIt'S ha,t' bem hdd Bargain prices on all Pub Specialties SC udrnl "ritf'r al Ih.-lIp 01 So\Jlht'rn IIhflOlliO." BaIt'S :"und,1\ aflernoon~ art' "pent at tho said. "and bave t-n from :ill to 200 only 50¢ track parUclpatlnR In autU4.·ross mIlt'S In ienRth Tbt' ralllt"S art' ,al't'!! and road rail It''' " .. somt' SW ;J!;uall~ ht'ld l'Very Q(ht'r month." -All high quality brands- • tu.x-nts 11I,,:-(re m<'ltlbers of the Tht' Club bas a Rood salt't) record . • ~' p"i ..... t· .... '" ,r. n t;rand TourlnR Auto Club. a ;H'rordInR 10 BatE'S. :'Iio on .. has t"'er • ·J'·> B..~;ri"'" Cnavt'rslty organlZe-d 5porls club IK-t'n In]urt'd durlOJ( competillon. • Chn~;',m Hrlll',,'r, t\r,,:l(l''; • ( II II \:' j~' ~ '- lli: ",Iuch hold!. the raCt's at tilt- SIU ·'Thf're·s alwa"" SOOlroRt' tralnffl In • \\'~,!kt."'''' J\"Pf"'JrLll:'~ Sc.nntiPl'-" •~'! '~i:.'/l.:r.ld ! +;'tiu)" I an'na nft'Y Sunday aftt'1'IIOClII first aId at ali t'\'ents," Batt'S said • B.l<.dnli Rum • ~rmr,)t lh \. ",:!K..l .. ~ are usually l'Ight to tt'll "Ralites rely on C B. radaos to ht'lp partiCIpants an the "'f't"kly autocross locatt' !IOmf'OOf' In trouble." ; •••••******** •••* ••* •••• *~* •••** ra('t'.·· said Rob Sates. past Tht' 211 mt'mht"rs of Ihe­ .. Pizza coupon sale for Tuesdav. : pI'1'SldPnt 01 tilt- auto Club "We get OI'RamZ8lJon takt' turn.- oIflCiating t' . .-rythll1ll set up around noon and PrICes vary for ft'Itering 10 Ylew : $l.l1O oft large • 7:;4 (ltt medium • 5l). off small: .lit' ran!' begins at one o·c1ock." he the event. I'or members the cos, is ••* ••****. r ...... :-... -\"" .. :" i)v." ...... 'r***.*.***** $2.50: non-members. S3.<;tJ; and a Hour.. : Sun 4 I'm· I .am. M·Th J rm-I am. Fr·Sat ~ rm.l am ~t's. ",lao has been a mPmber of yearly club membership of $7.50 the dub for S4."vt'ral years. said tht!r@. mulln the bearer f\'ft' admlsllOD IS a major dalfft'eocf' betwft'n an for me autOl:I'OIS or rally. autocroA and a raUy . .. An autocroa IS a timed "mt. ill ~h a t'OUI'SP is set up .n tllP .."' .... !at at tbe AI'ft\&. and par· ~:r;~~:~~edB':r!~i:.t::rlnt partiCIpant IS penahzed lor ,OlRg out ~~oneefd2 of tllP dPsignated area and for each r<)nt' knocked over. according to Batt'll DELIVERS W' Compet.ttlrS are r-ategoriud into fine Chirese food dlffl'l't'nt c1a_ df'pendtn, upon the 'lIt' fo their vetllcies and the SlZIe of COME IN tht'mgmn ~JI~~ .. ""'e runs or r-ha_ are allowed OR CALL presents !<>r pach r-ompelllor In tht' auto 211 S. illinois ,·rnS5. "SaiC!' said H"wt"'es-. tbPre's only one chane\' S19· 251 1 10 wan in a rail) Each ~'Ompptator r"(,f'lvt',; a Itst of InstrucU"DS do.-sll!T .• ting thE' elIact count.' h" 15 to folio",· Tht' ont' .. ho follr..W5 Ihe ,-ounlt' most accuratt'I)· and clost'st to tht' spt'Clfi«l timE'S "'". the rally. /Yinu: 7:30/l.m. ~3 Sweet

f_ .... &r ~~ ~ . ~ ... """ ...... Cf'at. o ..... ' ..... !"tGIIrIe.,...... 10 ...... """ """"'" r ...... ,.~ dQoo'IQ""'oert"""COM­ -_"'J""'''''~N ..ev.".~8""4"" ao~,.,,.r~",,,,,,~ _ ••• !f '1",- ,..... c.. :.r~':"t..:-.01-~ , ...., .... 900d .eowt -. ~~!fte"""~ C~ ,"" • ..0...... lOO'fIIII~

f"IoIII ...... ~tI"d ...... 'I ...... oft~W"'. Zwick's ...~...... ,.,.,...,"'ow e...- 100II to- .,..., , .,.--...... ~.,.., "ore.__ ...... ~CClft c()AC8~t fW() The .... 'orce .... MOrW IIhnolS ...,.,.. DIIIOI'I ... 11 ~ North Park Avenue Hemn. 62948 I c,...... ~--­ ...... "''''''''9 "' ••e You ~ .. oneat ...... I .... D.-.., • ...., .... .t- 0Yt • oft 8ft Iw Force v-.... !c ...... __ , ...... _ i two ano tgw.__ tIIo- ...",. ---_1Ooa.,.._...... -..,...... cI...... ~ ......

