FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1971 Avenge Dailjr Net Press Ron The Weather PAGE TWENTY-POUR For TIm W«ek Ended Fleasant today, higba to mid jnmtrl^tKter C w ntag lifrali Mky M, tDTi 70a. Clear toniglit, lows in toe The Eastern Group of the 1 5 ,5 5 0 40s. Parity cloudy Sunday. ’^■^1 Hartford Alumni Chapter of Phi W . H, A bout T o m u Mu Sorority wlU sponsor a pot- Senate Who’s Who M anehe*ter-—A City o f ViJUage Charm luck June 10 at 6:80 p.m. at the Keeney St. School FTA wiU home of Mrs. James MacDonald By SOL B. ceWEN Most Conservative — George | an men U ) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS sponsor an Ice cream social to­ of 25 Norton Lane, South Wind­ (Herald Beporter) Crafts, R, of Lcdyard. ENGLAND VOL. LXXXX, N a 209 (EIGHTEEN PAGES—TV SECHON) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 1971 morrow fom 1 to 8 p.m. at the sor. ^ r further, information Wlttfest — Bosrer Eddy, R, of | school regardless of the weath­ contact Mrs. MacDonald. like a high school graduating Newington. er. ‘SCake Tour Own Sundaes” class, voting for “ the most this Best Dressed — Thomas ill he featured. LUMBER Teen-agers aue holding a paint­ and toe moat that” for Ita year- Dowd, -R, o f TrumbuU, by an | -book, toe State Senate Wednes­ eyelato over toe boutcnniece- . Qrace Group of the Cen­ ing session Sunday from 1 to COMPANY North Viet Gunners 0 p.m. at the Teen Center at the day polled itself on a whole list sportlng Joseph Buckley, D, of Democrats Would ter Cohgregational Church will of p<9Ularlty standards. Ansonla. meet Tuesday at 6:18 p.m. in former Nike site. If it rains, the Most Knowledgeable Parlia­ session will be canceled. The results of toe “nicest Bolton Notch, Conn. the paridnt; lot of the church to guy” vote was no surprise. It mentarian — Dowd, again by a ' Strike Near Saigon proceed to Raffa’s Restaurant, was a tie between Majority close maigln over fBuekley. Work Weekend Glastonbury, for its annual Manchester Rod and Gun Club In toe baUoting on “ most like- ' BY OBOBOE ESPEB will have its quarterly meeting Leader J. Edward Caldwell of ner. Bridgeport and Minority Leader ly to be president of the United | Aseoeiated Frees Writer Monday at 8 p.m. at the club­ States," a tot of senators ap­ house, Daley Rd., Coventry. Alden Ives of Morris. SAIGON (AP) — North Vietnamese gunners kept i; Navy seaman appren. llobert Ives also was jdeked as “best parently voted for themselves. SATURDAY On State Budget I. Peck, son of Mr. and Mrs. The winner was Jay Jacksou, up a two-week-long rocket bombardment of allied posi­ all-around senator,” and in a tions guarding the demilitarized zone and struck close Raymond J. Peck of 48 Lodge Capt. Lawrence Beadle, oCfl- poll taken only among his Demo­ D, of West Hartford, with five HARTFORD (AP) — Both houses of the state legis­ cer-ln-chaige of the Manchester to Saigon for the first time in several months, military Dr. has graduated from a two- cratic opponents, he was named votes to four for ninnerup Wil­ lature have scheduled Saturday sessions to work on month course of Intensive in­ Salvation Army Corps, will con­ ber Smith, D. of Hartford. spokesmen reported today. “most effective Republican their backlog of bills, and Democratic-leaders .offered struction in the fundamentals of duct a service Sunday at 8dB senator.” Ives has announced A qxikeaman for tbe U.8. Stratofortresaes dropped 90 tons submarine operations and pro­ a.m. on radio station WINP. to spend the entire weekend working on a' budget ho will not seek re-election in DHAI’KS Command, ICaj. Ricdiard Oord- Qf bombs on s Nocto Vlet- cedures at the Naval Subnvarine The program is sponsored by package with the Governor. ner, said 11 Americans wore buidier and tunnel com- 1972. "We’re available,” said House School, New loiuloii. the Manchester Area CouncU of The GOP members named m n ( I.KANKI) wounded In three rocket attacks * Churches and the Clergy As­ , Speaker WUliam Radford, . eoeclal — can Stanley Pac of New Britain as 111,I n il < I I.\M Its "The Governor U aware we ari ^ special session can P“ " » ” „ C. Hie Jimior High Methodist sociation of Manchester. “most effective Democraflc c ;i , , 11 IM M 'll' 'I be avoided.” Youth Fellowship of South available.” RatcHford indicated Other IDemocraUc leaders Emma Nettleton Groity of senator.” Pac also was voted Friday that toe Democrats are United Methodist Church will “ outstanding freshman senator,” were not so hopeful. House discuss “Facing the Reality of Center Congregational Church to meet wlto the Repute g ^ e r '^ ^ o r tl^ d he wal will have a dinner meeting Mon­ “hardest worker,” and "most Life” at its meeting tonight at influenUal in debate." He U ^ g o v e m o r on Saturday and „SToptimlsUc that negotiations 7:30 at the church. Ih e Senior day at 6 p.m. at Willie's Steak w .... would be resumed and an agree- House. Reservations close to­ finished a close second to Ives Negotomone betwwn toe before toe end High Fdlowshlp will leave the as “ best all-around senator.” church tomorrow at 9 a.m. for night and cancellations will not Democrats and Gov. Thomas J. of toe regular legislative - ees- be accepted later. For what it's worth, here is MeskUl broke off Friday, {q>- fiv^ ^ of^L i^tS a camp-in at Woodstock. the rest of toe list: slon Wednesday night. And Sen­ parently because of one key ate President Pro Tern Charles hit a U.S. heUcopter base at Phu Oontoodla. Most Long-winded — Joseph 'Democrat’s objection to a state Lot, IS mUes north of Saigon. The Selgoo m illt ^ FauUso, D, of Hartford, no con- T. Alfano said “Hie picture is income tax. not encouraging.” The U.S. Oommand said dam- reported • test. Senate Majority Leader J. age was tight. Field reports said fantrymen c l s ^ wlto ^ to Best Speaker — FauUso again, Eidward Caldwell reportedly HARTFORD (AP)—The State some helicopters were WL but by a smaller margin. would not accept an income tax Senate put in its longest day Most Handsome — Edward until he waa sure hie support of toe current session Friday Charlie 2 h a. been riteUed (AP photo) nearly a doien times during too re- R. D. e. Rimer. R , of Wilton. for it would not backfire in his 'while passing 63 bills, including Georgia troopers guard the scene where a truck loaded with dynamite ex­ E xplosion Ttte South 'Vietnamese Field re- Most Sex Appeal — Joseph past two weeks. On May 31, a ■ekl two South tfiet- home town of Bridgeiport Cald- one' that would set a maximum ploded last night, killing five persons and injuring 27 others (background). rocket tore through a crowded ^ DinieUl, D, of Bristol. weU, it is said, 'wanted assur­ limlt on noise from trucks, cars, Most Liberal — Joseph Ueber- ances that toe Republican leg- snowmobiles and other motor The truck at right was heavily damaged in the explosion in Waco. buiiker at toe base, kUUiig 29 O f T ru ck GIb and woundii« 88. The rest “ . Happy 65th Birthday! man, D, of New Haven. lalators from Bridgeport wouW vehlf^es. of the attariu have caused a In scattered fating to th support an income tax If he did. The bill, which now goes to smaU number of casualties. edge* of the A Oau to One of toe Bridgeport 'Re­ toe House, originally was aimed K ills Five Saigon headquartera said toe nocthem quMrtera of publicans is Rep. Nicholas Pan- at all motor devices but was , there were two more rocket and Vietnam, Saigon forcM Love, Carolyn uslo, a contender for the mayor­ amended to apply only to mo­ WACO, Oa. (AP) — Five poiv mortar attacks on South Viet- killing 17 « ie n ^ and c^ m n l^ al riectlon next tall. Caldwell, tor vehicles. Jet Hijacker Foiled by Pilot sons have been killed and 27 in- namese bases near too DMZ. eight rlllM. One ooim ^ ^ ^ - the Democratic town chairman State Sen. Hunnas P. Mon- in Bridgeport, reportedly want­ danl, IX-Moodus, said toe bill’s By JAMES B. POLK er who lives in the back ot a left in the seat. I put it in my jured in the explosion of a ^ c k E y m y gaiaun iM ed to prevent toe income tax limit of 90 decibels 'would “ take fi!.nrin^Tvr— Writer mountalii tavern at Ariiford. pocket.” laden wlto 400 cases of dyna- mortars into Camp Saige, a for- headquarters saia. from becoming a city election us a long way toward cutting WASHmGTDN (AP) — A said he had been drinking at ColUton quleUy told toe pUot, n ^ . It caught fire after coUld- ward base for South V ietnam ^ issue. noise In our communities.” former combat nllot fac- Charleston before hoarding toe who radioed toe tower that toe ing with an auto in this smaU marines on a new operation broadcast monitored in Tokyo Kathy Says: "June Is Busting Out AB Over — However, in a attatement Frl- The Senate met briefly at cooked i^tol for three wlto what toe FBI said crew had the {dstol. He went northeast Ge<«gla community. northeast of Khe Sanh where a that three '^J^*^*** and So is Our Endless Produce Vorietyi" day. CadlweU said he w m wlU- about 1 p.m., then caucused for duped and disarmed an was a .82 caliber ptotol and a back to toe p a ^ n ^ r area .j,^ Friday night blast demot- cootributed NdftlVE: Shubarb, Asparagus, Dandelions, Be^ OrMus, tag to discus, and conrider a tane hoOni wlto toe excepUen ^^STmC ^Z^jacked box of 60 bullets. where Riggs noticed toe missing ^oto i4lcies along wlto a b r ^ telAd BosHp BonuUne, Booton l/ottuoop H*H# TomMOM> iftate income tax. (He said he of a brief bUl-posstag session utated Air iJn.-a jet Friday A deputy sheriff at Riggs' gun. truck and ambulaniie that ” ?***** ® ” HJI. Oakes, Spinach, Peas, Green, TeUow Squash, was ’ ’tasisttag on no condiUons and a three-and-a-half hour din- to try to fly to Isiteel. Ixmie in (Boone County, W.Va., “ Do you have my ^ ^ ed “ to ■STTew. Beets, Endive, Broccoli, Com, Cauliflower, as a iwice for any compron^ ner break. Adjournment came ^y^ter forcing toe pi-"*- to land said the f<*rmer coal miner had Greg?” toe miner asked. the -size of three football with 18 rocketa. ’ITie Saigon Hand’s official Vietnam News Egg PlaiO, Acorn Squash, Imported Bed Onhms, Cheny program ishich may be develop- at 12:60 a.m. Saturday, here. pot-beUied gunman Glen been talking about going to la- “ v«=hYeah, that’s vAiAfwhat vmyou want- fle l* vrasleft a wasteland of o®*"” * * ^ South ^ t - Agency (VNA) said that in the Tmatoes, Watercress, New Potatoes, Tams, Odaese Cab- Permanent Guest in the. Swimming Pool ed.” Another trans][>ortatlon Elmo Riggs, 88, of Aahford, rael for two or three years, “but ed, isn’t it?” OoUiton answered, charred______stumps^ and s e c ^ months of toe yew Imim. (CaldwellUdweti added, “ I hope we that was passed turns to what left his ptetd lying on a everybody thought It was just a "We’re goingrMT backhAp.k totn CSiarles-C9iAi*lefl- _•_ aa crater__ a_ m 78 feet wide witti no fatalities in either at- '^accordlinf to stlU lncoinpl^4 WHJM'! Bing OMrries, Seedless, Bed. Bhie OnqK)*, A red and white beetle, painted by Margaret Thuhn, decorates the bottom of can L one senator called a "tax on he got up to get a joke.” ton.” 20 feet deep severed U.8. figures,” toe Viet Cong assisted goes. Limes, Strawberries, Watermelons, Apricots, Pine­ our i>roMems so that toe ex- Meanwhile, U.S. B62 bombers fjy ciUsens of the three pnov- apples, Coconuts, Cantaloiveo, Grapefruit, Bartlett Pears. the family backyard pool at 61 Bruce R d. While her parents, Mr. and ^ s . (See Page Seven) drink of water. His hostage The faljacjctag came exactly The hijacker suddenly noticed 7g. windows wore brokm in IMmse, inconvenience and c make It easier for veterans Accompanying Kurland was Let’s face it-a fte r dropping eight Fighting in Mideast Marks an addict of 28 years, WiUlam (See Page Ten) bucks for a steak dinner-who feels Six~Day War^s Anniversary like dessert? By ’raOE ASSOC^TED p r e s s tanks, a heUcopter and reta- Paiesttaian guerrUIta claimed foreements. Groton Ceremony Launches No problem at Bonanza. Our Until today they killed >wr Israeli Hie Voice of Asslfah, toe soldiers ta a five-tiiMr battle guerrilla radio station, claimed Navy’s 100th Nuclear Sub best steak dinner (a delicious T-Bone) June 30, Friday near toe (BibUcal town of the guerrillas won toe u)n>*ic Jericho north of the D e ^ Sea. hang ta toe first hour of flf^ttag By BiOBEBT A. DOBKIN such that we have no accept- costs you less than $3. Our tender w ell give you Israel reported only a m l| w ex- between toe BibUcal town and AP HUltary Writer atae alternative” if this country chaqg* ot riiots and no casual­ toe viUage of El Ouja. is to maintain its domination Ribeye steak dinner is yours for a little $1 for ties. On toe diplomatic front. GROTON (AP) — Secretary ^ yjg geas, the secretary said, The raid acroes toe Jtagw gt ^ia united Nations ta of the Navy John H. Chafee chafee’s wife Virginia cracked over a buck. any old watchband River was staged to mark New Y ort reported the Soviet launched toe Navy’s lOOto botue of champagne over the fourth anniversary of toe II Union told a Big Four meeting nuclear-iiowered submarine gf sUversides to chris- And to top it all o ff-o u r desserts AratelsraeU aix-day war, the' Friday that toe U.S. effort to ne­ Friday wlto a warning that toe Navy’s newest subma- (no matter what make, gusorrlUa command said ta a ga te an Israrii-Egyptian America’s control of the sea is jjne and send it down the ways communique issued ta Beirut, agreement to reopen the Sues being challenged by a Soviet the Htames River, are mouth-watering. Big, luscious material or condition) Lebanon. Canal had failed. submarine force already toe During toe ceremonies about The rocket-armed guerillas wortd’s largest and stlU grow- go protestors , demonstrated Tile diplomatic sources said cream pies, real old-fashioned fruit pies when you broke through a cordon of tarae- Soviet Ambassador Jacob A. ing. against toe Vietnam war outride U troopa and tanks and returned Oiafee said the Soviets’ im- gates of General Dyna- Malik made the statement after derwater fleet wlto about 880 Electric Boat Dlvirion. trade it in on a new safely to bases on toe Jordanian denouncing toe U.S. initiative sidew of toewe river, it claimed. J preased by Secretary of State subs, of which 92 are nuclear- >n,e iminching took place at 01 powered, U three times the stae the same boat yard where 19 Tonight, why not try a little stainless steel i ^ ^ ^ b WUliam P. Rogers during his reported ta Tel Am Middle East trip. Hie ct toe United States'. And he years earlier construction was infiltrators crossed toe Jordan _ _yji noted that each year toe So- begun on toe Nautilus, toe tenderness? or River, fired at an IsraeU mUl- vlets are building three subs -world’s first submarine powered tary vehicle and then withdrew to every one toe U.S. produces, by nuclear energy. gold filled to Jordan fourth anniversary of "It is one of toe principal cDukfee said bis “ hlgheat hope A sp»i> said the IsraeUs toe 1967 AratelsraeU war, toe tragedies of our time,” he said, fgj. sUverrides is that shb Uvea Speidel watchband. returned the fire in the ac«<>n head of Israel’s mlUtary govern- ’ ’that the resources of toe na- to retire in peace, with her Friday afternoon but there were ment for occupied Arab terrlto- Uons must be poured into expen- tubes unused exce]^ for toe BOHBHZt As Advertised On TV no casualties on their side. ries said today he believes that sive, sophlstlcaited and deadly practice required to keep her m .rii«r a guerriUa broadcast there is now "alnioet a break- weaponry which, if all goes sharp and credible, aBLOBFH USB YOUB OBEMT from Cairo reported a "Stitt bat- through” ta relations between Tarr in Action well, will be eventually retired “And if those hopes are teol- tie” Friday "«ght beween Pal- toe Arab p(^ations and toe Is- and replaced other more ex- tged, SUverrides by her mere 207 West Middle Tpke., Manchester esttalan guerrillas and IsraeU raelis. Antiwar protester Jim Martin is sent sprawling by under what they termed a ‘citizen’s arrest for war pensive weapons. existence as a fully reatiy war 945 MAIN STREET troops ta toe southern Jordan )Brlg. Gen. Shlomo Gazlt said Draft Director Curtis Tarr during scuffle in Tarr’s crimes.’ This picture was taken by Washington “But toe facts of life for toe 820 Firminiton Ave. (Rt. 6). Brlitol • RL 1, Groton SliopiMra Mill, Groton . United States of America ctfe (Sm Page Ten) 911 Wasliiniton StrMt (Rt 66), Mlddlitown • Rt. 72, Ptiinvilli Shopiiing Itau, Valley near Jericho. It claimed Washington office. The activists tried to place Tarr Post newsman J. McNamara. (AP Photo) PMnvIllo • Albany hi*. (Rt. 44), BIshopt Plua, Wait Hartford • WlUlmantIc Pllu • THE GEM OF MAIN ST. • DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER that toe Israelis rushed ta seven (See Page Ten) _____ JRf. 32), Wllllmantic 017 MAIN 8TBEET. MANOHESTEB TEL. 648-6188

f t tjt MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 1971 PAGE THREE TA6E TWO MAKGHE9TER EVt^llNG HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 1971 Massive Power Blackout Vernon Sewer Plant Sheinwold on Bridge School To Try She Wanted to Make a Sandcast Reward for A’s WIN TOtm TBICIU Darkens Tijuana ‘for Days’ IN OOBEECT HAND I want to mako a aandeaadng, trend for protesalanal people to WB’THSSRSFlEdJ} OAP) — Should Open N O R TH Does offering Johnny a qports •an s not paint a plotun of one. purchaae mlgtaal objects of art TUUAINA, Mexico (AP) — A were activated to handle urgent Students Stage International Fest By ALFBEO SHEINWMdl 4 1098 car L' ^ geto aa A in Engl^ ^ plunged this bor- About July 1 d AK87432 IWa waa Joyce Robinson’s r»- their w a l^ ^ _ really help his performance? However, several small clta- Noa.piuMed by the fact UmU In many brltige bands there ■ „ _ ' • Joyce has been interested in O 6 action five year* ago when a ^ she was a ehUd to “To help find the answer the d®*' ®*^y 400,000 into darkness without power. At the •a anatere Boaid cf EdocaUan Tlie eecoodsry sewage treat- is no proWem 4 , 109 U.S, Office of Education award- and officials said electricity Red Cross Ifo^ ta i doctors and eandcast plaque was set up In a Miwtuiu. She had some art bodKet eifantnated mooey fbr niattf dM oirdMi « Certain trick*. Ttie only ed a $100,000 grant Friday to may be out for days. nurses turned to hot water begs ment„..nt plaitf eff Oicntt m. *nouia ^ ^ ^^lether you win thorn to WEST EAST painting class for a sttU life, classes at the University Of Om- the Wethersfield School Depart­ to preserve the Ufe of a -baby in lleld'tripa and other extra cur­ open sometime around July 1, dummy or in your 4 K 7 6 4 54 *1110 plaqito had bMn bnw«lit neettout where she m ^red In 'Ih e elecrlcal outage Just be- . <31 J 10 5 ment. The grant is for the de- o an incubator. ricular actirities, three groopa hand The difference ia iUua- 9 jQ6 back from Puerto Rico by the uing;u«h gbe has exhibited and ______to m 9 p.m. Friday threw the .accocdiiw d> JiiUo Loureiro of O A Q 1042 O 98753 portment to study the effrcts ara. Intn a of aixlh gradera at the Vemau bated in today's hand. teacher, Mtu, Wsjtoe Bandau, wateroolors .wd pen .™i crowded downtown area into a the consulting engineering firm AQ6 A 754 . at material rewards ottered to Cor the project. James 8. South dealer who used It to her painting ink drawtags but put h^palnt, huge traffic Jam because sig- Middle Sobooi were determined SOUTH students as Icentives to leaih. Harlem Police Miiwes and Amoriates Inc. of Both sides vulnerable class in mitogtow. ^id ink away to concentrate The program wiU study nalsn were not operating end to do on their own tMi AQJ32 Farmington. Opening lead—Six of Spudtt. 4 Joyce looked in Ubiaries and primarily on sandcasttoga. whether direct incentives to thousands fled restaurants, Host to Fans year, and they did. <:? 9 stores, night chibs end movie "We’re MiooHiig foc'tbe end Weat led a low trump, partly art magastoes trying to find out However, making Jewelry has leam can Improve motivation NEW TORK (AP) — The re- TfK 72 atudeirta in the three to get off lead safely and partly O KJ how to mako sandcast plaques beomne one of her toteresto re­ theaters. of the month." Loureiro aaya. 14 KJ832 and performance among read­ - cent slaying of two policemen to gradea are dUCerent btan thoae “Ifa going to be tight." to reduce dummy's ruffing but found pmctleally no to- contly. ing students to grades e power for ’Iljuana and most of gur policemen to be safe so that work for them. enough (in high cards) fo r an Him,« and a northeast server in- the ace or queen of clubs. Mid love of nature, her torttiJst in ugugi cftmtUfiaHnw. of materials determined by a council com- Northern Baja Oolifornia. when we need them, we’H know ‘Ihe daases are different in opening bid of one heart. Pass, terceptor. « South can gueas wMdi, de- the environment and her Joy of .„eh as brass wire 8he winds to- posed of local residents. Tijuana, popular ‘with Ameri- where to find them...’The poUce- that they move as an entire THEATER TIME About 86 per cent of the cost darer may manage to hold the with the Intention of being He said the Incentives may can tourists, has suffered black- man la our best friend.” daas from one of the three heard from later. Uvtog. She combines her sand- t© springs, cork, bamboo, wood- SCHEDULE of the prqject is beliig paid by club loss down to one Wck. cast Impreasloa with objects of beads and range from a box of crayons outs of large sections before. Touched, the officers of the teachers involved, to another. Copyright 1971 the federal government. 'Town In the actual hand, this llM d nature such as sea tiiell^ Her aandoast peace symbtia to a trip to New Tork City. but the power failures have nev- precinct played host Friday to In the other grade 6 dasees the General Feataree Corp. SATIJEDAT voters in April 1909 approved a play wwdd fill dismaUy. W ^ branches, acorns, ditttwt^ to cork coasters, er effected the entire c l^ (3ffl- the youngsters, ranging to age ehtMripn are scattered and cials have -attributed the out- from 6 to 12. Each child had his Burnside: — ‘They Might Be tl.l million bond issue to cover would take two chibe ™ leather and new and used dark brown with house- therefore do not spend all of CHE Nominee ages to the Umited capacity of thumb print affixed to a paper die town’s share of the cost, ece of dtamonds. after which be manufactured Itema. imtd dye to contrast with the their time together. Giants” 7 :U , 9:15. Too Much Sah the Rosarito plant badge and they were designated Cinema I: — “Andromeda The Eighth UUUUes District would sit back smugly ^ In her basement wotkrtiap In ^ the sand. These are too Because they have really has cmitributed $183,377 toward lor his high trump to take the Contends She “City, state and federal offl- Juhlor officers for the day. Strain” 2KI0, 4:50. 7:00, 0:50. NA»1VILLB, Tenn. (AP) — her home on Mountain Spring heavy for pendants but can be worked as a team, as have the dais are investigating,” Calza- Then, after a lunch of frank- Cfaiema II: — “20,000 Leagues the project. Other contributions setting trick. Because baby food manufactur­ Rd., Tolland, she hts many on a bolt or hung on a three teachers, Mrs. Diane Better Plan Had Withdrawn da said. "But we don’t yet know *“ rters and soda, the 13 boys lA id e r The Sea” 1:50, 4:16, 7H », have come from private com ers try to make their product sandcaattogs ready for summer whU. Tanotchko, Laarrence 04din The actual declarer bad a HARTFORD (AP) — Eleanor exactly what happened or when were given a of O'JO. paaies which are tying Into the taste good to mothers, the aver sales and fairs. She a *a>^ Looking at a wooden shod at ■ml Leonard Ertel, the students better pfam. H e overtook dum- Gonzalez of Greenwich, whose we’ll have power again. It may Weat West 128th Street statlon- State: — "Bcb. Carol. Ted, system. age Infant receives eight times cast setting hen and eggs on antique clock, Joyce visualU- were able to do many things mya eight of speOee with the .nomination to the C^m lssion {ie^hoilra w 7w n house. they would otherwise have had A lic e ” 2:00, 5:46, 0:20; “ C actus. In the beginning stages of more salt In a day than be real straw, aU mounted on an ^ ^ ^ for Higher Education has caused ^ ------the prqject. last Dec. 81 waa jack at the first trick, ca^ ^ F low er” 3:4B, 7:50. needs, a Michigan pediatrician old bam board. Her sandcast i,,,' to forgo. ast by the State Water Re- the top hearts, (Uscarding a dla- a miniature Hoeary rising legislative controversy, Snanish Honor A s part their Social Studies UA Theatre East: — “Uttle, aaya. owls perch on real branches said Friday she had declined were doing our a t Commisston as the mend, and then ruffed a heart , , help convert the clock to a .-i«— the students decided last B ig Man” 3:30, 5:00, 7:50. 10:00. sources The result m ay be that the in- adorned with acorns, pine cones ^ ^ n/iminotiAn n. week ftiro. weekly flumping and we were MAI>RIi3 {AOf} — m e » P ^ comptetion date for the project. with the queen of mpaOeM. Mrs Oan*alez said in a tele- to go throurh the mar- ^ government today aw a^^ winter they would raise money Mnnrbrstrr Dilve-In: — *^e- West discarded a diamond fant wiB suffer from high blood Both the Robinsons were Last November tUs was ex­ phone' Interview she had told ket’s checkout stand when ev- Adm. T I ^ m H. to s trip to New York. guilded” lOdO; "Bntmiiig” 8-JO. since it would do him no good pressure as an adult. Dr. ”Vto«ned lumber.^ sml^- reporters, pe was Cbldin —M be was amased at East Hartford Drive-In; _ tended June 30. Ornries F. Whitten of the cLw ThAmnji J Meskitl rtiortlv ©rything went blank. People nian o< the U.S. Joint Chiefs of to overruff. South thereupon led ^ also Viartoonlrt and aTedltor. after a May 29 Interview by a started running and shouting. It Staff, the Grand Cross of Naval the Ingenuity and determination "J o e ” 10:15; “ Psycho L o v e r” When the plant opens it will Vfeyiie State School at M edicine turn out water which will be me of Us carefully preserved 1 ^ B® P“W1« relations work the students diowed whoi it 8J6. to Detroit told a seminar at Me- legislative committee she, would was frightening.” - MeriL ^ , , , . ^ ^ 90 per cent free of the harm­ lew spades toward dummy. ^ «« UmUrslty of Oonneetl- be unable to devote the neces- Spokesmen- at various hoepl- Mborer to scheduled to attend came to raising the money. East Windsor Drtve-In; — Weat could take bia king of harry Medical OoUege. Kee** ftQdent agreed to con- “The Deserter” 10 JO; “Darling ful elements it once contained sary amount of time to the job. ttis reported no difficulties be- a military parade in Madrid as sewer effluent. The present qxides, but be could not pre­ However, Whitten said, evi­ She added that she had made cause most operations are per- Sdnday honoring the 82nd aanl- tribute $8 toward the trip and LOi” 8-JO. and her loit^l^^ sandpipers i* operations only remove from vent dummy from wtontog a dence Itofchq; Ugh salt intake in "fam ily plans” for the summer formed during daylight hours versaiy of Gen. (Francisco Fran- they did so whether from their trick with eidier the nine or the Infanta to hypertension in adults stand on ^ sSrttils. ^ 8DNDAT, JUNE ■ 40 to 00 per cent of these Joyce a Mexican ** Awplace wad and most ti on the understanding her duties and emeigency power units co’s civil war victory. allowance or by eamingf it Miov. ten o f spedee. Declarer would ia not canchiaive enough to war­ Bumrtde — “ they Might Be materials. - the living room furniture. 'Ibey on the CHE would not start ______^______• attiy snow and dnlng other odd th en be in poaitim to run the rant government restrictions on universe symbol and fastened it lobs. Cdanta” . 2:15, 4:15, 8:15, 8:15 to a square of plywood she had many ^ U ^ a and sculp, until fall. rest of the bearta, m wUefa he baby food manufacturers. She said controversy arising New Tort TMp Mnrthn Doagenik, left, and Sandra Spivey put final touches on a table bearing Clnenia I — “Andromeda could discard four clube. darkened with a blow-torch. “I or various kinds, Pipe Casoalty took dbertles with the design.” When their bourse was buUt over her attitudes toward minor­ They took the trip to New food from many lands at the Vernon Center Middle School sixth grade ban­ Strain” , 2J0, 4:50, 7J0. 9-JO West could get one trump. rthwma n — “20,000 Leagues ghe ..iH a few years ago, they left the ity groups In education had noth­ SHADE TREE SPRAYING Tort May 21, paying for quet. (Herald photo by Ricbmemd) CA8TELFRANOO VBNETO, one diamond and one club, but Under T h e Sea” , 1-JO, 4:15, Bwndcavt Inserts foe glass-top- “aturai woods to the backyard, ing to do with her decision. two buses to take them there Italy (A P ) — Stefano Marchrttl, noOitog rise. Place your order NOW to have your tiutde trees sprayed 7J0, 9J0 pod coffee taWes, one of her “kunks, squirrels, deer Mesklll has not yet announced meatballs. Shepherd's Several of the girls in typical chord mgan. Tracy SnUth gave 80, sat qideUy smoking on his Daily Haeatioe that Mrs. Gonzalez had with­ fer chewing Insects. Evergreens and Onuunentsls should State — “Bob. Carol. Ted. newer projects. Is shared with *“loy the woods and also be sprayed to guard against insects and disease . . . imd Pto Folhh Mel- dress of several of the countries an onU report on Florence farmhouse postil Sunday when Aa dealer yon held: ^adea, Slats from an old lobster pot form the backdrop for a fish wall hanging secur­ drawn her name. AUce” , 2 JO. 5:45, 9 J 0 ; “ Oaclus Ughtntog struck his pipe. M ar- 19A 4; Hearta, A-K-8-7-4-S-2; her biixbawd. Ivan, wbeun tiie along fine with the Robto- ^ a*™ - Pttnuled «««« the cafeteria Nightingale and Betsy Hesse, F low er” , 3:46, 7:50 and ftimna everyone else he ®ons and their three Persian ed with rope. Joyce works on the steps of her Tolland home. Earlier In the day a group of For Ckmipleto Tree Care Call Houman chetU’s white beard was singed- Diamswds, 5; 199. ^ potato three clammates did Valerie Gray, EOen UA Theatre East — “Uttle. black legislators, unaware that and Donna Hudock, formed a but be waa unhurt and the only What da you aayT , knows, cad Robbie. mth some cd dm leftover rttad, Boston bskod besns, the Judging and crowned Miary B ig Man” , 2 JO, 4:50, 7 JO, 9J0 Together the Robinsons de- front yard is laced with jggtg i„ her artistic creatiohs Mrs. Gonzalez had decided to quartet to sing four selections casual^ was the pipe. Answer: Pass. The hand is CARTER TREE EXPERT CO. H - gtodenta -1— to Boeuf m Boole (Ffencb beef Caron "queen.” Mary waa wear- MsiieJif«asr Drlve-In — “Be­ decline the nomination, called a repreeendng music from four signed the taUes. He iwefc— feme, rhododendrons, trees, come from her yard. One of (LICENSED AND IN8UBED) do amietUhv for n-**- r-— atew), l^wniah rice, Tlenna ing die clothing of a French news conference to predict that foreign countries. Also playing guiled” , 8:50; “Wtontor’. them. She'wld exhibit a pair at mountain laurel and other wild its advantages over grass is both her nomination and that of 643-7695 hi ki iTdiw wtdi the ci'eacents, Danish and Wendt peasant. East Hartford Drlvc-In — the Hartford Arts Festival June flowers. It has some huge expressed to Joyce’s question, that’ s Joi* One skit featuring a groiq> of music from other lands was an Irene Novak of Westport would Instrumental trio made up of ■Moe” , 8 J 6 ; “ Psyidio L over” , • to IS to the Phoenix Mutual boulders removed when the cel- “Who needs a lawn to mow?” I «( — "T fonten oouto naming a the boys, depicted the aasasstna- be rejected by the House. tew. Maty Caron, Terry Tucker and 10:15 4 4 4 4t « -R « I Budding on Oonsdtutlon Flaia. lar was dug. "When they ask- tt was ilnrlilni to have Not only were the parenta don of Julins CSaeaar and an- Stephen E l del man. East Windsor Drtve-Ih — One of her geometric plaques tne what I wanted done with aiM en- weU-fed, they were also enter- other a flerta In Spain while still “The Deserter'', 8 J6; "Daxttog Next Tearie Plaas C">l' I - # * SfiifrTy !«■ the black burner at an old thorn, I told them to leave them Story By Thais Arrive followiiw dhmer- The stu. another was a “ mod” veraian of U U ” , 10JO Turning back to what made gas stove showing through the there,” Joyce said. Biey make J Endi ii»««w«it a caa- dents prepared a program entid- a Viking raid. To show parents Margaret Hayden aand. Another haa a clutch plate ® comfortable place to sit and At Korea Post aenSe — or deaaert lupm- ed "Oar Tear in Review" which the French they had learned all of these extra curricular ac- tile had ftw'wd She didn’t know enjoy the natural and rural at- SEOUL (AP) — An advance asB lte one of the countries Included some musical numbers, while studying that country, the dvtdes poaaible, the block eye- tern, all three teachers spoke Swords Stolen what the plate was untd a Biosphere. It Is quiet, restful party of the 23rd Royal Thai and ulw. varietv ams a beauty pageant featuring “in- studenia reenacted a cafC' scene SUN.. JUNE 6 Photos By ytlttmids»Henlly ahd aTB bopcftll friend who haa an automotive ®b <* beaudfui. Company arrived Friday to unson’s tera S m M ^ ^ es” and sever- in Paris using Frenrt phrases. enUrartasdeany ana are noptM sTAT® OOLLBOB, Pa. (AP) Sylvian Ofiara serve under the United Nations Karen iS k er and David they can do the same thing nert _ Bnrglara have stolen an ead- buslnesB saw the wad hanging On nice days, Joyce works held Tiirsilry tdght. ------^ MaoOoy played aolaa on the year. Mim. Tanotchko said lart Tnated $8,700 worth of antique and Identified the plate. outside. Some of the nature ob- Command In South Korea under held BURNSIDE an annual rotation program. fui September the three teachm weapons ftom the Pennaytvaaia , The Roblnaons get most of. „ ...... ■ ■ ■ Th e 18-man unit WlU be the dtecoaeed and agreed upon the m w e y Musewn to nearby .'dtolr sgnd at the aeatiipre but - Candy Kitchen __ _ from Conway Rd. to Lawton :30 - 9:30| last Thai company to serve In rules they would all follow Boalsbuig, poUce 'pome from towito. in tha irea. Korea. Bangkok has said no Where Quality Candy Is Made Fresh Daily Umm^hout Uie year. She said q-wtive guns and aarorte were Her fliat sandcaattogs were Many TownT o w n RoadsR o a d s the system lends itself to much r-.i That troops will be sent to re­ Chiiase From Over 200 Varieties w St. from Bond St. to Summit St. rough because of dny pebbles place the 23rd <3ompany when it mote flexibility to achednltog ao'now idia sifts the sand —Peart St. tram Spnee ' St. •: . ■.Vairj K returns home after a one-year wm egqdained that as a ro- MEADOWS ■ : : through 9 big kltcben titter, “I 200 feet west.—‘rumbull Rd. tour. For a refreobtag taste treaL try our — from Brent Rd. to Woodland St. ault of the system, the shalents wonder if ru find a diamond To Get New Tops /IJ/ —Tolland Tpke. from N. Mato to the three clasers are prob­ 'some day,” she said. ably the most weU-behaved In -V -V - ( 0 Search Ended w iiK e iti OT^eill, public works director, has announced at. to Demtog st. T o begin a aeulptun, Joyce Pectin Fruit Jellies tha sehool She credited this gA wool wwpdeondVie down ba.' makes a moU in damp aud. GROTON (AP)—Town poUce a ai-OOpUW9136,500 roadXW U pavina program|5a.v^a.«99a towas begin July^ 1.------And sucted wafor «saaass.armor coattng are-. ^ ^ iw»lldiuSkj « c ^ called off an underwater search the fact that the children dnraBV>i9hM^ Her des^ tools include a Moist and tender pectin Jelly cubes to five true- for a body Friday. Apparently O'NeiD is urging that the Board of Directora place a ,onow a wtii-o.gani.ed pattern Ueaoh bottle cover, an tid fruit flavors—oiange, letnoo, Ume, raqiberiy, nOHFBMU-iraMDCiiWlI there was none to be found. 12348,^ road reconstruction program before the a ll day long among Just the flashlight titoU, a dowel, wood g r ^ . The search )>egan when an three teacben. (HnCOMIS J0MHUSI3II wedges, a olotheqito, a potato voters in Novem ber. ^ ~ Une.—Bolfon Center Rd. from auto was found In the city r-qiAln explained that the Included to the work which south of Birch ML Brook — g isiajia Tpke. to the town curl masher, spoons and other as- rdservolr Friday morning. Po­ win begin soon ia 4.99 miles of Hartford Rd. from McKee 8L line.—Birch ML Rd. from Camp block ssytem does not neces- I the SOfVnSD tostniments. Then she lice said the car had been IV^-todi bitumtooua concrete pij,^ g^_ _ Barry Rd. from isaaHap Rd. to the town Une. aarily wort out wtil for evety- deserter poon plaster into the mtid. As stolen In New Tork City June 2. overlay with a life expectancy jjoroOiy Rd. to Bonner Rd. — Tolland Tpke. from the Wilbur one. He noted that a lot depends the plaster hardens, it picks up Police speculate that the drlv- of 10 years; 7J2 rndea of %- jiyja n gL from Demtog 8L to croea »gfaway to the East Hart- iqwn the teaebrns tovotvM and a surface layer at m n d It •er smashed through a locked iiw-h concrete o verla y w ith a the WUbur Croas Highway— ford line.—Bush Hill Rd. from w bedier or not thqy arort areU retains. She doesn’t color the gate Into the water to dispose Ufe eiqiectaiicy of 4 to • years; Hannaway St. from HoO 8L to HiUatown Rd. to Keeney SL— as a team. For tbewe three sand, but, if it to to be used out­ of the car. 5*83 mUes of armor coattog. Harrison SL —Woodbridge 8L at Oak Grove SL from Autumn SL groupe It did wort and the side, she gives it a protective which entails oiling the road intersection of Parker SL 200 feet easL teachers said they thoroughly coating of alllcone. «nd covering it with and Green Rd. Skim patch work scheduled in- enjoyed the year. Last year, tite said, was the / ( /-P-’ f 'S ! .CO with a Ufe eqiiectancy of 2 Roads scheduled for H-tnch eludes; year to sell anirthtog with a fish AUTHENTICITY I ROUTE 6, BOLTON — TEL 649-4332 years; and .86 miles of skim overlay are; — SL James BL —Hillstown Rd. at WethereU modfe. Now owls, frogs, eagles, patch work which uses the from isahi SL to Garden Dr. — SL—IDUs SL—Elm Ter. from gemnetrics and peaoe symbols BETTER THAN EVXat OPEN O-AILT and SUNDAY dU StijO PJfi. Original design (»ffee table viewed from above. Frog, backed by cork, sits on green felt lily pad. Osndy Also Availsbie For Fund Rsistog same material used for the Birch SL from M)iin SL to Pine St. to Park SL—Laurel are popular. There’s a growing NOW ON MAIN ST. half-inch overlay, but only en- Spruce SL — Oak SL from «• dom Laurel SL to Oak PL— Has Oondles ft Incense. tans spot patching of things like Ctottage SL—Ptoe BiaseU SL from Mato SL to potholes. gt frvwn BBitford Rd. to Wal- ^pruce SL-^Irch St. from stock average rose 7.3 to 326.1. jfT.V. STARS Standard & P o o r’s 600-stock in­ fE'RE NOT COMMERCIAL CLEANERS The sUm patefawort wlU be gt. ^wuce SL to HoU SL—Harrison Market Edges Upward done by town forces. The other —Oampfltid Rd. from West- 8L from Hamiaway BL to Danny Bonaduce dex advanced 1.67 to 101.30. ’Die New York Stock Exchange In­ E'RE NOT WHOLESALE CLEANERS three types of work wlD be ^^rood SL to Summer SL—Pro- Knighton St- n e w : — E x o m N O done by outside contractors SL at interaectton with The road reconatruction pro- as “DANNY” dex of some 1,300 issues rose E'RE A ONE FAMILY CLEANERS After Month-Long Slump 1.03 to 86.96. Th e Am erican NATURAL HEALTH which the state determinea to jf.„v,n«ho-v gt. — Tbriy Rd. gram would include: 34 and J f ALL DRY CLEANING ft SUEDE WORK statewide bidding for various Woodside SL to Hnnter ^ u rii mil Rd. from Hills- NEW YORK (AP) — After a The pace of the market’s ad- Stock Exchange index climbed DONE ON PREMISES — SATTSEACTTON GUARANTEED FOOD SHOPRE types of roedwort. Rd.__itimtwr Rd. from end to town Rd. to Keeney SL—Adams Susan Day miontfa of decUne the stock mar- vance slowed perceptibly to- .36 to 28.07. . . . Every Piece Pre-Spotted — Plus 10% Off on Bonus Card In his memo to the directors, end. — Broad SL from Oliver |L frra ^ to New ^ate ket turned upward during the ward the week’s end. On both O* f r e e b o x s t o r a g e ft MOTHPROOFING ON ALL A T TH E WINTER CLOTHES — NO LIMIT O’NeiU said he felt that 26.92 Rd. to VHndemere SL—Fleming past week, advancing In all four Tuesday and Wednesday the ■the Big Board Ow w e rt, as “LAURIE” IK iinintxi Dow gained n early 6 point.- But 1,167 advanced and 496 d e c U i^ . COLD FUR STORAGE (Reasonable) PARKADE mile* of roadway needed pave- Rd. from Cham beta SL to Hil- ter SL to Adams SL—E. Mid­ dle Tpke. from Main SL to ment restoraUan and estimated hard SL — Bond SL from Dti- 34 on the j f Tlio b^wether Dow Jones av- on Thursday the gain du^dled New yearly hlgtu were re^ ed LIGGETT PHARMACY Woodbridge SL—HiUIard SL the cost o f this at $218J96. m oot SL to H ollister SL—B ian- erase of 30 industrials rose to 1.7 points and to 0.88 Friday, by 152 issues and lows by 132. PARKADE CLEANUtS from Adams St. to Main St.— some 14 points for its beat week- The market was closed Monday Of the ‘Wg B o a t’s (^most m - He notes thst there is no ford BL from E. Middle T^ike. 2 649-6659—402 West Middle Tpke., Manchester Shopping Parkade OPEN SUNDAY from 10 a.m. to 6 pan. Woodland SL from Broad SL to ly p e rto ^ ^ e since mld-AprU. because of Memorial Day. live Issues. 14 advanced and six money torlndfd in the 1971- south to the end — Brookfield Main St.—Krtney SL from PARTRIDGE Observers drew encouragement Glamour Issues, which led the d^lned. __^ 72 Ct Ws I Improvement Budg- St. from Center SL 200 feet mANCHESTe Portland St. to the Glastonbury from the fact that volume, advance to the week’s flrrt two *016 five most active Big et for road Improvementa. The north, — Parker SL from B. For those tie patterns Une. • «, 11J • : ‘I *1 ■ which had declined tiiarply in sessions, were major profit tak- issues were: AinericM c o n o N program arUch begins July 1 Outer SL to E. Middle Tpke. P i n e R t z z a FAMILY Mav rebounded as the market tog casualties when a selloff be- Telephone, off % at 44%; P®™* j ACETATE will be ftosneeJ from money —Woodbridge SL between the g* cjentral, up % at 6%: Utove«ity /[ JAMBOREE to the Tbam Aid Account, taro Avondale Rd. — eaSe at After ' reaching a 23-month stocks rebounded on Friday. Computing, up 3% at 37%, Mat- 1^ SURRAH PRINTS money received from the state WyUys SL from Porter SL to Hanoi Emters 3 FREE IN PERSON GOLDEN CRUST RIZZAI 960^*^ ApriT28. the feU 6% potato ’Ihtosday trt 1% at 41%; and Grey- for Improvements to pav^ aoutfa o f Highland SL —P orter Time To Enjoy The QUALITY and 4 7 « y d . APPEARANCES blue-clilD indicator rwuceded to but then gained 3 potato In the hound, up 2% at 22%. roads. SL from E. Center SL to WyUys Cultural Swap Sm II Leva# 3 y d s . *1 PIZZA 3,6 & 8 P.M. lose 46 points over the next following session to close at 'The five m o s t active Issues A complete Une of assort- In urging the road recon- SL—Green Rd. from Woodbridge TOKTp (AP) — Hanoi’s Viet­ ^ 324% t**® American Stock Exchange fsA cottons and cotton strocUon referendum, O’Neill 8t. to Wellesley Rd.—Bretton QUANTITY of Shady Glen’s SUPERIOR blends. 36 and 45” wide. 46” wide, 100% washable EVERY SATUROAT Desoite the market’s partial The - moot------active------Issue— on the -- were: VJnguard, - off % at 2; notes thst road wort costs have Bd. from Woodbridge SL to nam News Agency reported to­ Many with „ pema-press acetate. Great for ties, con ^ ck some analysts said big board was American Tele- Loews Cwp. warranto, up 2 at dresses and scarves. Our risen 12 per cent during the Transit Lane, — Transit Lone day that North Vietnam has Mssssrslto 1.15 2.30 ^TttW enLther the mar- p ^ , off % for the week at 26; Syntax, up % at 70y.; Bran- finish. Values to $1.29 yd. FREE Pepsi-CRit Sew ’n Save! reg. $1.49 yd. post year arliile me money to ^ from Bietton Rd. to Green Man- signed documents on cultural Oiesped Beef 1.45 2.70 DAY and NIGHT ket was ready for a sustained 44% on a volume of 664,000. Iff the Town Aid Account has not o r Rd.—Thistle Rd. from B ret- exchange______with the Soviet Union 2 lOnLES OF ’Tradtag began during the past 11%; and McfJuUoch Oil, off ^ increased substantially. ton Rd. to Helalne Rd.—Green CM Your Ptpsi coupon I ★ Fresh Eggs SeMSsge 1.45 2.70 CANADA DRY ‘"nie market’s sUH In a con- week on a new AT&T convertl- at 28%. Tlie reconstruction peogesm Manor Rd. from Sanford Rd. ow the Ptpgj cartons Dacron and Cotton SpUke’s Famous Without disclosing details, the soUdation phase,” remarked ble preferred issue. .June is Semi-Sheer O’NelU is proposing would to- 200 feet easL—<)uaker Rd. at agency said North Vietnam and 2.00 MuskssMBe 1.50- STOCK CAR Plus Robert Stovall, analyst for Rey- The second most active Big Fourth From FHA ★ Heavy Cream KALEIDESCOPE elude 8.08 miles of town roads, the toteiaection of Milford Rd. the Soviet Union “will further 1 DOTTLE OF nolds & Co. "It hasn’t started Board Issue was Penn Central, WASHINGTON — ’The Feder- PRINTS Roods siyied for 1'%-inch over- —Milford Rd. from Sanford Rd. step up their cooperatton in cul­ AndMviM 1.45 2.70 CANADA DRY FIGURE 8 RACES any summer rally. What you’re up % at 6% on a volume of at Housing Administration pro- d a i^ l lay include: —N. ir«tti St. from to Quaker Rd.—EUxabetb Dr. ture, education, science and seeing to more of the besebuUd- 684,000 aharea. The railroad has vided $9.5 billion of Insurance from Conway Rd. to Lawton Rd. M wt Bell 1.45 EVERY SAT.-8r t»P J M . ★ Cottage Cheese 3.99 y d . Tolland T ^ . to North SL—Jti- technology, health aervlce, pub- 2.70 tag moat recoveries require be- proposed Selling its vast real es- for new mortgage loahs In As- Tnonth m y d . —Denver Rd. firom Conaray Rd. Offer Oead n n Jrte S, UU te n on SL from Unian St. SOO Ucation, press toformaUon, ra­ fore a rally begins.” tate holdings along New Tork cal 1970, accounting for more feet east.—Union PL from Unioa to Laarton Rd. — Weaver Rd. dio and televlaion.” Popsaraal 1.50 2.00 TOU MUST yaONO OOCPOM! Of’i F o r thofvs beach cover- 100% polyester. Machine A n»re rtottmtotlc view came city’s Park Aveiuie. than a quarter of the new men- ups. 45” wide. Washable SL to the dead end.—WUUam '.M APM ★ Homogenized Milk ■ washable. Never-pness fin­ Cfsen 1.35 2.50 ''‘.IN IP M from E F Hutton analyst New- Big Board volumo during the ey going Into residential mort- 1' with crease-resistant fin­ SL from Main SL to Summit St. Were Sorry — t<» Ztoder who said: ‘"The con- past w ert declined to 62.87 mU- gages. ish. Ideal for summer ish. 46” wide. 100% travel —^N. Lakewood Ctocle from VU- Onl«n 1.25 2.40 we saw during most Uon shares from 66.06 million —— dress or play wear. Our We regiti the free. lage SL 300 feet west—Green Rd. Cvary Friday nMIM it of M -y to now over. It looks like shares the previous week. Al- ★ Quality Ice Cream 1 reg. $1.39 yd. from Summit SL to N. Elm BL ■CeaAinatian e f 2 1.45 3.00 Bonus Niglht wo’re on an upturn.” though. average dally trading —Park SL from Chestnut SL to t fe r 1 Ptasa Sole ilanrljPBtPr A mMSOMCH fnoouenoM Ohoee who said they thought volume was higher 4han In the •Main gt. — Summit St. CGMiUfialioii ef 3 190 3.30 177 HABTFORD ROAD s MANCHESTER R O U TE 159 the martlet was still conaoUdat- previous week, total turnover OPEN DAILY 0:30 to 9:30 We Honor C.A.P ft Master Charge | from Oenter St. to E. Middle tog cited uncertainty about the was lower because of the abbre- m m bioriu Howm Spadti 2.00 3.75 AGAWAM. MASS. 1£ii8nitt0 IJpraUi *l^;ike.—Benton SL from IBigelow ManHflu BBTGman All above iteas econmnlc outlook. vlated trading week. published Dally Except Sundays rauLnHumni Am R obert Johnson, analyst B ig Board v


