1. MINISTER OF DEFENSE, ISTVAN SIMICSKO You were born in Tiszalök, Szabolcs­Szatmár­Bereg County on 29 November 1961. You ​ finished your secondary studies at the Jedlik Ányos Secondary Grammar School of Csepel in 1980. You earned a degree in business economics at the College of Commerce, Catering and Tourism in 1985. Between 1999 and 2002, you were educated at the Eötvös Loránd University, where you became a Doctor of law. Y​ ou obtained your PhD degree (military sciences) at the ​ Zrínyi Miklós National Defence University (by now integrated into the National University of Public Service) in 2009.] ​ You are married and are a father of three children. You had been a member of the Hungarian Association of Military Science (MHTT) since 1993. You are also involved in the Association of Hungarian Reservists (MATASZ) since 2001. You teach at the National University of Public Service since 2010. Today, your combination of administrative competence and military knowledge makes you uniquely qualified to helm ’s Strategic Forces.

Portfolio Powers: Overt: ● You have full autonomy over the military budget, but are required to submit yearly reviews and budget plans. ● RAW is your personal signals and intelligence network. They’re a shady group that is not known for their mercy.

2. MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND TRADE, PÉTER SZIJJÁRTÓ Born in 1978, you finished your secondary studies in Hungary in 1997 after spending a half year in the United States. You majored in International Relations and Sports Management in college. You began your political career in 1998, when you were elected as the youngest member of the Municipal Assembly of Gyór. You’ve served as Vice Chairman of the Education, Culture and Sports Committee. You have been a member of the National Assembly of Hungary since 2002, and you served as personal spokesman of Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbán from 2010 to 2012. Orbán nominated you to be the chairman of eight economic committees to boost the Hungarian government’s policy of opening up trade with countries to the east as well as consolidating Hungary’s role in supporting the Western Balkan nations’ EU integration. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán appointed you as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade in September 2014.

Portfolio Powers: Overt ● As the Minister of External Economy and Foreign Affairs under the Orbán government, you are responsible for overseeing the federal government’s international relations and trades.

3. POLITICAL PARTY LEADER, GÁBOR VONA Born 20 August 1978 in Gyöngyos, you studied history and psychology at the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest. Even though you were born Zárzrivecz, since your grandmother remarried after World War II, you took back your name Vona to recall your Italian paternal ancestors. You worked as a history teacher for a brief period of time, and in 2006 you founded , with whom you ran for Prime Minister of Hungary in 2010 and again in 2014. You also founded in June 2007 the radical nationalist Magyar Gárda (Hungarian Guard), which was ​ ​ disbanded by the Metropolitan Court of Budapest in 2008 under the claim that the principles of the group were “against the human rights of minorities as guaranteed by the Hungarian Constitution.” In 2010, however, you stated that, if you were elected, you would wear a Gárda uniform to the first day of parliament. In 2009 you began to protest against the Hungarian government, calling for change. You think of yourself as a “EU realist,” believe that the European Union is sick, and that instead of “viable solutions” the leadership is “glorifying disease.” According to you, the EU should allow more sovereignty and a greater role to individual nations. You also support a major strengthening of national policy and want to implement a “three strikes law” in which courts would impose harsher sentences on those convicted of an offense if they have been previously convicted of two prior serious criminal offenses. After 2014, you were elected by Jobbik as the leader of the parliamentary group (Jobbik had become he country’s most popular party among those under 35 years of age). Jobbik now has 43 seats in the Hungarian parliament and three in the EU parliament, making it the most powerful extreme­right organization in Europe. On January 26, 2014, you held a rally in London’s Hyde Park after hundreds of British anti­fascist demonstrators prevented Jobbik supporters from accessing a location where you had planned to speak. You almost became persona non grata in under the order of its Prime Minister, Victor Ponta. You would want to initiate a referendum on amending Hungary’s European Union accession treaty, and you believe the Klebelsberg Institution Maintenance Center (KLIK) should be disbanded, and that the government should stop demonizing teachers. As a founding member of Jobbik, you are unfriendly to and strongly anti­Semitic, bu not necessarily unfriendly to Islam (maybe due to the fact that you believe that and Hungary share many cultural traits). You have attracted the attention of many politicians, including Nick Griffin, the leader of the British National Party, who believes his party shares common values with yours, as well as the Greek neo­nazi Golden Dawn. He wanted to form an alliance with your party after the European elections in May 2014.

