
A Programming Model for Time-Synchronized Distributed Real-Time Systems

Yang Zhao Jie Liu Edward A. Lee EECS Department EECS Department UC Berkeley One Microsoft Way UC Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720 USA Redmond, WA 98052, USA Berkeley, CA 94720 USA ellen [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract In addition to interacting over a communication network, the nodes in a distributed interact through Discrete-event (DE) models are formal system specifica- the physical world. Driving an actuator at one , for ex- tions that have analyzable deterministic behaviors. Using a ample, may affect the data sensed at another node. More- global, consistent notion of time, DE components commu- over, actuation may need to be orchestrated across nodes. nicate via time-stamped events. DE models have primarily The required precision of that orchestration, of course, de- been used in performance modeling and simulation, where pends on the application. Robotic applications, .g. in man- time stamps are a modeling property bearing no relation- ufacturing, may require precisions on the order of millisec- ship to real time during execution of the model. In this onds. Instrumentation, where stimuli are generated and re- paper, we extend DE models with the capability of relat- sponses are measured, may require precisions on the order ing certain events to physical time. We propose a program- of nanoseconds or even higher. The question we address in ming model, called PTIDES (Programming Temporally In- this paper is how to construct the distributed software for tegrated Distributed Embedded Systems), which has DE se- such systems. mantics, but with carefully chosen relations between model General-purpose distributed software is dominated by time and real time. Key to making this model effective is to distributed object-oriented programming [32] using frame- ensure that constraints that guarantee determinacy in the works such as CORBA, SOAP, DCOM, EJB, and XML semantics are preserved at runtime. To accomplish this, Web Services. Some extensions of these frameworks, such we give a distributed execution strategy that obeys DE se- as ACE/TAO [31], support real-time concepts, mantics without the penalty of totally ordered executions and have caught on in certain communities (such as avion- based on time stamps. Our technique relies on having a dis- ics) [30]. These technologies are viewed as being too tributed common notion of time, known to some precision. heavyweight for many embedded applications such as in- Based on causality analysis of DE models, we define rele- dustrial control, where software may be written in spe- vant dependency and relevant orders to enable out-of-order cial purpose languages (e.g. based on the International execution without compromising determinism and without Electrotechnical Commission’s IEC 61131) and executed requiring backtracking. on special purpose hardware called Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). Extensions of these techniques to dis- tributed control systems (e.g. IEC 61499), have not proved 1 Introduction satisfactory, because of the non-determinism of implemen- tation. That is, the same standard-compliant application Distributed embedded systems are computer-based sys- running in two different implementations of the runtime en- tems where multiple computers are connected on a network. vironment may result in different behaviors [7]. Typically, each computer is connected to sensors, actuators Our approach to the nondeterminism challenge in con- or human-computer interfaces. Applications include manu- structing distributed real-time system is to rely on network facturing, instrumentation, surveillance, multi-vehicle con- time synchronization [20], where the nodes on trol, avionics systems, automotive systems and scientific the network share a common notion of time to a known pre- experiments. Since each computer interacts with physical cision. This has the potential for being lightweight and de- processes, the passage of time becomes a central feature; it livering repeatable and predictable behaviors at a variety of is this key constraint that distinguishes these systems from timing precisions. in general. Network time synchronization is available on a variety

1 of platforms, including standard computers on the Inter- immediately or it has to wait for other potentially proceed- net (e.g. NTP [29]), time-triggered buses such as TTA or ing events. Once it is sure that the current event can be pro- FlexRay [21], TCP/IP over (e.g. IEEE 1588), and cessed according to DE semantics, it hands the event over to wireless networks (e.g. RBS [11]). Implementations of local resource scheduler, which may use existing real-time IEEE 1588 have demonstrated time synchronization as pre- scheduling , such as earliest deadline first (EDF) cise as tens of nanoseconds over networks that stretch over to prioritize the processing of all pending events. This pa- hundreds of meters, more than adequate for many manufac- per only focuses on the global coordination layer, which is turing and instrumentation systems. Such precise time syn- key to achieving DE semantics in distributed systems. We chronization enables coordinated actions over distances that leverage and improve on distributed DE techniques to relax are large enough