woworst-in-decades hurricanes vis- itedMexico this fall. Hurricane Kennaswept over the lslas Revil- lagigedoand lslasMar]as as a Category5 hurricane and roared into the mainland at San Blas, Villa Hidalgo, and Santiago lxcuintla,, 25 Octoberas a Category 4 (see ). HactorG6mez de Silva The storm subsided as it traveled northeast- Xola314-E wardoverland, becoming a tropicaldepres- sionand releasing much precipitation in the 03100Mxico, D.F. states of Aguascalientes, Zacatecas, Durango,Coahuila, Nuevo LeOn, San Luis Mexico Potosi,and Tamaulipas. Beatty reports that it rainedfor threedays almost nonstop in Tor- ([email protected]) reon, Coahuila,right after the hurricane. Ryanreports from a visit to SanBlas 7-11 Novemberthat the numbers of wadingbirds seemedif anythinghigher than usual and Carranza, TorreOn, Coah.), PP (Puerto In lateNov, permits were granted for hunters thatmany newly-flooded marshy areas were Petiasco,Son.). to claimup to 15Wood Ducks per day in the created; small baitfish were much more NazasR., and this may have meant the end of numerous,and the only "permanent"habi- LOONSTHROUGH WOODPECKERS the speciesas a nestingduck in Mexico,as tat damagewas to emergenttrees on south- A juv. CommonLoon was near Ciudad this smallpopulation is the only breeding and west-facingslopes; trees were already Mante,Tamps. 27 Nov (SJD,RIC, JJD, JS). A group, but the permitswere ultimately sproutingnew leavestwo weeksafter the Red-throatedLoon was at PP. 17 Nov (SG, revoked,thanks to the effortsof FVP. Two hurricane.Damage was moderate to severe RJ), whereuncommon (see Ganley 2002). MexicanDucks were near E1 Naranjo, S.L.P. alongthe Nayaritcoast as far southas the ThreeEared Grebes near CuatroCi•negas, 27 Nov (SJD,RIC, JJD, JS). A singleNorth- Jaliscoborder, with onlymoderate tree dam- Coah.25-27 Oct (RD, FVP,WB, m. ob.) were em Pintailand a singleCanvasback were agein west-facingslopes around Puerto %1- slightlyearly. A juv.Northern Gannet and a seenin CatiOnde Fernandez3 Nov (FVP). A larta, accordingto Brinkley.On the other subad.Masked Booby were seen at La Pesca, juv. Surf Scoterwas just s. of RioTampaon side of the country, Hurricane Isidore Tamps.30 Nov (SJD,RIC, JJD, JS). A male 27 & 29 Nov (SJD,RIC, JJD,JS). A female affected the the northern Yucatan Peninsula GreatFrigatebird showed up on lslaIsabel, CommonGoldeneye at P.P.17 Nov was 22-23Sep (see the discussion under Yucatan Nay throughNov., probablydisplaced by somewhatearly (SG, RJ). Peninsulasubregion). Hurricane Kenna (VM, m. ob.). An imm. One Zone-tailedHawk and one Turkey Weather was noted to be cooler than usual Bare-throatedTiger Heron was along Rio El Vulture were perchedin nearby trees in throughoutMexico on mostdays from early Fuerte, Sin. 28 Oct (NMC, JD, RE, LG, JL, B.V.C.27 Nov (FVP). Ospreyswere seen in Novemberforward, courtesy of manycold W&JA).Five Boat-billed Herons were seen at CatiOn de Fernandez from 6 Oct (FVP). A fronts from the north. Taninul,S.L.E 29 Nov (SJD,RIC, JJD, JS). An Crane Hawk was at E1Fuerte 28 Oct (NMC). One GreatBlack-Hawk was alongthe Rio Cuchujaqui,near Alamos, Son. 25 Nov (AMC, NMC, WLC). Two very vocaljuv. GrayHawks were in CatiOnde Fernandez, NazasR., Dgo.4 Aug(FVP). Onejuv. was at the location8 Sep,and an ad. was farther upriver 10 Oct (FVP). Two White-tailed Hawksnear CuatroCiknegas, Coah. 25-27 Oct (RD, FVP,WB, m. ob.) were in a state where not mappedby Howell & Webb (1995). An ad. Broad-wingedHawk was seenin B.V.C.30 Aug(WB); this is consistent with sightingsin the samepark during recentfall and springmigrations. A juv. Cooper'sHawk was at B.V.C.27 Nov,while a Sharp-shinnedHawk was there 6 Oct(FVP). On 25 Nov, a Merlin was alongthe Rio NORTHERN MEXICO ad.and a juv. Roseate Spoonbill were seen in Cuchujaqui,and 2 morewere catching bats a shallowwetland along Hwy. 85 just s. of at dusk over the plaza in Alamos(AMC, NarcaMoore-Craig reports from and RioTampaon, S.L.P 27 Nov,and the ad. was NMC,WLC). Single Aplomado Falcons were Chihuahuaa fewdays after Hurricane Kenna still there29 Nov (SJD,RIC, JJD, JS). seennear AquismOn, S.L.P. 25 (O&AC) & 27 that, "asin otheryears after a dry summer, A Ross's Goose was at La Pesca 30 Nov Nov (SJD,RIC, JJD, JS). A PrairieFalcon was birdnumbers in themountains seemed very (SJD,RIC, JJD, JS). Wood Ducks continue to seenin Jimulco,Coah. 13 Oct (FVP). A sin- low; numbersin the lowlandsseemed more be seenin the NazasR., Dgo.through the glePeregnne Falcon was seen guarding what normal. ' year;in Aug and Sep,juvs., females, and appearedto be a goodnesting site in a cliffin eclipsemales were seen at severalsites. They Cerrode las Noasin the city of Torre0n, Abbreviations:B.V.C. (BosqueVenustiano continuedto be seenin Oct and Nov (FVP). Coah.up until earlyAug (FVP). Peregrines

