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Routledge Handbook of Radical Politics

Ruth Kinna, Uri Gordon

Animal Liberation

Publication details https://www.routledgehandbooks.com/doi/10.4324/9781315619880-5 Will Boisseau Published online on: 29 May 2019

How to cite :- Will Boisseau. 29 May 2019, from: Routledge Handbook of Radical Politics Routledge Accessed on: 28 Sep 2021 https://www.routledgehandbooks.com/doi/10.4324/9781315619880-5


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Front Liberation Animal the of formation the with mid-1970s the in expanded and (HSA) Association Saboteurs Hunt the within 1960s the during Britain in developed animals exploited that industries the to sabotage economic causing while animals of lives the save to action direct undertake to aimed which movement liberation animal radical The industry. the or against campaign not did RSPCA the though al suffering, ‘unnecessary’ avoiding while ‘humanely’ treated be to animals wanted which (RSPCA), Animals to Cruelty of Prevention the for Society Royal the including in 1820s, the Britain in emerged societies welfare animal organised first The Hinduism. and ­Buddhism Jainism, of growth the and Pythagoras as such philosophers to extends which history along has animals non-human and human between relationship the about concern Moral icant social movements in Western E Western in movements social icant be regarded as one unexpected residue of animal liberation activism. liberation animal of residue unexpected one as regarded be may of mainstreaming and growth the then mid-2010s, the in atrough periencing ex is ALF the of formation the with mid-1970s the in began which cycle protest liberation animal the p. If 267). 2008, al., et (Starr work educational in arise and action direct of forms ­ in decline arecent to led has 2005), (Scarce, jury grand afederal to testify to refusing for aresearcher of imprisonment the included America in which repression, The 6–7). (pp. prosecutions’ political UK’s the of history recent the in injustices ‘one worst the of as (2009) Watch Corporate by described been have Act Police and Crime Organised Serious the under E and ALF the of rise the halt and try to action costly and extensive took FBI the America, In activism. liberation mal ani on crackdown international an to led that groups revolutionary other to spreading tactics these of fear the partly It was SHAC. by publicised targets the against action direct illegal undertook ALF the while group, above-ground an as worked who (SHAC), Cruelty Animal Huntingdon Stop by inspired were advances 2015). tactical New (Tsolkas, ALF’ the ( as such environmentalists Radical repertoire. tion ac their broaden to activists of generations new inspired movement liberation animal The (Law,23). p. 1982, together’ put left revolutionary British entire the than damage financial and physical more caused and action ‘more direct undertook UK the in activists liberation E LF) took ‘inspiration and courage’ from the ‘ambitious culture surrounding surrounding culture action direct ‘ambitious the from courage’ and ‘inspiration took LF) Since the 1970s, the animal liberation movement grew to become one of the most signif most the of one become to grew movement liberation animal the 1970s, the Since A NIMAL LF (Potter). In Britain, the convictions of animal liberation activists activists liberation animal of convictions the Britain, In (Potter). LF Will Boisseau urope and North America; in the early 1980s, animal animal 1980s, early the in America; North and urope L 1.2 IBE 42 E arth First! and the the and First! arth R ATION E arth Liberation Front Front Liberation arth militant - - - - - Downloaded By: At: 18:27 28 Sep 2021; For: 9781315619880, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315619880-5 diverse forms of direct action and economic sabotage (p. 82). (p. sabotage economic and action direct of forms diverse including means’ various through exploiters attack to and captivity from animals ‘free to aim also they goals’, abolitionists’ upholding while assumptions rights-based on rely ‘often ists liberation while that (2014) Best explains Steven animals. of liberation the and action direct including tactics adopted has and animals of domestication the on focuses but rights, animal of premise the accepts approach liberation animal an 2010). Finally, Francione, 2004; Regan, 1995; (Singer, circumstances any under ends human to ameans as instrumentally used be not mote nonviolent direct action and such as Direct Action E Action Direct as such rescue open and action direct nonviolent mote pro who SG); groups (ALF Group Supporters’ Front Liberation Animal the and Back Bite as such groups support prisoner HSA; the as such issue asingle on focus who those (ALB); Brigade Liberation Animal and Department Justice (ARM), Militia Rights Animal the like abusers animal to harm physical cause to seek who those instance, for groups, liberation animal different many also are There SHAC. and ALF the are consider we will groups main The abuse. animal from profit which companies to sabotage economic cause or abuse of (CAS). studies animal critical and , cluding in liberation animal to relate which theories political radical the considers section final the and movement; liberation animal current the uphold that concepts main the at looks section third the repertoire; movement’s