Portfolio Powers: Overt ● As head of the Jobbik party, you have the potential to be elected to overthrow Viktor Orban ● Your party is the most popular party in the country among those under 35 years of age ● Having 47 out of the 199 seats in the Hungarian parliament and three in the EU parliament in the 2014­2018, your party is the most powerful extreme­right organization in Europe. ● You currently hold 23 seats in the Hungarian parliament, until 2018 ● In Parliament, a two­thirds majority is needed to pass many legislations


th You have been the leader of the Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP) since July 19 ,​ 2014, ​ in addition on the same day you got the position of Leader of the Opposition. The party controls 29/199 seats in parliament, 2/21 seats in the national assembly, and 56/419 of the county assemblies seats. You have an interesting role in the government as you are the leader of a party with completely differing views than the current party in power. The is conservative and right wing, while the party led by you is socialist, refugee welcoming, and this probably causes a lot of conflict between you and Victor Orbán. Examples could be seen as your push for the Christian policies to leave the law book. Most recently you stated that under Orban the “government has destroyed public education and healthcare.” You have continuously pushed for strong reform. The conflict between you two could be even furthered with a recent resurgence of the Socialist party, where a candidate in your party just beat a Fidesz member in a local election, which could be an indication of what is going to happen in the near future. Hungary could experience a wave of socialism in their next election.

Portfolio Power Overt ● Lead the MZSP ● Ensure that socialist value gain standing in Hungarian politics ● Ensure that Hungary is not isolated from the European Union ● Trouble the Fidesz with their policies in parliament


th You were born October 16 ,​ 1978 in Budapest. You never had a particularly hard time ​ ​ growing up which enabled you to receive an undergraduate degree from Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Arts, majoring in political theory. Your passion for politics helped mold ​ ​ your career as you got involved in Hungarian politics in your mid­thirties. You first started your career in politics by being the campaign manager of the Hungarian Socialist Party in 2006 – a job you would do again in 2010. In 2009, you were appointed Prime Minister Gordon Bajnai’s cabinet chief for helping the government crisis, however this position would only last a single year due to a change in government. After the change of government in 2010, you established your own consulting firm, founded in 2011. In October 2012, you then founded and became executive vice president of Home Advancement Association. A year later, in 2013, you served as the Együtt Party’s co­chairman, until the summer of 2014. Currently, you are the president of the Együtt Party and has been since February 2015. Portfolio Powers: ​ Overt: ● It is widely understood that you are an extremely intelligent political who is able to manipulate many people due to prior relationship, including Ferenc Gyurscany regardless of political party. ● You have also built a strong network of clients with the founding of Szigetvári and Partners Communications. A network that you would have influence with leftist parties and their members. ● Along with his rise to party president, you also have had a rise in political conflicts, especially with Fidesz government, as you have been very vocal in denunciations of PM Orban


Little to nothing is known about the shadowy head of Hungarian intelligence. When you assumed the role in 1995, all physical files regarding your childhood, education, and personal life were destroyed. Known as the “shadow commander,” you are rumoured to have served as an operative in the Eastern Theatre, sourcing and cultivating assets as a young handler in Hungarian intelligence. However, since then, other agencies offer unconfirmed reports of intelligence reforms under you, most notably a rise of budgetary accounts under division B­613, Hungarian Directorate of Operations ­ Clandestine Service.

What is known about Kovacs: You have an unusual preference for sweets, often ordering dozens of cannoli You’ve dated a GE employee, Quinn Perkins on and off over the past few years You have pet dogs, Bjerg and Undr

Portfolio Powers: Overt: ● Control of the Hungarian National Security Apparatus – you have general autonomy over Hungarian intelligence, Hungarian secret service, and Hungarian border guards, all of which fall under your national security purview. ● Administration of Airport security through the HTSA – you screen all flights in and out of Hungary. Wherever people enter, you are watching. Always watching.