VOLUME 57 (2003) NUMBER 1 123 wereagain seen on the Canal9 TV antenna at El Nacimiento below GOmez Farias, JS).A Blue-grayTanager was reported from in TorreOn1 Sep+,and 3 wereseen vocaliz- Tamps.1 Oct(RH) was at a spotwhere a pair ViveroLa Morita near GOmez Fadas, Tamps. ing heavilyon thisantenna 10 Oct (FVP). hasbeen seen since 1996 by OC andWill 26Nov (O&AC), and 2 werenear AquismOn A female Sungrebewas near GOmez Carter.Only one Hutton's Vireo was recorded 27 Nov (SJD,RIC, JJD,JS). SummerTan- Farias,Tamps. 23 Nov (SJD,RIC, JJD, JS). A at PosadasBarrancas, Chih. 31 Oct, an agerswere still presentin CatiOnde Fernan- CollaredPlover, along with a Semipalmated unusuallylow number(NMC). dez5 Sep(FVP). Single Painted Buntings anda maleSnowy Plover were just s. of Rio A pair of MangroveSwallows was in the wereseen in CatiOnde Fernandez 4 Aug and Tampaon27 Nov (SJD, RIC, JJD, JS). A canal that drains out of Presa Ramiro 6 Oct(FVP). A VariedBunting was in CatiOn NorthernJacana along Rio El Fuerte28 Oct Caballerose. of CiudadMante, Tamps. 30 de Fernandez 6 Oct. One Green-tailed (NMC, JD, W&JA) was n. of its mapped Sep (RH). A Winter Wren was seennear Towheewas seenat EE 8 Oct (SG). range.A SpottedSandpiper was somewhat CuatroCienegas, Coah. 27 Oct;the identifi- highat Paraisodel Oso, Cerocahui, Chih. 30- cation was supportedby vocalization, Contributors:Wayne & Jan Anderson, 31 Oct (NMC, JD, JL). In Puerto Pefiasco, includingresponse to playback(RD, JG). WilliamBeatty, Edward S. Brinkley,Kelly therewere 3 Wilson'sPhalaropes at the TwoGolden-crowned Kinglets were e. of EE Burke, Oscarand Ariel Carmona,Robert I. shrimp pond and 200+ Red-necked 17 Nov (SG, RJ); there are fewer than 10 Cecil,Alan M Craig,Wendi L. Craig,Ruben Phalaropesat thesewage ponds 8 Oct (SG). records for Sonora. A Mountain Bluebird was Deschamps,Stephen J. Dinsmore,James J. A first-yearFhaye•s and 2 WesternGulls at Cus,qrareMission, Creel, Chih. 1 Nov (,JL). Dinsmore,Jeanine Dreifuss, Roger Eichhorn, were at P.P.17 Nov (SG, RJ). Therewere 2 SingleSlate-colored Solitaires were at Las LeeGalbraith, Steve Ganley, Julio Guzman, BlackTerns at the P.P.sewage ponds 8 Oct Pozas28 & 29 Nov (SJD,RIC, JJD,JS). A Rich Hoyer,Juan Leon, Claudia Macros (SG).At ChollaBay, Son. there were still 8 Brown-backed Solitaire was heard at Paraiso Caballero,Vinnie Madsen,Hollin Moore, Elegantand 4 CommonTerns 8 Oct (SG).A del Oso31 Oct (NMC,JL). A singleAmeri- NarcaMoore-Craig, Tom Ryan,Jim Sinclair, latejuv. CommonTern was at La Pesca30 can Robin was seenon B.V.C.27 Nov; this andFrancisco Valdez Perezgasga. Nov (SJD,RIC, JJD,JS). TwoEnrasian Col- lared-Doveswere seen 30 Nov alongthe n. edgeof Manuel,Tamps. OS, SJD, RIC, JJD). This fall, 31 Maroon-frontedParrot nestsat El Taray,N.L, producedan averageof 1.45 chicksper nest ([ide CMC). A Military Macawwas heard at UriqueRim, Chik 30 Oct 0L), and34 wereseen near E1 Naranjo 30 Nov (SJD,RIC, JJD, JSL Around 25 Mex- ican Parrotlets were seen at Alamos 25 Nov (NMC, WLC). Thelast sighting of theYel- low-billed Cuckoo in CatiOn de Fernfindez wasone on 4 Aug,in linewith previous years (FVP). A pair of VermiculatedScreech-Owls was high at RanchoEl Cielo,Tamps. 3-4 Oct (RH),while a MexicanWhip-poor-will there speciesused to be a nestingbird hereuntil CENTRAL MEXICO 4 Oct was low (RH). A male Broad-billed 1990but now is an irregularwinter visitor Hummingbirdwas at UriqueRim 30 Oct (FVP). Abbreviation:Sal. (Laguna E1 Salado, Ver.). (NMC,JD, JL), anda Beryllineand a female Transient warblers at EE 8 Oct included Black-chinnedHummingbird were at Paraiso 30 Yellows,10 Black-throatedGrays, one SPOONBILLTHROUGH HUMMINGBIRDS del Oso 31 Oct (NMC, JD, JL), where3-4 MacGillivray's,and one Wilson's(SG). A ThreeRoseate Spoonbills were at Sal.18 Oct Anna'sHummingNrds were present29-31 Black-throated Green Warbler in a late flow- (]M, AM, RS),while an AmericanWigeon Oct (NMC,JD, W&JA). A maleAnna's Hnm- eringPalo Verde tree e. of EE 17 Nov (SG,vt. was at there 16 Oct 0M, AM, RS, RR) and mingbirdwas seen in B.V.C.9 Novusing the RJ)was the onlywarbler in the area;this another there 18 Oct with 4 Fulvous sameperch as the male (probably this same appearsto be the 3rd Sonoranrecord, the Whisding-Ducks(JM, AM, RS).Eight Ring- one)seen in theprevious Mar and Apr (WB). othersbeing in Nov 1953and Dec 1956.A neckedDucks at Lagunael FarallOn17 Dec Ten Emerald Toncarters were at Las Pozas well-described ad. male Golden-cheeked werea firstrecord (with specificdate and nearXilitla, S.L.E 29 Nov (SJD,RIC, JJD, JS). Warblerwas reportedfrom near El Salto, localityknown) for cen. Ver. 0M, AM), A LineatedWoodpecker at La Pesca30 Nov S.L.P 24 Nov (O&AC), away