ljifo ;"rL · ;fwf/0f ;ef a:g] ;'rgf @ · ;fwf/0f ;ef ;DaGwL cGo hfgsf/L # · k|f]S;L kmf/d % · cWoIfHo"sf] dGtJo & · k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[tsf] k|lta4tf * · jflif{s k|ltj]bg ( · Auditor’s Report 15 · Financial Statement 17 · Significant Accounting Policies 24 · Notes to Financial Statement 38 · n]vfk/LIfssf] k|ltj]bg &( · ljQLo ljj/0f *! · ljQLo ljj/0fsf] cleGg c+usf] ?kdf /xg] cg';"rLx? ($ · aLdf ;ldltaf6 k|fKt ljQLo ljj/0fsf] :jLs[lt kq !@) · aLdf ;ldltsf] :jLs[lt kq ;DaGwL Joj:yfkgsf] k|To'Q/ !@! · sDkgLsf] k|aGwkq tyf lgodfjnLdf ;+zf]wg k|:tfj !@@

Annualjflif{s Report k|ltj]bg 2075-076 @)&%–)&^ : : 1! chf]8 OGof]/]G; ln= bf];|f] jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef a:g] ;DaGwL ;"rgf -Kf|yd k6s ;"rgf k|sflzt ldlt @)&^.)*.!*_

>L z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx? o; sDkgLsf] ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&^ ;fn d+l;/ !& ut] d+unjf/ a;]sf] ^^ cf} a}7ssf] lg0f{ofg';f/ sDkgLsf] bf];|f] jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef lgDg ldlt, :yfg / ;dodf bxfo] adflhdsf] ljifox¿ pk/ 5nkmn tyf lg0fo{ ug { a:g ] ePsf ] xbf'F sDkgL Pg,] @)^# sf] bkmf ^& jdf]lhd ;Dk"0f{ z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx¿sf] hfgsf/L tyf pkl:yltsf nflu of] ;"rgf k|sflzt ul/Psf] 5 .

;ef a:g] ldlt, :yfg / ;doM ldlt M @)&^ ;fn kf}if !! ut] z'qmaf/ tb\cg';f/ -l8;]Dj/ @&, @)!(_ :yfg M n}grf]/ JoËs]6, sf7df8f}+ ;do M lbp;f] $=)) ah]

5nkmnsf laifox¿ M

-!_ ;fdfGo k|:tfjx¿ M s_ ;+rfns ;ldltsf] tkm{jf6 cWoIfHo"åf/f k|:t't cf=j= @)&%.)&^ sf] bf];|f] jflif{s k|ltj]bg pk/ 5nkmn ul/ kfl/t ug]{ . v_ n]vfk/LIfssf] k|ltj]bg ;lxtsf] cf=j= @)&%.)&^ sf] jf;nft, gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fa, cfo Joo lx;fa tyf gub k|jfx ljj/0f / ;f] ;Fu ;DalGwt cg';"lrx¿ ;lxtsf] ljQLo ljj/0f pk/ 5nkmn ul/ kfl/t ug]{ . u_ sDkgL Pg,] @)^# sf ] bkmf !!! adflhd] cf=j=@)&^.)&& sf ] nvfk/LIf0f] ug { ;rfns+ ;ldltsf ] l;kmfl/z dtfljs' nvfk/LIfs] lgoQmL' ug ]{ / lghsf ] kfl/>lds lgwf/0f{ ug {] . -jxfnjfnf nvfk/LIfs] >L J.N.Upadhyay & Co., Chartered Accountants sf] # jif{sf] cjlw ;dfKt ePsf]n] k'gM lgo'lQmsf] nflu of]Uo g/x]sf]_

3_ ;j{;fwf/0f z]o/ ;fj{hlgs lgisfzg (Initial Public Offering) ug]{ .

-@_ ljz]if k|:tfjx¿ M s_ sDkgLsf] k|jGwkqsf] bkmf * / lgodfjnLsf] lgod @^ df ;+zf]wg ug]{ . v_ ;fwf/0f ;efaf6 kfl/t sDkgLsf] k|jGwkq Pj+ lgodfjnLdf sDkgL /lhi6«f/sf] sfof{no, aLdf ;ldlt jf cGo lgodgsf/L lgsfojf6 s'g} km]/abn, ;+zf]wg tyf kl/dfh{g ug{ lgb]{zg ePdf ;f] ;+zf]wg ug{ ;+rfns ;ldltnfO{ clVtof/L k|bfg ug]{ af/] . -#_ ljljw .

;+rfns ;ldltsf] cf1fn] sDkgL ;lrj

@ : :jflif{s Annual k|ltj]bg Report @)&%–)&^ 2075-076 ;fwf/0f ;ef ;DaGwL ;fdfGo hfgsf/L

!= ;efdf efu lng cfpg'x'g] x'g] dxfg'efjx?n] cfkmgf] kl/ro v'Ng] sfuhft, k|j]z–kq jf cfkm\gf] z]o/ k|df0f kq k|:t't u/]kl5 dfq ;ef sIfdf k|j]z ug{ kfOg] 5 .

@= ;efdf efu lngsf nflu kltlglw| lgolQm' ug { rfxg ] zo/wgL] dxfgefjx?n' ] kltlglw| kmf/d ;ef x'g] lbg eGbf slDtdf $* 306f cufj} cyf{t @)&^ kf}if ( ut] lbp;f] $=)) ah] leq sDkgLsf] s]Gb|Lo sfof{no ;L=6L=;L=dn ;ftf}+ tNnf, ;'Gwf/f, sf7df8f}+df btf{ u/fO{;Sg' kg]{5 . Ps hgf z]o/wgLn] Ps hgfeGbf a9LnfO{ k|ltlglw -k|f]S;L_ lgo'Qm ug{ kfpg] 5}g . Ps eGbf a9L k|ltlglw lgo'Qm ePsf] kfOPdf ;a}eGbf klxnf sDkgLdf btf{ ePsf] k|ltlglw -k|f]S;L_ dfq dfGo x'g]5 . k|ltlglw -k|f]S;L_ lgo'Qm ul/;s]kl5 k|ltlglw -k|f]S;L_ ab/ gu/L s'g} z]o/wgLn] ;efdf efu lng rfx]df efu lng ;lsg]5 . t/ dtbfg ug{ kfOg] 5}g .

#= ;+o'Qm ?kdf zo/] vl/b ul/Psf ] cj:yfdf nut lstfadf klxn ] gfd pNnv] ePsf ] JolQm cyjf ;j;Ddltaf6{ kltlglw| lgo'Qm ul/Psf] Ps JolQmn] dfq ;efdf efu lng kfOg] 5 .

$= 5nkmnsf] laifo cGtu{t ljljw lzif{s ;DaGwdf z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx?n] 5nkmn ug{ rfxg' ePsf] ljifox?af/] @)&^ ;fn kf}if ! ut];Dd sDkgL ;lrj dfkm{t ;~rfns ;ldltsf] cWoIfnfO{ lnlvt hfgsf/L lbg' kg]{5 . To:tf] ljifo ;~rfns ;ldltsf] cWoIfnfO{ plrt nfu]df dfq 5nkmnsf] nflu ;dfj]z ul/g]5 .

%= z]o/wgLx?n ] JoQm u/sf] dGtAo jf kZgx?sf| ] ;DaGwdf ;efsf ;efklt cfkm}+n] jf ;efsf ;efkltn ] tf]s]sf ] JolQmaf6 pQ/ lbOg]5 .

^= ;efdf efu lng] k|To]s z]o/wgL dxfg'efjn] ;ef x'g] :yfgdf pkl:yt eO{ ToxfF /x]sf] xflh/ k'l:tsfdf b:tvt ug'{kg]{ 5 . xflh/ k'l:tsf lbp;f] #=)) ah]b]lv v'nf /xg]5 .

&= sDkgL P]g cg';f/sf] sDkgLsf] jflif{s cfly{s ljj/0f, ;+rfns ;ldltsf] k|ltj]bg, nufotsf sfuhftx? sDkgLsf] k|wfg sfofno,{ ;L=6L=;L dn ;ftf } tNnf ;Gwf/f,' sf7df08fdf,} sfofno{ ;do leq lg/LIf0f ug { tyf To;sf ] kltlnlk| dfu u/]df k|ltlnlk lbg] Joj:yf ldnfO{Psf] 5 .

*= sDkgLsf] jflif{s k|ltj]bg sDkgLsf] Website: www.ajodinsurance.com.np df pknAw x'g] Joxf]/f hfgsf/L u/fO{G5 .

(= ;ef ;DaGwL cGo sfd sf/jfxL sDkgL P]g, @)^# adf]lhd x'g]5 .

Annualjflif{s Report k|ltj]bg 2075-076 @)&%–)&^ : : # 4 : Annual Report 2075-076 chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 cg';"rL @& -sDkgL P]g, @)^# sf] bkmf &!-#_ ;Fu ;DjlGwt_ k|f]S;L kmf/d

>L ;+rfns ;ldlt chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 ;L6L;L dn ;ftf}+ tNnf, ;Gwf/f, sf7df8f}+ ljifoM k|ltlglw -k|f]S;L_ lgo'Qm u/]sf] af/] . dxfzo, ======lhNnf======g=kf=÷uf=kf= j8f g+======a:g] d÷xfdL ======n] To; sDkgLsf] z]o/wgLsf] x}l;otn] ldlt @)&^ kf}if !! ut] z'qmaf/sf lbg x'g] jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efdf d÷xfdL :jod\ pkl:yt eO{ 5nkmn tyf lg0f{odf ;xefuL x'g g;Sg] ePsf]n] pQm ;efdf d/f] ÷xfd|f] ] tkmaf6{ efu lng tyf dtbfg ugsf{ nflu ======lhNnf ======g=kf=÷uf=kf======j8f g=+ ======a:g ] sDkgLsf zo/] wgL >L÷>LdtL ======nfO{ d]/f]÷xfd|f] k|ltlglw dgf]gog u/L k7fPsf] 5'÷5f}+ . k|ltlglw lgo'Qm ePsf] AolQmsf] lga]bs, x:tfIf/sf] gd"gfM ======b:tvtM ======z]o/wgL eP z]o/ k|df0fkq g+=M ======gfdM ======z]o/wgL geP gful/stfsf] k|df0fkq g+=M ======7]ufgfM ======z]o/ k|df0fkq g+=M ======z]o/ ;+VofM ======k|ltlglw lgolQm' ;DaGwL lgjbg] ;fwf/0f ;ef x'g'eGbf sDtLdf $* 306f cufj } sDkgLsf ] sGb|Lo] sfofno,{ ;L6L;L dn ;Gwf/f,' sf7df8fdf}+ kz] u/L ;Sg ' kg5]{ .

chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 ;L6L;L dn ;ftf}+ tNNf, ;Gwf/f, sf7df8f}+ k|j]z–kq chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8sf] ldlt @)&^ kf}if !! ut] z'qmaf/sf lbg x'g] bf];|f] jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efdf pkl:yt x'g hf/L ul/Psf] k|j]z kq . z]o/wgLsf] gfd M ======z]o/wgL g+= M ======z]o/ k|df0f kq g+= M ======z]o/ ;+Vof M ======z]o/wgLsf] b:tvt M ======

======sDkgL ;lrj Annual Report 2075-076 : b|i6JoM vfnL :Yffg z]o/wgL cfkm}+n] eg'{ x'g' / ;ef sIfdf k|j]z ug{ of] k|j]z–kq clgjfo{ ?kdf lnO{ cfpg' x'g cg'/f]w 5 . 156 : Annual Report 2075-076 chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8sf]] bf]>f] jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efdf ;+rfns ;ldltsf cWoIf >L cfhfb >]i7Ho" af6 k|:t't dGtJo cfb/0fLo z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx¿, o; chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8sf] bf]>f] jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efdf pkl:yt x'g' ePsf ;Df:t ;+:yfks z]o/wgL Tfyf cfdlGqt dxfg'efjx¿df ;j{k|yd sDkgL tyf d]/f] tkm{jf6 xflb{s :jfut tyf Gofgf] clejfbg ub{5' . cGt{/fli6«o Jofkf/df pTkGg tgfjsf sf/0f ljZj cy{tGqsf] lj:tf/ sdhf]/ /xg' tyf bzleqsf] ] cflys{ ptf/r9fjsf jfjhb' o; sDkgLn ] lnPsf ] Joj;flos /0fgLlt tyf pRr:t/sf] u|fxsdvL' kfljlws| ;jfn] ] Joj;flos sf/faf/] ;rfng+ u/sf] ] 5f6f] ] cjlwdf g } xfl;n u/sf] ] pT;fxhgs pknAwL o; ;efdf hfgsf/L ug{ kfpbf d uf}/jflGjt ePsf] 5' . o; sDkgLsf ] pRr Joj:yfkg ;dxsf" ] szn' sfobIftf,{ lghLjg{ aLdfsf ] l;4fGt, ;:yfut+ ;zf;gsf' ] ;kmn sfo{Gjog tyf Joj;flos d"No / dfGotf cGtu{t /xL o; sDkgLn] aLdfsf] If]qdf cfkm\gf] 5'§} klxrfg :yflkt ug{ ;kmn ePsf] 5 . sDkgLn] cf=j= @)&%÷)&^ df u/]sf] sf/f]jf/ cg'?k g]kfn ljQLo k|ltj]bg dfkb08 NFRS jdf]lhd tof/ kfl/Psf] ljQLo ljj/0fnfO{ ;dLIff ubf{ gfkmf C0ffTds blvPtf] klg o;jf6 sDkgLsf ] sf/fjf/nfO] { tflTjs c;/ gkg ]{ / o; cf=j=df nIo cg;f/sf' ] Joj;flos sf/f]jf/ a[l4 x'g] ;+s]tn] ;sf/fTds kl/0ffd cfpg] s'/fdf ljZjf; lbnfpg rfxG5' . ;fy} oxL ljz]if klxrfgnfO{ sfod /fVb} d'n'ssf] cfly{s a[l4df sDkgLsf] tkm{af6 of]ubfg k'¥ofpb} sDkgLsf] p2]Zo jdf]lhd aLdf ;]jfsf] kx'Fr g]kfn e/ k'¥ofpg ;~rfns ;ldlt lhDd]jf/Lsf] ;fy cl3 a9L/x]sf] / a9L/xg] k|ltj4tf JoQm ug{ rfxfG5' . cGtdf, d xfd|f ;Dk"0f{ u|fxsju{ lgods lgsfo aLdf ;ldlt, sDkgL /lhi6«f/sf] sfof{no, cGo lgodgsf/L lgsfox¿, zo/wgL] dxfgefjx¿,' ;rfnsHo+ x¿," Joj:yfkg ;dx," sdrf/L,{ clestf,kqsf/{ Pjd\ z'e lrGtsx¿ ;d]tn] o; sDkgLnfO{ k|bfg ug'{ePsf] ;]jf tyf k|ToIf÷ck|ToIf ;xof]uk|lt s[t1tf JoQm ub }{ o; ;fwf/0f ;efdf kfNg ' ePsf ;a } dxfgefjx¿nfO' { oxfx¿sfF ] ul/dfdo pkl:yltsf nflu ;+rfns ;ldlt tyf d]/f] tkm{jf6 k"gM:jfut ub}{ eljiodf ;d]t lg/Gt/ ;/;Nnfx, ;'emfj tyf ;xof]usf] ck]Iff ub{5' . wGojfb .

cfhfb If]i7 cWoIf ;+rfns ;ldlt ldltM– @)&^÷)(÷!!

Annualjflif{s Report k|ltj]bg 2075-076 @)&%–)&^ : : 7 & s'df/ axfb'/ vqL ldltM– @)&^÷)(÷!! k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t

* : jflif{s: Annual k|ltj]bg Report @)&%–)&^ 2075-076 chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8sf] bf];|f] jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efdf ;+rfns ;ldltsf] tkm{jf6 cWoIf >L cfhfb >]i7åf/f k|:t't cf=j= @)&%÷)&^ sf] jflif{s k|ltj]bg

cfb/0fLo z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx¿, chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8sf] o; bf];|f] aflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efdf ;+rfns ;ldltsf] tkm{af6 xflb{s :jfut clejfbg ub}{ sDkgL P]g, @)^# sf] bkmf !)( adf]lhd tof/ ul/Psf] cfly{s aif{ @)&%÷&^ sf] ljQLo ljj/0fx¿ ;lxtsf] jflif{s k|ltj]bg cg'df]bgsf] nflu oxfFx¿ ;dIf k|:t't ub}{ oxfFx¿sf] k"0f{ ;dy{gsf]] ljZjf; lnPsf 5f}+ .

!= s_ ljut jif{sf] sf/f]jf/sf] l;+xfjnf]sgM o; sDkgLn] Joj;flos sf/f]jf/ ;+rfng u/]sf] sl/j !* dlxgf k'/f u/]sf] 5 . sDkgLn] ;ldIff jif{df u/]sf] sf/f]jf/sf] ljQLo emns b]xfo adf]lhd /x]sf] Joxf]/f hfgsf/L u/fpb5f} . qm=;+ ljj/0f cf=j= @)&$÷)&% cf=j= @)&%÷)&^ !s'n aLdf z'Ns @#,*%,##* $!,$(,!*,)*@ @Kf"gaL{df z'Ns @@,&#,#^* @%,(&,&@,!@# #v'b cflh{t aLdf z'Ns !!!,(&) !%,%!,$%,(%( $Kf"gaL{df sldzg cfo %,)*@ @,!^,((,#^& % nufgL tyf cGo k|ToIf cfo ##&,(&,!)) &,%*,@@,)&& ^ Joj:yfkg tyf cGo vr{ $^,##,$*# !,#$,#@%,&)! &v'b gfkmf !(%,#^,(%$ -#)(,^!,*##_ * aLdf sf]if ((,^$,&(# #,)%,^@,^@#

v= r'Qmf k"FhL M aLdf ;ldltjf6 hf/L lgb]{lzsf jdf]lhd lghL{jg aLdf sDkgLsf] r'Qmf k'FhL ?=! ca{ x'g' kg]{df ;+:yfks z]o/wgLx¿sf tkm{jf6 ?= &) s/f]8 / afFsL ?= #) s/f]8 sf] z]o/ ;+Vof #),)),))) -lt; nfv _ lsQf ;fwf/0f z]o/ lgs6 eljiodf ;j{;fwf/0fdf hf/L ul/ r'Qmf k"FhL ?= ! ca{ k'¥ofOg] 5 .

@= afXo jftfj/0fjf6 sDkgLsf] sf/f]jf/df k/]sf] c;/M /fli6«o tyf cGt/fli6«o kl/l:yltn] b]zsf] cfly{s l:ylt cg's'n g/x]sf] cj:yf 5 . of] cj:yfn] b]zsf] aLdf Aoa;fonfO{ klg s]xL xb;Dd kefj| kfg ]{ blvG5] . xfn bzsf] ] aLdf ahf/sf ] jftfj/0f cToGt klt:kwf| Tds{ 5 . bzsf] ] dflb} s| gLlt nufot gkfn] /fi6 « asn}+ ] hf/L ug ]{ gLlt, lgod / lgbzgsf]{ ] ckToflzt| kl/jtgaf6{ ;hgf[ x'g], bzsf] ] a}b]lzs nufgL gLltdf xg' ;Sg ] kl/jtgaf6{ pTkGg x'g ;Sg] ;Defljt hf]lvdx¿n] aLdf If]qdf k|efj kg{ ;Sg] b]lvG5 . t;y{ b]zsf] aLdf Aoa;fodf sDkgLx¿ aLrsf] k|lt:kwf { / ljBdfg cflys{ l:ylt aLr aLdf Ifqdf] sDkgLsf ] pknAw >ft] ;fwgsf ] clwstd kl/rfng u/L sDkgLn ] :yfkgfsf] 5f]6f cjlwdf g} aLldtx¿sf] rfxgf / cfjZostf cg';f/sf :tl/o u|fxsf]Gd'v ;]jf tyf ;'ljwfx¿ k|bfg u/L t'ngfTds ?kdf pT;fxhgs pknAwL xfl;n u/]sf] 5 .

Annualjflif{s Report k|ltj]bg 2075-076 @)&%–)&^ : : ( #= k|ltj]bg tof/ ePsf] ldlt;Dd rfn' jif{sf] pknlAw / eljiodf ug'{kg]{ s'/fsf] ;DaGwdf ;~rfns ;ldltsf] wf/0ffM s_ rfn' aif{sf] pknlAw M cf=j= @)&%.)&^ tyf rfn' cf=j= @)&^.)&& sf] cflZjg d;fGt ;Ddsf] cfly{s ;'rsfÍx¿ lgDgfg';f/ oxfFx¿ ;dIf hfgsf/Lsf] nflu k]z u/]sf 5f} . qm=;+= ljj/0f @)&% cflZjg d;fGt @)&^ cflZjg d;fGt != Hff/L aLdfn]v ;+Vof #,&#% @^,$$# @= aLdfz'Ns $,@(,@@,))) @),)^,((,))) #= Kf"g{aLdf sldzg cfo &!,*^,))) @,(^,&),))) $= nufgLjf6 cfo !,&%,*^,))) @,%#,%*,))) %= Joj:yfkg vr{ !,%$,@(,))) $,!*,($,))) ^= s'n nufgL &@,&@,^#,))) ($,(#,#),))) ^= Rf'Qmf k"FhL &),)),)),))) &),)),)),))) &= Vf'b d'gfkmf %*,&@,))) &&,(&,))) v_ zfvf sfof{no la:tf/ M xfn;Dd b]ze/L ! k|wfg sfof{no & j6f k|fb]lzs sfof{no - lj/f6gu/,lj/u+h, x]6f}+8f , kf]v/f, a'6jn, ;'v]{t, wgu9L_ tyf !^ j6f zfvf sfof{no -ljtf{df]8, O6x/L, hgsk'/, gf/fo0f3f6, ag]kf, eQmk'/, gofF afg]Zj/, hf]/kf6L, a'9flgns07, afnfh', nlntk'/, sn+sL, lstL{k'/, kj{t, e}/xjf / g]kfnUf+h tyf !% j6f pkzfvf sfof{no bds, /f}tx6, nfxfg, lhtk'/ l;d/f, 6fF8L, rfkfufpF, sfjf;f]tL, kfn'ª6f/, a'lt{jfª, bdf}nL, u'NdL, k"jL{ ?s'd, l6sfk'/, bfË / klZrd ?s'd !* j6f t];|f] kIf aLdf sfp06/x¿ -PsfGtsgf,' ;tËn,' 7f8fe¥ofË,] eQmk/,' ljtfdf{ 8,] O6x/L, la/f6gu/, nxfg, hgsk/,' x6f] 8f,} gf/fo0f3f6, sfjf;f]tL, 8'd]|, kf]v/f, a'6jn, g]kfnu+h, wgu9L, ;'v]{t_ / ! j6f u|fxs ;]jf s]Gb| -;+~ro sf]ifsf] sfof{no, 7d]n_ dfkm{t\ aLdf ;]jf ;'?jft ul/;s]sf 5f} .

u_ k"gaL{df Joj:yf M g]kfn h:tf] ;fgf] b]zsf] aLdf Joj;fodf k"gaL{dfn] d]?b08sf] ?kdf /xL hf]lvd jxg ug]{ ePsf]n] o;sf] /fd|f] / oy]i6 Joj:yf x'g' kg]{ x'G5 . xfd|f] sDkgLn] g]kfnsf] k"gaL{df sDkgL Re-insurance Company Ltd. ;+u Direct Cession / x'nb+uf cft+sjfbsf] Direct Reinsurance Treaty ub}+ cfPsf] 5 . ;fy} b]zleqsf laleGg aLdf sDkgLx¿ ;+u ;'dw'/ ;DaGw /fVb} P]lR5s k'gaL{df cfbfg–k|bfg ug]{ u/]sf] 5 .

o; sDkgLsf] ljb]zL k"gaL{df sDkgLx¿;+usf] ;DaGw klg ;'b[9 /x]sf] / To:tf sDkgLx¿ ;+u k"gaL{df a|f]s/x¿ dfkm{t o; sDkgLn] ;xof]u k|fKt ub}{ cfPsf] 5 . xfdLn] ef/tsf] GIC Re sf] g]t[Tjdf lgDg sDkgLx¿ ;+u k"gaL{df ;Demf}tf Reinsurance Treaty u/]sf 5f}+ . · General Insurance Corporation of India, Mumbai, India.

· Ocean International Reinsurance Co.Ltd., Barbados North America.

· Asian Reinsurance Corporation, Bangkok, Thailand.

· GIC Bhutan Re Company Ltd. Bhutan.

· Kenya Reinsurance Corporation Ltd., Nairobi, Kenya.

· Oman Reinsurance Company, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.

· East Africa Reinsurance Company Ltd., Nairobi, Kenya.

· CICA Re, Togo, Africa.

· Nepal Reinsurance Company, , Nepal

· Sirius International Re (UK).

!) : :jflif{s Annual k|ltj]bg Report @)&%–)&^ 2075-076 o;/L dfyL pNNf]lvt k"gaL{df sDkgLx¿ ;+u o; sDkgLn] b]xfosf k"gaL{df a|f]s/x¿ dfkm{t k"gaL{df Joj:yf ug]{ u/]sf] 5 . § J.B. Boda Insurance and Reinsurance Brokers Pvt.Ltd., Mumbai India. § J.B. Boda & Co. (UK) Limited., United Kingdom. § J.B. Boda & Co.(S) PTE. LTD., Singapore. § Pioneer Insurance and Reinsurance Broker Pvt. Ltd. India 3_ dfgj ;+zfwg ljsf; tyf j[lt ljsf;M lghL{jg aLdf Joj;fodf bIf hgzlQmsf] cefj v8\ls/x]sf] cj:yfdf o; sDkgLdf sfo{/t sd{rf/Lx¿nfO{ cfGtl/s tyf afXo tflnd k|bfg ul/ ;do ;fk]If ?kdf bIf hgzlQm lgdf{0f ug]{ gLlt clËsf/ ul/Psf] 5 . h; cGtu{t sd{rf/Lx¿nfO{ aLdf Joj;fo;Fu ;DjlGwt ljifodf :jb]zL tyf ljb]zL tflnd k|bfos ;+:yfx¿sf] ;xsfo{df hf]lvdfÍg, k'gaL{df, ahf/ Joj:yfkg, slif[ tyf n3 ' aLdf nufotsf Ifq;] uF ;DjlGwt ljifodf sfo { ;Dkfbg Ifdtf Pj + bIftf clejl4[ u/fpg ] tflndx¿df ;xeflu u/fO{ cfPsf 5f}+ . ;fy} aLdf Joj;fosf] ljsf;sf nflu lgods lgsfo -aLdf ;ldlt_ sf] lgb]{zg adf]lhd lghLjg{ aLdf clestf { cfwf/et' tflnd / slif[ tyf n3 ' aLdf clestf { tflnd ;rfng+ ul/ cfPsf 5f } .

ª_ ;+:yfut ;'zf;gM s'g} klg ;+:yf alnof] x'g'df ;f] ;+:yfsf] b}lgs lqmofsnfkdf ;+:yfut ;'zf;gsf] cToGt 7"nf] e'ldsf x'G5 . xfdL ;+rfns ;ldltsf ;b:ox¿ o;klt| ;bf ;hu / ;rt] 5f }+ . aLdf ;ldltaf6 ;do ;dodf hf/L ePsf lgbzgx¿,]{ aLdf Pg] @)$(, aLdf lgodfjnL @)$(, aLdssf] ;+:yfut ;'zf;g ;DaGwL lgb]{lzsf @)&#, sDkgL P]g @)^# tyf lwtf]kq P]g @)^# nufot sfg"gdf ePsf sfg"gL Joj:yfx¿sf] k"0f{ ?kdf kfngf ug{ sDkgL k|lta4 /x]sf] 5 .

r_ sDkgLsf] pGgltsf] nflu eljiosf of]hgfsf ;DaGwdf ;+rfns ;ldltsf] wf/0ff b]xfo adf]lhd /x]sf] 5 M != ;+:yfut ?kdf sDkgLsf ] 5ljnfO { :yflkt agfO { aLdf Joj;fo lj:tf/ ug { Joj;flos sf/f jf/] kljlw| dqL} agfO { aLdfnvx¿] Online lalqm ug]{ sfo{sf] z'?jft ul/Psf] / o; sfo{nfO{ cem Jojl:yt Pj+ k|efjsf/L ?kdf agfpFb} n}hfg] . @= b]z / hgtf k|lt ;fdflhs pQ/bfloTj lgjf{x ub}{ aLdfsf] kx'rnfO{ lj:tf/ u/L jt{dfg kl/k|]Iodf ljsf;sf] k"jf{wf/ tof/ e/x} sf] ] gof F gof F Ifqx¿sf] ] klxrfg u/L tyf b'u{d Ifqdf] ;dt] sDkgLsf ] ;jf] lj:tf/ ug ]{ sfosf{ ] ;?jft' ul/Psf] / ;f] sfo{nfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbg] . #= xfn sDkgLn ] clVtof/ u/sf] ] nfv_ ;Ddsf ] Fast Track bfjL eStfgL' sfo { Jojxf/Ls / kefjsf/L| blvPsf] ]n] ;f ] sfonfO{ { lg/Gt/tf lbb} cfufdL lbgdf bfjL e'StfgL sfo{nfO{ l56f], 5l/tf], :tl/o, e/kbf]{ / ljZj;lgo agfO{ sfof{Gjog ug]{ . $= lghL{jg aLdfsf] If]qdf cu|0fL e"ldsf lgjf{x u/L aLdf Joj;fosf] nIofÍ k'/f u/L z]o/wgLx¿nfO{ clwstd\ k|ltkmn lbg k|of; ug]{ .

$_ cf}Bf]lus jf Joj;flos ;DjGwM sDkgLn ] cfkmgf\ ] ;jfnfO] { gkfn] e/ lj:tf/ ub }{ nlu/x]sf ] kl/kIfdf|] ;dfhsf ;a } txsf cf}Bflus] tyf Joj;flos ;DaGw sfod /fVg'sf ;fy} eljiodf ;d]t ;f] ;DaGw ;'dw'/ /x]g5 eGg] ck]Iff u/]sf 5f}+ .