A Fidesz National Assembly representative since 1990, you have served as National Economy Minister since March 2013. You oversee certain activities like the coordination and management of Hungary's science and innovation policies; tourism, employment and labor market policies; the regulation of industry, wholesale and retail; management and control of foreign trade relations; participation in international organizations; and management and control of the budget's incomes and outlays. You were born and raised in east­central Hungary, and studied Economics at the Karl Marx University of Economic Sciences in Budapest. Under Orbán, between 1998 and 2000, you served as the political state secretary and the Finance Minister from 2001 to 2002. From 2010 to 2012 you were the State Secretary in Charge of the Prime Minister’s Office, and maintained contact between the Prime Minister (Viktor Orbán) and the ministers.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● Oversee the coordination and management of Hungary’s science and innovation policies ● Oversee tourism, employment, and labor market policies ● Regulation of industry, wholesale and retale ● Management of foreign trade relations, participation in international organizations ● Manage and control budget’s incomes and outlays


You were born in Budapest in 1962 to a relatively wealthy family. Father’s side comes from the Upper Austrian noble family. You attended primary and secondary schools in Budapest, and after graduating high school, you worked the first half of the 1980s in industrial companies. You completed tertiary education at the Pázmány Péter Roman Catholic Thelogical Academy, where you received a degree in Theology in 1991, and also completed a degree in sociology at the Eötvös Lóránd University in 1992. In the second half of the 90s, you had your theology degree converted to a doctorate in religious studies.

You were among the founders of the Christian Democratic People’s Party (KDNP), and were elected Member of Parliament in 1994. You became the Deputy State Secretary for Church Affairs (1998­2002), and became party leader in 2003. You were Co­Chairman of the Fidesz­ KDNP parliamentary group alliance and leader of the KDNP group between 2006 and 2010. You have been Minister without Portfolio for National Policy and Deputy Prime Minister since 2010.

As the Hungarian Deputy Prime Minister responsible for national politics and Hungarian communities abroad, you believe and follow the principle of “what is possible for others, should be possible to us.”

Portfolio Powers: Overt ● Hungarian Deputy Prime Minister – As the Hungarian Deputy Prime Minister, you are responsible for national politics and Hungarian communities abroad


Born in Papa, you have been exposed to politics at an early age. Though your parents did not hold any political positions, your grandfather has been a member of the Hungarian Social Democratic Party (MSZDP). This early exposure has prompted you to co­found your own political party Fidesz, as an anti­communist party that promotes the development of market economy and European Integration. Until 2001, you were President of Fidesz; currently, you are the chairman of the Board– Hungarian Civic Union. Apart from founding the Fidesz, you’ve been an active participant of the Opposition Round table and tripartite political negotiation.

Since 1989, your career progressed rapidly. In 1990, you assumed member of parliament and have led Fidesz into the National Assembly. And in 1998, you were in charge of Civil National Security Services under the first Orban Cabinet. You are also involved in order organizations outside of Fidesz. From 1996 – 2009, you were member of the board of Hungarian Association for Civic Cooperation and from 1990 – 1994, you were member of the board of Hungarian Association of International Children’s Safety Services. And for a brief moment, you were acting President of the Republic in 2012.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● Apart from the regular duties, the Speaker becomes acting President whenever the President resigns, dies or is unable to discharge his duties ● Though no longer President of Fidesz, you still hold considerable power since you set the party’s strategy, govern internal policies and influence candidate selection


Born on April 20, 1967, you’ve always had your eyes set on international politics. You completed your degree in Law at ELTE University Budapest in 1993. Since then, you’ve had a blossoming career within NATO. From 1993­1996, you were Desk Officer for NATO and the WEU, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. You were then the Political Officer at the Hungarian Mission in 1996. In 2007, you switched to Security Policy and became the Deputy Director. Finally from 2010­2013, you were the Political Director, Deputy State Secretary.

