White Paper

Security Clearance A Comprehensive Guide on Security Clearances and How to Leverage Them in Employment

Contents A security clearance can be the biggest either or restricted advantage a government contractor areas after completion of a thorough 1 Starting Off: What has. And, for those who want to be background check and investigation. Exactly is a Security contractors, it can also seem like the The U.S. government uses clearances Clearance? biggest hurdle. That’s because there are to counter threats that may stem from 1 Who Must Have a several of preliminary questions to ask. foreign intelligence services, organizations Security Clearance? What are clearances? Who must have or people who wish to overthrow the them? How do I get one? What are all the government. They are also put into place 4 How Clearances are different types? How do I market myself to deter individuals who are dishonest Awarded to employers after having one? These or may be susceptible to pressure or 4 Types of Security questions and more all arise before the improper influence. Clearances process even starts, which can sometimes A security clearance investigation leave current contractors and job seekers is an inquiry into an individual’s loyalty, 5 Job Seeking for alike in a quandary of misinformation. character, trustworthiness and reliability, Cleared Individuals In this white paper, GovWin from ensuring that they are eligible for access and Companies Deltek answers these questions, starting to information. In 6 Clearance with the most basic and continuing all the addition, the investigation can focus on Controversies way to the benefits and self-marketing an individual’s financial responsibility, opportunities that can be gained. criminal activity, emotional stability and 7 Deltek Resources Providing detailed insight into the types other similar and pertinent areas. All of clearances, and how and why they are investigations review national records and awarded, this white paper eliminates all credit checks; some investigations also uncertainty surrounding the complex include interviews with outside individuals world of security clearances—helping you who know the candidate in addition to the make better, smarter decisions about your candidate themselves. future government contracting career. Who Must Have a Security Starting Off: What Exactly is a Clearance? Security Clearance? The federal government does not A security clearance is a status granted issue clearances directly to individuals. to individuals that allow them access to

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Clearances are tied to positions, so a Step 1 person who wants a clearance must apply When a person is hired or moved into for contractor or federal jobs that require a position that requires clearance, clearances. Some positions within the they give fingerprints and provide military also carry clearances. personal information in the Electronic Lucky for job seekers and contractors, Questionnaires for Investigations applying for these kinds of positions Processing (e-QIP) system (which comes with benefits beyond the clearance replaced the old SF-86) within 30 days. Cleared itself. That is because cleared positions— This process is usually coordinated by positions— positions with the federal government the agency’s or contractor’s security positions with and its contractors that require access to officer. The employer pays the cost of classified data—often come with higher the investigation. The information the the federal salaries than non-cleared positions. government wants to know can include government Yet, access to classified information an employment history, past residences, and its does not come immediately with the personal references, foreign friends granting of a security clearance. For and relatives and even details of past contractors contractors to gain this high-level access marriages or close relationships. that require they need two things: the appropriate Step 2 level of security clearance and a “need access to Investigations are usually conducted to know.” With this in mind, contractors by the Defense Security Service (DSS), classified who have already obtained their security however, the Office of Personnel data—often clearance should not be surprised if that Management (OPM), Department of alone does not grant them access to all come with Defense (DOD) and other agencies classified information. higher salaries also play a part in federal clearance than non- How Clearances are Awarded investigations. As a note, the DSS calls Taking on the process toward gaining its investigations personnel security cleared a security clearance means following investigations (PSIs). positions. a number of steps, including potential The DSS investigates the candidate’s interviews and tests. While suitability via a National Agency Check most action in these steps is taken with Local Agency Check and Credit on by government agencies, it is up to Check (NACLC), Single Scope Background the individual and their government Investigation (SSBI), polygraph and/or contracting employer to carefully follow other investigation. The information the these steps and take the appropriate candidate provides is entered into a case action when needed. management system and the case is

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assigned to an investigator for verification be issued interim clearance. An interim and augmentation. clearance allows a candidate to get started in the position while the investigation is Step 3 still underway. Once the investigation The investigator may conduct a is completed, the interim clearance will personal interview with the candidate either be thrown out (if the candidate to ask about family background, past is rejected for clearance) or moved to a experiences, health, use of alcohol or regular security clearance. drugs, financial affairs, foreign travel and other matters. Most of this information will have been previously covered, A polygraph (or lie detector) test measures but the personal interview gives the and records several physiological candidate an opportunity to provide indices—such as blood pressure, pulse, details, explanations or circumstances, if respiration, breathing rhythms/ratios and necessary. skin conductivity—while the subject is The investigator may also interview asked and answers a series of questions. the candidate’s friends, neighbors, Polygraphs are administered in the belief coworkers and supervisor, depending on that deceptive answers will produce the clearance level. physiological responses that can be differentiated from those associated with Step 4 non-deceptive answers. An adjudicator from the agency requesting There are three types of polygraphs the investigation will weigh the information used in clearance investigations: and determine whether to grant or deny a Counterintelligence – Used to clearance. determine initial eligibility for special Step 5 assignments or access If the clearance is granted, the recipient Lifestyle – Asks about all aspects of the is given a briefing on the appropriate candidate’s present and past personal safeguarding of classified information. life and conduct Once the briefing has been completed, the Full scope – Includes both recipient signs a nondisclosure agreement counterintelligence and lifestyle that lists the liabilities and penalties of polygraphs. illegally disclosing classified information. The polygraph test is mandatory for Interim Clearances work with the Candidates who pass preliminary hurdles, (NSA), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) such as credit and felony checks, may

