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V-^V ESTABLISHED 1800 Ail Enterprising Republican Journal, espeially devoted to Local News and Interests. Two DOLLARS A YEAR •* • • • w t- „ VOLUME X.C. NOR WALK, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 45, 1890. ••• NUMBER 3.

The marriage of Miss|Jennie E. Stanton, Among^the divorces granted by the Maurice G. Buttery, the newly elect! Officer Al. DeForest had to walk the The musical and literary entertainment plank together with Chief Lockwood. To of Norwalk, to Mr. Frederick W. Wood, superior court.in Bridgeport last week chief of police, is a veteran of the la to be given under the auspices of St. Norwalk Gazette. the victors belong the spoils, it is true, and Paul's Sunday school on Friday evening of Danbury, was solemnized in the Meth­ was one separating Henry Stadler from war and a member of the Grand Arni, the borough democrats apparently remem­ odist church on Wednesday evening, by TERMS OF8UBSGRIPTI0R. Magdalena Stadler, the former from Nor­ He was a member of -the Seventeen) ber this. But why they should oust "Al.," promises to be a most enjoyable one. Rev. Dr. VanAlstyne, in the presence of • 4®* Two Dollars per year, in advance.^m walk, the latter from Germany; cause, regiment, and comes from good old stocl who is a good democrat, a good officer, Prof. R. G. Hibbard, the elecutionist and and who has worked hard for his party on desertion. his great grandfather having served j reader, will be a drawing feature, and the a large number of invited guests. After RATES FOR ADVERTISING AND JOB PRINTING every occasion, no one understands.^ But singing and musical numbers by Misses the ceremony a reception was held at the Furnished on application at the Office. Mrs. Abby Sage Richardson is said to the Revolutionary War, he being a mei? perhaps he don't belong to the particular $1.00 Byxbee and Staab will be a treat. residence of the bride's parents and the Ordinary and transient advs., 1 inch, 1 have made a very lucky hit with "The ber of the Morgan Light Cavalry of Vr clique that is running the borough at Bach subsequent insertion, up to 4 times, .50 present. Never mind, Al., it is a long happy couple left for New York for a Half inch, half of above rates. Prince and the Pauper" dramatized from ginia. _____ ' The hearing on the Consolidated road's One column, ordinary'adv., ope time, - 15.00 lane that has no turning, and the turning brief tour. They will reside in Danbury. Nathaniel Raymond, brother of Samu injunction restraining the Housatonic One column, reading matter, one time, Mark Twain's work. It is to be brought point of this is already visible in the dis­ There wa& an elegant display of useful LOCALS in residing matter columns, per line, . r tance.— Journal. 1 road from putting down a connecting Births, Marriages and Deaths Inserted free. out at the Broadwaj Theater, New York, Raymond, of the hatting firm of Raymoi and ornamental wedding gifts.: track across the tracks of the Consolidated, . - Advertising of JFuneral Notices, - 1. January 20. & Comstock, died of consumption in Soui Real Estate Agent Wilson has disposed Liberal terms to yearly and half-yearly advertis­ in Bridgeport, -occupied two days, and The right man in the right place would ^ ? ers, and ten per cent, discount on all advs. pre­ Charles Lounsbury, who was stricken Norwalk, on Thursday, at the age of 5 of Eugene J. Murphy's house and lot on paid for three months or over. was concluded Monday afternoon. A be Conductor Coit as general passenger with paralysis at his home on Orchard years. He was well known among lit­ Leonard street to Mary Ann Curley. Also agent of some railway. THK GAZETTE JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT is large number of witnesses were called on equipped with the best facilities for turning out street early last week, died on Saturday. ters and was a man of excellent qualitfe three building lots belonging to John This proposition will receive an emphat- First Class Work of every description. All orders each side. Col. Stevenson's examination Deceased was a shoemaker and 77 years of mind and heart. He formerly lived i Greenwood, on Riverside avenue, to Philo ic veto from the regular passengers and • * for f rinting. Engraving and Book Binding, execu­ was the longest and, as usual, the most ted promptly, and will be as well ana of age. His funeral was attended yester­ Bethel, where he had many friends, lp W. Bates, who will open a stone quarry commuters who patronize "Coit's train," done as anywhere. exhilarating for the spectator, the battle day morning. was a bachelor. \ thereon. Also a building lot night and stole a red hot stove. When Henry I. Hoyt, Esq. His friends will from Danbury to Wilson Point is a left out- £ Ji Virginia Mr. Mills left the building the stove was readily accept his statement to a reporter, - The aged Wm. H. Brown, who for sev­ burning brightly and when he returned hour earlier, arriving here at about 4 * It is expected that at the next session of John Malone, it is said, is booked for the that "he has done his duty honorably and eral days lias been dangerously ill at his a few minutes later it was missing.—Sen­ Trains on the Ridgcfield branch the Legislature the bill for a new insane position of commissioner of public works tinel. s not afraid to face the issue in the home on Orchard street, with the "grippe' about ten minutes earlier than for- asylum, which was defeated a year ago, for the borough. And no wonder. If the stove courts":— and heart trouble, and who on Saturday Tieifly,;;; •: v:": •• ; ' will be revived. Statistics show that insan­ Prof. H. N. Day, LL.D., of Yale, aged "burning brightly" when Mills went out, There will be called for trial in the was thought to be dying, has since rallied ity is increasing; there are 60 towns in the eighty-seven, died Sunday, of pleurisy, it probably burned up before he got back. Cauaauites a stomach sociable (as Supreme court to-day a suit begun by and it is believed will recover. e Humphrey calls a church sup- Mis> Clara Carter, daughter of Samuel state whose population is less than the after a brief illi Two years ago Walter C. Sheldon,'of Mrs. Zerali Hawkins died in Rosendale, transcends all other entertainments, CarwT, the founder of the Carter Medicine number of iusane at Middletown. The empty seats and empty purses greet company, against Mr. Breut Good, the Uncle John Collins, ex-Alderman Gus Providence, was worth $75,000. Four­ Wisconsin, on Monday of iast week, aged aggregate increase in the number of pa­ 81 years. Many of the residents of Nor­ lecturer or showman who follows in administrator of her father's estate. She Franke and Alderman Sloan have just teen months afterwards he was selling wake of an orthodox or evangelical complains that he misappropriated stock tients at the asylum during the past de­ shaken off the grippe. • ' > - clams lor a living. On Friday last he bal­ walk will remember Mr. and Mrs Haw­ peculative picnic.—Canaan News. valued by her at $600,000. Miss Carter is cade has been about 800, or an average kins wh'le residents of Flax Hill. From stopping at present, it is said, at Old Point The Bridgeport-papers say the engage­ anced accounts with a dose of morphine. Pie! Neighbor Beck!ey; it's unpatriotic annual increase of 80. A majority of the there they removed to Wisconsin, Mr. Comfort. .Mr. Good refused to talk about ment of W. G. Lineburgli, jr., aud Miss The moral needs no elucidation. " ' e your own town a black eye like the case last night further than to deny 1,300 lunatics were committed by probate Hawkins dying soon after, leaving his It's as bad as a recent pessimistic the charges, aud to asseYt that he had courts, although small precentagcs were Belie S. Wallace is announced. • The "grippe" is interfering most auda­ widow a member of Mr. Charles Sey­ about Norwalk "rotting out," that done his duty honorably and was not committed by the Soldiers' hospital board, ciously with the affairs of our educational Lyman Abbot will be installed as pastor mour's family, where she resided until •lip local pride and evoked so much afraid to face the issue in the courts. by the governor's orders, by the county of Plymouth church, and successor to institutions. On Monday four teachers her death. .* oquence of protest. Mr. and Mrs. John Ronk gave a pink commissioners, by the superior courts and Henry Ward Beeclier, Thursday. and one hundred and twenty scholars in The Journal tells of a woman who es­ tea and reception at their residence bafek by the police courts aud a'few by their the Over River school were compelled by The dissension in the society of St. The burgesses' action -in selecting their caped from the almshouse last week and of the boat housft on Monday evening. friends as private patients. Of the total the epidemic to remain at home. s Church is agitating the ne'swsjjgpcrs appointees for the police force evokes con­ } related to a friend a story of ill treatment, Mr. Ronk informs our society reporter, number of patients admitted to the asy­ \<\ the state to.a ridiculous degree.;e. Press siderable comment, much of which is ad- Doc. Mosher, cigar dealer, has just re­ starvation and tyranny at the hands of the who was prevented from attending, by lum, love-sickness was th? predisposing and special correspondence ceived a silver hunting case watch from a keeper, who, according to the woman, reason of a prior engagement, that it was cause in 203 cases, about two-thirds of the Irom Norwalk represent the church dis­ cigarette manufacturing firm, as a premi­ compels the inmates to "go hungry and one of the most recherche and decollete af­ heart-brokenlunatics being women. Other Captain John P, Pinkerman", of the agreement iu a contorted and exaggerated um for large sales 8f these infernal pests. sit without fire all day." How much of fairs ever held in the neighborhood of leading causes: Anxiety, 175; domestic Bridgeport police force, is under a rest,be­ 4iape that would justify the apprehension • - ' A few months ago Doc. received a lady's truth there is in the complaint it is not fine Island cemetery, and was attended troubles, 91; epilepsy, 185; ill-health, 444 ing incarcerated at his home with the the unfortunate condition of affairs gold watch from the same firm. - by the mo9t ./Wc«a«eedement of the "Four intemperance, 431; overwork, 1*51; old age, grippe. knoBfu., but it is hard to believe,.-that our life almost reached'a stage wliere blood is unfortunates are misused. r " Hundred" of that district. "There was 97; and fluctuations of fortune, 59. Farm- ; • Company F minstrels contemplate per­ The commissioner of agriculture for likely to flow. Good taste would seem to seven gals and a whole snag of fellows," ing is the occupation that claims a very fecting a permanent menstrel organization Vermont has painted his state red by pub THE GAZETTE'S advertising columns fur­ dictate that as little notoriety as possible said Mr. Ronk, "and we had the nicest large continent of men, 426 tillers of the , and giving another entertainment late in lishing a map giving all towns havingl,500 nish the best medium for legitimate busi­ be gi^en the affair, and that facts be time you ever see. We had a fiddler soil having been quartered within the asy- -> the season. • * -%,/ , , or more acres of vacant land in that bril­ ness to enlarge its trade. The GAZETTE'S adhered to in all allusions to it. there and we danced till most daylight. lum. ' liant color. Thb rest is left white, and the readers are of the most intelligent, thrifty Danbury had forty-seven fires in 1889, We didn't have a drop of nothin' to drink, showing makes the people feel blue. J and progressive people. It;is more wide­ The cases against E. H. Mathewson, The new Congregational church, in . resulting in aggregate damage of $150,000. and there wasn't the first sign of a fight. ly read in the Homes and Families of Captai Russell Frost, Christian Swartz, South Norwalk, was dedicated Sunday at . The fire-bug's fun comes high, but he John Bray was presented with a gold- It vv isn't no such a d— jamboree a& the Norwalk and vicinity, thanany other local and C nstable Conley, for contempt of 10:30 a. m. At an early hour every pew mu3t have it. headed cane by the Pioneer Hook and boys had the night I and Auntie Miller, paper and consequently is the best medi­ court ii replevying the seized liquor of was occupied, and when the services be­ Ladder Company at their regular meeting was married." The next sociable of the The always bright and pure Norwalk um through which enterprising trades­ Norwalk club before judgment gan over 1,200 people were present. A GAZETTE.'Jias commenced its 90th volume, last Thursday evening. The gift was series will be held at the same place later people can reach the purchasing classes. rendered in the seizure cases, profusion of choice flower0, were about '' and is f&t as sturdy as an oak.—Port made in recognition of Mr. Bray's long in the season, when the programme will Oke^g^pnse. ^ | before Justice Morrell, on Satur- the altar; Tallmadge Baker, chairman of service as treasurer of the company. Judge W. D. Kell}', "the father of the the defendents pleaded guilty, be varied with a raffle for an unregistered the building committee, reported that the j Revi|jF. E»; Hopkins, of New Canaan, is House," after thirty years' continuous ser­ The case of Lindsley vs. Gunning, an Conley, but offered in extenua- dog. , • cost of the edifice was over $75,000. '* to deliver an address in the new Congre­ vice as a representative from Pennsylvania, action brought by plaintiff to recover plea that there was no criminal As predicted, Hon. James W. Hyatt, Jacob M. Layton, the treasurer, reported ' gational church this afternoon. He .will rested Friday, and the place which has about $12,000 for work, etc., on the big mtent. They were let off on payment of was yesterday elected president of the that the debt of the society was $29,COO. be well wortli hearing. known him so long will know him no more Gunning farm at Wilton, was decided in costs, twithstanding the justice found Fairfield County National Bank, to suc­ The pastor, the Rev. J. A. Biddle, offered - forever. Earnest in his convictions, in­ Miss Mamie L. Havilani and Charles J. the superior court at Bridgeport, Thurs­ e was a technical case of con­ ceed Colonel F. St. John Lockwood. The the prayer of dedication. The Rev. Dr. ~ dustrious in his duties, strong in his sense Palmer, were married on Thursday even- day, in favor of the defendant, Mrs. T. B. st them. Conley was acquit- elections in the local banks, held yester­ A. F. Baird, of New York, secretary of of justice, ripe in experience and versed ing last, at the residence of the bride's Gunningi ^ day, are as follows:— the American Missionary Association, 7t in the requisites of his position, he leaves brother, on Main street. George Brown, of Wilton, came Dollie Dutton, as she was kuown Fairfield County.—Directors—F. St. preached a sermon upon the uses to which a vacancy which will be hard to fill. - John Lockwood, W. B. E. Lockwood, Ira The "Phoenix," a thrilling and realistic Monday, got helplessly drunk, and was the country over, is dead, and the once a church should be put. The Baptist and Cole, D. H. Miller, Edwin O. Keeler. Levi Methodist churches were closed in the drama will probably.be produced in the locked up. Yesterday morning Justice There has been expressed by some of famous midget has been interred privately Warner, Moses H, Glover, J. W. Hyatt.' ;;C Opera House on the 31st inst. under the Selleck recited his moral lecture to him the members of the Young Men's Chris­ in the family lot at Hudson, Mass. Mrs, Officers—James W. Hyatt, president; E. evening, and union services were held at auspices of Phoenix Engine company. aud promised to see him about going to tian Association, a wish that there might Alice M. ^'ewin was her married name O, Keeler, vice-president; L. C. Green, the new church. The Rev. H. C. Hovey, •; jail, or paying a fine or something on the be an orchestra formed of the members, and she was a native of Sudbury, Mass. cashier; C. E. Hoyt, teller. of Bridgeport, preached and and a special F. W. Bolande has a touch of the grip. National Bank of Norwalit.—Directors 25th inst. , : and if there is interest enough shown to musical programme was given. The —Bridgeport Standard. She lived for some time in the famous —E. Hill, E. K. Lockwood, E. Beard, E. dedicatory exercises will be continued all J You're right, he lias. He was married Wm. Andrews, a tramp, who attempted warrant the formation of an orchestra, the Wayside inn in the neighborhood of that J Hill, J. A. Osborn., B. W. Fitch, W. G. T the week. Among those who are to take two weeks ago. to outrage Mrs. Adelaide Van Haltz, a matter will be gladly considered. -Any town. It was some twenty-one years ago Thomas, O. E. Wilson, W. F. young married woman of Southport, on a one who would like to join one if formed, that she retired from the public gaze, after Officers—E Hill, president; E. J. part are Professor William R. Harper, of *^ The marriage of Miss Alice Village, of are requested to see either Mr. Harry vice-president; H. P. PricPrice, cashier; J. P, Yale University; the Rev. Dr. William • lonely road near that town last? week, is in having been exhibited in nearly all the Tread well, teller. South JSIorwalk, while on her death-bed, Hanford or the General Secretary about it. Kincaird, of New York ; the Rev. Samuel jail in Bridgeport awaiting trial. He will states of the Union. For eleven years she Central National.—Directors—Geo. M. to Mr. Walter Hall, last week, has given Scoville, of Stamford; the Rev. F. E.­ probably get, as he deserves, a The Electric Light company elected has been an inmate of the Worcester in­ Holmes, E. L. Boyer, P. L. Cunningham, the papers something to talk about. H. F. Guthrie, Geo. Holmes, Gardiner 8. Hopkins, of New Canaan, and the Rev. frf of imprisonment. these directors at the annual meeting sane asylum and at that institution sue died on Monday last. Her weight was Hutchinson, J. T. Prowitt, Thomas S. Dr. T. K. Noble, of Norwalk. . ? ^ 5 Thomas J. Ram bo, living on Spring "Littel's Living Age" has begun its Monday:—Charles Olmstead, George It. Morison, Horace E.Dann. Officers—Geo. only 15 pounds and her height only 29 : street, has become violently insane through 184th volume. It is one of the cheapest Cowles, John H. Hoyt, Charles E. Dus- M.Holmes, president; Eugene L. Boyer, Co. F minstrels filled their engagement . .' -:V inches. She leaves a mother and brother, epilepsy and will be removed to the and best reprint magazines in America, tiu, and E. T Jackson. The directors vice-president; W. A. Curtis, cashier; H. in New Canaan on Wednesday evening,^'' who reside in Hudson. T. Sheffield, teller. Middletown asylum. He has a family. aiid enables its readers to enjoy the best subsequently re-elected Mr. Olmstead» and were greeted by a large, select and ap-. " , City Bank.—Directors—Robt. H.Rowan, Judge Edward W. Seymour, of the wiitiugs of the best writers in the old president; Mr. Cowles, vice-president; Bronson Howard is said to have origin­ John H. Enapp, Tallmadge Baker, Edwin preciative audience. They gave a shorty* ' Supreme Court, is seriously ill at the world ou all topics^ It is published by Mr. Hoyt, secretary; and Mr. Dustin, ally written "Shenandoah" as an experi­ Adams, Josiah R. Marvin, John H, Ferris, parade in the afternoon, headed by the , Christian Swartz, Edwin H. Mathewson, home of his brother, the Rev. O. Storrs Littell & Co., Boston. treasurer. A committee consisting of ment. He realizes what a fund of rich Americus drum corps, all the members of Gen. Olmstead and J. S. Seymour, Esq., Henry Seymour. .» ; the Seymour, rector of Christ church, Hart­ The next sociable of Pioneer Hook and dramatic material there was to be mined company and drum corps being in was chosen* to lake measures for the im­ ford. • Ladder company will be held in the from the unwritten history of the Civil W. B. Hall & Co. have had a large trade military uniform and making a handsome mediate enlargement of the plant. H. D. Averill, ex-general ticket agent of Athenaeum on Thursday evening, January^ War, but he also realized the extreme during the Christmas season, but have on appearance. Notwithstanding adverse finesse and careful treatment required in circumstances which hedged them about P ' the Housatonicroad, and a most estimable 23d. Preparations for the annual ball of The Norwalk GAZETTE with the New hand too many seal cloaks, furs and fine and popular gentleman, died at his late this company are now being made, and Year, began the 90tli year of its career as order to avoid the pitfalls surrounding the winter dress goods. They propose to close —the active opposition of some of the residence in Stratford Frid iy morning, the date and place of holding it will be a trusted and safe exponent of public great issue which was the life and soul of them out and have put prices on the red members of Co. F, the fact that a profes­ aged 41 years. ' =• a ; < opinion. For nearly a century its clean the war while it lasted. That his judg­ tickets that will astonish all visitors. The sional minstrel company was billed to announced in due time. \ columns have made it a welcome visitor to . •' ' ment was not misdirected and that in his Standard of the 4th thus speaks of them: pear in the same hall on thenext night,the i Mayor Hart of Boston ha3 notified the Last Sunday a handsome and intelligent the very best homes in Connecticut, and we hope the grand old paper will live to experiment he builded better than lie The crowds who visited the store of W. disagreeable and threatening weather-thev electric light companies that no contracts maltese cat that liad for some time made celebrate many more anniversaries. Edi­ hoped, is proved by the wonderful popu­ B. Hall & Co. during the holiday period bad realized a neat little sum after defraying will be made hereafter in excess of forty its home about the basement of Betts & tor Byington, the venerable proprietor, has larity which "Shenandoah" has enjoyed a chance to note the, low prices at which all expenses, which they purpose to make everything in the dress goods line, and ceuts per lamp per night, instead of sixty- Farrington's store, was pounced, upon by every reason to be proud of the record of from the very first night. Proctor's 23d the nucleus of a permanent fund, »nd the five cents as heretofore. a big bull-dog. The poor cat was cruelly his paper, which, like wine, has improved especially books and otlier objects for with age. John Kodemeyer, the Associate St. Theatre, where it is now running, is presents, were offered. A second visit by company is to form a permanent and in­ Phcenix Engine compauy have made an bitten and mangled, and Officer More­ Editor, has every , reason to appropriate packed at every performance with enthu­ the same crowds will enable them to dependent minstrel organisation. The engagement with Milton Nolles to give house put it out of its miserv with a pistol of the credit for the recent siastic audience and "standing room only" observe attached to about all there is in New Canaan Memnpr K„II ' - "IVV-" R bal1 T of the paper.—Portchester Journal. the store, red tickets in addition to the his celebrated play, "the Phoenix," at the " . lias become a by-word at that theatre. tickets bearing original price marks of the formance in that town Opera House, on January 31st, for the A "literary, scientific, and social so­ It is hard to get alahead of a theatrical Arraugements have ..been completed by goods. The reduction range from 10 to Co.>. F Minstrels, olof Norwalk, gave a " ~ ymond's benefit of the company. ciety" in Philadelphia was refused a char­ The clergy of Bfever Falls, the management to continue the run of 25 per cent., and in view of the real value very good performanceperiormance in nayiRa Wednesday evening, before a good ai ter recently because'the coiirt discovered Penr.., waxed indignant the other "Shenandoah" at Proctor's Theatre until of the offerings is truly a sweeping one. £ Norwalk brethren.visited Temple Lodge, some pictorial advertisements of a travi The early application of the red tickets The attempt of"a a few disgruntled th8t it had purchased a sideboard before February 2d next, when the play will be injure this perfi F. and A. M., in Westport Thursday even­ company, and they threatened to tear them indicating the reduction is made for two persons in the Co. to it had procured a library. What a pity down. Hearing of this the lessees ot the sent on a tour of the larger cities of the reasons: a vaster stock than in any pre­ ance by inserting a cardrd in tl"this paper last; ing when the new officers of that lodge South Norwalk could not have had such a Opera House immediately had every female United States. Therefore, the readers of vious year placed before theifirm's pat­ week only served as an advertisement. were installed and a gold headed cane The Norwalk boys, for amateurs, did . "court" before its famousClub was launch- in the bills covered with an the GAZETTE who desire a genuine dramat­ rons, and a proportionately larger volume presented to Post Master Oscar Smith. us the claims of decency were of odds andid ends, the whole of which it is much better than was expected of them, / :: «'• WJ and the show got a tremendous ic treat should make an early opportunity proposed to as per the red tick- and presented a very fine appearance up-. ^ Michael^Sheedy, who is seriously*!?! The total Amount received in the state in ment, which resulted in packing the to visit New York and see this play. ets, ffor_the sake of getting them out of the on the stage in part first. We think they 1Mj pneumonia, was reported dead one day 1889 from liquor licences, 2.124. was — Tribune. Way Those who know what the askhig wiere well satisfied with their reception," ' More cases of sick headache, bilious­ of these goods was before Ch and our people were wHI pleased with 1 ast week, but it was a false report. Mike $527,783,33; from beer licenses, 118, $12.- How it would draw if at the next Opera J ness, constipation, can be cured in less and who now see the very same thing go­ what they received as an equivalent for' , ' isn't gouig to die till after lie has had that 889.67; druggists' licenses, 292, $11,607.84; House show, Manager Stanley would set total number of licenses, 2,585; received, time, with less medicine, and for less ing lower as the percentage of reduction the price of admission. The end men and foot rac«i with D*n. Connelly on the racie 460.83; paid county Judge by using Carter's Little Liver indicates, may see that now is the time to Hen. Math<>is were immense, and Nash's _ " * buy to advantage. club swinging was much admired. i • f 1 fC'' Si1 -V'.f'rV 'fifi-i * '^f~ \ w NOR WALK GAZETTE, W E"DIES DAY r JANUARY 15. l890.1Si®Slta

