e-Catalogue of a selection of forthcoming books Autumn 2021–Summer 2022 sussex ACADEMIC PRESS

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Sussex Academic serves the international academic community and promotes learning and scholarship to a global audience. The editorial and production staff are committed to publishing to the highest standards across a wide range of academic subject disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences. The Press supports authors through strong editorial and development skills, and is committed to serving the world of scholarship by promoting our authors’ writing and research endeavours so that they make the maximum impact on their readership and profession.

The Press publishing programme addresses issues of contemporary relevance and debate in Middle East topics, History, and Literary Criticism. University editorship and publishing cooperation with universities falls under the Sussex Libraries of Study, which include Latin American, First Nations, Spanish History, the Portuguese-Speaking World, Asian studies and a Middle East and North African series.

The Autumn 2021/Summer 2022 e-Catalogue, a new twelve-page format, provides a selection of forthcoming and recently published titles, and details the Library of Study series. Comprehensive descriptions of all published and forthcoming books and their authors is available on the Press website, www.sussex-academic.com, which includes Alpha Press trade titles. Our new website continues to be refined with a “To Publish” button for prospective authors and a more substantive “Resources” menu, as well as a page design that accommodates different viewing platforms.

This year’s e-Catalogue is presented against the background of the coronavirus pandemic. Publishing is not immune to the changed economic circumstances, but our publishing programme has not been affected. Press staff wish you a safe journey through this virus sea. In 2019 the Press celebrated 25 years of service to scholarly publishing. Sussex Academic continues to commission actively. All books submitted to the Press are refereed by external academic advisors. Anita Grahame Sales & Marketing Director

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EDITORIAL AND BOOK COMMISIONING “Books are the treasured wealth of the world and Anthony V. P. Grahame the fit inheritance of generations and nations. . . . Editorial Director Their authors are a natural and irresistible E-mail: [email protected] aristocracy in every society, and, more than kings and emperors, exert an influence on mankind.” Sussex Academic Press is a trading name of The Alpha Press Ltd. HENRY DAVID THOREAU, 1817– 62 Company No. 2824592 Registered Office: Maria House, 35 Millers Road, Brighton BN1 5NP US office: c/o Independent Publishers Group (IPG), 814 N. Franklin Street, Chicago, IL 60610 Sussex Academic Press Publishing for Scholarship and Learning The This new series will publish high-quality scholarly books on Portuguese-Speaking the entire spectrum of the Portuguese-speaking world, with World particular emphasis on the modern history, culture, and —————————————————————— politics of Portugal, Brazil, and Africa. The series, which will ITS HISTORY, POLITICS AND CULTURE be open to a variety of approaches, will offer fresh insights into a wide range of topics covering diverse historical and The Series Editors geographical contexts. Particular preferences will be given to (University of Lisbon) António Costa Pinto books that reflect interdisciplinary and innovative (Brown University) Onésimo T. Almeida methodologies. Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo (University of Coimbra)

The Global History of Portugal From Pre-History to the Modern World EDITED BY CARLOS FIOLHAIS, JOSÉ EDUARDO FRANCO AND JOSÉ PEDRO PAIVA For thousands of years Portugal has been the point of arrival and departure for peoples, cultures, languages, ideas, fashions, behaviours, beliefs, institutions and produce. While its miscegenation and global multimodal activity enriched the world in many ways, it also provoked violence, war, suffering and resistance. The Global History of Portugal contains 93 chapters grouped into five parts: Pre-history, Antiquity, Middle Ages, Early Modern period and Modern World. Each chapter begins with an event, interpreted in the light of global history. Each part opens with an introduction, offering a perspective of the period in question.

HB ISBN 978-1-78976-103-0 £95/$125 PB ISBN 978-1-78976-104-7 £34.95/$44.95 460 pp. 246 × 171 mm

Rebuilding a Blue Nation Maritime Policies of the Portuguese New State, 1933–1974 ÁLVARO GARRIDO The Portuguese New State (Estado Novo), a dictatorship regime based on a corporatist ideology, built up an ambitious maritime policy. Making the nation go back to the sea served to promote economic self-sufficiency and to recover the past golden age of oceanic navigation. Both fed positively into the regime’s arguments. Rebuilding a Blue Nation offers an overview on the remarkable features of these modern age maritime policies.