the action considers section second the movement; the of groups like People for the E the People for like groups by represented as position, rights animal An violence. unnecessary or gratuitous with done be not should this that but experiments in used or hunted food, as consumed be still can mals ani that means welfare animal in belief a suffering, unnecessary avoiding while humanely treated be should animals that believes America, in States United the of Society Humane The and Britain in RSPCA the with connected movement, welfare animal The noting. worth is rights animal and welfare animal with associated groups and movement liberation Bombs. Not Food as such veganism promote who liberation, animal with connected groups, and Society Conservation Shepherd Sea the as such groups action direct ternational such as and the of human, animal and E and animal human, of intersectionality the and liberation total as such p. 2014, (Best, movements’ their within diversity of lack the and oppression class in to sensitive privileged, and white overwhelmingly class, middle ‘predominantly are activists animal that and reformism bourgeois it represents that accusations with dogged remains movement interrelation of human, animal and E and animal human, of interrelation the to concern its broadened has movement liberation 2012). animal (Twine, The complex’ ‘animal-industrial the by exploited are animals that ways countless the by concerned were liberationists b). animal Soon, undated (ALF, animals’ of exploitation and misery the from profit who those to damage economic ‘inflict to and shops, pet and circuses farms, fur farms, factory laboratories, abuse’, of including places [all] from animals ‘liberate to aimed ALF the ultimately and industry, vivisection the target to liberationists animal of scope the widened ALF The movement. the of concern first the was fun for animals of the such, as and Britain, in movement saboteurs’ hunt the from emerged movement liberation animal The

85). In response to these criticisms, new animal liberation activism focuses on concepts concepts on focuses activism liberation animal new criticisms, these to response 85). In The chapter focuses on animal liberation groups who directly rescue animals from places places from animals rescue directly who groups liberation animal on focuses chapter The concerns principal the we consider First, sections. key four into divided is chapter This Before considering the movement’s key concepts, the distinction between the animal animal the between distinction the movement’s concepts, the key considering Before Despite the advances made, and the risks undertaken, by animal liberation activists, the the activists, liberation animal by undertaken, risks the and made, advances the Despite thical Treatment of Animals (P Animals of Treatment thical Animal arth liberation; this includes the connections between between connections the includes this liberation; arth C oncerns L 43 iberation E TA), states that animals should should animals that TA), states verywhere (Dx verywhere arth liberation. arth E ); in ------Downloaded By: At: 18:27 28 Sep 2021; For: 9781315619880, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315619880-5 mentation laboratories. mentation experi animal to primates non-human transport to airline major last the is which France, Air on focused has campaign global one instance, For industry. vivisection the with links their cut they until campaigns letter-writing and demonstrations home blockades, petitions, boycotts, by targeted be will which a time at company one on focus often which campaigns worldwide initiated has movement antivivisection The vivisection. in interest vital no have humans that argues Rowlands 126). Ultimately, (p. ones’ vital genuinely are involved ests inter human the that argued be it could vivisection, with But stake. at are interests human trivial only that clear pretty it is then husbandry animal With husbandry. animal for case the than stronger much seems vivisection for case moral ‘the because unique seems tation experimen animal of issue the that argues (2002) Rowlands 4). (p. Mark animals’ of status moral the about carefully think to us compels that uses, other all above research, medical in animals of use the (2010), is ‘it Francione Gary For advocacy. animal within unique what some is vivisection that believe who well, as theorists but activists, just not It is undated). (Mann, issues animal other than chord’ adeeper strikes that vivisection about something is activists. rights animal some by shown intersectionality or awareness class of lack the and Inuits the as such peoples nous indige of practices the hunting about movement liberation animal the within debates fierce been have There sustenance. and food for world the across communities indigenous by out carried it is when controversial more becomes hunting of issue However, the establishment. the and enemy class the police, the with conflicts involves activism such movement; eration lib animal the for issue uncontroversial an been has sabbing hunt Britain, In theory. political sab). hunt with (interview life’ ture’s crea that saved then and there you did what that know to satisfying quite away… It’s still it running see you’ll you saved, animal the see you’ll often you know, quite life, something’s effects directly day that you in do ‘what explained: activist