Queen Signals in a Stingless Bee

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Queen Signals in a Stingless Bee OPEN Queen signals in a stingless bee: SUBJECT AREAS: suppression of worker ovary activation CHEMICAL ECOLOGY EVOLUTIONARY ECOLOGY and spatial distribution of active SOCIAL EVOLUTION compounds Received Tu´lio M. Nunes1,2, Sidnei Mateus2, Arodi P. Favaris3,Moˆnica F. Z. J. Amaral1, Lucas G. von Zuben2, 17 September 2014 Giuliano C. Clososki1, Jose´ M. S. Bento3, Benjamin P. Oldroyd4, Ricardo Silva1, Ronaldo Zucchi2, Accepted Denise B. Silva1 & Norberto P. Lopes1 18 November 2014 Published 1NPPNS, Departamento de Fı´sica e Quı´mica, FCFRP, Universidade de Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil, 2Departamento de Biologia, FFCLRP, 12 December 2014 Universidade de Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil, 3Departamento de Entomologia e Acarologia, ESALQ, Universidade de Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil, 4School of Biological Sciences A12, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia. Correspondence and In most species of social insect the queen signals her presence to her workers via pheromones. Worker requests for materials responses to queen pheromones include retinue formation around the queen, inhibition of queen cell should be addressed to production and suppression of worker ovary activation. Here we show that the queen signal of the Brazilian T.M.N. (tulionunes@ stingless bee Friesella schrottkyi is a mixture of cuticular hydrocarbons. Stingless bees are therefore similar usp.com) or N.P.L. to ants, wasps and bumble bees, but differ from honey bees in which the queen’s signal mostly comprises volatile compounds originating from the mandibular glands. This shows that cuticular hydrocarbons have ([email protected]. independently evolved as the queen’s signal across multiple taxa, and that the honey bees are exceptional. We br) also report the distribution of four active queen-signal compounds by Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ ionization (MALDI) imaging. The results indicate a relationship between the behavior of workers towards the queen and the likely site of secretion of the queen’s pheromones. ueens of social insects indicate their presence in the colony through chemical signals1,2. Queen signals mediate a variety of queen-worker interactions including worker retinue formation around the queen, queen feeding thorough trophallaxis, inhibition of queen cell construction, and suppression of worker Q 1–5 reproduction among others . The best-studied example of queen chemical communication is the queen man- dibular pheromone (QMP) of the honey bee, Apis mellifera, which comprises more than nine compounds3.In contrast to the honey bees, ant, wasp and bumble bee queens use cuticular hydrocarbons and esters to signal their presence in the nest2,5. Stingless bees are a diverse tribe of eusocial bees of mainly tropical distribution6. They are phylogenetically closest to the bumble bees7, but because the queens are strongly distinct from workers and because colonies are long-lived rather than established annually by independent queens, the biology of stingless bees is more similar to that of honey bees than bumble bees8. Stingless bees live in colonies comprising hundreds or thousands of workers and a single queen. Only queens can lay fertilised, female-destined eggs, but workers retain ovaries in most genera and some workers lay unferti- lised eggs that are either eaten by the queen as a food source or develop into males by parthenogenesis9. Despite the ecological importance of the stingless bees, the means by which queens regulate worker fertility is currently unknown. Identifying the queen pheromone of stingless bees would show if they are more honey bee-like or ant- and wasp-like, and could indicate whether honey bees are unique in their primary system of queen-worker signalling. Similarly to the honey bees, workers of the stingless bee Friesella schrottkyi remain sterile in a queen’s presence, but they activate their ovaries and lay eggs in queenless colonies10. Chemical analysis of the mandibular secretions of F. schrottkyi workers and queens showed no evidence of a queen pheromone comparable to the QMP of honey bees11. On the other hand, cuticular extracts of workers differ substantially from those of a queen11, suggesting that cuticular hydrocarbons may act as signals of queen presence and regulate worker ovary activation. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 4 : 7449 | DOI: 10.1038/srep07449 1 www.nature.com/scientificreports In stingless bees queen oviposition is accompanied by highly ritua- electrical responses in antennae to those produced by the natural lised interactions between queens and workers12. First, all the food compounds from the queen extracts (Fig. S2 - Supplementary necessary for development from egg to adult is regurgitated by work- Information). ers into a newly-constructed brood cell. Second, following cell pro- visioning, the queen lays an egg on the top of the food. Finally, the MALDI-MS analyses of standards. The synthetized and workers seal the cell permanently13,14. The hatched larva feeds on the commercial standards were analysed by MALDI-MS to confirm available food, pupates and emerges from the cell as an adult15. The and select the best methods for their ionizations and to understand ritualized interaction between workers and queen during the oviposi- the influence of the ions from the lithium 2,5-dihydroxybenzoate tion phase is characterised by intense antennation of the queens’ (LiDHB) matrix. All the evaluated compounds were successfully head and first pair of legs by the workers, suggesting the presence ionized, but because some ions from the matrix showed m/z ratios of chemical signals