You’re currently married to Eva Sztaray whom you met while you were both pursuing law at ELTE University of Budapest. She then completed her doctoral studies in Sociology and is now teaching at the Karoli Gaspar University of the Reformed Church.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● As the NATO Representative, you voice out Hungary’s stance in international affairs. You participate in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly which allows you to set the agenda of your country within an international context. Most especially, you have influence in wars involving the NATO members. ● Since you are active in the ELTE University, you have significant influence towards the youth. Many college students support your opinions.

11. MINISTER OF NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, MIKLÓS SESZTÁK You are a jurist and politician and has served as Minister of National Development since 2014. You served on the municipal council of Kisvárda since 1998 and were elected Member of Parliament for Kisvárda in 2010.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is widely believed to have appointed Seszták to replace Mrs. László Németh as Minister of National Development with the intentions to reduce the power of Fidesz­affiliated oligarchs such as Közgép owner Lajos Simicska and the heads of major state­owned companies.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● As the Minister of National Development, you are responsible for planning and developing national land.


You are a jurist and politician. You served as the Minister of Rural Development from May 2010 until you undertook the title of the Minister of Agriculture in June 2014. You served as Mayor of Karcag between 1990 and 2010. You were working as a Member of Parliament and a Deputy Parliamentary Group Leader of the Fidesz between 1998 and 2002 in which you were vice­president of local government section. You were elected as a member of parliament in 2006 as well as again in 2010.

During your ministerial term as Minister of Rural Development, a new land law was developed and passed on June 21 2013. Pro­government members of parliament passed a controversial new land law amid raucous protests in Parliament and the resignation of József Ángyán, a high­profile lawmaker from the governing party. The protesting members ultimately were excluded from the vote, whereas the leader of the Fidesz parliamentary group, called the new legislation a "historic step in ensuring protection for Hungarian land and the interests of Hungarian farmers.”

Portfolio Powers Overt

• As a jurist, your official power includes the practice of law. ​ ​

• ​As Minister of Rural Development, your duties include formulating government measures related to rural development and supervising food retail chains, environmental protection and the agricultural economy. The Ministry’s main goals are the sustainable management of natural resources, diversity of rural land use, rural development and creating conditions for the safe and high­quality production and distribution of food products.

13. LEADER OF THE FIDESZ PARLIAMENTARY ARM, LAJOS KOSA You are the head of the Fidezs Parliamentary group. Fidezs is the current party in power, which is headed by Prime Minister Victor Orban, and is known for being very very right wing. You were appointed head of the groups parliament body on October 1st 2015. Before that you held the role of the Mayor of Debrecen, which is the second largest city in the country after Budapest. In between these two roles for 8 months you held the role of managing vice president.

The parliamentary group is currently in control of 114/119 seats in the house, 11/21 European Parliament seats, and 245/419 county assemblies. This means that as the head of the group, there are only a handful of people you mut to answer to, in addition, it means that you have a lot of control on what legislation will be discussed, and passed in the parliament sessions for the country. This also gives you a unique relationship to the president, enabling you to have a lot of power. You are also seen as a public spokesperson of the Hungarian government. Recently, you were pictured by Vitor Orban when legislation is being passed, which highlights your power and strong relationship with the president. Just recently you spoke out against rating agencies, as well as facilitated the conversation between the International Monetary Fund, the European Union, and Hungary as discussions over Hungary’s debt were being held. In addition, your comments on Hungary maybe experiencing what Greece has led to the tumble of the Euro, which means that you are also considered a significant member of government to the general European public.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● Runs the main groups parliament arm, which means you have a role in the legislation being published ● Facilitates the European Union and Hungary’s debt conversation ● Advisor to the President


You are currently the head of the Democratic Coalition which is a party with 4/199 seats in Hungarian Parliament. Prior to this, you served as Hungary’s sixth prime minister, from 2004­20099, as well as the Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports between 2003­2004. You were elected as Prime Minister after Péter Medgyessy resigned, and took power as the head of the MSZP. Then you were the leader till 2009 when protests, against rampant corruption, and a stagnant economy forced you to resign from the post as prime minister. An interesting fact is that to assuage those rumors of corruption during your time as premier you didn’t collect this salary.