that fundamental limits (the speed of light, constraints on execution. In particular, we define a partial for example) make it impossible to achieve the same coor- order called the relevant order that can be statically checked dination by conventional stimulus-response or client/server to enable the global coordination layer to release received mechanisms. events out of their time stamp order while preserving DE Our approach in this paper builds on discrete-event (DE) semantics and without requiring backtracking. This out-of- modeling techniques [6, 23, 34]. DE models are concurrent order execution also loosens some constraints for the local compositions of components that interact via events. An resource schedulers. event is a time-stamped value, where time is “logical time” This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses or “modeling time” [22]. Correct execution of such models related work. Section 3 motivates our programming model requires only that the ordering of time stamps be respected. using a networked camera application. Section 4 devel- DE is usually a simulation technology (e.g. in hardware de- ops the relevant dependency concept using causality inter- scription languages such as Verilog and VHDL and network faces [25], and defines the relevant order on events based on modeling languages such as OPNET Modeler1 and Ns-22). relevant dependency to formally capture the ordering con- When DE models are executed on distributed platforms, the straints of temporally ordered events that have a dependency objective is usually to accelerate simulation, not to imple- relationship. A distributed execution strategy based on the ment distributed real-time systems [6, 12, 34]. relevant order of events is presented in section 5, and its We call our programming model PTIDES (pronounced implementaion is in section 6. Future work is discussed in “tides”), for Programming Temporally Integrated Dis- section 7. tributed Embedded Systems. In our approach, DE is not a simulation technology, but rather application specification 2 Related Work language, which serves as a semantic basis for obtaining de- terminism in distributed real-time systems. Applications are Synchronous languages [4] have been effectively applied given as distributed DE models, where for certain events, to safety-critical embedded systems [5]. These languages their modeling time is mapped to physical time. For exam- (which include Esterel, SCADE, Lustre, Signal, etc.) pro- ple, a programmer may specify that an actuator must pro- vide deterministic concurrent semantics, but at the expense duce a physical output at the time determined by the time of tight coordination that makes distributed implementation stamp of an event sent to the actuator. When these models difficult. are executed in a runtime environment that ensures DE se- Another important innovation is the development of mantics, we know that the applications will have determin- time-triggered languages and the concept of logical execu- istic behaviors regardless of the actual implementations. tion time [16]. One example is Simulink with Real-Time Preserving DE semantics at runtime can be challenging, Workshop (RTW), from The MathWorks, which is widely since the global, consistent notion of time may lead to a to- used for designing embedded control systems in applica- tal ordering of execution in a distributed system, an unnec- tions such as automotive electronics. Simulink with RTW essary waste of resources. PTIDES takes an event-driven leverages an underlying preemptive priority-driven multi- execution strategy. Unlike many hard real-time distributed tasking to deliver real-time behavior based systems that depend on domain specific network architec- on rate-monotonic scheduling [26]. A related approach is tures, our only assumption of communication behavior is Giotto [16], which introduces additional latency but deliv- that it delivers packets reliably with a known bounded de- ers better schedulability analysis [28]. While Giotto and lay. We divide our execution strategies into two layers: Simulink/RTW are intended primarily for periodic real-time global coordination, and local resource scheduling. When tasks, extensions that support less periodic behavior have receiving an event from the network, the global coordina- emerged [27, 14]. Our approach in this paper is closest to tion layer determines whether the event can be processed timed multitasking (TM)[27], but goes a step further in em- 1http://opnet.com/products/modeler/home.html bracing DE semantics and relating model time to real time 2http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns at sensor and actuator interactions rather than through log- ical execution time. Distributed implementations of time- triggered languages [17] usually rely on TDMA network. 20 20 Our approach imposes fewer requirements on the network 30 30 and leverages distributed DE simulation concepts. 40 40 50 50 In system modeling, many paradigms incorporate the no- 40 40 tion of time in their semantics. Examples include timed 30 30 20 20 automata [2], hybrid automata [15], and timed Petri nets [10]. Although these provide useful modeling frameworks, we are not aware of realizations that bind logical time to real time and provide deterministic real-time execution. Figure 1. Networked camera application.

