NEW TITLES IN BIOETHICS Annual Cumulation Volume 15,1989

(Includes Syllabus Exchange Catalog)

Marlene Johnson, Editor Lucinda Fitch, Assistant Editor Dawna Huff, Managing Editor ISSN 0361-6347 NEW TITLES IN BIOETHICS is published eleven times per year (combined issue July-August) by the National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature, Kennedy Institute of Ethics. Annual Cumulations are published in the following year. NEW TITLES IN BIOETHICS is a listing by subject of recent additions to the National Reference Center’s collection. (The subject classification scheme is reproduced in full with each January issue; it can also be found at the end of the cumulated edition.) With the exception of syllabi listed as part of our Syllabus Exchange program, and documents in the section New Publica­ tions from the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, materials listed herein are not available from the National Reference Center, but from the publishers listed in each citation. Subscription to NEW TITLES IN BIOETHICS is $15.00 per calendar year in the U.S. and Canada, and $25.00 elsewhere. Back volumes are available at $8.00 per volume to subscribers, $10.00 per volume to non-subscribers. Orders not prepaid will be assessed a $2.00 invoicing fee. Associate and institutional members of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics receive NEW TITLES IN BIOETHICS (monthly issues) as part of their membership benefits. Inquiries regarding the membership program should be addressed to: Irene McDonald Kennedy Institute of Ethics Georgetown University Washington, DC 20057 (202) 687-8099. Inquiries regarding NEW TITLES IN BIOETHICS should be addressed to: Editor, NEW TITLES IN BIOETHICS National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature Kennedy Institute of Ethics Georgetown University Washington, DC 20057 (202) 687-6738 (800) MED-ETHX. This publication is supported by funds provided under Grant Number LM04492 from the National Library ofMedicine, National Institutes of Health. Purchase of the books listed herein is supported primarily by the National Library of Medicine grant. Other works are contributions of the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Kampelman Collection of Jewish Ethics, publishers, and in­ dividual donors. ©1990 TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.1 Philosophical Ethics ...... 1 12 Religious E thics...... 5 13.1 Applied and Professional Ethics (General) ...... 9 13 2 Applied and Professional Ethics: Business...... 11 133 Applied and Professional Ethics: Education...... 12 13.4 Applied and Professional Ethics: Engineering...... 12 133 Applied and Professional Ethics: Government...... 13 13.6 Applied and Professional Ethics: International Affairs...... 14 13.7 Applied and Professional Ethics: Journalism...... 15 133 Applied and Professional Ethics: Law ...... 15 13.9 Applied and Professional Ethics: Scientific Research...... 16 13.10 Applied and Professional Ethics: Social W ork...... 17 2.1 Bioethics (General)...... 17 22 Bioethics: History of Medical Ethics ...... 22 23 Bioethics: Education/Programs ...... 22 3.1 Philosophy of Biology (General)...... 22 32 Evolution and Creation...... 22 4.1.1 Philosophy of Medicine, Nursing, and Other Health Professions (General) . . .23 4.13 Philosophy of Medicine...... 23 4.13 Philosophy of Nursing ...... 24 42 Concept of Health...... 25 43 Concept of Mental Health ...... 25 4.4 Quality/Value of Life ...... 25 5.1 Science, Technology and Society...... 26 52 Technology Assessment...... 26 53 Social Control of Science/Technology...... 27 6 Codes of Professional Ethics...... 27 7.1 Sociology of Medicine (General) ...... 27 72 Medical Education ...... 29 73 Professional-Professional Relationship...... 29 8.1 Professional-Patient Relationship (General)...... 30 83.1 Informed Consent (General)...... 30 833 Minors and Consent to Treatment...... 30 833 Third Party Consent/Incompetents ...... 31 83.4 Right to Refuse Treatment...... 31 8.4 Confidentiality...... 31 83 Malpractice ...... 31 9.1 Health Care (General) ...... 31 92 Right to Health C a re...... 33 93 Cost of Health Care...... 33 9.4 Allocation of Health Care Resources...... 35

i 9.5.1 Health Care Programs for Specific Diseases/Groups (General)...... 36 933 Health Care Programs for the Aged ...... 37 933 Health Care Programs for Handicapped Persons...... 39 9.5.4 Health Care Programs for Minority G roups...... 39 9.5.5 Health Care Programs for Women ...... 39 9.5.6 HTV Infection and A ID S...... 40 9.6 Quality of Health Care/Ethics Committees...... 45 9.7 Pharmaceutical Industry...... 45 10 Sexuality...... 46 11.1 Contraception (General)...... 47 113 Availability of Contraceptives to M inors...... 47 113 Sterilization ...... 47 11.4 Failure of Contraception/Wrongful Birth...... 47 12.1 Abortion (General)...... 47 123 Abortion: Moral and Religious Aspects ...... 48 12.4.1 Abortion: Legal Aspects (General)...... 48 12.43 Abortion: Interests of Health Personnel/Institutions ...... 48 123.1 Abortion: Social Aspects (General)...... 48 1233 Abortion: Demographic Surveys ...... 48 13.1 Population (General)...... 49 133 Population Growth...... 49 133 Population Policy...... 49 14.1 Reproductive Technologies (General) ...... 49 143 Artificial Insemination and Surrogacy ...... 50 143 Sex Predetermination/Selection...... 51 14.4 In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer...... 51 15.1 Genetics, Molecular Biology and Microbiology (General)...... 52 153 Genetic Counseling and Prenatal Diagnosis...... 52 153 Genetic Screening...... 53 15.4 Gene Therapy...... 53 153 Eugenics...... 53 15.6 Behavioral Genetics ...... 53 15.7 Biohazards of Genetics Research...... 53 15.8 Patenting Organisms ...... 54 15.9 Sociobiology...... 54 15.10 Genome Mapping...... 55 16.1 Environmental Quality (General)...... 55 163 Nuclear Power...... 55 163 Occupational H ealth...... 55 17.1 The Neurosciences and Mental Health Therapies (General) ...... 56 173 Psychotherapy...... 57 173 Operant Conditioning ...... 58 17.7 Involuntary Civil Commitment...... 58 173 Right of the Institutionalized to Treatment...... 58 18.1 Human Experimentation (General)...... 58 183 Human Experimentation: Policy Guidelines...... 58 183 Human Experimentation: Informed Consent ...... 59

ii 18.4 Behavioral Research ...... 59 183.1 Research on Special Populations (General) ...... 59 183.4 Research on Fetuses and Newborns...... 59 1833 Research on Prisoners ...... 60 18.6 Social Control of Human Experimentation...... 60 19.1 Artificial and Transplanted Organs or Tissues (General)...... 60 193 Artificial and Transplanted Kidneys...... 60 19.4 Blood Transfusion...... 60 193 Donation/Procurement of Organs/Tissues ...... 61 20.1 Death and Dying (General) ...... 61 203.1 Definition or Determination of Death (General) ...... 61 203.1 Attitudes Toward Death (General) ...... 61 20.4.1 Care of the Dying Patient (General) ...... 61 203.1 Prolongation of Life and Euthanasia (General) ...... 62 2033 Allowing Infants to D ie ...... 63 20.6 Capital Punishment...... 63 20.7 Suicide ...... 63 213 W ar...... 63 213 Chemical and Biological Weapons ...... 65 21.4 Torture...... 65 22.1 Animal Welfare (General)...... 66 223 Animal Experimentation...... 67 223 Animal Production ...... 68 Information Science ...... 68 Reference 68 New Journal Subscriptions ...... 69 New Publications from the Kennedy Institute of Ethics ...... 70 Supplement: SYLLABUS EXCHANGE CATALOG...... 1-18 Inside Back Cover: National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature Library Classification Scheme 1.1 Philosophical Ethics Butchvarov, Panayot. SKEPTICISM IN ETHICS. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1989. Airaksinen, Timo. ETHICS OF COERCION AND 225 p. ISBN 0-253-20522-0. [BJ1012 .B76 1989] AUTHORITY: A PHILOSOPHICAL STUDY OF SO­ (1.1) CIAL LIFE. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pitts­ burgh Press, 1988. 219 p. ISBN 0-8229-3583-X. Christman, John P., ed. THE INNER CITADEL: ES­ [HM271 .A43 1988] (1.1) SAYS ON INDIVIDUAL AUTONOMY. New York: Allen, Paul. PROOF OF MORAL OBLIGATION IN Oxford University Press, 1989.267 p. ISBN 0-19- TWENTIETH-CENTURY PHILOSOPHY. New York: 505861-5. [B808.67.156 1989] (1.1) P. Lang, 1988. 187 p. ISBN 0-8204-0568-X. Code, Lorraine; Mullett, Sheila; and Overall, (American University Studies; Series V, Christine, eds. FEMINIST PERSPECTIVES: Philosophy; Vol. 45. ISSN 0739-6406.) [BJ319 PHILOSOPHICAL ESSAYS ON METHOD AND .A43 1988] (1.1) MORALS. Buffalo, NY: University of Toronto Attfield, Robin. A THEORY OF VALUE AND Press, 1988.205 p. ISBN 0-8020-6668-2. [HQ1154 OBLIGATION. New York: Croom Helm, 1987. .F4459 1988] (1.1) 262 p. ISBN 0-7099-0572-6. [BJ1012 .A85 1987] Colby, Anne and Kohlberg, Lawrence. THE MEA­ (1.1) SUREMENT OF m oral JUDGMENT. New York: Barry, Brian M. THEORIES OF JUSTICE. Berkeley: Cambridge University Press, 1987. 2 vol. ISBN University of California Press, 1989. 428 p. ISBN 0-521-32565-X. (Vol. 1: Theoretical Foundations 0-520-03866-5. (California Series on Social and Research Validation. Vol. 2: Standard Issue Choice and Political Economy; Vol. 16. A Treatise Scoring Manual.) [BJ14083 .C65 1987] (1.1) on Social Justice series; Vol. 1.) [JC578 .B37 1989 v.l] (1.1,1.3.1) Cormier, Ramona and Lineback, Richard H., eds. INTERNATIONAL DIRECTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Beauchamp, Tom L.; Feinberg, Joel; and Smith, AND PHILOSOPHERS, 1986-89. Bowling Green, James M., eds. PHILOSOPHY AND THE HUMAN OH: Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling CONDITION. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, Green State University, 1986. 299 p. ISBN 0- 1989. 605 p. ISBN 0-13-662537-1. (Second edi­ 912632-78-X. (Sixth edition.) (1.1, Reference) tion.) [BD21 .P47 1989] (1.1, 2.1) Cua, Antonio S. ETHICAL ARGUMENTATION: A Becker, Lawrence C. ON JUSTIFYING MORAL STUDY IN HSUN TZU’S MORAL EPISTEMOLOGY. JUDGMENTS. New York: Humanities Press, 1973. 199 p. ISBN 0-7100-7524-3. (International Library Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1985.228 p. of Philosophy and Scientific Method series.) ISBN 0-8248-0942-4. [B128 .H7 C8 1985] (1.1) [BJ1012 .B42 1973] (1.1) Curley, Edwin M. BEHIND THE GEOMETRICAL Benn, Stanley I. A THEORY OF FREEDOM. New METHOD: A READING OF SPINOZA’S ETHICS. York: Cambridge University Press, 1988. 338 p. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1988. ISBN 0-521-34802-1. [JC585 .B3781988] (1.1) 175 p. ISBN 0-691-02037-X. [B3974 .C87 1988] (1.1) Billington, Ray. LIVING PHILOSOPHY: AN INTRO­ DUCTION TO MORAL THOUGHT. New York: Rout- De George, Richard T. THE NATURE AND LIMITS ledge, 1988. 318 p. ISBN 0-7102-1303-4. [BJ1025 OF AUTHORITY. Lawrence: University Press of .B53 1988] (1.1) Kansas, 1985.305 p. ISBN 0-7006-0269-0. [BD209 .D41985] (1.1) Brink, David O. MORAL REALISM AND THE FOUN­ DATIONS OF ETHICS. New York: Cambridge Donagan, Alan. SPINOZA. Chicago: University of University Press, 1989.340 p. ISBN 0-521-35937-6. Chicago Press, 1989. 219 p. ISBN 0-226-15569-2. (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy series.) (Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BJ1012 .B676 1989] (1.1) [B3998 .D66 1989] (1.1)

Volume 15, Page 1 Edel, Abraham; Flower, Elizabeth; and O’Connor, Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1988. 257 p. ISBN Finbarr W. MORALITY, PHILOSOPHY, AND PRAC­ 0-8006-0857-7. (Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. TICE: HISTORICAL AND CONTEMPORARY READ­ Kampelman.) [D804.3 .H331988] (1.1,1.3.5,21.4) INGS AND STUDIES. New York: Random House, 1989. 643 p. ISBN 0-394-32814-0. [BJ1012 .E28 Hall, Benjamin L. REVERENCE FOR LIFE: AN EX­ 1989] (1.1) AMINATION OF ALBERT SCHWEITZER’S ATTEMPT TO GROUND ETHICS IN RATIONAL THOUGHT. Eldridge, Richard T. ON MORAL PERSONHOOD: Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms Interna­ PHILOSOPHY, LITERATURE, CRITICISM, AND SELF- tional, 1989. 230 leaves. Publication No. 8525307. UNDERSTANDING. Chicago: University of (Thesis, Ph.D.—Duke University, 1985.) (1.1,1.2) Chicago Press, 1989. 210 p. ISBN 0-226-20316-6. [PN45 .E4671989] (1.1) Hanen, Marsha P. and Nielsen, Kai, eds. SCIENCE, MORALITY AND FEMINIST THEORY. Calgary, Al­ Ewin, R.E. LIBERTY, COMMUNITY, AND JUSTICE. berta: University of Calgary Press, 1987. 434 p. Totowa, NJ: Rowman & Littlefield, 1987. 219 p. ISBN 0-919491-13-8. (Published as Canadian ISBN 0-8476-7538-6. [JC585 .E85 1987] (1.1) Journal of Philosophy 13(Suppl.): 1987. ISSN 0229-7051.) (1.1,1.3.1,5.1) Feinberg, Joel, ed. REASON AND RESPONSIBILITY: READINGS IN SOME BASIC PROBLEMS OF Hardin, Russell. MORALITY WITHIN THE LIMITS OF PHILOSOPHY. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1989. REASON. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 612 p. ISBN 0-534-09648-4. (Seventh edition.) 1988. 234 p. ISBN 0-226-31618-1. [BJ1012 .H285 [B29 .R3671989] (1.1) 1988] (1.1) Freeman, Eugene, ed. Integrity and Purity in Art and Hare, Richard M. ESSAYS IN ETHICAL THEORY. Morals. THE MONIST 66(2): 167-315, April 1983. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. 262 p. ISSN 0026-9662. [N7445.2.158 1983] (1.1,1.3.1) ISBN 0-19-824439-8. [BJ1012 .H2925 1989] (1.1) French, Peter A.; Uehling, Theodore E.; and Wett- Harris, Charles E. APPLYING MORAL THEORIES. stein, Howard K., eds. ETHICAL THEORY: CHAR­ Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1986. 191 p. ISBN 0- ACTER AND VIRTUE. Notre Dame, IN: University 534-05898-1. [BJ1012 .H318 1986] (1.1,1.3.1) of Notre Dame Press, 1988. 443 p. ISBN 0-268- 01370-5. (Midwest Studies in Philosophy series; Hartle, Anthony E. and Kekes, John, eds. DIMEN­ Vol. 13.) [BJ1012 .E8835 1988] (1.1) SIONS OF ETHICAL THOUGHT. New York: P. Lang, 1987. 289 p. ISBN 0-8204-0590-6. [BJ1012 .D47 Gelpi, Donald L., ed. beyond individualism : 1987] (1.1) TOWARD A RETRIEVAL OF MORAL DISCOURSE IN AMERICA. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Hazlitt, Henry. THE FOUNDATIONS OF MORALITY. Dame Press, 1989. 230 p. ISBN 0-268-00680-6. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1988. [B824 .B48 1989] (1.1,1.2,1.3.5) 398 p. ISBN 0-8191-7092-5. (Originally published: Los Angeles : Nash, 1972.) [BJ1012 .H35 1988] Goldman, Alan H. MORAL KNOWLEDGE. New (1.1) York: Routledge, 1988.224 p. ISBN 0-415-01310- 0. (The Problems of Philosophy: Their Past and Holiday, Anthony. MORAL POWERS: NORMATIVE Present series.) [BJ1031 .G65 1988] (1.1) NECESSITY IN LANGUAGE AND HISTORY. New York: Routledge, Chapman and Hall, 1988.199 p. Grisez, Germain G. and Shaw, Russell. BEYOND ISBN 0-415-00304-0. [BJ1535 .C9 H641988] (1.1) THE NEW MORALITY: THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF FREEDOM. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Honnefeider, Ludger. GÜTERABWÄGUNG IN DER Dame Press, 1988. 256 p. ISBN 0-268-00679-2. ARISTOTELISCH-SCHOLASTISCHEN TRADITION. (Third edition.) [BJ1025 .G7 1988] (1.1) Bochum: Zentrum für Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1989. 10 p. (Presented at the IV. Haas, Peter J. MORALITY AFTER AUSCHWITZ: THE Bochumer Forschungskolloquium zur bio­ RADICAL CHALLENGE OF THE NAZI ETHIC. medizinischen Ethik held 18-20 April 1989.

Volume 15, Page 2 Medizinethische materialien series; Vol. 29.) (1.1, Mayo, Bernard. THE PHILOSOPHY OF RIGHT AND 2.1) WRONG: AN INTRODUCTION TO ETHICAL THEORY. New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul, Hope, Vincent. VIRTUE BY CONSENSUS: THE 1986. 176 p. ISBN 0-7102-0859-6. [BJ1012 .M39 MORAL PHILOSOPHY OF HUTCHESON, HUME, 1986] (1.1) AND ADAM SMITH. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. 166 p. ISBN 0-19-824840-7. [BJ311 McLaren, Ronald. SOLVING MORAL PROBLEMS: A .H63 1989] (1.1) STRATEGY FOR PRACTICAL INQUIRY. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield, 1989. 84 p. ISBN 0-87484- Jordan, Bill. THE COMMON GOOD: CITIZENSHIP, MORALITY AND SELF-INTEREST. New York: 885-7. [BJ1419 .M351989] (1.1) Blackwell, 1989. 190 p. ISBN 0-631-16487-1. McMurrin, Sterling M., ed. THE TANNER LEC­ [HM216 J641989] (1.1,1.3.1) TURES on HUMAN VALUES, vii: 1986. Salt Lake Kagan, Shelly. THE LIMITS OF MORALITY. New City: University of Utah Press, 1986.288 p. ISBN York: Oxford University Press, 1989.415 p. ISBN 0-87480-259-8. (ISSN 0275-7656.) [BD232 .T24 0-19-824913-6. (Oxford Ethics Series.) [BJ1012 1986] (1.1,1.3.5) .K241989] (1.1) Melden, Abraham I. RIGHTS IN MORAL LIVES: A Kain, Philip J. MARX AND ETHICS. New York: Ox­ HISTORICAL-PHILOSOPHICAL ESSAY. Berkeley: ford University Press, 1988. 222 p. ISBN 0-19- University of California Press, 1988.155 p. ISBN 824496-7. [B3305 .M74 K274 1988] (1.1) 0-520-06275-2. [BJ1031 .M38 1988] (1.1) Kainz, Howard P. ETHICS IN CONTEXT: TOWARDS Mellema, Gregory. INDIVIDUALS, GROUPS, AND THE DEFINITION AND DIFFERENTIATION OF THE SHARED MORAL RESPONSIBILITY. New York: P. MORALLY GOOD. Washington, DC: Georgetown Lang, 1988. 214 p. ISBN 0-8204-0855-7. University Press, 1988.162 p. ISBN 0-87840-462-7. (American University Studies; Series V, [BJ1012 .K26 1988] (1.1) Philosophy; Vol. 61. ISSN 0739-6392.) [BJ1451 .M45 1988] (1.1) Kekes, John. THE EXAMINED LIFE. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 1988. 201 p. ISBN 0- Mendes-Flohr, Paul R., ed. THE PHILOSOPHY OF 8387-5132-6. [BJ1012 .K4 1988] (1.1) FRANZ ROSENZWEIG. Hanover, NH: Published for Brandeis University Press by University Press Kupperman, Joel J. ETHICAL KNOWLEDGE. New of New England, 1988.260 p. ISBN0-87451-398-7. York: Humanities Press, 1970.156 p. ISBN 0-391- (Papers from the Fourth Jerusalem Philosophical 00119-1. (Muirhead Library of Philosophy series. Encounter held 20 April-2 May 1980 in Jerusalem. Gift of Lucinda L. Fitch.) [BJ1012 .K81970] (1.1) The Tauber Institute for the Study of European Lindley, Richard. AUTONOMY. Atlantic Highlands, Jewry Series; Vol. 8. Gift of Max M. and Marjorie NJ: Humanities Press International, 1986.198 p. B. Kampelman.) [B3327 .R64P48 1988] (1.1,1.2) ISBN 0-391-03429-4. (Issues in Political Theory Mitsis, Phillip. EPICURUS’ ETHICAL THEORY: THE series.) [JC571 .L555 1986] (1.1,1.35) PLEASURES OF INVULNERABILITY. Ithaca, NY: Lombardi, Louis G. MORAL ANALYSIS: FOUNDA­ Cornell University Press, 1988. 184 p. ISBN 0- TIONS, GUIDES, AND APPLICATIONS. Albany: 8014-2187-X. (Cornell Studies in Classical Philol­ State University of New York Press, 1988.185 p. ogy series; Vol. 48.) [B573 .M58 1988] (1.1) ISBN 0-88706-666-6. (SUNY Series in Philosophy.) [BJ1012 .L66 1988] (1.1) Murphey, Murray G. and Berg, Ivar E., eds. VALUES AND VALUE THEORY IN TWENTIETH- Martineau, James. TYPES OF ETHICAL THEORY. CENTURY AMERICA: ESSAYS IN HONOR OF Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1898.2 vols. (Third edi­ ELIZABETH FLOWER. Philadelphia: Temple tion, revised. Clarendon Press Series. Gift of University Press, 1988.301 p. ISBN 0-87722-557-5. Lucinda L. Fitch.) [BJ71 .M431898] (1.1) [BJ1012 .V351988] (1.1,1.3.1)

Volume 15, Page 3 Murphy, Jeffrie G. and Hampton, Jean. FORGIVE­ Pogge, Thomas W. REALIZING RAWLS. Ithaca, NY: NESS AND MERCY. New York: Cambridge Univer­ Cornell University Press, 1989. 296 p. ISBN 0- sity Press, 1988. 194 p. ISBN 0-521-36128-1. 8014-2124-1. [JC578 .R383 P641989] (1.1) (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Law series.) [BJ1476 .M871988] (1.1) Rescher, Nicholas. MORAL ABSOLUTES: AN ESSAY ON THE NATURE AND RATIONALE OF MORALITY. Nerlich, Graham. VALUES AND VALUING: New York: P. Lang, 1989. 115 p. ISBN 0-8204- SPECULATIONS ON THE ETHICAL LIFE OF PER­ 0797-6. (Studies in Moral Philosophy series; Vol. SONS. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. 2. ISSN 0899-4897.) [BJ1012 .R4341989] (1.1) 217 p. ISBN 0-19-82487-4. (1.1) Rosenthal, David M. and Shehadi, Fadlou, eds. Newton, Lisa H., ed. ETHICS IN AMERICA SOURCE APPLIED ETHICS AND ETHICAL THEORY. Salt READER. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1988.325 p. 1989. 200 p. ISBN 0-13-290180-3. (Columbia ISBN 0-87480-289-X. (Ethics in a Changing University Seminars on Media and Society series. World series; Vol. 1. ISSN 0898-235X.) [BJ1012 Designed to accompany a college television .A66 1988] (1.1) course and prime time television series entitled Ethics in America.) [BJ1025 .E841989] (1.1) Samuelson, Norbert M. AN INTRODUCTION TO MODERN JEWISH PHILOSOPHY. Albany: State Nielsen, Kai. WHY BE MORAL? Buffalo, NY: University of New York Press, 1989. 320 p. ISBN Prometheus Books, 1989. 300 p. ISBN 0-87975- 0-88706-960-6. (SUNY Series in Jewish 519-9. [BJ1012 .N541989] (1.1) Philosophy. Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kam­ Nozick, Robert. THE EXAMINED LIFE: PHILOSOPHI­ pelman.) [B159 .S25 1989] (1.1,1.2) CAL MEDITATIONS. New York: Simon and Sayre-McCord, Geoffrey, ed. ESSAYS ON MORAL Schuster, 1989. 308 p. ISBN 0-671-47218-6. REALISM. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, [BD431 .N65 1989] (1.1) 1988. 317 p. ISBN 0-8014-9541-5. [BJ1012 .E85 Nye, Andrea. FEMINIST THEORY AND THE 1988] (1.1) PHILOSOPHIES OF MAN. New York: Croom Helm, Schwemmer, Oswald. METHODEN PHILOSOPHI­ 1988. 244 p. ISBN 0-7099-1852-6. (Published in SCHERGÜTERABWÄGUNG. Bochum: Zentrum für the USA by Croom Helm in association with Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1989. 20 p. Methuen.) [HQ1154 .N93 1988] (1.1) (Presented at the IV. Bochumer Forschungskollo­ Olen, Jeffrey. MORAL FREEDOM. Philadelphia: quium zur biomedizinischen Ethik held 18-20 Temple University Press, 1988. 151 p. ISBN 0- April 1989. Medizinethische materialien series; 87722-578-8. [BJ1461.039 1988] (1.1) Vol. 28.) (1.1,2.1) Olen, Jeffrey and Barry, Vincent. APPLYING Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter. MORAL DILEMMAS. ETHICS: A TEXT WITH READINGS. Belmont, CA: New York: B. Blackwell, 1988.264 p. ISBN 0-631- Wadsworth, 1989. 471 p. ISBN 0-534-10152-6. 15708-5. (Philosophical Theory series.) [BJ1031 (Third edition.) [HM216 .B18 1989] (1.1,2.1) .S55 1988] (1.1) Perry, Michael J. MORALITY, POLITICS, AND LAW: Snell, George D. SEARCH FOR A RATIONAL ETHIC. A BICENTENNIAL ESSAY. New York: Oxford New York: Springer-Verlag, 1988. 317 p. ISBN University Press, 1988. 323 p. ISBN 0-19-505296- 0-387-96767-2. (Gift of Edmund D. Pellegrino.) X. [KF4552 .P471988] (1.1,1.2,1.3.5,1.3.8) [BJ1012 .S55 1988] (1.1,1.3.1) Peterson, Grethe B., ed. THE TANNER LECTURES Sprigge, Timothy L. THE RATIONAL FOUNDATIONS ON HUMAN VALUES, X: 1989. Salt Lake City: OF ETHICS. New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul, University of Utah Press, 1989. 278 p. ISBN 0- 1988. 283 p. ISBN 0-7102-0705-0. (The Problems 87480-318-7. (ISSN 0275-7656.) [BD232 .T24 of Philosophy: Their Past and Present series.) 1989] (1.1,1.3.5) [BJ1012.S595 1988] (1.1)

Volume 15, Page 4 Sullivan, Roger J. IMMANUEL KANT’S MORAL April 1989. Medizinethische materialien series; THEORY. New York: Cambridge University Press, Vol. 30.) (1.1,2.1) 1989.413 p. ISBN 0-521-36011-0. [B2799 JE8 S83 1989] (1.1) Wuthnow, Robert. MEANING AND MORAL ORDER; EXPLORATIONS IN CULTURAL ANALYSIS. Thomas, Geoffrey. THE MORAL PHILOSOPHY OF Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987. T.H. GREEN. New York: Oxford University Press, 435 p. ISBN 0-520-05950-6. [BL60 .W87 1987] 1987. 406 p. ISBN 0-19-824788-5. (Based on the (1.1,1.2,51) author’s thesis, Ph.D.—University of London, 1983.) [B1638 .E8 T48 1987] (1.1) 1.2 Religious Ethics Tranpy, Knut E. THE MORAL IMPORT OF SCIENCE: ESSAYS ON NORMATIVE THEORY, SCIENTIFIC AC­ Beckley, Harlan and Swezey, Charles M., eds. TIVITY AND WITTGENSTEIN. Spreidgrend, Nor­ JAMES M. GUSTAFSON’S THEO CENTRIC ETHICS: way: Sigma Forlag, 1988. 222 p. ISBN INTERPRETATIONS AND ASSESSMENTS. Macon, 82-90373-39-2. (Edited by Andrew J.I. Jones. Pub­ GA: Mercer University Press, 1988. 254 p. ISBN lished on the occasion of the author’s seventieth 0-86554-307-0. (Papers from a symposium held birthday. Gift of the publisher.) (1.1, 5.1) 26-28 September 1985 in Lexington, VA, cospon- sored by the Department of Religion at Tuan, Yi-fu. MORALITY AND IMAGINATION: Washington and Lee University and the Institute PARADOXES OF PROGRESS. Madison: University for the Advanced Study of Religion at the Divinity of Wisconsin Press, 1989. 209 p. ISBN 0-299- School of the University of Chicago.) [BJ1251J35 12064-3. [BJ1031 .T77 1989] (1.1,5.1) 1988] (1.2) Van der Linden, Harry. KANTIAN ETHICS AND Bernardin, Joseph L.; et al. CONSISTENT ETHIC OF SOCIALISM. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1988. 370 p. LIFE. Kansas City, MO: Sheed & Ward, 1988. ISBN 0-87220-027-2. [B2799 .E8 V36 1988] (1.1) 258 p. ISBN 1-55612-120-2. (Work edited by Thomas G. Fuechtmann. Includes addresses of Wallace, James D. MORAL RELEVANCE AND Joseph Cardinal Bernardin and papers from a MORAL CONFLICT. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University symposium held 7 November 1987 at Loyola Press, 1988. 167 p. ISBN 0-8014-2096-2. [BJ1012 University of Chicago.) [BJ1249 £4 1988] (12, .W352 1988] (1.1,20.2.1) 2.1) Weaver, Richard M. THE ETHICS OF RHETORIC. South Bend, IN: Regnery/Gateway, cl953. 234 p. Blasi, Anthony J. MORAL CONFLICT AND CHRIS­ TIAN RELIGION. New York: P. Lang, 1988.180 p. ISBN 0-89526-998-8. [PN4061 .W4] (1.1) ISBN 0-8204-0497-7. (American University Weinreb, Lloyd L. NATURAL LAW AND JUSTICE. Studies; Series VII, Theology and Religion; Vol. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1987. 35. ISSN 0740-0446.) [BJ1012 .B541988] (12) 320 p. ISBN 0-674-60425-3. [K460 .W45 1987] (1.1) Bube, Paul C. ETHICS IN JOHN COBB’S PROCESS THEOLOGY. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1988. Wellman, Carl. MORALS AND ETHICS. Englewood 184 p. ISBN 1-555-40271-2. (American Academy Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1988.314 p. ISBN 0-13- of Religion Academy Series; No. 62.) [BX4827 .C6 600719-8. (Second edition.) [BJ1025 .W39 1988] B83 1988] (1.2) ( Coward, Harold G.; Lipner, Julius J.; and Young, Wolfslast, Gabriele. JURISTISCHE METHODEN DER Katherine K. HINDU ETHICS: PURITY, ABORTION, GÜTERABWÄGUNG. Bochum: Zentrum für AND EUTHANASIA. Albany: State University of Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1989. 19 p. New York Press, 1989.139 p. ISBN 0-88706-763-8. (Presented at the IV. Bochumer Forschungskollo­ (McGill Studies in the History of Religions quium zur biomedizinischen Ethik held 18-20 series.) [BJ122 .C71989] (1.2,12.3,20.5.1)

Volume 15, Page 5 Dan, Joseph. GERSHOM SCHOLEM AND THE MYS­ Philosophy series; No. 38. ISSN 0084-926X. Gift TICAL DIMENSION OF JEWISH HISTORY. New of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BM565 York: New York University Press, 1988. 334 p. .E381989] (1.2,1.1) ISBN 0-8147-1812-4. (Modern Jewish Masters Series; 2. Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampel­ Fiering, Norman. JONATHAN EDWARDS’S MORAL man.) [BM723 .D361988] (1.2) THOUGHT AND ITS BRITISH CONTEXT. Chapel Hill: Published for the Institute of Early American Danzger, M. Herbert. RETURNING TO TRADITION: History and Culture, Williamsburg, VA, by the THE CONTEMPORARY REVIVAL OF ORTHODOX University of North Carolina Press, 1981. 391 p. JUDAISM. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, ISBN 0-8078-1473-3. [BX7260 .E3 F531981] (1.2) 1989.374 p. ISBN 0-300-03947-6. (Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BM205 .D271989] Frey, Christofer. PROTESTANTISCHE ETHIK UND (1.2) GÜTERABWÄGUNG. Bochum: Zentrum für Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1989. 7 p. Dietrich, Donald J. CATHOLIC CITIZENS IN THE (Presented at the IV. Bochumer Forschungskollo­ THIRD REICH: PSYCHO-SOCIAL PRINCIPLES AND quium zur biomedizinischen Ethik held 18-20 MORAL REASONING. New Brunswick, NJ: Trans­ April 1989. Medizinethische materialien series; action Books, 1988. 356 p. ISBN 0-88738-131-6. Vol. 26.) (1.2,2.1) [BX1536 .D541988] (1.2,13.5,21.2) Fuchs, Josef. CHRISTIAN MORALITY: THE WORD Dorff, Elliot N. and Rosett, Arthur. A LIVING TREE: BECOMES flesh. Washington, DC: Georgetown THE ROOTS AND GROWTH OF JEWISH LAW. Al­ University Press, 1987. 212 p. ISBN 0-87840-452- bany: State University of New York Press, 1988. A. [BJ1249 .F753 1987] (1.2,2.1) 602 p. ISBN 0-88706-460-4. (A centennial publi­ cation of the Jewish Theological Seminary of Geisler, Norman L. CHRISTIAN ETHICS. Grand America. Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kam­ Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1989.335 p. ISBN pelman.) (1.2,1.3.8) 0-8010-3832-4. [BJ1251 .G41989] (1.2,1.1,2.1) Dussel, Enrique D. ETHICS AND COMMUNITY. Glazer, Nathan. AMERICAN JUDAISM. Chicago: MaryknoU, NY: Orbis Books, 1988. 260 p. ISBN University of Chicago Press, 1989. 214 p. ISBN 0-88344-618-9. (Theology and Liberation Series. 0-226-29843-4. (Second edition, revised. Chicago Translation of: Etica comunitaria.) [BJ1251 History of American Civilization series. Gift of .D8713 1988] (1.2,1.3.5,21.2) Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BM205 .G5 1989] (1.2) Eckardt, Alice L. and Eckardt, A. Roy. LONG NIGHT’S JOURNEY INTO DAY: A REVISED Goldin, Judah. STUDIES IN MIDRASH AND RE­ RETROSPECTIVE ON THE HOLOCAUST. Detroit: LATED LITERATURE. Philadelphia: Jewish Publi­ Wayne State University Press, 1988. 277 p. ISBN cation Society, 1988. 419 p. ISBN 0-8276-0277-4. 0-8143-2086-4. (Revised edition. Gift of Max M. (JPS Scholar of Distinction Series. Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BT93 .E25 1988] and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BM514 .G651988] (1.2,21.4) (1.2) Edwards, Jonathan. ETHICAL WRITINGS. New Green, Ronald M. RELIGION AND MORAL REASON: Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1989. 791 p. A NEW METHOD FOR COMPARATIVE STUDY. New ISBN 0-300-04020-2. (Paul Ramsey, editor. Works York: Oxford University Press, 1988.278 p. ISBN of Jonathan Edwards series; Vol. 8.) [BX7117 .E3 0-19-504341-3. [BJ47 .G741988] (1.2,1.1) 1957 v.8] (1.2) Griffiths, David B. A CRITICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF Eidelberg, Paul, bey ond th e secular m ind: a WRITINGS ON JUDAISM. Lewiston, NY: E. Mellen JUDAIC RESPONSE TO THE PROBLEMS OF MODER­ Press, 1988. 2 vols. (804 p.) ISBN 0-88946-252-2; NITY. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989. 177 p. 0-88946-257-7. (Together these two volumes com­ ISBN 0-313-26663-8. (Contributions in prise: Jewish Studies series; Vol. 2. Gift of Max M.

Volume 15, Page 6 and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BM155.2 .G75 0-03-013523-0. (Fourth edition.) [HN39 .U6 M67 1989] (1.2,1.1,21.2, Reference) 1988] (1.2) Gula, Richard M. REASON INFORMED BY FAITH: JEWISH BOOK ANNUAL, VOLUME 46: 1988-1989. FOUNDATIONS OF CATHOLIC MORALITY. New New York: Jewish Book Council, 1988. 334 p. York: Paulist Press, 1989. 334 p. ISBN 0-8091- ISBN 0-914820-15-X. (ISSN 0075-3726. Gift of 3066-1. [BJ1249 .G82 1989] (1.2) Max M. and Maijorie B. Kampelman.) [PN6067 Hamel, Ronald P. and Himes, Kenneth B., eds. J41988-89] (1.2, Reference) INTRODUCTION TO CHRISTIAN ETHICS: A Jhingran, Saral. ASPECTS OF HINDU MORALITY. READER. New York: Paulist Press, [1989]. 597 p. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1989. 241 p. ISBN ISBN 0-8091-3065-3. [BJ1249 .157 1989] (1.2) 81-208-0574-7. (Distributed in the U.S. by: South Hanigan, James P. AS I HAVE LOVED YOU: THE Asia Books.) (1.2) CHALLENGE OF CHRISTIAN ETHICS. New York: Johnson, Paul. A HISTORY OFTHE JEWS. New York: Paulist Press, 1986. 227 p. ISBN 0-8091-2734-2. Perennial Library, 1988.644 p. ISBN 0-06-091533- [BJ1249 .H353 1986] (1.2) 1. (Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) Hauerwas, Stanley. CHARACTER AND THE CHRIS­ (1.2) TIAN LIFE: A STUDY IN THEOLOGICAL ETHICS. San Antonio, TX: Trinity University Press, 1985. Kranzler, David. THY BROTHER’S BLOOD: THE OR­ 239 p. ISBN 0-939980-10-X. (Trinity University THODOX JEWISH RESPONSE DURING THE Monograph Series in Religion; Vol. 3.) [BJ1521 HOLOCAUST. Brooklyn, NY: Mesorah, 1987. .H355 1985] (1.2) 338 p. ISBN 0-89906-858-8. (ArtScroll Judaiscope Series. Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampel­ Hauerwas, Stanley. CHRISTIAN EXISTENCE TODAY: man.) [D804.3 .K73 1987] (1.2,21.2) ESSAYS ON CHURCH, WORLD, AND LIVING IN BE­ TWEEN. Durham, NC: Labyrinth Press, 1988. Kurtz, Paul W. EUPRAXOPHY: LIVING WITHOUT 266 p. ISBN 0-939464-48-9. [BR50 .H34 1988] RELIGION. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1989. (1.2) 159 p. ISBN 0-087975-508-3. [B821 .K81989] (1.2, Hoffmann, R. Joseph and Larue, Gerald A., eds. 1.1) BIBLICAL V. SECULAR ETHICS: THE CONFLICT. Lebacqz, Karen. JUSTICE IN AN UNJUST WORLD: Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1988. 191 p. FOUNDATIONS FOR A CHRISTIAN APPROACH TO ISBN 0-87975-418-4. (Papers from the second JUSTICE. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1987. 192 p. congress of the Committee for the Scientific Ex­ ISBN 0-8066-2300-4. [BR115 J8 L4 1987] (1.2, amination of Religion held in 1986 at the Univer­ 1.3.1) sity of Richmond, VA.) [BS680 .E84 B53 1988] (1.2) Levenson, Jon D. CREATION AND THE PERSIS­ TENCE OF EVIL: THE JEWISH DRAMA OF DIVINE Idel, Moshe. kabbalah-, new perspectives. New OMNIPOTENCE. San Francisco: Harper and Row, Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1988. 419 p. 1988.182 p. ISBN 0-06-254845-X. (Gift of MaxM. ISBN 0-300-03860-7. (Gift of Max M. and Mar­ and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BS651 .L3771988] jorie B. Kampelman.) [BM526 .1338 1988] (1.2) (1.2) Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology. ITEST MONOGRAPH. St. Louis, Levine, Baruch A. LEVITICUS: THE TRADITIONAL MO: ITEST, 1986. 104 p. (Fall 1986.) [BL241 .16 HEBREW TEXT WITH THE NEW JPS TRANSLATION. 1986] (1.2,5.3) Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1989. 284 p. ISBN 0-8276-0328-2. (The JPS Tbrah Com­ Jersild, Paul T. and Johnson, Dale A., eds. MORAL mentary series. Gift of Max M. and Maijorie B. ISSUES AND CHRISTIAN RESPONSE. New York: Kampelman.) [BS1255.3 .L48 1989] (1.2, Refer­ Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1988. 403 p. ISBN ence)

Volume 15, Page 7 Liebman, Charles S. DECEPTIVE IMAGES: TOWARD Roth, Sol. HALAKHAH AND POLITICS: THE JEWISH A REDEFINITION OF AMERICAN JUDAISM. New IDEA OF THE STATE. New York: Ktav, 1988.205 p. Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1988. 114 p. ISBN 0-88125-129-1. (The Library of Jewish Law ISBN 0-88738-218-5. (Gift of Max M. and Mar­ and Ethics series; Vol. 14. Gift of Max M. and jorie B. Kampelman.) [BM205 .L5391988] (1.2) Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BM496.9 .P64 R68 1988] (1.2,1.3.5) Meyer, Michael A. RESPONSE TO MODERNITY: A HISTORY OF THE REFORM MOVEMENT IN Roth, Sol. THE JEWISH IDEA OF COMMUNITY. New JUDAISM. New York: Oxford University Press, York: Yeshiva University Press, Department of 1988. 494 p. ISBN 0-19-505167-X. (Studies in Special Publications, 1977.164 p. ISBN 0-89362- Jewish History series. Gift of Max M. and Mar­ 005-X. (Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampel­ jorie B. Kampelman.) [BM197 .M48 1988] (1.2) man.) [BM565 .R651977] (1.2) Neusner, Jacob. DEATH AND BIRTH OF JUDAISM: THE IMPACT OF CHRISTIANITY, SECULARISM, Ruderman, David B. KABBALAH, MAGIC, AND AND THE HOLOCAUST ON JEWISH FAITH. New SCIENCE: THE CULTURAL UNIVERSE OF A SIX­ York: Basic Books, 1987. 380 p. ISBN 0-465- TEENTH-CENTURY JEWISH PHYSICIAN. 01577-8. (Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kam­ Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1988. pelman.) [BM195 .N48 1987] (1.2,1.1) 232 p. ISBN 0-674-49660-4. (Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BM755 J273 R83 Neusner, Jacob. THE MISHNAH: A NEW TRANSLA­ 1988] (1.2,5.1,7.1) TION. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1988.1162 p. ISBN 0-300-03065-7. (Gift of MaxM. Saadia Gaon. t h e b o o k o f b e l ie f s a n d and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BM497.5 .E5 N48 OPINIONS. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1988] (1.2) 1976. 498 p. ISBN 0-300-04490-9. (Yale Judaica Series; Vol. 1. Translated by Samuel Rosenblatt. Neusner, Jacob, t h e sy stem ic a n a ly sis o f JUDAISM. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1988. Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) 131 p. ISBN 1-55540-204-6. (Brown Judaic [B759 .S23 K5213 1976] (1.2) Studies series; No. 137. Gift of Max M. and Mar­ Sarna, Nahum M. GENESIS: THE TRADITIONAL jorie B. Kampelman.) [BM71 .N47 1988] (1.2) HEBREW TEXT WITH THE NEW JPS TRANSLATION. Novak, David, jew ish -christlan d ia lo g u e: a Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1989. JEWISH JUSTIFICATION. New York: Oxford 414 p. ISBN 0-8276-0326-6. (The JPS Torah Com­ University Press, 1989.194 p. ISBN 0-19-505084-3. mentary series. Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. (Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) Kampelman.) [BS1235.3 .S325 1989] (1.2, Refer­ [BM535 .N641989] (1.2,1.1) ence) Oppenheim, Carolyn T., ed. l ist e n in g to Scholder, Klaus. THE CHURCHES AND THE THIRD AMERICAN JEWS: SH’MA 1970-1987. New York: REICH: VOLUME TWO: THE YEAR OF DISIL­ Adama Books, [1987]. 256 p. ISBN 1-55774-004-6. LUSIONMENT: 1934, BARMEN AND ROME. (Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1988. 392 p. ISBN [BM205 .L561987] (1.2) 0-8006-0896-8. (Translation of: Die Kirchen und Reeder, John P. SOURCE, SANCTION, AND SALVA­ das Dritte Reich. Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. TION: RELIGION AND MORALITY IN JUDAIC AND Kampelman.) [BR856 .S343613 1988 v. 2] (1.2, CHRISTIAN TRADITIONS. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: 1.3.5,21.2) Prentice Hall, 1988. 146 p. ISBN 0-13-823436-1. [BJ1251 .R395 1988] (1.2) Scriven, Charles. THE TRANSFORMATION OF CUL­ TURE: CHRISTIAN SOCIAL ETHICS AFTER H. Richard, Lucien, is THERE A CHRISTIAN ETHICS? RICHARD NIEBUHR. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, New York: Paulist Press, [1988]. 139 p. ISBN 0- 1988.224 p. ISBN 0-8361-3101-0. [BR115 .C8 S37 8091-2951-5. [BJ1249 .R4781988] (1.2) 1988] (1.2)

Volume 15, Page 8 Sigal, Phillip. JUDAISM: THE EVOLUTION OF A Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BM601 .V64 1987] FAITH. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1988.326 (1.2,1.3.1) p. ISBN 0-8028-0345-8. (First published as Juden­ tum, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1986. Gift of Max M. Wineman, Aryeh. BEYOND APPEARANCES: and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BM155.2 .S47 STORIES FROM THE KABBALISTIC ETHICAL WRIT­ 1988] (1.2) INGS. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1988.174 p. ISBN 0-8276-0307-X. (Gift of Max M. Sigmund, Paul E., ed. and trans. ST. THOMAS and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BM530 .W56 AQUINAS ON POLITICS AND ETHICS: A NEW 1988] (1.2) TRANSLATION, BACKGROUNDS, INTERPRETA­ TIONS. New York: Norton, 1988. 248 p. ISBN 0- 393-95243-6. (A Norton Critical Edition series.) 1.3.1 Applied and Professional Ethics [BX890 .T62 E6 1988] (1.2,1.3.5) (General) Silberstein, Laurence J. MARTIN BUBER’S SOCIAL Appell, George N. and Madan, T.N., eds. CHOICE AND RELIGIOUS THOUGHT: ALIENATION AND AND MORALITY IN ANTHROPOLOGICAL PERSPEC­ THE QUEST FOR MEANING. New York: New York TIVE: ESSAYS IN HONOR OF DEREK FREEMAN. UniversityPress, 1989.358 p. ISBN 0-8147-7886-0. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1988. (Reappraisals in Jewish Social and Intellectual 248 p. ISBN 0-88706-606-2. [GN468.2 .C48 1988] History series. Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. (1.3.1,1.3.9) Kampelman.) [B3213 .B84S496 1989] (1.2,1.1) Baird, Robert M. and Rosenbaum, Stuart E., eds. Steinsaltz, Adin. THE STRIFE OF THE SPIRIT. MORALITY AND THE LAW. Buffalo, NY: Northvale, NJ: J. Aronson, 1988. 259 p. ISBN Prometheus Books, 1988. 148 p. ISBN 0-87975- 0-87668-986-1. (Selections by Arthur Kurzweil. 474-5. (Contemporary Issues in Philosophy Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) series.) [BJ55 .M5941988] (1.3.1) [BM45 .S798 1988] (1.2) Bayles, Michael D. PROFESSIONAL ETHICS. Bel­ Stivers, Robert L.; et al. CHRISTIAN ETHICS: A CASE mont, CA: Wadsworth, 1989. 223 p. ISBN 0-534- METHOD APPROACH. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis 09546-1. (Second edition.) [BJ1725 .B29 1989] Books, 1989.294 p. ISBN 0-88344-424-0. [BJ1251 (1.3.1) .C49 1989] (1.2,1.3.1,2.1) Behrman, Jack N. ESSAYS ON ETHICS IN BUSINESS Suggate, Alan M. WILLIAM TEMPLE AND CHRIS­ and t h e professions. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: TIAN SOCIAL ETHICS TODAY. Edinburgh: T. & T. Prentice Hall, 1988. 358 p. ISBN 0-13-283623-8. Clark, 1987. 286 p. ISBN 0-567-09455-3. [BJ1275 [HF5387 .B441988] (13.1,13.2) .S93 1987] (1.2) Cannon, Katie G. BLACK WOMANIST ETHICS. At­ Urbach, Ephraim E. THE HALAKHAH: ITS SOURCES lanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1988. 183 p. ISBN 1- AND DEVELOPMENT. [Ramat Gan]: Masadah, 55540-215-1. (American Academy of Religion 1986.519 p. (Yad la-Talmud series. Gift of Max M. Academy Series; No. 60.) [BJ1275 .C33 1988] and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BM520.5 .U7313 (1.3.1,1.2) 1986] (1.2) Clarke, Robert W. and Lawry, Robert P., eds. THE Vogel, Manfred H. A QUEST FOR A THEOLOGY OF POWER OF THE PROFESSIONAL PERSON. Lanham, JUDAISM: THE DIVINE, THE HUMAN AND THE MD: University Press of America, 1988. 240 p. ETHICAL DIMENSIONS IN THE STRUCTURE OF ISBN 0-8191-6956-0. (Papers from a series of con­ FAITH OF JUDAISM: ESSAYS IN CONSTRUCTIVE ferences held at Case Western Reserve University THEOLOGY. Lanham, MD: University Press of during the 1985-1986 academic year, sponsored by America, 1987. 292 p. ISBN 0-8191-6594-8. the University’s Center for Professional Ethics.) (Studies in Judaism series. Gift of Max M. and [BJ1725 .P671988] (13.1)