The MSZP is known as a very socialist party, and the Democratic Coalition is even more so, and as such there must be a lot of conflict between you and the current members of the ruling party of Fidesz. While being interviewed by a news outlet, you stated that you think the country is in “big trouble,” and that you are in complete disagreement with the current government's anti refugee stance. Since you were once the head of the now leading opposition party, but dropped out of that party in 2011, you must also be butting heads with the opposition. You are an interesting character because at one point, you held the most power in the country, but now hold very little official power. But since you were once the leader of the country, you still hold a lot of power in terms of the population knowing you, and the leaders around the the world knowing who you are.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● Head of the Democratic Coalition, a small political party ● Member of Parliament

15. MINISTER OF JUSTICE, LÁSZLO TROCSANYI You are a Hungarian lawyer, former judge, a diplomat and university professor. You specialize in constitutional law, European law and comparative law. You served as Hungarian Ambassador to Belgium from 2000 to 2004, as Ambassador of Hungary to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg from 2000 to 2003, and as Hungarian Ambassador to France from 2010 to 2014. You were also a member of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe from 2005 to 2013 and a member of the Hungarian Constitutional Court from 2007 to 2010. You were appointed Minister of Justice in Hungary in June 2014.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● Minister of Justice – As the Minister of Justice, your roles include organizing the justice system, overseeing the public prosecutor and maintaining the legal system and public order. 16. FORMER MINISTER OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE, ISTVÁN HILLER

You were born May 7, 1964, in Sopron, Hungary. Your family valued education immensely, which ultimately led you to attend the Eötvös Loránd University from 1983 to 1988. You received your degree in History and in Latin. In 1990, you earned a university doctorate, and in 1996 his Ph.D. degree. Upon receiving your doctorate, you began a professor at your alma matter, teaching fifteen years of teaching at the university. Your political career kick­started in 1992 while you were teaching. You help founded the MSZP party of which you are still a member. Your affiliations include: a board member of the Fifth District Socialist Party organization (1992); the National Board of the Budapest Regional Association delegate (1996); vice chairman of the National Board (1998); and a member of the National Presidency (2000) amongst other political positions. In more recent years, You have become a political force to be reckoned with your political ascent starting from becoming the President of the Hungarian Socialist Party in October of 2004, the Minister of the Ministry of Education and Culture from 2006 to 2010 and eventually being elected to be a Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly in May 2014. You speak German, Latin and Ancient Greek fluently, as well as Italian and English. Hiller is married with two children, Gábor and Dávid.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● Your former role as Minister of Culture gives you an unparalleled knowledge of what the Hungarian people want, how they act, as well as their lifestyles. ● As one of the most senior members of the Socialist Patry and the Assembly, you hold great authority and superiority over the rest of the members as they have come to respect your opinion on certain issues. ● Your association with the Socialist Party has not been particularly helpful when dealing members of the current Hungarian government


You are the head of the Pedagógusok Demokratikus Szakszervezete (Democratic Teachers’ Union/ PDSZ). PDSZ is normally highly critical of the government. Recently, Hungarian government passed ill­conceived reforms made to public education. You claim that students are fed up with having to stay in school all afternoon, teachers are fed up with administration that takes up half their day, and everyone is upset over the fact that children are being deprived of their childhood.

You announced a list of new claims of teachers, which include reduction of the burden on children and pupils, reduction of the workload of teachers, immediate and significant wage increases for employees, raise of the age limit to 18 years old to ensure the conditions of compulsory education, restoration of the original capacity of the specialized services, stop the reduction of the vocational school’s general education hours, and establishment and operation of meaningful, regular balance of interests appropriate forums.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● As the head of PDSZ, you advocate rights for students and teachers and watch out for education policies that get passed by the government.

18. MINISTER OF STATE FOR HEALTH, ZOLTAN SZUCS­ÓNODI You previously served as Director General of AEEK, Hungary’s Public Health Care and as the Director General of Kenézy Hospital, Inc, as CEO of Kenézy Hospital, and Chairman of the Board of Health in Debrecen Holding Zrt.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● As Minister of State for Health you are responsible for the oversight of public health in Hungary.