$2,500 HOUSE.,;, SWEETHEART, SIGH NO MORE. and in this manner, notwithstanding its great LOOKING THE ROMANCE OF IDAHO. |£ age, each piece has been preserved intact." AT THE ANIMALS. flans and Elevation of an Attractive, In­ j It was with doubt and trembling "It was used last on our wedding day," low the State Was Named for a Pretty expensive Structure. II * j, i . I whispered in he»- ear. said monsieur in a deep voice, as he looked Little Indian Girl. a THE SMITHSONIAN "ZOO" These designs are from the National Build­ Go, take her answer, bird oh bough, .. with pride upon.his beautiful wife. AND THE In the autumn of 18651 resided in Twenty- "feii That all the world may hear— 2^. CROWDS THAT V|gT ing Plan association's Artistic Homes, and "Oh! yanswered madame, blushing and ;ond street, New York. A genial fellow the house ia briefly described as follows: Sweetheart, sigh no more! ||f laughing, "and it will bo used again when our arder was a gentleman of about 45 years, ; Sing it, sing it, tawny throat, » daughter here will choose as wise ais her The Strange Fascination of the tfagoar—An ho was putting some mining stock on the iir I Upon the wayside tree. ;|| mother has done. Today," she said, while a arket. His name was Cole, and he claimed ||§1S1 • How fair she is, how trne she is, tear glistened in her eye, "I have brought it Owl from tlie District Jail—Keeper Wee- e distinction of having for initials three w. t • How dear she is to me— out because as it was given by royalty itself, den's Fight with a Vigorous Bear Cub. js—C. C. Cole—of being pne of the first j Sweetheart, sigh no more! so those who act in a royal manner should be The 'Coons and Porcupines. ^ . ^embers of congress from the new state, and Sing it, sing it, tawny throat. the ones to use it. Each southern soldier who p receiving the largest mileage ever paid to And through the summer long rises to defend his country is a kingin hi6 own That living things possess an interest for member of congress—over $10,000—his mile- The winds among the clover tops, right." the public which inanimate things do not is *e being computed from Idaho to San Fran- And brooks, for all their silvery stops, To this day she has never forgotten how nowhere better illustrated than at the little teco, thence (around the Horn)by way of Shall envy you the song- that band of creole volunteers rose to their zoo just in the rear of the Smithsonian insti­ •few York to Washington. He was a pioneer Sweetheart, sigh no more! feet and bowed as to a queen; never forgot­ tution. There seems in some way to be a sym­ (•om New York, and for a time kept a —Thomas Bailey Aldrich in "Wyndham Towers/ pathy existing between the human being and "WHAT MEDICINES ARE HOST.\ ten how the blood rushed to their cheeks, how fading store at Fort Walla Walla. 99 their hearts seemed to throb with emotion, the animals in the cages, a sympathy which | One evening the strange name of the new CALLED FOB 1 and the gallant commander, speaking for all, is not felt for the speechless curiosities that jfcate became a subject of comment, and Mr. asked the reporter of an old druggist! '* * ' A CHINA SERVICE. fill the museums, and doubtless as many people "Dr. Pierce's preparations," Be replied. touched his sword with his lips, and vowed Jole gave me the following account of how " They are sold under a positive guar­ they would never betray the confidence visit the Httle zoo in a day as stroll through he name came to be adopted, and also the antee that they will, in every case, give It was a gala day in New Orleans; flags which a woman of the south, speaking for the big museums close by. From 9 o'clock, elected meaning, or rather the meaning satisfaction, or the money is promptly re­ and bunting streamed gayly in the breeze, her sex, had that day reposed in them. the opening hour, until 3 the crowd surges rhich he and others concluded to give as the funded. His ' Favorite Prescription/ for all through the building, stopping before the cage VIEW. those chronic weaknesses, nervous and other the martial notes of music filled the air, and But ail this was long ago; of the war, its idian word's translation. One bright morn- tt . , + J derangements peculiar to women, is used with the proud, steady tread of many feet in har­ sorrows and disasters, this sketch deals not; in which a colony of squirrels prance, looking ig about 10 o'clock, in company with an­ Stone of brick foundation. iieigm; 01 unfailing success. It cures weak back, bear­ with wonder and astonishment on the large stories—first, 10 feet; second, 9 feet 6 inches; ing-down sensations, irregularities and weak­ mony suggested thoughts at once patriotic . but of that old home in the rue Rampart, of ther gentleman interested in the govern- nesses common to the sex, and being the and soul stirring. The streets, crossings, which madame's fair daughter is now the jaguar as he takes up his unceasing tramp ent of the territory, while riding over some cellar, 6 feet 6 inches. First story contains most perfect of tonic medicines builds up every available inch of space along the line mistress. Around her. have grown up her around his large cage, and paying, their re­ irren mountain tops, or rather hills, the parlor (with fireplace), 14x16; sitting room and strengthens the entire system. The de­ spects to the many other strange creatures. mand for it is constant, and I am conversant of march was thronged with an expectant, own beautiful girls, graceful, accomplished, lad became so rough as to compel the slow- with scores of oases cured by it." sympathetic mass, whose cheery smile broke surrounded by all the luxuries which genera­ Many prominent people from all over the t traveling. As they plodded on the name Returning after a few moments' absence, into a prolonged "Hurrah!" as the brilliant tions of wealth bestow, and clinging more country afe represented by gifts at the gar­ 1r the new state became a topic of oonversa- the venerable wielder of the pestle remarked, den, and the little white painted signs tacked "the number of sarsaparfilas and other, so- line of soldiery came in view. than ever, like graceful tendrils, to the dear t>n. While talking over the various names called, 'blood medicines' is legion; but Dr. What a sight it was! That eager, enthusi­ historic place now when all are about to to the cages bear some great names. Four lat had been suggested they came to the top Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery outsells astic body of men, clad in their fresh gray leave it forever. For un forseen sorrows have golden eagles in a cage outside the building < a small plateau, on the farther edge of them all and it is the only blood-purifler out are from Tate Springs, Tenn. The glorious of the many which I am obliged to keep upon uniforms and nodding plumes, their muskets come upon them, an unfortunate business •uich stood an Indian hovel or cabin. my shelves, that is guaranteed, to benefit or gleaming like a solid mass of silvery light, venture of monsieur's has ended most dis­ bird of freedom, which. Americans are so The utter loneliness of the spot suggested cure in all cases for which it is recommended, their swords reflecting every glint of sunlight astrously; thousands of dollars were involved, proud of, does not appear to the best advan­ tthe travelers that they had come upon the or money paid for it is refunded." tage in a cage, and he sits all day on his.perch " In the line of Pills," remarked the old gen­ lilfft a kaleidoscope's changeful rays. There creditors were clamorous, plantations, houses, wing place of some outlaw, of whom the tleman, "the little Sugar-coated •Pellets' was no American or French quarter in New stocks, bonds, all have been sacrificed, and as if brooding over his wrongs and hatching cintry then boasted a great number. Just put up by Dr. Pierce lead all others, both in schemes for vengeance on his captors. There tfore they reached, but while in plain view amount of sales and the general ntfofflAtfop Orleans that day, for national honor and still more is demanded. Monsieur's voice is they give my customers. pride were at stake and native Creole and hoarse with emotion; he knows his name is is a suppressed fury in his eye and now and ftm the cabin, an Indian woman came out grafted civilian laid aside race prejudices, on every tongue in New Orleans; he, the then he grows restless. There is a great flut­ ad called out several times in a high spirited, SITTING Copyright, 1888, by WOBLD'S DlS. MED. ASS'IT. and with hearts throbbing in unison gathered honored and flattered merchant of yesterday, tering of wings, a piercing shriek and a des­ fr reaching voice the word Idaho. The tone beneath the stars and bars at the southern the ruin man of today. perate attempt to make some impression on •vis a combination of those of the Swiss ROOM bugle's call. Madame, seated in the old home whioh has the iron bars with his beak. But the trans­ jdeler, the Spanish Indian and Louisiana Down in. the rue Rampart, in a mansion been her inheritance in her own right, but port of rage does not last a great while, and egress, and, as was supposed, a call to the that stands out upon the street, with its mas­ which she has sacrificed to save her husband's soon he resumes his perch and the air of res­ saaw's husband. The sound of the voice as ignation which so ill becomes him. for an incurable case of Ca> sive front, white fluted columns and wide honor, hears his story, and rising with the fren by Mr. Cole, and he had been familiar larrntarrh in uiethe iteaaHead byoy the"' spreading galleries, making it even today a heroism born of the noble principles she in­ The raccoons attract a great deal of atten­ ith the Indians for some years, was Eh-dah- proprietors of Dr. Sage's' Catarrh Remedy,medy. By tion, especially from visitors from the north, bo-oo-oo—a drop from the first E to the sec- its mild, soothing and healing- ~ .propertiei 'Perties, It conspicuous landmark of pride iu the vieux herits, goes out and presently returns with a cures the worst cases, no matter of now long carre, there was gathered a bright and merry casket containing all her own and her daugh­ who have heard and read so much about the e over, and they would return every day witnesses the breaking up of happy tho genuine article. covered with glory. They placed their hands and elegant homes. Madame shows him the establishment, and now ekes out a miserable Sierras, write the inscriptions.—Edward P. ^7v inako Ahou11vc r>t:— existence in a cage. His face is almost an Roche, M. D., in Boston Journal. tios of Chandeliero, BU.ES- above their hearts, did those honest soldier service; his eyes gleam with a satisfaction he intr Lamps, Piano J-ai-f-a. l»oys; they waved their helmets above their can scarce suppress, for he knows its value; exact counterpart of a monkey's; so much Vaeo Lamps, An-, £-• heads, and with all the ehivalry of the still he pretends that it is not worth much; so, in fact, that were the rest of his body Legends Abont Robins. ELEGANT AND CSEFUI, knights of the romantic ages they drew a one must be business like, yon know. In a covered it would be difficult to distinguish A good many superstitious ideas are prev­ for WKPDISU the difference. The bird has a cageall to and CWiasiilAS GIFTS. cross upon their swords and vowed to oon- cool, calculating way he examines it, and in­ alent in different localities with reference to T0U ivould have nothing quer or die for their lady loves and native differently begins to count the pieces; he himself, and is the only one of the kind on the robin. In some parts of Scotland the tiai 1 ISIi « ROCHESTF.lt land. seems disturbed; he goes over them again; exhibition. He sits all day quiet and on- song of this interesting little bird is held to if yea v otiid bob tho lamp as blinking, but at night, so the reporter fos TiiLY ACTUALLY WORK. Oh 1 the silvery ripples of laughter and ap­ slowly, carefully and still a third time, with augur no good for the sick person who hears Over600,000havo been aoid^ plause that burst from the rose petaled lips the same result. "Madame!" he exclaims, informed, he has a high old time, and makes it, and to those superstitiously inclined much •wliioh speaka for itself. of that garden or girls; the low whispered "the set is incomplete; there are two plates the building resound with his piercing shrinks. anxiety is sometimes caused when its notes Manufactured by nothings Uiat fell upon tho ear as in response missing, where are they?' The collection of birds is not a very!ex­ are heard near a house where anyone hap­ EDWARD MILLER & CO., 1o monsieur and madame's gracious invita­ Madame turns pale. "They are broke!" tensive one, and is made up for the most tort pens to be ill. There is a legend connected 10 anil 12 Collet* Place, Ken York. , tion the company entered and broke into de­ she replies in her imperfect English, rolling of native birds. Outside domestic fowl4are with the robin which I have somewhere seen. SECOND STOBY. If your dealer don't sell it, com© to oar stoce. 12x15; bathroom, 9x12; chamber, 10x11; Send for Circular. lightful tete-a-tetes about the spacious par­ her r's most emphatically. in abundance, and in the various cages iiside It is said that far, far away there is a land of lors; the soft, tender echoes of a recorded are some gorgeous plumaged birds of jthe woe, darkness, spirits of evil and fire. chamber, 8x10; all chambers have closets. "Ah," says the auctioneer, incredulously, First story, clapboards; second story, shin- vow, the gentle, smothered undertone of a noting her change of countenance; "the set south, including parrots, paroquets and Day by day does this little bird bear in his Prof. Loisette's half repressed sob, when lol the great din­ loses half its value. If you can find those macaws. There is a very fine macaw. The bill a drop of water to quench the flame. So gles. ing hall was thrown open and madame, gra­ two plates it will be to your interest to do so." collection of carrier and other pigeons is Sine. near the burning stream does he fly that his Estimated cost of building, $2,500. Keeper Weeden let a gentleman from Phila­ cious and smiling, bade all enter and partake "They aro broke," she repeats, her eyes feathers are scorched, and hence he is named Drapery Designs for Windows. of the last tweakfaat of state at which many delphia have one of the birds for breeding bronphuddu (burnt breast). There is also a flashing fire, her words coming with difficulty, Here are four novel designs for window of them were ever to assist. "they are broke, I say!" And her daughters, purposes the other day, and one eveningjlast legend which attributes his red breast to his week he heard a fluttering of wings outiide, having tried to pluck a spike from the crown draperies originating with The London Cabi­ •EMORY Madame surpassed herself that morning in standing near, wonder at her emotion and No. 1 is simple in arrangement, DISCOVERY ANDTRAINMB MEYHH hff: art of entertaining, that old dining hall still more at the temerity of the individual and going to see the cause he found that his of thorns with which our Lord's head was net maker. *ad never liefore worn that same aspect, and bird had escaped and returned home ogaii. encircled.—Scottish American. g&gj who had dared to profane by a touch, much the gmnaai misrupienent®tipns by •ntiaua wnuoM ..ven those accustomed to frequenting the less to break, two pieces of that precious heir­ The collection of buffaloes at the zoo has in­ competitors, and in spit® of *baae attempts tow* Ma v> use habitually uttered an exclamation of loom. creased to a half dozen magnificent speci- j ' The Woman Does the Courting. of tho fruit of hu Ubon, (iJl of which d«nonfU*U ty mens of the great American animal which is ' tmdpnbtod vender and admiration as they looked upon There aro such realities as true friends; In the Ukraine, Russia, the maiden is the Prof. Loisette'i the elegantly arranged table and rare and hearts whom the smiles nor the frowns of fast becoming extinct. The first of the kerd one that does all the courting. When she to4at in both HemiBpheres aa maran. beautiful service which adorned it. fortune can change. The proposed sale of was given to the museum by Col. Ej G. falls in love with a man she £oes to his house Blackford of New York city, who has from nklly stodiedhis System b* eqweagondwKy, fhyfajl Such cups, such plates, such exquisitely the famous service became noised about the and tells him the state of her feelings. If he that his System is ufdjmjif teAjlsMng ftud^jwt wrought dishes of th« finest royal Dresden, faubourg and two survivors of the old regi­ the first taken a great interest in the forma­ reciprocates all is well, and a formal marriage readito, 6*. VorPkospMta% each piece a perfect study in itself, represent­ ment of soldiers, two of the few who had re­ tion of the gardens.. The others are recent is duly arranged. If, however, he is unwill­ ing a different ifesrign uniquely and chastely turned bearing the remnants of the tattered additions. The herd presents a fine appear­ ing, she remains there, hoping to coax him NO. ORIS. - ' '•••••' p£r. . «•* finished. An idea of the number of pieces flag, remembering the gracious trust that ance and artists are frequently making into a better mind. The poor fellow cannot and is supposed to represent a number of tri­ that made up the whole may be imagined madame had reposed in their command and studies of them. treat her with the least discourtesy or turn angular pieces of tapestry or silk overlapping when it is mentioned that of the corbeilles for her pride on that memorable morning when Buffalo Bill is represented by a splendid her out, for her friends would be sure to one another. A pretty effect might be flowers alone there were sixteen, and upon she recounted the history of her beautiful specimen of the American elk, which has a avenge the insult. His best chance, there­ obtained by alternating a different kind of To Inventors: -litem as well as upou the entire set the finest service, determined if possible that she should stall in the large inclosure south of the main fore, if he is really determined that he won't, material; as, for instance, one lappet should art of the decorator had been expended in not part from it. They accordingly devised building. In an adjoining cage is a mild eyed is to leave his home and stay away as long be silk and the next one plush, and so on to designing trailing flowers and vines, beauti­ a little scheme by which they would buy it mule deer from Colorado. The only remind­ as she is in it. This is certainly a peculiar ful views of mountains, lakes and vales, in, and when the talk of the failure and sale er of the vicious mule about this little animal way of turning a man out of house and home. .quaint scenes from Switzerland, Moorish of property had all subsided to quietly pre­ is its immense ears, over which it has not On the Isthmus of Darien either sex can do much control. GEO. R. BYINGTON castles in Spain, the Rhine by moonlight and sent it to madame as a mark of esteem from the courting, with the natural result that al­ < <. One of the few cages marked "dangerous" representations of the contemporaneous his­ the old command, thus making it doubly most everybody gets married. There is not OFFICE: tory of its period. precious in her eyes. is that occupied by a jaguar from Texas. It quite the same chance where the girl has to "Ab! comme c'st beau! magnifique! belle! But with a woman's quick intuition she is strange what a strong fascination this ani­ bide the notions of a hesitating or bashful admirable!" and all the prolific and expres­ saw through their design; and, though her mal has for the average crowd. Some of the swain.—Exchange. ' Cor. Louisiana Ave. and 7ih St sive adjectives of the Latin tongues were heart was touched by the nobility and disin­ visitors who crowd about the cages marked dangerous are exceedingly reckless and are called into requisition as the guests, forget­ terestedness of their purpose, she foresaw Hitting the Ball's Eye at Random. • > Ha TWO. f* Washington, J). J ful of propriety or politeness in so doing, that however innocent in reality, the world constantly putting themselves in danger of the completion of the whole. The fringed having a hand or arm torn off. So far the Three years ago a prominent citizen of this looked at, but scarcely dared to touch the would still say that this was only a scheme city, and the owner of a block of buildings swags and silk covered spindle lattice give a delicate china, so exquisite, m fragile, with on her part to retain possession of it, and she garden has been singularly free from serious flnfah to the general character of the valance. Gives his Personal Attention o Procuring • mishaps. One can easily lean over the rail on Main street, lost a crowbar, and up to this its flowering leaves and petals, that it seemed kindly but firmly refused to sell it to them. morning never had any trace of it. He acci­ Drapery No. 2 suggests a rather more fan­ designed only for a fairy feast and to be A few days after the service, with all its running along in front of the cages, and ciful style of treatment. The idea of confin­ many foolish people put their fingers be­ dentally stepped into a business place, and J touched by fairy fingers. proud tradition and association, passed for­ overhearing a conversation about a crowbar, ing the festoon drapery, at intervals, by- "There is quite a history attached to this ever from her hands and became the prop­ tween the bars. Some day a pair of cruel means of silk' bands or gimp forms an origi- »A 'Hf jaws will snap together and some one will go it reminded him of his lost treasure, and for service," said madame, in her rippling, musi­ erty of a well known lady of this city. fun he said to the proprietor: "Uncle , cal Piencb, as she graciously assigned the Several squares from her old home in the through life minus a couple of fingers. In the V. S. Patent Office and all Foreig ,! . At the bears' cage there is always a large I wish you would send home my cjowbar. guests to their respective seats, and motioned rue Rampart madame now lives. She sees 11 Countries. crowd, for the half dozen varieties are Isn't three years long enough? "Upon my the well trained domestics to perform their without a pang, without a sigh, the scene of word and honor," said the proprietor, "I duties; "quite a history," she repeated, with her former triumphs and successes, the man­ among the most popular exhibits. They are An experience of nearly ten years in We Patent > all in the same cage, which has a back yard, have put out that crowbar no less than Office has given him a perfect familiarity wit*; , > j gant have been the entertainments which the ing and tumbling over each other in their and every invention is referred. He has a cea-(_. is out of place to recall it here, but since yon to my house and bring Mr. F's crowbar have nil seemed so interested, I will relate present proprietors have given since their oc­ play; but this is not always the case, as plete familiarity with the Rules of Practice ?; home, and don't let the grass grow under the ltecords, Models, Ac., Ac.y JtCj.^and the story. My great grandmother was la cupancy thereof. Keeper Weeden can tell. They get in a bad every detail ol the office, and GIVES HIS P-EK- -• Her daughters and herself, though their humor now and then, and those who are ac­ your feet." No one has sufficient vivid im­ SONAL ATTENTION to the interests of his premiere dame de compagnie to the queen of agination to picture to himself the surprise l'ortugal. She was a great favorite and an gentle hands have never been accustomed to quainted with their antics give them a wide i Clients. Being on the ground, and visiting the berth. The entire party were in just this of the owner of the bar. He thinks it was Patent Office dally, he can serve Inventors » .acknowledged belle at court. the most trivial labor, have meet their trials the biggest' hit he ever made in his life.