
MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF STOCKBURY PARISH COUNCIL Held in Stockbury Village Hall on Wednesday 26th February 2014 at 7.30pm.

Present: Cllrs: Cathcart Cockett Mace Porter Tomsett Woods

In attendance: Mrs Sherrie Babington – Clerk and members of the public.

The meeting was Chaired by Parish Cllr Dave Tomsett.

1. Apologies. Apologies were received from Parish Cllr Adams, KCC Cllr Jenny Whittle and MBC Cllr Daphne Parvin.

2. Declaration of Interest. Cllr Tomsett declared an interest in a planning application for signage on the A249.

3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting. The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Cllr Porter and seconded by Cllr Cathcart. These were signed and dated by the Chairman.

4. Matters Arising from the Minutes. The Moorings – The Clerk confirmed that an objection letter had been sent to Borough Council.

Salt Bag, South Green – Cllr Mace reported that the one tonne bag of salt had now been delivered to South Green.

White Horse Woods – Cllr Cathcart stated that he had looked into this matter however he had been unable to attend the meeting as stated.

5. Notice of Reports from External Meetings. Cllr Cathcart – Police Forum meeting held on 20 February to be reported under Police Matters. Cllr Porter – Planning Committee meeting held on 30 January to be reported under Planning Items.

6. Consultation on the Meeting Agenda. a. Public. A resident attended to the meeting and asked to speak regarding the Cherry Trees planning application under Planning Items.

Two residents attended the meeting to speak on the School Bus it was agreed that this matter would be discussed under Correspondence.

b. Councillors. No matters were raised.


7. Police Report. The police were not present at the meeting and no crime report was given.

Cllr Cathcart reported on the recent Police Forum Meeting. He stated that there were general concerns from parishes regarding the lack of police attendance at Parish Council meetings.

He reported on changes of staff in the Police Force and informed members that the Community Police Unit was to be disbanded.

He reported on Police Contact Points and stated that these were generally not well attended and would now be held at the discretion of the Police.

PCSO – He reported that seven new PCSO's were due to start training from March 2014.

A249 – Cllr Cathcart informed members that he had raised concerns regarding incidents on the A249 at the Police Meeting and stated that an A249 Action Group Meeting had been arranged for 28 March and this matter would be discussed then.

8. Highways Matters. It was reported that the potholes along Pett Road had been repaired. Cllr Mace reported that an abandoned caravan had been reported along Plum Tree Lane however this had been removed within six days.

Highways Site Meeting – The Clerk reported that Highways Officer, Margaret Blackwell was willing to meet with Councillors to look around the Parish. It was agreed that this should be arranged in the near future and Cllrs Adams and Cathcart would attend.

The Chairman stated that he had received guidance from KCC regarding the responsibility of verges and overgrown vegetation. He suggested that this information was placed in the Stockbury Observer. This was agreed.

The Chairman reported that the road was flooded within Hartlip Parish at Cowsted Road and he asked the Clerk to report this to KCC.

It was reported that Road was blocked by a tree stump. The Clerk was asked to report this to Highways. Action: Clerk to progress.

9. Planning Matters.

MA/13/2154 FIELD ADJACENT RUMSTEAD LANE, STOCKBURY VALLEY, STOCKBURY, KENT An application for the erection of a free standing advertisement. Cllr Woods stated that this matter had been determined under delegated authority by the Parish Councils Planning Committee and it was agreed that objections would be raised to this application. Objections


MA/14/0012 TWINACRE, HILL GREEN ROAD, STOCKBURY, , KENT Conversion and extension to existing garage to form annex. No objections.

MA/13/2022 CHERRY TREES, THE STREET, STOCKBURY, SITTINGBOURNE, KENT A planning application for the erection of a dwelling A resident attended the meeting to raise concerns regarding this application. He stated that he had no objection to the style of the dwelling and extension, but he did have an objection to having two dwellings on the site as he felt that this was inappropriate and out of keeping with the area.

Members discussed this and it was agreed that allowing two dwellings on one site would set a dangerous precedent in the AONB. It was therefore agreed that the Parish Council would object to the application on the grounds of over intensification of site and inadequate parking. Objections Action: Clerk to progress.

Cllr Porter reported on an MBC meeting he had attended on 30 January regarding the Licensing Application for the burger van. He stated that the Parish Council had objected to this application on grounds of traffic, access and the added danger this would give to the A249. He stated that Kent Highways had raised no objections and the Licensing Committee had approved the application. He informed the meeting that in order to operate, planning permission was required in addition to a license.

The Chairman confirmed that the Parish Council had raised objections to the planning application for the burger van on the same grounds.

Longton Woods – The Clerk was asked to seek an update on the enforcement action taken to date. Action: Clerk to progress.

Seaview Farm – The Chairman confirmed that the Parish Council had submitted its objections to this application.

Appsmore Farm – The Chairman confirmed that the cottage have now been demolished in accordance with the conditions of planning.

