Europass Curriculum Vitae

Europass Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information First name(s) / Giulia Filippo Surname(s) Address(es) CONTRADA RIALTO 14, 33050 (UD) Telephone(s) 3355932691 3355932691 Fax(es) E-mail [email protected] Nationality Date of birth 22/03/1981 Gender Female

Desired employment/ Occupational field

Work experience Dates 04/2013 - TODAY Occupation or position held PROGETTO EUROPEO 'WIDENING THE FUTURE' Type of business or sector Human Resources , public administration Dates 01/2013 - 04/2013 Occupation or position held CANDIDATA COME CONSIGLIERE REGIONALE NELLA LISTA 'AUTONOMIA RESPONSABILE' PER RENZO TONDO PRESIDENTE; CANDIDATA COME CONSIGLIERE PROVINCIALE NELLA LISTA AUTONOMISTA PER FONTANINI PRESIDENTE Name and address of REGIONE FVG; PRVINCIA DI (UD) ITALIA employer Type of business or sector public administration Dates 09/2010 - TODAY Occupation or position held Insegnante a tempo indeterminato. Dall'anno scolastico 2011/2012 responsabile area Alunni in difficoltà (DSA-L.170) e Disabili (L.104) Name and address of Istituto Comprensivo Palzzolo dello Stella - MARANO LAGUNARE (UD) ITALIA employer Type of business or sector Human Resources , education, training, research and development Dates 09/2009 - 08/2010 Occupation or position held Insegnante a tempo determinato Name and address of Istitutco Comprensivo di - (UD) ITALIA employer Type of business or sector education, training, research and development Dates 05/2009 - TODAY Occupation or position held Candidata alla carica di Sindaco per il comune di Marano Lagunare, con la lista 'MARANO APERTA' alle elezioni amministrative del 2009, con mandato amministrativo di Capogruppo consigliare rappresentante la minoranza in Consiglio Comunale. Name and address of Comune Marano Lagunare , Piazza Olivotto - MARANO LAGUNARE (UD) ITALIA employer Type of business or sector Human Resources , public administration Dates 09/2008 - 06/2009 Occupation or position held Insegnante a tempo determinato. Insegnamento: matematica ed informatica in due classi TERZE ed in una SECONDA Direzione didattica di Latisana - RONCHIS (UD) ITALIA

ALMALAUREA - Connecting university, labour market and professionals 1 / 5 Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Human Resources , education, training, research and development Dates 09/2007 - 08/2008 Occupation or position held Insegnante a tempo determinato. Insegnamento: matematica ed informatica in due classi seconde ed in una prima Name and address of Direzione Didattica di Latisana - RONCHIS (UD) ITALIA employer Type of business or sector Human Resources , education, training, research and development Dates 09/2006 - 06/2007 Occupation or position held Insegnante a tempo determinato. Insegnamento: matematica ed informatica in due classi prime ed in una quinta Name and address of Direzione Didattica di Latisana - RONCHIS (UD) ITALIA employer Type of business or sector Human Resources , education, training, research and development Dates 10/2005 - 06/2006 Occupation or position held INSEGNANTE DI SOSTEGNO SCUOLA PRIMARIA Name and address of DIREZIONE DIDATTICA LATISANA - LATISANA (UD) ITALIA employer Type of business or sector education, training, research and development Dates 01/2005 - 01/2005 Occupation or position held INSEGNANTE SUPPLENTE SCUOLA ELEMNTARE Name and address of DIREZIONE DIDATTICA - SAN GIORGIO DI NOGARO (UD) ITALIA employer Type of business or sector Human Resources , education, training, research and development Dates 11/2004 - 11/2004 Occupation or position held INSEGNANTE SUPPLENTE SCUOLA ELEMENTARE Name and address of ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO - PALAZZOLO DELO STELLA (UD) ITALIA employer Type of business or sector Human Resources , education, training, research and development Dates 10/2004 - 05/2005 Occupation or position held INSEGNANTE SUPPLENTE SCUOLA INFANZIA (SUPPLENZE BREVI NELL'ARCO DI TEMPO OTTOBRE-MAGGIO TOT 14 GIORNI) Name and address of ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO PALAZZOLO DELLO STELLA - PALAZZOLO DELLO STELLA (UD) ITALIA employer Type of business or sector Human Resources , education, training, research and development Dates 03/2003 - 03/2003 Occupation or position held INSEGNANTE SUPPLENTE SCUOLA ELEMENTARE Name and address of DIREZIONE DIDATTICA SAN GIORGIO DI NOGARO - ASN GIORGIO DI NOGARO (UD) ITALIA employer Type of business or sector Human Resources , education, training, research and development Dates 07/1999 - 07/1999 Occupation or position held ANIMATORE CENTRO ESTIVO PER BAMBINI DELLA SCUOLA PRIMARIA PRESSO IL COMUNE DI MARANO LAGUNARE Name and address of COMUNE MARANO LAGUNARE - MARANO LAGUNARE (UD) ITALIA employer Type of business or sector Human Resources , education, training, research and development

