Approved Minutes of a meeting held by Zoom Wed 24th February 2021, commencing at 19.43

On Line were Janet Jones, William Grant, Ron MacDonald, Glen Douglas, Pat Smith, Cllr Jim Gifford, Cllr Hassan, Cllr Davidson, Cllr McAllister, Cllr Johnson

Apologies Cllr Owen

1 The minutes of the meeting held on 27th January 2021 were approved by William, seconded by Janet

2. There we no matters arising

3 Treasurer’s Report as of 31st January 2021

FCC £2,348.22 Newsletter * £6,118.29 Newburgh Gardening Group £2,021.14 Christmas Lights £248.43 Christmas Tree £415

Balance Reconciled £11,151.08

*Creditors of £1,425 due non publication of newsletter

4 Planning Matters - None

5. Community Reports

5.1 Cultercullen Andrew advised residents had complained to him regarding speeding, and he had raised this with the police who would monitor

5.2 Foveran

Glen advised areas office were trying to move forward applications for DO money but without success at present

Glen advised a resident Steven Ewing,had been in contact regarding a footpath from Foveran to Newburgh, and that he had put them in contact with Partnership who had a long term plan for footpath from to Newburgh

Cllr McAllister advised he had also contacted her and that she had put them in touch with AVA who had similar plans

She will ask him if he has any interest in joining the Community Council, as we have 2 vacancies Action Cllr McAllister

Janet advised she had reported 4 cases of Fly tipping, Cllr Johnson advised if not cleared within 2 weeks that she should contact any councillor who will move things forward 5.3 Newburgh

More rubbish at Beach Road car park, additional litter bins been supplied now totalling 5

5.4 Udny Station

Speeding and dog fouling still an issue

19 potholes reported between the village and main road B999

William raised the ongoing need for a footpath between Udny Station and Cultercullen. And advised that one of the framers had given up Dairy farming, which might make this now possible

Cllr Johnson advised he would contact the best people in the Aberdeenshire Council to look into this again Action Cllr Johnson

6. Activity Reports

6.1 Gallowshill closed due to Covid, Finance is £16,835.92

6.2 Wind Turbine Finance as 11 November 2020 at AGM was £21,376

Grants approved since then Foveran School I Pads £498.80 Foveran School Numeracy £419.99 Udny Station amenities Plants £480.95 Udny Station Playgroup Lightbox £119.99 Udny Station Playgroup Laptop £499

6.3 Newburgh on Ythan Community Trust

Ron gave an update and advised the trustees were having a zoom meeting on 11 March to establish a 5 year plan, based on improving quality of life for the residents of the Foveran CC area. Including outdoor recreation and cultural aspects

It is probable that the Community Council will also be asked for views and comments as the trust are closely connected with the CC

The trust have submitted report showing that maintenance of the car park can be achieved from donations for parking

It is hoped the tender process being prepared by Aberdeenshire Council will be ready for end spring

The trust is fronting the repairs to the shelter on the links which suffered storm damaged, and he wished to put on record the thanks to KR steel who are supplying the cladding and fitting free even though prices have increased by 50 % 7.0 AOB – None

8 Date of next meeting 24 March 2021 at 19.30 by Zoom

There being no further business the meeting closed at 20.20