Volume 15, Page 9 Gilligan, Carol, et al., eds. MAPPING THE MORAL McMurrin, Sterling M., ed. THE TANNER LEC­ DOMAIN: A CONTRIBUTION OF WOMEN’S THINK­ TURES ON HUMAN VALUES, VIII: 1988. Salt Lake ING TO PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORY AND EDUCA­ City: University of Utah Press, 1988.333 p. ISBN TION. Cambridge, MA: Center for the Study of 0-87480-302-0. (ISSN 0275-7656.) [BD232 .T24 Gender, Education and Human Development, 1988] (1.3.1,1.1) Harvard University Graduate School of Educa­ tion; distributed by Harvard University Press, Merryman, John H. and Elsen, Albert E. LAW, 1988.324 p. ISBN 0-674-54832-9. [HQ1206 .M342 ETHICS, AND THE VISUAL ARTS. Philadelphia: 1988] (1.3.1,17.1) University of Pennsylvania Press, 1987.2vol. ISBN 0-8122-8052-0 (set). (Second edition.) [KF4288 Hatch, Roger D. and Copeland, Warren R., eds. .A7 M471987] (1.3.1) ISSUES OF JUSTICE: SOCIAL SOURCES AND RELIGIOUS MEANINGS. Macon, GA: Mercer Messenger, Phyllis M., ed. THE ETHICS OF COL­ University Press, 1988.350 p. ISBN 0-86554-304-5. LECTING CULTURAL PROPERTY: WHOSE CUL­ [HM216.1841988] (1.3.1,1.1,1.2) TURE? w h o s e PROPERTY? Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1989. 266 p. Hodges, Louis W., ed. social responsibility: ISBN 0-8263-1167-9. (Contains papers from the BUSINESS, JOURNALISM, LAW, MEDICINE, conference “The Ethics of Collecting Cultural VOLUME 13. Lexington, VA: Washington and Lee Property: Whose Culture? Whose Property?” University, 1987. 54 p. ISSN 0732-9938. (Volume held 23-24 May 1986 in Minneapolis, MN.) 13. Lectures presented at Washington and Lee [CC135 .E841989] (1.3.1,21.1) University during the 1986-1987 academic year. Gift of the editor.) (1.3.1, 2.1) Newton, Lisa H. ETHICS IN AMERICA study GUIDE. Hodges, Louis W., ed. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1989. BUSINESS, JOURNALISM, LAW, MEDICINE: 290 p. ISBN 0-13-290206-0. (Columbia University VOLUME 15. Lexington, VA: Washington and Lee Seminars on Media and Society series.) [BJ1025 University, 1989. 58 p. ISSN 0732-9938. (Gift of .E845 1989] (1.3.1,1.1,2.1) the editor.) (1.3.1,1.3.2,1.3.8,2.1) Nickel, James W. MAKING SENSE OF HUMAN COM­ RIGHTS: PHILOSOPHICAL REFLECTIONS ON THE Jaksa, James A. and Pritchard, Michael S. UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS. MUNICATION ETHICS: METHODS OF ANALYSIS. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1988. 172 p. ISBN 0- 253 p. ISBN 0-520-05994-8. [JC571 .N49 1987] 534-09102-4. [BJ1012 J36 1988] (1.3.1) (1.3.1) Kelman, Herbert C. and , V. Lee. CRIMES OF OBEDIENCE: TOWARD A SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Noyce, Gaylord B. pa storal ETHICS: profes­ OF AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY. New sional RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CLERGY. Nash- Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1989. 382 p. ville: Abingdon Press, 1988. 220 p. ISBN ISBN 0-300-04184-5. [HM271 .K45 1989] (1.3.1, 0-687-30338-9. [BV4011.5 .N69 1988] (1.3.1,1.2) 1.1., 1.3.5) Rapoport, David C. and Alexander, Yonah, eds. Linowes, David F. PRIVACY IN AMERICA: IS YOUR THE MORALITY OF TERRORISM: RELIGIOUS AND PRIVATE LIFE IN THE PUBLIC EYE? Urbana: SECULAR JUSTIFICATIONS. New York: Columbia University of Illinois Press, 1989. 190 p. ISBN University Press, 1989.416 p. ISBN 0-231-06753-4. 0-252-01604-1. [JC596.2 .U5 L56 1989] (1.3.1, (Second edition.) [HV6431 .M661989] (1.3.1,1.2, 1.3.5,8.4) 21.2) Martin, Mike W. EVERYDAY MORALITY: AN INTRO­ Sichrovsky, Peter, born GUILTY: children of DUCTION TO APPLIED ETHICS. Belmont, CA: NAZI FAMILIES. New York: Basic Books, 1988. Wadsworth, 1989. 320 p. ISBN 0-534-09738-3. 178 p. ISBN 0-465-00742-2. (Translation of: Schul- [BJ1012 .M3651989] (1.3.1,1.1) diggeboren: Kinder aus Nazifamilien. Gift of Max

Volume 15, Page 10 M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [DD256.5 TION. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1988. .S34413 1988] (1.3.1,17.1,21.4) 198 p. ISBN 0-13-290058-0. [HF5387 .C38 1988] (1.3.2) Thomas, Laurence. LIVING MORALLY: A PSYCHOL­ OGY OF MORAL CHARACTER. Philadelphia: Donaldson, Thomas and Werhane, Patricia H., eds. Tbmple University Press, 1989. 260 p. ISBN 0- ETHICAL ISSUES IN BUSINESS: A PHILOSOPHICAL 87722-602-4. [BJ319 .T46 1989] (1.3.1) APPROACH. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM. Guilford, 1988.454 p. ISBN 0-13-290172-2. (Third edition.) CT: Dushkin, 1987. 44 p. ISBN 0-87967-495-4. [HF5387 .E8 1988] (1.3.2) (Revised edition.) (1.3.1,2.3) Elias, John L. MORAL EDUCATION: SECULAR AND Wharton, T.F. MORAL EXPERIMENT IN JACOBEAN RELIGIOUS. Malabar, FL: R.E. Krieger, 1989. DRAMA. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1988.151 p. 211 p. ISBN 0-89464-260-X. (Publisher’s address: ISBN 0-312-01331-0. [PR678 .E85 W48 1988] Krieger Drive, zip 32950.) [LC311 .E45 1989] (1.3.1) ( Wihl, Gary and Williams, David, eds. LITERATURE Frankel, Mark S., ed. VALUES AND ETHICS IN OR­ AND ETHICS: ESSAYS PRESENTED TO A.E. MAL- GANIZATION AND HUMAN SYSTEMS DEVELOP­ LOCH. Kingston, Ont.: McGill-Queen’s University MENT: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY. Press, 1988. 151 p. ISBN 0-7735-0662-4. [PN49 [Washington, DC]: American Association for the .L48 1988] (1.3.1) Advancement of Science, 1987. 104 p. ISBN 0- 87168-331-8. (AAAS Publication series; 87-32.) [Z5873 .V35 1987] (1.3.2, Reference) 1.3.2 Applied and Professional Ethics: Business Golembiewski, Robert T. MEN, MANAGEMENT, Andrews, Kenneth R., ed. ETHICS IN PRACTICE: AND MORALITY: TOWARD A NEW ORGANIZA­ MANAGING THE MORAL CORPORATION. Boston, TIONAL ETHIC. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 1989.294 p. 1989.320 p. ISBN 088738-743-8. (Originally pub­ ISBN 0-87584-207-0. (Collection of articles from lished: New York: McGrawHill, 1965.) [HF5548.8 the Harvard Business Review. The Harvard Busi­ .G65 1989] (1.3.2) ness Review Book Series.) [HF5387 .E847 1989] Hay, Robert D.; Gray, Edmund R.; and Smith, Paul (1.3.2) H. BUSINESS & SOCIETY: PERSPECTIVES ON Badaracco, Joseph L. and Ellsworth, Richard R. ETHICS & SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. Cincinnati, LEADERSHIP AND THE QUEST FOR INTEGRITY. OH: South-Western, 1989. 580 p. ISBN 0-538- Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 80297-9. (Third edition.) [HD60.5 .U5H38 1989] 1989. 222 p. ISBN 0-87584-200-3. [HD57.7 .B33 (13.2) 1989] (1.3.2) Iannone, A. Pablo, ed. CONTEMPORARY MORAL Beauchamp, Tom L. and Bowie, Norman E., eds. CONTROVERSIES IN business. New York: Oxford ETHICAL THEORY AND BUSINESS. Englewood University Press, 1989.588p. ISBN 0-19-505679-5. Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1988 596 p. ISBN 0-13- [HF5387 .C665 1989] (13.2) 290503-5. (Third edition.) [HF5387 .E82 1988] Mathews, M. Cash. STRATEGIC INTERVENTION IN (13.2,16.3) ORGANIZATIONS: RESOLVING ETHICAL DILEM­ Carroll, Archie B. BUSINESS & SOCIETY: ETHICS & MAS. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1988. STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT. Cincinnati, OH: 144 p. ISBN 0-8039-3304-5. (Sage Library of So­ South-Western, 1989. 653 p. ISBN 0-538-80049-6. cial Research series; Vol. 169.) [HF5387 .M35 [HF5387 .C351989] (1.3.2) 1988] (1.3.2) Cavanagh, Gerald F. and McGovern, Arthur F. McHugh, Francis P. KEYGUIDE TO INFORMATION ETHICAL DILEMMAS IN THE MODERN CORPORA­ SOURCES IN BUSINESS ETHICS. New York:

Volume 15, Page 11 Nichols, 1988. 173 p. ISBN 0-89397-327-0. Wright, N. Dale, ed. PAPERS ON THE ETHICS OF [HF5387 .M43 1988] (1.3.2, Reference) ADMINISTRATION. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University, 1988. 252 p. ISBN 0-88706-962-2. Menken, Daniel L. FAITH, HOPE, & THE CORPORA­ (Papers from a conference held in 1987 at TION: SHARPENING YOUR BUSINESS PHILOSOPHY Brigham Young University, Provo, UT.) [HF5387 AND BUSINESS ETHICS. St. Paul, MN: Phron- .P365 1988] (1.3.2,1.3.5) tisterion, 1988.206 p. ISBN 0-929295-00-5. (Pub­ lisher’s address: P.O. Box 75981, zip 55175-0981.) [HF5351 .M3671988] (1.3.2,1.1) 1.3.3 Applied and Professional Ethics: Education Pamental, George L. ETHICS IN THE BUSINESS CUR­ RICULUM: A PRELIMINARY SURVEY OF UNDER­ Booth, Wayne C. THE COMPANY WE KEEP: AN GRADUATE BUSINESS PROGRAMS. Lanham, MD: ETHICS OF FICTION. Berkeley: University of University Press of America, 1988. 192 p. ISBN California Press, 1988.557 p. ISBN 0-520-06203-8. 0-8191-6871-8. [HF5387 .P361988] (1.3.2,2.3) [PN98 .M67 B66 1988] (1.3.3,1.1) Pivar, William H. r ea l ESTATE ETHICS. [Chicago, Cheney, Lynne V. HUMANITIES IN AMERICA: A IL]: Real Estate Education, 1989. 149 p. ISBN REPORT TO THE PRESIDENT, THE CONGRESS, AND 0-88462-431-5. (Second edition.) [HD1382 .P58 THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. [Washington, DC]: Na­ 1989] (1.3.2) tional Endowment for the Humanities, 1988. (Gift Power, F. Clark; Higgins, Ann; and Kohlberg, of Edmund D. Pellegrino.) [AZ103 .C538 1988] Lawrence. LAWRENCE KOHLBERG’S APPROACH (1.3.3) TO MORAL EDUCATION. New York: Columbia Damon, William. THE MORAL CHILD: NURTURING University Press, 1989.322 p. ISBN 0-231-05976-0. CHILDREN’S NATURAL MORAL GROWTH. New (Critical Assessments of Contemporary Psychol­ York: Free Press, 1988.166 p. ISBN 0-02-906932- ogy series.) [LC311 .P69 1989] (1.3.2,1.1) 7. [BF723 .M54D36 1988] (1.3.3,1.3.1) Richardson, John E., ed. BUSINESS ETHICS 89/90. Guilford, CT: Dushkin, 1989. 241 p. ISBN 0- De Nicolás, Antonio T. HABITS OF MIND: AN INTRO­ DUCTION TO THE PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION. 87967-765-1. (Annual Editions series.) [HF5387 New York: Paragon House, 1989. 533 p. ISBN .B871989] (1.3.2, Reference) 0-913729-38-8. (Gift of Edmund D. Pellegrino.) Robin, Donald P. and Reidenbach, R. Eric. BUSI­ [LB2322 .D461989] (1.3.3., 1.1) NESS ETHICS: WHERE PROFITS MEET VALUE SYS­ TEMS. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1989. Herring, Mark Y. ETHICS AND THE PROFESSOR: AN 166 p. ISBN 0-13-095639-2. [HF5387 .R63 1989] ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY, 1970-1985. New (1.3.2) York: Garland, 1988. 605 p. ISBN 0-8240-8491-8. (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities; Shaw, William H. and Barry, Vincent. MORAL is­ Vol. 742.) [LB1779 .H47 1988] (1.3.3, Reference) sues IN BUSINESS. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1989. 542 p. ISBN 0-534-09786-3. (Fourth edi­ Radest, Howard B. CAN WE TEACH ETHICS? New tion.) [HF5387 .B35 1989] (1.3.2) York: Praeger, 1989.150 p. ISBN 0-275-92857-8. [BJ66 .R33 1989] (1.3.3,1.1) Walton, Clarence C. THE MORAL MANAGER. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1988. 278 p. ISBN 0-88730-309-9. [HF5387 .W3241988] (1.3.2) 1.3.4 Applied and Professional Ethics: Engineering Westin, Alan F. and Aram, John D. MANAGERIAL DILEMMAS: CASES IN SOCIAL, LEGAL, AND TECH­ Martin, Mike W. and Schinzinger, Roland. ETHICS NOLOGICAL CHANGE. Cambridge, MA: Bal­ IN ENGINEERING. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1989. linger, 1988.181 p. ISBN 0-88730-181-9. [HD30.23 404 p. ISBN 0-07-040719-3. (Second edition.) .W471988] (1.3.2,16.3) [TA157 .M331989] (1.3.4)

Volume 15, Page 12 1.3.5 Applied and Professional Ethics: ISBN 0-313-25578-4. (Contributions in Political Government Science series; No. 226. ISSN 0147-1066.) [JV6493 .0641988] (1.3.5,1.3.1,21.1) Bailey, F.G. HUMBUGGERY AND MANIPULATION: THE ART OF LEADERSHIP. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Glazer, Nathan. THE LIMITS OF SOCIAL POLICY. University Press, 1988.187 p. ISBN 0-8014-9487-7. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1988. [HM141 .B26 1988] (1.3.5,1.3.1) 215 p. ISBN 0-674-53443-3. [HN59 .G57 1988] Bowman, James S. and Elliston, Frederick, eds. ( ETHICS, GOVERNMENT, AND PUBLIC POLICY: A Goelz, Paul C., ed. MORAL WISDOM IN THE AL­ REFERENCE GUIDE. New York: Greenwood Press, LOCATION o f ECONOMIC RESOURCES. San An­ 1988. 341 p. ISBN 0-313-25192-4. [JA79 .E824 tonio, TX: St. Mary’s University Press, 1987. 1988] (1.3.5) 112 p. ISBN 0-945632-00-2. (Proceedings of the Campbell, Tom. ju stic e. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Fifth National Symposium on the Philosophy of Humanities Press International, 1988.214 p. ISBN Free Enterprise conducted by St. Mary’s Univer­ 0-391-03594-0. (Issues in Political Theory series.) sity of San Antonio, 1986-87.) [HB95 .N37 1987] [JC578 .C421988] (1.3.5,1.1) (1.3.5,1.2,1.3.2) Charny, Israel W., ed. GENOCIDE: A CRITICAL BIB­ Greenawalt, Kent. RELIGIOUS CONVICTIONS AND LIOGRAPHIC rev iew . New York: Facts on File POLITICAL CHOICE. New York: Oxford University Publications, 1988.273 p. ISBN 0-8160-1903-7. (A Press, 1988.266 p. ISBN 0-19-504913-6. [BL65 .P7 publication of the Institute of the International G73 1988] (1.3.5,1.2) Conference on the Holocaust and Genocide. Gift Hare, Richard M. ESSAYS ON POLITICAL of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) MORALITY. New York: Oxford University Press, [HV6542 .G451988] (1.3.5, Reference) 1989. 264 p. ISBN 0-19-824995-0. [JA79 .H315 Davidson, Greg and Davidson, Paul. ECONOMICS 1989] (1.3.5) FOR A CIVILIZED SOCIETY. New York: Norton, 1988. 213 p. ISBN 0-393-02653-1. [HB171 .D28 Hartle, Anthony E. MORAL ISSUES IN MILITARY DECISION MAKING. Lawrence: University Press of 1988] (1.3.5) Kansas, 1989. 180 p. ISBN 0-7006-0397-2. [U22 Denhardt, Kathryn G. THE ETHICS OF PUBLIC SER­ .H38 1989] (1.3.5,213) VICE: RESOLVING MORAL DILEMMAS IN PUBLIC ORGANIZATIONS New York: Greenwood Press, Hollenbach, David, ju stice, pea c e, and hum an 1988.197 p. ISBN 0-313-25517-2. (Contributions RIGHTS: AMERICAN CATHOLIC SOCIAL ETHICS IN in Political Science; No. 195. ISSN 0147-1066.) A PLURALISTIC WORLD. New York: Crossroad, [JF1525 .E8 D461988] (1.3.5) 1988. 260 p. ISBN 0-8245-0886-6. [HM216 .H54 1988] (1.3.5,1.2,1.3.1,21.2) Drinan, Robert F. CRY OF THE OPPRESSED: THE HISTORY AND HOPE OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS Institute for Theological Encounter with Science REVOLUTION. San Francisco: Harper & Row, and Technology. SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND 1987. 210 p. ISBN 0-06-250261-1. [K3240.4 .D74 ECONOMIC SYSTEMS. St. Louis, MO: [ITEST], 1987] (133) 1985.142 p. (Workshop held 15-17 March 1985.) [BL241.16 1985] (1.3.5,5.3) Etzioni, Amitai. THE MORAL DIMENSION: TOWARD A NEW ECONOMICS. New York: Free Press, 1988. Johnson, Peter. POLITICS, INNOCENCE, AND THE 314 p. ISBN 0-02-909900-5. [HM35 .E89 1988] LIMITS OF g o o d n ess. New York: Routledge, (1.3.5,1.3.1) 1988.283 p. ISBN 0-415-01046-2. [JA79 J46 1988] ( Gibney, Mark, ed. OPEN BORDERS? CLOSED SOCIETIES?: THE ETHICAL AND POLITICAL IS­ Lappé, Frances M. REDISCOVERING AMERICA’S SUES. New York: Greenwood Press, 1988.199 p. VALUES. New York: Ballantine Books, 1989.

Volume 15, Page 13 325 p. ISBN 0-345-32040-9. [JA79 .L37 1989] Press, 1988. 215 p. ISBN 0-313-25934-8. (Con­ (1.3.5,1.3.1) tributions in Political Science series; No. 204. ISSN 0147-1066.) [KF4568 .R63 1988] (1.3.5) Lutz, Mark A. and Lux, Kenneth. HUMANISTIC ECONOMICS: THE NEW CHALLENGE. New York: Tatalovich, Raymond and Daynes, Byron W., eds. Bootstrap Press, 1988.352 p. ISBN 0-942850-06-8. SOCIAL REGULATORY POLICY: MORAL CON­ [HB72 .L88 1988] (1.3.5) TROVERSIES IN AMERICAN POLITICS. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1988. 260 p. ISBN 0-8133- Machen, Tibor R. LIBERTY & CULTURE: ESSAYS ON 0612-4. [JK21 .S631988] (1.3.5) THE IDEA OF A FREE SOCIETY. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1989. 288 p. ISBN 0-87975- Ungar, Bernard L. THE PRESIDENT’S ETHICS 524-5. [JC599 .U5 M2641989] (1.3.5,1.1,1.3.1) PROPOSALS. [Washington, DC]: U.S. G.A.O., 1989.9 p. (Ifestimony before the Subcommittee on Marx, Gary T. UNDERCOVER: POLICE SURVEIL­ Human Resources, Committee on Post Office and LANCE IN AMERICA. Berkeley: University of Civil Service, House of Representatives. Order California Press, 1988.283 p. ISBN 0-520-06286-8. No. GAO/T-GGD-89-29.) (1.3.5) [HV8080 .U5 M37 1988] (1.3.5) United States. General Accounting Office. ETHICS: Miller, Richard W. ANALYZING MARX: MORALITY, THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE’S ETHICS PRO­ POWER AND HISTORY. Princeton, NJ: Princeton GRAM. Washington, DC: G.A.O., 1988. 27 p. University Press, 1984.319 p. ISBN 0-691-01413-2. (Briefing report to the chairman, Committee on [B3305 .M74 M551984] (1.3.5,1.1) Post Office and Civil Service, House of Repre­ Moon, J. Donald, ed. RESPONSIBILITY, RIGHTS, sentatives. GAO/GGD-88-112BR.) (1.3.5) AND WELFARE: THE THEORY OF THE WELFARE Wogaman, J. Philip. CHRISTIAN perspectives ON STATE. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1988.235 p. POLITICS. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1988. ISBN 0-8133-0522-5. (Papers presented at a meet­ 309 p. ISBN 0-8006-2084-4. [BR115 .P7 W641988] ing of the Conference for the Study of Political (1.3.5,1.2) Thought on “Poverty, Charity, and Welfare: The Theory and Practice of the Welfare State” held 14-16 February 1986 at Thlane University.) [JC578 1.3.6 Applied and Professional Ethics: .R471988] (1.3.5,1.1) International Affairs Peterson, Grethe B., ed. t h e TANNER lectures Kipnis, Kenneth and Meyers, Diana T., eds. POLITI­ ON HUMAN VALUES, IX: 1988. Salt Lake City: CAL REALISM AND INTERNATIONAL MORALITY: University of Utah Press, 1988. 375 p. ISBN 0- ETHICS IN THE NUCLEAR AGE. Boulder, CO: 87480-326-8. (ISSN 0275-7656.) [BD232 .T24 Westview Press, 1987.271 p. ISBN 0-8133-0457-1. (Chiefly papers presented at the Tfenth Plenary 1988] (1.3.5,1.1) Conference of the American Section of the Inter­ Pollock-Byrne, Joycelyn M. ETHICS IN CRIME AND national Association for Philosophy of Law and JUSTICE: DILEMMAS AND DECISIONS. Pacific Social Philosophy (AMINTAPHIL) held Novem­ Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole, 1988. 169 p. ISBN 0- ber 1984 at the University of Notre Dame.) 534-09768-5. (Contemporary Issues in Crime and [JX1255 .P65 1987] (1.3.6,1.1,16.2,21.2) Justice Series.) [HV7419 .P651989] (1.3.5,1.3.8) Kirkpatrick, Jeane J. LEGITIMACY AND FORCE- Potts, Lee W. RESPONSIBLE POLICE ADMINISTRA­ VOLUME1: POLITICAL AND MORAL DIMENSIONS. TION: issu es AND APPROACHES. University: New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1988. University of Alabama Press, 1983. 187 p. ISBN 486 p. ISBN 0-88738-646-6. [E838.5 .K57 1988 0-8173-0140-2. [HV7935 .P67 1983] (1.3.5,1.3.8) v. 1] (1.3.6,1.3.5) Roberts, Robert N. ETHICS: THE Tes6n, Fernando R. HUMANITARIAN INTERVEN­ HISTORY OF THE POLITICS OF CONFLICT OF IN­ TION: AN INQUIRY INTO LAW AND MORALITY. TEREST REGULATION. New York: Greenwood Dobbs Ferry, NY: Transnational, 1988. 272 p.

Volume 15, Page 14 ISBN 0-941320-38-3. [JX4481 .T32 1988] (1.3.6, Pippert, Wesley G. a n e t h ic s o f n e w s: a 21.1) REPORTER’S search fo r TRUTH. [Washington, DC]: Georgetown University Press, 1989.156 p. Walden, George. THE SHOEBLACK AND THE ISBN 0-87840-470-8. [PN4888 .E8 P57 1989] SOVEREIGN: REFLECTIONS ON ETHICS AND (1.3.7) FOREIGN po licy . New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1988. 176 p. ISBN 0-312-02281-6. [JX1255 .W35 Rivers, William L. and Mathews, Cleve. ethics 1988] (1.3.6,1.1) FOR THE MEDIA. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice- Hall, 1988. 307 p. ISBN 0-13-290560-4. [PN4888 Weigel, George. AMERICAN INTERESTS, AMERICAN .E8 R5 1988] (1.3.7) PURPOSE: MORAL REASONING AND U.S. FOREIGN POLICY. New York: Praeger, 1989. 96 p. ISBN 0-275-93336-9. (The Washington Papers series; 1.3.8 Applied and Professional Ethics: Law Vol. 139. ISSN 0278-937X. Published with the Coleman, Jules L. MARKETS, MORALS AND THE Center for Strategic and International Studies, LAW. New York: Cambridge University Press, Washington, DC.) [JX1417 .W41989] (1.3.6) 1988.393 p. ISBN 0-521-36854-5. [K231 .C651988] (1.3.8) 1.3.7 Applied and Professional Ethics: Journalism Garner, Bryan A. A DICTIONARY OF MODERN LEGAL USAGE. New York: Oxford University Cooper, Thomas W.; et al. TELEVISION AND Press, 1987. 587 p. ISBN 0-19-504377-4. [KF156 ETHICS: A BIBLIOGRAPHY. Boston: G.K. Hall, .G367 1987] (13.8, Reference) 1988.203 p. ISBN 0-8161-8966-8. [PN1992.6 .C66 1988] (13.7, Reference) Gavison, Ruth, ed. ISSUES IN CONTEMPORARY LEGAL PHILOSOPHY: THE INFLUENCE OF H.L.A. Fink, Conrad C. MEDIA ETHICS: INTHE NEWSROOM HART. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987. AND BEYOND. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1988. 357 p. ISBN 0-19-825656-6. (Papers from a con­ 323 p. ISBN 0-07-020976-6. (McGraw-Hill Series ference “The Legal Philosophy of H.L.A. Hart” in Mass Communication.) [P94 .F481988] (1.3.7) held 13-15 March 1984 in Jerusalem.) [K225 J47 1987] (13.8,1.1) Goodwin, H. Eugene. GROPING FOR ETHICS IN JOURNALISM. Ames: Iowa State University Press, Goodhart, Arthur L. ENGLISH LAW AND THE 1987. 411 p. ISBN 0-8138-0819-7. (Second edi­ MORAL LAW. Littleton, CO: F.B. Rothman, 1988. tion.) [PN4888 .E8 G66 1987] (1.3.7) 151 p. ISBN 0-8377-2210-1. (The Hamlyn Lec­ tures; 4th Series. Reprint. Originally published: Gross, Larry P.; Katz, John S.; and Ruby, Jay, eds. London: Stevens, 1953.) [KD640 .G65 1988] IMAGE ETHICS: THE MORAL RIGHTS OF SUBJECTS (1.3.8) IN PHOTOGRAPHS, FILM, AND TELEVISION. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.382 p. ISBN Granfield, David. THE INNER EXPERIENCE OF LAW: 0-19-505433-4. (Communications and Society A JURISPRUDENCE OF SUBJECTIVITY. series.) [KF1263 ,U5145 1988] (1.3.7) Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1988. 300 p. ISBN 0-8132-0657-X. [BJ55 Jackson, Charles L.; Shooshan, Harry M.; and Wil­ .G651988] (13.8) son, Jane L. NEWSPAPERS AND VIDEOTEXT: HOW FREE A PRESS? Washington, DC: Shooshan & Hazard, Geoffrey C. and Rhode, Deborah L., eds. Jackson, [1981]. 156 p. [KF2750 J321981] (1.3.7) THE LEGAL PROFESSION: RESPONSIBILITY AND REGULATION. Westbury, NY: Foundation Press, Moore, Mike, ed. h ea lth risks and t h e press: 1988. 505 p. ISBN 0-88277-661-4. (Second edi­ PERSPECTIVES ON MEDIA COVERAGE OF RISK AS­ tion.) [KF306 A4 L441988] (13.8) SESSMENT AND HEALTH. Washington, DC: The Media Institute, 1989. Ill p. ISBN 0-937790-39-7. Heymann, Philip B. and Liebman, Lance. THE SO­ [RA423.2 .H431989] (1.3.7,7.1,9.1) CIAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF LAWYERS: CASE

Volume 15, Page 15 STUDIES. Westbury, NY: Foundation Press, 1988. 1.3.9 Applied and Professional Ethics: 354 p. ISBN 0-88277-645-2. (University Casebook Scientific Research Series.) [KF300 .H491988] (1.3.8) AAAS-ABA National Conference of Lawyers and PROJECT ON SCIENTIFIC FRAUD AND fam ily and state: t h e Scientists. Houlgate, Laurence D. MISCONDUCT: REPORT ON WORKSHOP NUMBER PHILOSOPHY OF FAMILY LAW. Totowa, NJ: Row- ONE. Washington, DC: American Association for man & Littlefield, 1988.207 p. ISBN 0-8476-7588- the Advancement of Science, 1988.136 p. (Papers 2. [KF505 .H68 1988] (13.8,2.1,9.5.1) from a workshop held 18-20 September 1987 at the Woods, Hedgesville, WV. An interim report.) Huber, Peter W. LIABILITY: THE LEGAL REVOLU­ [Q172.5 .F7 N21988] (1.3.9) TION AND ITS CONSEQUENCES. New York: Basic Books, 1988.260 p. ISBN 0-465-03920-0. [KF1250 AAAS-ABA National Conference of Lawyers and .H8 1988] (1.3.8,8.5) Scientists. PROJECT ON SCIENTIFIC fraud and MISCONDUCT: REPORT ON WORKSHOP NUMBER LAW IN EAST AND WEST. Tokyo: Waseda University TWO. Washington, DC: American Association for Press, 1988.1062 p. ISBN 4-657-88831-5. (Publish­ the Advancement of Science, 1989.162 p. (Papers er’s address: Waseda University Press, Shinjuku- from a workshop held 23-25 September 1988 in kuTbtsuka-machi 1-103, Tokyo, Japan 169. Gift of Queenstown, MD. Second in a series of three Rihito Kimura.) [K557 ,L3 1988] (1.3.8,21.1) interim reports.) (1.3.9) Association of American Universities; National Luban, David. LAWYERS AND JUSTICE: AN ETHI­ Association of State Universities and Land-Grant CAL STUDY. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Colleges; and Council of Graduate Schools. Press, 1988. 440 p. ISBN 0-691-02290-9. (Spon­ FRAMEWORK FOR INSTITUTIONAL POLICIES AND sored by the Institute for Philosophy and Public PROCEDURES TO DEAL WITH FRAUD IN RE­ Policy.) [KF306 .L831988] (1.3.8) SEARCH. [Washington, DC: Association of American Universities], 1988.10 p. (13.9) Maute, Judith L. a PRAcrrnoNER’s g u id e to th e OKLAHOMA RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT. Blinderman, Charles. THE PILTDOWN INQUEST. Austin, TX: Butterworth Legal, 1989.338 p. ISBN Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1986. 261 p. .A2 ISBN 0-87975-359-5. [GN282.5 .B55 1986] (1.3.9, 0-409-25392-8. [KF01276.5 M381989] (1.3.8) 3.2) Murphy, Jeffrie G. and Coleman, Jules L. Chain, Ernst. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF LAW: AN INTRODUCTION TO SCIENTIST IN MODERN WESTERN SOCIETY. Lon­ JURISPRUDENCE. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, don: Council of Christians and Jews, 1970. 26 p. 1990. 240 p. ISBN 0-8133-0848-8. (Revised edi­ (Robert Waley Cohen Memorial Lecture series; tion. Dimensions of Philosophy series.) [K231 1970. Gift of Bradford H. Gray.) [Q125 .C46 1970] .M87 1990] (1.3.8,1.1) (1.3.9, 5.1) Chalk, Rosemary A., ed. SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, Rotunda, Ronald D. PROFESSIONAL RESPON­ AND SOCIETY: EMERGING RELATIONSHIPS. SIBILITY. St. Paul, MN: West, 1988. 414 p. ISBN Washington, DC: American Association for the 0-314-73052-4. (Second edition. Black Letter Advancement of Science, 1988. 262 p. ISBN 0- Series.) [KF306 .Z9 R67 1988] (1.3.8) 87168-332-6. (Papers for Science, 1949-1988. AAAS Publication series; 88-12.) [Q175.55 .S34 Schwartz, Mortimer D. and Wydick, Richard C. 1988] (1.3.9,2.1,5.1) PROBLEMS IN LEGAL ETHICS. St. Paul, MN: West, 1988.341 p. ISBN 0-314-65743-6. (Second edition. Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee on the American Casebook Series.) [KF306 .A4 S38 Responsible Conduct of Research. THE RESPON­ 1988] (1.3.8) SIBLE CONDUCT OF RESEARCH IN THE HEALTH

Volume 15, Page 16 SCIENCES: REPORT OF A STUDY. Washington, DC: (Gift of the publisher.) [HQ7673 .U5 T74 1989] National Academy Press, 1989.97 p. (IOM Publi­ ( cation series; 89-01.) [Q172.5 .F7 R41989] (13.9, 5.3) Annas, George J. JUDGING MEDICINE. Clifton, NJ: Humana Press, 1988.438 p. ISBN 0-89603-132-2. LaFollette, Marcel C. ETHICAL MISCONDUCT IN (Most of these essays originally appeared in the RESEARCH PUBLICATION: AN ANNOTATED BIBLI­ Hastings Center Report) [KF3821 A75 A56 1988] OGRAPHY. [s.l.: National Science Foundation?], (2.1) 1988.40 p. (August 1988.) (1.3.9,1.3.7, Reference) Ashley, Benedict M. and O’Rourke, Kevin D. Symposium: Legal Issues in Scientific Research. HEALTHCARE ETHICS: A THEOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN JOURNAL OF LAW analysis. St. Louis, MO: Catholic Health As­ REFORM 20(4): 943-1310, Summer 1987. ISSN sociation of the United States, 1989. 497 p. ISBN 0033-1546. (1.3.9,5.1,15.8) 0-87125-158-2. (Third edition.) [R724 A 741989] (2.1,1.2) 1.3.10 Applied and Professional Ethics: Social Work Austyn, Jonathan M., ed. NEW PROSPECTS FOR MEDICINE. New York: Oxford University Press, Maney, Ann C. and Wells, Susan J., eds. PROFES­ 1988.131 p. ISBN 0-19-261647-1. (Papers original­ SIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES IN PROTECTING ly presented during The Wolfson College Lec­ CHILDREN: A PUBLIC HEALTH APPROACH TO tures held in 1987 at Wolfson College, University CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE. New York: Praeger, 1988. of Oxford.) [R708 .N53 1988] (2.1,9.1) 222 p. ISBN 0-275-92966-3. (Sexual Medicine series; Vol. 9. Result of a symposium held 22-23 Bachmann, K.D.; et al. ETHISCHE ANALYSE November 1985, co-sponsored by the National SPEZIELLER ARBEITSFELDER IN DER MEDIZIN. Legal Resource Center for Child Advocacy and Bochum: Zentrum für Medizinische Ethik Protection of the American Bar Association and Bochum, 1989. 15 p. (Presented at the IV. the Antisocial and Violent Behavior Branch of the Bochumer Forschungskolloquium zur National Institute of Mental Health.) [HQ72 .U53 biomedizinischen Ethik held 18-20 April 1989. P76 1988] (1.3.10,9.5.1,10) Medizinethische materialien series; Vol. 31.) (2.1) [Valuing Others: The Bedrock of Ethics.] SOCIAL Bankowski, Zbigniew and Bryant, John H., eds. WORK 32(3): 179-256, May-June 1987. ISSN 0037- HEALTH POLICY, ETHICS, AND HUMAN VALUES: 8046. (1.3.10) EUROPEAN AND NORTH AMERICAN PERSPEC­ TIVES: CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS, PAPERS AND conclusions. Geneva: Council for International 2.1 Bioethics (General) Organizations of Medical Sciences, 1988. 223 p. Ackerman, Tferrence F. and Strong, Carson. A (Proceedings of the XXIst CIOMS Conference CASEBOOK OF MEDICAL ETHICS. New York: Ox­ held 2-5 June 1987 in Noordwijk aan Zee, The ford University Press, 1989. 240 p. ISBN 0-19- Netherlands.) [RA393 .C53 1987] (2.1, 9.1, 15.2, 503916-5. [R725.5 .A251989] (2.1,8.1,18.1) 21.1) American College of Legal Medicine. LEGAL Barry, Robert L. MEDICAL ETHICS: ESSAYS ON MEDICINE: LEGAL DYNAMICS OF MEDICAL EN­ ABORTION AND EUTHANASIA. New York: P. Lang, COUNTERS. St. Louis, MO: Mosby, 1988. 633 p. 1989. 308 p. ISBN 0-8204-0925-1. (American ISBN 0-8016-0088-2. [KF3821 .L441988] (2.1,8.1) University Studies; Series VII, Theology and Religion; Vol. 45. ISSN 0740-0446.) [R726 .B29 Andrusko, Dave, ed. THE TRIUMPH OF HOPE: A 1989] (2.1,1.2,12.3,20.5.1) PRO-LIFE REVIEW OF 1988 AND A LOOK TO THE FUTURE. Washington, DC: National Right to Life Bates, Erica and Lapsley, Helen. THE HEALTH Committee, 1989. 233 p. ISBN 0-9620037-1-9. MACHINE: THE IMPACT OF MEDICAL TECHNOL-

Volume 15, Page 17 OGY. New York: Penguin Books, 1987. 252 p. Callahan, Daniel and Dunstan, Gordon R., eds. ISBN 0-14-011043-7. (2.1) BIOMEDICAL ETHICS: AN ANGLO-AMERICAN d ia lo g u e. New York: New York Academy of Beauchamp, Tom L. and Childress, James F. prin­ Sciences, 1988.175 p. ISBN 0-89766-456-6. (An­ ciples o f BIOMEDICAL ETHICS. New York: Ox­ nals of the New York Academy of Sciences; Vol. ford University Press, 1989. 470 p. ISBN 530. ISSN 0077-8923. Papers presented at a con­ 0-19-505902-6. (Third edition.) [R724 .B36 1989] ference held 20-24 June 1987 by the Hastings (2.1) Center and others in New York City.) [R724 .B56 Beauchamp, TbmL. and Walters, LeRoy, eds. CON­ 1988] (2.1,21.1) TEMPORARY ISSUES IN BIOETHICS. Belmont, CA: Cao Zeyi. MEDIZINETHIK IN CHINA. Bochum: Wadsworth, 1989. 655 p. ISBN 0-534-10182-8. Zentrum für Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1989. (Third edition. Gift of LeRoy Walters.) [R724 18 p. (Includes English translation. Medizinethis­ .C671989] (2.1) che materialien series; Vol. 43.) (2.1) Bernard, Jean; Kajikawa, Kinichiro; and Fujiki, Norio, eds. h u m a n dignity and m edicine. New Carmi, Amnon and Schneider, Stanley, eds. HOSPI­ York: Excerpta Medica, 1988.204 p. ISBN 0-444- TAL LAW. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1988.220p. 80977-5. (International Congress Series; No. 778. ISBN 0-387-18642-5. (Medicolegal Library; Vol. Proceedings of the Fukui Bioethics Seminar held 7.) [K3604 .H671988] (2.1,8.5,9.1) 10-12 April 1987 in Fukui, Japan.) [R724 .F85 1987] (2.1,21.1) Carter, Albert H. and McCullough, Laurence B., guest eds. Metaphors, Language, and Medicine. La Bioéthique: Une nouvelle génération de SOUNDINGS 72(1): 1-205, Spring 1989. ISSN 0038- problèmes éthiques? RÉSEAUX nos. 53-54: 1-175, 1861. (2.1,7.1,8.1) 1987-1988. ISSN 0773-1213. (Gift of the publish­ er.) (2.1) Cook, Robin. GODPLAYER. New York: Signet, 1983. 319 p. ISBN 0-451-15728-1. [PS3553 .05545 G6 Blank, Robert H. LIFE, DEATH, AND PUBLIC 1983] (2.1, Fiction) POLICY. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 1988.177 p. ISBN 0-87580-540-X. (Studies Cook-Deegan, Robert M. bioethische Bew er­ in Biomedical Policy series.) [RA395 .A3 B544 t u n g IM AUFTRAGE DER U.S.-BUNDES­ 1988] (2.1,5.1,9.1) REGIERUNG. Bochum: Zentrum für Medizinische Bouma, Hessel; et al. CHRISTIAN FAITH, HEALTH, Ethik Bochum, 1988. 65 p. (Medizinethische AND MEDICAL PRACTICE. Grand Rapids, MI: materialien series; Vol. 13.) (2.1) Eerdmans, 1989.400 p. ISBN 0-8028-0369-5. (Gift Curran, William J. LAW-MEDICINE NOTES: of the publisher.) [BX9423 .H43 C48 1989] (2.1, PROGRESS IN MEDICOLEGAL RELATIONS. Walt­ 1.2) ham, MA: NEJM Books, 1989. 458 p. ISBN 0- Braine, David and Lesser, Harry, eds. ETHICS, 910133-26-3. (Reprints of articles by Curran, TECHNOLOGY AND MEDICINE. Brookfield, VT: originally published in the New England Journal of Avebury, 1988. 138 p. ISBN 0-566-05249-0. Medicine, 1964-1987, with new commentary and (Avebury Series in Philosophy.) [BJ1012 .E8955 updated references.) [KF3821 .A75 C87 1989] 1988] (2.1) (2.1,8.5) British Dental Association. ETHICAL and LEGAL Cytron, Barry D. and Schwartz, Earl. WHEN life IS OBLIGATIONS OF DENTAL PRACTITIONERS. Lon­ IN THE BALANCE: LIFE AND DEATH DECISIONS IN don: The Association, 1982. 77 p. (Produced by LIGHT OF THE JEWISH TRADITION. New York: the Ethics Committee of the British Dental As­ United Synagogue of America, Department of sociation and approved by the Representative Youth Activities, 1986.238 p. (Gift of Max M. and Board, March 1982. Publisher’s address: 64 Wim- Maijorie B. Kampelman.) [BJ1280 .C98 1986] pole St., London W1M 8AL.) (2.1,7.1) (2.1, 1.2)

Volume 15, Page 18 Dräne, James F. BECOMING A GOOD DOCTOR: THE Verbum, 1986.136 p. ISBN 81-526-1404-2. (Gift of PLACE OF VIRTUE AND CHARACTER IN MEDICAL Cat Myser.) (2.1) ETHICS. Kansas City, MO: Sheed & Ward, 1988. 211 p. ISBN 1-55612-209-8. (Gift of the author.) Havighurst, Clark C. HEALTH CARE LAW AND (2.1,4.1.2,8.1) POLICY: READINGS, NOTES, AND QUESTIONS. Westbury, NY: Foundation Press, 1988. 1299 p. Fairbairn, Gavin and Fairbairn, Susan, eds. ETHI­ ISBN 0-88277-638-X. (University Casebook CAL ISSUES IN CARING. Brookfield, VT: Avebury, Series.) [KF3821 ,A7 H38 1988] (2.1) 1988. 180 p. ISBN 0-566-05266-0. [R724 .E7877 1988] (2.1) Hoffmaster, C. Barry, Freedman, Benjamin; and Fletcher, John C.; Quist, Norman; and Jonsen, Al­ Fraser, Gwen, eds. CLINICAL ETHICS: theory bert R., eds. ETHICS CONSULTATION IN HEALTH AND PRACTICE. Clifton, NJ: Humana Press, 1989. CARE. Ann Arbor, MI: Health Administration 237 p. ISBN 0-89603-138-1. (Contemporary Issues Press, 1989. 209 p. ISBN 0-910701-39-3. (Gift of in Biomedicine, Ethics, and Society series. Based George P. Smith, II.) [R724 .E82151989] (2.1) on lectures delivered at a conference on the Na­ ture and Ibaching of Applied Ethics in Medicine Frame, John M. MEDICAL ETHICS: PRINCIPLES, held 22-25 April 1986 in London, Ontario, persons, AND PROBLEMS. Phillipsburg, NJ: Pres­ Canada, sponsored by the Westminster Institute byterian and Reformed, 1988. 132 p. ISBN 0- for Ethics and Human Values andtheDepartment 87552-261-0. (Christian Perspectives series.) of Philosophy, University of Western Ontario.) [R725.56 .F73 1988] (2.1,1.2) [R724 .C541989] (2.1) Garrett, Thomas M.; Baillie, Harold W.; and Gar­ Kelly, Eugene, ed. PROFESSIONAL ETHICS IN rett, Rosellen M. HEALTH CARE ETHICS: PRIN­ HEALTH CARE SERVICES. Lanham, MD: Univer­ CIPLES AND PROBLEMS. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: sity Press of America, 1988. 222 p. ISBN 0-8191- Prentice Hall, 1989. 271 p. ISBN 0-13-385063-3. 7211-1. (Papers presented at the Conference on [R724 .G35 1989] (2.1) Professional Ethics in Health Care Services held Goldstein, Doris M. and Sass, Hans-Martin. 21 March 1987 at the New York Chiropractic LITERATUR ZUR MEDIZINETHIK: DEUTSCH­ College on Long Island, sponsored by the Long SPRACHIGE LITERATUR IN DER DATENBANK Island Philosophical Society.) [R724 .P73 1988] MEDLINE, 1980-1989. Bochum: Zentrum für (2.1,7.1,9.1) Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1989. 32 p. (Medizinethische materialien series; Vol. 48.) Kennedy, Ian. TREAT ME RIGHT: ESSAYS IN MEDI­ (2.1, Reference) CAL LAW AND ETHICS. New York: Oxford Univer­ sity Press, 1988. 375 p. ISBN 0-19-825559-4. Goshen General Hospital. Medical Ethics Com­ [KD3395 .A75 K46 1988] (2.1) mittee. JUST CARING: JUSTICE, HEALTH CARE, AND THE GOOD SOCIETY: AN ETHICS FORUM. Kirchenamt der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutsch­ Goshen, IN: The Hospital, [1987]. 32 p. (Publish­ land and Sekretariat der Deutschen Bischofskon­ er’s address: 200 High Park Avenue, P.O. Box 139, ferenz, eds. GOTT IST EIN FREUND DES LEBENS: zip 46526.) (2.1) HERAUSFORDERUNGEN UND AUFGABEN BEIM Gräber, Glenn C. and Thomasma, David C. SCHUTZ DES LEBENS. Gütersloh, Germany: THEORY AND PRACTICE IN MEDICAL ETHICS. Gütersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn, 1989.112p. New York: Continuum, 1989.229 p. ISBN 0-8264- ISBN 3-579-01955-4. (Gift of Hans-Martin Sass.) 0423-5. (Gifts of Edmund D. Pellegrino and (2.1,1.2,4.4) Robert Veatch.) [R724 .G75 1989] (2.1) Lamb, David. DOWN THE SLIPPERY SLOPE: ARGU­ Gustafson, Sture. KUNSKAPENS FRUKTER OCH ING in APPLIED ETHICS. New York: Croom Helm, LTVETS TRÄD: EN FAKTA- OCH STUDIEBOK OM 1988. 134 p. ISBN 0-7099-4166-8. [BJ1031 .L36 EHK OCH MÄNNISKOSYN. Göteborg, Sweden: 1988] (2.1,1.1)

Volume 15, Page 19 Leiter, Elliot, ed. proceedings o f t h e second Health Association of the United States, 1989. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ETHICS IN 240 p. ISBN 0-87125-145-0. [R724 .M2942 1989] MEDICINE, JUNE 1987. New York: Beth Israel (2.1) Medical Center, 1988.224 p. ISBN 0-9621336-1-2. (Co-sponsored by Beth Israel Medical Center, Palmer, Larry I. LAW, MEDICINE, AND SOCIAL JUS­ New York, Ben-Gurion University of Negev, TICE. Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox Beersheva, Israel, and the Karolinska Institute, Press, 1989. 175 p. ISBN 0-664-21333-2. (Gift of Stockholm, Sweden.) [R724.15651987] (2.1) the publisher.) [KF3821 .P35 1989] (2.1) Levine, Carol, ed. CASES IN BIOETHICS: SELEC­ Pellegrino, Edmund D.; Langan, John; and Harvey, TIONS FROM THE HASTINGS CENTER REPORT. New John C., eds. CATHOLIC PERSPECTIVES ON MEDI­ York: St. Martin’s Press, 1989.291 p. ISBN 0-312- CAL MORALS: FOUNDATIONAL ISSUES. Boston: 01278-0. (Revised and updated edition.) [R724 Kluwer Academic, 1989. 307 p. ISBN 1-55608- .C36 1989] (2.1) 083-2. (Philosophy and Medicine series; Vol. 34. Papers from the TWenty-Fourth Trans-Discipli- Levine, Carol, ed. TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS nary Symposium on Philosophy and Medicine ON CONTROVERSIAL BIOETHICAL ISSUES. Guil­ ford, CT: Dushkin, 1989.370 p. ISBN 0-87967-756- held 13-16 October 1986.) [R725.56 .C37 1989] 2. (Third edition.) [R724 .T35 1989] (2.1) (2.1, 1.2) Lewis, Marcia A. and Warden, Carol D. law AND Pinkard, Terry. BIOETHISCHE FRAGEN UND DAS ETHICS IN THE MEDICAL OFFICE: INCLUDING AMERIKANISCHE FALLRECHT. Bochum: Zentrum BIOETHICAL ISSUES. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis, für Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1988. 55 p. 1988. 225 p. ISBN 0-8036-5617-3. (Second edi­ (Medizinethische materialien series; Vol. 16.) tion.) [KF3821 .L48 1988] (2.1,7.1) (2.1,1.3.8) Mainetti, José A.; Sass, Hans-Martin; and Vief- Potter, Van Rensselaer. GLOBAL BIOETHICS: hues, Herbert. PROTOCOLO DE BOCHUM PARA LA BUILDING ON THE LEOPOLD LEGACY. East Lan­ PRACTICA ETICOMEDICA. Bochum: Zentrum für sing: Michigan State University Press, 1988.203 p. Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1988. 16 p. ISBN 0-87013-264-4. [QH332 .P68 1988] (2.1) (Medizinethische materialien series; Vol. 26.) (2.1) Renzong Qiu. MEDIZIN —DIE KUNST DER MENSCHLICHKEIT: ÜBER DIE ETHIK DER McCormick, Richard A. THE CRITICAL CALLING: TRADITIONELLEN CHINESISCHEN MEDIZIN. REFLECTIONS ON MORAL DILEMMAS SINCE Bochum: Zentrum für Medizinische Ethik VATICAN II. Washington, DC: Georgetown Bochum, 1989.30 p. (Originally published in Jour­ University Press, 1989.414p. ISBN 0-87840-463-5. nal of Medicine and Philosophy, Vol. 13, (1988). [BJ1249 .M241989] (2.1,1.2) Medizinethische materialien series; Vol. 24.) (2.1, 1.2) McLean, Sheila, ed. LEGAL issues IN HUMAN REPRODUCTION. Brookfield, VT: Gower, 1989. Renzong Qiu; et al. BOCHUMER ARBEITSBOGEN: 238 p. ISBN 0-566-05393-4. (Medico-legal Series.) CHINESISCHE ÜBERSETZUNG UND EINLEITUNG. [K2000 .L44 1989] (2.1,9.5.5,14.1) Bochum: Zentrum für Medizinische Ethik O’Rourke, Kevin D. and Boyle, Philip. MEDICAL Bochum, 1989. 16 p. (Medizinethische ETHICS: SOURCES OF CATHOLIC TEACHINGS. St. materialien series; Vol. 2e.) (2.1) Louis, MO: Catholic Health Association of the United States, 1989. 335 p. ISBN 0-87125-169-8. Sakai, Akio; et al. BOCHUMER ARBEITS­ [R724.0741989] (2.1,1.2) BOGEN = BOCHUM WORKING PAPER: JAPANISCHE VERSION/JAPANESE VERSION. Bochum: Zentrum O’Rourke, Kevin D. and Brodeur, Dennis, eds. für Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1989. 16 p. MEDICAL ETHICS: COMMON GROUND FOR UN­ (Second edition. Medizinethische materialien DERSTANDING-VOL 2. St. Louis, MO: Catholic series; Vol. 2d.) (2.1)

