
Outline I. Skeleton of the and Attachment of M1 Gross and Developmental the Upper Extremity to Trunk Scapular and Deltoid II. Positions and Movements of the Regions Extrinsic Muscles of the Shoulder III. Glenohumeral (Shoulder) Joint Dr. Peters IV. Movements at the Intrinsic Muscles of the Shoulder Prime Movers of the

1 2 V. Neurovascular Relationships

Bony Landmarks -- Scapula

• Borders thickened from muscle attachments 3 4

Scapular Processes and their Ligaments Anterior View • Process: – Free (lateral) end of spine – Articulates with the (acromio-clavicular joint)

Process: Shaped like a Crow’s beak – Inserts – Coracobrachialis and Short Head of Arise

• Ligaments: – Acromioclavicular – Coracoclavicular

5 – Coracoacromial 6 7 8

Shoulder Separation

II. Positions and Movements of the Scapula

9 10

Muscles Suspending the Shoulder Muscles Pulling on Girdle from from Anterior Chest Wall (Elevates, Serratus Anterior retracts, Upwardly (Upwardly rotates scapula; rotates, protracts, Spinal Accessory holds scapula ) against ; Levator Scapulae long thoracic n.) Rhomboid Major Rhomboid Minor (all Pectoralis minor: elevate medial border (Depresses, and downwardly down-wardly rotate scapula; rotates scapula; Dorsal Scapular medial pectoral 11 12 nerve;) nerve) Summary of Scapular Movements

Elevation Depression

See Fig. 6.40 Grant’s 12th 13 14

Protraction Upward Rotation

Retraction Downward Rotation

15 16

III. Glenohumeral Joint •2/3 sphere articulates with shallow glenoid •Designed to maximize movement •Large muscles (e.g. Deltoid) act across it •Little ligamentous 17 18 support Capsule of the Shoulder Joint •Capsule thickened anteriorly as gleno- humeral ligaments • muscles blend with capsule as they cross •Capsule not reinforced inferiorly •Dislocation initially inferior – SUB- 19 GLENOID position 20

Glenohumeral Ligaments

21 22

Subacromial Bursa Synovial Cavity of Shoulder Joint

•Normally communicates with subscapular bursa •Only pathologically communicates •A bursa is a closed synovial membrane to decrease friction with subacromial •Bursae may become inflamed and sore (“bursitis”) bursa •Subacromial and subdeltoid bursae lie between these •Is prolonged downward around structures and supraspinatus and 23 24 •They often fuse biceps tendon Bursitis

Rotator Cuff Tendonitis

Rotator Cuff Tears

25 26

Muscular Support: Rotator Cuff

Joint surrounded by 4 muscles: IV. Movements at Anterior: Subscapularis the Shoulder Superior: Supraspinatus Posterior: Infraspinatus & Teres Minor

27 28

Intrinsic Shoulder Muscles: Supraspinatus Rotator Cuff • O: Supraspinous fossa • I: Greater • SITS Muscles: of • Supraspinatus – initiates abduction humerus (upper facet) • Infraspinatus – laterally rotates humerus • A: Initiate • Teres minor – laterally rotates humerus abduction • Subscapularis – medially rotates humerus •N: Suprascapular • Arise on scapula; insert on greater & lesser •AS: tubercles of humerus Suprascapular • Stabilize joint by pulling head of humerus into 29 30 Infraspinatus Teres Minor • O: Infraspinous • O: Middle fossa half, lateral • I: Greater border of tubercle of scapula I: humerus (middle Greater facet) tubercle of humerus • A: Lateral lower facet) rotation • A: Lateral •N: rotation of Suprascapular humerus •AS: • N: Axillary suprascapular and circulflex •AS: scapular aa. subscapular and circumflex 31 scapular aa. 32

•O: Subscapular Subscapularis fossa of scapula •I: of Prime Movers of ABduction and humerus ADduction of the Arm at the •A: Medial Shoulder rotation of humerus •N: Upper & Lower Subsca- pular •AS:

Subscapular a. 33 34

Deltoid Muscle


Arterial Supply: Deltoid Branch of Thoracoacromial Artery

Heads: Anterior and Posterior (not physically, but FUNCTIONALLY separate)

Actions: Primarily Abduction Shoulder flexion - Anterior Head Shoulder extension -Posterior Head 35 36 Abduction of the Upper Extremity • Initiated by • Deltoid continues powerful Abduction • Abduction beyond 90 degrees involves two muscles that move the scapula via upward rotation - Trapezius muscle (spinal accessory n.) - (long thoracic n.) - Differential diagnosis: Lesion of Spinal

Accessary versus 37 38

Pectoralis Major Muscle

Innervation: Medial & Lateral Actions: ADduction of Humerus Pectoral Nerves Medial Rotation of Humerus Arterial Supply: Pectoral Branch of Thoracoacromial Truck Innervation: Heads: Clavicular and Sternal

Actions: ADduction of Humerus Arterial Supply: Subscapular and Medial Rotation of Humerus Circumflex

Shoulder Flexion - Clavicular Head 39 40

Latissimus Dorsi Inserts on Humerus between “Two “The lad has two Majors” (Floor of Intertubercular majors” Groove) Action: Extends, Adducts, and Medially Rotates Humerus Innervation: Thoracodorsal N. Arterial Supply: Thoracodorsal A. 41 42 Dorsal scapular n.

V. Neurovascular Relationships

43 Fig 6.3 Grant’s 12th 44

Erb-Duchenne paralysis

- C5-C6 lesion of or spinal cord - Loss of muscles innervated by these segments, including Supraspinatus, Deltoid, Biceps brachii and Supinator -This results in loss of shoulder abduction, some shoulder flexion and external rotation, as well as loss of supination of the . -The patient’s upper extremity assumes a position similar to a waiter hinting for a tip.

45 46

Quadrangular Space

Notice: Axillary nerve relationship to the Surgical Neck of the Humerus 47 48 Injection into Shoulder Joint through Suprapinous Fossa

- Muscles Penetrated

- Artery and Nerve in jeopardy

49 50

51 52