dZñWcr {dÚmnrR> BanasthaliVidyapith {ddaU n{ÌH$m 2021-22 Prospectus H«$.g§. n¥îR> g§. 1. g§ñWmnH$...... 4 2. _{hbm {ejm H$m AZwn_ g§ñWmZ...... 10 3. n§M_wIr {ejm...... 12 4. {dÚmb`r {ejm H$m`©H«$_...... 14 5. e¡{jH$ H$m`©H«$_...... 20 6. àdoe-à{H«$`m...... 28 7. ewëH$...... 36 8. e¡{jH$ n[aga Ed§ N>mÌmdmg g§~§Yr {Z`_...... 40 9. doe^yfm Ed§ `y{Z\$m_©...... 44 10. gmám{hH$ Ed§ AÝ` AdH$me...... 50 11. H¡$go nhþ±M| dZñWbr?...... 52 12. gm_mÝ` gyMZm Ed§ _hÎdnyU© Q>obr\$moZ Z§...... 54

Sl. Page No.

1. Our founders ...... 5

2. The national institutions for women education...... 11

3. Five Fold Education...... 13

4. Current School Education Programme ...... 15

X 5. Academic Programme...... 21

E 6. Admission procedure...... 29

D 7. Fee ...... 37

N 8. Academic, Campus and Hostel rules...... 41 I

9. Dress code and uniform...... 47

10. List of Holidays...... 51

11. How to reach Banasthali? ...... 53

12. General information & important telephone numbers...... 55


Prospectus 2021-22 2021-22 School Education h_mao g§ñWmnH$ Our Founders

npÊS>V hramcmc emñÌr Pandit Hiralal Shastri

hramcmc emñÌrOr H$m OÝ_ 24 Zdå~a, 1899 H$mo O`nwa {Oco _| Omo~Zoa Ho$ EH$ iralal Shastri was born on November 24, 1899 at Jobner in {H$gmZ n[adma _| hþAm Wm& CZH$s n«ma§{^H$ {ejm Omo~Zoa _| hþB©& 1920 _| CÝhm|Zo District, Born in a peasant family, he had his early education in n§. gm{hË` - emñÌr H$s {S>J«r n«má H$s& 1921 _| CÝhm|Zo O`nwa Ho$ _hmamOm H$m°coO H Jobner. Hiralal secured the degree of Sahitya Shastri in 1920. He took B.A. degree in 1921 from Maharaja’s College, Jaipur, securing go ~r.E. {H$`m Am¡a Bg narjm _| gdm}ƒ ñWmZ àmá {H$`m& the first rank. n§. hramcmc emñÌrOr H$s ~MnZ go hr `h CËH$Q> A{^cmfm Wr {H$ do {H$gr Jm±d _| OmH$a From early childhood Pandit Hiralal Shastri had a burning desire to go to XrZ-X{cVm| H$s godm _| AnZm gmam OrdZ cJm X|& hmcm±{H$ 1921 _| do O`nwa amÁ` godm _| some village and devote his life to the service of the down-trodden. Though he Am JE Am¡a ~‹S>r VoOr go CÝZ{V H$aVo hþE J¥h Am¡a {dXoe {d^mJm| _| g{Md ~Zo {\$a 1927 joined Jaipur State Service in 1921 and had a meteoric rise to become Secretary in the Home and Foreign Departments, he resigned the same in _| CÝhm|Zo Bg nX go BñVr\$m Xo {X`m& n«emg{ZH$ godm Ho$ Xm¡amZ CÝhm|Zo ~‹S>r _ohZV, 1927. While in administrative service he displayed qualities of hard work, H$m`©Hw$ecVm Am¡a {Z^uH$Vm go H$m_ {H$`m& efficiency and fearlessness. 1929 _o§ n§. hramcmc emñÌrOr Zo AnZo ~MnZ H$m g§H$ën nyam H$aZo Ho$ CX²Xoí` go O`nwa go In 1929, in fulfilment of his childhood resolve, Pandit Hiralal Shastri 45 _rc H$s Xyar na pñWV "~ÝWcr' Zm_H$ EH$ XyadVu Am¡a {nN>‹So> Jm±d H$mo MwZm Am¡a dhm± selected a remote and backward village Banthali 45 miles from Jaipur and founded ‘Jeevan Kutir’ there. Here he trained a band of dedicated "OrdZ - Hw$Q>ra' H$s ñWmnZm H$s& CÝhm|Zo dhm± {Zð>mdmZ gm_m{OH$ H$m`©H$Vm©Am| Ho$ EH$ Xc H$mo n«{e{jV {H$`m Am¡a Jm±dm| Ho$ nwZ{Z©_mU Ho$ {cE EH$ H$m`©H«$_ Ho$ H$m`m©Ýd`Z H$m n«`mg Social workers and endeavoured to implement a programme of rural reconstruction. These workers later became the heralds of political {H$`m& `hr H$m`©H$Vm© ~mX _| amOnwVmZm H$s H$B© [a`mgVm| _| amOZ¡{VH$ OmJê$H$Vm Ho$ awakening in many of the Rajputana States. He himself was drawn to AJ«XyV ~Zo& 1937 _o§ CÝh| O`nwa amÁ` n«Om _ÊS>c H$m nwZJ©R>Z H$aZo H$m ^ma gm¢nm J`m& do political arena when he was given the responsibility to re-organise Jaipur Bg _§S>b Ho$ Xmo ~ma _hm_§Ìr Am¡a Xmo ~ma AÜ`j MwZo JE& Bg n«H$ma CÝh| ñd`§ amOZ¡{VH$ Rajya Praja Mandal in 1937 of which he was twice elected General joÌ _| CVaZm n‹S>m& 1939 _| ZmJ[aH$ ñdV§ÌVm H$s n«m{á Ho$ {cE CÝhm|Zo n«Om _§S>c Ho$ Secretary and twice President. gË`mJ«h H$m ZoV¥Ëd {H$`m Am¡a CÝh| N>h _hrZo H$s H¡$X hþB©©& 1947 _| CÝh| A{Ic ^maVr` In 1939 he led the Praja Mandal’s Satyagraha for achievement of civil Xoer amÁ` n«Om n[afX² H$m _hm_§Ìr ~Zm`m J`m& Cgr df© do g§{dYmZ g^m Ho$ {cE MwZo JE& liberties and suffered a six month imprisonment. In 1947 he was appointed General Secretary of All States Peoples Conference. The same year he 1948 _| O`nwa [a`mgV _| n«{V{Z{Y gaH$ma ~ZZo na n§. hramcmc emñÌr Zo CgHo$ _w»`_§Ìr was elected to the Constituent Assembly. H$m H$m`©^ma g§^mcm Am¡a 30 _mM©, 1949 H$mo O~ amOñWmZ amÁ` H$m {Z_m©U hþAm Vmo do On the installation of representative Government in Jaipur State in 1948 CgHo$ n«W_ _w»`_§Ìr ~Zo& {d{^ÝZ [a`mgVm| H$mo ^maV g§K _| {_cmZo Am¡a VËH$mcrZ Pandit Hiralal Shastri took over as the Chief Minister and when n«emgZ H$mo n«^mdemcr n«emgZ H$m ê$n XoZo Ho$ AË`ÝV H${R>Z H$m`© H$s {Oå_oXmar CÝht na State was formed on March 30, 1949 he became its first Chief Minister. On him fell the herculean task of integrating the diverse princely units into AmB©& CÝhm|Zo `h O{Q>c H$m`© Wmo‹So> hr g_` _| nyam H$a {c`m& 05 OZdar, 1951 H$mo CÝhm|Zo effective modern administration. He accomplished this task ably in a short BñVr\$m Xo {X`m Am¡a ~mX _| Xygar cmoH$g^m Ho$ gXñ` ~Zo& period. He resigned on January 5, 1951 and later became member of n§. hramcmc emñÌrOr Zo dZñWcr {dÚmnrR> H$s ñWmnZm gZ² 1935 _| H$s Wr& {dÚmnrR> Zo Second Lok Shabha. AmO Zmar {ejm H$s EH$ n«_wI amï´>r` g§ñWm H$m ê$n co {c`m h¡& Banasthali Vidyapith, founded by Pandit Hiralal Shastri, has today become a premier national institution for women’s education. n§. hramcmc emñÌrOr H$m XohmdgmZ 28 {Xgå~a, 1974 H$mo hþAm& n§. hramcmc emñÌr Or Pandit Hiralal Shastriji passed away on December 28, 1974. Forthright and ~‹So> XyaXeu Am¡a OZ{n«` ZoVm aho& do AnZo {dMma ì`ŠV H$aZo _| ñnï>dmXr Am¡a {Z^uH$, fearless in his views, an Indian to the core of his heart, a selfless social öX` go gƒo ^maVr` VWm {Z… ñdmW© g_mOgodr ~Zo aho& epŠVemcr, gwg§J{R>V Am¡a worker, Pandit Hiralal Shastri was a farsighted and popular leader. To him n«J{Verc amOñWmZ H$s Ztd S>mcZo H$m A{YH$m§e lo` CÝht H$mo h¡& goes largely the credit of laying the foundation of strong, unified and progressive Rajasthan. S>mH$-Vma {d^mJ Zo n§. hramcmc emñÌr Ho$ gå_mZ _| EH$ ñ_maH$ S>mH$-{Q>H$Q> ^r Omar The post & Telegraph Department feels privileged to bring out a {H$`m h¡& Commemorative postage stamp in honour of Pandit Hiralal Shastri.

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Prospectus {ddaU n{ÌH$m 2021-22 2021-22 {dÚmc` {ejm School Education h_mao g§ñWmnH$ Our Founders

lr_Vr aVZ emñÌr Smt. Ratan Shastri

Jm±d _| Omo H$m_ emór X§n{V Zo Ama§^ {H$`m, Cg_| ImXr Am¡a AmË_{Z^©aVm, gmjaVm n«gma, S>mŠQ>ar ghm`Vm VWm gm_m{OH$ Ed§ amOZr{VH$ OmJaU Ho$ H$m`©H«$_ em{_b Wo & 1929 _| emór X§n{V Zo J«m_rU nwZ{Z©_m©U VWm Xoe Ho$ AÝ` ^mJm| _| Eogo hr H$m`m] H$mo \¡$bmZo Ho$ {bE B H$m`©H$Vm©Am| H$mo n«{ejU XoZo Ho$ CÔoí` go "OrdZ-Hw$Q>ra' Zm_H$ g§ñWm H$s ñWmnZm H$s & emór X§n{V H$s nwÌr em§Vm H$s 12 df© H$s N>moQ>r Am`w _| Ag_` _¥Ë`w hmo JB© & em§Vm N>moQo> ~ƒm| H$mo n‹T>mZo _| é{M aIVr Wr, ñHy$b ImobZo H$m gnZm XoIVr Wr Am¡a Bg ñHy$b Ho$ {bE CgZo AnZo hmWm| go 600 BªQ|> ^r ~Zm`r Wt & aVZOr Zo em§Vm H$m AYyam gnZm nyam H$aZo H$s n«{Vkm H$a br & `hr h¡ Cg dZñWbr {dÚmnrR> H$s OÝ_ H$hmZr {OgH$mo boH$a aVZOr H$m Zm_ AmO Mmam| Va\$ nhþ±Mm hþAm h¡& _{hbmAm| H$s {ejm Ed§ n«{ejU H$s EH$ amîQ´>>r` g§ñWm Ho$ ê$n _| Bg {dÚmnrR> H$s ñWmnZm 1935 _| H$s J`r& Bg Z`o H$m`©H«$_ _| ì`ñV ahVo hþE ^r CZ {XZm| lr_Vr emór Zo O`nwa gË`mJ«h Ho$ g§JR>Z _| n«_wI {hñgm {b`m& {dÚmnrR> EH$ Eogm AZmoIm {ejm Ho$ÝÐ h¡, Ohm± _{hbmAm| Ho$ {bE Zg©ar go boH$a ñZmVH$moÎma {ejm VH$ H$s gw{dYm h¡ Am¡a ^maV H$s ~w{Z`mXr g§ñH¥${V Ed§ na§nam H$mo hm{Z nhþ±Mm`o ~J¡a `hm± b‹S>{H$`m| H$mo AmYw{ZH$ {ejm Xr OmVr h¡ & {dÚmnrR> nya~ Ho$ AmÜ`mpË_H$ Am¡a npíM_ Ho$ d¡km{ZH$ _yë`m| Ho$ gwì`dpñWV _ob na ~b XoVm h¡& OZVm§{ÌH$ _yë`m| _| VWm g^r Y_m] H$s gma^yV EH$Vm _| lÓm H$m {Z_m©U H$aVm h¡ Am¡a amîQ´>r` EH$mË_Vm Ho$ ^md Ho$ gmW-gmW AÝVam©îQ´>r` g{XÀN>m Am¡a g_P H$mo X¥‹T> H$aVm h¡ & N>mÌmdmg H$m gm_y{hH$ OrdZ VWm {d{^ÝZ ^mfm ~mobZo dmbr, {d{^ÝZ Om{V`m|, Y_m], g§n«Xm`m| Hy$b _mñQ>a Ho$ _Ü`_dJu` n[adma _| OÝ_r H$m nmbZ H$aZo dmbr N>mÌmAm| H$m EH$ hr {ejm H«$_ H$m gmW-gmW AÜ``Z, AnZo Amn _| aVZOr H$s nad[ae __Vm Am¡a AZwemgZ Ho$ Cn`wŠV lÓm n¡Xm H$aZo H$m n«mH¥${VH$ Adga n«XmZ H$aVm h¡ & ñ {_bo-Owbo dmVmdaU _| hþB© Omo {H$ g_¥Ó ì`pŠVËd Ho$ {dH$mg Ho$ {bE gd©Wm AZwHy$b Wm& 1935 _| O~ {dÚmnrR> H$s ñWmnZm hþB© Wr, Cg g_` Ka H$s MmaXrdmar _| ~§X b‹S>{H$`m| H$mo N>moQ>r C_« _| hr {ddmh hmo OmZo go CZH$s Am¡nMm[aH$ {ejm {dÚmnrR> _| bo AmZm Am¡a CÝh| gmYmaU ê$n _| n‹T>mZm AnZo Amn _| ~hþV ^mar H$m_ Wm & Zht Ho$ ~am~a hþB© {H$ÝVw {ejm BÝgmZ _| {Z{hV n[anyU©Vm hmbm±{H$ Cg g_` ^r {dÚmnrR> H$m CÔoí` b‹S>{H$`m| H$mo Eogr {ejm XoZm hr ahm, {Oggo CÝh| H$m hr n«H$Q> ê$n h¡, Bg ÑpîQ> go CÝh| {ejm {d^y{fV hr g_mO _| gå_mZ Am¡a g_mZ ñWmZ {_b gHo$ & A~ g_` Ho$ gmW ~XbVo g§X^m] _| b‹S>{H$`m| H$mo _mZm OmZm Mm{hE& Bgr{bE O~ CZHo$ n{V _hmoX` Zo {g\©$ gm_mÝ` ê$n go {e{jV H$aZo go H$m_ Zht MbVm, ~pëH$ {XZm|{XZ A{YH$m{YH$ ñnYm©Ë_H$ ^yVnyd© O`nwa [a`mgV Ho$ J¥h Ed§ {dXoe {d^mJ Ho$ ~ZVo Om aho g_mO _| ñnYm© H$m gm_Zm H$aZo H$s j_Vm CZ_| g_mZ ê$n go n¡Xm H$aZm n«{VîR>m-n«mßV g{Md nX go Ë`mJnÌ XoH$a EH$ N>moQo> go Xya- {dÚmnrR> H$m CÔoí` ~Zm h¡ & XamO Ho$, {nN>‹S>o> hþE Jm±d _| J«m_rU nwZa©MZm Ho$ H$m`© H$mo AmYw{ZH$ g_mO _| _yë`m| H$mo boH$a g§H$Q> H$s Omo pñW{V n¡Xm hmo JB© h¡, Cggo {dÚmnrR> ^br- g_{n©V hmoZm Mmhm, Vmo aVZOr Zo ^r V_m_ H${R>ZmB`m| Am¡a ^m±{V n[a{MV h¡ & CgH$s am` _| Bg pñW{V H$m gm_Zm H$aZo Ho$ gj_ gmYZm| _| go EH$ h¡ {ejm & H$îQ>m| _| CZH$m gmW {X`m & Bg{bE N>mÌmAm| _| C{MV _yë`m| Ho$ n«{V Ahgmg OJmZo H$s AË`{YH$ Amdí`H$Vm H$mo Ü`mZ _| eha go Xya `h N>moQ>m-gm Jm±d Wm ~ÝWbr, Ohm± {g\©$ aIVo hþE {dÚmnrR> H$m nyam e¡j{UH$ n«`mg Am¡a H$m`©H«$_ Omar h¡ & Bgr g§X^© _| {dÚmnrR> nya~ ~¡bJm‹S>r _| hr Om`m Om gH$Vm Wm & Bg Jm±d _| emór Ho$ AmÜ`mpË_H$ Am¡a npíM_ Ho$ d¡km{ZH$ _yë`m| Ho$ gwì`dpñWV g§`moJ, gmXm Am¡a ghO ahZ- X§n{V Zo AnZr hr O¡gr bJZ Ho$ H$m`©H$Vm©Am| H$mo n«{ejU ghZ VWm ì`pŠV H$s ñdV§ÌVm Am¡a CgHo$ gm_m{OH$ CÎmaXm{`Ëd _| g§VwbZ n«ñWm{nV H$aZo Ho$ XoH$a AÝ` Jm±dm| Ho$ {dH$mg H$m`© Ho$ {bE CÝh| àmoËgm{hV n«`mg na ~b XoVm h¡& {H$`m & Bg Vah _{hbmAm| H$s {ejm Ho$ joÌ _| dZñWbr H$m H$m`© AnZo Amn _| {deof n«H$ma H$m H$m`© 1929 Ho$ Cg O_mZo Ho$ amOñWmZ _| EH$ _Ü`_dJu` h¡& Bgo gmYmaU ñdê$n H$m H$m_ Zht _mZm Om gH$Vm Am¡a Z hr Bgo {g\©$ g_mO H$ë`mUH$mar & _{hbm Ûmam nX } H$o MbZ H$m o Ama¡ JhZm | H$m o Ë`mJ XZo m ~hVþ ^maV gaH$ma Zo CÝh| 1955 _| nÙlr go VWm 1975 _| nÙ^yfU go gå_m{ZV H$a CZHo$ H$m`© ~S‹ >o gmhg H$m H$m_ Wm & Ama¡ m | H$o gm_Z o AmXe © aI, CgH$o H$mo Jm¡ad àXmZ {H$`m & 1990 _ |Amn O_Zmbmb ~OmO naw ñH$ma g ogå_m{ZV H$s J`t & AZgw ma H$m` © H$aZ o H$o {b` o CÝh | n[o« aV H$aZm AnZ o Amn _ | ~hVþ ~S‹ >r CnbpãY Wr & Bg nH« $ma, CZ H${R>Z {XZm | _ | ^r H$B © lr_Vr aVZ emór H$m XohmdgmZ 29 {gVå~a, 1998 H$mo hþAm & AmnH$m A§{V_ g§ñH$ma nyao _{hbm H$m`H© $Vm ©gm_m{OH$ H$m` ©H$aZ oH$o {b` oV¡`ma hþBª & amOH$s` gå_mZ Ho$ gmW {dÚmnrR> n[aga _| 30 {gVå~a, 1998 H$mo gånÝZ hþAm &