— NO. THREE. securing their Letters Patentfar more advantage with the courage and fortitude that so many humor the other day when Keeper Weeden ously •'One morning the king gave a superb break- Donbury News. oal feature. The plaited semicircular than Solicitors who do not reside in last in her honor, and this service, used only of the creole women of New Orleans have went into the cage to give them their break­ secured by radiated silk tabs, is most unusual Washington. on the grandest occasions, was called into displayed under similar circumstances. In her fast. He generally carries a slender club f • a'-ift- y in conception and presents a very busy ap­ with him and playfully taps them on the Energy and Luck, pearance. The style of No. 8 is perhaps more requisition. Just as you have admired it sorrows and reverses madame is more of a When my business partner came home Searches and Rejected here, so she was struck with its beauty then, queen than she was in the proudest hour of nose just to let them know that he has it with in keeping with the latest fashion in window her social triumphs; for the true woman him. He tapped once too often this particu­ from the war, in which he had gallantly drapery, which tends rather more towards /^Applications :.;t, and commented upou it to his majesty, at commanded a battery, he had neither Inroad curtain folds, negligently arranged, whose right band she sat. He never did any­ nature has been brought to the surface, the lar morning, and one of the bears rebelled. He was a cub, young and hot blooded, and breeches, home nor money. His wife cut up A Specialty. To all those whose applications thing by halves, did that gracious old king. deep undertone of real nobility of character a woolen dress she had worn for many years have been rejected, he will make an examinatio That very evening, while my ancestor, proud and action has burst into melody. • f didn't know any better. He was not usWl to and report on the same gratuitously. Prelimin­ being tapped on the nose, which is a tender and made a pair of breeches. Gathering Office Records, : and happy at the honoi' bestowed upou her In the front room of her new home, with odds and ends from the ruins of Atlanta, he ary examination of the Patent its simple adornments, there hang upon the spot with young bears, and he protested by prior ta ah application for a patent, will be made / ' that morning, sat in L..t boudoir receiving, built a shanty, of which love made a home. for a very small charge, and advice or .informa-/- the congratulations of hei^, friends, a nies-' wall two brackets which support two rare ti'ying to hug his keeper. They had a hand- to-hand fight for some minutes, but luckily His father gave him a five dollar gold piece, tion in regard to patents will be given in fn£ senger arrived from the king, bearing the and beautiful plates. The visitor is at once of which ingenuity made capital. In three detail in a circular which will be mailed free> of identical service used at the morning's feast, 6truck with the delicacy and grace of the de­ thn other bears did not join in. They all re charge to every applicant. He . hM sjpeiftL> treated to the yard, leaving their companion years he had built a $1,500 home, in eight facilitiesalso for . ^,, n and begging that, as sue had so much ad­ signs, and upon remarking this to madame, years a $6,000 home. He now has a $60,000 mired it, she ivould, as a favor from the with the slightest quiver in her voice; she , j.to figbt his battle alone. The keeper called loudly for help, which was forthcoming in suburban home and is well worth over $225,- king, accept it in memory of that day." will tell you the history of her relics, and 000. His life is an epitome of the south in Procuring Patents in Foreign "Ah I it is indeed something of which to be add, with a faint sigh, "They are all that I the person of his assistant. Together they && NO. FOUK. ;• itnn •; succeeded in subduing the unruly beast, but 1885—its swift energy, its cheerful heroism, 5 s •gnr-frflfe< proud!" remarked a lady who sat near. have kwpt to leave to my children as a herit­ ita shrewd knack of turning something from fiinn the conventional valance. No. 4 is de­ "We seldom use it," eoutiuued mad acne; age of the old days." And then, with her they were glad enough when they got a signed on somewhat uncommon lines, and ';:v' "." :Coinitrtes' , chance to get out of the den, and now when nothing, its stages of growth, and its present displays a variety of character which forms %.jSll "when we do a servant is never allowed to bright «nd beautiful smile, she will quickly prosperity.—Henry W. Grady in The New He refers to any officer of the Pataat Oflti,and turn the conversation into another channel.— they go in a sharp lookouf is kept.—Wash­ a useful departure from the ordinary style at to the many Connecticut Inventers for whom he touch it. It has been the pride of the ladies York Ledger. my bouse that they alone have liandled it, Marie L. Points in New Orleans Picayune. ington Star. ( thing. Hafdene buaiiiMs>and-tak«Boat LfRpM Patbk*


m: A Hew aai iron. Blacks. As tile mountaineer whose lioml An enterprising young electrician in i had left in the morning lived on the nofa i Washington, recently married, who had oc- side of this peak, I had now some little i- * since I now had some idea as to its directic. took place in the broad corridor of the palace electricity, he soon found an incandescent Never a katydid about Leaving the sun directly on my left, I facl of Saler Jung, the nyzam. I was one of a lamp attached to a long flexible conductor, And the firefly torches are burned out. about, and again entered the balsam thic- party of Englishmen, among whom were Dr. and with this he deftly and quiridy ironed Trill away, little cricket1 , ets. I now found them not quite so impen- Crawford, surgeon of the British army, and The«tars listen, no doubt. . out the wrinkles from his battered tile, and y trable as before, although it still required A Mr. John Hodgkins, formerly an officer in hastened home to his waiting wife.—Electri­ Beautifies {he Complexion; Purifies, Whit­ Trill! trill! trilit little amount of skillful engineering to wot her majesty's Lancers, but at that time in cal Review. ens and Softens the Skin, eradicating all im­ A summer tune my way through them. I seemed to be goi$ the employ of an English banking and mer­ perfections such as Freckle^ Moth Patchee, Makes not November June. up all the time, rather a steep incline at tha cantile firm in Hong Kong. We were in the • • Remedy for the Influenza. Blackheads, Pimples, etc., wittoni la- Everything has an end, which made my task the more arduou front ranks of the spectators, nearly all of And so has thy song, little friend! A remedy recommended for patients Jury, Cures Sanborn, Chapped and Chafed Every now and then a huge rock would looi whom were Europeans. After we had waited afflicted with the influenz& is Kemp's Bal­ Tweak! the frost nips—thou art still! up in front of me. Sometimes I had to clim Skin, instantly. ;v.;g| —Helen Thayer Hutchesan. a few minutes, fanning ourselves, for theda.y sam, the specific for coughs and colds, SOLD AT DBTOGISTS* PBIOE, 60 CKHTB. directly over the top of these, and again i was oppressively hot, tho fakirs made their which is-especially adapted to diseases of make my way cautiously around some dai appearance. There were eight in the party. the throat and lungs. Do not wait for the gerously projecting ledge. An old man with aquiline features, a patri­ first symptoms of the disease before secur­ LOST IN THE MOUNTAINS. The hands of my watch pointed to 5 o'clocl archal white beard and a pair of flashing ing the remedy, but got a bottle and keep KNOCKS and I had been for nearly three hours agai black eyes, was tho leader. His wife, a pretty ti on hand for use the moment it is needed. Some six years ago, while connected with wandering in the balsams, as hopelessly pel little woman, young enough to be his daugh­ If neglected the influenza has a tendency Cream Bali a botanical establishment in North Carolina, plexed as before, when, just as I had falle ter, was his chief assistant, and the six re­ to bring on pneumonia. All druggists sell forward upon a spongy bed of moss, utterl maining men served as subjects and under Cleanses the I had business for the firm, that carried me the Balsam. V Nasal Passages. into the neighborhood of the far famed Black despairing, I caught the sound of softly fall assistants. ing water. I had eaten nothing since m; SPOTS Mountain range. My errand accomplished, I had heard much about the wonderful per­ Wanted a Little %iu.n - - .v |Allays Pain and I lingered in the vicinity for a day or two, in early start of the morning, with the excep formances of this particular band of fakirs, "Well, have you farmers had rain enough ?" Infiamation. order to do a little prospecting on my own tion of a small piece of corn dodger and frie as all itinerant performers are generally he queried of a farmer on tho market Satur­ bacon, the mountaineer's inevitable dail; account. termed, and thus when I received the invita­ day. Heals the Sores. OUT I had long been desirous of making the diet. So great had been my distress of min< tion of the palace authorities I was delighted "Hardly," was the reply. ascent of Mount Mitchell, that heavenward for the past six or seven hours, all thought o to accept it. But I must admit that all the "You haven't? Why, it has rained almost Restores* the soaring "Monarch of the Blacks," rendered hunger had been completely driven away, al praise I had heard seemed faint and cold af­ every day for two months!" eases of Taste doubly interesting because of its superior alti­ though I had long ago become aware that ter I had seen al* that was to be seen. It "Yes, I know. I'm running a skiff around and Smell. tude and of its pinnacles enshrining the dust was suffering terribly from thirst. Thesoun< was, taking it all in all, the most wonderful the farm now, but if we had a little more of the trickling water therefore reminde< v' OF of its intrepid discoverer—the story of whose performance of the sort any of our party had rain I think I could put 011 a fiatboat and HAY-FEVER TBY-TH VJU2J tragic death has so often been repeated. me again, and most forcibly, of this want. ! ever witnessed. carry bigger loads!"—Detroit Free Press. / Having spoken of this intention to the soon found the tiny stream, making its wa; After the fakirs arrived they proceeded at A particlc is applied iuto each nostril and is from a fissure in the huge rock near when once to business. The old man bound a band­ agreeable. Price 50 cents at Druggists ; by mail, mountaineer with whom I was stopping, he Tlie simplest and best regulator of the registered, 60 cts. ELYBllOTHEKS, 56 Warren I had'thrown myself. j age tightly around the forehead of one of his Street, New York. ly44 THE GRIP." advised my going round to the Buncombe disordered liver in the world, are Carter's county side, and there procuring a guide to My thirst slaked, and a small portion d young men, placing a small wedge shaped my lunch partaken of, I was preparing ti piece of pith under the cloth and directly be­ Little Liver Pills. They give prompt make the ascent with me, as there were bri­ relief in sick headache, dizziuess, nausea, dle paths cut from that direction. However, start off once more on what I now realized, tween the eyes. Then he handed him a small only too painfully, was a hopeless sort of round mirror, telling him to place it in his &c.; prevent and cure constipation and he went on to say, if I did not care to take piles; remove sallowness and pimples BORN IN all this trouble, he could procure a guide for wandering, when a thought struck me with hand and gaze upon it intently. This the sudden hopefulness. I would follow the young man did. Meanwhile the other fakirs from the complexion, and are mild and me on this side, although, he cautioned me gentle in their operation on the bowels. that I would find the route exceedingly rough coarse of the stream. made a circle partially around him, droning Surrounded as the range was with numer­ a monotonous chant that ran something as Carter's Little Liver Pills are small and and not a little dangerous. as easy to take as sugar. One pill a dose. Now, this idea of taking a guide with me ous large watercourses, nearly every one of follows: .; THE Price 25 cents. „ ^ was one I did not relish much. Indeed, it which had its source near the summits of the Ram, ram, amaram, amaram, ram, wjas the very last thing I wanted to do. I peaks, I did not doubt that this tiny trickle Amaram, amaram, amaram, ram. 1 An exasperating editor being threaten­ was young, self reliant, and full of the spirit was tlie head waters of some one of the nu­ This was repeated over and over again in ed with a coat of tar and feathers, said in of adventure. Itesides, I wanted something merous creeks in the valley below. I had .inging tones, resembling the distant hum of MThe Greatest Blood PurifierA a^SAME. •- to brag about among my youthful friends on much difficulty at first in tracing out the i hive of bees, and when the chant was ended his next issue: "The people of this KNOWN. town may break into somebody's hen my return, and what better could I have thread like flow of water, but gradually it ve were nearly as drowsy as the poor subject This Great German Mcdicine is thei grew more and more distinct, till, finally, I roost and steal the feathers, but we know cheapest and best. 12S doses of SUL-X than that I had mado an ascent, alone, of the ras. PHUli BITTERSfor $1.00, less than^ ctf gloomy Blacks? Perhaps, also, I might dis­ had all that I could do to maintain my foot­ Directly the song was finished we started they are too stingy to buy the tar." one cent a dose. It will cure the^ ing upon the slippery rocks and roots along i-om our lethargy and brought our lagging - worst cases of skin disease, from^ 'COUNTRY cover a new peak, perhaps even one of su­ its course. enses to bear upon the victim of this remark- Tli" usual treatment of catarrh is very Q a common pimple on the facem perior altitude to the towering Mount Mitch­ 1 to that awful disease Scrofula.^ 8 Very soon my further progress was arrested fble incantation. He was lying on the par- unp; ' ^factory, as thousands of despairing ell, and thus hand my name down to poster­ by what seemed to be the ed?;e of a precipice SULPHUR BITTERS is the# ^ ity along with those of Dr. Mitchell, Gen. lir floor, to all appearances dead. His face pati< :sts can testify.- A trustworthy med­ best medicine to use in allJjr ~ of no small extent, for the water fell with Clingman, and other famous explorers. vas of the ghastly pallor of the tomb. His ical writer says: "Proper local treatment eases of such stubborn ansJjpYonr Kid- considerable sound to what I judged was a deep seated diseases. Do#ney s arc out I THEY,ARE Filled with these thoughts and aspirations, a-ins, legs and fingers were as though they is positively necessary to success, but pool below. The rododendrons, or mountain not ever take order. Use I I procured a generous lunch from the wife of liid been suddenly turned to ice. His blood most remedies in general use by physi­ laurel, fringed its edges with a thick tangle, • BLUE PILLS #SULPHUBE my mountaineer, and under pretense of going sWned to have been frozen on a day when we cians afford but temporary benefit. A ITBITTERS while above the great balsam firs interlocked or mercury, they are deadjBL Ri{.i: nol to spend the day and night with an old trap­ lining spectators were almost suffocated by cure cannot be expected from snuffs, pow­ OLD their boughs. ders, douches and washes." Ely's Cream per, who lived firo miles away on the Caney I was cautiously approaching the edge of tia heat. u uso |We felt his fingers. They were as rigid as Balm is a remedy which combines the im­ the purest and bestir y° » river, I set off at daybreak the next morning the precipice for the purpose of glancing medicine ever made. #g lp|inr BltterS! tiougli modeled from marble. Dr. Craw­ portant requisites of quick action, specific U on my adventurous journey. over, when a treacherous rock gave way an IsyonrTongna Coated# m I had made close inquiries in regard to the ford raised his eyelids. The pupil had been curative power with perfect safety M ml beneath mo, and the next moment I felt my­ pleasentness to the patient.'% ' 0 ' ' with a yel1 ow sticky#Don't wait until yon U ENEMI various foot paths up the mountain sides, self plunging downward with that horrible Upturned and nothing but the white was substance? Isyour^are unable to walk, or and had, as I thought, the correct bearings visible., The doctor examined his heart and breath foul and#are flat on your back, sensation one experiences when falling into offensive ? Yourifbtit get some at once, it of the route I ought to pursue pretty well ftlt his pulse. His blood had stopped flowing Omnibus conductor, to conductor—If space. My feet struck the water, when, with you saw linn picking the gentleman's stomach is out^fwill cure y«u. Sulphur fixed in my mind. Indeed, the peak I de­ a sudden terrible shock, I felt my further tlrough his veins. To make the test even of order. Usei^Bitfers is nDre complete the doctor stopped his nostrils, pocket, why didn't you interfere, instead sired to reach was in full view of my friend's course arrested, SU ifThe 's This his eyes and his ears and mouth with a thick, of letting liim get aWay ? Countryman— M BITTERS Invalid Friend. front door, and I was of the opinion that by Stunned and rendered senseless as I was, for —immediately#The young, the aged and tot- keeping an eye to the direction I would have pitty like paste, that made breathing an im­ I saw that sign up there, "Bewere of the first few moments, by the terrific force r Is your Ur-#tering are soon made well by possibility. In every previous mesmeric or pickpockets," an' I was afeared to ! • ine thick,#lts use. Remember what you but little trouble in reaching it. with which my downward plunge had been bjpnotic experiment I had witnessed the sub- ropy, clo-iVread here, it may save your I had been repeatedly told of the almost checked, it was some little time ere I recov­ j«t always breathed. udy, or#Ufe, it has saved hundreds, RUSSIAN impenetrable forests of balsam that covered ered sufficient consciousness to take note of It i3 foolish to send for the doctor every j,. #Don't wait until to-morrew, the upper portion of these Alpine like peaks, low came some further tests, and cruel time you don't feel just right. My doc­ my surroundings and of my own situation. • ^ i Try a Bottle To-day I but in my ignorance supposed it would be "When I did I discovered that iu falling the ones they were, too. Large bodkins were tor's bill for years was over a hundred quite easy, in spite of the dense growths, to roll made by my blanket had caught in the thrist entirely through the palm of his hand, dollars a year, which made a pretty big g- M Are you low-spirited and weak and ho never moved a muscle. Neither did a trace out the footways. '' bare, projecting spur of a dead balsam that hole in my wages. For the past two H Mov suffering from the excesses of INFLUENZA; single irop of blood follow the withdrawal of a#youth? If so, SULPHUR BITTERS My host had informed me that it was good lay top downward in the pool. It was a veri­ years, I only spent ten dollars, with which ten miles from his door to the summit of the steel. This prodding was repeated upon will cure you. table monarch of the forest, with huge trunk, I bought a dozen bottles of Sulphur Bit­ Mount Mitchell. Being blessed with a capi­ gray with age and almost branchless. What his choiks, his finger points, his thighs and ters, and health has been in my family tal pair of legs and well accustomed to using Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordway & Co., was now the upper portion, with the roots at­ arms, Mith precisely the same results. Then since using them.—ROBERT JOIINSON, Ma­ them, I had calculated that bv starting at the old inan took a glowing coal of burning Boston, Mass., for best medical work published? tached, rested securely against the topmost chinist. is quadrupling daylight I could easily make the trip to the charcoal from his pot and placed it on the edge of the precipice, while the other end was summit and back to one of the nearer huts buried deep in the pool. The pool itself was upturned palm of his unconscious victim's of the mountaineers by early nightfall, any­ lian *' girl was growing unamiable and plain," said say. Where else can you find lecture rooms, PREPARED ONLY BY « crawl upon ray handstand knees, and often to chapels, schools, within a few hundred yards This is to certify that I have used for some months with much satufaction, the combi throw my body flat upon the ground and a mother to us the other day, "and, reflect­ nation• of- R remedies,J: forC- nHeadache, known as Briggs' HeadacheHoaHcrhp Trnrhps.Troches.^ The remedyremwiv rairpcure ing on it sadly, I could only accuse myself of of a narrow and perilotis haven, a pier built work my way through. I had proceeded a of huge rudely cut stonos dragged from the mere headaches, especially such as effect Nervous Women than anything J. am acqoainte mile or more in this manneras near as I could the cause thereof. So I changed my manage­ with, and if this certificate will be the means of bringing it to the favorable attention ; ment and improved my opportunity to praise fallen cathedral, and the long rollers breaking judge, when I came suddenly upon a kind of mi vast desolate sands, strewn here and there sufferers from that trouble, I shall feel that I have done them a service. clearing, apparently made by the uprooting and encourage her, to assure her of my un­ " l. . brows. bounded affection for her and earnest desire with the gaunt ribs and timbers of wrecks? R of several large trees in a storm. Here I was When you note that all this mingled land­ enabled to get my first glimpse of the sun that she should grow up to lovely and har­ M IxH - monious womanhood. As a rose opens to scape is watched by the keep and the walls i§ OSNTS. sinoe filtering the balsam forests. I glanced of & great prelate's castlA, the scene of feasts at my watch. It was now past 2 o'clock, and sunshine, so the child heart opened in the M warmth of the constant affection and ca­ and tortures, of murders and martyrdoms, the sun was already imttning towards the the broken survival of • an age when the R. HALE, MF*! CO., Limited west. resses showered upon her; her peevishness SOLD feY H. NORWALK. CONN. passed away, her face grew beautiful, and church leaned on the main secular arm, and { Directly in front of ma I coold see the bold, when cardinals were fighting men, then you somewhat bare outlines of a peak which I now one look from me brings her to my side, have, in brief, the historical magic of St. MEDICINE COMPANY No. 1 Gint (9th 8t, N. Y itnniwfMBi Ih p»wH»«l«pAM obedient to my will, and happiest when she Andrews.—Andrew Lang in Harper's Maga­ The Potato Top," au oottying spur of the Is nearest to me."—Women's News. zine. SPiSilll W, 9. 1 *V:"v



I Horatio G. Knight, of East Elampton, Senator Hawley has left for Hartford to enenmbered?" asked the prosecuting at­ presented the interests of the button attend the funeral of his ioi'fg lime edito­ ! 'Jhc 0)roralms. torney. "It is partly mortgaged," was NomaIk *•Gazette rial associate on the Couranl. Mr. Stephen the reply. "How much is the mortgage manufacturers of the United States at the ! A Norwalk hat maker has a block, size A. Hubbard. on it ?" "About fourteen thousand dol­ a BETABLISHED, iaoo same meeting of the committee. He made for a St. Louis school teacher, claimed the duty on imported buttons The reappointment of Hon. N. D. Sper- this man's head would match a Chicago lars!" And the Judge wouldn't accept jot.— him as the gambler's surety, * - v * must be raised, else American manufac­ ry, to be postmaster at New Haven, will Standard. :y •'m ' "I L. H.BYIHGTGN, Editor. J. RODEMEYER.Jr..Associate # ' " '' turers would be driven out of thebusiuess. rejoice every earnest republican through­ I If a Chicago foot were to have a St. * # S. MOODY, President. It was solely a question of the lower wages out our state, and thousands more, who louis head for its mate it would be inter­ The decision of Judge Hall, of Biidge- EDITORIAL LETTER. paid operatives in European factories. If know him, throughout the country, as it ring to see the lasts used in making the port, in the Consolidated vs. Housatonic MARTIN S. CRAW, Vica-Prest. ^ ' Americans would work as cheaply as they will hosts of democrats in the Elm City, iioes to fit the pair. railroad injunction case, is awaited with WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 13, '90. i * .' u do abroad this nation, could beat the who have long yearned for an improved i * * L anxiety in some quarters. It may be the JAMES H. BAILEY. Sec y & Treas- DEAR GAZETTE :—The lialf-mast flag3 j It's a warm day when it's a "cold day" opening gun in the campaign, that is to flying from the ioof of the capitol mutely world in manufacturing. local postal service. For years, Mr. Sper- .DIRECTORS! ^ I?'