Pedophilia /Pedafilea/ N : Sexual Perversion in Which Children Are The

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Pedophilia /Pedafilea/ N : Sexual Perversion in Which Children Are The ~ORCEMENT JANUARY 1984 rBI BULLETIN Pedophilia /ped­a­fil­e­a/ n : sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object ~ORCEMENT rBI BULLETIN JANUARY 1984. VOLUME 53. NUMBER 1 Contents 2 Incest: The Last Taboo (Part I) By Robert J. Barry 10 Child Pornography and Sex Rings By Kenneth V. Lanning and Dr. Ann Wolbert Burgess 17 The Missing Children Act 22 Investigating Child Sexual Exploitation: Law Enforcement's Role By Seth L Goldstein 32 Wanted by the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation Published by the Office of Congressional United States Department of Justice and Public Affairs, Roger S. Young, Assistant Director Washington, D.C. 20535 This special issue centers on the Editor-Thomas J. Deakin Pedophllla pM·a·f,l·e-a I n Assistant Editor- Kathryn E. Sulewski se?,ua1 perversion in which theme of child William H. Webster, Director chlklren are the preferred Art Director- Kevin J. Mulholland sexual object sexual exploitation- The Attorney General has determined that the WriterI Editor- Karen McCarron a crime which publication of this periodical IS necessary In the Production Manager-Jeffrey L. Summers remains a potential transaction of the public business required by law Reprints- Marlethia S. Black threat to every child of the Department of Justice. Use of funds for in America. printing this periodical has been approved by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget through June 6, 1988. ISSN 0014­5688 USPS 383­310 Director's Message Last Spring, in a conference with religious The exploitation of children transcends and political leaders concerned over law jurisdictional boundaries. And because of the enforcement's efforts against pornography, the nature and national scope of this crime, many of President of the United States told the group that the thousands of children who disappear without having "identified the worst hazardous­waste sites a trace each year fall victim to sexual exploitation, in America­we have to do the same with the no single law enforcement agency can cope with worst sources of pornography." As hazardous the inherent investigative problems. Our efforts wastes destroy this Nation's environment, need to be coordinated­not fragmented. pornography permeates the backbone of Information must be shared­not withheld. American society and destroys one of our most The FBI has already established one joint valuable resources­our children. task force specializing in child sex exploitation Public concern over this perverted assault on cases. Operating out of the New York City Office, children was directly expressed in 1978 when the task force is composed of FBI Agents, U.S. Congress passed the Protection of Children Customs Service officers, investigators from the Against Sexual Exploitation Act. The FBI U.S. Postal Service, and officers from the New investigates criminal conduct defined by the Act York City, Nassau, and Suffolk County Police and gives high priority to those pornography Departments. cases involving children. One of the problems As another means to assist those in law encountered in the investigation of this type of enforcement who investigate child sex offenders, pornography is that much of the material is a network of Federal, State, and local officers has produced by a clandestine subculture with been formed through the efforts of members of perverted sexual interests focusing on children. the Behavioral Science Unit at the FBI Academy, Because the pornographic material produced by Quantico, Va. Twenty­five officers from various this subculture is for members self­gratification agencies throughout the United States took part rather than for commercial profit, these in a 5­day seminar, during which attendees investigations are complicated. presented and participated in a discussion of The FBI has achieved notable success in various topics concerning the sexual exploitation combating the child exploitation problem that of children. A major goal of this seminar was to affects our Nation. Undercover operations foster personal contact among officers who work conducted in major U.S. cities have resulted in a in this sensitive and difficult­to­penetrate area. number of arrests, indictments, and convictions. Opening lines of communication between Laboratory examination of pornographic materials agencies eliminates one of the stumbling blocks often provides valuable information which can to effective investigation and prosecution. identify sources and locations of manufacture and The dangers of sexual exploitation and distribution. Also, steps are being taken to expand pornography to its victims are only too evident• our investigative techniques regarding these physical and emotional suffering and ruined lives. investigations to include storing data on violators As a civilized society, we cannot afford to let our in the Organized Crime Information System. children pay the price for our inaction. Every child However, the