HbmrlfpHtpr acme o f tlM wlvaa and rdativaa of the Tells Story Business Bodies Americana briar M d priaoaer Haari £tmtitt0 ifpraUi —hare began making pubUc their cam Of Horror OPENS PHABMACV beUef that die only way to get our Robert R. Froieika of Weth­ HR. KUAs CbunriuLo >=_-Btraat priaonera freril to to end die waf. ersfield Is the new owner of TAOOilCA, WMh. CAP) — Frank’s Pharmacy, located in That Piarident Nfason to ririvtng to end "Whan I ooma in I was *aUd«g the WM>pkig Shopping Center at the w ar— or at leaat American 986 Oakland Rd. to a port." aaid fim Vlrinom The riore will have its formal partldpattoo In It — few would deny. vetepan. "I muot’va bangad my o n e * at opening under new manage­ But die prtooner of war toene ban never head againat the waU 96 timaa ment tomorrow afternoon.with been an toeue wbirii coidd poeritiiy con­ and riaxtad taiUng to a faeatar." im open house from 3 to 6. kby- tribute to the ending of the war; It haa, Jim—that’s not his raol name 6r Howard B. Fitts will cut the —fidgated, trembled and ribbon. to the contrary, been a dand end yawned aa be spoke. He araa un- EVolelks, who ^ d s a K In diveraion from H. Prerident Nfann’a re­ tieegring the firat aymptoms of pharmacy from the University wlihdrawat from heroin addic­ of OonnecUcut, was previously peated ptomtoe about the priaonera — tion at neaity Madigan Army TRB___, associated with drug storea In Tko >—y l« d ! that we will remain In the war until they Hospital. Wethersfield, Simsbury and tUid to tiM of ms family 'does not know he news dlm itA— crsa . aot oOMr- are rrieaaed —ampunta to a aelfdefeat- Elmwood. sriM credltod to tU ■ad alao bm was admitted for aiddlcUon lootf nswa |sdilMi»jl ^ ^ . tng threat to continue the war torever treatment, n w y expected him He is a past preeldent of the dll rMita of TopafUtatkai of apoeM dia- Ccl. John Chester School PTA patehoa airalB ara abo ataor rod.______on a baato wbldi would make an ending home ‘nieaday. Jim soya two buddies saw him in Wethersflehl and of the Weth­ Tbe Herald PrinttOB Otirn gg b e., aa- impoarible. ersfield Jayceee. He Is married aomea ao flnannlal ra a p oa w ^ for touting to a barracks port late grapUoal eiTora eppearlaa hi adfaitM Hanoi haa rejected an aU too obvioua Tuesday nigjit at Ft. Lewis and and the father of a son and nunts and otiier raadfeif inattar ta n a daughter. Breniad Herald. piece of batt. It to time for Waahington brought him to the hoopital. He had strived, at Ft. Lewis earUer __ to lAm Anfflea TlBM»«aaNap. to abandon a atrategy which to obrioua- •■e.- ■f'. ATTENDED SEMINAR too Poat News 8errtoe._ _ _ . ■ 4 > from 'Vleinean. VWl aerrioe client of N. B. A. SerTtoa lae. ly barren, and get cloaer, if it can, to Re eo^ierta .to ahiy at MiadlgBn Wayne E. Keith, son of Mr. PiAlWien Heprearafattrea, —. .iBtteaa. ■ramoa aad Onuea tan., aome real negotiation in wbich, for a another two days before he re- and Mrs. Elarle A. Keith of 361 W. Oentet Bt„ was among 40 — Hew T o e t ,------~ ‘______change, it to willing to give Hanoi aome- covera from withdrawal eymp- Mg irwwn a THHT BOBBAU OT CDCaiJl- toms. management and sales execu­ TTOlW.______tUng It may waat In return for Jim is one of M OIS who since tives selected to attend a recent Dtailax adrartlatiy something ere went. Mhrcfa have either been brought week4ong executive manage­ lClft»aajr^^ ___ in cr choeen to enter die hoopi- ment seminar In Prlneton, N.J. Bor Taeadar — 1 p-m. j t c gadaaaW —T p j tal’s detoxlflcaUDn ward to wtth- Keith is manager of Dun A Bor TiMraday — 1 p jl -V r r draw from heroin addiction. Bradatreet’s Oommerclal Col­ Bor VMday — 1 pju. in ------The Cynical Believer Practically all have been Viet­ lection Division in Hartford. nam veterans, aays MaJ. JeiTy Speakers at tho conference in­ Relnbold Niebuhr was so realtodc S' i StoHer, chief of psyebidtry at cluded both academic and busl. aaturday, June 5 about die human condition that be the sprawling military hoapltal, seemed more of a cynic about every­ one of the largest on the West ■ "" Ooart. thing than a brilever In anything. m Staller oupervlses the peyriila- Th« Next Try At Hartford But aftOT be riripped ua down to our trtc unit which operates the de­ Important D^nocraUc toaderriiip in natural unworthlnean and ain, and plac­ toxification ward. He estimates the Oeneral Assembly, Governor iCes- only a small percentage of her- ed ua aafriy outside the reeefa of any oin-addicted Ola returning to Cf'' C kiU bdmsrif, impoctara lopreaentatinn of cheap or easy emodonal kind of redmnp- the United States are entering Photognqihed By William Coe Miss Melody Weir, young proprietress o f the Health Food Farm at 747 Main the atate’ei tnduatilri and oonimarelal don, and warned us that we would al­ the word. In Vietnam, he said, Ola can St., replenishes the shelves during this week’s grand opening. 'The store community, and organtoed labor ail Pbotogiaphed By William Ooe ways have more ill than good to work 'buy anudl vbds of neoriy pure opened Thursday. Tuesday and Wednesday she plans to spread a smorgas­ Frederick M. Winters, left, district manager for Ammeo Tools, Inc., expteins ■earn to have Joined in ridier advocacy with, in our own natures and in our heroin for $8 to <6 apiece. bord table featuring all sorts of healthful items you can try, then make or for or reoepdreneas to a atate income With BrivlaaOllun At Fenway Perk Jim estimates that 16 of the 60 to 'Victor J. DellaFera the use of Ammeo’s new twin cutter for machining own gyatema, he would then give us men in his company were ad­ buy prepared from Manchester’s first store devoted exclusively to natural tax, and It quite obviooaly would have BALTIMORE'S BOOG POWELL STRIKES OUT, SWINGING disc brakes, recently added to the company’s line. The two are inside Ammeo’s foods, vitamins and cosmetic creams. Melody, a 1963 Manchester High gradu­ our aaaignmento and atply the lash of dicted and tour or five were oc- mobile training and display van, currently visiting area auto dealers. Della been an income tax which imold have ate, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weir, 85 Brookfield St. hto own reridiiel belief. caatonal users. Fera heads Manchester Auto Parts, an Ammeo distributorship. been the product if tbto w a^a nagoda- A Senate sufbcommlttee re­ The only mlllcnlum be could con­ cently reported that an estimat­ dcna at the State Oapitol and in the Gov- ceive or dare fight for came in very ed 80,000 t o 40,000 OIs use her­ CHintlLLA PROMOTED LABONNE GENERAL AGENT NIPPON MBKTBON amoT'a Manaion bad baan niccearilil. Connecticut Yankee oin in Vietnam. It said use of Robert M. ChurlUa, formerly George T. LaBonhe Jr., pres- DIBEOTOB Consumer Corps smaH, aomeUmea tangible rlnmka, featuring— U those negodadona have failed —and tiie drug has jreaefaed epidemic of Manchester, has been elect- ident of IS.T. LaBonne and As- Saul M. SUversteln of CMum-. like a UtUe more in a pay envelope. It Inside By A.H.O. 'prxiportiona anua^ U.S. service- ed officer of management ser- soclates, 166 Mialn S t, has been bla Lake, reoMiUy retired Swoops Down On •m f a lt "variety we cannot but bope that'they win con­ aomriimea seemed that bis higheat hope Mideast Setback men. vices at Manufacturers Han- named general agent at Man- chairman of Rogers Corp., haa Hartford Stores a t iH tinue to fUl ao.long aa an income tox scene, notify even the leaders Tlie Mhfilgan ward waa eatab- over Trust in New Tork City. Chester for National Life Insur- been elected a director of Nlp- Wayna E. KeMh in political action was that the unworthy -Diis searion of the General Uahed tmdw receiti Army regu- He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. ance Co. of Vermont. pon Mektron, Ltd., Japanese HARTFORD (AP) State very would have to be their product — the Assembly has been featured by of the Legislature what bills circult nesa leaders. At the final aes- motivations of men might be aometime they are likely to be acting upon Tatkm under which aoidlere George P. Cliurllla of 82 EVjx- with the appointment, he Is producer of electronic Consumer Protection Commis- best!lest!' new start that win have to be made occasional holier-than-thau de­ beguiled into good deeds they never in­ that day. who conuhlt themsolvisa are not croft Dr. advanced from associate agent systema and a licensee of Bog- slon, a management panel rfoner Barbara Dunn accom- ort nunciations, by aome of our leg- pzooecuted aa drug offendmn. CburUla Joined the $11 billion- ^ th^ company’s Hartford gen- Hamilton P. Mitchell, panled by staff members made riKNdd try to go back toward an adjuat- tended. lalators, of the traditional lob­ The arriving leglriator, the EViUomip reports to determine deposit institution In 1970 as agency and wlU share The election came vdUle fiU- president and chief executive of- surprise inspections on two Hart-.^ we hove , plastic sand boxes mant of Oovemor IfeaklU’a own orig­ Our emlgnmant at bis hands, there­ byists who frequent the corri­ casual Capitol guest, the lazy whether aoMlera zrieaaed from manager of management eer- client sales and services In versteln was in Japan during fleer of Dun A Bradstreet, re- lord grocery stores Friday and' By RoiHaod Evans Jr. and Robert D. Novak dors. at Hartford. There was and wading pools inal prmwaala. fore, was to keep a close and realistic newsman, all can tril, by cast­ the wairi have stopped use of vices. In hla new ciqMcIty he Hartford, Utchfield, Middlesex, his recent speaking tour of sbe celved recommendations from ordered one of them to, clop even, in the Senate, a quite un- Now Haven Now ToI- countries In Ehirope and the the workshop group concerning tte shelves and seUlhg The main adJuatmant that might be WASHINGTON — Although Arab world is to keep hoatiUty campaign demanding that Mr. neceasary official pretense that ing a glance up and down the heroin to nearly impoarible, eye on our own imperfections,, and to Nixon retaliate in kind by im­ corridors on any given legisla­ soya atriler. . land and Windham OounUoa. bfiddle and For Bast. suggested Improvements in patent medicines without a U- made would conatot in ^reading out the the U.S. haa now recrived pri­ between the Arabs and the U.8. the lobbyists were ao evil ahd work for ayatoms wbich mlgbt contain vate word from Cairo that the at the highest possible pitch mediately meeting Israel’s tive day, how near it is to action VTUey cozne here voluntaHly has been affiliated A noted authority on manage- company operations. cense, the senators themselves so pure with' National Life of Vermont mient, SUversteln made tho trip Keith joined the firm in 1B02 Hie visits were the results of paying off of the state deficit In order to and outwit them without Straining too new Soviet-Bgypttan treaty has short of a shooting war. long-standing request tor new that they could not posatUy be fur the chiropractont, or the gaa and it would be A breach of con­ get a aalea tax lower than die seven per not and will not affect president Accordingly, the immediate military assistance from the station operators, or the con­ fidence if we sent thenoi a letter since 1952. He is a 16-year in connection with hla fuU-re- at Hartford. He is a graduate of complalnta about dirty food in heavily for the nobler, but unattainable allowed to be present in the member of the life Industry’s Urement personal career of lec- local schoola and the University the stores, and Mrs. Dunn made Nixon’s plan for an interim set­ reaction in the White House to UA same room at the same time. sumer credit boys. asking them to say It they had cen t'die povem or proponed, wldr more goal of eliminating them. It Is precisely this proqiec- MUUon DoUar Round Table, turing on the phllaophy of man- of Connecticut, cne scheduled stop emd two un­ tlement ahmg tiie Suez Canal, the news, fully expected, o f new There has been little doubt Not only do the lobbyiris tell stayed oft bemln. Some don’t announced inspections. exemptions dian he proposed. Uve scenario tbat now tm U es want to teO. their fanolUea,” he end he holds 16 National Quri- agement and consulting with — AUTO Probably he wrote and talkad too that aaaurance ignores the pros­ Soviet arms shipments to Egypt about it: the professional lobby­ Mr. Nixon’s top adviaen on the the leglsiaton and their gueata Ity Awards, for excellence of and for governments, organlza- WINS SAFETY AWARD The first visit was to a store Beyond msi. there to aUn that remedy pect of dangerous new escala­ will be an effort to keep the lid ists have bem treated as If they what day it la. Tliey are alao . says. on Main St. which had been much, wo that in the end the trains of Middle East. The fact that the < Some Gift StoUer adda, begin service Co cUenta. tlons and individualsf. The Motor Transport Assoc­ wUcb looks ao,^attracdv^ poaaibie from tion of the Middle East arms both on the Israeli government had aomehow become intruders valuaUe social catalyata, who given a clean up order a few bto tlioiigilt stopped too Gonvenienlly at race. and on American politicians. new Sovlet-EgypUan treaty puts on the leglalative scene instead ’ having . withdrawal aymptoma iation of Connecticut la among the Initiative in Mioscaw’ a hands help introduce congenial people motor carrier groups from 19. days ago. And Friday the de­ WASHETTE a dtotonce, but'se hard to gmh bold of at too m^ay ■iatlcna for Qw dtocharge and What la expected here la a But that course is fraught with of one of its accustomed and to one another, and -who have on 'thrir rrtum flight from Vlet- partment inspectors were satis­ slmidy heightens the danger. mtm Many are acbeduled for states being cited by the Amerl- 203 SPRUCE ST. — MANCHES’TER, CONN. dose range — economy. reori^ of paeaengbra who never lasted new round of Soviet arms ship­ political danger to Prerident higtily useful regulars. an awful lot to do with that de* fied that the store had been Nixon. Elver since last August, whmi jWnhaiyi from the Army and can Tracking Asaoclatlon for The fight that Connecticut may have ments to Cairo. In themselves, the Egyptians vidlated the We find It poaslMe to under­ velopment of team spirit aad outstanding highway safety pro­ cleaned up. fOr the whole journey or understood I s For examine, leaders of the cordiality which makes eadi try privately to withdraw from The inspectora the nmade a these new arms probaMy would cease-fire along the Sues Canal, stand that this Liegiriature, grams during 1970. to put op to escape eaiMHng ttarif for­ ftoei deatination Between stations, how­ affect the so-called military American - Jewish community legislative June seem like com­ addlcticn instead of seeking surprise visit to 2 supermarkets. Mr. Nixon baa played cool, can­ la ck in g its own positive disUnc- Award cerOflcatos wUl be pee- ever with .one more ever-rtoiiig form of balance between Israel and are already incensed about mencement time in the great hei^,4ie aaya. The Baby Has The inspectors found m dd in ever, he was a vital, articulate reminder ny politics in the Arab-Israeli Uons, diould attempt to embel­ “ Tliey think they’ ll have to sented the winning state groups Egypt only marginally, if at alL what they regard as the tough, big, but atm fun-filled, univer­ the cooler where beer and mUk taxation would not be pieaaant, or easy and stimulator of that spirit-mind part struggle. The new treaty bind­ lish its own reputation by loud- atay in the Army if they oome at the motor carrier industry’s AUTOMATIC But if the military effect is only heavy - handed treatment ac- ing Cairo and Moscow threat­ sity of practical poUtira. is stored, doors without screens to live with, even if it can be won. of alt of ua which never stops trying. corded Prime Minister Golda mouthing the sins of somebody here, but we only ^extend them national satiety meeting June 22 and thawed and moldy frozen marginal, the psychological and ens to take the ptay a-way from else. But we cannot concede the It to already written large in tbe Uvea political impact could be dlsas-, Heir by Secretary of State Wdl- All the puritanieal pretenses three to fotw daya until they're In Atlanta, Cki. foods. the President and put it back In legialators their luropaganda aside, the lobbyiato not only completely free,” StoUer soya. Been Named Judging by the ATA Safety trous for the Nixon admlnlatra- iiam p. Rogers in their first Moscow, giving the Russians Through an interpreter Mrs. of aU of ua, and of our diildren and our meeting in Jerusalem Hay 27. -viatory, nor appreciate their contribute moke than their Last year, Ft Lewis i»oc- Ilepartment la based on activi­ Dunn said “ Get It cleaned.” An­ BRUSHES Judge Mnlvey’s Decision lion’s -wise, patient courtriiip of far greater power than before of an entire court. But hours to work out an agenda and realistic research facilities perienced Intense withdrawal consulting. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Perry, Es­ that store met with her WASH be able to keep the number of docu­ Democratic Presidential rivals, cities go down the drain."—^Rep. Justice — widcii, in Bdnnnvd Burke's before the second meeting could at the dl^Mwal of the Legisla­ without having to ^>end ao symptonus. He begran his career In con­ sex. She has a stater, Cheryl, 1. approval. mentary entanglementa Into their Uvea pbiaae “ rather eemns to eubmit to a ne- to retaliate by ^ din g the UH. be held in Tel Aviv the next Wdlbur D. Mllla, D-Arit., chair­ much of their vahiaUe time “ But I went bock on It, I was 4$ '« ». "We're going to do more of i.oa ture. They, much more, reli­ sulting with HamUton Standard embargo on new arms sales to man of the House Ways and cozening and trying to hrip leg­ Nicholson, Tina Marie, daughter of Gerald and Chris­ this,” Mra. Durai said. .“ People at some »rfa«i of and restrict oearity than to make a cboiee” — is im­ day. ably than any of the more bored," he aays. In South Viet­ Division of United Aircraft In Dnplicate Bridge Israel. That reversal of Admin­ Although that second meeting Means Oommlttte and an oppo­ islators who then kepey tbem nam he worked aa a finance tine Whitmore Nicholson, 121 E. Main S t, RockvlUe. She waa have a right to buy clean food.” posed upon Um aa an oMIgation. istration -policy would turn the scholarty4ooking diaracters in 1966. WAX 25‘ EXTRA the number o f ways the graremment - Teaterday Judge Harold Ifiilvey faced was a distinct success, Rogers’s nent of President Nixon’s plan with uncalled for public abuse. clerk from 7:80 a.m. to 4:80 bom May 21 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal Resulte lart night In a dup- whole Arab world against the to stiare federal revenues with the Legislature's own research He is a 1968 graduate of Man­ can enter their packet^ and reject the such aa obHgaWon in his Superior Oourt- total frankness in his conversa­ staffing, know how to read a p.m. at Quang Tri near the de- chester High Schori. He and hla grandparents are Mr. and Mra. Forest Whitmore, KeUy Rd., Ucato bridge game at the Ital- Geographic Center U.8. once again. state and local governments. Vernon. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. aad Mrs. Ella- rather astounding dieory diat one con- room and dlwniaaed all ctaorgea agalnat tions with Israeli leaders anger­ UU and lepokt what It really mlUtailzed zone. wife, the former Barbara Kur- Uan- American Club are: North- The geographic center of the Bobby O. Seale end Birtcka Hugglna in In riiort, the new Moocow- ed not only the Israelis but “ It is a coUectfcm of superfi­ "You get off, go to your hooch worth Nlcholami, 62% EUingtmi Ave., Rockville. She has a ATTENDANT ON THE PREMISES DAILY cially rimllnr programs linked does. They are Infallible, each Y esterdays yan, and their two daughters South; Myles Walsb and Donald umted States, including Alaska ftocatocy bread of taxation aomehow ba- the murder of Alex Rackley. Cairo treaty, witii its heavy em- scrnie of their friends in the U.S. set of them, in ferreting out and (Uvlng, quarters) and stare at ^ their home In Dutch brother, Robert, 1%. Lewis, first; Mr. and Mra. Frad and Hawaii, is In South Dakota’s phasia on “ strengthening the in reality only by a -vague con­ « I* * * .« TILL 7 P.M. coraiaa more baaraUe if another to add­ The Judge's own-words in a very brief Congress. Thus, any new Soviet analyzing the weakness in the H era ld theM— walls anotber wortd,’ —Neck, . —N.J. - Penny, second; Mr. and Mra. Butte County, 17 miles west of defense capacity” of Egypt, has arms shipments are Hkely to be cept of voiudteerism.” —Sen. Schneider, Peniq' Jean, daugjiter of Jonathan and Joyce ed to U. ■tatement are both tbe beat explanation positions of their rivals, so that he says. Joseph Marortlo, third. Castle Rock, : ' . . . - Slid the best analysts of his dramatic ac­ now banded the Russians a le­ seized on by pro-Israrii Demo­ Harriaon B. WUUams, D-N.J., Jim says his first experience Cook Schneider, 172 High fit., Manchester. She waa bom May on an administration proposal to any legislator who wants to get 25 Years Ago Alto, East-West; Brian Tan -What we would Uke to see at Hartford tion. thal new weapon to reverse the crats — three specific examides himself reaHy well grounded In with herein came one night 20 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grand­ consottdate several volunteer Ooieral Bor, hero Of the Pri- Book Returned and Mrs. Rosemary Woodman, to aomethlng we do not believe haa real­ "Mra. Huggins baa been confined for pro-American atmoqihere in are Sens. Hubert H. Humphrey an issue need only add up what when another GI offered him mother is Mrs. Vernon 8. Cook, 328 Woodbridge St, Manches­ first; Mrs. A1 LoPlont and Mrs. *¥11187 IN MMNHESreR” more than two years in this state. Mr. Cairo. Nothing can accmnplish of Minnesota, Henry H. Jack- agencies including the Peace - the two sides say about each Ish resistance, passes through what was described aa cocaine. ter. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frederick ly occurred at any stage. In public or Corps and VISTA into a new Ac­ Manchester with convoy of ten 30 Years Later Mary Roy, second; and Sotya Seale baa been confined in this atate end that reversal more quickly than son of Washington, and Abra­ other. “It wasn’t coke, it 'waa pure Schneider, 172 High 8t„ Manchester. Pabqual and Bktward Conway, behind cloeed doors —an effott to see oilier ataiaa for at least that amount of acieaming headlines in Arab ham Rlbicoff of Connecticut — tion Corps. autos and an escort of State Po­ heroin. I told him it wasn’t co­ “ I see nothing wrong with HARTEXIRD (AP) — The llilrd. wliat kind of package could be put time. He is also faced with the problem newQMipers and emotional com­ as evidence that Rogers’s poli­ Aside from their research lice on way to Hartford to re­ caine bu t he said the guy he bod Jordan, Jennifer Jean, daughter of John IH and Jean mentaries over Radio Cairo that."—Chairman Wilbur D. functions, the lobbyists are also ceive Hartford City Medallion. Hartford Public Ubrary, In an Ralph Jordan, 42 Park West Dr., Rockville. She was bom May Winners In the club's knock­ In the State of niinoU that involves con­ cy of t»essuring Israel to with­ bought it from sold it waa co­ out team ctaampionzlilp tour­ Parkade together if the income tax, or any imita­ mu draw from the Suez Canal kfills, D-Arit., of the House invaluable as information offi­ 26 at Manchester Memorial Hoi^tal. Her maternal grandpar­ finement__ I am advlaed.. .that the ar­ about compensating U.8. arms caine,” Jim says. effort to regain possession of nament are Joseph Toce, John to the hated Israelis whose amounts to selling out Israel, to Ways and Means Committee, on cers, social (Urectoirs, and unof­ ents are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ralph, 84 Englewood Dr., Man­ tion thereof by aome otber name, to rul­ ray o f Jurora for this oourt ia practically 10 Years Ago EYom that point, Jim aaya, he gome 2,600 overdue books, has Descy, Roman Chaahay and ed out. exbauated and that the poaritiUlty of troops now occu]^ one-tenth of Moscow's advantage. Us acceptance of free tranqior- ficial clerks of the whole works. Dr. Raymond Weltael ia ap­ purchased two to three vlala ri announced last week it wlU over- chester. Her paternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mrs. Jrim Jor­ NATURAL HEALTH Egypt The corollary to that will be taton on aircraft owned by pri­ They are the ones who, by Bidgar Ramspeck, flirt; James drawing a panri for these cases is prac­ pointed aaalatant pathologlat at herotadaUy.snl^ti.^ W dan, Hartford. and Lance Tatro and Mr. and tically n il.. .until September. Both the State Department, a bipartisan domestic poUUcal vate companies. their mere presence on the Manchester Memorial Hospital. 'at « . • • -Open Sunday- which has been running Mid- Mahoney, CSiristopher George, son of George and Mary Mra. Arthur Pyka, second. FOOD SHOPPE "I have prevlouriy heard a motion to ^ P'*"' The game, qionaored by the Hanoi Rejects The Bait dUmfaw becauae of pre-trial publicity east policy In this Administra­ Now, hekm. says,.okM “«olnted Jan. 21, a John Hahn, 70 Linden St., Manchester. His maternal great- 9 A.M. fe 9 P.M. TELEPHONE 646-8178 Judge Hulvey’s deririon does not total­ courage to our hearta, and love -pheresa, 16. *ew days after the Tupamaroe This haa aiwwya seemed a dead end to keep us united and respons­ grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank .Ruggiero, 70 Woodhlll ARTHUR iHUia ly aailaiy the bope ttiat truth will be She completed her junior year kidnaped British Ambassador Rd., Manchester. .His paternal great-grandfather la Clarence AT THE PARKADE ONLY — 404 W. MIDDLE TURNPIKE poUegr road for the Nixon Administration cleariy winnowed from the writer of con­ ive. in hlrii school Friday and she Geoffrey Jackaon. Now the Finley Sr., 87 White St., RockvlUe. He has a sister. Shannon, to be tryliv to follow, and it la to tradictory fact in a oourtroom. But it Amen haanT d school »toce Wn- guerrlUas are bolding four hoet- Oontrihuted by: 1%. be' noted that recently aotne of the peo- serves the needs of Justice — end of a dergarton either. ages, Inoludtag Jackson. Panther - weary community. — NEW The Rev. C. Henry Anderson SOMB TABU pla who have the right to care most — HAVEN REGISTER, Ehnanpel Lutheran Church W A^m m a ir PlClg’ 1gVBrtUUon last year on 8,494 proj- pond would have to be drained sume duties as pastor d St. tot children and adults. ing. Nuiaeiy provided. on “ Oonnectlcut’ B BSndangered Rt. SO, Vernon Man, we’ve got so many dif­ we had them, and have been medlately after the service, pessed and sent to the governor ending any chance It - bad for ecte! They included teaching the twice and pet^le living near the Nuibeiy for Sis little ones. 8:16 pjn.. Open air service Draining of the pond has been ^e sul^eoted to the Blona and Fauna.” Bernard’s Church, RockvlUe on Rev. Robert H. Wellner, ferent trips planned that it’s aiklng fo r m ore. So, fo r 60 there wlU he a reception in Sie 7 p.m., (Family Go^iel Serv­ and indoor prayer meetiiig. a bUl 'Which eatabllriies the cen- Fijians how to make tapa cloth, going on for some time ^ t^e bottom twice. Noon, ParWi ftmtly outing ’nmraday. He succeeds the R ector real hard to keep up with them, cents you can nA vq> on hot- churdi parlor to celebrate the ter f t thn Win... Similar proposal for a state getting the Romatdans a com- ice. Hymnaing and Bible mes- 7 p.m., Salvation meeting. Hie mudgates were opened to o ’(NelU eays, “Hie odor Is and chicken barbecue. Rev. George F. K Reilly, who and I think It’s got you folks a cakes, and sausage, this Fri­ lOth anniversary o f the Felix oc tne Connsctlcut River the consUtutiqiial amendment lost In puter and discovering Iron ore 8 a.m.. Holy Oommunlon. little messed up, too. aage. boundary line bkween Hartford referendum last November. Re- for the Swans, aUow the lowest water In the 1333 offensive than I antietpat- died in Api^- day from noon to 1 o’clock. FnU Gospel ChrisSsn Davis Family at Benond pond and the mud on the hot- Cbnreh 10 a.m ., B^amily Service and and Bast Hartford and between measure is because qiiat Is the report the pro- Father White has served as ’The gang, one busload, will Stop by and have a real treat, FeiiswaUp Intertenem iiwlional CSiurch. tom ito drain out In iireparatlon ______Vatted Okmek ot d ir is t Church School. First Chnrdi of Christ, Hartford and South VTndsor, ^ Uongresalonal act last year, gram’k Administrator, Paid G. pastor of Orir Lady of the Lakes be off and running through and the money will help defray Orange 'Han for dredging paper fibre from R t. 41A, Ooventry Pennsylvania Dutch land this the expeneee of our noon lunch­ SelenUst —The blU “ passed in the House which gives 18-yearolds the Hoffman, wlU make to hte gov- Rev. Roberi K. Bechtold, pariah, Oakdale, since Its for- 447 N. Main St. Rev. Philip P. Saundera, Pastor tile southern tip of the pond. Nune Change St. Peter’s l^lseopsl Cbnreh coming Tuesday, Wednesd^ es. Church and Chestnut Sts. with little comment several ilght to vote in federal dec- ernlng councU when It meets In lOrdater Sand HUl Rd., South Windsor and ’Ihursday. ’Ihose going Thursday Pinochle Rev. C. Henry Andencn, weeks ago, with none of Hart; floti*. , Santia^go, Chile, next week. According to O’Neill, one j a c k b o N Mias (A P) — TKe Rev. James A. BIrdsall, 11 a.m., Churdi Service, Sun­ 10:80 a.m.. Adult Bible Study A‘ proposed federal constitu- He says the assisted goveni- Compaq a l^ the must be here at the Omter at 7 nuirsday’s pinochle group and open discussion. Sunday Pastor ford’ s 10 state representaittyee 10 a.m ., Holy Oommunlon and raunlon. o’clock ’Tuesday mondng. R day School, and Nursery. ‘TJod voicing qnwritlon. Uonal amendment—granting 18- ments spent in counterpart River has ^en foroed to shut 3,^^ ^ Meslsslppl School of reception of new members. had 62 players, with the follow­ lbs Only Cause and Creator” SebooL really took some doing to fill 0 and 10:46 a.m ., Dtvlne MCiOr- . Yesterday, however,/ both year-olds the right to vote In funds $376 million In cosh and down a part of Its i^ratlOT ^ursliig Is changing tte name, 11 a.m., Armual organisation­ a.m.. Holy Oom- ing winnws; BHlen lOeinan, is the auhject of the leaeon-aer- 7:80 p.m;, Bvangellrilc serv­ state and local elections—needs Und. A and 10 one tHMi and I guess tt’s be­ shlp. Sermon by Pastor Adder- state senators from liartford which uses water from the ^ nurslity graduates thU al meeting. Vicar •17; M ay Derby, 801: Cla W l- mon. The Golden Text: Acts ice. Hockanum and another firm include the first two cause we’ve got so many others son, "O ur Task andr Our Re­ opposed the blU. claim ing that Hoffman’s report groups the ll:M a.m., lamcheon Recep- son 586; Louise Hagenow, 678; 16:18. projects into four major fields has had to use an alternate wa- ^i the history of the planned. As a reminder to you, sources.” the boundary line riiould be the become law. About 80 states Uon. Rofalna CarroU, 672; Elisabeth Ihe Chrlrilan Scimee Read­ Church of the Aaeumptloa already have ratified it of activity—increasing food pro­ ter supi^y. school—Griff Field of Hatties- St. Mhfiry’s Church here’s what’s going for the re­ Jesanls, 682; Florence Kciils, 8:66 and 10:40 a.m.. Church east bank of the river. Rt. SI, Coventry mainder of the month. ing Room/ open to the public Adams St. and ’Ihompscm Rd. duction, converting natural re- The pond cleanup is being burg and Marlon Shipp of VsMed Mefbedlat Church 667; Paul Bchuets, 662; Jennie except on holidays, is Oocated at Rev. Edward S. Pepin, Parior School fo r three-yearH)ids The dUpute ^ioeo when plhna Rev. F. Bernard Miller, Pastor On Monday, June 14th, we Yesterday was the 60th blrth- scurces into economic assets, done with $8,000 allocated for Brookhaven. R t. 44A, Bcfiton Fogarty, 660; John Gaily, 646; 740 Main St. The h oiin are 11 Rev. Robert J. Burbank through Grade 8. Nursery for ^ ^ o* state Rep. Rubin Cohen improving basic services and Rev. Richard F. Roughan. will start registering for our constiuctlon In Bast Hartford of \______that purpose In the current fls- nig eirent, the univeralty re- Rev. David 1C. Oampbell Ines Mshonsy, 6M; Alice An­ a.m., to 4 p.m. Monday through infants. of Colchester, known as the overcoming. . the ahortyge of Assistant Pastor cne-day trip to the Cathedral In a marina and other faculties cal year and $18»000 included in porta, win require the ahunnae lO nlster derson, 640; and Esther An­ Friday. Saturday, Masees at 6:00 and “Dean of the House,” and pro- sklUs. the 1071-72 Capital Improve- (^lapter to 'become the "alumni the Pines on ’Tuesday, June 22. Church ef Christ along the east bank of the Con­ derson, 580. 7:80 p.m . codlnga were Interrupted at Here are some of tile exam­ ment Budget. chapter," in keeping with the Saturday Mass, 7:80 p.m. We’H all take our own lunch, Lydall and Vernon Sts. necticut River. Hie bUl, In ef­ 10 a.m.. Children’s Day, with Sunday'Masses, 7:S0, 0:SO and Don’t forget our outdoor ahuf- St. BIsiy’s l^ lscopal dmreh Sunday, Masses at 7:80, 0, 3:30 p.m. for preoentation of a ples he gives: Hie $18,000 waa included rules of Latin endings that re- and then plan to have a nice Ehigene Brewer, M inister fect, was a contest to determine sermon. Kindergarten through 10:40 a.m . fleboards. I b i^ to see more -Church and Park Sts. 10:80 and 11:46 a.m . birthday cake and the singing —^To help Kenya, Tanzania laiigely due to a cltixen cam- quire masculine forms of worda Grade 4. dinner on the way home. The Rev. George F. Noetrand, which tewn would benefit from trip wOl cost $8.60 per peraon, and more of you using them. of “Happy Birthday.” and Uganda,'British and Ameri­ paign spearheaded by the Jay- denoting both sexes. 11 a.m.. Coffee and Oonvorsa- Last Friday they Were used all R ector Chnreh of Jesus O flst of 9 a.m,. Bible dnssas tor ell tax revenue from the facilities. Cohen, who is serving his 16th can scientists working In a vet­ tlon. Vei United atui you’n qwnd what you want Rev. Ruseell Allen ages. Church to for your eata, etc. afternoon. It was good sedng Intter^ay Ssliris (Mmmoo) ...... consecutive two-year term, erinary research center made the ’’gang” enjoying the MparL Rev. Ronald Haldemaa HUlstown Rd. and Woodside St. 10 a.m., WonUp. Sermon: Talk this week d Imminent ^is colleagues and, re- progress in developing a vac­ R t. so "Does It Ebirt Anything?” Union Oongregatlonsl Cbnreh nUDAT SETBACK practicing ^ because -Paul E . NuttaU, Bishop tearing to the many attorneys cine against a tick-borne fever Rev. Joe K. Carpenter, p.m., Worritlp. 'Sermon: Rockville BMoro I get Into the next trip, be starting a lea^ .7 :8 0 a.m ., HMy Oommunioki. 6 ^ m i^ state legislature the 3 ,3 members of the Goner- that kills half a mlUlop calves a Rev. Paul J. Botwman, lOnlster Minister 10 a.m.. Holy Oommunlon. '‘Women’s Lib and Christi­ ------here’s the riory on Isst Friday » h«d^ tournMe^ We 0 a.m., Priesthood. target ot pampheleera. al Assembly, remarked "I’ve year in Elast and Central Africa. Rev. Lyman D. Reed, Sermon by the R ev. Mr. AUen. 10:80 a.m., Sunday School, anity.” The Taxpayers’ Askoclation learned something each and T—In Swaziland In southern Af­ John B. While 0:80 a.m., Church Service, evenings setback tournament; •“ ^e ^ equ^iineiit right in- Associate Minister Nursery and Blndeigarten £aUier Gaudette, 180; Ann ride the Center for your use, Nursery and Klndecgart«i sit- dasses tor all ages. f p r a s i^ t ^ but this year I rica, “ Iron ore deposits of possi­ lOss Janeth L. Kaplar, ten. Walk-in-the-Parfe leaden classes. Haunt. 181; Esther Anderson, *> riop by snd play 5 p.m., Sacrament Service. ble eciHiomlc significance were Director of Christian Hiducation maUon in 1006. He was assis­ Baupt. 181; Esther Anderaon, ■« pJ»y » for diUdren through Grade 4. Vernon ^ reaUy Kot education. I feel tant pastor at St. Bernard’s 10:46 a.m. Church School 130; MbUIe McCarthy, 126; Ann games. ter d i ^ ^ clroulara iM that I’m eligible to pass the uncovered In three locatioiis by St Bartholomew’s Chnreh clata that 20 per c ^ t ot the ^^ite bar examinations.” a project that was completed In 10:16 a.m., Worsh^ Sarvlce. from 1068 to 1068. classes Grades 1 thru 6. WelsUpp, 124; Albert OueUete On behalf of our senior mem- A graduate of St Thomas 7:80 p.m.. Junior and Senior lai; ’Ibd Rivard, 120; Irving bera, and mysrif. I’d like to eat- North United Methodist Chnreh Rev. Philip Hussey, Pastor Woman Ticketed state’s votera have signed pet­ The veteran Democratic leg­ 1970.” Sermon topic: “Revive ’Ihe 300 Parker S t itions against the tax. —In BoUvia, a survey form u­ Church—Beginning With Me.” Seminary, Bloomfleld and St. Youth Fellowship. Oustafson. 110; Ann Hoffman, tend our personal oongratula- Rev, Edward M. LsBose islator Is well-known In this Bernard’s teminary, Roches­ 118; WUbrod Messier. 118; Uons to Mr. Herman Sdiendel, Rev. Elarie R . CUster, A Sri riant Pastor After Collision Hie latest flyer left on the area as the owner of "Harry’s lated a 10-year transport pro­ 0 a.m.. Church Sriipol. Pastor desks Of the lawmakers is from gram to coordinate develop­ ter, N.T., he was ordained June Prince o f Peace Lutheran Edith WirteHa, 117; Amt Young, who was Installed as the presl- Place” in Oolcheater. Grades 6 through 10. the American Opinion Bookstore ment of roads, railroads, air­ 4, 1966 at St Patrick’s Cathe­ Church U7, and Bernice Martin, 116. dent of the local branch of Saturday, Vigil Maas at 6 Kathleen M. Osuna of 116 10:80 a.m., (3uirch Sdiool. • a.m., Wondiip Service. Ser­ of Ekifield, an affiliate of the ports, pipelines and waterways dral, Norwich. Rt. 81 and North River Rd. I’d to Mrs. JuUa NAARiP, and his staff of p.m . Brooklyn St., RockvlUe was la- Hie Rev. Joseph Duffey of Infants through Grade 4. mon: “The Significance of Si­ John Birch Society. at a c c ^ o f $70 mlHlon. Besides St Bernard’a, be has Ooventiy Voidrillo, Molly McCarthy and fellow ofOcera, and wlrii them Sunday, Masses at 7:30, Hartford visited the State lence.’’ Nursery for children iq> sued a summons for evading It Includes a chert suggesting —In Bucharest, Romania, a OUead Cengregetiniial Church served as assi riant at Old Rev. W. H. WUkens, Pastor Robert Sduibert tor pInch-hit- » succes^ year. 10:16 and 13:30 a.m. Capitol newsroom yesterday al- Lyme, Mystic. Chester and Ung tor Pete and doing such menus for the week, wlH to five years old. Our Neigh­ responsibiUty yesterday by -Ver­ thatUlIKL anyoneCUIVUIIV inUk favorka.WA ofW aC» pro- ^ computer was deUvered to a Honored for Work on Drug Council Hebron bors At Worship. ChUdren In non police. greaslve income tax, the United t management training emter, MontvlUe. 0 a.m ., Sunday SclKxri. a fine Job. Hie jdayera and my- Mwiday, New Ebigland clam United Pentecostal Omreh with striking Yale University Lyman B. Hoops, left, accepts a plaque of appreciation from W. J. Godfrey Rev. Herbert O. Kelsey Jr., bruikfurter Grades 2 through 6, will 'rislt The ticket was issued in con­ Nations, foreign aid, social se­ and courses in electronic data Father White was elected to 10:16 a.m., Worriiip Service. aeU really iq)preclate it very chowder, steamed 187 Woodbridge St. service employes In New Haven. Gourley, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Drug Advisory Council. Pastor and Temple Beth Sholom. nection with a head on coUlrion curity,- medicare, urban renewal processing were given to stu­ the Norwich Diocese CSergy much. Robert Baker, Pastor The defeated Democratic Noon, Churdi family picnic early Friday morning on Rt. 83, and federal aid to education Is dents from 19 countries. Hoops was one of the organizers of the councU and served as its first chair­ 11 a.m., Wocriiip Service. Council when It was formed in Our Savior Lutheran Chnreh Our trip following the Oothe- cookies, and a boveragre. candidate for U.S. senator said ______on the church grounds. Vernon. ETanklln J. Gardner, 22, a "Socialist. -In the FIJI Islands, on ex- man in 1968 and 1969. The plaque was presented yesterday at a council Sermon topic: “A Christian 1088. When the council was re- 288 Graham Road dral in the Pines, will be cm Wednesday, sliced ham, pota- 10 a.m., Sunday School. jMM:ed by the Senate of Priests of 26 ViUage St., RockvlUe was Government has no right to **e is supporting the strikers and pgrt advised on design and quel- luncheon which was held at Willie’s Steak House. (Herald photo by Leggitt) is Joyful.” Nursery |«ovided. South Windsor June 20, when we all go to to salad, macaroni salad, baked Oenter Congregational Ctanrch 11 a.m., Worriilp Service. qiend tax money other than for that “there are no villains In the jjy woodcarvlng, pottery, tra- tw years ago, he was elected Reetland Farms for a local se- beans, rolls and butter, and a 7:30 p.m ., ElvangeUstic 8erv- injured In the accident, and thla 0:46 %m., Cburdi School. Rev. Ronald A. Erbe, Pastor United Chnreh of Christ the protection life, liberty dispute.” dltional, mat weaving and loom treasurer. He Is a fimner fam­ nlor outing. Hiare will be a full beverage. ice. morning waa reported In fair ily life director of the Tolland 11 Center St. and property,” the pamphlet "The main issue In the dls- weaidng. The “near-lost ait” of n ra t Oongregattohal Chnreh 8:80 and 10:16 a.m., Wonh^ day of card playing, bingo, rinif- Thursday, beef noodle soup, condltlan by RockvlUe Oeneral Democrats Deanery. Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, pute,” Duffey said, “seems to be making tapa cloth by beating Millionaire Hebrqn Service. Holy Oommunlon at the fldMard, hone shoes, ; swim- egg salad sandwiches, chilled Minister The Presbyterian duiTdi Hospital. _____ the desire of the university to and soakiiig mulberry bark was ming, and golf putting on the pears with cookies, and a bev- 43 Spruce St. Rev. Heihert O. ICeJaey, Jr., 10:46 service on the first Rev. Winthn^ Nelson Jr., Police said they do not know A profKisal for a state con- create more Job opportunities revived, "and tapa cloth could Would Work Pastor Sunday of each month, and at green, with tree beer, and soda, erage. Minister of Religious Education Rev: George W. Smith, Pastor Mho waa driving the Osuha car, become a -valuable export.” Seen K in g United CongrgsflnnsI Church anacks, and up with a Friday, golden griddle cakes stltutional amendment for low- for students and eliminate some the 8:80 service on the third but the woman Mras ttclmted as ering the voting age to 18 in the services provtously pro- —In MengoUa, a recently ap­ umted Chnreh of Christ chicken barbeque, com on the wttb m t^e qrrup, Juicy break- .9:16 - a.n\., Sunday Schott. 9:80 a.m.. Worship Service. Sunday. 9:16 and 11 a.m.. Morning the owner. She is due tb appear state local elections apper- -vlded Yale students, especially proved project “will help the On Weekend Sermon topic: "A Christian Is^ ’noUand cob, etc. All for $9 and tickets fast sausages, creamy butter, Classes for ^ ages. Of Gambling IS BEST 9:30 a.m., Sunday School and x R ev . Donald O. kOUer, Worsh^. Holy Oommunlon. In RockvUle Circuit Court on ently has be«i shelved few this In the dining rooms at the unl- government organise and estab­ Joyful.” Nursery provided. Adult Blue Class. are now abailaUe at the Senior and a beverage. ______10:30 a.m., Worriilp Service, Mbrister New members Joining. The July 6. year. The House recommitted It verslty.” lish an stalled research and ex­ LONDON ( a P) — Because (Continued from Page Oiis) 10:46 a.m.. Church School. Oenter. Sounds too good to SOHEDUUB FOB THE WEEK Rev. M)r. Simpson preaching. Nursery protvlded. Also arrested yesterday In perimental center for the leath­ miss, so stop by for your tlcketa Monday, 10 a.m. to noon, 7 p.m., Blvenlng Service. Wegtoyaa United HelhodM Sermon topic: “A Loose Con­ Vernon and due In circuit court er and leather goods Industry,” the government worrtos about vanity” to raise state funds. It | 9:80 and 11 a.m.. Worship the first of the week. kitchen social,- one can of J IsMm i Oongregatlonsl Chnreh Chnrdi nection.” (HI July a re : introduce new product lines and foreign or gangster Influence, a wwld Increase the cost of so- QAS IS FAST Service and Churidi School. 'Monday was a holiday, and canned goods needed; noon to Community Church 6 Bolton Center Rd. 9:15 a.m.. Last session for Halsey S. Hasse, 21, o f 7 North Problems Mount in Italy modernise faculties. gjjy ^nd respected millionaire Is caUed "signature” or "vanity” 11 sum., School caass. Crystal Lake Rd., SHIlngton therefore a quiet day tor most of p.m., lunch served; p.m . An American Baptist Church Rev. J. Stanton Conover, Rev. Harvey W. Taber, Pastor 1 1 Church School. St., HazardviUe, on a 12tb C9r- projects flna^ed by the 3^ 3, ^ 33 Bhigland’s gem- lO nlsler 7 to 8:80 p.m., Pilgrim Fel­ us. ' to 4 p.m., pinochle tournament. 586 E . Oenter S t license maricers bearing Initials I G A S IS CLEAN lowship. cuit Court warrant charging re­ U.N. program out of a fund con- ° ^ from $16 to $80. 'Tuesday was back to the Bus pickup at 8:80 a.m., re­ Sooth United Hetiiodlat CEmrch Rev. Walter H. Loomis For Educational System tributed by governments inside bUng king. 9:46 am., Sunday Sdiool grind, and wouldn’t you know turn at 12:30 p.m., and 4 p.m. M in is t e r ceiving stolen goods under $260. Mbhdanl, co-chairm an o f the 10:16 a.m .. Church CkdiooL Claases tor aH ages. Main St at Hartford Rd. The aUeged Incident took place By BNIHOO JAOOMINI The teachers are- frustrated and outside the United Nations MSxweU Joeeph, who special- GAS COSTS LESS 10:80 a.m., Worridp Service. St. Francis of Aaalai that Xbo good ole sun came out, Tuesday, 7 a.m. trip starts 'Transportation Oommlttce, I 11 a.m ., Worship Service. Rev. J. Manley 9iaw, D. D., h o m e (AP) — It’s a fumiy by the often violent agitation, are carried out by the United hotels, entertainment Oommunlon theme: "We Be- 878 EaUngton Rd. and made it a real nice day. Al- tor Pennsylvania Dutch Ooun- 9:16, Church School for on Feb. 6 In RockvUle, police caUed for defeat of the blU on| USB CLEAN, FAST, ECONOSODAL GAB Nursery. Pastor thing about Italian scboola: and the uncertainty of frequent- Natlmis Itself or related agen- 3^^^ maWng money. Is the man. the basis It would “place a hard­ Uove.’’ South Windsor most too nice to work, and may- try; 8:80 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. en all ages, Sunday School for said. FOB ALL TOUR NSEDB. • p.m., Wealeyua Youth. Rev. Carl'W. Saundera, very often no teariilng goes on ly contradictory InstruoUw cies. Some are assigned to pri­ ship” on purchases of the spe 6:80 p.m., Paafan's Class. Rev. John C. Gay, be we should work weekends, card playing, TV viewing, out- Nursery through Grade 2 con­ Arthur B . Peer 3rd, 30,- o f -140 The government Is willing to ac­ -1 7 pan., Eveidag Prayer. ■Associate Pastor Charest TraUer Park, Vernon, jn 4 e m . from the ' Education Hlnistary. vate contractors. clal plates. Supporters of the ' 7 p.m.. Pilgrim Fdtowdiip. Pastor and take Tuesday and Wednes- door shufOeboard, etc.; 1 p.m. tinuing dn'ring the service. cept a certain amount cf monop- Rev. Ehigene M. raibride, Rev. Gary 6 . Cornell, foUiire to grant rlght-cf-wy at anmAtiniA. the schools are The teachers themselves have bUl, which now goes to the day off? to_ 3 p.m.; Summer Bowling Associate Pastor 10:80 a.m., Worriilp Service. edy in the casino busineas be-, Assistant Pastor St. Hanrlce Chnre^ Bdtoa' ------League at the Parfcade Lanes. Communion. Topic: "The Pow­ a private drive friloMdiig a «dU- "occupied” b y demonstrating struck for better pay and career House, claimed most people First CongregatlonsI Chnreh students. Sometimes there are opportunities, cause Joseph’s money is repre­ would renew such plates at the Of Vegaon Rev. Robert W. Crabin, Pastor STUDENTS HONORED No bus scheduled. er o f a lo o k ." A nuraery Is pro­ sion with a vehicle driven by sented by corporations—financ­ Saturday, Masses at and 7 9 and 10:45 a.m., Wonhip for strikes—^by students and quite Recently one principal waa More Bodies New Principal extra cost without argument. Rev. John A. Lnoey, 6 Wednesday at our hot meal, Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. to noon. vided In the Children’s Build­ \muam S. Levine ot Sandisfleld, ing that is detectable and sub­ r s l O R E the entire church. Communion often by teachers. Ctesses some- openly criticised by an educa- Two other motor vehicle bills G p.m . Saturday Maas, 5 p.m. ______Mass. Peer was reported in­ Minister Mayor James Fhrr paid tribute open card playing, etc; noon to Sunday. Sermon: ’’Peace and ing. . ject to Investigation. The new principal of the An- Sunday, Masses at 7:80, 9:80, Sunday Maases, 7:80, 9:16 and to all our lmrd-w