You were born 16 October, 1955 in Nyíregyháza ­a bright child in primary school, your intelligence earned you a merit scholarship to the Hungarian National Academy. Not only a warrior, but a scholar as well, you hold degrees from the Kossuth Lajos Military College, Artillery branch, Kalinyin Artillery Academy in St. Petersburg, Army War College, Szent István University, Zrínyi Miklós National Defense University Doctoral School of Military Sciences.

The hero of a meteoric rise in the armed forces, you are the youngest Chief of the General Staff (COGS) since WW2. You are most notable for his Moscow­esque combined arms doctrine and firm commitment to solidarity with Eastern Europe ­both of his daughters attend boarding school outside of St. Petersburg.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● Direct command over the armed forces – you have the authority to unilaterally move units up to the brigade size (3000 men) without authorization from Parliament or committee approval.

● Military Intelligence ­ Separate from civilian intelligence, the Hungarian Military Intelligence Service, HMIS, is the most competent external intelligence agency. Whether in the land, the sea, or the air, HMIS can get the job done, and for you, that is what matters most.


You were born February 22, 1948 in Szombathely, Hungary. Your parents stressed education throughout your young adult life. In 1966 you graduated from high school in Kaposvár, Hungary. Initially, you wanted to be a doctor, but after 1973, you took up received your doctorate in law in 1978 from Janus Pannonius University. After obtaining your diploma, your started your law career in Somogy County Planning Company counsel; you worked there until 1992. You started your political career with the creation of the Kaposvár Branch of the Fidesz in 1990 and were elected to the party's candidate for local government in 1993 at the age of 35. You became the Kaposvár Branch’s chairwoman in 1994. In the same year you became a jurist as well. In 1995 you became a member of the party's National Board, and in 2006 its Vice President. You were elected as the deputy group leader of her party in 2010. Currently, you are enjoying the position of First Officer of the National Assembly as well as membership in Hungary’s Constitutional, Judicial and Standing Orders Committee. ​

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You have been a member of the committee for a number of years now. As a member you hold considerable influence in both the constitutional and judicial state of Hungary. ● You are also the First Officer of the National Assembly. You have the power to help bring legislation to the floor as well as inhibit its progress. You have significant influence with other members of the assembly.


You were born in the industrial town of Ózd in northeastern Hungary in 1958, and in 1976 you graduated from the Calvinist Secondary School in Debreen. You worked in the Diósgyör Machine Factory in Miskole for a year before studying theology at the Debreen Theological Academy and the Budapest Reformed Theological Academy until 1983. You served as a pastor in several villages near Budapest, and were also a teacher of religion in various universities in the 1990s.

From 1998 to 2002, during the first Orbán government, you served as chief advisor at the Office of the Prime Minister, and in 2002 you became the director of the Social Policy Department at the Office of the President under President Ferend Mádl. You have been a Fidesz National Assembly representative since 2006, when you announced the intermission of your pastoral service. In 2011, during the course of the Hungarian Presidency, you contributed to the European Commission accepting the European Roma Strategy.

You are a Reformed Church pastor, proficient in Germany and in English. You have served as the Human Resources Minister of Hungary since May 12, 2012, and in that position you have shown great support for policies that strengthen families, the institution of marriage, st and the wellbeing of children. On September 1 ,​ 2012, the Klebelsberg Institution Maintenance ​ Center (KLIK) was established, and it became the central state agency for managing schools and marked centralized education system.

Portfolio Powers Overt As Minister of Human Resources, your duties include: ● Regulating and supervising the education system, from elementary schools to universities, except the defense and police education organizations ● Being part of the development of the government’s science policies ● Preparing and issuing legislation for the education system, creating development plans and ensuring their adherence to quality standards ● Being responsible for the pedagogical, professional and educational work of public, vocational and higher educational organizations. ● Legally supervise higher education institutions, including allocation of their budgets ● Elaborating government decisions concerning higher education (e.g. setting qualification requirements for new programs; authorization, reorganization, and cancellation of university and college level programs; and accreditation of foreign higher education institutions in Hungary)


You were born and raised in Hungary, and you received your undergraduate degree from the Corvinus university of Budapest. You worked at several banks and held a number of positions including the post of Deputy General Manager of K & H Bank, Chief Executive Officer & Director by Takarek Bank Zrt. In 2001, you became the Group President and Chief Executive Officer of Hungarian Oil and Gas group (MOL).