-' - Dr the icemen. . / determine who shall write the Fast Day announce that the dark wings of the death NEW BUILDINGS. • ry stood at the head of the list of best \Y. S.MOODY, JOSEPH C. BANDLEr S; postmasters in the U. S. ' ' " V i * * proclamations for the people of this Com- M.S. CRAW, ALFRED H.CAMP, ;"s' angel have again swept down and borne Senator Piatt has introduced a bill for a j Miss Lena Loeb, the electric girl and ASA B. WOODWARD, HENRY F. GUTIIKIE ' Strawberry vines are in blossom in the wealth during the next two years. . J. THORNTON PROWITT, ELBERT CURTIS, ; from earth one of the nation's great men. new Department of the Interior building, lind reader, accomplishes wonders in EDWARD MERRILL. * garden of the Agricultural Department. * * Judge W illiam D. Kelly, a reptesentative which is greatly needed. If this measure he way of finding things that are hidden. PERSONALS. The petition of the Norwalk Club ask­ Having taken possession of our new Banking of the great state of Pennsj'lvaiiia, after o is carried, it will leave the patent office in Jlevcr as she is, it is doubtfui if she could, Rooms, adjoining the National Bank of Norwalk» ing the Consolidated railroad people to we desire to announce to the public that this few da3's of intense suffering "here at his full occupancy of its present quarters, Ex-Senator William W. Eaton and wife, sven without being hoodwinked, and with run their two new tracks through the bor­ Bank will hereafter be open for business hotel, passed to "that bourne from whence which are none ton ample for the large of Hartford, are located for the season at From 9 A. M. to 12 M., aud from 1 P. 91. to 3 , lighted lantern, find anything more ough instead of South Norwalk, may not no travel r returns." Short and fervent and rapidly growiug demands on that 1421 K street, northwest, at the Misses P. M., Daily. titter or acrimonious than a church fight, result in getting the tracks here, but it will and appropriate funeial rites were ob­ institution, and which has done so much Rossiter's. And from G to 8 P. H. Saturday Evenings. vhen a society splits into factions which demonstrate to the world that the Nor­ We respectfully solicit the patronage of the served in tiie hall of the House Saturday for the development and increased wealth Jno. B. Bunce and T. F. Willard, of public of NorwalK and adjoining towns, and shall [fight like devils for conciliation, and hate walk Club is an institution that looks to over his remains, prior to their convey­ of the nation. * Hartford ; T. F. Foote and J. H.Cranston, endeavor by promptness in transaction of busi­ acli other for the love of God." '"..r the advancement of the interests of the ness and attention to the wants of costumers, to The Morrill bill for the condemnation of Norwich; John H. Leeds, of New deserve it. ance to his home in Philadelphia, where * * * Haven; George A. Fay and wife, of community, rather than an organization o Interest will be allowed from the first of each his burial is to take place to-iiay. Judge of the square on the northeast side of the Alexander Dumas is publishing a series month on all deposits made on or befbre the fifth Meriden; W. H. Holly, of Danbury, and gentlemen banded together in order to ot same month. Kelly was the oldest member of the House Senate Park, and opposite the square f his maxims, hitherto unpublished We invite an inspection of our new Banking J. Belden Hurlbutt, of Norwalk; C. S. get the advantage of wholesale piices in inconsecutive service. He was familiar­ recently condemned, and upon which the /liicli reflect his character and convictions Rooms. national library is now being erected, will Bushnell, of New Haven, and S. B. Haw­ wines and liquors. ly called "llie Father of the House," and .erhaps more positively than any of his 2m2 JAMES H. BAILEY, TreM. ley, of Danbury, were among the Connec­ i "the Nestor of the House." Singularly be vigorously pushed to a passage this ther works. The first is: "When Life enough the next longest period of contin­ session for the purpose of erecting thereon ticut visitors to the capital last week. ppears as God has made it there is no­ EQUITABLE MORTGAGE CO. As ever, B. uous service falds to the lot of another a U. S. Supreme Court building, which is ting left but to thank Him for having DON'T FORM THE DATE! equally distinguished Pennsylvanian, imperatively needed. The couit now oc­ He is a Republican.: astituted Death." The last is : "Woman, Samuel J. Randall, who also is so serious­ cupies the old Senate chamber, which is ccording to the Bible, was the !aet thing FRIDAY EVENING, JAN. 17th, 22D.vKr 21-2 % Major J. 0. Kinney, who for the past January 19th, 1890. ly ill that the giavest fears are felt least he totally inadequate to its needs and in reated by God. He must have made her AT 8:00 O'CLOCK, eighteen years has been on the editorial ASSETS, $7,808,722 OS too should "fail by the wayside," like hi3 every way discreditable to this wealthy n a Saturday night, for the work shows force of the Hartford Courant, has been AT NORWALK OPERA HOUSE, Capital Subscribed 2,000,000 00 eminent colleague, "with the harness on." nation. In the plot thus sought to be jgus of fatigue." nominated by President Harrison as post­ Under the Direction of Capital Paid In 1,000,000.00 Judge Kelly will be remembered by condemned is the house recently pur­ • * master at Hartford, one of the best federal • * Surplus 200,000100 many of our older home readers as having, chased by Mr. William R. Lockwood, of | Carlos French, of Seymour, is said to be Undivided Profits, 87,945.85 offices in the state. Major Kinney is a son St.Paul's Sunday School. several years ago, addressed Norwalk Norwalk. The use of this square for the iated by the democratic leaders for the Guarantee Fund 26,871.80 of the late Rev. E. D. Kinney, so long TTATTCan certainly sleep soundly on seenrities audiences on repeated occasions during purpose designated will also give the fomination for Governor. French is a JL UU guaranteed by the entire Assets, Capital, pastor of the Congregational church at important state and national elections in properties recently purchased by Mr. .trong man with a strong pull. Now if Surplus, Undivided Profits and Guarantee Fund Lockwood and Major George M. Holmes, Darien, and one of the original abolitionists of this institution. Oonnectacut. His principal theme was 3ol. Stevenson's champions can succeed Prof. B. OlBBABD, PER CENT, is a good rate of interest and is as of sixty yearsago. Norwalk has an interest always "Protection to the American la­ on Second street, a frontage on the Su­ in making their hobby assume the aspect The Eminent Elocutionist and Reader. 6 high as is consistent with absolute safety in preme Court Building Park, and thus on the Major, for part of his school days this class of investment. borer and American productions." Your and proportions of a "boom'* and get their Miss ELLA BYXBEE and Hiss ANNA T^ATTJrp ask for a rate that implies a risk and were spent at the old Coffin Academy 1 venture on your part, but remember correspondent recalls having arrauged an greatly enhance their present values. man interested in it himself, the next STAAB will take part. r : (about 1852) and later he finished his pre­ that safety of your principal is the all important appointment for him to speak at Westport BIG RAILROAD SCHEME. democratic state convention is going to be GENERAL ADMISSION, - 85 CENTS. qnestion. paratory studies for Yale at the South some twenty or more years ago, and where The railroad committee of the Pan- enlivened with music in the air. Children, 15 Cts. Reserved Seats, 35 Cts. r* A T3 TTTTTTT T V INVESTIGATE these Norwalk High school. He has many friends WAAm U LJU X investments before plac­ * Chart now open at Hale's Corner Drus Store, in the height of his eloquence, he was American congress, of which ex-Senator * * ing your Janaary dividends or Savings Bank ac­ here who remember him. Probably his Tickets can also be had at he stores of Miss count permanently, by calling upon or addressing, rudely interrupted by a half-drunken Davis is the active spirit, is giving serious P. T. Barnum, who is nearing his 80th Agnes Fitch, Geo. Ward selleck, and Jackson's. first newspaper work was as correspondent R. B. CRAUFURD, Agent, democrat, who had the appearance of attention to a proposition for the construc­ year, contemplates the erection of a mam­ COME ONE! COME ALL ! Room No. i Masonic Building, from Darien of the GAZETTE, away back in being one of the lower order of day labor­ tion of an international American railroad, moth circus building in New York. The 2t2 NORWALK, CONN. the fifties when he was a school boy. Old A CARD. ers. The interruption, instead of proving by which all the nations of this continent old showman will go on "still achieving, RS. GEORGE W. ]tUAl>LEY. (daughter of residents of Darien, around the center, tell an annoyance to the Judge, seemed only may be brought into easy communication. still pursuing," till the summoms comes M the late Wm. R. ]Sash) desires HEATING- to-day how they always used to know >> hen PUPILS IN INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC to add new inspiration and intensity of With the American and Mexican systems, for him to go up and engineer the chariot the democrats were defeated at a state or For terms apply to or address, 193 MAIN F-T. 3m36 eloquence to his impassioned plea that and the roads already constructed in South races on streets macadamized with gold. national election, because John Kenney this nation should protect the humblest America, it is thought that it would not * * * would break into the church lurough s| of its citizens in the wages he should be difficult to make the necessary connec­ Up in Vermont they are tapping trees MaRRILL BUSINESS COLLEGE tions for a complete line of communica­ window, as soon as" the result was known] for sap.—Hartford Post. STAMFORD, CONN. earn, and elevate him in every way pos­ An enterprising, practical TRAINING SCHOOL. sible, in education, in morality, in the tion. It is understood that the foreign and ring the church bell. In those days The above was printed just before the It prepares both sexes for business life in the STOVES the democrats had an old cannon—it was shortest time consistent with thorough education. food he should eat, the clothes he should members of the committee state that their cold snap. They are probably tapping Terms reasonable. Location central and health­ wear, the home he might earn and main­ goverments will be willing to assist the sunk in Five Mile River harbor in 1861, trees for fire-wood now. ful. For catalogue and desired information, ad­ New and Second-Hand, at . because its owner used it to celebrate seces. dress, PRINCIPAL, MERRILL BUSINESS COLLEGE, tain for his wife and children, instead of project by large land 'grants along the * * * am'/! STAMFORD, CONN. degrading him to the level of the pauper route if the United States will raise the sion victories—which they used to haul to, Norwalk is well and widely known. necessary money by indorsing the con­ to the old school house near the brick She is famous for heroysters, distinguished To Executors, Administrators paid, pauper fed, housed and clothed r Reduced Prices, workingmen of Europe, and so that such struction bonds. church, where the election was held. They! for her notions of municipal reform, and and Trustees. V' . •AS. used to point it at "Parson"' Kenney's house as he, who had interrupted him, might notorious as the abiding place of a host of THE MIDDLESEX BANZXN9 COMPANY, For the rest of the Season. .1 . catch the inspiration for nobler iiving and Washington, like every other place when they were victorious and in firing re-lie-able correspondents who send mis­ MIDDL.ETOWN, CONN. better behavior. where gas is used, is unhappy and discon­ their salutes the wads (of hay) would strike information to out-of-town papers. CAPITAL PAID $600,000 tented with its illuminating power and Offers Debenture Bonds 6 per cent, semi-annua WORLD'S FAIR. against the house. At one election—it! * * * interest. . quality. Since the introduction or elec­ must have been about '52—they Were verp Major A. H. Embler, of New Haven, 1. Trustees are permitted by law to buy these The "giants" of New York, Washing­ Bonds. ton, St. Louis and Chicago, met at the tric lights, this feeling has become inten­ confident of carrying the town and had their has been appointed Adjutant-General on 2. The issue of these Bonds limited by law. 0ml K. B. CRAUFURD, Agent. Senate reception room on Satueday and sified, one honest reason being, no doubt, cannon all loaded and aimed ready to fire Gov. Bulkeley's staff, to succeed Gen. L. made their respective pleas before the that the human eye having been made as soon as they got the word. Johnfcas A. Barbour, who resigned—not altogether S. GUSOWSKI, committee on the location of the proposed familiar with more light, demands more. inside keeping tally, unofficially, cf the because Co. F minstrels didn't take the quadro-centennial fair for 1892. The New A resolution has been introduced by Sena­ votes and before the result was annouf ced silent drill to New Canaan, but because MERCHANT TAILOR, York delegates to the number of some tor Butler for the purchase of the Wash­ he saw that the wliigs were ahead. He the Governor plays polo in the Hartford Is ready to show the Finest Stock of VJi, two hundred, came over, in a special train, ington gas light plant so that gas of the knew the situation of the men at the j un, armory. CLOTHS,CASSIKERES AND OVEBCOATINGS and were headed by Mayor Grant and best quality may be furnished at actual waiting for the word; he rushed to the * * * Ami a great variety of Fancy Pants Patterns. ALSO, A Western orator is lecturing on "What Chauncey Depew. Dr. Depew led off in cost. window and sang out, "It's all right, file!" £. GCSOWMKI, BEY. DR. NOBLE. and off went the gun, to the discomfort and shall I do to get rich?" Come to Norwalk CORNER WALL AND WATER STREETS. one of his happiest and most characteristic 2m2 HANGING aid HAND LAMPS, The little church over which Rev. Dr. and start a newspaper. speeches, and certainly left a profound ridicule of the democrats. From that jday SALESMEN to sell Nur­ impression, despite his humor and irresist­ Noble presided as temporary pastor, and to this he has been an active worker foil the * * * sery stock. All Goods with Single and Duplex Burners in great, variety, The general stagnation of business im­ „ m _ _ Warranted first-class. ible drollery. Ex-Senator Warner Miller to whose membership, duriDg his ministry republican cause. He was secretary of! the Permanent,WANTED! Pleasant, protitable positions for the mediately following an unusually brisk closed the debate for the Empire state, here, more than double the number of its Young Men's Fremont club of Greenwich, right men. Good salaries and expenses paid LOW PRICES. holiday season,gives everybody the blues. weeKly. Liberal inducements to beginners. No when Chicago's case was opened by Mayor original members were added, is now pre in 1856, hut cast his first vote in i860 previous experience necessary. Outfits free. paring to settle a new pastor. They deeply Even the barbers complain. Times are so Write for terms, giving age. Creiger of that city. for Abraham Lincoln. The only campaign CHAS. H. CHASE, Nurserymen,Rochester, N.Y. feel the loss of Dr. and Mrs. Noble, aud dull that whiskers won't grow. 6ml* Mention this paper. Saturday night Congressmen Flower since then on which he has n:>t been active s|c without a single dissenting voice lament was that ot 1864, and in that he did what * * and Belden, of New York, gave a monster These feats of mind reading and 100 JkOSlTTS WANTED. their departure. he could to help, by his army letters to the ; ; dinner at the Arlington to their delegates strength testing are "all a fake," and "al­ EW subscription books. Big pay and exclu­ ''§ sx%j rr . and the chief men of the delegations from Thursday's Washington Star says: GAZETTE, from Mobile Bay where he was sive territory. Bancroft's Utah, the most au­ most any one can perform them," we are thenticN account of the Mormons, by the History the other three rival cities, together with " A meeting of the Eastern church on duty on Farragut's flagship. Co., of SanFrancisco. Also the Child's Life of was held last evening for the purpose of told- The reporters who volunteer this Christ, and Happv Thoughts on Home Topics, by F.J. CURTIS & CO., congressmen, newspaper men, etc. There choosing a commitee to select a pastor to assurance, however, negket, for some Cassel * Co., of New York. Address, A. M. was such a happy informality about the succeed Rev. Dr. T. K. Noble. This Horse Notes. Drummond, General Agent for Connecticut, Box Rundle & White, of Danbury, Connect­ reason, to tell us just how they are per­ 252, PortChester, New York. 1 gathering that it made friends of all com­ church has beeu under the acting pastor­ ate of Dr, Noble, who, on the 1st of Jan­ ion's most enterprising breeders of the formed, and d3 not offer to expose the petitors from the start. The delegates 23 MAIN ST.^ uary, removed to Norwalk, Conn.' The trotting horse, who have already in ashort tricks by practical illustrations. A PLEASANT HOME' from rival cities clinked glasses with each church has increased its membership quite offered space of time invested a small fortune in * * * N a convenient locality is to person- other, and if a vote on the fair had been largely under the care of Dr. Noble. The who would like to visit Washington, D. C the most fashionably bred stock of the Canaan has just had a change of post­ Isome time during the winter or spring. Boom The Atlanta Constitution, taken there, the spirit of the event would Easteru Presbyterian church, with its lo­ cation in the midst of the rapidly growing country have added one more to their list masters, Mr. J. G. Root, a battle-scared and board, $2.00 per day* FOB. 1890. 5 , have demanded that each representative MRS. J. E. BAKBOUR, - northeast section, presents a most favora­ in the purchase of a son of Gov. Stanford's veteran, having been appointed to the of­ 1008 I Street, N.W. present should declare, out of compliment, ble opportunity for a field of labor for Dr. The Great Southern Weekly. > celebrated sire of trotters. Price said to fice in recognition of his valiant services for the other fellow's town. It was mid­ Noble's successor." EVERY WOUTHEMEB H»6HT ?• REM IT. be $6,500. As this horse is a half brother in his country's cause, to succeed Colonej > tv> • i !• is *•' «'• v W-'i night before the reception broke up, and CONNECTICCT APPOINTMENTS. Send your name with five of your friends, giving to the wonderful little mare Sunol, which J. B. Hardenbergh, a Cleveland appointee addresses, for SAMPLE COPIES, or send when the lights went out the feeling of The secretary ot the treasury has ap­ recently trotted as a 3 year old in 2.10J, Mr. Root has never applied for a pension, ONE DOLLAR and get the paper for a year. good will and hospitality had been thor­ pointed Michael A.Sullivan a storekeeper. it makes a valuable addition to the breed­ having a sinecure in the railroad business. CIRCULATION, 125,000. 1 I ^*4 oughly established between the delega­ Mis? Harriet A. Fellows has been appoint- ing interests of this part of the country. He is a popular citizen of the town, and The Largest of any American-Weekly Newspaper tions from the cities asking for the world's ed a skilled laborer in the patent office. will make an efficient postmaster. He is INFLUENZANow so Prevalent and Known in ^ " i OUR SPECIAL FEATURES: Bell Boy, who, not long since, brought fair. MISCELLANEOUS. $57,000 at auction, was burned to death native and life-long resident of Canaan, •" - *'T Eur°Pe as TARIFF. Senator Yoorhes made a fierce assault JOEL CHAMEBHABBIS S'SMSN on Saturday, with a number of valuable having lived there ever since a few years engaged and will do sdme of bis best and bright- , A large delegation of hat men from on ex-Commissioner of Pensions Dudley est work this year. horses in Kentucky. after the war ended. ,, .. Orange, N. J., and Danbury, Conn., were in the Senate last week, anent his famous l Tin the Quaint Southern Philosopher Autevol's record, 2 19£, has attracted „ * * nUl and Humorist, whose name is famil- . - before the ways and means committee of alleged "blocks of five" letter. Senator mlar throughout the country, will continue his in-£ the attention of some Michigan breeders. Dr. Knox, a well-known Danbury phy. LA the House on Thursday of last week. Edmunds "got back" at the virtuous de­ Speedily and Permanently Cured by tfie imitable work. It is said $35,000 has been offered for him. sician, recently married Mile, de Granville, TIT) mATlTAPP will furnish his weekly ser- Norwalk did not seem to be very fully fender of the purity of Indiana politics in the circus woman who lifts plows, cannon, Use of that well-known Remedy, ^ Dili | nlilwfllTli mons and write interesting letters on his Travels in Europe. represented, unless the presence before a most damaging way, and without once Harry L. Hamlin and Paul M, hotter barrels filled with water, etc., with her Wistar's Balsam of "Wild Cherry? the committee of Attorney J. lieMen alluding to the authorized purchase of have gotten together a pla^ which is fully .teeth. The doctor is an aesthetic gentle­ which cures Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, le FARMERS' DEPARTMEMKK?*.. *2? Hurlbutt filled the bill. He was intro­ equal to any of Charlie Hoyt's productions Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, tractive, and no expense will be spared to makeup«•. '•seven more mules" by the noted Barnum man, and manifests his artist instinct by it an encyclopaedia of practical knowledge and a- duced to the committee, as were the other and in many ways infinitely superior es­ Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Pains text book of information about the farm. > telegram. pecially in the fact that there is nothing adorning his household with a thing of Connecticut gentlemen, by Congressman A deed conveying to ex-President coarse in "The Fakir." The company is beauty and a jaw for heavy lifting. or Soreness in the Chest, Side and Back, c s OUR SPECIAL SERVICE Miles, but the joke was that it could not Cleveland two building lots on George­ a strong one. Every member is an artist * ' 4r%?u • Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. 5° t * and ablest writers in tne country. be told whether Hurlbutt was the most town Heights was put on record here in his or her line. Edward Morris, a a Bottle. Prepared by Seth W. Fowle & comedian who was voted a success years A young bridegroom living not a thou­ OUR WOMAN'S BMDMK8.SSffi4^Sl interested in the higher tariff on the hats, Friday. sand miles from Water street, woke up Sons, Boston. Sold by all Druggists. iug reading for the women, and ODR CHILD-V'?;1 ago, impersonates the large-hearted, REN'S DEPARTMENT will be particnlarly at-P.* ^! or in the scheme to get two public build­ There are 460,516 un adjudicated and brusque old fakir. It is a delightful bit suddenly one night not long since, and in tractive. ings erected in Norwalk. He was for pending claims on file in the pension of character acting. Mr. Seaman, a clever the dim light of the lioneymoonshine that " -JW i THE NEW YORK * ^ *** SERB MIMIK>.w Norwalk, however, all the time, and con­ office. specialist, caught the audiencc and imme­ diately in his German songs and dances. struggled in at the window he saw his CONSTITUTION, sistently and persistently "for the old flag Montanu's extensive assortment of —Exchange. bride's foot sticking up above the low Saturday Review/ W and an appropriation." United States senators have left Helena "The Fakir" will be produced in Muste foot-board of the bed. He thought it was r A WEEKLY JOURNAL FOR AMERI- ATLANTA, GEORGIA James L. Carr, of Orange, made the for vVashington. I , is announced that Hall, Jan. 22d. a burglar in disguise, and promptly threw »fc pi incipal argument in support of the pe­ the}'will travel together, and the whole the water pitcher at it, water and all. st* f CAN HOMES. tition of the American fur hut maiurd, mess will probably be dumped at the door For several sessions of Congress Senator The bride sleeps with rubber boots on -DEVOTED TO Norwalk-:-Gazette whom he represented, and asked to have ot the Senate the latter part of the week. Spooner has been laboring to decrease the now, and walks with a limp -T- - . ; the present duties on fur hats ra sr Tag Card*, tV " Receipts, city's gas. ' , , m - ^ called up on Saturday, a gentleman who ;• TKBKS : of such high priced hat*. Two journey­ large stands of Magna Charta roses in Town and Probate Records, Letter Headings, offered himself as bondsman for one of $4.00 Yearly. Six Months, $2.50.^ Books and Pamphlets, -Note Headings, men halters were, present, who had Work­ JR' H The great question of the day is: "How the prisoners was asked by the judge how SpecimenCopyFree. Hotel Registers, , Milk Ticket to keep the Irish dynamite excitement in ed in English shops. They narrated the Senators Piatt and Teller will urge the much property he owned. The. would-be T"' (SMS. tVWOi- I* t****-• Printed in the Neatest Styles and at the Lowest a manageable condition." Edgy enough. AddrflM, depressingeffects on workmen of Euro­ Senate this week to discontinue the old . ; PTiCCS. ^ • ; Give each man a bottle of Dr. Bull's bondsman replied that he owned a house NEW YORK SATURDAY REVIEW, Call and get estimates. '* r pean wages. ' time practice of see et sessions. " ' Cough Syrup t , r< and lot valued at $16,000. "Is it clcar, or 4t5S 9 East 17th Street, New 7ork Engraved Wedd;ng Cards a Specialty. mmmm $3