Doily Egyption, Ap iI 3. 1979. p~ 13 ~ • ;... '. _ ' T. • t 19'11 MAVERlnc Rl:NSgood AC, • 101150 WIth 1x12 t'XpaDSion. un· BicycleS P S. N4.'w til?S. exhaust, battery dt'rptDnt'd. air, clean. 433·2\106 DJiJy 'Egyptian days, 54.1030 evening& 7494Ae13O $500. W~k-days only 5J6.~AaI31 S22S ",..' Daily EJ(Yptian alnnot ~ ,a.INfI.. lUMMI. IIM"SUa MARLEnE MOBiLE ~pon",hlt' for more than 011(' day's 12;65 A,,~ ._ile~1e M.., 15 1l'74 [x)DGE CHARtrI';R i'pKul hnm4.' W4.'1I insulated and un­ IIlcorrt'Ct IlIS('f'lIon '" llloq6' ~' ." It's.t'n Iht' ~alut' lIf Iht' dash. CaU4S.'H931 ask for Dnan. 2'J .. l • tlSttJo' G .. "" ...... IO~-:;&:-{;SDERPiS:~ED~-AiR . I~): y; .. ( .. 'ht'rtL.... mt'ft\ wIll bt> adjUSlt'd U 7654lAaIJi ~~ III 1 1 ~OO'tt"l Civ .... D.. :.,,· ~'... ': ';'.~Q. PB.nlv furnished. Occupancy May yuur ad appt'af!' iocOlTt'Ctiy. or if ]', III 1 • ~. ~~. O'S I~ .. l( ~.. • j , ~ ~. l,l\:' 1~' . ..;:; 1545'1-8310· BHtlimt'4:30-40 00 ~ou wish 10 ~an('(,'1 \'our ad. call $36. 1l'74 MERCntY MO!'oTEGO 'tIX ;- 11 I 01 ]OOl"~ !u(lb .. Exct'lIt'nt cond,llon. aUlomatic. 76«>.-\1'130 ConfIM' Me.... ' Oft "r..... ' ... hll b .. iart' 1:( 00 noon for ... call 45'· 2U4 ,·an..·t'liaIlOO In the n..xl run's issUl!' power steerlRl!l. AM-t"M r"dJo TU.U ",.. Da"y Egyptian 'wIIl not ~pt'akl'f'!l. 44.(100 mdes. '"100. eall 2 BEDROOM TRAIJ.ER for Salt' j'.1I' • ']6.':: A ,)", $1 oS ""i,.. ",~,.ty MII...... ,_". :;4!H)(l(l, 529-10511 7645Aa131 12'l!55' Healing and AIr Con· 2t5 f. l\Oai" C'""'. ditlon,ng RoxaMe TraIler Court Alrueft k-curlty Caltl" ~~~~r1~f~w~el.'l.~~~~:~:e~.:: :.29.2$26. baSIs oc ract'. color. religlOl'l or ~. Call 71>2.'\.-\t'131 handicap. agt' nor Will II knowlI~ly ) ft "'Y ~ ,f I, '~Qtn SA 7~ prml any ad~nl!lt'1llenl that Camp"'. Overhavl 117." vlolalt'!' nl~·. ~talt' or fPdt'ral la .... Ad\'t'rtISt'f!' rallon TUNI·UP SPiCIAL Miscellaneous Iffld.neie: n dt't.·ldIl1R wlIl.'lht'T or no' 10 r .. nl or IIlST PRICIS IN TOWNfII .... 1110 an aoollcanl thp!r ra,'t'. (·.lIor. Rt·~· A:'IiD SE:.J. IJ.Ct'd fumllllTr _()~po"", ~.... t pf.(~ VIP.t.., ot"",,,, ",lIg""ls pr.. t .. r .. nc... nalhlnal OTlllln O-{w,·,·d.· and anIlQUt'S. Spldl'r V. eb South on l·".rooms Old 51. ~,",9-17\t.:. B;2S6AfI~.(' l ~. Q4" ':l .... ~, e"n():j ag... or MOll \"lOlallOl'ls of Ihls ",n· .. <,.ltnde· derstandlng should bt> reportt'd 10 All Furnished Ihl' h\.l!olnl'SS rna nag,·. of 't,. Daily 'N'"rd., plv9" A" Condltlo",ng ERypllan al Ih .. busln~ 0'''«> In Ihl' ('ommumcalJons RUlldlni! Tennl~ Court CAIeURATat OYERHAUlED 1I .. 1r. ';"antPd ad!- In th.. Dall~ I ..t Gat. 5 .....ln. Center Bo~1. elboll (ou" U.S. "PI CAlIS ------~------<------~--- ,.. , loundromOI ~~~~r~~~~!" ~~~;:'~:!ded~I'O ~ll'iS ..... tl:'e; 2 botr.) corbt,t'ofof'l. KITTY'S I:SED Furrulure 018" nol d,scnmlnall' In • bor,._ (orburO'or'\ Iocalt'd 5 mlifoll nurlh on Roult' 51 10 G"II and p"n.( Aleo "nploymt'nl on the bll.... 's til raCt'. (It'SoIo. 11. 6 mllt'~ t'aSI of llEoSoto. I'>-SPEED .·OU.JS Mlrldlt'-allt'd I Pong Table h;tndlcap. ag...... oIor. religion or !K'X J.'oo, and (". ~1J'1 0 ... ., "."0 II Hurst. II on Rouft' 149 Furmt'-'"' .~., ,r, good shar,. QI!.IIiI)" rom· I NO PETS .ml""" SIX'h QualifYing facton art' frontd.'H b'otl!:r. $.3"195 ~II:: 9:;r~ldelivWi IXVI3~ ~:-';5byS~?a~~~ 13;-;; ; So '~;~':~:~r I iSSPfIual 10 a Il'ver position DAYIS AUTO CEHnR t.::= Th .. ab'l\"1' antldlscrimll1allon BE-YOl"it-("),,:'Ii ~~-;i;;""St;-II;h MOln'",non(t> Mon appilMi .t. 51 C"r Creel! _ ...;;1;"'8:,_ i poh,', to all ad"'erll"lnj! drapery remnants ] for II 00 t·arrt'1' TR ICS. new and ust'd IrWin Sl'BLET Sl'MMER TWO ,,·ord. pt'r d,l\ . Tvpt'Wnlrr Elchangt'. 1101 Sorth ... ,' '."'<1 & 1"",0 a.d,,:oom Bt'drooms. s.t'I1li·furnlShed. AC. I .'"p Ihru ~'Ilf' Day" ; Cf'nt' Pf'T S~'{l" "..,..,. .. urn",.' '0_'" block from campus Avallablt' };".~~~r:;.~Bn'h~kc· (~o" ... '" -::o""pu' '''''op,~.n9' ~t' I. ;I!M~,month call.:;~:~'t'fl Day,,- Ii ("..,,1.' "'T~ri r:~ d~n -- ~~.-.~----.-- o"'nf'\!\('. Europt'aD. large sIock. W.o'.' I f'O·.h P.c" 1..10 fv'''''''~ .. orJ. ~r da~ . bHt pn('('S. GlObal AUlo. Rt. 51 ...t .... ~ .. lIiorth. Cartlondal4.'. 529-1~r.Ab'44 ...... ,. AHr_ ...... A.i. Electronics loyl~~'::-';::"J078 c .., 1110.. .o!I f ';-oIJ_ .!>, len. ~~ .....t,..;q. '2 1'~ & 1 Dew ... 5001 (011.09' .~1_ "''''S,.,;(tI''I'Iu.. J JOCI 6- 1 Logo" ~II i l_ .S' 1003 74 KAW ASAKI 500. Excellent CASH ~(<>"'" 3 300 e I condibOIl. S72S 00. S49--'I9'18 W. buy used sftlreo equrpment Confect Me_.... on ~I'I\II.(""'" 100 6 I ·,oltAc131 Good condition or ""-'-... _tI "7·'1~ .tOe ".I10Vlo :x.> 6 I n~r.DO" ...... )L"C,ran'(",Bttp 14 JO() 50 l~ 6·' .. ..., J JOI)6\ A_~ ...... _~_ •.!!!- ...I ~:~ ~O...,Wf~ )'. P~Cl" 300 .. I ~lS N AI"," 1 JoG Wofnu'H.U... SlOW. WoInu' ...I ...... _~..... NALDER STEREO SERVICE. ConfoctMonogerot KAWASAKi. MU~PMYSBORO .. ,....".. 'l'7' Kz..too. low I!:i~, t'Xtra!I ~J'srom~:r=:; :;'1 ...... , ..J pans stock m the ...... All work •••••I. I •• I, ; condition;700. 1:r.:.:'r~ t:~~ :IU3 s. U:lI~~g~ lOS E. MaIn. Carbondale Phone. 457 2134 I11; HONDA XLl2S Exct'l\('nt. e..-: dit_. only 2900 mdu. 80 m"d to SOllo-V BETAMAX \"TR. lilt' new, i"!Ii"'ICE--':'U"';'!\J~r.""O-R"'two"';';';:;;'bt'dnJo--m-.'1 ~ pilon. SUftl or ssa.OO ,.71 J_p CJS Soft Top can around S: 00 529-2852. ~~~fJ!~~!!~shows. ~~lsc~":~457s:'er or Med grey. 304 \18 I 7S9IAcl30 87556Agl21 74108al38 'U... ISHID AFARTMIMIS quodrOlroe 3 spd. mud and CASSEnE DECK. PIONEER FOUST HALL snows. whIle spoke wheels. 9191. S47S MW. Will sac:nflCe S32S. APA."MlNTS .2tW_t'...... n Must hear to Ipprec:Ult". 54').1373. SlU_ed'", x.p"__ API>,o..ed roll bar o.~ly 10000 mile. 758$.-\g131 457-7174. -""'-.. and ~ priced 10 sell Nov. cx~"ng COI1trocts lor r¥:7N ItfNlING FOIl 1""4 Chewolet Monte LOOK HERE' MXR 10 Band S"ft't",..,tJ#'tIC~oU SU_f. EFFICIENCY APARTMENTS Carlo nu.nCII ~~!i~~C-;~Ii:I!..~~ 1 Featvnng PS PB A T A C AM FM IItft'('o ca5St't~ deck wllh BIU fH ...ent;.ft • 2 & 3 bd ~.