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Hr* LA DIBS* ^0 04.j*»cl*,r ® QBAfiEffNGTON ROAD, EASTBOURNE. A Day School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. S ell Y

D I C K E R a n d leaving • | ’j B. A SI# Literature

HIGH-CLASS PROVISION RCHANTS •• -f Haakey. NeM ^endTpnpUiQllibs.'. ... A MW BOARDERS ABB RECEIVED. iourne vivV %vA:a. > 'i«v - :.fv OPPOSITE TOWl T ^ P A eh ea'^M at bopieto 8ee Parent* on business every Friday ffom 2,30 to 4.30 p.m . and a t a n d o th er tim es by appointm ent. WINES, SPIRITS MINERAL W *■»* ti. ' rjtli jfalU t JJBAWINQ AND PAINTING CLASSES. Old Olenlivet Whiskey, 4/- & 4/6 per bottle. ' Fine Old TaiVtfey ?< R f ± R IKNOBO FT-ELLSSMSB1. Telephone Mo. 6 8 . NEW' JAMS, BOTTLED ™ - U SP.BNCKR ROADi.^, (Late of The AvsuuoK 4 ...... R a m School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. I g H f i M i to reoeb^toto^w^Htebtu^eerwul^W ^^^^cfi^ *-•-«&! Ysr Davies, B.A. (Hons.), (Camb. Toaohera' Diploma).

DANCING ai|D DEPORTMENT. • •' • :• ■ : ' ■•* :i7' . ’ 1 ' ; Y; i, WW& AND PAINTING. f M 1 8 ^ * DELIVERIES TO ALL PARTS OP TflB TOWN DAILY. RESUMED HER GLASSES FOR CHILDREN School fo r B oyz IN THE SAFFRONS ROOMS, , F.R.G.S.-Clifton Ci At Three p.m. 19 & 21, oW eCH STREET; 15, PEVENSEY ROAD 175, SEASIDE. PRIVATK LESSONS Q1VEN. SCHOOLS ATTENDED Tel. 169. ? U i ;• N--; ■ < For particulars address 28, South-street, Eastbourne. th e U nited DANCING: RHYMIC EXERCISES. > R O U G H 80H0I ISS ELSIE S. M. REED, Under Royal Patronage. ROUSE,iuno, uA GAUDICK viii ROAD. ■ Advanood Grade Aasodatod Board R A IL and HR AVENUE, EASTBOURNE. R.Q.M.M Piano and Oman (Honours), Assistant Organist at TV/TISS ELEANOR RATOLIFFE- » l,|F . a. GILBERT, B,A. (Lond.). EASTBOURNE. St> Saviour’s Churoh, Eastbourne, Aooompanisu to the iv a. 10 years Assistant to MR8, WORDSW ORTH, * “ ID. G. GILBERT' (Lond. Unlv.), Builder, Decorator, Plumber, Gas, Hot Water and Elect Holds Classes for GRECIAN, OPERATIC and BALL­ ment as Aocompa^hPeGIVIM^^SS o Sb 1 to fS m ROOM DANCING at the GRAND HOT SOL. Saturday, Private School for Bpys. Contractor for General House Repairs* FORTE and ORGAN PLAYING and to HARMONY 2.45; Juveniles U o'clock. At DEVONSHIRE PARK, see vrlth-1 acree of ground. Chemlo -MRS. 0 . H. um LA MOTHE and and THEORY. W rdnbsday, 2.45; Babies, 11.15. Deportment and Ba'.l- eratortae, Gymnasium add Flaying 1 OfB.ce and Showrooms - ., ■% j 8 , T E R M IN U Students prepared for the various Musical Examinations. room Dancing for Girls 16 to 20, Monday, 5.S0. Also at I, K il b u b n Tbbracb (3 minutes from Station), T H E H f C R O , p e r s o n a l A t t e n t i o n g i v e n t o a l l o r d e r s ” 5 ssa ? s& ia tss£.,'‘“ ______E astbourne. Assisted by a well-qualified 8taff. S a tu rd a t Afte r n o o n , 3 o’clock: Babies, 2.30. mOfully aimated in its own Grounds. Good E4TISS B. NOAKES, Certificated in Harmon; SAFFRONS ROOMS, GEORGE’S SCHOOL (UPPBBTON), Touts and Flaying Field. Recreation and LvJL and Counterpoint (Senior Local, Associated BoarL W ed nesd ay, 3.30. Fancy Dancing 5 o'clock. ADULT Of tte R A.M. and ROM.), GIVES LESSONS on the CLASS F riday E v e n in g , 8 30. Daily Classes for PIANOFORTE and American Organ, and to Harmony Operatto Technique by Miss Maitland, pupil of MDME. and Counterpoint.—For Terms apply 8, Oalverley-road. ZANFRETTA. OETZMANN Private Lessons. Sohools attended. : -uj1 L'V/tj-bO toii' . s -.y 1 - ■ -a ISS M. GRAHAM SCHOFIELD, Address, ALLAN DALE, COOMBS ROAD, CROYDON, ■— & CO., I a n - -TLVlSS BALLS, L.L.A., M DiplOmde, Paris L SPBNCKR ROAD. (let Cfiass Oertifloate), DANCING AND PHYSICAL EXERCISES. HOAD, LONDON, W. Successful in Examination Work. Gives LESSONS to PRACTICAL DRESSOUTTING Tl/TISS HUTTON MOSS aDd MIS8 P A IN E MUNICIPAL; SCHOOL OP and MAKING. FRENCH PATTERN MODELLING A.TJL have resumed their EASTBOURNE MOL iTnw in AL lMMiimn. Gbovb-boap). Telephone: MUSEUM “ ONE.1 , . T COACHES IN SPECIAL SUBJECTS OR TAKES and MILLINERY. CLASSES. Miss Schofield has had M years’ experience with private p i | RSG1NNERS AND BACKWARD PUPILS. pupils and to class tmaohing to sohools. Children’s Class at THE GYMNASIUM, YORK ROAD, on SATURDAYS, at 2.30 p m. .j;, | , . ' HtomaBT RavBBBwoBa. Blouse Patterns a Speciality. r Work, Special arrangements made for Adult Classes. 2, OORNFIBLD TERRACE. i periods. 39a, HARRINGTON ROAD. LONDON, S.W. 'Vr.tr-. CS ,8AV10U#S CHOIR SCHOOL, MUNICIPAL SECONDARY »AY SCHOOL V * ' . SOUTH STREET. YOUR BUSINESS PRINTING. i , fnrvn n rn t r GRATIS AND DANCING AND ELOCUTION. (BOYS ABB TAKEN FROM THE AGE OF EIGHT. T is often necessary that General Printini In connection with businesses of every kind i Tk/TADAME YANDYCK’S CLASSES -HOAD). E n a Annum. I required quickly, and. at the same time, well done. At-L are now resumed e, some of which cover F arnoombb & G o ., L t d , “ Chraniole ” Printing Works, ild P A L SECONDARY DAY SCHOOL of the Fees. South-street, are fully prepared to meet these require­ A t DEVONSHIRE PARK. 'FOR BOYS Business U fa , ments, having their works fitted with machinery capable Speolal Classes for Operatlo Dancing (Russian Method). (Tbobsio al I nstitute, GROVE-ROAD). £ 5 PREPAID ORDERS CARRIAGE PAID TO of expeditiously turning out high-class work. Holiday Classes during Xmas Holidays. ipentns and fnHparttcu lars of these Schools oan RAILWAY STATION IN ENGLAND OR WALES. Far Fmepeotae Bad other Information apply Letterpress ami Lithographic Printing For particulars apply wined bom THE8ECRETARY.Eduoatlon Com- < THE WARDEN. 2, HAREWOOD PLACE, HANOVER SQUARE, W. A Town Hall. Eastbourne. . ______HYSICAL EDUCATION for D elicath Ch il d r e n at their own HOMES (any part of P England), including Dancing, Graceful Deportment, Walking and Exercises. 8FAM 3H, FfttSNC H, find: A Lady, with twenty years’ experience in the Court Kn q ij&h , Latin, Itaj,?av A. D U D KI N, Circles of Society, will forward long List of Patronesses taught hy nv-to daU and Terms upon application. AgXwsMwi br'saraU.Gtesses. SAVE Y O U K C O A L 227, “ Ohionlole ” Office, South-street. On deeos d*w lecous (1’viriai* There now a great boom IBS MINA HUDSON. Cert. Voo. T.OX., ANGLO-RUSSIAN FUR DEPOT i-V X . ; Mem. I.8.M., CRICKET, TENNIS, GQLF, &e. The Parliamentary W ar Savings' Committee in their “ HINTS RECEIVES PUPILS for SINGING, VOICE CULTURE 36 and 31, W estern Scad, Brighton. and PIANOFORTE PLAYING to London and East- TO HOUSEHOLDERS,” says .— j bourne. R , » . QOULlivS’ SPOJ^l'S SHOP, L a d ies’ Ch o ir . Choir Training given by arrangement. “ SOUTH O T R ^ (Near Town Hah), Preparation fop Mnsioal Examtnatlops. Many suooeeses USE GAS COKE whereFer possible instead of coal andjkerionrf* - S peatol arrangements fa r Visitors. Commnnioattons sh». »1—.M . . . . S e t Q lff fuel which wiU last long longer than coal alone. Patronised by Royalty. A WONDERFUL Large Muff to 2 THE MORE COKE IS USED the greater will be * m m m 0 ^ G ™ N A S I A 'or th 52/8. TheSet Complete. the production of the by-products which are required and School o r P hysical E ducation AND BOILER’ MAKERS. REAL NATURAL NK, Finest Quality 2 Skin Ties. Worth 52 -. YORK ROAD, Eastbourne (near Town Hall), Tsl 917, 01 kinds of Machinery suoh as 6 Skin M uff, 6E¥6 >•••••••••*••* •••«•••••*•«••• M| •»»»»* »»»••«»»«»•* *1*00 , for making explosives for the Army and Navy. and DERWENT ROAD, MEADS (Tel. 1297), REAL NATURAL ______Worth digs. Also at BEXHILL. B*0ttte», Hydraulic Lifts,dbe. Now 3gs. 6 Skin New Barrel Shape Muff Every branch of PhysicalI Education scientifically taught IOAD, EASTBOURNE. MAGNIFICENT NATURAL MUSQUASH COATS (08 sketch). by fully qualified and experienced Instructor and Lady. Full Flare Shirts and Lined Rich Silh Teachers,eaohers, underi the direotion of Mr. Moss. Worth £10 to £12 each. 5 EASTBOURNE GAS CO. There it a CHOICE NATURAL SQUIRREL TIES. 18 Skins...... -Prloe Exercises i . Worth 30/6. Pillow Muff to Match, Um. • : Miss F. ■' Y 4 Y.: Y: • , : . : CONTRACT TO CLEAR PREMISES REAL NATURAL MUSQUASH STOLES, about 61 inobes long. W o rth 39/6 •••••***»*it»****M***«**« •••*rioe COKE. (JOKE. Immense Pillow Muff to Match, 18A Over 160 Handsome! Models In-FINEST REAL PONI Maxes the H ottest F ire. ^ C ockroaches, weight, trimmed with ReaLStonhA)pp^mator Ra« EASTBOURNE EYE INFIRMARY. Never Blocks the Kitchener Flues. Mixed with a Little Coal Maxis Splendid. 375 Latest Models in SEAL CONEY COATS; ihoc Ineet- selected. Skins «»».»»»»(«» «»».>»«».««■»»■»»>»«■•» ••<»«»<«« 1/6 to 10g». Dining and Drawing B oon Fires. < -Every Garment Worth Double. STRATFORD HOUSE. P f r Chaldron, D e l iv e r e d ...... __ 16 9- OR ANY NOISOME INSECT VERMIN. REAL SEAL MUSQUASH COATS, handsome Models, with real • • ; f ' „* ■ r ‘ ' Skunk Cellar and Ouffh SUPPORTED ENTIRELY BY VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS. W o rth SSgs. „ 7» Me a d s ...... 10/3- Fur Arcade Windows and Show P er Sack, 1 /9 ; M eads, 1/10. y importunity or obligation to pe HOURS OP ATTENDANCE The oboe* Pricei are eubject to Alteration without Notice. s p e c ia l asnounobment . - t a t l o b in o D B vx; ] : ; |0[onday, Wednesday and Saturday at 2 p.m. Eastbourne Gas Company. NO TICKETS REQUIRED. MED MILNER MOORE, Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, 8, H artfold-sqdabe. 