Town Will Tear
/-!• Page 18 CRANFORD (N.JJCHRONICbE Thursday, June 12, 1980 Brearley's 229 grads ' Garwood: basic skills 38 Graduate At St. Michael ,1 and honors . senior up . Terfy's 'twin' : . Msgr. John P\ Davis, pastor, awarded room teachers Barbara Hendra and Benediction was given by Fr. James Regis High School, New York. citizens seek new new protest on brook diplomas to^38 eighth grader;/ at .St.^enise Sutton received gifts from Hie Ei. Benedetto. Kevin Gormanly, Gary tolleen Davis, Gregory - Elmiger, 1/2 PRICE center,. page 19 ' building .-. page. 20 Michael School graduation exejrcises in <ilass. ' '., . .. ., ' Korn'er, (Tucker-Carroll, William' Karen Grimshaw, Guy Korner, Leonard 1 the church Friday evening.: v/ncenf F. The evening, prognjin featured. the ' Forsythe and Neal Maguire s'erved as Marszalek and Susanne Engle were in ALL Sarnowski', priticipal',. presented the. following speakers: "Our Lady of altar boys, Lucille Obie, choir director, 1 n charge of programs and. served as played the organ and conducted the Class 6t 1980 to Msgr Davis./ Czestochowa," Michele Blois; "Mother ushers. !'•• ' . ,. HELENA' RUBINSTEIN VOL. 87 No, 25 Published Every Thursday Thursday, June 19,1980 •... Serving (Iran ford, Kenduvtrth and (iarwood * USPS 136 800 Second Class Postage Paid"Cranford, N.J. 20 CENTS Msgr. Juan Rojasand Msgr. Davis Cabrini," Roberta Bianco;-"Elizabeth fifth, sixth and seventh grade choir. Graduates' included: Mark Ambrozy, Msgr7 Davis presented the following - conoeiebrateonoeiebratedd a baccalaure t mass in. Ann,, Setpn,p," Susan Maguire; "John Gary Bernard, Roberta Uianco, Tracy PRODUCTS the morning. Christine Grie Mth N" P Zif "Ktri awards: Roberta Bianco, Msgr.- Davis - Bilger.Mlchele Blois, David Budd, Amy o, Mother Neumann;" 'Perry Zipf; "Kateri Award-for—outs tanding-^scholarship; J Seton graduate and~a~Jormei hlMl Bul^rNan^yrByrne;Jp7l;JhCfll 7 St: Michael, gave the homily Mass was "Cardinal Newman," Patrick Nestor; Christopher PaselCand lVJichele Blois, St.
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