Volume 15, Page 20 Sass, Hans-Martin, ed. BIOETHIK IN DEN USA: Ph.D.—Boston College, 1987. Gift of Max M. and METHODEN, THEMEN, POSITIONEN. New York: Marjorie B. Kampelman.) (2.1,1.2) Springer-Verlag, 1988.284 p. ISBN 0-387-19420-7. (2.1) University of Minnesota. Center for Biomedical Ethics. RETHINKING MEDICAL MORALITY: THE Sass, Hans-Martin. KURZBIBLIOGRAPHIE ZUR ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS OF CHANGES IN HEALTH BIOMEDIZINISCHEN ETHIK. Bochum: Zentrum CARE ORGANIZATION, DELIVERY, AND FINANC­ für Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1987. 16 p. ING. Minneapolis, MN: Center for Biomedical (Medizinethische materialien series; Vol. 3.) (2.1, Ethics, University of Minnesota, 1989. 107 p. Reference) (Publisher’s address: UMHC Box 33, Harvard St. at E. River Rd., zip 55455. Gift of the publisher.) Sass, Hans-Martin and Badura, Peter. MEDIZIN­ [R724 .R481989] (2.1,9.1,93) ISCHE FALLSAMMLUNG FÜR DIE ETHISCHE BE­ WERTUNG. Bochum: Zentrum für Medizinische VAD SÄGER HÄLSO-OCH SJUKVÂRDSLAGEN? Ethik Bochum, 1989. 20 p. (Second edition. Solna, Sweden: LIC Förlag, 1989. 31 p. ISBN 91- Medizinethische materialien series; Vol. 11.) (2.1) 7584-192-4. (Gift of Cat Myser.) (2.1,6) Sass, Hans-Martin; Spicker, Stuart E; and Vief- Varga, Andrew C. BIOÉTICA: PRINCIPALES, hues, Herbert. BOCHUM WORKING PAPER ON THE PROBLEMAS. Bogotá: Ediciones Paulinas, 1988. PRACTISE OF MEDICAL ETHICS. Bochum: 356 p. ISBN 958-607-112-8. (Translation by Alfon­ Zentrum für Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1989. so Llano Escobar of: The Main Issues in Bioethics 12 p. (Medizinethische materialien series; Vol. originally published: New York: Paulist Press. Gift 2a.) (2.1) of the translator.) (2.1) Seedhouse, David. ETHICS: THE HEART OF HEALTH Veatch, Robert M., ed. CROSS CULTURAL PERSPEC­ c a re. New York: Wiley, 1988.157 p. ISBN 0-471- TIVES IN MEDICAL ETHICS: READINGS. Boston, 91874-1. (A Wiley Medical Publication. Gift of MA: Jones and Bartlett, 1989. 340 p. ISBN 0- Edmund D. Pellegrino.) [R724 .S43 1988] (2.1) 86720-075-8. (Gift of the editor.) [R724 .C833 1989] (2.1) Shi Dapu. THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF CHINESE MEDICAL ETHICS. Bochum: Zentrum für Veatch, Robert M., ed. MEDICAL ETHICS. Boston, Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1989. 24 p. MA: Jones and Bartlett, 1989. 372 p. ISBN 0- (Medizinethische materialien series; Vol. 34.) 86720-074-X. [R724 .M29271989] (2.1) (2.1, 1.1) Vêlez Correa, Luis Alfonso. ETICA MEDICA INTER­ Siegler, Mark; Singer, Peter A.; and Schieder- ROGANTES ACERCA DE LA MEDICINA, LA VIDA Y mayer, David L. MEDICAL ETHICS: AN AN­ LA MUERTE. Medellin, Colombia: Corporación NOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY. Philadelphia: para Investigaciones Biológicas, [1989]. 370 p. American College of Physicians, 1988.42 p. ISBN (Gift of Alfonso Llano Escobar.) (2.1) 0-943126-10-X. (Developed to accompany the 2nd ed. of the American College of Physicians’ Viefhues, Herbert. MEDIZINISCHE ETHIK IN EINER Ethics Manual. OFFENEN GESELLSCHAFT. Bochum: Zentrum für Publisher’s address: 4200 Pine St., Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1987. 19 p. zip 19104.) [R724 .S49 1988] (2.1, Reference) (Medizinethische materialien series; Vol. 1.) (2.1) Smith, George P. THE NEW BIOLOGY: LAW, ETHICS, AND BIOTECHNOLOGY. New York: Plenum Press, Walters, James W., ed. bioethics TODAY: a new 1989. 303 p. ISBN 0-306-43187-4. [TP248.2 .S65 ETHICAL VISION. Loma Linda, CA: Loma Linda University Press, 1988.116 p. ISBN0-944450-01-7. 1989] (2.1) (Essays from the conference “Biomedical Ethics Stern, Joseph B. THE decision-m aking process Today: Old Models and New” sponsored by the IN JEWISH LAW PERTAINING TO MEDICINE. Ann Hastings Center and the Center for Christian Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, Bioethics, held in 1985 at Loma Linda University.) 1989. 559 p. Publication No. 8807566. (Thesis, (2.1)

Volume 15, Page 21 Winslade, William J., ed. personal choices and 1988. 376 p. ISBN 0-521-35316-5. [HM106 .B268 PUBLIC COMMITMENTS: PERSPECTIVES ON THE 1988] (3.1,15.9) MEDICAL HUMANITIES. Galveston, TX: Institute for the Medical Humanities, 1988. 163 p. ISBN Corsi, Pietro. THE AGE OF LAMARCK: EVOLUTION­ 0-9621294-0-2. (Gift of the publisher.) [R724 .P43 ARY THEORIES IN FRANCE, 1790-1830. Berkeley: 1988] (2.1,20.5.1) University of California Press, 1988. 360 p. ISBN 0-520-05830-5. [QH15 .C6713 1988] (3.1, 3.2, Wolff, Hanns P. ETHISCHE GUTERABWAGUNG IN Biography) DER MEDIZIN. Bochum: Zentrum fur Medizinis- che Ethik Bochum, 1989.12 p. (Presented at the Margulis, Lynn. EARLY LIFE. Boston: Jones and IV. Bochumer Forschungskolloquium zur Bartlett, 1984. 160 p. ISBN 0-86720-005-7. (The biomedizinischen Ethik held 18-20 April 1989. Jones and Bartlett Series in Biology. Gift of Medizmethische materialien series; Vol. 27.) (2.1) Robert Veatch.) [QH325 .M291984] (3.1,15.1) Young, Eml6 W. ALPHA & OMEGA: ETHICS AT THE Matthen, Mohan and Linsky, Bernard, eds. FRONTIERS OF LIFE AND DEATH. Reading, MA: PHILOSOPHY & BIOLOGY. Calgary, Alberta: Addison-Wesley, 1989. 209 p. ISBN 0-201-18199- University of Calgary Press, 1988. 267 p. ISBN 1. [R724 .Y68 1989] (2.1) 0-919491-14-6. (In: Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume; 14. ISSN 0229-7051. Papers from a conference held 8-10 2.2 Bioethics: History of Medical Ethics May 1987 in Edmonton.) [QH331 .P541988] (3.1) Barker, Verlyn L. HEALTH AND HUMAN VALUES: A Merchant, Carolyn. THE DEATH OF NATURE: MINISTRY OF THEOLOGICAL INQUIRY AND WOMEN, ECOLOGY, AND THE SCIENTIFIC MORAL DISCOURSE. Dallas, TX: United Min­ istries in Education, 1987. 146 p. (Gift of Sue REVOLUTION. New York: Harper & Row, 1982. Meinke. Publisher’s address: Resource Center, 348 p. ISBN 0-06-250572-6. [Q130 .M471980] (3.1, 13756 Rolling Hills, zip 75240.) (2.2,1.2,2.3) 5.1) Rose, Steven. MOLECULES AND MINDS: ESSAYS ON BIOLOGY AND THE SOCIAL ORDER. Philadelphia: 2.3 Bioethics: Education/Programs Open University Press, 1987.144 p. ISBN 0-335- American Hospital Association. DIRECTORY OF 15813-7. [QH331 .R65 1987] (3.1,2.1,15.9) BIOMEDICAL ETHICS ORGANIZATIONS. Chicago, IL: Hospital Ethics, 1989.165 p. (AHA catalog no. Ruse, Michael, philosophy o f biology to d a y . 058400. Gift of a special project grant to the Albany: State University of New York Press, 1988. School of Nursing, George Mason University, 155 p. ISBN 0-88706-910-X. (SUNY Series in Fairfax, Virginia by the Division of Nursing, U.S. Philosophy and Biology.) [QH331 .R8793 1988] Department of Health and Human Services, grant (3.1) no. 1 D10 NU23091.) (2.3, Reference) Howe, Kenneth R. EVALUATING MEDICAL ETHICS 3.2 Evolution and Creation TEACHING. Ann Arbor, MI: University Bowler, Peter J. THE NON-DARWINIAN REVOLU­ Microfilms International, 1988.213 p. Publication TION: REINTERPRETING A HISTORICAL MYTH. No. 8520529. (Thesis, Ph.D. — Michigan State Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988. University, 1985.) (2.3) 238 p. ISBN 0-8018-3678-6. [QH361 .B693 1988] (3.2) 3.1 Philosophy of Biology (General) Brooks, Daniel R. and Wiley, E.O. ev o lution AS Barnett, Samuel A. BIOLOGY AND FREEDOM: AN ENTROPY: TOWARD A UNIFIED THEORY OF BIOL­ ESSAY ON THE IMPLICATIONS OF HUMAN ETHOL­ OGY. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988. OGY. New York: Cambridge University Press, 415 p. ISBN 0-226-07574-5. (Second edition.

Volume 15, Page 22 Science and Its Conceptual Foundations series.) Philosophy Lectures series; Vol. 23.) [RA418 .P48 [QH371 .B69 1988] (3.2,3.1) 1988] (4.1.1,2.1,4.4) Csdnyi, Vilmos. EVOLUTIONARY SYSTEMS AND Harris, Ruth R. DENTAL SCIENCE IN A NEW AGE: A SOCIETY: A GENERAL THEORY OF LIFE, MIND, HISTORY OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DEN­ AND CULTURE. Durham, NC: Duke University TAL RESEARCH. Rockville, MD: Montrose Press, Press, 1989.257 p. ISBN 0-8223-0836-3. (A publi­ 1989. 476 p. (Gift of the publisher.) [RK91 .H35 cation of the General Evolution Research 1989] (4.1.1,7.1) Group.) [QH366.2 .C76 1989] (3.2,1.1) Tannenbaum, Jerrold. VETERINARY ETHICS. Bal­ Desmond, Adrian J. THE POLITICS OF EVOLUTION: timore: Williams & Wilkins, 1989. 358 p. ISBN MORPHOLOGY, MEDICINE, AND REFORM IN RADI­ 0-683-08102-0. [SF75639 .T361989] (4.1.1,22.1) CAL LONDON. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989.503 p. ISBN 0-226-14346-5. (Science and Its Conceptual Foundations series.) [QL810 4.1.2 Philosophy of Medicine .D471989] (3.2, 5.3) Albert, Daniel A.; Munson, Ronald; and Resnik, Mclver, Tom. ANTI-EVOLUTION: AN ANNOTATED Michael D. REASONING IN MEDICINE: AN INTRO­ BIBLIOGRAPHY. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1988. DUCTION TO CLINICAL INFERENCE. Baltimore: 385 p. ISBN 0-89950-313-5. [BS659 .M38 1988] Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988. 263 p. (3.2, Reference) ISBN 0-8018-3426-0. (The Johns Hopkins Series Ruse, Michael. THE DARWINIAN PARADIGM: ES­ in Contemporary Medicine and Public Health.) SAYS ON ITS HISTORY, PHILOSOPHY, AND [R723 .A38 1988] (4.1.2,8.1) RELIGIOUS IMPLICATIONS. New York: Routledge, Freidson, Eliot. MEDICAL WORK IN AMERICA: ES­ Chapman & Hall, 1989.299 p. ISBN 0-415-00300- SAYS ON HEALTH CARE. New Haven, CT: Yale 8. [QH371 .R75 1989] (3.2,1.1) University Press, 1989.274 p. ISBN0-300-04157-8. Selkirk, D.R. and Burrows, FJ., eds. CONFRONTING [R690 .F7351989] (4.1.2,7.3,8.1) CREATIONISM: DEFENDING DARWIN. Kensington: Gross, Rudolf. GÜTERABWÄGUNGEN IN DER New South Wales University Press in association KLINISCHEN MEDIZIN. Bochum: Zentrum für with the Australian Institute of Biology, 1987. Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1989. 16 p. 157 p. ISBN 0-86840-178-1. (Australian Studies in (Presented at the IV. Bochumer Forschungskollo­ Biological Sciences Series; 1. Australian Studies quium zur biomedizinischen Ethik held 18-20 in Biology series.) [BS652 .C66 1987] (3.2) April 1989. Medizinethische materialien series; Vol. 25.) (4.1.2,2.1) 4.1.1 Philosophy of Medicine, Nursing, and Other Health Professions (General) Lolas, Fernando. MEHRDIMENSIONALE MEDIZIN. Bochum: Zentrum für Medizinische Ethik Barnard, David andMcElhinney, Thomas K., guest Bochum, 1988. 21 p. (Medizinethische eds. Special Issue: Values and Ethics. JOURNAL OF materialien series; Vol. 21.) (4.1.2,7.1) ALLIED HEALTH 12(3): 165-240, August 1983. ISSN 0090-7421. (4.1.1,2.1) Mainetti, José A. LA CRISIS DE LA RAZON MEDICA: INTRO D UCCI ON A LA FILOSOFIA DE LA Bell, John M. and Mendus, Susan, eds. MEDICINA. La Piata, Argentina: Editorial Quirón, PHILOSOPHY AND MEDICAL WELFARE. New 1988.88 p. (Gift of Edmund D. Pellegrino.) (4.1.2) York: Cambridge University Press, 1988. 129 p. ISBN 0-521-36856-1. (Papers originally presented Steen, Wim J. van der and Thung, P. J. FACES OF at the Royal Institute of Philosophy Conference MEDICINE: A PHILOSOPHICAL STUDY. Boston: on Philosophy and Medical Welfare held Sept. Kluwer Academic, 1988. 236 p. ISBN 90-247- 1987 at the University of York. Royal Institute of 3673-0. [R723 .S76 1988] (4.12,4.2)

Volume 15, Page 23 4.1.3 Philosophy of Nursing 906561-05-1. (Gift of the Linacre Centre.) [RT85 American Nurses’ Association. Committee on .F571988] (4.13,2.1) Ethics. ETHICS IN NURSING: POSITION STATE­ Fry, Sara T., guest ed. Ethics, Part I: Issues in Nurs­ MENTS AND GUIDELINES. Kansas City, MO: ing. NURSING CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA 24(2): A.NA.., 1988.16 p. (Gift of a special project grant 461-582, June 1989. ISSN 0029-6465. (Gift of Sara to the School of Nursing, George Mason Univer­ T. Fry.) (4.13,2.3) sity, Fairfax, Virginia by the Division of Nursing, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Giovinco, Gina. USING PATIENT CARE SITUATIONS grant no. 1 DIO NU23091.) [RT85 .E844 1988] TO APPLY KOHLBERG’S MORAL DEVELOPMENT THEORY TO NURSING. Ann Arbor, MI: University (4.1.3,6) Microfilms International, 1989.112 p. Publication American Nurses’ Foundation. NURSING PRACTICE No. 8521084. (Thesis, Ed.D.—Tfemple University, IN THE 21st CENTURY. Kansas City, MO: The 1985.) [RT85 .G481985] (4.1.3,1.1,8.1) Foundation, 1988. 62 p. (Papers presented at the forum “Nursing Practice in the 21st Century” It’s Your Decision: A Practical Guide to Modem cosponsored by the American Nurses’ Founda­ Nursing Ethics. RN 51(10): 26-88, October 1988. tion, Inc. and the Annenberg Center for Health ISSN 0033-7021. [RT85 .187 1988] (4.1.3,2.1) Sciences of the Eisenhower Medical Center held Jones, Anne H., ed. IMAGES OF NURSES: PERSPEC­ 20-23 September 1988 at Rancho Mirage, CA. TIVES FROM HISTORY, ART, AND LITERATURE. Gift of a special project grant to the School of Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, Nursing, George Mason University, Fairfax, Vir­ 1988.253 p. ISBN 0-8122-1254-1. [NX652 .N87143 ginia by the Division of Nursing, U.S. Department 1988] (4.1.3) of Health and Human Services, grant no. 1 DIO NU23091.) [RT86.7 .N899 1988] (4.1.3,9.1) Ketefian, Shak6. MORAL REASONING AND eth i­ cal PRACTICE IN NURSING: AN INTEGRATIVE Benner, Patricia E. and Wrubel, Judith. THE REVIEW. New York: National League for Nursing, PRIMACY OF CARING: STRESS AND COPING IN 1988. 79 p. ISBN 0-88737-426-3. (NLN Publica­ HEALTH AND ILLNESS. Menlo Park, CA: Addison- tion; no. 15-2250. Gift of a special project grant to Wesley, 1989. 425 p. ISBN 0-201-12002-X. [RT86 the School of Nursing, George Mason University, .B3951989] (4.1.3,9.1) Fairfax, Virginia by the Division of Nursing, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, grant Carson, Verna B. SPIRITUAL DIMENSIONS OF NURS­ no. 1D10 NU23091.) [RT85 .K4721988] (4.1.3) ING pr a c tic e. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1989. 386 p. ISBN 0-7216-2249-6. [RT85.2 .C37 1989] Reverby, Susan M. ORDERED TO CARE: t h e (4.1.3,1.2,8.1) DILEMMA OF AMERICAN NURSING, 1850-1945. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987. Chambliss, Daniel F. THE BOUNDS OF RESPON­ SIBILITY: A STUDY IN THE SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 286 p. ISBN 0-521-33565-5. (Cambridge History OF NURSING ETHICS. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Medicine series.) [RT4 .R451987] (4.1.3,7.1) Microfilms International, 1989.165 p. Publication Schorr, Thelma M. and Zimmerman, Anne. no. 8220829. (Thesis, Ph. D.—Yale University, MAKING CHOICES, TAKING CHANCES: NURSE 1982. Gift of a special project grant to the School LEADERS TELL THEIR STORIES. St. Louis, MO: of Nursing, George Mason University, Fairfax, Mosby, 1988.414 p. ISBN 0-8016-4611-1. (Gift of Virginia by the Division of Nursing, U.S. Depart­ a special project grant to the School of Nursing, ment of Health and Human Services, grant no. George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia by the 1 DIO NU23091.) [RT85 .C521982] (4.1.3,2.1) Division of Nursing, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, grant no. 1D10 NU23091.) Fitzpatrick, FJ. ETHICS IN NURSING PRACTICE: [RT34 .S361988] (4.1.3,7.1, Biography) BASIC PRINCIPLES AND THEIR APPLICATION. Lon­ don: The Linacre Centre for the Study of the Silva, Mary C. ETHICAL DECISION MAKING IN Ethics of Health Care, 1988. 290 p. ISBN 0- NURSING ADMINISTRATION. Norwalk, CT: Ap­

Volume 15, Page 24 pleton & Lange, 1990.272 p. ISBN 0-8385-2469-9. 4.3 Concept of Mental Health (Gift of a special project grant to the School of Nursing, George Mason University, Fairfax, Vir­ Finkel, Norman J. INSANITY ON TRIAL. New York: ginia by the Division of Nursing, U.S. Department Plenum Press, 1988. 374 p. ISBN 0-306-42899-7. of Health and Human Services, Grant No. 1 DIO (Perspectives in Law and Psychology series; Vol. NU23091.) [RT89 .E77 1990] (4.1.3,2.1) 8.) [KF9242 .F531988] (43,13.8,17.1,17.7) Smith, Deborah, ed. NURSING 2020: A STUDY OF Gilman, Sander L. DISEASE AND REPRE­ THE FUTURE OF HOSPITAL-BASED NURSING. New SENTATION: IMAGES OF ILLNESS FROM MADNESS York: National League for Nursing, 1988. 166 p. TO AIDS. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, ISBN 0-88737-397-6. (NLN Publication; no. 14- 1988. 320 p. ISBN 0-8014-9476-1. [RC438 .G54 2217. Includes papers of the Nursing Futures Con­ 1988] (4.3,4.2,7.1) ference held 31 May-1 June 1985 in Long Beach, CA. Gift of a special project grant to the School Simon, Rita J. and Aaronson, David E. THE IN­ of Nursing, George Mason University, Fairfax, SANITY DEFENSE: A CRITICAL ASSESSMENT OF Virginia by the Division of Nursing, U.S. Depart­ LAW AND POLICY IN THE POST-HINCKLEY ERA. ment of Health and Human Services, grant no. 1 New York: Praeger, 1988. 279 p. ISBN 0-275- DIO NU23091.) [RT4 .N9741988] (4.1.3,9.1) 92831-4. [KF9242 .S48 1988] (4.3,1.3.8,17.1) Wolf, Zane R. NURSES’ WORK: THE SACRED AND THE pro fa n e. Philadelphia: University of Penn­ 4.4 Quality/Value of Life sylvania Press, 1988. 313 p. ISBN 0-8122-1266-5. (Based on the author’s doctoral dissertation: Ford, Norman M. WHEN DID I BEGIN?: CONCEP­ Nursing Rituals in an Adult Acute Care Hospital.) TION OF THE HUMAN INDIVIDUAL IN HISTORY, [RT86-5 .W65 1988] (4.1.3) PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988. 217 p. ISBN 0-521-34428-X. [BD450 .F6261988] (4.4,1.1,15.1) 4.2 Concept of Health Goodman, Michael F., ed. WHAT IS A PERSON? Peel, Robert. HEALTH AND MEDICINE IN THE Clifton, NJ: Humana Press, 1988. 325 p. ISBN CHRISTIAN SCIENCE TRADITION: PRINCIPLE, 0-89603-117-9. (Contemporary Issues in PRACTICE, AND CHALLENGE. New York: Biomedicine, Ethics, and Society series.) [BD450 Crossroad, 1988. 154 p. ISBN 0-8245-0895-5. .W4873 1988] (4.4,2.1) (Health/Medicine and the Faith Traditions series.) [BX6950 .P441988] (4.2,1.2,9.1) Law Reform Commission of Canada. CRIMES AGAINST THE FOETUS. Ottawa: The Commission, Reznek, Lawrie. THE NATURE OF DISEASE. New 1989. 218 p. ISBN 0-662-56432-4. (Also contains York: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1987.227 p. ISBN Les crimes contre le foetus. Working Paper series; 0-7102-1082-5. (Philosophy Issues in Science 58. Publisher’s address: 130 Albert St., postal code series.) [RC455.2 ,C4 R471987] (4.2,4.3) K1A 0L6.) (4.4,93.5,12.4.2,18.5.4) Siegel, Bemie S. LOVE, MEDICINE AND MIRACLES: Mason, John K. HUMAN LIFE AND MEDICAL PRAC­ LESSONS LEARNED ABOUT SELF-HEALING FROM TICE. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, A SURGEON’S EXPERIENCE WITH EXCEPTIONAL 1988. 161 p. ISBN 0-85224-560-2. [R726 .M33 PATIENTS. New York: Harper & Row, 1988.243 p. 1988] (4.4,2.1) ISBN 0-06-091406-8. (Gift of a special project grant to the School of Nursing, George Mason Sass, Hans-Martin. HIRNTOD UND HIRNLEBEN. University, Fairfax, Virginia by the Division of Bochum: Zentrum für Medizinische Ethik Nursing, U.S. Department of Health and Human Bochum, 1989.31 p. (April 1989. Medizinethische Services, grant no. 1D10 NU23091.) [R726.5 .S54 Materialien series; Vol. 20. Gift of the author.) 1988] (4.2) (4.4,20.2.1)

Volume 15, Page 25 5.1 Science, Technology and Society 5.2 Technology Assessment AAAS-ABA National Conference of Lawyers and ASSESSING THE IMPACTS OF TECHNOLOGY ON Scientists. LAW, SCIENCE, AND TECHNOLOGY: AN SOCIETY. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co­ EMERGING COALITION IN THE PEOPLES operation and Development, 1983. 80 p. ISBN REPUBLIC OF CHINA. [Washington, DC]: 92-64-12409-8. (Available in French under the American Association for the Advancement of title: Évaluation des incidences sociales de la tech­ Science, [1988?]. 53 p. (Report of a trip by an nologie. Available in the U.S. from: OECD Publi­ NCLS delegation to China, 8-26 October 1988.) cations and Sales Center, Washington, DC.) (5.1) [T174.5 .A8741983] (5.2) Evered, David and Harnett, Sara, eds. THE Chubin, Daryl E. and Chu, Ellen W., [eds.] SCIENCE EVALUATION OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. New OFF THE PEDESTAL: SOCIAL PERSPECTIVES ON York: Wiley, 1989. 276 p. ISBN 0-471-92143-2. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Belmont, CA: (Conference on The Evaluation of Scientific Re­ Wadsworth, 1989. 196 p. ISBN 0-534-09858-4. search held 6-8 June 1988 at the Ciba Foundation, [Q175.5 .S365 1989] (5.1) London.) [Q180 .Al E921989] (5.2,1.3.9) Durbin, Paul T. DICTIONARY OF CONCEPTS IN THE Goodman, Clifford, ed. MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE. New York: Greenwood ASSESSMENT DIRECTORY: A PILOT REFERENCE Press, 1988. 362 p. ISBN 0-313-22979-1. (Refer­ TO ORGANIZATIONS, ASSESSMENTS, AND INFOR­ ence Sources for the Social Sciences and MATION RESOURCES. Washington, DC: National Humanities series; No. 6. ISSN 0730-3335.) Academy Press, 1988.662 p. ISBN 0-309-03829-4. [Q174.7 .D87 1988] (5.1,1.1, Reference) (Prepared by the Council on Health Care Technology’s Information Panel. Gift of LeRoy Hughes, Thomas P. AMERICAN GENESIS: A CEN­ Walters.) [R855.3. M43 1988] (5.2, Reference) TURY OF INVENTION AND TECHNOLOGICAL EN­ THUSIASM, 1870-1970. New York: Viking, 1989. Netherlands. Scenario Commission on Future 529 p. ISBN 0-670-81478-4. [T21 .H821989] (5.1) Health Care Technology. ANTICIPATING AND AS­ SESSING HEALTH CARE TECHNOLOGY: A REPORT. Institute for Theological Encounter with Science Boston: M. Nijhoff, 1987-1988. 8 vol. ISBN 0- and Technology. TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCE 89838-897-X. (H. David Banta, chairman. Com­ AND THE SURVIVAL OF THE NATION-STATE. St. missioned by the Steering Committee on Future Louis, MO: [ITEST], 1982.122 p. (Workshop held Health Scenarios.) [R855.3 .A57 1987] (5.2, 9.1, 19-21 March 1982.) [BL241.161982] (5.1) 21.1) Kraft, Michael E. and Vig, Norman J., eds. TECH­ Stocking, Barbara, ed. EXPENSIVE HEALTH TECH­ NOLOGY AND POLITICS. Durham, NC: Duke NOLOGIES: REGULATORY AND ADMINISTRATIVE University Press, 1988.358 p. ISBN 0-8223-0846-0. MECHANISMS IN EUROPE. New York: Oxford [T14.5 .T44163 1988] (5.1,2.1) University Press, 1988.189 p. ISBN 0-19-261714-1. (Oxford Medical Publications series. Commission Kronick, David A. THE LITERATURE OF THE LIFE of the European Communities Health Services SCIENCES: READING, WRITING, RESEARCH. Research Series; No. 5. Proceedings of the EEC Philadelphia: ISI Press, 1985. 219 p. ISBN 0- Workshop on Regulatory Mechanisms Concern­ 89495-045-2. (The Library and Information ing Expensive Health Technology held 22-25April Science Series.) [QH303.6 .K761985] (5.1, Refer­ 1986 in London.) [R855.5 .E86 E971988] (5.2,9.3, ence) 21.1) Yearley, Steven. SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND SO­ CIAL CHANGE. Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1988. 199 p. ISBN 0-04-301259-0. [Q175.5 .Y43 1988] (5.1)

Volume 15, Page 26 5.3 Social Control of Science/Technology AMERICA. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987. 363 p. ISBN 0-226-46583-7. [Q175.52 .U5 American College of Physicians. BIOMEDICAL RE­ K891987] (5.3) SEARCH. Philadelphia, PA: The College, 1983. 15 p. (Publisher’s address: 4200 Pine Street, zip Teich, Albert H.; Gold, Barry D.; and Wiaz, June 19104.) (5.3,1.3.9) M. GRADUATE EDUCATION AND CAREER DIREC­ TIONS IN SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC Cutcliffe, Stephen H. and Post, Robert C., eds. IN POLICY. CONTEXT: HISTORY AND THE HISTORY OF TECH- Washington, DC: American Association NOLOGY: ESSAYS IN HONOR OF MELVIN for the Advancement of Science, Office of Public KRANZBERG. Bethlehem, PA: Lehigh University Sector Programs, 1986.168 p. ISBN 0-87168-290- Press, 1989.278 p. ISBN0-934223-03-3. (Research 7. (AAAS Publication series; No. 86-17.) [Q183.3 in Technology Studies series; Vol. 1.) [T15.151989] .Al T41986] (5.3) ( 6 Codes of Professional Ethics Durbin, Paul T., ed. TECHNOLOGY AND RESPON­ SIBILITY. Boston: D. Reidel, 1987. 392 p. ISBN Great Britain. Institute of Medical and Biological 90-277-2415-6. (Philosophy and Technology Illustration. CODE OF PRACTICE ON CONFIDEN­ series; Vol. 3. Mostly papers presented at the third TIALITY OF ILLUSTRATIVE CLINICAL RECORDS. international conference of the Society for Godalming, Surrey: Printed by Willow Press, Philosophy & Technology, held 12-16 August 1985 [1988?]. 8 p. (Adopted by The Medical Artists’ at TWente University of Tbchnology in Enschede, Association of Great Britain.) (6,8.4) The Netherlands.) [T14 .T3851987] (5.3,2.1) Harris, Nigel G. PROFESSIONAL CODES OF CON­ Frankel, Mark S., ed. SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND DUCT IN THE UNITED KINGDOM: A DIRECTORY. ETHICS: STATE-OF-THE-ART AND FUTURE DIREC­ New York: Mansell, 1989. 313 p. ISBN 0-7201- TIONS. [Washington, DC]: American Association 2017-9. [BJ1725 .H35 1989] (6,1.3.1, Reference) for the Advancement of Science, 1988. 105 p. (Report on a AAAS workshop and symposium Sass, Hans-Martin and Piischel, Erich, comps. DER held February 1988 in Boston, MA. AAAS Publi­ HIPPOKRATISCHE EID IN DER MEDIZIN UND cation series; No. 88-28. Gift of Edmund D. Pel­ ANDERE DOKUMENTE MEDIZINISCHER ETHIK. legrino.) (5.3) Bochum: Zentrum für Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1988. 63 p. (Medizinethische Friedrich-Cofer, Lynette, ed. HUMAN NATURE AND materialien series; Vol. 15.) (6,2.1) PUBLIC POLICY: SCIENTIFIC VIEWS OF WOMEN, CHILDREN, AND FAMILIES. New York: Praeger, Suicide-Action Montréal, Inc. Comité d’éthique. 1986. 344 p. ISBN 0-275-92344-4. [HN18 .H782 CODE DE déontologie. [Montréal?]: SA..M., 1986] (5.3) 1989.8 p. (6,20.7) Grove, Jack W. IN DEFENCE OF SCIENCE: SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND POLITICS IN MODERN 7.1 Sociology of Medicine (General) SOCIETY. Buffalo, NY: University of Toronto Abramson, Joseph H. MAKING SENSE OF DATA A Press, 1989. 229 p. ISBN 0-8020-2634-6. [Q175.5 SELF-INSTRUCTION MANUAL ON THE INTER­ .G76 1989] (5.3,5.1) PRETATION OF EPIDEMIOLOGICAL DATA. New Katz, James E., ed. PEOPLE IN SPACE: POLICY York: Oxford University Press, 1988.326 p. ISBN PERSPECTIVES FOR A “STAR WARS” CENTURY. 0-19-505092-4. [RA652.4 .A ll 1988] (7.1, Refer­ New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1985. ence) 222 p. ISBN 0-88738-609-1. [UG1520 .P46 1985] ( Altschule, Mark D. ESSAYS ON THE RISE AND DECLINE OF BEDSIDE MEDICINE. Philadelphia: Kuznick, Peter J. BEYOND THE LABORATORY: Lea and Febiger, 1989.458 p. ISBN 0-8121-1126-1. SCIENTISTS AS POLITICAL ACTIVISTS IN 1930s (

Volume 15, Page 27 Cockerham, William C. MEDICAL SOCIOLOGY. the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.) Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1989.344 p. [R727.3 .P478 1988] (7.1,7.3,8.1,9.3) ISBN 0-13-573438-X. (Fourth edition.) [RA418 .C6571989] (7.1,9.1) Lister, John. BY THE LONDON POST: ESSAYS ON MEDICINE IN BRITAIN AND AMERICA. Waltham, Fox, Renée C. ESSAYS IN MEDICAL SOCIOLOGY: MA: New England Journal of Medicine, 1985. JOURNEYS INTO THE FIELD. New Brunswick, NJ: 248 p. ISBN 0-910133-13-1. (Reprints of articles Transaction Books, 1988. 711 p. ISBN 0-88738- from the author’s monthly column and his other 148-0. (Second enlarged edition.) [RA418 .F66 submissions in the New England Journal of 1988] (7.1,2.1,21.1) Medicine from 1952-1984.) [R486 .L571985] (7.1) Fox, Renée C. THE SOCIOLOGY OF MEDICINE: A Lock, Margaret M. and Gordon, Deborah R., eds. PARTICIPANT OBSERVER’S VIEW. Englewood BIOMEDICINE EXAMINED. Boston: Kluwer Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1989.288 p. ISBN 0-13- Academic, 1988.558 p. ISBN 1-55608-071-9. (Cul­ 820507-8. (Prentice Hall Foundations of Modern ture, Illness, and Healing series.) [RA418 .B53 Sociology Series.) [RA418 .F662 1989] (7.1, 2.1, 1988] (7.1,2.1,9.1) 4.1.1) Malmsheimer, Richard. "DOCTORS ONLY”: THE Freidson, Eliot. PROFESSION OF MEDICINE: A EVOLVING IMAGE OF THE AMERICAN PHYSICIAN. STUDY OF THE SOCIOLOGY OF APPLIED New York: Greenwood Press, 1988. 173 p. ISBN KNOWLEDGE. Chicago: University of Chicago 0-313-23465-5. (Contributions in Medical Studies Press, 1988.419 p. ISBN 0-226-26228-6. (Reprint. series; No. 25. ISSN 0886-8220.) [R690 .M294 Originally published: New York: Harper & Row, 1988] (7.1) 1970.) [R690 .F741988] (7.1,4.2) Nuland, Sherwin B. DOCTORS: THE BIOGRAPHY OF Fuller, Robert C. alternative m edicine and AMERICAN RELIGIOUS LIFE. New York: Oxford MEDICINE. New York: Knopf, 1988. 519 p. ISBN University Press, 1989.164 p. ISBN 0-19-505775-9. 0-394-55130-3. [R134 .N851988] (7.1, Biography) [R733 .F851989] (7.1,1.2,4.2) Ober, William B. BOTTOMS UP! A PATHOLOGISTS ESSAYS ON MEDICINE AND THE HUMANITIES. Gevitz, Norman, ed. OTHER HEALERS: UNOR­ New York: Harper and Row, 1988. 333 p. ISBN THODOX MEDICINE IN AMERICA. Baltimore: 0-06-097188-6. (Originally published: Carbon- Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988. 302 p. dale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1987.) ISBN 0-8018-3710-3. [R733 .086 1988] (7.1,1.2) [R702 .0241988] (7.1) Halpem, Sydney A. AMERICAN pediatrics: th e SOCIAL DYNAMICS OF PROFESSIONALISM, 1880- Paget, Marianne A. THE UNITY OF MISTAKES: A 1980. Berkeley: University of California Press, PHENOMENOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION OF 1988.228 p. ISBN 0-520-05195-5. [RJ42 ,U5 H36 MEDICAL WORK. Philadelphia: Temple University 1988] (7.1,9.5.1) Press, 1988. 183 p. ISBN 0-87722-533-8. [R729.8 .P341988] (7.1,9.6) Kater, Michael H. d o c to r s u n d e r h it l e r . Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, Payer, Lynn. MEDICINE & CULTURE: VARIETIES OF 1989. 426 p. ISBN 0-8078-1842-9. [R510 .K37 TREATMENT IN THE UNITED STATES, ENGLAND, 1989] (7.1,2.1,18.5.5,21.4) WEST GERMANY, AND FRANCE. New York: H. Holt, 1988.204 p. ISBN 0-8050-0443-2. [RA418.3 King, Nancy M.; Churchill, Larry R.; and Cross, .E85 P39 1988] (7.1,4.1.2,8.1) Alan W., eds. THE PHYSICIAN AS CAPTAIN OF THE SHIP: A CRITICAL REAPPRAISAL. Boston: D. Rabuzzi, Kathryn A. and Daly, Robert W., eds. The Reidel, 1988. 254 p. ISBN 1-55608-044-1. Cultures of Medicine. LITERATURE AND (Philosophy and Medicine series; Vol. 29. Papers MEDICINE 8: 1-182, 1989. ISSN 0278-9671. (7.1, presented at a symposium held 15-17 May 1986 at 1.2,4.1.2,8.1)

Volume 15, Page 28 Reece, Richard L. AND WHO SHALL CARE FORTHE Honda, 1975.216 p. ISBN 0-8130-0439-X. [R504 SICK?: THE CORPORATE TRANSFORMATION OF .V471975] (7.1,9.5.1) MEDICINE IN MINNESOTA. Minneapolis, MN: Media Medicus, 1988.278 p. ISBN 0-9620207-0-2. Wecht, Cyril H., ed. LEGAL MEDICINE 1987. New (Most of the contents of this book originally ap­ York: Praeger, 1988. 218 p. ISBN 0-275-92595-1. peared in somewhat different form in Minnesota (ISSN 0197-9981.) [RA1011 .L44 1987] (7.1,2.1) Medicine.) [RA410.54 .M57 R411988] (7.1,9.3) Yalof, Ina L. UFE AND DEATH: THE STORY OF A Riley, James C. SICKNESS, RECOVERY AND DEATH: HOSPITAL. New York: Random House, 1988. A HISTORY AND FORECAST OF ILL HEALTH. Iowa 357 p. ISBN 0-394-56215-1. [RA982 .N5 C649 City: University of Iowa Press, 1989.295 p. ISBN 1988] (7.1,4.1.1) 0-87745-233-4. [RA651 .R65 1989] (7.1,4.2) Sanford, Agnes M. THE HEALING LIGHT. New York: Ballantine, 1983.174 p. ISBN 0-345-30660- 7.2 Medical Education 0. (Revised edition.) (7.1,1.2) Irizarry Castro, Alma. LA RECEPTIVIDAD HACIA LA Seay, J. David and Vladeck, Bruce C., eds. IN SICK­ INTEGRACION DE LAS ARTES LIBERALES EN EL NESS AND IN HEALTH: THE MISSION OF VOLUN­ CURRICULO DE MEDICINA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TARY HEALTH CARE INSTITUTIONS. New York: DE PUERTO RICO, [s.l.: s.n.], 1989.197 p. (Thesis, McGraw-Hill, 1988. 232 p. ISBN 0-07-067532-5. Ph.D.—Universidad Interamericana de Puerto (“A United Hospital Fund book.”) [RA981 .A315 Rico, 1989. Gift of Edmund D. Pellegrino.) (7.2) 1988] (7.1,9.3) Stein, Howard F. AMERICAN MEDICINE AS CUL­ Konner, Melvin. BECOMING A DOCTOR: A JOUR­ TURE. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1990.281 p. NEY OF INITIATION IN MEDICAL SCHOOL. New ISBN 0-8133-0737-6. [RA418.3 ,U6 S741990] (7.1, York: Penguin Books, 1988. 390 p. ISBN 0-14- 2.1,9.3) 011116-6. [R154 .K44 A31988] (7.2) Steinberg, Avraham. JEWISH MEDICAL LAW: A Püschel, Erich. DER “ETHIK-KREIS” DER CONCISE RESPONSE. Woodmere, NY: Beit- MEDIZINSTUDENTEN AN DER RUHR­ Shamai Publications, 1989.180 p. ISBN 0-944921- UNIVERSITÄT BOCHUM. Bochum: Zentrum für 04-3. (Translated by David B. Simons. Gift of Max Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1989. 30 p. M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BM538 .M4 S8 (Medizinethische materialien series; Vol. 36.) 1989] (7.1,1.2) (7.2,2.3) Sullivan, Lawrence E., ed. HEALING AND RESTOR­ Renzong Qiu and Zhen Yu. DOUBLE HEUCES OF ING: HEALTH AND MEDICINE IN THE WORLD’S MEDICAL EDUCATION IN CHINA. Bochum: RELIGIOUS TRADITIONS. New York: Macmillan, Zentrum für Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1989. 1989.468 p. ISBN 0-02-923791-2. (Gift of the pub­ 16 p. (Medizinethische materialien series; Vol. lisher.) [BL65 .M4 H43 1989] (7.1,1.2,2.1,4.1.1) 35.) (7.2) Van Eys, Jan and McGovern, John P., eds. THE d o c to r AS A PERSON. Springfield, IL: Thomas, 1988. 151 p. ISBN 0-398-05378-2. (Based on the 7.3 Professional-Professional Relationship proceedings of the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute at Fennell, Mary L. and Warnecke, Richard B. THE Houston’s Eleventh Annual Mental Health Con­ DIFFUSION OF MEDICAL INNOVATIONS: AN AP­ ference, held 22-23 May 1986 in Houston, TX.) PLIED NETWORK ANALYSIS. New York: Plenum [R727.3 .M471986] (7.1,4.1.2,8.1) Press, 1988.285 p. ISBN 0-306-42752-4. (Environ­ mental, Development, and Public Policy: Public Vess, David M. m edical rev olu tion in France, Policy and Social Services series.) [RC270.8 .F46 1789-1796. Gainesville: University Presses of 1988] (7.3,5.1,9.5.3)

Volume 15, Page 29 8.1 Professional-Patient Relationship Turner, Gerald P. and Mapa, Joseph, eds. (General) HUMANISTIC HEALTH CARE: ISSUES FOR CAREGIVERS. Ann Arbor, MI: Health Ad­ American Cancer Society. Cancer Control Grant. ministration Press, 1988. 278 p. ISBN 0-910701- PATIENTS AND DOCTORS: COMMUNICATION IS A 36-9. [R727.3 .H86 1988] (8.1,7.2) TWO WAY STREET. Washington, DC: The Society, [1988?] 1 videocassette (VHS) (21:51 min.) (Ad­ Watson, Jean and Ray, Marilyn A., eds. THE ETHICS dress: Natalie Davis Spingarn, Project Director, OF CARE AND THE ETHICS OF CURE: SYNTHESIS 1409 29th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20007.) (8.1, IN CHRONICITY. New York: National League for 9.5.1) Nursing, 1988.55 p. ISBN 0-88737-418-2. (Papers from the conference held by the University of Bates, Carolyn M. and Brodsky, Annette M. SEX IN Colorado Center for Human Caring and cospon­ THE THERAPY HOUR: A CASE OF PROFESSIONAL sored by The Hastings Center and the Colorado INCEST. New York: Guilford Press, 1989. 236 p. Nurses’ Association. NLN Publication No. 15- ISBN 0-89862-726-5. [RC480.8 .B381989] (8.1,10, 2237. Gift of a special project grant to the School 17.2) of Nursing, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia by the Division of Nursing, U.S. Depart­ Colfelt, Robert H. TOGETHER IN THE DARK: ment of Health and Human Services, grant no. 1 MYSTERIES OF HEALING. Seattle: Madrona, 1987. D10 NU23091.) (8.1,2.1,9.5.1,20.4.1) 189 p. ISBN 0-88089-021-5. [R154 .C5413 A3 1987] (8.1,4.1.2) White, Kerr L. THE TASK OF MEDICINE: DIALOGUE AT WICKENBURG. Menlo Park, CA: Henry J. Dan, Bruce B. and Young, Roxanne K., eds. A PIECE Kaiser Family Foundation, 1988. 235 p. ISBN 0- OF MY MIND: A COLLECTION OF ESSAYS FROM 944525-05-9. (Based on papers delivered at the THE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL AS­ Conference on the Biopsychosocial Concept of SOCIATION. Los Angeles: Feeling Fine, 1988. Illness and Disease held 12-15 May 1987 at Wick- 256 p. ISBN 0-394-57715-9. (Gift of Edmund D. enburg, AZ.) [R727 .W48 1988] (8.1,4.2,4.1.2) Pellegrino.) [R708 .P641988] (8.1) Wolff, Hanns P. ARZT UND PATIENT. Bochum: Fox, Nancy L. THE PATIENT COMES FIRST: a n u rse Zentrum für Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1989. SPEAKS OUT. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 27 p. (Medizinethische materialien series; Vol. 1988.141 p. ISBN 0-87975-479-6. (Originally pub­ 23.) (8.1,2.1) lished: Bend, OR: Geriatric Press, 1985.) [RT86 .F69 1988] (8.1,4.1.3,9.5.2) 8.3.1 Informed Consent (General) Haug, Marie R. and Lavin, Bebe. CONSUMERISM IN Dworkin, Gerald. THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MEDICINE: CHALLENGING PHYSICIAN AUTONOMY. New York: Cambridge University AUTHORITY. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, Press, 1988. 173 p. ISBN 0-521-35767-5. 1983. 239 p. ISBN 0-8039-2113-6. [R727.3 .H37 (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy series.) 1983] (8.1,9.3) [BJ1031 .D86 1988] (8.3.1,1.1,8.1) Kleinman, Arthur. THE ILLNESS NARRATIVES: SUF­ Wertheimer, Alan. COERCION. Princeton, NJ: FERING, HEALING, AND THE HUMAN CONDITION. Princeton University Press, 1987. 318 p. ISBN New York: Basic Books, 1988.284 p. ISBN 0-465- 0-691-07759-2. (Studies in Moral, Political, and 03202-8. [RC108 .K571988] (8.1,4.2) Legal Philosophy series.) [KF450 .D85 W471987] (8.3.1,1.1) Todd, Alexandra D. INTIMATE ADVERSARIES: CUD TURAL CONFLICT BETWEEN DOCTORS AND 8.3.2 Minors and Consent to Treatment WOMEN PATIENTS. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1989. 167 p. ISBN 0-8122- Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry. Com­ 8157-7. [R727.3 .T631989] (8.1,9.5.5) mittee on Child Psychiatry. HOW OLD IS OLD

Volume 15, Page 30 ENOUGH?: THE AGES OF RIGHTS AND RESPON­ Vevainea, James R.; Bone, Roger C.; and Kassoff, SIBILITIES. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1989. 124 Edwin, eds. LEGAL ASPECTS OF MEDICINE: IN­ p. ISBN 0-87630-520-6. (Report series; No. 126.) CLUDING CARDIOLOGY, PULMONARY MEDICINE, [HQ789 .H68 1989] (8.3.2,1.3.8,11.2) AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1989.340 p. ISBN 0-387-96831-8. 8.3.3 Third Party Consent/Incompetents [KF3821 .A75 L413 1989] (8.5,2.1)

Thompson, Karen and Andrzejewski, Julie. WHY 9.1 Health Care (General) CAN’T SHARON KOWALSKI COME HOME? San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1988.227 p. ISBN Albright, Ronald G. A BASIC GUIDE TO ONLINE 0-933216-46-7. [KFM5491 .H3 T48 1988] (8.3.3, INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR HEALTH CARE 9.5.3) PROFESSIONALS. Arlington, VA: Information Resources Press, 1988.296 p. ISBN 0-87815-056- 8.3.4 Right to Refuse Treatment 0. [R858 .A43 A41988] (9.1, Information Science) Kliever, Lonnie D., ed. DAX’S CASE: ESSAYS IN Beauchamp, Dan E. THE HEALTH OF THE MEDICAL ETHICS AND HUMAN MEANING. Dallas: REPUBLIC: EPIDEMICS, MEDICINE, AND Southern Methodist University Press, 1989.221 p. MORALISM AS CHALLENGES TO DEMOCRACY. ISBN 0-87074-277-9. [RD96.4 .C69 D38 1989] Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1988. (8.3.4,20.5.1) 298 p. ISBN 0-87722-558-3. (Health, Society, and Policy series.) [RA445 .B39 1988] (9.1,7.1) 8.4 Confidentiality Bulger, Roger J. TECHNOLOGY, BUREAUCRACY, AND HEALING IN AMERICA: A POSTMODERN Allen, Anita L. UNEASY ACCESS: PRIVACY FOR PARADIGM. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, WOMENINAFREESOCIETY.Totowa,NJ: Rowman 1988. 97 p. ISBN 0-87745-219-9. [RA418.3 .U6 & Littlefield, 1988. 226 p. ISBN 0-8476-7328-6. B85 1988] (9.1,2.1,7.1,9.4) (New Feminist Perspectives Series.) [HQ1236.5 .U6 A441988] (8.4,1.3.1,9.5.5) Callahan, Daniel. WHAT KIND OF LIFE: THE LIMITS OF MEDICAL PROGRESS. New York: Simon and Crispell, Kenneth R. and Gomez, Carlos F. HIDDEN Schuster, 1990. 318 p. ISBN 0-671-67096-4. ILLNESS IN THE WHITE HOUSE. Durham, NC: [RA445 .C33 1990] (9.1,2.1,4.2,9.3) Duke University Press, 1988.267 p. ISBN 0-8223- 0839-8. [E176.1 .C915 1988] (8.4,1.3.5,7.1, Biog­ dayman, Charles B., ed. t h e Am erican m edical raphy) ASSOCIATION ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE. New York: Random House, 1989.1184 p. ISBN 0-394- 8.5 Malpractice 56528-2. [RC81 .A2 A52 1989] (9.1, Reference) American College of Legal Medicine. LEGAL Dowie, Jack and Elstein, Arthur S., [eds.] PROFES­ MEDICINE: LEGAL DYNAMICS OF MEDICAL EN­ SIONAL JUDGMENT: A READER IN CLINICAL COUNTERS, UPDATE 1988. [s.l.: The College?, DECISION MAKING. New York: Cambridge 1988.] 64 p. ISBN 0-8016-0051-0. (8.5,2.1) University Press, 1988.565 p. ISBN 0-521-34696-7. (Companion Vol. to: Judgment and Decision American College of Physicians. MEDICAL PROFES­ Making, edited by Hal R. Arkes and Kenneth R. SIONAL LIABILITY. Philadelphia, PA: The Col­ Hammond, 1986.) [R723.5 .P76 1988] (9.1, 2.1, lege, 1986. 26 p. (Publisher’s address: 4200 Pine 7.1) Street, zip 19104.) (8.5) Falco, Mathea and Cikins, Warren I., eds. TOWARD American Medical Association. Special Task Force A NATIONAL POLICY ON DRUG AND AIDS TEST­ on Professional Liability and Insurance, profes­ ING. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1989. s io n a l LIABILITY IN THE ’80s: REPORT 2. 81 p. ISBN 0-8157-2733-X. (Brookings Dialogues [Chicago]: A.M.A., 1984.24 p. (8.5) on Public Policy series. Report of two conferences

Volume 15, Page 31 on drug and AIDS testing, held 20-21 October Harper & Row, 1987.) [RA395 .A3 H531989] (9.1, 1987 in Washington, DC and 8-10 March 1988 in 9.3,9.4) Racine, Wisconsin.) [KF3890 .A75 T681989] (9.1, 8.4,9.5.6) Institute of Medicine (U.S.) Committee for the Study of the Future of Public Health. THE fu ture Ford Foundation. Project on Social Welfare and the OF PUBLIC HEALTH. Washington, DC: National American Future. Executive Panel. THE COMMON Academy Press, 1988.225 p. ISBN 0-309-03830-8. GOOD: SOCIAL WELFARE AND THE AMERICAN [RA445 .1571988] (9.1,9.6) FUTURE: POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE EXECUTIVE PANEL. Lierman, Terry L., ed. BUILDING A HEALTHY New York: The Foundation, AMERICA: CONQUERING DISEASE AND DIS­ 1989. 102 p. ISBN 0-916584-38-0. [HV95 .F58 ABILITY: FACTS, FIGURES & FUNDING. New York: 1989] (9.1,1.3.5) M.A. Liebert, 1987. 219 p. ISBN 0-913-113-12-3. Freddi, Giorgio and Björkman, James W., eds. CON­ (Gift of Edmund D. Pellegrino.) [RA445 .B932 TROLLING MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS: THE COM­ 1987] (9.1) PARATIVE POLITICS OF HEALTH GOVERNANCE. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1989. Mechanic, David. PAINFUL CHOICES: RESEARCH 250 p. ISBN 0-8039-8198-8. (Sage Modern Politics AND ESSAYS ON HEALTH CARE. New Brunswick, Series; Vol. 21. Consists of selected, revised NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1989. 248 p. ISBN papers presented at the 1985 Joint Sessions of 0-88738-258-4. [RA445 .M37 1989] (9.1,8.1) Workshops of the European Consortium for Miller, Robert D. PROBLEMS IN HOSPITAL LAW. Political Research held in Barcelona.) [RA425 Rockville, MD: Aspen, 1986.415 p. ISBN 0-87189- .C76 1989] (9.1,7.1,9.3,21.1) 353-3. (Fifth edition.) [KF3825 .M53 1986] (9.1, 2.1) Great Britain. Royal College of Physicians of Lon­ don. HEALTH OR SMOKING? FOLLOW-UP REPORT National Center for Health Statistics (U.S.) OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS. Edin­ HEALTH, UNITED STATES 1988. Hyattsville, MD: burgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1986. 131 p. ISBN U.S. Dept, of Health, Education, and Welfare, 0-443-03599-7. (Originally published: London: Public Health Service, Health Resources Ad­ Pitman, 1983.) [RA1242 .T6 H421986] (9.1) ministration, National Center for Health Statis­ tics, 1988.208 p. (DHHS Publication; No. (PHS) Harvey, A. McGehee; et al., eds. THE PRINCIPLES 89-1232. For sale by the Superintendent of Docu­ AND PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. Norwalk, CT: Ap­ ments, U.S. G.P.O.) [RC407.3 .U57a 1988] (9.1, pleton & Lange, 1988.1277 p. ISBN 0-8385-7944- Reference) 2. (Twenty-second edition.) [RC46 .P891988] (9.1, Reference) Nelkin, Dorothy and Tancredi, Laurence R. DANGEROUS DIAGNOSTICS: THE SOCIAL POWER HEALTH GROUPS IN WASHINGTON, A DIRECTORY. OF BIOLOGICAL INFORMATION. New York: Basic New York: National Health Council, 1989.170 p. Books, 1989. 207 p. ISBN 0-465-01573-5. (Tenth edition, January 1989. Publisher’s address: [RA427.5 .N45 1989] (9.1,15.3,17.1) 350 Fifth Ave., Suite 1118, zip 10118.) [R15 .H43 1989] (9.1, Reference) Peterkin, Karen and Black, Donald V., eds. THE DIRECTORY OF ONLINE HEALTHCARE Health Law Symposium. SAINT LOUIS university DATABASES. Los Altos, CA: Medical Data Ex­ LAW JOURNAL 32(4): 853-1216, Summer 1988. change, 1989.62 p. ISSN 0892-2756. (Fourth edi­ (9.1,9.3) tion. Publisher’s address: 445 S. San Antonio Rd., zip 94022.) (9.1, Information Science) Hiatt, Howard H. MEDICAL LIFEBOAT: WILL THERE BE ROOM FOR YOU IN THE HEALTH CARE Reimer, Lawrence D. and Wagner, James T. THE SYSTEM? New York: Harper & Row, 1989.252 p. HOSPITAL HANDBOOK: A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO ISBN 0-06-091560-9. (Reprint oiAmerica’s Health hospital VISITATION. Wilton, CT: Morehouse- in the Balance. Originally published: New York: Barlow, 1988. 158 p. ISBN 0-8192-1470-1.