HB ISBN 978-1-78976-014-9 £75/$89.95 272 pp. 234 × 156 mm Publication Autumn 2022

POLITICS. Modern Europe and the Enlightenment RUMY HASAN In June 2019, in an interview given to the Financial Times, Russian President Vladimir Putin baldly declared that the liberal idea had outlived its purpose as the public turned against immigration, open borders and multiculturalism. The book examines the extent to which Enlightenment values are adhered to in various parts of modern Europe delineated into Western Europe, the progenitor of the Enlightenment; former communist countries that have joined the European Union; and former communist countries that are not in the EU. Discussion also focuses on the modern Counter-Enlightenment movement.

HB ISBN 978-1-78976-090-3 £65/$74.95 PB ISBN 978-1-78976-091-0 £24.95/$34.95 192 pp. 229 × 152 mm

INTERNATIONAL POLITICS. Sa‘udi Policies towards Migrants and Refugees A Sacred Duty JOSEPH A. KÉCHICHIAN AND FAHAD L. ALSHARIF A Sacred Duty sets out the Kingdom’s policy toward the global issue of migrants and refugees, with special emphasis directed toward Muslim societies. Discussion focuses on refugee communities currently living in Sa‘udi Arabia, some of which migrated due to war, forced displacement, environmental catastrophe, and economic hardship. Some migrants have come from bordering countries such as Iraq and Yemen; others reached the Arabian Peninsula from Africa and Asia. All have been welcomed and cared for, though settlement conditions, repatriation and deportation circumstances were not always ideal.

Published in conjunction with the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies (KFCRIS).

HB ISBN 978-1-78976-144-3 £60/$75 240 pp. 234 × 156 mm Includes substantive tables and graphs HISTORY. Historical Traumas among Armenian, Kurdish, and Turkish People of Anatolia A Transdisciplinary Perspective toward Reconciliation NERMIN SOYALP The deep wounds that exist from long-standing conflicts between Turks, Kurds, and Armenians have not yet been sufficiently addressed and healed. Nermin Soyalp explains the collective traumas and their significant psychosocial impacts in terms of the potential for reconciliation among these politically conflicted groups. Discussion centers on the transgenerational implications of the Balkan wars of 1912–1913, the Armenian genocide of 1915–1917, the Greco-Turco war of 1920–1922, the formation of the Republic of in 1923, the population exchange with the Balkans in 1924, the conflict between the Turkish government and Kurdish identity since the formation of the Republic, as well as the impacts of assimilation policies on minorities. Drawing on the complexities of history, psychology, and identity, this book elucidates how collectively and historically shared traumas become inherently more complex, and more difficult to address, generation by generation.

HB ISBN 978-1-78976-085-9 £75/$89.95 320 pp. 234 × 156 mm

BIBLE STUDIES. Wilderness as Metaphor for God in the Hebrew Bible ROBERT D. MILLER II, O.F.S. The ancient Israelite authors of the Hebrew Bible were not philosophers, so what they could not say about God in logical terms, they expressed through metaphor and imagery. To present God in His most impenetrable otherness, the image they chose was the desert. The desert was Ancient Israel’s southern frontier, an unknown region that was always “elsewhere”: “from that elsewhere, God has come”—“God came from the South” (Hab 3:3); “God, when you marched from the desert” (Ps 68:8); “from his southland mountain slopes” (Deut 33:2). Robert Miller explores this imagery, shedding light on what the biblical authors meant by associating God with deserts to the south of Israel and Judah. Biblical authors knew of its climate, flora, and fauna, and understood this magnificent desert landscape as a fascinating place of literary paradox. This divine desert was far from lifeless, its plants and animals were tenacious, bizarre, fierce, even supernatural. The spiritual importance of the desert in a biblical context begins with the physical elements whose impact cognitive science can elucidate. Travelers and naturalists of the past two millennia have experienced this and other wildernesses, and their testimonies provide a window into Israel’s experience of the desert. A prime focus is the existential experience encountered. Confronting the desert’s enigmatic wildness, its melding of the known and unknown, leads naturally to spiritual experience. The book’s panoramic view of biblical spirituality of the desert is illustrated by the ways spiritual writers—from Biblical Times to the Desert Fathers to German Mysticism—have employed the images therefrom. Revelation and renewal are just two of many themes. Folklore of the Ancient Near East, and indeed elsewhere, that deals with the desert / wilderness archetype has been explored via Jungian psychology, Goethean Science, enunciative linguistics, and Hebrew philology. These ‘philosophies’ contribute to this exploration of the Hebrew Bible’s desert metaphor for God.