In 2013, Croatian police issued a warrant for your arrest on suspicion of having bribed the former Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader with 10 million euros to obtain a majority stake in Croatian oil firm INA. The Budapest Court of Appeals cleared you of the bribery charges in December, 2014.

Portfolio Powers

​Overt ● CEO of MOL – you are responsible for all day­to­day management decisions and for implementing the company's long and short term plans of Hungarian Oil and Gas Group

23. HUNGARIAN JOURNALIST AND ACTIVIST, SZILVIA VARRO You are world­known, very important journalist and activist. As a journalist, you worked for 18 years and most recently at Magyar Narancs, and according to various searches done at the Budapest University of Technology, your work covered not only human rights and government but also economic policy. But you have recently moved into the role of activist, working to show what is wrong in the far right leadership of Hungary. In addition, you have been a strong supporter of the Roma people, fighting against what has been happening to them. Your work here has become so acknowledged, that you were awarded the Joseph Pulitzer Memorial Prize for investigate journalism, when you wrote about the deadly attacks on the Roma people, some of which used weapons and bombs and killed 6 people.

As such a prominent critic of the Jobick party, and thus the Fidezs policies, it also puts you at odds with many members of the government, which could cause problems for you in the future. But it also puts you very close to the opposition parties, as well as the majority of Europe’s left, and social politicians.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You are a well known writer, and as such your work is widely read, so your opinion is regarded highlight inside and outside Hungary ● Officially you have no power, as you have not held any political office


You were born in 1978 in , Hunagry. You got an education but found your true ​ passion fighting for the rights of refugees and displaced people throughout the European Union and abroad. Upon seeing how the EU, especially Hungary, handled people looking for asylum, You wanted to make a change and sought so. You quickly became involved with MigSzol – the migrant solidarity group of Hungary. You rose through the ranks and became a prominent figure speaking out against the unfair treatment of refugees. You are very devoted to your cause, even risking imprisonment to make sure that those who need food and shelter get their necessities.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● It is widely understood that you have a strong grassroots following. You are very persuasive and hold a lot of influence with minority groups in your political sphere. ● You are an extremely passionate person, a characteristic that allows for you to be extremely persuasive with any liberal groups and its members entirely.

25. HEAD OF MEDIA EMPIRE, ZSOLT NYERGES ​ ​ You are the owner of a business empire that owes a lot to the Fidesz party in the last 15 years. You we born in Szolnoik, the birthplace of Mrs Orban, and Orban’s brother­in­law would become a business partner of yours. You graduated in 1992 from the University of Szeged’s Faculty of Law, and have worked as an independent lawyer since 1994. One of your closest business associates I Lajos Simicska, a high school and college friend of Orban.

You own the weekly news magazine Heti Valasz, as well as Hungary’s most popular radio station, Class FM, and Advenio Zrt, which has greatly prospered under Orban’s government. . In 2009 Hungary’s Media authority (ORTT) awarded the frequency of Danubius radio to one of Nyerges’ media companies, Advenio Zrt, but believing the decision to be unlawful, the director of the Hungarian Media Authority (ORTT), Laszlo Majtenyi, resigned in protest the following day. In 2013 the Hungarian Supreme Court declared that the decision to award Danubius’ frequency to Class FM was unlawful. Between 2010 and 2012 it posted advertising revenues in excess of HUF 2 billion (USD 9.1 million) annually, with profits growing fifteen­fold from HUF 162 million (USD 740,000) in 2010 to HUF 911 million (USD 4.2 million) in 2012.

You are also the Chairman of the board of Hungary’s largest construction company by revenues, Kozgep Zrt, owned by Simicska. Kozgep has won over 200 billion forints ($895 million) of public contracts since 2010, and you own 52% of Infocenter.hu.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You own Hungary’s most popular radio station (Class FM), Advenio Zrt, and other media ● You work as an independent lawyer ● You partner with Lajos Simicksa