~ UTfllTllS PAlO Complef. sennce on all sei«lion, only $50. and RCA 12" Splitt...... , apr~ low moles very deon ":ontoct ~nogttf on Premises Brands. Porfs. & AccesSOries E!;~=~e~dl.lW. WII" SWtfl'''''lng 0004 OJ Call ,.73 Datsun' it Air COi1dI hOft 1"9 ...... cneII 7649At-121l __I .. ~,~t. 4 d, 4 spd 4 pm A.C.. SWImming Pool s,ot 11 Jpm ~iu:n-~n~r.:I~~~a.7690Aal30 'I ,Aoo ______...... ,. -.I sp4!\ SoI~ni~ heal ·A" Cond'''oned VAS 76 GMC. fully' customized. 7655AdI 41C -NaP .. " Apt. 5C GecwgetOWft Apes. "",(" .. II .. nl condition. \'·11. worth Piano Tunin~ . I. Grencl & lewis Lane $-II ...J W,ll lakt" SJ.IOO JIm. ~7· Mobile Homes .... ~; Prompt Service ... _.1 .. _...... 19ii7Fo RDW:"COs. -fJ9.000nillH lZX60. 3 BEDROOM. first months I 510 s. Uni"ersity lor rent frl"(' .~ at ("arbonda\(' EI'-l!m.· rt'bullt al \02.000 milt's 549·1643 .57·794' Bt,·"t off.. r ~57·2696. W-~ Mobile Homes.lIiorlh ~~!1~ 7688.,.\al:rl ~------~ Haw. and Apam,... ts Rooms ...., ....tSu ... _ Southern Park for Rent PRI\' AT~: I'OOMS 1:\ apartm .. nt~ t. ott_In for ,.11 Fall ood Summ.,.r for slurn-IllS You ha\' .. k,'" to 549·7653 apartml'fll and 10 your pn\-atr w ..... -.T Accopt (1o,,' '0 Compu" E.traSharp • ronm ','ou hav.. k,tch .. n dln'n!!. l'IISITlI)'I, f1P~::\ ~:'~l'll!I\I' Any ,.11 Only C_trecfl ("II b"'v.een 4 and S ') b<>droom. 2 lull bolh.. :~u::r"}~t~ ~~~:I'1~~I:' 1:~r~I~~; ~l~:i\~~!~ iJf H~~\rf.i~'~~;~ !.~O~·I Illinuls l·rogranHi u"K'hJd ... ')u' ...... n 529 1081 or 549·6880 and ullllllt'!O mcludrd In r .. n. V.. r" tlt'ar camPI", Soulh ~:illah<>th Patlt"'nt !~ hr phonf' ar.'1 ~(I OIJ' "I-t"r'I.Il't' "ll ... l"mH~ carf" ,itt!;.I! l'i.f'. St'!W\It:lt J BE[JROO~I hoUSf' ~rt'<'t and \10..,.1 ('oUt'll .. :-If"'" oIOOIW"I"", 2 100 250 cap' and a \outh .. ~r\ J(~~'''' Fum A C. War Gb9 ,nc (ull" (ur",~h ..d. :! hln .. k. (rllm Air Conditioned {'ampus and to"n, j.J~ I.::;; i::;? II~O,~~~"" rat.. ~7~';!~d~I"1i( 0100' .. 1 Walnu' 2 160 1'10 ) bedroom Mobole "'orn,' r~~r:Ta r;', (;;; ..();d~=lnl~~I'l~,~;~II:~ ,. It to n2 Sem'Fum.. Wat'Gb9 ,,..- '''''l ...,fOtrp' w,ndow~ Hllo ."hog rJClst"d faellH,,- of Ir~ k)nd in ~ Roonmates 11111101< Tilt' fllldl!Pl " :n .. look~ llk,p rH_"W ,n·" .. , 3 .021 Walnu' J 250 300 I ~~~. ~~;!~t,/:';~'~l~~:(~,~~;i~~ ~ P~:!{SIISS '~:t.tlr.tJ for Sum· '-ur" sao per per,on m ..r onh at 4 bE'droom I..... ,~ Park ti::;::~J .t:.~~h r-~~i~r():. (,~t1r..J~~ Cor .a"(~:.;;,.~() "ttl'r ;pm a ("uU:1I\ thd! ha~ d ~r.~)f,r 610W $yc0"_. 215 5 3 m ~~~~t~rud~~s ~;:tfor'dfoaa~r1~r 7,;:!:m.. I.11 un 1\: prs,tt \' ".. rth !It lJIl.If) ~!Uf~nt~ U''''2 SI5(I a mOnlh ("all Phil. ~~;.8J:>'>. l.dkf>~ . ilhound for Vo;J(pr UI~ ;()FR(lO~'l.arll .. 3bt'dToom Semi furft. Waf: Heat in( af!.. r .p m "-'9--131. 7ti11.~Bb1l2 rP<"ff"atlOr.. hunfmil fl~hHHl ar.t: um, .liIS 2 bathrooms. larll" i.",,,;; 'l,I-:ED (\'\::-:; ltU,'I~-'T~ for r~1 to 60<1 N. Ca.ica 3 260 300 3·-1 BEIJIUlO:'oI HOI SE 10 .'utol ..t room. plush earpt"!. bar :"undry ~~~rnn~ ~;~d ~~.. t~~..,~;un'r~H~~~ SemFum. eqwpm""1 and "Ira insulatIon ~)~ ~i.17c~~;r ~:~~ :'~;::;~h f.l:i~ " .. trop<,htan ar .. a \',n.mul!' 3OIC... _ 3 325 3') ~:r;::~~r 'h\~n~t ..~Ot~S as.~{~~1 SHI;) p"r month now Ihro~h Scott. :.4~2236 ifHlBeJ:!l ~umm .. r. :>I!H;88 after 4 Modern. SemI f .... ". monthly :>19-';918 76-1;8bl29 R'fiOOBcl~5(· GRAD RlJn~I:.IATF: FOR mc.. ~~!I~~~~~'1'!I~ld !n~"'J'~7a ~~ communll~ mt-nlal hpa th aci • 'I. C... ",_ 3 3¥J 3115 THRF.F. IH':DROO~ HOI·SF.. lar~... 2 ho>droom twoUS(' Rural. mlrnstrallons t"P"fI<'fIl'~ "ala" ~.s-.F ..... rnc flC''1lsht'd. for four woml'fl. II .. !"n~·· r .. nl 5-425 monlhlv. I.. as... , ~T5!I.~':I7ulI~~ 5~f:~,al"'Y n"jo!otlablt' 1-:'.· .. nl 76.">6B .. I:1I1 b .. ndlls Equa: c 'ppc.!'.!nn:. 1176 I Wal...... ,." .75 a\allabl.. ~Iay 15. :.49-65% r-fwz...... f ..... 76119Bb131 Duplexes ~:11~~I.. t P~~S<'k.~d ~~~~m~!'~ 10. 1112 f Wo"",. 5."." honda I... 11. <;2901 In .. ar~ ·,t 0u91 •• Unlll ..... TlkF:lJ I)~' Rt)f)~nIATFS all ChaIrman. Search Commltt .... Free Bus to SIU F...... Wa"Gbti il\( ~ ::~~r!~le ~~I"esu~~:' ~::.'iI~:7t B7fill!'f·:.a< II I1I2E Wolnu' 1 150 175 ...... Rt 51 North SI-I5 and do""" V .." d~>.n. ~_" Sum....,. and 'all tT~.1. ,-\:0.;[/ PA"~ .,m .... , Qup1etoUn"2 ... at..... trash and' rr'.ur,l,,"anc.. Fully Furnished Carpeted pl"rlP!1cl'd p.zza {'(o"t.' "11,1 hE> V..., l ...... Wo" Gbti'1\( ~~~'iU:~:ft .... :; :>skl{~~ml~~ r ..habl.. and avallahlE' f()r .um I'. 251' Old W. 13 , 250 300 N_op~lianc" n.EAS ~IOHII.t. HOMI': 2 p,~~ ~~~I:~ !;'~n. ~~l~~-~!- SemI Furn .. fotal Remodeled Air conditioned ~(-om. sklrl.. d. air condi"on~. St·BI..E.-\SI-: nl'P;.r:X Sl·:o.t~ff:!{ AnU'. one anch{.rl'd. fumlshPd. Olll' block , Ilnly. $22..'; p"r n.,)nth 2 bt>druom. bc:ep.ional condition from .... mpus. :'Iio pPts. Call -4:'7· ATTRM-rIVE YOI :\(; \\Il",n:\ '3 25IJOIdW 13 3 0100 ~ At". pt'ts oil. Call~;':'4:r.3. "Hr.:! clas. to campus 7832. 7426&1:19 ,,,-,,B028 ... antrd for pholographl(' modelrnt< DvpIe. Unit I Intl!r~lr ..... s .. III be h .. ld .It ttl<' ;"m.. All U •. Inc "'1t'RDAI.E ~OBIU: HO:.lES. · Rt:RAI. CARBO:"D..,l.f: TWO ("',Id"", B~ar H.-.wur"nt rn Car ,.. 251301dW 13 3 350 .00 '.9::!'" l'IIch 12x:;2 ff'l't. Two bE'drooms. bt>droom. paruallv f'lmlshl'd. aIr. hondal~ on AprIl 3rd. ~th and .,th from ~ 10 am 10 0; 1M. pm F'or Ouc>'-Unll2 smallrst bE'droom 'l1Crt'aSt'd ,,",0 avallablt' Immt"d:al.. tv. Sllill 'H'.l. fH'f m Irngth. 5O-foot lots. shafll' "ppolnlmt'f1t call 549·Qj;.W 'lam ~o ,.~.rn t: · 367i1 or 911.'>-4:i09 • i:.44Bf128 .. ""' .nc Mobile Hor1ws Ir..... !. two mill'S from campus. _" __ ~_ ,~ n_. _ .. __ ._. __ nool'and7pmlolilpm ;~C12!< IS. 1 ...... '. "'''0 l 110 no wpsl N'Sldmtlal al'N. no hlgm..ay CARBONDAU:. 'l,t:W 1 Bt'droom or tracks 10 cross. bv ~urdale TWO PART TI\lE on .. full 11m.. f,.",..""'., un'\lmlshPd. ~IS sr." no I .. ast' AnU'. inc. TR.lILERS ShOPPing Ct'Iltrr and Y~CA pO~lllOn "·Ith. iar!!" r.allOnal rom pa m' ~:amrng., SIl plu.~ po-r I" L ...... 5 ..... 110 • 300 350 $I:' . $1110 per month ~Aw~15:'~. rIVer ~;~~Bftllc =:::;~rng a~5IU~~ s::;~::: hour ~'usl ha\'" !!ood 'oar an<1 Alt ." 