PB ISBN 978-1-78976-107-8 £22.50/$29.95 120 pp. 216 × 138 mm Illustrated

FILM AND CINEMA STUDIES. Film Nation William Troy on the Cinema, 1933–1935 JAMES R. RUSSO Troy was the film critic of The Nation from 1933 to 1935. To that post he brought an educated, almost professional tone, which he sometimes used for comic effect. He approached each piece of film criticism as an occasion for some larger essayistic rumination. Indeed, his feeling for the carpentry of the short review is superb. Published in conjunction with The Bookman: William Troy on Literature and Criticism, 1927–1950 (ISBN 978-1-78976-172-6), Film Nation is essential reading for cinephiles. Inclusion of a substantive index makes the work highly attractive for classroom adoption in the field of cinema studies.

PB ISBN 978-1-78976-173-3 £25/$34.95 220 pp. 229 × 152 mm CULTURAL STUDIES. The Architectural Novel The Construction of National Identities in Nineteenth-Century England and France William Ainsworth, Victor Hugo, and Alexandre Dumas NICOLA MINOTT-AHL The formation of European national identities during the nineteenth century through the public’s perception of public spaces and monuments – museums, battlefields, war monuments and memorials, landscapes, cityscapes, and the built environment – is a subject of keen interest to scholars in architecture, cultural studies, geography, sociology, history, art history, and environmental studies. This interest is particularly timely given the contemporary struggles in Europe and Great Britain over national identity in the face of immigration, and the economic, religious, and racial tensions it has inspired.

HB ISBN 978-1-78976-148-1 £65/$74.95 200 pp. 229 × 152 mm

Portrait of a Danish Conman Otto Stein – Framed within the Life and Novels of his Creator, Jacob Paludan FRANTZ LEANDER HANSEN “Frantz Leander Hansen has written a brilliant book about Otto Stein” (Martin Zerlang, University of Copenhagen, reviewing the Danish edition in Scandinavian Studies, University of Illinois Press, Vol. 92, No. 2) Jacob Paludan’s Danish classic novel Jørgen Stein (1933) includes the subordinate character Otto Stein, a man about town in the roaring 1920s and a promising barrister. Involvement in small-time crime leads to large-scale confidence trickery which ends in decline, fall and suicide. This literary portrait of an epoch of deceit and fraud as a cultural phenomenon brings to the fore the economics and criminal psychology of the period.

PB ISBN 978-1-78976-089-7 £24.95/$34.95 160 pp. 216 × 138 mm

MIDDLE EAST STUDIES. Britain’s Imperial Position in Egypt, 1942–1947 The Politics of National Aspirations and the Emergence of the Post-War Order ERAN LERMAN In 1942, the British Empire won a great military victory – Al-‘Alamayn, “the end of the beginning” – on Egyptian soil. Yet five years later, in an ugly, forgotten debate at the Security Council, the United States led Britain and Egypt to an inconclusive draw. How did this Imperial weakening come about? The roots lie in the interaction of British policy, Egyptian politics, and the post-war international order. Imperial control had rested upon the practice of intervention – using the rivalry between the Palace and the majority political party, the Wafd. In 1942, and again in 1943 and 1944, British Ambassador Miles Lampson forced Faruq, the King of Egypt, to put, and keep, Prime Minister Mustaffa Nahhas in power. But this came at the cost of “national aspirations” – al-Gala’ (evacuation of all British forces) and sovereignty over Sudan – being raised as the rallying cries of a frustrated political opposition. Meanwhile, American (and Soviet) influence grew; and Egypt’s new diplomatic instrument, the Arab League, became part of the political game.

