19/23 ………………………………………………………Signed ………………………..Dated AUDLEY RURAL PARISH COUNCIL

MINUTES OF THE FULL COUNCIL MEETING of the Parish Council held at Audley Pensioners Hall, Church Street, Audley, Thursday 18th April 2019 at 7pm Present: Chair: Cllr B. Proctor. Councillors: Mr. N. Hayes, Mr. M. Joynson, Miss A. Borowski, Mr. M. Whitmore, Mrs. V. Pearson, Mr. R. Garlick, Mr. N. Crisp, Mrs. C. Richardson, Mr. C. Cooper, Miss N. Mayer, Mr D. Jervis. Clerk – Mrs. J. Simpson There were 3 members of the public present for part of the meeting. 1. To receive apologies – Rev Taylor, Mr. D. Butler, Mr. R Kinnersley, Sir Thomas Boughey Academy pupil representative Mrs. C. Withington-Clerk Prior to the business of the meeting, a minutes silence was held for ex Parish Councillor, Doris Williams who had passed away the previous weekend. 2. To consider approving and signing minutes of the Allotment Committee and Full Parish Council meeting on 21st March 2019 and to note the draft minutes of the Annual Parish meeting held on 12th April 2019. It was resolved that the minutes of the allotment committee and Full Parish Council meeting held on 21st March 2019 were confirmed as a true record. The minutes were signed at the meeting.

The minutes from the Annual Parish meeting were noted and wished to add Mr. Garlick’s name to the Chairman’s report in the minutes. 3. Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary interest in any item on the agenda None. 4. Public Participation: Two members wished to clarify the position of the forthcoming agenda item 11- closure of Leddys field for the National Archery Competition. It was noted that the extra closure times were needed to set the event up and to ensure all Health and Safety requirements were in place prior to the event taking place. The two members of the public left the meeting at this point. 5. Accounts 1. To approve payments/orders, receipts and transfers - Appendix A The additional payments from Bacs 16 listed after the issue of the agenda was noted. It was resolved to approve the payments as per attached schedule. 2. To approve the bank reconciliation statement and note the unaudited Statement of Accounts for year ending March 2019, and other relevant information in relation to the Audit – Appendix B It was resolved to approve the bank reconciliation statement and the unaudited accounts were noted. 3. Playing Fields Association - Subscriptions 2019/2020 £20 (increase from £15) It was resolved to approve the subscription. 6. To review the Asset Register, Financial Risk Assessment and Internal Controls –Appendix C The documents contained in appendix C were reviewed and noted. It was resolved to approve the documents as circulated. 7. Planning - To consider any planning applications received, including:- a. Erection of an agricultural building to provide cover for hay and straw Craddocks Moss Heighley Lane Knowle Bank Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire CW3 9BA Ref. No: 19/00025/AGR (Delegated/Green Belt) It was resolved to support this application. b. Proposed single storey extension to rear with external and internal


19/24 ………………………………………………………Signed ………………………..Dated alterations 27 Megacre Wood Lane Stoke On Trent Staffordshire ST7 8PA Ref. No: 19/00199/FUL (Green Belt/Delegated) It was noted that the increase in footprint was negligible. Therefore it was resolved to support this application. c. Application for approval of detailed remediation scheme as required by condition 17 of planning permission 12/00388/OUT. Land Rear Of Boars Head High Street Halmerend Stoke-On-Trent Staffordshire Ref. No: 12/00388/2CN17 (NOTE VARIOUS CONDITIONS) (Village Env/Delegated) This was noted. d. Single storey side and rear extension 4 Staffordshire ST7 8QN Ref. No: 19/00188/FUL (Green Belt/Delegated) It was resolved to support this application-it was noted that the adjacent property already had an extension in place. e. 19/00235/COU | Change of use from Residential to Retail Use | 46 Church Street Audley Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire ST7 8DE – Conservation area/Village env/Delegated It was resolved to support this application. f. 19/00231/deem3-St James Church, Church Street-rebuilding and repairing of existing graveyard wall.http://publicaccess.newcastle- staffs.gov.uk/online-applications/PLAN/19/00231/DEEM It was resolved to support this application and noted that the work needed to be carried out as soon as possible.