%_ ;+rfns ;ldltdf x]/km]/M sDkgLsf] :yfkgfsfn b]vL k|yd ;+rfns ;ldltdf 8f= lagf]b k|;fb lji6, cWoIf tyf ;b:ox¿df >L cfhfb >]i7, >L /fh]Gb| k|;fb sfo:y, >L ;fu/ u'?Ë / pk/yL >L /fd axfb'/ u'?Ë -c=k|f=_ /xg'ePsf]df ldlt @)&^.)#.#) df ;DkGg sDkgLsf] k|yd jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efaf6 lgDg ;+rfnsx¿ lg{lj/f]w lgjf{lrt x'g' ePsf], k|yd jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef kl5 ul7t ;+rfns ;ldltsf] %* cf} a}7saf6 ;+rfns ;ldltsf] cWoIf kbdf ;+rfns >L cfhfb >]i7 ;j{;Ddltaf6 lg{lj/f]w lgjf{lrt eO{ lgoQm' x'g ePsf] / xfn ;+rfns ;ldltdf s'g} x]/km]/ gePsf] hfgsf/L u/fpb5f}+ . l;=g+=;+rfnsx¿sf] gfd z]o/ ;+Vof ! >L cfhfb >]i7, cWoIf !!),))) $ pk/yL >L /fd jxfb'/ u'?Ë, -c=k|f=_ ;+rfns -k|ltlglw ef6e6]gL l8kf6{d]G6 :6f]/ k|f=ln=_ &,((,)%) # >L ;fu/ u'?Ë, ;+rfns -k|ltlglw /f]8;f] OGe]i6d]G6 sDkgL k|f=ln=_ @)),))) $ >L lr/lGhjL åf, ;+rfns #%,$%)

Annualjflif{s Report k|ltj]bg 2075-076 @)&%–)&^ : : !! ^_ sf/f]jf/nfO{ c;/ kfg]{ d'Vo s'/fx¿M /fi6« a}sjf6 hf/L df}lb|s gLtLsf sf/0f a}s tyf laQLo If]qdf k/]sf] k|efj, aLdf sDkgLx¿ ljrsf] ltj| k|ltikwf{, of]hgf cg';f/ jflif{s ah]6jf6 ;/sf/L k"FhLut vr{ gx'g', pTkfbgd'ns If]qdf nufgLsf] cj;/df sdL cflb sf/0fn] aLdf sf/f]jf/df c;/ k/]sf] 5 . &_ n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bgdf s'g} s}lkmot pNn]v ePsf] eP ;f] pk/ ;+rfns ;ldltsf] k|ltlqmof M n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bgdf ;fdfGo ;'emfjx¿ Affx]s cGo s'g} s}lkmot 5}g . *_ nfefFz afF8kmfF8 ug{ l;kmfl/; ul/Psf] /sdM ;dLIff aif{df d'gfkmf C0ffTds ePsf]n] nfef+z afF8kmfF8 ug{ l;kmfl/z gul/Psf] Joxf]/f hfgsf/L u/fpb5f}+ . (_ z]o/ hkmt ePsf] eP hkmt ePsf] z]o/ ;+Vof, To:tf] z]o/sf] c+lst d'No, To:tf] z]o/ hkmt x'g'eGbf cufj} ;f] jfkt sDkgLn] k|fKt u/]sf] hDdf /sd / To:tf] z]o/ hkmt u/L cGo OG5's z]o/wgL tyf nufgLstf{x¿nfO{ lgodfg';f/ lalqm ul/Psf] / hkmt ul/Psf] z]o/ afkt ;fljsdf k|fKt /sd lkmtf{ e'QmfgL ul/Psf]M ;dLIff jif{df sDkgLn] s'g} z]o/ hkmt gu/]sf] Joxf]/f hfgsf/L u/fpFb5f} . !)_ ljut cfly{s jif{df sDkgL / o;sf] ;xfos sDkgLsf] sf/f]jf/sf] k|ult / ;f] cfly{s jif{sf] cGtdf /x]sf] l:yltsf] k'g/fjnf]sgM o; sDkgLsf] s'g} ;xfos sDkgL g/x]sf] Joxf]/f hfgsf/L u/fpFb5f}+ . !!_ sDkgL tyf To;sf] ;xfos sDkgLn] cfly{s jif{df ;DkGg u/]sf] k|d'v sf/f]jf/x¿ / cjlwdf sDkgLsf] sf/f]jf/df cfPsf] s'g} dxTjk'0f{ kl/jt{g M o; sDkgLsf ] xfn;Ddsf ] sf/fjf/] lghLjg{ aLdf Joj;fo dfq ePsf ] / sDkgLsf ] sf/fjf/] cjlwdf s'g} dxTjk0f' { kl/jtg{ gePsf] hfgsf/L u/fpFb5f}+ . !@_ ljut cfly{s jif{df sDkgLsf] cfwf/e't z]o/wgLx¿n] sDkgLnfO{ pknAw u/fPsf] hfgsf/L M sDkgLnfO{ cfwf/e't Zf]o/wgLx¿jf6 s'g} hfgsf/L k|fKt gePsf] Joxf]/f cjut u/fpFb5f} . !#_ ljut cflys{ jifdf{ sDkgLsf ;rfns+ tyf kbflwsf/Lx¿n ] lnPsf ] zo/sf] ] :jfldTjsf ] ljj/0f / sDkgLsf ] zo/] sf/fjf/df] lghx¿ ;+nUg /x]sf] eP ;f] ;DaGwdf lghx¿af6 sDkgLn] k|fKt u/]sf] hfgsf/LM sDkgLsf] z]o/ sf/f]jf/df s'g} ;+rfns ;+nUg g/x]sf] hfgsf/L u/fpFb5f} . !$_ ljut cflys{ jifdf{ sDkgL;uF ;DalGwt ;emf+ tfx¿df} s'g} ;rfns+ tyf lghsf ] glhssf ] gftbf/sf] ] JolQmut :jfysf{ ] af/df] pknAw u/fOPsf] hfgsf/Lsf] Joxf]/f M ljut cfly{s jif{df sDkgL;Fu ;DjlGwt ;+emf}tfx¿df s'g} ;+rfns tyf lghsf] glhssf] gft]bf/sf] JolQmut :jfy{ g/x]sf] Joxf]/f cjut u/fpFb5f}+ . !%_ sDkgLn] cfŠgf] z]o/ cfkm}n] vl/b u/]sf] eP To;/L cfkm\gf] z]o/ vl/b ug'{sf] sf/0f, To:tf] z]o/sf] ;+Vof / c+lst d'No tyf To;/L z]o/ vl/b u/] afkt sDkgLn] e'QmfgL u/]sf] /sd M sDkgLn] cfkm\gf] z]o/ cfkm}n] vl/b gu/]sf] Joxf]/f hfgsf/L u/fpFb5f}+ . !^_ cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnL eP jf gePsf] / ePsf] eP ;f]sf] lj:t[t ljj/0fM sDkgLn] cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnLnfO{ Jojl:yt ug{ ljleGg ljlgodfjnLx¿ / sfo{ljlwx¿nfO{ cfjZostf cg';f/ nfu' u/]sf] 5 . cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k0ffnLsf| ] kefjsfl/tf| dfkgsf ] nflu :jtGq rf68{ Psfp0606af6] cfGtl/s nvf] k/LIf0f u/fpg ] Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 . aLdf ;ldltaf6 hf/L aLdssf] ;+:yfut ;'zf;g ;DjGwL lgb]{lzsf,@)&% adf]lhd u7g ug'{kg]{ lgDg ;ldltx¿ ;+rfnsx¿sf] ;+of]hsTjdf Uf7g ul/Psf] hfgsf/L u/fpFb5f} . s_ bfaL e'QmfgL tyf k'gaL{df ;ldlt v_ nufgL, hf]lvd Joj:yfkg tyf ljQLo :j:ytf -;f]Ne]G;L_ ;ldlt u_ dfgj ;+zfwg ;ldlt 3_ n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldlt

!@ : :jflif{s Annual k|ltj]bg Report @)&%–)&^ 2075-076 !&_ ljut cfly{s jif{sf] s'n Joj:yfkg vr{sf] ljj/0f M o; sDkgLsf] cfly{s aif{ @)&%÷)&^ s'n Joj:yfkg vr{sf] ljj/0f b]xfo adf]lhd /x]sf] 5 . qm=;+= ljj/0f /sd -?=_ !sd{rf/L vr{ ^(),!%,%%( @ cGo Joj:yfkg vr{ ^,%#,!),!$@ hDdf !#,$#,@%,&)!

!*_ nvfk/LIf0f] ;ldltsf ;b:ox¿sf ] gfdfjnL, lghx¿n ] kfKt| u/sf] ] kfl/>lds, eQf tyf ;ljwf,' ;f ] ;ldltn ] u/sf] ] sfd sf/afxLsf] ljj/0f / ;f] ;ldltn] s'g} ;'emfj lbPsf] eP ;f]sf] ljj/0fM Nf]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltsf ;b:ox¿sf] gfdfjnL lgDgfg';f/ /x]sf] 5 . != pk/yL >L /fd axfb'/ u'?Ë -c=k|f_ – ;+of]hs @= >L ;fu/ u'?Ë – ;b:o #= >L lr/l~hjL åf – ;b:o $= >L ;'lzn k/fh'nL – ;b:o ;lrj Nfvfk/LIf0f] ;ldltsf ;b:ox¿nfO { klt| a7s} ?=&,))).– a7s} eQf kbfg| u/LPsf ] 5 . ;f ] afxs] cGo s'g} ;ljwf' kbfg| ul/Psf] 5}g . Nfvfk/LIf0f] ;ldltn ] sDkgL Pg] tyf aLdf ;ldltn ] hf/L u/sf] ] lgbzgsf]{ ] clwgdf /xL sDkgLsf ] cfGtl/s Pj + afxo\ nvfk/LIfsn] ] n]vfk/LIf0fsf ;Gbedf{ bvfPsf] slkmot} Pj + ;emfjx¿sf' ] cWoog Pj + ;dLIff ug,]{ lgodgsf/L lgsfox¿af6 lbOPsf lgbzgx¿sf]{ ] kl/kfng u/fpg] /fo ;lxt ;+rfns ;ldlt ;dIf k|ltj]bg k|:t't u/L cfPsf] 5 . !(_ ;+rfns, sfo{sf/L k|d'v, sDkgLsf cfwf/e't z]o/wgL jf lghsf] glhssf gft]bf/ jf lgh ;+nUg /x]sf] kmd{, sDkgL jf ;+ul7t ;+:yfn] sDkgLnfO{ s'g} /sd a'emfpg afFsL eP ;f] s'/f M sDkgLnfO{ s'g} /sd a'emfpg afFsL 5}g . @)_ ;+rfns, k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t tyf kbflwsf/Lx¿nfO{ e'QmfgL ul/Psf] kfl/>lds,eQf tyf ;'ljwfx¿sf] /sd M ;+rfns, sfo{sf/L k|d'v tyf kbflwsf/Lx¿nfO{ e'QmfgL ul/Psf] kfl/>lds, eQf, tyf ;'ljwfsf] /sd lgDgfg';f/ /x]sf] 5 M qm=;= ljj/0f e'QmfgL /sd != ;+rfns ;ldltsf] a}7s EfQf ?= $,*&,))) @= Kf|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[tnfO{ e'QmfgL u/]sf] tnj eQf ?= #^,%),))) #= cGo k|jGws tyf Joj:yfkgsf kbflwsf/Lx¿nfO{ e'QmfgL u/]sf] tna, eQf ?= @,*(,**,@#* dfly pNn]lvt /sd jfx]s k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[tnfO{ ;jf/L ;fwg ;'ljwf k|bfg ul/Psf] 5 . Kf|d'v sfosf/L{ clwstnfO[ { kbfg| ul/Psf ] tna eQf tyf cGo ;ljwf' ;DaGwdf aLdf ;ldltaf6 hf/L aLdssf ] sfosf/L{ k|d'vsf] tna, eQf tyf cGo ;'ljwf ;DaGwL dfu{bz{g, @)&$ df ePsf] Joj:yf adf]lhdsf] 9fFrfdf lgDgfg';f/ k|:t't u/]sf 5f}+ .

qm=;+= ljj/0f o; cf=j=sf] Uft cf=j=sf] -s_ lglZrt jflif{s tna tyf eQfx¿ ?= #^,%),))) ?= @,(&,(!^ -v_ sfo{ ;Dkfbgdf cffwfl/t kfl/>lds – – != sd{rf/L af]g; – – @= Kf|rlnt Joj:yf cg';f/sf] ;'ljwf – – #= Kf|f]T;fxg ;'ljwf -OG;]lG6e_ – – -u_ aLdf ;DjGwL ;'ljwfx¿ != sfo{sf/L k|d'vsf] b'3{6gf aLdf z'Ns ?=&,*&% – @= sfo{sf/L k|d'v / lghsf] kl/jf/sf] :jf:Yo aLdf -3_ cGo ;'ljwfx¿ hDdf ?= #^,%&,*&% ?= @,(&,(!^

Annualjflif{s Report k|ltj]bg 2075-076 @)&%–)&^ : : !# @!_ z]o/wgLx¿n] a'lemlng afFsL /x]sf] nfef+zsf] /sd M sDkgLn] xfn;Dd nfef+z ljt/0f u/]sf] 5}g . @@_ bkmf !$! jdf]lhd ;DkQL vl/b jf ljqmL u/]sf] s'/fsf] ljj/0f M cf=j= @)&%.&^df sDkgLn] ;DkQL vl/b jf ljqmL u/]sf] s'/f sDkgLsf] ljQLo ljj/0fdf pNn]v ul/Psf] Joxf]/f hfgsf/L u/fpFb5f} . @#_ bkmf !&% jdf]lhd ;Da4 sDkgL lar ePsf] sf/f]jf/sf] ljj/0f M o; sDkgLsf ] ;xfos sDkgL gePsf ] / of ] sDkgL s'g} dVo' sDkgLsf ] ;xfos sDkgL klg gePsf ] xbf'F pk/fQm] bkmfdf pNn]v eP adf]lhd s'g} sf/f]jf/ gePsf] hfgsf/L u/fpFb5f} . @$_ sDkgL P]g, @)^# tyf k|rlnt sfg"g jdf]lhd ;+rfns ;ldltsf] k|ltj]bgdf v'nfpg' kg]{ cGo s'g} s'/f M gePsf] . @%_ sDkgL lgb]{lzsf @)&@ sf] lgb]{zg *^ adf]lhdsf] pb3f]if0fM aLdf Pg] @)$(, aLdf lgodfjnL @)$( aLdssf ] ;:yfut+ ;zf;g' ;DjlGw lgblzsf]{ @)&% aLdf ;ldltjf6 hf/L lgbzgx¿,]{ sDkgL P]g @)^# df ePsf sfg"gL Joj:yfx¿sf] kfngf ePsf] hfgsf/L u/fpg rfxG5f}+ . @^_ cGo cfjZos s'/fx¿ M s_ k|f/lDes ;fj{hlgs lgisfzg Initial Public Offering (IPO) nfO{ cfjZos lgisfzg tyf lalqm k|jGws, k|Tofe'ltstf{ / qm]l86 /]l6Ë ;+:yfnfO{ lgo'Qm u/]sf] ;DjGwdfM sDkgLsf ] kyd| aflifs{ ;fwf/0f ;efsf ] lg0fo{ g + ! -Rf_ adflhd] ;j;fwf/0fsf{ nflu zo/] lgisfzg ;DjGwL sfo { ug { ;rfns+ ;ldltnfO{ lbOPsf] clwsf/ cg';f/ lwtf]kq ;DjGwL P]g, @)^# tyf lwtf]kq btf{ tyf lgisfzg lgodfjnL,@)&#, lwtf]kq lgisfzg tyf afF8kmfF8 lgb]{lzsf,@)&% / sDkgLsf] k|jGwkq tyf lgodfjnLdf Joj:yf eP adf]lhd ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&^.)^.!% / @)&^.) df ;DkGg ^$ cf} / ^% cf} a}7saf6 lg0f{o eO{ k|f/lDes ;fj{hlgs lgisfzg Initial Public Offering (IPO) hf/L ug{sf ] nfuL lgisfzg tyf lalqm kaGws,| k|Tofeltstf' { / qml86] /l6Ë] lgo'Qm ug '{ kg ]{ sfg"gL Joj:yf cg'?k lgisfzg tyf lalqm k|aGwsdf NIBLACE Capital Limited, k|Tofe'ltstf{df Kumari Capital Limited / Global IME Capital Limited / sDkgLsf] qm]l86 /]l6Ësf nflu Care Rating Nepal Limited nfO{ lgo'Qm u/]sf] Joxf]/f hfgsf/L u/fpg rfxG5f}+ . v_ n]vfk/LIfs lgo'QmL l;kmfl/zM sDkgL P]g, @)^# sf] bkmf !!!-3_ jdf]lhd o; sDkgLsf] cf=j= @)&^÷)&& sf] afXo n]vfk/LIf0f -Statutory Audit_, lj:t[t n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bg -LFAR_, sDkgL P]g, @)^# sf] bkmf &* adf]lhdsf] ljj/0f k|df0fLs/0f / s/ n]vfk/LIf0f ug{ ;+rfns ;ldltsf] l;kmfl/zdf >L dbg lg/f}nf P08 sDkgL, rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6\;nfO{ kfl/>lds ?=@,%),))).– -cIf?kL b'O{ nfv krf; xhf/_ d'No clea[l4 s/ afx]s k|bfg ug]{ u/L n]vfk/LIfs lgo'QmL ug{ cg'df]bgsf nflu oxfFx¿ ;dIf k]z u/]sf 5f}+ . wGojfb 1fkg cGTodf, o; sDkgLsf] k|ultsf] nflu :yfkgfsfn b]lv cljl5Gg ?kdf ;b\efj, ;xof]u, ;'emfj / dfu{bz{g k|bfg ug'{x'g] xfd|f cu|h z]o/wgL dxfgefjx¿,' lgofds lgsfo aLdf ;ldlt, sDkgL /lhi6f/sf« ] sfofno,{ afl0fHo as} tyf laQLo ;:yfx¿,+ :jbzL] / ljbzL] aLdf tyf k"gaL{df sDkgLx¿, aLdf clestf{x¿ nufot u|fxsju{ Pj+ ;/f]sf/jfnfx¿k|lt xfdL sDkgLsf] tkm{af6 xflb{s s[t1tf ;lxt cfef/ tyf wGojfb 1fkg ub }{ oxfx¿sfF ] lg/Gt/ cdNo" ;emfjsf' ] ckIff] /fvsf] 5f } . ;fy } sDkgLsf ] Joj;fo kj4| gdf{ Odfgbf/L / nugzLntfsf ;fy of]ubfg lbgx'g] o; sDkgLsf Joj:yfkg tyf sd{rf/Lx¿nfO{ ljz]if wGojfb lbg rfxG5f} . wGojfb .

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!$ : :jflif{s Annual k|ltj]bg Report @)&%–)&^ 2075-076 Annual Report 2075-076 : 15 !^ : :jflif{s Annual k|ltj]bg Report @)&%–)&^ 2075-076 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Statement of Financial Position As at 31st Ashad 2076 FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Note Rs. Rs. Assets Property, Plant & Equipment 1 30,863,528 10,915,873 Intangible Assets 2 1,466,000 480,000 Deferred Tax Assets 3 32,236,997 - Financial assets Financial assets at amortized cost 4 876,029,562 678,746,178 Financial asset at fair value through other comprehensive income 5 200,000 - Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 6 - - Other Financial Assets 7 5,077,424 216,500 Reinsurance Asset 8 162,948,609 2,250,808 Insurance receivables 9 23,847,099 3,791,514 Other Assets 10 9,782,250 1,608,807 Current tax assets 11 2,121,837 3,759,353 Cash and Cash Equivalents 12 33,671,119 35,225,757 Total Assets 1,178,244,425 736,994,790 Equity Share capital 13700,000,000 700,000,000 Share premium 14 - - Insurance Fund 15.1 30,562,623 9,964,793 Catastrophic reserves 15.2 2,154,304 996,479 Retained Earnings 15.3(85,437,647) 8,442,267 Other Reserves 15.4 32,236,997 133,414 Total Equity 679,516,277 719,536,953 Liabilities Insurance Contract Liabilities 16 315,066,838 2,360,913 Deferred Tax Liabilities 3 - 133,414 Other Financial Liabilities 17 16,232,005 7,178,558 Insurance Payables 18 107,804,354 1,940,283 Other Liabilities 19 47,383,987 3,400,850 Current tax Liabilities 11 - - Trade and other payables 20 12,240,962 2,443,819 Total Liabilities 498,728,147 17,457,837 Total Liabilities and Equity 1,178,244,425 736,994,790 The notes to the financial statements as set out on schedules 01 to 43 form an integral part of these financial statements.

Ganesh Kumar Kapar Kumar Bahadur Khatri Sagar Gurung Ram Bahadur Gurung Account Chief Chief Executive Officer Director Director

As per our Report of even date For J.N. Upadhyay & Co. Chartered Accountants

Chiranjivi Dwa Ajad Shrestha CA. Jagannath Upadhyay Director Chairman Chartered Accountant

Date : 12/11/2019 Place : Kathmandu

Annual Report 2075-076 : 17 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Statement of Profit or Loss Year ended 31st Ashad 2076

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Note Rs. Rs. Gross earned premium 21 414,918,082 2,385,338 Premiums ceded to reinsurers 21 (259,772,123) (2,273,368) Net earned premiums 155,145,959 111,970

Fees and commission income 22 21,699,367 5,082 Investment income 23 75,822,077 33,797,100 Net realised gains and losses 24 2,716,888 - Fair value gains and losses 25 - - Other income 26 559,600 1,872 Other revenue 100,797,932 33,804,055 Total Revenue 255,943,891 33,916,025

Benefits and claim Gross benefits and claims paid 27 (28,589,980) - Claims ceded to 27 reinsurers 15,401,473- Change in insurance contract liabilities 28 (152,008,125) (110,105) Net benefits and claims (165,196,632) (110,105)

Finance costs 29 - - Other operating and administrative expenses 30 (134,325,701) (4,633,483) Other expenses (134,325,701) (4,633,483) Total benefits, claims and other expenses (299,522,333) (4,743,587) Profit before tax (43,578,442) 29,172,437 Income Tax Expense 31 12,616,609 (9,635,484) Profit For the Year (30,961,833) 19,536,954 Basic Earning per share 32 (4.42) 2.79 Restated Earning per share 32.1 (4.42) 2.79

The notes to the financial statements as set out on schedules 01 to 43 form an integral part of these financial statements.

Ganesh Kumar Kapar Kumar Bahadur Khatri Sagar Gurung Ram Bahadur Gurung Account Chief Chief Executive Officer Director Director

As per our Report of even date For J.N. Upadhyay & Co. Chartered Accountants

Chiranjivi Dwa Ajad Shrestha CA. Jagannath Upadhyay Director Chairman Chartered Accountant

Date : 12/11/2019 Place : Kathmandu

18 : Annual Report 2075-076 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Statement of other Comprehensive Income Year ended 31st Ashad 2076 FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs

Profit for the year (30,961,833) 19,536,954 Gains /(losses) on re-measuring financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income -- Gain/(loss) on Actuarial valuation of defined benefit liability - - Total other comprehensive income - - Deferred tax income /(expense) relating to components of other comprehensive income - - Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax -- Total comprehensive income for the year, net of tax (30,961,833) 19,536,954 The notes to the financial statements as set out on schedules 01 to 43 form an integral part of these financial statements.

Ganesh Kumar Kapar Kumar Bahadur Khatri Sagar Gurung Ram Bahadur Gurung Account Chief Chief Executive Officer Director Director

As per our Report of even date For J.N. Upadhyay & Co. Chartered Accountants

Chiranjivi Dwa Ajad Shrestha CA. Jagannath Upadhyay Director Chairman Chartered Accountant

Date : 12/11/2019 Place : Kathmandu

Annual Report 2075-076 : 19 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu Statement of Cash Flows For the Year Ended 31st Ashad 2076 FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 FY 2073-74 Particular Rs Rs Rs Cash flow from operating activities Cash Received 227,022,195 602,531 1,188,823 Net premium income 155,145,959 111,970 - Fee and Commission Income 68,599,748 488,689 - Net realised gains and losses 2,716,888 - - Fair value gains and losses - - - Other Income 559,600 1,872 1,188,823 Cash Paid (328,649,935) (14,351,487) (2,295,595) Net Claim Paid (13,188,507) - - Staff Expense (69,015,559) (3,276,804) (1,665,000) Agent commission expense (13,487,534) (106,797) - Reinsurance commission expense (1,005,058) - - Service Charge (1,551,460) (1,120) - Other Expenses (210,648,016) (1,464,695) (630,595) Income Tax (19,753,802) (9,502,070) - Adjustment (114,020,566) (361,497) - Deferred Reinsurance commission income (46,900,381) (483,606) - Deferred Reinsurance commission Expense 700,292 - - Deferred Agent Commission 8,673,508 105,829 - Written back of Premium on Govt.Bond Purchase - - - Depreciation 6,387,294 259,798 - Amortization 396,500 - - Unexpired risk reserve provision (107,913,482) (110,105) - Income Receivable on investments - - - Deferred Tax income/expense 32,370,411 (133,414) - Change in insurance contract outstanding claims provision (7,734,708) - - (Increase)/ Decrease of Current Assets (216,652,526) 12,437,604 12,339,542 (Increase)/ Decrease in Financial Assets (47,781,282) (7,710,059) 90,825 (Increase)/ Decrease in Reinsurance Asset (160,697,801) (2,250,808) - (Increase)/ Decrease in Other Assets (8,173,442) 22,398,471 12,248,717 Increase/ (Decrease) of Current Liabilities 589,183,793 12,202,091 (4,210,194) Increase/ (Decrease) in Other Liabilities 589,183,793 12,202,091 (4,210,194) Net cash flow from operating activities (A) 156,882,960 10,529,242 7,022,577 Cash flow from investing activities (Increase) / Decrease in Fixed Assets (26,334,949) (11,175,671) - (Increase) / Decrease in Intangible Assets (1,382,500) (480,000) - (Increase ) / Decrease in Investment in Govt. & Govt. Guaranteed Securities - - - (Increase) / Decrease in Investment in Fixed Deposit of Banks & Financial Institutions (197,283,384) (678,746,178) - (Increase) / Decrease in Investment in Other Deposit of Banks & Financial Institutions (Increase) / Decrease in Investment in Equity Share (200,000) - -


20 : Annual Report 2075-076 FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 FY 2073-74 Particular Rs Rs Rs

(Increase) / Decrease in Investment in Preference Share / Debenture - - - (Increase) / Decrease in Other Investment (Increase) / Decrease in Loans and Advances Interest Income Received on Investment 75,822,077 33,797,100 94,552 Dividend Received - - - Rent Income --- Interest Income Received on Loan - - - Net cash flow from investing activities (B) (149,378,755) (656,604,749) 94,552 Cash flow on financing activites (9,058,843) 668,950,000 5,177,220 Interest Expense - - - Dividend Paid --- (Increase) / Decrease in Equity after adjustment of net profit for the year (9,058,843) 668,950,000 5,177,220 Net cash flow from financing activities (C ) (9,058,843) 668,950,000 5,177,220 Change in Exchange rate in Cash and Bank Balances (D) - - - Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents ( E ) (1,554,638) 22,874,492 12,294,349 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 35,225,757 12,351,265 56,917 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 33,671,119 35,225,757 12,351,265

The notes to the financial statements as set out on schedules 01 to 43 form an integral part of these financial statements.

Ganesh Kumar Kapar Kumar Bahadur Khatri Sagar Gurung Ram Bahadur Gurung Account Chief Chief Executive Officer Director Director

As per our Report of even date For J.N. Upadhyay & Co. Chartered Accountants

Chiranjivi Dwa Ajad Shrestha CA. Jagannath Upadhyay Director Chairman Chartered Accountant

Date : 12/11/2019 Place : Kathmandu

Annual Report 2075-076 : 21 ------Total Funds Shareholders' Continue... - Reserve Actuarial Reserve Fair Value - - - 668,950,000 - - - 31,050,000 ------19,536,954 ------(30,961,833) ------Rs. Fund Insurance -- Reserve Regulatory ------9,964,793 - - -- Rs. Reserve Deferred Tax ------133,414 - - - Reserves Catastrophic ------996,479 133,414 - 9,964,793 - - 719,536,954 ------996,479 133,414 - 9,964,793 - - 719,536,954 - - 996,479 and Funds Other Reserves Other ------Retained Earnings CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu Reserves Insurance AJOD Insurance Limited Share Premium ------19,536,954 ------(30,961,833) ------(9,964,793) ------(133,414) - - - (996,479) Rs.Rs.Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 31,050,000 - - Share Capital Share 668,950,000 - - 700,000,000 - - 8,442,267 700,000,000 - - 8,442,267 Balance as at 1st Shrawn 2074 Calls in advance Net profit for the year Bonus shares Issued Issue of new shares Right Shares Issued Proposed bonus shares Acturial Gain/loss Deferred tax Reserve Proposed bonus share Proposed Dividend Other Reserves Transfer to Other Reserves Transfer Share Premium Addition from Acquisition Addition from Net profit for the year Fair value change Adjustments NFRS Proposed bonus share Reversal due to NFRS Proposed Dividend Reversal due to NFRS Expenses Related to Previous Year Expenses Related to Previous Other Adjustments Other Transfer from catastrophic reserve Transfer Transfer to insurance fund Transfer Adjustment for Prior Period Issue Dividend Paid Issue of new shares Balance as at 32 Ashad 2075 Balance as at 32 Balance as at 1st Shrawn 2075 Transfer to Regulatory Reserve Transfer Transfer to Deferred tax Reserve Transfer Transfer to catastrophic reserve Transfer Statement of Changes in Equity Statement Year ended 31s Ashad 2076 ended 31s Year

22 : Annual Report 2075-076 ------Total Funds Shareholders' Reserve Actuarial Director Rs. Rs. Rs. Reserve Fair Value Chartered Accountant Chartered Ram Bahadur Gurung Chartered Accountants Chartered ------(9,058,843) ------For J.N. Upadhyay & Co. For J.N. Upadhyay CA. Jagannath Upadhyay Rs. As per our Report of even date Fund Insurance Rs. Reserve Regulatory ------20,597,830 ------Rs. Reserve Deferred Tax ------32,103,583 ------Director Reserves Sagar Gurung Catastrophic ------1,157,825 ------2,154,304 32,236,997 - 30,562,623 - - 679,516,278 and Funds Other Reserves Other ------Retained Earnings Reserves Insurance Chairman Ajad Shrestha Share Premium Chief Executive Officer Kumar Bahadur Khatri ------(9,058,843) ------(20,597,830) ------(32,103,583) ------(1,157,824.97) ------Rs.Rs.Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Share Capital Share 700,000,000 - - (85,437,647) Director Account Chief Chiranjivi Dwa Ganesh Kumar Kapar Calls in advance Bonus shares Issued Right Shares Issued Proposed bonus shares Addition from Acquisition Addition from Dividend Paid Adjustment for Prior Period Issue Transfer to Other Reserves Transfer Share Premium Transfer to insurance fund Transfer Transfer to catastrophic reserve Transfer Transfer to Deferred tax Reserve Transfer Transfer to Regulatory Reserve Transfer Other Reserves Transfer from catastrophic reserve Transfer Other Adjustments Other Year Expenses Related to Previous Proposed Dividend Proposed Dividend Reversal due to NFRS Proposed bonus share Proposed bonus share Reversal due to NFRS Deferred tax Reserve Acturial Gain/loss Fair value change NFRS Adjustments NFRS Balance as at 31st Ashad 2076 Balance as at 31st The notes to the financial statements as set out on schedules 01 to 43 form an integral part of these financial statements. as set out on schedules 01 to 43 form an integral part The notes to the financial statements Date : 12/11/2019 Place : Kathmandu

Annual Report 2075-076 : 23 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu Significant Accounting Policy Year Ended 31st Ashad 2076

1. Insurance

1.1 General AJOD Insurance Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as “AIL”) is a public limited company, established on 2064/03/07 from company registrar office, Kathmandu. The company obtained the license (18/074-075) from Beema Samiti on 2074/10/24 and got approval from Beema Samiti to carry on business from 2074/10/24 and company finally started its commercial operation from 2075/03/21.The financial statement and significant accounting policies has been approved by the board meeting on 2076/07/26.

1.2 Financial Statements The Financial Statement of the AIL for the year ended 31 Ashad 2076comprises Statement of Financial Position, Statementof Profit or Loss, Statement of OtherComprehensive Income, Statement of Changes in Equity, Statement of Cash Flows, Notes to the Financial Statements, Significant Accounting Policies of the Company and Statement of Financial Position and reconciliations.

1.3Principal Activities and Operations

Insurance The principal activities of the Insurance is to issue Non - Life Insurance contract to the general public.

Ownership of Subsidiary and Associates as at 31 Ashad 2076is given below:

There are no holding in subsidiary and associates.

2. Basis of Preparation of Financial Statement And Other Significant Accounting Policies

2.1. Basis of Preparation

2.1.1. Statement of Compliance The Financial Statement of AIL which comprises components mentioned above have been prepared in accordance with Nepal Financial Reporting Standards comprising of Nepal Financial Reporting Standards and Nepal Accounting Standards (hereafter referred as NFRS), laid down by theInstitute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal and in compliance with therequirements of the Companies Act ,2006.

For all periods up to 31 Ashad 2076the AIL prepared the financial statements in accordance with the Nepal Accounting Standards which were effective till that period. These financial statements for the year ended 31 Ashad 2076 are the first set of statements AIL has prepared in accordance with NFRSs.

2.1.2. Responsibility for Financial Statements The Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation and presentation of Financial Statements of AIL as per the provisions of the Companies Act,2006.

2.1.3. Approval of Financial Statements by Directors The accompanied Financial Statements have been authorized by the Board of Directors vide its resolution and recommended for its approval by the Annual General Meeting of the shareholders.

2.1.4. Basis of Measurement The Financial Statements of Insurancehave been prepared on the historical cost basis, except for the following material items in the Statement of Financial Position:

l Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (quoted) are measured at fair value.

l Employee defined benefit obligations are measured in accordance with provision contained in NAS 19 based on report of the Actuary.

24 : Annual Report 2075-076 l Insurance contract liabilities are determined in accordance with provision contained in NFRS 4 & actuarial report for Liability Adequacy Test (LAT), however, insurance contract liabilities are also determined in accordance contained in Insurance Act1992 and Final Liability is taken as higher of two in compliance with Insurance Board Circular dated 28th September 2018.

2.1.5. Functional and Presentation Currency The Financial Statements of AIL are presented in Nepalese Rupees (Rs), which is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the Insuranceoperates. Financial information presented in Nepalese Rupees. There was no change in AIL’s presentation and functional currency during the year under review.

2.1.6. Presentation of Financial Statements The assets and liabilities of AIL presented in the Statement of Financial Position are grouped in an order of liquidity.

2.1.7. Materiality and Aggregation In compliance with Nepal Accounting Standard - NAS 01 (Presentation of Financial Statements), each material class of similar items is presented separately in the Financial Statements. Items of dissimilar nature or functions too are presented separately unless they are immaterial. Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities are offset and the net amount reported in the Statement of Financial Position only when there is a legally enforceable right to offset the recognized amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net basis, or to realize the assets and settle the liability simultaneously. Income and expenses are not offset in the Statement of Profit or Loss unless required or permitted by an Accounting Standard.

2.1.8. Comparative Information The accounting policies have been consistently applied by Insurance Company with those of the previous financial year in accordance with NAS 01 Presentation of Financial Statements, except those which had to be changed as a result of application of the new NFRS. Further, comparative information is reclassified wherever necessary to comply with the current NFRS presentation.

2.1.9. Going Concern The Directors have made an assessment of Insurance’s ability to continue as a going concern and satisfied that it has the resources to continue in business for the foreseeable future. Furthermore, Board is not aware of any material uncertainties that may cast significant doubt upon Insurance’s ability to continue as a going concern and they do not intend either to liquidate or to cease operations of it. Therefore, the Financial Statements continue to be prepared on the going concern basis.

2.1.10. Standards issued but not yet effective Standards issued but not yet effective up to the date of issuance of the financial statements are set out below. The Insurance and will adopt these standards when they become effective. Pending a detailed review, the financial impact is not reasonably estimable as at the date of publication of these financial statements.

(i) NFRS 9- Financial Instruments: Classification and Measurement NFRS 9, as issued reflects the first phase of work on replacement of NAS 39 and applies to classification and measurement of financial assets and liabilities.

Since NFRS 9 consists of mixed sets of standards from IAS 39 and IFRS 9, this standard has been brought to the attention on issuing body and Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal. This is under review and will be effective after this has been resolved.

2.1.11. Standards neither issued nor made effective Standards neither issued nor made effective up to the date of issuance of the financial statements are set our as below.

These standards will be applied by the insurance company when issued and made effective making a reasonable difference in Financials. Pending a detailed review, the financial impact is not reasonably estimable as at the date of publication of these financial statements.

Annual Report 2075-076 : 25 i. IFRS 17- Insurance Contract IFRS 17, if issued would be an updated version of NFRS 4, Insurance Contracts. IFRS 17 requires entities to reflect the time value of money in estimated payments to settle the incurred claims, which is not provisioned by NFRS 4. IFRS 17 requires a company to recognize profits as it delivers insurance services (rather than when it receives premiums) and to provide information about insurance contract profits the company expects to recognize in the future.

2.2. Property, Plant and Equipment

A. Recognition of Property, Plant and Equipment

The cost of an item of property, plant and equipment shall be recognized as an asset if, and only if: (a) It is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the entity; and (b) The cost of the item can be measured reliably.

a) Initial Cost Items of property, plant and equipment may be acquired for safety or environmental reasons. The acquisition of such property, plant and equipment, although not directly increasing the future economic benefits of any particular existing item of property, plant and equipment, may be necessary for an entity to obtain the future economic benefits from its other assets. Such items of property, plant and equipment qualify for recognition as assets because they enable an entity to derive future economic benefits from related assets in excess of what could be derived had those items not been acquired.

b) Subsequent Cost An entity does not recognize in the carrying amount of an item of property, plant and equipment the costs of the day-today servicing of the item. Rather, these costs are recognized in profit or loss as incurred. Costs of day-to-day servicing are primarily the costs of labor and consumables, and may include the cost of small parts. The purpose of these expenditures is often described as for the ‘repairs and maintenance’ of the item of property, plant and equipment.