HB ISBN 978-1-78976-135-1 £85/$110 340 pp. 234 × 156 mm Illustrated

China’s Middle East Diplomacy The Belt and Road Strategic Partnership From the Financial Crisis to the Pandemic MORDECHAI CHAZIZA The Middle East geographical and political area is subject to different country inclusion interpretations that have changed over time and reflect complex and multifaceted circumstances involving conflict, religion, ethnicity, and language. considers most Arab League member countries (as well as Israel, Turkey, and Iran) as representing the Middle East. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and official Chinese publications refer to this region as Xiya beifei (West Asia and North Africa). China sees the Middle East as an intrinsic part of its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and has ramped up investment in the region accordingly, focusing on energy (including nuclear power), infrastructure construction, agriculture, and finance.

HB ISBN 978-1-78976-056-9 £70/$84.95 344 pp. 246 × 171 mm CAÑADA BLANCH/SUSSEX ACADEMIC STUDIES ON CONTEMPORARY SPAIN. General Editor: Sir Paul Preston, London School of Economics In 1994, in collaboration with the London School of Economics, the Foundation established the Principe de Asturias Chair of Contemporary Spanish History and the Cañada Blanch Centre for Contemporary Spanish Studies.

Feeling the Heat A Decade as a Foreign Correspondent in Spain From the Financial Crisis to the Pandemic RAPHAEL MINDER Raphael Minder landed in Madrid in 2010 to cover Spain for The New York Times just as the dark clouds of the financial crisis were about to burst into a full-fledged euro debt storm. “A Decade as a Foreign Correspondent in Spain” follows the turbulent and momentous events that have reshaped the country’s political landscape: a secessionist movement in Catalonia, the end of Spain’s two-party system, and a desperate attempt to contain the coronavirus pandemic.

PB ISBN 978-1-78976-149-8 £24.95/$34.95 240 pp. 229 × 152 mm

Money, Politics and Corruption in Modern Spain EDITED BY BORJA DE RIQUER, LLUÍS FERRAN TOLEDANO AND GEMMA RUBÍ This book provides the interpretative tools to investigate political corruption in contemporary Spain and its colonies, in a comparative and interdisciplinary historical perspective, conducted and developed by specialists in economic history, political and administrative history, and political science. Addressing the historical functionality of corruption in Spain, and its weakening of the democratic ideal, provides an investigatory template and research model for combating and better understanding the evolution of corruption in Western democracies and other international arenas.

HB ISBN 978-1-78976-070-5 £70/$84.95 240 pp. 229 × 152 mm

ART STUDIES. Street Art Tel Aviv In a Time of Transition CURATED, PHOTOGRAPHED AND INTRODUCED BY LORD K2 AND LOIS STAVSKY Distinctly unique, Tel Aviv’s street art represents a wide spectrum of cultural backgrounds and aesthetic sensibilities. Echoing the uncertainty that permeates Israel’s daily existence, it possesses a rawness and energy found in few modern cities. Through more than 250 images, 14 artist profiles, and comprehensive research, Street Art Tel Aviv introduces the reader to an alternative visual culture that has developed and thrived at a time when the city’s building exteriors are plentiful, and living and work spaces are still available to emerging artists.

PB ISBN 978-1-78976-133-7 £55/$74.95 240 pp. 316 × 220 mm Illustrated


is a highly-acclaimed range of titles covering all the major, and most of the minor, religions thriving in the world today. Publication details of the series is provided on the press website

Hinduism Beliefs & Practices Volume I Major Deities and Social Structures Volume II Religious History and Philosophy JEANEANE FOWLER Originally published in 1997 – Choice Outstanding Academic Book – and now revised and expanded to two volumes. No prior knowledge of Hinduism is required. Contents are detailed on the Press website.

Volume I: PB ISBN 978-1-84519-622-6 Volume II: PB ISBN 978-1-84519-623-3 £24.95/$34.95 340 pp. 246 × 171 mm SUSSEX STUDIES IN SPANISH HISTORY. General Editor: Nigel Townson, Universidad Complutense, Madrid Consultant Editor: José Álvarez-Junco, Universidad Complutense, Madrid Advisory Editors Pamela Radcliff, University of California, San Diego Tim Rees, University of Exeter

The Crucible of Francoism Combat, Violence, and Ideology in the Spanish Civil War EDITED BY ÁNGEL ALCALDE, FOSTER CHAMBERLIN, AND FRANCISCO J. LEIRA-CASTIÑEIRA This volume explores the hypothesis that the violence and combat experiences of the war were the fundamental ideological crucible for the Francoist regime. The rebels were a group of reactionary and anti-liberal forces with little ideological or political coherence, but they emerged from the conflict not only victorious but ideologically united under the dictator’s power. Key to understanding this transition are the different political cultures of the rebel army, how the combatants’ war experiences contributed to the transformation of diverse rebel groups, and the role of foreign armed intervention. At the beginning of the conflict the rebel side was not homogeneous. But it weaved together a complex, transnational web of political and military interests in the midst of a bloody and destructive war, transforming itself in the process to a political and dictatorial platform that was to rule Spain for many years.

