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Study of Granular Co [Gupta, 3(10): October, 2014] ISSN: 2277-9655 Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 3.449 (ISRA), Impact Factor: 2.114 IJESRT INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES & RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY Study of Granular Computing and Its Impact on Human Life Sushma Gupta*, Rakesh Patel, Chanda Patel Kirodimal Institute of Technology, Raigarh(C.G.),India Abstracts Granular computing, as an emerging research field, provides a conceptual framework for studying many issues in data mining. This paper examines some of those issues, including data and knowledge representation and processing. It is demonstrated that one of the fundamental tasks of data mining is searching for the right level of granularity in data and knowledge representation. Keywords: Granular Computing. Introduction required, we move down to region, states, seas Granular computing (GrC) : GRC is an emerging etc. computing paradigm of information processing. It concerns the processing of complex information entities Overview of granular computing called information granules, which arise in the process The basic ideas and principles of granular of data abstraction and derivation of knowledge from computing are not entirely new and have indeed been information or data. Generally speaking, information investigated in many disciplines of social and natural granules are collections of entities that usually originate sciences. It is unfortunate that they are examined in at the numeric level and are arranged together due to relatively isolated and independent ways, expressed in their similarity, functional or physical adjacency etc. much domain dependent and scattered in many places. The study of granular computing therefore aims at An umbrella term to cover any theories, methodologies, arriving at a new powerful philosophical view and a techniques and tools that make use of granules in general problem-solving theory. They are referred to as problem solving .Granular computing process of structured thinking and structured problem-solving. performing computational and operation on granules. Broadly, granular computing can be studied based on the The concept of granular computing have been studied notions of representation and process. The under various names in many different fields, such as representation concerns granules and their organizations quantization, divide and conquer, structured in terms of levels, networks, and hierarchies. One programming, interval analysis, rough set theory, cluster focuses on common features and universally applicable analysis, machine learning, data analysis and data principles for the understanding, description, mining, databases, and many others .More specifically, organization, and formulation of various problems granular computing is a multi-disciplinary study with the across many different disciplines. The process deals with objectives to investigate and model a way of thinking, a (computational) methods that manipulate granules and family of granule-oriented problem solving methods, granular structures. Based on this simplified view, we and a paradigm of information processing. It is a study list some fields and specific research areas where the of a general theory of problem solving based on different ideas of granular computing have been investigated. levels of granularity and detail. • Computational intelligence: The explicit study of Example of granular computing granular computing starts within the computational For travelling one needs to know about the intelligence community. In 1979, Zadeh first introduced weather conditions like cloudy or rainy etc. the notion of information granulation and suggested that Instead of exact temperature. fuzzy set theory may find potential applications in this respect. To some extent, rough set theory makes more While establishing a course view of the world- people realize the importance of the notion of map, we deal with high level information like granulation. countries and oceans. When more details are http: // (C)International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology [180] [Gupta, 3(10): October, 2014] ISSN: 2277-9655 Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 3.449 (ISRA), Impact Factor: 2.114 The above studies may be broadly characterized as a set- • Divide and conquer: The strategy of divide and theoretic study of granular computing. Each granule is conquer can be used to effectively solve many types of defined and represented as a (fuzzy) set, and the granular problems. It is also related to the philosophy of structure is a family of (fuzzy) sets.Additional studies of reductionism in the sense that a large problem is granular computing, within the context of computational decomposed into a family of smaller problems, and the intelligence and proceedings of International solution of the large problem is obtained by combining Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining, the solutions of smaller problems. Two example and Granular Computing and IEEE International applications of the divide and conquer strategy are Conference on Granular Computing. structured programming. The top-down structured programming is an effective • Artificial intelligence : The ideas of granular technique to deal with the complex problem of computing have been investigated in artificial programming. The principles and characteristics of the intelligence through the notions of granularity and top-down design and stepwise refinement, More abstraction. In fact, the notion of granules plays an specifically, the following issues are considered: (a) important role in knowledge representation, searching, design in levels; (b) initial language independence; (c) and reasoning. A few examples are given to illustrate the Postponement of details to lower levels; (d) main ideas. The theory indeed captures some of the formalization of each level; (e) verification of each level; essential features of granular computing. That is, we and (f) successive refinements. represent the world under various grain sizes, and abstract only those things that serve our present interests. • The theory of small groups: Small group research is The ability to conceptualize the world at different a field in psychology. Its basic issues and methods are granularities and to switch among these granularities is very relevant to granular computing, if we view a small fundamental to our intelligence and flexibility. group as a granule. A general theory of small groups as complex systems. Groups are studied as adaptive, • The theory of hierarchy: The hierarchy theory dynamic systems determined by three factors: (a) focuses on the understanding and representation of interaction among group members; (b) interaction complex systems using multiple level structures. One between different groups; and (c) the embedding can conceptualize a complex system by discriminating contexts of groups. Obviously, we need to study similar entities, relations, processes and levels as the basic types of factors in granular computing. ingredients of a hierarchical structure. A hierarchy links Many ideas from the small group research, as well as its the parts or components into a whole, and hence research methodologies, can be readily applied to the provides a multi-level and multi- resolution description study of granular computing. In the development of the of a system . general theory of small groups, Arrow, MaGrath and Berdahl established five propositions addressing the The hierarchy theory reflects, to some degree, the following fundamental issues: philosophy of reductionism, where the understanding of The nature of groups; a whole is decomposed into the understanding of its Causal dynamics in groups; smaller parts. Hierarchical analysis is one of the Group purposes or functions; successful methods used in the investigation and Group composition and structure; understanding of complex systems. For example, social Modes of group life. hierarchy is a well studied concept in many branches of social science. The basic ingredients and issues of granular computing are summarized below, the previously If we use a broader meaning for hierarchies, instead of discussed theories and topics: the restricted mathematical notion defined by a partial • Granule: A granule may be interpreted as one of the ordering, it is possible to combine the theory of numerous small particles forming a larger unit. By hierarchy and the systems thinking, as well as taking considering a small group as a granule, we can draw advantages of both. For example, although a complex results from the theory of small groups. We need to system may be modeled as a web of entities, one can still consider at least three basic properties of granules: investigate in different levels of details. It may also be useful to examine a web of sub-webs, where each sub- Internal structure of a granule; web can be viewed as a granule. Collective structure of a family of granules; Hierarchical structure of a web of granules. http: // (C)International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology [181] [Gupta, 3(10): October, 2014] ISSN: 2277-9655 Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 3.449 (ISRA), Impact Factor: 2.114 A collective structure of family of granules may be • Rule representation/interpretation: A key notion of interpreted as a level or a granulated view in an overall fuzzy set theory is linguistic variables. A fuzzy granule hierarchical structure. Itself may be an inter-connected can be defined in terms of generalized constraints. Fuzzy network of granules. For the same system or the same granules
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