PAGE TEN President N^wDrug Obituary To Dedicate S een C u re Foils W aterway Rockville Man Hijacker usiNESS S ervices D irectory F or H eroin Is K illed In (Oontinued from P*g« One) The system draws Its name (Continued from Pace One) (Continued from Page One) Auto Accident from a hlstorlcaUy tempestuous ■■ ■ who becam e drug: uaera In the said, “Relax, honey, we’re HIGH GRADE A Rockville man waa killed being hijacked.” river and two men who fo(ighf CAMPINR aervlce to get VA treatment, in a one-car accident last night Riggs entered the cockpit to for It for years. Cranaton aald he will propoae in South Windsor. force the pilot, Csift. William h. EQUIPMEMT PRINTING leglalattOR along threh lines: B\>r centuries, the Atk*®***> * Scott Qilbert McKay, 20, ‘ ot Ctorico, 86, Flemington, N.J., to Tents, Cots, Sleepliig Bags, —(Make drug addiction a serv- 6 Pox Hill Dr., was driving weat- tributary of the M s^p^. Job and Commardal fly to Duties. FUNERAL HOME Air Mattresses, Stoves, Printing Ice-incurred dlsahUity. The Ve- ijound on Dart Hill Rd., when, HeimaU went to Riggs’ aeat raged out of lU banks on na­ Lanterns 68 TOLIAMD TTBE. terans Administration does not at 9:46, he apparently loat con- and______looked into a brown pc4>er ture’s whim. After one sudi Maneh/Vemon Town Dtee Prm pt and Ellteient consider it one now, Cranaton trot of his car and crashed into briiind. In it he found a FARR'S PiintlDg of AB Kinds said. a tree at the corner of Dart ^dth 45 bidlets—«di but five flood in M ay 1942. O'® ^ Wm. J. Lennon, Director “The Everything Store!" FBiBB XOWINO ert 8. Kerr, then hi Ws first PHONE 648-2467 —Change discharge conditions Hill and Newmarker Rds. of Riggs’ suiq;dy. Itolmall qulet- year as Oklahoma governor, Camp ■ Bike • S|M>rt GommunRy Prats so that bad conduct oc dbdionor- He was pronounced dead at ly carried the boat off the plane 142 E. CENTER ST. t MAIN STREET flew over the area and saw de­ at Depot Square Honrs: 254 Broad St., Rear able discharges given addicts tlie scene by Dr. Francis H. with him when the paasoigers bris hanging from telephone F ri. 8-4 don’t make them ineUgihte for Burke, ’Tolland County medical were allowedio leave, 649-7196 Open Dally to 0i60 PJH. Sitt. 8-12 Teleplione 643-5727 lines. . . J . FABB — 648-7U1 treatment at VA centers. examiner. The cor. w ^h w m with the Jet parked next to Kerr, first as governor, later -4Spend lao million to expand demolished was towed from the Dtdies’ soaring as U.S. senator, joined Sen. Vi^^^^treatmeT^- scene. minal while major <«■ Camping Needs Here verted long-range idanes away John Mcaellan, D-Ark., in a CUSTOM MADE ters for narcotlcs-addicted ve- The acclde^ is LUCA’S DIOR’S from the airport, OoUiton began kansas. In 1956 Congress appro­ Have you made your vacation a nice size, 12’xl2’, and are CANVAS AWNINGS terans from the 6 to 60 centers gated ^ priated funds to make the Ar­ Self-Service MAMGHESTER Mr. MoKay had baen aerving the long attempt to dissuade wonderful for outdoor enjoy­ by the end ot 1078. kansas navigable from Tulsa to Laundromat plans yet? If not, why not think CunlUfe Repairs Car Damages SHELL aboard the U.8. Coast Guard Higgs. ment. ' Cranston said "new evidence Pine Bluff, Ark., at the conflu- I Also Beweaviiig, MEMORIAL GO. about a camping trip with the “I told him, ’You don’t want Camping accessories that are No onp wnnto to think of hav-; Touch up work la not tor an un­ of ^ her^aiii cutter Wbb ^ to shoot me, Glen’—we became mice of the White and the Mis­ Custom Made family? Camping can be real designed to making camping tun SERVICE Opposite East Cemetery trained peraon; ntoka and really bard drugs, in addition to »S ^ ln Great on a first name very sissippi Rivers. Suits, Pants and fun if you are pro{)erly fitted are In abundance at Farr’s, ing tbetr cor damaged to an ko- 668 CENTER STREET Almost 16 years and ».2 ml- Coats nfaton* but infortuitotoly tlMcn soratohes need the Hand o f a widespread marijuana use in — quickly.” he said. out, and tee way to do this is Coleman stoves, these are easy irram ddUed In the art of touch­ Uon later, the dreams o f Kenf QiLllty Momoriob MECHANIC ON DUTY Vietnam is Incredlldy shock- p. and The flight engineer said Riggs s Tailoring to go to a camping specialist to use, easy to clean, lanterns, am many aooldanto today, some ing up point. It is neoeaaary to: tap ” jeln GUtert M c^of Pox MU gave two or three different rea- Orlando Annulli inspects the fire damage in the and McClellan have become a. s Dry Cleaning —in this case, James Farr, ovens, stands. Ice cheats—a AT ALL HOCB8 • Laundry Service Over SO Years’ Experience major repair joba, some minor. have the right color paint, of In recent weeks congressional . j^iy iggo in sens for wanting to go to Imuel charred master bedroom of his Ludlow Road home. _ reality. owner of Farr’s, 2 -Main St. must, of course—jugs to men­ Fire Damages Bedroom Btwuld you be uniartunate oourae, but It la the appltoation ' Startera, uenaratora, invesUgntora and others have jiartord He had Uved in Rock- —to work on a-temple, to be a The McCleUan«err Arkansas ' 176-178 Spruce St. CoH 649-5807 Gone are tee days when tion a few things. Coleman Carburetors, Manchester of this point that la tricky. Cun- SEE US FOB: reported that 80,000 to 40.000 „ ,c ^ of his life and attend- farm fowm am to escaj^ a River Navigation System—also camping waa a hardship for parts and repair service is alao enough to have your car dam­ DomeaHo - Foreign Can A. AIMBTTL Prop. Uffa Motor Saloa doeo a par- ff Alimiliiiim RoU Up U.8. servicemen in Vietnam are ^ RockvUle schools. He had bomb t|“ t ^ In Home of Annullis known as “the of the - Drive-In Parking everyone but tee children, and available. To save space, alu­ aged, call CunlHto Motor Sale*' M8-1068 Awninga Drug Center Council Telk located on Rt. 88 to Vemon, fM . ttadazly Sne Job on touch up users of heroin, marijuana and belonged to the Boy Scouts and ^ the U ^ed States and destroy Plains”—uses 17 locks and HarriMn St., Manchester If you have not looked over tee minum nested Mirro cook seta, e Door Oanoplea above the- traffic .ctrole on the work, and if your oar naada By GENE DDSSEAU According to Mrs. Annulli, dams as It lifts the river A total many items teat make camping service for four, six or eight other naiuotics. Payette Chapter. Order of ^ ^ r w a r i s R lgg- The Drug Advisory Center, road to RocdcvUle. ' Their tele­ soma wetk done atong iMa line, e Storm Doors (Herald Reporter) she left her dryer running on the Decorators of 420 feet In Its 440-mlle south­ fun and take tee hard work out people. Heat-Psd tent and trail­ e ComUnatton Windows Crantten heads a Senate sub- Molay, and w m a aaked. why he seised^ 81 Russell St., Is observing er heaters for - chilly nights, phone number la 648-0016. In do take It to tham. The coat «f convnlttee on veterans affairs, cf St. John’s Episcopal Church ^ bed . committee^ on veterans alcohol­ - - - and entered the Coast Guard B y VIVIAN BROWN enhancement of fish and wild­ Peehapa you need a cor only to S s r x f o o t L BstebUshed 1940 shortly after graduation. pUed. a bedroom, gutting it, and dam­ sounded box alarm 861 when reasonable prices — to make ers in plastic and metal. Camp Dented ftoidem, buropene that ism and narcotics June 16-16. you sorry?” he was A telephone backup ser­ AP Newsfeotures Writer life, and pleasure boating and MATERIALS run amnda around town, and Survivors, besides his par­ "A re aging other rooms at a home on they arrived, feswful the blaze ESSO your camping trip real fun. toasters are also a po{xilar are tom oft, oinaaheri trmln, asked. vice is available Monday Keeping up with new ideas in recreational facilities, to tfali 'case an older model CHOICE VARIETY ents, are hla paternal grand­ Ludlow Rd. yesterday afternoon. might spread uncontrollably. through Saturday from 6 For Instance, Farr’s has tee item. doom that are oreaaed, hoods "Why, sure I am home tumiahings is a Mt dlffl- Local leaders also expect It to IROH 405 MAIN ST. largest and finest selection of Make your nights comfortable wDidd ptohaMy be juat what ib^ Upholstery parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Town firemen were summon­ Mr. and Mrs. Annulll’s ward­ p.m. to 8 a.m. cult even for deerwators. boost the economy of Oklahoma TEL. 649-5533 that am orumplad all of iheae you need. It oettetoly ia a cen- McKay o f 24 CUnten S t, Man­ ed about 4:80 to the residence of robe was completely destroyed, Hirsch-Wels and Camel tents in with wooden cots, aluminum make a oar look Uke a tcte l Qualify P and Iwl Shop Nuclear Sub jPor drug advisory Infor­ Through such oiganlaatlMia as the Southwest by attracting SCRAP METAL cots, or tee {x>{xilar double- ventonce to have a oar to H)ep b e -upholstebino chester; two brothers, lyxld Orlando Annulli, by Mrs. An- and paneling and ceilings in the this area, featuring tee latest wreck, but wMer the HdUed mation, ca ll; 647-9222. the Resources Council, a trade bustnesses and Industries, • TiiiM-Ups decker foMtog cots wdiich .may wltfa.' One-oar tamlUea have to e MODERN FUBNITCBE McKay, at home, and Craig nulU, who rushed to a neighbor’ s hall and other parts of the finish materials with exterior hands of the men emptoyed at Seafood Fighting division of the American Society gles, stakes and fire late model oars at Ciailltte Mo­ mattress through the bedroom East Hartford, charged with Boating blues—bright, products, 1.8 mllUon tons of VniUdfUnt-CUU^ Motor Sales am all skiUed in Texaco Station 649-63M peace.” Uiere waa mom de facto coexW- controlling the blaze. coal, 600,000 tons o f wheat and -•aller cW ip y ? No matter what extinguishers. Parkas, ponchos, tor Sales, some of which carry BIbn. ft Tuea. 9 ^ Sot. 9 4 ence than ever, even though the Dwuty Cwief Wiliam Stratton door, but the blaze caught the b r e ^ of peace yesterday eve- lively blues worn in casual t)w4r particular field, and U v w used guarantee. No matter ’Ihe SUversldes, an attack sub­ 200,000 tons of food stuff. 3nt you have in mind, you will rain suits, tarps to any size, can­ 381 Main StioGt Vera Osborn itohe- ***“ oiposed to positively ascribe the curtains, and other furniture. ^ WlcMram Park. Court dress fashions for boating— idmdd teve the mlnfoctuna marine designed to search out 868 BUBN81DB AVE. .nd just what you want at a teens, mess kits, knapsacks, wHat you want you wUl find It Tviin died vesteidav at his permaneflt Israeli occupation. jbe hair dryer, but said No loss in dollars has been esti. j„„g 21. were shown in cotton and lin­ /rice that you can really afford. grommeted and waterproof, to have your oar dhmaged, be- at CunUfte Motor aalsa. and destroy epemy submarines BAST HARTFORD PhonG 643-9149 ^ ^ 1. died yesterday " *~Hg ,>^1 in a radio Intorvlew ,.that’s probably what it was.” mated. ______en, plain and patterned fabrics, ..lemember money Invested In rucksacks. Also, tee famous fom you write It aft oe a'total amUHe Motor Salea also 'and ships, is the second sutwia- nome. rlne to bear the name. The first that relations in the occupied for home fashions -use. Buckley Asks 289-6333 camping equipment is not a White Stag sleeping begs by IhBB and otact tooktog tor a new takes cars to trade, ao you can Hydramatlo Transmission GLASS ...... „ Funeral services will be Tues- RlohaiM J. Adams, 82, of Two popular color e F or Auto Windahlelda sank 28 ^ p s In Wodd War H ^ay at 11 a.m. In the c h ^ of West bonk of Jordan were bet­ Power and Hand Tools yearly expense but will give Hirach-Welrs with your chtoce oar, IM CunHfto Mdbor Bata* look trade iqi to a ttettei'' oar if you Repairing ter than elsewhere. ing to be almost timid. But they Andover, c h a ^ wlto b r ^ schemes are evident. One Is a For Custody _>leasure over many years. of dacron, down and thermo-fill the job oyer. They really work wish. and twice won the Presidenttal j j. Henderson Funeral Palittliig and Deooratliig AU W ork Onatantoad e For Store Front# and Developments in the Arab ^ve led strange Uves. ^ _combination______-of pink,------white,------Tsois Dining canopies are gaining filling. ‘mlradee hsm. Of oouroe, thoy For all body work, for weld­ Unit dtatton. . , Home, Broeulway, Bivepett, life Strange Texaco Lubrication Service all Bizea o f wtodowa She was decommissioned last states and the decline of the They rarely are free from pb- rant in green — Iqvely azalea or wab Of Prisoner Garden and Land Tools in {>opuIKrity. for use to tee If you camp, by a lake or will be glad to tumiab you an ing, touch-up work, depend straints once they are being tic disturbance. Court date June gj.jggjg„ pjnks and spring W e Otve Stoh>P* year. ______Palestinian guerrillas have con­ Balqr, Honasbold, Party backyard, to attach to tee house stream, remember teat Farr’s eatfanate on the coot o f any ou di upon OutriHre MUtor Halee and e For Table Tope Among those present at the tributed to thS im proving coop­ For Huskies trained. They are in harness, or 21. green — in florals, stripes, ab- NEWARK, N.J. (A P ) — Odn- and Banquet SuppUea or to a tent. They are free has all kinds of rods and reels, w w k am thto. be wail oatMted. enclosed In confinement. Han- . stracts or In combinatiwis of all ^ervatlve columnist and editor Invalid Needs OPEN 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. laimrfiiiig of the new SUventides eration, Ghslt said. / standing, with five aluminum lures, plugs, files, wet and dry, Peihapo some of me greottol' Ara yoi ai family that could SATURDAY 8 A.M.-NOON was Retired Rear Adm. Creed North Viets A top official of the Defense dlens work with them every day Arthur E. Dobranski, 21, of airee for walliiapers and fab- p Buckley Jr ■ has poles to support tee canopy; creels,- hip boots and chest aggtwvatfona today am tha use a tned oar for your seqond R, Burlingame of Cbarleston, Ministry said Israel’s defense O f Alaska to aee which is. a bom lead ^ glnglewood SL charged with rics. Less dramatic Interpretar tee center {>ole teleaco{>es so it waders, even kits for those who TOURAINE which runs best on the right jggj ,j_bt gx Friend- Uon is given to red, white and agreed to take custody of BJ8gar ecratehei and acrapes that moat car? If you am, it will pay you J. A. WHITE 8X7., who commanded the origin­ industry is manufacturing mate­ can be set over a table. They want to tie their own flies. oera have gahiad in a parking to fkive vp to Cindteta Mater Strike Near By CHARLIE BAROUB slde, which on the left. Tu-ain St Court date blue, which wlU make this color H. Smith Jr. If a federal judge YOUR GLASS CO., INC. al/SUventdes. rial worth more than four times ly ’a on are so easy to put up or to take te 's a Cam{>ing vacation— lot. CTar doora aorapa other onra, gales and leek over their oe- PAINTS When die U commissioned the amount produced before the Assoolatod Fiees l^ ris Writer Freedom is alien to them, and June 28. scheme more {xipular in the av- a{q>rovee SmUb’s releaae at a COMPLETE down, just a matter of 16 min­ one that tee whole family will 81 BlaoeU St. — Tel. 649-7SM frightening. And the racing grocory enrta leave ecn triien — lecUflta o f UMd oara. Tbay Imve next year, Sflvenrides wm have Saigon June 1*67 war. •" ANCHORAGS, Akarica (AP) erage home. In a waU{>ai)er it te hearing next 'Tuesday, t- MERCURY PET CENTER I utes, so you can move it to any enjoy by making Farr’s your none aertoun but all detraidt «ui makes end nwdale o f oara a greater range, speed and fire Husky has Uved in a closed s{X)t where you want. They are neauquarters. to POR lE S : RESULTS DiiectorGeneral Yeahayahu — The Bibeiian Husky’s al- Michael R . M cNlckle, 17, of frtm the appearance of a oar. fjmnao from. power tiian her stater ddpa. (Oontinued from Page One) Lavl told a radio Interviewer .. launu-wiBimumcnd-riiaped eyes of purest ------community------. most offmm his life.oiitrfde He btoe“*!rito^ 1 ^ ilJiltTadTand ^Travel A ^ n cy Canaries — Parakeeta Complete Store and Offto© 42 Cedar St. charged with faU - Tropical Fish — Turilea ’ Her crew wlH include 12 offl- Incee "put out of action more jhgt production has crystallne Wue darted about the rarely meets » ouwaoe ure to obey a stop sign, and Im- ^ a leader in Wl'^was over^Sid c^_ and W haen under 3,goo «iemy.” climbed to L8 btUlcn Israel strange city. community. 643-9571 HiuinBterB — GerbUs PAUL'S REMGDELING proper laiie change, yesterday ^ all-over geometric month, haa ^>ent 14 iyean Mixed Breed Puppies Cmdr. John E. .Alien, 86, of also "inthieHced” H60 pounds, the equivalent of about ^ vUlagq dog and not Jim Henderer, the race morning on E. Center Si;. Court ^ pew fabric Is a printed awaiting execution at T)reiitnn Aquarium Accessories, etc. The first obstacle waa the PAINT SUPPLY pins Mamarcneck, N.Y. NO SERVICE Saigon B(SdlerB to deaert and ggro million, annuaUy frmn 800 ^ many people. Nearby er, recaUed what hawened to date June 21. celaneee. The |>aper heat trana- State Prison the , longest OHABOE Our Own Special Blended South African post office, which "neatly wiped out or heavily miiUon pounds, $86 mllUcn dd- ^ ferrls wheett in an outdoor car- one dog, a free stranger, who South African 645 MAIN STREET Gushm Fixturas ------fer method is similar to decal stretch cn death row In the Pet Foods questioned the mailing of an trounced” four government lars, just before the 6ix-day ,^yal cUmbed iU circle through got in a racing team s way. reservations f o b empty oordboard box. It was lU . 649^800 Injury, Damage M ichael J . Melesko, 19, of transfer. country’s histccy. MANCHESTER by companies, three platoons, the war. ttie odd wind wfaUe sunlight '•It was shout four years • h o t e l s satisfied when the covering let­ 224 E. Middle Tpke. charged 'Handsome patterns on vt- In an affidavit filed in fiederal Can’t Import command of a civil guard unit The ministry’s goal, he said, turned gdden white on the e AIBLINES PET CENTER ter was placed toslde. Notices Filed ^ S^lfwom an^ajnn^ with’’mikilng unnecessary n^e nyl upholstery fabrics ta^de court Ttuirsday, Buckley said: DISPUYS and two {laclfioation teams, is 2.6 bUUon pounds by 1976. rugged Chugach Mountains in e STEAMSHIPS 996 Main St. Manchester itS t a team. The load deg with a motor vehicle, last night white on a cool green back- >ainted fin- <*i have taken a strong Inters enclosed letter was found to an 878-4840 civilians set ablaze 23 war ves- About Town the 1971 WOTld CSiamplonshlp the woman had left was a bau rica (AP) — A couth African SUPPLIES Jury notices last month. ishes on furniture is a new est in and been of some assist- MEMORIAL has found that he can’t import a otherwise empty carton ad­ Mrs.______bies ______Mahoney______cf UBsels, overran or damaged five Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frank- Sled Dog Races began. ^ of fur. Pamela L. Codbeth, of East trend. Furniture designer John ance with Edgar Smith’s Uter- CUNLIFFE dressed to you.” "But these dogs are always in Hartford, charged with failure CORNER STORE gboof from Britain. PLUS Bhiefield Dr.’ notified the town fortifications and local admlnls- Un wiU serve as host and host- three days the dog teams pulled chains,” he added. “They’re Maschereni’s hand carved wood g jy career;” he stated. a Party Goods, Magazines It started when Bob Strobel The Star, a JotaannesbutK traCive forces, forced the enemy their sled and muaher 25 miles to display registration, early table was finished in apricot MOTOR SALES MACHINE SHOP of injuries she claims she re­ ess 'tomonow at the Lpts Jun­ never toose. They’re just unused Smite, 36, haa published two a Groceries, Cold Cuts noticed (hat hia British socre- neww«por, reports that Strobel to vrithdraw from two posts and each day. Roland Lombard, a this morning on Hilliard St. lacquer. books, including the best-seUing DON WILLIS \l ceived in a fall April 89 on ior Museum, wUch is open to to anything loose.” EI^EBT AUTO B(M>Y and e Fruits—Vegetables tary was in low spirits just be^ heard from Canterbury six SERVICE Homestead St. near W. Middle seized control of doaens of ham­ the {Nitdlc from 2 to 6 p.m . Tbs Wayfauid, Mass., veterinarian, Court date June 21. . . . Poll wall coverings have “Brief Against Death,” and nu­ fore rv.H»HT..ia months after his ghostly request FENDER BEFAIBS ' e Greeting Cards •Tpke. She claims the fall was lets. wnC-TV moblla unit will be at won the race. become an elegant addition to merous book reviews. ’ Strobel off a letter and went off. Peter Carpenter, of .M"* of the dogs were just ACCIDENTS ENAMEL and LAOqUEB GARAGE due to a raised sidewalk, fflie The three provinces were the museum and cpmi for In­ rooms. Newer ones have muted Attorneya for Smith are seek- We Depend On You . . . addressed an empty boot to the the city’s entertainments and short ' of hysteria. The race BBFINI8HINOS 18 Main S t, Td. 649-4531 listed her Injuries as'a brutsed identified as Kien ’Tuong, Klen spection. At Hartford Rd. and McKee the shine so teat design cai^ ^ order releasing him to You Con Depend On Us! town cleric to Caatoibury, Eng- publicity department, wrote: "I MANCHESTER Would start soon and these dogs O’NeillMakes BBASONABLE PRICES left knee, crushed riba and a cut Phong and My Tho. St., yesterday morning at 8:22, tures the light with color and his rtum own rMi«ntfnl«sutnA recognisance. ' uiTwi regret that it is not possible to w ere bred to run. CSialned to blending harmoniously Open 7 Days A Week Sptcloliring In nose. In the Viet Cong-held areas of The board of deaconesses of a collision involved cars driven texture to overturning Smith’s cofivle- RT. 8»-^VEBNON, CONN. “We ore tiytog to do a favor accede to your request. Ghoete AUTO PARTS the three prorinces, VNA said, their various masters’ trucks or by Savin A. Zavarella of 126 as an Integral part of tee shim­ Jnat Above Hie TnUMe till Midnight to an iqwnoted ’Britisher who Is appear to be nonexpoi^e Mrs.' Bety G. Kristofak of Center Congregational CSutrch Six Requests Uon, Judge John J. Gibbons of V /( ' HR( )Ali ■ ■ KRAKE SERVICE . the civilians "actively built locked inside peering out, the Lakewood Circle and Betsy J. mering backgr^d. d r e le feeling ralfaer homesick,” the Items and although Cantertxiiy Rockville filed a notice of in- will meet Monday at 9:80 a.m. dogs vdiined, howled, growHed the Srd U.S. Circuit Clourt o f A|>- 852 MAIN ST. 646-0298 ‘fighting hamlets’ and ‘fighting Anderson of Newington. . . . The anlmai trend contto- letter said. “Would you please is reputedly the residence of a juries she says she sustained on in the Robbins Room of the and barked. Only a few waited {>eals ruled that an unsigned TEL. ess-0016 OPEN Front End AHgnnwnt villages', made thousands of ForI-291Job be aa generous as to insert one number of apparitions they are .the morning of May 6 while church. potlmitly, mildly curious. (leaving the parking lot at the booby traps and mine-fields and On McNall St., at entrace 94 proper pure-bred British ghost, rarely seen and impossible o SAT. TO 1 PM. Gnnnral Rnpair Work devel(^>ed guerrilla warfare.” A Slbeijan Husky is not com­ VVUUam O’NelU, director of south end of Main St. She said Friendship CSrcle of the Sal­ mon among racing Huskies. to the Wilbur Cross Highway SEE US FOB QUAUTY preferably of some noMUty, and contact. By their very n a ^ ' she stojiped in a hole, causliig Elsewhere In South Vietnam vation Army will have a wrork public works, has made six yesterday afteriKXMi at 3 :46 a TAILORHfO return the box to the above ad- they appear to prefer their Muahers soy he doesn’t often . . . And for outdoors, Zelina ®“ ® evioence. FRONT END AND her to turn her ankle and bruise near the Cambodian border, seasicn at its meeting Monday, make a good race dog, though recommendations to the CDAP coUlsirai Involved a car driven Brunschwtg suggests atrawbei^ He ordered the state to either ^]regs?” usual haunts.” VNA claimed, the Viet Cong at 7:45 p.m. at the church. CUSTOM m neOnolKY her knees. he____ Is about the right size and task force on public utUlties by Marcia S. DavisonaviBon of« South ry-pattemed fabrics for tee retry Smite within 60 days or DYNAMICS MADE Edna B. Kennedy of 24 Knox ambushed South Vietnamese huUd. A good racing Huslv ta development for Wlndsor.^an^aa a truck ^ven by free him. The state has ap- XM BROAD STREET suns St. reported teat sho sustained tixx^ “on their headlong flight The Ladles Guild of the As- from Robert E. DePeau of Spring- ^ exhibit of vinyl floor pealed. Buckley is editor of (Behhid Dairy Quien) poUuck about 60 pounds, long items which riiould be consider­ DIUraNDS bruises and sprains from a faU from Cambodia” along Ifigtoyay sumption will have . shoulders to haunch and sleek field. Mass. coverings llluatrated the trend tee National Review magazine Phone: 6M-M46 on tee evening of May 6 on the .13. Tuesday at 7:80 p.m^ at the ed in the planning of proposed For Ladles and Oentiemen rather than barrel-chested. toward combtaattons of vinyl and acte as host of tee TV tat«r- SpedaUsliig In Alterations — Cleaning STAR, GAXEIC* sidewalk to front of Watkln’s The report said the Viet (Tong Church cf tee H^^ n o n t Xkid Geometry The trucks carrying the dogs 1-291. This morning at 1:66 a car tiles with borders of reallaUc view *ow "Firing Line.” Repairs ■By C L A Y R- P O L L A N M A Y’S Bros. Furniture Btore.^ “wiped out the Srd Battalion After dinner, there will be a Brake Servloe and » AZIK LIIZA Qiwi muahers lined a closed-off The task force has been ask- driven by Steven R. Laurettl of looking wood stri{> vinyls to give Smite had been sentenced to Your Doily Adivily Guido JT Mrs. Nellie K. John^ of 90 and heavily trounced the 2nd liquid embroidery demonstra- ____ downtown Anchorage. ___ ^ Shook Abaorboia W MM. 21 a Exneat W qM i •Repairing ed by State Department o* 67 S. Adams St. hit a utility pole a cu^m-deslgn look to floors, for the murder of 16-^eaj>old -4V>reign and Domeetio — MA14CHESTER According to tho Sion. • FteeSeleeUanof Oma Conway Rd. notified the town Battalion” of tee 9th Souh Viet- ^ J™* te<^ Th^ cl^ was in the midst of tee ^^^^(^Ljriatton o^lals for any If on Broad St. near Center St. Particularly attractive were tee victoria ZleUnskl. Her batter^ TAILOR SHOP , .,20-21-31-43 To develop message for Sunday, 2-32-44-63/ Far A ll Ooeaeloae of bruiaea and sprataa she says namese Regiment, kllltag or rembto- 1*^1 Pur Rsndezvoua and the pecommendaUona they might Free InspecUm four-to-a^square wood-bordered body was found to a gravri ^t ^ No ObUgaUon 121 SFRUCIB ST. 6484184 ^51-61-79-84 read words corresponding to numbers 65-72-81-86(* • LongtaM^Bnlovn, resulted frmn a faU on the after- wounding many officers, seizing ot food for tee ” “ >® ***® ' ‘*SW***‘ *- P®®P*® have for tee {wopo®®<* project. A written warning for follow­ vinyls. to Mahwah, a suburban commu­ JOHN TBOMZA, Biaanger Free Parking ^ TAuaqs of your Zodiac birth sign. SCORPIO Wltteanef aw' “ CUSTOM ft STOCK filled the street, trying to get I You 31 If 61 To no«i of May 18 on a raised side- „iany weapons, including 18 ® flfled the street, trying to get would run from 1-91 ing too closely was issued yes­ nity about 20 mUes northwest of OCT. 22 f Watefter ^ . . . Another exhibit was a re­ 2Todoy 32 Brings 62Cpll.r Burr Coiners, walk on Conway Rd. The notice heavy machine guns, two 8nun closer ...... —looks at the Huskies. vflndsor through South Wtod- terday afternoon at 4 :20, to Nor­ New York City. I MAY 20 3A 33 To 63 AitSwer NOT. 21-■ 7 n MMn I t.,] ^ 64 Favors NexttaoaUer was filed by her attorney. mortars, 26 two-way radios and Ttoe peojrie seemed atanost “ ^ the Wilbur Cross High- man O. Lalonde of Bristol after minder of some of tee 80 real Ovi 1-13-25-37 4 Join 34 Costs 7-12-24-34/ FheneMt-iWn Robert C. Voter of 200 Henry a large quantity of otiier mili­ afraid of the dogs as tee do^ of in jtanchester north of Td- marbles teat are available tqr :fe>k^58A9 5 Frl«idi 35 Sorrwwhot 65 To 45-57-78 More Coffee African teem. But tiie Huskies held a t a colllskm on Mato St. near 6 Choritobl. 36 Find 66 Right St. is asking »60O to cover tary equipment. land Tpke. floors, walls and other .home Oot A Painting Prabiem? We’ii Heip! GIMINI 7 D^imslon 37 Doing 67 Oostinot. SAGITTARIUS fascination for the jjieople, tee School St. between his car and Police Nab PUce of alleged Illegal ize the Manchester Pet Center gives us a person^ prtfte ^ 22 16 May JAN. Or; ___ In Performance to local streota while tee con- ^ ______tJULY l7 A ip K t t 47 Difficuit 77 Right iZ4> Mm'S The notices have all been for­ worski of 263 Burnham St. youthful John Leone. He fell drugs, and the arrest of two at 995 St., Manchester only in our fine store, but also 78Shodow 17-18-27-28, South School chUdren yester­ struction of tee highway Is go- ^gp g^to a lawn, \1i-26-38-49 IS A d r lu 46 Tim. “ 7 ® warded to tee town counsel’s into the tin man Wt by chance, every week. our lovely tow^ he says. 9-60-70 19 Groups 49SonMon. 79 Sm W-7M2-87 MOaiB OF FAMOUS 8RAFIDS day gave a spring festival pro­ tog on to avoid having to dig men. 50Un»qMct«l SO Such office. he explained. A {larty decorator, Started to 1998 by Mr. Ben Some of the services offered LIO 20 Exc.ri.nt AQUARIUS gram of music and dance for 300 Attend Reception up local roads later on. Charged, with three counts of EAJohimon 21 Doy 51 Hov. 81 Pwsonol JAN. 20 e'Hoteotot e Maytag e.Frigldaire e ZenUk COMPLAINTS he was walking tiwough tee ser- PAiMT CO 5 .JULY 22 82 Difficult 22 R M d y 52 Grant {>aj^ents and friends, dasaroom 3) teat street lights be installed Gozzo (who has had pets of hla are: • b CA e Panasonic e "Westtogliouae m Hotpoiiit Sometime ye:^rday car — ‘^ce „„„ entranced------the Plaza Hotel posseasibn of controUed drugs, own since 1046), it Is now a ‘‘-Bleijd hlrt Md ^AOS. 22 4 2 3 B . 53 Or 83 On FH; I* teachers were assisted by Mrs. by the state on local streets 728 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER—PHONE 649-4501 j 24SodA«s 54 Action 84 Officials e Sterese e Diahwaahere « Badloe e 'TVs e Dryers e Bte. Makarios Tour To Honor Mrs. Hutchinson struck a water fountain at Char- in New York one d ^ when he and each of possession of friendly family bustoeaa with smaU animal foods; to addition 1-16-29-40 3- 8- 9-51/ Joyce Ttoms, music teacher. because they will bo sujected saw a number of UtUe and big prescription drugs, and poases- BUY THE PAINT THAT’S WORTH THE WORK I 25 For 55 Is 85 Proporly Charles Bcggini; and presented ter Oak Park. The fountain waa his wife, Daisy and his son, “-W e carry majM brands of ;50-62-76 * 26 At»i»tone. 56 And 86 Ptoblwn MDSOOW (A P) — Archbishop Third grade pupil Jeffrey Me- About 300 people attended a to Increased use. cans lined up for tee rubbWi slon of a controUed drug with 27 Wildcxn 57 G loom y 67 Situation PISCES Opnn Eves. tM 9 P.M. at lb* PcHtodn Phone eu-m still working. Greg. Prior to opening his own foods. VIZCp Makarioe, the president of Cy­ Lucas waa tee announ^r. reception laat night at Buckley a certificate of appreciation collector. He experimented with intent to seU, were Michael J. Your indopomlont 28 In s a in 88 Approocfwd Pfo. tP ^ 4) that the state reserve s{>ace 59 Without 89 You prus now on an official visit to •nw ktoderj^n at Mrs. from tee Board of Education. teem making lamps tor his own Cavanaugh, 24, of Windsor business in 1968, Mr. Gozzo . , . 29HOV. MM. 20Y^g^ for possible parking facUlUea Sometime Hiursday nig^t worked five years in a pet shop Training coUars and leash- fSOT. 22 g 30 Your 60>g 90 In M m ts the Soviet Union, arrived to Kathleen F^da ® Hutchtoson. She wUl retire at the Gifts included a dozen roses, use. Soon he waa fashioning tee Locks, and Peter HIU, 28, of 3041-42-714 to the event a mass transit bus someone shot a BB at tee frcsit M0^2i-33-52f* Leningrad this morning for a the school year after presented individually by kin­ cans into flower petals with oc^ Hartford. to gain experimee and know- 74-77-8349' system to Hartford Is establish­ store window of Pine Pharmacy ledge. Up until this day. he has " - C o m p 1 e t e so action of day ot sightseeing to the old ^ 36 years aa a kindergarten dergarten and special education dinary sclaaora at first, making Police say HiU was also doalor. ed. on Center St. served over 40,000 customers, training aids fo r obedience. tsarist capital. by Mrs. teacher to tee school system, children; luggage from tee UtUe and big flowers, and put- charged with (grating a motor Makarioe was greeted on his grade sang faculty, other town teachers and 5) teat storm drainage be in­ Mr. Gozzo feelz that after "-Large selection of tropical tee last 17 at Buckley. stalled to tee area by the state ting teem into shiny tin contain- vehicle vridle hia right to drive arrival by Alexander Slzov, the Yet” from “The Unstokable During the evening, the school friends; and a wallet and money Several youths threw rocks era or baskets. He next began xmder suspension. seventeen years In business, mayor of Leningrad, and other Molly Brown,” and performed on town-owned rights-of-way “satisfying a customer" la al­ “ —^Aquariums and supplies. * _ . - .. ___ — A.9___ a — library was named for Mrs. from Bucklev chUdren. through a door window at tee tee chandelier kick, he says P olice Bbappoi a car on Oak­ “—Complete line of Smith lEXKRT REPAmS ON FM EIBN CARS{ local officials, the news agency three dances: The Children’s Thla would {>rovlde storm drain­ Main St. Friendly’s, last night. ways uppermost in his mind. __ Hutchinson. A plaque deslgnat- Testimonials were read by age for tee town as well as and it waa a display of these land St. about 8 a.m. for a Toiss reported. Polka, Chimes of Dunkirk, and teat aroused much interest at “We stand behind ®very UNITED STORTS OAB REPAIR, Ina tog It as such was presented by Buokley puolls: Mrs. Joseph pl|>e8 for runoff from tee high­ routine check. HIU was arrested Makarioe was scheduled to re­ Mexican Hat Dance. tee PTA and wlU be Installed Hickey for tee Buckley faculty: tee show. He likes gold touches ’^quallty product we soU. We are W® Mrs. Joan Inguanti’s second way, O’Neill says. on tee motor vehicle count, and Rt. 83, Yemon, Conn. turn to Moscow tonight. Miss Esther Omnstorm. retired Renetced Brings Jobs with silver so some of the tin Is Manchester’s oldest existing pet grade sang “Make New whUe the auto was being Im­ eiod friends. Phone 646-4485 As master of ceremonies, principal of Bowers School; 6) that the state give land appUqued with brass. shop to_ conttouoas operation to Friends” and "Thla Land Is WASHINGTON — M ore than pounded, police say they found “—We are Imown aa the Prlnci{>al Vincent Ramizl read George Bradlau, assistant sup- adjacent to tee Buckland Ceme­ this area,’’ Mr. Oosso sayis. He ESTIMATES ON ALL MAKES Tour Land,” accompanied on tery to tho town. There la no 6,000 com m ercial, industrial a variety of controUed- drugs, asks anyone who has any pipb- house ,,,, of the mixed breed piv- greetings from Mrs. Hutchin­ erintendent of schools; Dr. Don. including marijuana and LSD, Personal Notices tee autoharp, and danced a access to the state owned land, and institutional structures have lema with their pets to feel free P*®®- son's sister, Sister Mary Danlta aid J. Hennlgan, superintendent 2 5 % Gain Due to the car. ICASTROL OILS ★ FOREIGN CAR PARTS | hora from Israel. Mrs. Pene- O’Neill saya, ahd the pn^rty been completed or are under Ink (H Ua i Mh rnkn.. . McDaakrt ______of Jamaica. West Indies; tee of schools; Dr. Walter M. Cavanaugh, a poasmger, post­ to ask him or any of Ws capable ^ ^ di^ ta SSdttdk tt Icoe Nasmi’s third grade gave would be of use only to abut­ construction to urban-renewal WAKBNOTON — Economists VW PACER PERFORMANCE EQUIPMENT In Memoriam 'Old Q-dnn resolution paying tribute to Mrs. Schatd*. member of tee Board ed $2,000 cash booh this mom - crew for advice. over. 46 WEST CENTER STREET In lovins memory of our dear choral readings of ting property owners. areas, the Housing Dejiartmtnt predict that the nation’s , pres- moUier ana zrandmoUier, Hra. Queeribus” and a poem about Hutchtoson, which was intro- of BMucatlon; Msgr. Edward J. reixMts. These projects have ent total of 60 milUon families tog. HIU was still held to Ueu "Regardless where you pur- carries a variety of small “Next to Vittner’s Garden Center” SILVER LANE EXTENSION Jackkon, wno passed away to tee State House of Reardon, {>astor of St. James’ The task force will meet noon (. 1M7. tee flog. On tonettes they {day- duced generated about 600,000 per- w ill grow by about 12 mUllon of the same amount. chased your products, we’ll still (ujjmal and birds. ed “Mary Had a little Lamb” Representatives by Maiiches'ter Church; Mrs. Llrael Plante, to consider O’Neill recommenda­ Court date for both is June Eleanor and Eric Rudaz tions, before sending Its manent jobs to addition to con- by 1960 — a gain of almost 25 and dausbters, and sang the Chinese ” S]>ring Re{>resentatlves Donald Geno- Buckley PTA president; and struction jobs provided. per cent. 2 1 . Mrs. Bandra Rylander vest, Francis Mahoney, and N. Ramizl. thou^ts to the state. Mrs. Linda BulUvan Bong.”