from its thoughthe species is mappedthere by How- (SJD,RIC, JJD,JS) was slightlyn. of its expectedrange and, especially,date. A ell and Webb (1995). mappedrange. Northern Watenhrush at Paraiso del Oso 31 Two Ospreyswere soaringover Xochim- Oct (NMC, JL,JD, W&JA) wasrather late. A ilco 26 Nov (SA). Two Harris'sHawks were WOODCREEPERSTHROUGH TOWHEES Louisiana Waterthrush was also there 29 Oct seenmigrating over Playa Juan Angel, Ver. A White-stripedWoodcreeper was at Paraiso (NMC, JD, RE, LG, JL, W&JA). A male and at Chichicaxtle,Ver. 16 & 18 Oct 0M, del Oso29 Oct 0D). A NorthernBeardless- AltamiraYellowthroat was near El Naranjo AM, RS, RR). Another Harris'sHawk was Tyrannnletwas seen in Cationde Fernfindez 27 Nov (SJD,RIC, JJD, JS). A Slate-throated seen near Xochicalco,Mor. 4 Oct (HGdS, 4 Aug(FVP). Fall migrants still in EE 8 Oct Redstartseemed out of placein the man- AOI). Singlein'am. Golden Eagles were seen werea WesternWood-Pewee, a Willow Fly- grovesbetween Rio San CristObaland the migratingover cen. Ver. 29 Sepand 20 Oct catcher,2 Pacific-slopeFlycatchers, and 15 roadto Matanchen,near San Bias, Nay. (TR). (RR,JG); the speciesis not mappedin that WesternKingbirds (SG). A pair of Black- A flockof 62Yellow-winged Tanagers was stateby Howell & Webb(1995). A lightFer- crownedTityras at the BalnearioLa Florida reportedat LasPozas 28 Nov (SJD,RIC, JJD, ruginousHawk was just e. of E1Seco, Pue. 21

124 NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS Oct (JM, AM), a new staterecord. One very Rio Escondido16 Oct (JM, AM, RS,RR). An tlfn del Valleand S.J.G.30 Nov,and 2 Short- vocalPeregrine Falcon was seen in the cen- Audubon'sOriole was at ParqueMacuilte- tailed Hawks were at S.ET. 4 Oct. A Merlin ter of Orizaba,Vet. 14 Nov (FVP). A Bearded pec 10 Oct (JM, AM). Therewas one Yel- wasseen at OaxacaCity 16 Nov.Single Pere- Wood-Partridgewas heardat Ahuaflamim- low-wingedCacique at Amacuzac,Mor. 4- grineFalcons were at Tot.19 Sep and Oaxaca fiol, Pue. 18 Oct (HGdS),and onewas noted Oct(HGdS,xAOI). City 21 Sep. nearLas Minas, Vet. on the sameday (JM, Two Crested Guans were at Marav. 2 Nov. AM, RS).A SingingQuail was also near kas Contributors(area compilers in boldface): Three Montezuma Quail were at S.M.V. 19 Minas 18 Oct (JM, AM, RS). SofiaArenas, Octavio Cruz Carretero,Julio Nov.Sofas were recorded at S.J.G.5 Sepand A Sungrebewas on Rio La Palma,which Gallardo, H•ctor G6mez de Silva, Ricardo 30 Nov. Two American Coots were at EA.D. flows into SontecomapanLagoon near Guerra,Amy McAndrews,Jorge Montejo, 18 Oct. A Common Moorhen was heard at Catemaco,Vet. 27 Oct (RG, OCC). A Dou- Adfn Oliverasde Ita, M6nica P•rez Villafafia, S.J_G.2 Oct.A Killdeerwas at a pondnear ble-stripedThick-knee was seenat Playa RafaelRodriguez, Robert Straub, and Fran- SantiagoCuriapan 17 Oct. A SolitarySand- Juan/•ngel16 & 18Oct (JM, AM, RS, RR). A ciscoValdez Perezgasga. piperwas high at 2857m at a damnear Nev. groupof 9 of thesame species were along the LasBarrancas, Vet. road 25 Oct (RG, OCC). A SnowyPlover was seen at LagunaLa Man- cha, Vet. 16 Oct (JM, AM, RS, RR). A Pec- toralSandpiper was at LagunaE1 Salado 16 & 18 Oct (JM, AM, RS,RR). At least50 Wil- sun'sPhalaropes were at Almoloyadel Rio, M•x. 5 Oct (HGdS).Single Black Terns were Huatulco at PlayaJuan Angel 16 & 18 Oct(JM, AM, Tapachula•J RS, RR). Two Plain-breasted Ground-Doves were near Rio Escondido,Ver. 16 Oct (JM, AM, RS, RR). Flocks of Barred Parakeetswere seenflying high overhead at Ahuatlamimilol SOUTHERN MEXICO 30 Sep (RAr, RG). Two Baird'sSandpipers and PresaLa Soledad,Pue. 18-19 Oct (HGdS, Cold fronts in central Oaxaca in mid- wereat S.PT.5 Sep.A LaughingGull wasat MPV). Two male Broad-billed,a Bumblebee, Novembermay have been the causeof an PA.D. 24 Oct (RAn). A Black-billed Cuckoo and an Amethyst-throatedHummingbird influxof raptorsand pelicans. Fewer aquatic was on the road to the dam near San Pablo were seen at Huitzilfc, Mor. 5 Oct (HGdS, speciesthan usual were noticed there early in Huitzo 14 Sep,and a Yellow-billedCuckoo AOI). the season. All records are from Oaxaca wasat RanchoSol y Luna,Santa Maria Chi- unless otherwise stated. Unattributed malapas22 Sep.Vaux's Swifts were recorded WOODPECKERSTHROUGH CACIQUES recordsare by J. Forcey at S.PT.2 Octand at SanFelipe Park, Oaxaca A Ladder-backedWoodpecker was heard at City 12 Oct. Around 80 White-throated AvenidaCoyoacfn and Morena, rather dose Abbreviation:Marav. (road from Las Mar- Swiftswere at PA.D.30 Nov.Hummingbirds to thecenter of MexicoCity, 22 Oct (HGdS). avillas to Talea de Castro), Nev. (La Neveria, of notewere 2 possibleAzure-crowneds (see FiveTufted Flycatchers were seen at La Cima nearBenito Jufrez), EA.D. (PresaAzul Dam, Forcey2002) near San Pablo Huitzo 14 Sep, and Coajomulco,Mor. 3 Oct (HGdS,AOI). Teotitlfn del Valle), S.ET. (seasonalpond, 2 Green-fronteds(one of them with cinna- SingleSay's Phoebes were near Las Minas 16 Teotitlfn del Valle, 1649 m abovesea level), mon sides) reported at Tot. 19 Oct, a & 18 Oct (JM, AM, RS,RR). Two Western S.A.D. (San Andr•s Dams at San Andr•s Beryllinebuilding a nest at InstitutoTec- Kingbirdswere seenat PresaLa Soledad, Huayapan),S.J.G. (San Juan Guelav•a, about no16gicoAgropecuario de Oaxaca,Xoxo- Pue. 20 Oct (HGdS, MPV). There was a 20 kme. of OaxacaCity, 1550 m abovesea coilgin12 Sep,an Amethyst-throated,3 Gar- LaughingGull at Almoloyadel Rio 5 Oct level), S.M.V.