Gypsy sites within Stockbury – Members discussed this matter and the number of unauthorised sites in the Parish. Concerns were raised that the Borough Council had put these in the Local Plan and how this would affect their status. It was noted that the consultation period for the Local Plan would start at the end of March however the Clerk was asked to seek the views of the Borough Council regarding this matter. Action: Clerk to progress.

10. Financial Matters. a. Statement of Accounts. Cllr Porter reported that the £750 allocation in the budget for the Parish Plan review would be spent within this financial year.


The Chairman reported on the changes signatory at the NatWest Bank.

Stockbury Cultural Fund – Change of details, Cllr Cathcart stated that he would progress this.

b. Cheques for Signature. The Chairman asked members to approve an additional cheque of £400 for the grass cutting of the playing field. This was approved by members. The cheques were then approved and signed by members.

11. External Reports. a. Parish Councillors. No matters were raised.

b. Kent County Councillors Report. Apologies were received from KCC Councillor Jenny Whittle.

c. Maidstone Borough Council's Report. Apologies were received from MBC Councillor Daphne Parvin.

12. Correspondence Report. The correspondence reports circulated to members was noted.

School Bus Service withdrawal – The Chairman spoke regarding the withdrawal of the school bus service 322 and the implications of this would have on some children in Stockbury. He then asked Cllr Woods to explain the situation to date.

Cllr Woods informed the meeting that bus route 322 was being withdrawn from service from 4 April 2014. He stated that no recent official notification had been given. This route had previously been subsidised by a Swale Borough Councillor, however this funding would cease at the end of this financial year. He stated that he had been in contact with Jenny Whittle and KCC would provide a new school bus service for children on this bus route and KCC Councillor Jenny Whittle was encouraging parents affected to contact her directly. He confirmed that pupils travelling on the bus to the nearest school who were entitled scholars, would travel for free.

Residents attended the meeting to raise concerns regarding the withdrawal of this bus service. They stated that 16 to 19 year-olds would be denied travel to further education, when new legislation states that youths have to stay in education until they are 19 years old. They asked for the support of the Parish Council in this matter.

Cllr Porter suggested that a letter should be written to Jenny Whittle. Cllr Woods agreed with this.

A discussion took place regarding the number of children in Stockbury who were affected by this. Cllr Porter asked if the details of all children affected from the withdrawal of the service by the September 2014 could be forwarded to him as soon as possible. Residents attending stated that they would pass these details to him.

Following a further discussion it was agreed that the following action would be taken: Cllr Porter to write to Councillor Whittle and supply her with the details of all children affected by the 011/2014 withdrawal of this bus service. Action Council Porter to progress.

13. Stockbury Orchard. The Chairman reported that the appointment of a Management Committee for the Orchard was being progressed. He reported that the Spring Hedge Planting event and was currently being organised and an advert was being placed in the Stockbury Observer to seek volunteers for this.

14. Parish Play Area. No matters were raised.

15. Parish Plan/Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Porter stated that he and Cllr Adams had been working on the update of the parish plan and he reported on this.

He spoke regarding neighbourhood plans and whether the Parish Council should undertake one. He reported that the cost would be in the region of £8-£10,000. It was agreed to wait for the Maidstone Local Plan to be published in order to look at the implications for Stockbury.

16. Any Other Business. a. Raised by Members of the Public. A resident spoke regarding a yellow kiosk that had appeared on the side of the road near to the Paint Balling. It was also noted that steps had been cut into the woodland. The Clerk was asked to report this to Maidstone Borough Council's Enforcement Department. Action: Clerk to progress.

b. Raised by Parish Councillors. Cllr Porter reported that he had arranged for a cleanup day to take place in the Village Centre and he informed members of the date and time.

Local Needs Housing – Cllr Porter reported that he had written a letter to the Leader of Maidstone Borough Council raising concerns regarding the process by which they dealt with the local needs housing in Stockbury. He stated that this letter should be circulated to all Parish Councils in Maidstone and he would forward this to the Clerk for circulation. He reported that he had also forwarded a copy of this letter on to the Kent Messenger.

White Horse Woods – Cllr Cathcart spoke regarding the White Horse Woods and the plans for a Woodland Burial Site. He spoke regarding the possible alternative plans for the management of the woodland and stated that this would be discussed further at a future Tri-Parish Group Meeting.

Cllr Tomsett spoke regarding footpaths and the Definitive Map. He stated a recent news item regarding this and suggested that the footpaths in Stockbury needed to be walked to ensure that the map was correct. He asked the Clerk to find out further details from the Ramblers Association and place an item on the next agenda for further discussion. Action: Clerk to place item on next agenda.

It was reported that a meeting had been arranged with the Police Commissioner, Ann Barnes in the Village Hall on 4 April 2014.


17. Date of Next Meeting. 19th of April 2014

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was closed to the press and public at 9:04 PM

Signed ______

Dated ______