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and some Sensitive Compartmented Types of Security Clearances Information (SCI) and Special Access Following is a list of the most common Program (SAP). It can also be used security clearance levels, ranked from to resolve serious concerns in other lowest to highest: clearance investigations. No adverse Controlled Unclassified action can be taken based solely on the Information – This is not a classification results of the polygraph. level, but a marker for information that All relevant questions asked during the cannot be distributed. polygraph test must be reviewed with the For Official Use Only (FOUO) – Also candidate beforehand, so there should known as Official Use Only (OUO), this is be no surprises during the test. Some not a classification level, but a marker for irrelevant questions such as “What year information that must be protected is it?” may be asked to give the machine a under the Privacy Act or other sensitive baseline measurement. Other than these data. baseline questions, all questions must be Confidential – Also known as Public relevant, meaning that a candidate cannot Trust, this clearance provides access be examined on personal thoughts, beliefs to information that could reasonably or religious practices. be expected to cause damage to Getting Denied national security if it were disclosed Unpaid bills, criminal charges, bankruptcy, to unauthorized sources. Confidential poor financial history, foreign activities clearances are often given to military and a are among the red personnel. The investigation requires flags, or “adverse information,” that could a National Agency Check with Local cause a clearance to be denied. However, Agency Check and Credit Check series these issues are judged on a case-by- (NACLC) and goes back seven years. The case basis, so it is important to be honest investigation takes a few weeks to a few on clearance applications. Those who months. This clearance must be have already gone through the security renewed every 15 years. clearance process and been accepted Secret – Also known as Collateral say that investigators are much more likely Secret or Ordinary Secret, this clearance to clear a person who is up front about provides access to information that potential issues—such as an ongoing could reasonably be expected to cause divorce or past drug use—rather than serious damage to national security if someone who omits information, leaving it disclosed to unauthorized sources. The to be discovered during the investigation. investigation requires an NACLC, and can

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take a few months to a year to complete. Yankee White: Executive Office of This clearance must be renewed every the President – This is an 10 years. administrative nickname for a Top Secret (TS) – This clearance background check that is required for provides access to national security, personnel working with the president. counterterrorism, counterintelligence Reciprocal Clearances and Clearance or other highly sensitive data that Transfers could cause exceptionally grave damage Customized clearances granted by to national security if disclosed to one agency generally may not transfer unauthorized sources. The investigation anywhere else. If two agencies allow requires a Single Scope Background clearances to be transferred between Investigation (SSBI) and goes back 10 them, this flexibility (which is known as In the context years. As the highest level of security reciprocity) can save both contractors clearance, completion of this of the job and the government time and money by investigation can take anywhere from market, a preventing duplicate investigations. three to 18 months. This clearance must security be renewed every five years. Sensitive Compartmented clearance Information (SCI) Agency-Specific Clearances Many agencies append Sensitive automatically Many federal agencies use customized Compartmented Information (SCI) to Top clearance levels, including: makes an Secret clearance for a combination known L clearance: Department of employee as TS/SCI. Information access is assigned Energy (DOE), Nuclear Regulatory in “compartments” for a short or extended more Commission (NRC) – This clearance time, allowing access to one compartment grants civilian access to nuclear valuable. at a time. Compartmented access materials and information. could include cryptography, overhead : DOE, NRC – The Q reconnaissance, communications clearance gives access to materials, intelligence or nuclear stockpile specifically atomic- or nuclear-related, information. Specific SCIs are known as for non-military personnel. “riders” when appended to clearances. Bureau of Immigration (BI) – This The Department of Defense uses clearance is used by Customs and both SCI and a similar concept, special Border Protection (CBP). access programs (SAPs), for exceptionally National Agency Check with vulnerable information. For example, SAP Inquiries (NACI) – This clearance is access could include information such used by the Department of Justice as stealth technology. Both SCI and SAP (DOJ).

