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Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 14(2): 306-316, February 2020

ISSN 1997-342X (Online), ISSN 1991-8631 (Print)

Original Paper http://ajol.info/index.php/ijbcs http://indexmedicus.afro.who.int

Impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal () on disease symptoms caused by the ascomycete fungus (Mycosphaerella fijiensis M.) in Black Sigatoka-resistant banana plantain

Corinne Coretta OYE ANDA1*, Auguste NDOUTOUME NDONG1, Pamphile NGUEMA NDOUTOUMOU1, 2 and Pierre Michel LOUBANA3

1Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique. Institut de Recherches Agronomiques et Forestières. Département d’Agronomie Générale. Laboratoire de Protection des végétaux. B.P. 2246 Libreville, Gabon. 2Université des Sciences et Techniques de Masuku. Unité de Recherche en Agrobiologie. Institut National Supérieur d’Agronomie et de Biotechnologies. Laboratoire de biodiversité. B.P. 99 Poto-Poto Franceville, Gabon. 3Centre Africain de Recherches sur Bananiers et Plantains (CARBAP), BP 832 Douala, Cameroun. *Corresponding author ; E-mail : [email protected]; Tel.: +24166367759.


Banana (Musa spp.) is grown throughout the tropical and subtropical areas. The Black Sigatoka, however, represents a major threat to world production. This study evaluates the effect of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) Rhizophagus irregularis MUCL 41833 on four plantain cultivars with different resistance against Mycosphaerella fijiensis. The mycorrhized banana plantlets of four cultivars were grown under greenhouse and the effect of AMF on micropropagated banana plantlets was evaluated. After 35 days, the height and the diameter of the pseudostem, then the leaf area were measured. The significant effect of the cultivar on the height of the pseudostem and the leaf area and significant effect of M. fijiensis on the diameter of the pseudostem, the height of the pseudostem and the leaf area were obtained. Plants infected with M. fijiensis show more symptoms of the disease than healthy plants. Symptoms were delayed in bananas inoculated with AMF compared to bananas not inoculated with AMF. The disease progressed more rapidly in cultivars Bâtard and C292 than in cultivars CRBP39 and F568. These results suggest that AMF may decrease symptoms of Sigatoka, at the early stage of infection with M. fijiensis. AMF may be a promising tool for the pre-adaptation of micropropagated banana plantlets. © 2020 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Plantain, Rhizophagus irregularis, arbuscular fungi, Mycosphaerella fijiensis, disease control method.

INTRODUCTION 2000; Churchill, 2011). The disease was Black sigatoka (leaf-spot disease), detected for the first time in the Fiji Islands in caused by the fungal pathogen Mycosphaerella 1963 and is nowadays widespread in banana fijiensis Morelet, is the most devastating illness crops worldwide (Ganry, 2010). The disease of banana and plantain worldwide (Jones, affects the leaves of banana crops by reducing

