Town of Moreau Comprehensive Plan

Town of Moreau Saratoga County,

April 2019 Town of Moreau Comprehensive Plan– April 2019

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The development of this Comprehensive Plan was made possible through the efforts of the following contributors to the plan development effort:

The Town of Moreau Town Board: Theodore T. Kusnierz, Supervisor Alan VanTassel, Councilmember and Deputy Supervisor Gina M. LeClair, Councilmember John Hogan, Councilmember Kyle Noonan, Councilmember

The Town of Moreau Planning Board: Reed Antis John Arnold Erik Bergman Jerry Bouchard G. Peter Jensen Mike Shaver Ron Zimmerman

The Town of Moreau Zoning Board of Appeals: Kevin Elms Gerard Endal Matthew Manning Scott Fitzsimmons

Project Consultant: The LA Group, P.C. 40 Long Alley Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Phone 518‐587‐8100 Fax 518‐587‐0180 Project Manager: Jim Martin, AICP

Adopted by Moreau Town Board on April 9, 2019.



WHEREAS, pursuant to Town Law §272-a the Town Board of the Town of Moreau (Town Board”) caused to be prepared a draft Comprehensive Land Use Plan (“CLUP”) prepared by the L.A. Group, a consultant to the Town; and WHEREAS, the Town Board made copies of the draft CLUP available for public review at the Town Municipal Complex, the Town’s website and at the Crandall Public Library; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Town Law §272-a the Town Board noticed and conducted a public hearing on the draft CLUP on February 28, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at the Moreau Municipal Complex and a presentation of the draft CLUP was made at the public hearing; and WHEREAS, the Town Board received a favorable advisory opinion regarding the draft CLUP from the Saratoga County Planning Board pursuant to the General Municipal Law §239(m); and WHEREAS, the Town Board considered all public comments and closed the public hearing on February 28, 2019; and WHEREAS, at a regular Town Board meeting conducted on January 30, 2019, the Town Board declared itself lead agency for the environmental review of the CLUP which is a Type I action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (“SEQRA”); and WHEREAS, the Town Board received and reviewed Part I of a full Environmental Assessment Form (“EAF”) and completed Part II of the EAF; and WHEREAS, on April 9, 2019 the Town Board in its capacity as lead agency made a determination of non-significance and authorized the filing of a Negative Declaration under SEQRA for the CLUP; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Moreau adopts the draft CLUP as the official Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the Town of Moreau. Motion: Councilwoman LeClair Second: Councilman VanTassel

Roll Call: Councilman Hogan Aye Councilwoman LeClair Aye Councilman Noonan Aye Councilman VanTassel Aye Supervisor Kusnierz Aye

I hereby certify that this Resolution was duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Moreau at a regular meeting of the Town Board conducted on Tuesday, April 9, 2019 at the Moreau Municipal Complex located in Moreau, New York.

Dated: April 9, 2019 By: Leeann McCabe, Town Clerk Town of Moreau


Town of Moreau Comprehensive Plan– April 2019 Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...... 1

1. PLAN FORMAT ...... 2 Section A: Introduction ...... 2 Section B: Plan Development and Organization ...... 4


3. PLANNING CATEGORIES ...... 11 Section A: Community and Economic Development ...... 11 Section B: Recreational Resources, Facilities, and the Arts ...... 24 Section C: Geography, History, and Cultural Resources ...... 30 Section D: Commercial and Industrial Facilities ...... 36 Section E: Government, Educational Resources, and Institutional Facilities ...... 42 Section F: Infrastructure, Transportation, and Utilities ...... 51 Section G: Natural and Environmental Resources ...... 56 Section H: Housing ...... 59 Section I: Agricultural Resources ...... 63 Section J: Health and Emergency Services ...... 67

4. PLAN AREA ANALYSIS ...... 69 Area A ...... 70 Area B ...... 71 Area C ...... 72 Area D ...... 73 Area E ...... 74 Area F ...... 75 Area G ...... 76 Area H ...... 77 Area I ...... 78


iv Town of Moreau Comprehensive Plan– April 2019

List of Figures Figure 1 – Plan Format ...... 4 Figure 2 – Land Use by ORPS Classification ...... 12 Figure 3 – Public Parks and Recreation Areas ...... 26 Figure 4 – The Big Boom Trail Concept Map ...... 27 Figure 5 – Commercial and Industrial Zoning Map ...... 38 Figure 6 – Environmental Resources and Constraints ...... 57 Figure 7 – Residential Land Use Map ...... 60 Figure 8 – Agricultural Land Use Map ...... 64

List of Tables Table 1 Breakdown of Existing Land Use ...... 11 Table 2 Detailed Land Use by Assessment Classification ...... 14 Table 3 Budget Summary Analysis for 2013‐2015 ...... 46 Table 4 School District Data Summary ...... 48 Table 5 Highways/Roads and Bridges by Governmental Jurisdiction ...... 52 Table 6 Implementation Matrix ...... 79

Attachments ...... 83 Attachment A: Public Comments ...... 84 Attachment B: History and Timeline ...... 102 Attachment C: Demographic Community Profile ...... 109 Attachment D: Status Report on the 2008 Comprehensive Plan ...... 131 Attachment E: Glossary of Terms ...... 134

v Town of Moreau Comprehensive Plan– April 2019 Executive Summary

The Town of Moreau has a unique and distinctive character from the blending of agricultural, suburban, commercial, and industrial influences within the town while also being geographically shaped by its proximity to the state capital in Albany as well as the wild and natural Adirondack Park region. The town has demonstrated a long‐standing commitment to quality of life and preparation for the future of its residents. This commitment to shaping the community in a manner that is consistent with the desires off the residents is fundamentally important to the growth and prosperity of the community. Such commitment will be vitally important in the near term as the town has an unprecedented opportunity to move the town forward. Any quality plan development process is inclusive of a thorough and revealing community outreach program, resulting in a plan that is well‐connected to the needs and desires of the residency.

This plan has been prepared in recognition of this key time for the community. Opportunities for improvement of infrastructure, local employment, the town economy, and key aspects of the town’s land use pattern have been rightfully identified by the residents of the community. In response, this plan has been prepared setting forth prescribed steps for direct and immediate action to address each of the opportunities identified. The approach to this plan’s development emphasized focus on the highest priority needs so that resources can be efficiently applied. In response to new challenges that have arisen since the last plan’s adoption, this plan acknowledges past planning efforts, assesses their progress, and sets forth a new set of priority initiatives. The initiatives presented rely upon local resources and the talents of the residents to bring about their implementation in responsive attainment of the stated goals. Specifically, these initiatives relate to:

1. Implementation of sewer and water infrastructure along the Route 9 corridor to encourage growth and economic development; 2. Establishment of new business and industry in Moreau Industrial Park; 3. Development of new mixed‐use buildings in the commercial Route 9 corridor and introduction of new businesses and related uses that will broaden the appeal of the corridor and reinforce the area as the recognized center of the community; and 4. Development of a regional brand and marketing program that exemplifies the attractive qualities of the town as an ideal residential area to