'ne Iaf .. Oft chamber· Walkmg distanl't' to campus lot> Studt'tllS a("CE'Ptffl Havm~ 1111.1. ..._ msulat ..l. BaSIC furmtur ... · CLEAN. TWO BElH'OOM. "'Ith "n.' po-:" rnl ..n-I",,"," Wl'd .... "d,1\ Olt'n" RE~T:\LS ~J:~l'I'~rn.f::'::i-ry1a:H~ , air conclltiong. back la.-d. call :.49- 17. '~l_... .,. 3 300 l«) c:;! i 2107. 76:.4Bf131 ;~~'~r~:.c~l ~~:p:,;~bo;."JI~J ~ Senti Fum r.~r;o~~C:;IJr:~IIc:n~. f~~t~~ t:llh SI Ask for I.lnda t;raham ,,, ,I.CecIorV_ , )to 3115 parkIng. v,,", compt"!itJ"r ralrs. · Wanted to Rent pilon.. calls f{76;!9('!;:lI ~.SetftiFu'"" SISGU':S . OSE BEDRUO"'1. $145 Save on tran·~por.ahon and otllPr ~ATl'RE MALES :o.;~E/. four :JOICedorV_ 3 325 375 rosts Call457·73S2or549--7039 ht'droom house In Carbon".al ... Pal. MATl·RF. n';~ALF: FOH I' hous .. molh .. r o( a Satlonal Sem.F.,.,. r;;sh"~thin:!:~~~'::n.::.a:u,;I~~~ B i304Bc loWC I ~ .6.lOBgl:lll and all' condltloJ1t>d Absolutl!ly no """"rlt~. sn··(, AujttlSl 19'<9 St-r.d 20 400W W,Ito. 1 m m Irttl'l' of apphcatlon r .... um .. ar.C Sem, Fum 1:15. l milrs rasl on :\- 13 5of9. , TAKE AD\',\!liTM:E 0'" I". I Rf."SPO:o.;SIBLE Pft(;FES.~ii)s.:u. summ.. r ralt'S. T_c and th 'ee> i D~:SIl-lF:S OM 1M' two bPdroom thrf't' It'll,," of n>comm .. ndatlon '0 21. 3. 350.00 12 or 8,102Bc:l3K SOD_... I' :.4~3002. bt-dr ..... m 1211';1I mo.ile hom". i WlfumlShfod apartml'fll or hoU5t' J .. nn'l.. r lin", 1U7 Small (;roup Furnished. carp.. led. air con Semi F·... ft. F,,. Plac. b.-forr Junr I R"f .. r ..ncE'~ ~~~~~~:II Carhondale II. SIGN UP MOW FOIt cIIllOIIed. al1Cho~, umil'rpnnM : avallabl~ dUt' to pt't. Sancv. "-16- :n :J031.",hln 3 3010 3115 and pooi. Sor.y. no chlldrl'fl or 7702. M·t'. 8-:' 7004ltltlJJ 21o""Sem.F..... SUM. & FALL SEMESlI. Pl'ts. 549--8333 B75O!IBcl41 PER:'o'l,S Tll \IooHK as llJ All oportmenh and mobIle nlO'(:k~ at th .. l'ampu" B .. ach :u 313 I"ch In 3 l«) lIS MobIle Homt Lola A\allabl.. 'pnng. ,urn ",''' brt'ak s-. fvm, , loth homes furnIshed and aIr 1!r.9 :'IiWE TWO bPdroom. near CARBOSDAl.E !\'lOR 11.1-: H(I~E~ and "umm.... """, ...I<'f MU!l1 to.. •• 25 101M U-.lty I 160 lIS (ondlhoned. Some ulili',~ campu~. rurnlshPd. aIr con· f~bus IOS/L Hlghwa\ 51 'l,llrth luJl Ilmr sludt'l'lt and h~.e an ,\li B-:':lo7S/.IJ5(· Un'" Inc:luded AnU' 'nc *~"iIe r~:~: nosap;~ :~,~ Appr~Jra, ~h':kS{~d.!~~ ~~.~~f,~~ NO PET',. CARBO:"IIAI.E S BU; UIT pt'!s. C<'tIt .. r Olllc.. :\o l~2 B7,-rw;n2" 26 204'" Unov ...,ty I 1115 210 5266. B7"loBcI-lIC Un", ~r::,sti. rr:.kul!~ ~:~~ r:;1,...f,:ls~~~; Apfl...... S..- 'all PAHT1ClP.\:\T" "'.-''OTEII Filii l~ 3._ AHU. Inc ~:t.'!ct.I=la~:~u~~r;:d :::It and up ""1~160 B;6J2RIl~' "')(',oiOl!,cal rf'S<'arrh T",,, dol'"r­ po-r hOUT Appi\ J:lIl,.I. ~·"',..r 21 204 N U· ...... ,ty I 110 100 ~H. Apts $90 $125 $16$ a month Call .. ~ ..mnl[.<. 457 U,"'3 7009, 7522&, 2!1 l.uCo\TEII ,-\T WI/.JI"',WI!J \! II 7t~;:' ~ ~ 19 . 3 __ . Purr. 1 Bedroom $125 $175 P. I"" mIlt'S ",mlhp•• -t Ilf .;n·. 2 Bedroom I I BO 12SO C.U ..-.-n ...... ntI ~~~/akl'. lihadf> trR7.:!;Brt':~ 211ec11room MoItU. " __ CUlSF. TO CAMPl'S F.~tra ntet'. liN...... , AC. 1"0 bt'drooms. fumlshM :'Ii? 549- .J7-4IM ROle~ Summer Fall Pl'ts Ava,lablP Im'l1 ....:hatrly .; :I'A:'!':,,:I·· 48ue. .7 P m.·9 p.r:., B,5JIIRcl2B APPdC.-\TIOSS STILI. ~E". 12 x 60 SI;~ SISO 1~~t:D1"TE (IPE~I:OO;G B.AR· laiten for k,tchl'fl h .. ip Ousb<)\ an'.~ Ih 52 S9S SI25 (,ARBo:o.;nAL~: AREA. SPt:CIAI. TE'I,l}t:RS. Danc .. rs. and twoSIt'S!i and",ashrr Appl~ 5prmg rat,.". AC 2 bt'droom. 12 Empl"rnrs P"Iac.. aft.. r 1~'\!004'1. I2xSO ISS S$I20 ... Ido.> t'l'f'm S59 SO and!!p' Phol\(" ~I~r:t~~'\~~~ :,;.;;~ly " IOxSO S7S SIlS 6Ir.-37S9or 5-4!H1649 B7"nBclol4 B;1I12CJ1' B L\ r T I H 1. " II I :\ T A ! , Coll4S'·"U TRAILER t'tlR RI-::\T el"".. to sn.f~f:R ;":.IP STAn' (,O~'Il':\ITY Hundr ..ds of ROYAL .ENTAlS Campus. Chucks Rrntals :.49-l3'7-4. Southt>rn Illmolll -4·11 Camp Wt'!'t p""ltlons opt'fllng In n,'''': held5 ul BT:>86BclW:: t'ranltfor1 n<"'(j5 Rt'('r.. atlOn~nd l'fIdt-a.-or. both I.. mporan and , Crafts dlrt'('tur.; Firsl AId p,.rsan. pl"rmant'tll, lrom .. ntry I~\· .. I III TWO BEDROOM. 1135 pPrmon!h. ESJOY THE sni' On IIIP lar~ Jun~ 19-Juh' 20 War ..rfront manag .. mrnl Id 1ft CasllI<49-2833 1,,7'3(.'129 11 12 ~S~~;.~~~~ mil~ 10 "'0,", up 8osementof T:I678bl28 q",.t tOUn,,., t.urf'lnund,"9'\ TRAIU:R FOR RE!Io'T Close 10 Woody HoI! C,16 Q., and (orpe' POSITIOS AVAILABLE. campus. 1100 00 pPr month sum· ZOOLOGIST· ... rlland l'Cologist J BEDROOM ALL electric. fur· "'·1S11 m·n. llSO 00 Pl'r month fall 549- WIth prImary intPrPst and n· "'·3'" 8106. 76114Bclll' ~ q~lr eI~~.1~is~~~ • t=CI! ~mw~:~ ~~a:: CaIlJ36..... spilc:tOUS. 4S7·SZ76. 87S838b129 research. COUr-!le work m ... atrr· for .... lnfonMttlon NOW ACCEPTING CONTRAM' fowl. ~cology, and wetland l BEDROOM, COUNTRY f« summ« SftIIet«, ni~ 10lI50 pcologl'. For addItional In· Location. 11M-month includes two bedroom IlIr c:ond. and fur· formauoo contact Dr. Roy SOLAR DESUiN: Complet .. h~atla .at~r. trash. DO ~ts. · Heidinger, Cbalrman. Search consulting. drsl,n aJ J cc~· ~~a=o:~ m'!~S: &:= · Commitl~e. Department of. r:=l~ntsB;i~£ :O~~A~ ..U::,'P:'-~~~ .:. ~. 7&&7Bc134 • Zoology, SIU.c. 876llCl21 7ti03Bb'7lI DailY ElYfltian. April 3, '''', Pago 15 GLASsES ON ILUNOIS AY. 3-23 .------'11 blue-brown frames. 54&-1114. Philo.ophy leerure 7!W7GI!.'1 Printing Plant 81ot~dfor Tuesday (!)ampus 'Briefs Plrotocopyirlg EHTERTAI~EN1 Offsn Copying Offsn Pnnh"B The Women's Center and tM Memorial H\I!lPital 1I1esis Copin Auxiliary willcCHpnnor a program entitled "Men0p8":-.t''' Resumes at 7:30 p.m. Tu~y at Mpmorial Hospital. Dr. Jennifer C",.ds Fauntleroy will lead the discussion. StAtiOlWry The SIt' Chapter of Phi Beta Lambda win meet at 6::1) Spira' Bindings p.m We-dne!lday in General C'\assrooms 21. Plans wiD be Wrddin8 invitAtioras made for the state con\·ention. "Students Hplping Students, ,. an open house sponsored by the StudPnt Alumni Board. win be from 3 to 5 p.m. Wed· nesday In the Student Center Oluo River Room.