© 2020 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved. 8389-IJBCS DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ijbcs.v14i2.1 C. C. OYE ANDA et al. / Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 14(2): 306-316, 2020 their functional surfaces necessary for the reducing their rate of application to control photosynthesis activity, the production of plant pathogens (Hajek & Eilenberg, 2018). carbohydrate and banana fruits, as well as the AMF has been reported to reduce pulp color and early ripening of fruits (Chillet damage caused by pathogens in numerous et al., 2014). crops (Plouznikoff et al., 2016). In banana, Industrial banana producers control the their beneficial effects have been shown in the leaf-spot disease using essentially repeated control of the nematodes such as Radopholus applications of systemic and protectant similis (Anene & Declerck, 2016) and fungicides. The use of resistant cultivars is Pratylenchus species (Quénéhervé et al., 2008) another cultural practice for controlling the as well as the soil fungi Cylindrocladium leaf-spot disease caused by M. fijiensis, and spathiphylli (Declerck et al., 2002) and this may be the most suitable option for small Fusarium oxysporum (Bawa, 2016). farmers, who usually are unable to afford Although several studies have chemicals due to limited finance (Almekinders demonstrated the effects of AMF on root et al., 2019). This cultural control practice has pathogens, only a few were related to leaf the advantage of decreasing the potential risks pathogens and the results were less conclusive to human health and the environment (Whipps, 2004). Increased resistance was (Churchill, 2011). For instance, in Cameroon, observed in tomato against Alternaria solani the tetraploid hybrid CRBP39 (Banana (Fritz et al., 2006) and Botrytis cinerea (Jung et Plantain) is partially resistant to black sigatoka al., 2009); in cucumber against Colletotrichum (Noupadja et al., 2007). Through the genetic orbiculare (Lee et al., 2005) and in potato improvement program conducted at the Centre against Phytophthora infestans (Gallou et al., Africain de Recherches sur Bananiers et 2011). Recently, Oye Anda et al., (2015) Plantains (CARBAP) and its distribution via demonstrated under in vitro culture conditions the International Network for the Improvement that pre-mycorrhized banana (cv. Grande of Banana and Plantain (INIBAP), this hybrid naine) plantlets had reduced leaf-spot disease of high productivity (47t/ha/year) has been symptoms caused by M. fijiensis compared to evaluated in several countries in Central and non-mycorrhized plants. The severity index West Africa (Tomekpé et al., 2011). In parallel measured in the mycorrhizal plantlets shows a to the application of fungicides and the decreased symptom by more than 80% and utilization of resistant cultivars, a number of 60%, respectively 21 and 35 days after the cultivation practices have been used to infection by the pathogen. These results decrease the sources of inoculum and to suggested that AMF may decrease, at least at circumvent the conditions which are favorable the early stage of infection, leaf-spot symptoms to the development of the pathogen. Among caused by M. fijiensis and therefore, may these practices are the elimination of infected represent an attractive option to consider in the leaves, proper watering, drainage and control context of an integrated control of this disease of weeds (Tripathi et al., 2017). (Oye Anda et al., 2015). However, it is Biological control is another option, unknown whether the impact of AMF on the often considered as an alternative to the control disease caused by M. fijiensis is also expressed of several pests and diseases (Nega, 2014). It is in plantain plant, and if the control is more based on the management of biological efficient in highly sensitive varieties relative to resources such as endophytic or rhizospheric partially to highly resistant varieties, or vice microorganisms some of which are able to versa. In the present study, the objective was to inhibit the activity of plant pathogens and investigate the effect of AMF (Rhizophagus thereby delay or suppress the appearance of irregularis MUCL 41833) on four plantain disease symptoms. Therefore, microorganisms cultivars that have contrasting levels of represent promising alternatives to minimize resistance against M. fijiensis. the use of chemicals by replacing them or 307 C. C. OYE ANDA et al. / Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 14(2): 306-316, 2020