6 7

Prospectus {ddaU n{ÌH$m 2021-22 2021-22 {dÚmc` {ejm School Education h_mao g§ñWmnH$ Our Founders

lr_Vr aVZ emñÌr Ho$ gå_mZ _| n«epñV-nÌ Citation in Honour of Smt. Ratan Shastri

{ejm BÝgmZ _| {Z{hV gX²^mdZm Am¡a g§ñH$ma H$s n[anyU©Vm H$m n«H$Q> ê$n h¡& ñd`§ Am¡nMm[aH$ {ejm go JAMNALAL BAJAJ AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION IN THE FIELD OF _§{S>V Z hmoVo hþE ^r lr_Vr aVZ emñÌr Zo {ejm Ho$ joÌ _| AnZo Bg ê$n H$m n[aM` {X`m h¡& 1935 _| UPLIFT AND WELFARE OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN CZHo$ Ûmam _{hbmAm| Ho$ {cE ñWm{nV dZñWcr {dÚmnrR>, Omo AmO {díd{dÚmc` H$m XOm© n«má H$a MwH$m Education is interpreted as the manifestation of perfection in man. Smt. Ratan Shastri most eminently embodies this idea, though she has had little formal education. The Banasthali h¡, lr_Vr aVZ emñÌr H$s Bgr gX²^mdZm, g§ñH$ma VWm AWH$ cJZ H$m X¥í` n«VrH$ h¡& Vidyapith, which she founded in 1935 for promoting women’s education and which has now AmO go Mmcrg-nMmg df© nhco Ho$ µO_mZo Ho$ amOñWmZ _|, c‹S>{H$`m| H$mo nX} go Am¡a Ka H$s MmaXrdmar go acquired the status of a ‘Deemed University’, is a symbol of her noble mind, integrity and tireless devotion. ~mha {ZH$mc gmW-gmW ~¡R> H$a n‹T>Zo Ho$ {cE n«o[aV H$aZm AnZo Amn _| ~hþV ~‹S>r Ed§ H«$m§{VH$mar CncpãY It was, indeed, a great and revolutionary achievement on the part of Smt. Ratan Shastri that, in Wr& BgH$m AmXe© CÝhm|Zo ñd`§ nXm© H$aZm ~§X H$a Am¡a ñdV§ÌVm Am§XmocZ Ho$ Xm¡amZ O`nwa gË`mJ«h _| tradition-ridden Rajasthan, she persuaded the womenfolk to discard the purdah system and ^mJ coH$a AÝ` _{hcmAm| Ho$ gm_Zo aIm& come out of the four walls of their houses with a view to studying together. She set an example in this regard by discontinuing the purdah herself and taking part in the Jaipur Satyagraha during dZñWcr {dÚmnrR> AnZo Ama§^ go hr ^maV H$s ~w{Z`mXr gm§ñH¥${VH$ na§nam Ho$ VWm AmO Ho$ ^maVr` the freedom struggle. g_mO _| AmYw{ZH$ {ejm n«Mma Ho$ _hÎd H$mo g_PVo hþE N>mÌmAm| Ho$ ì`pŠVËd - {dH$mg Ho$ {cE Right from its inception the Banasthali Vidyapith rightly recognised the importance of n«`mgerc ahm h¡& `h {dÚmnrR> Zg©ar go ñZmVH$moÎma gmYmaU {ejm Ho$ A{V[aŠV Eogr {d{dY J{V{d{Y`m± integrating the basic cultural traditions of India with the concepts of modern education in its academic and co-curricular programmes for brining about the development of personality of its Am`mo{OV H$aVm h¡, Omo N>mÌmAm| H$mo OrdZ _| AmË_{Z^©a Vmo ~ZmVr hr h¢, H$cm Ho$ ñne© go Cg OrdZ H$mo students. Apart from providing general education from the Nursery to the post-graduate level, gwMmé Ed§ amoMH$ ~Zm XoVr h¢& the Vidyapith organises varied activities which not only make the female student self-reliant, but also add a touch of the finer elements of art and culture to make their lives more beautiful AmO, O~ OrdZ-_yë`m| H$mo Qy>Q>Vo, Amng _| Q>H$amH$a {~IaVo XoI ha BÝgmZ Ho$ A§Xa EH$ ~oM¡Zr, hVmem and meaningful. OÝ_ co ahr h¡, Eogo _mhm¡c _| lr_Vr emñÌr H$s {nN>co Mma-nm±M XeH$m| go Mcr Am ahr `h n«J{Verc Today, in a situation in which everyone feels restless and frustrated over the breakdown and n«`mg-`mÌm CZHo$ {dMma Am¡a AmMma H$s X¥‹T>Vm H$m n[aM` XoVo hþE, Amem H$s amoeZr OJmVr h¡& dZñWcr disintegration of values, the progressive efforts of Smt. Ratan Shastri over the last five decades Ho$ {ejmH«$_ _| nya~ Ho$ AmÜ`mpË_H$ Am¡a npíM_ Ho$ d¡km{ZH$ X¥{ï>H$moU Ho$ _oc H$m AmJ«h aI, {ejm H$s provide ample evidence of the firmness of her mind, character and practical conduct and also offer a ray of hope. She insisted that courses of study at Banasthali should be based on a {Og n«Umcr H$mo CÝhm|Zo n«M{cV {H$`m h¡, CgHo$ O[aE N>mÌmAm| _| OZVm§{ÌH$ _yë`m|, amï´>r` EH$mË_Vm, g~ synthesis between the spiritual approach of East and the scientific outlook of the West. This Y_mªo H$s gma^yV EH$Vm Am¡a AÝVam©ï´>r` gX²^mdZm Ho$ ~rO ~mo`o OmVo h¢& N>mÌmAm| Ho$ ì`pŠVËd Ho$ g^r educational philosophy of hers nurtures democratic values, national integration, universal religious harmony and international goodwill in the minds of the students. Great emphasis is nhcwAm| H$o EH$mpË_H$ {dH$mg H$aZo na ~c {X`m OmVm h¡, Ed§ CZHo$ _Z _| gm_m{OH$ CÎmaXm{`Ëd H$s placed on the integrated development of the various facets of personality of the students, and ^mdZm ^r OmJ¥V H$s OmVr h¡& Bg nañna {Z^©a n«`mg _| lr_Vr emñÌr Ho$ geŠV {dMma hr n«{Vq~{~V h¢& equally on creating consciousness in their minds about their social responsibility. The persuit of these mutually related goals reflects the strength of Smt. Shastri’s lofty vision. _{hcm {ejm Ho$ joÌ _| {X`o J`o Bg `moJXmZ Ho$ Acmdm lr_Vr emñÌr Zo dZñWcr J«m_ Ho$ {dH$mg Ho$ {cE Besides contributing to the cause of women’s education, Smt. Shastri carried out a number of H$B© H$m`©H«$_ Am`mo{OV {H$`o, {OZ_| ImXr Ed§ AmË_{Z^©aVm, gmjaVm n«gma, S>m°ŠQ>ar ghm`Vm Am{X programmes for the development of Banasthali Village. Khadi and self-reliance, literacy drive, n«_wI h¢& medical assistance and the like being more marked among them. _{hcm d ~mcH$ë`mU Ho$ joÌ _| gamhZr` `moJXmZ Ho$ {cE O_Zmcmc ~OmO nwañH$ma hoVw lr_Vr aVZ By selecting Smt. Ratan Shastri for the Jamnalal Bajaj Award for outstanding contribution in the field of uplift and welfare of women and children, the Trustees of the Foundation feel emñÌr H$m M`Z H$a \$mCÊSo>eZ Ho$ Q´>ñQ>rJU, _{hcmAm| H$m gm_m{OH$ ñVa ~‹T>mZo Ho$ {cE CZHo$ Ûmam H$s honoured to recognise her selfless and well-planned services for uplifting the social status of J`r {Z…ñdmW© Ed§ gw{Z`mo{OV godm H$mo gå_m{ZV H$a ñd`§ H$mo YÝ` _mZVo h¢& women.

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{ddaU n{ÌH$m Prospectus {dÚmc` {ejm School Education dZñWcr {dÚmnrR> Banasthali Vidyapith _{hcm {ejm H$m AZwn_ g§ñWmZ University for Women: University with a difference dZñWcr {dÚmnrR> EH$ amï>´r` {ejU gñ§ Wm h,¡ Ohm ± N>mÌmAm | H$m o {cE dZñWcr {dÚmnrR> H$s ñWmnZm H$s& CZH$s Cggo ~hþV Cƒ Banasthali Vidyapith is a national institution Banasthali Vidyapith to fill up the vacuum caused àmapå^H$ {ejm g ocHo $a nrEM.S>r. ñVa H$s {ejm àXmZ H$s OmVr h&¡ AmH$m§jmE± Wt {H$ dh ~‹S>r hmoH$a _{hcmAm| H$mo geŠV ~ZmZo _| imparting education to girls from nursery to Ph.D by the sudden death of their highly talented and AnZr _hÎdnyU© ^mJrXmar {Z^m`oJr& àË`oH$ {dÚmWu _| {ejm Ho$ level. promising daughter Shantabai. They had a high `h g§ñWm N>mÌmAm| H$mo {ejU Ho$ {cE C{MV dmVmdaU àXmZ This institution provides the perfect ambience for expectation that she would work for women's cause H$aVr h¡& dZñWcr {dÚmnrR> H$m CÔoí` ^maVr` OrdZ e¡cr Ed§ Ûmam g{hîUwVm Am¡a AÀN>r g_P {dH${gV H$aZo Ho$ {cE {dÚmnrR> imparting education. Banasthali Vidyapith aims at of growing up. ^maVr` g§ñH¥${V Ho$ AmYma^yV _yë`m| d AmXem] Ho$ AmYma^yV VÏ`m| à{V~Õ h¡& gmW hr CÝh| AnZr dmñV{dH$ j_Vm H$mo nhMmZZo _| inspiring students to be enthusiastic life-long Guiding each student to achieve her true potential H$s X¥‹T> Ztd S>mcVo hþE N>mÌmAm| H$mo OrdZ-n`©ÝV CËgmhr d {ZX}eZ H$m H$m`© ^r H$aVr h¡& learners and instills a firm foundation based on an the Vidyapith ensures that every student develops understanding of Indian culture, society and values. tolerance and understanding as an integral part of {Okmgw ~ZZo Ho$ {cE ào[aV H$aZm h¡& {dÚmnrR> H$m cú` nyd© Am¡a `hm± N>mÌmAm| H$mo {Oå_oXma hmoZm {gIm`m OmVm h¡& {dÚmnrR> àmaå^ It has formulated the aim of its educational effort learning at residential schools. npíM_ H$s AmÜ`mpË_H$ {damgV Ed§ d¡km{ZH$ CncpãY`m| Ho$ go hr Bg ~mV Ho$ {cE {ZaÝVa à`ËZerc h¡ {H$ N>mÌmE± AnZr Cƒ in terms of harmonious synthesis of the spiritual Students are taught to be caring and responsible in g_Ýd` Ho$ g§X^© _| {ejm àXmZ H$aZm h¡& go Cƒ e¡{jH$ j_VmAm| H$mo àmá H$aVo hþE AnZo ì`pŠVËd H$m heritage and the scientific achievement of the East their actions. Right from its establishment and West. g_w{MV d gdmªJrU {dH$mg H$a|& Banasthali Vidyapith strives to prepare students {dÚmnrR> H$m OÝ_ AZoH$ X¥{ï>`m| go AZyR>m h¡& {dÚmnrR> H$m The origin of Banasthali is unique in more ways capable of achieving the ultimate academic ApñVËd {H$gr {ejm-emñÌr `m g_mO-gwYmaH$ H$s {Zð>m Am¡a {dÚmnrR> H$m CÔoí` h¡ {H$ CËH¥$ï> {ejm àXmZ H$aZo hoVw Eogo than one. The Vidyapith owes its existence neither potential along with shaping a well developed and CËgmh H$m n[aUm_ Zht h¡& Z hr `h {H$gr XmZdra H$s W¡cr H$s nam_e©XmVm CncãY H$am`o§, Omo N>mÌmAm| Ho$ OrdZ H$mo crH$ go to the zeal of an educationist nor to that of a social complete personality. reformer. It is also not a creation of philanthropist's aMZm h¡& BgZo Vmo EH$ à\w$pëbV nwîn (emÝVm~mB©) H$s ^ñ_ go hQ>mH$a EH$ ñdV§Ì Am¡a ZdrZ X¥{ï> àXmZ H$a gHo$ Vm{H$ N>mÌmE± purse. It has arisen like the fabled phoenix from the Vidyapith aims at providing educational excellence {ZH$co hþE {H$gr H$Wm Ho$ A_a njr H$s Vah OÝ_ {c`m h¡& H$hZm AnZo dmVmdaU Am¡a AnZo go gånH©$ _| AmZo dmcm| na AnZr ashes of a blossoming flower Shantabai that had with mentors who desire to make a difference in the withered before its bloom. It is a spontaneous lives of students by carving them into successful Mm{hE {H$ `h emÝVm ~mB© Ho$ XohmdgmZ go hþB© AnyaUr` j{V H$s A{_Q> N>mn N>mo‹S> gHo$§& individuals who will make a difference to the ñdV: gånyU© ny{V© h¡& CZH$m AZÝV ào_ hr g_ñV {dMmam| Am¡a filling of the vacuum caused by Shantabai's death. {dÚmnrR> H$m H$m`© _{hcm {ejm Ho$ joÌ _| AnZo Amn _| AZyR>m h¡ Her eternal love has been the fountainhead of all environment and the group they are associate with. H$m`m}§ H$m òmoV ahm h¡ Ed§ {MËV epŠV hr àoaH$ epŠV ahr h¡& Am¡a `h H$m`© Z Vmo nyU©ê$noU naånamJV h¡ Z gm_m{OH$ daZ² XmoZm| the thinking and action and this spirit has been the Banasthali's work in the field of women's education motivating force. has been of a special type. It can neither be 6 AŠQy>~a 1935 H$mo lr_Vr aVZ emñÌr Am¡a npÊS>V hramcmc H$m {d{eï> gpå_lU h¡& {dÚmnrR> H$s {ejm N>mÌmAm| H$mo AkmZVm classified as a routine type of work nor a social type emñÌr (nyd© g{Md J¥h Ed§ {dXoe _§Ìmc`) Zo AnZr hmoZhma Ed§ H$s ~o{‹S>`m| go _wŠV H$a CÝh| à~wX²YVm H$s Amoa AJ«ga H$aZo H$m It was on October 6, 1935 that Smt. Ratan Shastri and Pandit Hiralal Shastri (Former Secretary in of work but a unique blending of the two. Education à{V^memcr nwÌr emÝVm ~mB© Ho$ AH$ñ_mV² {ZYZ go hþB© [apŠV Ho$ à`ËZ H$a ahr h¡& the home and foreign department) founded at Banasthali is such that it liberates the human

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Prospectus {ddaU n{ÌH$m 2021-22 2021-22 {dÚmc` {ejm School Education n§M_wIr {ejm Panchmukhi Shiksha {dÚmnrR> H$r {ejm-nÕ{V n§M_wIr h¡& N>mÌmAm| Ho$ Mhþ±_wIr àË`j Z¡{VH$ CnXoe Ho$ Ûmam BVZm gOrd VWm {dH${gV Zht {dH$mg Ho$ {cE CgZo n§M_wIr {ejm B©µOmX H$s h¡& {OZ_| {H$`m Om gH$Vm, {OVZm {H$ OrdZ Ho$ dmñV{dH$ AZw^dm| Am¡a {ZåZ{cpIV {~ÝXw g_m{dï> h¢ - {Oå_oXm[a`m| H$mo CZHo$ gmW ~m§±Q>Zo go& {d{^ÝZ dŠVmAm| Ho$ Ûmam emar[aH$ {ejm - {dÚmnrR> Ho$ CX²^d Ho$ g_` go hr emar[aH$ Z¡{VH$ gmám{hH$ dmVm©, gm_y{hH$ àmW©Zm-g^mAm| Ho$ Ûmam g^r Y_m}§ Ho$ à{V g_Ýd` d gå_m{ZV X¥{ï> {dH${gV H$aZm {dÚmnrR> {ejm, {ejm-H$m`©H«$_ H$m A{^Þ A“ ahr h¡& X¡{ZH$ Iobm| O¡go- H$s X¡{ZH$ M`m© _| gpå_{cV h¡& ~mñHo$Q>~m°b, dm°br~m°b, EWbo{Q>Šg, Vra§XmOr, \w$Q~mb, hm°H$s, OyS>mo, amon_ëbIå^ Am{X Ho$ A{V[aŠV KS‹w >gdmar, Va¡ mH$s, naSo >, {dÚmnrR> _| Z¡{VH$ {ejm XoZo H$s AnZr AZyR>r nÕ{V h¡& àmV: Am¡a C>S>²S>`Z VWm ^maVr` nmaån[aH$ Ibo {dÚmnrR> H$s {defo Vm ahr h&¡ gm`§ àmW©ZmAm| H$m àgmaU hmoVm h¡, {OZ_| am_m`U-nmR>, doX-_§Ìm| h_mar N>mÌmE± ^maVr` dm`wgoZm _| ^r godmaV h§¡& N>mÌmE± E`a H$m CƒmaU, JrVm-ícmoH$, Hw$amZ H$s Am`V|, ~mB{~b Am¡a Jwé BpÊS>`m, ñnmBg OoQ>, OoQ> E`adoO _| {d_mZMmbH$ VWm à~ÝYH$ J«ÝW gm{h~ Ho$ nX d ^OZ gpå_{cV h¢, Omo {H$ gd©Y_© g_^md _| H$m H$m`© Hw$ebVmnyd©H$ H$a ahr h¡§& dZñWbr {dÚmnrR> ½bmBqS>J h_mar Jhar AmñWm Am¡a {dídmg H$mo Xem©Vo h¢& g^r Y_m] Ho$ EÊS> âbmB§J Šb~ d¡pídH$ _{hbm CS²>S>`Z g§ñWmZ (iWOW) Ë`m¡hma ^r _ZmE OmVo h¢& Ûmam _mÝ`Vm àmá h¡& N>mÌmAm| Ho$ ì`pŠVËd Ho$ {Z_m©U _| {dÚmnrR> H$m em§V d gm¡å` ì`mdhm[aH$ {ejm - Amaå^ go hr {dÚmnrR> hñV-H$bmH$m¡eb dmVmdaU VWm M[aÌdmZ Am¡a H$_©R> H$m`©H$Vm©Am| H$m OrdZ mind from the bondage of ignorance and leads it 4. Moral: Morality is an all embracing quality of H$mo _hÎd XoVm ahm h¡& àm`mo{JH$ {ejm O¡go- {edmoar a§JmB©, nona _hÎdnyU© ^y{_H$m AXm H$aVm h¡& towards enlightenment. human personality affecting one's whole thought _oer, µOaXm¡Or, n[aYmZ-{S>OmBZ, dñÌ-AmH$ënZ, ãbmH$ qàqQ>J, and action. It is developed not so much as a result ~m¡{ÕH$ {ejm - AmYw{ZH$V_ àm¡Úmo{JH$s Ed§ g§gmYZ go For all round development of the student Vidyapith dwS>-H«$mâQ>, nmH$ H$bm Am{X H$m à{ejU {X`m OmVm h¡& gmW hr has evolved a system of five fold education of direct preaching as of sharing actual ao{S>`mo Om°H$s, Q>r.dr.E§H$[a¨J, Am°{S>`mo dr{S>`mo àmoS>ŠeZ {dYmE± gwgp‚mV H$jm-H$j {ejU, g_¥Õ nwñVH$mc`, dmMZmc`, comprising the following aspects. experiences and responsibility of life. ^r gpå_{bV h¡§& g\$mB©-YwbmB© VWm l_XmZ O¡go H$m`m] Ho$ à{V e¡{jH$ àmoOoŠQ²>g, N>mÌm-n[afX|, dmX-{ddmX g_yh, N>mÌm-g_yh, 1. Physical: The Vidyapith has always accorded an Respect for all the religions by means of collective {ZîR>m CËnÞ H$aZo H$m à`mg {H$`m OmVm h¡& N>mÌmAm| H$s ~m¡{ÕH$ j_Vm H$mo {ZImaVo h¢& àmaå^ go hr ^mfm d important place to physical education in its prayers and weekly talk by guest speakers based on educational programme.To begin with, its moral stories are regular features. The unique J{UV Ho$ A{V[aŠV àmH¥${VH$ d gm_m{OH$-{dkmZ H$m AÜ``Z feature of imparting moral education is through H$cm-{df`H$ {ejm - g§JrV (Jm`Z-dmXZ, {gVma, gamoX, programme of physical education comprises ^r H$am`m OmVm h¡& N>mÌmAm| Ho$ ~m¡{ÕH$ {dH$mg _| {díd B{Vhmg morning and evening prayers held by relay system, indigenous games swimming, horse riding, Parade dm°`{bZ, {JQ>ma, V~bm), Z¥Ë` (H$ËWH$, ^aV ZmQ>²`_² _{Unwar, which include Ramayan path, recitation of amOñWmZr) d ZmQ>H$ OrdZ _| a§J ^aH$a Am¡a {d{dY Am`m_ XoH$a Ho$ kmZ H$s _hVr ^y{_H$m h¡& e¡{jH$ ^«_U, nd©, _oco, {df`- (Bulbul, Guiding, N.C.F.) gymnastics and yogic AmYm[aV àXe©{Z`m±, {d{^ÝZ {df`m| go gå~pÝYV EH$m§H$s-ZmQ>H$, mantras from Vedas Shlokes from Gita, preaching Cgo g_¥Õ ~ZmVo h¢& `o H$cmË_H$ {ejm H$m A{^ÝZ A§J h¢& nopÝQ>½g exercises, the field in which it earned a statewide from Koran, bible and Guru Grantha Sahib along Ed§ \«o$ñH$mo N>mÌmAm| _| gm¡ÝX`©~moY H$mo {dH${gV H$aVo h¢& {dÚmnrR> MmQ²>©g, _m°S>ëg H$m à`moJ VWm N>mÌmAm| Ûmam V¡`ma _ëQ>r_r{S>`m reputation. with bhajans as we strongly believe in Sarva H$m AnZm emñÌr` g§JrV H$m g_¥Õ d {Zamcm dmÚ d¥ÝX ^r h¡& àoOoÝQ>oeZ, e¡{jH$ Ioc Am{X Ho$ _mÜ`_ go N>mÌmAm| H$mo kmZ {X`m Vidyapith also established its flying club, rifle Dharma Samanavya. OmVm h¡& {dÚmnrR> H$s {ejm nÕ{V Ho$dc narjm na AmYm[aV Zht shooting etc. In flying two of our students got The environment of the institution and personal Z¡{VH$ {ejm - Z¡{VH$Vm _Zwî` Ho$ ì`pŠVËd H$m EH$ Eogm JwU h¡, daZ² `h N>mÌmAm| Ho$ gånyU© ì`pŠVËd Ho$ {dH$mg na Ho$pÝX«V h¡& private pilot's license and many qualified for solo examples of the staff are also a powerful influence h¡, Omo CgHo$ {dMma Am¡a {H«$`mH$cmnm| H$mo à^m{dV H$aVm h¡& Bgo flight. The students participate in tournaments at in moulding the character of students. Festivals of various levels and have won not only individual all religions are celebrated. prizes but also championship. 5. Intellectual: 2. Practical Education: Class teaching, efficient library From the very beginning and reading room service, educational projects, Vidyapith has placed proper emphasis on the students associations and debating societies practical side of our educational programme. including student's parliament help in the Under practical education- Sanganery Printings, intellectual development of the Vidyapith students. Tie and Dye, Boutique, Tailoring, Embroidery, Other than language and Mathematics natural and Cooking, Craft, Paper-mache, Radio Jokey, T.V. social sciences are taught right from the beginning. anchor, Audio Video production etc are included. Knowledge of world history also occupies a key Students are encouraged to perform cleaning position in the intellectual development of the washing and collective shramdan. Vidyapith students. 3. Aesthetic: Music (vocal and instrumental), Educational tours, festivals, fairs, theme based sitar, Sarod, Voilin, guitar, tabla, dance (Kathak, exhibitions, one act plays related to different Bharatnatyam Manipuri, Rajasthani) and drama subject, use of charts models, multimedia add colour, variety and richness to life. They are an presentation prepared by students as well and integral part of art education. Paintings including educational games are some of the ways of fresco work develop an aesthetic sense among the imparting knowledge to students. Our system of students. We have a full – fledged orchestra of imparting knowledge is not exam oriented but classical instrumental music & Rajasthani folk focuses on the development of overall personality 12 Music. of a child. 13