HB ISBN 978-1-78976-079-8 £75/$89.95 272 pp. 229 × 152 mm Illustrated

The Franco Regime and its Historiography Spanish Historians Confronting Propaganda and Censorship JAN VAN MUILEKOM For two decades after the civil war the Franco regime applied systematic historical propaganda and imposed relentless repression of history professionals. In the 1960s and 1970s, however, the balance shifted from all- pervading propaganda to structural but flexible censorship. Gradually and reluctantly, the regime had to give back the initiative for explaining the recent past to where it belonged: to the professional historians, but not without oversee and livelihood threat. Over a span of four decades, Franco never lost his grip on how recent Spanish history should be read. Exploring the historiography of the regime provides multiple insights into the links between authoritarianism and censorship.

HB ISBN 978-1-78976-102-3 £75/$89.95 340 pp. 234 × 156 mm

The Role of King Juan Carlos and the Monarchy in Spanish Foreign Policy, 1969–2014 CHARLES POWELL The prominent role played by King Juan Carlos in Spain’s transition to democracy has received significant attention from the academic community, and is generally acknowledged. The importance of his contribution (and that of the monarchy) to the transformation of Spain’s foreign policy following the death of General Francisco Franco in 1975 has also been noted, but this is the first book to provide a detailed and documented analysis of the international influence that Spain accrued as a result.

Publication details will be provided on the Press website in January 2022.

Courage and Fear ARTURO BAREA Translated and Presented by Nigel Townson Courage and Fear is a collection of short stories by the exiled Spanish writer, Arturo Barea, best known as the author of the autobiographical trilogy The Forging of a Rebel. First published in 1939, Courage and Fear is inspired by Barea's personal experience of the Civil War in Madrid, offering an arresting series of portraits of the lives of ordinary people during the siege of the Nationalist forces of General Franco.

Publication details will be presented on the Press website in January 2022. THE SUSSEX LIBRARY OF ASIAN & ASIAN AMERICAN STUDIES.

Series Editor: Prof. Mina Roces, School of Humanities and Languages, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Chasing Freedom The Philippines’ Long Journey to Democratic Ambivalence ADELE WEBB The Philippines is a bellwether case with lessons of global importance in an age when disenchantment with democracy is on the rise. While ambivalence may result in failure to meet a democratic ideal it may, nevertheless, be one of democracy’s safeguards. This work is at the forefront of recent debates about middle class-led ‘democratic backsliding’, with scholars unable to reconcile the appeal of authoritarian populists amongst those who have historically been expected to be democracy’s vanguard.

HB ISBN 978-1-78976-043-9 £75/$84.95 240 pp 229 × 152 mm

JEWISH AND ISRAEL STUDIES The Plight of Jewish Deserted Wives, 1851–1900 A Social History of East European Agunah HAIM SPERBER Agunot (Agunah, sing., meaning ‘anchored’ in Hebrew) is a Jewish term describing women who cannot remarry because their husband has disappeared. According to Jewish law (Halacha) a woman can get out of the marriage only if the husband releases her by granting a divorce writ (Get), if he dies, or if his whereabouts is not known. Women whose husbands cannot be located, and who have not been granted a Get, are considered Agunot. The book explores the reasons for desertion and the plight of the left-alone wife. Key is the change from a legal issue to a social one. A social history statistical database of circa 5000 identified Agunot is to be published simultaneously in a separate companion volume (978-1-78976-062-0).