Volume 15, Page 32 (Revised edition.) [BV4335 .R43 1988] (9.1, 1.2, United States. Preventive Services Task Force. 7.1) GUIDE TO CLINICAL PREVENTIVE SERVICES. [Washington, DC: The Task Force?], 1989. 294 p. Rindler, Michael E. PUTTING PATIENTS AND (Prepublication copy.) (9.1,15.3) PROFITS INTO PERSPECTIVE. Chicago: Pluribus Press, 1987. 228 p. ISBN 0-931028-80-9. [RA971 Vickery, Donald M. TAKING PART: THE .R54 1987] (9.1,8.1,9.3) SURVIVOR’S GUIDE TO THE HOSPITAL. Reston, VA: Center for Corporate Health Promotion, Sloan, Frank A.; Blumstein, James F.; and Perrin, 1986. 232 p. ISBN 0-9616506-0-5. [RA965.6 .V53 James M., eds. COST, QUALITY, AND ACCESS IN 1986] (9.1) HEALTH CARE: NEW ROLES FOR HEALTH PLAN­ NING IN A COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1988. 293 p. ISBN 1- 9.2 Right to Health Care 55542-094-X. (Jossey-Bass Health Series. Jossey- Bass Public Administration Series. Based on a American Hospital Association. THE state of symposium held 15-16 May 1986 at the Health THE NATION’S ACCESS TO HOSPITAL SERVICES. Policy Center of Vanderbilt University’s Institute Chicago, IL: AHA, 1989. 10 p. (Third Annual. for Public Policy Studies.) [RA393 .C68 1988] (9.1, January 1989.) (9.2,9.3) 9.3,9.6) Dougherty, Charles J. AMERICAN HEALTH CARE: Sorian, Richard. THE BITTER PILL: TOUGH REALITIES, RIGHTS, AND REFORMS. New York: CHOICES IN AMERICA’S HEALTH POLICY. New Oxford University Press, 1988.227 p. ISBN 0-19- York: McGraw-Hill, 1988. 243 p. ISBN 0-07- 505272-2. [RA395 .A3 D6751988] (9.2,9.6) 059736-7. [RA395 .A3 S76 1988] (9.1,2.1,9.3) 9.3 Cost of Health Care Sox, Harold C.; et al. MEDICAL DECISION MAKING. Boston: Butterworths, 1988. 406 p. ISBN 0-409- American College of Physicians. FINANCING LONG­ 90091-5. [R723.5 .M38 1988] (9.1,7.1, 8.1) TERM CARE. Philadelphia: The College, 1987. 22 p. (Publisher’s address: 4200 Pine Street, zip Stevens, Rosemary. IN SICKNESS AND IN WEALTH: 19104.) (9.3,9.5.2) AMERICAN HOSPITALS IN THE TWENTIETH CEN­ TURY. New York: Basic Books, 1989.432 p. ISBN Blumenthal, David; Schlesinger, Mark; and Drum- 0-465-03223-0. [RA981 .A2S741989] (9.1,7.1,9.3) heller, Pamela B., eds. RENEWING THE PROMISE: MEDICARE AND ITS REFORM. New York: Oxford Szumski, Bonnie, ed. THE HEALTH CRISIS: OPPOS­ University Press, 1988.215 p. ISBN 0-19-5043049. ING VIEWPOINTS. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven [HD7102 .U4 R451988] (9.3,9.5.2) Press, 1989. 285 p. ISBN 0-89908-438-9. (Oppos­ ing Viewpoints Series.) [RA445 .H33731989] (9.1, British Medical Association. SPECIAL r eport on 2.1) THE GOVERNMENT’S WHITE PAPER “WORKING FOR PATIENTS”. [London]: B.MA, 1989. 19 p. Tbrshen, Meredeth. THE po litic s OF pu blic (SRM series; 2.) (9.3,7.1,9.1) HEALTH. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1989. 319 p. ISBN 0-8135-1422-3. [RA418 Coffey, Rosanna M. PATIENTS IN PUBLIC GENERAL .T9151989] (9.1) HOSPITALS: WHO PAYS, HOW SICK? Rockville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser­ United States. Congress. House. Committee on vices, Public Health Service, National Center for Government Operations. Government Activities Health Services Research, [1983]. 23 p. (Hospital and Transportation Subcommittee. SEATBELT Cost and Utilization Project Research Note SAFETY: NHTSA OVERSIGHT. Washington, DC: series; Vol. 2. DHHS Publication series; No. U.S. G.P.O., 1988. 279 p. (100th Congress, 2nd (PHS) 83-3344.) [RA981 ,A2 C541983] (9.3,9.5.1) Session. Hearing held 23 June 1988. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Congressional Eastaugh, Steven R. financing HEALTH CARE: Sales Office, U.S. G.P.O.) (9.1) ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY AND EQUITY. Dover,

Volume 15, Page 33 MA: Auburn House, 1987. 720 p. ISBN 0-86569- Trustees of Not-for-Profit Hospitals, 16251 Street, 161-4. [RA971.3 .E19 1987] (9.3,9.6) NW, Suite 810, Washington, DC 20006.) (9.3,9.5.1) Freeh, H.E., ed. HEALTH CARE IN AMERICA: THE . Congressional Research Ser­ POLITICAL ECONOMY OF HOSPITALS AND vice. INSURING THE UNINSURED: OPTIONS AND HEALTH INSURANCE. San Francisco, CA: Pacific ANALYSIS. Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1988. Research Institute for Public Policy, 1988. 401 p. 212 p. (Second of a three-part study. Prepared for ISBN 0-936488-19-0. [RA410.53 .H4171988] (9.3, the Subcommittee on Labor-Management Rela­ 9.1) tions and the Subcommittee on Labor Standards HEALTH CARE IN THE 1990s: TRENDS AND of the Committee on Education and Labor and STRATEGIES. Chicago, IL: Arthur Andersen & the Subcommittee on Health and the Environ­ Co. and the American College of Hospital Ad­ ment of the Committee on Energy and Com­ ministrators, 1984. 42 p. (Gift of a special project merce, House of Representatives and the Special grant to the School of Nursing, George Mason Committee on Aging, United States Senate. University, Fairfax, Virginia by the Division of Education and Labor Serial No. 100-DD. Energy Nursing, U.S. Department of Health and Human and Commerce Serial No. 100-BB. Special Com­ Services, grant no. 1D10 NU23091.) [RA395 .A3 mittee on Aging Serial No. 100-0.) (9.3) H 41984] (9.3,9.1) McCue, Jack D., ed. THE MEDICAL COST-CONTAIN- Hornbrook, Mark C. PROJECT OVERVIEW. Rock­ MENT CRISIS: FEARS, OPINIONS, AND FACTS. Ann ville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Arbor, MI: Health Administration Press Perspec­ Services, Public Health Service, Office of the As­ tives, 1989.310 p. ISBN 0-910701-43-1. [RA410.53 sistant Secretary for Health, National Center for .M39 1989] (9.3,8.1) Health Sendees Research, 1983. 21 p. (Hospital McLennan, Kenneth and Meyer, Jack A., eds. Cost and Utilization Project Research Note CARE AND COST: CURRENT ISSUES IN HEALTH series; Vol. 1. DHHS Publication series; No. POLICY. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1989. (PHS) 83-3343.) (9.3) 231 p. ISBN 0-8133-7609-2. (Westview Special Jones, Rochelle. THE SUPERMEDS: HOW THE BIG Studies in Health Care and Medical Science BUSINESS OF MEDICINE IS ENDANGERING OUR series. A publication of the Committee for HEALTH CARE. New York: Scribner, 1988. 261 p. Economic Development.) [RA395 .A3 C351989] ISBN 0-684-18695-0. [R728.2 J66 1988] (9.3, 7.1, (9.3,9.5.2,16.3) 9.6) Melhado, Evan M.; Feinberg, Walter; and Swartz, Langwell, Kathryn M.; et al. AN annotated BIB­ Harold M., eds. MONEY, POWER, AND health LIOGRAPHY OF RESEARCH ON COMPETITION IN CARE. Ann Arbor, MI: Health Administration THE FINANCING AND DELIVERY OF HEALTH SER­ Press, 1988.324 p. ISBN 0-910701-26-1. [RA407.3 VICES. Hyattsville, MD: U.S. National Center for .M66 1988] (9.3,9.5.1) Health Services Research, 1982.100 p. (NCHSR Research Report Series. DHHS Publication; No. Melville, Keith and Doble, John. THE PUBLIC’S (PHS) 83-3326. Available from: National Techni­ PERSPECTIVE ON SOCIAL WELFARE REFORM. cal Information Service.) [RA410.53 .A57 1982] New York: Public Agenda Foundation, 1988.81 p. (9.3,9.1, Reference) [HV95 .M361988] (9.3,9.5.1) Lewin, Lawrence S.; Eckels, Timothy J.; and Mooney, Gavin H. and McGuire, Alistair, eds. Roenigk, Dale. SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT: MEDICAL ETHICS AND ECONOMICS IN HEALTH THE PROVISION OF UNCOMPENSATED CARE BY care. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. NOT-FOR-PROFIT HOSPITALS, [s.l.: Lewin and As­ 159 p. ISBN 0-19-261672-2. (Based on a workshop sociates?, 1988]. 49 p. (April 1988. Study commis­ held September 1986 in Lisse, The Netherlands. sioned by Volunteer Trustees of Not-for-Profit Oxford Medical Publications series.) [RA410 .A2 Hospitals Foundation. Available from: Volunteer M441988] (9.3,2.1)

Volume 15, Page 34 Rossiter, Louis F., ed. RESEARCH ON COMPETITION 2nd Session. Hearing held 9 June 1988 in IN THE FINANCING AND DELIVERY OF HEALTH Washington, DC.) (9.3,9.5.1) SERVICES: FUTURE RESEARCH NEEDS. HyattS- ville, MD: U.S. National Center for Health Ser­ United States. Congress. House. Select Committee vices Research, 1982. 84 p. (Proceedings of a on Aging. HEALTH CARE COSTS FOR AMERICA’S conference held 4 March 1982 in Washington, DC. ELDERLY, 1977-88: A REPORT. Washington, DC: NCHSR Research Proceedings Series. DHHS U.S. G.P.O., 1989. 24 p. (101st Congress, 1st ses­ Publication; No. (PHS) 83-3328-2. Available sion. Comm. Pub. no. 101-712. For sale by the from: National Technical Information Service.) Superintendent of Documents, U.S. G.P.O.) (93, [RA410.53 .R48 1982] (9.3,9.1) 9.5.2) Russell, Louise B. MEDICARE’S NEW HOSPITAL United States. Congressional Budget Office. IN­ PAYMENT SYSTEM: IS IT WORKING? Washington, CLUDING CAPITAL EXPENSES IN THE PROSPEC­ DC: Brookings Institution, 1989. 114 p. ISBN 0- TIVE PAYMENT SYSTEM. Washington, DC: C.B.O., 8157-7623-3. [HD7102 ,U4 R8651989] (9.3,9.5.2, 1988.77 p. (“A Special Study.”) (93) 9.6) United States. Congressional Budget Office. SUB­ Sass, Hans-Martin, ed. ETHIK UND ÖFFENTLICHES SIDIES UNDER MEDICARE AND THE POTENTIAL GESUNDHEITSWESEN: ORDNUNGSETHISCHE UND FOR DISENROLLMENT UNDER A VOLUNTARY ORDNUNGSPOLITISCHE EINSLUSSFAKTOREN IM CATASTROPHIC PROGRAM. Washington, DC: ÖFFENTLICHEN GESUNDHEITSWESEN. New York: Congress of the U.S., Congressional Budget Of­ Springer-Verlag, 1988.287 p. ISBN 0-387-19084-8. fice [1989]. 37 p. [KF3608 .A4 A252 1989] (9.3, (9.3,2.1,21.1) 9.5.2) Sass, Hans-Martin. METHODEN DER ETHISCHEN United States. Congressional Budget Office. UP­ KOSTEN-NUTZEN ANALYSE. Bochum: Zentrum DATED ESTIMATES OF MEDICARE’S für Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1989. 45 p. CATASTROPHIC DRUG INSURANCE PROGRAM. (March 1989. Medizinethische Materialien series; Washington, DC: Congress of the U.S., Congres­ Vol. 22. Gift of the author.) (9.3, 5.2) sional Budget Office, [1989]. 64 p. [HD7103.5 Shaffer, Franklin A. and Beyers, Marjorie, guest .U55 U73 1989] (9.3,9.5.2,9.7) eds. DRGs, Nursing, and Health Care [and] United States. General Accounting Office. Quality Assurance. NURSING CLINICS OF NORTH HEALTH INSURANCE: BIBLIOGRAPHY OF STUDIES AMERICA 23(3): 447-681, September 1988. (9.3, ON HEALTH BENEFITS FOR THE UNINSURED: FACT SHEET FOR THE CHAIRMAN, COMMITTEE Taylor, Malcolm G. HEALTH INSURANCE AND ON FINANCE, U.S. SENATE. Washington, DC: CANADIAN PUBLIC POLICY: THE SEVEN G.A.O., 1989.23 p. (9.3,9.5.1) DECISIONS THAT CREATED THE CANADIAN United States. General Accounting Office. HEALTH INSURANCE SYSTEM AND THEIR OUT­ MEDICARE: PHYSICIAN INCENTIVE PAYMENTS BY COMES. [Toronto]: Institute of Public Administra­ PREPAID HEALTH PLANS COULD LOWER tion of Canada, 1987.563 p. ISBN 0-7735-0692-2. QUALITY OF CARE. Washington, DC: G.A.O., (Second edition. Canadian Public Administration 1988.34 p. (Report to the chairman, Subcommit­ Series. Co-published with: McGill-Queen’s tee on Health, Committee on Ways and Means, University Press.) [RA412.5 .C3 T38 1987] (9.3, House of Representatives. GAO/HRD-89-29.) 9.1) (9.3,9.5.2,9.6) United States. Congress. House. Committee on Education and Labor. Subcommittee on Labor- 9.4 Allocation of Health Care Resources Management Relations. OVERSIGHT HEARING ON ACCESS TO HEALTH INSURANCE. Washington, Menzel, Paul T. STRONG MEDICINE: THE ETHICAL DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1988. 367 p. (100th Congress, RATIONING OF HEALTH CARE. New York: Oxford

Volume 15, Page 35 University Press, 1990.234 p. ISBN 0-19-505710-4. Bryder, Linda. BELOW THE MAGIC MOUNTAIN: A [RA395 A3 M46 1990] (9.4,9.3) SOCIAL HISTORY OF TUBERCULOSIS IN TWEN­ TIETH-CENTURY BRITAIN. New York: Oxford QUALITY OF LIFE IN ALLOCATING HEALTH CARE University Press, 1988.298 p. ISBN 0-19-822947- RESOURCES: PRINCIPLES, ADOPTED BY THE X. (Oxford Historical Monographs series.) CITIZENS HEALTH CARE PARLIAMENT, SEPTEM­ [RC316 ,G7 B78 1988] (9.5.1,7.1) BER 23-24,1988, PORTLAND, OREGON. Portland: Oregon Health Decisions, 1988.23 p. (9.4,4.4,9.3) Butler, Patricia A. TOO POOR TO BE SICK: ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE FOR THE UNINSURED. Strosberg, Martin A.; Fein, I. Alan; and Carroll, Washington, DC: American Public Health As­ Janies D., eds. RATIONING OF MEDICAL CARE sociation, 1988. 109 p. ISBN 0-87553-151-2. FOR THE CRITICALLY ILL. Washington, DC: (APHA Public Health Policy Series.) [RA413.7 Brookings Institution, 1989. 97 p. ISBN 0-8157- .U53 B87 1988] (9.5.1,9.3) 8199-7. (Brookings Dialogues on Public Policy series. Report of a conference held 27 May 1986 GUIDELINES FOR PERINATAL CARE. Elk Grove Vil­ in Washington, DC, sponsored by the Brookings lage, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics, 1988. Institution.) [R724 .R381989] (9.4,2.1,9.5.1) 356 p. ISBN 0-915473-08-9. (Second edition. Developed by the AAP Committee on Fetus and Newborn and the ACOG Committee on 9.5.1 Health Care Programs for Specific Obstetrics: Maternal and Fetal Medicine. Pub­ Diseases/Groups (General) lisher’s address: 141NW Point Rd., P.O. Box 927, zip 60204.) [RG600 .G851988] (9.5.1,9.5.5,9.6) American College of Physicians. COMPENSATION FOR VACCINE-RELATED INJURIES. Philadelphia: Gussow, Zachary. LEPROSY, RACISM, AND PUBLIC The College, 1984.6 p. (Publisher’s address: 4200 HEALTH: SOCIAL POLICY IN CHRONIC DISEASE Pine Street, zip 19104.) (9.5.1,9.7) CONTROL. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1989. 265 p. ISBN 0-8133-0674-4. [RA644 ,L3 G878 Anglin, M. Douglas, guest ed. A Social Policy Analysis of Compulsory Treatment for Opiate De­ 1989] (9.5.1,7.1,9.1) pendence. JOURNAL OF DRUG ISSUES 18(4): 503- Klein, Lori. VACCINE-PREVENTABLE DISEASES OF 704, Fall 1988. ISSN 0500-0700. (9.5.1,17.7) CHILDHOOD: JANUARY 1986 THROUGH AUGUST 1988. Bethesda, MD: National Library of Australia. Western Australia. Law Reform Com­ Medicine, Reference Section, [1988]. 37 p. (748 mission. DISCUSSION PAPER ON MEDICAL TREAT­ citations. Current Bibliographies in Medicine MENT FOR MINORS. [Perth: The Commission], series; No. 88-12.) (9.5.1,9.7) 1988. Ill p. (Project no. 77. June 1988. Publisher’s address: 16th Floor, St. Martins Tower, 44 St. Kopelman, Loretta M. and Moskop, John C., eds. George’s Terrace, postal code 6000.) (9.5.1,8.3.2) CHILDREN AND HEALTH CARE: MORAL AND SO­ CIAL ISSUES. Boston: Kluwer Academic, 1989. Beardsley, Edward H. a history OF NEGLECT: 349 p. ISBN 1-55608-078-6. (Philosophy and HEALTH CARE FOR BLACKS AND MILL WORKERS Medicine series; Vol. 33. Papers presented at a IN THE TWENTIETH-CENTURY SOUTH. Knoxville: seminar series held at East Carolina University University of Tennessee Press, 1987. 383 p. ISBN School of Medicine in Greenville, NC in the fall of 0-87049-523-2. [RA448.5 .N4 B331987] (9.5.1,7.1, 1986.) [RJ102 .C4851989] (9.5.1,8.3.2,9.2,20.4.2) 9.5.4) Kozak, Lola Jean and McCarthy, Eileen. HOSPITAL Boswell, John. THE KINDNESS OF STRANGERS: THE USE BY CHILDREN IN THE UNITED STATES AND ABANDONMENT OF CHILDREN IN WESTERN CANADA. Hyattsville, MD: U.S. Department of EUROPE FROM LATE ANTIQUITY TO THE RENAIS­ Health and Human Services, Public Health Ser­ SANCE. New York: Pantheon Books, 1988. 488 p. vice, National Center for Health Statistics, 1984. ISBN 0-394-57240-8. [HV887 ,E8 B671988] (9.5.1, 59 p. (Vital & Health Statistics. Series 5, Com­ 1.3.1) parative International Vital and Health Statistics

Volume 15, Page 36 Reports; No. 1. DHHS Publication; No. (PHS) Bass Public Administration Series.) [RA644.5 84-1477.) [RJ242 .K69 1984] (9.5.1,7.1,21.1) .S76 1988] (9.5.1,9.1) McCarthy, Michael P. TYPHOID AND THE POLITICS United States. Congress. Office of Tbchnology As­ OF PUBLIC HEALTH IN NINETEENTH-CENTURY sessment. NEONATAL INTENSIVE CARE FOR LOW PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia: American BIRTHWEIGHT INFANTS: COSTS AND EFFECTIVE­ Philosophical Society, 1987.101 p. ISBN 0-87169- NESS. Washington, DC: U.S. Congress, Office of 179-5. (Memoirs of the American Philosophical Technology Assessment, [1987]. 77 p. (Health Society series; Vol. 179. ISSN 0065-9738.) [RA644 Technology Case Study series; Vol. 38. Order No. .T8 M121987] (9.5.1,9.1) OTA-HCS-38. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. G.P.O.) (9.5.1,93) Moore, Thomas J. HEART FAILURE: A CRITICAL INQUIRY INTO AMERICAN MEDICINE AND THE United States. General Accounting Office. REVOLUTION IN HEART CARE. New York: Ran­ HEALTH INSURANCE: AN OVERVIEW OF THE WORKING UNINSURED. Washington, DC: GAO., dom House, 1989. 308 p. ISBN 0-394-56958-X. 1989. 54 p. (Report to the Chairman, Committee [RA645 .C34 M67 1989] (9.5.1,2.1) on Finance, U.S. Senate.) [HD7101 .H43 1989] Prout, Curtis and Ross, Robert N. CARE AND (9.5.1,9.3) PUNISHMENT: THE DILEMMAS OF PRISON MEDICINE. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pitts­ 9.5.2 Health Care Programs for the Aged burgh Press, 1988. 276 p. ISBN 0-8229-3581-3. (Contemporary Community Health Series.) AGING IN AMERICA: THE FEDERAL GOVERN­ [HV8843 .P77 1988] (9.5.1,9.6) MENTS ROLE. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly, 1989. 95 p. ISBN 0-87187-501-2. Raffin, Thomas A.; Shurkin, Joel N.; and Sinkler, [HV1461 .A541989] (9.5.2,9.3) Wharton. INTENSIVE CARE: FACING THE CRITI­ AGING 2000: OUR HEALTH CARE DESTINY. New CAL CHOICES. New York: Freeman, 1989. 210 p. York: Springer-Verlag, 1985. 2 volumes. ISBN 0- ISBN 0-7167-1970-3. [RC86.7 .R32 1989] (9.5.1, 387-96057-0 (v.l). (Edited proceedings of the 17th 2.1,7.1,20.5.1) annual symposium sponsored by the Texas Re­ Sherlock, Richard and Dingus, C. Mary. FAMILIES search Institute of Mental Sciences held 23-26 AND THE GRAVELY ILL: ROLES, RULES, AND October 1983 in Houston, TX. Volume 1: RIGHTS. New York: Greenwood Press, 1988. Biomedical Issues, edited by Charles M. Gaitz and 180 p. ISBN 0-313-25615-2. (Contributions in T. Samorajski. Volume 2: Psychosocial and Policy Medical Studies series; No. 23. ISSN 0886-8220.) Issues, edited by Charles M. Gaitz, George [RC86.95 .S541988] (9.5.1,2.1, 8.3.1) Niederehe, and Nancy L. Wilson.) [RA564.8 .A388 1985] (9.5.2) Stoll, Basil A., ed. COST VERSUS BENEFIT IN CAN­ CER CARE. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University American College of Physicians. LONG-TERM CARE Press, 1988. 118 p. ISBN 0-8018-3774-X. (The OF THE ELDERLY. Philadelphia: The College, Johns Hopkins Series in Contemporary Medicine 1984. 9 p. (Publisher’s address: 4200 Pine Street, and Public Health.) [RA645 .C3 C671988] (9.5.1, zip 19104.) (9.5.2,9.3) 2.1,5.2,9.3) Brown, Robert N. THE RIGHTS OF OLDER PERSONS. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, Strauss, Anselm L. and Corbin, Juliet M. SHAPING 1989.413 p. ISBN 0-8093-1432-0. (Second edition. A NEW HEALTH CARE SYSTEM: THE EXPLOSION American Civil Liberties Union Handbook OF CHRONIC ILLNESS AS A CATALYST FOR series.) [KF390 A 4 B761989] (9.5.2) CHANGE. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1988.176 p. ISBN 1-55542-116-4. (A joint publication of the Dunkle, Ruth E. and Wykle, May L., eds. DECISION Jossey-Bass Health Series, the Jossey-Bass Social MAKING IN LONG-TERM CARE: FACTORS IN PLAN­ and Behavioral Science Series, and the Jossey- NING. New York: Springer, 1988. 208 p. ISBN

Volume 15, Page 37 0-8261-5970-2. (Based on a symposium held PERSPECTIVES. Stanford, CA: Stanford University November 1986 at Case Western Reserve Press, 1988.263 p. ISBN 0-8047-1295-6. [HV5824 University’s Center on Aging and Health and .A33 L56 1988] (9.5.2,9.7) sponsored by the Center.) [RA997 .A15 D431988] (9.5.2,9.1) Long, Steven. DEATH WITHOUT DIGNITY: THE Haber, David, h e a l t h c a r e fo r an a g in g STORY OF THE FIRST NURSING HOME CORPORA­ SOCIETY: COST-CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY CARE TION INDICTED FOR MURDER. Austin, TX: Texas AND SELF-CARE APPROACHES. New York: Hemi­ Monthly Press, 1987. 280 p. ISBN 0-87719-062-3. sphere, 1989.189 p. ISBN 0-89116-683-1. (Series [KF224 A9 L661987] (9.5.2,9.6) in Death Education, Aging, and Health Care. ISSN 0275-3510.) [RA410.53 .H33 1989] (9.5.2, Longman, Phillip. BORN TO PAY: THE NEW 9.3) POLITICS OF AGING IN AMERICA. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1987.308 p. ISBN 0-395-38369- Harvey, John C. complications o f ph a r ­ 2. [HQ1064 .U5 L641987] (9.5.2,9.3) m a c o l o g ic THERAPY FOR GERIATRIC PATIENTS. Secaucus, NJ: Network for Continuing Montgomery, Leonora R. THE ETHICAL IMPERA­ Medical Education, 1989. 1 color videocassette TIVES WHICH EMERGE FROM A THEOLOGICAL (VHS) (16:00 min.) (NCME series; No. 558. Gift PERSPECTIVE ON DISINTEGRATION AT THE END of Edmund D. Pellegrino.) (9.5.2,9.7) OF LIFE. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms Hofland, Brian, ed.Autonomy and Long Term Care. International, 1989. Publication No. 8517224. GERONTOLOGIST 28 (3, Suppl.): 2-96, June 1988. (Thesis, Ph.D.—Rice University, 1985.) [HQ1064 ISSN 0016-9013. (9.5.2,8.1,8.3.1) ,U5 M65 1985] (9.5.2,1.1,20.4.1) Institute of Medicine (U.S.). TOWARD A NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR LONG-TERM CARE OF THE Sullivan, Sean and Lewin, Marion E., eds. THE ELDERLY: A STUDY PLAN FOR EVALUATION OF ECONOMICS AND ETHICS OF LONG-TERM CARE NEW POLICY OPTIONS FOR THE FUTURE. AND DISABILITY. Washington, DC: American [Washington, DC]: National Academy Press, Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, [1986]. 165 p. (Publication series; IOM-85-05.) 1988. 145 p. ISBN 0-8447-3646-5. (AEI Studies (9.5.2) series; 467.) [RA644.6 .E28 1988] (9.5.2,9.1,9.3) Jahnigen, Dennis W. and Schrier, Robert W., guest Thornton, James E. and Winkler, Earl R., eds. eds. Ethical Issues in the Care of the Elderly. ETHICS AND AGING: THE RIGHT TO LIVE, THE CLINICS IN GERIATRIC MEDICINE 2(3): 457-637, RIGHT TO DIE. Vancouver: University of British August 1986. ISSN 0749-0690. (9.5.2,20.5.1) Columbia Press, 1988.256 p. ISBN 0-7748-0302-9. Kane, Rosalie A. and Kane, Robert L. lo n g -term [HQ1061 .E85 1988] (9.5.2,9.4,18.5.7,20.5.1) CARE: PRINCIPLES, PROGRAMS, AND POLICIES. New York: Springer, 1987. 422 p. ISBN 0-8261- United States. Department of Health and Human 6010-7. [RA564.8 .K36 1987] (9.5.2) Services. Advisory Panel on Alzheimer’s Disease. ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE, 1988-1989. Washington, Kapp, Marshall B., comp. LEGAL ASPECTS OF DC: Supt. of Documents, U.S. G.P.O., 1989.52 p. HEALTH CARE FOR THE ELDERLY: AN AN­ (DHHS Publication series; No. (ADM) 89-1644.) NOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY. New York: Green­ [RC523 .U566 1989] (9.5.2,2.1) wood Press, 1988. 166 p. ISBN 0-313-26159-8. (Bibliographies and Indexes in Gerontology series; No. 7. ISSN 0743-7560.) [KF3608 .A4 A125 Waymack, Mark H. and Taler, George A. MEDICAL ETHICS AND THE ELDERLY: A CASE BOOK. 1988] (9.5.2,2.1, Reference) Chicago: Pluribus Press, 1988. 256 p. ISBN 0- Lipton, Helene L. and Lee, Philip R. DRUGS AND 944496-01-6. [R725.5 .W35 1988] (9.5.2, 2.1, 8.1, THE ELDERLY: CLINICAL SOCIAL AND POLICY 20.5.1)

Volume 15, Page 38 9.5.3 Health Care Programs for Tillman, Peggie S. HEALTH EDUCATION AND Handicapped Persons PROMOTION FOR MINORITIES: JANUARY 1983 THROUGH DECEMBER 1988. Bethesda, MD: Na­ Fine, Michelle and Asch, Adrienne, eds. WOMEN tional Library of Medicine, 1988. 21 p. (381 cita­ WITH DISABILITIES: ESSAYS IN PSYCHOLOGY, tions. Current Bibliographies in Medicine series; CULTURE, AND POLITICS. Philadelphia: Temple No. 88-20. For sale by the Superintendent of University Press, 1988.347 p. ISBN 0-87722-474-9. (Health, Society, and Policy series.) [HV3021 Documents, U.S. G.P.O.) (9.5.4,9.1, Reference) .W66 W68 1988] (9.5.3,9.5.5) 9.5.5 Health Care Programs for Women Kane, Lawrence A.; Brown, Phyllis S.; and Cohen, Julius S., eds. THE LEGAL RIGHTS OF CITIZENS Duke, Joanne. MORMON ATTITUDES TOWARD WITH MENTAL RETARDATION. Lanham, MD: HIGH RISK PREGNANCY MANAGEMENT: BIRTH University Press of America, 1988. 352 p. ISBN CONTROL, PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS AND ABOR­ 0-8191-7110-7. (Papers from the Second National TION. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms In­ Conference on the Legal Rights of Citizens with ternational, 1989. 168 leaves. Publication No. Mental Retardation, held March 1985 at the 1325596. (Thesis, M.S.—University of Utah, Col­ Grailville Center, Loveland, OH.) [KF480 .A75 lege of Nursing, 1985.) (9.5.5, 1.2, 11.1, 12.5.3, L441988] (9.5.3,17.1) 15.2) Linck, Gudula. DEN KÖRPER SEIN ELEND VERGES­ Ehrenreich, Barbara and English, Deirdre. FOR SEN LASSEN: ETHISCHE UND KULTURELLE HER OWN GOOD: 150 YEARS OF THE EXPERTS’ ASPEKTE VON BEHINDERUNG IN DER ADVICE TO WOMEN. New York: Anchor Books, VOLKSREPUBLIK CHINA. Bochum: Zentrum für 1989. 369 p. ISBN 0-385-12651-4. (Reprint. Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1989. 25 p. Originally published: Garden City, NY: Anchor (Medizinethische materialien series; Vol. 38.) Press, 1978.) [HQ1426 .E38 1989] (9.5.5,7.1,8.1) (9.5.3,20.5.2) Evans, Mark I.; et al., eds. FETAL DIAGNOSIS AND Sass, Hans-Martin. BENACHTEILIGTE PATIEN­ THERAPY: SCIENCE, ETHICS AND THE LAW. TENGRUPPEN IM BUCK DER KLINISCHEN ETHIK. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1989.592 p. ISBN 0-397- Bochum: Zentrum für Medizinische Ethik 50869-7. [RG627 .F47 1989] (9.5.5, 2.1, 14.1, Bochum, 1988. 32 p. (Medizinethische 18.5.4) materialien series; Vol. 18.) (9.5.3,2.1,8.1) Hoffert, Sylvia D. PRIVATE MATTERS: AMERICAN Torrey, E. Fuller. NOWHERE TO GO: THE TRAGIC ATTITUDES TOWARD CHILDBEARING AND IN­ ODYSSEY OF THE HOMELESS MENTALLY ILL. New FANT NURTURE IN THE URBAN NORTH, 1800- York: Harper & Row, 1988. 256 p. ISBN 0-06- 1860. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1989. 015993-6. [RA790.6 .T67 1988] (9.5.3,17.7) 229 p. ISBN 0-252-01547-9. (Women in American History series.) [HQ759 .H691989] (9.5.5,20.3.3) Veatch, Robert M. MEDIZINISCHE ETHIK IN DER VERSORGUNG GEISTIG BEHINDERTER. Bochum: Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee to Study Zentrum für Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1988. Medical Professional Liability and the Delivery of 57 p. (January 1988. Medizinethische Materialien Obstetrical Care. Division of Health Promotion series; Vol. 14. Gift of Hans-Martin Sass.) (9.5.3, and Disease Prevention. MEDICAL PROFES­ 11.3,20.5.2) SIONAL LIABILITY AND THE DELIVERY OF OBSTETRICAL CARE. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1989.2 vol. ISBN 0-309-03982-7; 9.5.4 Health Care Programs for Minority 0-309-03986-X. (Vol. 2 contains background Groups papers presented at an interdisciplinary sym­ McNaught, Allan. RACE AND HEALTH POLICY. posium held 20 June 1988 in Washington, DC. Gift New York: Croom Helm, 1988. 134 p. ISBN 0- of Edmund D. Pellegrino.) [KF2910 .G943 157 7099-4673-2. [RA395 .G6 M36 1988] (9.5.4,9.1) 1989] (9.5.5,8.5)

Volume 15, Page 39 Michaelson, Karen L. CHILDBIRTH IN AMERICA: American Hospital Association. Special Commit­ ANTHROPOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES. South Had­ tee on AIDS/HIV Infection Policy. AIDS/HIV IN­ ley, MA: Bergin & Garvey, 1988. 304 p. ISBN FECTION: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR HEALTH 0-89789-137-6. [RG652 .C4741988] (9.5.5,7.1) CARE PRACTICES AND PUBLIC POLICY. Chicago: American Hospital Association, 1988.54 p. ISBN O’Brien, Mary. REPRODUCING THE WORLD: ES­ 0-87258-481-X. (AHA Report series. AHA SAYS IN FEMINIST THEORY. Boulder, CO: Catalog no. 094691.) [RA644 .A25 A47 1988] Westview Press, 1989.306 p. ISBN 0-8133-0761-9. (9.5.6,9.1) (Feminist Theory and Politics series.) [HQ1154 .0271989] (9.5.5,1.1,14.1) American Nurses’ Association. NURSING AND THE HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS: A GUIDE Rothman, Barbara K. RECREATING MOTHER­ FOR NURSING’S RESPONSE TO AIDS. Kansas City, HOOD: IDEOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY IN A MO: A.N.A., 1988.40 p. (Developed by A.N.A.’s PATRIARCHAL SOCIETY. New York: Norton, 1989. Task Force to Develop Guidelines for the Care of 282 p. ISBN 0-393-02645-0. [HQ759 .R68 1989] People with AIDS. Gift of a special project grant (9.5.5,2.1,14.2) to the School of Nursing, George Mason Univer­ Van de Kamp, Jacqueline. PREGNANCY IN THE sity, Fairfax, Virginia by the Division of Nursing, OLDER WOMAN: JANUARY 1983 THROUGH U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, DECEMBER 1987. Bethesda, MD: National grant no. 1D10 NU23091.) [RC607 A26 N91988] Library of Medicine, Reference Section, [1988], (9.5.6,4.1.3) 15 p. (327 citations. Current Bibliographies in American Psychiatric Association. AIDS Educa­ Medicine series; No. 88-1. Sold by Superintendent tion Project. AIDS PRIMER. Washington, DC: of Documents, U.S. G.P.O.) (9.5.5, Reference) [A.P.A.], 1988. Ill p. (looseleaf) (9.5.6) Weil, William B. and Benjamin, Martin, eds. ETHI­ American Public Health Association. Special Ini­ CAL ISSUES AT THE OUTSET OF LIFE. Boston: tiative on AIDS. CONTACT TRACING AND Blackwell Scientific, 1987. 271 p. ISBN 0-86542- PARTNER NOTIFICATION. Washington, DC: The 046-7. (Contemporary Issues in Fetal and Neona­ A.P.H.A., 1988.8 p. ISBN 0-87553-159-8. (Novem­ tal Medicine series; Vol. 3.) [RG600 .E84 1987] ber 1988. APHA/SIA Report series; No. 2. Pub­ (9.5.5,2.1,18.5.4) lisher’s address: 1015 Fifteenth St., NW, zip 20005.) (9.5.6,8.4) 9.5.6 HIV Infection and AIDS Backer, Thomas E.; et al., eds. Special Issue: Abrams, Estelle J. AIDS BIBLIOGRAPHY, 1986- Psychology and AIDS. AMERICAN psychologist 1987: 2697 cttations. [Bethesda, MD?]: U.S. 43(11): 835-990, November 1988. ISSN 0003- Department of Health and Human Services, 066X. (ISBN 1-55798-053-5.) (9.5.6,17.1) Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, [1987]. 200 p. (June 1987. Specialized Bib­ Bader, Diana and McMillan, Elizabeth. AIDS: ETHI­ liography Series; No. 1987-2.) [RC607 .A26 A27 CAL GUIDELINES FOR HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS. 1987] (9.5.6, Reference) St. Louis, MO: Catholic Health Association of the United States, 1987. 26 p. ISBN 0-87125-141-8. AIDS: The Problem Will Be with Us for the Rest of [RA644 .A25 B331987] (9.5.6,8.1,8.4,16.3) This Century. Kansas m edicine 89(4): 87-115, April 1988. ISSN 8755-0059. (9.5.6) Bateson, Mary C. and Goldsby, Richard. THINKING AIDS. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1988.153 p. American College of Physicians. FINANCING THE ISBN 0-201-15594-X. [RA644 .A25 B37 1988] CARE OF PATIENTS WITH ACQUIRED IM­ (9.5.6) MUNODEFICIENCY SYNDROME. Philadelphia, PA: The College, 1988.8 p. (Publisher’s address: 4200 Bayer, Ronald. PRIVATE ACTS, SOCIAL CONSE­ Pine Street, zip 19104.) (9.5.6,9.3) QUENCES: AIDS AND THE POLITICS OF PUBLIC

Volume 15, Page 40 HEALTH. New York: Free Press, 1989.282 p. ISBN New York: Springer, 1987. 274 p. ISBN 0-8261- 0-02-901961-3. [RA644 .A25 B391989] (9.5.6,9.1) 5630-4. (Gift of a special project grant to the School of Nursing, George Mason University, Berk, Richard A., ed. THE SOCIAL im pact OF AIDS Fairfax, Virginia by the Division of Nursing, U.S. IN THE U.S. Cambridge, MA: Abt Books, 1988. Department of Health and Human Services, grant 143 p. ISBN 0-89011-602-4. [RC607 .A26 S64 no. 1 D10 NU23091.) [RC607 A.26 P47 1987] 1988] (9.5.6) (9.5.6,8.1) Bowleg, Ingrid A. and Bridgham, Bethany J. A SUMMARY OF AIDS LAWS FROM THE 1988 LEGIS­ Fee, Elizabeth and Fox, Daniel M., eds. AIDS: THE LATIVE SESSIONS. Washington, DC: George BURDENS OF HISTORY. Berkeley. University of Washington University, Intergovernmental California Press, 1988.362 p. ISBN 0-520-06396-1. Health Policy Project, AIDS Policy Center, 1989. [RA644 .A25 A321988] (9.5.6,7.1,9.5.1) 133 p. (April 1989. Publisher’s address: 20111 St., Fleming, A.F.; et al. THE GLOBAL IMPACT OF AIDS. N.W., Suite 200, zip 20006.) [KF3803 .A54 T45 New York: Liss, 1988.427 p. ISBN 0-8451-4271-2. 1988] (9.5.6, Reference) (Proceedings of the First International Con­ Buckingham, Stephan L., guest ed. AIDS: Bridging ference on the Global Impact of AIDS, co-spon­ the Gap Between Information and Practice. SOCIAL sored by the World Health Organization and the CASEWORK 69(6): 324-408, June 1988. ISSN 0037- London School of Hygiene and Tropical 7678. (9.5.6) Medicine, held 8-10 March 1988 in London.) [RA644 .A251581988] (9.5.6) Canadian Hospital Association. HIV RELATED DIS­ EASE: GUIDE TO POLICIES FOR HEALTH CARE Frey, Christofer. WAS BEDEUTET AIDS FÜR DIE iNSTrrunoNS. [s.l.: C.H.A.], 1988.27 p. (9.5.6,8.1, SEXUALETHIK UND DIE SEXUALPÄDAGOGIK? 9.1,16.3) Bochum: Zentrum für Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1988.9 p. (Medizinethische materialien Canadian Human Rights Commission. ACQUIRED series; Vol. 10.) (9.5.6,10) IMMUNODEFICIENCY SYNDROME (AIDS), [s.l.: The Commission, 1988?] 10 p. (Policy adopted by Grady, Christine and Andrist, Linda C., guest eds. the Canadian Human Rights Commission, May AIDS [and] Sexually Transmitted Diseases. NURS­ 1988.) (9.5.6,16.3) ING CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA 23(4): 683-987, Citizen Action. AIDS Policy Unit. ANONYMOUS December 1988. ISSN 0029-6465. [RA644 A25 TESTING FOR AIDS...rTS TIME TO ACT. [London]: A4271988] (9.5.6,9.5.1) The Unit, 1988.16 p. (Citizen Action AIDS Policy Great Britain. Royal College of Obstetricians and Unit Publication series. Publisher’s address: 53 Gynaecologists. REPORT OF THE RCOG SUB-COM­ Queen Anne St., postal code W1M 0U.) (9.5.6, MITTEE ON PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH AIDS IN 8.4) RELATION TO OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY. Dornette, William H., ed. AIDS AND THE LAW. New London: RCOG, 1987.24 p. ISBN 0-902331-40-X. York: Wiley, 1987. 375 p. ISBN 0-471-85740-8. (Produced in consultation with the British (Papers from a symposium sponsored by the Sur­ Paediatric Association and the Royal College of geon General, U.S. Public Health Service, the Midwives. Endorsed by the Expert Advisory Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, and the Group on AIDS of the Department of Health and Registries of AIDS Pathology and Legal Social Services.) (9.5.6,9.5.5) Medicine, American Registry of Pathology held 4 October 1986. Includes 1989 supplement. Gunderson, Martin; Mayo, David J.; and Rhame, Frank S. AIDS: TESTING AND PRIVACY. Salt Lake Medico-Legal Library series.) [KF3803 .A54 A94 City: University of Utah Press, 1989.241 p. ISBN 1987] (9.5.6,2.1) 0-87480-317-9. (Ethics in a Changing World Durham, Jerry D. and Cohen, Felissa L., eds. THE series; Vol. 2. ISSN 0898-235X.) [RC607 A26 G86 PERSON WITH AIDS: NURSING PERSPECTIVES. 1989] (9.5.6,8.4)

Volume 15, Page 41 Halleron, Trish; Pisaneschi, Janet; and Trapani, [s.l.: The Institute?], 1987.72 p. (December 1987.) Margi, eds. LEARNING AIDS: AN INFORMATION ( RESOURCES DIRECTORY. New York: American Foundation for AIDS Research, 1989.270 p. ISBN Institute of Actuaries (Great Britain). AIDS Work­ 0-9620363-1-5. (Second edition. ISSN 1043-8564. ing Party, aids bulletin no. 3: r epo rt from Distributed by: R.R. Bowker. Gift of the publish­ INSTITUTE OF ACTUARIES AIDS WORKING PARTY, er.) [RC607 A26 A347471989] (9.5.6, Reference) [s.l.: The Institute?], 1988. 62 p. (June 1988.) ( Hallman, David G., ed. AIDS ISSUES: CONFRONT­ ING THE CHALLENGE. New York: Pilgrim Press, Institute of Actuaries (Great Britain). AIDS Work­ 1989. 315 p. ISBN 0-8298-0793-4. [RC607 A26 ing Party. AIDS BULLETIN NO. 4: REPORT FROM A3476 1989] (9.5.6,1.2) INSTITUTE OF ACTUARIES AIDS WORKING PARTY. [London: The Institute?], 1989. 62 p. (March Haubrich, Dennis J. and McLeod, Donald W. 1989.) (9.5.6,7.1,9.3) PSYCHOSOCIAL DIMENSIONS OF HIV AND AIDS: A SELECTED ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY. Ottawa: Institute of Medicine (U.S.) and National Academy Health and Welfare Canada, Federal Centre for of Sciences (U.S.). HIV INFECTION AND AIDS. AIDS, 1988. 163 p. ISBN 0-662-16641-8. (9.5.6, Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1988. Reference) 13 p. (Written by Robin Weiss, Director for AIDS Activities at the IOM.) [RA644 .A25 H4 1988] Hiatt, Robert A.; et al. th e im pact o f aids o n t h e (9.5.6.) KAISER PERMANENTE MEDICAL CARE PROGRAM (NORTHERN CALIFORNIA REGION). Washington, Juengst, Eric T. and Koenig, Barbara A., eds. THE DC: Health Program, Office of Technology As­ MEANING OF AIDS: IMPLICATIONS FOR MEDICAL sessment, U.S. Congress, 1988. 45 p. (AIDS-Re­ SCIENCE, CLINICAL PRACTICE, AND PUBLIC lated Issues series; Vol. 4: Paper. Available from: HEALTH POLICY. New York: Praeger, 1989.198 p. Superintendent of Documents, U.S. G.P.O.) ISBN 0-275-92646-X. (Studies in Health and [RA644 A 25146 1988] (9.5.6,9.3) Human Values series; Vol. 1. Includes edited papers from the 1986 Spring National Meeting of Hoffman, Alice. AT RISK. New York: Putnam, 1988. the Society for Health and Human Values, held in 219 p. ISBN 0-399-13367-4. [RA644 .A25 H63 San Francisco. Gift of Eric Juengst.) [RC607 .A26 1988] (9.5.6, Fiction) M41989] (9.5.6,2.1) Humber, James M. and Almeder, Robert F., eds. Kadzielski, Mark A. AIDS: LEGAL IMPLICATIONS BIOMEDICAL ETHICS REVIEWS 1988: [AIDS AND FOR HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS. St. Louis, MO: ETHICS]. Clifton, NJ: Humana Press, 1989.171 p. Catholic Health Association of the United States, ISBN 0-89603-153-5. (ISSN 0742-1796. Gift of the 1987.12 p. ISBN 0-87125-153-1. (Original version publisher.) [RA644 .A25 B493 1988] (9.5.6,2.1) published in Health Progress May 1986.) (9.5.6, Institute of Actuaries (Great Britain). THE IM­ 8.4,16.3) PLICATIONS OF AIDS FOR LIFE ASSURANCE COM­ PANIES. Kelly, Joyce V. and Ball, Judy K. selected bibli­ [s.l.: The Institute?], 1988. 35 p. o graphy ON AIDS FOR HEALTH SERVICES RE­ (Proceedings of a seminar held 1 February 1988 at SEARCH. Rockville, MD: U.S. National Center for Staple Inn Hall. Supplement to Bulletin No. 2 of Health Services Research and Health Care Tech­ the AIDS Working Party.) (9.5.6,7.1,9.3,20.1) nology Assessment, 1987. 112 p. (NCHSR Pro­ Institute of Actuaries (Great Britain). AIDS Work­ gram Note series. Available from: National ing Party. AIDS BULLETIN NO. 1. [s.l.: The Institute, Tfechnical Information Service.) [RA644 .A25 K45 1987.] 26 p. (9.5.6,9.3) 1987] (9.5.6, Reference) Institute of Actuaries (Great Britain). AIDS Work­ Kulstad, Ruth, ed. AIDS 1988: AAAS SYMPOSIA ing Party. AIDS BULLETIN NO. 2: REPORT FROM PAPERS. Washington, DC: American Association INSTITUTE OF ACTUARIES AIDS WORKING PARTY. for the Advancement of Science, 1988. 478 p.