Existing methods for addressing real-time computation 3 Distributed Camera Application typically deal with a portion of the problem of construct- ing and executing real-time programs. Real-time operating systems (RTOSs) provide mechanisms for prioritizing tasks We use a camera network as a motivating scenario and a and triggering computations in response to timer or event running example in later discussions. Throughout the paper, interrupts. Time-triggered networking techniques such as we use t for model time and τ for physical time. the Time Triggered Architecture (TTA) provide determin- Consider N cameras connected via Ethernet are dis- istic sharing of networking resources and insulation from tributed over a football field as shown in figure 1. Suppose faults. Network time synchronization protocols such as that the clocks at all the cameras and the central computer NTP and IEEE 1588 provide a common time base across are precisely synchronized. All the cameras have computer- computers on a network [20]. All of these technologies, controlled picture and zoom capabilities. Each camera only however, are used with relatively conventional concurrency has a partial view of the field. We can control a camera to models (threads and processes) and conventional program- take a picture or zoom precisely at some physical time. Pre- ming languages. This paper elevates timing and distribution cise time synchronization allows cameras to take sequences to the level of the programmer’s model, so that applications of pictures simultaneously. The images produced by each are built by directly expressing timing and distribution prop- camera are time stamped and transferred over the network erties [24]. to the central computer, where the images get processed to produce a composite view of the field or a sequence of views Interface-based design [1], especially real-time and re- for some interesting moment. A user sitting in front of the source interfaces [18, 33, 8], also shows considerable central computer may issue commands to the cameras to promise for helping with real-time embedded software. Our zoom or change the frequency at which images are taken. analysis in this paper heavily leverages a special case of Suppose that zooming takes time κ to stabilize, and during these called causality interfaces [25]. this period of time no picture should be taken. Given that the commands controlling the cameras are transmitted over Our work builds on distributed discrete-event simulation, the network with a bounded delay, the challenges here are which has a rich history [13]. So-called “conservative” how to coordinate the zooming and picture taking actions techniques advance model time to t only when each node properly on each camera so that the retrieved images are can be assured that it has seen all events time stamped t or precisely synchronized. earlier. In the well-known Chandy and Misra technique [9], This application is inspired by the “eye vision” project3 extra (null) messages are used for one execution node to at CMU and CBS Television. However, rather than focusing notify another that there are no such earlier events. For our on the challenges in real-time image processing and con- purposes, this technique binds the execution at the nodes trol, we consider how to program the whole system at a too tightly, making it very difficult to meet realistic real- high level and how to realize the timing relations in the sys- time constraints. So-called “optimistic” techniques perform tem. The principles we develop are general enough to apply and backtrack if and when the spec- in many scenarios that require distributed time-coordinated ulation was incorrect [19]. Such optimistic techniques will physical actions. also not work in our context, since backtracking physical Cameras in this application are both sensors and actu- interactions is not possible. ators. We need to generate precisely timed physical ac- tions, like picture taking and zooming, at each camera, and Our approach is conservative, in the sense that events are the cameras respond with time stamped images. Taking an processed only when we are sure it is safe to do so. But actor-oriented approach for building DE systems [23], we we achieve significantly looser coupling than Chandy and Misra using relevant dependency analysis. 3http://www.ri.cmu.edu/events/sb35/tksuperbowl.html model a camera as an actor that has one input port and two output ports, depicted graphically as follows:

Clock Merge Queue Device Device Delay Route d Camera