HB ISBN 978-1-78976-061-3 £55/$69.95 256 pp 229 × 152 mm Illustrated

CRITICAL Critical Voices offers accessible introductions to the key ideas of significant thinkers in literary VOICES studies and cultural criticism. The “critical voice” format is unique in that the discussion and polemical interventions of each volume are primarily staged by the critic and set in the cadence of his or her own words. The series engages in multi-format editions, to include Readers, Interviews and Interview Collections. A common theme is the necessity to provide a platform for student engagement in the formation and use of literary ideas. The General Editor of the series is David Jonathan Y. Bayot, Director of the De La Salle University Publishing House, Manila, The Philippines. Publications are detailed on the Press website.

Jose Isidro N. Camacho In Conversation INTRODUCED AND EDITED BY DAVID JONATHAN Y. BAYOT The Leadership in Conversation series is a platform designed to engage readers to a conversation with exemplary minds in leadership and management across disciplines. As the leading subject of this volume unravels his story, the biography of his ideas, and the trajectory of his life-path and profession as a financial executive, a collector, and a total leader, readers will see how personal goals act within the wider frame of international business leadership. An annotated time-line section within the book puts this personal story in a broader economic setting.

EBOOK ISBN 978-1-78284-716-8 £15.99/$19.99 132 pp 229 × 152 mm

Siya Nga! Christian Reflections with Art AUTHORED BY JOSE RAMON T. VILLARIN SJ EDITED BY DAVID JONATHAN Y. BAYOT “Siya Nga!” is a Filipino expression of wonder and, thus, of openness to possibilities. It is an expression of epiphany and eureka! This book offers the readers short reflections by Jose Ramon T. Villarin, SJ on fifty- two “familiar” terms in the Christian faith — terms that the author and editor deem significant in the life and living of those who share the Christian faith, either by religious affiliation or by spiritual aspiration. The reflections are elucidated by images of eighty colour artworks by Filipino artists.

EBOOK ISBN 978-1-78284-710-6 £15.99/$19.99 140 pp 200 × 200 mm Seventy-seven colour illustrations CILAS/LATIN AMERICAN & HISPANIC STUDIES. Society, Politics, and Culture The CILAS series is refereed by distinguished scholars in the field. Its editor is Prof. Carlos H. Waisman, Department of Sociology and International Studies Program, University of California, San Diego. Within this series, the Latin American Library, published with the sponsorship of CILAS, the Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies at the University of California, San Diego, is a vehicle for the dissemination of research carried out at that institution. The title below is not part of the CILAS series. A full list of series titles is provided on the Press website.


Sustenance for the Body & Soul is the seventh volume of the Hispanic Worlds series. Volume eight, Rites, Rituals & Religions in Amerindian, Spanish & Latin American Worlds, will be published in 2023.

Sustenance for the Body & Soul Food & Drink in Amerindian, Spanish & Latin American Worlds EDITED BY DEBRA D. ANDRIST The food-secure and/or privileged worldwide no longer eat and drink simply to maintain life itself. They have the advantage and choice to regard “sustenance” not just as fuel for the body/machine but as a source of pleasure and entertainment for the mind/intellect. This enhanced concept of “sustenance” embraces all the senses: visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory and tactile, thus including not just food & drink but ceremonies & art forms dealing with them. This book explores the substantive ways food & drink impact human existence.

HB ISBN 978-1-78976-130-6 £80/$99.95 272 pp 229 × 152 mm

THEOLOGY AND RELIGION Thomas Hardy and Religion Theological Themes in Tess of the d’Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure RICHARD FRANKLIN The wellspring of Thomas Hardy and Religion is the recognition that Thomas Hardy’s two late great novels, Tess of the d’Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure, are dominated, respectively, by two religious traditions of nineteenth- century Anglicanism: Evangelicalism and Anglo-Catholicism. Placing those movements in their historical context alongside other Victorian religious traditions, the author explores the development of Hardy’s religious beliefs and ideas up till the 1880s. Evangelicalism in Tess is discussed through an analysis of the principal characters, Angel Clare and his father, Parson Clare, Alec d’Urberville and Tess herself, leading to a consideration of why this form of Christianity looms so large in that novel. Not unexpectedly, the reasons for this are linked to Hardy’s personal and intellectual biography, especially his religious upbringing and experience of and involvement in these religious traditions. This applies to both novels. The ‘sources’ of Jude the Obscure in Hardy’s life and thought, and their links to Anglo-Catholicism, are revealed in the context of the influence of that tradition on the narrative and characters, in particular Jude’s sense of vocation, the importance of the university town of Christminster and issues associated with marriage, divorce and sexuality. Throughout his analysis of both novels the author demonstrates how Hardy lambasts the way in which these religious traditions and the conventional Victorian morality they bolstered undermine human flourishing.