Volume 15, Page 42 ISBN 0-87168-335-0. (Papers presented at a sym­ dison-Wesley, 1988. 191 p. ISBN 0-201-08058-3. posium held at the 1988 Annual Meeting of the [RC607 .A26 P8351988] (9.5.6,16.3) Association for the Advancement of Science 11- 15 February 1988 in Boston, MA. AAAS Publica­ Rogers, David E. and Ginzberg, Eli, eds. THE AIDS tion series; No. 88-19.) [RC607 .A26 A3443 1988] PATIENT: AN ACTION AGENDA. Boulder, CO: (9.5.6) Westview Press, 1988.164 p. ISBN 0-8133-0807-0. (Cornell University Medical College Fourth Con­ Lingle, Virginia A. and Wood, M. Sandra. HOW TO ference on Health Policy held February 1988 in FIND INFORMATION ABOUT AIDS. New York: Har­ New York City.) [RA644 .A25 C67 1988] (9.5.6, rington Park Press, 1988. 130 p. ISBN 0-918393- 9.1) 52-3. [RC607 .A26 L56 1988] (9.5.6, Reference) Rogers, David E. and Ginzberg, Eli, eds. PUBLIC Living with AIDS. DAEDALUS 118(2): 1-201, Spring AND PROFESSIONAL ATTITUDES TOWARD AIDS 1989. ISSN 0011-5266. (Gift of the publisher.) PATIENTS: A NATIONAL DILEMMA. Boulder, CO: [RA644 .A25 L78 1989] (9.5.6) Westview Press, 1989.136 p. ISBN 0-8133-7861-3. Living With AIDS: Partii. DAEDALUS 118(3): 1-254, (Papers from the Cornell University Medical Col­ Summer 1989. ISSN 0011-5266. [RA644 .A25 L78 lege Fifth Conference on Health Policy held in 1989] (9.5.6, 9.1) 1989 in New York.) [RA644 .A25 C671989] (9.5.6, Mack, Arien, ed. In Time of Plague: The History and Social Consequences of Lethal Epidemic Disease. Sande, Merle A. and Volberding, Paul, eds. THE SOCIAL RESEARCH 55(3): 323-528, Autumn 1988. MEDICAL MANAGEMENT OF AIDS. Philadelphia, ISSN 0037-783X. (Papers presented at a con­ PA: Saunders, 1988. 383 p. ISBN 0-7216-2819-2. ference held January 1988 at the New School for (Published previously as a symposium for the In­ Social Research.) (9.5.6,7.1) fectious Disease Clinics ofNorth America?) [RC607 .A26M43 1988] (9.5.6,8.1) Margolis, Stephen; et al. AIDS CHILDREN AND child WELFARE. Springfield, VA: National Tech­ THE SCIENCE OF AIDS: READINGS FROM SCIENTIFIC nical Information Service, 1988. 91 leaves. Publi­ AMERICAN MAGAZINE. New York: W.H. Freeman, cation No. PB88-214838. [RJ387 .A25 A52 1988] 1989. 135 p. ISBN 0-7167-2036-1. (Articles (9.5.6) originally appeared in the October 1988 issue of Scientific American.) [RC607 .A26 S38 1989] Melton, J. Gordon. THE CHURCHES SPEAK ON: (9.5.6) AIDS: OFFICIAL STATEMENTS FROM RELIGIOUS BODIES AND ECUMENICAL ORGANIZATIONS. Sieghart, Paul. AIDS AND HUMAN RIGHTS: A UK Detroit, MI: Gale Research, 1989. 203 p. ISBN PERSPECTIVE. London: British Medical Associa­ 0-8103-7218-5. (The Churches Speak Series. ISSN tion Foundation for AIDS, 1989. 103 p. ISBN 1043-9609.) [RC607 .A26 C55 1989] (9.5.6,1.2) 1-871973-01-5. (Publisher’s address: BMA Nichols, Eve K. MOBILIZING AGAINST AIDS. House, Tavistock Square, postal code WC1H 9JP.) Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1989. (95.6,13.1) 387 p. ISBN0-674-57762-0. (Revised and enlarged Simon, Robert I., guest ed. Ethical Treatment of edition.) [RC607 .A26 M63 1989] (9.5.6,9.1) Patients with AIDS. PSYCHIATRIC ANNALS 18(10): Price, Monroe E. SHATTERED MIRRORS: OUR 557-605, October 1988. ISSN 0048-5713. (9.5.6, SEARCH FOR IDENTITY AND COMMUNITY IN THE 17.1) AIDS ERA. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1989. 159 p. ISBN 0-674-80590-9. [RA644 Sloan, Irving J. AIDS LAW: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE A25 P7551989] (9.5.6,2.1,10) INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY. New York: Oceana, 1988.154 p. ISBN 0-379-11166-7. (Legal Almanac Puckett, Sam B. and Emery, Alan R. MANAGING Series; No. 89.) [KF3803 .A54 S59 1988] (95.6, AIDS IN THE WORKPLACE. Reading, MA: Ad­ 2.1)

Volume 15, Page 43 Sontag, Susan. AIDS AND ITS METAPHORS. New and the Environment. AIDS ISSUES (PART 3): York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1989.95 p. ISBN PENDING AIDS LEGISLATION; PUBLIC HEALTH 0-374-10257-0. [RA644 .A25 S66 1989] (9.5.6, SERVICE UPDATE OF THE AIDS EPIDEMIC; NEEDS 4.1.2, 4.2) FOR AIDS RESEARCH ACnvm ES. Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1988.375 p. (100th Congress, 1st Special Issue on AIDS, new England jo u rn a l of and 2nd sessions. Hearings held 29 September PUBLIC POLICY 4(1): 1-525, Winter/Spring 1988. 1987,19 February 1988 and 15 March 1988. Serial ISSN 0749-016X. (Publisher’s address: New no. 100-140. For sale by the Superintendent of England Journal of Public Policy, John W. Mc­ Documents, U.S. G.P.O.) [RA644 .A25 U55 1988 Cormack Institute of Public Affairs, University of pt. 3] (9.5.6) Massachusetts at Boston, Harbor Campus, zip 02125-3393.) [RC607 A26 S63 1988] (9.5.6) United States. Congress. House. Committee on Small Business. Subcommittee on Regulation, Thmer, Charles F.; Miller, Heather G.; and Moses, Business Opportunities, and Energy. RISKS AND Lincoln E., eds. AIDS: SEXUAL BEHAVIOR AND IMPLICATIONS OF AIDS-HIV TESTING IN NON- INTRAVENOUS DRUG USE. Washington, DC: Na­ TRADITIONAL LABORATORIES AND IN THE tional Academy Press, 1989. 589 p. ISBN 0-309- HOME. Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1989.291 p. 03976-2. (Report of the Committee on AIDS (100th Congress, 1st Session. Hearing held 23 Research and the Behavioral, Social, and Statisti­ March 1989 in Washington, DC. Serial No. 101-6.) cal Sciences, Commission on Behavioral and So­ ( cial Sciences and Education, National Research Council.) [RC607 .A26 A441989] (9.5.6,10) United States. Congress. House. Committee on the District of Columbia. Subcommittee on Judiciary Tyckoson, David A. AIDS 1988. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx and Education. PREVENTION OF AIDS IN THE D.c. Press, 1988. 139 p. ISBN 0-89774-504-3. (AIDS CORRECTIONS SYSTEM. Washington, DC: U.S. Bibliography Series; Part 1. ISSN 0899-9449.) G.P.O., 1988.103 p. (100th Congress, 1st Session. [RC607 .A26 T921988] (9.5.6, Reference) Oversight hearing held 5 May 1987. Serial No. 100-4.) (9.5.6) Tyckoson, David A. AIDS 1988: PART 2. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press, 1989.165 p. ISBN 0-89774-505-1. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on (AIDS Bibliography Series. ISSN 0899-9449.) Governmental Affairs. COORDINATING THE [RC607 A26 A36 1988 pt. 2] (9.5.6, Reference) GOVERNMENTS RESPONSE TO AIDS: HEALTH CARE AND EDUCATION. Washington, DC: U.S. United States. Congress. House. Committee on G.P.O., 1988.756 p. (100th Congress, 2nd Session. Armed Services. Military Personnel and Compen­ Hearing held 6, 8 June 1988. S. Hrg. 100-859.) sation Subcommittee, d o d po lic y on a id s. Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1988. 32 p. (100th (9.5.6) Congress, 1st Session. Hearing held 16 September United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on 1987. HAS.C. No. 100-51.) (9.5.6) Labor and Human Resources. AIDS EDUCATION, CARE, AND DRUG DEVELOPMENT. Washington, United States. Congress. House. Committee on DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1989.219 p. (100th Congress, 1st Energy and Commerce. Subcommittee on Health Session. Hearing held 7 February 1989. S. Hrg. and the Environment. AIDS ISSUES (PART 2). 101-22.) (9.5.6,9.7) Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., [1988]. 728 p. (100th Congress, 1st Session. Hearings held 1 May, 6-7 United States. General Accounting Office. AIDS August, and 21 September 1987. Part 2: AIDS EDUCATION: ACTIVITIES AIMED AT THE counseling, testing, confidentiality, and nondis­ GENERAL PUBLIC IMPLEMENTED SLOWLY. crimination; pending AIDS legislation. Serial No. [Washington, DC]: G.A.O., 1988.22 p. (Order No. 100-100.) [RA644 .A25 U55 1985 pt. 2] (9.5.6) GAO/HRD-89-21.) (9.5.6) United States. Congress. House. Committee on United States. General Accounting Office. AIDS Energy and Commerce. Subcommittee on Health EDUCATION: REACHING POPULATIONS AT

Volume 15, Page 44 HIGHER RISK. Washington, DC: G.A.O., 1988. Philadelphia and the Delaware Valley Ethics 86 p. (Report to the chairman, Committee on Committee Network. Available from: Member­ Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate. Order No. ship Department, The Hastings Center, 255 Elm GAO/PEMD-88-35.) (9.5.6,9.1) Rd., zip 10510.) (9.6, Reference) United States. General Accounting Office. AIDS Hughes, Edward F., ed. PERSPECTIVES ON FORECASTING: UNDERCOUNT OF CASES AND QUALITY IN AMERICAN HEALTH CARE. LACK OF KEY DATA WEAKEN EXISTING ES­ Washington, DC: McGraw-Hill, Healthcare In­ TIMATES. [Washington, DC]: G.A.O., 1989.102 p. formation Center, 1988.279 p. ISBN 0-07-031120- (Order No. GAO/PEMD-89-13.) [RA644 .A25 X. [RA399 A3 P461988] (9.6) U55 1989] (9.5.6,7.1) Kiger, Anne F. INSTITUTIONAL ETHICS COMMIT­ United States. General Accounting Office. TEES: JANUARY 1975 THROUGH DECEMBER 1988. PEDIATRIC AIDS: HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICE Bethesda, MD: National Library of Medicine, NEEDS OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN. [Washington, Reference Section, 1989.18 p. (Current Bibliog­ DC]: GAO., 1989.20 p. (Order No. GAO/HRD- raphies in Medicine series; No. 88-16. 434 cita­ 89-96.) (9.5.6,9.5.1) tions. Available from: Superintendent of Von Salis, Charlotte. COMMUNICABLE AND Documents, U.S. G.P.O.) (9.6, Reference) SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE, PUBLIC Sass, Hans-Martin. ETHISCHE EXPERTISE UND HEALTH RECORD, AND AIDS-SPECIFIC LAWS: A ETHISCHE KOMITEES IN DER MEDIZIN. Bochum: DETAILED REVIEW OF CONFIDENTIALITY, DIS­ Zentrum für Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1989. CRIMINATION, AND PUBLIC HEALTH CONTROL 26 p. (Medizinethische materialien series; Vol. 4.) provisions AS OF FEBRUARY 1988. Washington, DC: University, Inter­ (9.6,18.6) governmental Health Policy Project, AIDS Policy Center, 1988. 87 p. (October 1988. Publisher’s 9.7 Pharmaceutical Industry address: 2021 K St., N.W., Suite 210, zip 20006.) (9.5.6,8.4,9.1) Bentkover, Judith D. ESTIMATED ECONOMIC COSTS OF SELECTED MEDICAL EVENTS KNOWN Watney, Simon. POLICING DESIRE: PORNOGRAPHY, OR SUSPECTED TO BE RELATED TO THE AD­ AIDS AND THE MEDIA. Minneapolis: University of MINISTRATION OF COMMON VACCINES. Hyatts- Minnesota Press, 1989.167 p. ISBN 0-8166-1826- ville, MD: U.S. National Center for Health 7. (Second edition. Media and Society series.) Services Research, 1981.43 p. (NCHSR Research [RC607 .A26 W371989] (9.5.6,1.3.7) Summary Series. DHHS Publication; No. (PHS) World Health Organization. GLOBAL PROGRAMME 81-3272. Available from: National Tbchnical In­ ON AIDS AND PROGRAMME OF STD. [Geneva]: formation Service.) [RA638 .B46 1981] (9.7, 9.3, WHO, 1989.5 p. (Consensus statement from con­ 9.5.1) sultation on partner notification for preventing Dale, Joseph R. and Appelbe, Gordon E. PHAR­ HIV transmission held 11-13 January 1989 in MACY LAW AND ETHICS. London: Pharmaceuti­ Geneva.) (9.5.6,8.4,21.1) cal Press, 1989. 586 p. ISBN 0-85369-211-4. (Fourth edition. Distributed in U.S. by: Ritten- 9.6 Quality of Health Care/Ethics house Book Distributors, 511 Feheley Dr., King of Committees Prussia, PA 19406.) [KD2968 .P4D35 1989] (9.7, 2.1) Hastings Center. ETHICS COMMITTEES: CORE RESOURCES. Briarcliff Manor, NY: The Center, Dobbing, John, ed. INFANT FEEDING: ANATOMY OF [1988?]. Unbound collection of twenty docu­ A CONTROVERSY, 1973-1984. New York: Springer- ments. (Prepared by the Hastings Center in col­ Verlag, 1988. 169 p. ISBN 0-387-19514-9. laboration with the College of Physicians of [HD9015 .S93 N448 1988] (9.7,1.3.2,21.1)

Volume 15, Page 45 Dutton, Diana B. WORSE THAN THE DISEASE; PIT­ LIGHTENMENT. New York: Cambridge University FALLS OF MEDICAL PROGRESS. New York: Press, 1987. 260 p. ISBN 0-521-34768-8. [HQ18 Cambridge University Press, 1988. 528 p. ISBN •E8 T57 1987] (10) 0-521-34023-3. [RA418.5 .M4D88 1988] (9.7,2.1, 52,18.1) Masters, William H.; Johnson, Virginia E.-, and Kolodny, Robert C. HUMAN SEXUALITY. Glen­ Hamrell, Sven and Nordberg, Olle, eds. Another view, IL: Scott, Foresman/Little, Brown College Development in Pharmaceuticals, development Division, 1988.747 p. ISBN 0-673-39738-6. (Third d ia lo g u e 1985(2): 1-179,1985. ISSN 0345-2328. edition.) (10) (Papers from the seminar Another Development in Pharmaceuticals organized by the Dag Mohr, Richard D. GAYS/JUSHCE: A STUDY OF Hammarskjöld Foundation held 3-6 June 1985 in ETHICS, SOCIETY, AND LAW. New York: Columbia Uppsala, Sweden.) (9.7,21.1) University Press, 1988.357 p. ISBN 0-231-06734-8. [HQ76.3 .U5 M641988] (10,1.3.8,9.5.6) Institute of Medicine (U.S.) PROSPECTS FOR VAC­ CINES AGAINST HIV INFECTION. Washington, DC: Mort, Frank. DANGEROUS SEXUALITIES: MEDICO- National Academy Press, 1988. 23 p. (Report of MORAL POLITICS IN ENGLAND SINCE 1830. New the Conference on Promoting Development of York: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1987.280 p. ISBN Vaccines Against Human Immunodeficiency 0-7102-0856-1. [HQ32 M 671987] (10,9.1) Virus Infection and Acquired Immune Deficiency Mosse, George L. NATIONALISM AND SEXUALITY: Syndrome held 14-15 December 1987 in MIDDLE-CLASS MORALITY AND SEXUAL NORMS Washington, DC. Publication No. IOM-88-003.) IN MODERN EUROPE. Madison: University of Wis­ (9.7,9.5.6) consin Press, 1988. 232 p. ISBN 0-299-11894-0. UPDATE OF FEDERAL ACITVinES REGARDING THE (Reprint. Originally published: New York: H. Fer­ USE OF PNEUMOCOCCAL VACCINE. Washington, tig, 1985.) (10,1.3.1) DC: Congress of the United States, Office of Pagels, Elaine H. adam , ev e, and t h e serpent. Technology Assessment, 1984. 52 p. (Technical New York: Random House, 1988. 189 p. ISBN Memoranda series—United States, Congress, Of­ 0-394-52140-4. [BS2545 .S36 P341988] (10,1.2) fice of Tbchnology Assessment. OTA-TM-H-23.) [RA644 .P8 U63 1984] (9.7,9.5.2) Pateman, Carole. THE SEXUAL CONTRACT. Stan­ ford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1988.264 p. ISBN 0-8047-1477-0. [HQ1206 .P35 1988] (10, 10 Sexuality 1.3.8) Countryman, L. William. DIRT, GREED, AND SEX: SEXUAL ETHICS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT AND Rosner, Fred. SEX ETHICS IN THE WRITINGS OF THEIR IMPLICATIONS FOR TODAY. Philadelphia: MOSES MAIMONIDES. New York: Bloch, 1974. Fortress Press, 1988. 290 p. ISBN 0-8006-0887-9. 129 p. ISBN 0-8197-0365-6. (Gift of Ohr Kodesh [BS2545 .S36 C68 1988] (10,1.2) Congregation Library.) [HQ32 .R67 1974] (10, 1.2) Greenberg, David F. THE CONSTRUCTION OF homosexuality. Chicago: University of Russett, Cynthia E. sexual science: t h e Vic­ Chicago Press, 1988. 635 p. ISBN 0-226-30627-5. t o r ia n CONSTRUCTION OF WOMANHOOD. [HQ76.25 .G741988] (10) Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1989. 245 p. ISBN 0-674-80290-X. (10,7.1) Hillerstrom, P. Roger. INTIMATE DECEPTION: ES­ CAPING THE TRAP OF SEXUAL IMPURITY. Rutter, Peter. SEX IN THE FORBIDDEN ZONE: WHEN Portland, OR: Multnomah Press, 1989. 156 p. MEN IN POWER-THERAPISTS, DOCTORS, CLERGY, ISBN 0-88070-230-3. [HQ32 .H55 1989] (10,1.2) TEACHERS, AND OTHERS-BETRAY WOMEN’S TRUST. Los Angeles: J.P. Tarcher, 1989. 240 p. Maccubbin, Robert P., ed. TIS NATURE’S FAULT: ISBN 0-87477-486-1. (Distributed by St. Martin’s UNAUTHORIZED SEXUALITY DURING THE EN- Press.) [HQ32 .R871989] (10,1.3.1,2.1,17.2)

Volume 15, Page 46 Tong, Rosemarie. WOMEN, SEX, AND THE LAW. SELECTED PAPERS OF CHRISTOPHER TIETZE. Totowa, NJ: Rowman & Allanheld, 1984. 216 p. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1987. 351 p. ISBN ISBN 0-8476-7231-X. (New Feminist Perspectives 0-387-96450-9. [RG137 .T531987] (11.1,10,12.1) Series.) [KF9325 .T661984] (10,1.3.8,9.5.5) Türner, Philip, ed. MEN AND WOMEN: SEXUAL 11.2 Availability of Contraceptives to ETHICS IN TURBULENT TIMES. Cambridge, MA: Minors Cowley Publications, 1989.226 p. ISBN 0-936384- Dash, Leon. WHEN CHILDREN WANT CHILDREN: 72-7. [BT708 .M45 1989] (10,1.2) THE URBAN CRISIS OF TEENAGE CHILDBEARING. New York: William Morrow, 1989. 270 p. ISBN 11.1 Contraception (General) 0-688-06957-6. [HQ759.4 .D371989] (11.2,10) Bankowski, Zbigniew; Barzelatto, José; and Harrison, Claire. SOMEBODY’S BABY. New York: Capron, Alexander M., eds. ETHICS AND HUMAN Doubleday, 1989. 244 p. ISBN 0-385-26087-3. VALUES IN FAMILY PLANNING: CONFERENCE (11.2,12.1, Fiction) HIGHLIGHTS, PAPERS AND DISCUSSION. Geneva: Senderowitz, Judith and Paxman, John M. Adoles­ CIOMS, 1989.308 p. ISBN 92-9036-036-4. (XXII cent Fertility: Worldwide Concerns. POPULATION CIOMS Conference held 19-24 June 1988 in BULLETIN 40(2): 1-51, April 1985. ISSN 0032- Bangkok, Thailand, jointly organized with the 468X. (11.2,9.5.5,13.1) WHO Special Programme of Research, Develop­ ment and Research Training in Human Reproduc­ tion. Gift of Edmund D. Pellegrino.) (11.1,14.1, 11.3 Sterilization 15.1) Smith, J. David and , K. Ray. THE Knight, James W. and Callahan, Joan C. PREVENT­ STERILIZATION OF CARRIE BUCK. Far Hills, NJ: ING BIRTH: CONTEMPORARY METHODS AND RE­ New Horizon Press, 1989. 268 p. ISBN 0-88282- LATED m o ra l controversies. Salt Lake City: 045-1. [HV4989 .S631989] (11.3,15.5, Biography) University of Utah Press, 1989. 358 p. ISBN 0- 087480-319-5. (Ethics in a Changing World series; 11.4 Failure of Contraception/Wrongful Vol. 3. ISSN 0898-235X.) [RG136 .K595 1989] Birth (11.1, 12.1) Beratan, Marian E. WRONGFUL LIFE: BIRTH AS THE Musallam, Basim. SEX AND SOCIETY IN ISLAM: RESULT OF NEGLIGENCE: JANUARY 1970 BIRTH CONTROL BEFORE THE NINETEENTH CEN­ THROUGH SEPTEMBER 1988. Bethesda, MD: Na­ TURY. New York: Cambridge University Press, tional Library of Medicine, Reference Section, 1983. 176 p. ISBN 0-521-33858-1. (Cambridge 1988.23 p. (627 citations. Current Bibliographies Studies in Islamic Civilization series.) [HQ766.5 in Medicine series; No. 88-18. For sale by the .1742 M87 1983] (11.1,1.2,12.1) Superintendent of Documents, U.S. G.P.O.) (11.4, 4.4) Santemaria, Joseph N.; Richards, Pedro; and Gib­ bons, William E., eds. t h e dignity of m an and CREATIVE LOVE: SELECTED PAPERS FROM THE 12.1 Abortion (General) CONGRESS FOR THE FAMILY OF THE AMERICAS, ENSURING QUALITY MEDICAL ABORTION. GUATEMALA, JULY 1980. New Haven, CT: Montreal: Corporation professionnelle des Knights of Columbus, 1980.335 p. (Congress for médecins du Québec, Service des communica­ the Family of the Americas held 16-23 July 1980 in tions, 1989.18 p. (Available in French asL’Avorte- Guatemala City.) [HQ763.5 .C749 1980] (11.1, ment: éléments d’un exercice de qualité.) [RG734 1.2) .A96 1989] (12.1,9.6,12.4.1) Tietze, Sarah L. and Lincoln, Richard, eds. FER­ Winter, Eugenia B., comp. PSYCHOLOGICAL AND TILITY REGULATION AND THE PUBLIC HEALTH: MEDICAL ASPECTS OF INDUCED ABORTION: A

Volume 15, Page 47 SELECTIVE, ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY, 1970- l’information sexuelle, de la regulation des nais­ 1986. New York: Greenwood Press, 1988. 162 p. sances et de l’éducation familiale (France). Gift of ISBN 0-313-26100-8. (Bibliographies and Indexes the publisher.) [HQ767.5 .E87 155 1981] (12.4.1, in Women’s Studies series; No. 7. ISSN 0742- 21.1) 6941.) [RG734 .W56 1988] (12.1, 12.5.1, Refer­ ence) Lovenduski, Joni and Dutshoom, Joyce, eds. THE NEW POLITICS OF ABORTION. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1986.175 p. ISBN 0-8039-8007- 12.3 Abortion: Moral and Religious Aspects 8. ([Sage Modern Politics series; Vol. 2.] Contains Committee for Abortion Rights and Against seven papers from a workshop on the Politics of Sterilization Abuse. WOMEN UNDER ATTACK; Abortion at the 1984 ECPR joint sessions at VICTORIES, BACKLASH, AND THE FIGHT FOR Salzburg, plus two commissioned especially for REPRODUCTIVE FREEDOM. Boston, MA: South this publication.) [HQ767.5 .E85 N48 1986] End Press, 1988. 76 p. ISBN 0-89608-356-X. (12.4.1,12.5.1) (Susan E. Davis, editor. South End Press Pamphlet series; No. 7.) [HQ767.5 .U5 W651988] ( 12.4.3 Abortion: Interests of Health Personnel/Institutions Miller, Hal. THE ABANDONED MIDDLE: THE ETHICS AND POLITICS OF ABORTION IN AMERICA. Keown, John. ABORTION, DOCTORS AND THE LAW: Salem, MA: Penumbra Press, 1988.80 p. (Publish­ SOME ASPECTS OF THE LEGAL REGULATION OF er’s address: P.O. Box 4486, zip 01970.) [HQ767.3 ABORTION IN ENGLAND FROM 1803 TO 1982. New .M551988] (12.3) York: Cambridge University Press, 1988. 212 p. Thompson, Michael P. THE FACTS OF LIFE: ISBN 0-521-34574-X. (Cambridge History of RHETORICAL DIMENSIONS OF THE PRO-LIFE Medicine series.) [KD3340 .K46 1988] (12.4.3, MOVEMENT IN AMERICA. Ann Arbor, MI: 12.4.1) University Microfilms International, 1989. 248 p. Publication No. 8519516. (Thesis, Ph.D.— Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1985.) (12.3) 12.5.1 Abortion: Social Aspects (General) Olasky, Marvin N. THE PRESS AND ABORTION, 12.4.1 Abortion: Legal Aspects (General) 1838-1988. Hillsdale, NJ: L. Erlbaum Associates, 1988. 200 p. ISBN 0-8058-0199-5. (Communica­ American College of Physicians. ABORTION: IN­ tion series.) [PN4888 .A2 0441988] (12.5.1,1.3.7, FORMATION PAPER. Philadelphia, PA: The Col­ 12.3) lege, [1983]. 8 p. (Publisher’s address: 4200 Pine Street, zip 19104.) (12.4.1) Sheeran, Patrick J. WOMEN, SOCIETY, THE STATE, Brookes, Barbara. ABORTION IN ENGLAND, 1900- AND ABORTION: A STRUCTURALIST ANALYSIS. 1967. New York: Croom Helm, 1988.195 p. ISBN New York: Praeger, 1987. 147 p. ISBN 0-275- 0-7099-5046-2. (Wellcome Institute Series in the 92744-X. [HQ767.5 .U5 S46 1987] (12.5.1,12.4.1) History of Medicine.) [HQ767.5 .G7 B76 1988] ( 12.5.2 Abortion: Demographic Surveys L’INTERRUPTION VOLONTAIRE DE GROSSESSE DANS L’EUROPE DES NEUF: JOURNÉE D’ÉTUDE Gold, Dolores; Berger, Charlene; and Andres, DU 23 OCTOBRE 1979. Paris: Presses universitaires David. THE ABORTION CHOICE: PSYCHOLOGICAL de France, 1981. 148 p. ISBN 2-7332-0091-7. DETERMINANTS AND CONSEQUENCES. (Travaux et documents/institut national d’études [Montreal: Concordia University, 1979?] 195 p. démographiques series; Vol. 91. ISSN 0071-8823. (Study carried out 1977-1979. Gift of Charlene Organized by the Conseil supérieur de Berger.) (12.5.2,12.1)

Volume 15, Page 48 13.1 Population (General) 14.1 Reproductive Technologies (General) Haupt, Arthur and Kane, Thomas T. THE POPULA­ Austin, Colin R. HUMAN EMBRYOS: THE DEBATE TION REFERENCE BUREAU’S POPULATION HAND­ ON ASSISTED REPRODUCTION. New York: Oxford BOOK. Washington, DC: The Bureau, 1985. 72 p. University Press, 1989.163 p. ISBN0-19-261758-3. ISBN 0-917136-09-8. (Second edition.) [HB871 [QM611 .A86 1989] (14.1,15.1) .H357 1985] (13.1, Reference) Beilina, Joseph H. and Wilson, Josleen. YOU CAN HAVE A BABY: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW LeMay, Brian W., ed. SCIENCE, ETHICS, AND FOOD: ABOUT FERTILITY. New York: Crown, 1985.427 p. PAPERS AND PROCEEDINGS OF A COLLOQUIUM. ISBN 0-517-55619-7. [RC889 .B437 1985] (14.1) Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1988. 114 p. ISBN 0-87474-605-1. (Organized by Canada. Barreau du Québec. Comité sur les the Smithsonian Institution.) [HD9000.5 .S377 nouvelles technologies de reproduction. RAP­ 1988] (13.1,5.1) PORT DU COMITÉ SUR LES NOUVELLES TECH­ NOLOGIES DE REPRODUCTION. Québec: le Rindfuss, Ronald R.; Morgan, S. Philip; and Barreau, 1988. 40 p. ISBN 2-89073-645-8. (Sup­ Swicegood, Gray. FIRST BIRTHS IN AMERICA: plement to Revue du Barreau 48(2): June 1988.) CHANGES IN THE TIMING OF PARENTHOOD. (14.1) Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988. Canada. Québec. Ministry of Health and Social 291 p. ISBN 0-520-05907-7. (Studies in Demog­ Services. RAPPORT DU COMITÉ DE TRAVAIL SUR raphy series; 2.) [HQ759.98 .R561988] (13.1,11.1) LES NOUVELLES TECHNOLOGIES DE REPRODUC­ TION HUMAINE. Québec: The Ministry, 1988. 120 p. ISBN 2-550-19003-3. (Gift of Judith 13.2 Population Growth Miller.) (14.1,18.5.4) Merrick, Thomas W. World Population in Transi­ Congreso de los Diputados. Comisión Especial de tion. POPULATION BULLETIN 41(2): 1-52, January Estudio de la Fecundación “In Vitro” y la 1988 reprint. ISSN 0032-468X. [HB851 .M47 Inseminación Artificial Humanas. INFORME. [s.l.: 1988] (13.2,11.1) El Congreso, 1986?] 278 p. (Approved 10 April 1986. Gift of LeRoy Walters.) (14.1)

13.3 Population Policy Engelhardt, H. Tristram. DIE ETHISCHE DISKUS­ SION UM DIE NEUEN FORTPFLANZUNGSTECH­ ANNUAL REVIEW OF POPULATION LAW, 1985: IN­ NIKEN IN DEN U.S.A. Bochum: Zentrum für TERNATIONAL RESOLUTIONS AND AGREEMENTS, Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1988. 46 p. CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS, LEGISLATION, (Medizinethische materialien series; Vol. 5.) REGULATIONS, JUDICIAL DECISIONS, LEGAL (14.1) PRONOUNCEMENTS. New York: United Nations Glover, Jonathan; et al. ETHICS OF NEW REPRO­ Population Fund; Cambridge, MA: Harvard Law DUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES: THE GLOVER REPORT School Library, 1988.618 p. ISBN 0-88086-015-4. TO THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION. DeKalb: North­ (Volume 12. Gift of the publisher.) [K2000 .A53 ern Illinois University Press, 1989. 159 p. ISBN A5 1985] (13.3,2.1) 0-87580-147-1. (Studies in Biomedical Policy series. Simultaneously published in England Fernando, Emmanuel F. THE POPULATION POLICY under the title Fertility and the Family.) [RG133.5 OF SRI LANKA: AN ETHICAL EVALUATION IN THE .G57 1989] (14.1,2.1,18.5.4,15.1) LIGHT OF CATHOLIC MORAL THEOLOGY. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, Hôpital Sainte-Justine. Comité de Bioéthique. LES 1989. 446 p. Publication No. 8800082. (Thesis, NOUVELLES TECHNIQUES DE REPRODUCTION Ph.D. — Catholic University of America, 1987.) HUMAINE. [Montréal, Québec: EHôpital], 1989. (13.3,1.2) 16 p. ISBN 2-920001-82-5. (Dossier 2. Publisher’s

Volume 15, Page 49 address: 3175, Chemin de la Cote Sainte- Atwood, Margaret E. THE HANDMAID’S TALE. New Catherine, postal code H3T1C5.) (14.1) York: Fawcett Crest, 1985. 395 p. ISBN 0-449- 21260-2. [PR9199.3 .A8 H3 1985] (14.2, Fiction) Klein, Renate D., ed. INFERTILITY-. WOMEN SPEAK OUT ABOUT THEIR EXPERIENCES OF REPRODUC­ Baran, Annette and Pannor, Reuben. LETHAL TIVE MEDICINE. London: Pandora, 1989. 328 p. SECRETS: THE SHOCKING CONSEQUENCES AND ISBN 0-04-440367-4. (Distributed in the U.S. by. UNSOLVED PROBLEMS OF ARTIFICIAL INSEMINA­ Unwin Hyman.) [RG201.153 1989] (14.1,9.5.5) TION. New York: Warner Books, 1989.187 p. ISBN 0-446-71003-2. [RG134 .B35 1989] (14.2) Lee, Robert and Morgan, Derek, eds. BIRTHRIGHTS: LAW AND ETHICS AT THE BEGIN­ Colloquy: In Re Baby M. Georgetow n law jo u r ­ NINGS OF LIFE. New York: Routledge, Chapman nal 76(5): 1719-1844, June 1988. ISSN 0016-8092. & Hall, 1989. 222 p. ISBN 0-415-00301-6. (14.2) [KD3340 .B571989] (14.1,2.1) Cusine, Douglas J. new reproductive techni­ Pope John XXIII Medical-Moral Research and ques: A leg a l PERSPECTIVE. Brookfield, VT: Education Center. REPRODUCTIVE TECH­ Gower, 1988. 261 p. ISBN 0-566-05410-8. NOLOGIES, MARRIAGE AND THE CHURCH. (Medico-Legal Issues series; Vol. 10.) [KD3415 Braintree, MA: Pope John Center, 1988. 318 p. .C87 1988] (14.2,14.4) ISBN 0-935372-23-7. (Proceedings of the Bishops’ Workshop on “Reproductive Technology: Mar­ Field, Martha A. SURROGATE MOTHERHOOD. riage and the Church” held 1-5 February 1988 in Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1988. Dallas, TX.) [RG133.5 .R47 1988] (14.1,1.2) 215 p. ISBN 0-674-85748-8. [KF540 .F53 1988] (14.2) Spallone, Patricia. BEYOND CONCEPTION: THE NEW politics OF REPRODUCTION. Granby, MA: Ber- Landau, Elaine. SURROGATE MOTHERS. New gin & Garvey, 1989. 251 p. ISBN 0-89789-198-8. York: F. Watts, 1988.128 p. ISBN 0-531-10603-9. [RG133.5 .S63 1989] (14.1,9.5.5,15.1) [HQ759.5 .L36 1988] (14.2) Stanworth, Michelle, ed. REPRODUCTIVE TECH­ Shalev, Carmel. BIRTH POWER: THE CASE FOR SUR­ NOLOGIES: GENDER, MOTHERHOOD AND ROGACY. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, MEDICINE. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota 1989. 201 p. ISBN 0-300-04216-7. [KF540 .S53 Press, 1987.227 p. ISBN 0-8166-1646-9. (Feminist 1989] (14.2,14.4) Perspectives series.) [QP251 .R4447 1987] (14.1, 2.1,9.5.5) Shannon, Thomas A. SURROGATE MOTHERHOOD: THE ETHICS OF USING HUMAN BEINGS. New York: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Crossroad, 1988. 191 p. ISBN 0-8245-0899-8. Government Operations. Human Resources and [HQ759.5 .S53 1988] (14.2) Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee. MEDICAL AND SOCIAL CHOICES FOR INFERTILE Sloan, Irving J. THE LAW OF ADOPTION AND SUR­ COUPLES AND THE FEDERAL ROLE IN PREVEN­ ROGATE PARENTING. New York: Oceana Publica­ TION AND TREATMENT. Washington, DC: U.S. tions, 1988. 148 p. ISBN 0-379-11169-1. (Legal G.P.O., 1989.297 p. (100th Congress, 2nd session. Almanac Series; No. 3.) [KF545 .Z9 S57 1988] Hearing held 14 July 1988.) (14.1,9.5.1) (14.2,1.3.8) Symposium: Surrogate Motherhood. NEW YORK 14.2 Artificial Insemination and Surrogacy LAW SCHOOL HUMAN RIGHTS ANNUAL 4(pt. 2): 375-568, Spring 1987. ISSN 8756-8926. (14.2) Andrews, Lori B. BETWEEN STRANGERS: SUR­ ROGATE MOTHERS, EXPECTANT FATHERS, AND United States. Congress. House. Committee on BRAVE NEW BABIES. New York: Harper and Row, Energy and Commerce. Subcommittee on 1989.288 p. ISBN 0-06-016058-6. [HQ759.5 .A54 Transportation, Tourism, and Hazardous 1989] (14.2) Materials. SURROGACY ARRANGEMENT ACT OF

Volume 15, Page 50 1987. Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1988. 202 p. Bonnicksen, Andrea L. IN VITRO FERTILIZATION: (100th Congress, 1st Session. Hearing held 15 BUILDING POLICY FROM LABORATORIES TO October 1987. Serial No. 100-143.) (14.2) LEGISLATURES. New York: Columbia University Press, 1989. 194 p. ISBN 0-231-06904-9. [RG135 Whitehead, Mary Beth. A MOTHER’S STORY: THE .B661989] (14.4) TRUTH a b o u t THE BABY M CASE. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1989. 220 p. ISBN 0-312-02614-5. Fertility Society of Australia. National Perinatal (Written with Loretta Schwartz-Nobel.) Statistics Unit. IVF AND GIFT PREGNANCIES: [HQ759.5 .W48 1989] (14.2, Biography) AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND, 1987. Sydney, N.S.W.: National Perinatal Statistics Unit, 1988. 14.3 Sex Predetermination/Selection 67 p. ISSN 1030-4711. (Gift of John Langan.) (14.4) Shettles, Landrum B. and Rorvik, David M. HOW TO CHOOSE THE SEX OF YOUR BABY: THE Great Britain. Voluntary Licensing Authority. THE METHOD BEST SUPPORTED BY THE SCIENTIFIC FOURTH REPORT OFTHE VOLUNTARY LICENSING EVIDENCE. New York: Doubleday, 1989. 229 p. AUTHORITY FOR HUMAN IN VITRO FERTILISA­ ISBN 0-385-24442-8. (Newly revised edition.) TION AND EMBRYOLOGY, 1989. [London: The [QP279 .S5 1989] (14.3) V.L.A., 1989.] 60 p. ISSN 0951-7480. (Publisher’s address: The VLA Secretariat, The Voluntary 14.4 In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Licensing Authority, 20 Park Crescent, postal Transfer code WIN 4AL.) (14.4) Baruch, Elaine H.; D’Adamo, Amadeo F.; and In Vitro Fertilization. BIRTH 15(3): 131-163, Septem­ Seager, Joni, eds. EMBRYOS, ETHICS, AND ber 1988. ISSN 0730-7659. (14.4) WOMEN’S RIGHTS: EXPLORING THE NEW reproductive TECHNOLOGIES. New York: Har­ Jones, Howard W. and Schrader, Charlotte, eds. In rington Park Press, 1988. 259 p. ISBN 0-918393- Vitro Fertilization and Other Assisted Reproduc­ 45-0. (Rewritten and updated papers from the tion. ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF conferences “Embryos, Ethics, and Eugenics: a SCIENCES, Vol. 541,31 October 1988.775 p. ISSN Brave New World?” held in November 1985 at 0077-8923. (ISBN 0-89766-478-7. Papers York College of CUNY and “Women and presented at the Fifth World Congress on In Vitro Reproductive Technologies” held in April 1986 at Fertilization and Embryo Transfer, which was MIT. Simultaneously issued by the Haworth Press, held 5-10 April 1987 in Norfolk, VA, sponsored by Inc. under the same title, as a special issue of the the American Fertility Society, the Howard and journal Women & Health 13(1/2), 1987, Jeanne Georgeanna Jones Institute for Reproductive Stellman, journal editor.) [QP251 .E47 1988] Medicine, and the International Federation of (14.4,9.5.5,14.1) Fertility Societies.) [RG135.1581987] (14.4,14.1) Bernat, Erwin, ed. LEBENSBEGINN DURCH Koman, Victor. SOLOMON’S KNIFE. New York: MENSCHENHAND: PROBLEME KÜNSTLICHER BE­ F. Watts, 1989. 278 p. ISBN 0-531-15108-5. FRUCHTUNGSTECHNOLOGIEN AUS MEDIZIN­ [PS3561.0452 S6 1989] (14.4, Fiction) ISCHER, ETHISCHER UND JURISTISCHER SICHT. Graz: Leykam, 1985. 272 p. ISBN 3-7011-8956-0. Rolland, R.; et al. KUNSTMATIGE VOORTPLANTING (Grazer Rechts- und Staatswissenschaftliche EN DE STATUS VAN HET EMBRYO. Nijmegen, The Studien series; Bd. 41. Gift of the editor.) [RG135 Netherlands: Katholiek Studiecentrum, 1988. .L421985] (14.4) 142 p. ISBN 90-70713-18-7. (Papers from a sym­ posium sponsored by the Department of Medical Bernat, Erwin R. RECHTSFRAGEN MEDIZINISCH Ethics, held 19 September 1987 at the Katholieke ASSISTIERTER ZEUGUNG. New York: P. Lang, Universiteit Nijmegen. Cahiers van het Katholiek 1989. 340 p. ISBN 3-8204-1207-7. (Recht & Studiecentrum series; No. 7. Gift of LeRoy Wal­ Medizin series; Bd. 17. Gift of the author.) (14.4) ters.) (14.4,1.2,18.5.4)

Volume 15, Page 51 Wood, Carl and Trounson, Alan, eds. CLINICAL IN Muench, Karl H. GENETIC MEDICINE. New York: VITRO FERTILIZATION. New York: Springer-Ver­ Elsevier, 1988. 270 p. ISBN 0-444-00850-0. lag, 1989. 166 p. ISBN 0-387-19534-3. (Second [RB155 .M833 1988] (15.1) edition.) [RG135 .C571989] (14.4) Nora, James J. and Fraser, Clarke F. MEDICAL GENETICS: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE. Philadel­ 15.1 Genetics, Molecular Biology and phia: Lea and Febiger, 1989.399 p. ISBN 0-8121- Microbiology (General) 1165-6. (Third edition.) [RB155 .N671989] (15.1) Angier, Natalie. NATURAL OBSESSIONS: THE Prescott, David M. CELLS: PRINCIPLES OF SEARCH FOR THE ONCOGENE. Boston: Houghton MOLECULAR STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION. Bos­ Mifflin, 1988. 394 p. ISBN 0-395-45370-4. ton: Jones and Bartlett, 1988. 621 p. ISBN 0- [RC268.42 A54 1988] (15.1,1.3.9) 86720-092-8. (The Jones and Bartlett Series in Biology. Gift of Robert Veatch.) [QH581.2 .P73 Crick, Francis. WHAT MAD PURSUIT: A PERSONAL 1988] (15.1) VIEW o f scientific discovery. New York: Basic Books, 1988.182 p. ISBN 0-465-09137-7. (Alfred Russell, Alan M. THE BIOTECHNOLOGY REVOLU­ P. Sloan Foundation Series.) [QH31 .C85 A31988] TION: AN INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE. New (15.1, Biography) York: St. Martin’s Press, 1988.266 p. ISBN 0-312- 01876-2. (Revision of thesis, Ph.D.—University of Freifelder, David. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. Boston: Kent.) [HD9999 .B442 R871988] (15.1,15.7,21.1) Jones and Bartlett, 1987. 834 p. ISBN 0-86720- 069-3. (Second edition. The Jones and Bartlett Suzuki, David T. and Knudtson, Peter. GENETHICS: Series in Biology. Gift of Robert Veatch.) [QH506 THE CLASH BETWEEN THE NEW GENETICS AND .F73 1987] (15.1) HUMAN VALUES. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1989.384 p. ISBN 0-674-34565-7. Goldstein, Doris M. and Sass, Hans-Martin. [QH438.7 .S89 1989] (15.1,2.1,15.7) GENOMANALYSE UND GENTHERAPIE: EINE ZUSAMMENSTELLUNG DER LITERATUR AUS Teitelman, Robert. GENE DREAMS: WALL STREET, BIOETHICSLINE, 1987-1989. Bochum: Zentrum ACADEMIA, AND THE RISE OF BIOTECHNOLOGY. für Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1989. 31 p. New York: Basic Books, 1989.237 p. ISBN 0-465- (Medizinethische materialien series; Vol. 45.) 02659-1. [HD9999 .G452 T441989] (15.1,1.3.9) (15.1, Reference) Watson, James D.; et al. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF Hartl, Daniel L.; Freifelder, David; and Snyder, THE GENE: VOLUME II: SPECIALIZED ASPECTS. Leon A. BASIC GENETICS. Boston: Jones and Menlo Park, CA: Benjamin/Cummings, 1987. Bartlett, 1988. 505 p. ISBN 0-86720-090-1. (The 1189 p. ISBN 0-8053-9613-6. (Fourth edition.) Jones and Bartlett Series in Biology. Gift of [QH506 .M66271987 v. 2] (15.1) Robert Veatch.) [QH430 .H3731988] (15.1) 15.2 Genetic Counseling and Prenatal Marx, Jean L., ed. A REVOLUTION IN BIOTECHNOL­ OGY. New York: Cambridge University Press, Diagnosis 1989. 227 p. ISBN 0-521-32749-0. [TP248.2 .R48 Blatt, Robin J. PRENATAL TESTS: WHAT THEY ARE, 1989] (15.1) THEIR BENEFITS AND RISKS, AND HOWTO DECIDE WHETHER TO HAVE THEM OR NOT. New York: McKusick, Victor A. MENDELIAN INHERITANCE IN Vintage Books, 1988.269 p. ISBN 0-394-75887-0. MAN: CATALOGS OF AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT, [RG628 .B53 1988] (15.2,9.5.5) AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, AND X-LINKED PHENOTYPES. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univer­ Callan, Joe. THE ECONOMICS OF PRENATAL sity Press, 1988. 1626 p. ISBN 0-8018-3691-3. SCREENING. York: University of York, Centre for (Eighth edition.) [RB155 .M331988] (15.1, Refer­ Health Economics, [1986?]. 56 p. (Available from: ence) The Secretary, Centre for Health Economics,

Volume 15, Page 52 University of York, Heslington, York Y01 5DD.) 15.4 Gene Therapy (15.2,9.3) Walters, LeRoy. GENTHERAPIE AM MENSCHEN. Czeizel, Endre. THE RIGHT TO BE BORN HEALTHY: Bochum: Zentrum für Medizinische Ethik THE ETHICAL PROBLEMS OF HUMAN GENETICS IN Bochum, 1988. 62 p. (Medizinethische HUNGARY. New York: A.R. Liss, 1988. 194 p. materialien series; Vol. 7.) (15.4) ISBN 0-8451-3016-1. (Translation of: Egy orvos- genetikus etikai gondjai. Gift of Edmund D. Pel­ 15.5 Eugenics legrino.) [RB155 .C9913 1988] (15.2,2.1) Proctor, Robert. RACIAL HYGIENE: MEDICINE UNDER THE NAZIS. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Goodman, Richard M. PLANNING FOR A HEALTHY University Press, 1988.414 p. ISBN 0-674-74580-9. BABY: A GUIDE TO GENETIC AND ENVIRONMEN­ (Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) TAL RISKS. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986. 269 p. ISBN 0-19-503671-9. [RG525 .G535 [RA418.3 .G3 P761988] (15.5,1.3.5,7.1) 1986] (15.2,9.5.5,16.1) Rafter, Nicole H., ed. WHITE TRASH: THE EUGENIC fa m ily STUDIES, 1877-1919. Boston: North­ Milunsky, Aubrey. CHOICES, NOT CHANCES: AN ES­ eastern University Press, 1988. 382 p. ISBN 1- SENTIAL GUIDE TO YOUR HEREDITY AND 55553-030-3. [HQ755.5 .U5 W521988] (15.5,15.9) HEALTH. Boston: Little, Brown, 1989.488 p. ISBN 0-316-57423-6. (Revised and updated edition of: Sutter, Jean. L’EUGÉNIQUE: PROBLÈMES, MÉTHODES, RÉSULTATS. Paris: Presses univer­ Know Your Genes. 1977.) [RB155 .M54 1989] sitaires de France, 1950. 254 p. (Travaux et docu­ (15.2) ments series; cahier no. 11. Gift of the publisher.) [HQ751 .S81950] (15.5) Sand6n, Marie-Louise. INTRODUCTION OF SERUM- ALPHA-FETOPROTEIN SCREENING AT SWEDISH ANTENATAL CLINICS: ATTITUDES AND 15.6 Behavioral Genetics KNOWLEDGE OF EXPECTANT MOTHERS AND MID- Mednick, Sarnoff A.; Moffitt, Terrie E.; and Stack, WIVES. Linköping, Sweden: Linköping University, Susan A., eds. THE CAUSES OF CRIME: NEW Departments of Social Sciences and Preventive BIOLOGICAL APPROACHES. New York: and of Social Medicine [sic], 1988. 105 p. ISBN Cambridge University Press, 1987. 376 p. ISBN 91-7870-253-4. (Linköping University Medical 0-521-30402-4. (Proceedings of a NATO con­ Dissertations series; No. 270. ISSN 0345-0082. ference held 20-24 September 1982 on Skiathos, Gift of the author.) (15.2) Greece.) [HV6035 .C38 1987] (15.6,15.9) Weaver, David D. CATALOG OF PRENATALLY Schiff, Michel and Lewontin, Richard. EDUCATION DIAGNOSED CONDITIONS. Baltimore: Johns Hop­ AND CLASS: THE IRRELEVANCE OF IQ GENETIC kins University Press, 1989. 251 p. ISBN 0-8018- STUDIES. New York: Oxford University Press, 3771-5. (The Johns Hopkins Series in 1986.243 p. ISBN 0-19-857599-8. (Oxford Science Contemporary Medicine and Public Health.) Publications series.) [BF431 .S2851986] (15.6) [RG628 .W43 1989] (15.2, Reference) Snyderman, Mark and Rothman, Stanley. THE IQ CONTROVERSY, THE MEDIA AND PUBLIC POLICY. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1988. 15.3 Genetic Screening 310 p. ISBN 0-88738-151-0. [BF431 .S615 1988] (15.6,1.3.7) Faden, Ruth. DIE GENOMANALYSE: EINE HERAUS­ FORDERUNG FÜR DIE GESUNDHEITSPOLITIK. Bochum: Zentrum für Medizinische Ethik 15.7 Biohazards of Genetic Research Bochum, 1988. 42 p. (Medizinethische DeForest, Paul; et al., eds. biotechnology: materialien series; Vol. 9.) (15.3,15.2) PROFESSIONAL ISSUES AND SOCIAL CONCERNS.