one as impact, visible and diate imme an makes action direct their that pride great take sabbing in involved 1987). Activists (HSA, hunters distracting otherwise or hounds the off calling water, garlic using perhaps scent, false spraying activists by disrupted often are Hunts necessary. if self-defence use to prepared are but nonviolently act sabs Hunt killed. being animal, targeted other or fox, sabbing. in involved hunters upper-class with conflict class the in pride took Britain in saboteurs hunt first the instance, for movement, liberation animal the within embedded always were issues human some course, Of change. climate and industries dairy and meat the between links the and hunger, world and industry meat the commodities in animal agriculture… caught in relations of human domination that involve involve that domination human of relations in caught agriculture… animal in commodities are domesticates all of cent per 99 ‘globally, and species, other with have humans most that E or hunting. vivisection by affected are than industry dairy and meat the in involved are animals more far because industry meat the on focused have activists liberation animal that unsurprising it is Perhaps campaigning. their of E and USA UK, the in activism liberation animal on crackdown state the (after mid-2000s the since and movement eration lib animal the of part asignificant been always has vegetarian or vegan become to people E Bombs. Not Food as such campaigns political wider of part as also but fairs and festivals vegan at often food, vegan sample providing by diet avegan adopt to people ing Some animal liberation activists also engage in , which means encourag means which outreach, vegan in engage also activists liberation animal Some ‘there action, direct clandestine in part take to compelled felt have who activists many For movement’sthe shape that field the in activists of experiences the often it is see, we will As the prevent to order in hunts disrupting is Britain in HSA the of concern principal The urope), activists have placed great significance on this side side this on significance great placed have activists urope), Will Boisseau 44 ating animals is the most common relationship relationship common most the is animals ating ncouraging ncouraging ------Downloaded By: At: 18:27 28 Sep 2021; For: 9781315619880, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315619880-5 the USA provide large subsidies to farmers to maintain the animal-industrial complex. animal-industrial the maintain to farmers to subsidies large provide USA the E Western in governments that fact the highlighted also have liberationists animal . market free of primacy the challenge to opportunities these used have Activists system. current the in inherent as see they that greed the and profit for adrive to abuse animal linked have philosophies, leftist other and anarchism by influenced often ists, activ liberation Animal injustices. food systemic of cause the is which alone, industry dairy world hunger (ibid hunger world combating in efficient more be would system dairy and move anon-meat to a widespread whereas products, animal produce to used being is planet the on land agricultural all of 70% E (Nibert, feed animal for used being is world the of water fresh the of most areas, water-stressed in living are population world’s the of half when time 2010, p. 36). (Garnett, cent’ per 36–63 by grow to projected are emissions agricultural 2030 by that and total global the of cent 10–12for per account emissions ‘agricultural that estimates Change Climate on Panel ­Intergovernmental The emissions. gas greenhouse to sector the of contribution the is connection notable most The scarcity. water fresh and deforestation pollution, water and air erosion, including agriculture, livestock of aspects damaging environmentally of anumber about concerned are activists, animal other and liberationists, Animal environment. the and bution distri food global upon has industry dairy and meat the that effect damaging the highlight liberationists animal instance, For liberation. total of concept the using often oppression, animal liberation movement has focused on the intersections of human, animal and and animal human, of intersections the on focused has movement liberation animal WWF). Farming; World in (Compassion annually extinct become species 10,000 least at and years, million 65 in crisis extinction worst the facing is planet the because but year, every worldwide food for now ‘produced’ are animals farm 70 billion approximately because only not animals, tect pro to urgency with work must they that believe spectrum, advocacy animal the of strands other and liberationists, 2011, p. (Cudworth, 106). Animal oppression’ and exploitation their great pride’ in this connection (Franks, 2006, p. 115). 