(San Miguel del Valle),Teq. net-throateds,and a Bumblebeeat Marav. 2 (HGdS).An Acorn Woodpecker was seen fly- (TequioPark, Oaxaea City), Tot. (SanPedro Nov and one at S.M.V.18 Nov, 2 Magnifi- ing overthe hill at La Cima 3 Oct (HGdS, Totolapan). centsat SanFelipe Park, Oaxaca City 12 Oct, AOI). A Cassin'sVireo was reported near Las and a Broad-tailed at S.A.D. 30 Nov. Minas18 Oct (JM,AM, RS).Three European GREBESTHROUGH HUMMINGBIRDS Starlingswere at Almoloyadel Rio 5 Oct A LeastGrebe was high at 2857 m at a dam TROGONSTHROUGH ORIOLES (HGdS), and an AmericanDipper was at near Nev. 19 Nov (RAr, RG), and 2 imms What appearedto be a flockof 9 Mountain Cascadade Texolo,Ver. 11 Oct (JM, AM). were at S.PT. 5 Sep. Fourteen American Trogonswere at a madruneand nearby oaks A ProthonotaryWarbler turned up at White Pelicans were at S.M.V. 20 Nov. One aboveTeofitlfn del Valle 8 Oct (RAn). A Yel- ParqueMacuiltepec, Ver. 13 Oct, while Blue-wingedTeal was also high at 2857 m low-belliedSapsucker was at Teq.9 Nov.A another was at Sal. 16 Oct (JM, AM, RS, near Nev. 19 Nov (RAr, RG), and 4 were at Spot-crownedWoodcreeper was in a mixed RR). SingleGolden-winged Warblers were PA.D. 25 Oct. Three LesserScaup and a flock at Nev. 4 Oct, and one was at Marav.2 at ParqueMacuihepec 16 & 18 Oct (JM, RuddyDuck wereat PA.D. 29 Oct. Up to 6 Nov.A DuskyAntbird was reportedat San AM, RS, RR). A male Northern Cardinal White-tailedKites were at Teq. 6 Oct--9 JuanYaguila, around 15 km ne. of Guelatao, was seen in Ciudad Universitaria, D.E 21 Nov,including a pairattending 2 one-thirdto as the crowflies, on the Gulf Slope14 Oct Oct (HGdS, MPV). A flock of Dickcissels nearly-grownchicks in a nest,the first con- (RAt).This area is at theupper end of tropi- were in coastal dune scrub at La Mancha 27 firmednesting of thisspecies in cenu•alOax. calevergreen forest, with small coffee planta- Oct (RG,OCC). Blue-black Grassquits were (at leastone of the immsflew successfully tions, and has much human disturbance displayingin a sorghumfield nearLaguna fromthe nest).A GrayHawk was at Dainzfi (JMF). A GreenishElaenia was at EA.D. 30 E1Rodeo, Mor. 4 Oct (HGdS,AOI). A Lark archaeologicalsite 21 Nov. Four Harris's Nov.A WillowFlycatcher was mistnetted at Sparrow,apparently rare in Ver.,was near Hawkswere along the roadbetween Feoti- Jard•nBotfnico de SantoDomingo, Oaxaca

VOLUME 57 (2003) NUMBER 1 125 City 13 Sep(MG). ThreeSocial Flycatchers which sat over northern Yucatan for 30 hours the public presentationof her updated wereat Teq.9 Nov,and 2 wereat S.A.D.30 on 22-23September, causing damage to the check-list of the birds of the Yucatan Penin- Nov.A Scissor-tafiedFlycatcher was at Teq. northcoast and inland areas. Populations of sula(MacKinnon 2002), the other by Hoyer 17 Oct. landbirds and some waterbirds were immedi- a weekalter, making this publication already A GoldenVireo at SanJuan Yagufia 14 Oct atelyaffected, according to witnesseswho out-o[-date(i[ onlyslightly!). (PAr)was the first record for the GulfSlope notedcomplete absences of certainspecies of Mexico. A Bell's Vireo was mistnetted at wherethey had been just a weekprior to the Abbreviations: S.K.B.R. (Sian Ka'an Bios- JardinBot•nico de SantoDomingo 13 Sep hurricane. On the other hand, MacKinnon phereReserve, Q. Roo);R.L.B.IL (Ria Lagar- (MG). Six UnicoloredJays were at Mamv.2 reportsthat the insectpopulation dramati- tosBiosphere Reserve, Yuc.); ILL (RioLagar- Nov.Six Rufous-naped Wrens were at Tot.19 callyincreased for about six weeks post-hur- tos, a town inside the R.L.B.R.); C.C.C. Sep.An AmericanDipper was at S.M.V. 18 ricane,as was noticed first-hand by residents (Cozumel,Q. Roo, Country Club); J.B. Nov;Forcey knows of onlyfour prior records of M•rida, Yuc. and as evidencedin the field 0ardin Bot•nicoDr. AlfredoBarrera M., Q. from cen. Oaxaca,from Nov, Dec, Jan, and by plaguesof flies(presumably from all the Roo). lateMay. Both Brown-backed and Slate-col- deadanimals) and mosquitoes (presumably oredSolitaires were vocalizing at Marav.2 fromthe newly-created marshes). A