Prospectus {ddaU n{ÌH$m 2021-22 2021-22 {dÚmc` {ejm School Education {dÚmb`r {ejm H$m`©H«$_ School Education Programme dV©_mZ {dÚmc`r {ejm H$m`©H«$_ Ho$ {ZåZ{cpIV MaU h¡§ - {Oå_oXmar H$m Ahgmg H$amE±§& Bgr g§X^© _| AÜ`j, CnmÜ`j, Current school education programme comprises the following stages. ñVa - H$jm VWm Hw$N> _§{Ì`m| H$mo M`{ZV H$a CÝh| AZwemgZ VWm gm§ñH¥${VH$ J{V{d{Y`m| Am{X H$s {Oå_oXmar gm¢nr OmVr h¡& Level : Class nyd© àmW{_H$ - {eew gXZ ì`dñWm Pre – primary : Nursery àmW{_H$ - 1 go 5 Primary : 1 to 5 `h ì`dñWm N>mÌmAm| Ho$ ì`pŠVËd {dH$mg Ho$ {cE EH$ à^mdemcr _mÜ`{_H$ - 6 go 10 Secondary : 6 to 10 gmonmZ h¡& N>mÌmAm| H$mo e¡{jH$, gm§ñH¥${VH$ d ~mø J{V{d{Y`m| Ho$ Cƒ _mÜ`{_H$ - 11 go 12 (H$cm, {dkmZ Ed§ dm{UÁ` g§H$m`) {cE nm±M gXZm| _| ~m±Q> {X`m OmVm h¡& gƒr Ioc ^mdZm Am¡a Senior secondary : 11 to 12 (Humanities, Science and Commerce) N>mÌ-{dÚmc` (emHw$ÝVb_²)- 5 go 12 (Ho$dc H$m`©H$Vm©Am| Ho$ à{VñnYm© H$mo {dH${gV H$aZo Ho$ {cE BZ gXZm| Ho$ _Ü` AÝV: ~ƒm| Ho$ {cE) n[aga à{V`mo{JVmAm| H$m Am`moOZ {H$`m OmVm h¡& BZ gXZm| H$m Boys' school : 5 to 12 (Only for staff wards) Special class: It is arranged for students coming {deof H$jm - CËVa nydu joÌ Ho$ {d{^ÝZ amÁ`m| go AmB© hþB© AnZm ñQ>m\$ Am¡a H$ámZ h¢, {OZH$m {dídmg h¡ {H$ gXñ`m| _| Amng _| {Oå_oXm[a`m§± {dV[aV H$aZo go {Oå_oXmar H$s ^mdZm, from different states of Northeast region with an must permit our students to have the experience of N>mÌmAm| H$mo {hÝXr ^mfm _| Xj ~ZmZo Ho$ {cE {deof H$jmAm| H$s governing some of their own affairs. Hence, there ñdñW à{V`mo{JVm H$s ^mdZm VWm Amngr g_P H$m dmVmdaU aim to make them conversant and competent in ì`dñWm h¡& {Oggo AmZo dmco g_` _| `o N>mÌmE± {hÝXr ^mfm _| is a duly constituted organization of students called CËnÝZ hmoVm h¡& Hindi. In the long run these students become well {ZnwU hmoH$a AÀN>o g§ñWmZm| _| AnZm ñWmZ ~Zm nmE± & versed in Hindi and are placed in good institutions. Bal-Samiti with some office bearers-president, _w»` {dÚmc`r e¡{jH$ J{V{d{Y`m± ~m¡{ÕH$ J{V{d{Y`m± Major school activities vice-president and a few ministers to look after discipline, cultural activities and so on. gm§ñH¥${VH$ Jmo{ð>`m| _| ZmQ>H$, dmX-{ddmX, ^mfU, H${dVm-nmR>, The school firmly believes that textual studies are {dÚmc` H$m `h {dídmg h¡ {H$ N>mÌmAm| Ho$ ~hþ_wIr {dH$mg Ho$ House System {cE nwñVH$s` kmZ n`m©á Zht h¡ Bg{cE n§M_wIr {ejm Ho$ H$hmZr gwZmZm, gwcoI, J{UVr` àíZmoËVar, {dkmZ àíZmoËVar not enough for holistic development of a child, Am{X J{V{d{Y`m| Am¡a à{V`mo{JVmAm| H$m Am`moOZ {H$`m OmVm h¡& therefore it provides a spectrum of in house The house system is an effective instrument for the H$m`©H«$_m| go {d{^ÝZ J{V{d{Y`m| H$m Am`moOZ {H$`m OmVm h¡& activities through its programme of Panchmukhi personality development of the student. The entire {dÚmnrR> _| hmoZo dmcr J{V{d{Y`m| H$m _w»` X¥{ï>H$moU N>mÌmAm| _| `o à{V`mo{JVmE± ZdrZ d {ejmàX hmoZo Ho$ H$maU h_mao nmR²>`H«$_ H$mo g_¥Õ ~ZmVr h¢& {ejm _| {hÝXr _mÜ`_ hmoZo Ho$ ~mdOyX A§J«oOr shiksha. The main thrust of activities at the students population is distributed into five houses emar[aH$, ì`mdhm[aH$, H$cmË_H$, Z¡{VH$ Am¡a ~m¡{ÕH$ {dH$mg H$mo for academic, cultural and outdoor activities. Inter ^mfm H$mo ^r g_mZ _hÎd {X`m OmVm h¡& Mmam| H$m¡ec- gwZZm, Vidyapith is visualized to promote the development àmoËgm{hV Ed§ {dH${gV H$aZm h¡& house competitions are organized to inculcate the ~mocZm, n‹T>Zm, {cIZm Ho$ {dH$mg Ho$ {cE N>mÌmAm| H$mo X¥í`-lì` of the students including physical, practical, aesthetic, moral and intellectual aspects. spirit of competition as well as sportsman spirit. àmV: H$mcrZ àmW©Zm g^m gm_J«r d {d{^ÝZ e¡{jH$ Iocm| H$s gw{dYmE±§ CncãY H$amB© OmVr The houses have staffs and captains and it believes {dÚmc` H$s ewéAmV àmV: H$mcrZ àmW©Zm "gm {dÚm `m {d_wŠV`o' h¢& {ejU H$mo à^mdr ~ZmZo Ed§ N>mÌmAm| H$mo ñdñW d àgÝZ{MÎm Morning Assembly A few minutes are spared in the morning assembly in delegating responsibilities among members to go Amaå^ hmoVr h¡& Bg_| N>mÌmE± ~XcVo H«$_ go, AmO H$m {dMma, dmVmdaU CncãY H$amZo, é{M OmJ«V H$aZo, VWm VÏ`m| Ho$ develop a sense of responsibility and a spirit of íbmoH$ Jm`Z, à_wI X¡{ZH$ g_mMma VWm ZdrZ OmZH$m[a`m±, VÏ`m| ñnï>rH$aU Ho$ {cE AmYw{ZH$ e¡{jH$ VH$ZrH$m| H$m à`moJ {H$`m time every day and students by rotation give the thought for the day, shloke recitation important healthy competition and an atmosphere of friendly OmVm h¡& d ZdrZ Am{dîH$mam| go g^r H$mo AdJV H$amVr h¢& news of the day and impart some information about maturity. N>mÌm-g§K àXe©Zr educational facts and recent discoveries. Intellectual activities OZV§ÌmË_H$ g_mO _| ahZo Ho$ H$maU h_mam `h {deof Xm{`Ëd h¡ {df`mYm[aV àXe©{Z`m| Ho$ _mÜ`_ go g_`-g_` na N>mÌmAm| H$s Students' council The cultural symposium includes dramatics, debates, speech, recitation, story telling, hand {H$ h_ AnZr N>mÌmAm| H$mo Hw$N> ì`dñWmE±§ gm¢nH$a CÝh| CZH$s Nw>nr à{V^m d g¥OZmË_H$Vm H$mo {ZImaZo Ho$ {cE CÝh| EH$ _§M If we are to live in a democratic community we

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Prospectus {ddaU n{ÌH$m 2021-22 2021-22 {dÚmc` {ejm School Education àXmZ {H$`m OmVm h¡& BÝh| XoIZo Ho$ {cE N>mÌmAm| VWm dZñWcr Ho$ n{ÌH$mE± em{_c h¢& N>mÌmAm| H$mo {dÚmc`r g_` Ho$ ~mX ^r writing, math's quiz, and science quiz. These H$m`©H$Vm©Am| Ho$ A{V[aŠV CZHo$ A{^^mdH$m| H$s ^r‹S> ^r C_‹S> nwñVH$mc` H$s gw{dYm CncãY h¡& N>mÌmAm| _| ñdmÜ`m` VWm kmZ activities are meaningfully organized with a range n‹S>Vr h¡& àXe©{Z`m| H$mo h_oem hr àe§gZr` g\$cVm àmá hmoVr h¡& Ho$ {dñVma Ho$ {cE nwñVH$mc` à`moJ H$mo ào[aV {H$`m OmVm h¡& of competitions. The competition being novel and educative strengthens the curricular programme. nd© d _oco dV©_mZ g_` _| {ejm Ho$ joÌ _| e¡{jH$ VH$ZrH$s H$m AmJ_Z Though the medium of instruction is Hindi, English N>mÌmAm| Ho$ Ûmam amï´>r` nd© - Jm§Yr O`ÝVr, ñdV§ÌVm {Xdg, daXmZ gm{~V hþAm h¡& Bg joÌ _| h_mam {dÚmc` ^r H$_ Zht h¡& h_mao `hm±§ _ëQ>r_r{S>`m àoOoÝQ>oeZ, Cƒ VH$ZrH$s go gwgp‚mV enjoys a prominent place in school division. JUV§Ì {Xdg CËgmhnyd©H$ _Zm`o OmVo h¢& ^maVr` g§ñH¥${V H$mo Facilities for developing the four skills namely àH$Q> H$aZo dmco {d{^ÝZ Ym{_©H$ nd© ~‹S>o CËgmh go _Zm`o OmVo h¢& à`moJemcmE§± h¢& A§J«oOr ^mfm {ejm Ho$ {cE à`moJemcm VWm J{UV {df` H$s à`moJemcmE± h¢& `h h_mao {cE Jd© H$s ~mV h¡ {H$ h_mao reading, writing, speaking and listening are being ajm ~ÝYZ Ho$ Cncú` _| "amIr à{V`mo{JVm', gmdZ H$s VrO Ho$ provided to the students through various Cncú` _| _ohÝXr à{V`mo{JVmAm| H$m Am`moOZ ^r {H$`m OmVm h¡& {dkmZ {df` H$s N>mÌmAm| Ho$ {cE AmYw{ZH$ VH$ZrH$s d CnH$aUm| go gwgp‚mV - ^m¡{VH$ {dkmZ, agm`Z {dkmZ d Ord {dkmZ {df` educational games. Keeping the children in good activities also hold a key position which includes OÝ_mï>_r Ho$ Adga na N>mÌmAm| Ûmam lr H¥$îU crcm H$s _Z_mohH$ H$s à`moJemcmE±§ h¢, Omo N>mÌmAm| H$s grIZo H$s BÀN>m H$mo nyU© V¥á humour and to inculcate desired interest in studies celebration of Hindi Saptah, Sanskrit Diwas, Pm§{H$`m± Am`mo{OV H$s OmVr h¢& {hÝXr {Xdg na ~mc-H${d World Maths Day, World Science Day and H$aVr h¡§& J¥h {dkmZ {df` _| ^r _mZd {dH$mg, J¥h à~ÝY, Amhma with clarity of concepts, modern techniques in gå_ocZ Am¡a Hw$N> à{gÕ EH$m§H$s ZmQ>H$m| H$m _§MZ {H$`m OmVm h¡& Nutrition Day. Ed§ nmofU H$s AmYw{ZH$ CnH$aUm| go `wŠV à`moJemcmE±§ h¢& gmW education are used. BgHo$ A{V[aŠV g§ñH¥$V {Xdg, {dkmZ {Xdg, J{UV-{dkmZ hr g§JrV Z¥Ë` Ed§ {MÌH$bm H$s gmYZ gånÞ à`moJ embmE± h¢& Achievements gámh, nmofU gámh Am{X ^r Am`mo{OV {H$E OmVo h¢& Exhibition H$åß`yQ>a {dkmZ H$s gmYZ gånÞ à`moJembm _| àË`oH$ N>mÌm H$mo To provide a platform to bring forward the Achievements in national and international level CncpãY`m± ì`pŠVJV ê$n go H$m`© H$aZo H$s gw{dYm h¡& creativity and talent of the children rather to competitions are organized by outside agencies ~mø g§JR>Zm| Ûmam amï´>r` d AÝVam©ï´>r` ñVa na Am`mo{OV hmoZo Ioc ì`m`m_ explore the hidden talents of the students, theme dmcr à{V`mo{JVmAm| _| CncpãY`m±- H$cm Am¡a {Z~ÝY coIZ Am{X The school regularly sponsors its students to {dÚmnrR> _| Ioc ~‹S>o CËgmhnyd©H$ Ioco OmVo h¢& H$_©R> Am¡a g_{n©V based exhibitions are put up by the students various local, state, regional, national and Ho$ joÌ _| {d{^ÝZ ñWmZr`, joÌr`, amï´>r` d AÝVa-amï´>r` ñVam| na regularly. Parents along with staff throng the hmoZo dmcr à{V`mo{JVmAm| _| {dÚmc` {ZaÝVa N>mÌmAm| H$mo ^mJ coZo à{ejH$m| Ho$ Ûmam {d{^ÝZ Iocm| H$m {X`m J`m à{ejU Ioc _¡XmZ international level competitions in art, essay na ñnï> PcH$Vm h¡& {Ogo ZOa AÝXmO H$aZm _w_{H$Z Zht& premises of the school. The exhibition is always a writing etc. Our students come out with flying Ho$ {cE àmoËgm{hV H$aVm h¡& h_mar N>mÌmE± BZ g^r ñVam| na AÀN>m resounding success. àXe©Z H$a ñdU© nXH$, aOV nXH$, H$m§ñ` nXH$, nwñVH$ naånamJV ^maVr` d AmYw{ZH$ Iocm| H$m H$R>moa à{ejU {X`m colours winning gold medals, silver medals, bronze nwañH$ma, _o[aQ> `mo½`Vm à_mU nÌ Am{X àmá H$aVr h¢& OmVm h¡ - AmYw{ZH$ Iocm| _| Kw‹S>gdmar, V¡amH$s, dm`w`mZ C‹S>mZ Festivals and Fairs medals, book prize and merit award certificate. (âcmB§J), ~§XyH$ McmZm (amB\$c eyqQ>J), JmBqS>J, The school has an enviable track record of award {dÚmc` Zo cJmVma BZ à{V`mo{JVmAm| _| {dO` hm{gc H$s h¡& ~m°ñHo$Q> ~m°c, dm°cr-~m°c, ~S¡ >{_ÝQ>Z, Q>{o ~c-Q>{o Zg, hmH° $s, cmZ° Q>{o Zg, As far as festivals are concerned students celebrate winning performances. {dÚmc`r n{ÌH$mE± {H$« H$o Q>, hÊ¡ S> ~mc° , gmâ° Q>~mc° , Wm« o ~mc° , EWc{o Q>Šg (Q>´Ho $ EÊS> \$sëS>), all the national festivals like Gandhi Jayanti, Independence Day, Republic Day and so on with School Magazine "{H$cH$mar', "Va§J' d "C‹S>mZ' {dÚmc` go àH$m{eV hmoZo dmcr Eam{o ~Šg, _mec© AmQ> © Am{X gpå_{cV h&¢ ^maV H$o naånamJV Ico m | _ | `mJo m, Im-o Im,o H$~S²>S>r, c{o Oµ `_, S>_²>~ëg, cmR>r, Vcdma, ^mcm Am{X great enthusiasm. Raksha Bandhan is celebrated ‘Kilkari’, ‘Tarang’ & ‘Udaan’ the school magazines n{ÌH$mE± h¢ {OZ_| N>mÌmE± AnZo AZw^dm|, {dMmam| Am¡a ^mdZmAm| by having on the spot Rakhi Making competition. H$mo H${dVmAm| Ed§ H$hm{Z`m| Ho$ ê$n _| àñVwV H$a AnZr aMZmË_H$ em{_c h&¢ are in circulation, which reveals the characteristics epŠV H$m n[aM` XoVr h¢& `o n{ÌH$mE± {dÚmc` H$m gånyU© Xn©U h¢& emar[aH$ {ejm Ho$ H$m`©H«$_m| Ho$ VhV N>mÌmAm| H$mo AÝV: n[aga Janamasthami is celebrated with tableau of the whole school students and the teachers, it is a presentation on the birth and life history of Lord portrait of the school hence every effort is made to nwñVH$mc` Ed§ à`moJemcmE± à{V`mo{JVm d ~mø n[aga _| {d{^Þ ñVam| na Am`mo{OV à{V`mo{JVm _| ^mJ coZo Ho$ Adga àXmZ {H$E OmVo h¢& Krishana. Even Hindi Divas is observed by the produce an authentic image. Interest for writing is N>mÌmAm| H$mo AÀN>o go AÀN>m gm{hË` d gm_J«r CncãY H$amZo Ho$ students with the recitation of poems of great poets stimulated and students exhibit their feelings, {cE g_¥Õ d gånÝZ nwñVH$mc` h¡§& àË`oH$ {dÚmc` _| cJ^J g§jon _| {dÚmnrR> n`m©á ^m¡{VH$ g§gmYZ, gw{dYmAm|, gwà{e{jV known as Bal-kavi Sammelan and a few one act emotions and creativity in the form of fables, 50,000 go A{YH$ nwñVH|$ h¢& {OZ_| eãXH$moe, {dídH$moe, g§X^© H$m`©H$Vm©Am| Ed§ AmYw{ZH$ VH$ZrH$ go gwgp‚mV Eogm ñWmZ h¡ Ohm§± plays of famous personnels are staged. Other poems, and interesting know how's. nwñVH|$, nmÊSw>{c{n, nm¡am{UH$ gm{hË`, {d{^ÝZ àH$ma H$s nÌ- N>mÌmAm| H$mo gdm}ËH¥$ï> dmVmdaU àXmZ {H$`m OmVm h¡&

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Prospectus {ddaU n{ÌH$m 2021-22 2021-22 {dÚmc` {ejm School Education Library and laboratories Banasthali Vidyapith. Excellent sports facilities To provide the students with the very best literature and the services of dedicated coaches in different and reference the school has a well stocked library disciplines have made the school sports contingents with a repository of more than 50,000 books at a formidable force on the play field. Strenuous each wing with encyclopedias, dictionaries, training is provided in various modern and reference books, manuals, classics, journals etc. traditional Indian games. The activities include The library is accessible even after school hours for equestrian, swimming, flying rifle shooting, the students for reference work. The library also basketball, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, has a wide range of magazines and periodicals and hockey, lawn tennis, cricket, hand ball, soft ball, students are encouraged to develop reading habits throw ball, athletic (track and field) aerobics, to enrich their knowledge and improve vocabulary. martial art under modern games and yoga, kho- kho, kabbadi, lezium, dumbbells, lathi, talwar, In the present age the advent of educational bhala etc, under the traditional sports activities of technology has proved a boon for education. In this India. matter our school is not lagging behind as we have hi-tech labs for multimedia presentation, english The programmes of physical education provide language laboratory and mathematics laboratory. opportunities to participate in various competitions inside campus as intramurals and The school can also boast of well equipped science also at the national/state/district as extra mural laboratories in Physics, Chemistry and Biology to competition. satiate the desire for learning for science scholars. There are well equipped Home Science In a nutshell Banasthali Vidyapith with its laboratories in child development home adequate infrastructure, educational facilities and management and food and nutrition. well trained staff abreast with the latest technology is a place where the child can get the best. A child Games and sports at the school is meticulously moulded to face Sport is being enthusiastically persuaded at challenges of the twenty first century.