MATERIALS AND METHODS experimental station in Njombe, Biological material Cameroon. A piece of infected leaf  Musa spp. cultivars was incubated in a Petri plate (90 mm Four Musa (plantains) cultivars were diameter) on 3% agar medium and used: Bâtard (AAB genome, sensitive subsequently maintained for two to Black Sigatoka) and three plantain weeks under continuous light at 22 °C hybrids with different degree of to produce conidia. Conidia were then resistance to the disease: F568 (AAA, transferred on potato dextrose agar resistant), CRBP39 (AAAB, partially (39 g L-1). After 2 weeks, the strain resistant) and C292 (AAA, sensitive). was transferred on V8 medium in These hybrids were obtained by Petri plates (90 mm diameter.) for crossing triploid female (Musa cv, another 10 days under continuous AAB) with diploid male plantains. light at 22 °C. The plant material was obtained from Inoculum was prepared by grinding fragments of stems bits, a technique fungal mycelium in 10 ml of sterilized developed by Kwa (2001). This (121 °C for 15 min) water with a technique allowed the activation of mortar and pestle. The grinded latent buds and the production of large material was then sieved through quantities of healthy planting sterile cheesecloth (one-layer pore materials. size of approximately 150 µm) to  Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus separate the mycelium from conidia. A strain of Rhizophagus irregularis The conidia were thereafter collected (Blaszk., Wubet, Renker & Buscot) as and suspended in distilled water. The [‘irregulare'] MUCL 41833 was concentration of conidia was supplied by the in determined with a hematological vitro collection (GINCO) on a root count cell (cell of malassez) and organ culture (ROC) of carrot further adjusted to obtain a suspension (Daucus carrot L.) clone DC2 of 104 conidia ml-1 (Abadie et al., (Cranenbrouck et al. 2005). Spores 2008). Gelatine (1%) was added to the were extracted from the ROC and final conidia suspension for a better associated to leek (Allium porrum L.) adhesion of this suspension on the in pots on sterilized (121 °C for 1 h) banana leaves. volcanic lava (DCM, Grobbendonk, Belgium). The pots were placed in the Experimental design greenhouse at 20/15 °C day/night The experiment was conducted under under natural light. After six months greenhouse conditions (28/24 °C day/night, 70 of culture, roots were extracted from - 90% relative humidity, under natural light the substrate, cut into 0.5 cm intensity) at the CARBAP experimental fragments and mixed in sterilized (121 station. Plants were grown in 1 L plastic pots °C for 15 min.) Terragreen (Oil Dri, containing a mixture of pasteurized (100 °C for UK). The number of infective 24 hours) sand and coffee husk (v:v 3:2) and propagules (i.e. colonized root were randomly positioned. fragments, spores) in this substrate Three-month old banana plants of each was estimated to 120 g-1 via the most of the four plantain cultivars were selected and probable number method. separated in two homogenous groups based on  Mycosphaerella fijiensis a visual observation of plant size and leaf The strain of M. fijiensis was isolated surface. Half of the plants were inoculated with from infected banana leaf tissues 10 g (i.e. 1200 propagules) of the AMF sampled at the CARBAP inoculum while the other half was AMF-free. The plants were inoculated by introducing the 308 C. C. OYE ANDA et al. / Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 14(2): 306-316, 2020 inoculum into the planting hole in close contact - stage 3, red-brown streaks reach 20-30 with the roots. mm long and colour start to change from After eight weeks of growth, both red to dark brown; groups of plants of each cultivar were again - stage 4, the streaks broaden and develop separated in two homogenous groups. One into elliptical spots, dark brown on the group was inoculated with M. fijiensis (+ M. abaxial surface and black on the adaxial fijiensis) and the other group remained free surface of the leaf; from the pathogen (- M. fijiensis). Before the - stage 5, the central area of the dark spots inoculation, the leaf at stage 2 of cigar becomes totally black and necrotic, development of each plant was covered with a lesions are slightly depressed, and the polyethylene bag for 48 hours to prevent black spots are surrounded by a bright natural contamination. The leaf was then gently yellow halo; rubbed with cotton soaked in distilled water to - stage 6, the center of the leaf-spots dried remove the waxy layer of the limb before the out, fade and become whitish to grey. The inoculation. The inoculation was performed by spots are surrounded by a dark brown to spreading 1 ml (i.e. 104 conidia) of the conidia black border and are further depressed. suspension of the fungus on the underside of At the end of the experiment (i.e. 35 the leaf (Kablan et al., 2012). The non- days after inoculation with M. fijiensis), the inoculated plants (- M. fijiensis) received plants were harvested. The pseudostem height water. The plants were thereafter placed under and diameter and the area of the last unwrapped shading and moisture was maintained at leaf were assessed. The pseudostem height was saturation during 72 h to activate the pathogen measured from the base of the rhizome to the infection. Plants were subsequently placed crossing point of the two last unfolded leaves. under the same conditions as described above. The pseudostem diameter was measured at 1 This study considered sixteen cm from the base of the rhizome. The length (l) treatments using four cultivars of plantain and width (w) of the leaves were measured and (Bâtard, F568, CRBP39, C292), with or the leaf area calculated as follows: Leaf Area = without AMF (+AMF or -AMF), and with or α.l.w, where α= 0.7 (Rufyikiri et al., 2000). without M. fijiensis (+M. fijiensis or -M. Root colonization by the AMF was fijiensis). The study also considered six estimated at harvest. The roots were cleaned replicates per treatment. from substrate and immersed in 10% KOH overnight at ambient temperature. They were Data assessment rinsed several times with deionized water and The plants were grown for 35 days incubated in 3% H2O2 for 30 min (Anene & following the inoculation with the pathogen. Declerck, 2016). The roots were subsequently During this period, the inoculated leaves were stained for 45 min in blue ink diluted (1:50 v: observed twice a week for lesion development. v) in 1% HCl. Root colonization was estimated The different symptom stages of the disease according to McGonigle et al. (1990) to were monitored according to their appearance determine the proportion of root colonization time. Symptom stages were recorded as (%RC), of arbuscules (%A), and of described again by Oye Anda et al. (2015): vesicles/spores (%V). For each sample, 150 - stage 1, leaf-spot symptoms begin to root intersections were observed. show up with yellowish specks < 1 mm diameter on the abaxial surface of the Statistical analysis leaf; The data was analysed with the software - stage 2, the initial specks elongate and Statistica (version, editor). Data for %RC, %A enlarge to form reddish brown streaks up and %V was arcsin√(x/100)-transformed prior to 2 mm long. Streaks are visible on both to analysis. Data was also analysed using the sides of the leaf; two-way and three-way ANOVA, and the means were separated using Tukey’s Honest 309 C. C. OYE ANDA et al. / Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 14(2): 306-316, 2020