2006, (Franks, connection this in pride’ great ‘take anarchists and anarchism, with associated been p. traditionally 17), has 2008, ­(Gordon, rectification’ its for agovernment) (typically agent external an to appealing than rather tion asitua in directly intervening by one’s hands, into own change social ‘taking demands which and direction’ adesired in reality change to resources power and own their uses group practices. ­ and tactical anarchist with liberation animal link structures and actions Such structure. organisational non-hierarchical and a groups affinity decision-making, consensus of use the consider we also action, direct of use the Alongside 127). (p. dissent’ of practices collective and individual support and inform that knowledge and ideas understandings, and imal an in action direct of use the (2014) Pellow describes David identity. movement’s collective the of part acore –represent action direct of use the notably –most actions such because significant is This groups. these with associated repertoire action the consider to important it is movement, liberation animal the behind theories and concepts key the at looking Before Animal liberation theorist argues that people should because at a a at because vegan go should people that argues Nibert David theorist liberation Animal Animal liberationists are not solely concerned with ‘animal issues’; instead, the current current the issues’; instead, ‘animal with concerned solely not are liberationists Animal Direct action, which is an ‘action without intermediaries, whereby an individual or a or individual an whereby intermediaries, without ‘action an is which action, Direct E arth liberation as ‘a defining feature of their cultures of resistance – those shared shared those – resistance of cultures their of feature ‘a defining as liberation arth . ). Nibert also highlights that it is , rather than the meat and and meat the than rather capitalism, it is that highlights also ). Nibert Animal Actions L 45 iberation ntangled). Nibert also explains that that explains also Nibert ntangled). philosophical philosophical urope and and urope E arth arth - - - - - Downloaded By: At: 18:27 28 Sep 2021; For: 9781315619880, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315619880-5 270 over actions, these Through activist). with (interview targets move other to on then would and Huntingdon’, with working stop would they said they when point the until nies compa target ‘would activists The emails. and calls phone threatening demonstrations, home demonstrations, office through companies these target would liberationists Animal 2006). Throughout this campaign, the SHAC model was developed: was model SHAC the campaign, this Throughout 2006). (Crimethinc, partners business and investors targeting directly by this achieve to aimed in corporation animal-testing largest the (HLS), Sciences Life Huntingdon down close to target 1999. athree-year set November SHAC in formed was SHAC success, this Following 2002). (Malle, liberations and damage property pickets, of campaign year atwo- after close to forced was farm Cat Grove 1999, Hill In the Pigs. Guinea Newchurch the Save as such companies, animal-abusing down closing of aim the with launched were campaigns the In 1990s, profits. their to damage long-lasting without on carry swiftly could companies that and imprisonment, of risks high the for rescued were animals of number small arelatively that felt movement the in some and activists, ALF leading of imprisonment long-term and arrest the to led had tactics these 1980s, late By the necessary. when homes safe in them place or possible, where animals the free to abuse of places from directly mals ani rescued also liberationists Animal exploitation. animal from profit which industries in equipment breaking and vehicles hunters’ against included this abuse; animal in 2007, p. 51). 1970s (Mann, early the during Britain in bombings motivated politically of aseries for responsible group guerrilla urban an were who Brigade Angry the by inspired particularly was groups’, Lee revolutionary other of tactics the of knowledge ‘a good possessed also founders ALF the and Lee Ronnie although trust; and confidence up built groups and individuals while error, and trial of aprocess from mid-1970s the from emerged repertoire action liberation 2011, p. 16). animal (Nocella, The models’ decision-making consensus and groups, affinity cells, on based politics egalitarian and decentralized develop activists whereby a‘process it became instead, atactic; just than was ALF the jail, from Lee’s on release and campaign, sabotage and liberation ­ were Goodman Cliff activist fellow and Lee laboratories. pharmaceutical to campaign arson their expanding and boats hunting seal burning by attention national received and abuse, animal of areas other to attention their expanded Lee, Ronnie founder (ibid tyres’ slashing and windows breaking by vehicles hunter’s sabotaging and guns ‘destroying by campaign their began group, youth RSPCA century a nineteenth- after named Mercy, of Band The pp. 3–4). undated, (ALF, animals of defence in damage property in engaged who Mercy, of Band the formed activists of group a small so and hunts, of disruption nonviolent the than needed’ was action militant more ‘decided HSA the of By 1972, members HSA. the within 1960s the during developed were tactics such The earliest animal liberation tactics focused on directly sabotaging the apparatus used used apparatus the sabotaging directly on focused tactics liberation animal earliest The more represent to it came grew, action direct of movement’s use liberation animal the As 1976, in although ALF the of formation the with associated is animals for action Direct