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Prospectus {ddaU n{ÌH$m 2021-22 2021-22 {dÚmc` {ejm School Education e¡{jH$ H$m`©H«$_ Academic Programmes (A). {dÚmb`r {ejm AÜ``ZmonamÝV gr{Z`a g¡H$ÊS>ar ñHy$c g{Q>©{\$Ho$Q> ^mJ n«W_ (A). School Education 2. Secondary Education Am¡a H$jm 12 Ho$ AÜ``ZmonamÝV gr{Z`a g¡H$ÊS>ar ñHy$c Classes 9 to 12 are held at Sharda Mandir. The 1. n«mapå^H$ {ejm g{Q>©{\$Ho$Q> ^mJ {ÛVr` H$m g{Q>©{\$Ho$Q> àXmZ {H$`m OmVm h¡& Medium of instruction in there classes is Hindi. However we cooperate with the student coming medium of instruction in these classes is Hindi. {dÚmb` _| {ejm H$m _mÜ`_ {hÝXr h¡& naÝVw A§J«oOr _mÜ`_ go (H$) g¡H$ÊS>ar ñHy$c g{Q©>{\$Ho$Q> narjm from English medium schools. However we cooperate with the students coming n‹T>H$a AmZo dmbr N>mÌmAm| Ho$ gmW h_ gh`moJ H$aVo h¢& from English medium schools. Secondary and H$jm 9 d 10 _| {ZåZ{c{IV {df` n‹T>m`o OmVo h¢, {OZ_| g^r 1. Elementary Education {eew H$jm H$s n‹T>mB© ~mc _pÝXa d H$jm 1 go 8 VH$ H$s n‹T>mB© A{Zdm`© h¢ … Senior secondary education is for two years. After gañdVr _§{Xa _| hmoVr h¡& 1. {hÝXr 2. A§J«oOr 3. g§ñH¥$V 4. J{UV 5. gm_m{OH$ {dkmZ Nursery classes are held at Bal Mandir and classes 1 to 8 completing class 9 a student gets a certificate of H$jm 1 go 8 VH$ {ZåZ{c{IV {df` n‹T>mE OmVo h¢ … 6. gm_mÝ` {dkmZ 7. J¥h {dkmZ 8. g§JrV (Jm`Z-dmXZ, {gVma) are held at Saraswati Mandir. The Medium of Secondary School Certificate part I and (H$) H$jm 1 d 2 /{MÌH$cm/Z¥Ë` (H$ËWH$, _{Unwar, ^aVZmQ²>`_) 9. H$åß`yQ>a Instruction is Hindi. However we cooperate with the Secondary School Certificate part II after students coming from English medium schools. The 1. {hÝXr 2. J{UV 3. A§J«oOr 4. g§JrV 5. {MÌH$cm go n[aM` 10. emar[aH$ {ejm 11. g_mO godm completing class 10. Similarly Senior Secondary following shall be the subject of study from class 1 to 8. School certificate part I for class 11 and Senior (I) H$jm 3 go 5 … (I) gr{Z`a g¡H$ÊS>ar ñHy$c g{Q©>{\$Ho$Q> narjm (a) Class 1 to 2 Secondary School Certificate Part II for class 12. 1. {hÝXr 2. J{UV 3. A§J«oOr 4. n`m©daU AÜ``Z H$jm 11 d 12 _| {ZåZ{c{IV {df` n‹T>m`o OmVo h¢ … (1) H$cm g_yh … 1. Hindi 2. Maths 3. English The following shall be the subjects of study for 5. g§JrV 6. {MÌH$cm 7. nmH$-{ejm 8. CÚmoJ the Secondary School Certificate Part I and II 4. Music 5. Drawing 9. H$åß`yQ>a go n[aM` N>mÌm H$mo ZrMo {X`o J`o àË`oH$ g_yh _| go H$moB© EH$ d¡H$pënH$$ (A) Secondary (Class IX & X). (b) Class 3 to 5 (J) H$jm 6 go 8 VH$ {df` coZm A{Zdm`© hmoJm … 1. Hindi 2. English 3. Sanskrit n«W_ g_yh … 1. {hÝXr gm{hË` 2. emar[aH$ {ejm 1. Hindi 2. Maths 3. English 1. {hÝXr 2. J{UV 3. g§ñH¥$V 4. A§J«oOr 4. Social Sciences 5. General Sciences 5. gm_m{OH$ {dkmZ 6. gm_mÝ` {dkmZ 7. J¥h {dkmZ 3. AW©emñÌ 4. J¥h {dkmZ 4. Environmental Studies 5. Music 6. Mathematics 7. Home Science 8. g§JrV (Jm`Z {gVma)/{MÌH$cm/Z¥Ë` (H$ËWH$, _{Unwar, {ÛVr` g_yh … 1. ^yJmoc 2. amOZr{V {dkmZ 6. Drawing 7. Cooking 8. Aesthetic Education: Music (Vocal/ Instrument * ^aVZmQ²>`_²) 9. CÚmoJ 10. H$åß`yQ>a go n[aM` 3. A§J«oOr gm{hË` 8. Introduction to Computer 9. Craft -Sitar)/Dance (Kathak, Manipuri and Bharatnatyam)/ Drawing & Painting 2. g¡H$ÊS>ar Ed§ gr{Z`a g¡H$ÊS>ar {ejm 4. g§JrV (Jm`Z/dmXZ)/Z¥Ë` (H$ËWH$) (c) Class 6 to 8 ** 9. Introduction to Computer V¥Vr` g_yh … 1. B{Vhmg 2. {MÌH$cm 3. gñ§ H$¥ V 4. J{UV 1. Hindi 2. Maths 3. Sanskrit H$jm 9 go 12 VH$ H$s n‹T>mB© H$m H$m`© emaXm _§{Xa _| hmoVm h¡& BZ 10. Physical Education 11. Social Service A{Zdm`© {df` … 1. {hÝXr 2. A§J«oOr H$jmAm| _| {ejm H$m _mÜ`_ {hÝXr h¡ naÝVw A§J«oOr _mÜ`_ go 4. English 5. Social Studies (B) Senior Secondary School Certificate n‹T>H$a AmZo dmcr N>mÌmAm| Ho$ gmW ^r h_ gh`moJ H$aVo h¢& 3. H$åß`yQ>a n«moJ«m[_§J Ed§ AZwn«`moJ 6. General Science 7. Home Science Examination (Class XI & XII) g¡H$ÊS>ar ñHy$c {ejm H$m nmR²>`H«$_ Xmo df© H$m h¡& H$jm 9 Ho$ *A§J«oOr do hr N>mÌmE± co gH|$Jr {OZ N>mÌmAm| Ho$ nmg Xgdt H$jm _| ^r A§J«oOr 8. Music (Vocal/Sitar)/Drawing/Dance (I) Humanities Group AÜ``ZmonamÝV g¡H$ÊS>ar ñHy$c g{Q>©{\$Ho$Q> ^mJ n«W_ Am¡a H$jm {df` ahm h¡ VWm ^mfm A{^ì`pŠV H$s `mo½`Vm H$s Om±M _| g\$c hmo gH|$Jr& (Kathak/Manipuri/Bharatnatyam) 10 Ho$ AÜ``ZmonamÝV g¡H$ÊS>ar ñHy$c g{Q>©{\$Ho$Q> ^mJ {ÛVr` H$m **J{UV {df` dhr N>mÌmE± co gH|$Jr {OZ N>mÌmAm| Zo 10dt H$jm _| ^r J{UV The students have to choose only one optional g{Q>©{\$Ho$Q> àXmZ {H$`m OmVm h¡& Bgr n«H$ma gr{Z`a g¡H$ÊS>ar {df` n‹T>m h¡ VWm {ZpíMV {H$`o J`o Ý`yZV_ A§H$ n«má {H$`o h¢& H$jm _| 9. Craft 10. Introduction to Computer subject from each subject group given below : ñHy$c {ejm H$m nmR²>`H«$_ ^r {Ûdfu` h¡& H$jm 11 Ho$ {ZYm©[aV grQ>m| Ho$ AmYma na n«doe {X`m Om gHo$Jm&

20 21

Prospectus {ddaU n{ÌH$m 2021-22 2021-22 {dÚmc` {ejm School Education (2) {dkmZ g_yh 2. `y{Zd{g©Q>r {ejm Group I: 1.Hindi Literature 2.Physical Education Group IV: 1. Physics 2. Chemistry 3. Biology 4. 3.Economics 4. Home Science Geography 5. Hindi or English N>mÌm H$m oZrM o{X` oJ` oàË`Ho $ g_hy _ |g oH$mBo ©EH$ g_hy cZo m hmJo m … (i) ~¡Mca {S>J«r nmR²>`H«$_ … ~r.E., ~r.~r.E., ~r.H$m°_., bm°, Group II: 1.Geography 2.Political Science 3. Group V: 1. Physics 2. Chemistry 3. Mathematics n«W_ g_yh … 1. ^m¡{VH$ {dkmZ 2. agm`Z {dkmZ 3. Ord {dkmZ, ~r.Eggr., ~r. Eggr. (H$åß`yQ>a gmB§g, BcoŠQ´>mo[ZŠg, English Literature* 4. Music (Instrumental or Vocal)/ 4. Geography 5. Hindi or English {\${OŠg, _oWo_o{Q>Šg), ~r.Eggr. (~°m`mo Qo>ŠZmocm°Or, Ho$_oñQ>´r, Dance (Kathak) 4. {hÝXr 5. A§J«oOr 6. H$åß`yQ>a àmoJ«mq_J Ed§ AZwà`moJ (iii) Commerce Group: ~moQ>Zr, Oybm°Or, {O`mobmOr), ~r. Eggr. (hmo_ gmB§g), emñÌr Group III: 1.History 2.Drawing 3. Sanskrit The Students have to choose any one group from the {ÛVr` g_yh … 1. ^m¡{VH$ {dkmZ 2. agm`Z {dkmZ 3. J{UV (d¡{XH$ AÜ``Z), ~r.Eggr.~r.ES>/~r.E.~r.ES>.,~r.ES>. /~r.ES>. 4. Mathematics** following subject groups given below : 4. {hÝXr 5. A§J«oOr 6. H$åß`yQ>a àmoJ«mq_J Ed§ AZwà`moJ (EZ[aÀS>), ~r.Qo>H$., ~r. \$m_m©., ~r. AmH©$., ~r.S>og, ~oMba Am°\$ Compulsory Subjects : 1. Hindi 2. English Group I: V¥Vr` g_yh … 1. ^m¡{VH$ {dkmZ 2. agm`Z {dkmZ 3. Ord {dkmZ AmQ²>©g-OZ©{bÁ_ EÊS> _mg H$å`w{ZHo$eZ, ~r.Eggr. Z{gªJ 3. Computer Programming and Application 1. Accountancy 2. Business Studies 3. Economics 4. Hindi 5. English 6. Computer 4. J{UV 5. {hÝXr AWdm A§J«oOr (ii) _mñQ>a {S>J«r nmR²>`H«$_ * Only those students will be offered English as an optional subject who have had this subject at the Programming and Application MVwW© g_yh … 1. ^m¡{VH$ {dkmZ 2. agm`Z {dkmZ 3. Ord {dkmZ 1. E_.E. - {hÝXr, A§Jo«oOr, g§ñH¥$V, AW©emñÌ, amOZr{VemñÌ, secondary level and have qualified an aptitude test Group II: 1. Accountancy 2. Business Studies 4. ^yJmob 5. {hÝXr AWdm A§J«oOr g_mOemñÌ, B{Vhmg, S´>mB§J EÊS> nopÝQ§>J, ^maVr` g§JrV held for it after their admission. 3. Mathematics 4. Hindi 5. English 6. Computer (Jm`Z / dmXZ), Z¥Ë` (H$ËWH$/^aVZmQ>²`_²), Qo>ŠgQ>mBc ** Only those students will be offered Mathematics who Programming and Application n§M_ g_yh … 1. ^m¡{VH$ {dkmZ 2. agm`Z {dkmZ 3. J{UV have qualified the decided cut off for the session. {S>OmBqZJ, ^yJmob, _Zmo{dkmZ Group III: 4. ^yJmob 5. {hÝXr AWdm A§J«oOr Student will be offered the subject only on the basis of 1. Accountancy 2. Business Studies 2. _mñQ>a Am°\$ H$åß`yQ>a EßbrHo$eZ ( 3.Mathematics 4. Economics 5. Hindi or English (3) dm{UÁ` g_yh number of seats allocated. (ii) Science Group: N>mÌm H$mo ZrMo {X`o J`o àË`oH$ g_yh _| go H$moB© EH$ g_yh coZm The Students have to choose any one group from the hmoJm … following subject groups given below : n«W_ g_yh … 1. bIo m emñÌ 2. ì`mdgm{`H$ AÜ``Z 3. AWe© mñÌ Group I: 1. Physics 2. Chemistry 3. Biology 4. Hindi 4. {hÝXr 5. A§J«oOr 6. H$åß`yQ>a àmoJ«mq_J Ed§ AZwà`moJ 5. English 6. Computer Programming and Application Group II: 1. Physics 2.Chemistry 3. Mathematics {ÛVr` g_yh … 1. boIm emñÌ 2. ì`mdgm{`H$ AÜ``Z 3. J{UV 4. Hindi 5. English 6. Computer Programming 4. {hÝXr 5. A§J«oOr 6. H$åß`yQ>a àmoJ«mq_J Ed§ AZwà`moJ and Application V¥Vr` g_yh … 1. boIm emñÌ 2. ì`mdgm{`H$ AÜ``Z 3. J{UV Group III: 1. Physics 2.Chemistry 3. Biology 4. 4. AW©emñÌ 5. {hÝXr AWdm A§J«oOr Mathematics 5. Hindi or English

22 23

Prospectus {ddaU n{ÌH$m 2021-22 2021-22 {dÚmc` {ejm School Education 2. University Education LL.M. M. Phar m B.A. (Hindi, Sanskrit, English, Music (Vocal/ (Phar maceutical Chemistr y/ Instrumental/Dance), Drama & Theater Art, Drawing Pharmaceutics/ Pharmacology) & Painting, Textile Designing, Home Science, M.Tech. (Computer Science†/VLSI Design/ Economics, Sociology, Political Science, History, Information Technology† /Remote Sensing/ Public Administration, Geography, Psychology, Bioinfor matics/ Biotechnology/Chemical Mathematics, Statistics/Applied Statistics, Physical Engineering/ Nanotechnology) Education, Computer Application, Management). M.Phil. (Social Sciences, English - Language Teaching, B.Sc. (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Hindi, Sanskrit, Music Instrumental/Vocal, Drawing & Biotechnology, Botany, Zoology, Geology, Geography, Painting, Mathematical Sciences, Geography) Computer Science, Electronics, Statistics) Ph.D. (Sanskrit, Hindi, English, Economics, History, B.Sc. (Aviation Science) Political Science, Sociology, Public Administration, Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA ) Music, Drawing & Painting, Computer Science, Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Electronics, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Bachelor of Commerce (B. Com.) Chemistry, Bio-science, Biotechnology, Home-science B. Sc. (Home Science) (Human Development/ Food Science and B.Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering, Nutrition/Clothing & Textile), Education, Electronics & Communication, Electronics & Management, Physical Education , Design, Instrumentation, Electrical and Electronics, Pharmacy, Geography, Geology & Remote Sensing) 3. _mñQ>a Am°\$ _oZoO_oÝQ> (E_.~r.E.) do~ EßbrHo$eÝg'' (7) ES>dmÝñS> {S>ßbmo_m - ZoQ> d{Hª§$J & Information Technology, Biotechnology, Chemical Part Time Programmes* 4. _mñQ>a Am°\$ H$m°_g© (E_.H$m°_.) (v) g{Q©>{\$Ho$Q> nmR²>`H«$_ Engineering, Mechtronics) Ÿ P. G. Diploma in Women & Human Rights Ÿ 5. E_.Eggr. - {\${‹OŠg, H¡$_oñQ´>r, ~m`mogm§Bg, (1) g§ñH¥$V (d¡{XH$ AÜ``Z) (2) \«o§$M / O_©Z (3) Z¥Ë` Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch.) Certificate/Diploma/Advanced Diploma Sanskrit (Vedic Studies) (H$ËWH$ / _{Unwar/ ^aVZmQ²>`_) (4) g§JrV (Jm`Z / dmXZ) Bachelor of Design (B. Des.) (Fashion & Life Style ~m`moQo>ŠZmocm°Or, EßbmBS> _mBH«$mo~m`mocm°Or EÊS> Ÿ Diploma in Computer Hardware & Maintenance† ~m`moQo>ŠZmocmoOr, ~m`mo BÝ\$mo_}{Q>Šg, H$åß`yQ>a gmB§g, (5) B§p½ce \$m°a H$Zdg}eZ (6) ñQo>{Q>g{Q>H$c Qo>ŠZsŠg (7) Design, Communication Design, Interior Design) Bachelor of Arts Journalism and Mass Ÿ Diploma Internet & Web Designing† BcoŠQ´>mo{ZŠg, J{UVr` {dkmZ (ß`moa _¡Wo_o{Q>Šg/ g{Q©>{\$Ho$Q> H$mog© - H$åß`yQ>a n«moJ«mq_J EÊS> EßbrHo$eÝg (8) Communication (BA-JMC) Ÿ Diploma in .Net (ASP, C#, AJAX) Ÿ Ï`moao{Q>H$c H$åß`yQ>a gmB§g/Am°naoeÝg [agM©/ g{Q©>{\$Ho$Q> H$mog© - B© H$m°_g©& Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) Diploma in Archival studies & Records Managements Ÿ Certificate & Diploma in Actuarial Science ñQo>{Q>g{Q>Šg), ^yJ^© {dkmZ, n`m©daU {dkmZ (vi) emoY ([agM©) L.L.B. (Integrated) Ÿ Diploma in Broadcast Journalism (Radio) 6. E_.Eggr. - hmo_ gmB§g (øy_Z So>dcn_|Q>, \y$S> gmB§g EÊS> B.Sc. B.Ed/ B.A. B.Ed. (Integrated) {hÝXr, g§ñH¥$V, A§J«oOr, AW©emñÌ, B{Vhmg, amOZr{VemñÌ, Ÿ Diploma in Audio Engineering Ý`yQ´>reZ, ŠbmoqXJ EÊS> Q¡>ŠgQ>mBc) g_mOemñÌ, hmo_ gmB§g (MmBëS> S>dcn_|Q>/\y$S²>g EÊS> B.Ed./B. Ed. (Enriched) Ÿ Certificate Course in Computer Programming & Applications 7. EbEb.E_. Ý`yQ´>reZ/ŠbmoqXJ EÊS> Q¡>ŠgQ>mBc), {MÌH$cm, g§JrV, M.A. (Economics, History, Political Science, Ÿ Advanced Diploma in Networking† 8. _mñQ>a Am°\$ EOyHo$eZ (E_.ES>.) agm`ZemñÌ, H$åß`yQ>a gmB§g, BcoŠQ´>mo{ZŠg, J{UV, ^m¡{VH$ Sociology, Psychology, Geography, Sanskrit, Hindi, Ÿ Certificate Course in E-Commerce {dkmZ, ~m`mogmB§g, ~m`moQo>ŠZmocm°Or, {ejmemñÌ, _oZoO_|Q>, E n g l i s h , D r a w i n g & Pa i n t i n g , M u s i c Ÿ Shastri 9. E_.\$m_©. (\$m_m©ñ`y{Q>H$b Ho$_oñQ>´r, \$m_m©ñ`y{Q>Šg, Ÿ emar[aH$ {ejm, \$m_}gr $& (Instrumental/Vocal), Dance (kathak/Bharatnatyam) Certificate Diploma and Advanced Diploma in \$m_m©H$mobm°Or) Textile Designing (Weaving/Printing) German† and French† 10. E_.Qo>H$. (H$åß`Qy >a gmBg§ /dr.Ec.Eg.AmB © {S>OmBZ/ Master of Social Work (MSW) Ÿ Certificate and Diplomas in Kathak† and BÝ\$m_o e} Z Q>oŠZmco mO° r/[a_mQo > gpo ÝgJ¨ /~m`mQo >Šo Zmbo mO° r/ M.Sc. (Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Manipuri and Bharatnatyam Dances Ÿ ~m`mBo Ý\$m_} {o Q>Šg/ H$o {_H$b BpÝO[a`[aJ¨ /ZZo m oQ>Šo Zmbo mO° r) Mathematical Sciences (Pure Mathematics/ Certificate and Diplomas in Music Vocal and Operations Research/ Statistics/ Theoretical Instrumental (Sitar, Sarod, Violin, Tabla, Guitar) 11. E_. S>og. Computer Science), Bio-Sciences (Animal Science/Plant Ÿ Certificate and Diploma in Rajasthani Folk Dance (iii) E_.{\$c. Science), Biotechnology, Bio-Informatics, Electronics, and Manipuri Folk Dance Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology), Geography, Ÿ Certificate Course on ‘Statistical Techniques’ AW©emñÌ, amOZr{VemñÌ, B{Vhmg, g_mOemñÌ, A§J«oOr ^mfm Geology, Environmental Science. Ÿ Certificate Course on IT Localization {ejU, {hÝXr, g§JrV (Jm`Z/dmXZ), J{UVr` {dkmZ, ^yJmob M. Sc. (Home Science) (Human Development, Foods Ÿ Certificate Course in Radio Production (Rjing & Anchoring) (iv) {S>ßbmo_m nmR²>`H«$_ Science & Nutrition, Clothing & Textile) Ÿ Certificate in English for conversation (1) {S>ßbmo_m H$mog© - g§ñH¥$V (d¡{XH$ AÜ``Z) (2) {S>ßbmo_m / M. Des. (Elementary) & (Advance) Master of Education (M. Ed.) Ÿ Diploma in Medical Image Processing ES>dmÝg²S> {S>ßbmo_m H$mog© (\«|$M / O_©Z) (3) CÎm_m (H$ËWH$ / Ÿ Craft Certificate in Shibori (Tie & Dye)/Dyeing & _{Unwar Z¥Ë`) (4) {ZîUmV (H$ËWH$ / _{Unwar Z¥Ë`) (5) g§JrV Master of Computer Applications (MCA) Master of Business Administration (MBA) Painting/Surface Ornamentations/Block Printing/ (Jm`Z / dmXZ) (6) ES>dm§ñS> g{Q©>{\$Ho$Q> H$mog©-""BÝQ>aZoQ> EÊS> Master of Commerce (M.Com.) Macrame & Knotting 24 • Part Time courses are open to full time students of Banasthali Vidyapith 25