Significant Difference (HSD) to identify while no difference was noticed on %V. The significant differences (P ≤ 0.05) between plants infected by M. fijiensis had higher %RC treatments. Data on disease variables obtained and %A relative to the plants not infected by from the four cultivars was analyzed using M. fijiensis. No significant interaction was Kruskal Wallis rank sum test and means were observed between the cultivar and M. fijiensis separated using the Student-Newman-Keuls on %RC, %A and %V. test (α = 0.05). Finally, the Tukey and Kramer The post-hoc analysis revealed a (Nemenyi) test was used for the post-hoc significant difference between the hybrids analysis to determine the level of resistance of F568 and C292 (p <0.05); F568 and Bâtard (p cultivars colonized by AMF. <0.01); and CRBP39 and Bâtard (p <0.08) infected with M. fijiensis. In addition, RESULTS comparisons between all cultivars were Plant growth parameters significantly different except between Bâtard Plants were harvested 35 days after and C292 (p <0.8) and between CRBP39 and transfer into the pots (i.e. eight weeks after pre F568 (p <0.12) infected with M. fijiensis. mycorhization and 35 days after infection by M. fijiensis). The pseudostem height and Disease development diameter and the leaf surface area are presented Whatever the cultivar and regardless in Table 1. A significant effect (p<0.05) of the whether AMF was present or absent, the plants cultivar was noticed on pseudostem height and infected by the pathogen showed leaf-spot leaf surface area. There was no significant disease symptoms. There was a significant effect of AMF on the pseudostem height while difference between the cultivars (p < 0.05) as the effect of AMF on the pseudostem diameter well as whether AMF was present or absent (p and leaf surface area was significant regardless < 0.003); however the appearance of disease the cultivar and whether M. fijiensis was symptoms depended on the cultivar. The present or absent. Similarly, there was a appearance of symptoms was delayed in the significant effect of M. fijiensis on pseudostem cultivars inoculated with AMF relative to diameter and height and the leaf surface area. cultivars not inoculated with AMF (p < 0.003). The plants infected by the pathogen had a The disease incidence was more severe significantly larger pseudostem height and in sensitive cultivars (Bâtard, C292) (p < 0.89) diameter and the leaf surface area regardless relative to resistant cultivars (CRBP39, F568) the cultivar and whether AMF was present or (p < 0.62). Disease also progressed more absent. No significant interaction was noticed rapidly in sensitive cultivars. Disease incidence between cultivar and AMF, cultivar and M. varied between stage 1 and stage 4, but never fijiensis, AMF and M. fijiensis or between exceeded stage 1 for the particular case of cultivar, AMF and M. fijiensis for any of the resistant cultivars. growth parameters. The post-hoc analysis revealed a significant difference between hybrids C292 Root colonization by AMF and CRBP39 (p < 0.05) and between hybrids Banana root colonization was evaluated C292 and F568 (p < 0.001). There was a at the end of experiment. The plants were significant difference between Bâtard and F568 harvested and the colonization evaluated in the (p < 0.001) and between Bâtard and CRBP39 presence or absence of M. fijiensis (Table 2). (p < 0.001). By the end of the experiment, Hyphae, arbuscules and spores/vesicles were differences at the stage levels between resistant observed in the roots of all the cultivars and sensitive cultivars were highly significant infected or not infected by M. fijiensis. A (p < 0.001). significant effect of the cultivar was observed on %RC and %A while no difference was noticed on %V. A significant effect of the M. fijiensis was noticed on the %RC and %A 310 C. C. OYE ANDA et al. / Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 14(2): 306-316, 2020

Table 1: Growth parameters of pre-mycorrhized (+AMF) or non-mycorrhized (-AMF) banana plantains infected (+ M. fijiensis) or not (- M. fijiensis) by the pathogen. Four Plantain cultivars were considered from resistant (AAA, F568), to partially resistant (AAAB, CRBP39) or sensitive (AAA, C292 and AAB, Bâtart) to Black Sigatoka.

