THE HOUSING IMPACT OF THE 2004 OLYMPIC GAMES IN ATHENS Background Paper COHRE’s Mega-Events, Olympic Games and Housing Rights Project is supported by the Geneva International Academic Network (GIAN) 2007 © COHRE, 2007 Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions Rue de Montbrillant 83 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41.22.734.1028 Fax: +41.22.733.8336 Email:
[email protected] Prepared by Theodoros Alexandridis, Greek Helsinki Monitor (GHM) Background This background research paper is part of the COHRE Mega-Events, Olympic Games and Housing Rights Project. It was prepared as a preliminary independent study of the impact of the Athens Olympics on housing rights. Similar studies were done for the cities of Atlanta, Barcelona, Beijing, London, Seoul and Sydney. The background research papers were used in the preparation of COHRE’s Fair Play for Housing Rights: Mega-Events, Olympic Games and Housing Rights report, launched in Geneva on 5 June 2007. The contents and opinions of the material available in this paper are those of the author and do not necessarily correspond with those of COHRE. All documents published as part of this project are available at: About the Greek Helsinki Monitor Greek Helsinki Monitor (GHM), founded in 1993, monitors, publishes, lobbies, and litigates on human and minority rights and anti-discrimination issues in Greece and, from time to time, in the Balkans. It also monitors Greek and, when opportunity arises, Balkan media for stereotypes and hate speech. It issues press releases and prepares (usually jointly with other NGOs) detailed annual reports; parallel reports to UN Treaty Bodies; and specialized reports on ill-treatment and on ethno- national, ethno-linguistic, religious and immigrant communities, in Greece and in other Balkan countries.