University of Birmingham

Therapeutic targeting of C: Korkmaz, Brice; Caughey, George H.; Chapple, Iain; Gauthier, Francis; Hirschfeld, Josefine; Jenne, Dieter E.; Kettritz, Ralph; Lalmanach, Gilles; Lamort, Anne-Sophie; Lauritzen, Conni; gowska, Monika; Lesner, Adam; Marchand-Adam, Sylvain; McKaig, Sarah J.; Moss, Celia; Pedersen, John; Roberts, Helen; Schreiber, Adrian; Seren, Seda; Thakker, Nalin S. DOI: 10.1016/j.pharmthera.2018.05.011 License: Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND)

Document Version Peer reviewed version Citation for published version (Harvard): Korkmaz, B, Caughey, GH, Chapple, I, Gauthier, F, Hirschfeld, J, Jenne, DE, Kettritz, R, Lalmanach, G, Lamort, A-S, Lauritzen, C, gowska, M, Lesner, A, Marchand-Adam, S, McKaig, SJ, Moss, C, Pedersen, J, Roberts, H, Schreiber, A, Seren, S & Thakker, NS 2018, 'Therapeutic targeting of cathepsin C: from pathophysiology to treatment', Pharmacology & Therapeutics, vol. 190, pp. 202-236.

Link to publication on Research at Birmingham portal

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Download date: 01. Mar. 2020 Accepted Manuscript

Therapeutic targeting of cathepsin C: from pathophysiology to treatment

Brice Korkmaz, George H. Caughey, Iain Chapple, Francis Gauthier, Josefine Hirschfeld, Dieter E. Jenne, Ralph Kettritz, Gilles Lalmanach, Anne-Sophie Lamort, Conni Lauritzen, Monika Legowska, Adam Lesner, Sylvain Marchand-Adam, Sarah J. McKaig, Celia Moss, John Pedersen, Helen Roberts, Adrian Schreiber, Seda Seren, Nalin S. Thakkar

PII: S0163-7258(18)30091-3 DOI: doi:10.1016/j.pharmthera.2018.05.011 Reference: JPT 7227 To appear in:

Please cite this article as: Brice Korkmaz, George H. Caughey, Iain Chapple, Francis Gauthier, Josefine Hirschfeld, Dieter E. Jenne, Ralph Kettritz, Gilles Lalmanach, Anne- Sophie Lamort, Conni Lauritzen, Monika Legowska, Adam Lesner, Sylvain Marchand- Adam, Sarah J. McKaig, Celia Moss, John Pedersen, Helen Roberts, Adrian Schreiber, Seda Seren, Nalin S. Thakkar , Therapeutic targeting of cathepsin C: from pathophysiology to treatment. (2018), doi:10.1016/j.pharmthera.2018.05.011

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