PI Lambda Thl'ta. a national honorarv education fraternity. will have an imtation for 40 mpmbers at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in Morrison Labrary Audltonum. Mary Janp Hl'ad. national l'".Cecutive dir«tor of Pi i..dmbda Theta from Bloomington. v.,1I be the gut'St speaker. The Society for Ad\'aocement of Managemenrs national mana!l:l'ment award banquet will be at 6 p.m. Tuesday In the Student Center Old 1\lal Room

Jill Geisler, news director for WISC·TV in MadlSOl'. \\'15 . "'ill bt· the guest speaker at a dinner ml"t'tin!l: of Women In Communications at 7 p.m. Friday at the ;,.:111'5 Club. lbe c~t of the dinner is $7 and can be purchased at the jour. nalism office

"Don'l Get Hit Bt-Iow the Belt .. · a sl'lf-cart' seminar on Vii Illnl tis. urinary tract InfectIons and herpes. Will be of· fprffi from 3 to 5 p.m. Wednesday ID the StudPnt Center Acth'ity Rl10m B.

The TOlK'h of ~ature Studt'nt Outdoor Adventure IWcrl'ation P~ram knOIAoTI as SOAR-IS sponsori~ a canoe tTiP dO\loTl the Ell'vt"ll'''OInt River April 20 to 22 and backpack tnp to thl' Land Betw~n the Lakes. Ky .. April Z; to 29. Cost for earh tnp IS $19 and there IS a limited number of re5E'n'alloos For rt'glst;'3ion call 457-ro.18


perlence we gIve you com·

plete counselIng of Or')' I dUlat;on before and ol:er the procedure ! CALL US "IIece_ w. Cer.·· : C.II Collect 314-"1·,,.5 @- Or Toll Fr_ SMILE 1'OD1W .... ,2'1 .....

~~ Happy Birthday Pam, Love, Ripple .....--.--- ) "Students Helping ~:xn:RII)R ASD Isn:RIOR Students" patnUng. frl't' esllmates 549-49-19 '6T.'~:13I Wednesday -_._------_ .. _--- o • R Hv. 'F. I~PR()\,E)iE~'TS 3·5p.m. ('0. frt"t' esllmates on home ( Ohio Room =~~:r~,=i~~~f storm Everyone Welcome! ( ir.AA.1F.l:r. ( . ~ .~--,... - ~~

BAT 300 WI'IH THE D.E. CLASSIFIEDS ..r-, .' Autos. Trucks r\'v~-~ April .19, Thursday 10·-00 to 4:()O Junkers. and ""reeks --', " I J : .. ~: SELL NOW Where? Old Main Mall (In fronl of Shryock Aud.) b.tO"e th~ 'P'lng "'0'''.' drop Kar!>tens "'~ » ... :':~"."·"''-'ol)l~.w1!~~~'''':&' N. New Era Rood ~ '.:.:' Carbandale .""". ~.\ 457·0421 457·6319 ~G ~ e·; ami UIST DOG SHEPHERD·Hustle SAVE fHondish·bro"·n .. Irh bIH'~ SAVE :~:I~tn.few::::eC ~~t~30olc!. St 761 SG t::!ll S vr

Dally Egyptian, April 3. 1979. P"ge :~ oubles teams lead netters to willS "MAKING GOOD THINGS HAPPEN" Thr mt'lI's tftInis lPam stclrted an (''''!c:h Oidl LeFevre said !he Miami squad ... mlly laugh tIIis anot~Sa::" ':'! ~::':nac:aC~ a":r=~ : ::'::.lra':w:; !'I!ar. ~ever. he pul Paul Hoskin 7·2 LeFnre satel lID 81V player _ .... Terre HaulP. Ind. SIli .on ~ ~ No. • sinlles 1pIIl. l't'Sf'rYing au three malc:hs although lhe top of its doubles matches in !he Liunto fl1l' doubles plav. Hosilln. in tllree singles playen _re ovpr .500 end'. c:ompftition. .... first ...,atcb Ihas year•• 011 6-7. 6- dunn. !he weekend. The S.lukJs lost 4-5 Friday to 11.6-4 and wenl OIIlo'dPfeat the No.6 laml of Ohio. Mid·American Thr SIlT aquad WIll play St. Louis If'~ chamPIons lor the past ~~~ror;1t:W:~::3 ~~~II:'~~ l:nivt>rsUy al 2 p.rn T"esday on !he r years. Stu took an nrly JoG wad second'place rmlsht'n in tile MAC Saluld home t'Ourt5. LeFevre said til iU doubIH .i... Thr No. I duo Lubner.lhe Salullas' top IImgla St. lAuis hal several 1l00d playt>rs, J"f Lubner and Neville Ken­ player ~eat~ Mtlle ROM!. the indudma PtIiJ Streuler. A Mur­ rley; No.2. Sam DeaD and Steve Bronc ...· So. I man. R_ beal physboro native, Slreuler Iran­ ilb; and No. S Lito Ampon and Mlaml's :"io. 1 AU-American Craig .fl'rred to St. Louis from John A Liurdo. WltlUl at Notre Dame last fall Locan CoUege, dy netters' success 'matchless' THE STUDENT CERYER ANNOUNCES

