[email protected] www.rightarmresource.com 62 CONCERTO COURT, NORTH EASTON, MA 02356 (508) 238-5654 5/10/2006 David Mead “Fighting For Your Life” Another great add week! New: KMMS, WNCW, KLCC, KSMF, WUKY, XM Loft, WBSD Already on: WRLT, WFUV, WYEP, WCBE, WBCG, KROK, WYSO, WSYC, KFAN, WDIY... Full cd Tangerine in stores Tuesday In Louisville early? At Ear X-Tacy 6pm on Wednesday! “David could sing the phone book and sound great.” - Bruce Warren/WXPN Janove Ottesen “Black And White Movie” The first single from his solo debut Francis’ Lonely Nights, going for adds now Janove fronts the incredibly popular European band Kaizers Orchestra Pronunciation: ya-NO-vah AH-ti-sen Coming to the US for promo dates soon! New: KLCC Already on: WFUV, WNRN, WKZE, KSLU, WERU, WYSO, WYOU, WYCE, MPBC The Flaming Lips Los Lonely Boys “The Yeah Yeah Song” “Diamonds” 100K sold already! R&R Indicator Most Added! R&R Most Added! R&R Monitored 19*! Indicator 9*! New: WFUV, WDST, KBAC, WFPK... FMQB Public 6*! New: WMMM, KRVI, WWVV, WZEW, KRSH, KUWR ON: WVOD, WXPN, WTMD, WNCW, KNBA, MUCH, KEXP... Already on: KFOG, KMTT, WXRT, WBOS, KPRI, KGSR, WTTS... “The Flaming Lips turn every concert into a party.” - NY Times Lots of upcoming TV appearances - see schedule on Page 2 Mason Jennings Gomez KT Tunstall “Be Here Now” “How We Operate” “Suddenly I See” In stores Tuesday Playing at NON-COMM R&R Monitored 24*! Indicator 4*! R&R Monitored 7*! Indicator #1!! New: KGSR Full cd in the mail to you now! New adds this week: KPRI, KGSR, KLCC Huge sales reaction off of American Idol exposure ON: KTCZ, WFUV, WFPK, WTMD, WXPN, WUIN..