124, Southwark Street, London, CHEATS FOB FIRST-CLASS >L, LEEDS and GLASGOW. NEW ELASTIC TRUSS. Most Easy to Wear. No Steel Spring. OBNAMENTAL TBEES^ - Send for Illustrated Price Lists, post free. BOSES, LINDSEY & SONS, Fruit Trees and Hardy Flowers, Ac* —and every article of Furniture in our Home comes from PETER’S. 7, Terminus-buildings, Eastbourne NUB8KRIBB 113 A0BI8. -Appl^NO. Furniture to last m any lifetim es SURGICAL k ORTHOPEDIC INSTRUMENT MAKERS. CATALOGUES FREE. SEAMLESS SPIRAL ELASTIC also at A8H ADVANCES —to add distinction to the Home, to be pleasing to the eye, and of eoiR f^to HOSIERY, BELTS, &c. London and Brighton. OH BA L & 8 ON 3, Ltd.r ) upwards, j: r to retain its newness to the last, to always proclaim that none but the best mate: THE NURSERIES OBAthutY. b DiseonnirUMsRy, Ltd. used in Rs manufacture, and only the moefe-ekiUed labour executed it, and ^ • V ■ > 5 o ffe r W. T. LAMB & SON, WAmBaMB- ThlANOFORTBS, AMERICAN ORGANS, 1 HARMONIUMS AND HARP& By the Best Makers, on th e Lowest Terms, for Sale, ters, Jew ellers and G eneral Salesm en, Hire and on the Three Years’ System. Entire Store. i& U 'y id tE a SEASIDE ROAD (opposite the Colonnade)t EASTBOURNE, LVOV 4k HALL, Warwick Mansion, *, KING’S ROAD, BRIGHTON. a Large Assortment of NEW and SECOND-ELAND WATCHES, CLOCKS toon parts of the Country ,l ogees Free by Pest. u _ _ 'L.: «Q kinds of SPEOIAZ, PREPAID BATES. / WANTS OF ALL KINDS, - ARTICLES FOB BALE, COMPLETE HOUSE SERVANTS WANTED or SITUATIONS REQUIRED, HOU|p8 or APARTMENTS TO LET. 6 to 10 and 24 to 27, Keiudngto Are Advertised to the whole of EEALLY HIGfi-CLASS WORK Famcombe A Co.’s Sussex Newspapers 4LM.)S y Five minutes’ walk from Central Station. At One Charge, vis.:— D ecorating, E lectric fighting, Hi In sertio n .j (noli over 20 W ords) On e Sh illin g T*u: P.O., *18. National, 880*. W E OLOS 3 Insertions...... TWO S h il u n g s and Six pen c e and Sanitary W ork 7 I nsertions ...... F iv e S h ilu b m s If Hookad the ush&l rdbee win be charged. BRITISH NAVY CHARLES BREACH, AUsuoh announoementa appear COM la the following > supply m* s*/.'?* ,lV j^t.ii Eastbourne Chronicle dor, C ontractor and Sanitary Plum ber. East.Sussex Notes is now Beduced to 3 ' H ayings Independent . Building Works, Meads. Residence: 1, Matlock-road, Meads East Grinstead Observer " Sussex and Surrey Courier ESTIMATES GIVEN FOE GENERAL H0V8B REPAIRS. -f Horsham Times h L ATTENTION GIVEN TO DRAINAGE AND HOUSE SANITATION. rherebjr eecuringV at a very smell ooet, an amount of (mbllel^r throughout the Important district at Heat Bnaeex, among the moet biflnfmtJai inhabibantn, MILLER & SELMESj Uaoqnallod by any Other Local Imodium. Orders should he sisnt direct to FI bnooubb St Co., Ltd.. era. Decorators. Plumbers Head Offices, or left with Authorised Agents, » , Prepaid at the above Low Ratee. wy Description of Building and House Repairs done at Moderate Charges. Special attention to Drainage and Sanitary Work. TA1RECTI0N LABELS of aU kinds manufao- and Works: 75, XID28WBLL BOAD, BASTBOUBNB. MJ tured a t London Prices at Fanomnbe A Oo.'» •; Y

Yv ' . ;• ’'YY ■ -' ■ j ' ■ \ will be wanted. At a some tim e one shareholder asked w- be w ise to sketch . , . a living a separate entrance—and let them at oonsid lees -than the rent bf an EARLIER CLOSING-. an ordinary house, that suoh dwellings have ITS HISTORY AND POSITION. been erected at the Garden Suburb in In view of the necessity of closing earlier, owing f¥\ \ '*%, T ° i .Ae latp. aancm .rnetk They, are lpt at to the darkened streets, it is advisable to do your - r + * a weelt the inoome be A Christmas shopping as early as possible. Save the LUMINOUS DIAL WHIST WATCHES for SERVICE USE. ord. Of oourte we do.notoommit Christmas push and rush by paying a visit to *R$JT ; ROLL OF, £80,000. ourselves as to what we shall do after the war. I hope that happier and brighter days are near at hand^ I am to a satisfactory en^ on suoh tom s and oontiiisioiu^fiat I •'.•••.• :.•«.->#L'. ;■>.:•■ DOVER W ILLIAM S’ shareholders . noble suffering, example, courage and unselfish- S s r e ^ g M lhaR not have bean in vain (applause). Mr. The motion was seoonded by Mr. Bowman. rtf& 'T lM g O i l f BE BEADIL^'StBEN IN T B M f U m m ^ m intheoounae of 'a brief discussion, Councillor E den E stablishm ents, 8?^X m “ Soad. m id he had-hoped the dividend would be-5 per cent, arti't*, it the ChaWman explained that the directors, at the Where a large and varied stock o f U S E F U L ■ ! • • ...... • ' -i . f -the shareholders, had paid off tbe mortgage PRESENTS are now being exhibited. Eden, £1,400, and had reduopd the improvements . Bowman. I; to £333. There bad been additional expenses „ M *f R . ___ . ' M'inanrenoe against aircraft, arising out of W. BRUFORD & SO »^«aSafiSS^ Sizmur, Mr. F, R. Markwick, Mrs. F. ’pod, Mrs. A. the war, and the directors had, he maintained, adopted Special for This W eek: Pi] beam, Mrs. K. Bodle, Mrs. E. a prudent course in recommending 4 instead of, 5 per Hughes, Mrs F. Ansoombe, Miss Sent. They had every hope, however, that at no far .ms A. Chamber* Mias A. M. distant date they would be able to revert to the cus­ DO ZEN LADIES’ WARM FLEECY LINED KNICKERS ? .ify I«ottril], &0, | tomary dividend of 5 per cent, (hear. hear). * SC i The directors, in theioouree of their report for the CHRISTMASTIDE. [year ended 30th September last, stated - - THE DIVIDEND. SEE WINDOWS. ______.. i " Theincome from rente amounted to£20,Q27. 6a. 4d. Op-the profneit’on of Mr. Bbadley, seoonded by 1 / 1 1 1 Monday.—Before Sir Alfred fteok' K.G^QiJta'thiS'" M n. FtrLLEBr the meeting formally declared a dividend to this Festival as a chair), Mr. W. L . WalUa, Ck>L w&.'H k ' ip £19,708.18s. 2d.. for. the previous year. An is customary to look irim dividend at the rate of four per cent, per annum Of 4 per oent per annum, less inoome tax, for the six Close1 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and __ time for giving and _ving gifts as a Jjoken of H?nry Ellis, OpuncUlor J. Duke and Mr, T. Farsona. months ended September 30th last. r f ____ circumstances Was paid for the six months ending 31st Maroh, and,the Friday r? o'clock; Saturday & o'clock. i esteem and affection. Under the "LIGHT ” OFFENOTS. Jf >*' ^ directors recommend the payment of a dividend at tl i most people will realise >y should deny themselves the ELECTION OF DIRECTORS. The following caaea -under the lighting restriction rate of four eentk ^er annum for the nix- months 1 pleasure of receiving, am show their appreciation of Mrs. H oobes-proposed the re-election of Mr. Clement them in the Trenches and Order were dealt w i t h ... - ending 30th -.ember last, less inoome tax, making what the Boys axe doingrfi four per. < ■ the yes?, and that the balanoe be John Vinall aa a director. Battlefields, by giving j _e article whioh will be, a Fine. Ernest Smith, ,, Kept House r : - . ’.^SPhe directors deem it satisfactory -i. Mr. MiroHSUL- seconded the motion, which was '4-comfort to at least ohe of ie Boys, who deserve all they that in the rnt crisis and difficulties they are able -can get. . School, Staveley-road Nov. 4 ... £L 10a. . Fanny Kensit, 10, Lewes-road... Oot. 28 £L to present so vourable a report Of the condition of the Mr. V inall : I thank you for having reflected me THE RET. E. SHERGOLD. CORPORATION AT CHURCH. The question is “ What’oan we give?? Messrs. Kathleen Robertson,"TheFour company. ■ ■ ;• • . ' v on the board of this important oompany. The office, I Gbobgk B bown & Co., Ltd., can answer it by suggest' Winds,” Arundel-road... Nov. 1 £L ;i Roselands Estate.—The directors, after!careful con­ assure you, is no sinecure. We put in a gri^t many ing a visit to their Establishment and looking through Louisa C. Wells, 65, Enys-road.. Nov.vl £1. 4 - sideration, have derided to suspend operations for the 1boors------■' ofservice and have a a great great m many an y'— anxious ‘— A NOTABLE CAREER. i Fine, tflough dull, weather prevailed on Sundby. a large assortment of ^articles, of whioh the following Eleanor JJ. . Moloney, Mona present. The Company now own 718 nouses and tene­ rnmnents, am n ot -a,! auy criticisms— w e, may when the Mayor and Corporation attended officially the are but a few :• House, Compton-itreet Nov'. 3 ... £1. ments. The total value of the properties as shown in fairly claim to do thjBrbest within our power to advance i morning sewioe at Eastbourne Parish Church. Acoonr- WATERPROO: Frances Beach, 16, Enya-road ... Oct. 28 ...£ L 10a. the balanoe sheet is £293,586.12s. 5a.” ' ' the- oompan protect the interests of the sbare- •Thou hast thy way to go. thou has* tby day ; panying tbe Mayor (Alderman C. O’Brien Harding, To live; thou has.fc.thiy need of thee to make j J.P.), were the Mayoress (Miss Harding), the Deputy B R IT ISH W Charlotte OoppingB, Haddon. ; holders (applause), with regard to the reduction of 1 | • CHAIRMAN’S SPEECH. '4,.„- oent. in the dij ” lend, the directors naturally took In the heart of others; do thy things yea slake I Mayor (Councillor C. W. Bolton, C.S.I.), Aldermen FLEECE LIN! Hall, Devonshi re-place ...... Nov. 7 ,. £L The world’s great thirst for yet another man 1 John Manser, 203, Seaside— N ov. 8 ... 