potential targets and report on actions as they occurred. they as actions on report and targets potential about information distribute to simply was organization an as SHAC of role The them. with business did that corporation any with involved anyone harassing by HLS isolate out to set Activists corporation. entire an down shut to businesses small closed had that tactics the utilizing finances, corporation’s the on specifically focus to was idea The companies cut their links with HLS (Upton, 2011), and ‘the company’s share price, price, 2011), share company’s (Upton, ‘the and HLS with links their cut companies Will Boisseau 46 . ). The group, including ALF ALF including ). group, The (Crimethinc, 2006) (Crimethinc, arrested for this this for arrested E urope. SHAC SHAC urope. formed. - - ­ Downloaded By: At: 18:27 28 Sep 2021; For: 9781315619880, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315619880-5 (ibid way’ acollective in decisions ‘reach groups help to procedures’ and ‘tools using by heard’ is voice everyone’s ensure ‘to facilitated be must consensus using p. 335). 2012, Meetings Kinna, and (Wilson least) at theory, (in decisions to agrees’ everyone ‘because outcomes authoritarian’ non- and ‘non-hierarchical produce to designed is which decision-making of amethod is p. 330). 2012, Kinna, and (Wilson consensus achieving of likelihood the increases and developing’ hierarchies internal of chances ‘the lessens structure group small p. 83). This 2001, (Skirda, spontaneously’ ‘accomplish to masses’ ‘the for possible be not ­ it would which decisive and daring off carrying to suited ‘better as liberationists animal by regarded been has group affinity p. The 205). 2006, (Cohn, available’ readily most is consensus which in members] 6–12 between [typically group knit tightly a small, on instead relying action, ing coordinat of ‘avoid necessity the can activists which through approach, anarchist established 2014. August in disband to group the caused this and sentences prison lengthy received activists SHAC undertaken, be not should actions threatening that disclaimer the with website their on information promoted body, who legal above-ground, an as acted SHAC Although 2006). (Crimethinc, class’ ruling the of interconnections the to activists ‘single-issue exposed such as and territory own their in opposition the confront to sabotage, hunt like opportunity, an provided demonstrations home The HLS. in investor principal the Baker, Andrew against campaign demonstration a home ran SHAC abuse. animal from anarchism’, but for many anarchists, ‘consensus and anarchism are all but synonymous’ (ibid synonymous’ but all are anarchism and ‘consensus anarchists, many for but anarchism’, of principle afundamental as seen ‘come be to only not has consensus because tactics, and ories by stabilizing 2001, £1.75 to fell January in 1990s, the in £300 around worth to feel pain, cut across species divides (Ryder, 1975, 2000). As (1995) explained, Singer Peter As (Ryder, 1975, 2000). divides species across cut pain, feel to ability the as such characteristics, significant more when inclusion, moral for cut-off arbitrary an as membership species use to irrational it was that suggested of concept The ism. sex and as such prejudice, of forms other alongside exploitation animal situate 1970s to ecology. and anticapitalism state, the to opposition intersectionality, liberation, total speciesism, are concepts The experiences. activist’s by shaped are and activism inform help both ideas these movement; liberation animal the shape which concepts key the we consider section, this In this is not to say that current animal liberation activists interpret the idea in exactly the the exactly in idea the interpret activists liberation animal current that say to not is this however, movement; liberation animal the for concept asignificant remains Speciesism

Animal liberation has also been associated with consensus decision-making which which decision-making consensus with associated been also has liberation Animal an become has group affinity The groups. affinity of use made have liberationists Animal profited who people targeting demonstrations home in participated often activists SHAC The concept of speciesism was first used by Richard Ryder, and developed throughout the the throughout developed and Ryder, Richard by used first was speciesism of concept The mid-2001’ (Crimethinc, mid-2001’ . or her own ends, how can it entitle humans to exploit nonhumans for the same purpose? same the for nonhumans exploit to humans it entitle how can ends, own her or his for another use to human one entitle not does intelligence of degree ahigher sessing pos If speciesism. to equally apply sexism… and racism to objections fundamental the that obvious be It should species. other of members of those against and one’s species own of members of interests the of favour in bias of attitude or aprejudice is Speciesism… ). The use of consensus by animal liberationists connects the movement to anarchist the anarchist to movement the connects liberationists animal by consensus of ). use The