1 x ' ^ . r-'\y 04 The Jttind Header. The New Church'. * f Uicl.*/• Our Bridgeport Letter. \ A South Norwalk communication gives [Our Bridgeport Letter last week, with "Puri * Tolnven tore. Lena Loeb, the electric girl nnd mind v.' , reader, gave the first of a series of three the following description of the new South other communications, was unavoidably left •W S* ITTtE entertainments in the Opera House on Norwalk Congregational church, which out of the GAZETTE. The following items, Thursday evening, when she amused, was dedicated Sunday however, are culled from it for this issue — 8E0: B. amazed, mystified and had some fun with The church is one the largest and most ED. GAZETTE.] I if,•"• i PILLS a small audience. Her manager called elegant structures of its kind in the state, The Kev. Dr. H. N. Powers, formerly of vl'al and probably in New England. It is sit­ V = I" OFFICE: for a committee of a dozen from the audi­ uated on a commanding site near the thor­ this city, who has been very ill at his home SUPERIOR ence to take seats on the stage to investi­ oughfare between the borough and the in Piermont, will sail with his family in gate and assist iu the tests, and "young city, and is only about three minutes' walk about a week for France, for the restoration Cor. Louisiana Ave. and 7th St •n1. Ike" Selleck promptly responded. Others, from the station of the Consolidated Kail- of his health. lie expects to spend the road. Potsdam stone is used in its con­ a»: CURE; however, were so shy and bashful that, winter in Nice. Washington, D. C. Sick Headajche and relieve all tho troubles inci­ struction and it is trimmed wiih Long- dent to a bilious state of the system, buck as about five minutes were used up in coax­ meadow red sand-stone. The mason con­ I note that you say that the GAZETTE 5 Dizziness, XausoT,5 Drowsiness, Distress after tract work cost §30,000 and the carpenter Gives his Personal Attention o Procuring® eating, Pain in tli > Oide, &c. While their most ing, begging and threatening before the has been in existence 60 years, and one-half contract work $16,400. Contracts for cor *r !*««***:i* remarkable success has been shown in curing requisite number of gentlemen came for­ rugated iron ceiling, gas fitting and fix­ of that time under Editor Byington's man­ ward. Miss Loeb was introduced by her tures, plumbing, heating, glass and point­ agement. The success it has attained is manager, a spruce young fellow with a ing, swelled the total of contracts, exclu not only complimentary to that gentlemen Powder? Patents for Inventions SICK weak voice but a powerful diamond. She sive of carpets, cushions and organ, to but to his predecessors. The first editor Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills are about $60,000. The total cost will proba­ ABSOLUTELY THE BEST equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre­ is rather below the medium height, dark I remember was Mr. James Reed. The In the U. S. Patent Office aid all Fordis venting this annoying complaint, while they also bly reach $75,000. The organ is thrce- All the ingredients usefl in making this powder correct alldisorders of the s toraach,stimulate the complexioned, and "about'eighteen year maiiiial, of twenty-six.stops. The build­ GAZETTE and its managers have my best are published on every label. The purity of the Countries. ^ liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only old," The first test was the feat of push ing has on the front a Sunday school room, wishes for its future success. ingredients and the scientific .accuracy with which they are combined >render Cleveland's su­ An experience of nearly ten years ita the Patent- ing strong men about the stage. A wagon 32 feet by 48 feet; two parlors (one 16 by Miss Jennie Harlem, daughter of Mr. J. perior in strength aba efficiency,to any other Office has given him a perfect familiarity vittlr 26£ feet and the other 20 by 27 feet) open­ baking powder manufactured. every classification of invention and the pai ticu.ai spoke was held firmly by the victim on ing, one on each side, into the Sunday L. Harlem has been engaged by the South- Food raised with this powder does not dry up, EXAMINERS AND BUREAUS, to which catir ~ HEAD and every invention is referred. He has a coit- one side and Miss Loeb^on the other school room. Above the parlor nearest port Congregational church as organist and as when made with baking powder containing Ache they would be almostpriceless to thosewho ammonia, but keeps moist and sweet, and is pala­ plete familiarity with the Kules of Practice suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortu* each pushing against the other. Ike Sel the tower there are three more rooms. conductor of the choir. _ • ^ table and wholesome. Hot biscrilt and gnddle- the Kecords. Models, Ac., Ac., Ac., and nately their goodness does notend here,andthose every detail of the office, and GIVES HIS PER­ who once try them will find these little pills valu­ leek tried it first, and although he towered The Sunday school room has a memorial At the meeting of the East Bridgeport cafces made with it can toe eaten by dyspeptics able in so many ways that they will not be wil­ window, given by the pupils in memory with impunity. SONAL ATTENTION to the interests of his above her like a telephone pole above a Congregational church, as" one of the offi­ It does not contain ammonia, alom, lime or Clients. Being on the ground, and visiting the; ling to do without them. But after all sick head of William Henry Benedict, who was act­ other adulterant. These are facts vouched for by Patent Office daily, he can serve Inventors in? hitching post, she pushed him all around ing superintendent for forty years. Be­ cers Miss Ella E. Beach was elected Dea­ Government and State Chemists,Boards of Health secaring their Letters Patentfar more advantage oasly than Solicitors who do not reside in;| the stage at will Then Dentist W. H tween the Sunday school room and the coness for a term tif three years. and eminent scientists^ auditorium there are massive sliding doors CLEVELAND BAKING POWDER Co., Washington. ; " ACHE Baldwin got up to sjive her a wrestle, but Mr. Edwin Adams, ex-Mayor of South v 81 and 8?. Fulton St., New York. Is the bane of so many lives that here is where 21 feet in height, each in three sections. we make our great boast. Our pills care it while being, both in form and posture, better The sash are set with rolled cathedral Norwalk, and his estimable wife, have been Searches and Rejected^ others do not. adapted for the role of Apollo than for glass in tints. The auditorium has three accustomed for the past twenty-five years, Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and Applications . I very easy to tako. One or two pills make a dose. Hercules, he was quickly hustled across memorial windows. The two largest, one to spend their Christmas and New Year's They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or on each side, are from William H. Ferris purtrc. but by their gentle action please all who the stage and slammed up against the and Miss Charlotte Ely, respectively. The with the family of Mr. A. M. Miller of 431 A Specialty.. To all those whose applications use theui. Iu vials at 25 cents ; five for SI. Sold wall, notwithstanding he made a graceful have been rejected, he will make an examinatio by druggists everywhere, or sent by mail. other window is given by Mrs. Margaret Fairfield avenue, this city. Mr. Millei's fam­ and report on the same gratuitously. Prelimin­ and gallant resistance. The next feat was Lauder, in memory of her husband. All ily in return visiting Mr. Adams on Thanks­ ESTABLISHED ary examination of the Patent Office Records, CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. the glass in the building is rolled cathe­ prior to an application for a patent, wiA be made carrying a man around the stage in a giving day. This alternate visiting of for a very small charge, and advice or informa­ dral aid rippled in colors, set with tion in regard to patents Will be given in fni: SmlM Small Esse, U fries. chair. The manager called for the "lieav geometrical designs and borders. The these two highly respected families is a very detail in a circular which will be mailed free of iest man in the hall," iu a vague, indefi­ charge to every apDlicant. He has special auditorium is 64 by 78 feet, with pulpit, pleasant feature of family intercourse. PIANOS facilities also for nite way that left a doubt as to whether organ and choir at the back, with choir Judge Andrew Selleck and his family KENOWNED FOR _ he meant the heaviest man intellectually room, 18 feet square, to the left, It will TONE & DURABILITY seat nearly 1,000 people, and by opening were in this city last week looking at a or the man who weighed most. Judge MODERATE PEIOES Procuring Patents in Foreign into the Sunday school room and parlors, very desirable piece of property on Clinton < IAS? TS2V3, EXCHANGED. A. E. Austin, after some hesitancy, re­ fully 500 more can be accommodated. avenue. w. o. l. DELIVERED FREE WITHIN 30 MILES OF NEW YORK CITY Countries sponded and deposited his 130 pounds Below the audience and Sunday school BRIDGEPOUT, COXN., Jau. 5,1890. Catalogue Vailed on Application avoirdupois in the chair. The girl picked rooms are small and large dining rooms a He refers to any officer of the Patent Office, and kitchen and cellar. These rooms are fitted to the many Connecticut Inventors fer whom lie: up the .chair by its back, and without Wells' Hair Balsam. [110 Fifth Ave., cor. 16th Street, has d<*ne business and taken uut LETTERS PATEHT up with all modern conveniences for feast, If gray, gradually restores color; elegant bracing it against her person, rode the days and suppers. The tower is a monu­ tonic dressing. 50c., $1.00, Druggists, or $1.00 JIEW YORK CITY. For Sale by: Judge around the stage as easily as a child mental affair and rises above the sidewalk size prepaid by Express for $1.00. E. S. Wells, H. GLOYER & SON, Norwalk. upwards of 200 feet. The building com­ Jersey City. would carry a doll. Her most astonishing mittee are Messrs. Talmadge Baker, E. FINNEGAN & O'BEILLY, « feat of strength was holding the chair off C. H. VALDEN, " Beard, John H. Ferris, Christian Swartz, The annual communication of the Grand F. B. GREGORY, " the floor by its back and almost at arm's Charles E. Jennings and David E. Dis- Lodge of Connecticut, F. and A. M., will E. N. SIPPERLY, Westport. length, while twelve strong men attempt­ brow. be held in Hartford to-day and to-morrow. W. E. OSBORN, " ed in vain to force it to the floor, the Hon. The year has been one of more than usual LEES & CO., " Our Contemporaries Josiah Dodge standing erect like a statue A welcome and cheery stranger is Nut­ activity among the craft throughout the of Bismarck, on the seat of the chair while megs, a new and bright publication issued state, as the following statistics from the W.B.HALL&CO. the struggle was going on, in blissful ig annual returns of lodges show: Initiated, "for Qout, by Mr. Henry West Vail, in "Bridgeport 597; passed, 584: raised, 591; affiliated, norance of the fact that his broad and and New. Haven." It is profusely illus­ 156; leinstatcd, 38; demitted, 119; struck manly back was adorned with a reserved trated and fairly bristles with pungent wit from the roll of menbeiship for non-pay­ ffiieumdTisnii seat card marked "Taken," in big letters, and crisp society gossip. The editor offers ment of dues, 105; suspended and expell­ BRIDGEPORT which some mischievous rascal in the ed, 5; died, 216; total membership of au apology in place of tlw customary sa­ lodges, 15,211, making a gain of 480 over Ss/eurdlGia. audience had pinned there, and which lutatory, and concludes by apologizing the preceding year. added visibly to the happiness of the for his apology. It is bound to be a suc­ *- •Sc/dticd, audience. The mind reading tests were cess. for in the Nutmegs line Connecticut If 3'ou aie nervous or dyspeptic try Car­ 3 interesting and mystifying. A member of ter's Little Nerve Pills. Dyspepsia makes has no greater. you nervous, and nervousness makes you bathe,"the the committee would secrete an article in Reporter Tollea, of the Sentinel, tried dyspeptic ; either one renders you miser fected freely With the hall, take the girl, (who was blind to hide a cent from Lena Loeb, the mind able, and these little pills cure both. folded,) by the hand and shoulder, thus RED TICKET SALES. / reader, on Friday, but she found it. ~PQ mrr/3)cLviS establishing a communication by means of Their Busiuess Booming:. Tolles got his penny back, however. Probably no one thing has caused such a which his mind was telegraphed to Iters, Charles E. Burns, formerly of the Dan- general revival of trade at H. R. Hale's then by keeping his own mind fastened bury Press, and subsequently connected drug store as their, giving away to their pAlH^LLEI^ on the hidden object and its location, he with the reportorial staff of the Hartford customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump­ would be led directly to the spot and the Telegram, died in Hartford last week, of ate tion. Their trade is simply enormous in NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS i&^ing article found. It was not only an inter the "grippe." He was 21 years of age, and this very valuable Hiticle from the fact esting test of mind reading, but an in­ ful in jutttr tn&Wtttcr a bright and promising young journalist. that it always cures and never disappoints. X7VIEl HAVSJ structive and sometimes amusing demon­ The Naugatuck Review, which suspend­ Coughs, colds, asthma, bronchils, croup, Jfiints a da* and and all throat and lung diseases quickly stration of mind working. Assuming, as ed publication several months ago, has FIRST. To put forth our best efforts during the coming year toward 'll 6feT relief at cured. You can test it before buying by you we of necessity must, that the girl's every started up again. It was a good paper geiting a trial bottle free, large size J giving our patrons the greatest amount of satisfaction, and providing them, onco. and a, motion was in response to the operation while on earth before, and we never knew Every bottle warranted. as in the past, with the largest stock, the latest styles and the lowest prices of the will and mind of the committee in what it died for. procurable. They Leave a I'ragraiice. To make our store the model criterion and the first resort whose hands she was, the power of that The Church Record, of Southporl, re­ When the sun disappears below the horizon SECOND. Cure . committee to control his mental machin­ cently attached by two creditors for large he is not down. The heavens glow for a full for those in search of Dry Goods, Cloaks and Upholstery,and to secure pat ery was measured by the promptness and amounts, skipped only one issue. "It hour after his departure, and when a great rons in their purchases by guaranteeing our Leal Cloaks, Black Silks and after failkfui uscaF and good man sets, the west is luminous long accuracy with which she located the hid­ will be published regularly in the future," in fact,almost every article that we sell, and being always ready to ex­ after he is out of sight. A room in which change any article not proving as represented. ih is rem ad y. den object. When she walked straight to says the Fairfield Advertiser which is issued flowers have been is sweet long after the the place of concealment without devia­ flowers have been taken away. They leave a THIRD. To maintain the high standard which has characterized our under the same management, business in treating all classes with equal liberality, and to enhance the tion or mistake, on this theory, she was The Bethel Ouidi is a new aspirant for fragrance behind. And a goodly man who JhinKflle-r in the hands of a person who could fix lives unselfishly and disinterestedly, and seeks good opinion of the public by living up to our past spotless record and public favor, with John T. Pearce as pub­ the good of other men, cannot die out of this making such innovations from time to time as will be beneficial to our cus­ (ure.s his mind on a certain idea and nail it lisher. world. When he goes hence he leaves behind there. But when she hesitated, walked much of himself. There have been many tomers. Stephen A. Hubbard, for the past 23 For years we have in January instituted what is known throughout around in a circle, retraced hgr course, years managing editor and part owner of men who left behind them that which hun­ ^u^s^(S/ds, dreds of years have not worn out. Theearth Southern Connecticut as turned around again, and made false the Hartford Gourant, died in Hartford, has Socrates and Plato to this day. The motions, it is to be supposed that the on Saturday at the age of 63 years. He world is richer yet by Moses and the old pro­ (or€*fh roof? mind that was directing her was not was largely interested in various business phets than by the wisest statesman We are OUR RED TICKET SALES. broken to halter, and skipped over the indebted to the past. We stand in the great­ Jj)ihhtheria, and philanthropic enterprises in Hartford, ness of ages that have gone rather than in Giving to the people first-class 'merchandise at merely nominal prices. fence every time it was cornered. The and was one of the most prominent and that pf our own. But of how many of us During these sales not only is the importer's and manufacturer's profit manager gave Herbert Allen a little pack­ popular residents of the city. As a jour­ rhall it be said that, being dead, we yetspeak. taken off, but our force of buyers are constantly vispting the various mar­ age to hide. It was tucked away in nalist he was thorough, capable and con­ —Henry Ward Beecher. £ a f kets, and in many instances goods are purchased at a terrible sacrifice to ".Doc" Mosher's pocket. Miss Loeb. led scientious, and for the high standard of owners for cash down. We now present to our patrons a list of Bargains USB Allen to Doc's seat and found the pack­ excellence which the staunch old Gourant - ' Advice to Mothers. < Are yon c'istnrbed at night and broken o /'i L. it age, wliich the manager opened, disclose maintains, much of the credit is due to your rest by a sick child suffering and crying ing a diminutive pair of stockings which Mr. Hubbard, with pain of cutting teeth ? If so send at once Overshadowing all Previous Sales• and Ret a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Doc was informed he might recover by The Hartford Press Club gave a recep­ Syrup for Children Teething. Its value is coming forward. Dentist Baldwin hid a tion at their club rooms last Thursday calculable. It will relieve the poor little suf­ One case neat all-wool Suiting, 40 inches wide, best 50c goods, only 17c ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, toothpick in Frank Street's hat, which the evening, which was attended by a large there is no mistake about it. It cures dysen­ Fine all-wool Suitings, at 25c. One case Tricot Cloths, at only 3.9c. • • mind reader found-after a crooked chase. number of guests, including Gov. Bulke- tery and diarrhoea, regulates the stom ach and Drap D'Almas at 75c.; worth $1. Judge Austin hid a small piece of paper in ley, Lieutenant-Governor Merwin and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums Best $1.25 Imperial Serge, red ticket. 90c. : Hi' 'r in getting a good "grippe" on his rajnd, • rt "-v.- 5'V ; FOR EATING AND DRINKING. ^ ' The grippe is thus analyzed by the Wash­ rrsA -SatcjKiti rife'J- For Parity of Material and Deliciousnes of Flavor or else he had determined to have a little Genuine Guinet Black Silks, 89c. and 93c. UNEXCELLED. fun with Johnny, for the girl caressed and ington Post: Genuine Edgeless Baven Black Sacarappa, High Grades Black Silks, all fondled the latter for nearly five minutes There is a difference between a fashion­ reduced. ^ t } ** ur Sold by all Grocers able disease and a vulgar one. Hay fever, 3mi9 before Hubert's mind told her to pick his for example, used to be fashionable. -It inside vest pocket. She drew forth the was a perfectly proper thing for wealthy BLACK SATIN RHADAMES. envelope, after a time, however, and and refined people to have, for it was pretty Heal Good Bhadames at 62 1-2 cents. ; • placed her finger on the pencil mark in generally confined to those classes. The Dollar Grades will go at 75 cents lady of the house might have hay fever gsaiumv Extra Grades at 93c. and $1.00. the corner, amid great applause. She without any fear that her servant would v nearly frightened a big strapping negro have it. But grip is another thing. It is '.r'r out of his boots, by taking him by the ear vulgar. It catches you by the spine just 1 ^ ^ COLORED SILKS. and leading him up onto the stage, and the same whether you are clipping coupons, Wide and best shades $1.25 Colored Silks, 75c. _ ?v 'jjf m- r^hding Cicero's orations in the original Kich Faille Francaise, 93c. Good Gros Grain Silks, 50c. -jc jfiftnly RELIABLE REMEDY/ Ed. Stanton blushed his prettiest blush making a crazy-quilt, or scrubbing the back when she tied a monkey's cap on his head kitchen stairs. Fashionable diseases are Good Trimming Satins, 25 cents. 50 pieces $1 Satin DT^on*, 65c. and whiskers on his chin and led him by respecters of persons, but the grip is not; it Ifc 1 *{'w i' .i- ' i*'-» f . vLV/AfV9« the ear to a conspicuous position on the catches all alike, the hod-carrier and the Indorsed by Physicians. Used by thomnds millionaire, the ignoramus and the pro­ All Seal Cloaks reduced by red tickets. All Furs reduced by red tickets. IT WILL CURE YOU. stage. Other practical jokes at the ex­ found student. It is a vulgar disease. That NO OPIUM IN IT. Mothers, you can conaUM pense of unsuspecting persons in the is why we decline to confess that we have Shoppers will find Hosiery, Laces, Cotton and Merino Underwear, Flan­ iC'S: that dreadftil foe, CROUP, with it. HftraltmhMl audience, made fun for the spectators. nels, Blankets, Curtains, Books, Engravings, all marked ^ , , ,, ... t," 'IP indSaretHj^Chlld. Sold by DrnggUta. TMt 1* it. However, we don't mind saying that iat Miss Loeb bad good audiences here and this blessed minute there are more kinds of gave excellent satisfaction. aches and pains romping and stalking up At the Lowest Prices Ever Known. >, and down our shivering anatomy than we • T-s-rrT-rr*'2ZBncklen's Arnica Salve. ever befote supposed could be concealed in 1,000 20c. Novels, 3c.; 1,200 Engravings, 5c.; 1,000. 12mos., were-25c., The best salve in the world for cuts, one hunk of humanity. Our devoted head no\v 15c; 35c. Books, now 25c.; Albums, were $1.25 and $1.50, now 75c, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever seems to have been stuck clear into pain up sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblaips, to the shoulders, and at the present writing corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi­ we have more aches cavorting up and POWDER! It will Pay to Visit Our Red Ticket Sate. ' tively cures piles, or no pay required. It down our vertebral cdluinn than some Bou> Evxbtwherb. . is guaranteed^ give perfect satisfaction, formers have hay in their barns. If we Absolutely Pure. PRJlHK O. DAME ft CO. Aohwtb, or money refunded. Price 25 ,cents^ per should give up and go to bed we have no 3» Aa commercial St., Bwton, Han. box. For safe by H. ft. Hale. This Powder never varies. A marvel of pure •r | W B. HALL A CO. doubt the doctors would say we had la strength and wholesomeness. More economy 1.1 >«s $ it " t ' • J" L ' 1 ^ grippe, but so" long as we understand that to thanitbe ordinary kinds, andcannotbeaoldIncomc f FOB RENT. BOUGH ON TOOTHACHE. 15c. At druggists. petition with ttie multtttodft 'of low test, ihort BOUGH ON PAI#PLA8TEB/Porotreed. 15c. be a measly, vulgar disease, which anybody CONVENIENT LITTLE COTTAGE Of Seven may have, we don't" propose to have it if weight, allum or phosphate powders. Room?. onSoath Union Avenue. BOUGH ON COUGHS. Troches 10c. Liquid 25 -, , . „ , Sotd only in Cans. Cor. Main and Cannon Sts.* Bridgeport. A * Innlvtii f!TT AHT.RS OT.MKT HAT). BOUGH ON WOBMS. Safe, Sure Cure, 25c. can help it. Ouch)uch! But 'tain't grip. royal Baking powdib Co.,106 WallSt., N.Y NOR WALK GAZETTE? WEDNBSDAT JANUARY 15, 1890. |Ti'

NAKED BOUGHS. CLOTHING AND HEALTH. IN A DIME LODGING HOUSE LOST TREASURES. „ ^ There were troths in the hedges Bitch on the limb of an old cherry tree And bird mates were true; Sang a ground robin, at morn's early peeft There were trysts, there wero pledges, * SOMETHING ABOUT THE MATERIALS THE REPORTER BECOMES A GUEST While just beneath her, as snug as could be, And old loves and new; FOR OUR GARMENTS. AND MAKES OBSERVATIONS. Nestled four dear little birdlings asleep ||1l| Tliere was sun at the tree's heart* km * i ills And song in the boughs, f ; XS;: * Tall o'er their heads the red timothy roso— . Just like a forest the long grasses stood, And spring in the bee's heart, ; i v. Character of the Patroii9—They Are Not And whispers and vows; Healtb, Comfort and Half Clad Fashion. Safe from all danger the nest to inclose, There were leaves when we mated, > Excellent Hints About Keeping Warm So Bad as Is Generally Supposed—The While the fond mother went searching for food , And now—naked boughs. Vv/;V and Cool—Our Clothes Serve to Gauge Beds, the Furniture and the BUI of Oh, how each clamored and stretched up its beak, All, vows that were fated! 1 or Control Oar Mental States. Fare—Private Booms for the Affluent. Soon as she flew panting homeward once more, WE SEND BY MAIL Down 'mid the grasses her darlings to seek. LAV Ah, loves that would house! SHER|H.« . Your time was belated, Of all God's created beings, the only one Much has been said and written about the Laden with tidbits—a plentiful store 'A, t • •;&' \ Your fate—naked boughs. 1 whom he has neglected to clothe is man, cheap hotels of France and England, but Sometimes on tiptoe I ventured to look ||f|! —Century. said Lucy M. Hall, M. D., in an address on Chicago can discount both those ancient Down at my pets in their snug, mossy nest, J,. "The Promotion of Health." This omission countries in respect to low priced lodgings. Praising the gold of each sweet open throat, r Cuj S ^Condition Why will you allow your health to upon the part of his Creator at once sepa­ The ten cent lodging house is continually Stroking tho down of each fair glossy breast®;' .