■ D M A N G in S l^ feVEOTNG HERAi^ MANCflEStER, OONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 1971 PAGE THIRTEEN PAGE TWELVE '| B E Seaver at His Best Herald Angle Sala Brilliant in MB’s Opening Win, 3-0 By EABL YOST America Sure Before ‘Home SpeclaBansr No-Hits Foe pitch in UA. because my tamlly In the lights and then he Just Until Seventh Of Champion £ LOS ANGELES (AP) pressed after Uiat.” Notes from the little Black Book — Tom Seaver of the New is here and I went to school the Dodgers’ only run came Annual Cheney Tech Sports Awards Night is set * ■« t (4 York Mets made the ob­ at Southern p d .” on a seyenth-lnnlng home run f o r ’Ihursday at the school cafeteria, Director of Ath- A l t e r J -i H y O l I At Carnoustie His . task was made conaidM> by Richie AHen, Ws shdh of letics ’Tony D’Apgona reported . . . All umpires in •' servation during the spring CARNOUSTTE, Scotland he's the best pitcher in ably ehsler when the dodgers the season. But the Dodgera thti Manchester Little Lrague baseball program are Taking up Just where coitrlbuted five erroca — three managed only five other singles INDY L ^ G U E (AP) — Steve Melnyk and Jim " baseball when he’s got his volunteers . . . Ted Williams won’t have to stand on they left off a year ago, by rookie third baseman Bobby off 'Seaver who also put a Mop Four six-run' innings high- Simons meet today' to the 88- good stuff. The Los An­ Valmtine—to tie a club record. to WUUe DavU’ 25-game batting % the comer and seek financial help if he decides to toss Manchester’s power-laden hole finals of the 1971 British geles Dodgers would be the to the aponge aa majUMfcr rt ------MoriaTty Bros, baseball Amateur Golf Championship Pitching the second‘l^ e of ttfMk. powerful; unbeaten Lantern and the fact they are both last to argue. the aeries wlU be Ndan Ryan, The Mete went on top wfth t o Waahtogten Senators. He cents on every dollar. . . When team opened the 1971 House wore down Wholesale a run in the fifth when Bud recently signed a reported j^e New Yorit Meto made a Hartford Suburban Twi- Amerlcains left everyone else Friday nlgtt Seaver whipped 8-1, to r New York, and Don Tire, 25-9, at Keeney yield. around the pitq>erty Just a little Uie Dqdgen, 8-1, and it w w Sutton, 8-8, for Los Angeles. Harrelson douMed home Don year contract to serve on the three-game trip to San Diego ij»i,t League with an impres- Pitcher Ron Seplowlta had a Hahn. ’Ihey made it 8-0 with advlaory staff Sears at $100,- weekend it coat nearly $7.-. alve 8-0 dectslon over Herb’s. bit cold. the lOdi time In U dedaUmf Valentine’s three errars led perfect night at'the plate going Melnyk reached the final by he’s handled tw what it is,” a scant two percentage points. seventti but New York added Seaver said after the victuy “I can’t blame Bobby,” said an insurance run in the dgbUi Waatatogton’a mana^r we came to $1,8^ v^ch is have'an affect on veteran south- a'^hot*'sOck*ar*^w^ «3lSi?**** which Improved his record for losing pitcher Claude Osteen, 8 with the help of three more chatted on the bench at the better ^ than jio.OOO.$10,000. . . Nice paw pitcher Pete Saia of the ® h ^ e A i T ^ m o n s met Hurt Stuart of the season to 7-2. “I like to 8. "He loot a ooupl^ of those Dodger errors. r a c ^ - honor came the way of Frank MB’s. The former minor leaguer speedy Cralg PhilUp.,_ n ^ r y scoUand to the quarter-finals. pano. >’®®°"*- Badrtuebner, math teacher at handcuffed the No. 1 rival with m Wtori- hrt‘thTtoi^ l«r ^^thrt M^w’a Wta Ji^hLeri ^erical^ls^ to I 'a v baseball team, currently on a six-game vanning streak, opines Coach Harold Parks, Fred Gliha, Jeff Maher, Steve Smyth, ^A ^ ®®®«*‘®® basebaU team and came to t o last^ Iniri^. Piedty. Martcone and Yost at St. Andrews last week. The me CM tine «* « ® ^ ®T^^ is advisor to both the SW and Saia tadn’t ^ a batter and ^ J j L f West Haven High this afternoon at 2 at Muzzy Field in Bristol. Denis Wirtalla; Ralph Bemardi, Kevin Kravontka, Robert Team members are first row, left to right: Roger Talbot, Dick Bloomberg and John Wiggin. This season's Indian club is By A'lljii ASbOOlAXiUD PBU8S "“™ S . American League Marsh, Rick Goss, Jim Jackson, Jack Holik, Brad Steurer, Jim the first to gain post-season tourney play under Parks. At Least One Night Ua a W tl» torn., «.r to, tow Eaat Divirion League star before he gave * « * Manager Gene Johneon'e club *ton A>ppa, Koger i^n ^ ^ W. L. P et OB BOSTON (AP) — The Boston Red Sox broke out 6 and 8 to the quarter-finals, (AP photo) his final approval. cw r r broke through for two talUes In uev, Tom Bonnoau and Jim Boetcn 31 20 .806 — of their hitting doldrums in a big way Friday night, then bumped into the ever; DAZED — Regaining his welterweight title, Jose Napoles of Mexico City • • • s h o r t M u il the fourth and Iced t)ie verdict B'Ucer ripped out two hlta apiece. sends Billy Backus sprawling to canvas in gaining eight round TKO last night. BalUmore 20 10 .804 and now they hope to keep it up today in the second Gdf course owners and oper- ^ single run in the sixth. Benneau also had belted a homo present Simons. Even though the young Carr Detroit 27 24 * game of a three-game weekend series against thef Calit Here ’n There atora have been hurt, badly by ,Qcing for a no-hltter,Sala run. Athletics Just Beat the Clock, Cleveland 22 27 What’s haH?ened to the ^ the foul weather of t o past dream shattered when The Lantern has now Wt 27 had been 11 under par tor the 481 9 fomia Angels. ------’ New York 22 29 ton fted Scot? The taam didn’t three morths on the j^ e ^ . swa^e" singled’ to homers to five games. h!f Waafa’gton 10 81 !880 IIH Manager EMdle Kai^]8 club to third in an attempt to get Napoles Wins Back Crown bombarded five California Scott. go into its taU ^ until owner One public course r^?orted a t^e bottom rt to sevwith. Lmtem 688 061 x-26-98-4 i^ ^ ^ a u n ^ to taSi Weat Olvlaion Tom Yawkey arrived to Bean- drop of $8,000 in revenue over g ^ y n e was quickly erased 'Wholesale 240 001 2— 9-17-6 . . . y . battle back his 147-pound boxing left hook In the eighth round that Oakland 80 18 _ pltchera for 17 hits in a 10-1 Luis Apailclo, hoping he has INGLEWOOD, Calif. todn to watch hla club play, . t o same period of a year when hDke Cheeky at aheirtstop SIUC CITY weather has been chlllv / a-d\ mrAviAn r i Y v ’a ClXAWl. WBS the trig punch," Napoles Kansas City 25 23 7 triu n ^ , sending 10 men to the flnaUy broken out of the slump .The loss of No. 1 righthanded ago. . . Country clubs, too, have started a ligiitntog-Uke double- Scoring heavily to the late . . wy Scottish seaside M exico C ity 8 The southpaw Backus had through an interpreter. "In Edge Washington in 20th Inning Minnesota 26 28. gu plate in a five-run fifth inning which has gripped him for the _ ii1a u-AA to kaaa . aaiiaa. , i,a niAAh fiAVAral t,.,, torL ,-,. Taj- j ___.______.___^ ______AA.ii« ,»A oeceni oy scorasn seasiue ___ relief pltdier Ken Tatum * ie to been feeling the pinch. Several piay. Bill Fiantric added another innings, Green Manor easily de- gt™ jarts all week and the Jose Napoles owns th e stopped t o 31-year-old Chiban "t A ... ’ California 24 29 that pretty much decided the !»■ past few weeks, came through 20 27 .428 12 with a line ringle to right to a fractured Jawln a freak accl- area clubs report a drop toin singlegu^e but Saia raserose to to t o oc- 3feated Tedfort’s’Tedfort’s Barbers last ___ exUe In the fourth round of M®**®®- I teU »h®m I wlU come vnUTr f API __ when they did and the Ue re- Oakland’s side when Larry with a five-run fifth inning and homer to Ike iBrown a ^ a 19 27 ' 418 1214 victory maintained Bos- score both rimnera. The little dentoent alsoaiao nasbaa nunhurt met o Redivou Soxa m membershlpamemoenmps andanu the uie buu golfers« a casion mIn tnet o weu-piayea,well-iriayed, laatfast night at Fltzgeraia Fitzgerald sieio, Field, zx-i.21-7. ^^^id*of*M6**wdrtd**rt°rt world weltemeight boxing initial meeting In Billy’s back tae champion so I had to n A. 21 in- S ^ f i r e d a strike to catch- a 17-hlt asaault that made Gary triple to AureUo Rodrigue, to ChicagoFriday's Rmrliff •‘'‘“ •Same advantage over shortstop, who had watted In . . JSeveral members of the are not buying Pro met- game and threw a third strike Les Keaton went 4-6 for the excuse tor losing to ®® straggly after 20 innings, qj course, had the Senators wi curt Btefary’s single in the a threo-nm doubto ^ , Cleveland 4, 2, 8 in- Now it’s Jim Lonborg (1-1) Kasko then Ufted Aparlclo in mert gamoB to date Including opened Its second nine holes the scoring drought to the banged out three hits. certed the and beat left-handed foe With left- another cut to the first round twice to tae elghta round b r t ^ turned into princes instead not raUled for three runs in the 21st. Blefary moved up on the 01UOLB29 - BEWBiltS — yiyg, J3 iy agahist Tom Murphy (2-7) as the next inning for a rest, ■ so Alton Cowtaw, Btil (Fortin. CSirlo last weekend. . . Patty Torza, fourth. With one out and John Tedfort’s. Terry Schlll- have manufactured hand shots of his own. when the two bumped heads, of pumpkins when they bottom of the ninth to tie it, the Uirow and SheUenbaok waUtod Mike CueUar’s four-hit pltrii- Chi<»go 8, Detroit 2 ^ seek to remain on Luis wound up 1-for-l on the McHale, HOwlo Holcomb and reigning Connecticut Womwi’s Porteus on second, via a field- mg had the game’s only home ^ aU-Amerlcan final to this 86- Napoles stopped BIU Backus but Backus couldn’t take od- the ^ h L The x j m a r beat the clock and the A’a could have had a quicker Bert Campanerls IntenUonally. • * * ing and a two-run homer by Oakland 6, Washington 8, 21 top. night. Tbm Oonnn... Bob Poloekl, golf champ, la the youngest en- er’s choice, Bruce Marino lined „ „ a„d singled aa teammate year-old historic championship after 1 minute 53 seconds of the vantage of It. w e l g ^ ^ w a p o ^ iw «..ti*A«dlng shortstop with trart to the Ladles ProfesslwiaJ a scorcher past leftflelder Plan- Banaulge added three 'e^en times since Worid War eighth round to their scheduled "I used by left Jab to keep aa they mrt “ t?*^ ® ot Washinirton Senators 5-3 neater victory. But a He wUd-pltehed Uie runners ROYALS . YANK — Frank RoWnsch pushed B^tl- inninga The Red SoK fell briilnd 1-0 in The next two battmrs after seven times since World War eighth ... ------^ 'j „ oak «,hinh ^aIH zii» 7KR Mod^irty’B~ In (Twl League laat Golf Touraamert at Heritage tok and before t o ball coidd be gwies. H. bout of 16 Friday night to take him off balance and It was a 14,646 wtifaar paid $185,700. in the 21st Friday night. ____** “■______whether Jt takM yp and then walked...... Larry Kansas...... City.... ^ stretched______its_ win- _ m«»e past_ Milwaukee. Cuellmr, Om u m the second inning _ Friday . night _ Aparlclo in the fifth wept out. nine innings or 31 and Oakland, ^ ow n and Jackson, forcing nlng string to five games, beat- 8-1, s ^ c k out six and waled California (Muridiy 2-7) at a sK en B arrytagg^ a GaryPet- but D o ^ Griffin, season, will spend his time on Village to Southbury June 18-20. retrieved to the catehei\Pi^ Manor 402 672 x—zi-zs-z Jim fiheUenback, one of t* leading the American League home the go-ahead run, before ing U»e Yankees. The Royals two. Robinson unloaded ^ his Boston (Lonborg 1-1) pitch for a home nm, but and (3arl Yastixemskl singled In (^(BPA Cod ffimmAr per- Miss ’Tonea, who piaya out of e**» Tedfort’s 803 080 0- 7-18-7 pitchers thrown Into the mara- west, Isn’t about to be choosy, another wild pitch '‘deUvered gM flrrt inning homers by ^ u l fifth homer in the first follow- Kansas City (Dal Canton 5-2) ***** tum^ otrt Jo be tto only suroesaion to two^nmip rito, SSSdng to-that fort learte the Manchester Country aub, itohad a homer and two RiBI a. jjjry (Uton 5-hour Ib^mlnute game, m other American League Campanerls with the second Schaal and Cookie ftojas to tag a two^xit single by Brooks ^ ^ew York (Kline 4-5) nm off ^ veteran lef^ h ^ r, and the fifth run of the tanl^ comDriaed maiidy of outstand- la <«ie of six amateura to the .. ™® ?*® ^ Acadla’ a ’Tom Corcoran led fleW. . . Seven-foot Hank Ftokel ^® ®*rth rtien Leo VeioM, Just the sixth tantag with a hit walked Reggie Jackson with action Friday night, Boston bel- run of the tantag. take command and Ken Wrlg^it Robinson. Detroit (Cain 2-1) at Chicago *»*® *" “ *** ®“™® *" n*®"*®**® *•“ *■ ®" “ tog of the BtK o" CelUca wlU head *«>*»» n****®*^ >®®««® P*®y *» and t o next three battera did the bases loaded, forcing home ted California lO-l, Kansas City The game feU one inning and Tom Burgmeler combined * * * (John 8-5). his iword to 8^. , ., . ®*^-, ... ^ a h ^ to nert ye^ to ^ a^^t^TvaUw Z k e tb a ll «®®‘ ®** ^ ^ «y«tem, trl- the same aa Acadia Reataurart ™ Cllto rt r S uc iS h Aug. P*®'^ t® ‘®« ®®"*®*- ®“d came from behind to down Wal- S S d ^ '*^ r ’SSoJTa-'l?; ^ ta”L''ri‘^ “^***“* hTthree runs hl^TdoTbSef hS^e thJS“S Z ^ e ta a^tton to High’s golf team. The Tribe O l^ at «ign ug ^ Porteus’ stogie. n„t Barbers, 8-6, to the nightcap A v f ^ i f ^ ^ c e to the 21st in- SbStod M U ^ e ^ » -it o b ^ “S a ta ^ M ‘ v S S t o t o ‘ “ and Alan Foster Umlted Min- Balttoore (pLm er 7-8) at t**® B o ^ a se<^d to tie the. a placed third to the final 1971 *®*^ bojto ^ ^ Good defensive iriays, partlcu- ^t Fitzgerald Field, ntag-4heir last clmnce. Cleveland downed Mtanemta 4- in Caries May drove to all_M ^ ^ f«^ Milwaukee (Lockwood 8-4) thl^ ^ wmuu ulo ^ th three sin- dlans beat the Twins to their Oakland (Hunter 8-81 at walks sandwiched around a also rested Wm after the Rea standings wtii be back with ®" ^ , ' , , . *arly *>y Herb’s Piantek and cor^ocan had two Mta with all-veteran team next spring. E)nd Of the Line Rich Rlortan of to MB’s fear teammate Pete Stoiiock adding w ^ h J ^ ^ steth ^ i^ ^ 8®nators beat CWcago 8^^. WUbur Wood set down ratoHdmrtened game. Fort ^S^SSnWashingten "^SSman (Bosmi 8-7), a^gle by BB^r Oonlgllaroloadrt Bo^bulU their big lead, w bewtag dam 0^ o.m, me sixm mn^. , ® j^t to his fourth victory of doubled home two runs to the ------the bases and catcher ^ ------Duane Jo------The final run came acrosa to • • * Annual East CathoUc High tured. pachaa to the night. Off the Cuff ®P*^ B^uet will 1» itorlarty’s threatened to tae the loeera, Jerry Kost Sunday’s Games sephson slammed a .three-run ttie eixta on stogies by Joseph- SirTitoSSc^^S^AS-BENAXOBS- RBD80X - ANOEIB - the season. \ ^ " " " double to make the score 4-1. aon, Peters and Grifltn, who held Sunday night, Jime 18. fli^t toning, loading the bases touted two ®** ®«d **f*®‘ : P®8* Veleas, Porteus and Ma- ^^aSIa 020 108 x 8-18-6 Defending A,L. Batting Champ Cleveland at Minnesota 10 viqtoriba, one half were shut- boil coach at East, now head rino. o W l National League Roundup his hit as his brother ’Tcny, erage to .888 to the season— iMaior League Baltimore at lOlwaukee outs and he completed all starts. basketbaH coach at t o Urtver- Tuesday night the im ’s open M am m O RB ® Oakland at Warittogton [daytog right field t o the An- higher than that of any regular gala, made a questionable throw on the club. which to more than the entire gity o f New H avra. . .Harness borne' a^Onst the always- RBO LEAGUE L=s=Leaderi==- Nattonal League Red Sox rtaff has accomplish- racing at Lincoln Downs has t„ugh Vernon Orioles at Mt. Army A Navy Club sccrad Johnson Loafs Again, ed Blue dreyr a SRO erxr^ at not lived up to expectations jthls Nebo at 8 o’clock. Darkest Before Dawn By THB ABSOdATm FBICfiS East Division 10-rutui to the first five tonings. Prt. GB Farwoy Paille for bis flirt dp- season. The final session is Either Lev Spencer or new- oaaxw io nma to the AMEBIOAN LBAOCR W.. L. Now York 80 18 .836 pewnnee------— ---- this------s e ^— ton slatrt — June—— 22. .---- .Com---- i^ut comer vtrtiava Jim uaasa Sepaftal will pi*®** ^Stoto rarity defeZtoerlcrt BATTING (100 at bats) — Ol­ — V attracted better than 80,000 four a a U Women’s Track and Field for the MB’i Benched by Manager St. Lciuis 88 20 .638 Driving School, 2041, laat night And Redlegs Rebound iva, Minn., .870; Murcer, N.Y., Pittsburg 82 20 .616 days later at Yankee Stadium Chamidonships 'WiU be staged Martortyi .887. to Nert* York. The vtolttog club’s Sunday starting at 1 o’clock at ~ , B at ML Nebo. Chicago 25 27 .481 7% 5 Leading the hitttog attack RUNS — Yastrsemskl, Boet., BOSTON (AP) 20 28 .444 9 share of to gate each day in Xavier High to Middletown Rlordw, -- Cf, Montreal Yanks Cried Foul, 0 for the ‘winners was Jerry Mc- 1970 Phila’phla 18 81. 867 IS major league basebaU to 2 P A Have a nice weekend. Carlson, lb. Veleas, If. 0 Gulre going 6-6. Ho was fol- Weat Diriston Porteus, rf, der followinsr the ultimate insult of a humiliating b a t t e d in — kui- A ngola’ mana^r Lefty Phillips in th S. Franoiaco 87 17 .686 — Marino. 2b, 0 lowed by Joe Masooltol and SPlTUllSfl Iit-wneer Utwese Ail* 9(*tl*(rff*i9l11 . ^ . n U rW Johnson, 3b, 0 Bob Blake with tour hlta each. eb^. Minn., 48; Petroceiu, ^ ^ Boston Red Sox Friday night. Los Angeles 27 26 JiOO 9% Merrill, c. Tlie floundering National when Richie Allen bomered, Host, 88. Bandage Removed Sala, p. 1 Bata playen also hit tosldMbe- "I think it was self-ex- ——------— ::— ■ Houston 28 27 .481 10% Nicklaus Ties Miller League pennant defenders, vlb- and ended Wilke Davis’ tattUng htts — JDucer, N.Y., M; . Atlanta 24 SO .444 18 Totals l park hcmen. Tom Bradley had NEW YORK (AP) — It was only a small, flesh- Herbs _ three safeties with Jim Men- tima of Chicago aou tl^ w Ken streak at 25 gomes. ’lOvar, Minn., 84; Oliva, Jdlnn., 1**®**®*”move, which ^’ came after John- ntog. ■ The ; Angela Cincinnati 21 82 .898 16% CYO GREATER MANCHES'TER CHAMPS — Assumption garnered th ^ 7 1 Holtsman’s no-hitter 24 hours • • * ^ wn colored band aid, your regular size, band aid. It ringed San Dlta^> 18 86 .808 20 Barth, cf, 0 ditto and IDckey Hailey daah- CYO Greater Manchester Area baseball title. Squad m ^ ^ rs were: Frrat, earlier, rebounded Friday night CUBS - BRAVES — DOUBLEIS — B. OonlgUaro, Ken Wright’s blistered middle finger, the finger on the Swayne, 2b, 1 tog out two hits each. way to flmt base on a routine Friday’s Resolis For Lead at Atlanta Kolenda, 3b, Bill Sharman Jeff Scully, Tom Healy, Fran Mollett, Carl Bard, Tom Martin; Middle, Bill with a' salvo that floored ■ Jenktos breeted to bis KKXh Boot., 18; Northrup, DeL, 18. grmmd out. yardA When the team took tae Pittsburg 8, Houston 2. right hand that throws zinging fast balls. Pinntek. If. 0 For the losers, who were held the St. Loula Oardtoala 12-0. major league victory aa the ig u P L E S __Ctorko, N.Y., 4; It wus also illegal. Angel, lb, ^ to only seven hits. Bob Slmler Lodge, Rich Mullaney, Jim Lodge, Tom Laine, Bob Quagha, Russ N o ^ , Chicago 11, Atlanta 0 art) figured I had ptoe tar on ATLANTA (AP) — Jack Nicklaus, seeking his IC^tsEtino, BS, Brian Moran; Batik, Coach Ed Healey, John Tasillo, Dan Socha, Dee T ^ - "Maybe we nhoded »*»«*» Cuba, triggered by Joe Pepl- 4 ;^”schkal, k.C.. ^e**tato'l^dto’’*he*^drt* Oo»ran”wai^s^ to*^ "We thought we could cheat a 1 managed to bang out two safe- Would Accept Clnctonati 12, St Louis 0 my ftogwr.” Ouida, rf. hitter.”tt«r ” «ald eMd Ttanv -nony Peres, P ^ . who tone’s four^iit mree.spree, ran their ^ ^.Y., 8;.. McAuliffo, *»*«»« tiling again, no aaaea.h fl^d to^ Ws place, little” said Kansas City Manax- ...... __ , . third straight victory, forged a tie for the Atlanta E. Rizzo, c. 2 ties. one, Jim Kurlowicz, Mike Evans, Warren Zaccaro, Bob J^rmer, Coach Bdl Montreal S, San Diego 1 ttk. TifA Umpire Art Pranti Scully, p. cracked four hits, indudtog a atoning string to four games, rw n- MUrcer N;Y. 8: already. “ n®*V* ’Ihore’ve "f**' been enough J . ^ 1'*® other three times John­ New York 8, Los Anelea 1 ^ u oo liemoiif reternng to tne Golf Classic lead Friday with a young" Californian who — — — — Army A Navy Scully. Absent were Bob Legier, Ray Lanzano, Larry McDonald, Bob (.aron. two-run homer, to pace **»« «*► Pepttone, JuM off the disabled carew. Minn., 8; ’Tovar, Minn., enouxh seemed unconcerned. “A 70s not bad,” said 24-year-old 23024 11242 10 0 —20-25-6 L ak ers’ Post ••U'.vh. V . nMileA a J.__ _ 1_ " “ *“ "1 »> stories. son was benched came to a Philadelphto 5,. San Pranciaco to the mound to look I ^ ^ f a 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 Totals ^ 1 1 z » z lu v—zu-z»-o sault “ Maybe we needed a drove to three runs, one of ^ J o h n ...... ' " - - - — ------innkws 0002010 3 American Asked if hla "aeif-ox- stretch Ot about one week to . ^ suDoiancea on a pRcnera ^ ^ Miller of San Francisco. “If that’s my worst Mmiart^s 0 2 0 0 0 1 2- 6- 741 (AP) - Utah Stars Coach mil kick to the back. We kneW it them y^th a homer. HOME RUNS ,110 2, Porteus; SB: Vel- planatory" quote meant that he mid May during ( ^ Angela round,i, I’ll win______the tournament.”______mMarino;I ______DP;_B. Rlzzo t- OANIMJaJGHT LEAGUE ffliarmaa says he ^ ^ c o u ^ ’t get a y "They got me some nina e ^ Mtan., 12; W. Horton, DeL, U ; iaat home atanL PhlHlps was St. LoulaT**i**fD^* (Reuaa 5-4) at , rM.Cto- But . M.the TTKansas rMt CXty pitebm: t. Rubais.Y“®**®® fitadknn twiddled their Nicklaus, ending a th r e e ------12 Three-Year-Olds Norm’s Catering tallied 10 „^® Zeto m LJSJ ^ lLd“^J^ 94” ^ *** r u n i C ^ t the quoted at ^ t o e ^ _ -a y h « (ciontager 24) was caught and was ordered to “i toM him he had to remove week lay-off, carved out a 68 first two holes, stoking an 18- (Carlson: Lb: Morlartys 4, Herbs 2r over the 6,888-yart, par 72 At- footer on No. 1 and two putting BB: Scully: Strikeouts: Sala 4, runs to the second toning to J®** *“ ®^ *" hTa Andersen, “ whore we couldn’t failed In three previous starts grounder, PblHIp. «d d : Montreal (Renko 5-4) at San puU off the bond aid, then had (gm tape,” Frants said. “The help down Wyman OU-to a lop- Sharman, «>»™*“ *- who coached tae AND ST*0LEN ^ t® *» ____^ hlmaelf out of a game f l i ^ loieiritag at the time. larta Country Club course to from 30 feet on the second. He *•___ n«p oown ^ gtars to the American Basket- Challenge Canonero ^ ’ ’“■ W You 'sald'that. Write failure o *«*« Philadelphia (Reynolds (M)) at which tae Royals eventually ^ rule'^to'^ ttaTIxriiii gain a deadlock at 136 with Mil two putted for a birdie at No. 8 sank a seven-foot-blrdie Yesterday’ s 'Stars ^ *>®** -AMOclaUon championship wSeto Reds snapped a ^ wtot you saw to tae ball San Prancteco (B.^ _ won overthe New York Yan- ^an be » « « > • » « ler, a slender blond. and < if^ » ts went 4-4 with ‘*‘®*r « " t season after moving yORK (AP) — The gruelling ll/ 2-mile of the RADIi Slebert, Best., 9-1, .900, 1.97; game.”' out ground bolls, Houston (Balaslngame 4-6) at kees, 0-2 Friday nlghL “I see Nicklaus Is playing putt at nine to turn at four un- PnCHING — Ferguson Jen- four-game loatog string behind » • • Before the rusty-haired b a d 'a ^ ,’’ jokrtMUler'du'rtoi der for the day. ki«"'^'''fl;;;dTto^rhrtto'r J*™ Mlstrette and Bill flheekey *«'®™ u^^®*An^ra Belmont Stakes and 12 3-year-olds stood t^ ay between in the Bast Divlslcn °*®l^’ f T*“ manager said to answer ***^‘®“**‘ couldn’t throw strikes any- Wright had a tonce to Ueed all P®*> PHILS - GIANTS — . . _ , a interview aa he gazed at the Nicklaus league vie Lak^^ of ^ k e t - Ross Giimsley, St. Louis fell jjm Bunntog came out of the firnUKECKOT T«uch DeL - 96 “ »>®’ Oak., another question that he did atop CSilcago (Pm ^ M) at At- ,^ * 0 and I didn’t wart to blow over the mound, he decided it ® “ *®^®*' ^iufS ota liSw ‘^ S s '^ r e ^ N h ^ Canonero II and thoroughbred racings Triple Crown, " - - not know whether Johnson tag *«g® . _ the game,” said Wriirt, who was best for blmsrif-and the scoreboard. and ^ k a at 16 but tory aa CMcago rtauled Allarta ^ ^ U®««ue. it waa dtocloeed Canonero n the K e n to c^ The othera who had a ertek Sports Dial from first to second place |n buHpen fc -enff out a two-run ’ Miller had entered tae second putted for a Wrdle on the final "* Danny Gauchione and Ray ^ Venezuelan-owned $1,200 becoming tae ninth Triple tthe o 8BastSEsst (DivisionDlvtolon . . . per^pe^ g^ i wranotoeoFrancisco rallvrally to the NATIONAL LEAGUE would____ play_ in today’s______game. fj®*?™?, end the J !? ^ **“* given iq> but two hits and team—to leave. SATUBDAY Johnson, who to hitting only t o first *M*t°®WMit.y”, . ^ . Angele8_(Sutton 8^)^ rtgrt gtntO t out eight at t o point of “I didn’t want to go out,” said round with a two-shot lead aft- hole. BA’mNO — Tonv Peres J®“ack. kDstretta and Jenock have ob- yearltag purchase, was the ear- rhanrolon but came up centage points behind the New resculi« winning pitch- 2:00 (SO) Major League Base­ York (Meto, who trimmed Loo ^ ^ ’'and h ri^ the BATTING (100 at bats) so fai- com p^ to hto Sonday’s Games his aixta-tontog dtomtosal. Wright, “ hut I haij no dicice.” ,St. Louto at Ctocitmati ball Angeles 3-1 on Ttom Seaver’s ^ S i f los- Brook. St. L„ .367; W. average tost season. was snapped to outfl^er’s eight Tlie bitoter, whicb Wright de- Wright had thrown 87 pitches „2.”.rSu‘".'s;i:;.Ts srj-’srs.zrss s sr sr thrown out by third baseman game bitting streak. (18) Yankee vs. Royals, six-hitter. toar string to three gameuxames— Davto, L.A., .869. n,. . ^Fran- ^eloped to his tort atari agaiim t until that Juncture—50 for WINF Enaewfaere, Ferguson Jenktoa ^ season for the HUNS — Brock, St. L., 49; mree mis including a c^uit - ^ ^ mlUlon damage ness. ^ Washington, started to give him strikes and 28 for balls. He had "Not really,’’ oald Mller. swing.” ramp over SL Louis. Kauai King, 1966. (22) Red Sox vs. Angels, foUowed up HolUman’a no-hlt Dlvtoion naoe-settera. Bonds, S.F., 47. ciBoo, i trouble to to fi^ toning aurrendered two hits to the first. with Rlrt PeckJ^ ^ colts ^ tested Can^ ^ ' Houston at Pittiburgh ‘ ‘’The first roimd lead means LaWrs General Manager nera to the two races rt courageous. Owned by wnc gem with a three-hitter and the p m i, most of RUNS BATTED IN — Star- n ia t’s whm trainer BiU Jones toning, thm cut down 16 Yan- ’ 4:30 (8) Sports Challenge Cubs backed him with a Itf-hlt Francisco errors— geU. P***-. Torre, St. L., 41. McDowell, Nettles, HarreUon Chicago at-Atlanta little. ’Ihere are 20 guys back f Z Pred Schaus octiflrmed, mean- tae ’M ple Crown ®®r^_ were Farm, as was Cita- New York at Los Angeles. put the tape on iL kees to a raw before yielding his taere whC' can catch you, so 5:00 (3) Belmont Stakes barrage to waJltog Atlanta by third baseman A1 Gallag- HTTS — Garr, AU., pO; Wright went exit to t o mound first walk with two out to t o Anderson also put one cut ot while, that Sharman was one of against himhim. again—Jto ycu don’t look at Nicklaus.” the pork. (8) Wide World o f Sports: 11-0; Philadelphta upended San beating Gaylord Per- Brock, SL L.. 78. for the slxta and immediately sixth. three prime candidates to sue- French, second to tae Deri^ eighth ot a mile with a itrac- Grand Prlx of Mcuiaco F ran cisco 6-3; Pittsburgh ■ ■ DOUBLES — Brock,. 6L L., Nicklaus, playing to tae Norm’ s 2 10 1 2 4 0 x—19-20-2 ------— —- •- the Preakness:— ^ . got tagged by New Yoric first With a 2-1 count on Roy morning, scored birdies on tae * ceed Joe Mullaney, who was and third In hired sesamoid and finished (18) Roller Derby tripped Houston 8-2 and Mon- • • • 15; M. Alou, SL L., 14. Indians May Lose Legion Tryouts base' coach Dtoton Howard. White, Wright took a strati. Wyman 0 2 10 18 o— 7-18-C fired . Thursday. andonH «nll*®**ti*g **®* **®* gwltMr and Gorton'deer rtp- double with two . gram er to t o six-run fourth. and BtU Stoneman shackled the Johnscxi, S.P., 6-1, .867, 0.70, Streaking Ellington Nine Perez and Buddy Bradford this season. only and Padres ofi four hits. Including a. STOIKBX>UTS — JwUdns, A spokesman to Kuhn’s office The Oeveland (Plain D o ^ sentod. prted two-nm homers and homer by Clarence Gaston. Ode., 99; Seaver, N.T., 97. Johnny Bench tripled home two admlttrt Friday that to com- aald to tocmtlve number Advances to Semifinal Play more runs to t o fourth. mlsaloner was toveatigattag re- m .^ be cn a flrrtcome, Mike Jordan allowed only two ever. Bvarv man hit aafelv and scored erage waa aet for 5-6 p.m. and George Foster also had four Dorts t o Indiana had vlolaited spelled out to the contracts basis. It. and collected three hlmaelf, Dave Kaplan and Bill Modeen “ ^ ® ‘ y “ “ •®®‘*® a < l ^ Streaking Ellington High mov- cd a two-run triple. There will be two divisions. - - baffled contributed hlta which led to «* *®“®* one ran.- ... t. .. T**®ti* Dos Angeles Lakers are radio coverage for 5:26-6:86 hits fo r . C:Hnctoiiati and Grima- ^ r t n g rules. »*«>*®« *>y P*®^®™’ ^ For the B an k er^ CbMk tryy,g 1 our cosich,’ ’ p,m., beth CBS. ed Into the semifinals of tae *>»***« pitcher Ed Pwardy ley scattered three stogies, the Qahe Paul, president of tae oral agreemerts reached with an intermediate Division end gears______battera. M!B tallies Don Wltacn had two Letter of Encouragement Arnett went 8^ taro gy^p,. ooneral Manager Vince -nie eight ’Triple Crown wto- CIAC Class S Division Baseball !® first («e by Joe Torre in the Indians refused to commwit on Manager Alvin Dark, who took a Senior Division. Registration ^juen OOO TOB 16-6-2 the VFW btogles Skip Blerber to the seventh fifth. - X X.. the reimrtod riantoea. over Signing duties this year. must be made to person, and gear. 220 0^ 4-2-1 Moriarty’a 000 001-2 4 0 Boiyla raid to a ne^ crafer- „ers were Sir Barton, 1919; Tournament yesterday as they BOSTON (AP) _ Luismis ADari* through an 0-foi>44 straak at the U*® repoixro ogniiig* should c least ihMMbthree nliAVATapiayew aare i« be*be- 'WiA*( the contrrtt wu mvaiia crown, baa meant only frastra- battling Granby. Sites haven’t dy; Blerber (7) and Van CUef, from starts. The Lawyers are now #- runs to break an 8-8 Ue. The American BaeketbaU Aaeo- o ^ ^ e severu jm ovW ons/ to fjn„ The meet recent failure of , been-announced yet. METO - DODGERS — couldn’t eeem to get a hit, re- encouragement Friday night. He could cancel the contracts The rule involved states, "No $2217. Appello (7>. ♦ t^M****^ ' t w ' gardlesa of how hart litrled, but Aixuiclo walked on bis first twa-and require they be re-nego- contract shall be approved by 8. Mike Seeder and Greg Hotines claUon Memphis Proa Thursday eluding one gi>^ hto part 3^ y^d a shot at tae winning pitcher Court Homed Stevenson’s outhlt tae winners contributed bunt stogies to the announced the slgntog . cf ®"'?®J^P ®*_» *“ “’ triple waa Majestic Prince to was a star at bat and on tae ®® to the end I wan able to hit a plate appearances, then lined a Gated with t o clito, making the prealdent of the league that __ The New Yorit Rangrti xr««. « •*“**»« run.’’ Nixon’s letter said, two-run stagte to rlgiit to the the players ineligible to play ahati {mcvlde for the. giytog of a MORIARTY with three hits, a double by seventh to help score the four Thotpe Weber cf Vanderbilt m iU l^ by Stars owner BUI (Prince, who had mound. The junior super-star (AArt "Being the great profeaBlonai fifth tahtag. The 87-year-old . to- until new contracts are agreed bonus tor puyw^, pltdring, or John Andreo and two stogies by runs. Mike Hayes bad three University, the club’s third- ®®*^®*® ^ ® " t**® ®*“*> “ «*’«<* *® edged Arts and______Letters_ to tae „„ cloutedciouteu one of his t^s‘ "two 24 games too row to BROTHERS Steve CMsptoo. hits and Joe Kelley two. round draft choice. Utah. " I ^ e Lon A nnies errars—two y®** ***• y®** ®™ *“ '** overdue fielder was rested after that .as upon. batting akllla; or wlrioh pro-' ^asra^as.^. ------* ----- . ------ihrt Artnt.ta.rtfr I. PTeakneHs, suffered homers and struck out 10 bat- Madison - to t o sixth toWng and three to *°r a streak of good fortune, and the Red Sax rolled to a lOd vie- He also couW eUnrinate the video for t o payment of a Tonight the Barbers play tae Moriarty’s 1 0 2 0 2 8 4-12-8-1 The 6-fooL7. Weber was the W e ^**^® ®®*l!i?®^ ,** the only defeat of hla career to ters Bob MeVarish accounted eeaaon without d r t ^ . Their !1CenU'i St.. MiinchO'tet Oilerslie T r t 6 to a makeup game. VFW 2 0 4 0 0 2 0^ M4) fifth .round ert«tl^ of tae Bee- v*Ud wta ^®v®«T^ ^ ^ ^ J®|;®- „tyer homer. pr®vl^ be* non-loring rtrrak - t o elgfatb-tonded the Mets to t o end a good season,’ ’ It tory over t o CaUfonria Angels, bonus clause, let stand the base bonus contingent on t o stand- 401 llx —7 1 0 White, Pleider and k elly: ton'Oritlcs to the rival National our power to cmvlnce Bill of . ’ , . two unearned rune. Seaver added. and thus he wound up perfect salary agreements, and fine the tog of t o 'c lu b at the end of the DECKED — New York’s Horace Clarke hits the deck after close'^tST^y Lawyers \ Catcher Dwight Landraann odd- w®* 2* games. Phone ti ■I'» Stevenson’s 000 Aftft000—0 A 3« 5K r.kAi...iADaigle and Kelly.u*aii» Basketball Association draft. that,’’ Boryla said. r nguis. threw unMi the seventh, A parlclo recently went for the night with 1-for-l. ball blub a minimum of $10,000. chamirionahip aeanon.” Kansas City pitcher Tom Burgmeier just missed hitting his head at stadiufn.