fewnew BOOBIESTHROUGH DUCKS Nov. A Barn Swallow was at S.A.D. 30 Nov. recordsfor Cozumelisland of speciesusually ThreeRed-looted Boobies on CayoCulebra Four CedarWaxwings at S.ET.16 Nov and5 foundonly on themainland at firstseem odd 15Aug (FM) werenew to theS.K.B.R. list. At at S.A.D.30 Novset a newearly date for cen- because the hurricane traveled westward leastone pair has nested on Alacrgn Reef, but tral Oax. overthe area, not eastward, but Hoyer rightly for the mostpart this speciesoccurs from A TennesseeWarbler was at Teq.17 Oct, observesthat jets of windmoving northward Belizesouthward. Neotropic Cormorant is while a YellowWarbler was at S.J.G.30 Nov. andeastward are produced on thew. sideof known to nest in the winter in this subre- A Grace's Warbler at 2887 m at S.M.V. 19 theeye of a hurricane.On theother hand, at gion,so it wasnot surprisingto see2 carry- Nov wasnear the publishedhighest deva- least three of the speciesinvolved--Semi- ingmaterials to old nestson "BirdIsland"in tionfor thatspecies, though the species has palmatedSandpiper, Yellow-bellied Elaenia the Celestfin,Yuc. estuary 3 Nov (BM,EG, beenseen along the highestridges above and Sulphur-bdliedFlycatcher--may have JR).Around 150 Anhingas were seen flying Teotitl•n del Valle, which are around 2700 beenpushed westward if theywere caught he. overthe CelestQnshoreline 7 Sep(DB). m. Around10 ElegantEuphonias were at migratingover the CaribbeanSea, as they Thisis onlythe 2nd observationat Celestfin Mamv. 2 Nov. Around 40 Common Bush- may havebeen, given the late September of a largeflock of this species(which is Tanagerswere seen at Mamv. 2 Nov in date. knownto migrate in largenumbers along the mixed flockswith mostlyGolden-browed The secondbig eventthis fall was the Ver.coast). A Bare-throatedTiger-Heron was and Wilson's Warblers, and 6 were seen at holdingof theFirst Annual Yucatan Bird Fes- constructingits nestwith dry twigspulled Santa Maria La Luz 7 Nov. Two Yellow- tival,ending in a birdathon22-23 November offhurricane-damaged trees at thespring in wingedTanagers at SantaMaria La Luz 7 that providedinteresting information from the CelestQnestuary 3 Nov (BM, EG,JR), Nov al 1950 m were slightlyabove their thehurricane-damaged countryside. verydose to whereit hadnested previously publishedaltitudinal limit. There were 3 and Tworeports were received of heavymigra- (juv. seen at nest 10 Apr 2002). A Great one IndigoBuntings at Teq. 17 Oct and 9 tion, both at Cdestfn. Between 8:00 and WhiteHeron was seen 28 Sepat Cobg(MC). Nov, and one was noted at Puente de Hierro, 11:00 p.m. on 11 Sep, Bacabnoted birds Black-crownedNight-Heron, a migranton Gudatao2 Nov.A White-napedBrushfinch streamingin from the seaand acrossthe then. coastof Yuc.,was reported frequently was at Santa Maria La Luz 7 Nov. One mainplaza about 10 meters up, being pushed thisfall, with one 23 Nov at SanSalvadore in GrasshopperSparrow was at S.ET.19 Nov, fartherinland by a strongnorth wind. On 23 ILL.B.R.(MT), 2 in the estuarybehind Pro- and a Lincoln'sSparrow was at SantaMaria Nov, GGmezde Silvaet al. observedstreams gresoon theroad to Chicxulub,Yuc. 23 Nov La Luz 7 Nov. A Melodious Blackbird was at of passerines,mainly warblers, flying south, (MM), and one at CelestQn22 Nov (DB). All Santa Maria La Luz 7 Nov. A Streak-backed parallelto thecoast, about 100 m inlandand were adults.Participants in the birdathon Oriole was recorded at S.ET. 4 Oct. aboutfive to 50 m up. noticed an absence of Boat-billed Herons in Ongoingbird monitoring at E1Cuyo once ILL. even six weeks after the hurricane. Contributors(area compilerin boldface): morereported that many migrants follow a A CaribbeanFlamingo born in 2000in the John M. Forcey,Ramiro AmgGn, Roque corridorrunning west to eastalong the n. R.L.B.R. and reencountered in 2001 in Antonio, Manuel Grosselet,Ruth Guzmfin. coast.Two species were added to theYucatan Celest•nwas found in theEverglades N.E, FL 20 Oct (fide RM). After the hurricane, most CaribbeanFlamingos were scattered throughoutthe peninsula, in particularalong the coast between Sisal and Dzilgm de Bravo, Yuc.,where 30,000 of thepre-hurricane pop- ulationof 34,000 werelocated a monthafter Isidore(RM, MT). These numbersare still muchhigher than in thepast decades, when only6000 were estimated in 1954,11,500 in 1975and 19,000in 1991(fide RM, MT). A flock of 23 Fulvous Whistling-Ducks, uncommonin Yuc. and Q. Roo, were seen flyingover L. Cob• 28 Sep(MC), and 75 werecounted together with 100+Black-bel- YUCATAN PENINSULA Peninsula list (Horned Lark and Hermit liedWhistling-Ducks in a hurricane-created Thebig newsthis fall was Hurricane Isidore, Thrush),the first by MacKinnon36 hrsafter marsh8 km. s. of SanFelipe 22 Nov (PW).

