

複数の編集者がチームで担当し、年に最低 1 冊以上発行されるジャーナルを補完する必須文献です。成熟した研究 分野の権威ある情報を収集し、手法について参照しやすくまとめ、特定の疑問に対する回答やデータを提供します。

Handbooks in

Series Editors: Julio Rotemberg, Harvard Business School Michael Woodford,

1981 年刊行開始。経済学諸分野を網羅する経済学の定番シリーズ。 編集主幹にノーベル経済学賞受賞者の Kenneth J. Arrow と Michael D. Intriligator を擁し、各分野の権威の執筆による章を集めています。社会の 至る所で利用され広がりゆく経済学研究に呼応して各巻をサブシリーズ に分類しており、経済学を俯瞰すると同時に、専門分野に焦点をあてて読 むことができるため、教科書としても適しています。 電子化により、サブシリーズや巻を超えた検索や機能の利用が可能とな り、利便性が向上しています。

This 110+ volume series targets graduate-level and professional readers who seek high-level summaries of recent advances in research literature. These readers want sophisticated summaries of economic issues and perspectives to improve their teaching, writing, and research skills.

 The series published its first volume in 1981, providing with comprehensive summaries of large fields, such as , labor economics, and the like.  Volumes covered all the relevant literature and were published 10+ years apart.  The series’ signature characteristic is its ability to attract top experts to summarize and judge the scholarship that defines their fields.

41 Nobel Laureate Authors and Editors

• Oliver E. Williamson • Vernon L. Smith • Harry M. Markowitz • • A. • Robert M. Solow • • Joseph E. Stiglitz • • Robert J. Shiller • Roger B. Myerson • James J. Heckman • • Alvin E. Roth • Robert J. Aumann • Daniel L. McFadden • Gerard Debreu • Thomas J. Sargent • Thomas C. Schelling • Amartya • Christopher A. Sims • Edward C. Prescott • Robert C. Merton • Lawrence R. Klein • Dale T. Mortensen • Robert F. Engle III • John C. Harsanyi • Sir Arthur Lewis • Christopher A. Pissarides • Clive W.J. Granger • • Herbert A. Simon • • Robert W. Fogel • John R. Hicks • Kenneth J. Arrow


Handbooks in Economics Series に収録される サブシリーズのタイトル

2018 年 4 月現在、38 のサブシリーズで 113 巻が刊行されています。

サブシリーズ タイトル ISSN

Handbook of 1574-0072 Handbook of (2018 刊予定)

Handbook of 2214-3122

Handbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling 2211-6885

Handbook of 1574-0021

Handbook of Defense Economics 1574-0013

Handbook of 1573-4471

Handbook of 1573-4412

Handbook of Economic Field Experiments 2214-658X

Handbook of Economic Forecasting 1574-0706

Handbook of 1574-0684

Handbook of the Economics of Art and Culture 1574-0676

Handbook of the Economics of Education 1574-0692

Handbook of the Economics of 1574-0102

Handbook of the Economics of Giving, Altruism and Reciprocity 1574-0714

Handbook of the Economics of Innovation 2210-8807

Handbook of the Economics of International Migration 2212-0092 Handbook of the Economics of Marketing (2018 刊予定)

Handbook of the Economics of Population Aging 2212-0076

Handbook of the Economics of Risk and 2211-7547 Handbook of Empirical Corporate Finance (2019 刊予定)

Handbook of 1574-0099

Handbook of Results 1574-0722

Handbook of with Economic Applications 1574-0005

Handbook of Economics 1574-0064

Handbook of Income 1574-0056

Handbook of 1573-448X

Handbook of 1573-4404

Handbook of Labor Economics 1573-4463

Handbook of 1574-0730

Handbook of 1574-0048

Handbook of 1573-4382

Handbook of Media Economics 2213-6630

Handbook of Monetary Economics 1573-4498

Handbook of Natural and Energy Economics 1573-4439

Handbook of Population and 1574-003X

Handbook of 1573-4420

Handbook of Regional and 1574-0080

Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare 1574-0110

Handbook of Social Economics 1570-6435

The Handbook of the Economics of 2405-4380


Handbooks in Economics by JEL Code Handbooks in Economics に収録される論文には JEL コードが付与されています。

C - Mathematical and Quantitative I - Health, Education, and Welfare Methods Handbook of the Economics of Handbook of CGE Modeling Education G - Handbook of Computational Handbook of Handbook of Corporate Governance Economics L - Industrial Organization Handbook of the Economics of Finance Handbook of Econometrics Handbook of Industrial Organization