I) aiANCHESTEai . EVENING HERALD, Mi^CHESTER* CONN., SATURDAY, JUJ^_6, 1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 5,’ 1971 PAGE FIFTEEN PAGE FOURTEEN OUR BOARDING HOUSE with HAJOR HOOPLE i\ siiORTBN and WHIPPLE HeIpWon fd N wwia 3S HWp W in d Mah 34 BUGGS BUNNY MotOKyelM.«eyelM 11 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW LABORERS wanted (or 1060 TAadAHA street ecramUer, THOSB TON9LS stniction work. Apply Aleo ttLetOUTOPTOWN 280 CCS, e x c e lle n t ccnditlan . 0,- MAIDS Development Oerp. 1 Ooort a O I N & T O FOR FEW PMV#, CLASSIFIED 000 m llee. $378. 046-3224 a f ie r 6 HAVB T O St, RockvUIe. Ask for U r . MM.HOOnM.BO mw m p.m . COMB OUTl A I* FuU-ttane poeltiotie avall- D om lna. p v b r P O N T -erlenced teacher, specialis­ 6-sr breed mostly terrier. ’Tag No. CaU 649-7966, a fte r 4. STORES, INC. 1968 V O L K S W A G E N , autom at­ 100 Constitution Plasa, Hart­ ing In reading, 8-week pro­ FREE — Purebred German 148782. P le a s e c td l 649-2446. Roofing and ic , 15,600 m iles. E xceU ent con­ BACKHOE, ditch digging, back fo rd . E ven in gs, 288-6879. gram. CoU Mn. PeragaUo. Shepherd has mongrel pups, J C h im n e y s 1 6 - A Park A Oaklaud .Aves., dition. May be seen by calling fill, etc. FUl, gravel and loam, 648-8210 a fte r 6. male or feniade. South Wind­ BY FRANK BAGINSKI L O S T —^Passbook N o. 26-0146222, MOR’ICAOEB 1st, and 2nd., 049-1361 a fte r 6 p .m . 633-6600. East Hartford P L A IN J A N E Savings Dept, of the Connecti­ ROOFING — Specialising re­ m o rtga ge s —In te rim fin a n cin g B U M M E R b aton lessona tau|d>t s o r 644-3307. T 3 ^ l ^ cut Bank A Trust Company. pairing roofs of aU kinds, new a n d l o o k w h a t 1 <=.e t ! OOWN wS PONTIAC Convertible, CHAIN saw work done, special­ — expedient and confidential in my home. V o r particulara FOUR Uttie Uttena looking 4 - S AppUcatlon made for payment. roofs, gutter work, chlnmeys toe w i t m , good running condition. Needs ising in Jobs around homes. s e rv ic e . J . D . R e a l E s ta te phone 643-8996. good home, two males, two fe­ clean ed and rep a ire d . 80 y e a n ETILXrTIME clerical MEN! som e b od y w ork . 646-8849. C a ll fo r estim a te 742-8468. A ssoc. 648-6139. m a le . C eU 6464W08, aftw r 8 I KNOW. AS SOON AS J LOST — Natural leather clutch experience. EYee estimates. aome typing. CaU 64S-1SU, M rs. purse, vicinity Pero’s EYuit p .m . sort in sid e -TWE WALLS DRIVEWAY sealing, tree re­ CaU H o w le y , 648-6361. 3 5 M ayn ard . Maricet. Important papers. CAME lUMeUNS DOWN. 1969 NOVA, V-8, Best offer. 649-" moval, also light trucldiig and CaU 6*9-6744. Business O pportiM ity 28 t e a c h e r fo r ^ ^ 1871. odd Jobs, yard work. Reason­ d a y w e e k ly . CaU 643-3111 e x t, exceUent pedigree, Blast Wind­ able rates, free estimates. CaU H ooting and Plum bing 17 Nursery School, Inc., Monday- EV>in»D — female German 46, between 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. so r, 638-0880. t 1963 FORD Falcon station wag­ BYlday m om bga. CaU 338-9306 Shepherd, black and ^ver. M ik e , 289-6829 a fte r 6 p .m . GRANT’S Plumbing Service — GULF on, 6 cylinder, good running o r w r ite P .O . B o x 137, H e b o n BREE to good home, One-year P'(-S CaH Andover Dog Warden, 742- EYee estimates, plus quaUty PILORIM MnXS, 96 Loomis Omil8WA.lit.TJil8B.UXR^C«. condition, $200. o r b est o ffe r .' MANCHESTEai Welding Ser- 'C on n . old spayed female Samoyad. 7194. woric. 848-6841. "SERVICE STA'nON P t has openings for women to 646-4749. vice corner Durant and West work full-time b our measur­ G ood w ith chUdren. P h on a 640- “ I’ve decided there’s reelly nothing wrong with Middle ’Turnpike. General SAM WA’TSON Plumbing FOR LEASE FEEL tied down? Free your­ ing and marking departmenb. 1406. 1970 CHEVBLLE, green, stan­ self I Get out and get more out him that trying to reason with him wotrt welding repairs, home owners Heating, Bathroom remodel­ A p p ly lO sB Oobum , 646-1414. P e r s o n a l s dard transmission, exceUent of life by being an Avon R op- ______THREE pretty Uttena are loak- aggravate!’’ and sports equipment. ing and repaim. EYee esti­ Located at comer at W est M id ­ condition, V-8, radio, heater. resontative. Earn for 'VANDA — Beauty Oounariora b g for homes. TYvo light gray, REDE wanted to ’Travelers and m ates. CaU 649-8808. dle ’Tpke. and Broad St, Man­ m oney CaU a fte r 6, 649-6406. AVAILABLE for yartl work, aU those "extras” yoti want openings tuU or part4ime, one Uack. After 6:30 p.m., 64»- back from Bolton, Route 86. chester—one of the busiest, b- lawns mowed, hedges trimmed, w b prises. For detaUs caU averagn $3.00 per hour, no ex- 3818. BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY CaU 849-4044. 1961 CHRYSLEIR — EKcoUent torsections b town. g e n e ra l clean in g. CaU 649-9308. 289-4022. p erten ce n ecessa ry. W a tra in . N MR. ABERNATHY running ooncUtion, fair appear­ BY DICK CAVALLl M l U n o r y , Station presently b operation. , I JU5T HOPETHfa FLA/YE HOLDS 1 WINTHBOP ance, wUl pass inspection now, t r e e SE3RVICB (Soucler) — 91ANPBACK/PIUy i,piJTTILLITOASTAA Folding chairs for rent, 649- EXJR SALE — Antique rimp, go- elderty gentleman. Retired Write Bex B, Manriiester Eve­ sand. 643-8004. exmuJ J l l . automaUc transmission, vinyl condition. P h on e 643-0180, school teacher wUl love it. BUZZ SAWYER 0762. bg busbess, good location. ning Herald. top, 4 new Ures plus 2 snow WASHING machbe repairs, ALUMINUM sheetis used u SINCE yOU'RE PLOTTING TO HAVE ■SIT POWN. BUT tCS AW DUTY For appobtment write Box SmaU home, beautiful grounds. ^SAY/VER BROUGHT FROM AFRICA I300D AFTERNOON, caps. Priced right. Call 643- CUSTOM Dune Buggy, Immacu­ RCA 'Whirlpool, Kenmore, prbtbg plates, .009 thick, 23x ME HAN(SEP, I TRUST YOU VIONT TO APVISE YOU OF YOUR AA, Manchester Evening Her­ M ust h a ve c a r. 628-8166. a fte r STILL AAOWE EViDWCE T H ^ g e n t l e m e n . 1184 o r 646-6968. late, show winner, street legal. Maytag. Reasonable rotes. 643- 36” , 26 cents each or 0 for $1. OBJECT IF T JOIN YOU. CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS— BY CROOKS & LAWRENCE ald . 6 p.m . Help W ottled-Mak 34 CAPTAIN EASY M ust be seen an d h eard. $2,700 4918, 647-1719. Pointing - Papering 21 1970 M G M d g e t 20,000 mUes, 643-2711. HELEN. FOR INSTANC E---- Pi NEVER MINB invested. A sk in g $2,160. 876- MANOTSTORr^tREA^^^^vmrT- CLERK for top soft drink hot exceUent condiUon, bronze-yel­ LIGHT trucking, cellar and ECONOMY Pabters — bterlor, JOB. ON WITH LOOK! CAN'T TOO PRINCESS RAPUNZEL- eURE, I HEARD YO U-eur 2919 a fte r 6 p.m . en’s and Junior women’s dress tUng firm, part-time moitibgs ALUMINUM acreen-storm lo w . $1,900 firm . CaU 643-9287. exterior 'w lb references. Fully YOUR STORY. BiPBCTB MB TD SNEAK LET’S pe a l WITH MORE PRB^NG attics cleamed, odd Jobs, bwns, shop, exceUent location and only. Must be married. Good GENERAL CLERK doors, huUt-b bab tubs, lava- LITTLE WDKRIEPf BACK AFTER PARK AND 1968 AUSTIN American, auto­ trees cut and removed. CaU insured. Wallpiq^erbg a spe- torys, toUeta, Uteben cabinet 1960 O O R V A IR , lo w m U eage, volu m e, $26,000 in clu d es b v e n - s ta rtin g p a y . A p p ly M Y. S m ib , ..OR WPMTVDU 1 CARRY HER OUT THE matic, very low mUeage. Elx- 643.6000. claU ty. 646-8719. General rierlcal duties b a sbks, metal waU cabinets, hot ^ R TWAT A WINDOW ASLBBri e x c e U m t cendiUon. $100 o r tory and fixtures. R.D. Glriurd Coca Cda BotUbg Co., 481 c e llen t con dition. $896. C an bo smaUer office wlthb our w a te r furnause. 64844S6, 641- X SAID T b est o ffe r . CaU 643-6066 a fte r 6 APPLIANCBJS moved, efficient­ INSIDE—outelde pabting. Spe­ A g en cy, 872-9179. M ata S t., E a s t H a rtfo rd . seen at Contone’s B!SSO Ser­ organlsaUen for a person b - 1443. p .m . vice, 308 West Wddle Tpke., ly, reasonably, evenings or cial rates for people over 66. - terestod b a position w lb M anch. w eek en d s. CaU 643-9761 a fte r CUl my competitors, bon call 35 rwqponsiliUlty. High school SAVE BIO! Do your own rug 'V D IK IS W A O E N , 1970 square- Help Wonlod - Famoltt 6 p.m . m e. E stim a tes g iv e n . 649-7868. graduate w lb clerical ex­ and upholstMy cleaning w lb back, top condition. Low mUe­ perience required. Bbe Lustre. Rent electric REWEA'VING of burns, mob- RICHARD E. MARinN. Siu age, under warantee. BYunlly Trucks - Traefora 5 Company offers good wages sham pooer $1. O lc o tt V a r ie ty holes, zli^rs repaired. Wb- professional pabting service, ■ b e re a s b g , cau sin g sale. 649- CVlMP n u r s e end woridng condltloris, S tore. 1967 CHEVROLET paneled dow shades made to measure Interior-exterior. BYoo esti­ 7036. ______convenient free psrkbg apd truck, needs motor. $100. OaU all size Venetian blbds. Keys mates, fuUy insured. 040-4$ll. Resident R.N. for Times Farm Camp in Coventry. on exceUent free benefit BABY CARRIER, high chair 1967 PONTIAC Firebird, air- 647-9664. made whUe you wadt. Tape BY V. T. HAMLIN p ro gra m . etc. Mason, pump organ, db- conditioning, 4-speed transm ls------— recorders for rent. Marlow’s, A L L E Y OOF PROFESSIONALLY June 28th - August 21st Season. Ing table and chain, books, 867 M a b S t , 649-6221. A p p ly twb box spring. S U Z S A IP .MY600NESSJ ’ A u t.A w ~oH fc.-tii*.* H E HEARD 'ATS ^ THAT DONNq BUT > Pabt your average Ranch Private quarters. 120 boys and girls and a staff 649-1U6. ~ THINfiFLYlN' / nS^OONNAl^P BY MILTON CANIFF 0496. wheelB fita handymen want a variety F IR S T NA-nONAL S’TEVB CANYON T W O 16” chrom e wheels, ms j^^s by day or hour. We o r Ccq>e, $249.66. C olon ials o r o f 80. H O u ^ S ? / a D iR D uaiT h ' (. weHf'iN o u r .. ^ F tord C h rysler. $26. Jim , 649- CLAIM ED) 1 A IR ? , " t T l 1968 O P E L R a lly e . $1,096. C an clean yards, attics and cribrs. SpUU sU ^ y higher. Price STORES, INC. FULL-TIME A RAWN AflAIN.'^ 2109. I’iHBETstiUEPRE^ be seen anytime, you be be Reasta oM or car Mras. loob. CaU Betty Turner, at be J e rry K en n y, 647-9664. tutions and government bstaUationa and should have some tronamlsslan, power steering. Crockett Agency, for low rates siding, general repairs. Qual­ jocki, stool skohring. oatlqiia auto parts. 1 5 Excrilent condition breughout. ity workmanship. Financing knowledge of welding. He riuuld be ready to start as soon as bcludbg passenger UablUty. J. P. LEWIS fr SON, custom posslUe and be loonng for an opportunity for advancement $1,196. 649-6290. D e a le r. available. Ebonomy BuUders, Many otkor m s o M h a m s 643-1677, 9 a.m . to 6 p.m . decorating, bterlor and ex­ bto management. Intensive school and Aridid training. Inqubs In c ., 648-6169, 872-064T e v e ­ 1906 O P E L C A D E T L S 1.6 L it e r terior, paperhanging, fuUy b- NOW! IROW SmS WfLCOME! Mach m , ex- nin gs. ■ sured. For free estimates caU C a ll GoUect Peraon to Person 649-9668. I f n o an sw er 648-6862. a^e^’^eur StT * 800. c a ll h a l l m a r k Building Co. For Mr. A. Massanti 876-3206. PMTUfO’S IRES SUTO PSRIS M u st seU. C aU 1-429-7026. home Improvement, addlttofrs. (609) 6664113 \ Sir rec rooms, garages, foefbg, _ __ e e HOtACI nS lir, MANCHISIIR 1963 FORD Galaxie convertible, CaU after 6 gutters, p ree^ ^ ^ xu R ead H erald A os Monday fr Tueoday, 9 A.H. to 6 P.M. V-8, 4-q>eed H u rst; A s Is f o r 1966 H O N D A 806. w ork gu aran teed . 647-1290. ^ p arts. Jim , 649-2160. P »»-'- 643-6963. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHtSTER. CONN, SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 1971 PAGE SIXTEEN BIAN(XlESTm EVENIira MANCHESTER, GONN„ SATURDAY, 6, 1971 PAGE SEVENTEEN 7 2 Housoi For 5ale Htmttf For Sol* 72 H o i k m For Salt 72 Hoiwtt For Sait — For 5ale 72 Heuset For Sale 72 Loh For Sole 73 Out of Town Apartm M H - flkrts- W arned - Real Estate 77 Setmge Daily Dumped ToneniMti 63 MANCHESTER — Preferred BOl/EON —One mUe from Mbn- FOT Scrio 7 5 SBUXINO your home or acre­ BEAUnFOl. LoAout Mountain, ^ Ottered by the neighborhood, 5room custom Raised Ranch with 1% baths 7-roMn Raised Ranch, 2 Are- Chester. Wooded comer lot. RotfTON ^ Fbiir - bedroom age? For prompt friendly serv­ DBL.UXB 3-bedroom apart­ .. ... water, full basement. Hutchins buUt Garrison Colonial. Rec ice, caU Louis Dimock Real­ CLASSIFIED BERBY'S WORLD and double garage. Large p la ces, tUed baths, O .B , buttt- ^ , „ . y R ea ltors, 649-SS34. Acre plus. Prestige area, M.H. cape, m baths, enclosed Into the Mediterranean ment, wall-to-wall carpeting, room, two fireplaces, carpet­ P alm er, R ea ltor, 64S-6S21, 645 horse bam with corral. Hurry! Ins, 3-car garagte, plastered ------——- — You’re Invited p orch , 100x400* w ooded l o t ty, Realtors, 6459838. complete appliances, 3 . air- ing, private yard. $83,900. 0688. Heritage House, 6I6-2483. walls, laundry room, large jgANCHBfirrBR —• Just listed — PHILBRICK Ontnd air-conditioning. $36,- By HABBSr DUNPHY the water contaminated hy sew­ conditioners, full basement, Hayes Agency, 6450181. ALL CASH for your property Associated Press Writer age. treed lot, city utilities, SlKday huge »-room CMonlal set on IH 6()0. Bel Air Real Estate, 645 within 24 hours. Avoid red ADVERTISING washer-dryer hook-up, vanity MAHCHB8TBR — Beautiful 7- Tomorrow, Sunday 2-5 p.m. cxivENmY — Treed buUding . Michel Nader, owner of the occupancy. Charles Lesper- acres of land. Taro fuH baths, $27,900 — EIOHT-ROOM Colo- lots. $8,600 each, five acres. 9382. tape, instant service. Hayes type bath, glass sliding doors room Ranch in the Buckley St. George. B«mh Cluh, c ^ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS ance, M»-7«20. $81,900. Heritage House, 6«- , A G E N C Y nlal, in-law quarters. Alumi­ Tremendous valley view. $10,- Agency, 6(50181. onto patio. 1330 per month. schocd area. Three generous Brand now homes in Man­ COVENTRY —Spacious Ranch pretW brunette In a bikini era shoreline ponution a naUco------;------—----- 2483. num siding, new heating sys­ 900. Paved road. Hayes Agen­ stretched out on one of 8 AJL to 4:S0 PAL Robert D. 3durdock, Realtor, bedrooms, two full bathrooms, _ 5 ROOM COLONIAL. Large chester proper with deU$iht- cn close to acre lot, family al tragedy but says Un com- formal dining room, and BRAND new 6H-room Ranch, tem. Off East (Tenter St., trees. c y , 646-p« God. 4 bedroom, splc off with large picture windows MANCHESTER Spacious 7- comparison % r sUe, quoUty tor-sewers. Wricott Realty, A G oldforb, 648-8442, 8756244. Bathers who take a dip in the Nader said. "But before we re­ garbage disposal, heat, wall-to- included. Wdverton Agency, at 14 Indian Dr. Open 1-4 p.m. and locaUon. Hospital Notes blue Mediterranean often bump OeMlUM lor tatardagr and Moadogr lo p>m. FiMo:> and span home awaits yoUr’ on rear waU at ground level. room home, aluminum siding, 668-8200. ce iv e pele and p u b U cte the wall oarpetliig in bedrooms. Se­ Realtors, 649-38U. Saturday .and Sunday.. PrleOd BOLTON home needs new own- InspecAoA. Rarely do we of­ Many extras and posslbUiUes. new roof, double garage, large Wotting boon are 1806 to 6 watormrion rinds, eggaheUa area, we should clean up our cu rity. $210. m onthly. to seU at $31,600. Stad^aAi- NUTMEG HOMES has a era to love It as we do. Love fer a value Uke this that in­ $49,900. treed lot. Low 80s, Hayes CXJRJfER LO T 168 U ynw ood p.m. In aU ar«M except inn- " DUNCAN RID. — A nsaldl buUt e r R ea l E sU te, R ea ltors, 646- weU-eaTned reputation for the apple, peach, pear, quince house so they can. leave happy CHARLES LESPERANCE cludes a large l-car garage. A gency, 646-0131. Drive, Boiton Lake, Overiook- tondly where they are 8 to 4 Ton. of g a i^ raw sew- ^ „ica tiling, about I>b 5 DlAL 643-2711 6 large roonas, large breese- 6868. aPUT-LElVEL — 8 rooms, 3 quaUty o f. construction and and other flowering trees and r> i i (Mr. Brennan fo r an iq>- ins both lakes. 166’ frontage. ■ad 6:86 to 8 p .m . age pour into the Mediterranean non when they get home.’ ______649-7620______way, 3-car garage, 1% tUed baths, 2 fireplaces, ! 5car at­ MAN(3HBSSTER - — Four-famUy exceUence of ^design. Do plants on landscaped 2 acres. baths, built-ins, full atAc, Are- pointment now. 649-6806. come visit us. Cash, $860. write James Hor­ every day from Beirut and oth­ Niiie sewage pipes in the Bei­ WE HAVE customers waiting tached garage. WeU treed and in center of town location. AU Love the barn and workshop. C owHiMitd From Piocodliiq Poqt place, plastered walls, city EXCEPTIONAL OFFERS ton, 470 N. W. 120th S t, Miami, Admitted Wednesday: Oreg- er Lebanese coastal towns. Oil rut area empty Into the sea, for the rental of your i^ait- landscaped lot with beautiful 5room' apartments for mbii- Lovely pre-1940 home — 8 or 4 utUittes, Immediate occupancy. Directions: F lorid a , 88108. tankers waiting to load at refi- some of them less than a mUe m ent o r hom e. J.D . R ea l BIs- Overslied Cape, AA sone, 4 • • B & W • • flagstone patio and barbecue. mum maintenance. New- heat­ bedrooms, dining room, stone Eldson, Ridgewood Dr., ^ . — — — ------— ------C harles L esperance, 649-7620. fireplace, S ! d basement. RockvlHe: Jeffrey tram the beach clubs. The Arfkltt For Solo 45 Hoiisehold Goods 51 tate Associates, Inc. 648-0139. bedrooms, 2 fiiU baths, large h a r r o w s a n d WALLACE CO. Located in one of Manchester’s ing syrtem. EixeeUent invest­ Bast on E. Center St. from WOLFBORO, New Hampshire, riiore. The capital’s slaughter­ front-to-back living room Manchester Parkade finest areas of executive homes. ment opportunity. Wolvertan Manchester Center, left on buUding lot in the heart of the Low 40’s — owner — 6456462. "“"r t>r., Vernwi; Lynn (Sirtis, with a populaticn of one mililnn, MANCHESTER — SIx-famlly Vernon St., drive past Scott VUIage St., Rockville; John house empties its wash into on 9CRBBNBD loam, sand, gravel, n,ElA8ANT, central, second with fireplace, eat-in kitch­ Manchester 649-6806 $44,000. Agency, Realtors, 6452813. fishing, hunting, -and skiing ------dumps 6,000 tens of garbage a and a two-fsunSly’. Fine condi­ Dr., take next left cn Rich­ Ekskenroth, Ehifield; Diane Dion­ II processed gravel, stone, fill. 8-OUSHION sofa, very good con- Aoor, 4 rooms, heat hot water, tion throughout, a good invest­ en with built-ins, rec ixxmi, coun try. (3aU 648-0668 a fte r 6 R O C K V H iiE SITtiSf day ^ the sea nmu- poorar ^ Also buUdoser and backhoe diUon. Call 649-1910. garage, enclosed porch, cou­ MANCHESTER — $34,600. 7- U-iROOM CJUffTOM RANCH. MANCHESTER — Keeney St. mond Dr. right at end of p.m . ne, Hartford; Mary Kuhn, hm this often draws a sbaik or of the city on the du- ment. Secondary financing lots of closets, deep lot ‘Richmond Dr. on Kennedy Tf service and drain Aelds. ple, no children or pets. Call room Ckpe, central locaUon, Wall-to-wall carpeting through­ a rea, 5bedroom ' G arrison (Co­ FOUR FAMILY Franklin St., RockvUle. Wous premise it provides nour- available. Owner has otbM* in­ (380’) for lUivacy, $82,600. Rd., second right off Ken­ u George H. Grlffing, Andover. Musical InstnimenH 53 648-4714, 648-6866, a fter 6 p.m . fa m ily room , g a ra g e, 60X130 out, S baths, large rec room,, lonial, family room, 2 fire­ 2^ ACRES wooded buUdlng Investment pn^rty. 555 Discharged Wednesday: Deb­ Biologlsts warn that marine tahmert for martoB Ufe. terests. 60s. Wdverton Agen­ nedy 1971 Ir NtA, relocate. Offered far below re­ MANCHESTER — $26,600. 4-4, BELFIORE AGENCY “There is no solution—it has ones. Sam Tulyes, "Shoe re­ ty deport. Flano Agency, h46- Ranch, 8 bedrooms, living condition throughout, city util­ RANCH 7 rootns, modem kitch­ for details at 8456806. Shown Alfred Adam HI, Hany Lane, sUt. They say the marine life FOR SALE placement cost, 8 rooms, 2% two-famUy. New kitchens, car­ Out of Town been studied carefully—because pairing of the Better Kind!" 2677. room 14x24* w ith A replace, ities, beautifuUy landscaped en, dining room, famUy room, by appointment only. R o ck v ille ; Kenneth HIU, H ill faces more harm unless poUu- baths. .Loaded with extras. Ex­ peting, freshly deoomted. Two 647-1418 For 5ole 75 there is no money." ' 28 Oak Street. Wanted, responsible party to screened porch, eat-in kitch­ yard, tile bath, plaster walls, lai^e Uving room, garage, $26,- side Dr., Ellington; Donna Cap- curbed, take over low monthly pay­ MODERN two-bedroom 4H- tensive landscaping. Heavily furnaces. Aiunime FHA mort­ F lans w ere ap proved in 1968 en, 2-car garage, treed lot, Areplace, wall-to-wall carpet­ 900. • • • • alio, Merrow; Henry- Paquette, Owners of the dozen or so for garbage treatment ptants to GARAGE SALE — Saturday ments on a spinet piano. room apartment. Appliances, "It's time we came up with a new phrase— my folks are wooded. For a fine home in gage. Hutchins Agency, Real­ Ane n e l^ b o rh o o d , ca ll 649- $22,900. ing, Bowers School area. Own­ OPEN KELLS — Ckistom Red­ BU J iT N G TO N — Two excep- B & W Blast Brook Ct., and Louise riiorellne prlyate beach clubs, provide fertiliser for the coun- a and Sunday, June 5-6, 10 a.m.- Can be seen locally. Write parking. Convenient to new using 'right on,' now!" c a p e :—^FliU shed dormer, large tors, 6456324. tionala! 15room brick show- BAiRROWS AND WALLAC7E CX). er, 646-2949. wood Ranch. Flreplaced fami­ Dubois, South Terrace, both of foreigners and Lebanese have try’s many farms, but red tape c: 6 p.m. everything from Jewel- Credit Manager, P.O. Box shopping area. Available July 6381. KEITH REAL ESTATE kitchen and Uving room, with MANCHESTEUt —Picture book ly room off kitchen. Two baths, RockvlUe; Ehigene Ryscavage, appealed to the government to and repeated changes in the na- -r ly and clothes to appliances. 35, CorUand, Ohio, 44410. 1st. OaU a fter 6 p.m ., 649-6797. fireplace, den, 4 bedrooms, Manchester Parkade, MANCHESTER — Immaculate ,,n|. Cape, 7 rooms, 2 baths, car­ carpeting, sundeck, 20x24’ rec- a ^ 5r^ Manchester 6456306 . RFD 3, Coventry. control the amount and the way uonal goveriiment held them up V 106 H om estead S t., M anches- 649-1922 U ga J Herald Ada lar^ lot, $26,900. 2 fireplaces, extras that must 3H- ROOM C4 >artment large ------6-room Ranch plus 12xir fam- peting, garage, fireplace, reaticn room. Hutchins Agen­ Admitted Thursday: Della in which waste is dumped into whUe other projects received -f ter. be seen to be appreriated. iTooms. FuU-slsed kitchen with 1 n i ral ltia a Uy room. Three large bed------SOUTH WINDSOR, Hlrch HUl, shade trees, anchor fence, cy, 6456824. Houses For 5ole 7 2 Owner leaving state, selling VERNON Proudly we rave Qahr, Broad Brook;. Audrey the sea. The government says funds. A n t i q u e s 5 6 lots of cabinets. FuU tile bath, rooms, Areplaced living room, large 7-room Ranch, cathedral Hutchins Agency, Realtors, 6.rooin Ranch, Hennls, Somers; Richard Let- there isn’t enough money for Recently the city govenimeiti Stove, refrigerator, heat, hot FOF RUUt 6 4 attached garage. Private yard. SEXILUDEID a cre lot, trees, below replacemeiit cost. An- nbout our loot* & AeeusseriM 46 ^ Birches Antiques Route MANCHESTER — Has to be ceiling in Uving room, formal 6456324. abounding with extras. Large Dr-, and James modem treatment plants. approved a plan for two gar- water furnished. Garage, laun­ 20s. Wolvertan Agency, Re­ M A N C H E S T B t lush 5room Oolonlsl, carpet­ other new listing. Ehcecutive 44A, Ashford, Conn. Houis, MAIN STREET OfAce space, seen. Family styled 6-room Co­ dining room, modem kitchen —------kitchen and dining area, car- Baker, Ctedar St., boOi Rock- Lriianese students find the boge treatment plans, and for- GERKH'S Mattaa Service, an- dry facilities, second floor. altors, 649-2818. ing, firs5fIoor famUy room, home overlooking third tee at dally, 10-3, Closed Tuesdays 100 p e r cen t loca tion near lonial, spotless from top to bot­ with dining area, large famUy MANCHES'TER^ Pitkin Street. peted Uving room, 8 bedrtxxns, vUle; Frank Sclrica, Windsor. Palestine guerrIUas and educa- warded it to the national gov- thorlzed Bvinnide outboard Available July 1st. Adults, no tom with brand new kitchen Stately 11-room Colonial, in double garage, $89,900. EUlngten Ridge, 96’ 5room Co- banks, alr-condltioaed, auto­ ... . . MANCHESTER, Uke new, ex- room, 2 full baths, 2 fireplaces, garage. Nice yard. Immacufiite Dlachaigod Thursday: Judith tional roformq more attractive emment Legal studies and ne- motor sales and service. Also and Saturdays. Open Sunday pets. $166. m onthly. CJall 649- one of Manchester’s premier Hutchins Agency, Realtors, lonlal Cape. Hanae offers you afternoons, 1-5. Or by appoint­ matic Are sprinkler. Apply wlth buitt-ln oven, range and reproduced authentic 2-car garage, swimming pool, the epitome of' gracious Uving Inslde and out $26,4<». Mitten Duval, New Rd., and Susan causes for demonstrations than gotiations for construction an boating a cce sso rie s. 1082 T ol­ 2497 a fter 6 p.m . dlatawaidier, 8 big bedrooms. South Farms large wooded lot. $41,600. locations. Must be seen to be 0456824. Agency, Realtors, 643-6980, 647- Ocuschewtts, Meadowood Rd., ecology, although they too com- expected to take at least two land Tpke. Buckland, Conn. m ent, 742-6607. M arlow 's, 867 M ain S t 9^-room Dutch Oriental appreciated. T. J, Crockett, with aU you can desire. Both lOgh 30s. Wolvertan Agency, park-Uke lot in prestige area. 1573. both Tolland; Gregory EUdson, plain about the beaches. yean. 648-3868. FIVE ROOMS, second floor, EAST CENTER ST. Large 15 R ea ltor, 648-1677. $23,900 — Attractive Ranch. homes aire selling in the high R ealtors, 649-2818. Three fireplaces, 4 baths, Arst- Swimming, sailing, fishing, Ridgewood Dr., VlUiam Irml- Beach club owners have in- There is pressure to change WMHriuq Apporul - older couple preferred. Se­ room Colonial may be used for 60s. You wlU not be dis­ ...... _ Out of Town Aoor laundry room, 5-xone OPEN SUNDAY — 1-S stove, refrigerator, air-ccn- TOU^AND — New vdilte CkJo- goher, liberty St, Anna Satryb, staUed swimming pools so they the law so oil tankers must 36 h.p. JOHNSON electric start 5 7 curity deposit, references. $136 home or offices, large lot with MANCHESTER — Five bedroom appointed. <^aU c:antor A Grid- with 18’ Penn Tan and trailer. 66 heating and much more. Must dltioner, fireplace, basement. nlal, 8 rooms, 1,020 square orchard St, Dorothy 'Wheetock, can treat the seawater, but this clean their ♦anfcr loo mUes from m onthly Phone 643-1797 a fter F o f R o n t OTHER TIMES BY APPOINTMENT posslblUty of acquiring more Brick (Colonial. Ideal centred farb, 6458442, 8756244. C an a fte r 6 p .m „ 64S-696S. BLUE lace sheath with match­ 7 p.m . HORSE ENTHUSIAST see. A real opportunity. Hayes location in preferred neighbor­ ParkUke lot, large trees. fe e t, 2M baths, center foyer. Spring St, Helen WUte, East- did not prevent the government ahote instead of the present 60. ______EUJNOTON — Plnney BrotA land. oversized ing coat, size 18H. Ideal for A gen cy, 646-0181. New homes being built in a desirable AA location with aU hood. Convenient to every­ Hutchins Agency, Realtors, SUBURiBAN two-famUy on a 2-car garage, ppook ct., and Lorraine Temp- from riosing them down lost Misny ships Ignore rapeatod " 16’ TONKA boat, tUtbed trailer, Toung 8-bedraom Raised 900. m other o t the bride, 649-7006. AVAILABLE July 1st. large 8- Apartmente. New 8-room unit. city utlUties. Choose from one of our existing homes or RCXSCLEDOE:—^Dynamic 5room thing. Immaculate. Bel Air 6456324. country slsed lot. E\xlr rooms T.J. Crockett, Realtor, Oaike Rd., all RockvlUe; summer for a month duiing a governmutt warnings and clean and Evlnrude 40 h.p. electric ______room apartment, appUances, in brick garden apartment Ranch with IH baths and MANCHESTER — Large fam­ _J _____ !______------each floor, owner’s has flre- Raised Ranch, 6 bedrooms, 2% R ea l E state, 648-9332. 8756279. Barbara Rodman, New Rd., cholera outbreak. Tests showed their tanks 10 mUes from riioie. 58 air-conditioner, heat, paridng. buUdlng, total electric, featur- 2-car garage. Large lot with ily? Need roomT How about 6 buUd the home your famUy requires. ___ BENTON ST. 7-rDom Bowers place. Scarce price of $28;900. ^ motor. To settle estate. Best W fm led — To BuV Any home may be punihased subject to the sale c t your baths, large famUy room, ca- Tolland; Rita Gavin, Tracy ------o ffe r. 648-4786 o r 872-0047. ww y ___ ^170. 646-6060. Ing Uvlng room A repla ce and horse stalls and crnral. bedro(»ns on a lot over an acre thedral ceUing Uving and dining MANfMMTBR-TOL’TON Une— Cape. Four bedrooms, (one Wolvertan A g^ y, Realtors, Wa n t e d — antique furniture, ------^------interim- brick waU, range, re- Convenient yet rural Man­ with bath and a half, 2-car ga­ present home, or will* consider trade. knotty pine with bullt-lns) two room, modem kitchen. A ver­ 5room Cape. Modern kitchen, 6452818. NEAT LFTTLE SWEE3TIE High St, and Lnuile Rudenauer T o U f U t d 14’ SUPER Sallflah sail boat, glass, pewter,