Prospectus {ddaU n{ÌH$m 2021-22 2021-22 {dÚmc` {ejm School Education

* àdoe à{H«$`m Admission Procedure* ñHy$c {ejm Ho$ {ZåZ{b{IV nmR²>`H«$_m| _| Z`o n«doe _§Ìr, dZñWcr {dÚmnrR>, nmo. dZñWcr {dÚmnrR>, Entry points for admission in school division Mantri, Banasthali Vidyapith hmoVo h¢ … amOñWmZ - 304022 are only in classes 6, 9 & 11. Admission could PO-Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan – 304022 be given in class 7& 8 under special {dÚmnrR> _| Am°ZbmBZ AmdoXZ ^r {H$E Om gH$Vo h¡& Online submission of application is also H$jm 6, 9 Ed§ 11 circumstances. Am°ZbmBZ AmdoXZ H$aZo hoVw {dÚmnrR> H$s ~odgmBQ> possible on the University website : {deof n[apñW{V _| H$jm 7 d 8 _| àdoe {X`m Om gHo$Jm& Process of procuring new admission forms and na OmE± Ed§ dhm± {XE JE prospectus Important Points {ddaU n{ÌH$m Ed§ n«doe-AmdoXZ-nÌ _±JmZo H$m VarH$m {ZX}emZwgma H$m`©dmhr H$a|& 1. While asking for application form class/course 1. Banasthali Vidyapith is exclusively girls 1. n«doe AmdoXZ-nÌ _±JmVo g_` `h gm\$-gm\$ {cIm _hÎdnyU© in which admission is sought should be institution. OmZm Mm{hE {H$ {H$g H$jm/nmR²>`H«$_ _| n«doe hoVw 1. {dÚmnrR> Ho$db N>mÌmAm| H$s [ejm Ho$ {bE h¡& AmdoXZ nÌ _±Jdm`m Om ahm h¡; Š`mo§{H$ AcJ-AcJ H$jm/nmR²>`H«$_m| Ho$ {cE AcJ-AcJ AmdoXZ-nÌ h¢& 2. {dcå~ ewëH$ Ho$ gmW AmdoXZ H$aZo dmcr N>mÌmAm| H$mo

mentioned clearly as for different 2. Application form with late fee should be classes/courses there are separate forms. For enclosed with a demand draft of Rs. 900/- in procuring more than one application form favour of Mantri Banasthali University EH$ go A{YH$ n«doe-AmdoXZ-nÌ Ed§ {ddaU-n{ÌH$m n«doe-AmdoXZ-nÌ Ho$ gmW 900 ê$. H$m {S>_mÊS> S´>mâQ> payment has to be made separately. payable at Banasthali or Jaipur. In no case _±JmZo Ho$ {cE AcJ go ewëH$ ^oOZm hmoJm& (Omo {H$ _§Ìr, dZñWcr {dÚmnrR> Ho$ Zm_ O`nwa/dZñWcr shall the said amount be refunded. 2. For school division application forms can be H$s {H$gr ^r ~¢H$ H$s emIm na Xo` hmo) g§c½Z H$aZm hmoJm& 2. ñHy$c {ejm Ho$ g^r nmR²>`H«$_m| Ho$ {cE {ddaU n{ÌH$m Ed§ obtained by hand with a payment pre 3. No student or guardian should reach `h am{e {H$gr ^r pñW{V _| cm¡Q>mB© Zht OmEJr& Banasthali before being intimated by the n«doe-AmdoXZ-nÌ nyd© AmdoXZ ewëH$ ê$. 800/- ZH$X application fee of Rs. 800/- or a demand draft 3. {H$gr ^r N>mÌm/A{^^mdH$ H$mo n«doe Ho$ {cE {~Zm of Rs. 800/- for getting the form by post. The admission officer of the respective classes for O_m H$admZo na AWdm ê$. 800/- H$m {S>_mÊS> S´>mâQ> (Omo which admission is sought. {dÚmnrR> H$s nyd© ñdrH¥${V Ho$ dZñWcr Zht AmZm Mm{hE& demand draft may be made in favour of {H$ _§Ìr, dZñWcr {dÚmnrR> Ho$ Zm_ O`nwa/dZñWcr H$s 'Mantri, Banasthali Vidyapith payable at 4. You need not wait for the result of the previous {H$gr ^r ~¢H$ H$s emIm na Xo` hmo) {ZåZ{b{IV nVo na 4. AmdoXZ nÌ ^oOZo Ho$ {cE narjm n[aUm_ H$m BÝVOma Z Jaipur/Banasthali addressed to : class for sending applications. The application ^oOH$a _±Jdm`m Om gH$Vm h¡ … H$a|& AmdoXZ-nÌ {ZYm©[aV VmarI VH$ Adí` nhw±M OmZm should positively reach on or before the due Mm{hE& narjm - n[aUm_ n«má hmoVo hr VwaÝV ^oO|& 5. {dÚmnrR> H$mo {Z`_m| _| g_` - g_` na n[adV©Z H$aZo H$m H$jm 9 _| n«doe Ho$ {cE Ý`yZV_ Am`w 13 df© d A{YH$V_ date. As soon as the result is out the 2. Only those forms of students will be considered A{YH$ma h¡& {ddaU - n{ÌH$m Ho$ _wX«U _| nyam Ü`mZ aIm Am`w 14½ df© hmoJr& application form should reach Banasthali. for class 6 and 9 who have secured 60% or J`m h¡, naÝVw {dÚmnrR> Ho$ {dYmZ Ed§ Cn{Z`_m| H$mo hr ZmoQ>… Ý`yZV_ Am`w H$s JUZm 1 OwcmB©, 2021 H$mo _mZH$a 5. Vidyapith has every right to change the rules more in class 5 and Class 8. ApÝV_ _mZm Om`oJm& H$s Om`oJr & OÝ_{V{W H$m _mÝ` n«_mU-nÌ g§c¾ hmoZm as and when required but in any case the 3. Merit list will be prepared on the basis of decision of Vidyapith is final. 6. AmdoXZ-nÌ ^oOZo Ho$ ~mX Bg gå~ÝY _| nÌ-ì`dhma A{Zdm`© h¡& marks obtained in the previous year 6. For any query regarding admission you must examination and credit point . H$aVo g_` AmdoXZ-nÌ H$s H«$_ g§»`m, N>mÌm H$m Zm_ 2. H$jm 6 AWdm H$jm 9 _| CÝht N>mÌmAm| Ho$ AmdoXZ nÌm| na quote the Application form Number, Name Am¡a {H$g H$jm _| n«doe Mmhm J`m h¡, `h CëboI H$aZm {dMma {H$`m Om`oJm {OÝhm|Zo H$jm 5 `m 8 _| 60% `m Bggo and the course applied for. 4. Remember your admission is subject to your fitness in comprehensive medical examination, Oê$ar h¡ & A{YH$ A§H$ àmá {H$E hm|& 7. Subject to Tonk Jurisdiction. personal interview 3. dar`Vm - àdoe Ho$ {bE `mo½`Vm gyMr àmám§H$m| d dar`Vm Decision making process on application forms for and fulfilling the minimum 7. {H$gr ^r {ddmX H$m Ý`m`m{YH$ma joÌ Q>m|H$ (amOñWmZ) admission eligibility for admission. hmoJm& A§H$m| Ho$ `moJ Ho$ AmYma na ~ZmB© Om`oJr& dar`Vm A§H$ AmJo n¥îR> 32 na {X`o J`o h¡& New admissions will be taken only in classes 6, 9 & 5. Admission will be granted as per the position {dÚmb` {ejm à^mJ _| n«doe-AmdoXZ-nÌ {_cZo na {dMma 11. There could be admissions in classes 7 & 8 in the merit list. 4. Ü`mZ aho {H$ AmnH$m àdoe {M{H$ËgH$s` narjU, ì`pŠVJV {H$`o OmZo H$m VarH$m under special circumstances. gmjmËH$ma Am¡a àdoe Ho$ {bE Ý`yZV_ Ah©Vm nyU© H$aZo na hr {dÚmb` {ejm n«^mJ _| Ho$dc H$jm 6, 9 Ed§ 11 Ho$ Z`o n«doe The process of admission in primary, middle and gw{ZpíMV hmoJm& higher secondary classes will be as mentioned below : hm|Jo& [deof n[apñW{V _| H$jm 7 Ed§ 8 _| àdoe na {dMma {H$`m Om H$jm 11 _| n«doe H$s n«{H«$`m gH$Vm h¡& n«mW{_H$, Cƒ n«mW{_H$, _mÜ`{_H$ Am¡a CƒVa Process for admission in classes 6 and 9 _mÜ`{_H$ {ejm Ho$ {cE n«doe hoVw AmdoXZ-nÌm| na {dMma H$aZo Ho$ 1. H$jm 11 _| CÝht N>mÌmAm| Ho$ n«doe na {dMma hmoJm {OÝhm|Zo 1. Min. age limit Max. age limit {dÚmnrR> go g¡H$ÊS>ar ñHy$c g{Q©>{\$Ho$Q> narjm CËVrU© H$s hmo {cE AmJo {cIm VarH$m AnZm`m OmVm h¡ … Class 6 - 10 years 11½ years AWdm {H$gr _mÝ`Vm n«má ~moS©> `m {díd{dÚmc` go H$jm 6 d 9 _| n«doe Ho$ {c`o n«{H«$`m _¡{Q´>Š`ycoeZ/g¡H$ÊS>ar `m AÝ` g_H$j narjm 60 n«{VeV Class 9 - 13 years 14½ years 1. H$jm 6 _| n«doe Ho$ {cE Ý`yZV_ Am`w H$_ go H$_ 10 df© d `m Cggo A{YH$ A§H$m§o go CËVrU© H$s hmo& AZwgy{MV Note : Age will be taken as on July 1, 2021. It A{YH$V_ Am`w 11½ df© hmoJr& Om{V/OZOm{V H$s N>mÌmAm| Ho$ {cE Ý`yZV_ Ah©Vm 40 is essential to attach birth certificate along with the application form. 30 n«{VeV A§H$ hmoJr& 31

Prospectus {ddaU n{ÌH$m 2021-22 2021-22 {dÚmc` {ejm School Education 2. H$jm 11 _| n«doe hoVw H$cm g_yh, {dkmZ g_yh Ed§ 2. n«doe Ho$ gå~ÝY _| {dÚmnrR> H$m {ZU©` hr ApÝV_ hmoJm Process of seeking admission in class 11 dm{UÁ` g_yh Ho$ {cE AcJ - AcJ AmdoXZ-nÌ n«ñVwV Am¡a AmdoXH$ H$mo A{Zdm`© ê$n go _mÝ` hmoJm& 1. Only those students can seek admission in class H$aZm hmoJm& dar`Vm gyMr g_yhdma ~ZmB© OmEJr& {dkmZ AmajU 11 who have passed Secondary School g_yh _| ^r J{UV g_yh d Ord {dkmZ g_yh H$s AcJ certificate examination of Vidyapith or ZrMo [X`o J`o [ddaUm| Ho$ AZwgma Ohm± na Ama{jV ñÏmmZm| H$m Secondary School Certificate examination dar`Vm gyMr ~Zm`r OmEJr& AZwnmV Hw$b ñWmZm| _| g_mZ AZwnmV _| {ZYm©[aV nmR²>>H«$_ _| Bg from a recognized board with 60% or more 3. AmdoXZ-nÌ ^oOZo Ho$ {cE narjm n[aUm_ H$m BÝVOma àH$ma h¡ : marks in aggregate. For SC/ST required Z H$ao§& 1. AZwgy{MV Om{V  15% percentage of marks is 40%. 2. For admission in class 11 different application 4. n«doe - n«mßVm§H$m| Ho$ AmYma na dar`Vm H«$_ _o| hmoJm VWm Cgr 2. AZwgy{MV OZOm{V  7.5% forms have to be filled for different streams H«$_ _| N>mÌmAm| H$mo n«doe Ho$ {cE ~wbm`m Om`oJm& 3. emar[aH$ {dH$bm§J  3% namely – Humanities, Science (PCM/PCB/PCMB) dar`Vm and Commerce. Merit list will be prepared for Note 1. Maximum credit points that may be nwZ… n«doe different streams. n«doe Ho$ {cE `mo½`Vm gyMr n«mßVm§H$m| d dar`Vm A§H$m| Ho$ `moJ Ho$ awarded under all categories is 7%. 3. Application forms should reach on or AmYma na ~ZmB© Om`oJr& ZrMo {cIo AZwgma dar`Vm A§H$ Omo‹S>o EH$ ~ma Zm_ H$Q> OmZo Ho$ ~mX `{X N>mÌm H$m Cgr gÌ _| nwZ… n«doe before the schedule given without waiting 2. Final decision for the admission will be Om`|Jo … hmoVm h¡ Vmo nwZ… n«doe ewëH$ 5000 é. hmoJm& VrZ {XZ go A{YH$ for the results. taken by the Vidyapith H$s AZ{YH¥$V AZwnpñW{V na N>mÌm H$m n«doe ñd`_od aÔ hmo 1. IocHy$X _| … n«[VeVm§H$ Reservation 4. Merit list will be prepared on the basis of (H$) amÁ` H$m n«{V{Z{YËd H$aZo na 2 OmEJm& {dÚmnrR> H$s {c{IV ñdrH¥${V Ho$ {~Zm AZwnpñW{V, AZ{YH¥$V AZwnpñW{V _mZr OmEJr& marks obtained in the Secondary School 1. As per the following details where the ratio of (I) Xoe H$m n«{V{Z{YËd H$aZo na 5 Examination and will be called for admission. reserved seats shall be the same as the ratio in 2. nyd© N>mÌm {OgZo {dÚmnrR> go nyU©H$m{cH$ {dXoer/An«dmgr ^maVr`m| H$s g§a{jVmAm| Ho$ {cE n«doe Credit Points the total seat allocation in all courses – nmR²>`H«$_ _| AÜ``Z {H$`m h¡ 5 gå~ÝYr {Z`_ 1. Games (i) Schedule Caste – 15% 3. {OZ N>mÌmAm| H$s _mVm `m gJr ~{hZ {dÚmnrR> 1. AÝ` nmR²>`H«$_m| Ho$ {cE {ddaU n{ÌH$m VWm n«doe-AmdoXZ- a. Representing the state 2% (ii) Schedule Tribe – 7.5% _| nhco n‹T> MwH$s h¢ `m n‹T> ahr h¢ 5 nÌ n«mßV H$aZo Ho$ {cE a{OñQ>S©> nmoñQ> go MmhZo na 800/- b. Representing the nation 5% én`o H$m ~¢H$ S´>mâQ> _§Ìr, dZñWcr {dÚmnrR> (amOñWmZ) (iii) Physically Handicapped – 3% 4. N>mÌmE± {OZHo$ g§ajH$ dZñWcr {dÚmnrR> 2. Passing qualifying _| H$m`© H$a aho h¢ `m H$a MwHo$ h¢ … 5 {nZ H$moS> 304022 H$mo ^oOH$a n«má {H$`o Om gH$Vo h¢& Readmission 800/- én`o ZH$X ^wJVmZ na ì`pŠVJV ê$n go {ddaU examination from Vidyapith 5% Once the name is stuck off from the roll, ZmoQ> … 1. {H$gr ^r AmYma na dar`Vm A§H$m| H$m `moJ 7 go A{YH$ n{ÌH$m n«má H$s Om gH$Vr h¡& 3. Candidate whose mother readmission has to be taken with a payment of Rs. Zht hmoJm& or sister has studied or has been 5000/-. The name will automatically be stuck off 2. {dXoer, An«dmgr ^maVr`m| H$s g§a{jVmAm| H$mo {~Zm n«doe studying at Banasthali 5% from the roll on being absent for more than 3 days 4. Candidate whose guardian from school without any intimation and leave has worked or has been without a written sanction from competent working in Banasthali 5% authority of Vidyapith.

32 33

Prospectus {ddaU n{ÌH$m 2021-22 2021-22 {dÚmc` {ejm School Education Rules regarding admission of Foreign/NRI/NRI declaration that the money has been procured Sponsored students- in exchange of foreign currency may be submitted. In any case if admission is cancelled 1. Prospectus and admission forms for other the amount deposited will not be refunded. The courses through registered post can be following documents are required for obtained by sending a bank DD for Rs. 800/- in admission against foreign/NRI/NRI the name of Secretary, Banasthali Vidyapith Sponsored seats- (Rajasthan) Pin-304022. The same can also be I. Original certificate/mark sheets of the narjm Ho$ AmYma na BZ ñWmZm| Ho$ {bE àdoe grYo `mo½`Vm Ho$ {dXoer, An«dmgr ^maVr`m| H$s g§a{jVmAm| H$mo n«doe hoVw obtained personally through a cash payment of qualifying examination. AmYma na hmoVm h¡& gr{_V g§»`m _| n«doe XoZo H$m n«mdYmZ h¡& {ZåZ{b{IV XñVmdoO n«ñVwV H$aZo hm|Jo … Rs. 800/- H$jm 6 _o§ Bg n«H$ma H$s N>mÌmAm| H$m n«doe A{V{d{eï> pñW{V I. II. Attested photocopies of the passport and {nN>cr H$jm H$s _yc A§H$Vm{cH$m 2. A limited number of seats are available for _| Hw$cn{V H$s ñdrH¥${V go hr {H$`m OmVm h¡¡& visa of the applicant/guardian. II. AmdoXH$/g§ajH$ Ho$ nmgnmoQ©> Ed§ dr‹Om H$s gË`m{nV foreign/NRI/NRI Sponsored candidates. III. Foreign Bank Account Number or NRI n«{V Admission against these seats are made 3. {dXoer, An«dmgr ^maVr`m| H$s g§a{jVmAm| Ho$ {cE n«doe- Account Number of the applicant/ NRI III. directly based upon the merit and the AmdoXZ-nÌ Ho$ _wIn¥ð> Ho$ H$moZo _| A§{H$V AWdm {dXoer ~¢H$ H$m Zå~a `m Aàdmgr ^maVr` Zå~a guardian. AmdoXZH$Vm© H$m/ga§jH$ H$m applicants do not have to appear in the Foreign _| ñnï> ê$n _| ghr (ü) H$m {ZemZ cJmZm IV. Declaration regarding, Non-Resident aptitude test. In class 6 only in rare cases Mm{hE& IV. {ZYm©[aV n«nÌ _| {dXoer/An«dmgr ^maVr` KmofUm- Indian status/sponsership form of the admission is given to NRI candidates only at nÌ AWdm ñnm°Ýga{en \$m°_© applicant/ guardian. 4. {dXoer, An«dmgr ^maVr`m| H$s g§a{jVmAm| go ewëH$ nyao gÌ the discretion of the Vice-Chancellor. H$m EH$ _wíV n«doe Ho$ g_` O_m {H$`m OmVm h¡& ewëH$ H$m * CnamoŠV dV©_mZ àdoe à{H«$`m h¡ Am¡a Bg _hm_mar Ho$ Xm¡a _| 3. At the corner of the form on the first page there * This is the currently proposed admission {ddaU n¥ð> g§. 36, 37 na A§{H$V h¡& Amdí`H$Vm nS>Zo na Bgo ~Xbm ^r Om gH$Vm h¡& is a choice for General or NRI category of procedure and is subject to change if the pandemic students which should be ticked (ü) carefully. 5. EH$ ~ma {dXoer, An«dmgr ^maVr`m| H$s loUr _| n«doe coZo Ho$ situation so warrants. níMmV² N>mÌm H$mo {dÚmc` {ejm H$s g_m{á VH$ (H$jm 12 4. The full payment of tuition fee for NRI students VH$) Cgr loUr _| _mZm Om`oJm& {H$gr ^r n[apñW{V _| will be taken at the time of admission. Fee CgH$s loUr ~Xcr Zht Om gHo$Jr& {dXoer, An«dmgr structure is provided in page number 36 and ^maVr`m| H$s g§a{jVmAm| H$mo n«doe XoZo Ho$ ~mao _| {dÚmnrR> H$m 37. {ZU©©` ApÝV_ hmoJm VWm AmdoXH$ H$mo A{Zdm`© ê$n go _mÝ` 5. Once a student is admitted in a programme as a hmoJm& foreign/NRI/NRI Sponsored student then she will remain in this category for the full 6. ímwëH$ gm_mÝ`V`m {dXoer _wX«m _| hr ñdrH$ma {H$`m OmVm h¡¡& duration of the programme (till Class 12). The NRI ^maVr` _wX«m _| ewëH$ XoZo na gå~Ó ImVm g§»`m decision of Vidyapith will be final and will have AWdm `h n«_mU-nÌ {H$ am{e {dXoer _wX«m Ho$ ~Xco _| n«má to be adhered to by the applicant. H$s J`r h¡, XoZm Amdí`H$ h¡& {dXoer, An«dmgr ^maVr`m| H$s 6. Generally fees are accepted in foreign currency g§a{jVmAm| H$m n«doe aÔ hmoZo H$s pñW{V _| e¡{jH$ ewëH$ Zht but if fees are deposited in Indian currency cm¡Q>m`m Om`oJm& then NRI bank account number or a