126 NORTH AMERICAN BIRD for thefirst time 23 Sep,when one was seen , Themigra rm6f S•1iow4ailed Kite,a•reatened species,has beenunder intense investigation inre•ent yem. A$ at pondsin the C.C.C.(MC). At leastone _•investi• '•learn moreaboutmigration routesfroms•ellitedata, localbirdors canpiaya rolein mapping the•im- Semipalmated Sandpiper was observed23 [ngofarriva! a •,•parture inareas where they bird. Nov at San Salvadore,while a flock of 50+ The,fi.,=! •i•ghting ofa Swallow-tailed Kite•s one over sero -evergreen furest6km Cuyo inthe R.LBR, 6 wasin themudflats along the road from Pro- Aug•t•i•.•!•-•vever•sate•itedate•revea•edanear1ymigrantnearchetumakQ.R•2•Ju•(KM)•n9Aug•ne•fthesate• gresoto Chicxulub23 Nov(MM). No West- !P• • •dbirds thatcrossed fromFlorida, U.S.A,to Cuba arrived atChetumal, Q,Roo, then turned.around ern Sandpiperswere seen at the site,but a • K.&R,,v•hereitspent the next three days before moving slightly farther north Four others were•f•eding approxi- fewwere reported 26 Augin CelestOn(AD), ..•ately3km e, of the Chump6n enhance toS.K.B,R:•I•3 Aug,and a 5th •ras seen there the next da• (FM), • flock of12 was with 20 there7 Sep(AD). EightLeast Sand- observed16Aug:over Laguna Muyil inS, KJ3.R.:(:•), perhaps partof the !3 individuals that• overth:e Chuml•n piperswere reported as early as 4 Augin the e'ntrancenoffar'.to theslater that day tW,: ?l•e folløWihg da•,$more •re observedinthe same IOCati•n•irdi•g•'•nd coastal lagoon on the road leading to Xtamb6,while one was seen 7 Augin marsh be•"n• ' •'(l•l•:'A•fl•ck-nf71 •.sr:p•rted•.7 AU•feediqgover LagunaMuy!l at Chiquilfi,Q. Roo(BM). A fewmore were reported26 Augin Celesnin(AD). Pectoral One Muscovy Duck was recordedin the S.K.B.R.(BM, 1C,HAS). Two reports of Sandpiperused to bea regularvisitor on Isla CelestOn 22 Nov (EG). Around 40 Blue- Sorawere made22 Nov in the R.L. area(MT, Cancfinin the late 1970s (BM), but it is now wingedTeal were seen in thecoastal lagoon PW). SpottedRail is still foundat Cob•, infrequentin the area.A total of 24 was behind Chixchulub3 Nov, with lower num- whereone ad. wasreported 28-29 Sep, the countedon the flooded[airways of the bersin thesame area 23 Novin companyof waterlevel being unusually high after Hurri- C.C.C.24 Sep,and onewas at Cob• 27-29 a male and 3 female Northern Shovelers caneIsidore (MC). CommonMoorhens were Sep(MC). (BM). numerousthis fall, 5 beingfound together in A singleDunlin was among Short-billed theCelestOn estuary feeding not far from35 Dowitchers3 Nov in thelagoon behind Pro- 05PREYTHROUfiHRAILS AmericanCoots 3 Nov (BM, EG,JR);2 Com- greso,and another (or thesame) was in the SixOspreys in theupper estuary at Celestfin mon Moorhens and 500 American Coots generalarea 22 Nov (MM). A Dunlinwas 12 Novwas a highnumber; only one was of were there 23 Nov (HGdS). reportedin the saltflatsat LasColoradas 23 theresident subspedes (BM). Nov, alongwith a singleStilt Sandpiper ThirteenSnail Kites, mostly ad. males but PLOVER5THROUGH TERN5 (PW), while another one was at San Sal- includingat leastone juv., were seen feeding Black-belliedPlover remainsa commonly vadoreon the sameday (MT). Two Stilt on snailswhile movingsouthward over seen specieson the peninsula,whereas Sandpiperswere noted 23 Sepalong with LagunaBaealar, Q. Roo7 Aug(BM, GZ). A AmericanGolden-Plover has rarely been other shorebirdson the groundsof the 2ndrecord of MississippiKite [or thesubre- reported.A total of 6 golden-ploverswas C.C.C.(MC). Thefirst report for Short-billed gioninvolved 2 ads.and 1 juv. s. of E1Cedral observedwell 7 Sepat Celest•n(AD). (Note- Dowitcherwas of 16 in the estuaryat Pro- ruins, Coz. 22 Sep (MC). A singleZone- worthyis the unpublishedobservation by greso4 Aug(BM); 8 morewere seen 26 Aug tailedPmwk was reported in Celesttln8 Aug BM of 150 on theCancfin golf course 20 Mar at Nichilit, Celest•inand 2 more 7 Sepat and is thoughtto haveperhaps oversum- 1983.) SnowyPlover numbers seem to be Celest•n(AD). In recentyears, more Long- mered(DB). An ad.Red-tailed Hawk, a regu- diminishingin general(BM), while Wilsong billedDowitchers seem to be showingup, or lar but uncommonmigrant in thesubregion, Plovers are more in evidence between the beingidentified increasingly frequently. A wasobserved 22 Nov alongthe Dzilgtnde localresident population and migrants. Two flock of more than 20 was observed 23 Nov Bravo Yalsihonroad, Yuc. Wilson'sPlovers were reported along with 6 alongthe road between Progreso and Chix- A CollaredForest-Falcon was perched SemipalmatedPlovers in the coastallagoon chulub Puerto (MM). A Wilson'sSnipe, aboveits nestnear Iemple 8 at Muyilarche- on the roadleading to Xtamb6,Yuc. 4 Aug reportedless frequently than in thepast, was ologicalsite 25 Aug.A Bat Falconwas seen (BM). Four morewere reported 23 Sepon seenat freshwaterponds e. of Celestfin22 unsuccessfullypursuing a BeltedKingfisher theflooded fairway of theC.C.C. (MC). Fif- Nov (DB). 