2006). Animal C oncepts L 47 iberation at 3 pence 3pence at actions’ actions’ (p. 6) (p. . ). - - - - ­ Downloaded By: At: 18:27 28 Sep 2021; For: 9781315619880, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315619880-5 sectionality is pivotal to understanding multifaceted systems of domination and attempting to to attempting and domination of systems multifaceted understanding to pivotal is sectionality inter of concept first the that recognise often activists liberation Animal ways. of a variety in oppressed is who individual an by experienced is how on intersectionality focus or ­overlap, class and race gender, as such how show categories theoretically could ­Intersectionality ‘other’. the of dismissal as such groundings same the on rely or way overlapping an in ­function class and race gender, as such powerof categories social different that way the outlines 2015, pp. 12–13). Cudworth, White, (Nocella, structures’ systemic and relationships economic and political social, transforming of ways ‘alternative of development the involves (ibid ecosystems’ the and nonhumans people, for anti-oppression and justice of ethic ‘an and action direct for port sup anticapitalism, with along frame, liberation total the of component a central is anarchism Brehm, Nyseth and Pellow to 186). (p. According justice’ social of politics ‘the with activists rights animal and environmental radical of combination the to due frame movement social adominant as emerged has liberation total of concept the that (2015) believe Brehm Nyseth E the and eco- ecology, ‘deep as such movements justice social recent more alongside Reclus, Élisée as such thinkers anarchist by influenced is theory facets’. Best’s other these include not it does –if oppression and domination in rooted be still it would –as incomplete is liberation ‘human that argue to E and animal human, between nections con the describe to liberation total of use The oppression. colonial against classes working and people colonised of struggle intersecting the describe to liberation total term the used Fanon Frantz struggles. ongoing from adapted been have concepts both intersectionality; liberationists. animal some of tactics militant the in reflected is this and abusers, human against as legitimately as abusers animal at directed be can tactics coercive or animals’. other of torture the than action serious more merited humans of torture the that saying be it would because That’s speciesism. of guilty be to is didn’t, torturer people a Nazi of killer the whereas immorally, acted a vivisector of killer the that say ‘[T]o (2010) argues, Lee Ronnie founder ALF As animals. defend to used be might that responses tactical the this and widens humans, to harm to equivalent morally as animals to harm regard typically speciesism of concept the use who liberationists Animal sexism. or racism to equivalent as exploitation animal see not do who groups activist other with rifts caused it has Nibert, and Pellow by stated relations. economic reproduces and from emergent is which ideology finally, and state; the by reproduced and reflected politically is which power social iniquitous Other’;second, of ‘the exploitation economic first, oppression: of mechanisms reinforcing mutually of elements three are there that explains (2002) ­Nibert oppression. of forms other with features overlapping shares which oppression of asystem as speciesism regard now often theorists rights 7). Animal (p. animals’ other of oppression of causes structural social the of analysis the somewhat –‘hampers animals’ other of defenders and advocates many by promoted –‘a view prejudice of aform simply is speciesism that view the that agrees (2002) Nibert 44). David (p. coalitions’ building for and populations across how power functions about thinking for unhelpful is that oppression of equivalence blanket of kind the is ‘this because speciesism of use original the (2014) Pellow rejects ­David instance, For intersectionality. account into take fully not does speciesism of version ­Singer’s Ryder and that feel liberationists animal many particular, In Ryder Singer. as way and same The concept of intersectionality relates to Kimberlé Crenshaw’s (1989) approach which (1989) which Crenshaw’s approach Kimberlé to relates intersectionality of concept The and liberation total of concepts the by informed also is movement liberation animal The violent that argue to used be can speciesism of concept the clear, makes example this As As ways. of in a number activism liberation animal effected has speciesism of concept The . ). Total liberation is often understood as ‘intersectionality in action’, and action’, in and ‘intersectionality as understood often is ). Total liberation nvironmental Justice Paradigm’. David Pellow and Hollie Hollie and Pellow David Paradigm’. Justice nvironmental Will Boisseau arth liberation was developed by (2014) Best Steven by developed was liberation arth 48 - - - Downloaded By: At: 18:27 28 Sep 2021; For: 9781315619880, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315619880-5 dustries in E in dustries in agricultural to granted subsidies large the considers one when case the be to seems this 2007, p. 596). Indeed, (Mann, state’ the by funded and protected, ‘sanctioned, are industries animal- that argue activists liberation Animal 2007). (Cudworth, organisation’ social understanding and world the about thinking of ‘way acertain creates nomenon’ which phe a‘psychological is state the moreover, own; its of interests have also and power relations internalised uphold which institutions political and social of array a complex as state view the of anarchist the take may liberationists Animal state. the and capitalism complex, industrial 37). (p. possible ‘product’ the make to slaughtered was who being living the with connected rarely is meat of commodity the that extent an such to consume they products the from customers