Parts of some items of property, plant and equipment may require replacement at regular intervals. An entity recognizes in the carrying amount of an item of property, plant and equipment the cost of replacing part of such an item when that cost is incurred if the recognition criteria are met. The carrying amount of those parts that are replaced is derecognized in accordance with the derecognition provisions of this Standard

B. Measurement of property, plant and equipment

An item of property, plant and equipment that qualifies for recognition as an asset shall be measured at its cost.

The cost of an item of property, plant and equipment comprises: (a) Its purchase price, including import duties and non-refundable purchase taxes, after deducting trade discounts and rebates. (b) Any costs directly attributable to bringing the asset to the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management. (c) The initial estimate of the costs of dismantling and removing the item and restoring the site on which it is located, the obligation for which an entity incurs either when the item is acquired or as a consequence of having used the item during a particular period for purposes other than to produce inventories during that period.

C. Measurementafterrecognition An entity shall choose either the cost model or the revaluation model as its accounting policy and shall apply that policy to an entire class of property, plant and equipment.

26 : Annual Report 2075-076 Cost model Property and equipment is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation less accumulated impairment losses.

Revaluation model The Insurance Company has not applied the revaluation model to the any class of freehold land and buildings or other assets. Such properties are carried at a previously recognized GAAP Amount.

Depreciation The company applies written down value methods of depreciation calculation.

Depreciation of these assets commences when the assets are ready for their intended use which is generally on commissioning and not when it starts to be used. Items of Property, Plant and Equipment are depreciated in a manner that amortizes the cost (or other amount substituted for cost) of the assets after commissioning, less its residual value, over their useful lives on a Written down value basis. Land is not depreciated.

Each part of an item of property, plant and equipment with a cost that is significant in relation to the total cost of the item shall be depreciated separately.

A significant part of an item of property, plant and equipment may have a useful life and a depreciation method that are the same as the useful life and the depreciation method of another significant part of that same item. Such parts may be grouped in determining the depreciation charge.

The depreciation charge for each period shall be recognized in profit or loss unless it is included in the carrying amount of another asset.

Estimated rate of Depreciation The estimated rate of Depreciation of property, plant and equipment of the Company are as follows:

Asset Class Rate of Depreciation A - Building 5% B - Furniture & Fixture 25% B - Computer & Accessories 25% B - Office equipment 25% C - Motor Vehicle 20% B - Lease Hold 25%

Property, plant and equipment’s residual values and useful lives are reviewed at each Statement of Financial Position date and changes, if any, are treated as changes in accounting estimate.

D. Impairment of property, plant and equipment To determine whether an item of property, plant and equipment is impaired, an entity applies NAS 36 Impairment of Assets. That Standard explains how an entity reviews the carrying amount of its assets, how it determines the recoverable amount of an asset, and when it recognizes, or reverses the recognition of, an impairment loss.

Compensation from third parties for items of property, plant and equipment that were impaired, lost or given up shall be included in profit or loss when the compensation becomes receivable.

There is no any condition to the company to impair its property plant and equipment as on 31stAshad 2076.

Impairment of non-financial assets The Company assesses at each reporting date whether there is an indication that an asset may be impaired. If any indication exists, or when annual impairment testing for an asset is required, the Company estimates the asset’s recoverable amount. An asset’s recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s or cash-generating units (CGU) fair value less costs to sell and its value in use. Where the carrying amount of an asset or CGU exceeds

Annual Report 2075-076 : 27 its recoverable amount, the asset is considered impaired and is written down to its recoverable amount. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset. In determining fair value less costs to sell, an appropriate valuation model is used.

An assessment is made at each reporting date as to whether there is any indication that previously recognized impairment losses may no longer exist or may have decreased.

If such indication exists, the Company estimates the asset’s or CGU’s recoverable amount. A previously recognized impairment loss is reversed, only if there has been a change in the assumptions used to determine the asset’s recoverable amount since the last impairment loss was recognized. The reversal is limited so that the carrying amount of the asset does not exceed its recoverable amount, nor exceeds the carrying amount that would have been determined, net of depreciation, had no impairment loss been recognized for the asset in prior years. Such reversal is recognized in the statement of income.

E. Derecognition of property, plant and equipment The carrying amount of an item of property, plant and equipment shall be derecognized: (a) On disposal; or (b) When no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal.

The gain or loss arising from derecognition of an item of property, plant and equipment shall be included in profit or loss when the item is derecognized (unless NAS 17 requires otherwise on a sale and leaseback). Gains shall not be classified as revenue.

2.3. Intangible assets

Basis of recognition An intangible asset is recognized if it is probable that future economic benefits that are attributable to the asset will flow to the Company and the cost of the asset can be measured reliably.

The company has software as intangible assets as on 31stAshad 2076.

The useful life of software estimated by management is five years.

Subsequent expenditure Subsequent to initial recognition, the intangible asset is carried at cost less accumulated amortization and accumulated impairment losses.

Subsequent expenditure on software assets is capitalized only when it increases the future economic benefits embodied in the specific asset to which it relates. All other expenditure is expensed as incurred.

Amortization of Intangible assets Intangible assets are amortized on a straight line basis over the period of services to be rendered. Amortization is recorded in the statement of profit or loss.

Intangible assets with finite lives are amortized over the useful economic life. Amortization period and the amortization method for an intangible asset with a finite useful life are reviewed at least at each financial year end. Changes in the expected useful life or the expected pattern of consumption of future economic benefits embodied in the asset are accounted for by changing the amortization period or method, as appropriate, and they are treated as changes in accounting estimates.

Amortization expense on intangible assets with finite lives is recognized in the statement of profit or loss in the expense category consistent with the function of the intangible asset.

Amortization is calculated using the straight-line method to write down the cost of intangible assets to their residual values over their estimated useful lives as follows;

28 : Annual Report 2075-076 De-recognition of Intangible assets An intangible asset is de-recognized on disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from it. The gain or loss arising from de-recognition of such intangible assets is included in the statement of profit or loss when the item is de-recognized.

Impairment of Intangible assets An impairment review is performed whenever there is an indication of impairment. When the recoverable amount is less than the carrying value, an impairment loss is recognized in the statement of profit or loss.

Assessment of impairment of intangible assets The Board of Directors has assessed the potential impairment indicators of Intangible assets as at 31stAshad 2076. Based on the assessment, no impairment indicators were identified.

Capital Work in Progress These are expenses of capital nature directly incurred in the construction of buildings, major plant and machinery and system development, awaiting capitalization. Capital work-in-progress would be transferred to the relevant asset when it is available for use, i.e. when it is in the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management. Capital work-in-progress is stated at cost less any accumulated impairment losses.

There is no any capital work in progress as on 31stAshad 2076.

2.4. Deferred Tax Deferred tax is provided using the liability method on temporary differences at the reporting date between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts for financial reporting purposes.Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for all taxable temporary differences, except; a) When the deferred tax liability arises from the initial recognition of goodwill or of an asset or liability in a transaction that is not a business combination and, at the time of the transaction, affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable profit or loss. b) In respect of taxable temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates and interests in joint ventures, where the timing of the reversal of the temporary differences can be controlled and it is probable that the temporary differences will not reverse in the foreseeable future.

Deferred Tax Assets and Deferred Tax liabilities Deferred tax assets are recognized for all deductible temporary differences, carry forward of unused tax credits and unused tax losses, to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences, and the carry forward of unused tax credits and unused tax losses can be utilized except where the deferred tax asset relating to the deductible temporary difference arises from the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction that is not a business combination and, at the time of the transaction, affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable profit or loss.

Carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed at each reporting date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available to allow all or part of the deferred income tax asset to be utilized. Unrecognized deferred tax assets are reassessed at each reporting date and are recognized to the extent that it has become probable that future taxable profit will allow the deferred tax asset to be recovered.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the year when the asset is realized or the liability is settled, based on tax rates (and tax laws) that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the reporting date.

Deferred tax relating to items recognized outside the statement of profit or loss is recognized outside statement of profit or loss. Deferred tax items are recognized in correlation to the underlying transaction either in other comprehensive income or directly in equity.

Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are offset, if a legally enforceable right exists to set-off current tax assets against current income tax liabilities and the deferred taxes relate to the same taxable entity and the same taxation authority.

Annual Report 2075-076 : 29 2.5. Financial Assets As per NFRS 9 Financial instrument are classified into following types; a) Financial instrument measured at amortized cost b) Financial instrument at fair value through profit and loss c) Financial instrument at fair value through other comprehensive income

A. Financial instrument measured at amortized cost Financial assets at amortized cost includes those financial assets that are held by the entity for long term purpose and intend to hold till maturity.

The asset is measured at the amount recognized at initial recognition minus principal repayments, plus or minus the cumulative amortization of any difference between that initial amount and the maturity amount, and any loss allowance. Interest income is calculated using the effective interest method and is recognized in "Investment income" in statement of profit or loss.

Impairment of financial assets carried at amortized cost If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss on assets carried at amortized cost has been incurred, the amount of the impairment loss is measured as the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows (excluding future expected credit losses that have not been incurred) discounted at the financial asset’s original effective interest rate. The carrying amount of the asset is reduced and the loss is recorded in the statement of income.

The Company first assesses whether objective evidence of impairment exists individually for financial assets that are individually significant, and individually or collectively for financial assets that are not individually significant. If it is determined that no objective evidence of impairment exists for an individually assessed financial asset, whether significant or not, the asset is included in a group of financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and that group of financial assets is collectively assessed for impairment. Assets that are individually assessed for impairment and for which an impairment loss is, or continues to be, recognized are not included in a collective assessment of impairment. The impairment assessment is performed at each reporting date.

If, in a subsequent period, the amount of the impairment loss decreases and that decrease can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognized, the previously recognized impairment loss is reversed. Any subsequent reversal of an impairment loss is recognized in the statement of income, to the extent that the carrying value of the asset does not exceed its amortized cost at the reversal date.

B. Financial instrument at fair value through profit and loss

Recognition of financial instrument at fair value through profit and loss Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss include financial assets held for trading and those designated upon initial recognition at fair value through profit or loss. Investments typically bought with the intention to sell in the near future are classified as held for trading. Attributable transaction costs are recognized in the statement of profit or loss as incurred. These investments are initially recorded at fair value. Subsequent to initial recognition, they are remeasured at fair value.

Changes in fair value are recorded in ‘fair value gains and losses’ in the statement of profit or loss. Interest is accrued and presented in ‘investment income’ using the Effective Interest rate (EIR). Dividend income is recorded in the ‘investment income' when the right to the payment has been established. The Company will evaluate its financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (held for trading) by considering whether the intent to sell them in the near term is still appropriate.

For investments to be designated as at Fair Value through Profit or Loss, the following criteria must be met;

The designation eliminates or significantly reduces the inconsistent treatment that would otherwise arise from measuring the assets or liabilities or recognizing gains or losses on a different basis.

30 : Annual Report 2075-076 C. Financial instrument at fair value through other comprehensive income

Recognition of Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income Fair value through other comprehensive income (FVTOCI) financial investments include equity shares. Equity investments classified as fair value through OCI are those that are neither classified as held for trading nor designated at fair value through profit or loss.

After the initial measurement, FVTOCI are subsequently measured at fair value, with unrealized gains or losses recognized in the statement of comprehensive income in the available-for-sale reserve. Dividends earned whilst FVTOCI are recognized in the statement of profit or loss as ‘Investment income’ when the right of the payment has been established. When the asset is de-recognized, cumulative gain or loss is in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income is transferred to the statement of profit or loss. If the asset is determined to be impaired, the cumulative loss is recognized in the statement of profit or loss and removed from the available-for-sale reserve.

Impairment of financial assets at fair value through OCI If a fair value through OCI financial asset is impaired, an amount comprising the difference between its costs (net of any principal repayment and amortization) and its current fair value, less any impairment loss previously recognized in other comprehensive income, is transferred from equity to the statement of profit or loss. Reversals in respect of equity instruments classified as fair value through OCI are not recognized in the statement of profit or loss.

Reversals of impairment losses on debt instruments classified at fair value through OCI are reversed through the statement of profit or loss, if the increase in the fair value of the instruments can be objectively related to an event occurring after the impairment losses were recognized in the statement of income.

Fair Value of Financial Instruments Where the fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities recorded in the statement of financial position can be derived from active markets, they are derived from observable market data. However, if this is not available, judgment is required to establish fair values.

The financial assets and financial liabilities of the company are recognized at fair value. Fair value of the financial assets are determined on the basis of fair value hierarchy.

Determination of fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities recorded on the statement of financial position for which there is no observable market price are determined using a variety of valuation techniques that include the use of mathematical techniques. The inputs to these models are derived from observable market data where possible, but if this is not available, judgment is required to establish their fair values.

The Company uses the following hierarchy for determining and disclosing the fair value of financial instruments by valuation technique:

l Level 1: Listed/quoted (adjusted) prices in active markets for identical instruments are available. The Company measures the fair value of a financial instrument using active listed/quoted prices or dealer price quotations and managers buying price. A financial instrument is regarded as quoted in an active market if quoted prices are readily and regularly available from an exchange, dealer, broker, industry group, pricing service or regulatory agency and those prices represent actual and regularly occurring market transactions on an arm’s length basis.

l Level 2: Other techniques for which all inputs which have a significant effect on the recorded fair value are observable, either directly or indirectly. This category includes instruments valued using; quoted market prices in active markets for similar instruments; quoted prices for identical or similar instruments in markets that are considered less than active; or other valuation techniques in which all significant inputs are directly or indirectly observable from market data.

l Level 3: Techniques which use inputs which have a significant effect on the recorded fair value that are not based on observable market data. Non-market observable input means that fair values are determined, in whole or in part, using a valuation technique (model) based on assumptions that are neither supported by prices from observable current market transactions in the same instrument, nor are they based on available market data.

Annual Report 2075-076 : 31 Derecognition of financial assets Derecognition is the removal of a previously recognized financial asset (or financial liability) from an entity’s statement of financial position. In general, NFRS 9 criteria for derecognition of a financial asset aim to answer the question whether an asset has been sold and should be derecognized or whether an entity obtained a kind of financing against this asset and simply a financial liability should be recognized.

Derecognition criteria in NFRS 9 should be applied to a part of an asset if, and only if, the part being considered for derecognition meets one of the following three conditions: 1. The part comprises only specifically identified cash flows from a financial asset or a group of similar financial assets. 2. The part comprises only a fully proportionate (pro rata) share of the cash flows from a financial asset or a group of similar financial assets. 3. The part comprises only a fully proportionate (pro rata) share of specifically identified cash flows from a financial.

2.6. Reinsurance Assets Reinsurance assets are those assets that are created as a part of reinsurance ceded out of the gross amount.

Reinsurance Assets is created on the premium ceded to the reinsurer. Reinsurance part is provided by LAT report. Further part of claim ceded to reinsurer is also reclassed as reinsurance Assets which is as per NFRS 4.Reinsurance assets are not set off with the gross insurance contract liabilities as it is not provided by NFRS 4.

Reinsurance Assets is created on following items: a) Premium ceded to reinsurer b) Outstanding claim ceded to reinsurer

Reinsurance assets are derecognized when the contractual rights are extinguished or expire or when the contract is transferred to another party.

Reinsurance assets are reviewed for impairment at each reporting date or more frequently when an indication of impairment arises during the reporting year. Impairment occurs when there is objective evidence as a result of an event that occurred after initial recognition of the reinsurance asset that the Company may not receive all outstanding amounts due under the terms of the contract and the event has a reliably measurable impact on the amounts that the Company will receive from the reinsurer. The impairment loss is recorded in the statement of profit or loss.

2.7. Current tax assets and current tax liabilities Current tax assets of the company includes the amount of advance income tax paid to the Inland Revenue department and tax deducted at source (TDS). Similar current tax liabilities includes the tax provision made for the year.

Current tax assets and liabilities consist of amounts expected to be recovered from or paid to Inland Revenue Department in respect of the current year, using the tax rates and tax laws enacted or substantively enacted on the reporting date and any adjustment to tax payable in respect of prior years.

Current tax assets and current tax liabilities are shown in net in statement of financial position of the company as there exist condition to setoff both of the assets and liabilities as permitted by NFRS 4.

2.8. Cash and Cash Equivalent Cash and cash equivalent in the statement of financial position comprise cash at banks and on hand and short- term deposits with a maturity of three months or less, which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value net of any provision.

2.9. Insurance Contract Liabilities

Provision for unexpired risk reserve provision As per regulatory requirement the insurance company needs to create 50% of net earned premium as liabilities for provision for unexpired risk reserve. However NFRS 4 requires valuation of liabilities of the company as per actuaries and create liabilities higher among the regulatory liabilities or the liabilities as per NFRS 4.

32 : Annual Report 2075-076 As per the requirement of NFRS 4 UPR is calculated by actuaries by applying following assumption: a) For all one-year policies, except for Marine Cargo Open Cover Policies, the UPR is determined on 1/365th basis, assuming the risk is uniform over the policy year. b) For shorter than one year Marine Cargo policies, UPR is determined: i) Using straight-line method over the policy term as in (a) above; or ii) In the absence of data required for (i) above, using the last three months’ premium for the relevant period as per Article 69 (2) of Implementing Regulations, but company is not able to provide date of Voyage/ date of Expiry of Risk, we have assumed as 50% of Gross Premium.

Unearned premium reserve is calculated by actuaries on gross premium income and as per actuarial valuation unearned premium reserve is equal to the unexpired risk reserve.

Provision for unexpired risk represents premiums received for risks that have not yet expired. Generally, the reserve is released over the term of the contract and is recognized as premium income.

As required by NFRS 4 - Insurance Contracts, the Company performs a Liability Adequacy Test (LAT) in respect of non-life contract liabilities with the assistance of an external actuary.

Provision for gross outstanding claims As per regulatory requirement the insurance company needs to create 115% of opening outstanding claim as liabilities for provision for outstanding claims. Gross provision for outstanding claim is separated from the hundred and fifteen percentage. Actuarial valuation is required for the calculation of liabilities for gross outstanding claim provision.

Non-life insurance contract liabilities are recognized when contracts are entered into and premiums are charged. These liabilities are known as the outstanding claims provision, which are based on the estimated ultimate cost of all claims incurred but not settled at the reporting date, whether reported or not, together with related claims handling costs and reduction for the expected value of salvage and other recoveries.

The liability is not discounted for the time value of money. The liabilities are de-recognized when the contract expires, is discharged or is cancelled.

Liability adequacy test NFRS 4 requires the insurance company to determine their business liabilities using the actuaries.

A Liability Adequacy Test (LAT) was performed by Trans Value consultants, a firm of professional actuaries as at 31 Ashad 2076as required by NFRS 4 - Insurance Contracts in order to assess the adequacy of the carrying amount of the provision for unexpired risk. The valuation is based on internationally accepted actuarial methods. According to the report issued by Trans Value consultants, the liability carried forward by the Company was not adequate.

At each reporting date, the Company reviews its unexpired risk and a liability adequacy test is performed to determine whether there is any overall excess of expected claims and deferred acquisition costs over unearned premiums. This calculation uses current estimates of future contractual cash flows after taking account of the investment return expected to arise on assets relating to the relevant non-life insurance technical provisions. If these estimates show that the carrying amount of the unearned premiums is inadequate, the deficiency is recognized in the statement of profit or loss by setting up a provision for liability adequacy.

Following are the assumption used by actuaries for the calculation of liabilities of the Company as required by NFRS 4;

1. Accounting Policy: NFRS 4 Accounting Policy document is a policy framework which specifies the fundamental approach of the Company to implementation of the NFRS 4 in the background of regulatory specifications (of Beema Samiti) for estimation of various liability provisions.

The FY 2017-18 being the first year of application of the NFRS 4, it is expected that this Accounting Policy document shall undergo changes so as to capture directions of the Beema Samiti including experience of the Company as the business develops.

Annual Report 2075-076 : 33 2. Cash Flow:

Cash Flows considered and estimation are as follows: - Income side; - Premium - Reinsurance claims - Reinsurance commission

Outflow side; - Claims - Reinsurance premium - Commission for intermediation - Expenses

The current liability estimates are not based on present value of future cash flows, the portfolio size being very small. Alternative methods have been applied.

3. Valuation Methods and Assumptions Based on the Ultimate Loss Ratio Method Ultimate losses for each line of businesses are estimated. Paid claims and outstanding claims as on 16 July 2019 are then subtracted from the ultimate losses to arrive at the IBN(E)R as on 16 July 2019. These IBN(E)Rs are then compared with the 15% of the outstanding claims (set aside akin to the IBN(E)R as per the regulations) to test for adequacy.

4. Discounting Policy: No discounting has been used. The estimates of liability amounts for non-life insurance contracts are always carried out on non-discount basis for 1) liability terms being short and 11) the Pricing (determination of premium) is on non-discount basis.

5. Aggregation practices Aggregation of paid claims data was considered based on accident year cohort. The accident year grouping is annual ending on 16th July.

2.10. Provisions Provisions are recognized when the Company has a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past event, and it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. Where the Company expects some or all of a provision to be reimbursed, the reimbursement is recognized as a separate asset but only when the reimbursement is virtually certain. Expense relating to any provision is presented in the statement of income net of any reimbursement.

If the effect of the time value of money is material, provisions are discounting using a current pre-tax rate that reflects, where appropriate, the risks specific to the liability. Where discounting is used, the increase in the provision due to the passage of time is recognized as a finance cost.

2.11. Revenue Recognition Policy of company The company applies accrual basis of accounting for the recognition of revenue which includes the premium income, fees and commission income and other income of insurance company as per the requirement of the NAS 18.

2.12. Gross premiums on insurance contracts NFRS 4 - Insurance Contracts, requires contracts written by insurer to be classified as either ‘Insurance contracts’ or ‘Investment contracts’ depending in the level of insurance risk transferred.

Insurance contracts are those contracts when the Company (the insurer) has accepted significant insurance risk from another party (the policyholders) by agreeing to compensate the policyholders, if a specified uncertain future event (the insured event) adversely affects the policyholders.

34 : Annual Report 2075-076 As a general guideline, the Company determines whether it has significant insurance risk, by comparing benefits paid with benefits payable, if the insured event did not occur. Insurance contracts can also transfer financial risk.

Investment contracts are those contracts that transfer significant financial risk and no significant insurance risk. Financial risk is the risk of a possible future change in one or more of a specified interest rate, financial instrument price, commodity price, foreign exchange rate, index of price or rates, credit rating or credit index or other variables, provided in the case of a non-financial variable that the variable is not specific to a party to the contract.

Once a contract has been classified as an insurance contract, it remains an insurance contract for the remainder of its lifetime, even if the insurance risk reduces significantly during this period, unless all rights and obligations are extinguished or expire. Investment contracts can, however, be reclassified as insurance contracts after inception if insurance risk becomes significant.

All the products sold by the Company are insurance contracts. Therefore, classified as insurance contracts under the NFRS 4 - Insurance Contracts. Thus, the Company does not have any investment contracts within its product portfolio as at the reporting date.

Revenue recognition of gross written premium Gross premium (GP) represents the premium charged by the Company to underwrite risks. GP is accounted on an accrual basis.

Non-life insurance gross premium comprises the total premiums received/receivable for the whole period of cover provided by contracts entered into during the accounting period and are recognized on the date on which the policy commences.

2.13. Premiums ceded to reinsurers on insurance contracts

Recognition of premium ceded to reinsurers Non-life gross reinsurance premium comprises the total premium payable for the whole cover provided by contracts entered into the period and is recognized on the date on which the policy incepts. Premium includes any adjustments arising in the accounting period in respect of reinsurance contracts incepting in prior accounting periods.

2.14. Fee and Commission Income As per Nepal financial reporting standards the insurance company shall recognize its income in accrual basis so the fee and commission of the company total received is not totally recognized as income in the year of collection of cash. However NFRS required to defer the fee and commission income not related to the current year. Hence the fee and commission income is deferred by using the unearned premium reserve to gross provision ratio.

2.15. Interest income

Revenue recognition of interest income Interest income is recognized in the statement of profit or loss as it accrues and is calculated by using the effective interest rate method. The effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts the estimated future cash receipts or payments through the expected life of the financial asset or liabilities (or, where appropriate, a shorter period) to the carrying amount of the financial asset or liabilities. When calculating the effective interest rate, the Company estimates future cash flows considering all contractual terms of the financial instrument, but not future credit losses. The calculation of the effective interest rate includes all transaction costs and fees and points paid or received that are an integral part of the effective interest rate. Transaction costs include incremental costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition or issue of a financial asset or liability.

2.16. Dividend Recognition policy As per NAS dividend income or expense shall be recognized when right to receive dividend is established or dividend is declared by the company.

Annual Report 2075-076 : 35 2.17. Staff expenses

Short-term employee benefits Short-term employee benefit obligations are measured on an undiscounted basis and are expensed as the related service is provided. A liability is recognized for the amount expected to be paid under short-term cash bonus or profit-sharing plans if the Company has a present legal or constructive obligation to pay this amount as a result of past service provided by the employee and the obligation can be estimated reliably.

2.18. Retirement Benefits Obligations

A. Defined Contribution Plans A Defined Contribution Plan includes post-employment benefit plan under which an Insurance pays fixed contribution into a separate Institution (or own fund) and will have no legal or constructive obligation to pay further contributions if the fund does not hold sufficient assets to pay all employee benefits relating to employee services in the current and prior periods, as defined in Nepal Accounting Standards – NAS 19 (Employee Benefits).

Employer & Employee both, contributes 10% of the basic salary in provident fund. A rate of 10% is contributed in Gratuity for the year ended 31stAshad 2076.

B. Defined Benefit Plans Provision for Defined Benefit Plan are provided as per NAS 19 based on Actuarial Valuation Report.

A defined benefit plan is a post-employment benefit plan other than a defined contribution plan. Accordingly, leave encashment has been considered as defined benefit plans as per Nepal Accounting Standards – NAS 19 (Employee Benefits).

a. Leave Encashment NAS 19 requires actuarial valuations for Leave encashment. Actuarial valuations has been carried outand liability toward leave encashment is taken as calculated by actuary.

2.19. Leases The determination of whether an arrangement is a lease, or contains a lease, is based on the substance of the arrangement at the inception date and requires an assessment of whether the fulfilment of the arrangement is dependent on the use of a specific asset (or assets) and the arrangement conveys a right to use the asset (or assets), even if that asset is (or those assets are) not explicitly specified in an arrangement.

Insurance company as a lessee A lease is classified at the inception date as a finance lease or an operating lease. Leases that do not transfer substantially all of the risks and rewards of ownership of an asset to the Insurance Company are classified as operating leases.

Operating lease payments are recognized as an expense in the statement of profit or loss on a straight line basis over the lease term.

Insurance company as a lessor Leases in which the Insurance Company does not transfer substantially all of the risks and rewards of ownership of an asset are classified as operating leases. Rental income is recognized as revenue in the statement of profit or loss on a straight line basis over the lease term.

Initial direct costs incurred in negotiating and arranging an operating lease are added to the carrying amount of the leased asset and recognized over the lease term on the same bases as rental income. Contingent rents are recognized as revenue in the period in which they are earned.

2.20. Capital commitments and contingencies All discernible risks are accounted for in determining the amount of all known liabilities. Contingent liabilities are possible obligations whose existence will be confirmed only by uncertain future events or present obligations where the transfer of economic benefit is not probable or cannot be reliably measured. Contingent liabilities are not recognized in the statement of financial position but are disclosed unless they are remote.

The company does not have any Capital commitments and Contingencies as on Reporting date.

36 : Annual Report 2075-076 2.21. Deferred Acquisition Cost As per NFSR 4 deferred acquisition cost describes the practice of deferring the cost of acquiring a new customer over the duration of the insurance contract. Insurance companies face large upfront costs incurred in issuing new business.

The insurance company has incurred agent commission and reinsurance commission expense as deferred acquisition cost which are deferred for the next period.

2.22. Segment Reporting The company has determine following business as separate segment; 1. Motor 2. Agricultural 3. Aviation 4. Engineering 5. Fire 6. Marine 7. Miscellaneous

Segment Reporting includes the total profit distribution of the company to all its line of business. The premium income, reinsurance premium expense, gross claim and claim ceded to reinsurer, outstanding claim, other direct expenses and income, fee and commission income, investment income, other operating and administrative expenses are allocated to each line of business as per revenue account as prepared in existing GAAP policy however any amount increase or decrease in such item are separately kept as an unallocated amount.

2.23. Events occurring after the reporting date Events after the reporting period are those events, favorable and unfavorable, that occur between the reporting date and the date when the financial statements are authorized for issue.

All material post reporting date events have been considered and where appropriate, adjustments or disclosures have been made in the respective notes to the financial statements.

2.24. Significant Accounting Judgments, Estimates and Assumptions The preparation of Financial Statements in conformity with Nepal Accounting Standards requires the management to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

Estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognized in the period in which the estimate is revised and in any future periods affected.

2.25. Disclosure related to Share and Mutual Fund Shares and mutual funds are classified as Financial Assets through Other Comprehensive Income or Financial Assets through Profit or Loss depending on the purpose of investment. The company has not invested in Shares and Mutual Fund.

Annual Report 2075-076 : 37 Total 11,055,671 WIP Capital - - 11,055,671 - - 11,055,671 ------139,798 - - 139,798 ------139,798 - - 11,055,671 - - 30,863,528 - - 10,915,873 - - 139,798 Rs Rs Rs Leasehold Improvement ------Rs Assets Miscellaneous ------7,858 Office 985,819 398,408 1,037,340 Equipment - 985,819 - - - - 7,858 - - - - 985,819 - - 7,858 - - 2,023,159 - 1,616,893 - 977,960 - 406,266 Rs Rs Network Equipments Motor 33,046 Vehicles 4,814,326 3,218,558 1,389,021 - 4,814,326 ------33,046 ------4,814,326 -- - 33,046 -- - 8,032,884 - 6,610,816 - -- - 4,781,279 - - -- - 1,422,068 Rs Rs Printer Photocopy/Fax/ ------CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu Computer & Accessories ------AJOD Insurance Limited Fixtures 3,140,538 1,459,326 12,783,566 9,295,484 Furniture and Furniture Buildings - - 4,733,264 522,264 ------4,733,264 522,264 -- - - 74,146 24,748 ------74,146 24,748 - - 4,733,264 522,264 -- - - 74,146 24,748 -- - - 17,516,830 9,817,748 - - 14,302,146 8,333,673 -- - - - 4,659,118 497,516 - - 3,214,684 1,484,074 Rs Rs Rs Rs Land Cost: At 31 Ashad 2074 At 31 Additions Opening Balance Additions adjustment/written off Year This Disposals Ashad 2075 At 32 Additions from Acquired Entity Additions from Depreciation charge for the year Opening Balance This YearDepreciation adjustment/written offYearDepreciation This Disposals Ashad 2075 -At 32 - Depreciation charge for the year Depreciation from acquired entity Accumulated Depreciation Ashad 2074 At 31 Additions from Acquired Entity Additions from adjustment/written off Year This Disposals Ashad 2076 At 31 At 31 Ashad 2076 At 31 Net book value: Ashad 2075 At 32 Depreciation from acquired entity adjustment/written off YearDepreciation This Disposals Ashad 2076 At 31 Notes to the Financial Statements 1. Property, Plant and Equipment 1. Property, Year ended 31st Ashad 2076 ended 31st Year

38 : Annual Report 2075-076 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

2. Intangible Assets Intangibles Rs Cost: At 31 Ashad 2074 - Additions 600,000 Disposals - At 32 Ashad 2075 600,000 Opening Balance 600,000 Additions 1,382,500 Disposals At 31 Ashad 2076 1,982,500 Accumulated Amortization At 31 Ashad 2074 - Additions 120,000 Disposals - At 32 Ashad 2075 120,000 Opening Balance 120,000 Additions 396,500 Disposals At 31 Ashad 2076 516,500 Net book value: At 32 Ashad 2075 480,000 At 31 Ashad 2076 1,466,000

3. Deferred Tax Assets/ Liabilities

Valuation of deferred tax assets and liabilities

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs Deferred tax Assets 32,236,997 - Deferred tax liabilities - (133,414) 32,236,997 (133,414)

3.1 Deferred tax asset/(Liability) FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Temporary Temporary Difference Tax Effect Difference Tax Effect Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Property, plant and equipment (1,616,593) (484,977.98) (444,713) (133,413.89) Leave Encashment (as per GAAP) 5,374,125 1,612,237 - - Unexpired Risk Reserve as per LAT Report 171,894,403.51 51,568,321.05 - - Reinsurance Assets (141,443,796) (42,433,139) - - Incurred but not reported as per LAT Report 35,199,728.86 10,559,918.66 - - Leave Encashment (as per NFRS)727,642.03218,292.61 - - Reversal of other provision (583,209.88) (174,962.96) - - Deferred Agent commission expense (8,779,337.29) (2,633,801.19) - - Deferred Reinsurance commission expense (700,292.48) (210,087.74) - - Deferred Reinsurance commission income 47,383,987.48 14,215,196.25 - - 107,456,658 32,236,997 (444,713) (133,414)

Annual Report 2075-076 : 39 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

4 Financial assets at amortized cost

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs

Government Securities -- Commercial Banks Fixed Deposits 749,529,562 678,746,178 Development Banks Fixed Deposits 118,500,000 - Finance Companies Fixed Deposits 8,000,000 - Foreign Bonds -- Debenture/Bond of Financial Institutions - - 876,029,562 678,746,178

The management has kept Rs 70 crore under Air mark with Beema Samiti for fiscal year 2075/76

5 Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs Quoted Equities -- Unquoted Equities 200,000 - Mutual Funds -- Citizen Investment Trust Units - - Less: Impairment -- 200,000 -

5.1 Quoted Equity Shares

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Carrying Fair Carrying Fair value value value value Rs Rs Rs Rs ------

5.2 Unquoted Equity Shares

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Cost Fair Cost Fair price value price value Rs Rs Rs Rs Micro Insurance Nepal Insurers Association -- -- Other Investment in Beema Prabardan Kosh 200,000 200,000 -- 200,000 200,000 - -

40 : Annual Report 2075-076 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

5.3 Quoted Mutual Fund Shares FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Cost Fair Cost Fair price value price value Rs Rs Rs Rs ------

6 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 FY 2073-74 FY 2072-73 Rs Rs Rs Rs

Quoted Equities ------

6.1 Quoted Equities

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Cost Fair Cost Cost price value price price Rs Rs Rs Rs ------

7 Other Financial Assets

Other financial assets includes financial assets other than the above normal classification of financial assets measured at amortized cost, fair value through profit or loss and fair value through other comprehensive income. This is stated at net of any impairment recognized.