25 Augabove the Celesuin mangroves (AD). teenAmerican Avocets were observed 4 Aug FrankliftsGull is becominga regularon PeregrineFalcon has measurably increased at Uaymit6n(BM). A GreaterYellowlegs was the peninsula.Two were observedin the in thesubregion in thelast five years. Singles present4 Aug in the estuaryat Progreso Celestonestuary 3 Nov (BM).A Ring-billed were reported24 & 29 Oct from an oil- alongwith a Willet (BM). Smallnumbers of Gull was seenin marsh behind Churburna 23 drillingplatform in the both speciesof yellowlegsare thoughtto Nov (JL). A LesserBlack-backed Gull was approx70 km ne. of Ciudaddel Carmen, oversummerin thesubregion. Spotted Sand- first seen in the marsh behind Churburn• Camp.(at 10ø 23' 44"N, 92ø 02' 23" W); a piperreturns as earlyas mid-Jul (fide BM), Puerto20 (JM, AM, RS) & 23 Nov (BM, JR, colonyof FeralPigeons on the rig are the althoughthe firstreport this season was of JL). At least4 Gull-billedIerns were seen at obviousattraction (there are alsotwo records 10 on 5 Augat Celest•n(DB). LasColoradas (BM) and one at SanSalvadore fromthe platform 23 & 28 Apr 2001;RA). Two Whimbrels were seen 23 Nov in the 23 Nov (MT). Iwo CaspianTerns were on a Otherreports were of oneperched in a snag salt flats s. of ChuburnS,with 2 more on the sandbar3 Nov, and anotherwas in a coastal in the coastallagoon behind Progreso, Yuc. roadbetween Chelem and Progeso(MM). lagoonbehind Progreso 23 Nov.A totalof 12 23 Nov (BM) and of a male near R.L on the Five MarbledGodwits were seen5 Aug in Forster'sTerns was present 8 Augat Progreso sameday (PW). Celest6n (DB) and one 23 Nov at San Sal- (DB), with 6 at Celest•n23 Nov (DB). A coveyof at least16 YucatanBobwhites vadore (MT). Three more were on mudflats LeastTerns, which usually leave by mid- were around 1.5 km n. of Celest•n 23 Nov behindthe entrance to Progresoon theroad Sep,were still present 22 Nov,when around (HGdS et al.). A Rufous-neckedWood-Rail to Yucalpet•n23 Nov (MM). The first 2 20 were seen in flats at Chuburn• (MM). A was found 22 Nov in its usual location on the Sanderlingsof the season were seen 4 Augon single Brown Noddy seen 26 Sep in nw.side of thebridge at Celesnin(DB). Eight the beachat Uaymit6n,Yuc. (BM). Semi- Celest•n (DB) was new to the reserve• Gray-neckedWood-Rails interacted at dusk palmatedSandpiper, mostly a transientin the list--no doubta bird exhaustedin the pas- on theVigia Chico road n. of SantaTeresa in subregion,was reported for Cozumel, Q. Roo sageof HurricaneIsidore.

VOLUME 57 (2003') • NUMBER• 127 PIGEONSTHROUGH VIREOS wayby 8 Sepover S.K.B.R. (BM, IC, HAS).A later,12-13 Oct, ca. 8 migrantswere heard A White-crownedPigeon flew out of Mogote migratingScissor-tailed Flycatcher was seen movingpast. A maleWilson's Warbler and a SanJuan near PuntaAllen, Q. Roo 8 Sep 9 Augflying s. overthe Chetumal-Escarcega male Canada Warbler were reported 26 Sep (BM,IC, HAS),when most had already left. hwy.,ca. 12 kin. w. of itsjunction with the at Las Coloradas(MC). Onlyone report of parrotswas received dur- Cancfn-Chetumalhwy A PhiladelphiaVireo FiveBlue-gray Tanagers were observed in ing the birdathon22-23 Nov, which was was nettedat CelestOn15 Oct (ML). the centralpark in Merida, Yuc. 22 Nov alarming,but Yellow-hilled Cuckoos, by con- (MM), and anotherwas seen at Hunucmfi, trast,were in evidencethat day Oneseen 3 LARKSTHROUGH ORIOLES Yuc.23 Nov (DB),showing that this species Nov 29.5 km s. of TelchacPuerto, Yuc. could A new recordfor the peninsula,a female quitedefinitely is presentin the n. of the havebeen a migrantor a resident.Among the Horned Lark was discovered 23 Nov close to peninsula.A singleSavannah Sparrow was surprisesof the seasonwere the reportsof the lagoonbehind Progreso (BM, JL, JR). A foundin dunevegetation at CelestOn23 Nov CommonNighthawk migration both before Cliff Swallowwas seen flying in company (DB).Grayish Saltator, one of Merida'scom- and after Hurricane Isidore. A flock of 15 was witha fewBarn Swallows over Muyil 11 Oct mon urbanbirds, was largelyabsent after observed7 Sep flying ne. over Celestfin (BM).Yucatan Wrens were quiet at Celestfn HurricaneIsidore (BM, PW, m. ob.). On 19 (DB),possibly the same 16 seen the next day 23 Nov, but White-lored Gnatcatcherswere Oct, a female Rose-breastedGrosbeak was flyingover El Eden,Q. Roo(JR). A fewindi- singingconsistently on thesame day (HGdS seenone km w., anda maleapprox. 20 km vidualswere noted by localguides at Chun- et al.). A Ruby-crownedKinglet was netted w., of Dzihichalt•n, Yuc.(BM, MP). A female yaxchein thelast week of Sepand early Oct, at El Cuyo15 Nov (AC,JD) while onewas Blue Grosbeak was seen 6 km e. of Uxma122 thougha thoroughwatch for migrantswas seen18 Nov and 3 more25 Nov,moving Nov(DB). This species is lessnumerous here not attempted.However, at duskon 11 Oct aboutin a gumbolimbo tree in the coastal thanin the past.An ad.male and at least2 BM, DB,and members of the tourismcoop- dune approximately7 km n. of Celestfn female or imm. Baltimore Orioles were erativesof Chunyaxchewatched the sky for (AD).The only other record for thisspecies observedat Panaha,Yuc. 23 Nov (PW). 