s This actor is a software component that wraps the interac- 1 s2 tion with the camera driver. We assume that it does not com-

Command municate with any other software component except via its Display Image ports. (This assumption is made for functional level specifi- Central cation, which focuses on input/output data and timing prop- Computer erties; scheduling and resource sharing between actors are delayed to the implementation and execution stage.) At its Figure 2. Specification of the Networked cam- input port, it receives a potentially infinite sequence of time- era application. stamped values, called events, in chronological order. The sequence of events is called a signal. The time stamp of an event specifies when an action should be taken, and the stamp t + np0 where t is the time stamp of the last output value of the event dictates what kind of action (zooming 0 0 and n is the smallest integer so that t + np0 ≥ t. The feed- level or shutter speed) should be taken. Obviously, in or- 0 back loop around the clock actor is used to trigger the next der to give the actuator some leeway to react, it needs to output, and we assume there is an initial event on the first receive an input event with time stamp t at some physical input at the beginning. time τ ≤ t. d The first output port produces a time-stamped value for The Delay actor with a delay parameter will produce t + d each input event, where the time stamp is strictly greater an event with time stamp at its output given an event t than that of the input event, to indicate the physical action with time stamp at its input. has completed. The second output port produces the time- Two kinds of user commands are received at each cam- stamped image and sends it to the central computer. Each era, the change frequency command and the adjust zoom output event with time stamp t0 is produced at some physi- command. The Router actor separates these events and cal time τ 0 ≥ t0. These inequalities provide the basic rela- sends the change frequency events to the Clock actor and tions between model time and physical time. the adjust zoom events to the Merge actor. Figure 2 shows a distributed DE model to be executed on The Merge actor merges the events on the two input ports the cameras and the central computer platform. The dashed in chronological order. It gives priority to the second input boxes divide the model into two parts, the top one to be port if input events have identical time stamps. That is, we executed on each camera and the bottom one to be executed give higher priority to the user to control a camera. on the central computer. The parts communicate via signal The Queue actor buffers its input event until an event is s1 and s2. We assume that events in these signals are sent received at the trigger port, which is the one at the top of the over the network as time-stamped values. actor. The Device actor sends a trigger event to the Queue The Command actor is a software component that wraps actor when a physical action is done, and we assume there interactions with the user input device. When a user input is an initial event on the trigger port at the beginning. The comes in, the Command actor checks with its synchronized feedback loop around the Queue and Device actor ensures clock for the current time, uses the returned time value to that the Device does not get overwhelmed with future re- time stamp the input message and sends the time stamped quests. It may not be able to buffer those requests, or it may message to all the cameras. The right part of the model have a finite buffer. on the central computer processes the images taken at each In the above discussion, the time stamps are values of camera and displays the result. model time. Some actors in the model bind model time to The Clock actor produces time-stamped outputs where physical time. The Command actor binds model time to the time stamp is some integer multiple of a period p. The physical time by producing an event with model time cor- time stamps are used to control when the camera takes pic- responding to the physical time when the user input hap- tures. The period can be different for each clock and can pens. The Device actor binds model time to physical time be changed during run time upon receiving an input on the by producing some physical action at the real-time corre- second input port. If there is an event with value and time sponding to the model time of each input event. The Device stamp t at the second input, the clock actor will scale its pe- actor also imposes real-time constraints on the model. The riod from p to p0 = p ∗ v and produce an output with time input events must be made available for the Device actor to process them at a physical time strictly earlier than the time stamp. Otherwise, the component would not be able