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs Security Deposit 631,674 216,500 Staff Loans and Advances 3,787,252 - Other Advance 658,497 - Gratuity Fund -- Miscellaneous Deposit -- Less: Impairment Provisions (please specify) - - 5,077,424 216,500

Annual Report 2075-076 : 41 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

8 Reinsurance Asset

Reinsurance Asset is recognised from the portion of reinsurance amount paid to Reinusurer. Premium being collected in cash basis and not accrued is parked in Reinsurance Asset. FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs Reinsurance Asset 162,948,609 2,250,808 162,948,609 2,250,808

8.1 Reinsurance Assets calculation

Total Reinsurance Assets is the sum of the Reinsurance Assets Created on reinsurance ceded on outstanding claim and Reinsurance Assets Created on reinsurance ceded on deferred premium.

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs Reinsurance Assets Created on 21,504,813-reinsurance ceded on outstanding claim Reinsurance Assets Created on reinsurance ceded on deferred premium 141,443,796 2,250,808 Total Reinsurance Assets 162,948,609 2,250,808

9 Insurance receivables

Insurance receivables includes amount receivable related to insurance businesses such as due from other insurance companies, due from reinsurers. Reinsurance receivables are recognised when due and measured on initial recognition at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable. FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs Outstanding from Other Insurance Companies 880,429 - Sundry Debtors 22,795,621 3,791,513.50 Outstanding from Reinsurers 171,050 - Outstanding premium receivable - - Less: Impairment provisions - - 23,847,099 3,791,514

9.1 Assessment of impairment of insurance receivables

The Board of Directors has assessed potential impairment loss of insurance receivables as at 31 Ashad 2076. Based on the assessment, it was concluded that there is no requirement for an additional impairment loss provision other than amounts provided.

9.2 Fair value of insurance receivables

The carrying amount disclosed above approximates the fair value at the reporting date.

42 : Annual Report 2075-076 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

10 Other Assets

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs Deferred Agency Commission Expense 8,779,337 105,829 Deferred Reinsurance Commission Expense 700,292 - Prepayments 302,620 - VAT Receivable - 1,502,978 Stock of tickets -- Start-Up Costs -- Other Assets -- 9,782,250 1,608,807

11 Current Tax Assets/ Liabilities

Current income tax liabilities for the current period are measured at the amount expected to be paid to the taxation authorities. The tax rates and tax laws used to compute the amount are those that are enacted or substantively enacted at the reporting date in the countries where the Company operates and generates taxable income.

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs Income Tax Liabilities 38,314,715 9,502,070 Income Tax Receivables -- Advance Income Taxes 40,436,551 13,261,423 TDS on Interest - 2,121,837 3,759,353

12 Cash and Cash equivalents

Cash and Cash Equivalent in the statement of financial position comprise cash at bank and on hand, call deposits and fixed deposits with a maturity of three months or less, which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value, net of any provisions.

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs Cash Balance - 732,413 Bank Balance 9,142,817 210,055 Commercial Banks Fixed Deposits - - Development Banks Fixed Deposits - - Finance Companies Fixed Deposits - - Commercial Banks Call Deposits 22,200,471 31,741,536 Development Banks Call Deposits 2,327,832 2,541,753 Finance Companies Call Deposits - - Less: Impairment Provisions - - 33,671,119 35,225,757

Annual Report 2075-076 : 43 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

13Share Capital

The Company has issued ordinary shares that are classified as equity. Incremental external costs that are directly attributable to the issue of these shares are recognised in equity, net of tax. The company shares have not yet listed.

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs Shares as at 1st Shrawan 700,000,000 31,050,000 Add: Adjustment -- Add: Bonus Shared Issued - - Add: Right Shared Issued - - Add: Addition this year - 668,950,000 Add: Calls in Advance -- Less: Calls in Arrears -- Shares as at 31st Ashad 700,000,000 700,000,000

13.1 Reconciliation of No. of Shares FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs Ordinary Shares as at 1st Shrawan 7,000,000 310,500 Add: Adjustment -- Add: Bonus Shared Issued - - Add: Right Shared Issued - - Add: Addition this year - 6,689,500 Add: Calls in Advance -- Less: Calls in Arrears -- Ordinary Shares as at 31st Ashad 7,000,000 7,000,000

13.2 Rights of ordinary shareholders

Share capital of the company consists of only one type of shareholder those are promoter since the share of the company are not listed to the stock exchange so there are no any share issued to the general public.

14 Share premium

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs Share premium -- --

15 Reserves & Surplus

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs -- --

44 : Annual Report 2075-076 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

15.1 Catastrophic reserves

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs Catastrophic reserves 2,154,304 996,479 Total 2,154,304 996,479

15.2 Insurance Fund FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs Insurance Fund 30,562,623 9,964,793 Insurance Fund 34,871,231 11,957,752

15.3 Retained Earnings

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs Retained Earnings (85,437,647) 8,442,267 Total (85,437,647) 8,442,267

15.4 Other Reserves

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs Insurance Reserve -- Regulatory Reserve -- Other Free reserve -- Deferred tax reserve 32,236,997 133,414 Fair value reserve -- Actuarial reserve -- Total 32,236,997 133,414

15.4.1 Fair value reserve

Fair value reserves comprise the cumulative net change in the fair value of financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income and is carried forward until the respective assets are derecognised.

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs Balance as at 1 Shrawan - - NFRS Remeasurement Impact: - - Statement of financial position - - Other comprehensive income - - Balance as at 31 Ashad - -

Annual Report 2075-076 : 45 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

15.4.2 Actuarial Reserve

Actuarial reserve include the actuarial gains/(losses) arising from valuation of leave encashment liability as required by NAS 19 - Employee Benefits.

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs Balance as at 1 Shrawan - - NFRS Remeasurement Impact: - - Opening restatement -- Other comprehensive income - - Profit or loss -- Balance as at 31 Ashad - -

16 Insurance contract liabilities Note FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs Gross Outstanding claims provision 29,239,520 - Incurred But not Reported Claims 16.1 36,359,935 - Gross Unexpired risk reserve provision 16.2 249,467,383 2,360,913 Total gross Insurance contract liability 315,066,838 2,360,913 Change in gross insurance contract liability (A) 312,705,926 2,360,913 Reinsurance asset on outstanding claims provision 21,504,813- Reinsurance asset on unexpired risk reserve provision 141,443,796 2,250,808 Total reinsurance assets created 162,948,609 2,250,808 Change in reinsurance assets (B) 160,697,801 2,250,808 Net Change in Insurance contract liabilities (A-B) (152,008,124) (110,105)

46 : Annual Report 2075-076 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

16.1 Incurred But not Reported (IBNR)

As per Insurance Board the liabilities of the insurance company shall be the higher among the liabilities determined by acturies as per NFRS 4 and the liabilities as required by Regulatory authority. In case of this insurance company the amount of liabilities as required by NFRS 4 is higher than the liability as per Regulatory requirement .Hence the laibility for IBNR is as per LAT Report.

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs Incurred but not reported as per LAT report Fire 1,577,446 - Engineering 2,382,826 - Agriculture 1,680,010 - Marine 578,299 - Miscellaneous 798,004 - Motor 29,343,350 - Total 36,359,935 -

Incurred but not reported as per regulatory requirement Fire 1,500 - Engineering 274,920 - Agriculture 24,561 - Marine 2,760 - Miscellaneous 3,998 - Motor 852,468 - Total 1,160,206 -

Incurred but not reported higher among LAT and requlatory requirment Fire 1,577,446 - Engineering 2,382,826 - Agriculture 1,680,010 - Marine 578,299 - Miscellaneous 798,004 - Motor 29,343,350 - Total 36,359,935 -

16.2 Unexpired risk reserve provision (UPR/URR)

Net unexpired risk reserve (URR) is the liabilities related with the net premium income that is not related with the current year and is deferred for next period. URR will be the higher among the URR as per regulatory requirement and URR as per Liability adequacy test (LAT) report. Unexpired risk reserve is recognized in gross basis and respective reinsurance assets is recognized.

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs

Unexpired Risk Reserve (URR) as per GAAP [A] 77,572,979 55,985 Unexpired Risk Reserve (URR) as per LAT [B] 249,467,383 2,360,913 Total URR for the Year (Higher of A and B) 249,467,383 2,360,913

Annual Report 2075-076 : 47 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

17 Other Financial Liabilities Other financial liabilities include financial liabilities other than the normal classification of financial liabilities measured at amortized cost

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs

Sundry Creditor 9,325,543 7,066,161 Deposit Premium 730,445 39,730 Employees Leave Fund 6,151,017 - Audit fee payable 25,000 - PF & CIT Payable -- Deposit Received - 72,667 Other Payable( Unknown share subscription) - - Gratuity/Pension Fund -- Payable to Associates Co - - 16,232,005 7,178,558

18 Insurance Payables

Insurance payables includes amount payable related to insurance businesses such as due to agents, due to other insurance companies, due to reinsurers.

Insurance payables are recognised when due and measured on initial recognition at the fair value of the consideration paid or payable.

Insurance payables are derecognised when the contractual obligations are extinguished or expire or when the contract is transferred to another party.

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs

Outstanding payable to Agents 3,077,433 90,777 Due to Other insurance Company 615,132 1,849,506 Payable to Reinsurers 104,111,790 - 107,804,354 1,940,283

19 Other Liabilities

Other liabilities includes the amount of provisions made for staff bonus and any other provisions determined in accordance with the requirements of NAS 37.

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs

Provision for staff bonus - 2,917,244 Deferred Reinsurance Commission income 47,383,987 483,606 Provision for other losses - - Provision for VAT -- 47,383,987 3,400,850

48 : Annual Report 2075-076 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

20 Trade and Other Payables

Trade and other payables includes the payable to trade suppliers and any other payables other than the financial liabilities and other liabilities. These payables are recorded at the amount expected to be payable as at the reporting date. FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs

TDS payable 2,200,093202,419 VAT Payable 4,163,470 - Service fee payable 4,149,181 23,997 Payable to employee 1,728,218 2,217,403 Payable to Board -- Dividend Payable -- Payable Survey Fee -- Payable to Other -- 12,240,962 2,443,819

21 Net Premiums FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs

Gross earned premium 414,918,082 2,385,338 Premiums ceded to reinsurers (259,772,123) (2,273,368) Net Insurance Premium 155,145,959 111,970

21.1 Gross premiums on insurance contracts For the year ended

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs

Class-wise Motor 185,115,318 70,092 Agricultural 39,182,179 - Avaition -- Engeneering 73,876,598 1,971,771 Fire 65,574,972 226,574 Marine 15,809,937 Miscellaneous 34,996,900 116,900 Micro 362,178 - 414,918,082 2,385,338

Annual Report 2075-076 : 49 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

21.2 Premiums ceded to reinsurers on insurance contracts

For the year ended

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs

Class-wise Motor 53,402,415 17,232.64 Agricultural 31,345,743 Avaition - Engeneering 64,621,392 1,960,271 Fire 64,740,220 187,186 Marine 13,108,775 Miscellaneous 32,553,578 108,678 Micro - 259,772,123 2,273,368

Payee-wise Nepal reinsurance company 99,082,848 2,273,368 Foreign reinsurers 160,689,275 - 259,772,123 2,273,368

22 Fees And Commission Income FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs

Reinsurance commission income 68,599,748 488,689 Unearned reinsurance commission income (46,900,381) (483,606) 21,699,367 5,082

23Investment income

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs

Interest income 74,857,510 33,725,061 Income from Other (Other than Fixed Deposits) 964,567 72,039 Income from revenue stamps - - Dividend income -- 75,822,077 33,797,100

50 : Annual Report 2075-076 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

23.1 Interest income

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs

Government securities -- Commercial Banks Fixed Deposits 65,843,385.40 33,725,061 Development Banks Fixed Deposits 8,538,756.37 - Citizen Investment Trust Units - - Finance Companies Fixed Deposits 475,368.25 - Interest income on Bank Deposits - - Debenture of Commercial Banks and Finance Companies - - Saving & Revolving Account - - 74,857,510 33,725,061

23.2 Dividend income

Revenue recognition of dividend income Dividend income is recognised when the right to receive the dividend is established.

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs

Dividend from Ordinary Shares of Public Limited Company - - Dividend from Preference Shares - - --

24 Net realised gains and losses

Net realised gains and losses recorded in the statement of profit or loss on investments include gains and losses on financial assets. Gains and losses on the sale of investments are calculated as the difference between net sales proceeds and the original or amortised cost and are recorded on occurrence of the sale transaction. FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs

Dividend from Ordinary Shares of Public Limited Company - - Dividend from Preference Shares - - --

25 Fair value gains and losses

This includes the gains and losses arising from changes in fair value on financial instruments classified as financial asset at fair value through profit or loss, if any.

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs

Fair value gains and losses - - --

Annual Report 2075-076 : 51 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

26 Other Income

Other income includes disposal gains/ lossess on property, plant and equipment and miscellaneous income. Profit or loss on sale of property, plant and equipment is recognised in the period in which the sale occurs and is classified under other income.

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs

Written back liabilities -- Other Direct Income -- Foreign Exchange Income 3,254 - Miscellaneous Income 556,346 1,872 Gain/(Loss) on Sale of Fixed Assets - - 559,600 1,872

27 Net benefits and claims paid

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs

Gross benefits and claims paid (28,589,980) - Claims ceded to reinsurers 15,401,473- (13,188,507) -

28 Change in Insurance contract liabilities

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs

Change in Gross insurance contract liabilities Change in insurance contract outstanding claims provision (29,239,521) - Change in charged for Incurred But not Reported (36,359,935) - Change in unexpired risk reserve provision (247,106,470) (2,360,913) (312,705,926) (2,360,913) Change in Reinsurance Assets Change in reinsurace asset created on outstanding claim provision 21,504,813- Change in Reinsurace Asset created on unexpired risk reserve 139,192,988 2,250,808 160,697,801 2,250,808 Net change in Insurance contract liabilities (152,008,125) (110,105)

52 : Annual Report 2075-076 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

29 Finance Costs

Finance costs include the finance charges in respect of Bank loan, other Financial liabilities at amortized cost and in respect of finance leases as per NAS 17 Leases.

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs

Interest Expense -- --

30 Other operating and administrative expenses

Recognition of other operating and administrative expenses Other operating and administrative expenses are recognised on accrual basis. All expenditure incurred in the running of the business and in maintaining the property, plant and equipment are charged to the statement of profit or loss.

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs

Staff expenses 69,015,559 3,276,804 Administrative expenses 51,197,374 1,094,792 Depreciation 6,387,294 259,798 Amortization 396,500 - Agent Commission 4,814,026 968 Reinsurance Commission expenses 304,766 - Service Charge 1,551,460 1,120 Other Direct expenses 658,723- Impairment loss -- 134,325,701 4,633,483

30.1 Staff expenses For the year ended

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs

Provision for Staff Bonus - 2,917,244 Employees Related Expenses 59,334,916 359,561 Contributions made to the Employees' Provident Fund (EPF) 1,899,264 - Gratuity Expenses 1,581,111 - Leave encashment expense 6,200,267 - Total employee benefit expenses 69,015,559 3,276,804

Staff bonus has been calculated on NFRS profit as there is no profit in NFRS so there is no staff bonus expense for the year.

Annual Report 2075-076 : 53 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

30.2 Administrative expenses

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs

Rent 11,337,893 123,864 Water & Electricity 1,095,312 33,170 Repair & Maintenance 78,573- Communication Expenses 3,864,974 7,358 Printing & Stationery 4,609,507 98,235 Miscellaneous Office & Materials Expenses 2,994,335 5,355 Fuel expenses 3,101,924 5,940 Travelling Expenses 1,472,559 124,592 Agent Tranning Expense 397,325 - Insurance Premium 571,347 - Security Expense 568,307 18,781 Legal and Consultancy Fee 9,155,219 13,240 News Papers, Books & Periodical 56,130 - Publicity and Advertisement 3,019,117 403,936 Business Promotion Expense 1,825,253- Guest Entertainment Expenses 1,373,982 414 Gift & Donation 385,500 - Expense Related to Board Meeting 326,006 28,728 Expense Related to Committee/Sub-Committee 216,169 - Annual General Meeting Expense 13,000 - Audit Fee 350,000 150,000 Expense Related to Audit 251,719 - Bank Charges 180,739 190 Rates and Taxes 848,295 - Revenue Stamp 458,350 2,440 Anniversary expenses 883,009 - Miscellaneous 1,148,176 5,795 Branch opening expenses 607,661 72,755 Foreign Exchange loss 6,996 - Others -- Other Provision -- Total 51,197,374 1,094,792

31 Income tax expense

Recognition of income tax expense Income tax expense comprises current and deferred tax. Current and deferred taxes are recognised in the statement of profit or loss except to the extent that it relates to items recognised directly in equity, when it is recognised in equity.

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs

Income Tax Expenses (19,753,802) (9,502,070) Deferred Tax (Expenses)/Income 32,370,411 (133,414) 12,616,609 (9,635,484)

54 : Annual Report 2075-076 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

31.1 Deferred Tax (Expenses)/Income

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs

GAAP Deferred tax (expenses)/Income 1,260,673.30 (133,414) NFRS Adjustment Deferred tax effect 31,109,738 - 32,370,411 (133,414)

32 Basic Earnings Per Share (EPS)

Company presents basic and Restated Earnings Per Share (EPS) for its ordinary shares.

Basic EPS is calculated by dividing the profit or loss attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period.

Restated EPS is determined by adjusting the profit or loss attributable to ordinary shareholders and the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding with the effect of bonus share and right share, if any issued in current year, in previous year.

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs Rs

For the year ended Profit for the year (Rs.) (30,961,833) 19,536,954 Weighted average number of shares 7,000,000 7,000,000 Basic earnings per share (Rs.) (4.42) 2.79

Weighted average number of shares Issued ordinary shares as at 1 Shrawan 7,000,000 310,500 Shares issued during the year - 6,689,500 7,000,000.00 7,000,000

32.1 Restated earnings per share

The company doesnot issue bonus share or right share in current so that there is no change in basic earning per share in previous year.

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 FY 2073-74 Rs Rs Rs Restated Earning Per Share (4.42) 2.79 -

Annual Report 2075-076 : 55 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

33 Dividends Dividends on ordinary shares are recognised as a liability and deducted from equity when they are approved by the Company’s shareholders. Interim dividends are deducted from equity when they are paid. Dividends proposed by the Board of Directors after the reporting date is not recognised as a liability and is only disclosed as a note to the financial statements.

FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 FY 2073-74 Final dividend Final dividend proposed (Rs.) - - - Number of ordinary shares - - - Final dividend per share (Rs.) ---

34 Related Party Transactions

The Company has not carried out any business with parties who are defined as related parties in NAS 24 - Related Party Disclosures.

Key management personnel are those persons having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the entity, directly or indirectly, including any director (whether executive or otherwise) of that entity

34.1 Identification of Related Party A related party is a person or entity that is related to the entity that is preparing its financial statements

a. A person or a close member of that person’s family is related to a reporting entity if that person: (i) has control or joint control of the reporting entity (ii) has significant influence over the reporting entity or (iii) is a member of the key management personnel of the reporting entity or of a parent of the reporting entity.

b. An entity is related to a reporting entity if any of the following conditions applies: (i) The entity and the reporting entity are members of the same group (which means that each parent, subsidiary and fellow subsidiary is related to the others). (ii) One entity is an associate or joint venture of the other entity (or an associate or joint venture of a member of a group of which the other entity is a member). (iii) Both entities are joint ventures of the same third party. (iv) One entity is a joint venture of a third entity and the other entity is an associate of the third entity. (v) The entity is a post-employment benefit plan for the benefit of employees of either the reporting entity or an entity related to the reporting entity. If the reporting entity is itself such a plan, the sponsoring employers are also related to the reporting entity. (vi) The entity is controlled or jointly controlled by a person identified in (a). (vii) A person identified in (a)(i) has significant influence over the entity or is a member of the key management personnel of the entity (or of a parent of the entity).

56 : Annual Report 2075-076 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

34.2 Transactions and outstanding balances with the key management personnel According to the NAS 24 - Related Party Disclosures, key management personnel are those having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the entity.

Ajod Insurance company considers its Board of Directors and their immediate family members as key management personnel of the Company.

KMPs of the Ajod Insurance Company Ltd. includes members of Board of directors and Chief Executive Officer namely:

Name of key management personnel Position Binod Prasad Bista Chairman Ajad Shrestha Director Rajendra Prasad Kayastha Director Ram Bahadhur Gurung Director Sagar Gurung Director Kumar Bahadur Khatri Chief Executive Officer

Kalyan Gurung has resigned from the post of director as on 2075/12/24 and on same date Ram Bahadhur Gurung has joined as a director of the company.

a) Key management personnel compensation Transactions

For the year ended FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 FY 2073-74 Rs Rs Rs Short term benefits-CEO 3,650,000 297,916.00 - Allowances-BOD 487,000 26,000.00 - 4,137,000.00 323,916.00 -

b) Other transactions with key management personnel Transactions

For the year ended FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 FY 2073-74 Rs Rs Rs Claim expense - - - Premium Income ------

Annual Report 2075-076 : 57 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

35 Accounting Clasification and Fair Value

Fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s length transaction on the measurement date. The fair value measurement is based on the presumption that the transaction to sell the asset or transfer the liability takes place either;

In the principal market for the asset or liability or;

In the absence of the principal market, in the most advantageous market for the asset or liability.

Fair value of an asset or a liability is measured using the assumptions that market participants would use when pricing the asset or liability, assuming that market participants act in their economic best interest. When available, the Company measures the fair value of an instrument using quoted prices in an active market for that instrument. A market is regarded as active if quoted prices are readily and regularly available and represent actual and regularly occurring market transactions on an arm’s length basis. For units in unit trusts, fair value is determined by reference to published bid-values. If a market for a financial instrument is not active, then the Company establishes fair value using a valuation technique.

Valuation techniques include using recent arm’s length transactions between knowledgeable, willing parties (if available), reference to the current fair value of other instruments that are substantially the same, discounted cash flow analyses and option pricing models. The chosen valuation technique makes maximum use of market inputs, relies as little as possible on estimates specific to the Company, incorporates all factors that market participants would consider in setting a price, and is consistent with accepted economic methodologies for pricing financial instruments. Inputs to valuation techniques reasonably represent market expectations and measures of the risk-return factors inherent in the financial instrument. The Company calibrates valuation techniques and tests them for validity using prices from observable current market transactions in the same instrument or based on other available observable market data.

The best evidence of the fair value of a financial instrument at initial recognition is the transaction price, i.e. the fair value of the consideration given or received, unless the fair value of that instrument is evidenced by comparison with other observable current market transactions in the same instrument, i.e. without modification or repackaging, or based on a valuation technique whose variables include only data from observable markets.

When transaction price provides the best evidence of fair value at initial recognition, the financial instrument is initially measured at the transaction price and any difference between this price and the value initially obtained from a valuation model is subsequently recognised in the statement of profit or loss on an appropriate basis over the life of the instrument but not later than when the valuation is supported wholly by observable market data or the transaction is closed out.

Any difference between the fair value at initial recognition and the amount that would be determined at that date using a valuation technique in a situation in which the valuation is dependent on unobservable is not recognised in the statement of profit or loss immediately, but is recognised over the life of the instrument on an appropriate basis or when the instrument is redeemed, transferred or sold, or the fair value becomes observable. Assets and long positions are measured at a bid price; liabilities and short positions are measured at an asking price. Fair values reflect the credit risk of the instrument and include adjustments to take account of the credit risk of the Company and the counter party where appropriate. Fair value estimates obtained from models are adjusted for any other factors, such as liquidity risk or model uncertainties; to the extent that the Company believes a third-party market participant would take them into accounting pricing a transaction.


58 : Annual Report 2075-076 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

Financial assets and liabilities based on the accounting classification with their carrying values and fair values are tabulated below.

As at 31st Ashad 2076 Fair value Fair value through through other profit or comprehensive Amortized Total carrying loss income cost amount Fair value Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Financial assets Measured at fair value through PL - - - - - Measured at fair value through OCI - 200,000 - 200,000 200,000 Measured at amortised cost - - 876,029,562 876,029,562 876,029,562 Reinsurance receivables - - - - - Other Insurance receivables - - - - - Total - 200,000 876,029,562 876,229,562 876,229,562 Finacial liabilities Reinsurance payables - - - - - Other financial liabilities ------

As at 32nd Ashad 2075 Fair value Fair value through through other profit or comprehensive Amortized Total carrying loss income cost amount Fair value Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Financial assets Measured at fair value through PL - - - - - Measured at fair value through OCI - - - - - Measured at amortised cost - - 678,746,178 678,746,178 - Reinsurance receivables - - - - - Other Insurance receivables - - - - - Total - - 678,746,178 678,746,178 - Financial liabilities Reinsurance payables - - - - - Other financial liabilities ------

Annual Report 2075-076 : 59 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

35.1 Determination of fair value of Financial Insturment

Fair value measurement The following table analyses financial assets measured at fair value at the reporting date, by the level in the fair value hierarchy into which the fair value measurement is categorised.

As at 31 Ashad 2076 32 Ashad 2075 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Financial assets at fair value through OCI Quoted equities ------Unquoted equities - - 200,000 200,000 - - - - Quoted mutual funds ------

Financial assets at fair value through PL Quoted equities ------Unquoted equities ------Quoted mutual funds ------Total - - 200,000 200,000 - - - -

36 Employee Defined Benefit Obligations

Defined contribution plans

As at 31 Ashad 2076 32 Ashad 2075 31 Ashad 2074 31 Ashad 2073 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

Employees' Provident Fund - - - - Employees' Gratuity ------Recognition and measurement of employee defined benefit obligations A defined benefit plan is a post-employment benefit plan other than a defined contribution plan. The liability recognised in the financial statements in respect of defined benefit plans is the present value of the defined benefit obligation as at the reporting date. The value of defined benefit obligation is calculated by a qualified Actuary as at the reporting date, using the Projected Unit Credit (PUC) method as recommended by NAS 19 - Employee Benefits. The Actuarial valuation involves making assumptions about discount rate, salary increment rate and balance service period of employees. Due to the long-term nature of the plans, such estimates are subject to significant uncertainty.

The re-measurement of the net defined benefit liability which comprises actuarial gains and losses are charged or credited to the statement of other comprehensive income in the period in which they arise. The assumptions based on which the results of the actuarial valuation was determined, are included in Note 35.2.4 to the financial statements.

Cost of defined benefit obligations (gratuity) is determined on funded basis as per provision of Labour Act, 2074 as amended. Same Act, has mandated to contribute 8.33% of basic salary on monthly basis. Being funded benefit, actuarial valuation is not required

Due to the complexity of the valuation, the underlying assumptions and its long-term nature, a defined benefit obligation is highly sensitive to changes in these assumptions. All assumptions are reviewed at each reporting date.

60 : Annual Report 2075-076 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

36.1 Defined benefit plans - Provision for employee benefits

As at 31 Ashad 2076 32 Ashad 2075 31 Ashad 2074 31 Ashad 2073 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Present value of unfunded obligation 4,021,967 ------

36.2 Movement in the present value of the employee benefits

As at 31 Ashad 2076 32 Ashad 2075 31 Ashad 2074 31 Ashad 2073 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

As at 1 Shrawan - - - - Expenses recognised in statement of profit or loss 4,021,967 - - - Payments during the year - - - - Actuarial loss recognised in statement of comprehensive income - - - - As at Ashad end 4,021,967 - - -

36.2.1 Expenses recognised in statement of profit or loss

As at 31 Ashad 2076 32 Ashad 2075 31 Ashad 2074 31 Ashad 2073 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Interest cost - - - - Current service cost 4,021,967 - - - 4,021,967 - - -

36.2.2 Expenses recognised in statement of comprehensive income

As at 31 Ashad 2076 32 Ashad 2075 31 Ashad 2074 31 Ashad 2073 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Actuarial loss - - - -

36.2.3 Valuation of employee benefit obligations

Cost of defined benefit obligations (gratuity) is determined on funded basis as per provision of Labour Act, 2074 as amended. Same Act, has mandated to contribute 8.33% of basic salary on monthly basis. Being funded benefit, actuarial valuation is not required.

Annual Report 2075-076 : 61 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

36.2.4 Principal actuarial assumptions used

31 Ashad 2076 32 Ashad 2075 31 Ashad 2074 31 Ashad 2073 Acturial information Discount rate 6.50% - - - Salary increase 7.50% - - - Mortality rates Nepali Assured Lives Mortality 2009 - - - Employee Turnover/ Withdrawal Rate 5.00% Retirement age 60years

Employee information Average age (years) 31.33 - - - Total Monthly Salary eligible for Leave Encashment 5,491,757.00 Average Monthly Salary eligible for Leave Encashment 31,744.00 Expected future working life time (years) - - - - Number of employees 173- - - Total Leave Balance 2,978 Average Leave Balance 17.21 Total Sick Leave Balance 1,573 Average Sick Leave Balance 9.09

37 Risk Management Framework

(a) Insurance and financial risk

(i) Insurance risks The Company principally issues the following types of general insurance contracts : Motor, Fire, Engineering, Marine, Healthcare and Miscellaneous. Risks under non-life insurance policies usually cover twelve months duration.

For general insurance contracts, the most significant risks arise from natural disasters, climate changes and terrorist activities. For longer tail claims that take some years to settle, there is also inflation risk.

The above risk exposure is mitigated by diversification across a large portfolio of insurance contracts and geographical areas. This is largely achieved through diversification across industry sectors and geography. Furthemore, strict claim review policies to assess all new and ongoing cliams, regular detailed review of claims handling procedures and frequent investigation of possible fraudulent claims are established to reduce the risk exposure of the Company. The Company further enforces a policy of actively managing an promptly pursuing claims, in order to reduce its exposure to unpredictable future developments that can negatively impact the business. inflation risk is mitigated by taking expected inflation in to account when estimating insurance contract liabilities. The Company identifies and categorises risks in terms of their source, their impact on the Company and preferred strategies for dealing with them. Continue...

62 : Annual Report 2075-076 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

The Company has also limited its exposure by imposing maximum claim amounts on certain contracts as well as the use of reinsurance arrangements in order to limit exposure to catastrophic events (e.g. flood damage).

The Company considers insurance risk to be a combination of the following components. - Product design risk - Underwriting risk - Reinsurance risk - Claims risk Operational risk Mitigation strategies Product design risk Diversification of insurance contracts across a large geographical The Company issues non-life insurance areas. contracts such as motor, fire and engineering, Variability of risk is improved by careful selection and implementation marine and miscellaneous. Product designs of underwriting strategies, which are designed to ensure that risks of the portfolio may be outdated due to are diversified in terms of type of risk. changes in the climate leading to natural disasters, behavioral trends of people due to Strategies are periodically reviewed and suitable action taken. changing life styles and steady escalation of Constant watch on internal and external factors that may impede costs in respect of spare parts in the industry. planned objectives.

Underwriting risk Improve knowledge and skills of the underwriting staff. Underwriting risk generally refers to the risk Statistical databases are maintained on loss making clients to ensure of loss on underwriting activity in the insurance. such clients are strategically declined. In insurance, underwriting risk may either arise from an inaccurate assessment of the Review profitability, pricing, terms and conditions of various products. risks entailed in writing an insurance policy, or from factors wholly out of the underwriter's Financial authority limits are in place for underwriting clearly prescribing control. the limits to underwrite based on the sum assured and risk. Reinsurance risk Global trusted and stable portfolio of reinsurance companies which Reinsurance risk refers to the inability of the are rated highly used for reinsurance placements. ceding company or the primary insurer to Very close and professional relationship is maintained with all reinsurers. obtain insurance from a reinsurer at the right time and at an appropriate cost. Provisions are made for long outstanding reinsurance receivables. Outstanding reinsurance receivables are reviewed on a monthly basis to ensure that all dues are collected or set-off against payables on time. Claims risk Claim intimation is done through the call centre which works on 24x7 The risk of actual claims or the timing basis. thereof, may differ from expectations. Customers are advised of consequence of inadequate sum insured and excesses. Cross check information from various issues and segregation of approval and payment duties. Qualified independent actuary carries out independent valuation on a quarterly basis in order to assess adequacy of reserves. Significant outstanding claims are subjected to periodic reviews by the management and the Board of Directors.


Annual Report 2075-076 : 63 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

l Concentration Risk Fiscal Year ending 31st Ashad 2076 Portfolio Gross premium Premium Ceded Net Premium Motor 185,115,318 53,402,415 131,712,903 Agricultural 39,182,179 31,345,743 7,836,436 Avaition - - - Engeneering 73,876,598 64,621,392 9,255,206 Fire 65,574,972 64,740,220 834,753 Marine 15,809,937 13,108,775 2,701,162 Miscellaneous 34,996,900 32,553,578 2,443,322 Micro 362,178 - 362,178 Total 414,918,082 259,772,123155,145,959 37.1 Risk Management Framework (ii) Financial risks Nature and extent of risk arising from financial instruments The Company has exposure to the following risks from financial instruments. l Credit risk (loan risk) l Liquidity risk l Market risk This note presents information about the Company’s exposure to each of the above risks and the Company’s objectives, policies and processes for measuring and managing risks.

l Credit risk/ Loan Risk Credit risk is the risk of financial loss to the Company, if a customer or counter-party to a financial instrument fails to meet its contractual obligations in accordance with agreed terms and arises principally from the Company’s premium receivables, reinsurance receivables, investments in debt securities and deposits with financial institutions such as time deposits, demand deposits, etc. Management of credit risk - Insurance receivables There is no policy for providing Credit facility against issued policy document as per regulatory restriction. Management of credit risk - Reinsurance receivables Credit risk with regard to reinsurance receivables is mitigated by selecting the reinsurers with higher credit ratings and reviewing their ratings periodically. The following table depicts the reinsurers of the Company with their ratings. Reinsurer Rating Issuing agency GIC Re India A- A M Best East Africa Re, Kenya B A M Best Kenya Re, Kenya B A M Best GIC Bhutan Re A CARE INDIA Oman Re,Oman B+ A M Best New India Ass. India A- A M Best Oriental Ins. India B++ A M Best Nepal Reinsurance Company N/A N/A

Management of credit risk - Financial investments (Except listed equity securities) The Company evaluates the credit ratings of the respective investee and/or respective issue prior to the investment decision are made. In addition, the Company focuses on tolerable levels concentration risk and portfolio monitoring in line with the Company’s risk appetite. Management of credit risk - Cash at bank The Company's exposure to credit risk with relevant to cash and cash equivalents is minimal since these balances are maintained at banks and finance companies with high credit ratings.