8. GDPR (standing item) Data breaches/Subject Access requests/Information Security –all members were reminder of their responsibilities. 9. Audley Allotments It was resolved to approve the quotation to close the gap in hedge/fence at a Clerk cost of £200 for labour/materials The Council noted the action taken to remove asbestos on shed for £400 using Delegated Authority. A quotation for top soil for the junior plot was no longer required as the soil had been provided by Potteries Waste. The Council expressed their thanks for this action. 10. Boundary quotation. (fence at rear of site) It was resolved to approve the quotation for the sum of - £630 (to include Clerk removal of 2 steel posts and replacement with 2 new, reconnect fence and removal of rotten tree trunk 11. Request from Audley Parish Bowman to close Leddys Field on Sunday 19th May for a practice and on Sunday 2nd June for National Archery Competition. It was resolved to approve the closures for the National Archery Competition. Clerk 12. Road (silt blocking drains from Allotments/Car Park), actions to be discussed following Highways meeting 16th April. A meeting had been held with Highways on 18th April 2018. The recommendations from discussions had been to install a bund so that excess water drained away and towards the hedge. Highways had agreed to return and Next look again once it was raining. The matter needed to be listed on the next agenda agenda for formal approval. 13. Dog Fouling along Marion’s Way – Mr M Johnson It was noted that this was a path used by children to get to school. It was agreed that the Clerk would write to Newcastle Borough Council to request that the dog Clerk warden give particular attention to Marion’s Way. 14. Standing item - CCTV CCTV in the Village for the prevention and detection of crime. Unfortunately no members of the public attended the public consultation meeting. It was noted that the bid had been submitted. 24

19/25 ………………………………………………………Signed ………………………..Dated 15. Traffic Sub Group – feedback from meeting held • Church Street land in front of shops (update) SCC needed to obtain the Deed of dedication to confirm the ownership of the front of the Co-op to the end. It was noted that the Parish Council would also need to be mindful of the history of that stretch of road. There would need to be future discussions and consultation as to views on stopping any cars pulling up (except the Co-op due to a dropped kerb). Other matters discussed by the sub group: • Clearer directional parking signs were needed-Clerk currently investigating. Clerk • Aspire to be approached to see if their unused land could be released for car parking with the possibility of Coalfields Regeneration Funding being used. • Possibility of making certain areas one-way e.g. Old Road and Chapel Street. • Community Speed watch-it was agreed that a scheme covering and Ravens Lane would be a good thing. The equipment was already available-volunteers would be needed. It was noted that a meeting room would have to be booked for any volunteer training. It was agreed to Next consider whether the Parish Council would meet this cost at the next agenda meeting. • Police were pursuing parking enforcement on zig zag lines. • Recycling refuse collectors were leaving the empty boxes on the pavements that were a danger to partially sighted people. The Clerk had chased this and matters had improved. However, there needed to be constant reminders. It was also noted that wheelie bins were not always placed back in an appropriate position. The Chairman was meeting with BP NBC portfolio holder to discuss these matters. 16. County Councillor Ann Beech update on Staffordshire County Council matters (and decisions to be added to future agenda) No update was available. Councillors were reminded to send any issues to the Clerk or directly to County Cllr A Beech. 17. Highways Projects in relation to the additional funding received – Cllr Beech Suggestions needed to be looked at on a future agenda. Next agenda. 18. Playing Fields/Wildlife Areas inc: • It was agreed that the February inspection and associated approval of any Next action required or taken under Delegated Authority would be covered in the agenda next meeting. • The proposed date of around 21st June for the tree work at Albert Street was noted. The Clerk has a pre-start meeting on 8th May. 19. Correspondence and circulars -To review other items received and consider for next agenda Road closure - Boon Hill Rd and junction of Miles Green Rd, Peggy’s Bank to junction of Birch Road – 7th May (damaged wall) This was noted. To note work to St James Church yard ward (undertaken by Newcastle Borough Council)-this was noted. The Planning application had been discussed at agenda item 20. To receive an update from Audley LAP and Police / Parish Liaison Committee – Cllr Proctor The LAP needed new members-litter picking teams covering Audley and Bignall End had equipment funded via the LAP. There was also a twice yearly project with pupils from Sir Thomas Boughey School and older people. Members of the public were not attending the Police/Parish Liaison meetings. However, Parish Councillors used the opportunity to express concerns to the


19/26 ………………………………………………………Signed ………………………..Dated police. A letter of complaint had also gone to the Police and Crime Commissioner about the removal of police officers from rural areas to staff Newcastle Town Centre in the evenings. 21. Clerks Update – (Appendix D) This had been previously circulated and the content was noted. 22. Councillor Reports (for information only/further actions and decisions must be included on next agenda) Councillor Proctor notified all present that the Parish Council meeting in May would be his last one as a Parish Councillor and Chairman of the Parish Council as he would be standing down due to health reasons. Cllr Whitmore informed the Parish Council that the 9th Annual Community Fayre was scheduled to take place at the end of the month. The Parish Council passed on their appreciation and support of the event. 23. TO RESOLVE UNDER THE 1960 PUBLIC BODIES (ADMISSION TO MEETINGS ACT) TO EXCLUDE THE PRESS AND PUBLIC DUE TO THE CONFIDENTIAL NATURE OF THE MEETING TO BE DISCUSSED:

It was resolved to exclude the public and the remaining member of the public left the meeting. - Update in relation to the car park Butchers Arms lease – wall repairs (now Landlords responsibility) and boundary query re Wilbraham House fencing It was noted that the responsibility for the wall repairs re car park at Butchers Arms lease had now been resolved, being a matter for the Borough Council. It was also noted that the boundary responsibility was silent regarding Wilbrahams House, however in the past they have maintained it. - Update in relation to the Church Car Park Church Street Audley lease Issues in relation to Church Car Park appeared to have been resolved and the document lease was on the way to the Clerk for official signatures. Next Meeting. It was confirmed that the next meeting would be held on 23rd May 2019 immediately after the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council scheduled to commence at 7:00pm.

Meeting closed at 20:05


19/27 ………………………………………………………Signed ………………………..Dated Appendix A. Approved Payments Schedule – April 2019

TOTAL INVOICE Chq/Bacs TO WHOM PAID DETAILS INC VAT bacs 1 Mrs C Withington Salary April 1483.36 bacs 2 Mrs C Withington Expenses April 95.00 bacs 3 Staffordshire Pension scheme Pension April 581.53 bacs 4 H M Revenues and Customs Tax and NI April 514.95 bacs 5 Staffordshire Playing fields Subs 18/19 TBC 20.00 bacs 6 Audley Pensioners Hall Room Hire - remaining 7 mtgs x £30 210.00 bacs 7 Wicksteeds Final payment Play equipment installation 32162.84 bacs 8 Mrs C Withington Stamps x 30 2nd class (CCTV consultation 18.30 bacs 9 Mr S Hough ON 20 Alsager Road (Drainage work) 122.00 bacs 9 Mr S Hough ON 21 Batteries VAS Bhill 15.00 bacs 9 Mr S Hough ON 15 Paint bin ASB Alsager road 55.00 bacs 9 Mr S Hough ON 97 New sign at Albert Street 240.00 bacs 9 Mr S Hough ON 10 Miles Green boundary work 430.00 bacs 9 Mr S Hough ON 24 Bollard Miles Green car park 30.00 bacs 9 Mr S Hough ON 19 Coal truck ASB overturned 30.00 bacs 9 Mr S Hough AM Grass x 1, MG HE AB x1, Inspection 812.00 bacs 9 Mr S Hough ON 70 Bins leddys 80.00 bacs 9 Mr S Hough Car parking signs 20.00 bacs 9 Mr S Hough Damage at Alsager Road two steel tubes playhouse 20.00 bacs 10 D&G Bus Services March - Bus subsidy 2201.33 bacs 11 Minnie Pit memorial Group Donation towards headsticks £350 approval bacs only 0.00 bacs 12 Wicksteeds Seat 163.80 bacs 13 Audley Pensioners Hall Room hire x 7 and 12th April 230.00 bacs 14 DB security Infrared Alsager Road 360.00 bacs 15 Staffordshire County Council Legal fees Butchers Arms Feb 125.40 bacs 16 EON Christmas electricity 53.66 bacs 17 EON CCTV electricity 45.94 bacs 18 Chris Heelis Internal Audit fee 19/20 87.50 bacs 19 DB security CCTV Albert Street 3402.00 Monthly total 43609.61


19/28 ………………………………………………………Signed ………………………..Dated


Difference Assets bewteen 17-18 (Debtors) 2017-18 (£) RECEIPTS RECEIVED 2018-19 (£) and 18-19 18-19 £ £ 106313 Precept 141436 35123 7569 Section 136 Grant (NBC) 5076 -2493 4397 Council Tax Support grant (NBC) 4397 0 34.71 Central networks. Wayleaves 34.73 0.02 0.00 CARA Rent Playing Field 2017-2027 10 10 0.00 Insurance claim 1160 1160 4,817.64 Staffs Police PCC Funding (via NBC) 0 -4817.64 795.00 Staffs.County Council. Footpath grant 0 -795 0 Safer Roads Funding Grant 5000 5000 56.27 Lloyds TSB. Interest 68.95 12.68 7.48 Natwest Interest 36.14 28.66 0.00 HMRC Vat refund 23,108.97 23108.97 767.70 1518 Allotment rent 896 -622 50 2 HAGS SMP refund 0 -2 27.28 Clerk Overpayment 0 -27.28 0 Jervis Donation Poppies 30 30 300 APB rent 16/17, 18/19, 19/20 0 -300 125,837.38 181,253.79 55416.41 817.70