AMF M. fijiensis Pseudostem Pseudostem Leaf surface Cultivar Treatment Treatment height (cm) diameter (cm) area (cm²)

+ M. fijiensis 11.6 ± 1.0 1.5 ± 0.1 206 ± 23 + AMF - M. fijiensis 14.9 ± 1.6 1.7 ± 0.1 289 ± 52 F568 + M. fijiensis 8.5 ± 0.7 0.9 ± 0.1 145 ± 32 - AMF - M. fijiensis 13.8 ± 0.4 1.5 ± 0.1 260 ± 24 + M. fijiensis 18.8 ± 1.2 1.4 ± 0.1 272 ± 15 + AMF - M. fijiensis 24.1 ± 1.8 1.8 ± 0.1 309 ± 31 CRBP39 + M. fijiensis 18.6 ± 1.5 1.3 ± 0.1 239 ± 47 - AMF - M. fijiensis 23.1 ± 1.7 1.8 ± 0.1 331 ± 32 + M. fijiensis 15.9 ± 1.5 1.3 ± 0.1 249 ± 31 + AMF - M. fijiensis 18.3 ± 2.1 1.8 ± 0.1 329 ± 39 C292 + M. fijiensis 13.6 ± 2.9 1.3 ± 0.2 207 ± 44 - AMF - M. fijiensis 19.1 ± 2.1 1.7 ± 0.1 294 ± 35 + M. fijiensis 22.4 ± 1.2 1.6 ± 0.1 315 ± 50 + AMF - M. fijiensis 23.8 ± 0.9 1.7 ± 0.1 320 ± 22 Bâtard + M. fijiensis 20.0 ± 0.8 1.3 ± 0.1 233 ± 13 - AMF - M. fijiensis 22.9 ± 0.9 1.5 ± 0.1 270 ± 37 Effect (p=)

Cultivar < .0001*** 0.1176 0.0473*

AMF 0.1085 0.0039** 0.0288**

M. fijiensis < .0001*** < .0001*** 0.0002***

Cultivar x AMF 0.8892 0.2267 0.6772

Cultivar x M. fijiensis 0.6323 0.5198 0.4302

AMF x M. fijiensis 0.3618 0.2416 0.4302 Cultivar x AMF x M. fijiensis 0.8328 0.7344 0.9710 Data are mean values ± standard error of 6 replicates. Main effects and interaction between the factors: “Cultivar”, “AMF” and “M. fijiensis” are presented. Tests that revealed significant differences at values below 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001 α level are followed by *, **, ***, respectively.

311 C. C. OYE ANDA et al. / Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 14(2): 306-316, 2020

Table 2: Root colonization of pre-mycorrhized banana plantains infected (+ M. fijiensis) or not (- M. fijiensis) by the pathogen. Four Plantain cultivars were considered from resistant (AAA, F568), to partially resistant (AAAB, CRBP39) or sensitive (AAA, C292 and AAB, Bâtart) to Black Sigatoka.

Cultivar M.fijiensis Treatment Root colonization (%) Arbuscules (%) Spores/Vesicles (%)

F568 + M.fijiensis 35.4 ± 3.1 33.1 ± 2.6 2.3 ± 1.4

- M.fijiensis 22.4 ± 2.6 21.5 ± 2.4 1.7 ± 1.1

CRBP39 + M.fijiensis 31.8 ± 1.5 29.7 ± 2.3 1.1 ± 0.4

- M.fijiensis 26.7 ± 1.2 24.0 ± 0.5 2.3 ± 0.9

C292 + M.fijiensis 26.6 ± 3.5 26.2 ± 3.6 0.3 ± 0.2

- M.fijiensis 14.8 ± 1.9 14.3 ± 1.7 0.4 ± 0.3

Bâtard + M.fijiensis 24.1 ± 2.9 22.9 ± 3.2 1.2 ± 0.5

- M.fijiensis 14.4 ± 0.8 14.1 ± 0.6 0.3 ± 0.3

Effect (p=)

Cultivar < .0001*** 0.0004*** 0.0523

M.fijiensis < .0001*** < .0001*** 0.6654

Cultivar x M.fijiensis 0.3363 0.4723 0.4128 Data are mean values ± standard error of 6 replicates. Main effects and interaction between the factors: “Cultivar”” and “M. fijiensis” are presented. Tests that revealed significant differences at values below 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001 α level are followed by *, **, ***, respectively.