^. Smau Packs SO " PostPaid"' rates and distinguishes man from other liv­ satirized in the newspapers and in the comic gradu illy fail ? If you are closely con­ But, as one morning the meadow 1 crossed, s- fined indoors with- little or no exercise, ing creatures. At the same time it is neces­ songs of the day, but very little seems to be Sheridan's Coiidi&loia Powder , really known about these economical hotels Lo, mother bird rent the air with her cries; ^ 4:: ure and highly concentrated. One ounce is worth a pound of any other kind. Strictly and desire good health, yon must take sary for him to provide himself with some What could it mean? Had her darlings been lost medicine, to be given in the food,, once daily, in small doses. Prevents and cures aU diseases of hens.'1 care of yourself. Use Sulphur Bitters, artificial covering in place of the hair, fur, after all. Accordingly a reporter set out one Trying to plume their young wings for the skies) Worth_ "its weigh!' " in gold wheo liens«- are moulting, and te keep them healthy. Testimonials sent freo • feathers, or resisting epidermis which the dark and foggy night to ascertain the facts mail. Ask your druggist, grocer, general store, or feed dealer for it. If you ean't get it, send at and you will have a sound mind and a Searching, I read her wild notes of distress— » to us. Take no other kind, we will send postpaid by mail as follows: — A new, enla strong body. inferior animals possess as a natural ap­ for himself. He was determined to learn the zantiy illustrated copy of the "FARMERS' POULTRY RAISING GTTID"GUIDE" (price 25~ cents; tells" now truth of the blood curdling tales so often told Just o\'r till* heails of her innocent brood, - • pendage. Souse cruel va^ra«:t a reed trap had placed, ^ At a drill a soldier spits in the ranks. The importance which attaches to this of combats with predaceous fellow lodgers Frightening Uie old bird away with her food.t,, Sergeant of manoeuvres, indignantly—The hyper-external portion of our bodies is not and murderous insects; of lodgers packed fellow that spat, four days in the guard of recent date. sixty-four to tho room and arranged in tiers Quickly I caught up the'treacherous snare, house. There shall be no spitting in the Beginning with the story of our first par­ like sardines, and all the other horrors of the Ah, my heart l.laeds as I teil you the rest— ents, we find ail through the Scriptures men­ dime sleeping place. Mother bird but she found only tliere ranks. We are not in a parlor here. Four Kttlo tons starved in the nest! tion made of the various garments and adorn­ Down on Canal street, close to the Union In spite of all that cynics say, a good ments of the men and women who figure depot, is a dingy building. Above the en­ .V,-, many people do mary for love—though there. The rainbow hued coat of Joseph, trance to a dark stairway hangs an illumi­ 'The i'ox and the Peasant'.' very often the love that influences them even the far from frivolous garb of John the nated sign which announces that beds can be One day rovnard approached a peasant, TEST ACQUAINTED VTITE TH2 GEOGRAPHY OP THE COUNTRY, WILL OBTAIN who was wording in his field and said: *5 " MUCH VALUA::LS IWFOKMATION FROM A STUDY OP THIS MAP OP is the lovitof money, Baptist, have all been deemed worthy of had for ten and fifteen cents a night. Up the record in sacre 1 history. dark stairway the explorer stumbled. A fair "For som-5 reason or other t here appears The proprietor of a bone mill announces The fact is that our clothes, through asso­ sized room, furnished with three chairs, a to be a wan: hf perfect, confidence between that "parties sending their own bones to ciation, become a part of us, help to identify long beneh and a red, little stove, opened off the peasants and the foxes.""** " be ground will find their orders attended from the hall. Several brawny fellows in "Yes," replied the peasant as he rested for j ri • K/C^T us—even in some peculiar reactionary way to with punctuality and dispatch." serve to gauge or control our mental states. blue gingham shirts and rusty trousers were a moment. stou* DRESSING APPROPRIATELY. gathered around the fire. From the center "This makes it unpleasant for both of us, f$*7L —frs^ryr— They make one feel as though life was The felon feels a degradation in his prison of the group advanced a grizzled veteran who and I have been delegated to see if wo could j O NgC] 1 G^^fartingtoti worth livinsr. Take one of Carter's Lit­ stripes which he could never understand in seemed a living image of the "ancient mari­ not conic to somo mutual understanding." tle Liver Pills after eating ; it will relieve his ordinary dress. ner." He surveyed the reporter, who had at­ "I am willing." ^ ••^ki % dyspepsia, aid digestion, give tone and The action of a young lady who repudiated tired himself for the occasion, very critically. "Very welj," continued tho foz as he vigor to the system. a perfectly courteous assumption of acquaint­ Tliereforegthe scrutiny proved satisfactory to looked at the sky to hido the twinkle of satis-i V* the old Roman. faction iu his eye. "To prove your full con-| ; Blobson—Don't you think that Bt rnp- anceship upon the part of a gentleman, be­ cause she had "only met him in her bathing A FRIENDLY WELCOME. fidence iu us leave the door of your henl sey rather plays the fool ? Popinjay— house open to-night. That will be a proof suit," was grounded in a true psychological "Want a bed?" he asked. . •. KILL No, sir; I think he works at the job. and principle. She was not the same person in a The reporter did. that you no longer regard us as thieves marauders." JEST brine soaked apology for a society garment "Had your soup yet?" >:>:• which she was in her conventional attire. The reporter hadn't. The jxjasant agreed to this, but while he taw** » One of the minor troubles of left the door open he set a trap just inside, " Let the most brilliant gentleman in a draw­ Tho ancient mariner led the way to a ban­ Gaifa. and when he aroso next morning, lo! the del­ house-keeping is the breaking ing room suddenly perceive that his boots are quet hall wherein was a long table and a egate was fast in the jaws. muddy, or that his c.ravat is awry, and the coo!: stove. A huge tureen was on the stove. of lamp-chimneys. Chimneys "Is keeping ' me?" chances are that he will become awkward The visitor was given a quart of the contents this your agreement with blustered Reynard as the peasant approached. LL «*. y cost but little apiece, and break and tongue tied. . of the tureen and three slices of bread. The In one of Lord Beaconsfield's novels a fash­ table equipments were not precisely such as "Was not tho door open?" but one at a time You class "Yes, but you set this trap inside! Release . ionable tailor is made to say: "You must the Palmer house oilers its guests. The soup me at once, and in future my dealings shall these little surprises among dress according to your age, your pursuits, bowls were heavy and yellow; the spoons be with more honest men!" your object in life. I am dressing two were iron clad ladles. The soup itself was mysterious providences and " , Sir Reynard," said as " ," brothers now, men of considerable position. not bad. Its composition was a dark mys­ Gently the peasant he tapped him on tho-head with a club; "had bear them, meekly resigned. One is a man of pleasure, the other will tery, and is yet. The soup was of a consistency probably bo a minister of state. They are about that of river water. But it had no you kept to the outside you would never have s known of my trap. The fact that you were All wrong! the chimne}* as like as two peas, but were I to dress the trace of dirt and did not taste unlike ordinal'}7 lacljiaijiij. mam unec, fcranciios anci en >f i.ho inside prqves that you wanted my poultry at dandy and the minister the same it would be restaurant bouillon. Missouri River. The Direct Route to and Ire; are wrong; the glass was the expense of my confidence." ' Peoria. La Salle, Molme, EocI; Island. in ILIjIjMC ; --Itilie bad taste; it would be ridiculous. No one In a large, uncarpeted room up stairs wero j. «/v > -L^C-J lOCviXvi X«J.UX1. J.y Xww<.-'.s J-IJJ '' EIOItAL: •*' Qttiimxra, Oskaloosa. Dss Moines, '""nitcirf.ot, Auc'.cx. n.ci ready to pop the minute it gives the trouble that Lord Eglantine does; half a dozen "shake down" beds. The room Give a thief opportunity to reform, but Bluffs, in IOWA—MihacstooI5s &r«d- Si. Paid, ip 'GOVvTl he has not decided whether he will bo a great was well ventilated, and the beds were quite City, m cooled. carry yonr wallet in. your boot leg when in poet or prime minister. 'You must choose, comfortable in appear an co. Another room his company.—Detroit Freo Press. ., , Hutc The maker saved two cents my lord,' I tell him. 'I cannot send you out across the hall was similarly fitted up. These Cr on a chimney and put this loss looking like Lord Byron if you are to be a were the quarters of tho ten cent lodgers. SiDring-s, , Astonished :it Ice. and from Ciianiiing or a Pitt.'" Lastly, he adds: "All The landlord informed his latest boarder ing and annoyance on you. men should avoid the shabby genteel. No that for fifteen cents ho could have an entire The natives of tropical countries are sel­ vast "Pearl-top" chimneys man ever gets over it. You had better bo room to himself. Accordingly the reporter dom so much astonished as when they are of hitsrcommunication to &•.?. towns and. cities e&i-fc find. re»u, xiorDnwest iirst introduced to snow and ice. Tho con­ i.:i~ .; out?}west of Chicago, aridPacific and u-auc oceanic 3'. iporis. in rags." selected a room so located that its occupant do not break in use. ~ That the great statesman had a most vivid gealing of water is a phenomenon they are N ra S? < could hear everything occurring in the ^3ACNIF2CENT ¥ES11BOLE ' * u, tRAms, comprehension of the effect of clothes, both house, and could, by peering through a hole slow to comprehend. A few months ago Sir iueading- all comc ?titors in cpl ->ndor of oquipinont, coo. rre upon the wearer and the observer, is mani­ in tho door, see the greater part of the adja­ William Macgregor enticed several of the free from duet. Tb.rousrh Coaches, Pullman fjieeps-'a,. fest, not only in the language of his novel, cent rooms. Nciw Guinea natives to the hitherto unsealed Chair Cars, and(e^^^ of Eiver) Diniin^.pa.va Dai.y I. • ween Chicago,_ but in the extraordinary Costufties he affected anrndt of Mount Owen Stanley, the loftiest Des Moines, Council Bluffe, so :L Oaaaha, with rro-: & c,mms Chair Gar to The room selected, like all tho rest, was during almost his whole life. uncarpeted; dimensions, 9 feet b'^ 5. The peal: in British Australasia. On its barren North Platte, Nob., and to-atvrenu Chicago and Color;,do Spring's,,Denver, Do four Own Dyeing, at Homes and Pueblo, via St. Joseph, or .'.Cansas City and Topeka. Splendia Dining The materials chiefly utilized for clothing bed was the same in appearance as those as­ .summit, nearly a thousand feet above the 1 1 They will dye everything. They are sold every, Hotels (furnishing meals at seasonable hours) est of Missouri River. arc cotton and linen of the vegetable sub­ , five zone of vegetation, big icicles were found, California Excursions daily, with CHOICE OP EC TTES to and Irom Salt where. Price lOc. a package. They have noequal signed to the ten cent lodgers tho extra Lake, Ogden, Portland, Los Anc-eles, and San £.\ ucisco. Tab DIRECT for Strength, Brightness, Amount in Packages stances; skins, hair, wool, silk, down, feath­ cents merely affording greater privacy to greatly to the amazement of the natives, LINE to and from Pike's Peak, Manitou, Garden oj. the Gods, the Sanitari­ or for Fastness of Color, or son-fading Qualities. ers, of tho animal. Minerals, as metals, the affluent boarder. who were much startled when they touched ums, and Scenic Grandeurs of Colorado. They do not crock or smut; 40 colors. For sale by glass and various stones, are much used as The bedding was amplo in quantity—a them aud insisted that their fingers had been .J. G. Gregory & Co.; J. A. Riggs, No. 11 Main burned. VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROUTE, ornaments. Cotton, wool, linen and leather husk mattress, two sheets, two blankets and Street, Geo. J. Plaisted, Druggists. Iy27 are tho most abundant and useful materials, a huge red quilt. The sheets were dingy and A year ago, when Mr. Ehlers ascended Solid Express Trains daily between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul, and they form tho principal part of the ripped in places. A curtain hung at the Mount Eillma-Njaro, in Africa, his native with THROUGH Reclining- Chair Cars (FREE) to and from those points and GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 187. Kansas City. Through Chair Car and Sleeper between Peoria, Spirit Lake, clothing of tho great mass of the people. window, from which a good view could be porters, who had lived all their lives near the and Sioux Falls, via Rock Island. The Favorite Line tc> Pipestone, water- Air is, as wo all know, a bad conductor of obtained of the Madison street bridge. Tho base of tho great mountain, pulled off the town, Sioux Falls, and the Summer Resorts and Hunting and Fishing' W. BAKER & CO.'S heat and of electricity. So the warmth and host handed his guest a key and asked at boots with which they had been provided as Grounds of the Northwest. _ ^ THE SHORT LINE VIA SENECA AND KANKAKEE offers facilities to electricity of tho body are conserved by a what time he desired to be called with the they approached the snow line and plunged travel between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette, and. Councu Blulis, St. covering which contains much air in its average courtesy of a downtown hotel merrily into tho snow with their bare feet. Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and St. rau.. Breakfast Goco fibers. Water, on tho contrary, is a good clerk. They lost no time in plunging out again and For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or desired information, apply to any Ticket Is absolutely pure and it is soluble. conductor of heat and electricity, and just - Hardly was tho reporter locked into his lay writhing on the ground, insisting that Office in the United States or Canada, or address to the degree that the air in the interstices of room when a number of lodgers arrived. their feet had been severely burned. Some E. ST- JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, No Chemicals any material is displaced by water it becomes Seating themselves around the stove in the of the Central African natives who have been are used in its preparation. It has more a vehicle for the rapid conduction of these adjoining room they listened with rapt at­ introduced into Germany mistook the first i;W: General Manager. O HIC AGO, ILL. Gea'l Ticket ft Puss. Agent than three time* the Krength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Asrowroot or Sugar, away from tho body. Woolen holds a larger tention while ono of their number—a brawny snow storm they saw for a flight of white and is therefore far more economical, quantity of air among its fibers, and will coal heaver whose brogue had not long been butterflies. Lieut. Von Francois says the coating Itst than en* cent a cup. It is transmit through them a larger quantity of absent from the banks of Killarney—read a mistake was a very natural one. One day PETER L. (HJIGUE, delicious, nourishing, strengthening, EA­ when he was ascending a tributary of the G-eo. S. Gregory. SILY Digested, and admirably adapted moisture without displacement of the air romance of the plains aloud. The reading fbr invalids as well as persons in health. than* any other material. Silk stands next lasted about two hours, and tho reader was Congo he saw for tho first time the air filled Sold by Grocers everywhere. in these respects. Woolen clothing is espe­ not once disturbed or interrupted by his au­ with a great swarm of white butterflies, and k } Livery, Boarding, Sale, cially adapted to the needs of man. dience. Finally the story was ended and the ho says the spectacle closely resembled a gen­ "V. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. EXCELLENT HINTS. tle fall of snow.—Montreal Star. ^ '* ^V. UNION AVENUE, lodgers sought their couches. Then came a r In a moist and changeable climate like number of thumps on the floor as each man North of Norwalk Cemetery, e d and Exchange Instant relief. Final cure in It ours, whore rheumatic affections, catarrhs, kicked off his shoes. Then dead silence. • ' Sugar and Hemp from Palms. '• days and never returns. No pre, no salve, no suppository. sensitive throats and bronchial tubes are so A MIDNIGHT MINSTREL. Some palm trees furnish a sweetening jfcice. korwaitI, - - E©mm. »rers will learn of a shnple prevalent, an especial effort should bo made table's.. J remedy tbkk by addressing Presently some one stumbled up stairs, and Tho most famous of these is probably the l.»o«,!er iu Green House and Hot House and PILES.Tcttle & Co., 78 Nassau Street, New York City to maintain a healthful equilibrium of tho in a loud voice commenced to detail the woes Areng, or sugar palm of Amboyna (Arenga Bedding: and Vegetable Plants, Fruit, and Orna­ ALL DRUGGISTS. Iy44 temperature of the skin. To effect this, of Mr. McGinty, the perfume of his breath sacchariiera), which grows in India and the mental Trees Shrubbery, Vines. Cut Flowers woolen or silk underclothes should be em­ in the meantime penetrating the reporter's archipelago. It is a superb tree, with pin­ always on hand and all sorts of designs in Flowers ployed summer and winter. Not a patch of nostrils. A chorus of "Shut up!" rang out nate leaves twenty-five feet long, and is as arranged to order. 41y2 A ^ an undervest, covering neither chest, shoul­ vigorously. Then was heard a bang as some­ handsome as it is useful. A number of species and Re-tilling Cemeterjr Plots CHAS. H VALDEN ders nor limbs, but a garment which will body hurled a shoe at the singer. Silence belonging to different genera furnish a kind promptij attended to. clothe these as well as the trunk. again. of hair of finer pr coarser texture. It is A lady with one thickness of linen over her Five minutes later tho landlord discovered found in tfio fibrous sheaths of the leaf stalks —DEALER IN— • • arms and shoulders will tell you that she is a ten cent boarder smoking in bed. "Put and in the jagged edge6 of the leaves. Cables mm half dead from the heat. The thermometer out de snipe 1" quoth the ancient mariner. made of the black, tough fibers of the Areng i stands at 98 degrees in the shade. You place A short scuffle ensued, which terminated are preferred by the coasting sailors of the your hand upon the perspiring skin; it is in the expulsion of the devotee of the weed. Spanish colonies on account of their elasticity The "Record." clammy and cold. A poor sufferer, her joints For the 'next hour no sound, except an oc­ and durability; and they are, moreover, very GROCERIES. swollen with rheumatism, said to me on a casional snore and the puffing of a locomo­ 1STc>. 14: 3E£jm±®:fckt. :S£t. fine. The hemp palm of Japan and China hot summer's day: "I perspire so, and suffer tive across the street, disturbed the repose of (Chamccrops exeelsa) is availabledn the hands IF Record (^n rear of Horse Car Depot), so terribly from the heat that it is as hard to the guests. The reporter had begun to doze, of tho industrious people of those coimtries The or walk NORWAIiK, CONN. bear as my illness." The touch of her skin when something rubbed his ear and he awoke for making the finer brooms, light strings chiiled mo like wet ice. "You should wear to a conflict with a powerful "cimex lectu- and a thousand articles of daily use. Palms Is an established fact. Although it is j»nly a Carriages furnished at all hours. Courteoas at­ light woolen or silk garments next your skin," larius." The unwelcome visitor was soon of coarser fibef, like tho Piacaba of Brazil year old its circulation already averages tention and gentlemanly drivers, .1 shall keep constantly on hand a I said; "no half way business, but all over, dispatched, and, to the credit of the houso be (Leopoldi«-.a piacaba), furnish material for from neck to wrists and ankles." I had hard it said, no more of its kind disturbed the 1 blinds, brushes, brooms and the rollers of i. COPIES PER WEEK, work to convince her that she would be made sleeper's dreams. mechanical sweepers, which are much more FULL LINE OF ALL Q00DS more instead of less comfortable by doing as a (act which attestsits rapid rise and Arm hold on SOLDIERS, ATTENTION About 4:30 the lodgers began to arise and durable than rollers fitted with steel teeth.— the public favor. It aims to be clean and whole­ i ; usually found In a rn" I advised, but I finally succeeded, and with descend to the sitting room. On a bench, Popular Science- Monthly. ^ some, and presents all the legitimate news in the happiest results. just where none could pass in or out without : readable, spicy and terse shape. Its subscription There is great variation in the amount of Iff — WM, H. HAYWARD, arousing him, lay the landlord. "You bet. ' Pronunciation at the- Hah. price is sadlciently low to enable anybody to have clothing which different people require. nobody does any prowling while I sleep it without discarding amy other of their favorite First- Class-:-Grocer7-:-Stor6 Yesterday the Listener stood for a while in lp Some seem to bp,.almost insensible to CHAS. H. VALDElsr, intermediate service; otherwise new ones of ont of a side room and walked down stairs "Isnt it prtyl" '; Many pensioners borne on the rolls are entitled suitable thickness should be provided. Many without a word. to a muck higher rate of pension than they now persons make the mistake of wearing under? "Isn't it prittyl" ^ receive. In a great majority of cases in which 5 Wall St, r Norwalk, Ct. "That's a duck," said the host. "He's "Ain't it purrty!" SPECIAL TO FARMERS. pension was granted for disease, the pensioner is garments in winter which are too thick. boarded with me six years. He has a little entitled to an increase of rate, and in most cases These are likely to be all of woolen material oil stove in his room and cooks his own soup "Ain't it prurrtyl" where it was granted for wounds or injuries the which, very closely woven and very heavy and coffee. He never says a single word to "Ain't it prooty!" THe diBabilityincreases each year. As time passes the to begin with, has shrank in the washing. "Ain't it pruttyt*^,. disabiiity of all classes naturally increases. Many Clxoloe me nor to anyone else. I don't know his "Ain't it pitty 1" • PUBLISHES EVERY SATURDAY were at first rated too low, and it often occurs They impede the healthful interchange be­ name, nor his nationality, nor his trade. I n that pensioners are unjustly or erroneously re­ tween the air and the transpirations of the dont even know if he can speak English. "Isn't it jiret-ty ! duced by: examining surgeons. A pensioner is How many more ways he would bare The New Tork Market Report entitled to increase on a disability not set forth in skin; the latter reabsorbs into the circulation When he pays up he just hands me the the poisonous matter which it has essayed to heard thd'wtnrd pronounoed, if he had had CORRECTED UP TO DATE. tf37 his original declaration. The pension laws are BUILDII|||pTS money and says nothing." more liberal than formerly, and better rating can throw off; it exhales a peculiar sickly odor; At 5:30 a new character appeared on the the fortitude to remain longer, the Listener be had for many disabilities. I make a specialty doesn't dare to think.—Boston Transcript of Neglected ana Rejected Claims, and if you will the cutaneous nerves lose tone and action; scene. This was a stout old woman—doubt­ present me with a brief statement of your case, i (ON INSTAUUKfcKT PLAN.) they convey their disturbed impressions to less the landlord's wife—who announced that Probate Sale of Real Estate.' stating by whom it waB presented, I will obtain a the great centers, and aU portions of the nu­ coffee was ready. The lodgers flocked into . - A Patriotic: Sc»i.'-V... rehearing of your case, and, if it has merit, will tritive and eliminative systems suffer in con­ the side room, and each received a quart of , Walter Boott tells the story of a blacksmith URSUANT to an order of the Court of Pro­ procure a favorable settlement; Many claims in the south of Scotland who disappeared P bate for the District of Norwalk, the sub­ stand rejected before the department, when it sonance. red hot brown liquid, guiltless of milk or scriber, administrator of the estate of Wk. R. only requires a competent attorney to make them I have seen the most depraved physical sugar. What throats these men must have, from the range of vision of the gnat novelist NASH, late of Norwalk, in said District, deceased good cases. Soldiers sniftering with disabilities conditions result from the wearing of very and was found afterward practicingxqedicine offers for sale all the interest which said deceas­ contracted in service,who have not applied far a for they drank the boiling stuff from their ed had in the following real estate, viz.: pension, should do so as it is their RIOHT. On Wilton Avenue heavy, cloeely woven flannels, winch, after a bowls without a momenta hesitation! in an English city. The astonished novelist The homestead situated at the head of Main few washings, had become almost impervious At 6 o'clock The Morning News man pre­ asked the blacksmith if hi knew anything street, consisting of dwelling house.andont build­ SOLDIERS OF THE MEXICAN WAR, *»*• - gqi« to air and moisture.—New York News. about the healing art, and the latteracknowl- ings in good tepair, with about two acres of land ( pared to depart. The ancient mariner cour­ attached, also, the premises adjoining, on the Who were in that service sixty days, [or their teously bid him good-by and hoped j to see edged that be did not, but trusted mainly WUton road, with good dwelling house nicely ar­ widows if not re-married] are entitled to $8.00 per ; San Souci Plot. '^!iV ! BuVrtarrt.11* Offtat.. him again. j to "two simplee—laudanum and calomel." ranged for two families. . Both of these places, month from January s»th, 1S&7. tNO fa.-,?;h- • -mm •• •;|' .** . ... "Simples with a vengeance** said Scott; contain borough water and are located on line of A first class Chinese htrber gets only $1 per There were about thirty-five lodgers in the horse railway. Also about ten acres of desirable • -' , ' APECY TO week, but there's an offset. He does not have house, and the host stated that he often had "don't you kill more than you curat? "Per­ land situate in the town of Jtidgefield, a short dis­ to traj his girl candy, peanuts, soda water or fifty. Certainly there are not many cities haps I do," returned* the patriotic black­ tance from the railroad depot; suitable for farm Ice cream, and board and' lodging on a first where, for ten cents, the wanderer^ can ob­ smith, "but it will be a long time before 1 or building purposes; - S BCOND-HAND Cagt Iroil Fence, pith gate A. H. BYINttTON, 3£ For further particulars apply to A all in perfect order And as good is new, y , me^m dass street beckop him.au at the rate of fifty- tain two meals (supper and breakfast) and a make up for the Scots thftt 1%e "English killed about 180 feet in length. Will be sold at a sacri­ at Flodden." , chas. olmstbad. Administrator. fice if applied for soon. Enquired r:; I GAZETTE OFFICE.?""®' two dents per montb.--Detrpit Free Press. fairly comfor liable bed. —^Chicago 'fi§ Worwalk, Conn., July 8#d, 1889. $ £0ft. GAZETTE OFFICE

, .fi1 J"Y ">/*: mmmi i ft'i *' • ' A," ' ' " t ,'V" ^A %'•£ • Inorwalk: gazette, ~wednesda.y jainuary is, i890.