40 minutes until darkness set in and counted in thesubregion isan individual observed by ca. 100 flyinglow in an ese.direction, feed- S.N.G. Howell on lsla Perez in mid-Oct Contributors(area compilerin boldface): ingactively, along a frontabout one km wide. 1984, makingthe aboveobservations the Roberto Arreola, Joanne Andrews, David A YucatanNightjar was seenon a road in first for the mainland. Andrews,Houston Audubon Society board CelestOn22 Nov (EG, SL et al.). Since the At least6 WoodThrushes were calling members (HAS), David Bacab, Ismael Caa- late 1970s, local birders have reported vigorouslyat Chunyaxche14-15 Dec (DB, real,Pastor Caamal, Michael Carmody, Anto- RingedKingfisher in the n. of the Yucatan IC, AC, BM). Hoyer reporteda Hermit nio Celis,Alberto Cen Caamal,Luis Chulim Peninsula,so it wasnot surprising to seeone Thrush30 Novat theJ.B., a newspecies for Peteira, Jill Deppe, Ted and Virginia crossthe Chunyaxch4canal 7 Sep(1C). In the subregion.American Robin made an Eubanks,Kathleen Dowd Gaily, Alex Dzib, the 1980s,BM reportedNorthern Barred appearancenear R.L. 23 Nov (,JM,AM, RS, AlfonsoEscobedo, Eduardo Galicia, HOctor Woodcreeperin n. Q. Roo;again, one was PW, TE). One of Merida'smost numerous GOmez de Silva, David Gonzalez, Mariana seen6 Sepat theJ.B. (BM, HAS). birds, Clay-coloredRobin seemedvery Gullco,Freddie HeiWnan, Jose Moo Huchim, A GreenishElaenia reported 23 Novat San scarceafter the hurricane(BM, PW, m. ob.). Eduardo[fiigo-Elias, Jacques Laesser, Ramiro Salvadorewas new for the R.L.B.R. (MT), BlackCatbird is commonin the subregion, Lara, Steve Latta, Mildred Lopez Uribe, while a Yellow-bellied Elaenia observed 23 mainly near the coast.One was at an ant MariaAlha Lorofio Pino, Amy MacAndrews, Sepjust s. of theCozumel sewage ponds was swarm in low secondaryvegetation near Barbara MacKinnon, Keys McManus, new for the island (MC). A Slate-headed Conkal,Yuc_ approx. 25 km inland,22 Nov MiguelMendez, Ken Meyer, Ismael Navarro, Tody-Flycatcherwas heardat Chunyaxche (BM).A mid-afternoonvisit to theJ.B.6 Sep Diego Nofiez, Uriel Ortiz Chay,Gerardo 15 Dec (AC, DB). An EasternWood-Pewee provedexceptional, as a mixed flock of Perez Mendoza, Melgar Tabasco,Victor wasnetted 28 Augat RanchoHobonil, s. Yuc. migrantsfed constantlyas they moved Marin, Miguel Mendez, Heraldo Mesh, (ML), and anotherwas reported at Uxmal, throughthe forest.Some of the warblers RodrigoMigoya, Jorge Montejo, Fahiola Yuc.22 Nov (DB). An Alder/WillowFly- encountered included a male Golden- Murillo, Troy Murphy,Maria TeresaPuig, catcherwas observed 6 Sepat theJ.B. (BM, winged,2 Tennessees,a Nashville, an imm. JamieRotenberg, Chandler Robbins, lngrid HAS).Very rare in thesubregion, an Eastern femaleYellow, a male Cerulean,2 Black- Sanchez Herrera, Waldemar Santamarta Phoebewas first reporteda few km s. of and-whites.a male Prothonotary,a Ken- Rivero,Andres Sierra, Alejandra Silveira Chuburna20 Nov(JM, AM, RS),and proba- tucky,and a maleHooded (BM, HAS).Sev- Puig,Robert Stranb, Luis Tellez, Vidal Vela, bly thesame bird was observed 23 Novfeed- eral Tennessees and ca. 8 Hoodeds were Gabriel Willow, David and Katherine ing froma lowbranch over dune grasses at observed12-13 Oct at Chunyaxche,sug- Wingate,Paul Wood, Gina Zimmerman. ChurburnaPuerto, several km to the e. (BM, gestingactive migration (BM, DB).Another JL,JR). A GreatCrested Flycatcher heard at interestingsighting at theoil platformne. of Literature cited PetenTuch,4 in the R.L.B.R.23 Nov was late; Ciudad del Carmen included a Yellow- Forcey,J. M. 2002.Notes on thebirds thisspecies is a transientin the subregion. throatedWarbler 12 Sep,amid the garbage of cenlxalOaxaca, Part II: Columbidae Anothernew species for Cozumelwas a Sul- near the incinerator (RA). A rare Swainsoffs to Vireonidae. Huitzil 3:14-27 phur-belliedFlycatcher observed 23 Seps. Warbler was netted and banded at El Eden (). of El Cedral,most likely displaced by Hurri- 12 Oct in secondaryforest (JR). A Northern Ganley,Steve. 2002. Birding the caneIsidore (MC), althoughvagrants of this Waterthrushwas reportedat CelestOn19 Puerto Pefiasco area. speciesare reported with apparently increas- Aug (DB), while a LouisianaWaterthrush ing frequencyelsewhere (e.g., Baja Califor- wasnetted 10 Aug at RanchoHobonil (ML), MacKinnon,B. 2002.Check-List of thebirds nia).A PiraticFlycatcher was still present at and anotherwas seen 22 Aug at Celestfin of theYucatan Peninsula / Listado de aves Muyilin S.K.B.R.26 Aug.An EasternKing- (DB). A male HoodedWarbler was seen9, dela Peninsulade Yucatdn. Amigos de bird wasat CelestOn5 Aug (DB), while a 11 & 13 Sep on the offshoreoil-drilling SianKa'an, A.C. and Secretariade massivemigration of the specieswas under- platformmentioned above (RA). A month Turismode Yucatan. Merida, Yuc. •