The London Gazette, November ,27, 1860. 4659

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The London Gazette, November ,27, 1860. 4659 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER ,27, 1860. 4659 (thai is to say), in the case of parishes, with the ton, otherwise Ashton-juxta-Tarvin, and Moulds- parish clerk of each such parish, at his residence, worth, all in the county of Chester, and ter- and in case of any extra-parochial place, with the minating in the township of Mouldsworth, in the parish clerk of some parish immediately adjoining parish of Tarvin, in the said county, in a certain thereto, at his residence. field, and rough bank, called "Birch Lot," be- And it is intended by such Act to alter, amend, longing to William Atkinson, Esquire, and occu- extend, and enlarge, and to repeal some of the pied by Dennis Wright, which said field is powers and provisions of the several Acts fol- bounded on the easterly side by a certain road lowing, or some of them ; (that is to say), or lane called "Stable Lane," leading from and personal, 12 and 13 Viet., cap. 81; 18 and 14 Mouldsworth to the village of Woodside, in the Viet. cap. 94 ; 15 and 16 Viet., caps. 83 and 144; township of Ashton, and on the southerly side 16 and 17 Viet., caps. 52 and 145; 18 and 19 by a-stream called "Ashtoii Brook," forming the Viet., caps. 91 and 129; 21 and 22 Viet., caps. boundary between the townships of Ashton and 75 and 113; 22 and 23 Viet., cap. 5 ; 23 and 24 Mouldsworth. Viet., cap. 15; relating to the Manchester Sheffield Railway No. 2. A railway (hereinafter referred and Lincolnshire Railway Company, and any other to as Railway No. 2) commencing in the said Acts relating to that Company and " Cheshire township of Mouldsworth, in the parish of Tarvin, Midland Railway Act, 1860." in the county of Chester, by a junction with the And notice is hereby further given, that on or said intended Railway No. 1 at the point where before the twenty-second day of December, 1860, Railway No. 1 is intended to terminate, passing printed copies of the intended Act will be depo- thence from, through, or into the several parishes, sited in the Private Bill Office of the House of townships, and extra-parochial and other places Commons, following, or some of them (that is to say): Tarvin, Dated this fourteenth day of November, 1860. Mouldsworth, Ashton, otherwise Ashton-juxta- Robert William. Bennett, Tarvin, Horton, Horton-cum-Peele, Barrow, Great Solicitor to the intended Act, Barrow, Little Barrow, Barrow, Great and Little Manchester and Altrincham. Barrow, Guilden Sutton, otherwise Sutton Guilclen, H. and W. Toogood, Aldford, Plemondestall, otherwise Plemstall, Hoole, Parliamentary Agents, Saint Oswald, Great Boughton, Guilden Sutton, 16, Parliament-street, London. otherwise Sutton Guilden, and Saint John the Baptist, in the county of Chester, Great Boughton, Saint Oswald, and Saint John the Baptist, in the West Cheshire Railways. county of the city of Chester, and terminating in the township of Great Boughton, in the parish of (Construction of Railways from the Cheshire Mid- Saint Oswald, in the county of Chester, at a point land Railway, near Northwich to Chester and in a certain field belonging to Thomas Unwin, Helsby; Powers of Construction, &c., to a Esquire, and occupied by William Wilson, and Company to be incorporated, or to the Cheshire which field is bounded on the northerly side by Midland, the Manchester Sheffield and Lin- the line of the Birkenhead Railway Company colnshire, the Manchester South Junction and leading from Chester to Warrington, and which, Altrincham, the Great Northern, and the Birk- point is distant 42 chains, or thereabouts, measured enhead Railway Companies, and to raise money in an easterly direction (partly along the line of for that purpose; Powers to use the Railways, the said railway) from the bridge carrying a road <fcc., of those Companies, and of the Great called Hoole-lane over the said railway. Western, London and North-Western, and Railway No. 3. A railway (hereinafter referred Chester and Holyhead Railway Companies; to as Railway No. 3), commencing in the said Powers to the intended Company, and some of township of Great Boughton, in the parish of the above-mentioned Railway Companies, to Saint Oswald, in the county of Chester, by a make Working Agreements, and to enable such junction with the said intended Railway No. 2, at Companies to subscribe, &c., and to guarantee the point where Railway No. 2 is intended to interest, &c.; Amendment of Acts.) terminate, passing thence in, through, or into the OTICE is hereby given, that application is several parishes, townships, and extra-parochial N intended to be made to Parliament, in the and other places of Saint Oswald, Great Boughton, ensuing session, for an Act for making and main- Plemondestal, otherwise Plemstall, Saint John the taining the railways and works following, or some Baptist, and Hoole, in the county of Chester, and or one of them, or some part or parts thereof Saint John the Baptist, in the county of the city respectively, with all proper and necessary stations, of Chester, or some or one of them, and terminating approaches, works, and conveniences connected in the said parish of Saint John the Baptist, in the therewith respectively, (that is to say): county of the city of Chester, in a field belonging Railway No. 1. A railway (hereinafter referred to Thomas Brassey, and occupied by John Gregory, to as Railway No. 1) commencing in the town- and which field is bounded on the northerly side by ship of Witton-cum-Twambrooks, in the parish an occupation road, and on the southerly side by of Great Budworth, in the county of Chester, by the line of the London and North-Western Railway a junction with the authorized line of the Cheshire Company, leading from Chester to Crewe, and is Midland Railway, in or near a certain field num- on the eastern side of the bridge carrying Hoole- bered 7 in that township and parish on the plans lane over the said last mentioned line. of the said Cheshire Midland Railway, referred Railway No. 4. A railway (hereinafter referred to in the "Cheshire Midland Railway Act, to as Railway No. 4), commencing in the said 1860," (and which plans were deposited with the parish of Saint John the Baptist, in the county of Clerk of the Peace for the county of Chester, in the city of Chester, by a junction with the said the month of November, 1859), passing thence intended Railway No. 3, at the point where Rail- from, through, or into the several parishes, town- way No. 3 is intended to terminate, passing thence ships, and extra-parochial and other places fol- in, through, or into the several parishes, townships, lowing, or some of them (that is to say), Great and extra-parochial and other places following, or Budworth, Witton, Witton-cum-Twambrooks, some of them (that is to say), Saint John the Bap- Northwitch, Castle Northwitch, Winnington, tist, Boughton, Spittal, otherwise Spittle, and Hartford, Davenham, Leftwich, Weaverham, Boughton-cum-Spittal, otherwise Boughton-cum- Weaverham-cum-Milton, Cuddington, Delamere, Spittle, in the county of the city of Chester, and Oakmere, Eddisbury, . Kingswood, Tarvin, Ash- terminating in the said parish of Saint John the.
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