HB ISBN 978-1-78976-139-9 £55/$69.95 PB ISBN 978-1-78976-140-5 £25/$34.95 200 pp 229 × 152 mm

MUSIC STUDIES Beethoven Symphonies Revisited Performance, Expression and Impact DAVID YOUNG Beethoven Symphonies Revisited guides the reader – music student, concert goer, or general music lover – through the movements in a way that renews the novelty and excitement that listeners must have felt at the first performances. Stylistic discussion concentrates on the unusual features of each symphony, placing each individual work in the context of Beethoven’s musical advancement and circumstances. His musical innovations are explored, and his contribution to the genre assessed. Thirty author-annotated musical pages elaborate and exemplify. The essential building blocks of key, tonality, metre, rhythm and instrumentation are discussed in detail.

HB ISBN 978-1-78976-080-4 £80/$99.95 240 pp. 234 × 156 mm Illustrated Crisis Music The Life-and-Times of Six Twentieth-Century Composers JOHN CAPS Story-like chapters profile six twentieth-century “reactive” composers; not the most famous pillars of the period but lesser-known, perhaps more approachable, characters whose stories span that 1900–2000 period from decadent fin-de-siècle Vienna (Alban Berg, Alexander Zemlinsky) to war-torn Paris (Olivier Messiaen, Arthur Honegger) to the Cold War tensions of East vs. West (Toru Takemitsu) and late-century Communism (Arvo Part).

PB ISBN 978-1-78976-146-7 £29.95/$39.95 240 pp 229 × 152 mm Illustrated

LITERARY CRITICISM Contemporary American Fiction in the Embrace of the Digital Age EDITED BY BÉATRICE PIRE, ARNAUD REGNAULD & PIERRE-LOUIS PATOINE This collection aims to examine the relationship between American fiction and innovations that marked the first decades of the 21st century: the Internet, social media, smart objects and environments, artificial intelligence, nanotechnologies, genetic engineering and other biotechnologies, transhumanism. These technological innovations redefine the way we live in and imagine our world, interact with each other and understand the human being in his or her ever closer relationship to the machine – a human being no longer, as in the past, cared for or repaired, but now enhanced or replaced.

HB ISBN 978-1-78976-083-5 £70/$89.95 240 pp. 229 × 152 mm

The Bookman William Troy on Literature and Criticism, 1927–1950 JAMES R. RUSSO William Troy (1903-1961) was a highly regarded literary critic during the 1930s and 1940s. Among his contemporaries, he ranked with Edmund Wilson, Kenneth Burke, and F. O. Matthiessen. Indeed, in the preface to the posthumous, 1968 publication of his Selected Essays, which won a National Book Award, Allen Tate placed Troy “among the handful of the best critics of this century.” Published in conjunction with Film Nation: William Troy on the Cinema, 1933–1935 (ISBN 978-1-78976-173-3), The Bookman is clear evidence of Troy’s role as one of the foremost critics of his age. Inclusion of a substantive index makes the work an essential and accessible gateway to a wide range of literary criticism.

PB ISBN 978-1-78976-172-6 £25/$34.95 220 pp. 229 × 152 mm

An Earthy Entanglement with Spirituality Critical Reflections on Literature and Art EDITED BY ELIZABETH MOORE WILLINGHAM An Earthy Entanglement with Spirituality offers compelling perspectives on literature and art whose common ground lies in their diverse evocations of the human spirit. The critical readings are shaped by distinct critical approaches. Contributors consider the over-arching inquiry broadly, contextualizing their work in diverse primary sources that include poetry of various genres and periods; the novel, short story, and dialogue; Shakespearean drama and contemporary theater; and nineteenth-century painting and Italian Renaissance sculpture. Images of several kinds make the critical approaches accessible. The contents demonstrate the diverse audience for the book: the novice explorer of the Arts and Humanities; the knowledgeable generalist; the aficionado of a particular author or period; the advanced student seeking insights or a critical foothold; and those with spiritual, ethical, or theological interests. Teachers and critics of literature will find here useful and productive ideas, contexts, models, and resources. Worthy furniture for the mind and substantial meriendas for the spirit lie within.