64 : Annual Report 2075-076 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

37.2 Risk Management Framework (Continued)

Collateral adequacy Being restriction on credit facility floating, collatoral adequacy is not applicable in case of this insurance company.

l Liquidity risk Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company will encounter difficulty in meeting obligations associated with its financial liabilities that are settled by delivering cash or another financial asset. In respect of catastrophic events, there is also a liquidity risk associated with timing differences between gross cash out-flows and expected reinsurance recoveries. As per requirement of NFRS, adequte provision as per Liablity Adequacy Test conducted by Fellow Actuary is being made.

Management of liquidity risk The following controls are in place to mitigate liquidity risk which is faced by the Company. i. The Company’s approach to managing liquidity is to ensure that funds available are adequate to meet claim payments to its policyholders and to ensure operational expenses are paid when they are due. ii. Main sources of the Company’s funding are capital and gross written premium. The Company also maintains a portfolio of readily marketable securities to strengthen its liquidity position. Investment durations are diversified, depending on the cash flow needs of the Company and maturity periods are regularly reviewed. Cash flow analysis is done prior to investments are made. iii. The Company's treaty agreements with reinsurers contain clauses permitting the immediate draw down of funds to meet claim payments should claim events exceed a certain agreed size. iv. Availability of a stand-by overdraft facility to be used only in the event of an emergency. v. Determining the maturity profiles of insurance contract liabilities and reinsurance assets based on the estimated timing of net cash outflows from recognised insurance liabilities. vi. Planning for all large cash outflows in advance and making necessary arrangements to ensure the availability of funds to meet such outflows.

Exposure to liquidity risk The Company monitors the liquidity position of the Company to asses funding requirements. Liquid assets include cash and short term investments and bills purchased. The Company also monitors maturity profile of its assets and liabilities.

Maturity profiles The following table summarises the maturity profile of the financial assets, financial liabilities and insurance contract liabilities. Unearned premiums have been excluded from the analysis as they are not contractual obligations. The Company maintains a portfolio of highly marketable and diverse assets that can be easily liquidated in the event of an unforeseeable interruption of cash flow. The Company also has committed lines of credit that it can access to meet liquidity needs.

Annual Report 2075-076 : 65 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

37.3 Risk Management Framework (Continued) Contractual maturities of undiscounted cash flows of financial assets and financial liabilities are provided below.

As at 32 Ashad 2075 0-6 7-12 1-2 Over 2 No Stated Financial assets/liabilities Months Months Years Years Maturity Total Financial assets Fair value through profit or loss - - - - - Listed equity securities ------Fair value through other comprehensive income - - - - - Amortized cost (please specify separately) - - - - - Fixed deposit - - - - - Government bond - - - - - Reinsurance receivables ------Other Financial Assets 216,500 - - - - 216,500 Cash and short term deposits 35,225,757 - - - - 35,225,757 Total 35,442,257 - - - - 35,442,257 Financial liabilities - Reinsurance payable 1,940,283 - - - - 1,940,283 Other financial liabilites (Sundry Creditors) 7,066,161 - - - - 7,066,161 Total 9,006,444 - - - - 9,006,444

As at 31 Ashad 2076 0-6 7-12 1-2 Over 2 No Stated Financial assets/liabilities Months Months Years Years Maturity Total Financial assets Fair value through profit or loss ------Listed equity securities ------Fair value through other comprehensive income - - - - 200,000.00 200,000 Amortized cost: ------Fixed deposit - - - 876,029,561.65 - 876,029,562 Government bond ------Reinsurance receivables ------Other Financial Assets 21,504,813.42 - - - 21,504,813 Cash and short term deposits 33,671,119 - - - - 33,671,119 Total 33,671,119 21,504,813 - 876,029,562 200,000 931,405,494 Financial liabilities - Reinsurance payable - 104,111,789.52 - - - 104,111,790 Other financial liabilites - 19,924,569.99 - - - 19,924,570 Total - 124,036,360 - - - 124,036,360

66 : Annual Report 2075-076 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

37.4 Risk Management Framework (Continued)

l Market risk Market risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of financial instruments will fluctuate due to changes in market variables such as interest rates, foreign exchange rates and equity prices. Market risk is an aggregation of, a) Interest rate risk b) Currency risk c) Equity price risk

a) Interest rate risk Interest rate risk is the risk that fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate due to changes in market interest rates. Floating rate instruments typically expose the Company to cash flow interest risk, whereas fixed interest rate instruments expose the Company to fair value interest rate risk.

Management of interest rate risk In order to mitigate the interest rate risk faced by the Company, the management follows the guidelines set out in the investment policy which is regularly reviewed by the Investment Committee. Among such guidelines, following guidlines included to mitigate the interest rate risk faced by the Company. i. Preferred investment horizon for the investment portfolio is limited to a maximum of ten years from the time of investment. ii. Forecasting and monitoring future cash inflows and outflows when formulating investment strategies. iii. Relative amounts of the each portfolio will be determined by the Company's liquidity position, availability of market values, individual secuities' risk/return profiles.

However, Company does not have any variable rate interest bearing financial assets and financial liabilities as at the reporting date. Therefore, the Company is exposed only to fair value interest rate risk during the period.

b) Currency risk Currency risk is the risk that the value of a financial instrument will fluctuate due to the changes in foreign exchange rates. The Company's principal transactions are carried out in Nepalese Rupees (Rs.) and hence, its exposure to foreign exchange risk arises primarily with respect to reinsurance recoveries and US Dollars denominated assets developed out of aforementioned recoveries.

c) Equity price risk The risk of fluctuation in fair values or future cash flows of a financial instrument due to a change in market prices, other than those occurring due to interest rate risk or currency risk, is referred to as equity price risk. Accordingly, the equity price risk affects the Company's investments in equity instruments.

Management of equity price risk In order to mitigate the equity price risk faced by the Company, the management follows the guidelines set out in the investment policy. The Company's investment policy guides the management to set/monitor objectives and constraints on investments, diversification plans as well as limits on equity exposure. Compliance with the policy is monitored and the exposure and instances of non-compliance are reported to the Board of Directors. The policy is reviewed regularly for pertinence and for changes in the risk environment. The Company manages its equity price risk by investing in relatively less volatile sectors and in different sectors.

Sensitivity analysis - Equity price risk Sensitivity analysis for equity risk reflects how changes in the fair value of equity securities at the reporting date will fluctuate in response to assumed changes in equity market prices.

Annual Report 2075-076 : 67 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

38 Events After The Reporting Date

38.1 Dividends The company doesnot have proposed the dividend for the fiscal year ending as on 31st Ashad 2076.

There have been no events subsequent to the reporting date, which would have any material effect on the Company, other than disclosed above.

39 Capital Commitments and Contingencies

39.1 Capital commitments The Company has no commitments as on Ashar end 2075/76.

39.2 Contingencies In the opinion of the Directors and the Company’s lawyers, there is no such pending litigation against which the Company will not have a material impact on the reported financial results or future operations of the Company.

All pending litigation for claims have been evaluated and adequate provisions have been made in the financial statements.

68 : Annual Report 2075-076 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

40 Acturial Data for Gratuity and Leave Encashment

The Nepal Accounting Standard 19 on “Employee Benefits” issued by the Institute of chartered Accountants of Nepal has been adopted by the Company as under:

Defined Benefit plans in respect of Leave Encashment will be as per actuarial valuation. The leave encashment valuation as per actuarial is as below and the company has contirbuted a fixed amount of gratuity in social security fund hence not required to do valuation of gratuity.

Brief calculation pattern of Acturial Valuatoin Working as disclosed hereunder: 2075-76 2074-75 S.N. Particulars Leave Encashment Leave Encashment (SL and PL) (SL and PL) 1 Expenses Recognized In Income Statement Interest Cost - - Current Service Cost 4,021,967 - Expected Return on Plan Assets - - Actuarial (Gain)/ Loss - - Past Service Cost Expenses recognized in the Profit & Loss A/c 4,021,967 - 2 Change in Present Value Obligations PV of Obligation at beginning of the year - - Interest Cost - Current Service Cost 4,021,967 Benefit paid - Actuarial (Gain)/ Loss - Liability at the end of the year 4,021,967 - 3Change in Fair Value of Plan Assets Fair Value of Plan Asset at Beginning of the Year - Expected Return on Plan Assets - Contribution by Employer - Benefit paid - Actuarial (Gain)/ Loss on Plan Assets - Fair Value of Plan Asset at End of the Year - - 4 Amount Recognized in Statement of Financial Position Present Value of Obligations at Year End 4,021,967 - Fair Value of Plan Assets at Year End Funded Status (4,021,967) - Unrecognised Acturial (Gain)/Loss at Year End Unrecognised Past Service Cost Net Asset/(Liability) Recognised in Balance Sheet (4,021,967) - 5 Actuarial Assumptions Discount rate 6.50% Salary escalation rate 7.50% Retirement age 60 years Mortality Nepali Assured Lives Mortality 2009

Annual Report 2075-076 : 69 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

Operational risks

Operational risk is the risk of loss arising from system failure, human error, fraud or external events. When controls fail to perform, operational risks can cause damage to reputation, have legal or regulatory implications or can lead to financial loss. The Company cannot expect to eliminate all operational risks, but by intiating a rigorous control framework and by monitoring and responding to potential risks, the Company is able to manage the risks. Controls include effective segregation of duties, access controls, authorisation and reconciliation procedures, staff education and assessment processess, including the use of internal audit. Business risks such as changes in environment, technology and the industry are monitered through the Company's strategic planning and budgeting process.

Net change in operational assets and liabilities FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 Rs. Rs. Net change in reinsurance receivables 160,697,801 2,250,808 Net change in receivables and other assets 33,089,952 (18,390,458) Net change in insurance liabilities 312,705,926 2,360,913 Net change in other liabilities 168,697,799 9,597,659 Total 675,191,477 (4,181,077)

70 : Annual Report 2075-076 - - Total Continue... - 414,918,082 - (259,772,123) -- (28,589,980) 15,401,473 - Amount 12,616,609 12,616,609 Unallocated -- 2,716,888 2,716,888 - 559,600 559,600 - - Miscellaneous - - Marine - - - (1,559,636.00)- (2,083,382.10) 1,379,747.94 1,953,884.69 Fire - - Engineering - 73,876,598 65,574,972 15,809,937 34,996,900 - (64,621,392) (64,740,220) (13,108,775) (32,553,578) - 15,959,420.79- 15,947,573.66 4,006,921.70 1,888,064 9,695,754.97 (46,900,381.16) 1,354,079 21,699,367 532,139- (6,729,569) 919,974 58,886,067 (409,182) 75,822,077 (1,371,737) (1,248,200) (65,596,217.25) (152,008,125) ------27,102,691- (760,991.60) 739,862.27 18,136,405- 7,240,223- (23,165,359) 13,059,051- (29,916,057) (19,168,161) 15,262,174 (2,813,367) (19,577,343) (4,345,469) 255,943,891 (5,897,095) (10,805,269) (1,440,938) (12,182,967) (6,777,155) 1,343,128 (72,373,372) (134,325,701) (299,522,333) 876,085 (57,111,198) (43,578,442) - - (2,813,367) (1,440,938) 1,343,128 876,085 (44,494,589) (30,961,833) Aviation Line of Business (LOB) ------For the FY ending 31st Ashad 2076 ending 31st For the FY 7,022 Micro CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu - - - - - AJOD Insurance Limited Agricultural - - - - - Motor 11,570,974 663,758 21,546,930 (5,223,981) (755,101) 21,546,930 (5,223,981) (755,101) 185,115,318 39,182,179 362,178 159,377,890 15,396,257 369,200 (72,365,611) (4,106,519) (181,089) (53,402,415) (31,345,743) 5,772,857.65 5,555,120.00 (137,830,960) (20,620,238) (1,124,301) 16,094,013.47 6,896,063.46 (17,015,529.68) (6,943,900.00) (226,540.60) Gross Premium Income Premium ceded to reinsurer Fee and Commission Income Investment Income Net realised gains and losses Fair value gains and losses Other Income Finance costs Total Income Total Gross Benefits and Claims Paid Claims Ceded to reinsurers Change in insurance contract liabilities Other operating and administrative expenses Expenses Total Profit before income tax Expense Income Tax (54,222,677) (15,124,939) (716,671) Net Profit Particular 41 Segment Reporting Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076 For the year ended 31st

Annual Report 2075-076 : 71 ------968 Total 1,120 5,082 1,872 110,105 259,798 3,276,804 1,094,792 2,385,338 33,797,100 (2,273,368) ------Amount Unallocated - -- 3,276,804 - 1,094,792 259,798 ------9,635,484 9,635,484 -- 33,797,100 1,872 82 53 193 29,167,577 29,172,437 135 4,631,395 4,633,483 193 19,532,093 19,536,954 8,279 4,631,395 4,743,587 8,473 33,798,972 33,916,025 8,144 250.42 116,900 (108,678) Miscellaneous ------60 454 394 Fire 1,681 1,681 38,942 40,623 38,488 226,574 1,234.53 (187,186) Line of Business (LOB) For the FY ending 32nd Ashad 2075 ending 32nd For the FY ------Engineering ------854 ------397 2,589 529 969 397 2,589 529 115 Motor 52,601 12,370 52,999 14,959 52,073 11,401 138.94 3,458.55 70,092 1,971,771 (17,233) (1,960,271) Profit before income tax Expense Income Tax Finance costs Other operating and administrative expenses expenses Staff Administrative expenses Depreciation Agent Commission Gross Benefits and Claims Paid Claims Ceded to reinsurers Change in insurance contract liabilities Reinsurance Commission expenses Service Charge Other Direct expenses Impairment loss Expenses Total Net Profit Investment Income Other Income Income Total Fee and Commission Income Premium ceded to reinsurer Gross Premium Income Particular

72 : Annual Report 2075-076 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

42 Reconciliation statement

42.1 Reconciliation of Profit or loss

Year Ended Year Ended Particulars 2075 2076 Profit/Loss as per GAAP (A) 19,929,587 41,195,659 Adjustments due to NFRS Implementation - 1. Unearned premium (2,304,928) (169,589,476) 2. Un-accrued Fee and Commission income (483,606) (46,900,381) 3. Increase (Decrease) in Investment Income (Government Bond) - - 4. Incurred but not reported - (35,199,729) 5. Increase (Decrease) in Other operating and 145,0939,229,368administrative expenses a. Reinsurance Commission Expense - 700,292 b. Agency Commission 105,829 8,673,508 c. Gratuity/Pension Expenses - - d. Leave Encashment Expenses - (727,642) e. Reversal of Provision for other losses - 583,210 f. Net Increase/Decrease in Staff Bonus 39,263 - 6. Increase (Decrease) in income tax expense due to NFRS implementation - 31,109,738 a. Deferred tax income(expense) on premium amortization - - b. Deferred tax income(expense) on Gratuity - - c. Deferred tax income(expense) on Leave encashment - 218,293 d. Deferred tax income(expense) on unearned premium - 51,568,321 e. Deferred tax income(expense) on IBNR 10,559,919 f. Deferred tax income(expense) on deferred commission income and expense - 11,371,307 g. Deferred tax income(expense) on employee bonus adjustment - - h. Deferred tax income(expense) on reinsurance assets (42,433,139) i. Deferred tax income(expense) on reversal of other provision - (174,963) 7. Outstanding claim -- 8. Change in reversal of provision for loss on investment - - 9. Reinsurance Assets 2,250,808 139,192,988 Total Adjustment (B) (392,633) (72,157,492) Profit/(Loss) as per NFRS [A+B] 19,536,954 (30,961,832)

NFRS Profit amount differ from GAAP is due to remeasurement of following items namely deferred gross premium income, deferred reinsurance premium expense, deferred fee and commission income, deferred agent commission expense, deferred reinsurance commission expense, leave encashment valuation as per actuary, incurred but not reported recognized as per LAT report and deferred tax income and expense recognized due to NFRS adjustment.

Annual Report 2075-076 : 73 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

42.2 Reconciliation of Equity

Year Ended Year Ended Particulars 2075 2076 Total Equity as per GAAP(A) 719,929,587 752,105,666 Adjustments due to NFRS Implementation - - 1. Fair Value Reserve on Investment Available for Sale - - 2. Acturial Reserve on Gratuity - - 3. Net Increase/(Decrease) in Retained Earning (392,633) (47,949,578) a. Premium amortization - - b. Gratuity -- c. Leave Encashment - (509,349) d. Unexpired risk reserve (2,304,928) (120,326,082) e. Reinsurance Asset 2,250,808 99,010,657 f. Employee Bonus provision 39,263 - g. Reversal of other Provision - 408,247 h. Unearned Commission income and expense (377,777) (26,533,050) i. Reversal of provision for loss on investment - - 4. Outstanding claim - 5. Incurred but not reported - (24,639,810) Total Adjustment (B) (392,633) (72,589,388) Total Equity as per NFRS [A+B] 719,536,953 679,516,277

NFRS balance of equity differ from the GAAP balance is due to remeasurement of following items namely unearned permium reserve created as per LAT report, reinsurance assets, employee bonus adjustment as per NFRS profit, deferred commission income and expense recognized as liability and assets adjusting with retained earning and IBNR recognized as per NFRS 4.

74 : Annual Report 2075-076 - - - NFRS Balance Continue... - 5,077,424 - - 23,847,099 -- 2,121,837 33,671,119 - - 107,804,354 - - 12,240,962 NFRS Remeasurement - - - 9,479,630 9,782,250 - - 727,642 16,232,005 -- - - NFRS Year ended 2076 Year Reclassification - - 21,504,813 141,443,796 162,948,609 ---- - Gaap As per - - 200,000 (583,210) 583,210 200,000 - 38,314,715 (38,314,715) NFRS Balance - 216,500 6,606,985 (1,529,562) - - - 3,791,514 23,847,099 -- 3,759,353 35,225,757 40,436,551 908,171,119 (38,314,715) (874,500,000) -- 133,414 7,178,558 15,504,363 - 1,940,283 107,804,354 - 2,443,819 12,240,962 - NFRS Remeasurement - - - 2,250,808 2,250,808 - - 105,829 1,608,807 302,620 -- - 2,304,928 2,360,913 86,467,893 21,504,813 207,094,132 315,066,838 - - 444,343 3,400,850 583,210 (583,210) 47,383,987 47,383,987 - NFRS Year ended 2075 Year CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu Reclassification - - - AJOD Insurance Limited Gaap 55,985 As per 962,678 (746,178) 133,414 3,791,514 1,502,978 7,178,558 1,940,283 2,956,507 2,443,819 9,502,070 (9,502,070) 13,261,423 (9,502,070) 24,210,636 (9,502,070) 2,749,271 17,457,837 260,915,497 (17,393,111) 255,205,762 498,728,147 744,140,222 (9,502,070) 2,356,637 736,994,790 1,013,021,162 (17,393,111) 182,616,374 1,178,244,425 713,225,757 (678,000,000) Assets Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Other Financial Assets Other Financial Asset Reinsurance Property, Plant & EquipmentProperty, AssetsIntangible Assets Tax Deferred Financial assets 10,915,873 - 480,000 - - - - 10,915,873 30,863,528 - - 480,000 - 1,466,000 - - 1,127,259 - 30,863,528 - - 31,109,738 1,466,000 32,236,997 Financial assets at amortized costFinancial asset at fair value through other comprehensive income - 678,746,178 - 678,746,178 - 876,029,562 - 876,029,562 Insurance receivables Other Assets Other Current tax assets Cash and Equivalents Total Assets Total Insurance Contract Liabilities Liabilities Tax Deferred Other Financial Liabilities Insurance Payables Liabilities Other Liabilities Current tax Liabilities Trade and other payables Trade Total Liabilities Total 42.3 Reconciliation of Statement of financial positiion 42.3 Reconciliation of Statement Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076 For the year ended 31st

Annual Report 2075-076 : 75 NFRS Balance NFRS Remeasurement NFRS Year ended 2076 Year Reclassification Gaap As per NFRS Balance -- -- NFRS Remeasurement NFRS Year ended 2075 Year Reclassification Gaap As per Share capitalShare premiumInsurance Fund Catastrophic reservesRetained EarningsOther Reserves Equity Total Liabilities and EquityTotal 700,000,000 9,964,793 996,479 744,140,223 8,834,900 - - (9,502,070) 133,414 719,929,587 - - 2,356,637 - - 736,994,791 - - - (392,633) 1,013,021,162 - - 700,000,000 (17,393,111) - (392,633) 8,442,267 700,000,000 9,964,793 182,616,374 996,479 - 1,178,244,425 719,536,953 18,261,479 30,562,623 752,105,666 2,154,304 - - 133,414 - 1,127,259 - (103,699,126) - - (85,437,647) - - (72,589,388) 700,000,000 679,516,277 - - - 31,109,738 30,562,623 - 2,154,304 32,236,997 - - Equity The NFRS balance of from assets differ balance GAAP is due to remeasurement of following items Deferred reinsurance and agent commission expense, deferred tax assets increase due to NFRS remeasuremnt, reversal of other provision and reinsurance assets recognized. increase due to NFRS remeasuremnt, reversal of other provision and reinsurance assets assets recognition reported not but Incurred reserve, premium unearned gross items following of remeasurement to due is balance GAAP from differ liability of balance NFRS The as per NFRS 4, deferred reinsurance commission income and leave encashment provision actuarial valuation. reinsurance report, LAT per as created reserve permium unearned namely items following of remeasurement to due is balance GAAP the from differ equity of balance NFRS earning and adjusting with retained employee bonus adjustment as per NFRS profit, deferred commission income and expense recognized liability assets assets, IBNR recognized as per NFRS 4.

76 : Annual Report 2075-076 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

42.4 Reconciliation of Cash flow statement

For the year ending 31st Ashad 2076 Particular As per GAAP As per NFRS Difference Cash flow from Operating Activities 145,293,807 156,882,960 (11,589,153) Cash flow from Investing Activities (137,093,459) (149,378,755) 12,285,296 Cash flow from financing Activities - (9,058,843) 9,058,843 Net change in cash and cash equivalent 8,200,348 (1,554,638) 9,754,986 Opening cash and cash equivalent 942,469 35,225,757 (34,283,288) closing cash and cash equivalent 9,142,817 33,671,119 (24,528,302)

The change in cash flow from operating activities as per GAAP and as per NFRS is due to following reason: - Deferred goss premium - Deferred premium ceded to reinsurer - Deferred reinsurance commission income - Deferred Agent commission expense - Deferred Reinsurance commission expense - Increase/decrease in deferred tax expense as per NFRS - Staff bonus adjustment as per NFRS

The change in cash flow from Investing activities as per GAAP and as per NFRS is due to following reason: - Reclassification of fixed deposit having more than 3month as financial assets at amortized cost - Reclassification of interest income in Long term investment to the book value of Investment.

The change in cash flow from financing activities as per GAAP and as per NFRS is due to following reason: - Change in Retained earning due to NFRS

Annual Report 2075-076 : 77 AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st Ashad 2076

43 Liability Adequacy Test Report Result

Net Unexpired Risk Reserve line of business 31st Ashad 2076 32nd Ashad 2075 Fire 5,385,031 38,488 Engineering 4,287,810 11,401 Agriculture 5,553,088 - Marine 1,585,688 - Miscellaneous 1,471,238 8,144 Motor 89,740,732 52,073 Total 108,023,587 110,105 IBNR line of business 31st Ashad 2076 32nd Ashad 2075 Fire 1,577,446 - Engineering 2,382,826 - Agriculture 1,680,010 - Marine 578,299 - Miscellaneous 798,004 - Motor 29,343,350 - Total 36,359,935 -

78 : Annual Report 2075-076 jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ : &( *) : jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 @)&^ ;fn cfiff9 #! ut]sf] jf;nft

qm=;+= ljj/0f cg';"rL o; jif{ ut jif{ >f]t 1 r'Qmf k"FhL !# 700,000,000 700,000,000 2 hu]8f tyf sf]if !$ 19,388,739 8,968,314 3 aLdf sf]if !@ 30,562,623 9,964,793 4 dxf–ljkQL hu]8f !% 2,154,304 996,479 5 ltg{ afFsL bL3{sfnLg C0f tyf ;fk6L !^ –– s"n >f]t 752,105,666 719,929,586 pkof]u 6 l:y/ ;DkQL -v'b_ !& 32,329,528 11,395,873 7 bL3{sflng nufgL !* 200,000 – 8 bL3{sflng shf{ @) – Rffn' ;DkQL shf{ tyf k]ZsLx? M 9 gub tyf a}+s df}Hbft !( 9,142,817 942,468 10 cNksflng nufgL !* 899,028,303 712,283,289 11 cNksflng shf{ @) –– 12 cGo ;DkQL @! 72,320,515 19,518,593 hDdf -s_ -(±!)±!!±!@_ 980,491,634 732,744,350 rfn' bfloTj tyf Joj:Yffx? M 13 rfn' bfloTj @@ 130,126,305 11,696,075 14 c;dfKt hf]lvd jfkt Joj:yf @# 77,572,979 55,985 15 e'QmfgL x'g afFsL bfjL afkt Joj:yf ^ 8,894,913 – 16 cGo Aoj:yf @#s 44,321,300 12,458,577 hDdf -v_ -!#±!$±!%±!^_ 260,915,497 24,210,637 17 v"b rfn' ;DkQL -u_ = -s_ –-v_ 719,576,138 708,533,713 18 ckn]vg jf ;dfof]hg x'g afFsL ljljw vr{x? @$ –– 19 gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;faaf6 ;f/]sf] gf]S;fg – 20 s"n pkof]u -^±&±*±!&±!*±!(_ 752,105,666 719,929,586 ;+efljt bfloTjx¿ / cg';"rL ^ tyf !@ b]lv @^ ;Dd o;sf cleGg c+u x'g\ . ;+efljt bfloTjx¿ ljj/0f o; jif{ ut jif{ r'Qmf jf e'QmfgL x'g afFsL nufgL – – k|Tofe"lt k|ltj4tf – – aLdfn]v cGtu{t eGbf afx]saf6 aLds pk/ bfjL k/]sf] t/ aLdsn] bfloTj :jLsf/ gu/]sf] –– aLdsn] jf aLdssf] tkm{af6 lbOPsf] Uof/]06L – – cGo -ljj/0f v'nfpg]_–– hDdf ––

u0f]z s'df/ sfk/ s'df/ axfb'/ vqL ;fu/ u'?ª /fd axfb'/ u'?ª xfd|f] o;} ;fy ;+nUg cfhs} d'Vo k|aGws k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t ;+rfns ;+rfns ldltsf] k|ltj]bg cfwf/df lrl/GhjL åf cfhfb >]i7 l;=P= huGgfy pkfWofo ;+rfns cWoIf rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6; h]=Pg=pkfWofo P08 s+= ldlt M @)&^÷)&÷@^ rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6; :yfgM sf7df8f}+

jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ : *! chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 cfly{s jif{ @)&%÷)&^ sf] gfkmf–gf]S;fg lx;fa qm=;+= ljj/0f cg';"rL o; jif{ ut jif{ cfDbfgL ! cfo Joo lx;faaf6 ;f/]sf] gfkmf÷-gf]S;fg_ & 13,533,719.13 1,687,916 @ nufgL shf{ tyf cGoaf6 cfo @ 62,161,591.90 31,832,212 # Joj:yf lkmtf{ * –– $ cGo cfDbfgL -ljj/0f v'nfpg]_ –– hDdf cfDbfgL -s_ 75,695,311=03 33,520,128 vr{ % Joj:yfkg vr{ % 15,423,313.41 998,550 ^ ckn]vg vr{ ( –– &z]o/ ;DaGwL vr{ (s –– * cGo vr{x? !) –– (gf]S;fgLsf] nflu Joj:yf !! 583,209.88 – !) sd{rf/L cfjf; Joj:yf –– !! sd{rf/L af]g; Joj:yf – 2,956,507 !@ ;dfof]lht cfos/ -c_ Ö -cf_ – -O_ 18,493,128=43 9,635,484 cf_ cfos/ 19,753,801.73 9,502,070 O_ :yug s/ -;DklQ_÷bfloTj (1,260,673.30) 133,414 hDdf vr{ -v_ 34,499,651=72 13,590,541 v"b gfkmf ÷-gf]S;fg_ -u_ Ö -s_ – -v_ 41,195,659=31 19,929,587 !# -s_ aLdf sf]ifdf ;f/]sf] !@ 20,597,829.65 9,964,793 -v_ aLdf hu]8fdf ;f/]sf] !$ –– !$ cl3Nnf] jif{;+u ;DalGwt vr{ 9,019,579.93 – !% cl3Nnf] aif{af6 ;fl/Psf] gfkmf÷-gf]S;fg_ 8,834,900.20 – afF8kmfF8sf] nflu pknAw /sd 20,413,149=92 9,964,793 !^ -s_ :yug s/ hu]8f !$ 993,845.52 133,414 -v_ k"FhLut hu]8f !$ –– -u_ ljz]if hu]8f –– -3_ cGo hu]8f !$ –– -ª_ k|:tfljt nfef+z –– -c_ af]g; z]o/ !$ –– -cf_ gub nfef+z @#s –– -r_ dxf–ljkQL hu]8f !% 1,157,824.97 996,479 !& jf;nftdf ;f/]sf] gfkmf÷-gf]S;fg_ 18,261,479=43 8,834,900 cg';"rL @, % tyf & b]lv !@, !$ / !% ;Dd o;sf cleGg c+u x'g\ .

u0f]z s'df/ sfk/ s'df/ axfb'/ vqL ;fu/ u'?ª /fd axfb'/ u'?ª xfd|f] o;} ;fy ;+nUg cfhs} d'Vo k|aGws k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t ;+rfns ;+rfns ldltsf] k|ltj]bg cfwf/df lrl/GhjL åf cfhfb >]i7 l;=P= huGgfy pkfWofo ;+rfns cWoIf rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6; h]=Pg=pkfWofo P08 s+= ldlt M @)&^÷)&÷@^ rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6; :yfgM sf7df8f}+

*@ : jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 >fj0f ! b]lv @)&^ c;f/ d;fGt ;Ddsf]] gub k|jfxsf] ljj/0f qm=;+= ljj/0f o; jif{ ut jif{ s sf/f]af/ ;+rfngaf6 gub k|jfx M aLdf z'Ns cfDbfgL 410,908,379.96 2,385,338 k'gaL{df z'Ns cfDbfgL 4,009,701.71 – k'gaL{df sldzg cfDbfgL 68,599,748.05 488,689 cGo k|ToIf cfDbfgL –– k"gaL{dsaf6 k|fKt bfjL l/se/L 15,401,472.55 – k'gaL{df z'Ns e'QmfgL (259,772,122.69) (2,273,368) k'gaL{df sldzg e'QmfgL (1,005,058.28) (16,020) clestf{ sldzg e'QmfgL (10,500,878.53) – bfjL e'QmfgL (28,589,979.98) – ;]jf z'Ns e'QmfgL (23,997.41) – cGo k|ToIf vr{ (658,722.99) – Joj:yfkg vr{ e'QmfgL (119,485,290.73) (1,454,353) sd{rf/L af]g; e'QmfgL (2,956,507.00) – cfos/ e'QmfgL (27,175,128.04) (13,204,116) Rffn' ;DklQdf -j[l4_÷sdL (24,097,232.40) (4,560,516) Rffn' bfloTjdf j[l4÷-sdL_ 120,639,422.76 29,161,716 sf/f]af/ ;+rfngaf6 v"b gub k|jfx -s_ 145,293,806=98 10,527,370 v nufgL ultljwLaf6 gub k|jfx l:y/ ;DklQdf -j[l4_ sdL (27,717,448.68) (11,655,671) ;/sf/L / ;/sf/sf] hdfgt k|fKt ;]So"l/6Ldf nufgLdf -j[l4_ sdL –– a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] d'2tL lgIf]kdf nufgLdf -j[l4_ sdL (196,500,000.00) (678,000,000) a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] cGo lgIf]k nufgLdf -j[l4_ sdL 9,754,986.34 (34,283,289) OSo"6L z]o/ nufgLdf -j[l4_ sdL –– cu|flwsf/ z]o/÷l8j]Gr/df nufgLdf -j[l4_ sdL –– cGo nufgLdf -j[l4_ sdL (200,000.00) – k]ZsL tyf shf{df -j[l4_ sdL e'QmfgL k|fKt Aofh cfDbfgL -nufgLdf_ 77,009,403.21 33,050,922 e'QmfgL k|fKt l8le8]G8 –– ef8f cfDbfgL –– e'QmfgL k|fKt Aofh cfDbfgL -shf{df_ –– cGo ck|ToIf cfDbfgL 559,599.89 1,872 nufgL ultljwLaf6 v"b gub k|jfx -v_ -137,093,459=24_ -690,886,166_ u ljQLo >f]t sf/f]af/af6 gub k|jfx z]o/af6 k|fKt /sd – 668,950,000 ltg{ afFsL ;fk6Ldf -j[l4_÷sdL cNksflng C0fdf -j[l4_÷sdL –– C0f ;fk6Ldf Aofh e'QmfgL nfef+z e'QmfgL –– ljQLo >f]t sf/f]af/af6 v"b gub k|jfx -u_ – 668,950,000 o; jif{sf] ;Dk"0f{ ultljwLaf6 v"b gub k|jfx = -s_±-v_±-u_ 8,200,347=74 -11,408,796_ gub tyf a}+sdf /x]sf] z'? df}Hbft 942,469=00 12,351,265 gub tyf a}+sdf /x]sf] clGtd df}Hbft 9,142,816=74 942,469 u0f]z s'df/ sfk/ s'df/ axfb'/ vqL ;fu/ u'?ª /fd axfb'/ u'?ª xfd|f] o;} ;fy ;+nUg cfhs} d'Vo k|aGws k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t ;+rfns ;+rfns ldltsf] k|ltj]bg cfwf/df lrl/GhjL åf cfhfb >]i7 l;=P= huGgfy pkfWofo ;+rfns cWoIf rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6; ldlt M @)&^÷)&÷@^ h]=Pg=pkfWofo P08 s+= :yfgM sf7df8f}+ rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6;

jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ : *# – 41,195,659 s'n /sd (9,019,580) rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6; rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6; hu]8f h]=Pg=pkfWofo P08 s+= l;=P= huGgfy pkfWofo dxf–ljklQ ldltsf] k|ltj]bg cfwf/df xfd|f] o;} ;fy ;+nUg cfhs} 1,157,825 aLdfsf]if 31,720,448 996,479 752,105,665 – tyf sf]if cGo hu]8f ;+rfns /fd axfb'/ u'?ª hu]8f 993,846 :yut s/ 1,127,260 sf]if ljz]if hu]8f z]o/ lk|ldod ;+rfns ;fu/ u'?ª sf]if hu]8f k"“hLut aLdf hu]8f –– – –– z]o/ chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 k|:tfljt af]gz – cWoIf cf=j= @)&%÷&^ df OSo"6Ldf ePsf] kl/jt{g ;DaGwL ljj/0f cfhfb >]i7 ;+lrt s'df/ axfb'/ vqL (993,846) k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t (1,157,825) 41,195,659 (9,019,580) gfkmf÷gf]S;fg (20,597,830) 20,597,830 z]o/ k"“hL 700,000,000 18,261,479 700,000,000 8,834,900 – – 133,414 – 9,964,793 996,479 719,929,586 s/_ o/sf ] gz z ] ;+rfns lrl/GhjL åf d'Vo k|aGws z -af ] u0f]z s'df/ sfk/ ldlt M @)&^÷)&÷@^ :yfgM sf7df8f}+ :tfljt nfef + z'? df}Hbft ;dfof]hg M z]o/ hf/L o; jif{sf] v'b gfkmf cl3Nnf] aif{;+u ;DalGwt cfDbfgL aLdf sf]ifdf yk k|:tfljt af]gz z]o/ k| clu|d k"FhL e'QmfgL xsk|b z]o/ z]o/ lk|ldod :yug s/ ;DklQ hu]8fdf ;f/]sf] dxf–lakQL hu]8f clGtd df}hbft ljj/0f

