Swedenborgian chapel, situated close to the site of the New Jerusalem (mixed), built in 1871, for 500 children; older building, was erected in 1889 at a cost of about average attendance, 3-ll ; l\lilton Rydings, ma~ter · £3,000, and will 8eat about 800. The principal indus· Miss Maria Smith, mistress ' try is cotton spinning ; silk weaving is also still caiTied Wesleyan (mixed & infants), built in 1878, for 500 chil­ on to some extent, and hats are manufactured here. dren; average attendance, 337; Frederick Joseph The chief landowners are )1essrs. Frere, Timpscn, Oldershaw, master; Miss M. Consterdine, infants.' Taylor, 1\-Iellor, Ogden and Woodall. The soil is clay; mistress subsoil, clay. The land i" mostly in pasture. The area of the tvwnship is 1,073 acres, of which !:J are RAILWAY STATION. water; rateable vatue, £51,903, and the population of Thomas Evans, station master the township and district in 1871 was 5,685; in 1881, 7,912; 1891, 10,4:25, and in 1901, 14,152. MOSTON, 4 miles N.E. from , with a Parish Clerk, Charles Lunn. station on the and Yorkshire railway, was formed into an ecclesiastical parish August 12th, POST, }!O:NEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH 0FFICE,S.AVINGS 1870, from the civil parish of Manchester, and was, BANK & ANNUITY & INSURANCE 0FFICE.-Albert on Nov. 1st, 1890, added to the city for municipal Lomax, Post Master. Letters received through Man­ purpo.;es only, and now forms part of the new township chester at 7 a.m. & 1 & 4.30 p.m. ; dispatched at of North Manchester, constituted in 1896; it is. 9.15 & 10.20 a.m. & 2.20 & 8.30 p.m.; sundays at 6 p.m in the division of the county, Mancbe~~r ]JOST, MONEY ORDER, SAVINGS BANK & ANNUITY & petty sessional division, union of Prestwich, hundred lNS'GR.ANCE OFFICE, Watchcote, 258 road, oE , and county court district of Manchester, ..-Miss Elizabeth Ann Walmsley, Post Cheetham rural dean er .v, and archdeaconry and diocese JJii.~tJ·e.~.'- I~etters through Manchester disparebed of Manchester. A part of this distr:ct, known as the at 8.29 & 10 a m. & 2 & 8 p.m. Ti1e nearest telegraph White Moss, which commences in Blackley, has been office Is at Failsworth reclaimerL 'l'he church of St. Mary, erected at a cost or £2,500, is a plain structure of brick in the Early URBAN DISTIUCT COUNCIL. English style, consisting of chancel and nave, with turret at the north end containing one bell. There are Offices, Town hall, Oldham road. 45! sittings, of which 252 are free. The reg·ister date~ 1\Ieetings held the second tuesday in the month. from the year 18G9. The living is a rcct,,ry, net yearly MEMBERS. value £270, with residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Manchester, and held since 1899 by Chairman, William Dennell the Rev. John Appleyard B.A. of St. John's College, Vice-C/uJ,irraalt, Sam.lCl Johnsun Cambridge, who resides at Moston Rect.ory. The Mis­ Retire 1903. sion church of St. Luke is at Lightbowne. The Edwin Ja~. Schofield Samuel Johnson Catholic church is dedicated to St. J oseph, and Gtorge Bailey Ashton Whitehead there is a Catholic cemetery for ~fanchester Retire 1901. and Salfurd, which covers an area of 28 acres, and A. S. Crosslcy William Dennell contains a chapel in which divine service is held. George Baker Daniel Benson There arc also 'Vesleyan, Methodiat New Connexion and Retire 1905. Free Methodist chapels. The Simpson Memorial John C. Howarth Robert Whittakcr school, in }loston lane, is a building of red brick in Jacob Rydings William Rawsthorn the Italian style, founded and presented to the resi­ 0FFlCIALS. dents of Moston by Alice Fay, August 14th, 1886, Clerk H. C. Broome in memory of her fatbt:>r, Williman Simpson, an old Treamrer-Richard W. Clcgg, Manchester & County resident : the build