10s." ’ , The Chairman, in moving the adoption of the report advice of the 'tor, and the effect of the policy And be thou sure of' this; no other can | H . W. K eav, ,T.P:, M. Martin, T. B. Rowe, C. F. SLEEPIN G B Len& Fowler, "Cldnsele,” Gil- ; " - : i : andaocounta, observed that in the ordit ite off figures which represent no Do for thee that appointed thee of God.” Simmons, W. Sharp and J. C. Wright; Councillbre WOOLLEN dredge-road...... N ov. 8 nature they lost by death some of their assets at figures total, I believe, £3,005, and I R, Aloe, A. Avard, A. A. Chapman, B. Bradfordi • To a stronger, unversed in the normal! ways of our I O. Breach, P. O. Dnrell, J. Duke, ,T.P., ,T. Easter. W ARM GLQ Joseph Tobler, 43, Lansdowne- : y i. and the past year had, he regretted to by disposing ch- an incubus the Gqmpany . ip townsmen, the welcome accorded to a newcomer might terrace, Grand-parade (visible ■ ■ j-i without such losses. They had to deplore! tfib deaths of a. s iy. improved position (hear. bear). J- Eden, S.- N, Fox, J.P., F. Hollins, M.A., WOOLLEN HELMETS, ■...... Seem grudging in ith studied! restraint. In« truth there .T. Hoadley, M. Morgan, J. Niedermayer, J. Puls- Hi from the sea) ...... Nov. 5 ... Dismissed. four jbareholdpi% namely, Dr. Robert Davis (Orping- _____mo_w aimr ^^aains this liability of £333, which is no more generous host or juster critic; than East­ • CARDIGAN VESTS, toh), who took a very keen interest in the oompany. trUl bwstruok off aajsoorfaSposeible (applause) . ford, J. Prior, ,!. W. P. 1 earson, S. Russell, G. B. LEATHER WAISTCOATS with Sleeves, u p bourne. Those who have lived longest! among her j Soddy and A. R. Wood, with the ToWciOTkfMr h " 4 . . . 4 1 . Miss Edith Bathurst, Miss Emily Reid’ (Meads) and The Chairman said that owing to the engrossing LEATHER SHELLS AND COATS, j was: increased to 30s. in two oases owing to there Miss S. M. Diplook (Polegate). people and who have had a eonscience im what they j W. Fovargue) and other borough officials. The M a ^ ig 'no blinds at the windows through which the olaims of his business, occasioned: by a depleted staff, | have done of pnblic service- are not-cumbered with trates present were air Alfred Dent, K.C.M.G , Maior Also the HOWARD LIFE SAVING BELT Proceeding-, he said: It gives me great pleasure to see Mr -XL J. Miller badi retired ffom 'thO directorate. regr<*» fosfcher tarffinesa^of^appreciation haann the and H. P. Molineux-and Mr. W. L. Wallis, with the Clerk and the BODpY WAISTCOAT, 0fiA&d F f H f S tophBV t^p^red for Mrs. Beaoh, 16, Buys- «i<* » 8«>d attendance at "this our annual meeting. I ---- -etted this step on his part as the bad ; but proved the fairness of her careful discernment. • If * I Era, Era Mr, Millers services. After full (Mr. E. G. Langham); Four members of the Board of road, who resisted the summonses on the ground that,, rdo not wish to detain you unduly^but pelhapa you will - - ■ j — - - -- j - ——--- -J“ co°~ ! she is cautious she is not indifferent. She- docs not vruaraiansGuardians were present, viz., Mias S. Gatliff, Mr. J. N o te the Addressj though there was neither blind nor curtain to the P0™*1 “ y * *•» words on each of the following ., __ .... . iedirectors- had filled the vaoaficy by tbe ] always insist upon a lengthy probation. She,» swift to i McCann Mr J i Willraotillraot and ’ Mr. J. ’ G. Shield, ■ scullery window, the gas light had been turned down to IKM*?: Iv the objects of the .company When it tree appointment thereto of Mr. Fred A. Boni-nfe, who now disoover essential values. And no town iu England will T, Ur, h i ,. . r , ■ inem um ciD a : GEORGE BROWN & CO., LT»„ the lowest —point • . rm-°There---- was- also, -•*.it ------was olai— j arow ‘started, and the objects still; 2, the progress made by before shareholders- for re-election., He (the of high shrnbs in front of the window. The deft it ’s - what iB now, I suppose, one of the largest companies in Ohairmap)had known him for a good number of years, the anthentio records of distinguished achievement Regent House, Terminus-road, Eastbourne. ’the" borough; ’ 3, the capital of the oonc oompanyand the ana there-waswirji reasoni to- believe be would prove a distance to the sliurch beingg icovered on Seats.____ evidence was corroborated by her maid, who declared “ Only a fortnight ago a publie meeting was held, on a w erehlso reserved! in church for detachments from the that there was only the "faintest ” glimmer of |a light value of its,freehold and leasehold properties; 4, our useful 'member. Mr. Bourne was, he helieve4 a night of dense darkness and,of.drenching rain;,formally expenditure' acoount; . and ^ few. words also on the director gf tbree ^ other companies* so he had some Cavalry Command Depot, Summerdown Convalescent Special Constable Buokland insisted that there was a to mkTk'the beginnings of a new chapter in.the history Camp, the Men’JV. A. Detachment of the Red Cross, bright light, and that it was this which attracted his subject of our dividend, oh What the Outside share­ knowledge of oompany wtirk. Mr. Vine concluded hy of a church and its minister. Not many had! heard of holders—those not in tpe habit of attending our meet­ proposing.M'r. Bourne’s re-election. and nurses at the- various hospitals, the Eastbourne I ROLL OP HONOUR. attention..’ i: - ■.-|- bis name, and; many more are still; ignorant of h«s exist­ College Cadets, the Church Lads’ Brigade, S t The Chairman said the point which specially ings—say, and on our future prospects. There is Mr. SlUTOB secbna6a.'-^€krrie4.,i(v. . , ence. Yet he has been living in our midst and . Cyprian’s influenced them was the abeenoe of blind and ourtains, material enough there for a lengthy speech, but T will Cadets, Roborough Cadets. Temple Grove’e Cadets, / v a l u e : o f p r o p e r t i e s l i k e l y t o diligently working for the public good for a period of the Municipal Secondary Stoool Cade Cadets, and ' the Boy BECOND-LIECT. 4. F. A. PATTERSON. and there would be a fine of 30s. only touoh briefly on eaob of these points before asking yon In the summons against Mr. Tobler,.. Lansdowne- formally to approve the report, which the-directors are j - I N U R ____ r ._..... L_ . :• :T ' i Scouts, the Fire Brigade, representatives of the friendly * DISTINGUISH D ATHLETE AT of opinion is very satisfactory considering the difficulties Tne Rdv. F. Shergold is the latest accession- to- the i societies and a small detachmest of police, terrace, the defendant alleged that a visitor was to Mr. B oubks, in the ooura»of his acknowledgment, ranks of the Free Church mixisters of Easfchource. I The service generally was conducted by the Vicar E URNE. blame. The case against him was dismissed, it being and drawbacks whiob all have to face at Such a time as said: Tap appointment iff all the-more welcome because the present (hear, hear). The work he has already dona during 40: years 0f ; (^ev. Canon W. C. Sfcreatfeild, R.D.), the lessons being Seoond-Lieut. Aubrey F. A; Patterson, Royal Flying understood the police would proceed against the visitor. it was unexpected. Having: resided in Eastbourne for conscientious effort is of too solid and entjuringra char- j read by Rev. Dr. Crowden and Rev. F. S. Williams Corps, who—bo has died of wounds, was born in 189% and .} Object of the Company. I ward« of thirty years, I hove watebedthe growth of m m m m EMPLOYER FINED. apter to make a statement of his -credentials necessary (head master of Eastbourne College). The choir oredit- was the youngest son of" and Mrs. W. R, Patterson, e undertaking with the closest interest ? and I-have fet the new teak to which he has piut his hands.--. But it j ably led the choral portion of the service, which included of Clevdand-square, Hy Park. Educated at Berk- abeen a shareholder for a very long period. H is my firm liege, haHistinguished him- is a pleasure ts speak appreciatively of one who cannot , specially-chosen Psalms and appropriate hymns The hamsted and Eastbourne guilty to having i industrial olassea at as low rents as was- reasonably conviction that those who-invest m well-managed local be coaxed to speak of" himself and whose modesty,' ' Vicar founded an earnest and! forcible sermon on the self as an athlete, and tool the swimming cbampionsbsp of an emploveof military age. i i I companies .are likely to reoei/ve ai fadx return for their bapA'Oity and transparent honesty, together with bus 16. Within a few days, of Inspector Diplook stated the faots and defendant was I lossible, and to pay a fair dividend to its shareholders, .money, whereas the policyof seeking for high dividends words, “Therefore he would not drink thereof, but .at Eastbourne when he fhe progress made will be seen, I think, jin all parts of catholicity of spirit and self-forgetting willingness to poured it out unto the Lord” (2 Samuel, xxiii., 16k the commencement of the] he enlisted in theH.A.O., ordered to pay a fine of 10s. , j the borough. We started with twelve houses in Greens ifrequently means grasping at thB shadow and losing tbe serve the community, make hisbis coming among ns a •and went out to France the end .of 1914. Returning substance. I have heard of many Local investors who Having indicated that'that was first of all a