34 35

Prospectus {ddaU n{ÌH$m 2021-22 2021-22 {dÚmc` {ejm School Education ewëH$ Fee 1. Z`r N>mÌmAm| hoVw ewëH$ ewëH$ {c`m OmEJm & pñWa dVo Z nmZ o dmb o H$m`H© $VmA© m | g o 1. Educational Fee for new admission salary of the guardian as on 30 June, 2021 g_yh 1 30 OZy 2021 H$o H$w b _m{gH$ dVo Z H$m 20 à{VeV Group (1) or Rs. 15,000/- whichever is less. Dependents working on fixed salary shall AWdm 15000/- Om o^r Ý`Zy V_ hm,o eëw H$ {b`m OmEJm& Class XI (Maths, Biology and Commerce) H$jm 11 (J{UV, Ord {dkmZ Ed§ dm{UÁ` dJ©)… pay a fee equivalent to 20% of one month én`o 92,000/- à{Vdf© RTE EŠQ> Ho$ VhV do N>mÌmE± Omo Z Vmo N>mÌmdmg _| ah Regular Fee: 92,000/- Per Annum salary of the guardian as on 30 June, 2021 Foreign/NRI/NRI Sponsored Fee: {dXoer/Aàdmgr ^maVr` N>mÌmAm| go … ahr h¢ Am¡a Z hr {dÚmnrR> Ho$ H$m`©H$Vm©Am| na Am{lV h¢ or Rs. 15,000/- whichever is less. US Dollar 2850 Per Annum `y Eg S>m°ba 2850 à{Vdf© CZgo H$jm {eew go AmR>dt VH$ 8000/- én`o Am¡a Student not residing in hostel and not Group (2) dependent of a staff members shall pay for g_yh 2 H$jm 9 go 12 VH$ 15000/- én`o à{Vdf© ewëH$ {b`m Om`oJm& • Class XI (Arts) Classes Nursery to Class VIII Rs. 8000/- · H$jm 11 (H$bm dJ©) • Class IX & Below Regular Fee: 69,000/- Per Annum p.a. and Class IX to XII Rs. 15,000/- p.a. · H$jm 9 Ed§ ZrMo én`o 69,000/- à{Vdf© 3. g_yh 1 Ed§ 2 _| dJuH¥$V N>mÌmAm| go H«$_e… én`o Foreign/NRI/NRI Sponsored Fee: subject to the provisions of the RTE Act. {dXoer/Aàdmgr ^maVr` N>mÌmAm| go … 10,000/- Ed§ 5000/- nmR²>`H«$_ àdoe ewëH$ US Dollar 2250 Per Annum 3. The students classified in group (1) & (2) shall pay a one time course admission Fee (Aà{VXo`) àdoe Ho$ g_` {b`m OmEJm& 1. The above fee structure shall be applicable `y Eg S>m°ba 2250 à{Vdf© (Non-refundable) Rs. 10000/- & Rs. to new admissions. Continuing students, 5000/- respectively. 1. Cn`w©ŠV ewëH$ ZE n«doe _| cmJy hmoJm& nwamZr N>mÌmE± 4. {dÚmnrR> Ho$ N>mÌmdmg _| n«doe coZo dmcr g^r ZB© those who were enrolled in or before N>mÌmAm| go 5000/- én`o n«doe ewëH$ {c`m OmEJm& 2020-21 shall pay the educational fee as 4. A one-time hostel admission fee of {OZH$m Zm_m§H$Z {nN>co df© hþAm h¡ CZgo 2020-21 paid by them last year. Students Rs 5,000/- shall be charged from all newly Ho$ {ddaU Ho$ AZwgma ewëH$ {c`m OmEJm& {dÚmc` go 2. {dH$mg ewëH$ completing class VIII and joining class IX admitted students. and Students completing class X and 2. Development Fee 8dt H$jm CÎmrU© H$a H$jm 9 _| AmZo dmcr AWdm 10dt g_yh (1) Am¡a (2) _| dJuH¥$V N>mÌmAm| H$mo H«$_e… H$jm CÎmrU© H$a 11dt H$jm _| AmZo dmcr N>mÌmAm| H$mo joining class XI shall be treated as new The above students classified in Group (I), (2) 28,000/- Ed§ 21,000/- én`o {dH$mg ewëH$ n«{Vdf© students for the purposes of determining {ejU ewëH$ ZB© N>mÌmAm| Ho$ g_H$j XoZm hmoJm& Respectively, shall pay the development fee of XoZm hmoJm& the education fee payable by them. Rs. 28,000/-, Rs. 21,000/- respectively, per # year. 2.# {dÚmnrR> Ûmam {Z{X©ï>, H$m`©H$Vm©Am| H$s g§a{jVmE± Omo 3. N>mÌmdmg Ed§ n[aga ewëH$ 2. Dependents, as defined by the Vidyapith, of a staff member and living with that staff 3. Hostel & Campus Fee H$m`©H$Vm©Am| Ho$ gmW ah ahr h¢, (Zg©ar go H$jm 8dt member shall pay a total fee equivalent to VH$) go H$m`©H$Vm© Ho$ 30 OyZ, 2021 Ho$ _yc doVZ H$m N>mÌmdmg Ed§ n[aga ewëH$ 10% of one month's basic salary of the Hostel & Campus Fee 10 n«{VeV AWdm 8000/- én`o, XmoZm| _| go Omo ^r ^moOZ ewëH$ J 21,500/-* guardian as on 30 June, 2021 or Rs. 8000/- whichever is less, for classes from Mess charges J 21,500/-* H$_ hmo, ewëH$ {c`m OmEJm & pñWa doVZ nmZo dmbo * H$_am ewëH$ J 9,500/- Nursery to class VIII. Dependents working H$m`©H$Vm©Am| H$s g§a{jVmAm| go 30 OyZ 2021 Ho$ Hw$b Room Rent J 9,500/-* {~Obr, nmZr ewëH$ J 7,500/-* on fixed salary shall pay a fee equivalent to _m{gH$ doVZ H$m 10 à{VeV AWdm én`o 8000/- 10% of one month salary of the guardian Electricity & water J 7,500/-* n[aga ewëH$ (dm{f©H$) J 19,000/- as on 30 June, 2021 or Rs. 8000/- XmoZmo _| go Omo ^r H$_ hmo, ewëH$ {b`m OmEJm& Campus Fee (Annual) J 19,000/- `moJ J 57,500/- whichever is less. Total 57,500/- H$jm 9 go 12 VH$ H$s H$jmAm| Ho$ {cE H$m`©H$Vm© Ho$ 30 * J 10 _mh Ho$ {bE The same group, i.e. dependents, for OyZ, 2021 Ho$ _yc doVZ H$m 15 n«{VeV AWdm classes IX to XII shall pay a total fee *For 10 month 15000/- én`o, XmoZm| _| go Omo ^r H$_ go H$_ hmo, equivalent to 15% of one month's basic

# #Subject to Change 36 Subject to Change 37

Prospectus {ddaU n{ÌH$m 2021-22 2021-22 {dÚmc` {ejm School Education 4. {gŠ`w[aQ>r O_m 4. Security Deposit (Refundable) Z`o àdoe boZo dmbr N>mÌm H$mo 10,000/- é. {gŠ`w[aQ>r A one-time refundable security deposit of Rs. 10,000/- is payable by new students. It is {S>nmo{OQ> (H$m°eZ _Zr) O_m H$amZm hmoJmŸ& `h àdoe Ho$ payable at the time of admission and is g_` {b`m OmEJm Am¡a {dÚmnrR> N>mo‹S>Zo Ho$ VrZ _mh ~mX refunded three months after leaving bm¡Q>m`m OmEJmŸ& BgHo$ {bE {ZYm©[aV ànÌ _| AmdoXZ Banasthali for which an application in the {H$`m OmZm Mm{hEŸ& {ZYm©[aV ànÌ _| g_` Ho$ ^rVa prescribed proforma for refund has to be AmdoXZ Z àmßV hmoZo H$s pñW{V _| ~H$m`m O_m YZam{e submitted. In case the application is not H$mo N>mÌd¥{Îm H$mof _| AZwXmZ _mZ {b`m Om`oJm& received in time in the desired proforma, the remaining security deposit shall be treated as 5. AÝ` ewëH$ donation to the scholarship fund. H$jm 8 VH$ H$s N>mÌmAm| go 1500/- én`o Ed§ H$jm 9 go 5. Other Miscellaneous Charges 12 VH$ H$s N>mÌmAm| go 2500/- én`o narjm ewëH$, An amount of Rs. 1500/- for class upto 8th & ñ_mQ©> H$mS©> AmYm[aV n[aM`-nÌ Ed§ AÝ` H$m`m}§ Ho$ {cE Rs. 2500/- for class 9th to 12th shall be ewëH$ n«doe Ho$ g_` {c`m OmEJm& charged towards Examination fee, Identity 6. g^r N>mÌmAm| go 2500/- én`o BåàoñQ> am{e àdoe Ho$ Card fee etc. g_` {b`m Om`oJm& 6. Therefore an 'Imprest money' of Rs. 2500/- 7. ewëH$ O_m H$amZo g§~§Yr n«{H«$`m could be deposited by all students to meet out their running expenses. 1. {ZpíMV g_` na ewëH$ Ho$ én`o O_m H$amZo H$m 7. Rules regarding fee submission Xm{`Ëd N>mÌm Ho$ g§ajH$ H$m hmoJm& A§{V_ VmarI VH$ ewëH$ O_m Zht H$amZo na {dÚmnrR> H$mo N>mÌm H$m Zm_ 1. It will be the responsibility of the guardian to deposit the fees on time. Vidyapith authority H$mQ>Zo H$m A{YH$ma hmoJm& deserves the right to cancel admission if fees 2. do N>mÌmE§ Omo _m{gH$/{Û_m{gH$/ Ì¡_m{gH$ Am{X are not paid as per the schedule. {H$íVm| _| ewëH$ H$m ^wJVmZ H$aZm Mmho Vmo {dÚmnrR> 2. Those students desirous of paying their fee in CZH$m gå~pÝYV {d[Îm` H$ån{Z`m| go n[aM` H$adm Monthly/Bimonthly /Quarterly instalments, gH$Vr h¡& Bg Ame` hoVw {d[Îm` H$ånZr Ûmam {b`m the Vidyapith shall be happy to introduce them to appropriate finance company. All additional J`m A{V[aŠV ^wJVmZ N>mÌm/A{^^mdH$ Ûmam hr charge payable for this purpose shall be born Xo` hmoJm& by the student/guardian. 3. {ejU, {dH$mg, ^moOZ, H$_am, {~Ocr-nmZr VWm 3. The Educational fee, Development fee, Mess, n[aga ewëH$ Xmo g_mZ {H$ñVm| _| {cE OmE±Jo& nhcr Room rent, Electricity & Water & campus fee {H$ñV n«doe Ho$ g_` d Xygar 30 Zdå~a, 2021 go have to be deposited in two equal installments, nyd© O_m H$admZr hmoJr& {dXoer/An«dmgr ^maVr` once at the time of admission and second on or N>mÌmAm| H$mo nyam ewëH$ EH$ gmW n«doe Ho$ g_` O_m before November 30, 2021 (Except for H$amZm hmoJm& EH$ ~ma O_m H$adm`m J`m ewëH$ foreign/ NRI students who have to pay full fee at the time of admission.) The fee once bm¡Q>m`m Zht Om`oJm& deposited non refundable. 4. `{X H$moB© N>mÌm {M{H$Ëgm n«_mU-nÌ Ho$ AmYma na 4. In case a student remains absent from the 15 {XZ go A{YH$ {d{YdV AdH$me ñdrH¥$V H$amH$a hostel for more than 15 days on account of N>mÌmdmg go AZwnpñWV ahVr h¡, Vmo Cg Ad{Y Ho$ valid medical grounds with authorized {cE ^moOZ ewëH$ _| Ny>Q> XoZo na Hw$cn{V _hmoX` permission of the Vidyapith, the Vice- {dMma H$a gH|$Jo& AÝ` H$moB© Ny>Q> Zht {_coJr& Ny>Q> H$s Chancellor may consider to waive off / provide JUZm gÌ Ho$ AÝV _| hr H$s OmEJr& rebate on the mess charges for the period of absence. No other rebate shall be permissible. 5. N>mÌm Ho$ ì`pŠVJV IM} ({deof XyY, Xdm, dñÌ This rebate shall also be considered at the end YwcmB© Am{X H$m AcJ go ^wJVmZ H$aZm hmoJm, of the session. {OgH$s gyMZm _mM© Ho$ n«W_ gámh _| g§ajH$m| H$mo 5. Personal expenses of students like (special ^oO Xr OmEJr) `h am{e _mM© Ho$ A§{V_ gámh VH$ milk, medicine, dhobi) should be deposited by O_m H$amZm Amdí`H$ h¡& CgHo$ A^md _| N>mÌm H$mo the last week of March otherwise the student narjm _| ~¡R>Zo H$s AZw_{V Zht Xr OmEJr& will be prohibited to appear in the annual examination. 6. ewëH$ dZñWbr {dÚmnrR> H$s do~gmBQ> 6. The fee can be deposited by login onto na OmH$a Am°ZbmBZ or by depositing a demand AWdm {S>_mÊS> S´>mâQ> "Banasthali Vidyapith" draft in favour of on "Banasthali Vidyapith" Ho$ Zm_ dZñWbr {dÚmnrR>/O`nwa H$s {H$gr ^r ~¢H$ payable at any Bank of Jaipur/Banasthali 38 H$s emIm na Xo` go O_m {H$`m Om gH$Vm h¡& Vidyapith. 39

Prospectus {ddaU n{ÌH$m 2021-22 2021-22 {dÚmc` {ejm School Education e¡{jH$, n[aga Ed§ N>mÌmdmg gå~ÝYr {Z`_ Academic, Campus and Hostel Rules

N>mÌmdmg {dÚmnrR> n[aga _| AnZo A{^^mdH$m| Ho$ gmW ahZo dmbr N>mÌmAm| Hostel irrespective of their race, religion, caste or {dÚmnrR> _| Xoe Ho$ H$moZo-H$moZo go N>mÌmE§± {ejm J«hU H$aZo AmVr Ho$ Abmdm AÝ` g^r N>mÌmAm| Ho$ {bE N>mÌmdmg _| ahZm A{Zdm`© Banasthali Vidyapith attracts students from far colour or domicile. h¢& `h CZHo$ {cE Ka go Xya, EH$ Ka h¡& h¡ & flung corners of the country. It is a home away from (v) Every student seeking admission to Banasthali {dÚmnrR> H$m CÔoí` h¡ {H$ `hm§± na N>mÌmAm| H$mo Eogm ñdV§Ì d 1. {dÚmnrR> Ho$ g^r N>mÌmdmgm| H$s ì`dñWm lr emÝVm~mB© {ejm home. The residential environment at Banasthali shall submit an application on the prescribed gwa{jV dmVmdaU àXmZ {H$`m OmE {Og_| do CÝ_wŠV hmoH$a ah Hw$Q>ra Ho$ Zm_ go H$s OmVr h¡ & Vidyapith aims at making students feel safe, form and pay the requisite fee by the prescribed gH|$& BgHo$ {cE àË`oH$ N>mÌm na {deof Ü`mZ {X`m OmVm h¡& Eogo 2. N>mÌmdmg _| n«doe Ho$ {bE AmdoXZ-nÌ, n«doe-AmdoXZ-nÌ comfortable and at home by providing them date. dmVmdaU go CZ_| ñdñW à{VñnYm©, gh`moJ, gå~ÝYm| Ho$ à{V Ho$ gmW hr ^oOZm Mm{hE & individual care, attention and academic support. It (vi) Under extra ordinary circumstances the Vice- Ow‹S>md H$s ^mdZm H$m A§Hw$aU hmoVm h¡& {dÚmnrR> Amdmgr` g§ñWm 3. N>mÌmdmg _| {H$gr N>mÌm H$m n«doe {dÚmnrR> Ho$ {Z`{_V provides them an atmosphere of belongingness, Chancellor, with the approval of the President Ho$ ê$n _| gw{d»`mV h¡& nmR>çH«$_ _| n«doe `mo½` nm`o OmZo Ho$ ~mX hr {H$`m OmVm h¡ & competition and team spirit. Thus Banasthali can relax any condition except the minimum Vidyapith has assumed the status of a renowned e¡{jH$ {Z`_ 4. N>mÌmdmg _| N>mÌm H$m n«doe S>m°ŠQ>ar Om±M Ho$ ~mX {M{H$Ëgm eligibility, but all such cases will have to be and reputed residential institution. placed before the Executive Council for 1. N>mÌmAm| H$s e¡{jH$ J{V{d{Y`m± g_`-g_` na e¡{jH$ A{YH$mar H$s [anmoQ©> Ho$ AmYma na Am¡a {ZYm©[aV ewëH$ O_m concurrence {ZH$m`m| Ho$ {ZU©` VWm e¡{jH$ {Z`_m| Ûmam g§Mm{bV hm|Jr & H$amZo Ho$ CnamÝV, _w»` ì`dñWm{nH$m Ûmam Xr OmZo dmbr ACADEMIC RULES 2. {dÚmnrR> _| Ho$db N>mÌmAm| H$m n«doe hmoVm h¡ & ñdrH¥${V Ho$ ~mX hr hmoVm h¡& (I) Academic activities of the students will be CAMPUS AND HOSTEL RULES strictly guided by the Academic rules and the 3. ñZmVH$moÎma H$jmAm| Ho$ Abmdm AÝ` H$jmAm| _| {ddm{hV 5. {nVm H$m g§ajH$ hmoZm Amdí`H$ h¡ & {ddm{hV N>mÌm Ho$ At Banasthali Vidyapith it is Mandatory to decisions taken by Academic Bodies from time N>mÌmAm| H$m àdoe gå^d Zht hmoJmŸ& ñZmVH$moÎma H$jmAm| _| ^r g§ajH$ CgHo$ n{V hm|Jo & BgHo$ Abmdm {H$gr AÝ` ì`pŠV take admission in hostel for all the students except to time. {ddm{hV N>mÌmAm| H$m àdoe {deof n[apñW{V _| hr hmoJmŸ& àdoe H$mo g§ajH$ ~Zm`m OmVm h¡ Vmo CgH$m ñnîQ> H$maU {bIZm those residing with their guardians in Vidyapith Ho$ níMmV² 18 df© go H$_ Am`w _| N>mÌm H$m {ddmh hmoZo na Zm_ Mm{hE & {H$gr AÝ` ì`pŠV H$mo g§ajH$ ñdrH$ma H$aZo `m Z (ii) Admission to Banasthali shall be open to girls Campus. n¥WH²$ H$a {X`m OmEJmŸ& H$aZo H$m A{YH$ma {dÚmnrR> H$mo hmoJm & {dÚmnrR> _| ñWmZr` only. IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING 4. {dÚmnrR> _| g_wXm`, Y_©, Om{V, a§J, ñWmZ Am{X Ho$ ^oX^md Ho$ g§ajH$ ~ZmZo H$m {Z`_ Zht h¡ & dZñWbr _| N>mÌmdmg H$s (iii) Admission of married students shall not be APPLICATION FORM _w»` ì`dñWm{nH$m hr ñWmZr` g§ajH$ h¡& {~Zm n«doe hmoVo h¢ & possible in other courses except the 1. All the hostels of Vidyapith come under “Shri 5. {dÚmnrR> _| n«doe MmhZo dmbr N>mÌmAm| H$mo {ZYm©[aV AmdoXZ- 6. NmÌmdmg _| {H$gr N>mÌm Ho$ n«doe Ho$ {bE {~Zm H$moB© H$maU postgraduate courses. In post-graduate Shantabai Shiksha Kuteer” for management nÌ _| AmdoXZ H$a {Z{X©îQ> {V{W VH$ ewëH$ O_m H$amZm Mm{h`o& ~Vm`o BÝH$ma H$aZo H$m {dÚmnrR> Ho$ Hw$bn{V H$mo nyam courses too, on very special circumstances purpose. A{YH$ma h¡ & only, the married students will be provided 2. Application form for hostel admission must be 6. AË`ÝV {deof n[apñW{V _| Hw$bn{V H$mo AÜ`j H$s AZw_{V go admission. After being admitted to a course, if 7. {ZpíMV VmarI VH$ N>mÌmdmg ewëH$ H$s {H$ñV| O_m Z H$amZo sent alongwith the admission form. Ho$db Ý`yZV_ `mo½`Vm H$mo N>mo‹S>H$a {H$gr AÝ` eV© _| Ny>Q> XoZo a student gets married before attaining the age H$m A{YH$ma h¡ {H$ÝVw Eogo g^r _m_bm| H$o AZw_moXZ Ho$ {bE na VrZ gßVmh ~mX N>mÌm H$m Zm_ H$mQ>Zo H$m {dÚmnrR> H$mo A{YH$ma hmoJm & of 18 years, her admission shall be cancelled 3. A student will be admitted in hostel only after Cgo H$m`©g{_{V Ho$ g_j aIZm Amdí`H$ h¡ & from the Vidyapith. getting regular admission in a class. n[aga Ed§ N>mÌmdmg {Z`_ 8. N>mÌmdmg Eogr N>mÌmAm| H$mo n«doe XoZo go BZH$ma H$a gH$Vm h¡ Omo {dJV df© _| H$jmAm|/n«m`mo{JH$ H$m`©/narjmAm| _| (iv) Admission will be open to all women 4. Final admission will be only given after dZñWbr {dÚmnrR> EH$ Amdmgr` (Residential) g§ñWm h¡ &