pUances. $176. sumaWe 6% per cent mort MANCHESTEI5-New ^ huge 7-room custom Ranch, 3 ing custom made hutch. 6H HjP. JOHNSON outboard MANCHESTER — Large Dutch tiled baths, 2-ccur garage. Howard Wolfonger is request­ will be held June 27 at the K b fast and reaidy cash. Call Heritage House, 646-2482. g a g e. B y ow ner, 647-1797. Im m acuU te 5 b ed room baths, garages, sweeping Two bedrooiiis, generous The proposed Northeast Ele­ motor with tank. ExceUent CAREN APTS. Raised Ranch, 7 rooms, car- Olympic slae in-ground pool, CIRCA 1845—Federal Colonial— campground. Fontaine’s Used Restaurant ------—-———------—— fiNHARO L MERRITT AfiENCY ______Ranch, convenient location, views, 2.7 acres. Hutchins closet space, ceramic tile mentary School and Southwest ing the 'Board of Education to conditioa. P rice $126. GaU 648- petlng, paneled recreation Richly decorated and Immacu- Six large rooms, fuU walk-up Orange Officers Equipment, .627-6771, 478 Wind- MAIN 8^.,JW cottvlUe — F w 8H> 4 ^ room ^M utm ents. NINEMIOOM custom IxiUt Gar­ trees, shrubs, garage. Only Agency, 6456824. bath, fUU walk-out base­ provide him' with a list of state 9132. room, aluminum siding, 3-car lately kept. For the fastidious REALTOR5 646-1180 attic, handy location. $25,900. Junior High School wlU be ex­ Harry LaBonte has been re­ sor St., Comer of Canton St., rooms, first ^ Available now. Including ap­ rison Colonial 2400 sq. feet 4- $25,600. Bel Air Real Estate, ment; Hot water baseboard grants which may be Jeopardis­ range furnished. $180 garage, trees. Hutchins Agen- buirer. Hayes Agency, 646-0181. TOLLAND —dioice resldenflal, plored by a panel Tueoday elected as master cf the Tri- HnrtfnTri Water, THE UL/mCATE in a Ram­ bedrooms, c^ce, 3H baths, 6459332. h^i^ Andersen triple-track ed by the school board as it at­ ______!______montUy. Call Peterman Real- pliances, wall-to-wall carpet­ cy, 6494U24. Realtors, 649-3818. on close to acre treed lot, 7- land Grange. bling Ranch home, abounding double' garage, carpeting. windows. .Garage, breeze­ morning at 9:30 at Washington tempts to pare an addltimal nonwnoiQ w utn 5 1 HOU8EHOLD lots — A ntiques, tor, 649-9404. ing, heat, hot water, swim­ room Siriit Levri, Uving room, Other officers elected are with charm and perfection, nes- Hayes Agency, 646-0181. way, trees, shrubs, nearly Schod. It Is being presented by $90,000 from its budget. REFRIGERATOR — apart- faclc-a/-brBc, locks, frames, ------—:------ming pool, storage and park­ tled high on a hUl with three fireplace, swimming pod. an acre plot. No. Coventry, Wolfanger wants the list of Robert Smith, overseer; Mrs. glassware. We buy estates. FOUR-ROOM duj^ex, taige LOOK Tins oviai EbcceUeitt terms. $31,600. Im­ Concerned Cltizena for Better mmt else, like new, $75. 80" ing. ^Vom $160. CaU Su- 'acres. 3,800 square feet of Uving PRINOErrON Street — Owner mid way between Manches­ reductions in the town grant in­ EUsabeth' Robertson, lecturer; VUIage Peddler, Auctioneer, parking, private bw - mediate occupancy. Canter 6c Education and is open to the diester' Magnani, steward; gai stove, $86. Aluminiim com- perlntendant, 876-1606, 278- area, SH baths, swimming pool, socm vacating this choice 5 ter and UOoim. In 20s. come by Tuesday nlglit to penpit tao Lake St., Briton, 649-8247. ment. Completely renovated. Are you ouf of your free? Goldfarb, 6458442, 870-6244. p u blic. Robert West, asslstnnt stew­ trination screen doors, $10. ^ garages. room Ckdonial. AU sensible of- * Six room ranch. With tile Shown by apixiintment. the finance board to make its 643-5932. 1610, 243-6668. fers WiU be given serious con­ The diacuoBton about the sec­ ard; Ernest Smith, cbtqplaln; each. 648-2466 evenings o r 643- bath, fireplace, S bedrooms, VERNON— Bxcepticmal 5room own $80,000 cuts in the general LAND—42 acres, 1,200’ road sideration. T.J. Ckockett, Real ond phase o t the B oard o f Bld- Mrs. Sylvia Pokorny, treas­ . 1442. Room s W ithoNt lo«rd 59 Join fhe folks at South Ridge oversized Mtchen, fuU base­ Ranch, 5car garages, private Walton W. Grant Agency budget and to set the mlU rate. frontage. $86,000. ucotion’s 15year building pro­ urer; Ifirs. Helen imcooc, sec­ tor. 643-1677. ment, garage, carport, etc. And, half acre lot, fruit trees, stone Wolfanger has asked the school smOER tou^ sew with ^AN to share four-room apart- Fnnilshocl the walls ore pla^r. Lillian Grant, Realtor gram wUl center on educational retary; Rupert West, gatekeep­ eaUnet. Monograms, hems, .' . . fireiUace, many extras. $82,- objective estaUlslied by the board to detail cuts in educa- er. ment in Vernon, near Vernon ApUltmOHtS 63-A IhepOlty and have tree(s) of your own. W e NBIED LISTINGS 600. Mitten Agency, MLS Real­ 6451168 ational budget this year rather embroiders, etc. Used, excel­ Shopping Plaxa. Has color TV, ______rO P KOHY 6 7 * Wooded lot. Huge, not quite town’s financial positicn, and Also, Mrs. Florence Ayers, lent condition. Guaranteed NOWI “Thinking of SeU- ( ^ m 3:25J^ tors, 648-6980, 647-1678. the architects’ Interprriaticns of than taking an across-the-board ing your property?” CaU at. caii 6452921. acre. Loaded with fir and O res; UDra. Blanche Marks, Full price now $66 or 7 month­ washer anddryer, self-clew- r o CKVILLE — four-room nice- OOVEJNTKT Lake — Cottage ------future nHiiraMlwiii needs based percentage decrease Ponzona; Mrs. Mabel Skelly, PITKBN — Porter St. area, 5 spruce trees ptrutted 16 years w HUNOTON — _ ly paym ents r i $8. 622-0476. ly turnlshed apartm ent. $186 for rent, sleeps 6. $86 per week. T O D A Y I (XJVBNTRY 7-room custom „„ the projected schori popula- The Board of EJducation Flora; Mrs. Elsie LaSonte, weekly. 8759716. year old aluminum sided cus- ago. Maximum of privacy here, Ranch, 80x60’ building for D ealer. monthly. Adults only, no pets. 643-0068. built Ranch. Two fireplaces, tim. scheduled to meet the night af­ lady assistant steward; Ches­ Seemity deposit required. tom, built, 5room Garrison. commercial use, 1.7 acrea, extra large rooms. Garage. ^ ter the finance board, at'which $84,600. T.J. (Jrockett, Realtor, ter Magnani, executive com­ CUBAN, USED refrigm t^ FURNISHED room, in country I’arklng for one car only. CaU MMQUAMIOOT Rho^ to- W H E R E ’S South Ridge? Elunlly room with beamed * Swimming pori. Terrific . . . Double tot. Excellent tim e the cu ts vrlU b e m ade, mittee (three yeiua); and Ifrs. aja.aim land. Four-room heated cot­ 876-0270. Atty. Allan Thomas, member nmges, antom^c |go per month. CaU 742-8161. ovs-avK . ceiling Md builhin bar, dream 35 feet in diameter, in the $38,900. Hayes Agency, sfe - Id et. Frances Buabnell, executive with guarantees. See them at ^ ------tage. Walking distance to PHILBRICK kitchen with barbecue, etc. ground, fenced-in, plus a sep- of the Board of BMucaUon TOtiAND ’ — 5 room Raised ______0130. School Lunchea committee (two years). B, D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649 ATTRACTIVE room for reSned DESIRABLE 6-room furnished beach. CaU 64SiK91. etc. <3all Now. Hayes Agency, arate building for filter, etc., building and sites committee; Between South and Mountain Ranch, with magnificent view r q l /TON Lunches at the four local Oommlttee chairmen are Main St. CaU 6452171. gentleman, centraUy located, apartment, aU utiUUes, wwk- 646-0181. dressing room, etc. LAK E — Six-room John HaiUns, LAKE WINNIPE8AUKEE — of countryside, 2% baths, fire- ochorib next week are as fri- Mrs. Florence Ayers, wemen’s CaU 643-6331. ing coufle preferred, parUng, AGENCY rec room, tleldstone manager; Allan (tone. Sennet lows; Monday, Meadowbrook, TRADER "P” — Antiques, Five room Chalet, veiy MANCHESTER v icin ity — 6- irface with brick wall in rec fireplace,tirepiace, ouuiooroutdoor barbecue.ocu-oecue, juniorJunior lOghnign ocnooi Schori pnncipcu;princlpcd; ’ _ . L _.m-Va activities; Ernest Smttli, char­ caU 649-7743. LooatidBu Choice, walk to ity; Mrs. Ruth Lojsim, legisla­ used furniture and appUances, t HE THOMPSON House — Cot- modem, fuUy equipped. Now Streets in Willimantic. room Raised Ranch cm large _ _ _ room, basemient garage, $80.,- 88x^’ cement patio. On water. A. H yatt^tilffe, mtag Jimlw furnished apart- available for sununer season. REALTORS grammar school and only a tive; EUlsabetb Robertson, pu5 60 Peart St., Manchester. Open tage St., centraUy located, TWO-ROOM wooded lot. 1% baths, kitchen blocks to a shcpplng center. 900. T.J. CSrockett, (Realtor, stove, refrigerator, CaU 648-0188 after 6 p.m. daUy and evenings. We buy large pleasantly furnished ment, with built-ins, two years rid. Rural, quiet, private, but i n ______876-6279. heat, hot water, semi-private coot. Insurance; EHlsabeth Rob­ and seU. 648-6946. room s, parking. C all 649-2868 Priced in the mid 20s. Call The town. City w ^ r and septic sys- HARTFORD 21 Law- pal; and M doro Wolf, Manches: bath. Apply Marlow’s, Inc. 867 GIANT’S NECK HeigMs — 69 meatballs end gravy, ertson, youth; Robert B. Smith, for overnight and permanent Edgewood Rd., 2-bedroom cot­ 646-4200 Mitten Agency, Realtors, 645 BOLTON - ^ r s want q ^ tw ’oroen Schori principal, SEWINO machine — Singer sig M ain St. rence St. 2-family house, 6 -4H sale of handsome Raised potatoes, vegetable, dessert; com m unity s e r v ice ; EUsie L a- guest rates. tage, sleeps 7, secluded and sag. Button holes, m ono- ro o m a BSceeUent conditioa, Ranch with 8 bedrooms, high schori, pUza, salad o r Bonte, Junior grange; Bobert quiet, $110. w eekly. M rs. C ar­ , grams, hems, etc. OtiglnaUy MATURE working woman THREE-ROOM furnlriied apart- W HATS South Ridge? • Price. Best of all, only $81,600. ca refree fo r 5 y ears. $36,600. beamed celling and huge mod­ vegetable and dessert. Smith, membership; Mrs. Loj- ter, 742-8142. $849, now on ly $64. E a sy w a n te d . to share furnished ment, private bath and en­ So give us a call and start T.J. Crocloett, Realtor, 875 em kitchen. Beautiful 2 plus Oregon Ratifies Tuesday, all schoris, spaghet­ zim, Oonnecticut granger and trance, utilities, 224 Caiarter packing, listings Uke this are a . terms. CaU 632-0961, Dealer. apartment, kitchen prlvUeges, NEW HAMPSHIRE — clean (f7 9 . acres with stream and 5stall ti with meat sauce, Vienna Chester Magtuini, safely- Oak, 64S-8368. The Rage rarity. This home has Just come both, private entrance, park­ private cottage, 8 bedrooms, Versatile Vest horse bam. Mid 80s. (toU War­ 18-Year Ballot bread and butter, green beans, WE BUT, and seU used fur­ Quality new ranch homes on the market. OO'VKNTRY — CJountry atmo­ Manthester Evening Herald ing, 643-8649. waU-to-waU carpeting. Are-. ren E. Howland Realtor, 645 cheese stick, apiUeaauce. niture, appUances etc. Week- ______sphere, apaclous Ranch on SALEM, Ore. (AP) — The Tolland oorreopocideiit Bette lUace, aU faculties. Five 1108. Wednesday, no lunch at the days, and evenings. 18 Oxford ATTRACTIVE room for female, acre lot, family sized kitchen, Oregon Legislature ratified the Quotrale, tel. 875X846. Bufiness Loeorions minutes from lake, nearby ac­ St., Manchester or caU 645 some privUeges. Paridng, and open space. T. J. CROCKETT, Realtor 3 bedrooms, fireplace VERNON and vicinity — One 15year-rid vote amendment to r^’ baked^*’^ ^ ’ **1B841 anytime. references. Wicne 649-4274 af- For Rent 64 tivities. $90 weekly. CaU 875 room , 2-car g a ra g e, $24,900, 2272. 6 4 3 -1 5 7 7 year young duplex, '56, near U1 0 U.S Oo^tuti^iM d^ ^^r^stl^r^u^ri^t!**d^ — ^------ter 6 p.m. COMMERCIAL place for lea se______Ctontor A Gridfarb Realtors, Parkway, walk to schools and Tlio Seoate passed the House- . LARGE sized OogsweU chair, — _ ------6458442, 8756244. Albino Frog dark green, very good condl- or sale 461 Main St., next to oOliUMBIA LAKE — Small M- TIumKlay, Meadowbrxx*, post ofAce. ExceUent business anxious. 8^1ng in mid 808. Wo ing O regon the 82nd state to rat- TLriitriish rara».rwo ticn.-CaU 649-6116. Apartm ents - Flat* - waterfnmt cottages, June -and ROdCVHLiE, 2-story 7-room Leaves a Brood location w ith hulldtng . CaU have other duplexes, 2 Ify the amendment Ratification ^ late August openings. Hume 73 rider home, good condition, T e n e m e n t s 6 3 Lots For Sole and 8 bedrtxmis ^ IH aero by six moro states would mit It TWO SINGLE bed sets, $26 ______6452426, 56. 6452593 or 649-0498. WHEN’S South Ridge coming? comer city lot, walglng dls- ANN ARBOR, Mich. (iU>) — SEnnERAL building tots in Man­ lots. A must to see for good into effect. ^ « ’Gutman Soxldleback,’’ Miami MANCHESTER GREEN - COLUMBIA Lake - Tw5bed- teJice to everything- $18,900. rtyle, 6 c^rs, Couch_c M AYTAG wringer washer,' 649-6661 ^ 649-2179 786 Southern Avenue, M organ- owned by the deceaaea at the Ume very anxious, $86,000.‘ Cantor $12,600 P ^ PRICT tor ^ er means necessary, monies and Len Rivers, assis­ Since then about .3,000 tad- comfortable bungatow tn Cov­ sUghtiy used, $36. 26’ ’ T V con- OFFICE space available, good town. West Virginia, 26606. at South Ridge? of her death aa deacrlbed more fully r^ i^ ie rito ra , 648-6442, hummtow in Cov------tant football coach at the Uni-, pries have been hatched, the location^' reasonable. Call Bob ------in said application; it la entry. Only four miles from versity of (tonnecticut as guest sole, needs tubes, make an of- px)UR-ROOM apartment, ap- ORDERED, That aaid applIcaUon 8756244. scientists said. They won’t know Smith 8112167. FAMILY desperately needs be heard and determined at the Pro­ UCtoim. 'W riverton A gen cy, R e­ speaker. whether any of the tadpoles will fer. Power mower, Jacobson puj^icee, heat, central loca- bate Office in Bolton on the 11th ^ Women Hurt ■ four-bedroom ai>axtment or altors, 6452818. Tlckieta for the event are have the white skin and pink reel and trim m er type, $40. tion, references, security de­ of June, 1971, at 1:00 o’clock to the OO'VBNTRY — Beautiful 5 b e a u t y s h o p for rent, fully house. $176 m axim um . C all 645 A variety of financing plans —- afternoon; and that notlM of the available at the Shurway Mar­ eyes cf their father until they CaU a fter 6 p .m ., 644-0238. CRCXHET room stone house plus a 4- ELLINGTON — By owner, five- In Crossfire posit, $170. m onthly. 649-8340. equipped. Wriverton Agency, 4847. PMidency oi aaid aprilcatlon and of ket or from any member of.the the Ume and idace of heartos there­ room winterized cottage and room Ranch, fireplace, rec develop into frogs. F O ^ B U R I^ eteeWe stove, [jORTHWOOD Apartmento — Realtors. 8452818. on be given to all peraonspersona Itoownimown loto Lions d u b . Cause of the frog’s death was Small extra building lot. Formerty room, garage. Mid 20s. 875. AVELLINO, Italy (AP) — good condition, $60. Refrigera­ F.H.A., V.A. or conventional. be Intereirted tn 8 ^ estate, by cau^ Annual Meeting not immediately known. One and two-bedroom apeut- Land For 5ole 7 1 Medium Ing a copy this order to be pu*^ owned and built by successful 0020. Elve women were hotqdtelized tor, g ood condition, $60. Wash­ ments, central air-condition- ______lished in a newmi^r haying a cir­ a ctor. A ll three fo r on ly $28,- with gunshot wounds ETlday aft- The Tolland Historical Society er, g ood condition, $60. 647-0721. Large culation In said btstrict, and by ing, carpeting, balcony, car- 01^ B ID ^ WOODED ACRES on state malltos, Powtaae prepaid to ear* of 600. T.J. CSrockett Realtor, 875 B(HJrON — Six room (tope, with „ they were caught in a shoot- will hold Its aimual meeting and ports, plus other luxury fea- vr-a rood, 900* frontage. Terms to As little as $200. down. the futowinx; Helen Zlefle, 87jlO 6270. breezeway and garage, rienty square of this priluck supper Monday night at U.S. Crews A id h ires. F rom $328. J . D . R ea l ____ , . suit buyer. CaU 8757466. 96Ui BL. JariEMn ^ toh U . I f o * I»- 1468 tand. n'.Y.: Paul j . Trurovaty, Br., ------ri trees and shrubs, ^,900. south of Najries. 6:30 In the United Oongregation- Estate Associates. 648-6129. Educ^cn, ------Jurovaty Rd.. Andover, Comi.: LU- TOLLAND 5room Ranch, In 6458666. Qne woman was the mayors’ rd CJiurch. Officers tor the corn- lunaie Aseocuues, d w o iw . Chester, Connecticut. soUclU ------7-15 Ilan Pranaen, U63 F o iiw E ^ Pakistan Elxodiis DELUXE cne-bedroom apart- bids for the installation of an Uynggg 5 tie 5513 Hartford. Conn.; Ed^rd S. Juro­ commercial area, 160x800’ lot, ^ . ____ umn Uated in aerloua *i*g y ea r WlU be elected and 7 2 Short-shorts plus a pret­ vaty, Sr., Jurovaty Rd., Ani^er. $26,000. T.J. Crockett. Realtor BOLTON - Three - bedroom was listed in serious ^ ^ CANTOR and ment, wall-to-wall carpeting exhaust system In the Science ______. NEW DELHI (AP) — The Crochet this short-short ty blouse is the ‘rage of Obnn.; Anthony Jurovaty, V a n y eld 876-6279. Raised Ranch, on two acres, condition. ahown. througiiout, complete appli- Laboratories of the Manchester TWO ACRES, custom stone the day’. You’ll find this City hd.. Mansfield Center, Conn. (torpeting, family room, fire- PoUce said the shooting was United States is supplying tour COLDFARB Do you qualify? vest in cool mesh, then mvi Anna Brauer. 673 Cauldwell Air Force C130 trantqwrt idonea ances, vanity bath. CentraUy Hig^ Schori, 184 E. Middle Turn- Ranch, foyer, famUy room, 2 wear it as is or add a set quick to sew; fun to Avenue, Bronx, New Yort, ttl at BOLTON — Immaculate inside place. b^t-ln overt and done by a man thrra you^ The Triland Uons aub will and crews to carry thousandk of located. $176. monthly. R.D. pike. SpeclAcations and bid baths, 2-car garage, tantalis­ long-fringe trim for a wear. No. 1468 with least seven days before the day of range, ^deck. lfice location, brandishing pistris ^ shot- irurtallatlon cere- PHOTO-GUIDE is in Sizes 7 and out. Two acres well kept East Pakistani refugees from MEAOOWBROOK Murdock, 6452692. forms are available at the Busi­ ing views. Hutchins Agency, change-of-pace look. No. *** NoS m AN j . PREU8S. Judge $28,900. Owner, 6458640. guns and trying to settle a quor- Monday night at 7 at ness Office, Board of Education, Realtors, 6456824. 5513 has crochet direc­ to 15 (bust 31-37). Size trees and shruba Oversize overcrowded camiM along the 9, 32 bust . . . blouse, 3-bedroom among themselves. None of ^ „ CSTATES 1146 M ain Street, M anchester, tions for Small (8-10). d e c r e e o n l im it a t io n two-car garage. FYont and rear noVENTRY — ^ ^ border to caimps in the interior MANCHESTER Industrial sane Call now! — 423-1641 Medium (1 2 -1 4 ) and 2% yards of 45-inch; OF CLAIMS stone /oyera._ Four-^drwm, Ranch, built 1961 attached ga- *"en Invrived got hurt, how- Officers to be instaUed for the of India, informed sources re- Connecticut. a t a (XJURT o f PROBA'ra. PRE5IDENTIAL 5fUnlly house, exceUent busi­ Large (16-18) Sizes in­ shorts, 1)4 yards; long large (tope. Stone fireplace 1971-72 clu b y ear are R ussell port. Panorama (Tountry pants, 2)4 yards. holden St Bolton, within » d for the rage, large wooded lot, dead over, Bids wiU be received until ness oppertunlty. High' traffic clusive. District of Andover, on the aoth day with accesscrles. WaU-to-waU end street. $2,700 down. $18,- — Stevenson, president; John The Informants said tbe Mg View Duplex Homes VILLAGE APT5. lEMS 504 la calBi Hr a*eclal- 2 Beibmnns $40,300 ANNE CABOT SENO 754 in colni for oacli oat- . On motion of Mrs. EUnor H. Bent- 645(081. (aaait of paatr) tom to InclaOa tlrit-clofi raalllni. ley, Birch Mountain Rd... Briton, finished basement. Mid 40s. TOLLAND — 5room Raised vice president; Phil Nangie, ly medicine to fl^it a cholera ^1 and 2-bedroom apart-, Hie Board of Education re­ 1150 An. af *aiad|S* NEW Y O R K (AP) — B ible ments. On bus line. AppU­ SUE BURNED Conn., on the estate of Thomas M itten A g en cy , R ea ltors, 643- Ranch situated on .porkllke 2)4- second vice president; Dick epidemic that has kiUed more FEATURES: WaU-to-waU serves the right to rejebt any COUNTRY CLUB area |A« Yart, N.Y. 10030 (noma of papar) Bentley, late of Bolton within said carpeting, sUdlng glass doors, ances, carpeting, heat and . Wat •Naan. AAOraoi with IIP district, deceased. 6930 o r 6459690. acre lot. horse barn and fenct^ reading in SppetelU. ^ vice prosldent; _than______1,000 of (he 4 mllUoa refu- and aU bids aiid to award the BuUder says to seU this nine- CODE aaO Stria Naaihor. 1150 An. of Auarluo 1% baths, separate base­ ^hot w ater. F or cq>point-^ South Ridge Homes Now York. N.Y. 10035 Thia Court doth decree that three ------S ^ttt’ rmeri:an“ s;x:iTn ciSd mchard_Buti^r._J^_C^^^^^^^^ gera_^ the civil war to East contract in a manner iriiicK In room colonial fo r $66,000., Has months be allowed and limited, fw aoTlTH m ents, ment or further Informa- The Spring A 'Summer Print Niait, AOdraii w j* IIP the creditors of said estate to exhibit i n WINDSOR — 5bed- Pakistan. Its opinion best serves the in­ five bedrooms, 2% baths, '71 ALBUM is 654, includes CODE, Stria Naaiktr and 5ln. rising sales of BlWes and In- Torn Turner, dlrec- ^tlon, caU anytime, their claims against the same to the room Ranch, large kitchen, U.S. Embassy officials indi­ 7H% S5year flnaaoing terests of the Town of Manches­ -choice setting. Top value here. postage and handling. The Spring and Summer executrix am^^dtr^ta that public cretJlng requests for materlate Tornatoro, tall 24 CHURCH 5TREET WILLIMANTIC, CONN. Uving room with fireplace, rec cated the planes might arrive Can be purchased by one or ter. Buy now and choose your own TNE AlC OUlinR. . . a ttMktr for ’71 B asic FASHION B ook is notice be Kiven of this orderler by ad- —v - _ . tn *h« unrtMVa dallv Bl- twister, and Erwin Stoetmer, tw o fiun1U( aain-aiaMati alia 12 lanb 5a- vertlalns m a newspaper having a room , fuU basement, convenient H g x i e a l g l A sI a t o r use to the Soclotys dally Bi this weriiend. funiU en. 6 4 6 - 2 6 2 3 Douglas E. Pierce decorating. T.J. Crockett, Re­ .-$1.00, includes postage clieuUuon tn_ said dlatrict. 879-6244 tin i. Pattaiw ilocaii SIractlaai. m iU lA N J. PREUSS,_____ Judge location. 124.900.$24,900. 644-1944. l i C a O n e r a i U ble reading plan. 648-8443 Business Manager altor, 6451677. •(07-S54, laclaOai pntata aa5 and handling. VS5S/ V teg/' kaaillai.