1 After six or eight months of lazy life, and ' * Eagles Fish for Trout* g-. •£; ||ATENTS t ^O. E. WILSON, p A DESPERATE STRUGGLE. A curious story comes from Clearfield BABY'S BEDTIME SONQ.-r after waiting until he felt sure that the isi- Washington, D. C. , and would bo visited only by accident, the county, Pa. Mosquito creek flows through a wooded part of that county, and the stream I «Inln«nt«rsMiMfree. Sway to and fro in the twilight gray, captain set about building some sort of craft. SAVED BY A BRAVE OUTLAW FROM General Insurance k ileal Estate Agent This is the ferry for Sliadowtown; . There was a heap of drift wood on the east­ is as full of trout as the denseforesfc is alive It always sails at the end of day, ern side of the island, and in overhauling it AN INFURIATED BULL. with various kinds of birds. The eagles find v Just as the darkness is closing down. he found a number of planks and boards a peaceful home there, and they are plenty, K. H. 'CKAUFUKD, is» „ 3 Money to Loan. ''.-•'i;'v gt- too. Some time ago a party of lumbermen Best, little head, on my shoulder, so, •. > f which must have come from a craft pounded Dodging Behind Trees to Escape the Ter­ v*i i A sleepy kiss is the only fare; • • i to pieces by a gale, but he had no tool of any bethought themselves that it would be a good Investments, Real Estate and Insurance, Stocks, Bonds &c.; Bought and Sold, Drifting away from the word we go, l i ; description except a large pocket knife. rific Charges of the Mad Brute—Felt scheme to catch the trout that inhabit Mos­ ROOM 2, MASONIC BUILDING. and Loans Negotiated at, Lowest r Baby and I in a rooking chair. While this dampened his ardor to a great ex­ Sure He AVas Doomed—A Magnificent quito creek. They could not spare the time c if to fish with rod and line, and Franklin Hav- Rates of Interest. See where the fire logs glow and sparls, i tent, he put in an hour or two occasionally at Exhibition of Horsemanship. S ; . Glitter the lights of Shadowland; the work of building, and laid the erstraw, the inventive genius of the camp, Wm. Lockwood, ROOM NO. 3 GAZETTE BUILDING!? ^ , *>• Mr. Charles Davison, a well known stock­ suggested the idea of tying lines to bot­ The pelting rains on the window, hark! foundation of the raft we found him on. Real Estate, Insurance and Investment Norwalk, Conn. *. • 4^ ;; Are ripples lapping upon its strand. When Capt. Harsen had been on the island man of this vicinity, reports a singular and tles. The next day the creek was full of bot­ well nigh fatal adventure which befell him in tles with lines on them. They had good luck Securities. There where the mirror is glancing dim, ten months he ate some fruit which poisoned him, and made him almost helpless for thfc the valley of the Franklin mountains, lying for awhile until the bottles began to disap­ £ MOWEY TO IiOAJV. A lake with its shimmering cool and still; north of this place. Your correspondent pear: To solve the mystery a watch was put ifW.y H. MEEKER,**K.'M, ' '» - iX'"".v? - Blossoms are waving aboveits brim, next three months. When he finally recov­ Insurance Placed in First-Class Companies Those over there on the window sill. • ered he found it almost impossible to rouse calling on him learned the following particu­ upon the fishing tackle, and HaverstraW and lars which he gives in Mr. Davison's own Chris Moore went on guard. A day passed, Office—Cor. MAIN & WALL STf?., NOR WALK up any ambition. He fell into a state of apa­ ly 13 Rock slow, more slow, in the dusky light, thy, lost all traok of time and did nothing words: but the bettles were undisturbed, and a good Mini Steam anil Pas Fitting Silently lower the anchor down; I had ridden out to a ranch owned by a mess of fish was caught. However, the two Dear little .passenger, say good night, but eat aud sleep. He must have lived a sort man named Blake, about twenty miles from men saw several eagles perched high in the v SOUTH NORWALK, CONN. ^ ^ We've reached the harbor of Shadowtown. of wild beast life for two or three years, and DEMTIiTRYI —Frederick News. perhaps have been out of his right mind my place, for the purpose of looking at a lot tree tops looking suspiciously into the water of imported sheep he had for sale, and was below. Then they would soar around and Everything in Dentistry, and Everjtliing Sanitary Plumbing, and Ventilation, and much of the time. What finally aroused him Folly Warranted.: was the sight of a ship sailing past his islapd returning when I met a Mexican with a bro­ fly close to the creek, quickly going to the Low Pressure Steam Heating, a Specialty. ken arm hobbling along the road, who told highest limb of the tallest tree when they saw HARSEN'S ISLAND. home one day. She was too far away to be W. II. BALDWIN, l>. D. s., PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES. y ^ f signaled, but the sight of her inspired hope me that a bull had charged him the day be­ the men. and ambition. He had had a fire off and on, fore and flung him into a water hole, break­ This singular action of the birds set Haver- 68 Wall St., Norwalk. Ct. Pipe anhave trusted himself to it entirely turies; others, whose costume consists simply M intendent. out very plain at once. Indeed, no glass was had he known his exact location. When he cotton woods, which I succeeded in reaching of a flowing robe, generally white, or, to be Plans and Specifications for all kinds of Build­ Furnishing Undertaker and Embalmer. needed. It was a rough looking boat, pro­ finally did set out it was with the expectation just as the bull turned again. My hat had precise, which was once white 1 Sometimes ings. I give my personal attention to laving out and vided with mast and sail, and he had let fly fallen to the earth as I ran, and this the this robe is of silk of vivid hue, and the effect Artistic designs for stairways, mantelB, bide- furnishing everything necessary for the of soon landing on some other island to the boarde.etc. interment of the dead. . hi« sheet and was rising and falling on the south. animal now attacked with a ferocity and of that gay note in a bit of street is like a Framing or working plans for ail kinds of build­ waves to wait our coming. We were up to The captain's provisions for the voyage maddened rage that showed how little mercy poppy in a wheat-field. ings accurately made. Residence—No 3 Berkeley Place, Norwalk. " him in a few minutes, and when we came to consisted of roasted birds and fruits. The would be shown the man when his turn came. Bedouins, whose limbs, wiry and strongly Office, Cor Main and Wall sts., Norwalk. Open Telephone Communication with Residence. look him over many were the exclamations only thing he had to hold water was shells, Having torn the hat to pieces with horns muscled, shine a superb bronze color through Wednesday and Saturday erenings. rof astonishment. and by filling four or five of them he cal­ and hoofs, and having smelled me out, he their scanty coverings, elbow Jews in ridicu­ Residence, Riverside ave., East Norwalk. lyl The craft was half raft and half boat, put culated on a week's supply. One day, when commenced a circuit round the trees, stamp­ lous costumes, half native and half European. I together in the roughest fashion, and con­ a fair wind blew from the north and the ing, pawing and bellowing frightfully. With In a few moments one lias met with an infi­ Building Materials, &c. structed of driftwood. The sail was a grass weather gave promise of holding good for his bloodshot eyes and long, sharp horns, he nite variety of negroes, from the pure type, mat. The man at the steering oar was clothed looked like a demon. I was quite unarmed, almost without nose and with enormous jaw­ UILDING STONE, all qualities of sand,cel several days, he cast loose from the island lars dug, gardens and grounds renovated in a single garment, made of the same ma­ and began his perilous voyage. He had been having, by some unlucky chance, neglected to bones and huge lips to those whose lineaments B put in my knife in leaving home, and my horses and carts for hire. I have some thoroughly terial as the sail. He had made a large mat four days out when we sighted him, and are absolutely C:;uc:v~::t:i. rotted and very fine manure for flower beds. A Full Stock of Fnrnltureof all kinds- I and. put bis head through an opening in the there was no land, except his island, within pistols, as I said before, being in my saddle, Porters, in simple tunic.; corded about the J. W. EDMUNDS, I middle and belted it at the waist. His hair nnrl I was wearied unto death. The situation - waist, carry rheavy swinging bales on long No. 8 South Union Avenue. 1,000 miles. His supply of water was gone, P. (). Box 664, Norwaltk I fell upon his shoulders and his whiskers his provisions within a day of it, and even was a desperate one, and my only chance con­ poles resting ou their shoulders, cheering PARLOR AND B£DBQOHS£TS • reached to his waist. He looked a veritable sisted in dodging the bull round the trees un­ the light seas encountered had almost racked their progress the while with an invocation a specialty. I Rip Van Winkle, and our surprise was so his raft to pieces. He figured that he had til he should be tired out, and this was, in­ to Allah and his innumerable prophets, chant­ PLYMOUTH KOCK ICE. (great that we forged past him without ex- made 100 miles in the four days, and when deed, a faint hope, for the animal seemed ed by an old man aud repeated by the chorus; HAVE a large quantity ot Ice on hand. It was Itending a hand. When we got him aboard, we came to look at the chart we came to the fresh and warranted to outlast the strength a true song of savages, bursting forth like a I frozen on pure water. It is clear, clean and DAVID STOW, Ihe walked up to the captain, extended his of ten men. The bull charged again and fanfare of trumpets. Veiled women, volum­ solid ice. All orders promptly attended to. conclusion that he was out of his mind. No Thanking my customers for past favors,! solicit |hand, and said: such island was put down—indeed, no land again, sometimes coming against the tree inously wrapped, ptiss by like ambling bun­ a continuance of their patronage. Main Street opp. Depot "Captain, I am Capt. Harsen, of the Boston of any sort—for a thousand miles in any with such force that he fell on his knees, dles of clothes. l#tf R. L. ELLS. p American Chief." direction. He insisted on the truth of his sometimes bending the saplings behind which Officers by scores, those of the new school SOUTH NORWALK, CONN 'But where's your craftP' exclaimed our story, however. There was his raft, and I stood until his horns almost reached me. stiff but neat, trying to resemble their Ger­ THE iptain. that was in his favor. It was against com­ There was not a branch of the one large tree man confreres, since liie fashion in Turkish "Can't say. I was lost overboard six years mon sense to believe that he had come from low enough for me to seize and climb up, and circles is to imitate the lions of the day; the Norwalk Fire Insurance Co. > to the north of this." Madagascar or Australia on such a float as I bad no time in which to scale it between the older officers kindly looking enough, but in Has now completed its 'You don't say that you are that Capt. that. bull's charges. what miserable costumes! Moorish dandies 18th SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS YEAR UAL MARKET enf' The whole story was gone over many times How long this awful game of "touch stroll and pose languidly about, seemingly And Has not outstanding a dollar of unpaid losses "But I do. My death was no doubt re- before we reached Melbourne, and was there wood" lasted I cannot tell, for after the first absorbed in preserving their immaculate or claims for losses. A'o touna comjxmv insures Meat, Fish* Vegetables, Ac. arted in the papers, but here I am. Let me excitement of self preservation passed off patent leather slippers from an impertinent for leas. given to the papers and to the government* W. C. Strrkt, Pres., Gbo. B. St. John, Treas., have a bite to eat and then I'll tell you all officials. It was so strange that no one be­ weariness again took possession of me, and it fleck of dirt. Crafty featured Greeks and Gko. r. cowi.Bg. secretary. L0CKW00l> & LOCK WOOD. about it." lieved it, and we were seeking to get around required all the instinct and love of life in me Levantines thread their insinuating way When Capt. Harsen got ready to tell his it by denying that the man was Capt. Har­ to keep me on my feet. Several times the bull among the motley groups. At each step it KAIN STREET. ory he had more surprises in store for us. I sen, when lo! the man that had been his first left me for a few seconds, pacing suddenly is a new tableau, and the desire seizes you to E3 xpress. 11 give his adventures as he related them, away, bellowing his malignant discontent of Patronize the old reliable All kinds of the best qualities of Meats, Fish, mate and sailed the ship home arrived in port stop while the eyes fdtlow 'a curious type, Clams, Vegetables, etc., are kept constantly on ; in my own way. The wave which" swept as mate of a Scotch ship and identified his old my refusal to come forth and be trampled aud, turning from it with regret, you see ten s ship and carried him overboard tpok along and gored to death, but before I could cross ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY. hand, and will be sold by us aB low as can be pro­ commander at once. There was a govern­ as interesting.—A. F. Jacassy in Scribner's. cured at any market in Norwalk. We intend t , of deck raffle, and upon striking out for over to a better position he always came LOW ItATKS AND PROMPT DBMVBRY. ment survey ship in port at the time, and, prove to our customers that we deserve their tjimself he got hold of a crate in which two after some delay, she set off with Capt. Har­ back at full speed. My tongue began to Dr. Talmage's Early Home. Branch Office, Norwalk. at S. K. Stanley's agaroos had made the journey to Capo eleave to the roof of my mouth, my eyes My mind also runs back to one of the best Main Office at Depot, South Norwalk. tfl2 patronage by fair and generous dealing. sen on board to locate and chart this solitary 1V40 LOCKWOOl) A LOCK WOOD. fown. It was light enough to float two men island. We could give her the location within grew hot and misty, my knees trembled un­ of early homes. Prayer like a roof over it. L. Hunt, Agent. ! his size, and, although the seas used him a hundred miles, and, after sailing to and fro der me, while a ringing in my ears warned Peace, like an atmosphere in it. Parents jhly for several hours, he pulled through for a week, she made a discovery. While she me that nature was exhausted, and I felt it personifications of faith in trial and comfort «. A. F1UNKE, i danger, and finally found a way to lash could not find the island, she did find a shoal impossible to hold out until dark. in darkness. The two pillars of that earthly J. C. SEW KIRK, and even get some sleep. He knew or bank in midocean to mark its site. THE RESCUE. home long ago crumbled into dust. But : he was driving to the south with the Further than that, trees and other drift At length I grew desperate, and determined shall I ever forget that early home? Yes, THE HAEtGUTTEB, s, but as to how far he drifted daring the stuff were encountered in that locality to to make a run for the opposite covert the when the flower forgets the sun that warmed DENTIST rty hours he was afloat could only be prove that some queer thing had taken place. moment the bull turned from me again. I it. Yes, when the mariner forgets the star No. 1 Gazette Building. Dentistry performed in all branches. GOid and aessed at. It has been generally figured at On a spot about a mile square soundings felt sure I was doomed, and - thought of it that guided him. Yes, when love has gone Porcelain Crowns inserted. Gas administered i miles an hour. He was asleep when cast until I actually began to welcome the idea of for the painless extracting of teeth. showed a depth of from thirty to sixty feet out 6n the heart's altar, and memory has HOT AND COLD BATHS. Office at residence, Lewis Street near Con­ lore by the tide, and he soon discovered only, while all around it the lead would take its ending in any way. The bull seemed-to emptied its urn into forgetfulness. Then the gregational church, Norwalk Jyilp lat he had landed on a verdant island about down a mile of line. While Capt. Harsen know I was worn out, and grew more rapid homo of my childhood, I will forget thee; •V3 ie mile square. The verdure was about the could not show them an island, he could and fierce in his charges, but just when I was the family altar of a father's importunity PENSIONS le as that of Madagascar, with the same point out the site of one, and in their report going to sit down under the great tree and and a mother's tenderness, the voices of affec­ l[ariety of birds and insect life. There was a And GOVERNMENT CLAIM* my sole busi­ Horwalk-:- Gazette to the government the officers of the ship let him do his worst, I heard the rattle of a tion, the funerals of^ our dead, father and ness. Rejected and Increase claims a speciality. cies of water rat on the island, but no took the theory that the island had sank into horse among the rocks above, and a shout mother with interlocked arms like intertwin­ Don't delay. Address or visit c tar animal, and he never saw a reptile of that sounded like the voice of an angel. Then ing JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. the sea from whence it sprang. The spot branches of trees making a paternal Wedding Cards, Posters, sort. was placed upon all the charts issued the next came the barking of a dog and the loud re­ arbor of peace and kindness—then I will GEN. WM. NOBLE, The island was a little paradise. There ports of a stock whip, but the bull, with his Visiting Cards? Handbills, ;. year, and a foot note warned navigators to forget thee—then, and then only. No. 91 Stbatfoed Avb , Bkidgkvobt, Ct. Programmes, fere several springs of fresh water, fruits devilish eyes fixed on me, never moved. Up Gates of pearl, capstones of amethysts, Business Cards, give it a wide berth. Capt. Harsen reached Fancy Show Cards, Dodgers, id nuts in abundance, and nothing to make home in good health to sail many other voy­ came a horseman at full sptifid, and crack fell thrones of dominion do not stir my soul so afraid. As soon as he got rested the the lash on the bull's black * hide, while the Ball Cards, ; ; /«. I Billheads, ^ ages, and died only about ten years ago. much as the thought of home. . Once there, HENRY HUSS, . N iptain began to figure on his position, and blood spurted out in a long streak. The ani­ let earthly sorrows howl like storms and roll ; Statements, . Circulars, While the truth of his story has often been ? . 'i ' Receipts, Le finally concluded that he had been cast on questioned in newspapers and on sin; board, mal turned savagely and charged the horse­ like seas. Hornet Let thrones rot and em­ - ^ " Tag Cards, - Lne of the Aldabra group, 200 miles to the the preponderance of proof was in t'm or of man, bellowing with astonished rage and pires wither. Home! Let the world die in Restanrant, Cafe anfi Smokina: Room, Town and Probate Records, Letter Headings, ? Vorth of Cape Amber, Madagascar. Subse­ his veracity. Not the slightest reason existed pain, but the horse wheeled round just earthquakes struggle and be buried amid pro­ - Qrand Central Station, Books and Pamphlets, • ?' Note Headings, \ quent developments proved that he was more enough to baffle him—no more—and again Hotel Registers, v ^ Milk Ticket i » for misstating the real facts.—New York Sun. cession of planets and dirge of atmospheres. 42d Street and 4th Ayendb, New Yobk . 400 mil*** out of his reckoning. Holding the lash descended, cutting like a long flexi­ Home! Let everlasting ages roll in irresist­ Printed in the Neatest Styles and at the Lowest * Prices. j i ^ - he was correct in his location of .the Sdltors' Watches. •. ble razor; but the infuriated bull was not to ible sweep. Home! No sorrow. -No crying. Entrance from waiting room, New York, New land, Capt. Harsen figured that he had only Haven and Hartford railroad. tfsse w v..v Call and get estimates.; JpSP The enterprising editor of The New York be beaten off with a whip—he charged again No tears. No death. But home, sweet home, J i possess himself with patience and all would and again. 'But he had met his match, for Engraved Wedding Cards a Specialty. ; Jewelers' Weekly wrote to about fifty prom­ beautiful home, everlasting home, home with FOR KEEPING -— r 1— — *K • : welL The Aldabra Islands were much inent editors scattered throughout the coun­ right and left, as needed, the wiry Spanish each other, home with angels, home with For Sale at a Sacrifice. , •; ited by fishermen, who caught and pre- try, asking questions regarding the watches mare turned, sometimes on her hind, some­ God.—Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage in Ladies' red a certain fish food for the Chinese, and they wore. It is a singular fact that of these times on her fore legs. It was the most Home Journal. CIDER Will be sold if applied for soon,' . > had no other idea than that he would be fifty, all but about a dozen replied that their magnificent exhibition of equestrianism I USE iken off within two or three weeks. He watches were presents, and only one, a poor ever saw, and I actually forgot my fatigue The Daily Paper. TEN ROOM COTTAGE, ' jrisely decided to improve the interval by and exhaustion while I watched it. The Chicago paper which has been inter­ ANTIFERMENTINE. ,; unfortunate Omaha editor, was without a MSSti ting up, and for two weeks he slept a good watch. He offered, however, to trade some My rescuer now shouted something, leaped viewing prominent people as to how a daily ONLY 30 CENTS A PACKAGE. within five minutes walk of the re of each day and all right. advertising space for a timepiece, and we from his horse and strode forward to meet newspaper should be managed has produced AT HALE'S DRUG STORE. bridge, with never failing well of [e built himself a shelter, satisfied his doubt not that he will soon be the happy the bull with an open knife between his teeth. a sort of composite photograph of a daily pa­ lger with fruits, oysters, shrimps, and possessor of a Waterbury. It is also notice­ As the beast lowered his head to charge, he per. In other words, each person interview­ i s Sewing Machines. excellent water, and a cistern sh, and took solid comfort for awhile. He able that the editors who had bought their seemed to catch him by the horns. There ed stated that he would exclude all matter [ not begin to grow uneasy for a month, F every kind and make, repaired, eleaned - ^ holding three/hundred hogs own watches were divided into two classes— was a struggle, a cloud of dust, a stamping which did hot interest him. The result, says O and guaranteed. All orders left at -jw lien, as he had sighted no sail and no visitors those who paid very little for them, and those like two strong men wrestling. I could not a writer in America, is that a paper pro­ heads, for . arrived, he began to get uneasy, butit who paid a great deal. Hardly a man had see clearly, but the next momeht the bull duced to please all the people interviewed ^ Spencer's Jewelry Store, > two montha before he was willing to ad­ was on his back, with the blood welling from would somewhat resemble the average daily, , ;. f ^all modern improvements it that be had made a mistake in his calcu- bought a moderate price watch. One Cedar Will receive prompt attention Rapids editor admits that he traded a $10 his throat and the limbs quivering in death. as it would comprise various features. The 4tpS6 C. J. GRUMAN. Itions. He then concluded that he had been buggy for his watch, and an Albany editor The stranger, covered with dust and blood, fault with our papers lies not so much with iven to what is called the "Middle Islands," carries an $8 timepiece; while such shining came up to me then, saying, apparently as the publishers as with the readers. If the Igroupof eighteen islands lying midway be- lights as Henry Watterson and Murat Hal- unconscious of triumph as if he had been majority of the readers desire amoral and HENRY TILLY will be sold for® reen Madagascar and the Sunda islands, stead are burdened with watches costing killing a calf in a slaughter house: "He's instructive newspaper they can have it by $5,000 with only [id only 100 miles south of the equator. • He from $300 to $500 apiece.—Frank Leslie's dead enough now, sir; he won't trouble any­ bestowing their patronage upon such a sheet. id to this idea thereafter, although he was Newspaper. ^ body any more." I walked two or three But one of the gentlemen interviewed made CARRIACEjp^R, t $1,500 down, [ much mistaken as in the first instance. paces towards the dead be&st, when my a thoroughly sensible reply. He was a bank­ to satisfec i weeks and months went by, and when The Dainty Girl's "Love Hags." senses failed me and I fainted. When I er, and when asked what policy ha would SOUTH NOR WALK, CON1S kpt. Harsen had been six months on his The dainty girl is full of fancies for decor­ came to myself my horse was standing near pursue were he managing editor of a great I tory party. ad home he began to feel that if he ever ating her room. One of the latest ideas is the me, tied to a bush, and my strange rescuer daily newspaper, he replied that he would re­ LU*33 Enqnireat GAZETTE OFFICE. kt it he must do so by his own efforts. Now string of "love bags," made of bits of silk had withdrawn a few feet and was watching sign at once and let somebody, who knew (d then there was a storm, but for the most which have done service as gentlemen's cra­ me intently. I went up to him, and thank­ something about the business manage' it! ,, W-t.M hM': ; the weather was perfect. No other land vats, or scarfs, or wedding gowns, or party ing him for the service rendered me inquired, PORTR A I T» i in sight from his island, and the most dresses. The silk is made up into bags about Just Like Dumley. 1 v Family Carriages, Victorias, Booles le. two or three inches in width, the upper part the name of-him to whom I owed my life. ^ ' IN V Itient investigationcpuld not furnish proof tieing fringed and tied just below with nar­ The n"t" laughed a little and then replied: Augustus—I doht think Dumley is so coo* it any on# hfedevet* landed there, FIE WAS row ribbon to match in color. These bags "Well, I don't mind telling you, onder the ceited after all.. He .admitted to me th* All Kinds of Repairing. OIL, PASTEL OH CKA70R |t much of a scholar,'but in his rambles he fttfe stuffed with cotton and sachet powder, circumstances. I am ." No; I'll leave other day that to Mmstiimes made a fool of id sufficient evidence to iriiow tbii the Juilf a dozen of these trifles being strung to­ his name untold—he was an outlaw and a himself. Elegant work, at lowest Prlces, by ^ had been thrown up oat of the sea gether and hung at the side of a mirror, or fugitive from justice, but he certainly saved Henry—That's just like Dumley—taking Large Office Room to Rent. from the back of a chair or the head of the ; * E. T. WHITNEY, . volcanic action. That event must have me from a cruel death, and he was the finest credit'tor himself ofdoing occasionally what N GAZKTTE Building, second floor front Formerly of Norwalk. Leave orders at Art De­ . manf yean before, for some of the. bed, permitting the dreamer to imagine her­ horseman I, ever saw.—Ysleta (Tex.) Cor. nature did, once for all, in the beginning.— [ formerly editorial rooms of the Qizim self m a flower garden.—Omaha World- Bnqnireof partment, of BOSTON STORE,-8d Floor, Nwr- i were as large aahisbody. How the birds Herald. Atlanta Constitution. West Shore. . j ^ CHAS.|OIiMSTEAD, Norwalk. ihS^CtNOB. 39 b there was a matter he did not try to solve.