distanced has capitalism that argue to fetish commodity the of concept Marxist 6). the Torres (p. evokes happiness’ and survival human for option only the is this that believe to led are we but also machines, laboring mere as animals and humans fellow our devalue to come ‘not only has society that means talism capi of order hegemonic the that argues Torres (2009) Bob capitalism. under animals of status property the and profit for drive the is exploitation animal for reason principle the that issues. justice social across alliances solidarity form to commitment apractical to led it has because movement liberation animal the for important extremely are intersectionality and liberation total of concepts The ways. different in life social influence relations systemic of forms how various explain who ecofeminists by developed particularly is intersectionality of 10–11). (pp. understanding This domination’ and inequality of systems reinforcing and E explains, 2014,and Pellow, p. (2014) 31).Pellow David As (Fitzgerald differences’ experiencing of model additive the to opposed as simultaneous, as experienced are and ‘intersect oppression of forms various how these explain to helps intersectionality of understanding An them. resist argued that 2009 in editorial Group Supporters’ ALF an instance, For . social for demands wider with exploitation animal end to desire their combined have liberationists Animal movements have united partly around their shared tactical use of direct action and belief in in belief and action direct of use tactical shared their around partly united have movements E The philosophy. and movement ecology and green radical wider E to connected is movement liberation animal the seen, we have As Animal liberation activists have consistently highlighted links between the animal- the between links highlighted consistently have activists liberation Animal believe activists liberation animal Many anticapitalist. is movement liberation animal The institutions. powerful and wealthy these of favour the in others, amongst rules, banking and law company procedures, planning in regulations and rules the waived have they way the in seen be can This companies. pharmaceutical multinational and institutes research animal of friends the are they that clear it very made has Government [t]he British keep their pockets full. pockets their keep to is principle guiding one whose corporations and politics corrupt of order old the out We sweep to have change. revolutionary we need where state the We reached ers. have lawmak the of injustice and lies violence, the of aware well are activists rights [a]nimal arth and animal liberation activists believe that there are ‘multiple, interlocking interlocking ‘multiple, are there that believe activists liberation animal and arth urope and North America. The UK ALF Supporters’ Group (2010) argued that (2010) Group argued Supporters’ ALF UK The America. North and urope Animal L 49 iberation arth and animal liberation liberation animal and arth arth liberation and the the and liberation arth exploiting ­exploiting (p. 6) (p. (p. 6) (p. - - - - ­ Downloaded By: At: 18:27 28 Sep 2021; For: 9781315619880, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315619880-5 discussions regarding the intersectionality of oppression. of intersectionality the regarding discussions particularly CAS, of concerns and themes the of many (1995), Donovan shape and helped (1995) Adams and Adams of works the particularly scholarship, ecofeminist fact, In animals. other include to theory intersectional develop helped 1990) published (first Meat of Politics Sexual The work Adams’ Carol Taylor, and (Twine 2014). particular, In writings ecofeminist in developed were concerns these of Many liberation. total and speciesism politics, sectional amongst others’ (Cudworth, 2015, p. 93). (Cudworth, others’ amongst warfare and imperialism colonialism, gender; and sexuality sex, of formations wealth; and class caste, nation; and “race”, ethnicity ‘around domination hierarchical of forms multiple challenge anarchists it’, by because characterised already not ‘if intersectionality, to open highly is Anarchism oppression. non-human and human of intersections the of movement anarchist the informed have activists liberation animal and society, statist of forms other and capitalism state of critique overarching one in oppression of forms all include to able been traditionally have Anarchists movement. anarchistic) (or least at anarchist an witnessing are we we know SG, ALF the of capitalism and state the to opposition the and saboteurs hunt of structure group affinity non-hierarchical the to ‘A’ symbol circled ALF the the in from And anarchism. is with interrelates closely it most theory political radical the that movement tion light of this, anarchist animal liberationists – who focus on a previously neglected form of of form neglected apreviously on focus –who liberationists animal anarchist this, of light 4). (p. In State the and class of systems political and economic the than deep-rooted more as command’) and obedience of systems psychological and traditional ‘cultural, the (meaning hierarchy (1991) Bookchin’s seeing in work Murray to contributed Torres –have Bob orist the –including liberationists animal Therefore, world. the viewing of ways by, hierarchical fostered is and to, contributes which hierarchy of form