Volume 15, Page 53 Washington, DC: American Association for the Environmental Protection Agency.) [TP248.13 Advancement of Science, 1988. Ill p. (AAAS .B571986] (15.7,16.1) Publication series; No. 88-23. Papers from two symposia co-sponsored by the AAAS Committee Sussman, Max; et al., eds. THE RELEASE OF GENETI­ on Scientific Freedom and Responsibility at the CALLY-ENGINEERED MICRO-ORGANISMS. San AAAS Annual Meeting held February 1987 in Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1988. 306 p. ISBN Chicago. Publisher’s address: 1333 H Street, NW, 0-12-677521-4. (International Conference on the zip 20005.) [TP248.2 .B573 1988] (15.7,5.3) Release of Genetically-engineered Micro-or­ ganisms, held 5-8 April 1988 in Cardiff, Wales.) Great Britain. Advisory Committee on Genetic [TP248.6.157 1988] (15.7,15.1,16.1) Manipulation. GUIDELINES ON WORK WITH United States. Congress. House. Committee on TRANSGENIC ANIMALS. [London: A.C.G.M.], Science, Space, and Technology. Subcommittee 1989.38 p. (ACGM/HSE/Note 9. Available from: on Natural Resources, Agriculture Research and Health & Safety Executive, Baynards House, 1-13 Environment. FIELD TESTING GENETICALLY-EN­ Chepstow Place, London, postal code W2 4TF.) GINEERED ORGANISMS. Washington, DC: U.S. (15.7,22.2) G.P.O., 1988.101 p. (100th Congress, 2nd Session. Great Britain. Royal Commission on Environmen­ Hearing held 5 May 1988. Publication No. 108.) tal Pollution. THE RELEASE OF GENETICALLY EN­ (15.7,16.1) GINEERED ORGANISMS TO THE ENVIRONMENT. London: H.M.S.O., 1989. 144 p. ISBN 0-10- 15.8 Patenting Organisms 107202-3. (Thirteenth Report. Lord Lewis of Newnham, chairman. Command Papers; Cm. United States. Congress. Office of Technology As­ 720.) (15.7,16.1) sessment. PATENTING LIFE. Washington, DC: Congress of the United States, Office of Technol­ Holtzman, Neil A. PROCEED WITH CAUTION: ogy Assessment, 1989.195 p. (New Developments PREDICTING GENETIC RISKS IN THE RECOM­ in Biotechnology series; Vol. 5. Order No. OTA- BINANT DNA ERA. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins BA-370. For sale by the Superintendent of Docu­ University Press, 1989.303 p. ISBN 0-8018-3737-5. ments, U.S. G.P.O.) [T223 .V4 L5 1989] (15.8) (Johns Hopkins Series in Contemporary Medi­ Weil, Vivian and Snapper, John W., eds. OWNING cine and Public Health. Gift of LeRoy Walters.) SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION: [RB155 .H59 1989] (15.7,5.3,15.1) VALUE AND ETHICAL ISSUES. New Brunswick, Klingmuller, Walter, ed. RISK ASSESSMENT FOR NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1990. 309 p. ISBN DELIBERATE RELEASES: THE POSSIBLE IMPACT 0-8135-1454-1. [KF2979 .A2 096 1990] (15.8, OF GENETICALLY ENGINEERED MICROOR­ 1.3.9,5.3) GANISMS ON THE ENVIRONMENT. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1988.193 p. ISBN 0-387-18930-0. 15.9 Sociobiology (Reports of a meeting of Biotechnology Action Programme contractors working in the sector of Boyd, Robert and Richerson, Peter J. CULTURE risk assessment held 26-28 October 1987 in AND THE EVOLUTIONARY PROCESS. Chicago: Bayreuth, Federal Republic of Germany and sup­ University of Chicago Press, 1988. 331 p. ISBN ported by the European Community.) [TP248.6 0-226-06933-8. [GN360 .B68 1988] (15.9) .R571988] (15.7,16.1) Kandal, Terry R. THE WOMAN QUESTION IN CLAS­ SICAL SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY. Miami: Florida Omenn, Gilbert S. and Teich, Albert H., eds. International University Press, 1988. 341 p. ISBN BIOTECHNOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT: RE­ 0-8130-0796-8. [HQ1206 .K36 1988] (15.9,1.1) SEARCH NEEDS. Park Ridge, NJ: Noyes Data Cor­ poration, 1986. 169 p. ISBN 0-8155-1105-1. Shannon, C.L. THE POLITICS OF THE FAMILY: (Based on a workshop convened in 1984 at FROM HOMO SAPIEN TO HOMO ECONOMICUS. Berkeley Springs, WV by the AAAS and the U.S. New York: P. Lang, 1989. 198 p. ISBN 0-8204-

Volume 15, Page 54 0773-9. (American University Studies; Series XI, Hargrove, Eugene C. FOUNDATIONS OF ENVIRON­ Anthropology and Sociology; Vol. 24.) [HQ518 MENTAL ETHICS. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice .S47 1989] (15.9,1.1) Hall, 1989. 229 p. ISBN 0-13-329574-5. [GF80 .H371989] (16.1,1.1) 15.10 Genome Mapping Nash, Roderick F. THE RIGHTS OF NATURE: A HIS­ TORY OF ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS. Madison: Frézal, Jean and Klinger, Harold P., eds. HUMAN University of Wisconsin Press, 1989. 290 p. ISBN GENE MAPPING 9. New York: Karger, 1987.762 p. 0-299-11840-1. (History of American Thought ISBN 3-8055-4795-1. (Cytogenetics and Cell and Culture series.) [GF80 .N36 1989] (16.1,1.1, Genetics series; Vol. 46, Nos. 1-4,1987. ISSN 0301- 22.1) 0171. Papers presented at the 1987 Paris Con­ ference, the Ninth International Workshop on ReVelle, Penelope and ReVelle, Charles. THE EN­ Human Gene Mapping, sponsored by Centre Na­ VIRONMENT: ISSUES AND CHOICES FOR SOCIETY. tional de la Recherche Scientifique, France...[et Boston: Jones and Bartlett, 1988. 749 p. ISBN al.] held 6-11 September 1987 at the University of 0-86720-072-3. (Third edition. Gift of Robert Paris, Faculté de Médecine, France.) (15.10) Veatch.) [TD174 .R49 1988] (16.1) pines, Maya. MAPPING THE HUMAN GENOME. Wenz, Peter S. ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE. Albany: Bethesda, MD: Howard Hughes Medical In­ State University of New York Press, 1988. 368 p. stitute, 1987. 16 p. (December 1987. Occasional ISBN 0-88706-645-3. (SUNY Series in Environ­ Paper series; No. 1. Publisher’s address: Office of mental Public Policy.) [HB523 .W46 1988] (16.1, Communications, 6701 Rockledge Drive, zip 1.1, 22.1) 20817.) (15.10) 16.2 Nuclear Power Woodhead, Avril D. and Barnhart, Benjamin J., eds. BIOTECHNOLOGY AND THE HUMAN American College of Physicians. THE MEDICAL GENOME: INNOVATIONS AND IMPACT. New York: CONSEQUENCES OF RADIATION ACCIDENTS AND Plenum Press, 1988.175 p. ISBN 0-306-42990-X. NUCLEAR WAR. Philadelphia: The College, 1982. (Basic Life Sciences series; Vol. 46. Based on the 10 p. (Publisher’s address: 4200 Pine Street, zip Science Writers Workshop on Biotechnology and 19104.) (16.2,21.2) the Human Genome, held 14-16 September 1987 at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY.) Campbell, John L. COLLAPSE OF AN INDUSTRY: [QH431 .S3778 1987] (15.10,15.1) NUCLEAR POWER AND THE CONTRADICTIONS OF U.S. POLICY. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1988.231 p. ISBN 0-8014-9500-8. (Cornell Studies 16.1 Environmental Quality (General) in Political Economy series.) [HD9698 .U52 C35 1988] (16.2,1.3.5,5.3) Brennan, Andrew. THINKING ABOUT NATURE. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1988.235 p. Morone, Joseph G. and Woodhouse, Edward J. ISBN 0-8203-1088-3. [QH540.5 .B74 1988] (16.1, THE DEMISE OF NUCLEAR ENERGY?: LESSONS 1.1) FOR DEMOCRATIC CONTROL OF TECHNOLOGY. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1989. Callicott, J. Baird and Ames, Roger T., eds. na­ 172 p. ISBN 0-300-04448-8. [TK1343 .M67 1989] t u r e IN ASIAN TRADITIONS OF THOUGHT: ES­ (16.2,5.2) SAYS IN ENVIRONMENTAL PHILOSOPHY. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989. 335 p. ISBN 0-88706-951-7. (SUNY Series in Philosophy 16.3 Occupational Health and Biology. Selected papers originally presented Bayer, Ronald, ed. THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF in a series of conferences held in 1985-1986.) WORKERS: CASE STUDIES IN THE POLITICS OF [QH540.7 .N371989] (16.1,1.1,3.1) professional responsibility. New York: Ox­

Volume 15, Page 55 ford University Press, 1988. 308 p. ISBN 0-19- Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and 505365-6. [RC967 .H421988] (16.3,5.3) Health Administration, 1988. 12 p. (Order No. OSHA 3110.) (16.3,8.4) Brandts, Hubert. ETHISCHE ASPEKTE DER PRÄVENTION UND ARBEITSSICHERHEIT. Bochum: Zentrum für Medizinische Ethik 17.1 The Neurosciences and Mental Health Bochum, 1989. 37 p. (Medizinethische Therapies (General) materialien series; Vol. 37.) (16.3) Abel, Donald C. FREUD ON INSTINCT AND De Cresce, Robert P.; et al. DRUG testing in t h e MORALITY. Albany: State University of New York WORKPLACE. Chicago: ASCP Press, American Press, 1989. 123 p. ISBN 0-7914-0025-5. [BF685 Society of Clinical Pathologists, 1989.278 p. ISBN .A241989] (17.1,1.1,3.1) 0-87179-588-4. [KF3540 .D7781989] (16.3,8.4) Abelson, Raziel. LAWLESS MIND. Philadelphia: Nelkin, Dorothy, ed. t h e la nguag e o f RISK: con­ Tfemple University Press, 1988. 209 p. ISBN 0- fl ic t in g PERSPECTIVES ON OCCUPATIONAL 87722-579-6. [BD435 .A231988] (17.1,1.1) HEALTH. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1985. Gazzaniga, Michael S. MIND MATTERS: HOW MIND 200 p. ISBN 0-8039-2467-4. (Sage Focus Edition AND BRAIN INTERACT TO CREATE OUR CON­ series; Vol. 71.) [HD7654 .L36 1985] (16.3,5.2) SCIOUS LIVES. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1988. Rothstein, Mark A. MEDICAL SCREENING AND THE 255 p. ISBN 0-395-50095-8. [QP360 .G39 1988] EMPLOYEE HEALTH COST CRISIS. Washington, (17.1) DC: Bureau of National Affairs, 1989.296 p. ISBN Hess, Benno and Plogg, Detlev, eds. NEUROSCIEN- 0-87179-628-7. (Sequel to: Medical Screening of CES AND ETHICS. New York: Springer-Verlag, Workers by Mark A. Rothstein, 1984.) [KF3570 1988. 204 p. ISBN 0-387-19134-8. (Papers from a .R663 1989] (16.3, 8.4,9.3,15.3) conference held 20-25 April 1986 in Klostergut United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Jakobsberg, Federal Republic of Germany.) Labor and Human Resources. Subcommittee on [RC346 .N4591988] (17.1,2.1) Labor, u n if o r m h e a l t h a n d s a f e t y Kermani, Ebrahim J. HANDBOOK OF PSYCHIATRY WHISTLEBLOWERS PROTECTION ACT. AND THE LAW. Chicago: Year Book Medical Pub­ Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1988.243 p. (100th lishers, 1989.300 p. ISBN 0-8151-5087-3. [KF8922 Congress, 2nd Session. Hearing held 26 July 1988. .K471989] (17.1,2.1,8.3.2) S. Hrg. 100-775.) (16.3,1.3.1) Laben, Joyce K. and MacLean, Colleen P. LEGAL United States. National Institute for Occupational ISSUES AND GUIDELINES FOR NURSES WHO CARE Safety and Health and Centers for Disease Con­ FOR THE MENTALLY ILL. Owings Mills, MD: Na­ trol. Centers for Infectious Diseases. GUIDELINES tional Health Publishing, 1989. 177 p. ISBN 1- FOR PREVENTION OF TRANSMISSION OF HUMAN 55857-013-6. (Second edition.) [KF3828 .L31989] IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS AND HEPATITIS B (17.1,9.5.3) VIRUS TO HEALTH-CARE AND PUBLIC-SAFETY WORKERS: A RESPONSE TO P.L. 100-607, THE Light, Enid and Lebowitz, Barry D. ALZHEIMER’S HEALTH OMNIBUS PROGRAMS EXTENSION ACT DISEASE TREATMENT AND FAMILY STRESS: OF 1988. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Con­ DIRECTIONS FOR RESEARCH. Rockville, MD: Na­ trol, 1989. 46 p. (DHHS Publication; No. tional Institute of Mental Health, Alcohol, Drug (NIOSH) 89-107. For sale by the Superintendent Abuse, and Mental Health Administration, 1989. of Documents, U.S. G.P.O.) [RA644 .A25 G85 486 p. (DHHS Publication series; No. (ADM) 1989] (16.3,9.5.6) 89-1569.) [RC523 .L541989] (17.1,9.5.2) United States. Occupational Safety and Health Ad­ Meyerson, Arthur T. and Fine, Theodora, eds. ministration. ACCESS TO MEDICAL AND EX­ PSYCHIATRIC DISABILITY: CLINICAL, LEGAL, AND POSURE RECORDS. [Washington, DC]: U.S. ADMINISTRATIVE DIMENSIONS. Washington, DC:

Volume 15, Page 56 American Psychiatrie Press, 1987. 461 p. ISBN Taintor, Zebulon; Widem, Paul; and Barrett, Sally 0-88048-210-9. [RC470 .P79 1987] (17.1) A., eds. COST CONSIDERATIONS IN MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT: SETTINGS, MODALITIES, Rabkin, Judith G.; Gelb, Lenore; and Lazar, Joyce AND PROVIDERS. Rockville, MD: U.S. National B., eds. ATTITUDES TOWARD THE MENTALLY ILL: Institute of Mental Health, Division of Biometry RESEARCH PERSPECTIVES. Rockville, MD: U.S. and Epidemiology, 1984. 93 p. (Proceedings of a National Institute of Mental Health, Division of conference held 20-21 April 1982 in Washington, Scientific and Public Information, 1980. 76 p. DC. Mental Health Service System Reports. (Report of an NIMH workshop held 24-25 Series EN, Mental Health Economics; No. 2. January 1980. DHHS Publication; No. (ADM) DHHS Publication; No. (ADM) 84-1295.) 80-1031.) [RC455.2 .P85 A85 1980] (17.1,18.5.6) [RA790.6 .C66 1984] (17.1,9.3) Restak, Richard M. THE MIND. New York: Bantam Taube, Carl A.; Mechanic, David; and Hohmann, Books, 1988. 328 p. ISBN 0-553-05314-0. (Based Ann A., eds. THE FUTURE OF MENTAL HEALTH on the nine-part Public Broadcasting System SERVICES RESEARCH. Rockville, MD: National television series of the same title.) [QP356 .R47 Institute of Mental Health, Division of Biometry 1988] (17.1) and Applied Sciences, 1989. 324 p. (DHHS Pub­ lication; No. (ADM) 89-1600. Coniference held RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES: AGUIDETOTHEMEN­ 26-28 February 1987 by the National Institute of TAL HEALTH ACT. [Toronto]: Ministry of Health, Mental Health in Tampa, Florida. For sale by the Ontario, [1988]. 37 p. ISBN 0-7729-3164-X. (Gift Superintendent of Documents, U.S. G.P.O.) of Eric Meslin.) (17.1,2.1) [RA790.5 .F881987] (17.1,9.1,9.5.1) Rinas, Joan and Clyne-Jackson, Sheila. PROFES­ Weisstub, David N., ed. LAW AND MENTAL SIONAL CONDUCT AND LEGAL CONCERNS IN HEALTH: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES, MENTAL HEALTH PRACTICE. Norwalk, CT: Ap­ VOLUME 4. New York: Pergamon Press, 1988. pleton & Lange, 1988.243 p. ISBN 0-8385-7960-4. 239 p. ISBN 0-08-037276-7. [K3608 .L38 1984 v.4] [RC455.2 ,E8 R561988] (17.1,2.1) ( Robertson, Jeffrey D. PSYCHIATRIC MALPRACTICE: Wrightsman, Lawrence S. PSYCHOLOGY AND THE LIABILITY OF MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS. LEGAL system. Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole, New York: Wiley Law Publications, 1988. 575 p. 1987. 402 p. ISBN 0-534-06732-8. [KF8922 .W75 ISBN 0-471-84098-X. (Medico-Legal Library 1987] (17.1,1.3.8) series.) [KF8925 .M3 R63 1988] (17.1,8.1,8.5) Young, John Z. PHILOSOPHY AND THE BRAIN. New Rorty, Amélie O. MIND IN ACTION: ESSAYS IN THE York: Oxford University Press, 1987.233 p. ISBN PHILOSOPHY OF MIND. Boston: Beacon Press, 0-19-219215-9. (OPUS series.) [QP360 .Y681987] 1988. 378 p. ISBN 0-8070-1404-4. [BF38 .R66 ( 1988] (17.1)

Rosner, Richard and Harmon, Ronnie B., eds. COR­ 17.2 Psychotherapy RECTIONAL psychiatry. New York: Plenum Press, 1989. 300 p. ISBN 0-306-43070-3. (Critical Felthous, Alan R. THE PSYCHOTHERAPISTS DUTY Issues in American Psychiatry and the Law series; TO WARN OR PROTECT. Springfield, IL: C.C. Vol. 6.) [RC451.4 .P68 C6771989] (17.1,9.2,17.8) Thomas, 1989. 178 p. ISBN 0-398-05547-7. (American Series in Behavioral Science and Law; Smith, Steven R. and Meyer, Robert G. LAW, BE­ No. 1081.) [KF2910 .P75 F45 1989] (17.2,4.3,8.4) HAVIOR, AND MENTAL HEALTH: POLICY AND PRACTICE. New York: New York University Press, Huber, Charles H. and Baruth, Leroy G. ETHICAL, 1987. 772 p. ISBN 0-8147-7857-7. [KF2910 .P75 LEGAL, AND PROFESSIONAL ISSUES IN THE PRAC­ S46 1987] (17.1,2.1,4.3) TICE OF MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPY.

Volume 15, Page 57 Columbus, OH: Merrill, 1987.294 p. ISBN 0-675- 17.8 Right of the Institutionalized to 20703-7. [RC488.5 .H8 1987] (17.2) Treatment Malcolm, John G. TREATMENT CHOICES AND IN­ Dear, Michael J. and Wolch, Jennifer R. FORMED CONSENT: CURRENT CONTROVERSIES IN LANDSCAPES OF DESPAIR: FROM DEINSTI­ PSYCHIATRIC MALPRACTICE LITIGATION. TUTIONALIZATION TO HOMELESSNESS. Prin­ Springfield, IL: Thomas, 1988.123 p. ISBN 0-398- ceton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1987.306 p. 05519-X. (American Series in Behavioral Science ISBN 0-691-07754-1. [HV4028 .D43 1987] (17.8, and Law; Publication No. 1080.) [KF2910 .P753 9.3,9.5.1) M35 1988] (17.2,8.3.1,8.5,17.4) Zwelling, Shomer S. QUEST FOR A CURE: THE Masson, Jeffrey M. AGAINST THERAPY: EMOTION­ PUBLIC HOSPITAL IN WILLIAMSBURG, VIRGINIA, AL TYRANNY AND THE MYTH OF PSYCHOLOGI­ 1773-1885. Williamsburg, VA: Colonial Wil­ CAL HEALING. New York: Atheneum, 1988.279 p. liamsburg Foundation, 1985,64 p. ISBN 0-87935- ISBN 0-689-11929-1. [RC437.5 .M38 1988] (17.2, 110-1. (Gift of Lucinda L. Fitch.) [RC445 .V8 W79 4.3,8.1,17.1) 1985] (17.8,17.1)

Meier, Levi. JEWISH VALUES IN PSYCHOTHERAPY: 18.1 Human Experimentation (General) ESSAYS ON VITAL ISSUES ON THE SEARCH FOR MEANING. Lanham, MD: University Press of Ginzberg, Eli and Dutka, Anna B. THE FINANCING America, 1988.183 p. ISBN 0-8191-6928-5. (Gift OF BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH. Baltimore: Johns of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BM538 Hopkins University Press, 1989. 144 p. ISBN 0- .P68 M45 1988] (17.2,1.2) 8018-3813-4. [R854 .U5 G56 1989] (18.1,9.3) Hill, Rolla B. and Anderson, Robert E. THE AUTOP­ 17.3 Operant Conditioning SY: MEDICAL PRACTICE AND PUBLIC POLICY. Boston: Butterworths, 1988. 294 p. ISBN 0-409- Catania, A. Charles and Harnad, Stevan R., eds. 90137-7. [RB57 .H55 1988] (18.1,20.3.1) THE SELECTION OF BEHAVIOR: THE OPERANT BEHAVIORISM OF B.F. SKINNER: COMMENTS AND Pfeiffer, Martin. METHODEN DER CONSEQUENCES. New York: Cambridge Univer­ GÜTERABWÄGUNG IN DER KLINISCHEN sity Press, 1988. 563 p. ISBN 0-521-34861-7. FORSCHUNG. Bochum: Zentrum für Medizinische [BF199 .S45 1988] (17.3) Ethik Bochum, 1989. 12 p. (Presented at the IV. Bochumer Forschungskolloquium zur Law Reform Commission of Canada. BEHAVIOUR biomedizinischen Ethik held 18-20 April 1989. ALTERATION AND THE CRIMINAL LAW. Ottawa: Medizinethische materialien series; Vol. 32.) The Commission, 1985.104 p. ISBN 0-662-53857- (18.1) 9. (Working Paper scries; No. 43. Publisher’s ad­ dress: 130 Albert St., 7th Floor, postal code K1A 18.2 Human Experimentation: Policy 0L6.) [KE3663 .B44 A75 1985] (17.3,17.1) Guidelines Iber, Frank L.; Riley, W. Anthony; and Murray, 17.7 Involuntary Civil Commitment Patricia J. CONDUCTING CLINICAL TRIALS. New York: Plenum Medical Book, 1987. 353 p. ISBN International Association on the Political Use of 0-306-42626-9. [RM301.1241987] (18.2,9.7) Psychiatry (IAPUP). INFORMATION BULLETIN NO. 17: DECEMBER 1987. [Ely, Cambridgeshire]: Wagner, Wolfgang. ETHISCHE GÜTERABWÄGUNG IAPUP, 1987. 44 p. (Distributor’s address: Dr. IN DER KLINISCHEN PHARMAKOLOGIE. Bochum: C.M. Shaw, 10, Downham Rd., Ely, Zentrum für Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1989. Cambridgeshire, postal code CB6 1AF.) (17.7, 28 p. (Presented at the IV. Bochumer 21.4) Forschungskolloquium zur biomedizinischen

Volume 15, Page 58 Ethik held 18-20 April 1989. Medizinethische NATIONAL WOMEN’S HOSPITAL AND INTO OTHER materialien series; Vol. 33.) (18.2,2.1) RELATED MATTERS. Auckland: The Committee, 1988.288 p. ISBN 0-473-00664-2. (Gift of Edmund 18.3 Human Experimentation: Informed D. Pellegrino.) (18.5.1,9.5.5,18.1) Consent Parizeau, Marie-Héléne. LE CONCEPT ÉTHIQUE DE 18.5.4 Research on Fetuses and Newborns CONSENTEMENT À L’EXPÉRIMENTATION Chargaff, Erwin; Lejeune, Jerome; and McLean, HUMAINE: L’EXAMPLE DE L’ESSAI CONTRÔLÉ DE John. UPHOLDING HUMAN DIGNITY: ETHICAL AL­ LA CICLOSPORINE DANS LE DIABÉTE INSULINO- TERNATIVES TO HUMAN EMBRYO RESEARCH. DÉPENDANT. Lille, France: Atelier National de [London: All-Party Parliamentary Pro-Life Reproduction des Thèses de l’Université de Lille, Group, The Parliamentary Medical and Scientific 1988.1 microfiche. ISSN 0294-1767. (Microfiche Advisory Committee, 1987?] 35 p. (Papers sub­ No. 88.01.06868/89. Thesis, Ph.D.—Université de mitted to the Department of Health and Social Paris, 1988. English summary included. Gift of Security in response to the consultation paper Gilles Paradis.) (18.3,18.5.1) Legislation on Human Infertility Services and Embryo Research) (18.5.4,14.4) 18.4 Behavioral Research Grobstein, Clifford. SCIENCE AND THE UNBORN: Morawski, Jill G., ed. THE RISE OF EXPERIMENTA­ CHOOSING HUMAN fu tures. New York: Basic TION IN AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGY. New Haven, Books, 1988.207 p. ISBN 0-465-07295-X. [RG600 CT: Yale University Press, 1988. 220 p. ISBN 0- .G76 1988] (18.5.4,2.1) 300-04153-5. [BF181 .R571988] (18.4,18.1) National Institutes of Health (U.S.). Advisory Thomas, Gordon. JOURNEY INTO MADNESS: THE Committee to the Director. HUMAN FETAL TIS­ TRUE STORY OF SECRET Cl A MIND CONTROL AND SUE TRANSPLANTATION RESEARCH: REPORT. MEDICAL ABUSE. New York: Bantam Books, 1989. Bethesda, MD: [The Committee?], 1988. 53 p. 388 p. ISBN 0-553-05357-4. [HV8593 .T48 1989] (Presented at the 58th Meeting of the Advisory (18.4,1.3.5,17.3,21.4) Committee to the Director, N.I.H. on 14 Decem­ ber 1988.) (18.5.4,12.1,19.1) 18.5.1 Research on Special Populations National Institutes of Health (U.S.). Human Fetal (General) Tissue Transplantation Research Panel. HUMAN Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry. FETAL TISSUE TRANSPLANTATION RESEARCH GUIDELINES FOR MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS IN PANEL: PUBLIC TESTIMONY: PRESENTERS, STATE­ NON-PATIENT HUMAN VOLUNTEERS. London: MENTS. [s.l.: The Panel?, 1988.] 80 p. (Meeting The Association, 1988.15 p. (Publisher’s address: held 14-16 September 1988.) (18.5.4,12.1,19.1) 12 Whitehall, postal code SW1A 2DY.) (18.5.1, 9.7,18.2) National Institutes of Health (U.S). Human Fetal Tissue Transplantation Research Panel. REPORT Coney, Sandra. THE UNFORTUNATE EXPERIMENT. OF THE HUMAN FETAL TISSUE TRANSPLANTA­ New York: Penguin Books, 1988. 287 p. ISBN TION RESEARCH PANEL: VOLUME I. [s.l.: The 0-14-011671-0. (Gift of Edmund D. Pellegrino.) Panel?] 1988. 88 p. (Gift of LeRoy Walters.) (18.5.1,9.5.5) ( New Zealand. Committee of Inquiry into Allega­ National Institutes of Health (U.S.). Human Fetal tions Concerning the Treatment of Cervical Can­ Tissue Transplantation Research Panel. REPORT cer at National Women’s Hospital and into Other OF THE HUMAN FETAL TISSUE TRANSPLANTA­ Related Matters. THE REPORT OF THE COMMIT­ TION RESEARCH PANEL: VOLUME II. [s.l.: The TEE OF INQUIRY INTO ALLEGATIONS CONCERN­ Panel?], 1988.456 p. (Appendices to the Report.) ING THE TREATMENT OF CERVICAL CANCER AT (

Volume 15, Page 59 18.5.5 Research on Prisoners Dowie, Mark. “WE HAVE A DONOR”: THE BOLD NEW WORLD OF ORGAN TRANSPLANTING. New International Auschwitz Committee. NAZI York: St. Martin’s Press, 1988.242 p. ISBN 0-312- MEDICINE: DOCTORS, VICTIMS AND MEDICINE IN 02316-2. [RD 120.7 .D69 1988] (19.1) AUSCHWITZ. New York: H. Fertig, 1986. 700 p. ISBN 0-86527-351-0. (Gift of Max M. and Mar­ Kittredge, Mary. ORGAN TRANSPLANTS. New York: jorie B. Kampelman.) [R853 .H8 N39 1986] Chelsea House, 1989.106 p. ISBN 0-7910-0071-0. ( (Encyclopedia of Health series; Medical Disor­ ders and Their TVeatment.) [RD120.76 .K58 1989] 18.6 Social Control of Human (19.1) Experimentation SCIENTIFIC AND CLINICAL STATUS OF ORGAN Canada. Medical Research Council and National TRANSPLANTATION: REPORT FOR 1987, AS RE­ Council on Bioethics in Human Research. QUIRED BY SECTION 376 OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH WORKSHOP ON ETHICS REVIEW/L'ATELIER SUR service ACT. [Washington, DC?]: U.S. Depart­ L’EXAMEN ÉTHIQUE: APRIL 10-11,1989/LES 10-11 ment of Health and Human Services, Public AVRIL 1989. Ottawa, Ont.: N.C.B.H.R., [1989]. Health Service, 1988. [67] p. (19.1) 164 p. (Gift of Judith Miller.) (18.6,18.2) United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Law Reform Commission of Canada. BIOMEDICAL Finance. Subcommittee on Taxation and Debt EXPERIMENTATION INVOLVING HUMAN SUB­ Management. ORGAN TRANSPLANT TRUST FUND. JECTS. Ottawa: The Commission, 1989. 142 p. Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1989. 62 p. (100th ISBN 0-662-56900-8. (Bilingual edition; French Congress, 2nd Session. Hearing held 20 Septem­ and English. French title: L’Expérimentation ber 1988 on S. 2409. S. Hrg. 100-1016.) (19.1,9.3) biomédicale sur ¡’êtres humain. Working Paper series; 61. Gift of Eric Meslin.) [KE3663 .M38 B56 19.3 Artificial and Transplanted Kidneys 1989] (18.6,18.1) Jackson, Silas J. SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF DIALYSIS, JANUARY 1977 THROUGH OCTOBER 19.1 Artificial and Transplanted Organs or 1988. Bethesda, MD: National Library of Tissues (General) Medicine, Reference Section, 1988.27 p. (Current Bahnson, Henry T.; Groth, Carl G.; and Rapaport, Bibliographies in Medicine series; No. 88-19.727 Felix T., eds. INTERNATIONAL ORGAN citations.) (19.3,9.3, Reference) TRANSPLANT FORUM HONORING THOMAS E. STARZL. Philadelphia, PA: Grune & Stratton, 19.4 Blood Transfusion 1988.1107 p. (Meeting held 8-11 September 1987 in Pittsburgh, PA. In Transplantation Proceedings Klein, Lori and McCurdy, Paul R. PERIOPERATIVE 20(1, Suppl. 1): February 1988. ISSN 0041-1345.) RED CELL TRANSFUSION: JANUARY 1985 ( THROUGH MAY 1988. Bethesda, MD: National Library of Medicine, Reference Section, [1988]. Beller, Fritz K. and Czaia, Kerstin. HIRNLEBEN 37 p. (803 citations. Current Bibliographies in UND HIRNTOD, ERKLÄRT AM BEISPIEL DES ANEN- Medicine series; No. 88-5. Sold by Superintendent ZEPHALEN FETEN. Bochum: Zentrum für of Documents, U.S. G.P.O.) (19.4, Reference) Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1988. 31 p. (Medizinethische materialien series; Vol. 17.) Madhok, Rajan; Forbes, Charles D.; and Evatt, ( Bruce L., eds. blo od, blood products, and AIDS. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, Cerilli, G. James, [ed.] organ transplantation 1987. 230 p. ISBN 0-8018-3608-5. (The Johns an d REPLACEMENT. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Hopkins Series in Contemporary Medicine and 1988.732 p. ISBN 0-397-50732-1. [RD120.7.0718 Public Health.) [RC607 .A26 B65 1987] (19.4, 1988] (19.1) 9.5.6,21.1)

Volume 15, Page 60 Smith, Dennis M. and Carlson, Katherine B., eds. Press, 1988. 196 p. ISBN 1-55540-203-8. CURRENT SCIENTIFIC/ETHICAL DILEMMAS IN (American Academy of Religion Academy Series; BLOOD BANKING. Arlington, VA: American As­ No. 59.) [BJ1409.5 .M55 1988] (20.3.1,1.2) sociation of Blood Banks, 1987. 113 p. ISBN 0- 915355-44-2. (Based on the Current Momeyer, Richard W. CONFRONTING DEATH. Scientific/Ethical Dilemmas in Blood Banking Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988. Tbchnical Workshop held November 1987 at Or­ 184 p. ISBN 0-253-31403-8. (Medical Ethics lando, FL.) [RM172 .C87 1987] (19.4,83.1) Series.) [BD444 .M651988] (20.3.1,20.5.1) Williams, Joel S. ETHICAL ISSUES IN COMPULSORY Wyschogrod, Edith. SPIRIT IN ASHES: HEGEL, MEDICAL TREATMENT: A STUDY OF JEHOVAH’S HEIDEGGER, AND MAN-MADE MASS DEATH. New WITNESSES AND BLOOD TRANSFUSION. Ann Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1985. 247 p. Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, ISBN 0-300-03322-2. (Gift of Max M. and Mar­ 1989. 314 p. Publication No. 8807155. (Thesis, jorie B. Kampelman.) [BD444 .W974 1985] Ph.D.—Baylor University, 1987.) [BX8526 .W475 (20.3.1,1.1) 1988] (19.4,1.2,8.3.4) 20.4.1 Care of the Dying Patient (General) 19.5 Donation/Procurement of Organs/Tissues Australia. National Health and Medical Research Council. Ethics in Clinical Practice Advisory Williams, Phillip G. LIFE FROM DEATH: THE Panel. DISCUSSION PAPER ON THE ETHICS OF ORGAN AND TISSUE DONATION AND TRANSPLAN­ LIMITING LIFE-SUSTAINING TREATMENT. [Can­ TATION SOURCE BOOK WITH FORMS. Oak Park, berra: N.H.M.R.C.], 1988.18 p. (Approved by the IL: P. Gaines, 1989. 252 p. ISBN 0-936284-44-7. 106th Session of the National Health and Medical (Contemporary Public Health Issues series; Vol. Research Council, November 1988.) (20.4.1, 2.1, 2.) [KF3827 .D66 Z958 1989] (19.5) 20.5.1) Hahn, Mechthild. ETHISCHE PROBLEME DER 20.1 Death and Dying (General) KÜNSTLICHEN ERNÄHRUNG. Bochum: Zentrum Veatch, Robert M. DEATH, DYING, AND THE für Medizinische Ethik Bochum, 1988. 24 p. BIOLOGICAL REVOLUTION: OUR LAST QUEST FOR (Second edition. Medizinethische materialien RESPONSIBILITY. New Haven, CT: Yale University series; Vol. 6.) (20.4.1,20.5.1) Press, 1989.292 p. ISBN 0-300-04364-3. (Revised edition.) [R726 .V4 1989] (20.1,2.1, 20.5.1) Lynn, Joanne and Berry, Zail S. CHOOSING TO FORGO ARTIFICIAL NUTRITION. Secaucus, NJ: Network for Continuing Medical Education, 20.2.1 Definition or Determination of Death 1990. 1 color videocassette (VHS) (16:00 min.) (General) (NCME series; No. 561. Gift of Edmund D. Pel­ Kaufman, Howard H. PEDIATRIC BRAIN DEATH legrino.) (20.4.1,20.5.1) AND ORGAN/TISSUE RETRIEVAL: MEDICAL, ETHI­ Mor, Vincent; Greer, David S.; and Kastenbaum, CAL, AND LEGAL ASPECTS. New York: Plenum Robert, eds. THE HOSPICE EXPERIMENT. Bal­ Medical Book Co., 1989. 365 p. ISBN 0-306- timore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988. 42973-X. (Based on a conference held March 269 p. ISBN 0-8018-3542-9. (The Johns Hopkins 1987.) [RA1063.3 .P43 1989] (20.2.1,19.1,19.5) Series in Contemporary Medicine and Public Health.) [R726.8 .H665 1988] (20.4.1) 20.3.1 Attitudes Toward Death (General) Wolf, Stewart G.; et al., eds. THE RESPONSIBLE Miller-McLemore, Bonnie J. DEATH, SIN AND THE PHYSICIAN: STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE AND MORAL UFE: CONTEMPORARY CULTURAL INTER­ THE CRITICALLY ill pa tient. New York: Foun­ PRETATIONS OF DEATH. Atlanta, GA: Scholars dation of Thanatology, 1988.101 p. (The Current

Volume 15, Page 61 Thanatology Series.) [RA399 .A3 R47 1988] University Microfilms International, 1989.349 p. ( Publication No. 8810421. (Thesis, Ph.D. —St. Mary’s Seminary and University, 1988. Gift of the author.) [BX915 .S382 H37 1988] (20.5.1, 1.2, 20.5.1 Prolongation of Life and Euthanasia 20.4.1) (General) TER­ THE LIVING WILL: CONSENT TO TREATMENT AT Bay Area Network of Ethics Committees. THE END OF LIFE: REPORT. London: E. Arnold, MINATION OF LIFE SUPPORT: GUIDELINES FOR 1988. 90 p. ISBN 0-340-49142-6. (Under the THE DEVELOPMENT OF INSTITUTIONAL POLICY. auspices of Age Concern Institute of Gerontology San Francisco, CA: BA.N.E.C., [1988?]. 17 p. and Centre of Medical Law and Ethics, King’s (Address: San Francisco Medical Society, 250 College, London.) [R725.5 .L58 1988] (20.5.1, Masonic Avenue, zip 94118.) (20.5.1,2.1,9.6) 8.3.3) British Medical Association. Working Party on Euthanasia, eu th a n a sia : a r epo r t o f t h e Meisel, Alan. THE RIGHT TO DIE. New York: Wiley, WORKING PARTY TO REVIEW THE BRITISH MEDI­ 1989. 573 p. ISBN 0-471-84687-2. (Medico-Legal CAL ASSOCIATION’S GUIDANCE ON EUTHANASIA. Library series.) [KF3827 .E87 M45 1989] (20.5.1, London: BMA, 1988. 80 p. ISBN 0-7279-0234-2. (Publisher’s address: Tavistock Square, postal Miles, Steven H. and Gomez, Carlos F. protocols code WC1H 9JP.) (20.5.1,2.1) FOR ELECTIVE USE OF LIFE-SUSTAINING TREAT­ Concern for Dying. THE LIVING WILL: A MATTER MENTS: A DESIGN GUIDE. New York: Springer, OF LIFE AND DEATH. New York: Shop Talk 1989. 154 p. ISBN 0-8261-6700-4. (Initial draft Productions, 1985.113 color slide and audio-cas- published by U.S. Office of Tbchnology Assess­ sette presentation, 12:26 min. (Available from: ment in 1988 as: Institutional Protocols for Concern for Dying, 250 West 57th St., New York, Decisions About Life Sustaining Treatments.) zip 10107.) (20.5.1) [R726 .M55 1989] (20.5.1,20.4.1) EUTANASIA Y DERECHO A MORIR CON DIG- Read, William A. HOSPITAL’S ROLE IN RESUSCITA­ NIDAD—I. Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona: In­ TION DECISIONS. Chicago, IL: The Hospital Re­ stitut Borja de Bioètica, 1989.110 p. (Horizons de search and Educational Trust, 1983.14 p. (Series Bioètica series; Vol. 3. Gift of Francisco Abel, S.J.) on Aging: Policy Development Study. Publisher’s (20.5.1) address: 840 North Lake Shore Dr., zip 60611.) (20.5.1) Hackler, Chris; Moseley, Ray, and Vawter, Dorothy E., eds. ADVANCE DIRECTIVES IN MEDICINE. New A REQUEST FOR VOLUNTARY EUTHANASIA. New York: Praeger, 1989.196 p. ISBN 0-275-93233-8. York: Concern for Dying, [n.d.]. 1 videocassette (Revised papers of a conference presented by the (3/4 inch). (20.5.1) Division of Medical Humanities of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences held May 1985 Safar, Peter; et al., guest eds. Reversibility of Clinical in Little Rock and co-sponsored by the Society for Death: Symposium on Resuscitation Research. Health and Human Values, Concern for Dying, critical CARE MEDICINE 16(10): 919-1084, Oc­ and the Arkansas Nursing Home Association. tober 1988. ISSN 0090-3493. (Symposium held 2-4 Studies in Health and Human Values series; Vol. May 1987 at the International Resuscitation Re­ 2.) [R724 .A281989] (20.5.1,8.3.3) search Center, University of Pittsburgh.) (20.5.1) Harvey, John C. THE MORALITY o f withdrawing Sinclair, Daniel B. TRADITION AND THE BIOLOGI­ OR WITHHOLDING FOOD AND FLUID ADMIN­ CAL REVOLUTION: THE APPLICATION OF JEWISH ISTERED ARTIFICIALLY TO THE INDIVIDUAL IN LAW TO THE TREATMENT OF THE CRITICALLY THE PERSISTENT VEGETATIVE STATE FROM THE ILL. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, ROMAN CATHOLIC PERSPECTIVE. Ann Arbor, MI: 1989.117 p. ISBN 0-85224-636-6. (Gift of Max M.

Volume 15, Page 62 and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BM521 .S56 1989] 175 p. ISBN 0-089908-356-0. (Opposing View­ (20.5.1,1.2) points Series.) [HV8699 .U5 D 41986] (20.6) Smith, George P. FINAL CHOICES: AUTONOMY IN HEALTH CARE DECISIONS. Springfield, IL: C.C. 20.7 Suicide Thomas, 1989.198 p. ISBN 0-398-05591-2. [R726 Brody, Baruch A., ed. SUICIDE AND EUTHANASIA: .S57 1989] (20.5.1,4.4,20.7) HISTORICAL AND CONTEMPORARY THEMES. Bos­ Weir, Robert F. ABATING TREATMENT WITH CRITI­ ton: Kluwer Academic, 1989.286 p. ISBN 0-7923- CALLY ILL PATIENTS: ETHICAL AND LEGAL 0106-4. (Philosophy and Medicine series; Vol. 35.) LIMITS TO THE MEDICAL PROLONGATION OF [R726 .S79 1989] (20.7,1.1,20.5.1) LIFE. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. Martyniuk, Joy S. ADOLESCENT SUICIDE: JANUARY 455 p. ISBN 0-19-504528-9. [R726 .W39 1989] 1986 THROUGH JUNE 1988. Bethesda, MD: U.S. (20.5.1,20.4.1) National Library of Medicine, Reference Section, [1988]. 22 p. (475 citations. Current Bibliog­ 20.5.2 Allowing Infants to Die raphies in Medicine series; No. 88-7. Sold by Su­ Sparks, Richard C. TO TREAT OR NOT TO TREAT: perintendent of Documents, U.S. G.P.O.) (20.7, BIOETHICS AND THE HANDICAPPED NEWBORN. Reference) New York: Paulist Press, 1988.337 p. ISBN0-8091- United States. Department of Health and Human 2993-0. [RJ253.5 .S62 1988] (20.5.2,9.5.3) Services. Secretary’s Task Force on Youth Suicide. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY’S TASK FORCE ON United States Commission on Civil Rights. MEDI­ YOUTH SUICIDE. Rockville, MD: U.S. Depart­ CAL DISCRIMINATION AGAINST CHILDREN WITH ment of Health and Human Services, Public DISABILITIES. Washington, DC: The Commission, Health Service, Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental 1989. 513 p. (Gifts of George P. Smith, II and Health Administration, [1989]. 4 vols. (DHHS Diane Gianelli.) (20.52,9.5.3,9.6) Publication series; No. (ADM) 89-1621.) (20.7, 9.5.1) 20.6 Capital Punishment Wickett, Ann. DOUBLE EXIT: WHEN AGING Brown, Edmund G. and Adler, Dick. PUBLIC JUS­ COUPLES COMMIT SUICIDE TOGETHER. Eugene, TICE, PRIVATE MERCY: A GOVERNOR’S EDUCA­ OR: Hemlock Society, 1989. 193 p. ISBN 0- TION ON DEATH ROW. New York: Weidenfeld & 9606030-7-7. [HV6546.2 .W53 1989] (20.7, 9.5.2, Nicholson, 1989. 171 p. ISBN 1-55584-253-4. 20.5.1) [HV8699 .U5 B76 1989] (20.6) Hook, Donald D. and Kahn, Lothar. DEATH IN THE 21.2 War BALANCE: THE DEBATE OVER CAPITAL PUNISH­ MENT. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1989. Adeney, Bernard T. JUST WAR, POLITICAL REALISM, AND FAITH. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow 131 p. ISBN 0-669-20905-8. [HV8694 .H66 1989] Press, 1988. 219 p. ISBN 0-8108-2152-4. (ATLA (20.6) Monograph Series; no. 24. Originally presented as Siegel, Mark A.; Foster, Carol D.; and Jacobs, the author’s thesis (Ph.D.)—Graduate Theologi­ Nancy R., eds. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT: CRUEL cal Union.) [BR115 .A85 A34 1988] (21.2, 1.2, AND UNUSUAL? Wylie, TX: Information Aids, 16.2) 1988. 80 p. ISBN 0-936474-76-9. (Information Aids series. Publisher’s address: 2812 Exchange Artson, Bradley S. LOVE PEACE AND PURSUE St., zip 75098-9990.) (20.6) PEACE: A JEWISH RESPONSE TO WAR AND NUCLEAR ANNIHILATION. New York: United Szumski, Bonnie; Hall, Lynn; and Bursell, Susan, Synagogue of America, 1988.276 p. ISBN 0-8381- eds. THE DEATH PENALTY: OPPOSING VIEW­ 3120-4. (Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampel­ POINTS. St. Paul, MN: Greenhaven Press, 1986. man.) [BM538 .P3 A78 1988] (21.2,1.2)

Volume 15, Page 63 Axinn, Sidney. A MORAL MILITARY. Philadelphia: and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [DS135 .N6F73313 Temple University Press, 1989. 230 p. ISBN 0- 1989] (21.2,1.2, Biography) 87722-615-6. [U22 .A951989] (21.2,1.1) Gottfried, Kurt and Blair, Bruce G., eds. CRISIS Barash, David P. and Lipton, Judith E. THE STABILITY AND NUCLEAR WAR. New York: Ox­ CAVEMAN AND THE BOMB: HUMAN NATURE, ford University Press, 1988. 354 p. ISBN 0-19- EVOLUTION, AND NUCLEAR WAR. New York: Mc­ 505147-5. [U263 .C751988] (21.2,1.3.6,16.2) Graw-Hill, 1985. 302 p. ISBN 0-07-003654-3. [U263 .B371985] (21.2,3.2,15.9,16.2) Gutman, Israel, ed. THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE HOLOCAUST. New York: Macmillan, 1990. 4 vol. Bundy, McGeorge. DANGER AND SURVIVAL: ISBN 0-02-896090-4. (Gift of Max M. and Mar­ CHOICES ABOUT THE BOMB IN THE FIRST FIFTY jorie B. Kampelman.) [D804.3 .E53 1990] (21.2, YEARS. New York: Random House, 1988. 735 p. 1.2,1.3.5,21.4, Reference) ISBN 0-394-52278-8. [UA23 .B786 1988] (21.2, 16.2) Hampsch, George H. PREVENTING nu clea r GENOCIDE: ESSAYS ON PEACE AND WAR. New Burtchaell, James T., ed. A JUST WAR NO LONGER York: P. Lang, 1988.170 p. ISBN 0-8204-0616-3. EXISTS: THE TEACHING AND TRIAL OF DON (American University Studies; Series V, LORENZO MILANI. Notre Dame, IN: University of Philosophy; Vol. 50. ISSN 0739-6392.) [JX1974.7 Notre Dame Press, 1988. 125 p. ISBN 0-268- .H286 1988] (21.2,16.2) 01191-5. [KKH41 .M55 J871988] (21.2,1.2) Holmes, Robert L. ON WAR AND MORALITY. Cady, Duane L. from w arism to PACIFISM: A Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1989. MORAL CONTINUUM. Philadelphia: Temple 310 p. ISBN 0-691-02300-X. (Studies in Moral, University Press, 1989.159 p. ISBN 0-87722-603-2. Political, and Legal Philosophy series.) [U22 .H65 [JX1952 .C26 1989] (21.2,1.1) 1989] (21.2,1.1) Carter, Ashton B.; Steinbruner, John D.; and Kuper, Leo. THE PREVENTION OF GENOCIDE. New Zraket, Charles A., eds. MANAGING NUCLEAR Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1985. 286 p. OPERATIONS. Washington, DC: Brookings Institu­ ISBN 0-300-03418-0. [JX5418 .K864 1985] (21.2, tion, 1987. 751 p. ISBN 0-8157-1313-4. (A study 1.3.5) jointly sponsored by the Brookings Institution and the Center for Science and International Affairs Lackey, Douglas P., [ed.] ETHICS AND STRATEGIC at Harvard University.) [U263 .M3241987] (21.2, DEFENSE: AMERICAN PHILOSOPHERS DEBATE 16.2) STAR WARS AND THE FUTURE OF NUCLEAR DETERRENCE. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1989. Cohen, Sheldon M. ARMS AND JUDGMENT: LAW, 154 p. ISBN 0-534-09588-7. [UG743 .E73 1989] MORALITY, AND THE CONDUCT OF WAR IN THE (21.2,16.2) TWENTIETH CENTURY. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1989. 226 p. ISBN 0-8133-0703-1. [JX4511 LaFarge, Phyllis. THE STRANGELOVE LEGACY: .C641989] (21.2,1.3.6) CHILDREN, PARENTS, AND TEACHERS IN THE NUCLEAR AGE. New York: Harper & Row, 1987. Dobroszycki, Lucjan, ed. t h e chronicle OF t h e 242 p. ISBN 0-06-015699-6. [HQ784 .W3 L31987] LÖDZ GHETTO, 1941-1944. New Haven, CT: Yale (21.2,16.2) University Press, 1984.551 p. ISBN 0-300-03924-7. (Translated by Richard Lourie, et al. Gift of Max Musto, Ronald G. THE CATHOLIC PEACE tra d i­ M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [D810 J4 C57 tio n . Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1986.365 p. 1984] (21.2,1.2) ISBN 0-88344-263-9. [BX1795 .P43 M87 1986] (21.2, 1.2) Frank, Anne. THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK: THE CRITICAL ed itio n . New York: Doubleday, 1989. O’Donovan, Oliver. PEACE AND CERTAINTY: A 719 p. ISBN 0-385-24023-6. (Edited by David Bar- THEOLOGICAL ESSAY ON DETERRENCE. Grand nouw and Gerrold van der Stroom. Gift of Max M. Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans, 1989. 125 p. ISBN

Volume 15, Page 64 0-8028-0414-4. [BR115 .A85 0361989] (21.2,1.2, 21.4 Torture 16.2) Cohen, Elie A. HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN THE CON­ Ramsey, Paul. SPEAK UP FOR JUST WAR OR PACI­ CENTRATION CAMP. Westport, CT: Greenwood FISM: A CRITIQUE OF THE UNITED METHODIST Press, 1984.295 p. ISBN 0-313-24417-0. (Reprint. BISHOPS’ PASTORAL LETTER “IN DEFENSE OF Originally published: New York: Norton, cl953. CREATION’’. University Park: Pennsylvania State Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) University Press, 1988.214 p. ISBN 0-271-00619-6. [D805 A2 C56131984] (21.4,18.5.5) [BX8349 .P43 R36 1988] (21.2,1.2,16.2) Corillon, Carol, ed. SCIENCE AND HUMAN RIGHTS. Roskies, David G., ed. THE LITERATURE OF Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1988. DESTRUCTION: JEWISH RESPONSES TO 92 p. (Based on a symposium held 27 April 1987 CATASTROPHE. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication at the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, Society, 1988.652 p. ISBN 0-8276-0314-2. (Gift of DC.) [JC571 .S41988] (21.4,1.3.5,5.3) Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [DS102 .L54 1988] (21.2,1.2,21.4) DACHAU REVIEW: HISTORY OF NAZI CONCENTRA­ TION CAMPS, STUDIES, REPORTS, DOCUMENTS- Walters, James W., ed. WAR NO MORE?: OPTIONS IN VOLUME 1. New York: Distributed by St. Martin’s NUCLEAR ETHICS. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 1988.240 p. ISBN 0-85496-269-7. (Contains Press, 1989. 115 p. ISBN 0-8006-2333-9. [BR115 in unabridged form in English the most important .A85 W36 1989] (21.2,1.2,16.2) contributions of the Dachauer Hefte. Published under the authority of the Comité International de Whitmore, Tbdd, ed. ETHICS IN THE NUCLEAR AGE: Dachau. ISSN 0934-361X.) (21.4,1.3.5) STRATEGY, RELIGIOUS STUDIES, AND THE CHUR­ CHES. Dallas, TX: Southern Methodist University Eisen, George. CHILDREN AND PLAY IN THE Press, 1989. 240 p. ISBN 0-87074-283-3. (Out­ HOLOCAUST: GAMES AMONG THE SHADOWS. growth of a two-year workshop seminar, the Col­ Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, loquium on Religion and World Affairs, held at 1988.153 p. ISBN 0-87023-621-0. (Gift of Max M. the Divinity School at the University of Chicago. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [D810 J4 E35 Gift of the publisher.) [U263 .E841989] (21.2,1.2, 1988] (21.4,1.2,1.3.1) 16.2) Gutman, Y. Israel. THE JEWS OF WARSAW, 1939- World Health Organization Management Group 1943: GHETTO, UNDERGROUND, REVOLT. on Follow-up of Resolution WHA 36.28. EFFECTS Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1982. OF NUCLEAR WAR ON HEALTH AND HEALTH SER­ 487 p. ISBN 0-253-20511-5. (Translation of: VICES: REPORT. Geneva: WHO, 1987.179 p. ISBN Yehude Varshah, 1939-1943. Gift of Max M. and 92-4-156109-2. (Second edition.) [RA6483 .E44 Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [DS135 .P62 W27313 1987] (21.2,9.1,16.2) 1982] (21.4,1.2,1.3.5) Huberband, Shimon. KIDDUSH HASHEM: JEWISH 21.3 Chemical and Biological Weapons RELIGIOUS AND CULTURAL LIFE IN POLAND DURING THE HOLOCAUST. Hoboken, NJ: Ktav, Hemsley, John, t h e s o v ie t biochemical 1987. 474 p. ISBN 0-88125-121-6. (Heritage of th r ea t TO NATO. New York: St. Martin’s Press, Modern European Jewry series; Vol. 1. Gift of 1987.163 p. ISBN 0-312-01589-5. [UG447 .H416 Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [DS135 .P6 1987] (21.3) H82131987] (21.4,1.2,1.3.5) McDermott, Jeanne. THE KILLING WINDS: THE Levi, Primo. THE DROWNED AND THE SAVED. New MENACE OF BIOLOGICAL WARFARE. New York: York: Vintage International, 1989. 203 p. ISBN Arbor House, 1987. 322 p. ISBN 0-87795-896-3. 0-679-72186-X. (Reprint. Originally published: [UG447.8 .M34 1987] (21.3) New York: Summit Books, 1988. TVanslation of: I

Volume 15, Page 65 Sommersi e i salvati. Gift of Max M. and Marjorie Clingerman, Karen; Gleason, Sean; and Swanson, B. Kampelman.) [D804.3 .L4813 1989] (21.4,1.2) Janice. ANIMAL WELFARE LEGISLATION: FEBRUARY 1989-APRIL 1989: BILLS SUBMITTED Maier, Charles S. THE UNMASTERABLE PAST: HIS­ TO THE 101st CONGRESS. Beltsville, MD: National TORY, HOLOCAUST, AND GERMAN NATIONAL Agricultural Library, Animal Welfare Informa­ IDENTITY. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University tion Center, 1989.7 p. (Publisher’s address: Room Press, 1988. 227 p. ISBN 0-674-92975-6. (Gift of 301, zip 20705.) (22.1, Reference) Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [D8043 .M35 1988] (21.4,1.3.1) Clingerman, Karen; Gleason, Sean; and Swanson, Janice. ANIMAL WELFARE LEGISLATION: MAY Micheels, Louis J. DOCTOR #117641: a 1989-JULY 1989: BILLS SUBMITTED TO THE 101st holocaust memoir. New Haven, CT: Yale CONGRESS. Beltsville, MD: National Agricultural University Press, 1989.199 p. ISBN 0-300-04398-8. Library, Animal Welfare Information Center, (Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) 1989. 5 p. (Publisher’s address: Room 301, zip [D804.3 .M531989] (21.4,1.2, Biography) 20705.) (22.1, Reference) Müller-Hill, Benno. MURDEROUS SCIENCE: ELIMINATION BY SCIENTIFIC SELECTION OF JEWS, Clingerman, Karen; Gleason, Sean; and Swanson, GYPSIES, AND OTHERS, GERMANY 1933-1945. Janice. ANIMAL WELFARE LEGISLATION: NOVEM­ New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. 208 p. BER 1988-JANUARY 1989: BILLS SUBMITTED TO ISBN 0-19-261555-6. (Translation of: Tödliche THE 101st CONGRESS. Beltsville, MD: National Wissenschaft.) [D804 .G4M77131988] (21.4,15.5, Agricultural Library, Animal Welfare Informa­ 18.5.5) tion Center, 1989.5 p. (Publisher’s address: Room 301, zip 20705.) (22.1, Reference) Rosenberg, Alan and Myers, Gerald E., eds. ECHOES FROM THE HOLOCAUST: PHILOSOPHI­ Collard, Andrée and Contrucci, Joyce. RAPE OF CAL REFLECTIONS ON A DARK TIME. Philadel­ THE WILD: MAN’S VIOLENCE AGAINST ANIMALS phia: Temple University Press, 1988.453 p. ISBN AND THE EARTH. Bloomington: Indiana Univer­ 0-87722-539-7. (Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. sity Press, 1989.187 p. ISBN 0-253-20519-0. [GF50 Kampelman.) [D810 J4E2171988] (21.4,1.1,1.2, .C63 1989] (22.1,1.1,2.1) 1.3.5) Fox, Michael W. and Mickley, Linda D., eds. AD­ Roth, John K. and Berenbaum, Michael, eds. VANCES IN ANIMAL WELFARE SCIENCE, 1986/87. HOLOCAUST: RELIGIOUS AND PHILOSOPHICAL Boston, MA: Martinus Nijhoff, 1987.302 p. ISBN IMPLICATIONS. New York: Paragon House, 1989. 0-89838-889-9. (Includes papers from the sym­ 390 p. ISBN 1-55778-212-1. (Gift of Max M. and posium “Animals and Humans: Ethical Per­ Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [D8043 .H649 1989] spectives” held 21-23 April 1986 at Moorhead (21.4,1.2,1.3.5) State University, Moorhead, MN.) [HV4701 .A38 1986/87] (22.1,16.1) 22.1 Animal Welfare (General) Great Britain. Farm Animal Welfare Council. Bright, Michael. KILLING FOR LUXURY. New York: REPORT ON PRIORITIES IN ANIMAL WELFARE RE­ Gloucester Press, 1988.32 p. ISBN 0-531-17089-6. SEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT. Surrey, England: (Survival series.) [HD9944 A2 B75 1988] (22.1) The Council, 1988. 11 p. (Publisher’s address: F.A.W.C., Government Buildings, Hook Rise Clingerman, Karen; Gleason, Sean; and Swanson, South, Tolworth, Surbiton, Surrey KT6 7NF.) Janice. ANIMAL WELFARE LEGISLATION: BILLS (22.1,223) AND PUBLIC LAWS FROM 1980 TO OCTOBER 1988. Beltsville, MD: National Agricultural Library, Larson, Jean A. and Reynnells, Louise. ANIMAL Animal Welfare Information Center, [1988]. 23 p. WELFARE LEGISLATION AND REGULATION 1970- (Publisher’s address: Room 301, zip 20705.) (22.1, 1987. Beltsville, MD: U.S. Department of Agricul­ Reference) ture, National Agricultural Library, [1988]. 23 p.