Handbook of Economic Forecasting Handbook of Media Economics

Handbook of Experimental Economics J - Labor and Results Handbook of the Economics of Handbook of the Economics of Field M - Business Administration Population Aging Experiments and ; Handbook of Labor Economics Handbook of Game Theory with Marketing; Accounting Handbook of Population and Family Economic Applications Handbook of the Economics Economics Handbook of Mathematical Economics of Marketing

D –

Handbook of Behavioral Economics F - International Economics Handbook of the Economics of Giving, K - Law and Economics Handbook of the Economics of Altruism and Reciprocity Handbook of Commercial Policy International Migration Handbook of the Economics of Risk & Handbook of Law and Economics Handbook of International Economics Uncertainty O - , R - Urban, Rural, and Regional Handbook of Income Distribution Technological Change, and Growth Economics Handbook of Social Choice and Handbook of Development Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics Handbook of Social Economics Handbook of Economic Growth

E - Macroeconomics and Monetary Handbook of the Economics of

Economics Innovation H - Public Economics Handbook of Macroeconomics Q - Agricultural and Natural Handbook of Defense Economics Handbook of Monetary Economics Resource Economics; Handbook of Public Economics Environmental and Ecological


Handbook of Agricultural Economics Z - Other Special Topics Handbook of Environmental Handbook of the Economics of Art and Economics Culture Handbook of Natural Resource and Energy Economics


Upcoming / Recent Volumes ~2018 刊行タイトル~

Handbook of Behavioral Economics, Volume 1 Coming Soon Serial Volume Editors: , Stefano Dellavigna, David Laibson Editors: Douglas Bernheim, David Laibson, Hardcover ISBN: 9780444633743 Handbook of Behavioral Economics: Applications presents behavioral economics concepts and tools that are written by, and for, economists. Its authors share a belief that revolves around enriching behavioral economics rather than destroying or replacing standard models. Their authoritative perspectives give them an edge not enjoyed by psychologists writing about economics. Specific chapters in this release include topics covering Personal finance, Corporate finance, Public finance, Asset Markets, Macroeconomics, Industrial Organization, Development Economics, and Labor. Handbook of Computational Economics, Volume 4 Coming Soon Editors: Cars Hommes, Blake LeBaron Hardcover ISBN: 9780444641311 Handbook of Computational Economics: Heterogeneous Agent Models, Volume Four, focuses on heterogeneous agent models, emphasizing recent advances in macroeconomics (including DSGE), finance, empirical validation and experiments, networks and related applications. Capturing the advances made since the publication of Volume Two (Tesfatsion & Judd, 2006), it provides high-level literature with sections devoted to Macroeconomics, Finance, Empirical Validation and Experiments, Networks, and other applications, including Innovation Diffusion in Heterogeneous Populations, Design and Electricity Markets, and a final section on Perspectives on Heterogeneity. Handbook of Environmental Economics, Volume 4 Coming Soon Editors: , Subhrendu Pattanayak, Kerry Smith Hardcover ISBN: 9780444537720 Handbook in Economics, Fourth Edition, the latest in this ongoing series, highlights new advances in the field, with this new volume presenting timely chapters on Modeling and Economic Systems, Framing Sustainability Policy Questions: Who Leads – Ecology or Economics?, Valuing Natural Capital Within an Integrated Economic Ecological, Developing , Urbanization, Climate Change and Health, Viewing Environmental Policy Instruments for Domestic and International Perspective, Quasi experimental Estimation of Environmental Policies, Environment Macro, The Rules for Formal and Informal in Managing Environmental , and How Should Uncertainty Be Integrated into the Methods for Policy Evaluation. Handbook of the Economics of Marketing, Volume 1: Marketing and Economics Coming Soon Editors: Jean-Pierre Dube, Peter Rossi Hardcover ISBN: 9780444637598 Handbook of the Economics of Marketing, Volume One: Marketing and Economics mixes empirical work in industrial organization with quantitative marketing tools, presenting tactics that help researchers tackle problems with a balance of intuition and skepticism. It offers critical perspectives on theoretical work within economics, delivering a comprehensive, critical, up-to-date, and accessible review of the field that has always been missing. This literature summary of research at the intersection of economics and marketing is written by, and for, economists, and the book's authors share a belief in analytical and integrated approaches to marketing, emphasizing data-driven, result-oriented, pragmatic strategies.

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