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designations require an SSBI investigation, and thus, individuals feel compelled to plus a special adjudication process. mention their clearances on their resumes SCI investigations conducted by one in order to be more attractive to potential federal agency are no longer supposed to employers. be duplicated by another federal agency In the context of the job market, a when those investigations are current security clearance automatically makes within five years and meet the scope an employee more valuable. In fact, and standards for the level of clearance www.Military.com, a renowned forum for To market required. However, some federal agencies government and military information, do not recognize others’ equivalent claims that “an established security a clearance clearances and will insist on another full clearance can increase your salary status investigation. anywhere from $5,000 to $15,000.” In some cases, a few contracting appropriately, Active and Inactive Clearances companies are even known to hire on A person either has a clearance or does it is important clearance alone—figuring that it’s easier not; there are no in-between states. for a to train a cleared employee than to hire a “Current” and “active” are synonymous fully qualified employee who must then candidate in this context, as are “inactive” and wait months (or even years) to begin work. “expired.” to base their Though this may sound unfair, it is a highly A clearance becomes inactive when decision on logical approach for businesses to take the position no longer requires it or the on a contractor who is “ready for work” the individual person holding it leaves the position. rather than a candidate who has the whole Clearances are fairly easy to reactivate company and clearance process in front of them. within 24 months (unless the five-, 10- or contracting With that sort of incentive, it 15-year reinvestigation would fall in that is tempting to plaster a cleared position they period). After that, reactivating a clearance status everywhere. But should you? can be difficult. are applying Unfortunately, advice ranges anywhere for. Non-Government Clearances from prominently placing a clearance Private-sector organizations occasionally status at the top of a resume, to discreetly use the term “security clearance” when stating within the resume’s text that granting access to sensitive information. a candidate is “eligible for a security clearance.” To market a clearance Job Seeking for Cleared status appropriately, it is important for Individuals and Companies a candidate to base their decision on Within the contracting community, it is a the individual company and contracting great benefit to have a security clearance, position they are applying for.

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Typically, employment consultants social engineering or blackmail attempts. advise job seekers to only list their Certain parts of the federal right-to-work or security clearance on government have stricter rules about a resume when submitted to a specific disclosing clearances. For example, in the employer requesting this information; intelligence community, individuals are otherwise, they should avoid listing this expected to ask the agency for permission information on a third-party recruiting site before disclosing their clearances or any or database. An employer or recruiter will job duties for that agency on a resume. ask a candidate for information regarding Should Companies Disclose a security clearance after reviewing a Security Clearances? resume. If a candidate is asked about For companies, the same questions apply. having a security clearance, employment Will advertising your facility clearance consultants recommend avoiding and cleared personnel make you more disclosing the type of clearance, as well attractive to prime contractors and as the level of clearance. Candidates potential teaming partners, or will it prove can simply confirm they have a security to be a liability? Are there government clearance and provide details during the regulations that address these questions? interview. Answers to these questions begin The National Industrial Security with facility clearances, which are issued Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) by the Defense Security Service (DSS). A [PDF], which provides rules for how 1997 Defense Department memo states, security clearances are processed and “You are reminded that NISPOM paragraph granted, makes no comment on whether 2-100c prohibits the use of the FCL for individuals can talk about clearances. advertising or promotional purposes. This According to one source, this was a prohibition is also reiterated in the Facility deliberate choice to allow cleared Clearance Letter 381-R. References to individuals to float resumes. employee clearance levels and contractor Should Employees Disclose Security performance on classified contracts on Clearances? the Internet would constitute advertising.” Most agency and contractor briefings The guidance is clear: If a company discourage employees from revealing has a facility clearance, they can’t use it clearances for both safety and security for advertising or promotional purposes. reasons. If employees do not broadcast However, the NISPOM guidance implies their clearance, they are less likely to be that it is okay to tell another company targeted as the subject of a protest for about their facility clearance if asked.

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World Headquarters: Clearance Controversies contracting positions. Cleared individuals United States Security clearances are not without can use the advanced search to look for 2291 Wood Oak Drive controversy. In the wake of the 2010 listings with their exact level of clearance. Herndon, VA 20171-2823 800.456.2009 WikiLeaks release of more than GovWin also posts continuous jobs 250,000 diplomatic cables—the largest updates @HireGovCon on Twitter. Worldwide Locations: unauthorized release of contemporary Employers can use the jobs and Belgium classified information in history—the employment center to post jobs, seek +32 (0) 2 709 2191 President’s Intelligence Advisory Board contractors being offered by other Denmark began a review of the executive branch’s member companies, and advertise their +45 35 27 79 00 handling of classified information. temporarily available contractors to other According to NextGov, “The board is member companies. Germany Frankfurt am Main tasked with ensuring that agencies have a Additionally, the jobs and employment +49 6967733106 proper understanding of the requirements center offers valuable articles on topics in safeguarding classified information, such as resume writing, cover letter The Netherlands getting a general sense of government writing, interviewing, job fairs and general +31 (0)20 347 3080 officials’ attitudes on leaks and assessing job search techniques. Norway how the government handles sensitive Have more questions? Contact an +47 22 01 38 00 information and documents.” expert at the GovWin Jobs team for more information on security clearances and Sweden Deltek Resources +46 (0)8 587 077 00 employment strategies. Deltek’s GovWin jobs and employment United Kingdom center provides job listings for government Get started today at GovWin.com. London +44 (0)20 7518 5010

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