Volume 15, Page 66 (Quick Bibliography Series; No. 88-40. 246 cita­ 1988. Bethesda, MD: National Library of tions.) (22.1, Reference) Medicine, Reference Section, [1988]. 11 p. (Cur­ rent Bibliographies in Medicine series; No. 89-3. Linzey, Andrew and Regan, Tom, eds. ANIMALS Fifth supplement to Specialized Bibliography AND CHRISTIANITY: A BOOK OF READINGS. New York: Crossroads, 1988.210 p. ISBN 0-8245-0902- Series; No. 1984-1.) (22.2, Reference) 1. [BT746 .A55 1988] (22.1,1.2) Gluckstein, Fritz P. PAIN, ANESTHESIA, AND ANAL­ Magel, Charles R. KEYGUIDE TO INFORMATION GESIA IN COMMON LABORATORY ANIMALS: JANUARY 1987 THROUGH MAY 1988. Bethesda, sources IN ANIMAL RIGHTS. Jefferson, NC: Mc­ MD: National Library of Medicine, Reference Farland, 1989. 267 p. ISBN 0-89950-405-1. Section, [1988]. 9 p. (178 citations. Current Bibli­ [HV4708 .M36 1989] (22.1, Reference) ographies in Medicine series; No. 88-6. Updates Radner, Daisie and Radner, Michael. ANIMAL Literature Search series No. 86-17. Sold by Super­ CONSCIOUSNESS. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus intendent of Documents, U.S. G.P.O.) (22.2) Books, 1989. 253 p. ISBN 0-87975-459-1. (Fron­ tiers of Philosophy series.) [QL785.25 .B34 1989] Larson, Jean A. and Reynnells, Louise. WELFARE (22.1, 1.1) OF EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS, 1979-1987. Beltsville, MD: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Regan, Tom and Singer, Peter, eds. ANIMAL RIGHTS National Agricultural Library, [1988]. 14 p. AND HUMAN OBLIGATIONS. Englewood Cliffs, (Quick Bibliography Series No.; 88-17. 166 cita­ NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1989.280 p. ISBN 0-13-036864- tions. Database searched: AGRICOLA.) (22.2, 4. (Second edition.) [HV4711 .A56 1989] (22.1, Reference) 1.1) National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Rowan, Andrew N., ed. ANIMALS AND PEOPLE the Use of Laboratory Animals in Biomedical and SHARING THE WORLD. Hanover, NH: Published Behavioral Research. USE OF LABORATORY for Tlifts University by University Press of New ANIMALS IN BIOMEDICAL AND BEHAVIORAL RE­ England, 1988. 192 p. ISBN 0-87451-465-7. SEARCH. Washington, DC: National Academy [SF411.4 .A56 1988] (22.1) Press, 1988. 102 p. ISBN 0-309-03839-1. [QL55 Serpell, James. IN THE COMPANY OF ANIMALS: A .U741988] (22.2) STUDY OF HUMAN-ANIMAL RELATIONSHIPS. New York: B. Blackwell, 1986. 215 p. ISBN 0-631- Rollin, Bernard E. THE UNHEEDED CRY: ANIMAL 16185-6. [SF411.5 .S471986] (22.1) CONSCIOUSNESS, ANIMAL PAIN AND SCIENCE. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. 308 p. ISBN 0-19-217765-6. (Studies in Bioethics series.) 22.2 Animal Experimentation [QL55 .R641989] (22.2,1.1,22.1) Fox, Michael W. and Mickley, Linda D., eds. AD­ Sharpe, Robert. THE CRUEL DECEPTION: THE USE VANCES IN ANIMAL WELFARE SCIENCE, 1985. OF ANIMALS IN MEDICAL RESEARCH. Wel­ Boston, MA: Martinus Nijhoff, 1986.304 p. ISBN lingborough, Northamptonshire: Thorsons, 1988. 0-89838-776-0. [HV4701 .A38 1985] (22.2,22.1) 288 p. ISBN 0-7225-1593-6. (Distributed in the Gluckstein, Fritz P. INVERTEBRATES IN BIOMEDI­ U.S. by: Sterling Publishing.) [QL55 .S57 1988] CAL RESEARCH: JANUARY 1985 THROUGH JULY (22.2) 1988. Bethesda, MD: National Library of Medicine, Reference Section, [1988], 25 p. (503 Sperling, Susan. ANIMAL LIBERATORS: RESEARCH citations. Current Bibliographies in Medicine AND MORALITY. Berkeley: University of Califor­ series; No. 88-8. Sold by Superintendent of Docu­ nia Press, 1988. 247 p. ISBN 0-520-06198-5. ments, U.S. G.P.O.) (22.2, Reference) [HV4764 .S68 1988] (22.2) Gluckstein, Fritz P. LABORATORY ANIMAL WEL­ Thffery, A.A., ed. LABORATORY ANIMALS: AN IN­ FARE: OCTOBER 1987 THROUGH NOVEMBER TRODUCTION FOR NEW EXPERIMENTERS. New

Volume 15, Page 67 York: J. Wiley, 1987.342 p. ISBN 0-471-91297-2. Machalow, Robert. USING LOTUS 1-2-3: A HOW-TO- [QL55 .L2741987] (22.2) DO-IT MANUAL FOR LIBRARY APPLICATIONS. New York: Neal-Schuman, 1989. 166 p. ISBN 1- United Kingdom Coordinating Committee on Can­ 5557-0033-0. (How-to-do-it Manuals for Libraries cer Research, ukcccr g u id elin es fo r t h e series; No. 1.) [Z678.93 .L68 M331989] (Informa­ WELFARE OF ANIMNALS IN EXPERIMENTAL tion Science) NEOPLASIA. London: UKCCCR, 1988.11 p. (Pub­ lisher’s address: UKCCCR, 20 Park Crescent, Parker, Roger C. LOOKING GOOD IN PRINT: A postal code WIN 4AL.) (22.2) GUIDE TO BASIC DESIGN FOR DESKTOP PUBLISH­ United States. Congress. House. Committee on the ING. Chapel Hill, NC: Ventana Press, 1988.224 p. Judiciary. Subcommittee on Administrative Law ISBN 0-940087-05-7. [Z286 .D47 P351988] (Infor­ and Governmental Relations. ANIMAL WELFARE mation Science) ACT. Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1988. 69 p. Unruh, Betty, ed. THE INFORMATION MARKETING (100th Congress, 2nd Session. Hearing held 16 HANDBOOK. Philadelphia: National Federation of September 1988.) (22.2) Abstracting and Information Services, 1989. 156 p. ISBN 0-942308-24-7. [HF5415.124 .153 22.3 Animal Production 1989] (Information Science) Bebee, Charles N. FARM ANIMAL WELFARE, 1979- MARCH 1987. Beltsville, MD: U.S. Department of Reference Agriculture, National Agricultural Library, [1987]. 22 p. (Quick Bibliography Series; No. 87- American Society for Information Science. 1989 69.257 citations.) (22.3, Reference) HANDBOOK AND DIRECTORY. Washington, DC: ASIS, 1989. 137 p. ISBN 0-87715-520-8. (ISSN Coats, C. David, o ld Ma cd o n a ld ’S factory 0066-0124. Publisher’s address: 142416th St., NW, FARM: THE MYTH OF THE TRADITIONAL FARM zip 20036.) (Reference, Information Science) AND THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT ANIMAL SUF­ FERING IN TODAY’S AGRIBUSINESS. New York: Jennings, Margaret S., ed. LIBRARY AND REFER­ Continuum, 1989. 186 p. ISBN 0-8264-0439-1. ENCE FACILITIES IN THE AREA OF THE DISTRICT [SF140 .L58 C63 1989] (22.3) OF COLUMBIA. White Plains, NY: published for the American Society for Information Science in cooperation with Joint Venture by Knowledge In­ Information Science dustry Publications, 1986. 309 p. ISBN 0-86729- Chan, Lois M. and Pollard, Richard. THESAURI 151-6. (Twelfth edition. ISSN 0191-2798.) USED IN ONLINE DATABASES: AN ANALYTICAL (Reference, Information Science) GUIDE. New York: Greenwood Press, 1988.268 p. ISBN 0-313-25788-4. [Z695 .A1C471988] (Infor­ National Library of Medicine (U.S.) LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED FOR ONLINE USERS-1989. mation Science, Reference) [Springfield, VA]: National Technical Information Desmarais, Norman. ACQUISITIONS SYSTEMS FOR Service, [1989]. 216 p. (Order No. PB89-135610.) LIBRARIES. Westport, CT: Meckler, 1988. 246 p. (Reference) ISBN 0-88736-185-4. (Essential Guide to the Library IBM PC; Vol. 11.) (Information Science) National Library of Medicine (U.S.). MEDLARS Management Section. ONLINE SERVICES REFER­ Gorman, Michael and Winkler, Paul W., eds. ENCE MANUAL. Bethesda, MD: MEDLARS ANGLO-AMERICAN CATALOGING RULES. Management Section, Bibliographic Services Chicago: American Library Association, 1988. Division, National Library of Medicine, 1988. 677 p. ISBN 0-8389-3360-2. (Second edition, 1988 2 vols. (Available from: National Technical Infor­ revision.) [Z694.15 .A56 A53 1988] (Information mation Sendee, Springfield, VA. Order No. PB88- Science) 156252.) (Reference)

Volume 15, Page 68 Reif-Lehrer, Liane. WRITING A SUCCESSFUL Health Care, 2105 N. Southport, Suite 200, GRANT APPLICATION. Boston: Jones and Bartlett, Chicago, IL 60614.) (9.5.1) 1989. 283 p. ISBN 0-86720-104-5. (Second edi­ tion.) [R853 .P75 R441989] (Reference) HIV/AIDS SURVEILLANCE REPORT, May 1989. (Publisher’s address: Centers for Disease Con­ Union of International Associations, ed. YEAR­ trol, Division of HTV/AIDS, Technical Informa­ BOOK OF INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS, tion Activity, Mailstop G-29, Atlanta, GA 30333.) 1987/88. New York: Saur, 1987. ca. 1000 p. ISBN (9.5.6, Reference) 3-598-21874-5. (Twenty-fourth edition. Volume 1: HOSPITAL ETHICS COMMITTEE FORUM 1(1): 1989. Organization Descriptions and Index. ISSN 0084- ISSN 0956-2737. (Publisher’s address: Pergamon 3814.) (Reference) Press, Inc., Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, NY 10523.) (9.6,2.1) New Journal Subscriptions INFO. TRENDS: MEDICINE, LAW & ETHICS 1(1): 20 THE ALTERNATIVES repo rt 1(1): May/June 1989. March 1986. ISSN 1044-629X. (Publisher’s ad­ ISSN 1044-0100. (“Covering replacement, reduc­ dress: University of Medicine and Dentistry of tion and refinement in animal research and test­ New Jersey-Robert Wood Johnson Medical ing.” Publisher’s address: Center for Animals and School, 675 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854.) Public Policy, Tufts School of Veterinary (2.1,20.5.1) Medicine, 200 Westboro Rd., N. Grafton, MA INTERGOVERNMENTAL AIDS REPORTS 2(2): July- 01536.) (22.2) August 1989. (Publisher’s address: George BIOETHICS BOOKS 1(1): 1989. (Publisher’s address: Washington University, Intergovernmental University Publishing Group, 107 East Church St., Health Policy Project, 2011 Eye St., NW, Suite 200, Frederick, MD 21701.) (2.1, Reference) Washington, DC 20006.) (9.5.6) JEWISH MEDICAL ETHICS 1(1): May 1988. (Former­ BIOETHICS LITERATURE REVIEW 4(6): July 1989. ly published in Hebrew as ASSIA. Publisher’s (Publisher’s address: University Publishing address: Schlesinger Institute, Shaare Zedek Group, 107 East Church Street, Frederick, MD Medical Center, P.O. Box 3235, Jerusalem, Israel. 21701.) (2.1, Reference) Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) BIOETHICS RESEARCH NOTES 1(1): June 1989. ISSN (2.1, 1.2) 1033-6206. (Joint publication of Southern Cross Bioethics Institute and The Dietrich Bonhoeffer JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ETHICS 1(3): 1988. International Institute for Bioethical Studies In­ ISSN 0893-4282. (Publisher’s address: Taylor & corporated. Publisher’s address: ‘The Pines’, P.O. Francis, 79 Madison Avenue, Suite 1110, New Box 206, Plympton S.A. 5038, Australia.) (2.1, York, NY 10016.) (1.3.1,5.1,15.1,16.1,22.1) Reference) MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY WEEKLY REPORT 38(39): 6 October 1989. ISSN 0091-0031. (Publish­ BULLETIN OF THE PARK RIDGE CENTER 3(1): er’s address: Massachusetts Medical Society, January/February 1988. (Publisher’s address: C.S.P.O. Box 9120, Waltham, MA 02254-9120.) Park Ridge Center Membership Division, P.O. (9.1,20.1, Reference) Box 599013, Chicago, IL 60659.) (2.1,1.2) NOTRE DAME JOURNAL OF LAW, ETHICS & PUBLIC THE CHRONICLE 7(2): Fall 1989. (Publisher’s ad­ POLICY 1 (Inaugural issue): 1984. (Publisher’s ad­ dress: Institute for the Medical Humanities, dress: Thomas J. White Center on Law & Govern­ University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, ment, Notre Dame Law School, Notre Dame, IN TX 77550.) (2.1,4.1.2) 46556.) (1.3.1,1.3.8) CORRECT CARE 3(4): Fall 1989. (Publisher’s ad­ VETERANS ADMINISTRATION NORTHEAST RE­ dress: National Commission on Correctional GIONAL CENTER FOR CLINICAL ETHICS

Volume 15, Page 69 QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER 1(2): April 1988. McCarrick, Pat M. and Adams, Judith, ethics (Publisher’s address: Center for Clinical Ethics COMMITTEES IN HOSPITALS. June 1989. 12 p. (125A), Veterans Administration Medical Center, (Scope Note series; 3 [revised). Available for White River Junction, VT 05001.) (2.1) $3.00.) (9.6, Reference) Meinke, Sue A. ANENCEPHALIC INFANTS AS New Publications from the Kennedy POTENTIAL ORGAN SOURCES: ETHICAL AND Institute of Ethics LEGAL ISSUES. June 1989. 11 p. (Scope Note series; 12. Available for $3.00.) (19.5,20.5.2, Ref­ Coutts, Mary C. ETHICAL ISSUES IN IN VITRO FER­ erence) TILIZATION. December 1988. 12 p. (Scope Note series; 10. Available for $3.00.) (14.4) Walters, LeRoy and Kahn, Tamar J., eds. BIBLIOG­ RAPHY OF BIOETHICS, VOLUME 15. Washington, Kennedy Institute of Ethics. Bioethics Information DC: Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown Retrieval Project, bioethics thesaurus: 1988. University, 1989. 601 p. ISBN 0-9614448-5-1. November 1988. 45 p. (Available for $5.00.) (2.1, (ISSN 0363-0161. Available in U.S., Canada and Reference) Mexico for $45; elsewhere for $50.) [Ref. Z6775 Kennedy Institute of Ethics. Bioethics Information .E8 W34 v.15] (2.1, Reference) Retrieval Project. BIOETHICS THESAURUS: 1989. 45 p. (2.1, Reference) Mackler, Aaron L. neonatal intensive care. May 1989.12 p. (Scope Note series; 11. Available for $3.00.) (9.5.1,20.5.2, Reference)



December 1989 (SE0001-SE0257)

The following syllabi are on deposit at the National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature. Copies are available for $2.00 per syllabus to cover photocopying and dis­ tribution costs. Syllabi longer than 50 pages are available for $10.00. Orders will be ac­ cepted by phone or mail. Please indicate the document number (which appears in the left column) when ordering.

The National Reference Center continues to collect syllabi for this centralized collection. The submission of syllabi from faculty members and medical professionals who have conducted courses or workshops in the field of bioethics is requested. Updates of syl­ labi already included in the collection are also appreciated. To order and to submit syllabi contact: Mary Carrington Coutts, Reference Librarian National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature Kennedy Institute of Ethics Georgetown University Washington, D.C. 20057 (202) 687-6779; (800) MED-ETHX The SYLLABUS EXCHANGE CATALOG is published at regular intervals as a supplement to NEW TITLES IN BIOETHICS by the National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature, Kennedy Institute of Ethics. NEW TITLES IN BIOETHICS is a listing by subject of recent monograph additions to the National Reference Center’s collection.

Subscription to NEW TITLES IN BIOETHICS is $15.00 per calendar year in the U.S. and Canada, and $25.00 elsewhere. Back volumes are available at $8.00 per volume.

Associate and institutional members of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics receive NEW TIT­ LES IN BIOETHICS and regular updates to the SYLLABUS EXCHANGE CATALOG as part of their membership benefits. Inquiries regarding the membership program should be addressed to: Membership Program Kennedy Institute of Ethics Georgetown University Washington, DC 20057 (202) 687-8099

A current SYLLABUS EXCHANGE CATALOG as well as inquiries regarding subscriptions to NEW TITLES IN BIOETHICS should be addressed to: National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature Kennedy Institute of Ethics Georgetown University Washington, DC 20057 (202) 687-6738 800) MED-ETHX

This publication is supported by funds provided under Grant Number LM04492 from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

© 1990 0001 ETHICAL THEORY; Tom BEAUCHAMP, University, Kennedy Institute of Ethics.; 1984 Ph.D.; Georgetown University, Kennedy In­ (Fall). Undergraduate. 4 p. War, Abortion, stitute of Ethics.; 1985 (Fall). Undergraduate. Euthanasia, Value of Life. 2 p. Ethical Theory, Public Policy, Treatment Refusal, Right to Treatment. 0009 LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES IN MEDICINE; William H. FISCHER, J.D., M.B.A.; 0002 INFORMED CONSENT SEMINAR; Tom University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine.; BEAUCHAMP, Ph.D.; Georgetown University, 1985 (Fall). Graduate Medical Education. 6 p. Kennedy Institute of Ethics.; 1985 (Spring). Resource Allocation, Suicide, Euthanasia, With­ Graduate. 6 p. Informed Consent, Human Ex­ holding Treatment, Abortion, Contraception, In­ perimentation, Law, Medicine, Bioethics. formed Consent, Human Experimentation.

0003 FRESHMAN HUMANITIES CORE COURSE 0010 MEDICINE IN THE COMMUNITY: HIS­ (THEME FOR 1986: BIOETHICS); STAFF; TORY OF MEDICINE; Neville HICKS, Ph.D. Buena Vista College.; 1986. Undergraduate. 2 Laurence B. McCULLOUGH, Ph.D.; Geor­ p. Reproductive Technologies, Physician getown Univ. School Medicine, Dept, of Com­ Patient Relationship, Death, Bioethics. munity Medicine.; 1985. Graduate Medical Education. 4 p. Historical Aspects, United 0004 PRINCIPLES AND METAPHORS IN MEDI­ States. CAL ETHICS; James F. CHILDRESS, Ph.D.; Georgetown University, Kennedy Institute of 0011 MEDICINE IN THE COMMUNITY: ETHICS Ethics.; 1985 (Fall). Graduate. 14 p. Physician TUTORIAL; Neville HICKS Carol R. BUDER; Patient Relationship, Euthanasia, Withholding University of Adelaide, Australia, Dept, of Com­ Treatment, Public Policy, Resource Allocation, munity Medicine.; 1985. Graduate Medical Organ T ransplantation. Education. 5 p. Ethics, Bioethics, Medicine.

0005 PSYCHOLOGY AND LAW; Norman 0012 LEGAL, ETHICAL, ECONOMIC AND AD­ FINKEL, Ph.D.; Georgetown University, MINISTRATIVE ASPECTS IN MEDICINE; Psychology Department.; 1985 (Fall). Under­ Gumersindo BLANCO, M.D. Gladys WHITE; graduate. 7 p. Psychology, Involuntary Com­ University of Puerto Rico, School of Medicine.; mitment, Dangerousness, Treatment Refusal, 1985. Graduate Medical Education. 184 p. Right to Treatment. (Oversize; $10.) Bioethics, Terminally III, Quality of Life, Law, Medicine, Economics, Costs and 0006 BIOMEDICAL ETHICS IN RELIGIOUS AND Benefits. SECULAR PERSPECTIVES; Isaac FRANCK, Ph.D.; Georgetown University, Kennedy In­ 0013 THE VIRTUES AND PROFESSIONAL VIR­ stitute of Ethics.; 1984 (Spring). Continuing TUE; William F. MAY, Ph.D.; Georgetown Education. 3 p. Jewish Ethics, Religious University, Kennedy Institute of Ethics.; 1982 Ethics, Bioethics. (Spring). Undergraduate, Graduate. 5 p. Professional Ethics. 0007 ETHICS IN MEDICINE; Morton MADOFF, M.D.; Tufts University, Sch. of Med./Dept. 0014 AGING, ETHICS, AND HEALTH CARE FOR Comm. Health; 1986 (Spring). Graduate Medi­ THE ELDERLY; Steven LIPSON Laurence B. cal Education. 6 p. Medical Ethics, Treatment McCULLOUGH, Ph.D.; Georgetown Univer­ Refusal, Informed Consent, Disclosure, Hand­ sity, Dept of Community & Family Med.; 1984 icapped, Newborns, Terminally III. (Fall). Graduate Medical Education. 4 p. Aged, Bioethics. 0008 TAKING HUMAN LIFE: CASES AND PRIN­ CIPLES; J. Bryan HEHIR, Ph.D.; Georgetown

1 0015 HUMAN VALUES IN THE HEALTH PROFESSION; Laurence B. McCULLOUGH, 0023 SEMINAR ON BIOETHICS: RELIGIOUS Ph.D. Carol R. BUDER; Georgetown Univer­ AND HUMANISTIC ETHICS; LeRoy WALTERS, sity, Dept of Comm Med & Sch of Nrsg.; 1984 Ph.D.; Georgetown University, Kennedy In­ (Fall). Graduate. 4 p. Nursing Ethics, Law, stitute of Ethics.; 1985 (Spring). Graduate. 6 Allowing to Die, Withholding Treatment, p. Bioethics, Joseph Fletcher, Paul Ramsey, Medicine. Richard McCormick, Abortion, Resource Al­ location, Euthanasia. 0016 LEGAL AND BIOETHICAL ISSUES IN HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT; Cynthia 0024 HEALTHCARE FINANCE AND ORGANIZA­ NORTHRUP Gladys WHITE; Georgetown TION; Alain C. ENTHOVEN; Stanford Univer­ University, School of Nursing.; 1984 (Fall). sity, Graduate School of Business.; 1986 Graduate. 4 p. Nursing Ethics, Law, Allowing (Winter). Graduate. 6 p. Resource Allocation, to Die, Withholding Treatment, Medicine. Economics, Federal Government, Financial Support. 0017 ETHICS OF TERMINAL CARE; Robert M. VEATCH, Ph.D.; Georgetown University, Ken­ 0025 COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS IN HEALTH nedy Institute of Ethics.; 1983 (Spring). CARE; Alain C. ENTHOVEN; Stanford Univer­ Graduate. 10 p. Terminally III, Bioethics, Death, sity, Graduate School of Business.; 1986 Withholding Treatment, Law, Medicine. (Spring). Graduate. 6 p. Economics, Costs and Benefits, Technology Assessment. 0018 THEORIES OF MEDICAL ETHICS; Robert M. VEATCH, Ph.D.; Georgetown University, 0026 BIOETHICAL DECISION-MAKING; Jon R. Kennedy Institute of Ethics.; 1984 (Fall). HENDRIX; Ball State University, Hum. Genet. & Graduate. 7 p. Bioethics, Religious Ethics. Bioethics Ed. Lab.; 1985 (Fall). Under­ graduate. 10 p. Bioethics. 0019 ETHICAL ISSUES IN HEALTH CARE; LeRoy WALTERS, Ph.D.; Georgetown Univer­ 0027 STUDY GUIDE IN MEDICAL ETHICS (IN­ sity, Kennedy Institute of Ethics.; 1985 (Fall). DEPENDENT STUDY PROGRAM); Richard C. Graduate. 4 p. Resource Allocation, In Vitro McMILLAN; Mercer University, Sch. Fertilization, Gene Therapy, Bioethics. Med./Dept. Psych. & Behav.; 1985. Graduate Medical Education. 17 p. Bioethics. 0020 ETHICAL ISSUES IN HEALTH CARE; LeRoy WALTERS, Ph.D.; Georgetown Univer­ 0028 MEDICAL ETHICS; Ronald E. CRANFORD, sity, Kennedy Institute of Ethics.; 1983 (Fall). M.D. James B. NELSON, Ph.D.; United Graduate. 5 p. Bioethics, Physician Patient Theological Seminary.; 1985 (Fall). Graduate. Relationship, Public Policy. 9 p. Bioethics, Death, Resource Allocation.

0021 ETHICAL ISSUES IN BIOMEDICAL RE­ 0029 THEOLOGY AND ETHICS OF BEHAVIOR SEARCH; LeRoy WALTERS, Ph.D.; Geor­ CONTROL; Clyde J. STECKEL; United getown University, Kennedy Institute of Ethics.; Theological Seminary.; 1985 (Spring). 1984 (Fall). Graduate. 8 p. Human Experimen­ Graduate. 7 p. Behavior Control, tation, Gene Therapy, Biomedical Research, Psychosurgery, Electroconvulsive Therapy, Bioethics. Psychopharmacology.

0022 ETHICS AND THEORIES OF RIGHTS; 0030 CURRENT ISSUES IN BIOETHICS; LeRoy WALTERS, Ph.D.; Georgetown Univer­ Jonathan MORENO, Ph.D. Gall POVAR, M.D., sity, Kennedy Institute of Ethics.; 1982 (Spring). M.P.H.; George Washington University, Health Graduate. 5 p. Rights. Care Services.; 1985 (Spring). Graduate Medi­

2 cal Education. 5 p. Bioethics, Health Care, 0037 THEORIES OF JUSTICE; Alan BOWEN- Informed Consent, Human Experimentation, JAMES; Kuring-gai Coll. of Adv. Educ., School Justice, Resource Allocation. of Nursing.; n.d. Graduate. 13 p. Justice, Rights, Health Care. 0031 SEMINAR IN THE ETHICS OF HEALTH CARE; Mary SILVA, Ph.D., RN Daniel ROTH- 0038 ETHICAL THEORIES AND ETHICAL BART, Ph.D.; George Mason University, School REASONING; Alan BOWEN-JAMES; Kuring- of Nursing.; 1985. Graduate. 16 p. Bioethics, gai Coll. of Adv. Educ., School of Nursing.; n.d. Informed Consent, Physician Patient Relation­ Graduate. 13 p. Ethics, Morality, Deontological ship, Codes of Ethics, Euthanasia, Resource Ethics, Teleological Ethics, Bioethics. Allocation. 0039 AUTONOMY AND PATERNALISM; Alan 0032 ETHICAL DECISION MAKING FOR NURSE BOWEN-JAMES; Kuring-gai Coll. of Adv. EXECUTIVES; Mary SILVA, Ph.D., R.N., Tom Educ., School of Nursing.; n.d. Graduate. 11 BEAUCHAMP, Ph.D.; George Mason Univer­ p. Paternalism, Self Determination, Suicide, In­ sity, School of Nursing.; 1985. Graduate (Con­ formed Consent. tinuing Education). 5 p. Ethics, Bioethics, Nursing Ethics. 0040 AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY; Alan BOWEN-JAMES; Kuring-gai Coll. of Adv. 0033 PERSPECTIVES ON DEATH AND DYING; Educ., School of Nursing.; n.d. Graduate. 9 p. Philip A. PECORINO, Ph.D.; Queensborough Moral Obligations, Medical Ethics. Community College, Dept, of Social Sciences.; n.d. Undergraduate. 29 p. Death, Euthanasia, 0041 TRUTH AND INFORMATION; Alan Suicide, Hospices, Terminal Care, Organ BOWEN-JAMES; Kuring-gai Coll. of Adv. Transplantation. Educ., School of Nursing.; n.d. Graduate. 9 p. Disclosure, Confidentiality, Morality, Com­ 0034 MEDICAL ETHICS; Philip A. PECORINO, munication. Ph.D.; Queensborough Community College, School of Social Sciences.; 1986 (Spring). Un­ 0042 INTRODUCTION TO MEDICAL ETHICS; dergraduate. 12 p. Health Care, Nursing John R. KING, D.Min.; Eastern Virginia Medical Ethics, Euthanasia, Human Experimentation, School, Human Values in Medicine Prog.; 1985 Behavior Control, Patients’ Rights, Abortion, (Fall). Graduate Medical Education. 12 p. Resource Allocation. Morality, Physician Patient Relationship, Euthanasia, Death, Prolongation of Life, Organ 0035 ETHICAL ISSUES IN EXPERIMENTATION Transplantation, Biomedical Research. AND ISSUES IN CLINICAL ETHICS; Alan BOWEN-JAMES; Kuring-gai Coll. of Adv. 0043 LEGAL MEDICINE/BIOETHICS; Robert F. Educ., School of Nursing.; n.d. Graduate. 8 p. MURRAY, M.D. Linwood RAYFORD, M.D.; Human Experimentation, Behavioral Research, Howard University, College of Medicine.; 1986 Patient Care, Medical Ethics. (Spring). Graduate Medical Education. 34 p. Paternalism, Beneficence, Competence, 0036 ETHICS OF TERMINAL CARE; Robert M. Reproductive Technologies, Confidentiality, VEATCH, Ph.D.; Georgetown University, Ken­ Withholding Treatment, Informed Consent. nedy Institute of Ethics.; 1986 (Spring). Graduate. 11 p. Terminal Care, Death, Ethics, 0044 MEDICAL ETHICS (SEMINARS); Joan M. Euthanasia, Allowing to Die, Ethics Commit­ ALTENKRUSE, M.D.; Univ. of South Carolina, tees. School of Medicine.; 1986 (Spring). Graduate. 4 p. Death, Euthanasia, Human Experimenta-

3 tion, Informed Consent, Ethics, Physician Patient Relationship, Allowing to Die, Genetic Patient Relationship. Screening, Occupational Medicine, Social Con­ trol. 0045 MEDICAL ETHICS; Gregory PENCE, Ph.D.; Univ. Alabama in Birmingham, Depart­ 0052 ETHICAL ISSUES IN HEALTH CARE AD­ ment of Philosophy.; 1986. Graduate. 8 p. MINISTRATION; Dennis BRODEUR, Ph.D.; Allowing to Die, Euthanasia, Handicapped, Saint Louis University, School of Medicine.; Newborns, Bioethics, Informed Consent, 1986 (Spring). Graduate Medical Education. Health Care, Human Experimentation. 14 p. Hospitals, Medical Care, Physician Patient Relationship, Economics, Ethics Com­ 0046 ETHICS AND MEDICAL CARE; Peter mittees, Allowing to Die, Resource Allocation. DANS, M.D.; Johns Hopkins University, Office 0053 THE CUTTING EDGE; Philip BOYLE, O.P., of Medical Practice Eval.; 1985 (Spring). S.T.L.; Saint Louis University, School of Graduate. 15 p. Death, Informed Consent, Medicine.; 1986 (Spring). Graduate Medical Bioethics, Health Care, Justice, Education. 26 p. AIDS, Economics, Heaith Physician/Patient Relationship. Care, Resource Allocation, Terminal Care, Genetic Screening, In Vitro Fertilization, Allow­ 0047 MEDICAL ETHICS; John E. SADLER, M.D.; ing to Die. University of Texas, Dept. Psych./Southwstrn. Med. Sc.; 1986 (Spring). Graduate. 1 p. 0054 BASIC CONCEPTS OF MEDICAL ETHICS; Health Care, Economics, In Vitro Fertilization, Kevin O’ROURKE, O.P., J.C.D., Dennis Allowing to Die, Abortion, Handicapped, New­ BRODEUR, Ph.D.; Saint Louis University, borns, Organ Transplantation, Bioethics. School of Medicine.; 1985 (Fall). Graduate Medical Education. 31 p. Medical Ethics, 0048 PROFESSIONAL ISSUES IN MEDICAL Health Care, Third Party Consent, Allowing to PRACTICE; Rev. Dr. ALLSOP; Creighton Die, Human Experimentation, Death, Organ University, School of Medicine.; 1986 (Spring). Transplantation. Graduate. 4 p. Health Care, Bioethics, Death, Euthanasia, Allowing to Die, Resuscitation, 0055 VALUES AND ETHICS IN NURSING; Gina Organ T ransplantation. GIOVINCO, R.N., Ph.D.; University of Florida, College of Nursing.; 1984 (Spring). Graduate. 0049 ISSUES IN HEALTH CARE; Gail J. POVAR, 3 p. Values, Nursing Ethics, Decision Making, M.D., MPH; George Washington University, Patients’ Rights, Codes of Ethics. Dept, of Health Care Services.; 1985 (Fall). Graduate. 11 p. Physician Patient Relation­ 0056 ETHICAL PERSPECTIVES IN NURSING; ship, Aged, Medicine, Informed Consent, Gina GIOVINCO, R.N., Ph.D. L.J. Economics, Law, Justice, Handicapped, In­ MALASANOS, R.N., Ph.D.; University of fants, Resource Allocation. Florida, School of Nursing.; 1985. Graduate. 5 p. Nursing Ethics, Bioethics, Values, Codes of 0050 ETHICAL PRINCIPLES AND NORMS; Ethics, Health Care. Kevin O ’ROURKE, OP, JCD; Saint Louis University, Ctr. Hlth. Srv. Edu. & Res.; 1985 0057 MEDICAL ETHICS: A CASE STUDIES AP­ (Fall). Graduate. 22 p. Bioethics, Abortion, PROACH; David C. THOMASMA, Ph.D.; Roman Catholicism, Health Care. Loyola Univ. of Chicago, Stritch School of Medicine.; n.d. Graduate Medical Education. 0051 ISSUES IN COMMUNITY HEALTH; Philip 6 p. Handicapped, Newborns, Economics, BOYLE, O.P., S.T.L.; Saint Louis University, Ctr. Health Care, Confidentiality, Treatment Refusal, Hlth. Srv. Edu. & Res.; 1986 (Spring). Allowing to Die, Competence, Medical Ethics. Graduate. 17 p. Patients’ Rights, Physician

4 0058 MEDICAL ETHICS SEMINAR; Thomas R. ing Education. 2 p. Allowing to Die, Nursing McCORMICK, D.Min.; University of Ethics. Washington, School of Medicine.; 1986 (Spring). Graduate Medical Education. 1 p. 0065 BIOETHICAL DECISION-MAKING IN Medical Ethics, Ethics, Codes of Ethics, NURSING PRACTICE. (WORKSHOP); K. Dan­ Patients’ Rights, Physicians, Nursing Ethics, ner CLOUSER, B.D., Ph.D. Winifred PINCH, Decision Making. R.N., M.Ed.; St. Anselm College, Department of Nursing.; n.d. Continuing Education. 2 p. Al­ 0059 HUMAN FACE OF MEDICINE; Thomas R. lowing to Die, Nursing Ethics, Patients’ Rights, McCORMICK, D.Min.; University of Disclosure. Washington, School of Medicine.; 1986 (Winter). Graduate Medical Education. 2 p. 0066 CODE GRAY (WORKSHOP); Winifred Physician Patient Relationship, Patient Care, PINCH, R.N., Ed.D.; St. Anselm College, Hospitals.. School of Nursing.; n.d. Continuing Education. 2 p. Nursing Ethics, Decision Making. 0060 ETHICAL CHALLENGE OF MEDICINE; Thomas R. McCORMICK, D.Min.; University of 0067 MEDICAL ETHICS; Howard BRODY, M.D., Washington, School of Medicine.; 1986 Ph.D. Ken HOWE, Ph.D.; Michigan State (Winter). Graduate. 2 p. Medical Ethics, University, Medical Humanities Program.; 1986 Decision Making, Hospitals. (Fall). Graduate Medical Education. 50 p. Medical Ethics, Treatment Refusal, Informed 0061 ETHICAL ISSUES SURROUNDING Consent, Handicapped, Newborns, Physician DEATH.; Thomas R. McCORMICK, D.Min.; Patient Relationship, Allowing to Die. University of Washington, School of Medicine.; 1986 (Spring). Graduate Medical Education. 6 0068 RESPONSIBLE HUMAN LIFE.; James J. p. Death, Suicide, Patients’ Rights, Allowing to McCARTNEY, OSA, Ph.D.; St. Vincent de Paul Die, Euthanasia. Seminary.; 1985 (Fall). Graduate. 5 p. Roman Catholicism, Medical Ethics, Physician Patient 0062 MEDICAL ETHICS AND THE LIFE SCIEN­ Relationship, Health Care, Decision Making, CES.; Thomas R. McCORMICK, D.Min.; Death, Reproduction. University of Washington, School of Medicine.; 1985 (Fall). Graduate Medical Education. 2 p. 0069 ETHICAL, LEGAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES IN Bioethics, Resource Allocation, Abortion, MEDICINE.; Edmund G. HOWE, M.D., J.D.; Handicapped, Newborns, Euthanasia, In­ Uniformed Serv. Univ. Hlth. Scl., Department of formed Consent, Psychosurgery, Genetic Inter­ Psychiatry.; 1985 (Fall). Graduate Medical vention. Education. 18 p. Physician Patient Relation­ ship, Allowing to Die, Abortion, Genetic Screen- 0063 SOCIAL ISSUES IN MEDICINE.; Peter C. ing, Selection for Treatment, Research WILLIAMS., J.D., Ph.D.; S.U.N.Y. Stony Brook, Subjects. School of Medicine.; 1985-86 (Winter). Graduate Medical Education. 5 p. Medical 0070 MEDICINE 665; Robert A. PEARLMAN, Ethics, Treatment Refusal, Patients’ Rights, M.D., M.P.H.; University of Washington, School Euthanasia, AIDS, Health Care, Economics, of Medicine.; 1983 (Summer). Graduate Medi­ Malpractice, Peer Review. cal Education 16 p. Medical Ethics, Values, Physicians, Euthanasia, Paternalism, Informed 0064 PLEASE LET ME DIE? (WORKSHOP).; Consent, Resource Allocation. Winifred PINCH, R.N., MS; Saint Anselm Col­ lege, Gadbois Nursing Center.; 1983. Continu­ 0071 MEDICAL ETHICS; Larry SCHNEIDER- MAN, M.D. Allen SNYDER, J.D.; University of

5 California, Dept, of Family/Community Med.; vention, Abortion, Handicapped, Newborns, 1986 (Winter). Graduate Medical Education. 4 Childbirth. p. Medical Ethics, Abortion, Genetic Screening, Newborns, Paternalism, Physician Patient 0079 MORALE ET VIE HUMAINE (THL-13242); Relationship, Resource Allocation, Euthanasia. Henri BEAUMONT ; Université Laval, Theology.; 1984 (Winter). Graduate. 4 p. Contraception, 0072 HUMAN VALUES IN MEDICINE; Walter A. Eugenics, Artificial Insemination, Abortion, MARKOWICZ, Ph.D.; Wayne State University, Death, Christian Ethics. School of Medicine.; Year I. Graduate Medical Education. 3 p. Death, Allowing to Die, Treat­ 0080 LE RESPECT DE LA VIE (THL-6017); Jac­ ment Refusal, Informed Consent, Resource Al­ ques FERLAND; Université du Quebec, Theol­ location, Sexuality, Genetic Screening. ogy.; n.d. Graduate. 1 p. Value of Life, Abortion, Euthanasia, Artificial Insemination, 0073 HUMAN VALUES IN MEDICINE; Walter A. Sterilization, Capital Punishment. MARKOWICZ, Ph.D.; Wayne State University, School of Medicine.; Year II. Graduate Medical 0081 THEOLOGY 300; Bernard MacDONALD; Education. 4 p. Decision Making, Values, Con­ St. Francis Xavier University, Theology.; n.d. fidentiality, Reproduction, Resuscitation, In­ Undergraduate. 2 p. Ethics, Reproductive formed Consent. Technologies, Genetic Intervention, Euthanasia, Abortion, Contraception. 0074 INFORMED CONSENT SEMINAR; Tom L. BEAUCHAMP, Ph.D.; Georgetown University, 0082 CHRISTIAN BIOETHICS; Rev. Michael Kennedy Institute of Ethics.; 1986 (Spring). PRIEUR; King’s College/St. Peter’s Sem., Graduate. 6 p. Informed Consent, Medical Theology.; 1983-84. 3 p. Christian Ethics, Ethics, Human Experimentation, Self Deter­ Bioethics, Decision Making, Abortion, Death, mination, Competence, Disclosure. Reproductive Technologies, Genetic Interven­ tion, Euthanasia. 0075 RELIGION AND SOCIAL ISSUES; D. McCANCE; University of Manitoba, St. John’s 0083 ETHICAL PROBLEMS OF LIFE AND College.; 1984-85. Undergraduate 9 p. Be­ DEATH; Bela SOMFAI, S.J.; Regis College, havior Control, Genetic Intervention, In Vitro Toronto School of Theology.; n.d. Graduate. Fertilization, Abortion, Death, Organ Transplan­ 27 p. Quality of Life, Value of Life, Genetic tation, Homosexuals. Intervention, Reproductive Technology, Euthanasia, Medical Ethics. 0076 CONTEMPORARY MORAL PROBLEMS (RS211); Dr. J. GOULET; Mount St. Vincent 0084 BIOETHICS; Hubert DOUCET; St. Paul University, Religion.; n.d. Undergraduate. 6 p. University, Theology.; 1985 (Winter). Christian Ethics. Graduate. 3 p. Prenatal Diagnosis, Newborns, Euthanasia, Allowing to Die, Nurses, Reproduc­ 0077 PROBLEMS IN BIO-MEDICAL ETHICS tive Technologies, Doctor-Patient Relationship. (RELN 361); Prof. SCHUMAKER; Queen’s University, Religion.; 1984-85. Undergraduate. 0085 DROIT DES PERSONNES; Edith 2 p. Medical Ethics, Death, Physician, Patient DELEURY; Université Laval, Faculté de Droit.; Relationship, Values, Psychotherapy, Morality. 1985 (Winter). Graduate. 2 p. Artificial Insemi­ nation, In Vitro Fertilization, Host Mothers, 0078 PRINCIPLES IN BIOMEDICAL ETHICS; Dr. Prenatal Diagnosis, Genetic Intervention. Dietmar LAGE; University of Windsor.; n.d. Graduate. 2 p. Contraception, Genetic Inter­ 0086 CURRENT ISSUES IN CANADIAN HEALTH CARE; Jan STORCH; University of Alberta,

6 Health Service Administration.; 1984-85. 9 p. Dentistry, Professional Ethics, Physician- Graduate. 22 p. Health Care Delivery, Patient Relationship. Resource Allocation, Medical Ethics, Informed Consent. 0094 BIO-MEDICAL ETHICS; E. WINKLER; University of British Columbia, Philosophy.; 0087 SELECTED TOPICS IN HEALTH SER­ n.d. Undergraduate. 3 p. Abortion, VICES ADMINISTRATION; Jan STORCH; Euthanasia, Physician-Patient Relationship, In­ University of Alberta, Health Services Ad­ formed Consent, Resource Allocation, Genetic ministration.; 1984-85. Graduate. 17 p. In­ Intervention. formed Consent, Death, Reproductive Technologies, Resource Allocation, Occupa­ 0095 BIOETHICS—AN INQUIRY INTO tional Diseases. SELECTED ISSUES; G. NATHAN D. URSINO; Brock, Biology/Philosophy.; n.d. Under­ 0088 ETHICS IN HEALTH CARE; Pran MANGA; graduate. 5 p. Genetic Intervention, Reproduc­ University of Ottawa, Administration.; 1984 tive Technologies, Abortion, Death, Euthanasia, (Fall). Graduate. 5 p. Genetic Intervention, Health Care Delivery, Behavior Control. Reproductive Technologies, Resource Alloca­ tion, Death, Euthanasia, Rights. 0096 BIOMEDICAL ETHICS; Mike BURGESS; Calgary, Philosophy.; n.d. Undergraduate. 2 0089 PROBLÈMES EN GESTION DES SER­ p. Ethics, Informed Consent, Death, VICES DE SANTÉ; Jacqueline FORTIN; Euthanasia, Human Experimentation, Resource Université de Montreal, Health Administration.; Allocation, Handicapped, Newborns, Abortion. 1986 (Winter). Graduate. 10 p. Ethics, Law, Medicine, Decision Making, Values, Con­ 0097 ETHICS AND MEDICINE; Susan SHER- science, Resource Allocation, Ethics Commit­ WIN; Dalhousie, Philosophy.; 1984 (Fall). Un­ tees. dergraduate. 14 p. Medical Ethics, Paternalism, Physician-Patient Relationship, 0090 DENTAL ETHICS AND JURISPRUDENCE; Nurses, Informed Consent, Disclosure, Human Peter GRAHAM; McGill University, Community Experimentation. Dentistry.; 1984-85. Graduate Dental Educa­ tion. 4 p. Dentistry, Professional Ethics, 0098 BIOÉTHIQUE ET PHILOSOPHIE; Andre Negligence. JEAN; Université Laval, Philosophy.; n.d. Graduate. 3 p. Medical Ethics. 0091 ETHICAL AND BUSINESS ASPECTS OF DENTAL PRACTICE, R.E. McDERMOTT, 0099 MORAL ISSUES; J.E. THOMAS; un­ D.D.S.; University of Saskatchewan, Comm, known, Philosophy/Religious Studies.; 1984- and Pediatric Dentistry.; n.d. Graduate Dental 85. Undergraduate. 3 p. Physician, Patient Education. 2 p. Dentistry, Professional Ethics, Relationship, Abortion, Genetic Screening, Physician-Patient Relationship, Economics. Death, Reproductive Technologies, Human Ex­ perimentation. 0092 COMMUNITY DENTISTRY; Prof. MAYHALL; University of Toronto, Dentistry.; 0100 ETHICAL ISSUES; B. CUPPLES; New 1984. Graduate Dental Education. 24 p. Den­ Brunswick, Philosophy.; 1983 [Fall]. Under­ tistry, Professional Ethics, Physician-Patient graduate. 3 p. Human Experimentation, Relationship. Euthanasia, Abortion, Death, Codes of Ethics, Patients’ Rights, Informed Consent. 0093 PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT; Wesley DUNN; University of Western Ontario, Den­ 0101 PHILOSOPHY 301; Pall S. ARDAI; tistry.; 1984 (Fall). Graduate Dental Education. Queen’s University, Philosophy.; 1985. 9 p.