service of DISORDERLY CONDUCT. street; they are there still, and I don’t think tbeyare subject for congratulation, to S t Aidan’s ChiaoB and prayer and secondly o£-re-consecration of national and invalided to England 1915, he was appointed to a any the worse for the lengthy period during which they have dropped a great deal of vary hardly earned money to the town. civic life to the glory of"Sod, the preacher enlarged upon commission' in____ the_____ West iorkshire Regiment, and was Two brothers named George -Dyer (21) and Fred in certain industrial concerns- which) were at one time A “ B oy-P rkachiri” attached to I the Royal Flying Corps. He Dyer (18), Longstone-road, pleaded guilty to disorderly have stood and been in use. Now 'We have 718 houses regarded as " gilt edged seouribiea/’ bat have now sunk the duty of sacrifice; prompted and guided by right suT and tenements, all of whioh are in good, aooeasiblS Mr. Shergold began his public career in the Salisbury motive. He reminded his hearers that the future of our went ok to the Front this year and became actively conduct in Seaside-road on the 4th insfc I r positions in the borough. We have fd? convenience— !to a very low figure. The outlook for some companies ~,__D-d in bombing operations,, in . whioh he did According to P.O. Copping the two defendants » not perhaps very promising II think we may fairly circuit of Primitive Methodism, where after passing Empire was being bought by the blood and lives of to facilitate inspection—divided them into groups. through the stages of Sunday school scholar, teacher brave men. The gigantic sacrifice must not be utilised ‘‘ excellent wotk.” Second-Lient. Patterson was brought created,a great noise, by snouting and singing, as they The oentral group includes the properties in Ashford •ay, however, that the properties of the Artizans’ down on September 17 by! a numerous German squadron, passed through the various streets. .Eaoh time witness Dwellings Company are likely to- increase in value. and secretary, he appeared on the circuit plan at the for unworthy ends, but be poured out as an offering approaohed them they ran away and continued their square and those on the Willowfield estate and neigh ractioal builders assure me thafcthere la no liklihood of age of 16. In less than three years afterwards he was. before the Lord. It was to- this duty the NationaL and died of nis wounds at Osnabruok. _ bourhood. Group 2 embraces a portion of the Seaside Mission was calling them; and they should see so far as misbehaviour elsewhere. j ' i area si hour or materials- reverting to pre-war levels. I do an accredited minister—the youngest in his denomina­ PRIVATE J. E. STONER. suoh as Avondale-road, Firle - road and that Jnot wish to exaggerate in any way,.hut I woold ask yon tion. This rapid introduction to responsible service is they were concerned the call was not ignored or lightly f I j - transpired that the elder defendant hsdL been i™fcfcy> Group 3 taki b in the Old Town, where we — arded. As briefly mentioned laefc week, Private Jas. Ei medically rejected for military servire, and that the haye ^ on^ pth e ^ to oonsider whether it wouldihe possible to, get the explained by tne insufficient college accommodation, for ■Stoner, Royal Sussex Regim ent, a well-known orioketer inal twelve oottages in Green- the accepted candidates of that day and by the satis­ rom the offertory, which was taken during the oon- other one had got six months to go before he became 1street, ...... but twoJ other blocks in the same thoroughfare, houses owned by the oompany builit now for any thing cluding hymn, a grant imto be mode to the Police Court and footballer in Eastbourne, was killed in action at tbe liable to serve, like the amount our direotors- expended t This proves factory proofs of quite exceptional ability reoognised by and the properties iri Paradise - drive, Greys-road, the leaders of the church. , Mission. The service coaoluded with the singing of the Western Front. From information since to hand it Defendants were each fined 10a, or, in default, seven Vioarage-road and High-street. Another group is that our,real assets represent aifac-higher figure than is National Anthem. appears he was mortally wounded by shrapnel on the days’ hard labour. V I - constituted of what we know as our Hampden Park set down in the halanoe sheet; It will! be my endeavour A F ront T rench M A » - 29th October. He expired about an hour atad twen to advance the interest of tbe shareholders in every way ALLEGED BURGLARIOUS INTENTIONS. estate. These properties are scattered all over the Thoee whoare-familiar with the progress of Primitive. minutes after rCaohing hospitaL The late Private J. ] in my power, bedtfuee my interests and there of a near Methodism will, readily understand the type of ministry Frederick Arthur Chandler, a thin, cadaverous-look­ borough. There are others I have not particularised, Stoner, who was 30 years of age, and who was for aome and all are in good positions. As yon know, we have a relative are identical!with thoeewf ail who have invested that has contributed most to its abiding success. In MILITARY FUNERAL AT 0CKLYNGE. ■years in the employ of Messrs. Bainbridge & Son, ing young man, was brought up on remand charged large estate m the lower part of Seaside,—the Roeelauds in the oonoern. W e hope, of oouree^ to return to pre- these last dvrs—and largely through - the munificent builders, &c., joined one of the eervioe battalions of the with being in possession of housebreaking ^implements, War conditions and pay aisteady 5 per cent, which no gifts of Sir William. Hartley—the Primitive Mbthodist Royal Sussex Regiment shortly after war broke out, and also with having stolen a bicycle lamp. G. estate—and also in Whitley road and the district, one can say is excessive;. I thinkona-of tbe best features nrlr^gonrir rail wav insnentor livinv at 4. Wharf- wnerewhere we havenave numerous nouses.houses. We have quite a connexion has advanced by leaps and: bounds and. is Private George Cooke, Lincolnshire Regiment, was ■ and was for some time in training at Gooden. He went CharlesSearie, — ‘ of the oOmpany is the-ftwt that ifeia managed by local known as .one of the.best equipped and most healthily buried vritb full military honours at Ooklynge Cemetery, out to the Front early in March last, and on the day road, gentlemen who have proved-their. capacity hy tnany aggressive of Free Churches; The college.at Man iehester Eastbourne, on Wednesday. afternoon. The deceased before bis death he wrote home to his wife,! who is ooeasionS as ffS to oapturing JS M S___ S S xS ffi srtMiiffiSrtJi years Of work’ (applause): with its magnificent buildings, its fine staff' of. sehefarly soldier, who was only 2& years of age, died at toe j at Bognor, intimating that he was quite well premises. In the pockets of an bverooat found lying described otherwise than as desirable and advanl for the purposes of sueh a oompany as ours | V . THE. AUDITOR. professors, its affiliation with the University,, and its. LJTpperton Red Cross Hospital, of which he had been an an<___i hoped. ______soon to bo hcjme on jleave. p n , . , . Private Stoner, on a boqc in the garden were a bkfyole lamp, a piece of carefully graduated tests of efficiency; is second! to none inmate sinoe 28th May, after having been under treat­ who has many friends in Eastbourne, by-whom heis candle, two knivee, &c. It was after the finding of the hear). ' . ' x, ' T] On the motion of Mr- VT.. JI Baoww, seconded hy Capital, R ents, &a ■<- as a school of prophets. But great honour is due to the ment in France for three months. ■ Private Cooke, who highly respected, has aj brother in the army who it in coat that witness arrested tbe accused. Witness stood Mr. J . B bown, Mr. H. A Worley wasre-eleeted auditor men whose evangelistic fervour, whose-knowledge of belonged to Retford, Nqtts., bore his long suffering training for " tank” duty. / behind a hedge and seized the man as he passed, With reference to capital, we started with £5,000, and Ala fee of £40...... - the present authorised capital is £125,000, of which popular needs, ana whose re markable gifts ofleariership with remarkable patience and fortitude, and was remarking, Mr. W oblsy, in returning thanks, said tbe present prepared the way for later developmsntsandiooBSoiida- popular not only with the hospital staff, but with all the p r i v a t e : w . t . s m i t h . IhaVe been waitini there has been subscribed 22,918 shares, totalling £114,590. The total value of properties, aa you trill tee balanoe sheet was, in his opinion, the best they had had tion. ! - L'_' •■ ■ ;." , visitors. Many of the friends he bad made daring his ' Private William Thomas Smith, aged 21, of thd station prisoner said imprisonment for many a long year (hear, hear). He thought, con­ fatal illness attended the burial service, whioh was held -Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry, whp lost his life in him than the army. • . by the balance-sheet, is £292,585. 12s..6d.—in ttifod ; No single minister has done bettorr work under figures nearly £300,000/ Out of that large AhfiCthe sidering the time through-whioh' they were passing, a 4 difficult circumstances than the subjeot off this appre­ at'St.