THE OPENING OF THREE UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT CENTER BOARD POSITIONS. Soluhi3 trin., Io.e n. Miami of Ohio (Continued fran, Pop 20) BOARD APPLICAITONS CAN BE fifth .-Ilea BiD Dorm bit a two­ out double. ..,... ~ a litre_ 01. PICKED UP AT THE 1t3 innirIIfs in wtuc:t. Salukl pitchinl bad not allowed an earned run , III !he second game, freJhman STUDENT CENTER ADMINISTRATIVE Barry NoeItrwr lasted only l.~ dunill of an innIng He lave up four OFFICE ~ earrwd runs 10 drop his record to 1-2. .·resl!man John Ballft' finIShed the game for 81U and gave up a 1010 SEE US FOR THE home run to Miami', Ste¥e NMllitb that madP tile sc:ore 5-1 after t_ CONVENIENCE CARDIII iminet. FOR ;z. HOUIINItN:; SBMa_.DAY OR NlGHf. ",...... c ..... IIIIdl to _Ill' tile KGre 5-3 in tile fourth. wbea Rid! .....CIIlTCIDA' Fila hil a two-run silllie thaI sc:or oct Bob Doerrer ud KevlD House. But APFLICATIONS WILL BE SCREENED Mia=i HlbilH came right t.clI. ~Lr.:.::a; ~":!~ AND INTERVIEWS ESTABLISHED wa hiihlighted by a three-run homer by Don SeKt'r. ~:CITY trAL~ Chuc:1I .curry ... til. bitting ster . ON APRILS& 6 for SlU ID lente lwo. He bad thrt!e hits in tllree at bats. indudJDC IWO doubles. The Salutis .m be home lb., ... «il. openiftI ..ntb • ~dft· against lllino. CoIIeCe at 1:30 p.m. 1Usday_ Bob Sc:bnIKk and Bob Hubft' are the probable ~ Village Inn Pizza Parlor Pltc:hen. Super Buffet Unlitnited Eating -Featuring- 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Daily 5 p.m.-9 p.m. ~aroc Pizza, Salad, Pizza, Salad, ~OC Spaghetti and Soup Spaghetti, Soup ~aroc and Ravioli DISCO

Visit our newly enlarged and remodeled DISCO tor $2.38 L-" $2.69 the biggest and best in :1J:ILLAGE lighting. sound. seating and done. 11001'. Special prices for Children -··I~ Special rric.:s for Children 1700W. Main Carbondale Dai" tgyptlCln. Apri.3, 1""', rage. l7 ' .... ,t.,'.

WANTED Witness to altercation at National Food Store in Carbondale on February 4. 1979 at approximatelv 1:00 p.m.

~~I~ s8Rclwtcb... .. ~

"hal" III" mudd,. mau 01 humaaily cIoinR~.' .f.. alt'd st. Loais t'ah'f'rsit, 8-t S8turda~, ~mf'Gltf' dropPf'd • lIuadrN-doilar llill; III all"-Rh ._ mud M obsnrN aiif' unif_s III•• phone S2.-8UIIT fiJmiaR • Kf'nf' from • a.", m_if'. "Muddv .. i ....r !!quad ..asily ('oalel han lesl n('11 01 ilS ~I_lf'" 01 III.. ~Iidway;" (' I playinR • ruRby pla~", Istaff photo IIy 81'f'ftt ('ramerl mal('lI. Thf' allli"'f'r is ,.(':' SIt; play~ .ad r------~ Ruggers second in 'Fool's' contest ! 25ct OFF I purchase of sandwich I B, Ella Rf>IJI, Thf'SIU "B" team aJso met .. I Nt_" W rtc« :Ocia~ou't;~~~~ r.: :t:: WIlli the All-Whites iD the M'miIu.1s I and drink I Th.. mud~l'f'IIdI~ maroon and and wmg Bot MOI1Ian St'Ored the end Ia8t 1404. ~ 51\! teara' had y. hit.. jrneys 01 1M SIL' rullby lpam Illref' try! III Ihe Ihstf'rD Kf'tKlX'iIy bEat"' the AD·Whiles "C" team ... C',JUId Mrrly M dlstinllulllMd fl'Ol'l r,:;,e. aiol1(lWllh two conV1!B1OII!J by 'lD saturday. L ___ !:~=~~~!---- I l~ wlIforms of lhf' EvansVlll~ AU· ~ womell ru(Qfers alao PIJI iD an '1,Vtes oppollf'nt as Sit; sU'Uqlt'd to Bul ins~nlrr John Kuntz is appearaJl('e 10 the IDllmey, whet New Hours: a loss In th.. taU .. Jam.. 01 the All the one who had thf' fan~ c:hf'f'rin« III~ Mat Purdue and St. Louis Fools Olympaa Rlllby tournament whf'n. in Ihf' flJlilJ 10 Sf'C(\nds aplll5l l njyersity l1li Sllturday. Daily 11 am.l1 pm Sundav Wf'Stem Illinois. hf' dtYt'd 011 the ben Thf' WOIlM!lt "Hted Purduf' ... Th"SIl' "A' I('am Io8t 01 .. pm('8- and stOrf'd a try to win thf' Saturday ..III DPIJlne Pasw, ICOn", bolh o r" lhf' All Whit" C'tub lI .... as thf' aflernoon gamp 404. tnea. !«'Ond C'on.~tav(' war Evansvill.. had bealen Sit· In th .. tit I.. COftIf'Sl. Coach :'!it'd Frf'V said 1M Air Whiles ddlmtely playt'd a bf'Iler game 10 the muddy condltJons. 80-1111 a town club. 1M All-Wlules have playt'd tCl@f'lhrr for a Ion« time and .. thf'ir experient'f' showed." Frey SAid Open Letter Frey said Evansvill.. I('d its ICOIi.D8 drives With its fonrarda the ertil'l' gam.. and that sn; is WIf'd to playUlll. a runnang game UStnll Its baC'ks to all members of the University Th.. All· Wlnlf'S Wf'rf' not onc: .. ~ agaans' III th(' tournar.lf'nl. Community The SIC I'Ul!gf'B took Sf'eond after df'fN11II8 thl'f'(' tums in lhf' 12·team tourney Sit bul St. LOlA'" l"niverslly 8-0. Wesh:rn illinoiS l"mvl!Blty 404 and Wf'!'ern Kert­ tuC'ky l:nlftl'!llty IIHl Dear Students and Colleagues: Wings J_ Onsando and Mike <:;t~ .. each scored a try to WU! the I am writing to ask for your help as the ChanCellor Search Assist· clIlce Council attempts to find outstanding persons to consider iGr the position of Chanl'ellor for the Southern Illinois University Applications are now System.

available for Daily Egyptian The Chancellor will serve as the S"'!'tem's chief executive oflker with !'esponsihili~y for the leadership and CI"a.'lrdination of the Sys­ Advertising Sales tem and \\ill report directly to the Board .)f li'ustees. Representatives for A detailed pm;pedus on the position can be obtained h~' calling myoffil'e (5.16-.1.1.11, e'!t. 'Xi). or hy writing to me at Col;.er Ha!l. Summer Semester. Southern lllinois University at Carbondale. Carbondale. Illinois 62901. Applicatons may be picked up The dt.'8dline for nomination.; and applkati~rlS is April 16, 19i9. in the Display Advertising Pleac;e recommend any person who VOl: believe is quaUied to serve as Chan~llor, keeping in mind that Southern Illinois University is Depa rtment, Com m unications an affinnative action/eqmll opportunity employer.

Building, Room 1262. ~\ccept in advance m~ th&!lks on behalf of the Council for your help in this importan·~ undertaking.

All applications are due back Sincerely. S1iJ:/, !~f,_ ~ 't~'L Friday, April 6 Keith R. Sanders Chairpersc~ at 4 p. m. --no late Chancellor Search Assista.ll'e C.ou.ncil applications will be accepted.