*$ : jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 cfly{s jif{ @)&%÷&^ sf] Plss[t cfo–Joo lx;fa

/sd -?=_ qm=;+= ljj/0f cg';"rL o; jif{ ut jif{ cfo 1 aLdfz'Ns -v"b_ ! 155,145,959 111,970 2 k'gaL{df sldzg cfo 68,599,748 488,689 3 nufgL, shf{ tyf cGoaf6 cfo @ 16,936,973 1,966,761 4 cGo k|ToIf cfo –– 5 cfly{s aif{sf] z'?sf] e"QmfgL x'g afFsL bfjL jfkt Aoj:yf –– 6 cfly{s aif{sf] z'?sf] c;dfKt hf]lvd jfkt Aoj:yf 55,985 – hDdf cfo -s_ 240,738,665 2,567,420 Joo 7 bfjL e'QmfgL -v"b_ # 13,188,507 – 8 clestf{ sldzg 13,487,534 106,797 9 k'gaL{df sldzg vr{ 1,005,058 – 10 ;]jf z'Ns -v"b_ $ 1,551,460 1,120 11 cGo k|ToIf vr{ 658,723 – 12 Joj:yfkg vr{ % 110,845,771 715,601 13 cfly{s aif{sf] cGTodf e'QmfgL x'g afFsL bfjL afkt Joj:yf ^ 8,894,913 – 14 cfly{s aif{sf] cGTodf c;dfKt hf]lvd afkt Joj:yf 77,572,979 55,985 hDdf Joo -v_ 227,204,946 879,503 15 gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fadf ;f/]sf] art = -s_--v_ 13,533,719 1,687,917 cg';"rL ! b]lv ^ ;Dd o;sf cleGg c+u x'g\ .

u0f]z s'df/ sfk/ s'df/ axfb'/ vqL ;fu/ u'?ª /fd axfb'/ u'?ª xfd|f] o;} ;fy ;+nUg cfhs} d'Vo k|aGws k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t ;+rfns ;+rfns ldltsf] k|ltj]bg cfwf/df l;=P= huGgfy pkfWofo lrl/GhjL åf cfhfb >]i7 rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6; ;+rfns cWoIf h]=Pg=pkfWofo P08 s+= rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6; ldlt M @)&^÷)&÷@^ :yfgM sf7df8f}+

jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ : *% chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 cfly{s jif{ @)&%÷&^ sf] clUg aLdfsf] cfo–Joo lx;fa /sd -?=_ qm=;+= ljj/0f cg';"rL o; jif{ ut jif{ cfo 1 aLdfz'Ns -v"b_ ! 834,753 39,388 2 k'gaL{df sldzg cfo 15,947,574 54,013 3 nufgL, shf{ tyf cGoaf6 cfo @ 1,354,156 361,482 4 cGo k|ToIf cfo –– 5 cfly{s aif{sf] z'?sf] e"QmfgL x'g afFsL bfjL jfkt Aoj:yf –– 6 cfly{s aif{sf] z'?sf] c;dfKt hf]lvd jfkt Aoj:yf 19,694 – hDdf cfo -s_ 18,156,176 454,883 Joo 7 bfjL e'QmfgL -v"b_ # –– 8 clestf{ sldzg 1,067,387 2,631 9 k'gaL{df sldzg vr{ 54,272 – 10 ;]jf z'Ns -v"b_ $ 8,348 394 11 cGo k|ToIf vr{ – – 12 Joj:yfkg vr{ % 18,038,154 67,972 13 cfly{s aif{sf] cGTodf e'QmfgL x'g afFsL bfjL afkt Joj:yf ^ 11,500 – 14 cfly{s aif{sf] cGTodf c;dfKt hf]lvd afkt Joj:yf 417,376 19,694 hDdf Joo -v_ 19,597,037 90,691 15 gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fadf ;f/]sf] art÷-gf]S;fg_= -s_ - -v_ (1,440,861) 364,192 cg';"rL ! b]lv ^ ;Dd o;sf cleGg c+u x'g\ .

u0f]z s'df/ sfk/ s'df/ axfb'/ vqL ;fu/ u'?ª /fd axfb'/ u'?ª xfd|f] o;} ;fy ;+nUg cfhs} d'Vo k|aGws k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t ;+rfns ;+rfns ldltsf] k|ltj]bg cfwf/df l;=P= huGgfy pkfWofo lrl/GhjL åf cfhfb >]i7 rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6; ;+rfns cWoIf h]=Pg=pkfWofo P08 s+= rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6; ldlt M @)&^÷)&÷@^ :yfgM sf7df8f}+

*^ : jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 cfly{s jif{ @)&%÷&^ sf] ;fd'lGb|s aLdfsf] cfo–Joo lx;fa /sd -?=_ qm=;+= ljj/0f cg';"rL o; jif{ ut jif{ cfo 1 aLdfz'Ns -v"b_ ! 2,701,162 – 2 k'gaL{df sldzg cfo 4,006,922 – 3 nufgL, shf{ tyf cGoaf6 cfo @ 532,169 – 4 cGo k|ToIf cfo –– 5 cfly{s aif{sf] z'?sf] e"QmfgL x'g afFsL bfjL jfkt Aoj:yf –– 6 cfly{s aif{sf] z'?sf] c;dfKt hf]lvd jfkt Aoj:yf –– hDdf cfo -s_ 7,240,253 – Joo 7 bfjL e'QmfgL -v"b_ # 179,888 – 8 clestf{ sldzg 365,973 – 9 k'gaL{df sldzg vr{ –– 10 ;]jf z'Ns -v"b_ $ 27,012 – 11 cGo k|ToIf vr{ 12 Joj:yfkg vr{ % 3,952,484 – 13 cfly{s aif{sf] cGTodf e'QmfgL x'g afFsL bfjL afkt Joj:yf ^ 21,157 – 14 cfly{s aif{sf] cGTodf c;dfKt hf]lvd afkt Joj:yf 1,350,581 – hDdf Joo -v_ 5,897,095 – 15 gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fadf ;f/]sf] art÷-gf]S;fg_= -s_ - -v_ 1,343,158 – cg';"rL ! b]lv ^ ;Dd o;sf cleGg c+u x'g\ .

u0f]z s'df/ sfk/ s'df/ axfb'/ vqL ;fu/ u'?ª /fd axfb'/ u'?ª xfd|f] o;} ;fy ;+nUg cfhs} d'Vo k|aGws k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t ;+rfns ;+rfns ldltsf] k|ltj]bg cfwf/df l;=P= huGgfy pkfWofo lrl/GhjL åf cfhfb >]i7 rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6; ;+rfns cWoIf h]=Pg=pkfWofo P08 s+= rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6; ldlt M @)&^÷)&÷@^ :yfgM sf7df8f}+

jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ : *& chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 cfly{s jif{ @)&%÷&^ sf] df]6/ aLdfsf] cfo–Joo lx;fa

/sd -?=_ qm=;+= ljj/0f cg';"rL o; jif{ ut jif{ cfo 1 aLdfz'Ns -v"b_ ! 131,712,903 52,859 2 k'gaL{df sldzg cfo 16,094,013 9,332 3 nufgL, shf{ tyf cGoaf6 cfo @ 11,571,632 247,672 4 cGo k|ToIf cfo –– 5 cfly{s aif{sf] z'?sf] e"QmfgL x'g afFsL bfjL jfkt Aoj:yf –– 6 cfly{s aif{sf] z'?sf] c;dfKt hf]lvd jfkt Aoj:yf 26,430 – hDdf cfo -s_ 159,404,978 309,863 Joo 7 bfjL e'QmfgL -v"b_ # 11,242,672 – 8 clestf{ sldzg 1,655,098 – 9 k'gaL{df sldzg vr{ 942,603 – 10 ;]jf z'Ns -v"b_ $ 1,317,129 529 11 cGo k|ToIf vr{ 12 Joj:yfkg vr{ % 50,307,847 21,028 13 cfly{s aif{sf] cGTodf e'QmfgL x'g afFsL bfjL afkt Joj:yf ^ 6,535,589 – 14 cfly{s aif{sf] cGTodf c;dfKt hf]lvd afkt Joj:yf 65,856,451 26,430 hDdf Joo -v_ 137,857,390 47,987 15 gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fadf ;f/]sf] art÷-gf]S;fg_= -s_ - -v_ 21,547,588 261,876 cg';"rL ! b]lv ^ ;Dd o;sf cleGg c+u x'g\ .

u0f]z s'df/ sfk/ s'df/ axfb'/ vqL ;fu/ u'?ª /fd axfb'/ u'?ª xfd|f] o;} ;fy ;+nUg cfhs} d'Vo k|aGws k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t ;+rfns ;+rfns ldltsf] k|ltj]bg cfwf/df l;=P= huGgfy pkfWofo lrl/GhjL åf cfhfb >]i7 rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6; ;+rfns cWoIf h]=Pg=pkfWofo P08 s+= rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6;

ldlt M @)&^÷)&÷@^ :yfgM sf7df8f}+

** : jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 cfly{s jif{ @)&%÷&^ sf] OlGhlgol/Ë aLdfsf] cfo–Joo lx;fa

/sd -?=_ qm=;+= ljj/0f cg';"rL o; jif{ ut jif{ cfo 1 aLdfz'Ns -v"b_ ! 9,255,206 – 2 k'gaL{df sldzg cfo 15,959,421 – 3 nufgL, shf{ tyf cGoaf6 cfo @ 1,888,171 – 4 cGo k|ToIf cfo –– 5 cfly{s aif{sf] z'?sf] e"QmfgL x'g afFsL bfjL jfkt Aoj:yf –– 6 cfly{s aif{sf] z'?sf] c;dfKt hf]lvd jfkt Aoj:yf 5,750 – hDdf cfo -s_ 27,108,548 – Joo 7 bfjL e'QmfgL -v"b_ # 21,129 – 8 clestf{ sldzg 3,327,109 – 9 k'gaL{df sldzg vr{ 8,183 – 10 ;]jf z'Ns -v"b_ $ 92,552 – 11 cGo k|ToIf vr{ 12 Joj:yfkg vr{ % 19,737,515 – 13 cfly{s aif{sf] cGTodf e'QmfgL x'g afFsL bfjL afkt Joj:yf ^ 2,107,717 – 14 cfly{s aif{sf] cGTodf c;dfKt hf]lvd afkt Joj:yf 4,627,603 – hDdf Joo -v_ 29,921,808 – 15 gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fadf ;f/]sf] art÷-gf]S;fg_= -s_ - -v_ (2,813,260) – cg';"rL ! b]lv ^ ;Dd o;sf cleGg c+u x'g\ .

u0f]z s'df/ sfk/ s'df/ axfb'/ vqL ;fu/ u'?ª /fd axfb'/ u'?ª xfd|f] o;} ;fy ;+nUg cfhs} d'Vo k|aGws k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t ;+rfns ;+rfns ldltsf] k|ltj]bg cfwf/df l;=P= huGgfy pkfWofo lrl/GhjL åf cfhfb >]i7 rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6; ;+rfns cWoIf h]=Pg=pkfWofo P08 s+= rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6; ldlt M @)&^÷)&÷@^ :yfgM sf7df8f}+

jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ : *( chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 cfly{s jif{ @)&$÷&% sf] ljljw aLdfsf] cfo–Joo lx;fa /sd -?=_ qm=;+= ljj/0f cg';"rL o; jif{ ut jif{ cfo 1 aLdfz'Ns -v"b_ ! 2,443,322 – 2 k'gaL{df sldzg cfo 9,695,755 – 3 nufgL, shf{ tyf cGoaf6 cfo @ 920,027 – 4 cGo k|ToIf cfo –– 5 cfly{s aif{sf] z'?sf] e"QmfgL x'g afFsL bfjL jfkt Aoj:yf –– 6 cfly{s aif{sf] z'?sf] c;dfKt hf]lvd jfkt Aoj:yf 4,111 – hDdf cfo -s_ 13,063,215 – Joo 7 bfjL e'QmfgL -v"b_ # 129,497 – 8 clestf{ sldzg 1,360,301 – 9 k'gaL{df sldzg vr{ –– 10 ;]jf z'Ns -v"b_ $ 24,433 – 11 cGo k|ToIf vr{ 12 Joj:yfkg vr{ % 9,420,535 – 13 cfly{s aif{sf] cGTodf e'QmfgL x'g afFsL bfjL afkt Joj:yf ^ 30,650 – 14 cfly{s aif{sf] cGTodf c;dfKt hf]lvd afkt Joj:yf 1,221,661 – hDdf Joo -v_ 12,187,078 – 15 gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fadf ;f/]sf] art÷-gf]S;fg_= -s_ - -v_ 876,137 – cg';"rL ! b]lv ^ ;Dd o;sf cleGg c+u x'g\ .

u0f]z s'df/ sfk/ s'df/ axfb'/ vqL ;fu/ u'?ª /fd axfb'/ u'?ª xfd|f] o;} ;fy ;+nUg cfhs} d'Vo k|aGws k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t ;+rfns ;+rfns ldltsf] k|ltj]bg cfwf/df l;=P= huGgfy pkfWofo lrl/GhjL åf cfhfb >]i7 rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6; ;+rfns cWoIf h]=Pg=pkfWofo P08 s+= rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6;

ldlt M @)&^÷)&÷@^ :yfgM sf7df8f}+

() : jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 cfly{s jif{ @)&$÷&% sf] xjfO{ aLdfsf] cfo–Joo lx;fa /sd -?=_ qm=;+= ljj/0f cg';"rL o; jif{ ut jif{ cfo 1 aLdfz'Ns -v"b_ ! –– 2 k'gaL{df sldzg cfo –– 3 nufgL, shf{ tyf cGoaf6 cfo @ –– 4 cGo k|ToIf cfo –– 5 cfly{s aif{sf] z'?sf] e"QmfgL x'g afFsL bfjL jfkt Aoj:yf –– 6 cfly{s aif{sf] z'?sf] c;dfKt hf]lvd jfkt Aoj:yf –– hDdf cfo -s_ –– Joo 7 bfjL e'QmfgL -v"b_ # –– 8 clestf{ sldzg –– 9 k'gaL{df sldzg vr{ –– 10 ;]jf z'Ns -v"b_ $ –– 11 cGo k|ToIf vr{ –– 12 Joj:yfkg vr{ % –– 13 cfly{s aif{sf] cGTodf e'QmfgL x'g afFsL bfjL afkt Joj:yf ^ –– 14 cfly{s aif{sf] cGTodf c;dfKt hf]lvd afkt Joj:yf –– hDdf Joo -v_ –– 15 gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fadf ;f/]sf] art÷-gf]S;fg_= -s_ - -v_ –– cg';"rL ! b]lv ^ ;Dd o;sf cleGg c+u x'g\ .

u0f]z s'df/ sfk/ s'df/ axfb'/ vqL ;fu/ u'?ª /fd axfb'/ u'?ª xfd|f] o;} ;fy ;+nUg cfhs} d'Vo k|aGws k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t ;+rfns ;+rfns ldltsf] k|ltj]bg cfwf/df l;=P= huGgfy pkfWofo lrl/GhjL åf cfhfb >]i7 rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6; ;+rfns cWoIf h]=Pg=pkfWofo P08 s+= rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6; ldlt M @)&^÷)&÷@^ :yfgM sf7df8f}+

jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ : (! chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 cfly{s jif{ @)&$÷&% sf] kz'k+IfL tyf afnL aLdfsf] cfo–Joo lx;fa /sd -?=_ qm=;+= ljj/0f cg';"rL o; jif{ ut jif{ cfo 1 aLdfz'Ns -v"b_ ! 7,836,436 – 2 k'gaL{df sldzg cfo 6,896,063 – 3 nufgL, shf{ tyf cGoaf6 cfo @ 663,796 – 4 cGo k|ToIf cfo 5 cfly{s aif{sf] z'?sf] e"QmfgL x'g afFsL bfjL jfkt Aoj:yf –– 6 cfly{s aif{sf] z'?sf] c;dfKt hf]lvd jfkt Aoj:yf –– hDdf cfo -s_ 15,396,295 – Joo 7 bfjL e'QmfgL -v"b_ # 1,388,780 – 8 clestf{ sldzg 5,657,340 – 9 k'gaL{df sldzg vr{ –– 10 ;]jf z'Ns -v"b_ $ 78,364 – 11 cGo k|ToIf vr{ 12 Joj:yfkg vr{ % 9,389,235 – 13 cfly{s aif{sf] cGTodf e'QmfgL x'g afFsL bfjL afkt Joj:yf ^ 188,301 – 14 cfly{s aif{sf] cGTodf c;dfKt hf]lvd afkt Joj:yf 3,918,218 – hDdf Joo -v_ 20,620,238 – 15 gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fadf ;f/]sf] art÷-gf]S;fg_= -s_ - -v_ (5,223,943) –

cg';"rL ! b]lv ^ ;Dd o;sf cleGg c+u x'g\ .

u0f]z s'df/ sfk/ s'df/ axfb'/ vqL ;fu/ u'?ª /fd axfb'/ u'?ª xfd|f] o;} ;fy ;+nUg cfhs} d'Vo k|aGws k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t ;+rfns ;+rfns ldltsf] k|ltj]bg cfwf/df l;=P= huGgfy pkfWofo lrl/GhjL åf cfhfb >]i7 rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6; ;+rfns cWoIf h]=Pg=pkfWofo P08 s+= rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6;

ldlt M @)&^÷)&÷@^ :yfgM sf7df8f}+

(@ : jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 cfly{s jif{ @)&$÷&% sf] n3' aLdfsf] cfo–Joo lx;fa /sd -?=_ qm=;+= ljj/0f cg';"rL o; jif{ ut jif{ cfo 1 aLdfz'Ns -v"b_ ! 362,178 – 2 k'gaL{df sldzg cfo –– 3 nufgL, shf{ tyf cGoaf6 cfo @ 7,022 – 4 cGo k|ToIf cfo –– 5 cfly{s aif{sf] z'?sf] e"QmfgL x'g afFsL bfjL jfkt Aoj:yf –– 6 cfly{s aif{sf] z'?sf] c;dfKt hf]lvd jfkt Aoj:yf –– hDdf cfo -s_ 369,200 – Joo 7 bfjL e'QmfgL -v"b_ # 226,541 – 8 clestf{ sldzg 54,327 – 9 k'gaL{df sldzg vr{ –– 10 ;]jf z'Ns -v"b_ $ 3,622 – 11 cGo k|ToIf vr{ 658,723 – 12 Joj:yfkg vr{ % –– 13 cfly{s aif{sf] cGTodf e'QmfgL x'g afFsL bfjL afkt Joj:yf ^ –– 14 cfly{s aif{sf] cGTodf c;dfKt hf]lvd afkt Joj:yf 181,089 – hDdf Joo -v_ 1,124,301 – 15 gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fadf ;f/]sf] art÷-gf]S;fg_= -s_ - -v_ (755,101) – cg';"rL ! b]lv ^ ;Dd o;sf cleGg c+u x'g\ .

u0f]z s'df/ sfk/ s'df/ axfb'/ vqL ;fu/ u'?ª /fd axfb'/ u'?ª xfd|f] o;} ;fy ;+nUg cfhs} d'Vo k|aGws k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t ;+rfns ;+rfns ldltsf] k|ltj]bg cfwf/df l;=P= huGgfy pkfWofo lrl/GhjL åf cfhfb >]i7 rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6; ;+rfns cWoIf h]=Pg=pkfWofo P08 s+= rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6; ldlt M @)&^÷)&÷@^ :yfgM sf7df8f}+

jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ : (# chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8

ljQLo ljj/0fsf] cleGg c+usf] ¿kdf /xg] cg';"rLx¿

-s_ aLdfz'Ns -v'b_ cg';"rL– !

s'n aLdfz'Ns k'gaL{df z'Ns e'QmfgL (Ceded) aLdfz'Ns -v'b_ qm=;+= aLdfsf] lsl;d o; jif{ ut jif{ o; jif{ ut jif{ o; jif{ ut jif{ 1 clUg 65,574,972 226,574 64,740,220 187,186 834,753 39,388 2 df]6/ 185,115,318 70,093 53,402,415 17,233 131,712,903 52,860 3 xjfO{ –––––– 4 ;fd'lb|s 15,809,937 – 13,108,775 – 2,701,162 – 5 OlGhlgol/ª 73,876,598 1,971,771 64,621,392 1,960,271 9,255,206 11,500 6 ljlaw aLdf z'Ns 34,996,900 116,900 32,553,578 108,678 2,443,322 8,222 7 afnL tyf kz'k+IfL 39,182,179 – 31,345,743 – 7,836,436 – 8 n3' jLdf 362,178 – 362,178 hDdf M 414,918,082 2,385,338 259,772,123 2,273,368 155,145,959 111,970

-v_ s'n aLdfz'Ns

k|ToIf aLdfz'Ns k|fKt k'gaL{df z'Ns (Accepted) s'n aLdfz'Ns qm=;+= aLdfsf] lsl;d o; jif{ ut jif{ o; jif{ ut jif{ o; jif{ ut jif{ 1 clUg 65,473,722 226,574 101,250 – 65,574,972 226,574 2 df]6/ 181,282,350 70,093 3,832,968 – 185,115,318 70,093 3 xjfO{ ––––– 4 ;fd'lb|s 15,809,937 – – – 15,809,937 – 5 OlGhlgol/ª 73,801,115 1,971,771 75,484 – 73,876,598 1,971,771 6 ljlaw aLdf z'Ns 34,996,900 116,900 – – 34,996,900 116,900 7 afnL tyf kz'k+IfL 39,182,179 – – – 39,182,179 – 8 n3' jLdf 362,178 – 362,178 hDdf M 410,908,380 2,385,338 4,009,702 – 414,918,082 2,385,338

($ : jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8

nufgL, shf{ tyf cGoaf6 cfo cg';"rL– @ qm=;+= ljj/0f o; jif{ ut jif{ 1 ;/sf/L / ;/sf/sf] hdfgt k|fKt ;]So"l/6Laf6 cfo –– 2 jfl0fHo a}+ssf] d'2tL lgIf]kaf6 cfo 65,843,385 33,725,061 3 ljsf; a}+ssf] d'2tL lgIf]kaf6 cfo 8,538,756 – 4 gful/s nufgL of]hgfaf6 cfo –– 5 ljQLo ;+:yfsf] d'2tL lgIf]kaf6 cfo 475,368 – 6 klAns sDkgLsf] ;fwf/0f z]o/af6 nfef+z –– 7 cu|flwsf/ z]o/af6 nfef+z –– 8 a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] l8j]Gr/af6 cfo –– 9 cGoM l6s6 las|L af6 cfo –– 9.1 z]o/ lg:sfzg cfDbfgL –– 9.2 ljljw cfDbfgL] 559,600 1,872 10 shf{af6 cfo –– 11 cGo lgIf]kaf6 -d'2tL afx]s_ cfo 964,567 72,039 12 nufgL laqmLdf gfkmf 2,716,888 – Go"g nufgL laqmLdf gf]S;fg –– 13 nufgL -v/Lb_ df gfkmf –– Go"g nufgL -v/Lb_ df gf]S;fg –– 14 l:y/ ;DkQL laqmLaf6 gfkmf –– Go"g l:y/ ;DkQL laqmLaf6 gf]S;fg –– 15 vftf ckn]vg –– 16 cl3Nnf jif{;+u ;DalGwt cfo –– 17 cGo cfo –– hDdf 79,098,565 33,798,972 nufgL, shf{ tyf cGoaf6 cfosf] afF8kmfF8 qm=;+= ljj/0f o; jif{ ut jif{ 1 gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fadf ;f/]sf] 62,161,592 31,832,212 2 cUgL aLdfsf] cfo Joo lx;fadf ;f/]sf] 1,354,156 361,482 3 df]6/ aLdfsf] cfo Joo lx;fadf ;f/]sf] 11,571,632 247,672 4 xjfO{ aLdfsf] cfo Joo lx;fadf ;f/]sf] –– 5 ;fd'lb|s aLdfsf] cfo Joo lx;fadf ;f/]sf] 532,169 – 6 OlGhlgo/LË aLdfsf] cfo Joo lx;fadf ;f/]sf] 1,888,171 1,242,459 7 ljljw aLdfsf] cfo Joo lx;fadf ;f/]sf] 920,027 115,148 8 afln tyf kz' aLdfsf] cfo Joo lx;fadf ;f/]sf] 663,796 – 9 n3' aLdfsf] cfo Joo lx;fadf ;f/]sf 7,022 – hDdf 79,098,565 33,798,972

jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ : (% – – – – 82 115 529 394 1,120 cg';"rL– # cg';"rL– $ ut jif{ 13,188,507 bfjL e'QmfgL -v'b_ – ut jif{ ut jif{ ;]jf z'Ns -v'b_ 3,622 8,348 27,012 k'gaL{dssf] lx:;f o; jif{ o; jif{ s'n bfjL e'QmfgLdf 15,401,473 o; jif{ – ut jif{ – 78,364 172 1,317,129 1,872 1,087 24,433 s'n bfjL e'QmfgL o; jif{ 28,589,980 ut jif{ ut jif{ – o; jif{ rf/ cf=j= jf ;f] eGbf cl3 k/]sf] bfjL e'QmfgL o; jif{ ut jif{ s'n ;]jf z'Nsdf k'gaL{dssf] lx:;f tLg cf=j= cl3 o; jif{ k/]sf] bfjL e'QmfgL – 313,457 – 131,088 701 534,024 1,169 325,536 2,266 647,402 ut jif{ chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 b'O{ cf=j= cl3 o; jif{ ut jif{ k/]sf] bfjL e'QmfgL ––– s'n ;]jf z'Ns 3,622 ut jif{ 738,766 19,718 646,214 19,603 92,552 391,822 655,750 349,969 158,099 1,851,153 o; jif{ Ps cf=j= cl3 o; jif{ k/]sf] bfjL e'QmfgL ––––––––– 4,149,181 23,854 2,597,721 22,734 1,551,460 ut jif{ –––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––– rfn' cf=j=df 226,541 – – – – – – – – – 226,541 – – – 226,541 – 760,992 – – – – – – – – – 760,992 – 739,862 – 21,129 – 1,559,636 – – – – – – – – – 1,559,636 – 1,379,748 – 179,888 – o; jif{ 2,083,382 – – – – – – – – – 2,083,382 – 1,953,885 – 129,497 – 6,943,900 – – – – – – – – – 6,943,900 – 5,555,120 – 1,388,780 – k/]sf] bfjL e'QmfgL 17,015,530 – – – – – – – – – 17,015,530 – 5,772,858 – 11,242,672 – 28,589,980 clUg ;fd'lb|s df]6/ OGhLlgol/ª ljljw xjfO{ afnL tyf kz'k+IfL n3' jLdf hDdf clUg df]6/ xjfO{ ;fd'lb|s OlGhlgol/ª ljlaw aLdf z'Ns afnL tyf kz'k+IfL n3' jLdf hDdf 4 8 6 1 7 2 5 3 4 6 2 7 1 8 3 5 qm=;+= aLdfsf] lsl;d qm=;+= aLdfsf] lsl;d ;]jf z'Ns -v'b_ bfjL e'QmfgL (^ : jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 Joj:yfkg vr{ cg';"rL– % qm=;+= ljj/0f o; jif{ ut jif{ 1 sd{rf/L vr{ -cg';"rL %=! adf]lhd_ 68,287,916 359,561 2 3/ ef8f 11,337,893 123,864 3 lah'nL tyf kfgL 1,095,312 33,170 4 dd{t tyf ;Def/ -s_ ejg –– -v_ ;jf/L ;fwg 57,573 – -u_ sfof{no pks/0f 21,000 – -3_ cGo –– 5 ;+rf/ 3,864,974 7,358 6 5kfO{ tyf d;nGb 4,609,507 98,235 7 vr{ x'g] sfof{no ;fdfg 2,994,335 5,355 8 kl/jxg 3,101,924 5,940 9 e|d0f vr{ -eQf ;d]t_ -s_ cfGtl/s 1,391,436 – -v_ j}b]lzs 81,122 124,592 10 clestf{ tflnd 397,325 – 11 clestf{ cGo –– 12 aLdfz'Ns 571,347 13 ;'/Iff vr{ 568,307 18,781 14 sfg"gL tyf k/fdz{ z'Ns 9,155,219 13,240 15 kq klqsf tyf k':ts 56,130 – 16 lj1fkg tyf k|rf/ k|;f/ 3,019,117 403,936 17 Jofkf/ k|j4{g 1,825,253 – 18 cltyL ;Tsf/ 1,373,982 414 19 rGbf tyf pkxf/ 385,500 – 20 ;+rfns ;ldlt ;DaGwL vr{ -s_ a}7s eQf 284,000 – -v_ cGo 42,006 – 21 cGo ;ldlt÷pk–;ldlt ;DaGwL vr{ –– -s_ a}7s eQf 203,000 26,000 -v_ cGo 13,169 2,728 22 ;fwf/0f ;ef ;DaGwL vr{ 13,000 – 23 n]vf k/LIf0f ;DaGwL vr{ -s_ n]vf k/LIf0f z'Ns 200,000 100,000 -v_ s/ n]vf k/LIf0f z'Ns 25,000 25,000 -u_ lj:t[t n]vf k/LIf0f k|ltj]bg z'Ns 25,000 – -3_ cGo z'Ns –– -ª_ cfGtl/s n]vf k/LIf0f vr{ 100,000 25,000 -r_ cGo vr{ 251,719 – 24 Aofh –– 25 a}s rfh{ 180,739 190 26 z'Ns tyf b:t"/ 848,295 – 27 Xf; s§L 6,783,794 259,798 28 x'nfs l6s6 458,350 2,440 29 cGo –– 29.1 ljljw vr{ 1,148,176 5,795 29.2 ;6xL 36a9 vr{ 6,996 – 29.3 jflif{s pT;j vr{ 883,009 – 29.4 gofF zfvf ;+rfng vr{ 607,661 72,755 afF8kmfF8sf] nflu hDdf 126,269,084 1,714,151 qmdzM==

jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ : (& chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 afF8kmfF8sf] nflu hDdf qm=;+= ljj/0f o; jif{ ut jif{ 1 gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fadf ;f/]sf] 15,423,313 998,550 2 cUgL aLdfsf] cfo Joo lx;fadf ;f/]sf] 18,038,154 67,972 3 ;fd'lb|s aLdfsf] cfo Joo lx;fadf ;f/]sf] 3,952,484 4 xjfO{ aLdfsf] cfo Joo lx;fadf ;f/]sf] –– 5 df]6/ aLdfsf] cfo Joo lx;fadf ;f/]sf] 50,307,847 21,028 6 ljljw aLdfsf] cfo Joo lx;fadf ;f/]sf] 9,420,535 35,070 7 OlGhlgo/LË aLdfsf] cfo Joo lx;fadf ;f/]sf] 19,737,515 591,531 8 afln tyf kz' aLdfsf] cfo Joo lx;fadf ;f/]sf] 9,389,235 – hDdf 126,269,084 1,714,151

sd{rf/L vr{ cg';"rL– %=! qm=;+= ljj/0f o; jif{ ut jif{ 1 tna 31,566,680 179,789 2 eQf 21,115,385 157,884 3 bz}+ vr{ 2,539,757 – 4 ;~rosf]ifdf yk 1,899,264 10,944 5 tflnd vr{ 1,539,551 6 kf]zfs –– 7 cf}ifwf]krf/ 2,573,543 8 aLdf – 9 k]G;g tyf pkbfg 1,581,111 10,944 10 ljbf afktsf] vr{ tyf Joj:yf 5,472,625 – 11 cGo ;"ljwf jfkt vr{ tyf Aoj:yf -ljj/0f v"nfpg]_+ –– 12 cGo -ljj/0f v"nfpg]_ –– s_ pkbfg e'QmfgL –– hDdf 68,287,916 359,561

(* : jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ sL bfjL cg';"rL– ^ aLdfsf] cfo Joo lx;fadf ;fl/Psf] QmfgL x ' g af “ e' ;DalGwt Joj:yf afkt hDdf bfjLdf e'QmfgL x'g af“sL k'gaL{dssf] lx:;f 29,239,521 21,504,813 8,894,913 hDdf bfjL e'QmfgL x'g af“sL – 818,700 654,960 188,301 – 1,000,000– 990,000 8,384,321– 11,500 2,701,200 366,500 6,535,589 339,848 30,650 – 170,000 151,603 21,157 – 18,500,000 16,667,202 2,107,717 bfjL -cg'dflgt_ ;[hgf ePsf] t/ hfgsf/Ldf gcfPsf] – – – – – – eGbf cl3 k/]sf] tLg cf=j= jf ;f] e'QmfgL x'g af“sL bfjL – – – – – – af“sL bfjL b'O{ cf=j= cl3 chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 k/]sf] e'QmfgL x'g – –– –– – – – – – af“sL bfjL Ps cf=j= cl3 k/]sf] e'QmfgL x'g –––––––– –––––––– 366,500 170,000 818,700 8,384,321 1,000,000 18,500,000 af“sL bfjL e'QmfgL x'g rfn' cf=j=df k/]sf] 29,239,521 clUg ;fd'lb|s df]6/ OGhLlgol/ª ljljw xjfO{ afnL tyf kz'k+IfL n3' jLdf hDdf cfly{s jif{sf] cGTodf e'QmfgL x'g afFsL bfjL jfkt Joj:yf 8 1 2 4 6 3 7 5 qm=;+= aLdfsf] lsl;d

jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ : (( chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 cfo–Joo lx;fax¿af6 gfkmf–gf]S;fg lx;fadf ;f/]sf] /sd cg';"rL– & qm=;+= ljj/0f o; jif{ ut jif{ 1 cUgL aLdfsf] cfo Joo lx;faaf6 ;f/]sf] (1,440,861) 364,192 2 ;fd'lb|s aLdfsf] cfo Joo lx;faaf6 ;f/]sf] 1,343,158 – 3 xjfO{ aLdfsf] cfo Joo lx;fadf ;f/]sf] –– 4 df]6/ aLdfsf] cfo Joo lx;faaf6 ;f/]sf] 21,547,588 261,877 5 OlGhlgo/LË aLdfsf] cfo Joo lx;faaf6 ;f/]sf] (2,813,260) 957,049 6 ljljw aLdfsf] cfo Joo lx;faaf6 ;f/]sf] 876,137 104,798 7 kz'k+5L tyf afnL aLdfsf] cfo Joo lx;faaf6 ;f/]sf] (5,223,943) – 8 n3' jLdf aLdfsf] cfo Joo lx;faaf6 ;f/]sf (755,101) – hDdf 13,533,719 1,687,916

Joj:yf lkmtf{ cg';"rL– * qm=;+= ljj/0f o; jif{ ut jif{ != nufgLdf gf]S;fgLsf] nflu Joj:yf lkmtf{ –– @= shf{df gf]S;fgLsf] nflu Joj:yf lkmtf{ –– #= z+sf:kb cf;fdL Joj:yf lkmtf{ –– $= cGo Joj:yf lkmtf{ –– hDdf ––

ckn]vg vr{x¿ cg';"rL– ( qm=;+= ljj/0f o; jif{ ut jif{ != k|f/lDes vr{x¿ – – @= k"j{ ;+rfng vr{x¿ – – #= k/ ;fl/Psf vr{x¿ – – $= ckn]vg ul/Psf] nufgL – – %= ckn]vg ul/Psf] shf{ –– ^= ckn]vg ul/Psf] cf;fdL – – &= cGo ckn]vg – – hDdf –– z]o/ ;DaGwL vr{ cg';"rL– ( s qm=;+= ljj/0f o; jif{ ut jif{ != z]o/ lgisfzg vr{ – – @= z]o/ /lhi6«]zg vr{ –– #= z]o/ ;"rLs/0f vr{ – – $= nfef+z ljt/0f vr{ –– %= z]o/ ;DaGwL cGo vr{ –– hDdf ––

!)) : jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8

cGo vr{x¿ cg';"rL– !) qm=;+= ljj/0f o; jif{ ut jif{ != b08 hl/jfgf – – @= ljnDa z'Ns hl/jfgf – – #= cGo – – $= ljb]zL d'b|f ;6xL km/s – – hDdf ––

gf]S;fgLsf] nflu Joj:yf cg';"rL– !! qm=;+= ljj/0f o; jif{ ut jif{ != nufgLdf gf]S;fgLsf] nflu Joj:yf – – @= shf{df gf]S;fgLsf] nflu Joj:yf – – #= z+sf:kb cf;fdL Joj:yf – – $= cGo Joj:yf %*#,@!) – hDdf %*#,@!) –

aLdf sf]if cg';"rL– !@ jif{sf] z'?df aLdfsf]if gfkmf–gf]S;fg lx;faaf6 ;f/]sf] jif{sf] cGTodf aLdfsf]if qm=;+= aLdfsf] lsl;d o; jif{ ut jif{ o; jif{ ut jif{ o; jif{ ut jif{ 1 clUg 2,150,046 – – 2,150,046 2,150,046 2,150,046 2 df]6/ 1,546,019 – 18,674,453 1,546,019 20,220,472 1,546,019 3 xjfO{ –––––– 4 ;fd'lb|s – – 1,164,063 – 1,164,063 – 5 OlGhlgol/ª 5,650,040 – – 5,650,040 5,650,040 5,650,040 6 ljlaw aLdf z'Ns 618,688 – 759,314 618,688 1,378,002 618,688 7 afnL tyf kz'k+IfL ––––– 8. n3' jLdf ––––– hDdf M 9,964,793 – 20,597,830 9,964,793 30,562,623 9,964,793

jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ : !)! chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8

-s_ z]o/ k"FhL cg';"rL– !# qm=;+= ljj/0f o; jif{ ut jif{ != clws[t k"FhL s_ ?= !)). b/sf] !)),)),))) yfg OSo"6L z]o/ 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000 v_ ?======b/sf] ======yfg ckl/jt{gLo cu|flwsf/ z]o/ u_ ?======b/sf] ======yfg kl/jt{gLo cu|flwsf/ z]o/ @= hf/L k"FhL s_ ?= !)). b/sf] !)),)),))) yfg OSo"6L z]o/ 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000 v_ ?======b/sf] ====yfg ckl/jt{gLo cu|flwsf/ z]o/ u_ ?======b/sf] ======yfg kl/jt{gLo cu|flwsf/ z]o/ #= r'Qmf k"FhL s_ ?= !)). b/sf] &),)),))) yfg OSo"6L z]o/ 700,000,000 700,000,000 Go"g e'QmfgL k|fKt x'g afFsL ?======b/sf] ======yfg OSo"6L z]o/ v_ ?======b/sf] ====yfg ckl/jt{gLo cu|flwsf/ z]o/ u_ ?======b/sf] ======yfg kl/jt{gLo cu|flwsf/ z]o/ 3_ af]g; z]o/af6 cfPsf] km|ofS;g z]o/ – hDdf 700,000,000 700,000,000

-v_ z]o/ :jfldTjsf] ;+/rgf o; jif{ ut jif{ z]o/wgL ;fwf/0f ;fwf/0f z]o/ ;+Vof :jfldTjsf] Ü z]o/ ;+Vof :jfldTjsf] Ü

g]kfnL ;+ul7t ;+:yfx? g]kfnL ;+ul7t ;+:yfx? 1,625,050 23 1,625,050 23

;+:yfks g]kfnL gful/s 5,374,950 77 5,374,950 77 ljb]zL –––– hDdf 7,000,000 100 7,000,000 100 ;j{ ;fwf/0f – – – – cGo –––– s"n 7,000,000 100 7,000,000 100


!)@ : jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8

-u_ Ps k|ltzt jf a9L z]o/ :jfldTj ePsf z]o/wgLx¿sf] ljj/0f o; jif{ ut jif{ qm=;+= ljj/0f :jfldTjsf] Ü /sd :jfldTjsf] Ü /sd 1 >L ef6 e6]gL ;'k/dfs]{6 P08 l8kf6{d]06n :6f]/ k|f=ln= 11.42 79,905,000 11.42 79,905,000 2 >L sNof0f u'?Ë 10.00 70,000,000 10.00 70,000,000 3 >L sfdgf u'?Ë 5.00 35,000,000 5.00 35,000,000 4 >L dLg axfb'/ u'?Ë 5.00 35,000,000 5.00 35,000,000 5 >L ;]Gr'/L sdl;{on a}+s ln= 4.29 30,000,000 4.29 30,000,000 6 >L lk|ly ltjf/L 3.57 25,000,000 3.57 25,000,000 8 >L ljs]z k|wfgfË 3.00 21,000,000 3.00 21,000,000 9 >L clDjsf kf}8]n 2.86 20,000,000 2.86 20,000,000 10 >L u0f]z axfb'/ >]i7 2.86 20,000,000 2.86 20,000,000 11 >L /f]8;f] OGe]i6d]06 k|f=ln= 2.86 20,000,000 2.86 20,000,000 12 >L ;GbLk v]tfg 2.14 15,000,000 2.14 15,000,000 13 >L ;'lgn >]i7 2.14 15,000,000 2.14 15,000,000 14 >L /f]zg s]=;L= 2.00 14,000,000 2.00 14,000,000 15 >L df5fk'R5]« la|s km\ofS6«L k|f=ln= 1.66 11,600,000 1.66 11,600,000 16 >L cfhfb >]i7 1.57 11,000,000 1.57 11,000,000 17 >L Pj/fh e§/fO{ 1.50 10,500,000 1.50 10,500,000 18 >L Soflna/ OGe]id]G6 sDkgL k|f=ln= 1.43 10,000,000 1.43 10,000,000 19 >L xfyj] OGe]i6d]G6 g]kfn k|f=ln= 1.43 10,000,000 1.43 10,000,000 20 >L /fd sfhL u'?Ë -sf]g]_ 1.36 9,500,000 1.36 9,500,000 21 >L ;'zLnf uf]on 1.25 8,750,000 1.25 8,750,000 22 >L dx]Gb| s'df/ uf]on 1.25 8,750,000 1.25 8,750,000 23 >L s}nf; rGb| uf]on 1.25 8,750,000 1.25 8,750,000 24 >L ;'bz{g gf/fo0f hf]zL 1.25 8,750,000 1.25 8,750,000 25 >L h''nL rfrfg 1.07 7,500,000 1.07 7,500,000 26 >L ls/0f s]=;L= 1.00 7,000,000 1.00 7,000,000

hu]8f tyf sf]ifM cg';"rL– !$ qm=;+= ljj/0f o; jif{ ut jif{ 1 :yug s/ hu]8f 1,127,259 133,414 2 aLdf hu]8f –– 3 k"FhLut hu]8f –– 4 ljz]if hu]8f –– 5 cGo hu]8f -ljj/0f v'nfpg]_ –– 6 z]o/ lk|ldod –– 7 k|:tfljt af]gz z]o/ –– 8 k"FhLs[t x'g afFsL af]gz z]o/ –– 9 Gffkmf gf]S;fg lx;faaf6 ;f/]sf] gfkmf 18,261,479 8,834,900 hDdf 19,388,739 8,968,314

jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ : !)# chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 dxf–ljklQ hu]8fM cg';"rL– !% z'?df dxf–ljklQ hu]8f gfkmf–gf]S;fg lx;faaf6 ;f/]sf] jif{sf] cGTodf dxf–ljklQ hu]8f qm=;+= o; jif{ ut jif{ o; jif{ ut jif{ o; jif{ ut jif{ 1 996,479 – 1,157,825 996,479 2,154,304 996,479 996,479 – 1,157,825 996,479 2,154,304 996,479

ltg{ afFsL bL3{sfnLg C0f tyf ;fk6LM cg';"rL– !^ qm=;+= ljj/0f o; jif{ ut jif{ != l8a]Gr/ ÷ a08 – – @= a}+s–– #= ljQLo ;+:yf – – $= cGo -ljj/0f v'nfpg]_–– hDdf ––

!)$ : jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ cg';"rL– !& v'b df]n o; jif{;Ddsf] ut jif{;Ddsf] hDdf 7,043,592 32,329,528 11,395,873 7,043,592 32,329,528 11,395,873 – – – –––– –––– laqmL÷;dfof]hg ¥xf; s§L hDdf ut jif{;Dd o; jif{ 2,023,159 7,858 398,408 – 406,266 1,616,893 977,960 1,982,500 120,000 396,500 – 516,500 1,466,000 480,000 9,817,748 24,748 1,459,326 – 1,484,074 8,333,673 497,516 39,373,120 259,798 6,783,794 39,373,120 259,798 6,783,794 8,032,884 33,046 1,389,021 – 1,422,068 6,610,816 4,781,279 17,516,830 74,146 3,140,538 – 3,214,684 14,302,146 4,659,118 – – o; jif{ 36]sf] chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 – k/n df]n o; jif{ yk]sf] – –––– – – – 11,655,671 – 11,655,671 – 259,798 – 259,798 11,395,873 – 522,264 9,295,484 985,819 1,037,340 600,000 1,382,500 4,733,264 12,783,566 4,814,326 3,218,558 11,655,671 27,717,449 11,655,671 27,717,449 z'? df}Hbft ljj/0f cfly{s jif{ @)&%÷)&^ sf] l:y/ ;DklQ ljj/0f lk|m xf]N8 hldg ejg kmlg{r/ tyf lkmS;\r;{ sfof{no ;fdfg sDKo"6/ tyf ;"rgf k|ljwL pks/0f cb[Zo ;DklQ -ljj/0f v'nfpg]_ ;jf/L ;fwg lnh xf]N8 ;DklQ cGo -k|s[lt v'nfpg]_ hDdf lgdf{0fflwg k"FhLut vr{ s"n ut jif{

jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ : !)% chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 nufgL cg';"rL– !* qm=;+= ljj/0f o; jif{ ut jif{ -s_ bL3{sfnLg nufgL M ! ;/sf/L / ;/sf/sf] hdfgt k|fKt ;]So"l/6L –– @ jfl0fHo a}+ssf] d'2tL lgIf]k –– # ljsf; a}+ssf] d'2tL lgIf]k –– $ gful/s nufgL of]hgf –– % ljQLo ;+:yfsf] d'2tL lgIf]k –– ^ klAns sDkgLsf] ;fwf/0f z]o/ -cg';"rL !*=! adf]lhd_ –– & a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] cu|flwsf/ z]o/÷l8j]Gr/ –– * cGo 200,000 – hDdf M 200,000 – -v_ cNksflng nufgL M ! ;/sf/L / ;/sf/sf] hdfgt k|fKt ;]So"l/6L –– @ jfl0fHo a}+ssf] d'2tL lgIf]k 748,000,000 678,000,000 # ljsf; a}+ssf] d'2tL lgIf]k 118,500,000 – $ gful/s nufgL of]hgf –– % ljQLo ;+:yfsf] d'2tL lgIf]k 8,000,000 – ^ a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] cu|flwsf/ z]o/÷l8j]Gr/ –– & jfl0fHo a}+ssf] Aofh k|fKt x'g] cGo lgIf]k 22,200,471 31,741,536 * ljsf; a}+ssf Aofh k|fKt x'g]] cGo lgIf]k 2,327,832 2,541,753 ( ljQLo ;+:yfsf] Aofh k|fKt x'g] cGo lgIf]k –– !) cGo Aofh k|fKt x'g] nufgL –– hDdf M 899,028,303 712,283,289 s"n 899,228,303 712,283,289 z]o/df nufgL cg';"rL– !*=! qm=;+= sDkgL v'b /sd c+lst d"No k/n d"No ahf/ d"No –– – – – – –– – – – –

!)^ : jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 gub tyf a}+s df}Hbft cg';"rL– !( qm=;+= ljj/0f o; jif{ ut jif{ ! gub df}Hbft – 732,414

hDdf – 732,414 @ a}+s df}Hbft jfl0fHo a}+sx?sf] df}Hbft 6,573,493.33 210,055 ljsf; a}+sx?sf] df}Hbft 1,745,158.92 – ljQLo ;+:yfx?sf] df}Hbft 824,164.49 – cGo -ljj/0f v'nfpg]_ –– hDdf 9,142,816.74 210,055 s"n 9,142,816.74 942,468 cGo shf{ cg';"rL– @) qm=;+= ljj/0f o; jif{ ut jif{ -s_ bL3{sfnLg != clestf{nfO{ shf{ –– @= sd{rf/LnfO{ shf{ –– #= cGo -ljj/0f v'nfpg]_–– hDdf –– -v_ cNksfnLg != clestf{nfO{ shf{ –– @= sd{rf/LnfO{ shf{ –– #= cGo -ljj/0f v'nfpg]_–– hDdf –– cGo ;DklQ cg';"rL– @! qm=;+= ljj/0f o; jif{ ut jif{ 1 nufgLaf6 k|fKt x'g afFsL cfo 1,529,561.65 746,178 2 shf{af6 k|fKt x'g afFsL Aofh – 3 cGo aLdsaf6 k|fKt x'g afFsL 880,428.56 4 k'gaL{dsaf6 k|fKt x'g afFsL 171,049.80 5 ljljw cf;fdL 22,795,620.56 3,791,514 6 clu|d e'QmfgL 302,620.03 7 sd{rf/L k]ZsL 4,445,749.30 8 cGo k]ZsL 9 w/f}6L 631,674.32 216,500 10 c;'n x'g afFsL aLdfz'Ns Go"g M c;'n x'g afFsL aLdfz'Ns d'NtjL -suspense_ 11 cGo 11.1 clu|d cfos/ 40,436,551.37 13,261,423 11.2 :yug s/ ;+Dklt 1,127,259.41 11.3 gful/s nufgL sf]if -pkbfg jfkt_ 11.4 d"No clej[l4 s/ afFsL – 1,502,978 hDdfM 72,320,515.00 19,518,593

jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ : !)& chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 rfn' bfloTj cg';"rL– @@ qm=;+= ljj/0f o; jif{ ut jif{ 1 clestf{nfO{ lbg afFsL 3,077,432.76 90,777 2 cGo aLdsnfO{ lbg afFsL 615,131.91 1,849,506 3 k'gaL{dsnfO{ lbg afFsL 104,111,789.52 – 4 cNksflng ;fk6L –– 5 aLdfz'Ns w/f}6L 730,445.02 39,730 6 k"0f{ ljj/0f gv'n]sf] aLdfz'Ns – 7 ljljw ;fx" 9,350,543.30 7,066,161 8 ;xfos÷xf]lN8Ë sDkgLnfO{ lbg afFsL – 9 >f]tdf s§f ul/Psf] s/ ltg{ afFsL 2,200,093.26 202,419 10 d"No clej[l4 s/ ltg{ afFsL 4,163,469.81 – 11 cfos/ ltg{ afFsL –– 12 ;]jf z'Ns ltg{ afFsL 4,149,180.82 23,997 13 sd{rf/LnfO{ lbg afFsL 1,728,218.16 2,217,403 14 ;+rfnsnfO{ lbg afFsL –– 15 e"Qmflg lbg jf+ls nfef+z -l8le8]08_ –– 16 cGo –– 16.1 ;j]{o/nfO{ ltg{ afFls –– 16.2 ;jf/L ;fwg w/f}6L – 72,667 16.3 :yug s/ bfloTj – 133,413 hDdf 130,126,304.56 11,696,073 c;dfKt hf]lvd Joj:yf cg';"rL– @# qm=;+= ljj/0f o; jif{ ut jif{ 1 cUgL aLdfsf] c;dfKt hf]lvd hu]8f 417,376.41 19,694 2 ;fd'lb|s aLdfsf] c;dfKt hf]lvd hu]8f –– rfn' cf=a=sf] 1,350,580.83 – Ps cf=a= cl3sf] –– b"O{ cf=a= cl3sf] –– hDdf 1,350,580.83 – 3 df]6/ aLdfsf] c;dfKt hf]lvd hu]8f 65,856,451.47 26,430 4 xjfO{ aLdfsf] c;dfKt hf]lvd hu]8f –– 5 OlGhlgo/LË aLdfsf] c;dfKt hf]lvd hu]8f 4,627,603.04 5,750 6 ljljw aLdfsf] c;dfKt hf]lvd hu]8f 1,221,661.00 4,111 7 kz'k+5L tyf afnL aLdfsf] c;dfKt hf]lvd hu]8f 3,918,217.87 – 8 n3' jLdf 181,088.89 – hDdf 77,572,979.49 55,985

!)* : jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ 956,507 9,502,070 cg';"rL– @# -s_ /x]sf] Joj:yf jif{sf] cGtdf sfod o; jif{ ut jif{ 44,321,300 12,458,577 ut jif{ ul/Psf] Joj:yf rfn' cf=j= df lkmtf{ o; jif{ ––– QmfgL ut jif{ vg÷e ' ul/Psf] Joj:yf cf=j= df ckn ] o; jif{ 2,956,507=00 rfn ' ut jif{ Joj:yf o; jif{ rfn' cf=j=df yk ul/Psf] 34,819,230 12,458,577 – chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 ut jif{ –– – – –– – – –– –– – – –– ––– – – – – –– – ––– – – – – –– – –– – – – –– – – –– – –– – – – –– 583,210 – – –– – – – – – –– – – –– 5,423,375 ––– – – – – – –– – – – – – – – – – – – – – 583,210 – 5,423,375 – – jif{sf] z'?df Joj:yf o; jif{ 2,956,507 – – 2,956,507 2,956,507 – – – – 2, 9,502,070 – 28,812,645 9,502,070 – – – – 38,314,715 12,458,577 ljj/0f +sf:kb cf;fdLsf] nflu Aoj:yf sd{rf/L ;DaGwL Aoj:yf -s_ k]G;g tyf pkbfg Aoj:yf -v_ ljbf jfkt Aoj:yf -u_ cfjf; tyf cGo ;'ljwf Aoj:yf -3_ sd{rf/L af]g; Aoj:yf -ª_ cGo hDdf !@ nfef+z -l8le8]08_ sf] nflu Aoj:yf # cfos/ Aoj:yf $ nufgLdf gf]S;fgLsf] nflu Aoj:yf %z shf{df gf]S;fgLsf] nflu Aoj:yf ^& cGo gf]S;fgLsf] nflu Aoj:yf * cGo Aoj:yf -ljj/0f v'nfpg]_ qm=;+= cGo Joj:yf jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ : !)( chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 ckn]vg÷;dfof]hg x'g afFsL ljljw vr{x¿M cg';"rL– @$ qm=;+= ljj/0f o; jif{ ut jif{ != ckn]vg ug{ afFsL k|f/lDes vr{ –– @= ckn]vg ug{ afFsL k"j{ ;+rfng vr{ –– #= ckn]vg ug{ afFsL :yug ul/Psf cGo vr{ –– $= cGo -ljj/0f v'nfpg]_–– hDdf ––

!!) : jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8

cg';"rL @% ljQLo ljj/0f;Fu ;DalGwt k|d'v n]vf gLltx¿ sDkgL] hfgsf/L (Company Information) chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 -o; kl5 æsDkgLÆ elgPsf]_ g]kfndf :yflkt l;ldt bfloTj ePsf] lghL{jg aLdf sDkgL xf] . sDkgLsf] /lhi68{ sfof{no, sf7df08f} d=g=kf= j8f g+= !!, ;'Gwf/fdf /x]sf] 5 . of] sDkgLn] aLdf ;ldltaf6 aLdf P]g, @)$( sf ] bkmf !) sf ] pkbkmf # tyf aLdf lgodfjnL, @)$( sf ] lgod * sf ] pklgod -@_ adflhd] lghLjg{ AfLdf Joj;fo :f+rfng ug{ ldlt @)&$.!).@$ ut] af6 l:js[lt k|fKt u/L ldlt @)&%.)#.@! ut] af6 sf/f]af/ ul//x]sf] 5 . ;+:yfsf] ;+nUg ljQLo ljj/0fx¿ ;+rfns ;ldltaf6 k|sfzg÷hf/L ug{sf nflu ldlt @)&^.)&.@^ df kfl/t ePsf] xf] .

!= ljQLo ljj/0f tof/Lsf cfwf/x¿ o; sDkgLsf ] ljQLo ljj/0fx¿ lgs6td gkfnL] ?kofdf}F Pltxfl;s] dNo" cjwf/0ff (Historical Cost Convention) cg?k' :ki6 ?kdf cGoyf pNnv] ul/Psfdf] afxs] k|f]befjL (Accrual) cfwf/df nvfÍg] u/L ;fdfGotM dfGo nvfsf] l;4fGtx¿, k|rlnt sfg'gsf clwgdf /xL aLdf P]g @)$(, aLdf lgodfjnL @)$(, sDkgL P]g @)^# tyf aLdf ;ldltsf] ljQLo ljj/0f ;DaGwL lgb]{lzsf @)^% sf] clwgdf aLdf Joj;fodf /x]sf] k|rng ;d]tnfO{ Wofgdf /flv tof/ ul/Psf] 5 . cg'dfgsf] cfwf/ gLltM ljQLo ljj/0fx¿ ;fdfGotM dfGo n]vfsf l;4fGtx¿sf] cfwf/df /xL Joj:yfkgn] ;DklQ tyf bfloTjsf] cg'dfg ug'{ kb5{ h; cg;f/' ljQLo ljj/0fdf pNnv] ul/Psf ] ;DklQ, bfloTj, cfo tyf vrsf{ csx¿+ tyf jf;nft ldltsf ] 3flift] ;+efljt bfloTjnfO{ k|efj ub{5 . jf:tljs kl/0ffd (Actual Result) pNn]lvt cg'dfg eGbf leGg x'g ;Sb5 t/ ;f] leGgtf pNn]Vo (Significant) gx'g] cg'dfg 5 . @= l:y/ ;DklQ n]vfÍg gLlt l:y/ ;DklQ k/n d'Nodf n]vfÍg ul/Psf] 5 / ;DklQsf] nfutaf6 s'n ;+lrt x|f; /sd s6fO{ lstfaL d"No (Book Value) df jf;nftdf bvfO] Psf{ ] 5 . ;DklQ kfKt| ugsf{ ] nfuL ul/Psf ] vr { tyf :yfkgf vrnfO{ { nfut dNodf' klhs/0f"F ul/Psf] 5 . #= x|f; s§L gLlt l:y/ ;DklQ n]vfÍg ul/Psf] ldlt b]lv 36\bf] d'No k|0ffnL (Diminishing Balance Method) cg';f/ lgDg lnlvt b/n] x|f; s§L ul/Psf] 5 . ¥xf; s§L b/ l:y/ ;DklQsf] ljj/0f -Ü_ Efjg % kmlg{r/ tyf lkmS;r;{ @% sfof{no ;fdfg @% sDKo"6/ tyf ;"rgf k|ljlw pks/0f @% ;jf/L ;fwg @) lnh xf]N8 ;DklQ @%

t/ cb[Zo ;DklQ -Software_ nfO{ % aif{df ckn]vg ug]{ gLlt lnO{Psf] 5 .

$= k"FhLs[t gul/g] ;DklQx¿ ;DaGwL gLlt vkt x'g] ;fdfg afx]s cGo ;fdfgnfO{ k"FHfLs[t ul/Psf] 5, t/ ?= %,))) eGbf sd d"Nosf] ;DklQnfO{ vl/b ;dodf vr{ n]vfÍg ug]{ lglt /x]sf] 5 .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ : !!! %= cfos/ Joj:yf gLlt s_ sDkgLn] cfos/ P]g @)%* / cfos/ lgodfjnL @)%( cg';f/ cfos/sf] Joj:yf ug]{ gLlt lnPsf] 5 . v_ :yug s/ M g]kfn n]vfdfg ( cg';f/ ;DklQ tyf bfloTjsf] cfwf/df :yug ul/Psf] s/sf] n]vfÍg ul/Psf] 5 . ljQLo ljj/0f cg';f/ ;DklQ tyf bfloTjsf] /sd tyf s/sf cfwf/ lar km/s eO{ ;[hgf x'g] c:yfO{ cGt/ (Temporary Difference) sf ] sf/0fn ] eljiodf ;hgf[ x'g] s/ bfloTj tyf ;DklQsf] nut /fVg ] p2]Zon ] :yug s/sf ] nvfÍg] ul/Psf ] 5 . gkfn] n]vfdfg tyf aLdf ;ldltn ] lglbi6{ u/ ] adflhd] ljQLo ljj/0fdf :yug s/ ;DklQ tyf bfloTjnfO { ;dfofhg] (Netted Off) ul/ ;fxL] cg;f/' af;nftdf :yug cfos/ ;DklQ tyf bfloTj cGtut { nvfÍg] ug ]{ gLlt lnOPsf ] 5 . :yug s/ ;DaGwL pk/f]Qm n]vfÍg lqmofsnfksf sf/0f ;DklQ ;[hgf ePdf ;f] /sd gfkmf gf]S;fg afF8kmfF8 lx;fadf vr{ n]vL :yug s/ hu]8f sf]if v8f ug'{sf ;fy} ;f] sf]ifsf] /sd :yug s/ afx]s cGo k|of]hgsf nflu k|of]u gug]{ gLlt /x]sf] 5 .

^= nufgL n]vfÍg gLlt -s_ ;/sf/L artkq÷C0fkqdf nufgL n]vfÍg gLlt M -!_ aLdf ;ldltsf ] ljQLo ljj/0f ;DaGwL lgblzsf]{ @)^% adflhd] ;/sf/sf ] artkq jf C0fkq jf gkfn] ;/sf/sf] hdfgt kfKt| C0fkqdf ul/Psf ] nufgLnfO { clÍt dNo" (Face Value) jf k/n dNo" dWo ] hg' 36L 5 ;fxL] dNodf" n]vfÍg ug]{ gLlt lnOPsf] 5 .

-@_ v08 -!_ df pNnv] ul/P adflhd] ul/Psf ] nufgLsf ] clÍt dNo" (Face Value) eGbf k/n dNo" a9L ePdf To:tf] a9L /sdnfO { cfDbfgL x'g] cawLsf ] cfwf/df cyft{ nufgLsf ] cjlw leq ;dfgkflts' cfwf/df (Pro-rata Basis) cfodf ;dfof]hg ug]{ gLlt lnOPsf] 5 .

-#_ v08 -!_ df pNnv] ul/P adflhd] ul/Psf ] nufgLsf ] clÍt dNo" (Face Value) eGbf k/n dNo" sd ePdf To:tf] km/s /sdnfO{ nufgL calw leq ;dfg'kflts cfwf/df (Pro-rata Basis) nufgLaf6 cfosf] ?kdf n]vfÍg ug]{ gLlt lnOPsf] 5 . -$_ v08 -!_ df pNn]v ul/P adf]lhdsf] art kq jf C0fkqsf] n]vfÍg ul/Psf] d"No eGbf ahf/ d"No sd x'g uPdf To:tf] km/s /sd a/fa/ Joj:yf (Provision) ug]{ gLlt lnOPsf] 5 . -v_ a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] d'2tL lgIf]kdf nufgL n]vfÍg gLlt M aLdf ;ldltsf] ljQLo ljj/0f ;DaGwL lgb]{lzsf @)^% adf]lhd a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] d'2tL lgIf]k jf gful/s nufgL sf]ifsf] nufgL of]hgfx¿df ul/Psf] nufgLnfO{ ;fFjf /sddf b]vfOPsf] 5 . -u_ klAns lnld6]8 sDkgLsf] z]o/df nufgL n]vfÍg gLlt M klAns lnld6]8 sDkgLsf] ;"lrs[t z]o/df ul/Psf] nufgLnfO{ k/n d"Nodf n]vfÍg ug]{ gLlt lnOPsf] 5 . z]o/df ul/Psf ] nufgLsf ] nvfÍg] ul/Psf ] dNo" eGbf ahf/ dNo" sd xg' uPdf To:tf ] km/s /sd a/fa/ Joj:yf (Provision) ug]{ gLlt lnOPsf] 5 . -3_ klAns lnld6]8 sDkgLn] hf/L u/]sf] C0fkqx¿df nufgL n]vfÍg gLlt M klAns lnld68] sDkgLsf ] hf/L u/sf] ] C0fkqx¿df ul/Psf ] nfugLnfO { clÍt dNo" (Face Value) jf k/n d"No dWo] h'g 36L 5 ;fxL] dNodf" nvfÍg] ug ]{ gLlt lnOPsf ] 5 . clÍt dNo" eGbf k/n dNo" a9L ePdf To:tf ] a9L /sdnfO{ cfDbfgL x'g] cawLsf ] cfwf/df cyft{ nufgLsf ] cjlw leq ;dfgkflts' cfwf/df (Pro-rata Basis) cfodf ;dfofhg] ug ]{ gLlt lnOPsf ] 5 / clÍt dNo" eGbf k/n dNo" sd ePdf To:tf ] km/s /sdnfO { nufgL cjlw leq ;dfgkflts' cfwf/df (Pro-rata Basis) nufgLaf6 cfosf] ?kdf n]vfÍg ug]{ gLlt lnOPsf] 5 . n]vfÍg u/]sf] d'NoeGbf ahf/ d"No sd ePdf km/s /sd a/fa/ Joj:yf (Provision) ugg]{ gLlt lnOPsf] 5 .