7 Patients’ Rights, Paternalism, Abortion, Euthanasia, Human Experimentation, Informed 0109 MEDICAL ETHICS AND Consent. JURISPRUDENCE; J.A.L GILBERT; Univer­ sity of Alberta, School of Medicine.; 1984/85. 0102 BIOMEDICAL ETHICS; J.V. PENNA; St. Graduate Medical Education. 6 p. Professional Thomas More College, Philosophy.; 1984-85. Ethics, Law, Medicine, Informed Consent, Undergraduate. 3 p. Ethics, Personhood, Malpractice, Physician Patient Relationship. Patients’ Rights, Disclosure, Abortion, Death, Euthanasia, Resource Allocation, Human Ex­ 0110 BIOETHICS; Charles BODEMER E.H.W. perimentation. KLUGE; University of British Columbia, School of Medicine.; n.d. Seminar. 2 p. Bioethics, 0103 MORAL PROBLEMS IN THE HEALTH Decision Making, Paternalism. CARE OF THE AGED; D. ZIMMERMAN; Simon Fraser University, Philosophy.; Spring 1985. 0111 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT; J. WECKMAN; Undergraduate. 2 p. Aged, Euthanasia, Allow­ Dalhousie, School of Medicine.; 1984/85. ing to Die, Confidentiality, Death, Competence, Graduate Medical Education. 4 p. Law, Informed Consent, Disclosure, Justice. Medicine, Physician Patient Relationship, Death, Resource Allocation. 0104 [MEDICINE AND THE LAW] (4 COURSES); A. LYNCH; St. Michael’s College, Philosophy.; 0112 ÉTHIQUE MÉDICAL; David ROY, Ph.D. n.d. Undergraduate. 3 p. Ethics, Law, Harry GRANTHAM, M.D.; Université Laval, Medicine, Human Experimentation, Mental Philosophy.; n.d. Undergraduate. 14 p. Health, Values. Prolongation of Life, Aged, Abortion, Prenatal Diagnosis, Newborns, Handicapped, 0105 MORALITY, MEDICINE AND THE LAW; Psychiatry. L.W. SUMNER; University of Toronto, Philosophy.; 1984/Fall. Undergraduate. 4 p. 0113 ETHICAL ISSUES; Arnold JOHNSON Reproductive Technologies, Genetic Interven­ Stephen TOULMIN; McMaster University, tion, Abortion, Newborns, Euthanasia. School of Medicine.; 1983. Graduate Medical Education. 14 p. Informed Consent, Dis­ 0106 BIOMEDICAL ETHICS; Barry HOF- closure, Confidentiality, Prolongation of Life. FMASTER Gwen FRASER; University of Western Ontario, Philosophy.; 1984/85. Un­ 0114 MEDICAL ETHICS AND dergraduate. 3 p. Handicapped, Newborns, JURISPRUDENCE; David ROY, Ph.D.; McGill Paternalism, Treatment Refusal, Counseling, University, School of Medicine.; 1985/Spring. Confidentiality, Physician Patient Relationship. Graduate Medical Education. 14 p. Prolonga­ tion of Life, Informed Consent, Law, Medicine, 0107 ETHICS IN MEDICINE AND LAW; D. WAL­ Aged, Psychiatry. TON; University of Winnipeg, Philosophy.; n.d. Undergraduate. 2 p. Physician Patient 0115 TEACHING OF MEDICAL ETHICS; C. Relationship, Law, Medicine, Euthanasia, HEUGHAN, M.D. J. ROSS, M.D.; unknown; Decision Making. 1983. Graduate Medical Education. 6 p. Bioethics, Physician Patient Relationship, 0108 PROBLEMS IN BIOMEDICAL ETHICS; J. Human Experimentation, Handicapped, Ter­ NAPIER; Champlain Reg. Coll.-Lennoxville, minal Care, Aged. Philosophy.; 1984/Winter. Undergraduate. 3 p. Physician Patient Relationship, Human Ex­ 0116 QU’EST-CE QUE LA BIOÉTHIQUE; Guy perimentation, Euthanasia, Abortion, Behavior DURAND; Université de Montreal, School of Control, Genetic Intervention. Medicine.; 1984/85. Graduate Medical Educa­

8 tion. 27 p. Bioethics, Terminal Care, Undergraduate. 2 p. Bioethics, Law, Medicine, Euthanasia, Suicide, Abortion, Prenatal Diag­ Values, Decision Making. nosis, Sterilization, Mentally Handicapped. 0124 ÉTHIQUE MÉDICALE; Marcel J. 0117 MORAL SIDE OF MEDICINE; C. Donald MELANÇON, Ph.D.; Université Laval, MacNIVEN; York University, Philosophy.; Philosophy.; 1982. Undergraduate. 4 p. 1983/84. Undergraduate. 3 p. Bioethics, Reproductive Technologies, Sterilization, Abor­ Human Experimentation, Resource Allocation, tion, Suicide, Prenatal Diagnosis, Terminal Abortion, Physician Patient Relationship, Care, Sexuality. Euthanasia, Behavior Control. 0125 ISSUES IN PROFESSIONAL NURSING 0118 ETHICS FORUM: ETHICAL DILEMMAS IN AND HEALTH CARE; Myrtle CRAWFORD; MEDICINE; AlexM. BRYANS; Queen’s Univer­ University of Saskatchewan, College of Nurs­ sity, School of Medicine.; 1985/Spring. ing.; 1984/85. Undergraduate. 10 p. Nursing Graduate Medical Education. 4 p. Informed Ethics, Professional Ethics, Values, Self Deter­ Consent, Decision Making, Resource Alloca­ mination, Death, Physician Nurse Relationship. tion, Death, Professional Ethics, Ethics Commit­ tees, Human Experimentation. 0126 PROFESSIONAL, ETHICAL AND LEGAL ASPECTS OF NURSING; Abbyann LYNCH J. 0119 MAN, MEDICINE AND SOCIETY; K.R. WILSON; University of Toronto, College of HAIGHT; University of Saskatchewan, School Nursing.; 1985/Spring. Undergraduate. 16 p. of Medicine.; 1985/Spring. Graduate Medical Nursing Ethics, Physician Nurse Relationship, Education. 11 p. Paternalism, Decision Law, Medicine, Ethics. Making, Prolongation of Life, Abortion, Treat­ ment Refusal, Bioethics. 0127 NURSING AND HEALTH NEEDS; STAFF; Foothills Hospital, School of Nursing.; n.d. Un­ 0120 MEDICAL HUMANITIES; Abbyann dergraduate. 10 p. Nursing Ethics, Values, LYNCH; University of Toronto, School of Decision Making, Professional Ethics. Medicine.; n.d. Graduate Medical Education. 6 p. Genetic Intervention, Informed Consent, 0128 HEALTH SCIENCES ETHICS; Marilynn Death, Psychiatry, Religion, Abortion, Mentally BERG; Grant MacEwan Community College, Handicapped, Bioethics. Health Science.; 1985/Spring. Undergraduate. 5 p. Ethics, Informed Consent, Death, Human 0121 MEDICINE AND SOCIETY; STAFF; Experimentation, Abortion, Reproductive Tech­ University of Western Ontario, School of nologies, Professional Ethics. Medicine.; 1985/Winter. Graduate Medical Education. 2 p. Confidentiality, Law, Medicine, 0129 ETHICS IN THE HEALTH SCIENCES; Abortion, Euthanasia, Terminal Care, Prenatal STAFF; British Columbia Inst, of Tech., Con­ Diagnosis, Living Wills. tinuing Education.; n.d. Continuing Education. 3 p. Professional Ethics, Decision Making, 0122 PROFESSIONAL ISSUES [IN NURSING]; Values. J. ERICKSEN M. REGESTER; University of British Columbia, School of Nursing.; 0130 PROFESSIONAL, ETHICAL AND MORAL 1985/Spring. Undergraduate. 4 p. Nursing ISSUES IN NURSING; G. SINCLAIR Veronica Ethics. M. ROCHFORD; College of New Caledonia, Health Sciences.; 1983/Spring. Under­ 0123 PROBLÈMES CONTEMPORAINS graduate. 22 p. Nursing Ethics, Rights, D'ÉTHIQUE; Marcel J. MELANÇON, Ph.D.; Decision Making, Death, Resource Allocation. Université Laval, Philosophy.; 1984/Winter.

9 0131 PATIENT RIGHTS AND RESPON­ 0140 INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS; STAFF; SIBILITIES; C. McFADYEN; Okanagan Col­ Cambrian Coll. Appl. Arts & Sci., School of lege, Health Science.; 1983. Undergraduate. 6 Nursing.; 1984/Fall. Undergraduate. 6 p. p. Nursing Ethics, Patients’ Rights, Informed Nursing Ethics, Communications. Consent. 0141 BIOÉTHIQUE PROFESS I ON ELLE; 0132 PROFESSIONAL SEMINARS; STAFF; STAFF; C.E.G.E.P. Hautrive, School of Nurs­ Camosun College, School of Nursing.; ing.; n.d. Undergraduate. 3 p. Reproductive 1984/Winter. Undergraduate. 17 p. Nursing Technologies, Value of Life, Abortion, Bioethics, Ethics, Law, Medicine, Confidentiality. Contraception.

0133 CORE ON ETHICS AND MORAL 0142 MEDICINE, ETHICS AND THE LAW; S.T. DECISION MAKING; STAFF; Grace General FIRTH, M.D.; University of Ottawa, School of Hospital, School of Nursing.; 1984/Summer. Medicine.; 1984/Fall. Graduate Medical Undergraduate. 7 p. Nursing Ethics, Values, Education. 10 p. Euthanasia, Law, Medicine, Decision Making, Euthanasia. Informed Consent, Confidentiality, Reproduc­ tive Technologies, Death. 0134 NURSES MORAL/ETHICAL RESPON­ SIBILITIES; STAFF; Red River Community Col­ 0143 ADVANCED SEMINAR IN THE ETHICAL lege, School of Nursing.; 1983/Spring. DIMENSIONS OF MEDICAL PRACTICE; Undergraduate. 3 p. Ethics, Nursing Ethics, Stephen WEAR, Ph.D.; S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo, Economics, Biomedical Technologies. Philosophy Department.; n.d. Graduate Medi­ cal Education. 2 p. Euthanasia, Handicapped, 0135 GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT; STAFF; Physician Patient Relationship, Rights. Grace General Hospital, School of Nursing.; 1984/Spring. Undergraduate. 7 p. Nursing 0144 CLINICAL DECISION MAKING; David G. Ethics, Patients’ Rights. SMITH; Temple University, School of Medicine.; 1986/Spring. Graduate Medical 0136 NURSING-PROFESSIONAL DEVELOP­ Education. 16 p. Physician Patient Relation­ MENT; STAFF; Aberdeen Hospital, School of ship, Informed Consent, Rights, Self Determina­ Nursing.; n.d. Undergraduate. 7 p. Nursing tion, Beneficence. Ethics, Patients’ Rights, Values, Rights, Dis­ closure, Decision Making. 0145 PROSEMINAR IN BIOETHICS; LeRoy WALTERS, Ph.D.; Georgetown University, Ken­ 0137 MORAL DILEMMAS OF THE 80’S; Mary nedy Institute of Ethics.; 1986/Fall. Graduate. FENWICK; Sir Stanford Flemming College, 6 p. Bioethics, Human Experimentation, School of Nursing.; 1984/Winter. Under­ Reproductive Technologies. graduate. 2 p. Nursing Ethics, Ethics. 0146 ADVANCED BIOETHICS; J.E. THOMAS; 0138 NURSING PROCESS AND COMMUNICA­ unknown Philosophy.; 1984/1985. Under­ TIONS; STAFF; Sheridan College, School of graduate. 2 p. Euthanasia, Allowing to Die, Nursing.; 1983/Fall. Undergraduate. 9 p. Newborns, Death, Quality of Life, Handicapped, Nursing Ethics, Codes of Ethics, Ethics. Genetic Screening.

0139 PROFESSIONAL ETHICS; STAFF; Cen­ 0147 SÉMINAIRE INTERDISCIPLINAIRE DE tennial Col. Appl. Art & Sci., School of Nursing.; RECHERCHE EN ÉTHIQUE MÉDICALE; Mar­ 1983/Fall. Undergraduate. 21 p. Nursing cel J. MELANÇON; Université Laval, Depart­ Ethics, Codes of Ethics, Law, Communication. ment of Philosophy.; 1985/Winter. Graduate. 2 p. Reproductive Technologies, In Vitro Fer-

10 tilization, Host Mothers, Artificial Insemination, School of Medicine.; 1985/1986. Graduate Genetic Intervention. Medical Education. 5 p. Paternalism, Informed Consent, Disclosure, Confidentiality, Genetic 0148 DECISION MAKING IN MEDICINE; Dlet- Intervention, Newborns, Handicapped, mar LAGE; University of Windsor, Department Biomedical Research. of Philosophy.; n.d. Undergraduate. 1 p. Euthanasia, Resource Allocation, Physician 0156 PHILOSOPHY AND MEDICINE II; Loretta Patient Relationship, Confidentiality, Behavior KOPELMAN, M.D.; East Carolina University, Control, Disclosure, Psychiatry. School of Medicine.; 1985/1986. Graduate Medical Education. 5 p. Values, Allowing to 0149 LES SUICIDES: INTERPRÉTATION CUL­ Die, Literature, Medicine, Abortion, Resource TURELLE ET INTERROGATIONS ÉTHIQUE; Allocation.. Houbert DOUCET; St. Paul University, Theol­ ogy Department.; n.d. Graduate. 1 p. Suicide. 0157 RESPONSIBILITIES OF MEDICAL PRAC­ TICE; Albert JONSEN, Ph.D. William 0150 CONVICTIONS ÉTHIQUES ET POLITI­ ATCHLEY, M.D.; U. of Cal./San Francisco, QUES ET SOCIALES DANS LES SOCIETES School of Medicine.; 1986/Spring. Graduate PLURALISTES; Hubert DOUCET; St. Paul Medical Education. 58 p. (Oversize; $10.) University, Theology Department.; 1984-1985. Death, Physician Patient Relationship, AIDS, Undergraduate. 1 p. Law, Morality, Abortion, Law, Medicine, Allowing to Die, Informed Con­ Euthanasia, Reproductive Technologies. sent, Sexuality.

0151 SEX, TECHNOLOGY AND MORALITY; 0158 ETHICAL AND LEGAL DECISIONS FOR Verna CASE Lance STELL; Davidson College, THE CRITICAL AND TERMINAL PATIENT; Al­ Biology Department.; 1986/Spring. Under­ bert JONSEN, Ph.D.; U. of Cal./San Francisco, graduate. 4 p. Reproductive Technologies, School of Medical Ethics.; 1985/Spring. Genetic Intervention, Newborns, Handicapped, Graduate Medical Education. 8 p. Terminally Genetic Screening, Contraception.. III, Physician Patient Relationship, Informed Consent, Minors, Economics, Patient Care. 0152 PERSPECTIVES IN VETERINARY MEDICINE; STAFF; Michigan State University, 0159 THE BODY AND ITS PARTS AS PROPER­ College of Veterinary Medicine.; 1985/Fall. TY; James F. CHILDRESS, Ph.D.; Georgetown Graduate Veterinary Medicine. 3 p. Veterinary University, Kennedy Institute of Ethics.; Ethics. 1987/Spring. Graduate. 4 p. Law, Medicine, Organ Transplantation, Religion, Reproductive 0153 AGING, ETHICS AND HEALTH CARE FOR Technologies. THE ELDERLY; Steven LIPSON, M.D., M.P.H. Laurence B. McCULLOUGH, Ph.D.; Geor­ 0160 ETHICAL ISSUES IN PEDIATRICS getown University, School of Medicine.; MEDICINE; Frederic D. BURG, M.D. Frank M. 1985/Fall. Graduate Medical Education. 3 p. HARRAN, M.Div.; University of Pennsylvania, Aged, Health Care, Paternalism, Competence. School of Medicine.; n.d. Graduate Medical Education. 4 p. Ethics, Confidentiality, Self 0154 LITERATURE AND MEDICINE; Loretta Determination, Resource Allocation, Physician KOPELMAN, M.D.; East Carolina University, Patient Relationship, Informed Consent, Allow­ School of Medicine.; 1985/1986. Graduate ing to Die. Medical Education. 1 p. Literature, Medicine.. 0161 GRADUATE SEMINAR IN MEDICAL 0155 PHILOSOPHY AND MEDICINE I; Loretta EDUCATION; David S. SMITH, M.D. Susan C. KOPELMAN, M.D.; East Carolina University, DAY, M.D., M.P.H.; University of Pennsylvania,

11 School of Medicine.; 1985/1986. Graduate 0168 ETHICS AND MEDICINE: A SURVEY; Earl Medical Education. 2 p. AIDS, Terminally III, In SHELP, Ph.D.; Baylor University, College of Vitro Fertilization, Newborns, Economics, Medicine.; n.d./Summer. Graduate Medical Handicapped, Allowing to Die, Informed Con­ Education. 3 p. Literature, Medicine, Physician sent. Patient Relationship.

0162 MEDICAL ETHICS; Chris HACKLER, 0169 MEDICAL ETHICS: THE FOUNDATION OF Ph.D.; U. Arkansas for Medical Sciences, CLINICAL CARE; Bernard TOWERS, M.D.; U. Division of Medical Humanities.; 1985/Fall. California at Los Angeles, School of Medicine.; Graduate Medical Education. 5 p. Informed 1986. Graduate Medical Education. 3 p. In­ Consent, Treatment Refusal, Confidentiality, formed Consent, Human Experimentation, Ter­ Euthanasia, Resource Allocation, Physician minally III, Abortion, Resource Allocation, Patient Relationship. Death, Euthanasia.

0163 BIOMEDICAL ETHICS; Chris HACKLER, 0171 ETHICS AND THE HEALTH PROFES­ Ph.D. Dorle VAWTER, M.A.; U. Arkansas for SIONS; Ernest WALLWORK; Syracuse Univer­ Medical Sciences, Division of Medical sity, Department of Religion.; 1986/Fall. Humanities.; 1986/Spring. Graduate Medical Graduate, Upper Level Undergraduate. 3 p. Education. 4 p. Physician Patient Relationship, Ethics, Treatment Refusal, Paternalism, In­ Economics, Competence, Paternalism, In­ formed Consent, Confidentiality, Human Ex­ formed Consent, Organ Transplantation, AIDS, perimentation, Euthanasia. Psychiatry, Death. 0171 ETHICS AND THE HEALTH PROFES­ 0164 MEDICAL ETHICS I; Ernie YOUNG, Ph.D.; SIONS; Thomas CURLEY Joel POTASH; Le- Stanford University, School of Medicine.; Moyne College, Philosophy Department.; 1986/Winter. Graduate Medical Education. 3 p. 1986/Spring. Graduate and Upper Level Under­ Resource Allocation, Terminally III, Reproduc­ graduate. 4 p. Ethics, Treatment Refusal, tive Technologies, Allowing to Die, Newborns, Patients’ Rights, Human Experimentation, Confidentiality, Paternalism. Physician Patient Relationship, Euthanasia, Resource Allocation. 0165 MEDICAL ETHICS II; Ernie YOUNG, Ph.D.; Stanford University, School of Medicine.; 0172 ETHICS AND THE HEALTH PROFES­ 1986/Spring. Graduate Medical Education. 5 SIONS; Robert W. DALY Robert FLOWER; p. Ethics, Genetic Intervention, Handicapped State University of New York, Health Sciences Newborns, AIDS, Economics, Organ Center.; 1984/Spring. Graduate and Upper Transplantation. Level Undergraduate. 4 p. Allowing to Die, Paternalism, Death, Abortion, Ethics, Rights, 0166 BIOETHICAL ISSUES; Byron CHELL, J.D.; Genetic Intervention. U. California Davis, School of Medicine.; n.d./Spring. Graduate Medical Education. 3 p. 0173 CONCEPT OF NURSING XIX; Sharon Informed Consent, Allowing to Die, Reproduc­ MULLEN; Ohio University, School of Nursing; tive Technologies, Organ Transplantation, 1986 (Fall). Undergraduate. 18 p. Nursing Handicapped, Newborns, Abortion. Ethics, Decision Making, Values, Ethics.

0167 SEXUALITY AND BIOETHICS; Earl 0174 ETHICAL DECISION MAKING FOR NUR­ SHELP, Ph.D.; Baylor University, College of SES; Jeanne GELMAN; Widener University, Medicine.; n.d. Graduate Medical Education. School of Nursing; 1987 (Fall). Undergraduate. 3 p. Morality, Sexuality, AIDS. 5 p. Nursing Ethics, Decision Making, Values.

12 0175 DYNAMICS OF PROFESSIONAL PRAC­ Ethics, Ethics, Codes of Ethics, Rights, Death, TICE; Joanne GUENDLING; Ball State Univer­ Self Determination, Resource Allocation. sity, School of Nursing; n.d. Undergraduate. 8 p. Nursing Ethics, Law, Public Policy, Health 0183 ISSUES OF NURSING II; Suzanne Care. GROSS, Patricia SIMONI; West Virginia Univer­ sity, School of Nursing. 1987-88. Under­ 0176 ETHICAL ISSUES IN HEALTH CARE; graduate. 93 p. (Oversize; $10.) Nursing Ethics, Judith ERLEN; University of Pittsburgh, School Values, Decision Making. of Nursing; 1987 (Fall). Undergraduate. 25 p. Nursing Ethics, Ethics, Values, Rights, 0184 ISSUES OF NURSING III; Jessie SAMS; Reproductive Technologies, Handicapped, West Virginia University, School of Nursing; Death, Informed Consent, Public Policy. 1987 (Spring). Undergraduate. 106 p. (Over­ size; $10.) Nursing Ethics, Ethics, Values, 0177 VALUE ANALYSIS IN NURSING; Marlon Human Experimentation, Rights, Reproductive ANEMA; Texas Women’s University, College of Technologies, Handicapped, Newborns, Nursing; n.d. Undergraduate. 3 p. Nursing Euthanasia. Ethics, Values, Decision Making, Ethics, Health Care Delivery, Law. 0185 GENETICS IN MEDICINE: HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL PERSPECTIVES; Eric 0178 ETHICAL DIMENSIONS OF NURSING JUENGST, Ph.D.; University of San Francisco, PRACTICE; Jane COON; University of School of Medicine; 1987 (Fall). Graduate Michigan, School of Nursing; n.d. Under­ Medical Education. 4 p. Genetic Intervention, graduate. 7 p. Nursing Ethics, Ethics, Decision Genetic Counseling, Gene Therapy, Prenatal Making, Professional Ethics, Values, Morality, Diagnosis. Patients’ Rights. 0186 RESPONSIBILITIES OF MEDICAL PRAC­ 0179 ETHICS IN HEALTH CARE; Minerva AP­ TICE; Albert JONSEN, Ph.D.; University of San PLEGATE; University of South Florida, College Francisco, School of Medicine; 1987 (May). of Nursing; 1987 (Fall). Undergraduate. 3 p. Graduate Medical Education. 90 p. (Oversize; Nursing Ethics, Decision Making, Ethics, Health $10.) Allowing to Die, Informed Consent, Law, Care. Medicine, Economics, Resource Allocation.

0180 PROFESSIONAL DIMENSIONS OF NURS­ 0187 ETHICAL DIMENSIONS OF CLINICAL ING; Barbara TALENTO; California State MEDICINE; Stephen WEAR; State University University at Fullerton, School of Nursing; n.d. of New York at Buffalo, School of Medicine; Undergraduate. 27 p. Nursing Ethics, Ethics, 1985 (December). Graduate Medical Educa­ Law, Professional Ethics, Decision Making, tion. 3 p. Ethics, Law, Informed Consent, Patients’ Rights. Economics, Euthanasia, Competence, Allowing to Die, Paternalism. 0181 LEGAL AND ETHICAL ACCOUNTABILITY IN CLIENT CARE; Marg HEGGE; South 0188 BIOETHICS AND THE LAW; Henry MINI- Dakota State University, College of Nursing; CH, J.D.; University of Miami, School of Law; n.d. Undergraduate. 3 p. Nursing Ethics, Law, 1986 (Fall). Graduate Legal Education. 4 p. Medicine, Ethics. Law, Ethics, Informed Consent, Human Ex­ perimentation, Organ Transplantation, 0182 ETHICS FOR PROFESSIONALS IN NURS­ Resource Allocation, Death, Allowing to Die, ING; John LINCOURT; University of North Newborns, Reproductive Technologies, Abor­ Carolina, Department of Philosophy; 1986 tion, Genetic Intervention. (Fall). Undergraduate/Graduate. 5 p. Nursing

13 0189 SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN BIOETHICS; John C. FLETCHER, Ph.D.; National Institutes 0196 MEDICAL ETHICS AND A THEOLOGY OF of Health, Foundation for the Advancement of HEALTH; Charles VILLA-VICENCIO, John DE Education in Science; 1987 (Spring). Graduate. GRUCHY; (unknown); 1988. Graduate. 5 p. 45 p. Ethics, Prenatal Diagnosis, Genetic Inter­ Ethics, Reproductive Technologies, Abortion, vention, In Vitro Fertilization, Animal Experimen­ Allowing to Die, Resource Allocation, Physician tation, Human Experimentation, Allowing to Die, Patient Relationship, Religion, Death. AIDS, Newborns. 0197 ETHICS AND ITS APPLICATION TO AD­ 0190 ETHICS AND GENETIC TECHNOLOGIES; VANCED PROFESSIONAL NURSING; Carol LeRoy WALTERS, Ph.D.; Georgetown Univer­ GILBERT; Pace University, Llenhard School of sity, Kennedy Institute of Ethics; 1987 (Spring). Nursing; 1987 (Fall). Undergraduate/Graduate. Graduate. 6 p. Genetic Intervention, Gene 5 p. Nursing Ethics, Ethics, Decision Making, Therapy, GenetiG Counseling. Values, Codes of Ethics.

0191 BIOETHICS AND THE LAW; Alan WEIS- 0198 HUMAN VALUES: EXPERIMENTATION BARD, J.D.; Yeshiva University, Cardozo ON HUMAN SUBJECTS; Eric MESLIN, Ph.D.; School of Law; 1986 (Fall). Graduate Legal University of Toronto, Sunnybrook Medical Education. 7 p. Organ Transplantation, Human Centre, Clinical Ethics Centre; 1988 (Fall). Experimentation, Informed Consent, Death, Al­ Graduate Medical Education. 9 p. Human Ex­ lowing to Die, Resource Allocation, Reproduc­ perimentation, Informed Consent, Codes of tive Technologies, Genetic Intervention. Ethics, Ethics Committee, Aged, AIDS.

0192 THEORIES OF MEDICAL ETHICS; Robert 0199 ETHICAL ISSUES IN NURSING; Martin VEATCH, Ph.D.; Georgetown University, Ken­ BENJAMIN, Joy CURTIS; Michigan State nedy Institute of Ethics; 1987. Graduate. 12 p. University, Department of Philosophy; 1987 Ethics, Professional Ethics, Religious Ethics, (Winter). Undergraduate. 3 p. Ethics, Nursing Codes of Ethics. Ethics, Public Policy, Physician Nurse Relation­ ship. 0193 MEDICAL ETHICS AND JURISPRUDENCE; STAFF; McGill University, 0200 ETHICS; Richard SCHOENIG; San An­ Faculty of Medicine; 1987 (Spring). Graduate tonio College, Nursing Education; n.d. Under­ Medical Education. 16 p. Health Care, Informed graduate. 1 p. Ethics, Morality. Consent, Allowing to Die, Malpractice, Law, Newborns, Handicapped, Organ Transplanta­ 0201 PROFESSIONAL NURSING; STAFF; Mid­ tion, AIDS. western State University, Health Sciences Division; 1988 (Spring). Undergraduate. 4 p. 0194 THEOLOGY AND BIOETHICS; John R. Nursing Ethics, Values, Paternalism, Profes­ WILLIAMS; Clinical Research Institute of sional Ethics. Montreal; n.d. (Fall). Graduate. 4 p. Bioethics, Organ Transplantation, Religious Ethics, Death, 0202 ETHICS; David LAW; San Antonio Col­ Informed Consent. lege, Nursing Education; n.d. Undergraduate. 1 p. Ethics. 0195 MEDICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SO­ CIAL IMPLICATIONS OF AIDS; Ralph 0203 BIOETHICS FOR NURSES; Daniel Ch. JOHNSTON; State University of New York at OVERDUIN; Dietrich Bonhoffer International Stonybrook, School of Allied Health Profes­ Institute for Bioethical Studies (Adelaide, sions; 1987 (February). Graduate Medical Australia); 1987 (December). Graduate. 196 p. Education. 7 p. AIDS, Decision Making. (Oversize; $10.) Bioethics, Abortion, Codes of

14 Ethics, Abortion, Handicapped, Aged, Patients’ Rights, Human Experimentation, Reproductive Technologies, AIDS, Right to Reproductive Technologies, Genetic Interven­ Treatment, Genetic Intervention, Self Deter­ tion, Organ Transplantation, Allowing to Die, mination. Newborns.

0204 ETHICS; Kit CHRISTENSEN; Bemidji 0211 CIVIL RIGHTS OF HANDICAPPED PER­ State University, Philosophy Department; 1987 SONS; Stanley HERR; University of Maryland, (Spring). Undergraduate. 1 p. Allowing to Die, School of Law; 1987 (Spring). Graduate Legal Suicide, War, Handicapped, Newborns, Abor­ Education. 5 p. Law, Handicapped, Involuntary tion, Animal Experimentation. Civil Commitment, Rights, Resource Allocation, Informed Consent, Right to Treatment, Treat­ 0205 ETHICS IN NURSING: A CASE ANALYSIS ment Refusal, Patients’ Rights. APPROACH; Judith ERLEN, Ph.D.; University of Pittsburgh, School of Nursing; 1986 (Winter). 0212 ANTITRUST AND HEALTH CARE SEMI­ Undergraduate. 6 p. Ethics, Nursing Ethics, NAR; NOONBERG; University of Maryland, Paternalism, Confidentiality, Self Determina­ School of Law; 1987 (Fall). Graduate Legal tion, Informed Consent, Patients’ Rights. Education. 4 p. Law, Economics, Resource Al­ location. 0206 ETHICAL ISSUES IN HEALTH CARE; Winifred PINCH; St. Anselm College, Depart­ 0213 LAW AND PSYCHIATRY; Jonas RAP- ment of Nursing; 1988 (Spring). Under­ PEPORT, J.D. Ellen CALLEGARY, J.D.; Univer­ graduate. 11 p. Ethics, Abortion, Reproductive sity of Maryland, School of Law; n.d. (Fall). Technologies, Genetic Intervention, Human Ex­ Graduate Legal Education. 4 p. Law, Involuntary perimentation, Informed Consent, Allowing to Civil Commitment, Dangerousness, Treatment Die, Newborns, Organ Transplantation, In­ Refusal, Right to Treatment, Informed Consent, voluntary Civil Commitment, AIDS, Sexuality. Confidentiality, Malpractice.

0207 LAW AND MEDICINE; Karen ROTHEN- 0214 LEGAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUES IN BERG; University of Maryland, School of Law; BIOTECHNOLOGY; STAFF; University of 1988 (Fall). Graduate Legal Education. 2 p. Law, Maryland, School of Law; n.d. Graduate Legal Medicine, Informed Consent, Malpractice. Education. 5 p. Law, Medicine, Genetic Inter­ vention, Public Policy, Genetic Counseling, 0208 LAW AND MEDICINE; Karen ROTHEN- Confidentiality. BERG; University of Maryland, School of Law; 1987 (Fall). Graduate Legal Education. 3 p. Law, 0215 LEGAL PROBLEMS OF THE ELDERLY; Medicine, Professional Ethics, Physician David AFFELDT; University of Maryland, Patient Relationship, Informed Consent, AIDS, School of Law; 1986 (Fall). Graduate Legal Allowing to Die. Education. 6 p. Law, Allowing to Die, Aged.

0209 HEALTH CARE LAW; Karen ROTHEN- 0216 LEGAL AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF THE BERG; University of Maryland, School of Law; ELDERLY, STAFF, University of Maryland, n.d. (Spring). Graduate Legal Education. 2 p. School of Law; n.d.(Fall). Graduate Legal Healthcare, Law, Economics, Resource Alloca­ Education. 11 p. Aged, Law, Economics, Public tion. Policy, Health Care, Living Wills, Allowing to Die, Decision Making. 0210 LAW AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES SEMI­ NAR; Karen ROTHENBERG; University of 0217 INTERDISCIPLINARY COURSE ON SPE­ Maryland, School of Law; 1988 (Fall). Graduate CIAL TOPICS IN HEALTH CARE; STAFF; Legal Education. 5 p. Professional Ethics, Law, University of Maryland, School of Law; n.d.

15 Graduate Legal Education. 2 p. Law, Public Transplantation, Allowing to Die, Reproductive Policy, Economics, Health Care, Ethics, Technologies, Competence. Physician Patient Relationship. 0225 HEALTH LAW SEMINAR; Roger 0218 BIOETHICS; George SMITH, J.D.; SCHWARTZ; Georgetown University Law Cen­ Catholic University, School of Law; 1988 (Fall). ter; 1988 (Spring). Graduate Legal Education. Graduate Legal Education. 1 p. Bioethics, Law, 7 p. Law, Resource Allocation, Public Policy, Allowing to Die, Reproductive Technologies, Economics, Health Care. Behavior Control. 0226 HEALTH CARE REGULATION; Susan 0219 LAW AND MEDICINE; STROUD; Indiana MARTYN; University of Toledo, School of Law; University, School of Law; 1988 (Spring). 1988 (Fall). Graduate Legal Education. 4 p. Law, Graduate Legal Education. 8 p. Law, Codes of Health Care, Physician Patient Relationship, Ethics, Bioethics, Allowing to Die, Living Wills, Economics, Resource Allocation. Informed Consent, AIDS. 0227 LAW, MEDICINE AND SCIENCE; Susan 0220 HEALTH LAW; Mitchell SIMON; Franklin MARTYN, University of Toledo, College of Law; Pierce Law Center; 1988 (Fall). Graduate Legal 1987 (Fall). Graduate Legal Education. 5 p. Education. 2 p. Law, Physician Patient Relation­ Professional Ethics, Law, Values, Human Ex­ ship, Informed Consent, Allowing to Die, AIDS, perimentation, Allowing to Die, Organ Reproductive Technologies, Newborns, Hand­ Transplantation, Resource Allocation. icapped, Malpractice, Economics, Resource Al­ location. 0228 LAW AND MEDICINE; EATON; University of Georgia, School of Law; 1986 (Fall). 0221 BIOETHICS SEMINAR; Sandra Graduate Legal Education. 4 p. Law, Medicine, JOHNSON, Ph.D. Dennis BRODEUR, Ph.D.; Physician Patient Relationship, Informed Con­ St. Louis University, Center for Health Law sent, Treatment Refusal. Studies; 1988 (Spring). Graduate Legal Educa­ tion. 2 p. Ethics, Allowing to Die, Ethics Commit­ 0229 ETHICS SEMINAR I; Marcia Sue DEWOLF; tees, Professional Ethics, Competence. Marion College, School of Nursing; 1987 (Fall). Undergraduate. 14 p. Ethics, Codes of Ethics, 0222 SELECTED ISSUES IN HEALTH POLICY Nursing Ethics, Patients’ Rights, Values, AND LAW; Peter SCHUCK; Yale University, Resource Allocation, Professional Ethics, School of Law; 1981 (Fall). Graduate Legal Decision Making. Education. 10 p. Law, Health Care, Public Policy, Economics, Resource Allocation. 0230 LAW AND MEDICINE; Alexander M. CAPRON, J.D.; University of Southern Califor­ 0223 MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY AND CRITICAL nia, School of Law; 1988 (Spring). Graduate DECISIONS; Ted DUCAS Alan SHUCHAT; Legal Education. 6 p. Law, Professional Ethics, Wellesley College, Physics and Mathematics; Informed Consent, Paternalism, Competence, 1988 (Spring). Undergraduate. 4 p. Genetic In­ Treatment Refusal, AIDS, Disclosure, Organ tervention, Genetic Counseling, Prenatal Diag­ Transplantation, Allowing to Die, Reproductive nosis, Decision Making. Technologies.

0224 HEALTH LAW; Leslie ESPINOZA; Univer­ 0231 THE PHYSICIAN IN SOCIETY; Alexander sity of Arizona, School of Law; 1988. Graduate M. CAPRON, J.D.; University of Southern Legal Education. 5 p. Law, Health Care, Public California, School of Medicine; 1987 (Decem­ Policy, Economics, Resource Allocation, Organ ber). Graduate Medical Education. 14 p. Law, Hospitals, Economics, Resource Allocation,

16 Human Experimentation, Allowing to Die, Malpractice. 0238 MEDICAL ETHICS SEMINAR; Nancy S. JECKER, M.D.; University of Washington, 0232 ETHICS SEMINAR II; Marcia Sue School of Medicine; 1988 (Fall). Graduate DEWOLF; Marion College, School of Nursing; Medical Education. 3 p. Abortion, Euthanasia, 1988 (Spring). Undergraduate. 28 p. Decision Reproductive Technologies, Justice, Health Making, Morality, Law, Values, Sexuality, Care, Professional Ethics, AIDS, Patients’ Euthanasia, Abortion, Death. Rights, Right to Treatment.

0233 LAW AND AGING SEMINAR; Daniel 0239 ETHICAL ASPECTS OF THE SKOLER Charles P. SABATINO; Georgetown PHYSICIAN/HIV PATIENT RELATIONSHIP; University Law Center; 1987 (Fall). Graduate David SMITH, Ph.D. University of South Florida, Legal Education. 3 p. Aged, Law, Economics, School of Medicine; 1988 (August). Graduate Competence, Decision Making, Allowing to Die. Medical Education. 14p. AIDS, Confidentiality, Moral Obligations. 0234 MEDICINE AND ETHICS; Eric JUENGST, Ph.D.; Pennsylvania State University, Hershey 0240 SEMINAR IN THE ETHICS OF HEALTH Medical Center; 1988 (Fall). Graduate Medical CARE; Helen JENKINS and Daniel ROTHBART, Education. 6 p. Disclosure, Informed Consent, George Mason University, School of Nursing Confidentiality, Decision Making, Allowing to and Department of Religion and Philosophy; Die, Euthanasia, Reproductive Technologies, 1989 (Spring). Graduate Nursing Education. 19 Physician Patient Relationship, Moral Obliga­ p. Ethics, Informed Consent, Physician Patient tions, Resource Allocation, Values. Relationship, Rights, Euthanasia, Codes of Ethics, Self Determination, Resource Alloca­ 0235 HEALTH LAW SEMINAR; Charles CUL­ tion. VER, M.D., Ph.D. Coralea WENNBERG, J.D.; Dartmouth Medical School; 1988 (Fall). 0241 JUSTICE AND HEALTH CARE; Madison Graduate Medical Education. 7 p. Informed POWERS J.D., Ph.D.; Georgetown University, Consent, Treatment Refusal, Death, Allowing to Kennedy Institute of Ethics; 1989 (Fall). Die, Living Wills, Ethics Committees, AIDS, Graduate. 10 p. Justice, Health Care, Ethics, Handicapped, Newborns, Malpractice. Resource Allocation, Rights, Decision Making, Aged, Informed Consent. 0236 LAW, MEDICINE AND PUBLIC POLICY; Charles H. BARON, J.D.; Boston College Law 0242 PROSEMINAR: BIOETHICS; Madison School; 1988 (Fall). Graduate Legal Education. POWERS J.D., Ph.D.; Georgetown University, 3 p. Physician Patient Relationship, Confiden­ Kennedy Institute of Ethics; 1989 (Fall). tiality, Disclosure, Informed Consent, Death, Graduate. 10p. Bioethics, Ethics, Self Deter­ Resource Allocation, Self Determination, Allow­ mination, Allowing to Die, Justice, Beneficence, ing to Die, Competence, Reproductive Tech­ Human Experimentation, Public Policy. nologies. 0243 MANAGING OUR MIRACLES; Margaret B. 0237 HEALTH LAW; Wendy PARMET, J.D.; BRITTON; Kentucky Wesleyan College, Be­ Northeastern University, School of Law; 1988 havioral Sciences; 1989 (Fall). Undergraduate. (Fall). Graduate Legal Education. 5 p. Right to 2 p. AIDS, Reproductive Technologies, Con­ Treatment, Resource Allocation, AIDS, fidentiality, Allowing to Die, Abortion, Economics, Health Care, Informed Consent, Economics, Aged. Confidentiality, Reproductive Technologies, Competence, Allowing to Die, Handicapped, 0244 PROBLEMES DE BIOETHIQUE; Eric Newborns, Human Experimentation. FUCHS and Jean-Marie THEVOZ; Université de Geneve, Faculte Autonome de Theologie 0251 ETHICS FOR CLINICIANS; Henry S. Protestante; 1989 (Summer). Graduate. 2 p. PERKINS, Ph.D.; University of Texas Health Bioethics, Reproductive Technologies, Prenatal Sciences Center at San Antonio, Department of Diagnosis, Genetic Intervention, Euthanasia, Medicine; 1989 (Winter). Continuing Medical Human Experimentation, Abortion, Suicide, Education. 8p. Bioethics, Physician Patient Resource Allocation. Relationship, Justice, Resource Allocation, Abortion, Newborns, Euthanasia, Ethics Com­ 0245 MEDICAL ETHICS; Larry G. SELLERS, mittees, Informed Consent, Competence. Ph.D.; Louisiana Tech University, Department of Zoology; 1989 (Summer). Undergraduate. 2p. 0252 ETHICS OF TERMINAL CARE; Robert M. Ethics, Abortion, Euthanasia, PAternalism, VEATCH, Ph.D. Georgetown University, Ken­ Human Experimentation, Genetic Intervention, nedy Institute of Ethics; 1990 (Spring). Reproductive Technologies, Health Care. Graduate. 17p. Death, Informed Consent, Suicide, Allowing to Die, Competence, Ethics 0246 PROSEMINAR IN BIOETHICS; LeRoy WAL­ Committees, Newborns, Handicapped, Ter­ TERS, Ph.D.; Georgetown University, Kennedy minally III. Institute of Ethics; 1988 (Fall). Graduate. 7p. Bioethics, Ethics, Public POIicy, Health Care, 0253 ETHICS, AIDS AND HIV INFECTION; LeRoy Human Experimentation. WALTERS, Ph.D.; Georgetown University, Ken­ nedy Institute of Ethics; 1990 (Spring). 0247 ETHICS AND GENETIC TECHNOLOGIES; Graduate. 7p. AIDS, Sexuality, Public Policy. LeRoy WALTERS, Ph.D.; Georgetown Univer­ sity, Kennedy Institute of Ethics; 1989 (Spring). 0254 KILLING AND LETTING DIE; Madison Graduate. 6p. Genetic Intervention, Genetic POWERS, J.D., Ph.D.; Georgetown University, Screening. Kennedy Institute of Ethics; 1990 (Spring). Graduate. 3p. Allowing to Die, Euthanasia, New­ 0248 THEORY OF MEDICAL ETHICS; Robert M. borns. VEATCH. Ph.D.; Georgetown University, Ken­ nedy Institute of Ethics; 1989 (Spring). 0255 INTRODUCTION TO ETHICS: CONTEM­ Graduate. 13p. Ethics, Religion, Medical Ethics, PORARY ETHICAL THEORY; Madison Beneficence, Autonomy, Disclosure, POWERS, J.D., Ph.D., Georgetown University, Euthanasia, Justice. Kennedy Institute of Ethics; 1990 (Spring). Un­ dergraduate. 3p. Ethics, Abortion, Euthanasia, 0249 INFORMED CONSENT SEMINAR; Tom L. Sexuality, Health Care, Rights, Resource Al­ BEAUCHAMP, Ph.D.; Georgetown University, location. Kennedy Institute of Ethics; 1989 (Spring). 0256 PROSEMINAR IN BIOETHICS II; Tom L. Graduate. 9p. Informed Consent; Health Care, BEAUCHAMP, Ph.D.; Georgetown University, Human Experimentation, Law, Self Determina­ Kennedy Institute of Ethics; 1990 (Spring). tion, Competence, Disclosure. Graduate. 4p. Ethics, Medical Ethics, Self Deter­ mination, Justice, Beneficence, Virtues. 0250 BIOMEDICAL ETHICS; Tom L. BEAUCHAMP, Ph.D.; Georgetown University, 0257 BIOETHICS; Tom L BEAUCHAMP, Ph.D.; Kennedy Institute of Ethics; 199 (Spring). Georgetown University, Kennedy Institute of Graduate. 3p. Ethics, Self Determination; In­ Ethics; 1990 (Spring). Graduate. 3p. Ethics, Jus­ formed COnsent, Justice, Resource Allocation, tice, Resource Allocation, Self Determination, Beneficence, Death, Paternalism, Physician Confidentiality, Informed Consent, Patient Relationship, Genetic Intervention. Beneficence, Paternalism, Virtues, Death, Al­ lowing to Die

18 National Reference Center For Bioethics Literature Kennedy Institute of Ethics Georgetown University CALL FOR MEDICAL ETHICS SYLLABI

The Syllabus Exchange Project of the National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature was established to collect and disseminate material supporting the design and teaching of biomedical ethics courses. All those teaching courses or organizing workshops or seminars are encouraged to submit their syllabi for inclusion in the Syllabus Exchange Project. The material will be listed in the Syllabus Exchange Catalog and made available to others developing courses worldwide. For free catalog, to request syllabi, or to submit material to the Syllabus Exchange Project, contact:

Mary Carrington Coutts, Reference Librarian Kennedy Institute of EthicsGeorgetown University Washington, D.C. 20057 800-MED-ETHX or 202-687-6779 NATIONAL REFERENCE CENTER FOR BIOETHICS LITERATURE LIBRARY CLASSIFICATION SCHEME

1 Ethics 95.3 Handicapped Persons 17.4 Psychopharmacology 1.1 Philosophical Ethics 95.4 Minority Groups 175 Electrical Stimulation of the Brain 1.2 Religious Ethics 955 Women 17.6 Psychosurgery 1.3 Applied and Professional Ethics 95.6 HIV Infection and AIDS 17.7 Involuntary Civil Commitment 1.3.1 General 9.6 Quality of Health Care/Ethics Committees 17.8 Right of the Institutionalized to Treatment 1.3.2 Business 9.7 Pharmaceutical Industry 1.3.3 Education 18 Human Experimentation 1.3.4 Engineering 10 Sexuality 18.1 General 1.3.5 Government 18.2 Policy Guidelines 1.3.6 International Affairs 11 Contraception 18.3 Informed Consent 1.3.7 Journalism 11.1 General 18.4 Behavioral Research 1.3.S Law 11.2 Availability of Contraceptives to Minors 185 Research on Special Populations 1.3.9 Scientific Research 11.3 Sterilization 185.1 General 1.3.10 Social Work 11.4 Failure of Contraception/Wrongful Birth 185.2 Children 185.3 Pregnant Women 2 Bioethics 12 Abortion 185.4 Fetuses and Newborns 2.1 General 12.1 General 1855 Prisoners 2.2 Histoiy of Medical Ethics 12.2 Position Statements 185.6 Mentally Handicapped Persons 2.3 Education/Programs 12.3 Moral and Religious Aspects 185.7 Elderly and Terminally III Persons 12.4 Legal Aspects 185.8 Military and Government Personnel 3 Philosophy of Biology 12.4.1 General 185.9 Foreign Nationals 3.1 Genera! 12.4.2 Interests of Woman/Fetus/Father 18.6 Social Control of Human Experimentation 3.2 Evolution and Creation 12.4.3 Interests of Health Personnel/ Institutions 19 Artificial and Transplanted 4 Philosophy of Medicine and Health 12.4.4 Bills, Laws and Cases 4.1 Philosophy of the Health Professions 125 Social Aspects Organs/Tissues 4.1.1 General 125.1 General 19.1 General 4.1.2 Philosophy of Medicine 125.2 Demographic Surveys 19.2 Hearts 4.1.3 Philosophy of Nursing 125.3 Abortion Counseling 19.3 Kidneys 4.2 Concept of Health 19.4 Blood 4.3 Concept of Mental Health 13 Population 195 Donation/Procurement of Organs/Tissues 4.4 Quality/Value of Life 13.1 General 19.6 Allocation of Organs/Tissues 13.2 Population Growth 5 Science/Technology and Society 13.3 Population Policy 20 Death and Dying 5.1 General 20.1 General 5.2 Technology Assessment 14 Reproductive Technologies 20.2 Definition/Determination of Death 5.3 Social Control of Science/Technology 14.1 General 20.2.1 General 14.2 Artificial Insemination and Surrogacy 20.2.2 Bills, Laws and Cases 14.3 Sex Predetermination/Selection 20.3 Attitudes Toward Death 6 Codes of Professional Ethics 14.4 In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer 205.1 General 145 Cloning 20.3.2 Health Personnel 7 Sociology of Medicine 14.6 Ciyobanking of Sperm, Ova, or Embryos 203.3 Family 7.1 General 20.3.4 Death Education 7.2 Medical Education 20.4 Care of the Dying Patient 7.3 Professional-Professional Relationship 15 Genetics, Molecular Biology and 20.4.1 General Microbiology 20.4.2 Care of the Dying Child 8 Professional-Patient Relationship 15.1 General 205 Prolongation of Life and Euthanasia 8.1 General 15.2 Genetic Counseling and Prenatal Diagnosis 205.1 General 8.2 Truth-Telling 15.3 Genetic Screening 205.2 Allowing Infants to Die 8.3 Informed Consent 15.4 Gene Therapy 205.3 Bills, Laws and Cases 8.3.1 General 155 Eugenics 20.6 Capital Punishment 8.3.2 Minors and Consent to Treatment 15.6 Behavioral Genetics 20.7 Suicide 8.3.3 Third Party Consent/Incompetents 15.7 Biohazards of Genetic Research 8.3.4 Right to Refuse Treatment 15.8 Patenting Organisms 8.3.5 Bills, Laws and Cases 15.9 Sociobiology 21 International and Political Dimen­ 8.4 Confidentiality 15.10 Genome Mapping sions of Biology and Medicine 8J5 Malpractice 21.1 General 16 Environmental Quality 21.2 War 9 Health Care 16.1 General 213 Chemical and Biological Weapons 9.1 General 16.2 Nuclear Power 21.4 Torture 9.2 Right to Health Care 16.3 Occupational Health 215 Forced Feeding of Prisoners 9.3 Cost of Health Care 21.6 International Migration of Physicians 9.4 Allocation of Health Care Resources 17 The Neurosciences and Mental 95 Health Care Programs for Specific Health Therapies 22 Animal Welfare Diseases/Groups 17.1 General 22.1 General 9.5.1 General 17.2 Psychotherapy 22.2 Animal Experimentation 95.2 Aged 17.3 Operant Conditioning 22.3 Animal Production