Pag. 18. Daily Egyptian, April 3. 1979 racksters doused by raintt foes PASSOVER Of it It was a relief (or me. I think 'In..... in several events. "lIST HDI-= WlDNISOA Y. A.. IL 11 'an "rIIn sho! passed the test." BIaC'kman Tennessee State, meet favante, TIle women trarksters "lIot tllPir said. gave the 8.Iukill no rhance in the Pet wet. hlt'r'all.... Ia", .. mend .t Granclis eouId hay., run but didn't Renal... nee Room ,:" p ..... he l\1emphls State Invitational. have a. many workouts as Chiarello. sprints. Tbe team plaaod two run­ S.I.U. Stu"ent Center Friday's pounn, rain contllftled Lindy Nelson. another top nen in the lOG-meter d.h. three ill distance rullMl'. C'au«ht the nu and the 200 and two ill the 400. Cost: S7.H/penon If ~~ o:'.-:a=:;~!.! ~en:e rouIdn't '0 .But BlaC'kman said she "When you run against Sandra ,rst lane of tllP slant~ tract! Coach was C'Omfortable with the outC'Ome. Cbessborough yoo feel like you're SECOND SEDER: THURSDA Y APRIL 12 'laudla Blackman said. 'r.K' meet Tht'Salullls would haW! eam~ more runninl barkwards.·' BlaC'kman Hmel Hou.. 7:00 p ... 'utllP SalukiS' firsl outct.JOrs after points if Uley WHe healthier. she said. Cbessborough was an Olympic he _atllPr for<:O;;: !t. o:ancellalJon saHi. Cost: M."/person (limit 40 participants) an Important home meet with The Salukis did. in fact, place in and an AIAW rompetilor. H"'nft', illinois State a wHl! allo. three events. Sue Visconage. at· .... Blarkman sai41 TSU is not an J\IAW A powmul K!llIS8s team took lirst time "lAW qualifift'. th..- the school and is able to let ,ood R... rvatlons to Hillel. 715 S. Unlv. tty April 6 ce with 94 pomts hllow~ by javelin 128-41 ". for a III'. place. competiton that AIAW scboola like enneuee State with 14 in the 17, Sophomo~ Cindy Bukausilas took SIU always cannot. ------team field. Western illinois was fourth With a 1:z0.9 ~ rosa. Blatitman said she wa, n't sur- .. NaIllC(.,------thinl. Illinois State sixm and SlU Bladtman said the raIn and wind A ....r ...______. ______fmished 12th with It points. had a noticeable effect Oft the ~ ':'m=:~~8a~ jIow-li"" mght. Forst ___.. _ wi:;~:::~::ra~as~lftI': SP.nior June Winston fmiShed sixth K_s to tel bow strm, it was. She said she could tift that WlU and ISU in the pentathaJon Witb 2.1186 points. s.cond "._ ._ .. have had more Indoor meets than were 1M toughest teams in Jllinois. sm. Tbe SaJukiS were aDo u~ of dlrludin, a 2:30 time in the half· Enclosed please I.nd S. .... ' 1o•• eservollons JUSl who would be in lOIIIe of thelr mile. Winston sta~ she wouldn't be Blackman i, 1'lOllIn, ahead. events. in the pentathaJon agaID, but Blark­ Chiarello, Nelson and Jean MH'!Ian Cathy Chiarello and Trlcia man said she may use her in the should be able to plaM/ above ISU relays lalt'r'. I'\IIIIIer'I at sate !he said. Maron. Mary Shirk took fourth place In ltauer and Loll Erladler Ihoukt ~.. ~= ~~ho~:I:!d ~= the 480-meter hurdles with it time of : . : t : : r-- '- problems recently. Chiarello weD ill' discull. ErlaC'her Jl ~ fmished tJIe 1.500-meter run in 4:56, 1:05.3.• t was the !lC!llior's first time outdoors and second this season in mIMed . ","ciDC in dial event 3t an "exceptionally ,ood time." Memphis. Blad!man sa. "She didn't favor her foot," Blad!· ~~::~n Mid she ~ the "I don't put any thin, pest them:' man said. "She juat rar. ..n It and ran SalukiS would read! the semilinala Blackman said. 'Bright' year ends for Painton

..,. GerTy 8iha nationala. but did not ('OI'J\pete SCa" WrIC« beca_ of a knee inJUI'Y _ IUI- Lone Saluki Valerie Pair.ton ffred in the regional meet. fmished in a thl'ft'way tie for &Sth Paintoo's appearanc. at the m 1 national meet w.. lIIIe of many Cer: :f..: ~!,n;:tA~ bright spots lor ber ..'1i11 year. The national women's ,ymnastic, sbort. bl~d·haired ,ymnast championllhip meet at l'niYersilJ established beneiI as a top .a. P!!!'k, Fa. 8r'OIM performer and will be looked The freshman from Wt'blter, upIIII to be SIU', top aU-around N.y ..... the IIIIly repl'ftftltative in performer in the yean ahead. She is a meet that saw SIU fad to enter a ItnIft« ill aU 1M events, but beam team for the first time fter. and f100r are her two bi, mamstays. California State FulIertoD w.. the Painton', appearaore at leam winnt'r, ed,in, lIefendin, University Park WIS also «>118 of f_ champion PenD State. 14.1.10·143.70. briaht spots for the SalulliS .. • Clarion College was third with a team thIS year. Stu had a dual meet Ik'Ore of 141.75. noeonlvi the __of ~5. butshorthanded performed becauae much PaInton, wbo qualifit'd for nationall by placin~ tturd in the aa. of in]W'ies. around at the ~hdweld regional meet. had a KGn! f1/! 32.45. Her na=1 ~t:e.=·~!T!:: : sc:ores in each of tbc four events the -.sen witb the __ of All- were 8.40 in Vaulting, 7.1$ in bars, Americas Linda Ne~ ar.d EIIeII T._ ... the ba'-e beam and 1.50 in Barrett. Nehlon was lost bfof~re the noor ellercillt'. AII·a.-ound com­ season betan. inJUrinl her knee in petition ... held \asf Friday. pra\tire.Barrett perform~ for half Soutbwest Missouri State's the _son. but left SIU at the end of Kolleen Casey won ~ al:-around thefaU~. tille. with Barbie Mysl. of (.'al In addlioft, the team was de51t • State-Fullerton plaC'lng 5eC'Ond. Defendi':J, all-around champ Am ~!n'1er.~. ':"'j!JUlli:. I::: Carr of hosI PenD State rompet~ m Hemberger, who missed aD of aut only two n~ts because of all ankle __• reinjln'd her knee in the injury. Stu AII,Amf!rica Cindy HCOnd meet of the __ against Moran also had Qualified for IlImois-ChicqoCin:1e. Time fora Change? Oil Change SpeCial ~""""~ou...... """"" I .....Iy,.... f I (for most American cars) I " Includes,.. " " LUBRICATION I I OIL CHANGE " lOlL FILTER I ","" oH.. good thru~'~79"""'~ 0nIy3ge WatbLargeOrderOl&ies. Get 'em at BargerKing!

Gt:.'.:RAL MtJ1'ORS .ARTS DI"ISIOS Come try our deliCiOUS fr€·nch fnes. "'~@ Then go your Frymg Saucer.' .. VICKOENIG For only 39rt while supobes last IURGER ~ CHEVROLET· KING ...... ® Doily ElMJtIan. April 3. 1979. Pop 19 'Thoroughbred' Lee paces track win