DISCUSSION diameter of the pseudostem of cultivars), We showed for the first time the effect between the plants with mycorrhiza and plants of AMF (R. irregularis) on the disease without mycorrhiza whether infected or not symptoms caused by the ascomycete fungus infected by the disease, as observed by (M. fijiensis) in black sigatoka-resistant banana Ambang et al. (2008) in their study of the plantain grown in greenhouse conditions. This effects of mycorrhizae on peanuts. This may be study showed that the mycorhization of hybrids because the chosen substrate did not contain all and banana plantain plants is possible. The the useful ingredients for the plant AMF was able to colonize the root system of development, or maybe the volume of pots plantain plants and to accomplish his complete chosen (1 L) affected plant growth. cycle of life in the vivoplants. The plantain We found a significant difference in plants were associated with the AMF in a poor terms of the total root colonization of the AMF, substrate, sand + coffee husk. The with strong presence of arbuscular and vesicles mycorhization of plantain plants was made at in the plants with mycorrhizae that were the 8th week after the contact with the infected by the disease as the p value indicated mycelium. We found no significant difference (p < 0.003). The high percentage of arbuscular between the vegetative parameters (such as the in the plants with mycorrhizae relative to plants

312 C. C. OYE ANDA et al. / Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 14(2): 306-316, 2020 without mycorrhizae can be explained by the experiments remain speculative. Manga et al. induction of the mechanisms of defence in the (2017) showed the ability for Acacia seyal to presence of AMF in the roots. form symbiotic associations with G. Concerning the disease of black leaf aggregatum despite the application of salt streak disease, the development of the disease stress. In mycorrhized plants, it was noted an has been observed on the leaves, in the improvement in salt stress tolerance resulting treatment with mycorrhizae and the treatment in significantly higher dry biomass and N, P, K without mycorrhizae. The stages of the content than in non-mycorrhized plants. Dalpé development of the disease (from stage 1 to and (2005) showed that the interaction due to AMF stage 4), according to Oye Anda et al. (2015), during the biologic fight needs 5 mechanisms: were observed on the leaves of hybrids i) plant growth stimulation through an plantains plants. Plantain plants have been increased nutritional contribution and, treated with mycorrhizae during 8 weeks consequently, improved plant health; ii) the before the application of M. fijiensis. The morphological transformation of the root dynamic of appearance of symptoms is similar system; iii) the induction of defence in each cultivar. Symptoms appeared much mechanisms in the plant; iv) a direct earlier when cultivars were not inoculated with competition with AMF like with nutrient AMF. However, the development of the black availability and infection sites; and v) the leaf-spot disease was delayed in each cultivar modification of the soil microflora and increase treated with AMF. This was probably because in organic matter. Haro et al. (2015) reported the presence of M. fijiensis influenced the that the G. aggregatum arbuscular fungus development of the AMF allowing the plantain could significantly enhance the growth of the plants to develop a systemic resistance to the flowering-fruiting KVX cowpea variety. disease. This was evidenced by the delay in the The results obtained during this development of the disease in plantain plants experiment showed that the mycorrhization of with mycorrhizae treated with M. fijiensis. plantain plants was beneficial in reducing the These results corroborate the studies on the disease, which was confirmed in the study systemic resistance of bananas to nematodes in carried out by Oye Anda et al. (2015) in vitro pots culture conditions (Anene & Declerck, culture on the cultivar “Grande naine”. 2016). The AMF associate with plant roots Black sigatoka disease increased over help improve the use of water and nutrients, time. The highest level of the disease especially those with low mobility in the soil, symptoms occurred on the leaves of Bâtard and increase plant tolerance to various biotic (stage 4) and C292 (stage 3) after day 10 and and abiotic stresses (Bada & Fagbola, 2014). day 15, respectively, while these symptoms did The results after the analysis showed not occur on the leaves of CRBP39 and F568 that the infection was less developed in plants until after day 25 (stage 1 and stage 2). This can with mycorrhizae than in plants without be explained by the fact that there is a mycorrhizae, which could be explained by the correlation between the occurrence of leaf- morphologic transformation of the roots spots and the resistance of each cultivar. The systems, the induction of the mechanisms of frequency at which the stage of disease defence and the indirect competition between increases in CRBP39 and F568 (resistant AMF and M. fijiensis. AMF induces the varieties) is lower than in Batard and C292 elicitation of plant defence genes in root (sensitive varieties). These results corroborate colonization (Gallou et al., 2010). During the study by Irish et al. (2013) who reported mycorrhizal root colonization, transient that the FHIA hybrids were consistently more defence mechanisms are activated (Oye Anda resistant, and developed less disease than et al., 2015). The mechanisms that guide the “Grande naine”. reduction of the disease observed in our 313 C. C. OYE ANDA et al. / Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 14(2): 306-316, 2020

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