constructed socially another as garded between anarchism, animal liberation and E and liberation animal anarchism, between E liberation. total et (Nocella animals’ nonhuman respects and includes that struggle justice social ‘a holistic promote to aims it also instead, movement; advocacy animal the understanding in interested simply not is scholarship CAS movement. liberation animal the to support theoretical vide pro to 2000s the during scholarship of field independent an as emerged CAS banner. CAS position. autilitarian support would liberationists animal all that say to Singer’s of Peter success the by influenced partly was ment movement’s The develop theories. political radical new of development the into back feed to continues and theories different by influenced been has movement liberation animal The E and animal human, for support and oppression of forms all to opposition state, the and capitalism to resistance urgent and aradical only that feel concepts, these combining liberationists, 2011). al., et Animal (Wirsenius emissions gas greenhouse to sector the of livestock contribution the including agriculture, livestock of aspects damaging environmentally the highlight may liberationists (2015). Animal environmentalists radical to courage’ and ‘inspiration lent first which ALF’ the surrounding culture action direct ambitious ‘the was it that argues Tsolkas Moreover, positions. these adopt who Coronado, Rod as such tivists, tion, can save the planet from complete environmental destruction. environmental complete from planet the save can tion,

al., 2014, p. xxvii). The key concerns of CAS are support for direct action tactics, inter tactics, action direct for support are CAS of concerns key The 2014,al., p. xxvii). It is clear from the tactics, concerns, concepts and political cultures of the animal libera animal the of cultures political and concepts concerns, tactics, the from clear It is Anarchist animal liberationists are interested in the concept of speciesism when it is re it is when speciesism of concept the in interested are liberationists animal Anarchist A growing trend of animal liberation scholar-activists is written and organised around the the around organised and written is scholar-activists liberation animal of trend A growing arth First! activist Panagioti Tsolkas believes that the ‘cross-pollination ‘cross-pollination the that believes Tsolkas Panagioti activist First! arth Will Boisseau Theories 50 arth First!’ is partly caused by influential ac influential by caused partly is First!’ arth Animal Liberation , but this is not not is this , but arth libera arth ------Downloaded By: At: 18:27 28 Sep 2021; For: 9781315619880, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315619880-5 that are outside capitalist relations. capitalist outside are that oppression of forms to relates state how the examining of forefront the at be –will oppression Cudworth, E Cudworth, https:// online, [available No. 6. Living, Dangerous of AJournal Thunder: Rolling (2006). Crimethinc Critique Feminist ABlack Sex: and Race of Intersection the (1989) K. ‘Demarginalizing Crenshaw, Movement Rights Animal The Dissent: Corporate Anti on Crackdown State Watch (2009) Corporate (Selinsgrove: Politics Aesthetics, Hermeneutics, Representation: of Crisis the and Anarchism (2006) S. J. Cohn, : (New Hierarchy of Dissolution and Emergence The Freedom: of (1991) Ecology M. The Bookchin, Palgrave (Basingstoke: 21st the Century for Revolution Total of Liberation: Politics (2014) S. The Best, Supporters’ GroupALF Newsletter Supporters’ GroupALF Newsletter (1995) (eds.) J. Animals & Women: Donovan, Feminist Explorations and J. Theoretical C. Adams, (1995) J. C. Adams, necessary. means any by animals liberate to seek they as repertoire action diverse and innovative an adopt to continue they urgency, of time this In animals. other and humans of existence ful peace the for and planet the of future the for urgency, of atime is this that realise liberationists Animal action. direct through changes revolutionary thoroughgoing more for strive to tinue con they as improvements about bring to means tactical important an as acts legislation that p 2002, (Nibert, respectability’ social and legal atrocities such giving while oppressions entangled such build and support state the power of diversionary and ideological, economic, political, physical, ‘the because abuse animal maintain structures state that believe may liberationists Animal behalf. animals’ the on tactics any ing exclud of wary are activists so and suggestions, tactical any prohibit or formulate to unable are themselves animals the because and animals, upon inflicted suffering of level because both extreme the of duty this feel activists Animal animals. of suffering the alleviate to tactics of sity adiver use to duty urgent and aspecial have they that feel often and developments, tactical of forefront the at are liberationists Animal concessions. political force 1998 to 1997 and in strikes hunger his used Horne Barry activist ALF and arrest unlawful for court to forces police take may saboteurs hunt instance, For animals. for benefits about bring to order in structures state by created positions bargaining use to prepared been also have liberationists animal ever, anarchist Cudworth, E Cudworth, E Cudworth, Fitzgerald, A. 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