Education and training Dates 2005 - 2006 Name and type of Universita' degli Studi di UDINE - Facolta' di SCIENZE della FORMAZIONE organisation providing educational and training Level in national or Master degree international classification Dates 2000 - 2005 Name and type of Universita' degli Studi di UDINE - Facolta' di SCIENZE della FORMAZIONE organisation providing educational and training Master degree

ALMALAUREA - Connecting university, labour market and professionals 2 / 5 Level in national or international classification

Postgraduate studies ANY OTHER TRAINING COURSE - ( months) Description: Corso di aggiornamento sulla minorazione visiva ed apprendimento riservato ad insegnanti, educatori, volontari impegnati con minorati della vista nell'anno scolastico 2006/2007. Aspetti psicologici e pedagogici della minorazione visiva;Esercitazioni di lettura e scrittura Braille;L'informatica per i minorati della vista ed altri ausili tiflo-didattici;Esercitazioni pratiche in laboratorio di informatica con sintesi vocale;Laboratorio di attività manuali e pratiche - realizzazione di oggettistica;Teoria e pratica in orientamento mobilità e azioni di vita quotidiana . ANY OTHER TRAINING COURSE 2012 - 2013 (4 months) Formazione Dislessia e Screening Fondazione Telecom, AID, MIUR Description: Corso di formazione on-line su dislessia e screeening per insegnanti referenti. TRAINING COURSE 2012 - 2012 (4 months) DSA e SCUOLA IST. Comprensivo Latisana, AID Description: Corso di Formazione di Primo livello DSA e Scuola: strumenti e strategie per favorire il successo scolastico TRAINING COURSE 2006 - 2006 (0 months) NUOVE DIRETTIV TEORIC E OPERATIV NEI DISTURB SPECIF DELL'APPREND Universita' degli Studi di UDINE Description: CONVEGNO DELLA DURATA DI 8 ORE:SONO STATE ILLUSTRATE LE NUOVE DIRETTIVE TEORICHE ED OPERATIVE NEI DISTURBI SPECIFICI DELL'APPRENDIMENTO DAI SEGUENTI SPECIALISTI:Dott.Termine;Dott.Bortolotti;Dott.Stella;Dott.Lonciari;Dott.Breda;Dott.Pasinato;Dott.Aliverti ANY OTHER TRAINING COURSE 2006 - 2007 ( months) MODULO 400 ORE PER IL SOSTEGNO Universita' degli Studi di UDINE Description: Corso qualificante ed abilitante per essere insegnante di sostegno polivalente nella scuola primaria e nella scuola dell'infanzia

Pre-university studies Secondary school diploma: MAGISTRAL CERTIFICATE School-leaving examination taken in (year): 2000 Italian secondary school diploma

Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s) Italian Other language(s) Social skills and competences Organisational skills and competences Technical skills and competences Computer skills and competences Operating systems: Good Programming languages : Limited Word processing: Fair Electronic spreadsheet : Fair Internet skills: Excellent Web-site creation: Good Multimedia: Fair Artistic skills and competences Other skills and competences

Additional information


This CV contains confidential information collected by the Inter-universities Consortium AlmaLaurea. Full or partial reproduction and diffusion to third parties are strictly forbidden.

I hereby authorize the processing of the personal data contained in this CV in compliance with the Italian Personal Data Protection Code (Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003).