!!@ : jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ &= ;6xL 36a9 ;dfof]hg gLlt M ljb]zL d'b|f ePsf] sf/f]af/x¿sf] n]vfÍg ;f]xL ldltsf] a}+s vl/b b/df ul/Psf] 5 . ljb]zL d'b|fdf /x]sf] ;DklQ / bfloTjsf] clGtd df}Hbftsf] d"NofÍg jiff{Gtsf] a}+s vl/b b/ cg';f/ ug]{ tyf ;f]af6 pTkGg km/snfO{ gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fadf n]vfÍg ug]{ gLlt lnOPsf] 5 . *= aLdfz"Ns cfDbfgL n]vfÍg gLlt M aLdfz'Ns cfDbfgL aLdf P]g / aLdf ;ldltsf] lgb]{zg adf]lhd gub k|flKtsf] cfwf/df n]vfÍg ul/Psf] 5 . t/ gub k|flKt ldlt eGbf aLdf z"Ns e'QmfgL ug'{ kg]{ ldlt kl5 ePsf]df kl5Nnf] ldltdf aLdfz'Ns cfDbfgL n]vfÍg ug]{ / aLdfzNs' Ps aif { eGbf a9L cjlwsf ] nfuL Psdi7' kfKt| ePdf klxnf ] aifsf{ ] nflu xg' cfpg ] aLdfzNs' cfDbfgL nvfÍg] u/L afFsL /x]sf] /sd w/f}6Lsf] ?kdf b]vfpg] gLlt lnPsf] 5 . o; sDkgLn] k'gaL{df :jLsf/ u/] afkt k|fKt x'g] aLdfz'Ns cfDbfgL k|f]befjL (Accrual) cfwf/df n]vfÍg ul/Psf] 5 . (= k'gaL{df sldzg cfDbfgL n]vfÍg gLlt M k'gaL{df sldzg cfDbfgL k|f]befjL (Accrual) cfwf/df n]vfÍg ul/Psf] 5 . !)= cGo cfo n]vfÍg tyf afF8kmfF8 gLlt M sDkgLn] nufgLdf k|fKt ug]{ Aofh tyf cGo cfDbfgLnfO{ k|f]befjL (Accrual) cfwf/df tyf nfef+z cfDbfgL sDkgLn] k|fKt ug ]{ clwsf/ >hgf[ ePsf ] (Right to receive) cfwf/df nvfÍg] u/L aLdf ;ldltsf ] ljQLo ljj/0f ;DaGwL lgblzsf]{ @)^% adf]lhd s'n cfDbfgLnfO{ gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fa tyf cfo Joo lx;fasf] ef/ cg';f/ afF8kmfF8 ul/Psf] 5 . !!= shf{ n]vfÍg gLlt M sDkgLsf] sd{rf/L ljlgodfjnLsf] clwgdf /xL k|bfg ul/Psf] shf{nfO{ ;fFjf /sddf n]vfÍg ug]{ gLlt lnOPsf] 5 . !@= Joj:yfkg vr{ afF8kmfF8 gLlt M aLdf ;ldltsf] ljQLo ljj/0f ;DaGwL lgb]{lzsf, @)^% adf]lhd s"n Joj:yfkg vr{sf] !)Ü /sd gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fadf vr{ b]vfO{ afFsL /sdnfO{ ;DalGwt aLdf Joj;fosf] k|ToIf aLdfz'Nsdf clestf{ sldzg sl§ul/ x'g cfpg] /sdnfO{ To; aLdf Joj;fosf] ef/ dfgL ;a} aLdf Joj;fosf] cfo Joo lx;fadf afF8kmfF8 ug]{ gLlt canDag ul/Psf] 5 . !#= aLdf bfaL e'QmfgL vr{ n]vfÍg gLlt M sDkgLn] bfjL e'QmfgL ubf{ aLdfn]v adf]lhd e'QmfgL ug'{kg]{ /sd tyf ;f] bfjL km5\of}{6sf] nflu cfjZos k/fdz{ / cg';Gwfg vr{ ;d]t ;dfj]z x'g] u/L vr{ n]vfÍg ug]{ u/]sf] 5 . !$= aLdf bfaL afkt bfloTj Joj:yf n]vfÍg gLlt M -s_ >[hgf ePsf] t/ hfgsf/Ldf gcfPsf] (IBNR) aLdf bfaL jfkt bfloTj Joj:yf n]vfÍg ubf{ cjnDag u/]sf] gLlt M >[hgf ePsf] t/ hfgsf/Ldf gcfPsf] (IBNR) aLdf bfaL afkt bfloTj Joj:yf Joj:yfkgsf] cg'ejsf] cfwf/df n]vfÍg ug]{ gLlt lnOPsf] 5 . -v_ aLdf bfaL jfkt bfloTj Joj:yf n]vfÍg gLlt M cfly{s aif{sf] cGTo ;Dd e'QmfgL ug{ afFsL aLdf bfaL jfkt bfloTj Joj:yf aLdf P]g @)$( sf] bkmf @@ tyf aLdf lgodfjnL @)$( sf] lgod !%-!_-3_ sf] Joj:yf adf]lhd aLdf bfloTjsf] !!% k|ltztn] x'g] /sd Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . !%= v"b gfkmf afF8kmfF8 gLlt M aLdf Pg] @)$( sf ] bkmf @@, lgodfjnL @)$( sf ] lgod !%-!_-u_ tyf aLdf ;ldltsf ] ljQLo ljj/0f ;DaGwL lgblzsf]{ @)^% sf ] Joj:yf adflhd] rQmf' khL"F a/fa/ geP;Dd vb' gfkmfsf ] %) kltztn| ] x'g] /sd aLdf sfifdf] ;fg,]{ h;cg;f/' gfkmf–gfS;fg] lx;fadf cfPsf ] vb" gfkmfsf ] %) kltzt| /sdnfO { kTo| s] lsl;dsf ] aLdfsfifdf] ltgLx¿sf ] ef/ cg;f/' afF8kmfF8 ul/Psf] 5 . ;fy} gf]S;fg ePsf] aLdf Joj;fosf] xsdf ;f]sf] ef/ ;'Go dflg gfkmf ePsf] aLdf Joj;fodf dfq gfkmf afF8kmfF8 ul/g] lglt /x]sf] 5 . ;fy} sDkgLn] ;+rfng u/]sf] ;a} ladf Joj;fo gf]S;fgdf ePsf]n] lgb]{zg !&=@-s_ adf]lhd aLdf sf]ifdf afF8kmfF8 ug'{ kg]{ s'n /sdnfO{ aLdf hu]8fdf hgfOPsf] 5 .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ : !!# !^= sd{rf/L pkbfg, ljbf tyf cGo ;'ljwf afkt Joj:yf gLlt M sd{rf/L pkbfg M sDkgLsf] pkbfg sd{rf/Lsf] cfwf/ tnasf] !) k|ltzt Joj:yfkg vr{df vr{ n]vL ;f]xL a/fa/sf] /sd sd{rf/Lsf] tnaaf6 s§ful/ @) k|ltzt a/fa/sf] /sd sd{rf/L pkbfg sf]if cGt{ut sd{rf/Lsf] vftfdf hDdf ug]{ gLlt lnPsf] 5 . ;+ro sf]if M sDkgLsf] 5'§} ;+ro sf]if of]ubfgsf] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 h; cg';f/ sd{rf/Lsf] cfwf/ tnasf] !) k|ltzt Joj:yfkg vr{df vr{ n]vL ;f]xL a/fa/sf] /sd sd{rf/Lsf] tnaaf6 s§ful/ @) k|ltzt a/fa/sf] /sd sd{rf/L ;+ro sf]if cGt{ut sd{rf/Lsf] vftfdf hDdf ug]{ gLlt lnPsf] 5 . ljbf afktsf] /sd ;'ljwf M sDkgLsf] sd{rf/L lgodfjnL cg';f/ :yfoL sd{rf/Lx¿sf] lglZrt 3/ tyf la/fdL labf ;l~rt eO{;s] kl5dfq ;f] eGbf a9L afFsL ljbf afktsf] /sd ;f]lx aif{ e'QmfgL u/L Joj:yfkg vr{df vr{ n]Vg] gLlt lnPsf] 5 . ;l~rt 3/ tyf la/fdL labf M sDkgLn ] :yfoL sdrf/Lx¿sf{ ] ;l~rt 3/ tyf la/fdL labf afktsf ] /sdnfO { ;DalGwt sdrf/Lsf{ ] cflys{ aifsf{ ] clGtd tnasf ] cfwf/df ;l~rt 3/ tyf la/fdL labf vrsf{ ] Joj:yf u/L Joj:yfkg vrdf{ vr{ n]Vg] gLlt lnPsf] 5 . !&= z+sf:kb cf;fdL Joj:yf gLlt M z+sf:kb cf;fdLsf] nflu Joj:yfkgn] gp7\g] egL lgwf{/0f u/] cg';f/ Joj:yf ug]{ gLlt lnPsf] 5 . !*= ckn]vg vr{ n]vfÍg gLlt M ckn]vg ug'{ kg]{ vr{x¿ Joj:yfkgn] lgwf{/0f u/] cg';f/ a9Ldf % aif{ ;Ddsf] ;dofjwLdf ckn]vg ug]{ gLlt lnPsf] 5 . !(= cGo gLltx¿ M Aff;nft, gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fa, cfo Joo lx;fa nufotsf ljQLo ljj/0fnfO{ a'‰g / ljZn]if0f ug{ ;3fp k"Ug] cGo n]vf gLltx¿ M -s_ d'gfkmf sldzg cfDbfgL n]vfÍg gLlt d'gfkmf sldzg cfDbfgL aLdf ;ldltsf] lgb]{zg adf]lhd gub k|flKtsf] cfwf/df jf d'gfkmf sldzg ;DaGwdf k'gaL{dsaf6 lnlvt ;dy{g k|fKt ePsf] cj:yfdf n]vfÍg ug]{ gLlt lnPsf] 5 . -v_ c;dfKt hf]lvd hu]8f n]vfÍg gLlt M sDkgLn] aLdf P]g @)$( tyf aLdf lgodfjnL @)$( adf]lhd c;dfKt hf]lvd hu]8f jfkt v'b aLdf z'Nssf] %) k|ltzt /sd Joj:yf ug]{ gLlt lnPsf] 5 . -u_ ljut aif{;Fu ;DalGwt cfox¿ M aLdf ;ldltsf] ljQLo ljj/0f ;DaGwL lgb]{lzsf @)^% cg"?k ljut aif{;Fu ;DalGwt cfox¿ nufgL, shf{ tyf cGoaf6 cfo cGt{ut cg";'rL–@ df b]vfpg] gLlt cjnDag ul/Psf] 5 . -3_ ljut aif{;Fu ;DalGwt vr{x¿ M aLdf ;ldltsf ] ljQLo ljj/0f ;DaGwL lgblzsf]{ @)^% cg?k" ljut aif{;Fu ;DalGwt vrx¿{ gfkmf gfS;fg] af8kmfF F8 lx;fadf vr{ b]vfpg] gLlt cjnDag ul/Psf] 5 . -ª_ nufgL jlu{s/0f gLlt M jf;nftsf ] lbgdf sfod /xsf] ] nufgLx¿sf ] clGtd eQmfgL' ldlt Ps aifeGbf{ a9L ePsf ] nufgLx¿nfO { bL3sfnLg{ nufgLsf] ?kdf / ;f] eGbf afx]ssf nufgLnfO{ cNksfnLg nufgLsf] ?kdf b]vfpg] gLlt lnPsf] 5 . -v_ sd{rf/L af]g; Joj:yf af]g; P]g @)#) cg';f/ cfos/ cl3sf] v'b gfkmfsf] !) k|ltztn] x'g cfpg] /sd sd{rf/L jf]g;sf] nflu Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . -u_ aLdf ;]jfz'Ns sDkgLn] aLdf P]g @)$( bkmf $) sf] pkbkmf @ adf]lhd s'n aLdfz'Nssf] ! k|ltzt /sd aLdf ;]jf z'Ns jfkt vr{ n]vfÍg ul/Psf] 5 .

!!$ : jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 cg';"rL @^ laQLo ljj/0f;Fu ;DalGwt n]vf ;DaGwL l6Kk0fLx¿

!= ;Defljt bfloTjx¿ M c_ r'Qmf jf e'QmfgL x'g afFsL nufgL–gePsf] . cf_ k|Tofe"lt k|lta4tf (Underwriting Commitments) – gePsf] . O_ aLdfn]v cGtu{t eGbf afx]saf6 aLds pk/ bfaL k/]sf] t/ aLdsn] bfloTj :jLsf/ gu/]sf]– gePsf] . O{_ aLdsn] jf aLdssf] tkm{af6 lbOPsf] Uof/]06L – gePsf] . p_ cGo bfloTj – gePsf] . @= e'QmfgL ug{ afFsL bfaL afkt bfloTj d"NofÍg ubf{ cjnDag u/]]sf] cfwf/x¿ M sDkgLn ] bfaLstfaf6{ hfgsf/L xg' cfPsf ] cgdflgt' /sd tyf bfaL dNofÍgstf" { -;eo/_]{ n ] pknAw u/fPsf ] cgdflgt' bfaL /sd Pj+ ;DklQsf] aLdfÍ /sdsf] cfwf/df bfloTj d"NofÍg u/L ;f] cg'dflgt bfloTjdf sDkgLsf] c+zsf] !!% k|ltztn] x'g cfpg] /sd e'QmfgL ug{ afFsL bfaL jfkt Joj:yf ug]{ gLlt cjnDag u/]sf] 5 . #= aLdssf] ;DklQdf cfPsf] ;Lldttf tyf ljjfbx¿ – gePsf] . $= shf{, nufgL tyf l:y/ ;DklQsf] nflu ul/Psf] k|ltj4tf – gePsf] . %= nufgL;Fu ;DalGwt b]xfosf vl/b laqmL ;Demf}tfx¿sf] d"No M c_ vl/b ul/Psf] ;DklQsf] :jfldTj k|fKt gePsf] – gePsf] . cf_ laqmL ul/Psf] ;DklQsf] e'QmfgL k|fKt gePsf] – gePsf] . ^= o; aif{e/L ul/Psf] nufgL tyf laqmL÷lkmtf{ lnPsf] nufgLsf] ;DaGwdf ;+:yf, ldlt, kl/df0f / /sd ;d]t v'n]sf] ljj/0f M nufgLsf] ju{ nufgLsf] If]q nufgL ul/Psf] /sd -?=_ nufgL lkmtf{ ul/Psf] /sd -?=_ s ju{ g]kfn ;/sf/ / g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] C0fkq tyf art kq – – cGo @,)),)))=)) – v ju{ !_ afl0fHo a}+ssf] d'2tL lgIf]k &$,*),)),)))=)) ^&,*),)),)))=)) @_ ljsf; a]+ssf] d'2tL lgIf]k !!,*%,)),)))=)) – #_ gful/s nufgL sf]ifdf Psf+sL gful/s nufgL – – $_ ;fd'lxs nufgL sf]if -Do'rn km08_ o'lg6df nufgL – – u ju{ !_ klAns lnld6]8 sDkgLsf] C0fkq –– @_ klAns lnld6]8 sDkgLx¿sf] ;fwf/0f z]o/df nufgL – – #_ ljQ sDkgLsf] d'2tL lgIf]k *),)),)))=)) – $_ cGo Jofh k|fKt x'g] nufgL @,$%,@*,#)#=)) #,$@,*#,@*(=)) hDdf *(,(@,@*,#)#=)) &!,@@,*#,@*(=)) &= a}+s df}Hbft lx;fa ;DaGwdf ;DalGwt a}+s÷ljQLo ;+:yfsf] :6]6d]G6 ;lxtsf] lx;fa ldnfg ;DaGwL Joxf]/f M a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx¿df /x]sf] a}s df}Hbft sDkgLsf] lx;fa;Fu ldnfg (Reconcile) ul/Psf], ljQLo ;+:yfx¿af6 df}Hbft ;dy{g kq k|fKt eO;s]sf] 5 . *= aLds÷k'gaL{ds;Fu lng' lbg' afFsL lx;fa ;DaGwdf ;DalGwt aLds÷k'gaL{dssf] ;dy{g ;lxtsf] lx;fa ldnfg ;DaGwL Joxf]/f M k'gaL{ds;Fu lng' lbg' afFsL lx;fa ;DaGwdf ;DalGwt aLds÷k'gaL{dssf] ;dy{g kq k|fKt ePsf] tyf sDkgL;Fu lx;fa ldnfg (Reconcile) ul/Psf] 5 .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ : !!% (= aLdsn] u/]sf] nufgL k|rlnt aLdf P]g, lgodfjnL tyf aLdf ;ldltaf6 tf]lsPsf] adf]lhd /x] g/x]sf] M sDkgLn] u/]sf] nufgL aLdf ;ldltsf] nufgL ;DaGwL lgb]{zgn] tf]lsPsf] kl/lw leq /x]sf] 5 .

!)= aLdssf] ;+rfns jf ;+rfns;Fu ;DalGwt JolQm jf ;+:yf;Fu ePsf] sf/f]af/ M gePsf] .

!!= aLdsn] cfk\mgf] ;DklQsf] ;'/If0fdf lnPsf] C0fsf] lwtf], zt{ tyf cf}lrTo M gePsf] .

!@= aLdsn] s/ r'Qmf k|df0fkq k|fKt u/]sf] cf=j= tyf To:tf] r'Qmf k|df0fkq k|fKt x'g afFsL cf=j= / ;f] ;DaGwL ljj/0fsf ;fy} cl3Nnf] cf=j=x¿sf] s/ hl/jfgf Aofh afkt bfaL k/]sf] / o; cf=j= df e'QmfgL ePsf] /sd M sDkgLn]] cf=j= @)&#.&$ ;Dd s/ r'Qmf k|df0fkq k|fKt u/]sf] 5 .

!#= lkmtf{ u/]sf] aLdfz'Nssf] kl/df0f / sf/0f M sDkgLn] o; cfly{s aif{df lkmtf{ u/]sf] aLdfz'Nssf] kl/df0f M ?= #^,)(%,!$$ lkmtf{ u/]sf] aLdfz"Nssf] sf/0fx¿ M s_ aLldtsf] cg'/f]wdf aLdfÍ /sd 36fOPsf] . v_ aLldtsf] cg'/f]wdf aLdfn]v /2 ul/Psf] . u_ bf]xf]/f] aLdfn]v hf/L x'g uPsf] . 3_ aLdfn]vdf jxg ul/Psf] hf]lvd x6fOPsf] . ª_ ;+o'Qm aLdf ul/Psf] aLdfn]vx¿df cGo aLdf sDkgLx¿sf] aLdfz'Ns lx:;f e'QmfgL ul/Psf] .

!$= ckn]vg x'g afFsL vr{sf] ljj/0f M o; cfly{s aif{df ckn]vg x'g afFsL vr{ /x]sf] 5}g .

!%= r'Qmf k"FhLdWo] clu|d e'QmfgL k|fKt (Paid in advance), e'QmfgL k|fKt x'g afFsL (Call in arrears) / hkmt ul/Psf] t/ k'gM lgisfzg gul/Psf z]o/sf] ljj/0f M 5}g .

!^= lnh xf]N8 ;DklQdf ut aif{ ;Dd / o; aif{ vr{ (Amortization) n]lvPsf] /sdsf] ljj/0f M gePsf] .

!&= aif{el/df ePsf] jf;nft aflx/sf] sf/f]af/sf] ljj/0f M 5}g .

!*= jf;nft, gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fa, cfo Joo lx;fa nufotsf ljQLo ljj/0fx¿nfO{ a'‰g / ljZn]if0f ug{ ;3fp k'Ug] cGo hfgsf/Lx¿ M

-s_ ;DalGwt kIfx¿ ;Fusf] sf/f]af/ (Related Parties Transactions) sDkgL;uF ljQLo :jfy { ufl;PsfF dVo' clwsf/Lx¿df ;rfns+ ;ldltsf cWoIf, ;rfns+ ;ldltsf ;b:ox¿, k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t / Ps k|ltzt jf ;f]eGbf a9L z]o/ lnPsf z]o/ wgLx¿ nufot lghx¿sf] kl/jf/sf ;b:o / ;DalGwt ;+:yfx¿ ;d]t ;dfj]z /x]sf 5g\ .

;+rfns jf ;+rfns;Fu ;DalGwt JolTfm jf ;+:yfsf] ;DklQx¿sf] ;DaGwdf ePsf] aLdf ;DalGw sf/f]af/ aF'bf -!)_ df pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 .

o; cfly{s jif{sf] d;fGt ;Dddf ljleGg ;ldlt–pk–;ldltx¿sf] a}7sdf pkl:ytL afkt ;+rfnsx¿nfO{ hDdf ?= $,*&,))).))÷– eQf e'QmfgL ul/Psf] 5 . k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[tnfO{ tna eQf jfkt ?= #^,%),))).)) e'QmfgL ul/Psf] 5 . o;sf cltl/Qm k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[tnfO{ sd{rf/L ;jf/L ;fwg lgodfjnL cg';f/ uf8L ;'ljwf k|bfg ul/Psf] 5 .

!!^ : jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ -v_ ;f]Ne];L cg'kft sDkgLsf] ;f]Ne];L cg'kft lgDgfg';f/ /x]sf] 5 . ljj/0f /sd ?= -xhf/df_ s= pknAw ;f]Ne];L dflh{g /sd – s'n ;dfof]lht ;DklQ -c_ (,(&,@%!=!) – s'n ;dfof]lht bfloTj -cf_ @,!*,&$(=)( – pknAw ;f]Ne]G;L dflh{g /sd -c_ - cf_ &,&*,%)@=)! v= cfjZos ;f]Ne]G;L dflh{g, lgDgdWo] pRrtd /sd – Go"gtd r'Qmf k"FhL /sd !),)),)))=)) – ljut tLg cfly{s jif{sf] v'b e'QmfgL x'g afFsL bfjL !,!*%=(( – cf}ift /sd @(,^$,(&).)) sf] $) k|ltzt – v'b aLdf lk|ldod ?= !%,%!,$%,(%(.)) sf] @) k|ltzt #!,)@(=!( – cfjZos ;f]Ne]G;L dflh{g !),)),)))=)) – ;f]Ne]G;L cg'kft -s÷v_ )=&* ;f]Ne]G;L cg'kftsf] u0fgf æpknAw ;f]Ne]G;L dflh{gÆ /sdnfO{ æcfjZos ;fNe]G;L dflh{gÆ /sdn] efu u/L ul/G5 . pknAw ;f]Ne]G;L dflh{g /sd eGgfn] s'n ;dfof]lht ;DklQ /sd / s'n ;dfof]lht bfloTjsf] km/s xf] . cfjZos ;f]Ne]G;L dflh{g lgDg /sddWo] ;a}eGbf pRr /sd xf] . != ?= !)) s/f]8 @= v'b aLdf lk|ldosf] @) k|ltzt a/fa/sf] /sd #= aLut tLg cfly{s jif{sf] v'b e'QmfgL x'g afFsL bfjL cf}ift /sdsf] $) k|ltzt a/fa/sf] /sd aLdf ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&!.)^.@& df hf/L ;f]Ne]G;L dflh{g lgb]{lzsf adf]lhd lghL{jg aLdf sDkgLsf] !=% eGbf dflysf] ;f]Ne]G;L cg'kftnfO /fd|f] dflgG5 .

-u_ cfo s/ M sDkgLsf] cfos/ Aoj:yf ubf{ g]kfn cfos/ P]g @)%* gof+ ;+zf]wg ;lxtsf] cg';f/ ul/Psf] 5 .

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jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ : !!& chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8

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!!* : jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ – – -¿= xhf/df_ cg';"rL– @* ut jif{ aLdsn] v'b hf]lvd wf/0f u/]sf] o; jif{ – 166,296 – 2,038,154 ut jif{ k'gaL{dsnfO{ hf]lvd o; jif{ – 671,347 – 7,988,639 ut jif{ sfod /x]sf] aLdfn]v 10,026,793 117,158,210 944,458 100,788,579 897,243 16,369,631 47,215 o; jif{ chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8 – 8,721,088 8,167 1,753,365 1,520 6,967,723 6,647 – – 35,022,045 735,028 34,451,287 731,028 570,758 4,000 – 23,606,618 48,500 22,478,658 44,500 1,127,960 4,000 – 837,643 – 38,944,023 152,763 33,445,283 120,195 5,498,740 32,568 ut jif{ –– –– –– –– sfod /x]sf] 858 1,391 3,718 4,255 1,948 37,732 49,902 o; jif{ ]6/ hDdf ! clUg @ ;fd'lb|s #df $ OGhLlgol/ª % ljljw ^ xjfO{ & afnL tyf kz'k+IfL qm=;+= aLdfsf] lsl;d aLdfÍsf] ljj/0f

jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ : !!( !@) : jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8

aLdf ;ldltsf] zt{ ;DaGwL Joj:yfkgsf] k|To'Q/ aLdf ;ldltåf/f cf=j= @)&%÷&^ sf ] ljQLo ljj/0f ;–zt { :jLslt[ lbOPsf ] xbf'F To;df pNnlvt] ztx?{ ;DaGwL Joj:yfkgsf] lgDg adf]lhdsf] k|To'Q/ /x]sf] 5M

-!_ sDkgLn] oxL ;fwf/0f ;efaf6 k|aGwkq / lgodfjnLdf cfjZos ;+zf]wg u/L :jtGq ;+rfns lgo'Qm ug]{ k|ltj4tf JoQm ub{5f}F .

-@_ sDkgLn] Underwriting Manual / bfaL e'QmfgL Manual agfO{ cfˆgf] aLdfn]v hf/L k|lqmof / bfaL e'QmfgL k|lqmof k|efjsf/L agfO{ ;s]sf 5f}F . -#_ txfF ;ldltsf] @)&$÷)&÷)^ -lj=lj=zf= !%# -@)&$÷&%_, r=g+= !$!!_ sf] kl/kq k"0f{ ?kdf kfngf ug{ sDkgL k|ltj4 /x]sf] 5 . -$_ sDkgLn] vr{ n]vfÍg kf/bzL{ / ldtJooL agfO{ ;+rfns ;ldltsf] a}7saf6 kfl/t ah]6 adf]lhd g} vr{ ug]{ u/]sf 5f}F . -%_ sDkgLn ] cfˆgf ] nvf] kl/If0f ;ldltnfO { kefjsf/L| agfO { cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k0ffnL| ;'b[9 agfO { ;ssf] ] Jofxf] /f] cg/f' ]w 5 . -^_ sDkgLsf] ;Ne]G;L dflh{g sd ePsf] k|lt sDkgL ;hu /x]sf] Jof]xf]/f cg'/f]w 5 . -&_ sDkgLsf] cfGtl/s tyf afx\o n]vfkl/Ifsn] cf}FNofPsf s}lkmotx? qmlds ?kn] ;'wf/ ub}{ nluPsf] 5 . -*_ sDkgLn] ;ldltaf6 ljQLo ljj/0f :jLs[t ePsf] ^) lbg leq ;fwf/0f ;ef ;DkGg ug]{ Joj:yf ldnfOPsf]5 .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ : !@! chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8

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!@@ : jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ chf]8 OG:of]/]G; lnld6]8

bf];|f] jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efdf sDkgLsf] k|jGwkqdf k|:tfljt ;+zf]wg lgodfjnLsf] xfnsf] Joj:yf k||:tfljt ;+zf]wg ;+zf]wg ug'{kg]{ sf/0f ;DalGwt lgod bkmf * Zf]o/ vl/b jf x:tfGt/0f ug{ s'g} aGb]h /x]sf] Zf]o/ vl/b jf x:tfGt/0f ug{ s'g} aGb]h sDkgL P]g, aLdf P]g, lwtf]kq eP ;f] s'/fM /x]sf] eP ;f] s'/fM sf/f]jf/ P]g / aLdf ;ldltsf] lgb]{zg jdf]lhd -s_ sDkgLsf] z]o/ k|rlnt sfg"gsf] clwgdf -s_ ;DjlGwt lgsfosf] k"j{ :jLs[tL glnO{ /xL lwtf] aGws /fVg laqmL ug]{ jf cGo sDkgLsf] z]o/ s'g} ljb]zL JolQm jf s'g} Joxf]/fn] xs 5f8L lbg ;Sg]5 . t/, sDkgLnfO{ laqmL jf x:tfGt/0f ul/g] ;dx' s ;:yfks+ zo/wgLx?n] ] cfˆgf ] zo/] 5}g . ljqmL ug{ rfx]df lt z]o/df af+sL -v_ ;DjlGwt lgsfosf] :jLs[tL glnO{ ;+:yfksx?sf] klxnf] k|fyldstf /xg]5 . ;+:yfks / ;j{;fwf/0f ;d"xsf] z]o/ :jfldTj cg'kftdf kl/jt{g ug{ kfOg] -v_ z]o/ vl/b jf x:tfGt/0f ug ]{ aGbh] ;DjlGw 5}g . cGo Joj:yf k|rlnt sfg"gdf pNn]v eP adf]lhd x'g]5 . -Uf_ sDkgLn] sf/f]af/ ;+rfng u/]sf] kfFr jif{ gk'u];Dd ;+:yfksn] cfkm\gf] z]o/ -u_ sDkgLsf ] cfˆgf ] z]o/ cfkm} vl/b ubf{ laqmL jf lwtf]aGws /fVg kfpg] 5}g . k|rlnt sfggL" Joj:yfsf ] clwgdf /xL ug'{ t/ To;/L xs 5f8bf] jf x:tfGt/0f ubf{ kg]{5 . klxnf] k|fyldstf h'g ;d"xsf] z]o/ xf] ;f]xL ;d"xsf z]o/wgLx?nfO{ lbg' kg5]{ . o;/L zo/] laqmL ubf { Ps eGbf a9L z]o/wgLn] z]o/ vl/b ug{ rfx]df lghn] wf/0f u/]sf] z]o/sf] cg'kftdf ljt/0f ug'{ kg]{5 . ;f] ;d"xsf s'g}klg z]o/wgLn ] zo/] lng OR5f gu/df] dfq To:tf] z]o/ ;+rfns ;ldltsf] lg0f{o adflhd] cGo JolQm,kmd,{ sDkgL jf ;:yfnfO+ { laqmL ug { ;lsg5] . -3_ s'g} ;:yfkssf+ ] dTo[ ' ePdf jf cbfntsf] cfbzn] ] gLhsf ] zo/] xsjfnfdf gfd;f/L x'g] ePdf pkbkmf -u_ sf] aGb]h nfu' x'g] 5}g . -ª_ ;j;fwf/0fn{ ] zo/] vl/b ug { cfjbg] ubf{ Gogtd" !) lsQf jf !) csn+ ] efu ubf{ z]if g/xg ] u/L clwstddf\ ;rfns+ ;ldltn] tf]s] adflhd] x'g]5 . -r_ sDkgLsf] cfˆgf] z]o/ cfkm} vl/b ubf{ k|rlnt sfggL" Joj:yfsf ] clwgdf /xL ug'{ kg]{5 . -5_ z]o/ vl/b jf x:tfGt/ ug{ aGb]h ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf sDkgL Pg,] lwtfkq] sf/f]jf/ P]g tyf cGo k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^ : !@# AJOD Insurance Limited CTC Mall, Sundhara, Kathmandu Province/Branch & Sub- Branch Office

Biratnagar Province Office Branch Office Purbi Rukum Sub-BO (Crops & Micro) MNP-4, Road Itahari Up-MNP-06, Sunsari Sisne VDC-6, Chiparidaha, Purbi Rukum 021-532428 025-589115 088-413126

Birgunj Province Office Kalanki Branch Office Dang Sub-BO MNP-4, BCCI Building KMNP-13, Kalankichowk Tulsipur UMNP-6, Gorahi Road 051-520666 01-5224225 082-523494

Hetauda Province Office Kirtipur Branch Office Lahan Sub-BO UMNP-4, Nayamarga Kirtipur NP-09, Nayabazar Lahan NP-04, Hulakroad 057-527476 01-4333426 033-561423

Pokhara Province Office Jorpati Branch Office Damauli Sub-BO MNP-08, Nayasadak KMNP-07, Tusal, Boudha Byas NP-03, Nimchowk, Damauli 061-551986 01-4494399 065-560602 Damak Sub-BO Province Office Balaju Branch Office Damak NP-5, Beldangi Road Butwal Up-MNP-11, Milanchowk KMNP-16, Sorakhuttae, Nirmal 023-585520 071-540566 Lamamarg 01-4387344 Jitpur Simara Sub-BO Surkhet Province Office Jitpur Simara UP.M.N.P-07, Jitpur Chowk Birendranagar NP-6, Jumalaroad Branch Office 053-412052 083-522552 Nepalgunj UP-MNP-2, Puspalal Chowk 081-550974 Tandi Sub-BO Province Office Ratnanagar NP-01, Bakular, Tandi Dhangadhi Up-MNP-4, Chatakpur Patan Branch Office Chitwan 091-410303/410306 Lalitpur MNP-05, Kumaripati 056-593392 01-5550010 Birtamode Branch Office Chapagaun Sub-BO Birtamode NP-4, Hanuman Central Budhanilkhantha Branch Office Godawari Np-11, Pauli Tol, Lalitpur 023-542028 Budhanilkhantha NP-07, Hattigauda 01-5265701 01-4378863 Narayanghat Branch Office Kawashoti Sub-BO Bharatpur MNP-3, Lions Chowk Branch Office Kawasoti NP-03, Ramnagar Chowk 056-572482 Janakpur UPMNP-2, Shivachowk 078-540849 041-590030 Bhairahawa Branch Office Palungtar Sub-BO Siddharthanagar NP-7, Aawaroad Parbat Branch Office (Crops & Micro) Palungatar NP-05, Nagarpalika Tol 071-525039 Kusma NP-05, Loktantrik Chowk 064-400013 067-421009 Bhaktapur Branch Office Burtibang Sub-BO Bhaktapur NP-01, Sallaghari Gulmi Sub-BO (Crops & Micro) Dhorpatan NP-01, Prasasan Line 016-620196 Resunga NP-01, Putalibazar 068-410308 079-520410 Pachiam Rukum Sub-BO New Baneshwor Branch Office Khalanga VDC-1, Tribeni Chowk KMNP-10, New Baneshwor Rautahat Sub-BO (Crops & Micro) 088-530099 01-4785196 Chandrapur NP-4, Chandrapur Chowk 055-540640 Tikapur Sub-BO Banepa Branch Office Tikapur NP-1, Khakrolaroad Banepa NP-05, Tindobato 091-560983 011-660104

!@$ : jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&%–)&^