Land Settlement Association Bulletin No 19 (October 2016)

Sidlesham Heritage Trail

2016 80th anniversary of Sidlesham LSA.

First Bulletin since June . . . . but a lot has been happening!

The Novium Museum,

The Novium Museum have just informed me that the LSA exhibition, including our film, will now be on display until April 2017. The Novium is in Tower Street, Chichester and admission is free. The exhibition is on the first floor and there is a lift available for those who may need it.

The Weald & Downland Museum, Singleton

Fantastic news: Once the LSA exhibition finishes at the Novium I am delighted to announce that the story will continue to be told at the Weald & Downland Museum.

Some of you may know that the entrance and reception area to the Weald and Downland Museum are currently being re-developed to open next year. This project is being led by Richard Pailthorpe, the former Director at the museum. Both Richard and new Chief Executive, Martin Purslow, see the LSA as an important part of 20th century rural history and it is intended that the exhibition will form part of the museums public interpretation program.

However, there’s more – they would like to investigate the possibility of saving and relocating some LSA buildings including possibly a house, it's piggery and chicken shed plus potentially a community building, to present this important rural story to the public. Together we have already visited two sites which are being re-developed and the owners would be pleased for their former homes to be re-erected at the museum. The museum is now assessing what might be now possible. Elsewhere across Sidlesham and Almodingron a few of the original chicken sheds and piggeries have already been demolished to accommodate new facilities, but lots more survive.

Can you help?

If you know of any future plans and/or any redundant/surplus LSA buildings please let me know so that we can offer support to the Museum in its aspirations to recreate an LSA smallholding at the museum.

This is a great opportunity to commemorate and celebrate this important contribution to our national heritage at a local level – I look forward to hearing from you. [email protected] or 01243 641154

PTO Website

The ‘Stories’ section of the website lists all the smallholdings (Nos 1 – 144). Most make reference to former tenants or LSA staff who lived at the properties. A few have the complete history in terms of tenants and their stories. However, 5 properties on the Batchmere Estate have no entries - can you help? Batchmere Farm House (2 LSA Staff Flats), No 108 (Staff property); No 140, No 141 & No 142

For several properties I have the family name with initials, as mentioned in a older copy of the LSA Bulletin, but no first names – again can you help?

EA Wiseman (3a), JW Wilson (4), AH Bowden (11), A Weissman (12), CJ Fox (12), ? Everdell (14), EE Everley (15), PW Harris (19),E Bockley (21), AC Simmonds (30), JE Freeman & ? Croft (41), PA Johns (44), GC Smithard (46), PR Young & DM Bowden (57), M Overal (59), ? Voss (60), PA Francis (61), FC Greatorex |(64), RA Harris (66), AF Marsh, CA Holley & ? Boatman (70), ? Simmonds (76), ? Mansbridge (78), SR Lacey & ? Pringle (79), MJ Newdick (81), DR Clarke (84), R Jackson (95), ? House (103), CTC Luck (105), DP Johnson (106), E Jones (116), ? Manning (119), ? Nappit (120), ? Hasty (122), ? Harman (127), W Bond (124), ? Rolf (128), MVJ Broadbridge (129), R Lewis & AC Burton (131), M Romaniuk (136), M Gore (137), ? Brine (139).

The LSA story continues to be told . . . .

The LSA story has been told to History Society, WI, Birdham WI, Chichester History Society, West Archives Society, Parish, Friends of Chichester Cathedral, Bognor Local History Society & DEFRA.

In November: Walberton History Local Society & Chichester Organic Gardening Club

Bookings for 2017 include Arun U3A, Chichester U3A, Felpham WI, Boshum Gardening Club, Yapton & Ford Local History Group...... Heritage Trail leaflet

Copies of the trail leaflets (£1.00) are now available from the RSPB Visitor Centre, Libraries, the West Sussex Records Office and the Novium Museum.

Alternatively contact me direct and I can deliver (locally!)


Thank you for all your continued support and assistance with this project.

Contact: Bill Martin [email protected] 01243 641154