By David Ga'rick Staff Wriwr Saluki sophomore David La> nudg@'d the tips of his shoes allamst the outer ~~~::::~~~~~!!!tr:te~~i~r!:·.e! l"OUple of meters behInd his competitor. A smooth handoff of the baton was made and Lee took off. The Wisconsin foe was ahead antil the third turn of the damp McAndrew Stadium track when Lee. galloping like a ~bred. p8!1liN him. Lee had run many laps Saturday af· tt'rnooh. but none was as important as the anchor leg of the one-mile relay. The relay victory. 3: 1897. ('oupl@'d with Mike DeMattei 's win in the pole vault, allow@'d the Salukis to win their third ('onsecutive outdoor meet. 88 12 to 74 ''1 over Wisconsin, Southeast Missouri finished third and Uncoln l'niversity fourth in the quadrafl@iular meet nm on a dreary afternoon, Lee was the architect of Saturday's triumph. He was perfect, winning in aU five tries. "I've been running in five e\'enlS outdoors all season. and when I'm ID shape it doesn't bother me." Lee said. "I'm a little sore now. but you've got to run with paID, "I ran with pain aU last year, so I'm OK now," La> laugh@'d. Lee captur@'d victories in the long jump. 23-10 l~. l1().meter higb hurdles, 14.00. and 400 intermedIate hurdles. 53,26. He teamed with Steve Lively. Rick Rock and Clarence Robison to win the 4(M) relav and with Uvelv, Mike Ward and Bisase to win the miie relav, "DaVId did an outstanding job~ but he does in e\'en meet." Hartzog said, "There's no dOubt that his high hurdles and 14 03 time had to be the outstanding pe-rformlfnce of the meet, Even with the cold and dampness. hiS time was just seven·tenths I seconds! away from quahfyin~ for the SCAA cham· Salaki David a- ~Wars _ bar...... _ tM wa, &0 w_1a1C n ..... ill Oft trift &0 aM SaI.Us &0 aD l1li 1·% &0 14 1.% plonships. ' In. th" 1I ...."IPl' high hurdles Ia a c:al'Ht'-Iws' time .. '''.83 .tct..,"PI' secead-place Wile_ill. • Stan pilote by Randy Lee's higb-hurdle victory helped the lIft__ • F"w barmn stood ht LH-'s way in Sa.-,·. KIa_. Saluki.' rally from a 25·24 deficit to a 34- qaadrangalar mept at "'~Andftw Stadiu... LH- WOD me 30 lead His victory in the 400 in­ termt'dJate hurdles. which Lee calls nis If La> was the architert, the buttresses Stintzi, who Hartzog says Is one of the Salukis Ken Dennett and Tracy Hosler best event. gave Stu its biggest lead, fi. which held tho! victor) together came best runners in the nation, overtook took the top two spots in the javelin. Hurt 55 from both eX:Jected and unex~t@'d Sawyer on the back stretch of the final by the loss of John Marks, SIU lapsed in Lee'5 4(" victory cappE'd a streak of 10 sources. Bisa".,: added victories In the lap. the shot put, where Wisconsin took the ,,;ns in 11 events, Lee took part in four of 1.50(). and 800-mett'r nms, BJsa!le, a slow One surprise was Clarence Robison. a top two spots. Marks did compete in the them starter. sprinted past Wisconsin's Jeff running back on the Saluki football "( try to c:oncentrate on all of the hammer. a nonscoring event, and Randolf in the 1,500, wilUling the event in team. who won both the 100 and 200 finish@'d fOt;rth. events," Lee said. "Evervone is scared 3:55.42. sprints. The latter victory came after a of the 4(KI, It takes a lot of energy to jump "I let them fight it out and stay behind The VICtory over Wisconsin answered photo finish had been re-examined. Both some questions about team depth. More over the high hurdles. ('m usifl@i the them." Bisase said of his strategy. "I'U Robison and Unroln's Lvndon Bird highs to get in shape for the lows." watch to see when they tire. The 800 is have been rais@'d with the additional finished with 22.03 times. The reversal injuries. The VIctory e!!!!-d Hartzog. who had my best event. It is a faster race. and added two points on to a slim Saluki lead, given the Badgers an edge before the you've got to play it by ear" 75-10, KoHIg into the final three events. "We have to get half of our injured meet start@'d. Paul Craig. Gary Hunter. Uvely added an individual win to his back or there is no way we're goifl@i to Kevin Moore and Karst('ll Schulz were part in the wilUlifl@i relays. He took top The cold took its toll on Robison, too beat Indiana," Hartzog !lC'id. "U all of us ~aatched, Ward came off sick leave to honors in the 400-meter run. 48.82. He strained a muscle in his leg after the compe-te in the relay. Rick Rock's ailing Mike Sawyer and Bill Moran wedged 200 and had to be scratched from the :ve:: ~kt~.h~~~h~~da:i;c~~ Jeg.<; gave him trouble in the 10000vard themselves between Badger nmners, mile relay. know how serious it is." da-,h and Hartzog had to withhold the earning team points. Sawyer forged AI expected, the Salukis dominated l'nfortunately. Lee, Bisase and the senior from some events, including the anead of Badger distance man Jim the weight events. Stan Podolslti took other health nuts can't compete in all of 2OO·meter sprint. Stintzi Wlth two laps left in the 5,000. wins in the hammer and discus. wbile the events, although Lee may try. Salukis play two of 4 games slated; Kicking around a typical fall afternoon B. ~•• R; "a'rid! beard them aD before. wearing a white jersey. Whoops sounded win one't lose one siaff wrt .... "1bat's it. we got lhe corner turned." bke air raid sirens when Barwinski R" Grrrv BUss Muffled veiling, an occasiunal thui of an ebullient coach screamed. The gain made his first confirmed kiD of the Siaff "'rlIB bodies and the shrills of whistles per. was 20 yards. Soon they would try the spring, Byron Honore was sliU smiling The baseball Salultis at least made the meated a damp and McAndrew samemanuever to the other SIde. Gerald after his stint at guard. James PhiUipa lnp to Oxford, Ohio. worthwhdt', SIC Stadium Saturdav, f:ach sountJ reflected carr scra",bled for 50 yards. and Dave Callahan began banzai attacks played two of four games scheduled 1a.<;t oif the aluminum stands; nothing was They call it a scrimmage, the prelude on quarterbacks. weekend against Miami of 0' .~ tht're to absorb them, to bigger and, ms"be. better thifl@iS in Even the cynics found something came up a winner in one of them. Oft The barrenness of the area did not the faU. The only thlfl@i that should be out recognizable. A pass lOt through the· Fr~day. the Salukis split a doubleheader. appe-ar to botfter the two groups. one 01 order is the numbers on the p1ay~' arms of two Saluki defenders and was winning the first game 5-1, but dropping gatht'r@'d at eacb end of the artificial jerseys. After aU, many of the players gobbled up by the receiver. A brief the nightcap 11-3. Saturday's turf. the trees t'.:td yet to bear leaves, bad been on the faU squad that compiled rebuke from a coach foUowed. then it ". doubleheader was rained out. the sky was gray and a light rain a 7-4 record. was back to work. In f'nday's opener. junior righthander sprayed them on occasion. It could have H you looked bebind the numbers, "We 're measuring their un· Mickey Wright went the distance to been a typical fall day on. which the some fJgUres were recognizable. John derstanding," Assistant Coach BiD sport r'f'Cord his second VICtory of the season typical fan is played. Cernak. dorubng No. 30, left the field McConnell said "We see bow fast they against two losses. Wright gave up seven The two IfOUP!I marched through smiling after his third !let of 10 plays. gel to the ball. We see if they are in the hit-or; in the game, but was helped by three drills and exercises, Then the players Yes. he said, it did feel «ood to throw right places." double plays pulled off by the Saluki got together to see bow weU they bad again. He e--..mpleted si. 0110 tGsses for learned. Whites to the north and At the conclUSion 01 the scrimma~, defense. wtUch did not commit an error. 54 yards and showed no signs of a limp there was a brief tam meetiJJK and the Jim Adduci again was the hitting star maroons to the south, the war was about from last year's ,"maged bmb. Two Of to begin. piayers then walked the few feet to the for SIU. The soohomore outfielder hit a his bullets were dropped. locker room. There were no gI"ClItlW grand-slam homer In the fifth, his f.fth You could distirlguish BerneII Quinn. waitiDf to talk to the players, with the home nm of the year. Designated hitter ".;;!!u1~U: U;a~~:v~::te:; who did his customary jitterbugging and shouts. grunts and thuds. AU ended with exc:eption of a few 01 the alumni who (jerry Miller ended the Saluki 8COI'ing in mid-air dancirg. He was grounded once teased some of them as they re-emerged the same iJ'Inifl@i. hitting his second home a whistle. and injured a knee, although it wasn't in civilian wear. run of the .:ea5OO. a solo shot off starter The criticism then would begin. serious. Quinn carried six times for 45 "We're on schedule," Assislant Coach and losei iSob Bresnan. What's the matter with you! He ran yards. D.n Brooks said "There were some right up your chest! Play your area! Miami (Ohio) got its only nm in the Joe Banrinski resumed his aeek-and­ . brakdowns, but we did some thinp 'lbey raa oft like aid diches. Chances destroy missions. bunting aaything (ContInued an ..... '7) pretty well. I felt pretty good about ... bat are, tIae 011 the marooa and white bad wIUcb a) held the footbaO or b) was happened." '''' 20, Dolly fgrptlan. April 3. 1979