Difference Liablities bewteen 17-18 (Creditors) 2017-18 (£) PAYMENTS MADE 2018-19 (£) and 18-19 18-19 20922.02 ADMIN. Staff costs 30633.64 9711.62 1000 Chair allowance 1200.00 200.00 Office costs/ other (Training, Audit, Subs, Expenses, Insurance, 9402.18 Stationery, Legal, Room hire) 7384.23 -2017.95 Playing Fields 0.00 22591.4 Routine 20167.82 -2423.58 40007.3 Capital (Alsager Road ) 44415.91 4408.61 36000.00 853 Seats and bus shelter, Notice boards, Grit bins 1694.70 841.70 0 Bus Subsidy 22168.95 22168.95 1900 1830 Footpaths 0.00 -1830.00 616.79 Bowling Greens 156.30 -460.49 9597 Leddys Wildlife Area and Margarets Garden 2584.56 -7012.44 0.00 Car park legal fees 1780.00 1780.00 8569.86 Miscellaneous 9368.37 798.51

1375.26 Xmas Dec 762.00 -613.26

Legal Fees Bus 323.00 323.00

921.6 Bunting 135.00 -786.60 Main of other misc assets/unadopted 1749 land 1466.00 -283.00

Remembrance Day 0 arrangements 336.58 336.58

4524 CCTV 38.40 -4485.60

0 Safer Roads Signs 6307.39 6307.39 10.00 Allotments 716.48 706.48 1485.00 Donations and Section 137 2248.00 763.00 0.00 Capital Expenditure 0.00 0.00 13307.35 VAT 10434.53 -2872.82 130,191.90 154,953.49 24761.59 37,900.00

GENERAL FUND £ Balance at 1 April 2018 90,863.97 Total income 181,253.79 Less Total Expenditure 154,953.49 Balance at 31 March 2019 117,164.27 Balance for 19/20 less liabilities inc assets 80,081.97


19/29 ………………………………………………………Signed ………………………..Dated Variation more Annual Return for Audit Mar-18 Mar-19 or less 15% or £250

1 Balance brought forward 95218 90863 2 (+ Annual Precept 106313 141436 3 + total other receipts 19524 39818 20293 4 - staff costs 20922 30634 9712 5 - loan interest 0 0 6 - all other payments 109270 124320 15050 7 = balances c/f 90863 117164 8 total cash 90863 117164 9 total fixed assets 406803 476603 69800 10 total borrowings 0 0 11 Trust funds 0 0

Variance explaination between 17-18 and 18-19 Line 3 Receipts Decrease of £20293 due to the following items Section 136 Grant (NBC) -2493 Council Tax Support grant (NBC) 0 Central networks. Wayleaves 0.02 CARA Rent Playing Field 2017-2027 10 Insurance claim 1160 Staffs Police PCC Funding (via NBC) -4817.64 Staffs.County Council. Footpath grant -795 Safer Roads Funding Grant 5000 Lloyds TSB. Interest 12.68 Natwest Interest 28.66 HMRC Vat refund 23108.97 Allotment rent -622 HAGS SMP refund -2 Clerk Overpayment -27.28 Jervis Donation Poppies 30 APB rent 16/17, 18/19, 19/20 -300 Line 4 Staffs Costs Increase of £9712 due to the following items Increments to staff and increase in hours from 20 per week to 30 per week 9711.62

Line 6 All other costs Increase of £15050 due to the following items Chair allowance 200 Office costs/ other (Training, Audit, Subs, -2017.95 Expenses, Insurance, Stationery, Legal, Room hire) Playing fields Routine maintenance -2423.58 Capital play equipment (Alsager Road Halmer End) 4408.61 Seats and bus shelter, Notice boards, Grit bins 841.7 Bus Subsidy 22168.95 Footpaths -1830 Bowling Greens -460.49 Leddys Wildlife Area and Margarets Garden -7012.44 Car park legal fees 1780 Miscellaneous 798.51 Allotments 706.48 Donations and Section 137 763 VAT -2872.82

Line 9 Fixed Assets Increase of £69800 due to the following items CCTV Camera x 2 and Post 3700 Speeding signs 5700

Post (by Bignall Bank junc megacre bottom) 400 Halmer End Play equip 60000 29 69800 19/30 ………………………………………………………Signed ………………………..Dated

Audley Parish Council - Bank Reconciliation as at 31.03.19

Cash Book Balance b/fwd £ 90,863.97 plus receipts £ 181,253.79 less payments £ 154,953.49 balance at 31.03.19 £ 117,164.27 Bank Natwest Investment £ 29,283.62 Lloyds TSB Savings £ 86,404.64 Lloyds TSB current £ 1,476.03

£ 117,164.29 less unpresented chqs £ - Plus receipts not banked £ - balance at 31.03.19 £ 117,164.29

Difference £ 0.02