key element to a more effective in America is a potential victim of sexual abuse enforcement program is cooperation. and exploitation. For this reason, all of us in law enforcement must join together in the protection of our Nation's most valuable resource-our children. William H. Webster Director January 1, 1984 ______________________________________________________________________________ January1984 I 1 than 25 percent reported having a INCEST: The Last Taboo sexual experience with an adult before age 13.3 In only 6 percent of (Part I) those cases were the incidents report• ed to the authorities. It has been esti• By mated that one out of every four women will be sexually abused before ROBERT J. BARRY The reported cases of incest rep• reaching the age of 18.4 resent only a small percentage of the Assistant Director Because incest occurs within the actual figure. It has been estimated Delinquency Control Institute family, it often goes unreported. that between 60,000 and 100,000 Center for the Unlike rape or molestation, incest is female children are sexually abused Administration ofJustice initiated by a loved and trusted adult annually, and yet, only 20 percent of School of Public Administration upon whom the child is dependent. 1 University of Southern California these crimes are reported. Authori• Therefore, the child may allow it to Los Angeles, Calif. ties believe incest affects over 10 per• continue for years without reporting it. cent of all American families, with at Oftentimes, when the child does least 5,000 cases of father/daughter report incest, she is faced with disbe• incest.2 In a 1965 survey of over lief or punishment, or the mother 1,000 college-aged women, more blames the child for seducing the father. On other occasions, the mother believes the child and takes legal action against the husband. However, when faced with the possi• bility of losing him, she withdraws her charges, and likewise, forces the child to withdraw her accusations. 2 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin "The bulk of the responsibility in seeing that incest cases are reported ... lies with society." In other cases, the child will allow It is often believed that children The incestuous father is seduced by the incest to continue because she fall prey to strangers who fit the myth- a promiscuous daughter. sees it as a way of saving the family. ical "dirty old man in the raincoat" A promiscuous or seductive She may foresee the potential conse- stereotype. However, most sexual daughter is often the result but quences, such as the dissolution of abuse cases involve individuals never the primary cause of an the family, and therefore, continues to known to the child. Indeed, most incestuous relationship. endure the behavior. cases involve intrafamily persons­fa- Incest is less traumatic than rape or Not all cases of incest involve thers, step­fathers, uncles, live­in boy- other types of sexual molestation. feelings of guilt. In some cases, the friends, and others who have access This is not true since, unlike rape or child assumes that incest is normal to the child. molestation, incest occurs within accepted behavior. ' Adult sexual involvement with a the home, leaving no escape from The bulk of the responsibility in child is complex. It may be an effort the assaults. seeing that incest cases are reported, by the adult to compensate for feel- Children born of incestuous however, lies with society. American ings of inadequacy; the adult may be relationships will be retarded or society is having a difficult time ac- retreating from conflicting or intimidat- handicapped cepting the fact that incest does ing relationships with other adults to While this is a possibility, not all occur. It is a serious societal problem less threatening nonadults. children born out of incestuous that will continue in a vicious cycle Incest, like child abuse, wife beat- relationships are abnormal. from one generation to the next if ing, and rape, is a subject more vic- steps are not taken to alleviate the tims are now willing to talk about. Incest is always confined to one problem. Contrary to popular belief, incest child occurs most commonly in middle- Although a father will usually Americans have always viewed "target" one child, there are many sexual relations among family mem- class families. It is a problem that af- fects all social and economic levels, cases in which a father has had bers as taboo. The horror and shock sexual contact with more than one of incest makes people feel uncom- influencing the lives of millions of Americans. daughter. Even more surprising are fortable­they pretend it does not those cases where the father has exist or it is a fabrication of a child's The following myths concerning incest have proved to be false: sexual contact with both sons and active imagination. Others believe that daughters. incest is very rare, occurring only The aggressor-the father in most Incest is harmless. when the participants are mentally or cases-is inferior in intelligence and Although there is often no use of emotionally abnormal.
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