40 41

Prospectus {ddaU n{ÌH$m 2021-22 2021-22 {dÚmc` {ejm School Education medical examination by the Medical Officer 10. All the students should attend classes as well as and after depositing proper fee and approval practicals regularly. Absence from classes of Chief Warden thereafter. without prior permission may cause cancellation of admission from hostel except 5. “Father” will be treated as natural guardian. in case of illness. {Z`{_V ê$n go CnpñWV Z ahr hm| AWdm {OZH$m e¡{jH$ 12. H$moB© N>mÌm AnZo H$_ao _| Eogm H$m`© Zht H$aoJr, {Oggo {H$ In case of married students “Husband” will be 11. It is collective as well as individual H$m`© {dJV df© _| gÝVmofOZH$ Z ahm hmo & CgHo$ H$_ao H$s Xygar N>mÌm/N>mÌmAm| `m N>mÌmdmg H$s AÝ` treated as the guardian. In case of any other responsibility of the students to keep the hostel N>mÌmAm| H$mo H$moB© naoemZr hmo & person being the guardian, clarification of the 9. N>mÌmAm| Ho$ {bE N>mÌmdmg H$s ì`dñWm{nH$m, _w»` premises clean and healthy. ì`dñWm{nH$m d Hw$bn{V Ho$ AZwemgZ gå~ÝYr {ZX}em| H$m 13. H$moB© ^r N>mÌm {H$gr Xygar N>mÌm H$mo N>mÌmdmg Ho$ {Z`_ ^§J same must be provided. Vidyapith reserves the 12. Students should not create any inconvenience nmbZ H$aZm A{Zdm`© h¡& AZwemgZhrZVm na N>mÌm H$m H$aZo H$mo CH$gmEJr Vmo Bgo Jå^raVm go {b`m OmEJmŸ& right for its acceptability. No person will be to the other students of the hostel. N>mÌmdmg n«doe aÔ {H$`m Om gH$Vm h¡ & 14. gm`§H$mb gmBb|g ~¡b Ho$ ~mX go N>mÌmAm| H$mo AnZo H$_am| _| accepted as Local guardian by rule. The Chief Warden of hostels is the local guardian for all 13. It is considered a very serious matter if a 10. ha N>mÌm H$mo {Z`{_V ê$n go g_` na H$jmAm| d ahZm hmoJm & student encourages other student(s) to breach the students. n«`moJembmAm| _| OmZm Mm{hE & ~r_mar Ho$ Abmdm H$jm go 15. H$_ao _| {H$gr ^r n«H$ma H$m ^moOZ ~ZmZm _Zm h¡ & any of these rules. {~Zm AZw_{V AZwnpñWV ahZo na N>mÌm H$m n«doe aÔ {H$`m 16. N>mÌmE± ^moOZ H$j _|, N>mÌmdmg Ho$ XadmOo `m XadmOo Ho$ 6. Vice-Chancellor, Banasthali Vidyapith 14. Students must remain inside their rooms after Om gH$Vm h¡ & ~mha ZmBQ>-gyQ>, ZmBQ> JmCZ `m S´>o>qgJ JmCZ _| Zht Om`|Jr& reserves the right to refuse admission to the the silence bell. hostel without any reason whatsoever. 11. N>mÌmdmg _| ahZo dmbr N>mÌmE± N>mÌmdmg Am¡a n[aga H$mo 17. N>mÌmAm| H$mo {~Obr H$m ñQ>mod, B_e©Z am°S> Am{X H$m Cn`moJ 15. Cooking is not allowed inside the room. gm\$-gwWam aIZo Ho$ {bE ì`pŠVJV Ed§ gm_y{hH$ ê$n go H$aZo H$r _Zmhr h¡ µµ& H$_ao _| Bg n«H$ma H$m CnH$aU nm`o OmZo 7. Vidyapith reserves the right to cancel the 16. Wearing dresses like night suit, night gown or {µOå_oXma hm|Jr & na dh N>mÌm go bo {b`m OmEJm Am¡a Cgo bm¡Q>m`m Zht OmEJm& admission of any student after 3 weeks if the dressing gown etc. is not allowed at Cafeteria proper fees is not deposited by stipulated time. or at the door/outside hostels. 8. Hostel reserves the right to refuse admission to 17. Electrical stove, emersion rod etc. are not those who are irregular in attendance or whose permissible in the hostel. Such equipment if academic performance has remained found in the hostel room will be taken and will unsatisfactory in the previous year. not be returned back. 9. It is mandatory to follow the instructions of 18. Transistor, Radio, Tape recorder etc. may be warden, Chief Warden and the Vice- used in the room subject to the no objection by other students. If it creates inconvenience it Chancellor regarding monitoring the may be taken away and will be returned only at discipline otherwise it may cause termination the time of leaving the hostel. from the hostels. 19. Use of jewelry and cosmetics is uncommon.

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Prospectus {ddaU n{ÌH$m 2021-22 2021-22 {dÚmc` {ejm School Education 18. AJa {H$gr N>mÌm Ho$ nmg Q´>>m§{OñQ>a, ao{S>`mo, Qo>n[aH$mS©>a `m ^moOZ Ed§ ZmíVm Eogr hr H$moB© Am¡a MrO h¡ Vmo CgH$m Cn`moJ dh V~ VH$ hr ZmíVm (àmV…H$mbrZ) - XÿY, Mm`, A§Hw$[aV AZmO, X{b`m H$a gH$Vr h¡, O~VH$ {H$ CgHo$ H$_ao H$s Xygar N>mÌmAm| `m (_rR>m/Z_H$sZ), Q>moñQ>, g¡ÊS>{dM (doO/Amby), nmohm, namR>m n‹S>m¡gr N>mÌmAm| H$mo Agw{dYm Z hmo & Bg {Z`_ H$m Cëb§KZ (ñQ>âS>/_gmbm/gmXm), Xhr, doO BS>br, CËn_, Mrbm, H$ƒr H$aZo na CnH$aU N>mÌm go bo {b`m OmEJm Am¡a Cgo N>mÌm Ho$ hëXr, Am±dbm, Vwbgr, AXaH$ (_m¡g_ Ho$ AZwgma) & Ka OmVo g_` hr bm¡Q>m`m OmEJmŸ& ZmíVm (gm`§ H$mbrZ) - Mm`, \$b/\«w$Q> gbmX, A§Hw$[aV 19. {dÚmnrR> _ §o Odo a Ed § gmÝ¡ X`-© ng« mYZm | H$o à`mJo H$m àMbZ Zht AZmO, N>mobo {Q>ŠH$s, nmd^mOr/~J©a, H$mbm MZm, Z_H$sZ hŸ¡& N>mÌmE ± `h ^r Ü`mZ aI | {H$ CZH$o nmg A{YH$ amHo $S‹ > ^r Zht godB©, BS>br gm§^a, T>moH$bm, H$Q>boQ>, {deof Adgam| d _m¡g_ Ho$ hmZo m Mm{hE & A{YH$ amHo $S‹ > ~H¢ $ _ |O_m aIZm Mm{hE& AZwgma (Koda, \$sUr, {VbnQ²>Q>r, JwS>nQ²>Q>r, IOya, JOH$, aod‹S>r, 20. N>mÌmAm |H$m oAnZm nÌ-ì`dhma N>mÌmdmg H$o Ûmam H$aZm Mm{hE & _y±J\$br, nm°nH$m°Z©, Jw§{O`m, agJwëbm Am{X) & 21. {dÚmnrR> n[aga _| H$jm 12 VH$ H$s N>mÌmAm| Ho$ {b`o ^moOZ gw~h Am¡a em_ - MnmVr, Xmb, gãOr (agoXma/gyIr), _mo~mBb \$moZ/{g_H$mS>© aIZm Ed§ BgH$m Cn`moJ Students should also not keep excess cash in Food and Breakfast Xhr/am`Vm, nwbmd/Mmdb/Vhar/{IM‹S>r, gbmX, AmMma, their rooms. It should be kept in Bank account. nyU©V`m d{O©V h¡Ÿ& `{X {H$gr N>mÌm H$mo {dÚmnrR> n[aga _| nmn‹S> Am{X & Only Vegetarian food is provided in the Vidyapith. _mo~mBb \$moZ/{g_H$mS>© H$m Cn`moJ H$aVo hþE nm`m J`m 20. All the correspondence by the students should Breakfast - Milk, Tea, Sprouted Grains, Dalia àË`oH$ _§Jb Ed§ {deof Adgam| d Ë`m¢hmam| na N>mÌmAm| H$mo be through the hostel. Vmo CgH$m _mo~mBb \$moZ/{g_H$mS>© OãV H$a {b`m Om`oJm ( S w e e t / N a m k e e n ) , To a s t , S a n d w i c h 21. It is prohibited for the nursery to 12th students VWm N>mÌm Ho$ à{V AZwemgZmË_H$ H$m`©dmhr H$s Om`oJrŸ& {deof ^moOZ d {_R>mB`m± Xr OmVr h¡§& (Veg/Pottato), Poha, Paratha, Curd, Veg Idli, to either keep or use a mobile phone/sim-card 22. N>mÌmAm| H$mo H$m`©H$Vm©Am| Ho$ Kam| _| VWm A{V{WJ¥h _| OmZo ZmoQ>… N>mÌmAm| Ho$ nmg ZrMo {bIo AZwgma ì`pŠVJV gm_mZ hmoZm Uttapam, Chila, Kacchi Haldi, Tulsi, Ginger. Mm{hE- in the Vidyapith campus. If a student is found H$s AZw_{V Zht h¡Ÿ& After-noon refreshment - Tea, Fruits, Sprouted (H$) H$n‹S>o Xmo Omo‹S>r ImXr H$s `y{Z\$m_©, ãboOa (H$moQ>) `m using mobile phone/sim-card then the phone 23. Cn`w©ŠV {Z`_m| AWdm {dÚmnrR> Ho$ {Z`_m| H$m nmbZ Zht Grains, Chole-Tikki, Pavbhaji, Burger, Kala Zrbm ñdoQ>a, a§JrZ ñdoQ>a, gXu Ho$ dñÌ, nm±M Omo‹S>r shall be taken into Vidyapith's custody and H$aZo na N>mÌmdmg go {H$gr ^r g_` N>mÌm H$m n«doe aÔ {H$`m Chana, Namkeen Sawai, Idli Sambhar, Dokla, ImXr Ho$ AÝ` H$n‹S>o Ed§ Xmo Omo‹S>r Iob H$s `y{Z\$m_©& such student shall be liable to disciplinary Om gHo$Jm Am¡a Bg gå~ÝY _| Hw$bn{V$H$m {ZU©` ApÝV_ action against her. Cutlet etc. hmoJm Am¡a N>mÌm Ed§ CgHo$ g§ajH$ Ho$ {bE A{Zdm`© ê$n go (I) {~ñVa-MmXa ({~N>mZo d Amo‹T>Zo H$s), V{H$`m {Jbm\$ 22. Students are not allowed to visit staff quarters Lunch & Dinner - Chapati, Dal, Vegetable, _mÝ` hmoJm& (JX²Xm Am¡a V{H$`m N>mÌmdmg go {XE OmVo h¢), ^moOZ as well as guest house without prior permission Curd/Raita, Pulao/Rice/Tehari/Khichdi, Salad, 24. Omo N>mÌmE± gÌmÝV na AnZm gm_mZ, {~ñVa Am{X N>mÌmdmgm| Ho$ ~V©Z (Wmbr, 2 H$Q>moar, ßboQ>, Må_M, _J, {Jbmg) from hostels. Achar, Papad etc. _| >N>mo‹S>H$a OmVr h¢, bo{H$Z Z`o gÌ _| bm¡Q>H$a Zht AmVt, doe^yfm Ed§ `y{Z\$m°_© 23. Breach of rules & regulations would cause Eogr N>mÌmAm| Ho$ g§ajH$m| H$mo AŠQy>~a Ho$ AÝV VH$ AnZr Special diet may be provided on & specific termination from hostel and the decision of Tuesday N>mÌm H$m gm_mZ Adí` _±Jdm boZm Mm{hE AÝ`Wm Cg {dÚmnrR> _| {d{eï> dmVmdaU ~Zm`o aIZo Ho$ {cE `h Oê$ar h¡ {H$ occasions. Vice-Chancellor will be final in this regard gm_mZ H$mo Am¡a A{YH$ g_` VH$ gwa{jV aIZo Ho$ {bE N>mÌmAm| H$m ahZ - ghZ gmXm Am¡a gwé{MnyU© hmo& {dÚmnrR> n[aga which will have to be acceptable to the Students should have following items with them N>mÌmdmg H$m H$moB© Xm{`Ëd Zht hmoJmŸ& _| N>mÌm H$mo A{Zdm`© ê$n go ImXr nhZZm hmoJm AJa ImXr nhZZo Ho$ {Z`_ H$m N>mÌm Ûmam Cëb§KZ {H$`m OmVm h¡ Vmo {dÚmnrR> _| guardian as well as to the student. while coming to Banasthali 24. Students leaving their belonging in the hostels (a) Clothes : Two sets of Khadi Uniform, Blazer but do not turnup later must collect their (Coat). Five sets of other dresses in Khadi only belonging at least by the end of the month of and two sets of sports uniform. October. After that their will be no responsibility of safe return of their Items. (b) Bedding and utensils for food.

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Prospectus {ddaU n{ÌH$m 2021-22 2021-22 {dÚmc` {ejm School Education CgH$m àdoe {ZañV H$a {X`m OmEJm& ImXr H$m AW© ImXr Dress & Uniform J«m_moÚmoJ H$_reZ Ûmam à_m{UV hmW ~wZm, hmW H$Vm gyVr H$n‹S>m It is mandatory to wear Khadi in Vidyapith h¡& Bg {Z`_ H$m nmbZ R>rH$ àH$ma go hmo, Bg{bE g§ajH$m| H$mo Campus Khadi implies the hand woven cotton cloth N>mÌmAm| Ho$ {bE ZrMo {bIo AZwgma ewÕ ImXr Ho$ H$n‹S>m| H$s certified by Khadi Gramodyog Commission. ì`dñWm H$aZr Mm{hE& To evolve a unique pattern and harmonious balance H$jm 8 VH$ it is mandatory that students should lead a simple 1. Zrbm (H$mo~mëQ> ãby a§J H$m) \«$m°H$/Hw$Vm©, g\o$X gbdma, life and develop a proper sense of values. g\o$X MwÞr, g\o$X OyVo, g\o$X _moOo (ha ~wYdma Am¡a a{ddma 1. School Uniform Ho$ {bE) Up to Class 8th 2. g\o$X \«$m°H$, g\o$X OyVo Ed§ g\o$X _moOo (ha ewH«$dma Ho$ {bE) 3. a§JrZ ImXr Ho$ H$n‹S>o, a§JrZ OyVo Ed§ _moOo (ha Jwédma, Cobalt blue frock or blue Kurta, White Salwar, e{Zdma Ed§ gmo_dma Ho$ {bE) 4. V¡amH$s Ho$ {bE Zodr ãby a§J H$m "dr' AmH$ma H$m ñdrq_J white dupatta, navy blue sweater (full sleeves and Ÿ White sports shoes and socks 4. Zodr ãby ñdoQ>a (AmYr `m nyar ~m±h H$m) Ed§ ãboOa H$moQ>, Zodr H$mñQ²>`y_ hmoZm Mm{hE & without sleeves), Blazer (Coat-in winter) white shoes Ÿ Navy blue V shaped swimming costume and white socks. cobalt blue Muffler, Scarf, cap ãby _\$ba, ñH$m\©$ `m Q>monr ZmoQ> …- To maintain uniformity clothes should be From Class 9 to 12th H$jm 9 go 12 VH$$ 1. N>mÌm Ho$ nmg {dÚmb` d Iob H$s Xmo-Xmo Omo‹S>r `y{Z\$m°_© purchased from Banasthali. 1. Zrbm Hw$Vm© (H$mo~mëQ> ãby a§J H$m), g\o$X gbdma, g\o$X MwÞr, hmoZr Mm{hE & 1. Cobalt blue Kurta, White Salwar, white dupatta, Note white shoes and socks (every Wednesday and g\o$X OyVo Ed§ g\o$X _moOo (ha ~wYdma Ed§ a{ddma H$mo) 2. N>mÌm Ho$ nmg ewÕ ImXr Ho$ 5 Omo‹S>r AÝ` H$n‹S>o, D Zr H$n‹S>o 1) Every student should possess 2 sets of each Sunday) 2. g\o$X Hw$Vm©, g\o$X gbdma, g\o$X MwÞr, g\o$X OyVo Ed§ g\o$X d OyVo-Mßnb gÌ Ho$ Amaå^ go hr gmW hmoZo Mm{hE & uniform. _moOo (ha ewH«$dma Ho$ {bE) 3. {eew dJ© H$s b‹S>{H$`m| H$s S>´og \«$m°H$ hmoJr Am¡a b‹S>H$m| H$s 2. White Kurta, white Salwar, white Duptta, white 2) Every student should have 5 sets of other nmoemH$ g\o$X H$_rO Am¡a Zrbm hm°\$ noÝQ> hmoJr & Shoes, white Socks (Every Friday) 3. a§JrZ ImXr Ho$ H$n‹S>o (gbdma, Hw$Vm©, MwÞr) a§JrZ OyVo Ed§ Khadi dresses or woollen garments. Sandals, _moOo (ha Jwédma, e{Zdma Ed§ gmo_dma Ho$ {bE) 3. Coloured Khadi dresses (Salwar, Kurta, Duptta) 4. {dXoer N>mÌmAm| H$mo {dXoer T>§J H$s nmoemH$ nhZZo H$s Shoes, right from the beginning. 4. Zodr ãby ñdoQ>a (AmYr `m nyar ~m±h H$m) Ed§ ãboOa (H$moQ>), BOmOV h¡ bo{H$Z H$n‹S>o ewÕ ImXr Ho$ hm|Jo & cloured shoes and cloured socks (For Every 3) Students of nursery and primary should wear Zodr ãby _\$ba, ñH$m\©$ `m Q>monr 5. N>mÌmAm| Ho$ {bE {_b Ho$ H$n‹S>m| d aoe_r H$n‹S>m| H$m Cn`moJ Thursday, Saturday and Monday) frocks. Boys should wear white shirt and navy d{O©V h¡ AV… N>mÌm AnZo gmW {_b Ho$ dñÌ Z bmdo& N>mÌm Ho$ 4. Navy blue sweater (full sleeves and without IocHy$X - n[aYmZ blue pants nmg {_b Ho$ `m AÝ` Adm§N>Zr` H$n‹S>o nmE OmZo na do Cggo sleeves), Blazer (coat in winter), navy blue 1. H$m°ba dmbm g\o$X Q>r-eQ>© (Q>r-eQ>© Ho$ nrN>o "dZñWbr' {bIm 4) Students coming from abroad can wear hmoZm Mm{hE) Zodr ãby a§J H$m ZoH$a, em°Q>© ñH$Q>© & {bE Om gH$Vo h¢& bm¡Q>mZo H$s {Oå_oXmar N>mÌmdmg H$s Zht muffler/scarf/cap. dresses of their choice provided the material is hmoJr & 2. Sports uniform 2. Zodr ãby a§J H$m Q>´oH$-gyQ> (Ana Ho$ nrN>o "dZñWbr' {bIm of khadi. hmoZm Mm{hE Am¡a bmoAa _| VrZ g\o$X a§J H$s 3 Ym[a`m± dmbm AJa ImXr nhZZo Ho$ {Z`_ H$m N>mÌm Ûmam Cëb§KZ {H$`m Ÿ White collared T-Shirt with 'Banasthali' 5) Wearing of silk or clothes of mill are strictly bmoAa hmoZm Mm{hE) & OmVm h¡ Vmo {dÚmnrR> _| CgH$m àdoe {ZañV H$a {X`m written at the back. prohibited. No students are permitted to bring 3. g\o$X ñnmoQ²>©g OyVo Ed§ g\o$X _moOo & OmEJm & Ÿ Navy blue short skirt such clothes along with them. If such items are Ÿ Navy blue shorts found with any student, they will be ceased and Ÿ White shoes and socks hostel will not be responsible to return the items. Ÿ Navy blue track suit with 'Banasthali' If a student fails to wear Khadi admission might be written at the back of the top and Lower cancelled. with 3 white strips.