p6 p8 p to produce the physical action at the designated time. We Clock p 13 p7 9 p p 12 15 p16 Merge Queue Device limit the relationship of model time to physical time to only p p 3 p4 p p11 14 p Delay Route 10 17 those circumstances where this relationship is needed. For p d p p s 1 2 5 Camera other actors in the model, there is no real-time constraint 1 s and model time is used to define execution semantics. 2 As shown in this example, PTIDES programs are Figure 3. The program on the camera. discrete-event models constructed as networks of actors. For each actor, we specify a physical host to execute the ac- tor. We also designate a subset of the input ports to be real- We define formal interfaces to actors that tells us when such time ports, which imposes the constraint that time-stamped causal relationships exist in the next section. events must be delivered to these ports before physical-time exceeds the time stamp. Each real-time port can optionally 4 Relevant Dependency specify a setup time σ, in which case it requires that each input event with time stamp t be received before physical Model-time delays play a central role in assuring the ex- time reaches t − σ. istence and uniqueness of discrete-event system behavior. We view the model shown in figure 2 as a representa- We achieve correct, out-of-order execution by statically an- tive scenario for many distributed embedded applications. alyzing the causality relations among events. Causality in- For example, the Command actor can be viewed as an ex- terfaces [25] provide a mechanism that allows us to specify ample of sensor components, the Device actor is an exam- and reason about delay relationships among actors. In this ple of actuator components, and other actors in between are section, we use causality interfaces to derive relevant depen- the control or computation part. The problems discussed dencies among discrete events, which is the key to achiev- in this paper are common to many distributed sensing and ing out-of-order execution without disobeying the formal actuation systems, such as manufacturing, instrumentation, semantics of discrete-event specifications. surveillance, and scientific experiments. How to build a run-time environment to execute the dis- 4.1 Causality Interfaces tributed model shown in figure 2 to deliver the correct be- havior and meet the real-time constrains is a challenging The interface of actors contains ports on which actors problem. A first-come-first-serve strategy cannot preserve receive or produce events. Each port is associated with a deterministic DE semantics, since the network may alter signal. A causality interface declares the dependency that the order that events are delivered. A brute-force imple- output events have on input events. Formally, a causality mentation of a conservative distributed DE execution of this interface for an actor a with input ports and output ports model would stall execution in a camera at some time stamp Po is a function: t until an event with time stamp t or larger has been seen on signal s1. Were we to use the Chandy and Misra ap- δa : Pi × Po → D (1) proach [9], we would insert null events into s1 to minimize the real-time delay of these stalls. However, as we will show where D is an ordered set (in fact an algebra) with two bi- later, this brute-force technique will unnecessarily postpone nary operations ⊕ and ⊗ that are associative and distribu- the release time of these events even when these events tive. That is, can be safely processed. The so-called “optimistic” tech- niques for distributed DE execution will also not work in ∀d1, d2, d3 ∈ D, our context. Optimistic approaches perform speculative ex- (d1 ⊕ d2) ⊕ d3 = d1 ⊕ (d2 ⊕ d3) ecution and backtrack if and when the speculation was in- (d1 ⊗ d2) ⊗ d3 = d1 ⊗ (d2 ⊗ d3) (2) correct [19]. Since we have physical interactions in the sys- d ⊗ (d ⊕ d ) = (d ⊗ d ) ⊕ (d ⊗ d ) tem, backtracking is not possible. 