HB ISBN 978-1-78976-094-1 £75/$84.95 234 × 156 mm Illustrated POLITICS The Strategy of Tension in Italy Neofascist Terrorism and Coup Plots, 1969–1980 JUAN AVILÉS Juan Avilés comprehensive study of the neo-fascist killings, the coup plots, the cover-ups and the alleged but unproven involvement of US agents, the Stay Behind paramilitary structure and the P2 Masonic Lodge, draws a firm line of demarcation between the real conspiracies that took place in Italy and unfounded conspiracy theories. He offers an unparalleled interpretation of the alleged strategy of creating political tension based on all the available evidence. At the heart of the investigation is the threat to democracy and the way in which Italy was able to avoid the authoritarian drift to which many countries, from Greece to Chile, succumbed in those years.

HB ISBN 978-1-78976-110-8 £70/$80.95 272 pp 229 × 152 mm

THEATRE STUDIES Analyzing Drama A Student Casebook JAMES R. RUSSO This play-analysis textbook contains 50 short essays on geographically diverse, historically significant dramas—among them Major Barbara, Our Town, Hamlet, A Streetcar Named Desire, Romeo and Juliet, Miss Julie, Electra, Death of a Salesman, The Balcony, The Cherry Orchard, Mother Courage, The Merry Wives of Windsor, and Old Times. The essays are supported by a Step-by-Step Approach to Play Analysis, a Glossary of Dramatic Terms, Study Guides, Topics for Writing and Discussion, Bibliographical Resources, and a comprehensive Index. Written for university and advanced high school students, these critical essays provide practical models to aid and promote writing and analytical skills. The author is a “close reader” committed to a detailed yet objective examination of the structure, style, imagery, and language of a play. He is concerned with dramatic analysis that can be of benefit to directors, designers, and even actors. Analysis of character, action, dialogue, and setting can thus be translated into concepts for theatrical production.

HB ISBN 978-1-78976-111-5 £60/$69.95 PB ISBN 978-1-78976-112-2 £27.95/$34.95 300 pp 234 × 156 mm

JEWISH STUDIES Kino & Kinder From Cinema Manager in Vienna to Hostel Matron for Jewish Girl Refugees A European family’s story of endurance and survival VIVIEN SIEBER Unusually for a single woman in the 1920s, Paula Ticho owned and ran “The Palast Kino”, Vienna’s second cinema. Following the Anschluss, she sent her teenage son to Britain before following him as a penniless refugee. Between 1939 and 1946 Paula cared for twenty- five Jewish girls rescued on the Kinder-transport in hostels in Tynemouth and Windermere. At the heart of the girls’ previous European life was the insidious rise of anti-Semitism, and the distress of leaving their families in mortal danger. Peter, Paula’s son, studied engineering at Newcastle University under a scheme for refugees. He was interned on the Isle of Man and in Canada, but subsequently served as the first ‘enemy-alien’ in the Royal Navy in minesweeping, D-day and intelligence activities. His journal and letters form part of the narrative. Reconstruction of the lives and deaths of family left behind in Vienna is based on archival research in Austria.

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SUSSEX ASIAN STUDIES Governance of Islam in Pakistan An Institutional Study of the Council of Islamic Ideology SARAH HOLZ Modern states increasingly seek to regulate religious expression, practice and discourse. This is profoundly evident at many levels of Islamic policy interaction: from debates about the banning of the Muslim face-veil in Europe to civic re-education programmes for Muslim citizens in China. Governance of Islam in Pakistan provides a systematic account of how interactions between multiple public and private bodies direct the regulation and standardisation of Islam in one of the largest Muslim-majority states in the world. Analysis centres on the institutional development of the Council of Islamic Ideology, a constitutional body tasked with issuing advice to the executive and legislature about the compatibility of laws with Islamic principles.

HB ISBN 978-1-78976-052-1 £85/$99.95 340 pp 234 × 156 mm Substantive tables and figures SUSSEX ACADEMIC PRESS on the World Wide Web http://www.sussex-academic.com