-Anne’s Church. This was conducted hy the Rev; France, was a_son of Mr.^William Smith (now saving, Miss Nanov Marian Hurst, 10, The Avenue, identified per cent (dividend was extremely good. .After paying W. P. Jay (the vicar)), the Rev. L. Paff (assistant ■on H.M .S. Emperor of India”! 1 3 the eleotrio bioyole lamp prodnoed as her property. It freehold properties 'represent £287,347. 5s. 6d., aad tbe ciation. This is frankly and generously, reoogniaea in le&eholds £6,238. 6s. lid ., for whion latter a redemption the dividend there was being canned:forward a very warm terms of gratitude by the headS jof tie-denomina­ chaplain to the Forces) And the Rev. L. Hands (ourate •and Mrs. George’Smithy 27, Oakhurst-road, Old Town. was last seen safely by her on the 4th inst., when it was good bala Whioh th e oompany required and which at St. Saviour’s), who had ministered to the deceased After leaving St. Mary’s School...... he was . in , local _ , employ­ . in the shed where her bioyole was kept. A police oon- fund exists and will be used as' oircu instances require. tion. "I value highly your experience and labour,” Thst is s position which I think tbe shareholders will it reserve- for the future (applause). wrote a few years ago the well-known secretary of the soldier while in hospitaL The band of the Sommer- ment fof nearly seven years, and joined the Colours on stable bronght it to her on the 8th; until then she had down Camp played funeral marches on the route to the outbreak of wax. He was*" reported“ ~'***>^ missing in w>“the not missed it. It was worth 7s. 6d. ■ ;;fe. agree with me is very satisfactory,-and I feel oertain all d i r F o t q r s f f e e s . Primitive Methodist Missionary Sociefcy.(nouvpres»dent of the Conference), the Rev. A T;' Giittry„and this is Ooklynge Cemetery, and- tbe firing party was composed autumn of last year, and his death is now officially will approve of the policy of the directors in taking up Mias Oullinoford- proposed, Mira Bodle seoonded the freeholds as we have done (hear, hear). A business only one among many such commendationo-. of Canadian soldiers from Seaford Camp. Among the notified. from the first witness at about 10.50 p!m. on the night and it was resolved that the directors be' paid the usual mourners were deceased’s father, two brothers ana two 1 G U N N E H jJ. f . p a r s o n s . of the 7th. Prisons?, being told he would have to be of suoh dimensions throws a considerable responsibility remunpration of £400) free of income tax. Beginning pastoral work at Stroud, where for twelve on the directors, who have devoted themselves unspar­ months the young minister laboured’witlk immediate sisters. A number of visitors to the hospital sent floral Recently Gunner John Frederick Parsons, R .F.A , looked up, said that was better than being out starving, I The Chairman said he thought tbe shareholders tributes, and there were others from his relatives, the died from wounds reoeived in action in Franca He adding that he had had nothing^ to eat since the morn­ ingly to the interests of the company. [ The inoome success, Mr. Shergold removed to 9k. Day; Here for from rents, as you will observe, has increased slightly, realised that the directors devoted mocR_time and three ye&rshe vindicated the high hopes- of friends in, matron, nursing staff fand secretaries of the hospital and was wounded on October 23rd. in the head and knee, ing. Subsequently prisoner claimed ownership of the thought to the company’saffitira Their meetings were the hospital domestic staffs and although some hopes were entertained that he coat found on Mr. Searle’s premises. With regard to the amount for the year being £20,027. 6a. 4d., or an the work he accomplished. Two ohrurohes were built increase upon the preceding twelve months of £230. held with great frequency, and dose consideration was with his -assistance^ and hundreds-!off people converted might pull through, he expired on November 1st.. He the bioyole lamp, prisoner said he had taken it from a givdtt to hvery matter- that prose (hear, hear). was the son of Mrs. Parsons, 104, Hurst-road, Ooklynge, shed at the back of a honse in a road leading to the This difference is accounted' for in sevei 1 ways. One through his preaching. way is an increased inoome from the and his wife resides at 109, Ashford-road. The late hospitaL The lamp, he said, would come in handy to -_UPL _elands estate, COMPLIMENTARY. , : ; v.E ndubino M emobiaih.. w During the forthcom ing winter and spring a Gunner Parsons was by trade a gardener, and was for him at night, especially when going to Old Town. of which we have had the full year’s benefit, and there distribution of superior sorts of grain and potatoes for have [been rather lees empties. Naturally ohanges of. Councillor BHADFOBja; in proposing a vote of thanks At St. Ives (Cornwall) he found scope for , those some time a member of St. Michael’s Ohuroh choir. • Prisoner, qjho addressed a violent imprecation to the to the secretary and the staff, said they were greatly powers of diplomacy and administration) whioh have ■owing purposes is to be made among Canadian Mrs. J. F. Parsons sustained a previous bereavement authorities, was committed for trial at the next Assizes. tenants are frequently occurring, anjd. occasionally a .rmers, under the instructions of the Minister of week’s rent is on that account lost, but I am glad to say privileged in having sueh a capable; secretary as Mr. given him, with the passing of theyearsj.awell-deserved by the.death of a brother—Private F. Colwell, Royal 0 hater, who devoted eo-nraoh time and-ability to the reputation among the counsellors pf his ohnajoh. After Agriculture. West Kenta-rin July last. , | there has been a saving in the matter of changes of tenanoies. An item whioh you will have noted with interests of tbe oompamy. The admirable work of the quietening the disturbing elements by tact and good i Seagulls are undoubtedly weather prophets. surprise and satisfaction is tha lore!arising from bad other members of the staff: also deserved their warmest sense whioh had retarded the connexional interests in Dwellers on the coast have noticed that when certain . SAPPEA H. PAYNE. appreciation (applause)i. this oorner of Cornwall, he went to - Penzance to enjoy The death oocurred in aotioto, on Ootober 28th, of ana doubtful debt& The loss is very small indeed— winds begin to blow the gulls collect in large flocks and; Faulty flues, leaky pipes, eleotrio only £11. 11b. out of that large sum poUected. Every- . Mr. V inall seoonded the motion, which wad carried four years of steady progress, the-membership being fly to the fields oroircle nigh over the land, screaming Sapper Payne,. R.E. (Territorials), who, went out to nearly doubled in that time. France in August last. A smart, well-liked young man | one must think it rather marvellous that we aan collect hy aoolamatioh. all the. while uneasily. After such demonstrations a. bells not ringing, beating appa­ upwards of £20,000 and yet restriot !oui;bad debts to - Mr. CHAlWR aaid be- and the staff much appreciated A t Dunstable, his next oharge,. tod church on his rainstorm is certain to follow. of 20, he was educated ait S t Andrew’s School, Norway, arrival was on the verge of financial! disaster. Nothing and afterwards was employed by Mr. Vinoentj Junction- ratus out of order, these are some’ of [ the nominal sum of £1L Us. This bears ont what I this mark of the company's confidence - and approvaL ey had on the Bbaadof Directors a body of very-keen daunted, he faced the difficulties with) such readiness, T r u l y PoiiiiTB.—One day an Irishman was the household troubles. I have been | have said on previous occasions, that' have very good walking along a country rood with a bag on his back. r°ad’ ROYAL SUSSEX REGIMENT. particularly successful with. In fact, tenants, people who pay up well; it a shows that the riness men; who looked after every detail of the work resource and courage that within, seven years a new Sand went thoroughly into everything; and-the staff feltmanse was built, the Houghton Rfegis aad Totternhoe A cart was going the same way, and the driver thought- ie d of oonda if you have,any repairs requiring atten­ affairs of the oompany are well looks ter, and that D 1 W . . we have a very good loolleefor (app I t is only it a pleasure as well as a doty to energetically and faith­ churches renovated, a new churoH' b oill a t Toddington the traveller might be glad of a lift. “ H i! ”, he cried~ Private A Alloorn, Heratmonceux. tion! drop olpost card to ' . necessary to touoh briefly on the rep fully, fulfil the Oiff erSof toe hoard (applause). to supersede tbe old, and the-wholb ohosch raised to a Would you like a ride ? ’’ Thanks! ” said the Irishman. maiorten- He got in, but did! not put the bag off his back. “ Yon - WODMWIX^.f;. •- . ' ance acoount. vOn this account I i to say .... Mr. Steinle, serended by Mr. there hah been ^ eAvjng of £360 durit) one of the mav put down your hag,” (suggested tbe driver. 'CorpL A E . W estgate, W illingdon. yea*-;- W e ;-a vote off thanks was passed to the'Press, “ Well,” saidlthe Irishman, “ Idon’t like to impose on W .BACKSHALL.