1 2 3 1 2 1 3 (d ⊕ d ) ⊗ d = (d ⊗ d ) ⊕ (d ⊗ d ) In section 5, we describe a new coordination strategy that 1 2 3 1 3 2 3 permits out-of-order releasing of events without sacrificing In addition, ⊕ is commutative, determinacy and without requiring backtracking. This will give underlying resource scheduling layer looser end-to- d1 ⊕ d2 = d2 ⊕ d1. end delay constraints to work with, thus improve schedu- lability. The key idea is that events only need to be pro- The ⊗ operator is for serial composition of ports, and the ⊕ cessed in time-stamp order when they are causally related. operator is for parallel composition. The elements of D are p called dependencies, and δa(p1, p2) denotes the dependency 6 T p min p 13 p 8 p that port p has on p . 4 9 2 1 p11 p12 p 15 Δ p7 p p For discrete-event models, D = 0 ∪ {∞}, ⊕ is the min 14 16 R p10 p p p function, and ⊗ is addition. With these definitions, D is 1 d 2 3 p 5 p a min-plus algebra [3]. Note that these operators are com- 17 pletely defined on model time. Figure 4. A graph for computing the causality p p Given an input port 1 and an output port 2 belonging to interface of a composition of actors. an actor a, δa(p1, p2) gives the minimum model-time delay between input events at p1 and resulting output events at p2. Intuitively, if δa(p1, p2) = d, then any event e2 = (t2, v2) example, δ(p1, p11) is calculated as: that is produced at p2 as a result of an event e1 = (t1, v1) at p will satisfy t ≥ t + d. For example, a Delay actor 1 2 1 δ(p1, p11) =min(ph1, ph2, ph3), where with a delay parameter d will produce an event with time ph1 =δDelay(p1, p2) + 0 + δRouter(p3, p4) + 0+ stamp t+d at its output p2 given an event with time stamp t δ (p , p ) + 0 + δ (p , p ), at its input p1, so δDelay(p1, p2) = d. Note that the causal- Clock 7 8 Merge 9 11 ity interface captures the smallest possible delay, i.e. the ph2 =δDelay(p1, p2) + 0 + δRouter(p3, p5) + 0+ fastest response time. An actor may produce an event e 2 δMerge(p10, p11), with a larger time stamp, or may produce no event at all in ph3 =δDelay(p1, p2) + 0 + δRouter(p3, p4) + 0+ response to e1, and the actor still conforms with the causal- ity interface. δClock(p7, p8) + 0 + δClock(p6, p8) + 0+ When a program is given as a composition of actors, i.e. δMerge(p9, p11) a set of actors and connectors linking their ports, we can (4) determine the dependencies between any two ports in the Note that paths with infinite weight in parallel with any composition by using ⊗ for serial composition and ⊕ for path that is shown in our graph would have no effect, which parallel composition. For example, figure 3 shows the pro- is why we do not show such paths. If there is no path from gram running on each camera and names the ports. To deter- a port p back to itself, then δ(p, p) = ∞. mine the dependencies for ports in the model, we compute Causality interfaces form a powerful tool to analyze de- the function: terminism in discrete-event systems, but these dependency values between ports do not tell the whole story. Consider δ : P × P → D (3) the Merge actor in figure 3, with two input ports. When we where P = {p1, p2, ...p17} construct the dependency graph, it is easy to find that there is no path between these ports. But, these ports are not com- This forms a weighted, directed graph G = {P,E}, called pletely independent. In fact, the Merge actor cannot react the dependency graph, as shown in figure 4, where P is the to an event at one port with time stamp t until it is sure it has set of ports in the composition. If p is an input port and p0 seen all events at the other port with time stamp less than or is an output port, there is a edge in G between p and p0 if equal to t. This fact is not captured in the dependencies. To 0 0 capture it, we define relevant dependencies. p and p belong to the same actor a and δa(p, p ) < ∞. In 0 such a case, the weight of the edge is δa(p, p ). If p is an output port and p0 is an input port, there is an edge between 4.2 Relevant Dependency p and p0 if there is a connector between p and p0. In this case, the weight of the edge is 0. In all other cases, the Based on the causality interfaces of actors, the relevant weight of an edge would be ∞, but we do not show such dependency on any pair (p1, p2) of input ports specifies edges. Note that this directed graph could by cyclic, and whether an event at p1 will affect an output signal that may the classical requirement for a DE model to be executable also depend on an event at p2. is that the sum (or ⊗) of the edge weights in each cycle be The relevant dependency between ports in a composi- greater than zero [25]. tion is calculated in a way similar to the dependency above, but we aggregate some of the ports into equivalence classes. ∀p, p0 ∈ P , to compute the value of δ(p, p0), we need to Specifically, considering an individual actor a, two input consider all the paths between p