IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308


M Varaprasad Rao1, G Vishnu Murthy2 1Dept.of CSE, Anurag Group of Instiitutions, Hyderabad, India 2Dept.of CSE, Anurag Group of Instiitutions, Hyderabad, India

Abstract The Cloud Computing is a service, based on Internetwork technology. The customers can do data transfer and resource sharing among number of services provided in cloud computing. Any service is easily accessed by a customer from anywhere and anytime in cloud thru Internetworking, therefore it has two good properties called availability and QoS. It has its pros and cons for the customers to create and store the information in cloud server. The application and data management software tools are not that much trustworthiness, then it implies on security aspects of QoS and availability in cloud. Thus we proposed a method for improving security in cloud data storage using Kerberos algorithm and HMAC Public Infrastructure.

Keywords: Cloud Computing, Third Party, Cloud Security, Kerberos algorithm, HMAC, Cloud Provider ------***------

1. INTRODUCTION algorithms may be used depends on application. The strength of HMAC is based on properties of hash Cloud computing rapidly growing to achieve the prosperity function and simultaneously verifies both for the human, and with this increase in penetrate malicious authentication and integrity of message. An iterative program in the cloud security becomes more important. The hash algorithmic function divides the long Cloud Computing is a powerful technology and the information into number of blocks of fixed size. computing architecture consists of Software as a Service Compression algorithm is applied on these blocks. (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a The HMAC algorithms such as SHA-1 and MD5 are Service (IaaS). The SaaS services are used to transform data operated on 512-bit block size of the information. The center into small areas of computation on large size [1], e.g., hash code size of SHA-1 is 160 bits and MD5 is 128 AWS EC2, S3 [2] [3]. In this paper, Kerberos algorithm is bits, the size of this hashing may be truncated if used to authenticate users for granting ticket to access a desired. service and distribute the session keys in encrypted format over IP network. Every user must create profile and UserID HMAC (K, m) = H (K XOR outpad, H (K XOR inpad, text)) in the third party to connect Cloud. The user’s passwords are hashed and saved in the Database for more secure. To Here retrieve the UsedID and password in a secured mode, we use K – Secret key Kerberos and HMAC algorithms. It has the following m – Message or information procedure H – – User request to AS for Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) outpad – Outer padding – AS will verify the user’s request, create TGT and inpad – Inner padding Session key; encrypt using user’s password. – User receives reply from AS and the same will Python has a library called a module and it is defined communicate with Cloud service provider to get as follows Ticket Granting Service (TGS). import hmac – A pair of ticket (Ticket, Session key) is generated and def hmac_md5(key, msg): sends to user through HMAC algorithm. return hmac.HMAC (key, msg, ) – The user sends ticket to Cloud Service Provider/Server. The HMAC depends on the size of secret key, hence there is – The server will authenticate and grants access to user. a chance of brute force attack on HMAC. The attack can be separated from regular collision attacks with Here to access large scale database secured in the cloud key and therefor it is not possible to find collisions with the every user should have profile and password. The remaining sufficient combinations. The forgery and pre-image attacks sections of the paper are organized as cloud services and are not actively involved in proving security of HMAC [11], models, problem statement, implementation process. but they provide insights to HMAC based on existing hash • In , a pair of HMAC algorithm and code. Timing attack can be performed by digit by digit to secret shared key will be used in cryptographic find a HMAC code in less secured systems. iterative hash function, e.g., MD5, SHA-1. These ______Volume: 05 Special Issue: 05 | ICIAC-2016 | May-2016, Available @ http://www.esatjournals.org 34 IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Cloud Services Will encrypt the ticket and sends it to HMAC user to access the cloud service by Cloud computing [6] [7] [8] has the following services using SHA-1. – Infrastructure as a Service (Iaas) provides all hardware parts at reasonable pricing model. – Platform as a Service (PaaS) it allows developers to  The database record consists the following. build applications and services. – Principal entry – Software as a Service (SaaS) specifies to access any – Validity of a ticket software applications. – Encrypted key. – Renewal time of Ticket Cloud Models – Flags – Password validity – Public Cloud is pooled shared physical resources, – Validity of the principal and accessible over a public network. – Private Cloud is a secured cloud based environment, 2.2 Design Objectives which can be operated by an authorized user. – Hybrid Cloud is an integrated cloud service uses The objectives of this model are work and trustworthiness. both private and public clouds. These will ensure the security in cloud to access data from large size databases. 2. PROBLEM STATEMENT Work – with the minimum time the user can register and do 2.1 System Architecture operations on storage