^~™ . also have, writt off on the improvements aooount a ethodism, the ' OTHER UNITS. . i | sum of £333. 6s. ., leaving only a like amount still to leeting terminated with the usual Odmpliment “ Leeds Third.” At the dose of his first year, the cir­ gobd nature. You give me a riae, but I will carry the-' Ibairman, paid on the initiative of Mr. B owman, cuit was made into three. The- imposing building in Dag m yself!”' Bounded. —Lawn Slower Expert.— BUILDINGS. be paid off. .The. balaibalance brought for ward in Ootober, 1915, was £6 9 0 .18s.!s. 8u.,8d._, and this .u.o ye£r, after providing * by Councillor E den. Lanee-Oorpl. W. rke (Essex Regiment), East- for the pavment of the dividend, a inpre Substantial mse the Chairman re-called his long oonneo- bourne. _____ the company and spoke of his deep interest in chapter oDdenom inational expansion eoihpleted _____ ade), Eastbourne. 7 balance' will be carried forward. W 11 fact I think Private; J. Lee (Rifle you will all be pleased'(applause). ' te beneficent public cause it represented.^ He thought ing to importance and in its. features of personal enter- Private1 R. Page (M / .j, EMtbourna’ lot oply the original promoters, but all connected with mse anything in the previous history of the rirouit Lance-OorpL H, irter (Buffs), Eastbourne. LONDON TO EASTBOURNE FOR A T he D ividend. toe oompany, bad every reason for satisfaction and Hr. Shergold then removed to Bbrkhamsted ostensibly The directors recommend a to reouperate. But there he- found it necessary to toil. 1 W oundi Shock-Shell. 4 ’ , - ... PENNY, h of 4 per oent,, I fenoouragement at tb& splendid work that had been Gunner N. Goddard ’/A ), Eastbourne. whioh I hope you will consider sal aotory. Theca ip effin the £—can de claimed by those hood, and so worthy were his effects that the special t . ■ - • v, ■ * ; tax at the present time instead df mwSao]! W H E E Z Y QODOH. thanks of the J)istrict Building Committee were followed A WEEK-EN March next, If not already aware “ The more his oharaoter is inquired into the worse it those whom Could hardly breathe. but Cured by the offioial acknowledgments of Conference. hJ heoomesi” said a detective- sergeant of a boy, aged 14, the matter oOnoefns will be glad to tharc is no by Veno e Lightning Cough Cure. It was natural that after sueh a record the leading A regular writer in a London evening paper observed oharged in the Juvenile Court at Brentford On Monday neoessity to wait before March before get the tax 11 officials of the Luton Second Circuit, eager for a com­ In Monday’a iesue thafi he had “ week-ended at East­ with stealing a bicycle. ^ >:•.?< .... • 'rv- • refunded,, and get the benefit of the 4 per cent, petent superintendent to lead them in progressive V bourne,” which be found " immensely more recuperative Since his father1 had heenbIiFh«u», 8aid the offi6er, dividend. The tax has risen now -figure, and ; Mrs. Murdoch, 3, Broad-street, Stirling, N.B., says ventures, should approach the minister whom they than Brighton,” ]" I ioticed,” he said, “Miss Gertie be had lost several situations, through .dishonesty. shareholders not liable will be pleased, no doubt, to be “ I was suffering with bronchitis and shortness of believed to be “just the man” for the post He Millar and Mias Peggy! Kearton deserting the theatrical Recently, after being, absent JrcrtU hblnd’ for a month, relievedrelievedatoncer* at once of ~ what, I—‘ for the time bring, _might be a breath. I had. an awful oougb, and was so choked up acoepte4 It is enough to say that he more than fulfilled throng at London-on-Sea, among a host of well-known hb returned in the clothes of EastbouriteWorkhousS. considerable draiwbaok (hear, hear).' jth*t sometimes I could hardly get my breath. Doctors’ expectations A new eireoit was made and a handsome DO NOT WAIT people at Eastbourne, where my hotel register disclosed The lad-explained to the detective .tibat it was the W hat the Shareholders Sat. j B medicine did no good, but. V.eno’s soon cured me. Since building reared to meet the needs of a large Sunday that Major-General Sjr Francis Lloyd had aho been easiest thing in the World to get to Eastbourne for a then I have used Veno’a for all my children, and it has sohool at a cost of £2.569. i - . The next thing-is, what do the sha^ehphi^yt say.? In [ taeveronoefailed!” it • - . ,! [ [fi 4x90Sntgqest penny.' • ■ the Course of piy wanderings about town I naturally meet lubeequently Mr. Shergold ministered to the ohm vm M you axe nally 111 M m raurWng to “ One of j-esterday’4 sights wasa very workmanlike- "Yon go to Victoria,” he said, “and take a plat- - Trust Veno’s tocure coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, at Salisbury (bis original home). Kingston-on-Tl treatment. Immediate attention aboakL formpicket, jump in,! and when yon get to Eastbourne, firet one shareholder and then another, and I am struck looking naval airship I gracefully manoeuvring over a sometimes with the questions asked and the comments influenza, oatarrh, and whooping cough. Prices, lljd l, and Folkestone, maintaining and increasing the always he given to minox ailment* Iwt ticularly placid sea.Pv. . ,, , if you give up the platform tioket, no questions are la 34, and 3s. everywhere. name he had won by hard work and high they toad to more serious trouble. A - m made. One shareholder I met casually—-and his is a M ke4* -A..,.'. 'if. -•*?- ! A MnrarraR’s Extras. billon* hesd nohe —a tendmaoy to conation The lad is to he sent to a Reformatory. x; typica1 case-masked what the dividend was like»j$ebe, adding I hope yoa will pay «s much as In toe light bf Mr. Shergold’s history the vooation of tton—a feeling of discomfort after i N o w Cl o s e d . Newly - attested recruit heoanse my inoome is limited' and things ,«ro UNG ALTRKFS CHILDREN Primitive Methodist minister is no sinecure; One a sensation of drowsiness during living 2s. 7d. am I armlet); "Why only 2s. 7d.? Another shareholder with a considerable holding in i might imagine that |be control of a circuit, with its hour*—impaired appetite three __ __ It used to he 28.94” argeant ; “ They have deducted Otto of Bavftria, one of t h e toad & Of oompany said, “Why I like yqtaJf / ’ ‘ (THB EOYAI, NAVYl many preaching stations and agencies, the preparation symptoms that two of the most important the amusement tax! ”• -Weekly Ti Europe, died yesterday.— York Swn. think it is a well-conduoted ooc of sermons, the visitation of adherents, the study of organ* in the body—the stomach and tire oompany in which you employ local' Children of Alfred call' ..toe Good and Great building schemes and tbe raising of connexional and liven—are not working mtiateetorily. The approve of the Company for that In stern and silent i other funds, would tax all an ordinary man’s time, right remedy to remarks I am very pleased ______„ ____ They are the might; of the State; strength and patience. This minister, however, has great confidence in the board ^The, same’gentleman Leviathans that gtu Fate, done much more than that.' He has served with dis­ said “ that he was perfectly satisfied with a four per Whose high way is t tinction as secretary of such connexional bodies as the T A ^ E oent, dividend, and oonsidered it veiy fair.” Speaking See, they have grown, . .tchless form, Local Preachersl Training Committee, District Educa­ of oar Hampden Park property the same shareholder They fear not evil and ! storm, tion Committee, the Arlesford Orphan Home, and the whenever there is the slightest suspicion i said, “ It is a standing permanent improvement to. that W ith stealthy step arm, they keep London First District Orphanage Committee, helping that *11 1* not well with the organs of estate, and. a very great benefit’" I am sure my A vigfi'ior us daily, on the latter to raise money for the homes at digestion. Is Beeehom’s Pills—that well- co-directors would accept the gentleman's remarks as a Patrolling wayeh-ihat they of foemen swi Harrogate. And after 40 years of work, into which known trustworthy preparation which ha* compliment and as evidence o f the confidence placed in The warders and the watchers of the deep, have been crowded the thought of a student, tbe trained had such enormous success in the treat­ T may not be generally k tiown that them. We desire the.oopfidence of the shareholders. Go with light hearts so guly. ,' ' - forces of a first-rate business man, tbe nerve-dnergy ment of digestive disorders. Those who T h e KoSBLAKDS'-Esrr. We should not dream that battle is their breath, of an eloquent preacher and the fervent love of a have tried this 'remedy—and they now G. C, Barley & Co., of 22-^ A word or twonaow about the Roeelands estate. As the And they at haadgrips ever are with death. philanthropist, he is still a young man in the fifties. number a great multitude—are entirely ■:.) Ah, would King' Alfred in their royal race It will be clear to the discerning and unprejudiced satisfied that, for correcting ailment* of bareTdecidedi to suspend operations olPthat estt^ fS Know pow his offspring giant, reader of this article that tbe leaders of Primitive tire stomach and tha liver, there 1* nothing Junction Road, Eastbourne, have a . the present. The estate will be a very valuable one And road by thetn reflected his own face; • Methodism believe that “ the post of difficulty is the to surpass i when it is developed. The drains have been laid and Or find in conquerors over time and space, post of honour.” Nowhere has Mr. Shergold done lew we shall he quite ready to proceed when the war is Descendants true, reliant? than was expected of him.