and p0. We combine par- ports p and p of a will be “equivalent” if there is an output allel paths using ⊕ and serial paths using ⊗. In particular, 1 2 port that depends on both. Formally, p and p are equiva- the weight of a path is the sum of the weights of the edges 1 2 lent if along the path (⊗). The ⊕ operator is minimum, so δ(p, p0) 0 is weight of the shortest weighted path from p to p . For ∃p ∈ Po, such that δa(p1, p) < ∞ and δa(p2, p) < ∞, p &p 0 6 7 time stamp t at ports in q can be processed when all events p8 p p9 &p10 4 q t − r p11 p at ports in are known up to time stamp . In particular, 15 Δ 0 p a relevant dependency d(q, q ) = ∞ indicates that events p12 &p13 p14 16 0 p p p at ports in q can be processed without knowing anything 1 d 2 3 p 5 p 17 about events at ports in q. Consider the model running at each camera as shown in Figure 5. The relevant dependency graph for figure 3. The causality interface for each actor in the model the model in figure 3. is:

δDelay(p1, p2) = d, δ (p , p ) = 0, δ (p , p ) = 0, where Po is the set of output ports of a. Router 3 4 Router 3 5 For example, in figure 3, both input ports of the Merge δClock(p6, p8) = Tmin, δClock(p7, p8) = 0, δ (p , p ) < ∞ (7) actor affect its output port, i.e. Merge 9 11 and δMerge(p9, p11) = 0, δMerge(p10, p11) = 0, δ (p , p ) < ∞. Thus p and p are equivalent. Merge 10 11 9 10 δ (p , p ) = 0, δ (p , p ) = 0, In addition, we assume that if any actor has state that is Queue 12 14 Queue 13 14 modified or used in reacting to events at more than one input δDevice(p15, p16) = ∆, δDevice(p15, p17) = 0 port, then that state is treated as a hidden output port. Thus, where T is the minimum time interval between two con- with the above definition, two input ports are equivalent if min secutive picture taking actions at the camera, and ∆ > 0 is they are coupled by the same state variables of the actor. the response delay of the digital output device (i.e. the min- We next modify the dependency graph by aggregating imum model-time delay across the input and the first output ports that are equivalent to create a new graph that we call of the Device actor). the relevant dependency graph. Consider the graph in fig- Based on the dependencies specified for each actor, It ure 4. Suppose, as above, that p and p are equivalent, 6 7 is easy to check the relevant dependency in this composi- p and p are equivalent and p and p are equivalent. 9 10 12 13 tion. As an example, the relevant dependency d(q , q ) Then the relevant dependency graph for the model in figure 1 9,10 is d, where using the same notation as above, q = {p } 3 becomes that shown in figure 5. 4 4 and q = {p , p }. This means that any event with time Below we will show that the relevant dependency in- 9,10 9 10 stamp t at port p can be processed when all events at port duces a partial order on events that defines the constraints 9 p are known up to time stamp t − d. Assume the network on the order in which we can process events. 1 delay is bounded by d0, at physical time τ = t − d + d0 The relevant dependency for a composition of actors we are sure that we have seen all events with time stamps is constructed as follows. Let Q be the set of equiva- smaller than t − d at p . Hence, an event e at p with time lence classes of input ports in a composition. For example, 1 9 stamp t can be processed at physical time τ or later. Note q = {p , p } ∈ Q in figure 4. Then, the relevant depen- 6,7 6 7 that although the Delay actor has no real-time properties at dency is a function of the form: all (it simply manipulates model time), its presence loosens d: Q × Q → D. (5) the constraints on the execution. By choosing d properly, 0 i.e. d > d , we can deliver e to p15 before physical time For instance, in figure 4, we have: reaches t and thus satisfy the actuation constraint at p15. This is precisely the result we were after. It would not be Q ={q1, q3, q6,7, q9,10, q12,13, q15} achieved with a Chandy and Misra policy. And unlike opti- ={{p1}, {p3}, {p6, p7}, {p9, p10}, {p12, p13}, {p15}}. mistic policies, there will never be any need to backtrack. (6) 5 Execution Based on the Relevant Order Similar to ordinary dependencies, relevant dependencies are calculated by examining weights of the relevant dependency graph. ∀q, q0 ∈ Q, to compute the value of d(q, q0), we What we gain from the dependency analysis is that we need to consider all the paths between q and q0. We again can process certain events out of their linear chronological combine parallel paths using ⊕ and serial paths using ⊗. So order. In fact, we effectively defined a partial ordering of d(q, q0) is the weight of the weighted shortest path from q discrete events. to q0 in the relevant dependency graph. Intuitively, relevant dependency indicates how much we 5.1 Relevant Order can advance time at a port without knowing all the events on the other ports in a composition. A relevant dependency We define the relevant order as follows. Suppose e1 is 0 d(q, q ) = r for some r ∈ R0, means that any event with an event with time stamp t1 at a port in q1 and e2 is an event with time stamp t2 at a port in q2. Then