ALMALAUREA - Connecting university, labour market and professionals 3 / 5 EUROPEAN LEVELS - SELF ASSESSMENT GRID A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 Listening I can understand I can understand I can understand I can understand I can understand I have no difficulty familiar words and phrases and the the main points of extended speech extended speech in understanding very basic phrases highest frequency clear standard and lectures and even when it is not any kind of spoken concerning myself, vocabulary related speech on familiar follow even clearly structured language, whether my family and to areas of most matters regularly complex lines of and when live or broadcast, immediate immediate personal encountered in argument provided relationships are even when concrete relevance (e.g. work, school, the topic is only implied and delivered at fast surroundings when very basic personal leisure, etc. I can reasonably not signalled native speed, people speak and family understand the familiar. I can explicitly. I can provided. I have U slowly and clearly. information, main point of many understand most understand some time to get N shopping, local radio or TV TV news and television familiar with the D area, employment). programmes on current affairs programmes and accent. I can catch the current affairs or programmes. I can films without too E main point in short, topics of personal understand the much effort. R clear, simple or professional majority of films in S messages and interest when the standard dialec T announcements. delivery is A relatively slow and clear. N D Reading I can understand I can read very I can understand I can read articles I can understand I can read with familiar names, short, simple texts. texts that consist and reports long and complex ease virtually all I words and very I can find specific, mainly of high concerned with factual and literary forms of the written N simple sentences, predictable frequency contemporary texts, appreciating language, including G for example on information in everyday or problems in which distinctions of abstract, notices and posters simple everyday job-related the writers adopt style. I can structurally or or in catalogues. material such as language. I can particular attitudes understand linguistically advertisements, understand the or viewpoints. I specialised articles complex texts such prospectuses, description of can understand and longer as manuals, menus and events, feelings contemporary technical specialised articles timetables and I and wishes in literary prose. instructions, even and literary works. can understand personal letters. when they do not short simple relate to my field. personal letters. Spoken I can interact in a I can communicate I can deal with I can interact with I can express I can take part Interaction simple way in simple and most situations a degree of fluency myself fluently and effortlessly in any provided the other routine tasks likely to arise and spontaneity spontaneously conversation or person is prepared requiring a simple whilst travelling in that makes regular without much discussion and to repeat or and direct an area where the interaction with obvious searching have a good rephrase things at exchange of language is native speakers for expressions. I familiarity with a slower rate of information on spoken. I can enter quite possible. I can use language idiomatic speech and help familiar topics and unprepared into can take an active flexibly and expressions and me formulate what activities. I can conversation on part in discussion effectively for colloquialisms. I I'm trying to say. I handle very short topics that are in familiar social and can express myself can ask and social exchanges, familiar, of contexts, professional fluently and convey answer simple even though I can't personal interest accounting for and purposes. I can finer shades of questions in areas usually understand or pertinent to sustaining my formulate ideas meaning precisely. of immediate need enough to keep the everyday life (e.g. views. and opinions with If I do have a or on very familiar conversation going family, hobbies, precision and relate problem I can S topics. myself. work, travel and my contribution backtrack and P current events). skilfully to those of restructure around E other speakers. the difficulty so A smoothly that other K people are hardly aware of it. I N Spoken I can use simple I can use a series I can connect I can present clear, I can present clear, I can present a Production phrases and of phrases and phrases in a simple detailed detailed clear, G sentences to sentences to way in order to descriptions on a descriptions of smoothly-flowing describe where I describe in simple describe wide range of complex subjects description or live and people I terms my family experiences and subjects related to integrating argument in a style know. and other people, events, my my field of interest. subthemes, appropriate to the living conditions, dreams, hopes and I can explain a developing context and with an my educational ambitions. I can viewpoint on a particular points effective logical background and my briefly give reasons topical issue giving and rounding off structure which present or most and explanations the advantages with an appropriate helps the recipient recent job. for opinions and and disadvantages conclusion. to notice and plans. I can of various options. remember narrate a story or significant points. relate the plot of a book or film and describe my reactions. Writing I can write a short, I can write short, I can write simple I can write clear, I can express I can write clear, simple postcard, simple notes and connected text on detailed text on a myself in clear, smoothly-flowing for example messages. I can topics which are wide range of wellstructured text, text in an sending holiday write a very simple familiar or of subjects related to expressing points appropriate style. I greetings. I can fill personal letter, for personal interest. I my interests. I can of view at some can write complex in forms with example thanking can write personal write an essay or length. I can write letters, reports or W personal details, someone for letters describing report, passing on about complex articles which R for example something. experiences and information or subjects in a letter, present a case with I entering my name, impressions. giving reasons in an essay or a an effective logical nationality and support of or report, underlining structure which

ALMALAUREA - Connecting university, labour market and professionals 4 / 5 T address on a hotel against a particular what I consider to helps the recipient I registration form. point of view. I can be the salient to notice and write letters issues. I can select remember N highlighting the a style appropriate significant points. I G personal to the reader in can write significance of mind. summaries and events and reviews of experiences. professional or literary works.

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