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Prospectus {ddaU n{ÌH$m 2021-22 2021-22 {dÚmc` {ejm School Education

gmám{hH$ Am¡a AÝ` AdH$me Holidays

gmd©O{ZH$ AdH$me H$a coZo Ho$ ~mX hr N>mÌm H$mo coZo Ho$ {cE dZñWcr nhþ±MZm Mm{hE& Public Holidays Ÿ On guardian's arrival to Banasthali without pre 1. B©XwbOwhm OwbmB© 21, 2021 {~Zm nyd© - ñdrH¥${V Ho$ N>mÌm H$mo coZo Ho$ {cE dZñWcr AmZo na 1. Id-ul-Juha July 21, 2021 intimation, leave may not be granted. Ÿ 2. ajm~§YZ AJñV 22, 2021 N>mÌm H$mo Ka ^oOZo go BÝH$ma {H$`m Om gH$Vm h¡& `{X _mVm - 2. Rakshabandhan August 22, 2021 In case for any reason, father, mother or guardian {nVm `m g§ajH$ N>mÌm H$mo coZo Ho$ {cE ñd`§ Z Amd| Am¡a AnZo AÝ` 3. Janmashthami August 30, 2021 is unable to come to collect their wards during 3. OÝ_mîQ>_r AJñV 30, 2021 break or any other occasion, it is essential to {H$gr n«{V{Z{Y H$mo ^oO|, Vmo CZHo$ gmW N>mÌm H$mo ^oOZo Ho$ {cE 4. Shantabai’s Birthday & 4. emÝVm~mB© H$m OÝ_{XZ Ed§ produce an authority letter duly signed and CZH$s Amoa go {c{IV ñdrH¥${V Am¡a AmZo dmco ì`pŠV Ho$ hñVmja Founder’s Day October 07, 2021 [dÚmnrR> H$m ñWmnZm {Xdg AŠQy>~a 07, 2021 attested by the guardian for grant of leave. n«_m{UV hmoH$a AmZm Amdí`H$ h¡& N>mÌm H$mo AdH$me {dÚmnrR> 5. Mahanavami October 14, 2021 Ÿ Leave is permissible only if application is sent in 5. _hmZd_r AŠQy>~a 14, 2021 Ûmam CncãY H$admB© JB© Ho$dc ñd`§ H$s N>mÌm AdH$me 6. Dussera October 15, 2021 prescribed proforma of leave made available to 6. Xeham AŠQy>~a 15, 2021 AmdoXZ-nÌ nwpñVH$m _| {X`o hþ`o n«nÌ _| n«ñVwV H$aZo na hr 7. Deepawali November 04-06, 2021 every student by the Vidyapith office. 7. Xrnmdbr Zdå~a 04-06, 2021 ñdrH¥$V {H$`m Om gHo$Jm& N>mÌm Ûmam n«ñVwV AmdoXZ-nÌ na `m 8. Gurunanak Birthday November 19, 2021 Ÿ Only in exceptional cases telephonic Qo>cr\$moZ Ûmam n«má AmdoXZ na AË`ÝV {deof n[apñW{V Ho$ 9. Christmas December 25, 2021 8. JwéZmZH$ O`§Vr Zdå~a 19, 2021 conversation, telegram or fax message will be Acmdm Nw>Q²>Q>r Zht Xr OmVr h¡& g§ajH$ H$m AmdoXZ-nÌ a{OñQ>S©> 9. {H«$g_g {Xgå~a 25, 2021 10. Makar Sankranti January 14, 2022 considered. S>mH$ Ûmam gå~pÝYV H$m`m©c` _| hr AmZm Mm{hE& {H$gr EH$ N>mÌm 11. Mahashivratri March 01, 2022 Ÿ The application for leave should reach the 10. _H$a g§H«$m§{V OZdar 14, 2022 H$mo {H$gr Xygar N>mÌm Ho$ Ka OmZo Ho$ {cE ^r ñdrH¥${V Zht Xr 12. Holi March 17-18, 2022 concerned office through registered post. 11. _hm{edam{Ì _mM© 01, 2022 OmVr h¡& 13. Ram Navami April 10, 2022 Ÿ In any case students will not be permitted to go 12. hmobr _mM© 17-18, 2022 \¡$Šg go ^oOr OmZo dmcr N>mÌmAm| H$s AdH$me AZw_{V na 14. Mahavir Jayanti April 14, 2022 to any friend's house or along with any friend's 13. am_Zd_r Ano«b 10, 2022 {dMma Zhr {H$`m Om`oJm& 15. Id-ul-Fitr May 03, 2022 guardian. 14. _hmdra O`ÝVr Aàob 14, 2022 Note : Tuesday is the weekly holiday in Banasthali. g§ajH$ H¥$n`m Bg ~mV H$m Ü`mZ aI| {H$ {dÚmnrR> _| Ÿ Fax message will not be considered. 15. B©Xwb{\$Va _B© 03, 2022 Special programmes are organised on Ÿ Tuesday being a holiday for Banasthali _§Jcdma H$m gmám{hH$ AdH$me ahVm h¡& AV… _§Jcdma `m Independence day (15 August), Gandhi Jayanti (2 ZmoQ>… {dÚmnrR> _| _§Jbdma H$m gmßVm{hH$ AdH$me ahVm h¡ & Vidyapith all parents and guardians are AÝ` gmd©O{ZH$ AdH$me Ho$ {XZ {H$gr ^r N>mÌm H$m AdH$me October), Apaji’s birthday (24 November) and ñdV§ÌVm {Xdg (15 AJñV), Jm§Yr O`§Vr (2 AŠQy>~a), AmnmOr requested not to approach for any permission, ñdrH$ma H$aZo H$s H$moB© H$m`©dmhr Zht hmo gHo$Jr& Republic day (26 January) and usually leave is not as all offices will remain closed. OÝ_{Xdg (24 Zdå~a) Ed§ JUV§Ì {Xdg (26 OZdar) na granted for any of these days. {deof H$m`©H«$_ Am`mo{OV {H$`o OmVo h§¡ & BZ {Xdgm| _| ~mha OmZo ZmoQ> … J_u H$s Nw>{Å>`m| _| Ho$dc CÝht N>mÌmAm| Ho$ N>mÌmdmg _| ahZo Ÿ Only on acceptance of prior permission from Note – During summer vacation only those na AdH$me boZm hmoJm & H$s ì`dñWm ahVr h¡, {OZH$mo {H$gr n«{ejU-{deof Ho$ gå~ÝY _| competent authority a student may be allowed students will be permitted to stay back in the hostel N>mÌm H$mo Nw>Q²>Q>r na ~wcmZo H$s hmcV _| _mVm - {nVm `m dZñWcr _| ahZm hmoVm h¡& AÝ` g^r N>mÌmAm| H$mo Nw>{Å>`m| _| Ka to proceed on leave with father, mother or who are engaged in some project work or other g§ajH$ H$mo Nw>Q²>Q>r H$s nyd© - ñdrH¥${V gå~pÝYV A{YH$mar go n«má OmZm hmoVm h¡& guardian. courses.

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Prospectus {ddaU n{ÌH$m 2021-22 2021-22 {dÚmc` {ejm School Education H¡$go nhþ±Mo dZñWcr How To Reach Banasthali 1. AdpñW{V 3. g‹S>H$ _mJ© Ûmam H¡$go nhþ±Mo 1. Situation 3. How to reach by Road dZñWbr O`nwa-H$moQ>m amîQ´>>r` amO_mJ© g§»`m 12 go 7 Banasthali is situated in district Tonk in the Banasthali is situated 7 km. off Jaipur-Kota dZñWbr amOñWmZ amÁ` Ho$ Q>m|H$ {Obo _| h¡ & `h amÁ` H$s State of Rajasthan. It is 72 Km. South of the National Highway (No. 12). One has to go 7 amOYmZr O`nwa go 72 {H$bmo_rQ>a X{jU _| pñWV h¡ & {H$bmo_rQ>a hQ>H$a pñWV h¡ & O`nwa go 65 {H$bmo_rQ>a X{jU _| State capital Jaipur. km. south from 65 km. (from Jaipur) stone on AmZo Ho$ ~mX 7 {H$bmo_rQ>a npíM_ AmZm hmoVm h¡ & 2. How to reach by Train the Highway. 2. aob Ûmam H¡$go nhþ±M| There are 9 buses of Rajasthan State Road amOñWmZ amÁ` g‹S>H$ n[adhZ {ZJ_ H$s 9 ~g| n«{V{XZ BANASTHALI NIWAI Railway station is on Transport Corporation plying daily from ~ZñWbr {ZdmB© aobdo ñQo>eZ npíM_ aobdo H$s O`nwa-gdmB© O`nwa d dZñWbr n[aga Ho$ AÝXa {ZåZmZwgma MbVr h¢ … the Jaipur-Swaimadhopur-Mumbai Broad Jaipur to Banasthali Campus as per the _mYmonwa-_wå~B© ~‹S>r aob bmBZ na h¡ & `h O`nwa Am¡a gdmB© Ho$ÝÐr` ~g AÈ>m (qgYr H¡$ån) O`nwa go n«ñWmZ gauge line of the Western Railway. It is following timings : equidistance from Jaipur and Swaimadhopur, DEPARTURE FROM CENTRAL BUS STAND _mYmonwa XmoZm| go g_mZ Xyar 66 {H$bmo_rQ>a na h¡ & (SINDHI CAMP) JAIPUR 05.45 06.45 08.15 09.15 11.30 66 km. from both. O`nwa npíM_ aobdo H$s {Xëbr-Ah_Xm~mX _w»` bmBZ na 13.45 16.15 17.00 18.30 05.45 06.45 08.15 09.15 11.30 JAIPUR is on Delhi-Ahmedabad Broad-gauge 13.45 16.15 17.00 18.30 h¡& `hm± Ho$ {bE {Xëbr O§ŠeZ, AmJam {H$bm, Ah_Xm~mX, BÝXm¡a, {dÚmnrR> n[aga go n«ñWmZ main-line of Western Railway and there are DEPARTURE FROM VIDYAPITH CAMPUS _wå~B©, CX`nwa, ~rH$mZoa, OmoYnwa, MoÝZB©, ~¢Jbmoa, hmd‹S>m go grYr 05.30 06.00 07.00 08.15 10.00 direct trains to Jaipur from Delhi-Junction, 05.30 06.00 07.00 08.15 10.00 Jm{‹S>`m± h¡§ & Agra Fort, Ahmedabad, Indore, Mumbai, 11.15 12.15 14.15 16.45 11.15 12.15 14.15 16.45 , , , Chennai, The bus takes about 2 hours and 45 minutes to gdmB© _mYmonwa npíM_ aobdo H$s {Xëbr-_wå~B© g¡ÊQ´>>b ~‹S>r O`nwa Am¡a dZñWbr {dÚmnrR> Ho$ ~rM ~g bJ^J 2 KÊQo Bangalore, Howrah etc. cover the distance Jaipur to Banasthali bmBZ na h¡ `hm± Ho$ {bE AmJam {H$bm go ^r grYr Jm{‹S>`m± h¢ & 45 {_{ZQ> H$m g_` boVr h¡ & H$moQ>m go ~g Ûmam AmZo na {ZdmB© SAWAIMADHPOUR is on Delhi-Mumbai Vidyapith. Persons travelling by bus from Kota will have CVa H$a dZñWbr H$s ~g br Om gH$Vr h¡ & Central Broad–gauge main-line of the Western O`nwa-gdmB© _mYmonwa Am¡a H$moQ>m Ho$ ~rM _| 10 Jm{‹S>`m± Railway. There are direct trains to Sawai- to disembark at and take connecting 4. hdmB© _mJ© go H¡$go nhþ±Mo Bus. {ZåZmZwgma MbVr h¢ … madhopur from Agra Fort also. 4. How to reach by Air gm§JmZoa (O`nwa) dZñWbr Ho$ {bE {ZH$Q>V_ {d_mZVb h¡ & dZñWbr {ZdmB© aoëdo ñQ>oeZ na Ho$db AÕ©am{Ì H$s 2 Jm{‹S>`m| H$mo Ten trains run between Jaipur, Sawai Sanganer (Jaipur) is the nearest Air-Port for Madhopur and Kota on the following timings:- N>mo‹S>H$a eof na {dÚmnrR> H$m dmhZ CnbãY h¡ & `h {dÚmnrR> go 60 {H$bmo_rQ>a H$s Xÿar na h¡ & Banasthali. It is 60 Km. from Vidyapith {dÚmnrR> H$m AnZm AZwkm n«mßV {ZOr {d_mZVb h¡& Vidyapith’s Transport meets all the trains Campus. except two midnight trains at the Banasthali Banasthali has it’s own private licensed aob Z§. (S>mCZ) 59802 19713 22982 59805 12940 12466 12182 54812 18574 14706 Newai Railway Station. Landing-Ground. O`nwa Dep. 23.55 21.05 05.40 06.40 09.15 11.05 17.35 16.50 20.30 23.30 Train No. (down) 59802 19713 22982 59805 12940 12466 12182 54812 18574 14706 (Tue,Sat) (Sun) Jaipur Dep. 23.55 21.05 05.40 06.40 09.15 11.05 17.35 16.50 20.30 23.30 ~ZñWbr-{ZdmB© Arr. 00.56 21.58 06.30 07.54 10.06 11.56 18.28 18.59 21.24 00.20 (Tue,Sat) (Sun) gdmB©_mYmonwa Arr. 02.45 23.15 07.45 09.45 11.25 13.25 19.15 20.30 22.45 01.55 Banasthli-Niwai Arr. 00.56 21.58 06.30 07.54 10.06 11.56 18.28 18.59 21.24 00.20 H$moQ>m Arr. 05.35 00.35 09.45 –- 12.50 14.45 20.55 22.45 00.30 03.25 Sawai Madhopur Arr. 02.45 23.15 07.45 09.45 11.25 13.25 19.15 20.30 22.45 01.55 54811 19714 12181 12939 18573 12465 22981 59806 59801 14710 aob Z§. (An) Kota Arr. 05.35 00.35 09.45 –- 12.50 14.45 20.55 22.45 00.30 03.25 H$moQ>m Dep. 02.55 01.55 07.40 09.30 11.30 12.35 17.20 -- 23.50 11.30 Train No. (up) 54811 19714 12181 12939 18573 12465 22981 59806 59801 14710 (Mon/Thu) (Thu) Kota Dep. 02.55 01.55 07.40 09.30 11.30 12.35 17.20 -- 23.50 11.30 gdmB©_mYmonwa Arr. 05.55 04.00 09.40 11.30 13.40 14.25 19.15 17.00 01.45 13.40 (Mon/Thu) (Thu) ~ZñWbr-{ZdmB© Arr. 07.05 04.47 10.33 12.26 14.32 15.35 20.22 18.06 03.01 14.32 Sawai Madhopur Arr. 05.55 04.00 09.40 11.30 13.40 14.25 19.15 17.00 01.45 13.40 O`nwa Arr. 09.10 06.15 11.50 13.40 16.00 16.45 21.35 20.15 04.35 16.00 Banasthali-Niwai Arr. 07.05 04.47 10.33 12.26 14.32 15.35 20.22 18.06 03.01 14.32 Jaipur Arr. 09.10 06.15 11.50 13.40 16.00 16.45 21.35 20.15 04.35 16.00 52 53

Prospectus {ddaU n{ÌH$m 2021-22 2021-22 {dÚmc` {ejm School Education gm_mÝ` gyMZmE± General Information 1. dZñWcr {dÚmnrR> O`nwa go (O`nwa-H$moQ>m g‹S>H$ go 5 {H$cmo_rQ>a hQ>H$a) Hw$c 72 {H$cmo_rQ>a (54 _rc) h¡& ROAD LINK : BANKING FACILITIES :

2. dZñWcr {ZdmB© aocdo ñQo>eZ npíM_r aocdo H$s O`nwa-gdmB© _mYmonwa ~«°mS>JoO emIm na pñWV h¡& dZñWcr {dÚmnrR>, {ZdmB© aocdo ñQo>eZ 72 km. from Jaipur. 7 km. off. Jaipur-Kota Road at 65 Banasthali Vidyapith : go 8 {H$cmo_rQ>a (5 _rc) Xya h¡& dZñWcr _| aocdo H$s ~wqH$J-H$_-[aOd}eZ EO|gr h¡& km. stone. (i) State Bank of India (15363) 3. dZñWcr-{ZdmB© aocdo ñQo>eZ go {dÚmnrR> H¡$ång VH$ N>mÌmAm| Ed§ {dÚmnrR> Ho$ A{V{W`m| Ho$ {cE {dÚmnrR> H$s AnZr g_w{MV `mVm`mV There are 14 buses of Rajasthan Roadways Transport (ii) UCO Bank (00521) Corporation between Jaipur-Banasthali. ì`dñWm h¡& (iii) The Central Co-operative Bank Ltd., 4. O`nwa go dZñWcr AmZo-OmZo Ho$ {cE amOñWmZ ñQo>Q> amoS>doO H$s {Z`{_V ~g godm h¡& RAILWAY STATION : Tonk (Branch Banasthali Vidyapith) (iv) SBI ATM facility 5. dZñWcr H$m AnZm ~‹S>m hdmB© OhmO _¡XmZ h¡& hdmB© _mJ© go {X„r go dZñWcr CVZm hr Xya h¡ {OVZm O`nwa& Banasthali-Niwai (Sawai Madhopur-Jaipur Line) AIR LINK : (v) UCO Bank ATM facility 6. S>mH$Ka-dZñWcr {dÚmnrR> 304022 (amOñWmZ) {dÚmnrR> _| ñnrS> nmoñQ> S>mH$ gw{dYm CncãY h¡& (vi) ICICI Bank ATM facility (Banasthali Vidyapith-304022 (Rajasthan) Banasthali has its own licenced Air Field (09/27) Newai : Jaipur Airport is 59 km. ~¡qH$J gw{dYmE±° dZñWbr {dÚmnrR>- (i) State Bank of India (07259) POST OFFICE : 7. dZñWbr- (i) ^maVr` ñQo>Q> ~¢H$ (15363), (ii) `yH$mo ~¢H$ (00521), (iii) Xr g¡ÊQ´b H$mo-Am°nao{Q>d ~¢H$ (ii) Bank of Baroda (00121) Banasthali Vidyapith-304 022, Speed Post facility (i) (ii) Jaipur : {ZdmB©- ñQ>oQ> ~¢H$ Am°\$ BpÊS>`m-(07259), ~¢H$ Am°\$ ~‹S>m¡Xm-(00121) available (i) State Bank of India (00656) O`nwa- (i) ñQ>oQ> ~¢H$ Am°\$ BpÊS>`m-(00656), (ii) EM.S>r.E\$.gr. ~¢H$-(00054), (iii) AmB©.gr.AmB©.gr.AmB©.~¢H$ (06781) Telegraph Office : Banasthali Vidyapith (ii) HDFC Bank (00054) (iii) ICICI Bank (06781)

dZñWcr {dÚmnrR> Qo>cr\$moZ gyMr Telephone Xyag§Mma {d^mJ H$s cmBZ| (EgQ>rS>r H$moS> 01438) OFFICE STD-01438 PBX H$m`m©c` Xya^mf nr. ~r. EŠg. President 228371 303 AÜ`j 228371 303 Vice-Chancellor 228787, 228373 301 Hw$cn{V 228787, 228373 301 Dean, Administration 228975, 228456, 228990 338 S>rZ, ES>{_{ZñQ´o>eZ H$m`m©c` 228975, 228456, 228990 338 Apaji Institute 228647 306 AmnmOr g§ñWmZ 228647 306 Faculty of Education 228430 371 {ejm g§H$m` 228430 371 Wisdom 228547 310 {dOS>_ 228547 310 Science Faculty 228302 380 {dkmZ g§H$m` 228302 380 School Education - Primary 228479 320 ñHy$c {ejm n«^mJ - n«mapå^H$ {ejm 228479 320 School Education - Sr. Secondary 228383, 228369 366 ñHy$c {ejm n«^mJ - Shri Shanta Bai Shiksha Kutir 228355 324 g¡H$ÊS>ar Ed§ gr{Z`a g¡H$ÊS>ar 228383, 228369 366 Working Women's Hostel 228362 458 lr emÝVm~mB© {ejm Hw$Q>ra 228355 234 Fax Banasthali Campus 228365 – H$m`©erc _{hcm Amdmg 228362 458 Apaji Institute 228649 – \¡$Šg goÝQ´>c Am°{\$g 228365 E.P.A.B.X. 22841 (12 Lines) \¡$Šg AmnmOr g§ñWmZ 228649 Toll Free No. 1800-200-5855 B©. nr. ~r. EŠg. 228341 (12 cmBZ|) Connect with us on Q>mob \«$s Zå~a 1800-200-5855

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Prospectus {ddaU n{ÌH$m 2021-22 2021-22 {dÚmc` {ejm School Education Banasthali Vidyapith Campus 56

{ddaU n{ÌH$m 2021-22 {dÚmc` {ejm