We use notation

5.2 Execution Strategies

We now design execution strategies based on the relevant order to enable out of order execution without hurting de- terminism. One execution may work as follows: 1. Start with E, a set of events in the event queue. 2. Choose r ⊂ E, s.t. each event in r is minimal in E. 3. Process events in r, which may produce a set of new events E0. 4. Update E to (E \ r) ∪ E0. 5. Go to 2.

0 0 0 An event e is minimal in E if ∀e ∈ E, e

0 current physical time is no less than T = maxp ∈Pd {t − synchronization errors in the estimated physical time T . In 0 d(Q(p ),Q(p)) + ∆p0 }. That is, an event is ∆-minimal if particular, if the difference of the clock time between any it is minimal in E and we are assured that we have seen all two nodes in the systems is bounded by ξ, we need to wait events that are less than it in the relevant order. until the current physical time is T + ξ to make sure e is The execution algorithm becomes: minimal. 6 Implementation bedded Systems. We relate model time and physical time only where this relationship is necessary, and provide an We use a lab prototype systems with Agilent IEEE analysis framework and an execution strategy that permit 1588 implementation to illustrate the PTIDES program- out of order processing of events without sacrificing de- ming model. These platforms include a Linux host and sim- terminacy and without requiring backtracking. We give a ple timing-precise I/O hardware. Specifically, one of the fa- formal foundation based on the concepts of relevant depen- cilities is a device driver API where the software can request dency and relevant order. The resulting foundation is partic- that the hardware generate a digital edge (from voltage level ularly valuable in time-synchronized distributed real-time 0 to level 1) at a specified time. The edge can be used to trig- systems, since we can take advantage of the globally con- ger some sensor (e.g. an camera) to perform an action (e.g. sistent notion of time as a coordination channel. taking a picture). After generating this pulse, the hardware A key requirement for preserving runtime determinism interrupts the and resets itself to voltage level 0. of PTIDES programs is that each event e with model time t This physical setup makes it easy to measure very precisely at a real-time port must be received before the physical time the real-time behavior of the system (for example using an exceeds t−σ, where σ is the setup time of the real-time port. oscilloscope probe). We call a PTIDES program deployable if this requirement Figure 6 shows the skeleton code of our implementation can be guaranteed. We are working on methods for stati- of the Device actor in C++ on that platform. The fire cally checking deployability for a given PTIDES program method is called by the run-time environment when there and a system characteristic such as communication delay is an event at the input port. It takes the time stamp of the and execution time bounds. input event as specification of when to produce the level change. That is, it requests the hardware, using the ioctl 8 Acknowledgments function of the device driver, to produce a rising edge at physical time equal to the model time of an input event. The This paper describes work that is part of the Ptolemy initialize method is invoked at the beginning of an ex- project, which is supported by the National Science Founda- ecution and shall be invoked exactly once per execution of a tion (NSF award number CCR-00225610), and Chess (the model. The initialize method in the Device actor sets Center for Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems), which the real-time flag of the input port to be true and creates a receives support from NSF, the State of California Micro new to listen to the hardware interrupts after the level Program, and the following companies: Agilent, Bosch, changes have been generated. 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