Cloud data storage model with Kerberos is explained in Trustworthiness – only the authorized user can access data Figure1. It consists of eight parts and explained in the in secured manner. following Table1. 3. IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS Table1: Parts of Kerberos Algorithm applied in Cloud Data Storage The user’s data stored in cloud is accessed through only User request to create an account with referring cloud service provider. Therefore the database third party data base and replies a pair may be frequently updated by insert, delete, append etc. User of password and session key to place operations. To ensure that these operations in secured data in Cloud Database. manner, we have introduced a model using Kerberos and Microsoft Azure, Google Apps and HMAC algorithms. This has the following steps. Amazon Web Services etc., are Cloud Service offered cloud services and solutions. A. User sends request to third party for registration. The Provider The resources are accessed on sharing third-party will make a request to access TGT by userID mechanism thru Internetworking and profile. Then the user is authenticated by anywhere and anytime. authenticated service. It has 4 events as realm, option, KAS transmits the data in encrypted time and nonce. Realm – is client or user or consumer form for the given plain text or customer. Option – is a flag(s) used to set the Kerberos passwords over a secured network behavioral aspects of the user’s service. Time – is used Authentication between clients and servers. Kerberos to set the time of a ticket and its validity and Nonce – is Service (KAS) protocol works on non-trusted a random value and prevents re-play attack. networks for authenticates users. B. To know user’s data, refer to a TGT. Once user’s data is known then simply encrypt a block of message using a AS knows all the users’ passwords, key based user’s password. The generated block of where passwords are stored in Authentication message will have a session key and is used to centralized database. In addition to Service (AS) communicate between the user and TGS with its own this, the AS shares a unique secret key nonce, flag, status, timing and validity. with each server. C. The client sends a request to the TGS to obtain service- Ticket TGS will issue tickets to authenticated granting ticket from the desired cloud service based on Granting users. existing TGT. Service (TGS) D. The TGS will decrypt and verifies with hash code to the This consists of information about incoming ticket. It checks the lifetime of ticket; if users and their services. It is shared Data Base lifetime is alive, then to authenticate the user it between third party and Kerberos. compares userID and network address. If any user is The same is shared to principal. permitted to access request service, then TGS will issue The third party defines - who is the a ticket to access the specified cloud. The service- Third Party correctness, expertise, capabilities to granting provider ticket contains a timestamp, this access and utilize the specified cloud. timestamp is used once again; if a user needs to access same cloud, then user can make use previously obtained ______Volume: 05 Special Issue: 05 | ICIAC-2016 | May-2016, Available @ http://www.esatjournals.org 35 IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

ticket. And the user need not worry about password. Here, the ticket is encrypted with a secret key (Kv) and this is known only to the TGS and server, this leads to prevent alteration of the message. E. Finally, to access respective cloud service it is required that mutual authentication and the process is as follows.  Subkey: A session is secured or protected using encrypted key. If the subkey is not considered then use the session key of ticket (kc, v).  Sequence number: It is a random value nonce generated for a session. It is an optional field and will be used to send and/or receives the messages between client and cloud server. The sequence number will help in detecting replay attacks. The Table2 shows the implementation process [5].

Table 2: Information Service Exchange in Cloud using Fig 2: HMAC format Kerberos Service A. Authentication Service: Ticket-Granting Ticket 4. CONCLUSION 1) C→ AS: OptionsIDcRealmcIDtgsTimes Nonce1 We have introduced a new effective and flexible scheme, 2) ASC→:RealmcIDcTickettgsEkc[kc,tgsTimesNonce1R which includes Kerberos authentication algorithm, HMAC ealmtgsIDtgs and third party. Kerberos authentication algorithm is used to Tickettgs=Ektgs[Flageskc,tgsRealmcIDcADcTimes] authenticate the users in the network and will helps the user to communicate two way communication between user and cloud server. The third party checks the users, weather the B. Ticket-Granting Cloud Service: CloudService- user is correct and expertise, then the user has capabilities to Granting Ticket access cloud service provider over secured networks. 3) CTGS→OptionsIDvTimesNonce2Tickettgs HMAC will encrypt the ticket and sends it to user to access Authenticatorc the cloud service by using SHA-1.

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