>> SATURDAY, JUIOT B, IW l fAQE EIGHTEEN ilUmrtfi^Ebr lEtim tnii 1| ? r a U > ■TT Mrs. MUdred F. Wilson, Bast Seifert Bast Hartford; MM. Sixth Awards Ceremony Set Manchester Hartford; James T. Young, West Marjorie R. Kurts, 847 Kemey Hartford. ____ St.; MM. Edith R. Valsau, H ospital ISotes MR^THS : YBCrraStDAY. A East Hartford; Mm . Audrey M. By Scholarship Foundation aon to Mr. and Mr*. Oary Za- Gormley, 2 Jan Dr., Vernon; n m n r o h o c b s wistotodd, Cook Dr., Bolton; a Liee A. Platt 198 Lake Rd., An­ The Manriwster Schotaisbip Afodlcal ^lylatloo; ^ QM- iHlwniiiiMahi O u« flHiil* dover. pilvato, noon • 9 pan., and 4 son to anr. and Mm . Michael Simmons,' RFD 2, Sugar HIH Also, Mm . Richard Hagearty pan. • 9 pjn.; pataate noma) and daughter, 8 OMen Hill St.; awards ceremony Wednesday of MM. Paul HlUery, 19 ajn. • 9 p^nu, and 4 pjn. • 8 Rd., Tolland; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laxvabee, Mrs. Stephen Romeo and sen. at 7:80 p.m. in the Manchester chairman, MM. Nldiolsa Kras- 70 Weaver Rd.; MM. Howard High Schofd cafeteria. The 78 cella, and MM. James Fanate aUoared Stafford Springs; a son to MT. Lunt. and son, East Hartford; and Mrs. Paul Komorwdd, 40 scholaralilpB totaling $27,726 wlU be students D o i^ aagr tbna aanapt noon • 9 p jn .; Mrs. Shelton Dustin and son. wlH be a new high. wood and An^lee IDianaJ^m odhm, 9 pJBi* • 8 pjn* Olcott St Main S t, Coventry, Of this number, 11 wlU go to BOB, Suaan Digan from M ^ M t flerfloai 19 aju. • 9 pjn.; Alao, a daughter to Mr. and Bast Catholic High School stu- Faith Gowen from Beimet Ju- dpjn. • 8pjn. Mm . Ernest Hubley, 264 Hack­ denfs, restricted to Manchester nlor High School, and Jenww ladHrtvn Oan and Oonaaijr matack St.; a daughter to Mr. G )fC T o C o u n s e l residents; 68 to Manchester Kraacdla from Highland Park C a n : Immadlata lanilljr *4' pjn., Alao, a daughter to Mr. and as Bentley, Seth David Gar- from the hotel and food servlco aad 9 M pan. >8 p jn ... MM. David Swift, CHastonbury; Commerce bas agreed to ad­ man, and Harry Straw litemo- management division at Man- 8 (a Undla: 19 In ma*wniHr» a daughter to Mr. and Mm . vise Manchester teen-agem rial SditiaMhlpe; B’Nal Brith, cheater Community College, au- 19 In otter anaa, no Undt In Douglas Tomm, Andover; a working cn the Summw Activ­ Charter Oak Lodge; Brother- pervlsed by Richard GiU, will aoU«enloe. son to Mr. and Miw. Nell Be- ities In Manchester (SAM) pro­ hood In AcUon; Manchester prepare and serve Mceptlon re- B br - jt 'M * Hm omoicaM^ entoaneo on liale, 78 PTdrSdd S t; a daugh­ gram for vddch the Board of Fuel-Oil Institute; Mandtoster freshmeidii. Armory St. is the only Iwopltal ter to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Diieotors has appropriated $10,- entranno open firom U pin. to Oaiter, 63 Lomdale S t; a 000. 7 ajn. All otter oaMde doors daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ken­ SAM members met with the are looked 9ktia( tto nlglrt neth Bavler, Loomis Rd., Bol- chamber board of directors May \ ______Fntiento Today: 988 ■ ton. 14, eoq>lalned' their program Open and received the chamber’s en­ A£XMnrrB3> y s s t b s io a y : DMCHAROBD YBBfTER- Paul B. Bodemer, Btost Hart­ DAY: Henry R. and Stephen T. dorsement. According to Everett J. Live- WEST6IIIIN ford; Michael J. Certw, Hart­ Wlersbidd, 66 Lockwood St.; All Day aey, chairman of the Public Af­ ford; Mrs. Rom U . DeSimone, James A. WUey, 119 Mather p h a r m a c v 202 Oak St.; 8Cn. Marion F. S t; MM. Eleanor Chapman, fairs Committee, "The teens Sunday Dexter, 21 OrUtin R d.; M n. Enfield; Roland J. Cunning­ stated that they would need Marie A. D

9, 'VAC 7^ <.S i lY '-

'g g j t -

I s-'Wh


WATCH FOR OUR STORES AT THESE LOCATIONS Manchester, Conn. # Framingham, Mass. Haverhill, Mass. I Wethersfield, Conn. # Peabody, Mass. Malden, Mass. # Newton, Mass. BrocHon, Mass. Billerica, Mass.

l - : . Nldtoiaa Kiw- Jamea OaiRlty Donna Caijd^ ee {Diana from from likllB, am Bcnnet Ju> I, and Jennifer Hlgjilaad Park

ogTsun w ill be i Round lUUe S, directed by VhUe. Students nd food aervlce viidon at Kan- lity CoUege, Bu- ^)lard Gill, w ill ve reception re-