specific to these areas of the queen’s body13,14. near to the compounds present on the samples, as observed in the The abdomen of stingless bee queens has several glands that spectra, the use of a high resolution analyser was essential for reliable secrete their products onto the cuticle16. Integument glands are pre- data collection (Fig. S4–S7, Supplementary Information). sent on both the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the abdomen and the Dufour’s gland has it’s egress at the tip of the abdomen16,17. The Comparison between head and body cuticular profiles of queens function of the Dufour’s gland is unclear, but in some bumble bees by GC-MS. The GC-MS analyses of isolated queen heads showed the contents of the Dufour’s gland matches that of the cuticular that the most abundant hydrocarbon on the head is the C21, which profile18. In stingless bees, the Dufour’s gland is much more constitutes over 20% of the head’s profile (Table S2 – Supplementary developed in queens than it is in workers, suggesting that cuticular Information). In contrast, the results for the entire body show that hydrocarbons secreted by the Dufour’s gland may provide the queen the linear C25 is the most abundant compound, and contributes over signal in stingless bees. 40% of the queen’s cuticular profile (Table S2 – Supplementary Most studies of insect cuticular hydrocarbons have relied on gas Information). 19,20 chromatography and electron ionization mass spectrometry . Spatial distribution of cuticular compounds by MALDI imaging. These techniques provide information about the presence of com- The head and metasomal parts of a queen were dissected and pounds in particular tissues, but do not provide information on the analysed by MALDI imaging. The ions m/z 303, 317, 345 and 359 spatial distribution of compounds, the source of compounds or their 7 1 21–23 [M1 Li] are related to C21,C22,C24 and C25, and it was possible to effects on the behaviour of workers . Recently, a laser-based tech- confirm from GC-MS data that they correspond to the linear C , nology, Imaging Mass Spectrometry (IMS), has been developed, 21 methyl branched C21, methyl branched C23/linear C24 and linear which provides researchers with a means to identify the specific C compounds respectively. The distribution of these compounds location of compounds in two dimensional space23–25. For example, 25 23 over the head of the queen were evaluated through MALDI Vrkoslav et al applied MALDI imaging to determine the spatial imaging(Fig. 2). Notably the ions at m/z 303, 317, 345 and 359 distribution of neutral lipids on the wings of flies (Neobellieria bul- showed higher intensities in the frons area at the front of the head lata and Drosophila melanogaster). However, thus far application of (Fig. 2A,C,D,E,H). The main ion (m/z 303 [M17Li]1) on the head is MALDI imaging has been restricted to planar surfaces such as insect the linear C21 (Table S2, Fig. 2A). A comparison between the dorsal wings. and ventral metasomas, corresponding to terga T2-T7 and sterna S2- Here we determine whether, the cuticular hydrocarbons of the F. S7 respectively, showed higher ion intensities of m/z 303, 317 and schrottkyi queen act as a queen signal that modulates the activation of 345 (C21, 11-MeC21 and C24, respectively) on the dorsal (tergal) worker ovaries. First we show that extracts of long-chain hydrocar- metasaoma than the ventral (sternal). Higher intensities of ions bons from the cuticular surface of queens are sufficient to reduce m/z 303, 317 and 345 were observed in terga T7 and sterna (S7), ovary activation in workers. Second, we demonstrate that ten queen- while for m/z 359 (C ) the highest intensity was on terga T4 (Fig. 3). specific hydrocarbons cause neuronal firing in the antennae of work- 25 ers. Finally we show that the spatial distribution of hydrocarbons Discussion over the cuticular surface of the queen supports their biological func- This study provides the first evidence of a queen signal that regulates tion as a queen signal. the activation
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    bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.04.26.440550; this version posted April 27, 2021. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-ND 4.0 International license. Stingless bee floral visitation in the global tropics and subtropics Francisco Garcia Bulle Bueno1, Liam Kendall2, Denise Araujo Alves3, Manuel Lequerica Tamara 4, Tim Heard, 1Tanya Latty5, Rosalyn Gloag1 1 Behaviour, Ecology and Evolution Laboratory, School of Life and Environmental Sciences A12, University of Sydney, Sydney NSW 2006, Australia. 2 Centre for Environmental and Climate Science, Lund University, Sölvegatan 37, S-223 62 Lund, Sweden 3 Department of Entomology and Acarology, Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture, University of São Paulo, Avenida Pádua Dias 11, Piracicaba, Brazil. 4 Integrative Ecology Lab, School of Life and Environmental Sciences A08, University of Sydney, Sydney NSW 2006, Australia. 5 Invertebrate Behaviour and Ecology Lab, School of Life and Environmental Sciences A08, University of Sydney, Sydney NSW 2006, Australia. Abstract Bees play a key role in maintaining healthy terrestrial ecosystems by pollinating plants. Stingless bees (Apidae: Meliponini) are a diverse clade of social bees (>500 species) with a pantropical distribution spanning South and Central America, Africa, India and Austral-Asia. They are garnering increasing attention as commercially-beneficial pollinators of some crops, yet their contribution to the pollination of native plants in the tropics and subtropics remains poorly understood. Here we conduct for the first time a global review of the plants visited by stingless bees.
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