mm mmm v 'vV-.r v'.v*- T XOBWALK- GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY. 15, 1890

WESTPOBT. SO UTH-NOB WALE. Three fires in Saugatuck during a recc nt Services for the dedication of the new Shaker T H E period liavj induced the people there to Congregational chuicb. which commenced MILLINERY "f' i tf'\ ft take«k*ps for organizing a fire company, on Sunday, have iucrtasd in interest, and > 4 1 r Extract of ft t ' < rfr< £ + and for purcliHsincr some kind of flie have been attended by large congrega­ " •* j\v " apparatus. tions. On Wednesday, Dr. Noble offcor- -r4 - " Mr. W. S. Adams, wlio lives in tie walk, is to preach. Roots, cost! -Wi AT .435. Brinkeihoff place, recently purchased by Cashier Andrew Thompson and family, his father, John Q. Adams, of Brooklyn, of Roton Hill, have vacated their country (Seigel's Syrup) recently' found a curiosity while hunting home, and secured very pleasant quarters CURES among the rooms of the old dwelling on in New York for the winter. A Fine Assortment of 9 Mr. ('. J. Raymond of the firm of Hitch­ the premises for ninny years occupied by' n the Misses Uanford. It is a glass bottle cock, Derinody & Co., New York, has i '-.A- iSfest Of the pressed form, displaying on one been afflicted for more than a week with a Bide the face of George Washington, and severe cold, epizootic and la grippe. We ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANF. were glad to see him around again with Mr. W. H. Hall, Foreman of the Delivery De­ on the other the face of Andrew JacUsoa, partment of the above companv, says: "Shaker 'V t v. M* ^ ^ with the names of each. The object is his accustomed vigor. Extract of Roots (Seigel's Syrup) is the gentlest, On Saturday, as the 3:02'train was pass­ pleasautest, safest and surest remedy in this doubtless not less than 100 years old,, and world for constipation, indigestion and dyspepsia. « T + Qi&'P" A A-. ing near Harlem,some missile was thrown The most delicate women and children may take , . "SI will be preserved. Mr. Adams also found it, whom any other medicine would half kill. It MISSES ST. JOHN, a pamphlet written by the author in 1740 through one nf the plate glass windows, cured me of dyspepsia and its resulting complica­ the fragments striking a South Norwalk tions after the disease had been growing upon me atul printed in 1803, entitled, "A Plain foryeais and obtained so firm a hold that the best commuter on lli^- cheek and neck. Had physicians of Jersey City, (N.J) where Hive, [3m47] 33 Main @t. and Serious Address to the Mastei of a were at the end of their resources. I personally Family on the Important Subject of Fam­ he been leaning back, he would have re­ know the Shaker Fxtract of Koots (Seigel's Syrup ceived serious injury. is prepared by the Shakers, as I have visited their ily Religion." Community at Mt.Lebanon, N. Y., where the Past Master George B. Smith, on Thurs­ good work is> done. If any one of the countless BEDDING. thousands who suffer from dyspepsia, as I did, r*$ day evening last, installed the newly LaGrippe has laid its hand with no gen­ will use this preparation wisely and as directed, I , - will pledge my reputation for his cure. t . i > ' elected officers of Temple Lodge, F. and tle grasp ou not a few of the people of the sold by all druggists. On and after January 1st the rates i- , t «• H Send for our illustrated pamphlet, "How We for gas will be as follows: A1 ^ A. M. The ceremonies wele followed by town. All the members of the Congre- Shall Look When We Grow Uld." New and Start­ •* *. I an elaborate supper, during the course of gitional parsonage have suffered from his ling. Mailed free. List "price, two dollars and fifty •-i » ** ^ \ - ' . Address, which an elegant gold headed cane, in­ presence. Kev. W. .1. Jennings has been cents per one'thonsand feet. A, J. WHITE, ,i- On all bills a discount of twenty scribed, was presented by VV M., William kept out of his pulpit ivvo Sundays. ly40 ICS Duane Street, New York City. per cent., or fifty cents per thousand E. Albin, on behalf of the lodge, to the Mr. W. H. Burr's house lnoi* lire from retiring master, Oscar Smith. The Ma­ feet, will be made for cash within chimney last Thursday, and was saved ten days from receipt of bill. HEAVY DRKSS GOODS, sonic Relief Association hoard reports and with difficulty, after c onsiderable damage KASK mE • elected officers. To all consumers in excess of fifty i of which we have a long line of good qualities, can had been done. thousand and under one hundred The village has at last a telegraph of- Mr. D. S. Sanford returned to Stamford (THE QUININE.) thousand feet per annum, an extra be bought for little money during January.^ % a fice. It islocated in Mr. C. Fables' rooms last Saturday. He had been sick all the in the Bank building. Miss Alice Reat- vacation. discount of five per cent, will be The Hopes of made don, of Southbury, is the operator. Sunday,'the Congregaiional church was V-"- not opened. To all consumers in excess of one Mr. George Jelliff is engaged on a water People wlio hundred thousand feet per annum, BLANKETS AND COMFORTABLES, wheel contract at Brancliville. - A Trapper's Trie: .. nscMine an extra discount of ten per cent, we have cases of, that must be sold, for we The example of Jelliff's grocery store at There were thirty of us in eauip oil a spur willbe made. ... Siugatuck, snatched from the jaws of the of the Black Hills mining for gold, when ono , no room ,to store them. All now marked way devouring element by the brave firemen afternoon wo looked down upon the level are always of our vil4age, isf the strongest kind of plain and saw four mounted redskins chasing CHEAP FUEL v a white nian ou a mule. He was making for Realized • down. > ' k ^ s evidence that buildings, though threatened -* us, but they were rapidly overhauling him, Coke, at six cents per bushel, is „. -,n i •» » " _* * • „ - 0 jK * ;«f • by fire and in imminent danger of destruc­ and it was plain enough that we could render in a Care. cheaper than coal or wood. We are N tion, can be saved. The whole town is no assistance. The foremost Ind'an fired a •-V ^ • : i' ' shot, and man and mule fell in a heap. The now making it in large quantities, CLOAKS AND PLUSH SACQUES,:r / tilkiog about this. The boys c.ught to Indians pressed forward, yelling and exult­ A POWERFUL TONIC. Try it and you will like it. have a few more lengths of hose, and the A SPECIFIC FOR MALAK1A, RIIEUJIATISJI, ing, but the faint reports of a revolver NERVOUS PROSTRATION. that the racks in our cloak rooms hang full of, are reached our ears, and we saw redskins and town should pay for it. THE MOST SCIENTIFIC AND SUCCESSFUL The NORAALK GAS LIGHT CO. Tke annual meeting of the stockholder ponies tumbling over at every report. Somo BLOOD PUUIFIEli. Superior to quinine 4t50 the consequence of mild weather, and so we cut of our men slid down the steep mountain cf the First National bank for tli<-? el>oi. sacrifice. • -i-.- ; t - •« Colt's revolver, loaded with powder and ball, KASEIHG CO., 1GS Duanc SL, New York. : her afleading phy^-Han,* Dr. F. Powers, BEST OF STYLE '* ' ,/ ...iMwi' ami carrying a percussion cap, but the work . at the as Shjictty trite. Thq aged lady did .had been rapid and sure. The Indians had an attack of biliousness, to which closed in on him, supposing him to be dead H0USAT0NIC RAILROAD. LOWEST PRICES. site ?s subject, but is now improving. or badly wounded, while neither man nor Danbury and Norwalk Division. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. TStey.kcep on catching smelt in Sauga- mule had been touched. After a bit the CORRECTED TO JAN. 12TH, 1S90. ' OUR JA.NTJART SALE : man, who was an old trapper, went over to r PASSENGER TRAINS 13 and 15 MainStreet. tuick river, and Bridgeport keeps ou bag­ the wounded warrior, and said to him in the v..... , SOUTH. this year will not be a lot of old goods, but those ging about the whole of themt. Siosx dialect, aud chuckling between his Lv. Norwalk, Lv,So. Norwalk,Ar. Wilson Poin 'Sl*e mercury rose to G7 degrees Sunday, words: 6 0'2 a. m. 6 10 a. m. MIDDLESEX BANMS CO., that are recent purchases and what we ought to "Say, did any of you fellers ever see a 7 S2 a. 111. 7 5U " Juanaty 12, and bees, supposing summer 8 03 '• wliito man before?" 8 17 " . S 27 " 8 35 " OP MIDDLETOWN, CONN. : 1have sold during November and December. . •• ka«f returned, left their hives and remain­ "Many of them," gasped the warrior. 1(103 " 10 13 " 10 20 " 12 50 p. m. 1 oo p.m. 1 07 p. 1T1 Chartered in 1872, Under tlio Banking « aws of ed out several hours. Buds on lilac trees "Didn't you over hoar of that old trick be­ 4 02 " 412 " 4 20 «• fore?" 5 59 " Mixed 6 20 "Mxd. 6 30 " Mixed Connecticut. have sSarfed. A dandelion in bloom has 1 "Isn't the white man wounded?" 7 54 " 7 59 " 8 10 9 47 " 10 30 " 10 40 " CASH CAPITAL, §600,000. SURIVL'S, $25,000. J 3 been found. One man listened Sunday "Not by a dozen Nancy Janes! That bul­ ' -tjt - for tine voice of. a t.ui;Ue, but did not hear let didn't come within a rod of me. I gave JVOR.TII. 6 per cent. Investment Bonds at par and accrued Lv, Wl-son Point Lv.So. Norwalk, Ar. interest. At the last Session ot tho Legislature it. Saturday rain fell .and froze as it my old mule the signal to squat, and down ' 4* a. m. a. m. a. m. these Bonds were made a legal investment lor SMb ^ : touched the "ground. Great climate this. he tumbled to draw you on. The other three 6 26 " . r 6 35 " 6 41 " funds held by Executors, administrators and are dead, and you are about to go. Say, I 8 45 " • 9 18 9 23 " Trustees. Messes. Horace Staples, Andrew C don't want to hurt a dying Injun's feelings, 12D1 " .12 13 " 12 IS " R. B. CRAUFUBD, Agt., Nash, Edward 11. Nash, B. L, Wood- but—ha! ha! ha!—but it,was 'null to kill a a 50 p. m. 310 p. m. 3 16 p. m. 4 30 •" r512" v 5 17 worth and Ambrose S. Hurlbutt have pre. fellow to see how you four opened your—ha! 6 45 " >-i;, n 6 55 " * • BOOK 2, MASONIC BUILDING, NORWALK ha! hai—eyes when I began to pop! Fun­ 6 05 " 6 26 " . , 633 " scuted to Harry McDonough Post, G A. niest thing I have seen in a year! Durn it, I 10 10 " 10 25 " 10 32 " SL, a Sue memorial book. won't need any qui'neen for a month. I'm W. II. Stevenson, Vice-Pres. and Gen'l Manager ffl just sweating the chills off with laughing!" F. C. Payne, Superintendent. W. R. Macready and family left their A. W. Peukin, General Passenger Agent. home "Sedge" near Cedar Point yester­ The Indian gazed at him in a troubled way for a moment, seemed to realize that he had day, for Augusta, Gu., where they will been duped, and he closed his eyes and died New York, New Haven & spend the winter. without ever raising the lids again.—New York Sun. l,~ ' It is estimated that 150 persons in town ...... — ...r— : Hartford Railroad. Main St., Fairfield Ave. & Cannon St , httve had "la grippe." The disease is on lie U-ot'tlie Heal. * OCTOBER 6th, 1889. ''P • the wane. The tramp entered the diaconal council. ONE BLOCK FROM R. R. STATION, •• - The < onsolidated road have purchased IIo had on a long frock coat, fastened closely NEW V O RI£ DIVISION. around his waist by a thorn, and from the Trains leave Sont.1* Norwalk as follows nearly all the n-al estate at and near Sau- flowing lap above oozed out the ends of a For New York.—Accommodation trains at £r;Uwik needed by them to introduce their much soiled handkerchief. His closely fitting 6.55, 8.31), 9.36, a. m., 1.20 (2.64, 5.0S, ^Miit' proposed four tracks, and the work of trousers, through numerous portals of which to Stamford only) 6.46, s.ll, 10.23, p. m. Ex­ BRIBGCPORT1 press trains at 5.16 (except Mondays), 5.46, grading to receive them has begun, and protruded his interesting self, seemed to run without any dividing lino into the shoe and 6.12,(lo«al), 7.23 (local), 7.56 (local);8.26 (local) will continue unless freezing weather 9.03 (Springfleld local), 10.11, 11.37 a. m.; 12.59 boot which respectively incased his feet. The (Springfleld local),4.20, 5.20, G.20,7.51, (daily tex­ H6tei|»os«-s. This improvement and the deacons had time to note these peculiari­ cept Sunday)p. m. THE OLD AND RELIABLE ties before the stranger broke tho silence. For New Ilnven nitd tlio Enst.—Accommo­ WANTED. elimination of grade crossings between dation trains at 6.31,, 10.40 a. m., 1.42, $2.50 Frencn uomola Kid Slioes. "Gentlemen," ho began, "your pardon for Sa&g&tuck liver and Southport, shows 4.22,5.13,6.23 and 7.23, to Bridgeport, S.41, 9.41, opera Toes, Opera Toes and Common Sense disturbing you, but I am very sick." He 11.07 p. m. Express trains at 9.1(i, a. m.; Heels. Also, the Common Sense style •DAILY MBIT HE.. that V-estport j.s about to be specially paused after this announcement to note the 12.09, 1.07 (local), 3.08,4.11 (Housatonic Express) Made of very nice French Dongola, and one favored. 5.09 (Naugatuck Express) 7.15, (Springfleld local), of the Finest Fitting Shoes we ever handled effect. "I went to the doctor," he soon con­ 12.43 a. m. (Boston express). ! tinued, "and ho gave me the pills—see, the at any price. From over 20 00 - pair sold by f Fifty years Ago Monday, 13th, the Sundays.—Accommodation 7.38, 9.12 a. m., the manufacturer, only one pair has been re­ pills," and he held up to view a small bottle and 6.48 p. m. turned from any cause. LOOK AT THEM. O. M. SIIEPARD, Gen. Supt. x Honaft&NewYorkJTs» 'frtesmcr Lexington was, burned in the which he had in tho palm of his hand. "He C. T. HEMPSTEAD, Gen. l-ass. Agt. On and after Monday, Sept. 23d, (until furthe 1 Sound off this place, and it is a singular said take tho pills, three after each meal, and A. H. HOYT & SON, notice)• " THE PROPELLERS " ajsStraw. fact tha', three of a rescuing party who I would like very much to have somo assist­ Family Horse For Sale, 3in45 37 WALL ST., NORWALK. 1 went ou( in a sloop from Southport on the ance."* ""Well, why in thunder don't you N Extra Large and Fine Family Horse fo take your pills, then, and not come bothering A sale. Suitable for Ladies, Children or an ffiiltest CasH Price Paid. SS 14th, viz.: Captain Johu F. Bylkley, of here:" interposed a deacon, who was becom­ invalid to handle. Apply at Gazette Office. imm Wcatport^ Aaron Jennings and Aaron ing tired. "Gentlemen," replied the tramp, GEHERAL BLACKSIIIITHING, Jelliff, of Southport, and brought three of with much unction, "I cannot take the pills; I have no meal." He got a meal.—Saa Fran­ Carriap and Wap Bnildioc id City of Norwalk and Eagle ibe steamer's survivors—one of whom, cisco Argonaut. FURS. Charles B. Smith, of Providence, R. I., is Will make daily trips, Sundays excepted, for —BUY OF THE MANUFACTURER freight between New York, Norwalk and South stai living—are alive and well,and each is RepairiDg, Painting, Norwalk. Will leave Pier 23, foot of Beekinan St. Drunkenness.—LiauOH Habit. New York, every evening, except Saturdays, at 5 over 70 years of age. "Paul." In all the world there is but one cure, Dr. &CM &C., AC. _ f o'clock, and on Saturdays at 2 p. m. Haine's Golden'Specific. It can be given in a Sealskin Garments,Capes,Muffs, Returning boat leaves Norwalk at *5 (p. m., and cup of tea or coffee without tho knowledge of HE subscriber having purchased the entire So. Norwalk at 6:30 p. m. Epoch. the person taking it, effecting a speedy and T establishment known as Rockwell's Shop, in Freight received from 7 a. m. to 5 p. m. *^Flour! Scarfs and Boas, Gent's Furs. the rear of George S. Gregory's Livery Stable, The transition from long, lingering and permanent cure, whether the patient is a mod­ will continue the business there of Freight taken from and received for all points erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thous­ on the Danbnry and Norwalk and Sliepanjr Bail- paraful sickness to robust health marks ands of drnnkards have' beeii cured who have General Blacksmith Work, Wagon, Car­ Feed.f an epoch iu the life of the individual. taken the Oolden Specific in their coffee with­ Largest Assortient. Lovest Prices. roads at Greatly Reduced Bates. riage, Sleigh, &cM building, repairing, Upon application to Agents the City of Norwalk Such a remarkable event is treasured in out their knowledge, and to-day believe they ancTBagle will be sent for special lots of freight the memory and the agency whereby the quit drinking of their own free will. No IN AIA the newest styles. . f painting, trimming, &c., anywhere in New York or its vicinity. good health has been attained is grate* harmful effect results from its administration. ia addition to his established 1 • ?! SmaU Stove fully blessed. Hence it is that so much is Cures guaranteed. Send for circular and full I»~A11 persons are forbid trusting any «f the articulars. Address, in confidence, Golden HENRY SIEDE, Furrier, • i HORSE SHOEING , : employees of the boats of this line on account of heant in praise of Electric Bitters. So pecific Co., 185 Race street. Cincinnati, O. the owners thereof. many feel they owe their Restoration to 14 West 14th St., 5th Are. and 45th Street. business at the old stand. Feat Moss Stable health, to the use of the great alternative Iiist of Patents u iSTGood Work, Fair Pricks, Pkompt- aud tonic. If you are troubled with any List of Patents issued from the United States , NEW YORK. NE88 AND FAIR DEALING GCARANTEED, and Jump-Seat Carriage disease of kidneys, liyer or stomach, of Patent Office, for the week ending Jan. 7th, ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS. Send for Catalogae. a share of the public patronage respectful- long or short standing, you will surely £r.*. Bedding. '90, for the State of Connecticut, furnished ns find relief by use of Electric Bitters, 4t49 8m«!Ct6d' CHARLES B. MILLER. gold at 50c. and $1 per bottle at H. R. from the office of JBable & Setmoub, Solicitors For Sale at a Bargain^ Hale's drug store. of Patents, New Haven, "Conn. G. H. Dimond and A. Steward, Bridgeport, Children's School. Jump-Seat Carriage, one of Stivers' best city- sewing machine. m i '-'J' Mate Sale of Real Estate ^ make, made to order. Strong enough for "Let observation with extended view, W. H. Ely, Middleiown, glass polisher. BELDEN AVENUE. URSUANT to an order of the Court of Pro­ fourA and light enough for two; A neat and very F. T. Leilich, assignor to Wheeler & Wilson bate for the District of Norwalk, the sub- bandy vehicle. ^ —a, • . survey good things from China to Peru" ISS STEVENS' School for Children, will ; Fire Co., Bridgeport, rotary shuttle setting machine. P«r Administrator of the estate or wk. o, i '<£ - and he will not find anything of such re-open on Monday, Jannary 6th. vapils re­ Nash, tote of Norwalk, In said District, dweased Same, cast off for sewing machine loop takers. ceivedM at any time. astonishing merit in killing all the pains W. A. Lorenz, paper flour sack. offers for sale all the interest which said deceas­ »ST $500 that flesh Is heir to, as he will know is in G. W. Miller, Meriden, faucet. ^ ed had in the following real estate, via.: WILL BE SOLD . ' &Cii &c. The homestead sltnated at the head of Main m' jjalvation Oil, when lie lias glven it a fair G. Mortson, Bridgeport, bicycle support. TYPE-WRITINC. •treet consisting of dwelling house,and out build- $V: frial • • • yg F. H. Richards, Hartford, assignor to E. E. OPYING done with Type-writer. Good work incrffln tro^iepair, with ab5ut two acres of land 8O Coxe, drilling machine; 2 prtents. C guaranteed and all orders execntedprompt- atUKshea, also, the premises adjoining, on the Same, drillingTub machine vise. ly. Apply at office of the Nobwamc Gazbtto. wuton road.'with good dwelling house nicely ar- if apnlied tor soon, as owner has nouse for it. > Iiook Younff! • F. W. Smith, Jr., and S. 8. Williamson, as­ raSfortwofandiles. Both of these places, Apply at Precaat tendency to wrinkles (ft ageing of signors to Lightning Check Punch Co., Bridge* contain borongh water and are located on One of ffor Sale pr Exchange. barm ranway. Also about ten acres of desirable 3t28d 'M " GAZETTE OFFICE. > a ifcaalaa by using Le&urelle Oil. Preserves;a port, bank cliaisk punch. 1 h jouthfnl, plump, fresh condition of the iea- A. N. White« Waterbury, composing stick. , HE Homestead of the late Abijah Betts,situ­ land situate in the town of Ridgefleld, a short dis- ! 86 MAIN STREET, ? - ated At South Wlltpn, one mile from depot. Unce frwn the ralltoad'depot, suitable for farm l'M x V'H huw. Prevents withering of the skin, drying S. S. Williamson, assignor toLightning Check DwelliMT has eleven rooms, good well of water, op«f the flesh, develops the bosk* Prevents Punqh Co., Bridgeport, check punch. Keeps on hand a large stock of all kinds o chapping, cracking, keeps skin soft, smooth. DESIGNS. f.:p FUR ITUBE, ; South Norwalk, ttM. Druggists, or prepaid by Express. G. S.Barkentin, assignor to F. & F, Corbin, Norwalk, Conn.,Juiy 8Sd,188». 5 t/JJi' *•'*• Wnia, Jersey City, N. J., U.8. A. NeiirBritain,;.l»tch case. ^ * & <4''h ' to jvlu Guoomr, Wlanlpank, Conn.