2^ IT

b llN i itlonal has B to our ter offices. >60 ilO

O N A li


to whom she’s (Joan Poet- . hour based on 160th Ifosim. Msaday. Jbaa 7 rlage -which gives her a SMI, Taesday, Jaae 8 emor's mansion. Busan Hay­ table) married and of -whom 8:88 (88) Agrtenltara ea Parade Robert Merrill, David Ammm 1:88 (S> VIrgiaia Graham Shaw (Cl must mdure strain of nine 1:8 (8) VIrgiaia Graham Shaw (C) ward, Doan Martin, R a l^ a -M < » BFD M*. S <0) (• ) Mike Daaglas Shaw (0 ) lonely yean of sepamtion i (8) Mihe D a a i^ Shaw (C; Meeker. !0 ) she becomes suspicious when 74$ (88) TUe le O e U fe and h ls ja a quarteL <>> Matar K m m Jc m > M Home mth KiHy (C> almoat ends ki divorce when (88) At Haaaa mnth r KltW (SI ^ (tl Traih ar Gansaqaeaces (O) (KM*) Bat Doc ; c > his best friend played by 7:88 (I ) PbHh (ar Taday (((C) (88) It A k m a TUaf - (C ) (88) BMg AHaad i»e -----Warld 4:18 (IB) Adveatares la Faradlse Preston Brown ehows alldea of son plays one parent., against Tbe Worid Affairs Council11 pre- (18) iraafts My U se r (C> (M> CaaOepia Bawllas [C> Nigel Bruce, m eets-^tlm ev Oedarhurat Pool Dur Camp In the other. Deborah Keir. Roe- sents report on Urtian Mbils- (M M ) News — Weather aad 1Z:M 5:88 ( » Perry Mpsaa 8:88 (M___ ) Orlsteehers -hrleteahere . (C) Southhampton; M. Tolman and sano Brassl. Maurice Cheva­ try; and “ Fashions in Sew- SMrts (C) (8) Har4f Bara t>6 ( M > BasehaH • .(C ) her models show latest wig lier. (81) Naws, Weather, Sports ft (048> Jamba ( 0> 18 :48 (48) News —Prayers ft S in (88) Three ^M see New York Meta va.. bda An­ Stylea; and LucUle Rivera wltn (■> Truth er Ceusequeuoes D a a ta r^ B Kattlajr______(C) . Off r ^ 8:15 (8) Adveaiarea ef Onmby (C) geles Dodgers, Uve, from Speelsl Bepart (C) (848) Saered Meait (C) "Fashiona In Sewing.” (IS) mufts My UauT (C) (48) AU My CkOdrea (C) 7:M (8-t8)'Mod Sqaad (C> <8^> Amarieaa BaadstaaB' 1:15 (8) Newseepe (C) Dodger Stadium. . (8#) Tales af WeUa Fargo (114848) Naws — Weather ft 1:18 (8) As the Werid Taras (C) m> WraaUlar , (88) Barbrua MaNidr Shew (18) Wasteraars (48) AB My ChildTea (C> (K m (C) (88) Joe Oaraglola’a Memenr (8848) BUI Cosby Shaw B (C) (88) WHMB-OT____ Ffaaaata (O) 8:88 (8) News — Prayer ft Btn (88) TMmdmMMt (C ) 'Guests are Soupy Bales, Oadr 1:88 (8) As the Werid Tams (C) 7:18 jn 4 8 ) Ptant A Bird’s Game (O 1:88 (8> Tbe Jetaaaa o n (O) 8:88 (8) WatM Aiaaad Va (C) ahd McMahon ft Oukitopfaer BIQ SOUND f r o m a s m a l l PACKAGE. Sylvania’s Mini- (88) Jm OaragMa’a Mamsiy View (S4n Lafta Make a Deal (C) 8;M (M-M) Dob Eaatts Shaw (G> 1:81 (U ) Yaakae Preview (8) Caasmeats asid PeepM (C) Qrhio (448) Uadersaa Warid al 8:88 (1) Ukve Is a Maay Spleaderod Guests are Mary Costa, Bob 8:88 <8> Navies m> Ca^ SearMt- - ■ —(C> . SM^*CenaeetiMt 8|pa(Ugbt '(C> Modular repn^cies your rerords with excejlmit ctoity and full, (8-48) Lefts Make A Deal (C) Jaeqaes CaastaaU (C ) Thlag (O) Newhart and the DUlards. R "Abbott ft OoataUo Oo to — VMai (C) 6:88 (18) JaariMy 4a Advetriare (C> 8:88 (8) Leva la . Many Spleadoied "Tile Dragons of Galapagos" (M e ) Newlywed Oame (C) (18) Mevie ■ K ara" ‘53. Btid. Lou and two (88) Phlth far Tedtw (C) A lour of North Carolina. big stereo sound. Syhiania A ir Suspensi(>n speakers provide the TUag (C ) CMd. Cousteau Investigates (1848) Days af Oar Uvas (O) "100 Men and a Girl” Deanna esciuMd convicts accidentally 8:88 (8) V a ly e r~ s ^ a af f Mlehlgaa (O) (88) B staieia Yaa aad Me (C) finest sound available today. 32 watts music power. l U M> ) Days af Onr Uvea (C) - life of mysterious dragon of t;l8 a> OaMiag Usht ( 0) Durbin, Adolphe MtSiJou. touch atarter button of rocket (8) Aethm ’78a (C ) d:88 a> Grsea Aeiea B (0> (8-48) Newlywod Game (C) sea. the marine Iguana, only (848) Danag Oame (C) 8:U (848) Havlo (C) ship and land (8848) The Doetgrs (C) versed course of evolution ssid 8:88 (8) Beveriy mSiimes (C) O'Neal, Lesley Warren and ard. Horace McMahon. (88) Cemmeatl (C> please! Mode) MMIO. (C> Buccaneer's sirt. Lively 19th 18:88 (8) Lamp Date My Feat (C) (848) Dattag Game returned to sea for fpod and (848) Oederal Hespltsl Peter HaskeU. Beautiful fash­ centurj- sarauihucfcler involv- TV (8) BteMgae (O 8,-88 (8) CBS Hsara — Bager M aM 8:88 (8) Beveriy.-HUbnies aurvlraL (1848) Another Werid — ion model’s romance with Inp a New Orteana entertain­ Third in. ipecial "auboerlea'' (TMMwmW News (0) (8848) AasOer Warid — (18) inslerners C «r dashing playboy turns into ter­ er and dashtu pirates. on vital aspects : of dlaturhing 7:88 (s T u k s le B (0 ) City 8:88 (M « > NBC Csmedy Theatre 1:18 (8) Baager Statten rifying nightmare of fear. R Yvonne DeCarlo. PhOIpPrend. {WEDH^ Charnel 24) 'ecology problems of today. (IS) IMvId SassUad (0) (M ) General BsspUal (C) "Wake Up, Darling" Barry (8-48) Oae Life la U ve (C) 8:M (8) OBBsmeke dreau King. ticular focus today. : (8848) S r iM Pipmlse ~ (C) McDowan. Don Emerson, ad­ 4:88 (1> Family Affair (C) "Namu, the KUler Whale" '66. ( » ) CbaUes e O a lv (O) (St) Nows —' Wsatbar ft Sparta (848) Om XUa la Live (0) vertising executive,, hopes his (8848) Bamerset Robert Lansing, Lee Meri- (88-88) Major League B aae (88) Let Ve Celebrate ■ Saaday, Jaae 8 (88) LatMe (C> 7:88 (S>- Vatamed.~ 9d Wsrtd (C) (8848) Ssnersst (C) dream of being Broadway star * Naturalist and hia assistant <8) MovUa iC) 18:88 (8) Leeh Dp aad Uve (O) (8-48) Fasswstd (®) for full-time role as his spouse. 4:88 (8) toMiy^OrtmihAady.C_____ (G) PM (8) David Frost Shew (G) irevent fishermen from ahoot- "Lost Planet Airmen” '48. 4:88 Sesame Street (C) (8) Cattairiega Chls (C) (to3^W#6S*rt^mea«rB ^ 4:88 (8) Aady OrifflUi Show (C) (18) Merle ng male klUer whale, then Tristram Ooffin, Mae Clarke. (88) Sherillee ef the Maes Final half of The Bmr who "U p in Central Park” Deanna (88) M ke Doaiiss Show f 8:88 teeaklas Preely (C> (8) D a M PTost Shaw (C> (88) Mr. Ed make friends with sea mam­ JHaboIlcsI group of doctors CSuest; Henry Grunwald, num- (88) BeUgfoaa Heritage (SI Stole the BlephinV' David (88) Mike Dsaglaa Show (C) Durbin, Vincent Price, mal and begin study of Us be­ plan to gain control of world ' aging editor of Time magSr- 11:88 (8) Caaura Aree (C) Wayne, Jiaie Havoc and .Mark (88) Mr. Bd 8:88 (8) This Is Year LUe (C) ^ (48) The Maaslars with -terrible deadly new (8-88) BeRataUe (C> Lester. ... (48) The" -Mnasters - Surprised guest; Jonathan 4:58 (48) Weather Wateh (C) havior patterns. R _ ■ 6:88 (5) Ferry t;M (18) MarrtMe ea the ^BMks weapon. 8:88 Focas aa Sweden (C) (89) Fatten fee LIvhig (W ) McBale’s Navy 5:88 (8) Perry Mssea WIntera. Host: Fr. Etoiund Nadolny. "S p ie r s of the Poreat” '58. Topic: waterpower. U :I5 (88) Jewish U fe (C) irt (8)I) Ed SaUlvaa Shew (C) (18) T ra dwnd------West (C> (48) It Was a Very Good Year - (U ) w___ aairad West (C) Rod Cameron, Vera Ralston. Guests: RodiMy Dangerfleld, STANEK (58) Addams Family ItiM (8) 88 Mlaates^, . fC> 8:8 NBT Pfawhebse (C) 11:88 (8) ChaSeege (C> (18) Addams Pbmily 8:88 (8) Mayberry H.FJ1. (0 ) Lost enters picture when MoHale’s Navy (8-48) Itoroas Write M.D. (C> “ Blograray; Georges Jacques (g ^ Dlseeveiy. (C) the Chrpenten, the F ouF.TOpa. : (48) McHSIe’s Navy (8848)______Mevie (C) (U> Hartferd Talk-to (0) small boy is saved from death; Danton." (88) Spsrts Chauetve (C) Freda Payne. Hank WSitams 6:88 (18) Omigaa’s Islaad (C> Sam HiU: Who KUIed the 5:18.(88) OUllgaa’s Islaad (O) (U) News — Weather sad 11 :N (44-18484848) News - - (18) Baseball 8:88 Jean Shepherd's America (@ boa iUHielbs Lakara va. San Jr.. SkUes and Henderson, Bon (48) News — Weather aad Myaterious Mr. Fosterr’ Bi^ Weather aad Saarts (C> Kaewaa City Royals meet the 8:8ft VaaishlBg WDderaeas (0 ) FtnnchKo tfters. Osrey, Dick Byah. R V Sports (Ck nest Borgntne, with Bruce Sparta (C> New York Yankees. (C) (848) Tba BAX (C) 8:88 G M W ) News Weather aad 11:85 (5) Movie 8:88 Matteimiece Theatre (C) (88) Aftakmte 8:98 (84-88) Weatber — Sperts ft Dem, Sam Jaff& Will Geer, (C) . ''City Wneath the Boa" '68. (48) Movies (O) "The Poaaeased" U:88 (8) Wa BeSeve (C) > **TlM fiihiMildis** Nows (C) Jay D. Cannon. Judy Geeaon. Two American'-deep-sea dlvero "Spring Reunion"- and "Dino' “OBthoUc” 8:88 (8848) Bed Skrttsa Shew (C> <77 BBOAD STREET — PHONE 6^1124 Non-poIlUcal nfon Is persuad­ fiSr'caadId Camera 18:88 Fanfare 4C) (IS) Caadid Camera CM) Te TeU the Tratk (C) are hlrad. to dive for gold bul­ 4:88 (8) Sports Challenge '*') "Ambassadors pr.Dfmce” (8) OpktiOBated Maa (C> - Red's gueats, Bvetstt ft (88) Tb Tell the Tralh ic Cu e BlUoi. R western town. R 8:85I (48) 77 Saaart 8" h ■ « 8:16 (48) n Basset Strip 8:8 (8) Nawa with Walter Oroa Kensington. Jamaica. Robert 5:88 (8) Betaneat Stakes (C> Meaday, Jaae T Champ, goes over-needed re­ 8:88(8) Ohm CUapbeU OaadUme 8:18 (t ) News with Wsller C n a- (448) Mevie (C) Ryan, Anthony Quinn, Mala (IM8> Wide. World of PM forms In AAXr. NCAA and Hear (C> kite (C) "Shoot Loud, Louder. .1 Don't kite <®> (18) Boiler Derby Oltrmpic regulauone based on Guests; Tennessee EnUe- Understand" '66. Marcello (8) News with J.K. Smith aad Powers. (C) 8:88 8esUne Street B (C) (8) News with H.K. Smith Harry Beasaaer (0> 11:M (88-M) Tonight Show Jehaar (88) SUeato Please '1:88 Jeaa Shepherd's America B Ua espeiienoe, observations ft. Ftord, Susan Raye and PhU aad Harry Beaasaer (C) MastrolanI, Raquel Welch and Csrooa ' (C) (88) Movie T:S8 Joyce Oltea Cooks . - (O) knowledge of what otbm c (18) Merv Oriflla Show "Barbecusd qiarerlbfe (8848) NBC News (0 ) 6:M (8) Nawa 'rith Walter Croa- (5-48) Dlok Cavett Show (C) vate-eye ya 0 of oil company 8:88 World Press . (0 ) (88) The Tiaae Tbaael (C) "A BreiUh of Scandal’’ '69. 8:85 (48) News (C> decide whether ne has really ItM (84848) Nows — Prayer a ^ that h u lo 'map of some 8:88 PBS Special-Bepsrt (0) "The Day thb Sky Fell Down" Sophia' Lormi. John Gavin, 7:88 (8) Mavle (C ) witnessed murder or Imagined T:M (I ) Movie (G> valuable______,pi pertlea In South "Nuremberg and Vietiuun: (88) Wa Believs (C) Mamlce Gtovnller and Angela KELLY RD.. VERNON "(fount Your Blessinss’' '68i tt. ’ "Ada" *8L Powerbungry girl Mga Off CC) America and needs to get it- Who Is Gufftyr’ "God — Does He Still Exist In Lanabury, 'Beadrtroogi -recent­ English girl’s wartime roar- 9:88 (8> Deris Day Show B (C> from -wrong s l^ of-tracks user' 1:16 (W News — Prayer and Stga back fast before its competi- Today's WoridT" ly widowed: btiaiiURif^enneee D P I N Ml'N 1 HI M. -I -M Ml (18) Ceau. Bepsrt (C> easygoing man to get to gov- Off (®> tora find out what's going oh Tuesday, Jane 8 (W^Baller -Derby ■ (O) princess -nteeta romantic 18:88 (8) Sasimne Playhoase (C> ssid get to map first Pat v w 18:59 (I) Faee-the NsOea (C) American ; .under oompro- "Crisis"^Story revolves around, O'Brien with Percy Kilbride. 8:98 Sesame Street Lr B (C) (8) Speaklag Fbr the CaasuBa- mlatng condulons. activities of arouad-clock psy­ Jerome Oowan ft Aihie Jef­ 7 :88 J m e Chea Cooks 7 B (C> ■or . . . (C ) (15) Kathryn Hah I Shew IIINI4I0T0RS chiatric emergency service fries. "Barbecued sparertbs" "Mind Your Money" (8848) B (C>, and one of its most pussling 8:88 ( » > As Schools Match Wits 7:88 Peeaa on Sa edea (C) (18) CelebrBy Bmrilag (0> 8:88...... <18)J r- —TBA SKALL RNOmR cases. R WEDNESDAY TV Playoff continue with-Precioua “ The Chinese art coUecttoo m CelebriUM trow -TV. and mo- 18ia8-{8> lee Palaee . (C) % SPECIIALISTS (18) Hartferd Talk-in (C ) Blood Hltdi. tehool challeng- King GusUV V L " tion pictures bpwl as tasins in (88-88) A a Brtd Ones, :»(C) OU U :I8 (84-18484848) News — liur Agawaih HIrt. 8:88 Book Best / thisnew series.of aetJra^Ued' 18d8 (18) OrsIBabdM i . (C) Weather aad Sports (0) Wedaeaday, Jaae 8 (88-M) Sameraat (C> 6:98 (S> Weather — Sports "The Season of the Witch" by comp^Uolnn p ^ tl.. and__ fun, ' U:88 (844»8848> Newt/^ Weather LAWN MOWERS U:8S (8) Movie 1:8 (I ) Vlrahiia (iraluun Shew (C) (448) Fasswani ,- - <®[ Newt (C) James Leo Herlihy. U:45 (8> HeaUh Baftl' (C> . -aad mSrte- W . (0> "It's Alive!" '68. Science-fic­ (8) MIha Daaglas Show 4:M (8) Aady^Oriff^ Maw (C| l ^ a ^e ^ te_Bsttesa of Sea 8:88 Connie et Oar Times • . - (C> -1:98 (8) Yaur CammanSy ^ (C) U;8S (8) Mir^ ^ - REPAIRED tion tale of man hi Osarka (It ) At Borne WHh KItto (SI (I ) D i^ d Frart Shaw (C> ( 88) DBIsb "The motives of Buropean of­ (8) Blghth Day <®> ‘'riaimlbal" '60. EsclHng story who uses prehistoric monster Mrs. G. (‘’Mama") NuxU pre- (88) Mika DaatUa Show (C) 6:88 (8) News Rogerar Madd ( 0 ) ficials who collaborated with A e New Prioiltlea Movement, of famed Carthaginian gen­ SHARPENED he found In underground cav­ .pares some of hifier favorite (M ) Mr. Bd (8> pea_ttL „Tklley. Days . (C) the Nasi reguAe durbig Worid a clUseiu' organisation which ern to terrorise people he im­ eral. HamUtim, aiid bla leg^ Van River Carpef We Are Not SaUafled Italian recipes; id ‘-'Fashions (48) The Maastsrs (8L88) NBC N m - (C ) W a rn ." Is -working on iasuss of hbman endaiy manat upon .Roiue prisons when th ^ become lost In Sewtng-' _ (48) 18 O'Secji^ngh (C) 8:88 The Advocates if. . . <®> survival thru Ctongresamen, to ■across the Alps. Victor :Ma- SQ. YD. on hla land. Tommy Kirk, 5;N (I) Fteir Masaa esiahUsh moat important .nar-' WAU-TO-WAl). S98CIAL UntU You Are! (M> Tales of Wells Fargo ( « > WU WUdJPert (C) 7-:08 (8) Here’s B (C) A debate on Tl.S, recognition of ' tuie, Rita Gam. ■ Gabriele OOMFLBTBILT XN8TALLBD Shirley Bonne, Carveth Au»- (48) An My ChOdrea (C) (M> Addams Faistly (8) Truth or- Caaseqacaees (C> Red China. thmal economic priorities is ■ aeui. terhouse. (CD 1:M (I) As the Warid Taras (C) (18) Movie 18:88 Coanectlcat Newsroom discussed. 11:18 ( » M m ^ SHAG- PLimHrSCIJLPTITRED 40 COLORS Imdiidea Ctepet, Labor 649-8705 U ;8 t (8848) Tenight Slww. Jahaay (48) MeHals's N a w (8848) Meet the IPress (C> Pad, g ^ J e e Oaraidria’s 1bmsig|' S:M (M> OUllgaa’s is lu d (C> "Our Man lu-.Bavana” . Alec "Hoodlum'Bmpire" fSL-Brian Carson (& (48) -News — Weather _ _ Gulnenesa, Maureen O’Hara. Wednesday, Jane 8 Gliiest is W.D. MiUs, Chairman^ Donlevy, CM ln Trevor, For­ 188 W. Middle Tuniplkft (18) Merv OrWIa Shmr (C) , (M m Lefts Make 4 Deal (G> (88) News — Weather and PM of HOuae Ways aind Means rest A ck e r, - Investigation re­ (8 ^ ) D M Cavelt Shew (C) B -(C ) (hrnndttee. OOBWIOUBOM AMtinnA lf K APB! 8:M (l>Lava to a Maay Spleadared 8 :N $ 4 M > weather — Sports toorts (0 ) 6:88 Sesame, Street veals (xxifHct 'between hood­ 1:88 (444848) News — Prayer ft News <®> (88) Coaaeetlcat Newsiamkers 7:88 BMk Beat B (C) (48) esaversaWsas WMh (C> lum Miipire boaa and veteran u ra n B O ! Slga OR (C) 1:88 (D Aalmal WatM (C) .JUUNSL VUITL (18) Caadid Camara '7:85 (M ) News (0> "The ~ Season . of the Witch (M ) To Tan tha_.Trath (C) 7:38 (8) Mission: ImpossIMe (0 ) 7:88 TTBA . . A visit to tfoy island of S ^ .*fS S ‘jUwM akt$ 158 Ohamplsn- CRRAMIC (8Sd8) Andy BriUlams Shaw 8:88 CanaoeHeat Oeaeral Assembly n a n in Sulu Sea-off coast of shte VSAC An«a Baee (C ) K O W U t O O A I D WE DO (M ) 77 Baaset Stefo (C) Guests are Lennoa Bisters, The closing session of the leg- Borneo, one of last breedhw <$$} Tonight Shaw with JahaBj- TILE 8:M (I) News With Walter Ciw^ Johjuile Ray, _ Jonathan Win- Iriature ii covered to ecochi- groups for green sea turtle Careen kite <®> ters and Ray Stevens sion. .. which Malaysian government (48) Marie (I ) News with JLK. Smith u d . (M8> Laarream Welk (C) Is trying to save from exUno- "BncHsiited Forest'' Everything Morning Barry Boaaeaor^ (G» 8:38 (S' My Three Sans (C) T'hartday, Jaae 18 ticn. Ud8(48> Nevrt — Prayer aad (I I ) Dlck_Yaa Dyke (88-88) Meade PM (848) Issues aad Answers (C). tasisilM to Tear (1148) NBC Newa <®> "Sergeahts '^lree'^ 6:88 Sesame Street (C ) ; Guests are PresideiUlal coun- 1:88 (ft ) News ft Sign o n (G> >H W M la Any 8:55 (M> Nawa _ C Ibrtln , Sammy Davl^^ 7:88 French Chef ^,1 (C> selors Robert Finch, former 1:15 (SI 'SpeaklBg PWr tba Cansam, - Electrical TV TiM (I ) Cesar’a TMHd (0 ) Peter JLawfoid, Bbhopt "American rye bread" Secretary of Health, Educatioa or . ' (O mekMi'«p.'98 BKU (8) Troth er (hmseaaneaa (O) and Ruta Les ir three 7:88 la st Jaaa (C) * Welfare and D. RnmrtUd, waws Pnqfor aad Sin (Monday^ •— Friday ) - (U> What’s My U te t (C) cavalry sergeants rescue for-' 8:88 WaAlagtsa Wepk Ik Review former head of Office of Iteo- o n W SI M AY W E SERVE YOU? (8848) News — Sports u d mer slave, their camp is at- 8:88 JWA nomic OvpertuniW- (8) Newseape (C) Wsatbar <®> tacked fanatic Rtdlims Ihlrly' __ MlaulM (88) Baseball ClsMWP (C ) (48) ABC Nevra (0 ) by 'S. 8:88 (0 ) When your needs are 5-48 (8) Slga Oa aad Prayer (8) Movie 9:888:88 YogaYagh' Pqt ByaryeaeBveryeae (C) ^ ((88) 5 8 ) Camiecticat---- - Wedwad tC) ABlaoa IKiKay of "Arnle’’ on INOOOR-OUT0OOII CARKT 5:88 (8) Tawa Crier 7:M (I ) T arsu , <®> "The (kiurt Martial of BtUy 18:88 Ceaaectlent Hewsresm 8rt8 (8) Mnrie C A S T m E S (*.48> Coarlship tt Eddie’s ^ 8100,000 for Rta >" '65. Rlngo the CBS HelftTlsifln Network electrical let us take care 8:88 (8) Sammer Semester MltriieU" '5ft Gary Cooper ruthless j j ^ - u R . w n oi bquub (88) OsMka Years thar and Charles Bickford, Rsunh Friday, Jiae tl toUs__ atbattempts ______had poUo at 10, vras told ahe’d of them expertly.. 8:18 (8) Newsesas (18) Westeraars ' Bellamy, Rod Steiger. True PM ■ runner, to„ douMe-cr^ (8848) M u from BhUah B (C) Rlcharil "Harrison,'''Fernando never walk affdn.' tAter, abe 8 :U (8) ParspaeHves (C) s*ory of fighting man Who 8:88 Sesame 'Street B (C) 3 9 ^ Bach ESeetrie Heat Spcdalist 8:88 (8) Vsnr CsBunaally (® ) 1:8 (M l ) Baam 888 (C) fought too hard (or what he 7:88 Cearae of Oar Times (C> Sandm.. John Bscraeuds. wee a featured dancer, and (C> felt was truth setting off one ‘H ia motives of European qf- (S) IEevIes n$n^. 8:48 .. A Naw Day "Tt S*artod with Eve" D euna of mo8t dramatic trials in . flclals 7 ^ ' coDahorated with "T he Inviaible Invadera" 'SO, slnKer in show rbatu in Lea PUaSBAXX RUBBBRBACK Durbin, (Diartea L a u g ^ . John Agar, Jean Btrran, After SdM Hclt.- 12x12 Tto 8:88 (88) Weatter history of tl. S. ' -:the Nasi regime duihig World Vegae, Reno smd Lake Tahoe, WILSON 7:88 (8) Nsws (8) All In. the F k a ^ B (0 ) War'n," ' • atomic aoientlst Is l^ e d in (848) Ths Smith F a i ^ (C>. (48) Val Doealcan (C> lab exploalOtt: hla anmclate is (8) Mr. Ooaber 9:88 (8> Amie (C) 7:88 Setd! ' (0 ) ELECTRICAL CO. (8848) Taday Shaw (I ) Medical C uter B (C) (U ) Movla 8:88 NBT Playhoase (CV visited by Invisible Invader from moon who takim refuse Leigh Laasen of the CBS (48) Heritage Casper (I) Marie (®> "IStS". Bdmond O'Brien, Ml- ‘‘BUmrMhy: Socrates" • -Realdential-ComiD.-lDd. (8) Capt. Baararea "Throe Violent People" '86. ohael Redgrave.- 18:88 M am nieee Theatre B (C> in hla' body. — to conquer the Televlalan Network's "Search Hll (Hariton Heston; -hnne B uter. world. (48) Btram ’N Dmmmers 9:88 (8) Mary Ip ler Maera Shew B "The Poeeeaied” for Tomorrow" la the daughter Make a Difft^enee Where You Save! 8:88 (8) Hap Blehards Shew OUbert Ro'and. Seething ui^ 'Screaming. Eagles” ’56._T(wn 646-1418 - (S\ der pUlaglhg by ruthless and (48) Here Ceme the Stars (C> 'TVmn, Jan MentnMefitn and’k a ^ of Sigrtd Lftaaen, society lAiger IT DOES (8) Cenn-Taet 18ri8 (8> Maaate B - (.C) (98) David Froat Shew greedy provisional govem- 18:88 (M> News — Weather aad MUner. Two new- recruits Job) o f the 1980a’ (88) OaHepieg Oearmet (C) men*. In Texas In 18*. two SMrts battle-tminad Airborne Infan- ill! (48) PliateiMMa (C) brothers, and wife of one be­ (18) Oral BoberU try Divisionviaun fbri D-Day Jump ft it INSTANT 8:U (8) Vagi Bear Shaw (C> come Involved m eo n fl'^ (8) It Was a Very Good Year to hold bridge, 8:88 (8) Lacy Shaw (C) (8848) D u O flU B U Shur (C) 11:88 (S-8«MM) News - - Weather ft (18) B sseM I fC ) (88) Nawa (C> Dec's guest is Jack Bonn\. Snorts" (C) New Yorit Yankees vS, Kansas [tjul S V C i EARNMOS (48) Leave It te Beaver Ckmnie Stovens u d J u k D. (tt) Movie (C) TVNotes City Royals. RENT , W 1 s 18:88 (8) Mavle D o telu are program regu- "MoOntlde": (88) BasebaU U:85 (8) Movies Boston Red Sox vs, Callfonda . I H (I I . O iY IV 0% D M d eB d pfttd (8448) Diiiah’a Plaee (C) Heather Menzies is (4#)' lave Oa a Beeftap (C) “The Sun Also Rises" '87- Angels. For Penrties. (48) What’s My LlaeT (C) guest star on “Bo­ .- 8-M (M ) The Imraarlal (C) Hemingway Drama. Tyrone BniUam Jehnatone has played (98) Ceaneettcat C ls s »«p (C) Crejai A a j e< AeptelL (8) Best the Gleok (C) 18)M (I) HawsU FlveD B (C| Power. Ava Gardner, Mel Ferrer, (48) Mavis Imj- (8848) Ceaceatrattea (C> nanza’’ June 13 on (M> F u r 1 «.0 »«„ . , ■ 5SI Eimi )rivim. Judge LeweU Ir “A* the Worid > "Cliarile Oian at the Wax Mu- ______eUtmumMermevtMms 4 ttnaea yearity. 111* ELLCIfiONICS (M) Hsrifard Trik-la (C) Donc|iiiHNt: (48) Jack LaLaaae Show (C) 11:80 (8) Movie (C) THuiu’’ tm the CBS Teleidaton senm" . . ■ ■aavaara ftLDftav kaiiaBfttaA laaTtvTiftB (1848) Sale af the Cealnry (C> Channel 80 (N B C ). 18:M (48) NFL Aetin. "Three Secreta". '49. Patricia. -- w,—«« 8l8* (18) Breaklag Bairten . (C ) lip LABORATORIES (8) That Girl (C) M-J <14-14-88-8848) News NeaL Ruth Roman, Eleanor N etw o rk .Since the series began Series of programs explor^ (48) Oallspfaig Gaarmet ^ e i M u ^ w d SpOrtf (C) positive ^ M>proach to racial iimi: i m BIAIN ifcr MANCHRBTBR • BOPIB Il»'W ^iO TR Y Parker. When mountain plane A p ril 2. 1906; iiilH- (1) Lava af Ufa (C) Thlag (848) Nawlywsd Oame (C> tormented by terror of her . er. find -their deepest sobrets H ard ly anyone- calle Ijucllle "Volunteer Wort and Legal (48) That OIri (C) 8:M (I ) Oatdtag (C) own power- whm she believes Needs" __ ^ eBiaNiqpnir TABUS 18:1 (8) Twelve (PCleeh Bapert (1848) The-Daetara (C ) she actuaUy has met super- m ) M m S m ' (C) Ball, star of "Heye’s Lucy" on ( a ) Alfred HMpheaek esiLvnwaBB (8) BUkeJDsagtes (C) (148) Dstlag <^e (G) naturri during phony seance. “For Whom '43. the C B 9 Television Networic, by "Dear Uncle George" (8448) ^ (C) Anna lu rie Albenihetti, Ma-. 8:88 (S)‘ AAV lateraadensl Cham- • t a b U m lie Power. Leo Colemu: SS flMt name; Her ___ (C ) STEREO ‘■••{a48r;ss;h.ns&--if pleas ■ m 8ILVJDB SB W IO II 18:U (M ' News (®> U;IC (88.M) Tulght Shew JahiiBy (38) Mkvio mother Is one o f the fe w w ho' KeKennedy Memorial Games OIBUBg e uraior U:88 (S^Diek Cavett,^ C> trays handsome ne’er4o-well calla her UicUle. “to . Rrsilse" MnsfdusIcal-vBriety TAPES Where Oame (C) (84M Bright Framba (C) j y ^ ^ e u JlrtfWn M w (C) (448) One U fa la Uve ‘ (C ) Newa — Prayer aad • OLDSMORILEI^ (48) A World Apart (®> (C) "Your OMnMbli Duater” 1805 (8848) News (C> 4:M (8) Fsmtty Affair (0 ) Slga Off FIETOIIEB tU S S CO. CoDecter’s Item s FOR Dwilah Plniee ^ ""niimiTURE^FURNITURE — CARPETC^PET MANCHESTER 512 W E^ G iiritll Sr. — M 4 5 I 1 "I Auto Plate • Window Glass Prettdentlal — CARS M inors - Glass Fnm itare DeonateM REDDING ~ APPLIANCES Nudfne — h v i t h 's Tops - Pietere Frinninc • Pireplaee EcDoor IBrrors H dyioiliiK **fff*¥ 1116H AD r SraUSBT, BIANCBEBIEB M M idne Cabinets - Special Worit - NEWwUSED iy-Kftdlo Sftln aad BarviM Open Moiidajr tlini Sfttardfty — TIw i p .- H YM.' Mil 6 fJL 64 M (iKEE STR E ET 6 4 ^ 4 ^ 1 MANCHESTElt aiW

b *• uve >• a 4 «. •** I tt wO. j , j •; ) ; V SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,

Wilbur M i U s THURSDAY TV s FRIDAY TV To Meet Press \

Martin, Oail Martin and Mau- Aric.y, who has been (Ibalxntaii T k a n ia jr, fmmt !• 1:88 (8) VIrginU OnUam Shaw (C) I :M (t> Vlrdabi Oiskam Bktm i d rmtm BMJnila R of the H(mse Wajni and MiBaiw (S) Mika Daaslaa Skaw R, WUllams narrates flUns of lira. I. Robldeau createa "F op Culture — A IPrank and German fesUvals; Betsl Shee­ the guest on ’’Meet the Pteee" unique art objecta from com­ Fun, But Critical Look” With han prepares favorite dlshu Sunday on the MBC televlshm monplace itema; R. A m yx cmd UConn TV Center and faculty In observance of Dairy MonU; membera o( ber claaa ahow aid, this Is look at what Amer­ rietworit Uve colorcast from yoca exerclaea; Ed Leahy ica la readlnK. seeing In mov­ J. Berger shows new books; ies and theaters and paying and ":rahkita in Sawing.' Waddngton, D.C., NBC radio (Ivea hla "calendar” of cul­ (88) Talee al WeSs Fargo tural eventa; and "Faahlona attention to In other forma of network broadcast 6:80 pint. In Sewln«." _ Its "p op culture". (48) All My ChOdrta (Cl 1:88 (8) As the WaM Tnru (C) Rep- MlUs’ CMnmlttee tea jur­ isdiction over a wide range «< i:M <8> Aa the WarM Tuna Oame ( d (888) Let’s Make a_Deal. (C) the naUon’s most Important leg. (M) Jaa OaracMa’a Kamanr , 8:88 (8) Lave la a Ma>« Splendo^ Oame <0> Islation, including taxes, social Lat’a Make a Daal > Thing ' Lave la a Many Bpiendaied (8-48) Newlyrred Oame (G) Thla« _ . _ .. enue sharing and forei^ trade. I12-..a> Days o f Our U vrx *‘” }li.5r^'e*ffi?t.ra jS The panel of newemen who ;M <1> GaMIngLight----- (C> (8-48) DatUg Oame (G> wlU interview CSialrman MJlls <_____ » « > The _ D aetan (G > 8:88 (8) Beverly HBIbllllas (O) City producer and regular paneUst of (IM t) Aaather Warld — Bay (8%) Osneral Haapital (C> - 8:88 (8) Baagar Station. (C) "H eet the Press"; Nick Kflti of Oaaeml Haapital B auu Button , t o - (8-48) One Ule to Uve (G> (tt-M) Bright rrombe 4:88 (8) FamOy Affair (C) N dvak o t the Chicago Sun-Times, (8848) Somerset (0) sind Paul Duke of NBC News. 4iM (8) nunlly Affair (8 4 ) Fassward (C> tiid ll Bameraet % NBC Newscorrespondent Bill <8-I8) Taaaward (8) David Fraat Skaw (C) Monroe wlU be the- mo(lerator. 4;8* (8> Andy OritlHh Shaw Mike Danglas Shew (C) (48) Mnaaters <88) M r. Ed 4:85 (48) Weather Wateh (C) THE <4) 'T h e Maastera 5:8 (8) Ferry Mason 4:88 (48) Weather WaUh (G) (18) W M WUd West (G) 5:M <8) Ferry Masaa (88) Addams FamUy POWERFUL (18) E W WUd .West (C) (48), MeHale’s Navy Addama Famly 8:88 (88) OUllgaa’s Island (G> (48>(48) Mm elUe iu ie le'a a Navynavy (48) News — Weatter ud PERFORMER 5:8* (88) OQIIgan’...... a lataad Snorts ^___ ^ (C) (48) NetR — Sparta 8:88 (8-848) Weather — Sports * Judy Geeson plays wSather News (C) ON OB TBB BOAD 6:88 (88-88) Weatter — Bpkrts aad (18) Candid Camera , in “Three into Two News <0> (88) To Ten the Tmtt (C) (18) Candid Camera Christina Sinatta (48) 77 Baase4 Stite Won’t Go,” movie, HONDA (Mmuaujot (88) Ta TeD the TmU (C) stars in segment of 8:88 (8) News wItt Walter Cron- June 15 on .NBC, (48) rr Baaaat Strip < C > 6:88 (8) News with WaUer Gron- (8) News with H.E. Smith hlte (C) “McCloud” June 23 umUvKlB B OCB SEKBOIr u d Harry Bossour (C) lu d Athletics. (8) News wtth H.K. Smith on Channel 80. (18) Dick Van Dyho Harry Raaaaaer (C> (8848) NBC News (C) 11:85 (8) Msvles_ , __ (U) DIek Van Dyke (C) "The Bad Seed” '66. A mother FlnsneiBg Ammged (8888) NBC News (C> ,8:68 (48) News grows fearful that her mx- 7:W (8) What’s-Happening yeiu'.old daughter may actual­ 6tS8 (48) News (C) 11:88 (84-18484848) News (8) Tmtt nr Coasennonoeo (O) 7:88 (8) Te Bama WHh Lave (G) ly be a murterer. Uauc^ fM - KowosoU — biso Weatter aad Sperts (C) (18) Tfhat’o My (C) ly. Fatty Me(3ormack, Eileen (8) Tmtt or CoMaqaeaeos (C) 11:85 (8) Msviei (*848) Nows — Sports and (U ) TThat’ a M_____ y .^ a T (C) . HeckarL "Hong Kong FareweU' Huo- W eattor (C) "Four Oitaa to the Border" Homlq (1848) Naira •— Sparta and bond asd wife-.with unauiv____ (4) AM Norrs (G) WWaattar aattsr (0) '54. Rory Oalhoun, OoUm mountable marital dlfflcuUles 7:88 (8) Tho latoms B (O Miller, Oeorge Nader. (C) (48) ABC Nawa (C) aUempt to patch things up (•48) Bmdv Basch (O) 7:88 (8) Family Affair Hr (G) dirrinn research trip to Orient, 11:88 (8848) TPalght Shew Ja’ ----- MANCHESTER (8-48) Allaa Smith aad Sanaa (18) We«teraors . _ C a rsu (0) bOt find that they muri go («M 8 ) High Chaparral B (C> rt4 8 ) DIek Cavelt Shsw US) Wrstomrrs their separate ways. ,O w 8:14(848) Nanny and the Fmf<^ HONDA CENTER (8848) Flip TrUtaa Show ,(G ) I (8) WMhWitt This Bing (ol Merrill. Anlonella Lualdi. (O (8*48) News —Fmyer u d m Ctmler Et, Msiniieitw Oueata: Connie StevensL Johh "Watusl" '59. George Mont­ OR) Movie ^ Bvnor. lohnny Brown, aad gomery, Tn.'i» Elg, Daj^ "I'll Be Yours" Doanna' Dur­ Slga on Stevie Wcrider. 1:15 (8)-Narrseape , Our SPEEDY SpMlaItjr “Hla Butlisr's Sister” Deanna (g48) DIek Gnvett Show (G> Kerr. Martin Stevens. Durbin. Fat O'Brien. (18) Merv OrilKn (C) (848) Partridge FsmUy <0) Kelth Chartes of “The Secret TRULY DELICIOUS 8:88 (M8) B^tehad _ Unooldo B (C) Sign o n ___ ^ duction “The Fantaatickg." Ito TrarWta William Demarest, Uhele Anthonv (3aav1e 8:88 (E^> Adam-18 B (C) Charley of "M y 'niree Soiia" on (18) Hartford Tslk-In (G) oMelroB’* wtH (848) Dan Aagnst (C) Aorea" on CBS, heada a pro­ (18) Uapbridired (C) CSS, has been in'm ore than -100 18:88 (8) GBA New* Sneelal (G> White House Wedding Preview duction (xmipany aiding tat 18:18 viM,n»- (l»48> Dean M arita -Bkarr______(C>,. movlea in rolea - ranging from 11:8 (8-8-884*48) News — WcatMr OAU. IN OMDOk Guests j^aro Bob Newliart, ud Soerta <0) national and International cam­ F n ^ Sinatra'jr, i^de' bankers ~hnd mayors to gang- (18) Baseball (C) nek Vp M MlMMB loM* nas, Dlno, Deal and BDly, uLtan enc* tmek tioutg, paigns against environmental MeredlUi' MacRae. Deatja New. York Yankees vs. Oak- DEOrSDRIVE-ni 4D1 OBNTBli^ 9C^«DAS*MiD 1:00 BUI Winters 8:00 Nears 4:00 Mika Oreene 8:16 P op OoocaTt ' 7:00 Ray Duuway' 9:06 HlghUM^m 13:00 ^ b y Btaam U:00News, BusInesL Weetter Radio for the Week (S a iirla y ) 11:30 Snoita Final (Ttaeae .tn« the baale liattaiga, and includ* only, tboa* newa 4:00 Bin . Love — Lou Itaftan 11:80 Otter Bide of .tta Day ^ SAVl 10:00 R » Dimaway (Salarday) broadeaata. of 10 or U intmila* In length. Some atattona carry 3:00 »U Wlntem 6:00 Town aad Ceoatiy WHERE other ftert newacaata. Daily aporta Inftam aUon can te found 6:00 Chip Hobart 6:00 Bob Steele Show 13:00 Bobby TUm a 10:00 Gardenttno on the aporta pagea.) YOU SEE CDnbEjr) 10:16 Modem Liring r o 7 h « « m i:06 MonHor 10:80 Saturday Sbowcaao IftTHM iasI THIS 10:80 Oongmaaional Report 10:60 w n o Ootdoom WINF — 1230 6:30 Amerleu Week (alternate Smidaya) 11:00 BMurday Shoareasa SION 7:00 Waahfogton Week 11:00 News. WsatterTBpoits 13:00 NewsTWeattar urns News Every Hour on the Hour) 7:80 Ctoltol Cloakroom _ 8:00 ReUgton 13:16 Saturday Showcase 8:90 HopeweU Baptist Church 8:00 Tom Jones 1:00 Nears MONDAY THBV FBIDAT 9:10 Revival Time 11:80 Other SIda of the Day 1:15 Your-Home Decorator PUBNV mCACW B:C0 Phil Bufgese 10:00 Rarival Time Echoes 1:00 Mtte Oraen* 1:30 Saturday Matinoo •n MU&Ncrr. 8:00 CBS World News 10:18 Holy Trinity. (%urch 8:00 aripHpbart 8:18 FhU B u m s s U;00 Fitter Nadoliiy 3:00 Qpem 9:80 Arthur Gnmi (Mandsy-Salargay) 6:00 Newe, Weattor OOBBtAN BIOS. 3:00 Fruk WllUsma . 6:00 ReveDIa 6:30 Strtrtiy Sports 779 BSAIN BK. 6:00 The Wortd ToiUaht (MeMny-Friisy) 9:00 Rhapsody 6:80 Monitor 6:15 It's Sports Time •f'.OOBcb DeCario 13:00 Msimey U :l» Nears, Weatter 10:00 Bob Cn^ ^ 4:00 Highlights of Hartford 6:80 News! of Religioo |;00 Dick MdMnoagh ' U :00 the S t y 8:30 Phaultless FMl 8:00 Oa^ght (B ssdsy) 7:00 Lowell Thomu 7:00 Joe Hager 13:00 ()ulet Hours 7:10 Wortd Wide Sports 13:00 Dick Haddad *(6:00 on Monday) Same as Monday-Saturdsy listing, 6:80 Sunrise Sareaods 7:30 Jett Mensel . (Satarday) 7:00 Sunday Strings U:00 Dave Hirison - 8:00 Bob DeCano except: 8:00 Newa U:00 Spotlight 10:00 Bob Craig 8:00 Religious programs 8:16 Sabbath Message 1:00 SK-Olt 8:00 Teny Woods 11:00 (iulet Hours 8:80 OuideUne SATOBDAT ' I 7:00 Joe 1 w n c —-1080 9:00 Netss, Weatter 6:00 Weekend U ;00 D ick (Mu dsy-FtWay) 9G0 Bymnthne 8:00 CBS Wortd News 5:00 Town and Country 9:90 National Badio Pelptt 8:15 Weekend 8:00 Rellgloas public 6:00 Bob Steele Show 10:00 Suntey Sbowcaao ELECTRONICS 9:00 Wine Cellar 10:06 Theatre of Melody U:10 Sunday Showeaea 9:30 Arthur Godfrey Time 8:00 Sooit M orgu 11:06 J eu Oolbert Show 13:46 Travel Trends LABORATORIES 10:00 Art Momu 9:00 Dick McOmough 13:00 News, Weatter l:OOSnndsy Best 1:00 WeekeM 7:00 Terry Wood*. 13:16 Meet Me on the Ftama 1:00 Monlhxr 11:00 Father Nadolny 10:80 Religious and pubUo tei 1:00 News 6:00 News U:00 SpoUIgbt prosnunmlnK 1:16 MUcellne 6:10 Sunday BdiUon 2 7 7 BROAD 1:00 12:00 fiS W 8:06 Afternoon Edition 6:00 News, Weatter; Bporti S G iqiA T 6:00 News —Stocks, Weatter 0:80 Meet the Press 9:80 Arthur aodfrw Time 7:06 Momtor 10:00 Chailenge ot (%ange WPOP — 1410 6:36 S trii^ Sports - 11:00 FalherNadotoy, ^ (Mesdsy-Fridu) 7:06 Accent '70 7:M Ynla Ranorta 13:00 Weekend 8:00 Bif* Love — LA U ^uitan 7:85 Bdward Newman Banoits 8:06 Your Box at the Opem FJI. AND A.M. 8:00 Face the Nation 10:00 Toiu Jones 7:60 Joe Caragku 8:30 Btrraal Light . '5?* GAfI Don W ILUS Garage SPBOIAU8T8 IN S TER ED LT.WOOD SI BISSELL STREET ICE WHBEZ, AUONaOSEftr AND I <) Blocks, Cruahed, CUhea. 2i^our Vendor Service on 10-Ib. bag BBAKB SEatVlOE RADIOS Ouehed Ice. Plant open weekdays S4, Sundays 8-12. BisseU O-KNEBAL. AUTO»AiR m St. runs east from Main St. at State Tlieatre. 6494681 — 18 BIAIN 8T „ BKANOHE8TBB TVJ