- Mostly he has done more* one of the largest stocks of Com- over.. A s yon know, yon cannot proceed with any work ■■ The biggest fancies of his fertile brain, During his lour years’ stay at Folkstone, his last oharge, costing oyer £500 without Government authority, and Whioh mastered all things here, might look in vain. he had begun and (hut for the war) would have finished BEECH AM’S ••4- H r tit|» t o * - . V ^: \ the task of clearing a considerable debt He ahb- of course that restriction seems quite right under Yet have they sprang from hit old fighting ships, Stanti&lly reduced it. - t t t y in tf e distnct present circumstances. There are other reasons for the The first, toe wise foundation There, as in other towns, he won the goodwill and PILLS. To MMarge onr enemies with their iron whips, esteem of all who knew him. He was president and And when they speak to. wrath with thunder lips, secretary of the Free Ohuroh Council ana left for E ast­ They are his own creation. bourne amid expressions of general regret '. Bnt for that splendid spirit, should we he He has come' to one of the most important and P r b p a r b d o n l y b y Btill and for ever sovereigns of toe sea? ., ,. . responsible appointments in the home department Great Alfred’s children worthy of a King carrying With it, as it does, the superintendency-of the BSJSOHAM, St. Helens, mL t hold their lightnings ready, — Hastings and Bexhill branches. There are alao hia fearless in the challenge that they fling; onerous duties as “ officiating minister” for the United Sold everywhere in boxes, 'im procession mate and menacing, Board. He has not been idle since his arrival. East­ bourne knows bow to appraise qualities that reveal a paCeanunpathed road, true, a strong and a good man. Under leadership so nre and its toad, capable S t Aidan’s ohnrch should enter upon its most w hile they hold hopeful adventure. And Eastbourne will rally to tbe BELY ON 2ft*SS 2$ * § £ help of a worker who has shown explicitly that the fine points of an honourable and disciplined life are oonse- crated to the aervioe of all who will respond to via v B41 FIL L S (JrttfromMtrcmrt} T BASTBOURN® CHRONICLE, .8ATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1916. r r t t ± — "Hr— H im :! ir il V 'u /:— r? 1i-M il vp’xtyftfS— sflftyg ‘ l m ------\— I;KV-, .------

THE PIER. - DEVONSHIRE PARK THEATRE, DEVONSHIRE PARK. 1 . v * i. r , , ' . . v— - ' “AMONGST WILDEST MRS. DANE’S DEFENCE.” ' ORCHESTRAL CONCERTS. Following up their previous Success in imp THE MELSA AND SOLOMON RECITAL. The adventuree of the Maoklin expedition in search plays, Messra. Murray lurk’s Resident Con | iJ* H is s The orchestra continues to justify its distinction as A ll-W ool Scotch ne in toe/pridest parts of Africa f- pany are this week giving effective and praisewortb the dominating attraction; at Devonshire Park. All of entertainment in the Pier Theatre this week. representations of Mr. Henry Arthur Jones’ pos its cVork reaches a high artistic level, and the bi-daily A ll piano-playing instrum ents ______Bnoea of the party are ably related by Mr. F. J ’ rily successful and thoroughly ^ S f f O T B N 0. Elliott, a capable raoontenr, who deals with the irsthalf of the week the admir- subject in an exceedingly telling and at times humorous __ ^ of Miss Veronica Judge {a are not ‘Pianola’ Pianos manner. The expedition made a journey through the bourne. Apert. therefore, from its inherent di gifted soprano) gave variety and additional attractive- Soudan to the borders of Abysinnia, traversing.over qualities, it nas the weloome due to comparative f. i" ness to the programmes.mee O On------Wednesday afternoon a U n d e r w e a r 2,000 of little known country abounding in wild ness.___ The___company had had none too muoh time to °( 1 “ special request” programme was presented, and was animals, and the. piotorial reoord of the exploits of the complete their rehearsals, even with Monday a d ie t non welcomed by a considerable audience. Among tbe oom- T h e outstanding superiority of the 4 Pianola * FOR members proves extremely fascinating. The nigh quality in a publio sense; that they came so satisfactorily. , . 1 positions essayed was the “ Namouna” suite (Lalo), of the photography gives additional value to the through an exaoting ordeal on the opening night was, Stanford’s “ Irish Rhapsody” and-Svend9en’s “ Car- has m ade the word familiar to everyone. pictures, which depict at dose quarters, lions, hippo* therefore, greatly to their credit. Sinoe that occasion nival in Paris.” Miss Elsie Stell (solo violin) made a yotamus, rhinootros, crocodile, monkeys, hyenas, any minor blemishes on the initial oooasioh have oom- successful appearance at this concert W hen thinking of piano-playing instruments C hilly D ays. jaokals, &a, the ‘whole forming an instructive nature pletely disappeared, and the performance, as now I Tie outstanding attraction attractii on Thursday was the study. The'hunting scenes are graphically depicted, given, has all the smoothness and spirit of an estab­ afternoon recital by those briUiant young artists, Mels# the name of the most famous of them all— and illustrate the party after crocodiles, an exciting lished fixture. ) i j ! . (the Polish violinist) and Solomon (the wonderful boy ohase of an hyena, the oapture of a monkey, the shoot- In Mr*. Dane’s Defence the gifted author piotures a pianist). It was a crowded audienoe that assembled to the ‘Pianola*— com es most readily to the bur of a three ton hippopotamus, Ac. ■ i, small town stirred to its depths by a scandal indus­ greet them and the reception accorded them was enthu­ The changed climatic cohdifcions have During the first part of the week the Afrioan piofcures triously circulated and kept alive by a eour-tempered siastic in an unusual degree. Both artists continue to m i n d . | made a greatly increased demand for were supplemented by a film version of “ The Mis­ society matron, whose one aim in life apparently is to progress in their profession and deservedly take high irmer Woollen Underwear. Bovina as leading tid y .” To-day, when the hunt pictures will be divide friends and prodnoe mischief. The uncharitable rank as exponents of their respective instruments. The I we dd from the Premier Scotch Masers shown for the last time, the other item will be Mahan Mrs. Bulaom Porter. has already brought upon her recital opened with the “ Kreutzer” sonata, in which W hilst this is the best indication of the of these goods, we are now able to offer Crawford’s “ In the Palace of the King,” an adaptation hen-peoked spouse heavy danmges for slandering; a the two artists achieved a notable triumph. Each move­ I value which we believe to be unequalled, of the well-known novel, which has been filmed at neighbour; but undeterrol by this expensive warning, ment was rapturously applauded and at the conclu­ ‘ Pianolas’ supremacy it sometimes Jeads | as the- result of our orders having been considerable ex Dense. she now exploits for all it is worth a vague rumour sion of the work the performers were twice re-called.' There are exhibitions at 2.30 and 8. ' ilNipwviuorespecting theHUD pest poow of Mrs. Dane^aa mu;lady iwfor whom vvaai The whole of the remainder of the programme con­ placed' some 16 M o n th s ago. Lionel Carteret, the adopted son of Sir Daniel Carteret people into the error of supposing that all , MI88 LILA FIELD’8 COMPANY. sisted of solos, each soloist appearing twice in groups of (an ex-Juiidge) „ has conceived a violent infatuation. The pieces, and having also on each oooasion to cpnoede an piano-playing instruments are ‘Pianolas.’ Examples of V .ues. Next week Miss Lila Field’s dever and popular oom- story is thathat Mrs. Dane is in reality one Felicia Hind- encore. Needless to say the recital was much enjoyed. marsh, aboutbout whose life in Vienna gossip.... has__ o been busy. The pianoforte accompaniments to the solos were ably T his is not the case, for the word ‘ Pianola * All-Wool Combinations. N.8.B. Sir Daniel is fully determined there shall be no alliance played by Mr. F. W. Sparrow...... __ ---- . . . , between Lionel and Mrs. Dane, muoh as thev are To-night the orchestra will be heard in a popular is a registered trade mark applicable only to i * , I' ” from 8/11 engagements having been fulfilled in Eastbourne, where attached, unless the latter can prove the rumour .N.L.S. te? oombipation are always^ warmly jboerved. The | inculpating her to be unfounded. As Mrs. Dane’s repu- programme, to include the following numbers All-Woo] Combinations. ' French march, “ Lorraine ” ...... the instrument sold by us— the sole local from 9 /6 “ •' is partly supported by other evidenoe, the «•> Overture, “ The Bohemian G irl"...... determines to make a complete investigation, Three dances from “ Henry VIII. ’’...... agents fo r, this district. I Larino Combinations. ■ & N 8 .S . later stages of the play are largely occupied 'Fantasia on popular airs, “ Melodious Memories ” from 7 /11 Marjorie Fountain, whose dancing is remarkable in so with an inquisition which Sir Daniel Oonaucts with Barcarolle, “ Tales of Hoffman” ...... juvenile a performer. signal skill and persistence. It beaomes more and more “TheScotch Patrol” ...... Silk & WoolrCombinations. L.N .S.8. A performance" wU ’ be given every afternoon at 2.30, an embarrassing time for Mrs. Dane, and' the circum­ Selection, “ The Mikado” ...... If you purchase an instrument that is not a and on Monday, Wq inesday and Saturday evenings at 8. ,“ Birthday Serenade ”...... from 10/11 stances of her ultimate exposure assume a highly “ The Grasshoppers’ Dance ” ...... | Clpldren’s All-Wool Combinations. M USIOi ARRANGEMENTS. dramatio intensity. Then follows the separation of-the Valse, “ The Long, Long Trail”...... ‘ Pianola P iano your loss is even greater than Band i°vers, which, as also the final scene, oomfee ae a J ' thetio H.N.8.8. .. from 6 /6 To-morrow_____ afternb_____the Summerdown Oaur ■p — ____ Q > anti-climax. The special concert to-morrow (Sunday) evening ours, for you are losing all the inestim able (the “ Blue Boys”) will give their usual Sunday per­ Miss Edyth Olive, who recently filled the title part i; should prove very attractive, with the following pro­ formance in .the bandstand. In the evening, commenc­ The Second Mrs. Tanqueray, is excellent as “ Mrs. gramme to be discussed:— advantages that have given the ‘ Pianola ’ ing at 8 o’clock, the Knuts Concert Party will give one Dane,” her impersonation of the unfortunate lady— Grand march, “ Pomp and Circumstance "..E lgar C learing Lots. of their attractive concerts. ■ Overture.’^Maritana"...... W allace Piano pre-em inence over all other p i a n o - 3 Minuet from “ Berenioe” ...... H andel Romance. “ Ave M aria” ...... Qounod playing instrum ents. W e are offering several . . Idyll for .strings, •“ Baby Dreams ”...... Clearing Lois of All-W ool and COL, DR. H. COLGATE. to her dramatio opportunities, and yet shows a restraint Spenser Dickenson in noting which is very telling. As “ Sir Daniel :. Fantasia. “ La Travlata” ...... Verdi Silk and Wool Scotch i W o v e n Duets for flute and piano ...... Edward German Underwear, which at the Carteret” Mr. John Beauchamp presents to the life the W e are able to offer you exactly the same choice of . . ON THE TORPEDOED “ ARABIA.” bland bat dignified character drawn bo cleverly by the Mr. Fred Lee and Mf. F. \V. Sparrow. Fantasia. “ Vsronlqne”...... M essaper R e d u c e d P r ic e s , b e in g D is ­ OoL Henry Colgate, M.D., of Eastbourne, was op author. It is a big part demanding very special goods and terms of purchase as the m anufacturer^^ c o n t in u e d N u m b e r s , m e r i t s “ War March of the Priests” ...... Mendelssohn board the liner “ Arabia ” when she was sunk. He was capacity, but Mr. Beauchamp is. in no respect wanting Call and arrange to have a * Pianola ’ Piano in your im m ediate consideration. returning to England from India, where be had been in the essentials of an adequate representative. The The vocalist for the week-end and succeeding days Is serving as an Army doctor. In describing the sub­ role of the love-lorn “ LioneT C arteret” is filled with Mr. Arnold Stoker (baritone). home at once. marine’s attack, CoL Colgate said earnestness and judgment by MrJ Olive Woods; Mr. POPULAR WAR LECTURES. Fortunately the speed at whioh the liner was going Charles Frammore supplies a most convincing study of Sole Local Agents t WOOLLEN prevented the enemy’s aim from being accurate, so that tee ubiquitous vicar, Canon Bonsey s Miss Alice MR. JOHN FOSTER FRASER TO-DAY. CHILPBiUFE VI )ERWEAR the torpedo,■ * intead ■ . , of hitting the centre of the steamer,------■ Mansfield creates muoh amusement by her delineation This afternoon, commencing at 5.15, tbe fifth of the struck her stem and penetrated her lower part. of tbe vindictive “ Mrs. Bulsom Porter ” ; Miss Cioely series of lectures introduced by the Devonshire Park FOR CHILDREN. “ W hat one must be proud of was the coolness, Charlton is thoroughly an fa it with the part of “ Lady directors, will be given by Mr. John Foster Fraser, CLIFTS, -V discipline and self-possession with which officers, crew Eastney ” ; and Mr. Alfied Warning is suooessful as F.R.G.S., whoae subject is “ Wbat I Saw in Russia.” and passengers gathered, without the least confusion, at “ Mr. James Risby.” Minor characters me satisfactorily The lecture deals with Mr. Foster Fraser’s intimate I W ith Bleak Days and Cold Nights now their preordained places. It seemed rather a rehearsal sustained by Miss Jean Stirling (“ Janet OolquhounV), personal description of our great Ally during the time PIANOFORTE MERCHANTS, upon us, it is essential to protect your of what was to be!done in case of a disaster than a Mr. J. Henry Twyford (“Mr. Bulsom Porter") and of "war. Some of the illustrations shown are by special disaster itself. j Mr. Gerard Clifton (“ Fendick,” the private inquiry permission of the Cz&r. Gramophone records of Russian little opes from CHILLS. W e therefore EASTBOURNE. invite every anxious Mother or Guardian “ On realising the gravity,of the situation^ my first agent). f 1 mnsio will be introduced. A thought was to .rush into my! cabin and seize a few The concluding performances of Mrs. Dane’s Defence Last Saturday Mr. A. H. Pollen, the well-known to inspect our splendid range of Chilprufe surgical instruments, bandages, morphine and other take place to-day at 2.30 and 8 o’clock. j authority on naval matters, delivered a highly interest- Woollen Underwear, which is a real safe- things necessary for! first ■ aid. I then ran back to my “THE WALLS OF JERICHO.” ' ! tog and instructive lecture on “ The Navy and the I guard and a protector of health. place next the captain. War.” The lecturer dealt fully with various phases of “ The attack occurred without any warning. The Mr. Alfred Sutro’s famous play The Wallt of Jericho naval warfare, his remarks being lucidly put-hefore-the It is guaranteed unshrinkable, is easily oaptein, a few officers and myself remained to the last is billed for next week. The piece has had a great audience and wjth an absence of any technical language on the sinking steamer, finally jumping into a; lifeboat, vogue, and is probably one of the best modem aooiety washed, and very durable in wea^, plays yet written. It should attract liberal support which is usually, unintelligible to the lay mind. Mr, which, being lowered too quickly, was half filled with Pollen, described the structure and use of mines, A.f r water, which we baled out as beet we could. We used next week, when there will be a performance every imparted some useful information regarding torpedoes, Obtainable from — i tom from the bottom of: the boat to row with, evening (M< (Monday ‘ excepted) ' ‘ “ and also matinee* on ana gave a very graphic description of the Battle of 1 without oars. Wednesday and Saturday. Jutland., He paid warm tributes to Admirals Jelliboe . touching spectacle, bn which the Allies most be and" Beatty, remarking that the responsibility of the PICTURE HALLS. EASTBOURNE ADVERTISING congratulated, was the appearanoe on the horizon, former- was ’ greater than any man had borne in the practically from all directions, fifteen minutes after the will __ „ , history of war. alarm oall, o ffive...... Allied steamers, rushing at full speed I °^aB?P her tether, toe 'treble Marqhis, a type j ' EASTERN CINEMA. ASSOCIATION. and reaohing us three-ciuarters of an hour I of selfish aristocrat, and Miss Jean Stirling his unmarried | MR. W ILL CROOKS LECTURE CANCELLED. to our rescue, , i w * I ilonfvLfiw MT.odtr " wrd malrofl a nanmr anrl I « ii. _»•____ • .___ j. _/.ii. . _ __ ‘"CIRCUS OF DEATH’’- “ SHOULD A MOTHER LTD., later. Thus we were all saved.? daughter, “ Lady Lacy,” who makes a happy and I Considerable disappointment will be felt at the can B Y PRESS AND POSTER. sDOoessfnl marriage with Hankey Bannister, a colonial o p tio n of the lecture which Mr. WiU Crooks, M.P., TELL?” friend of Jack Frobisher, a successful miner. The was announoed to give in the Winter Garden on Satur- At the popular east end picture palace splendid pro­ Successors to Evefedens, typesof London society wiU be played by MiM Joan next week, the 25th ihst. Mr, Crooks is in grammes nave been presented during the week, and the EXCEPTIONAL DEMAND FOR OFFICIAL THEFT CHARGES FROM Tuokett as an American girl, Miss Alice Mansfield as Poplar Hospital undergoing special treatment for an same have met with warm appreciation. To-day the GUIDE. EASTB ITJKNE. Lady Porches tar, Mr. J. Henry Twy fold as the internal complaint. Although progressing favourably ■t;drama, in five reels, “ Regeneration,’’ featuring SEAFORD. 'epigram-loving Hannaford, Mr. Gerard Oufton as wiu be unable to undertake any publio work for some icliffe Fellowes, will be screened for the last the philandering “ Harry Dallas,” and Miss Oioely tjme> time. Exhibitions take place at 3, 7'and 9 o’clock. Alderman 0. F. Simmons presided at tbe Town Hall, ’P h o n e 4 6 6 . Chariton as his loyal and sympathetic sister, “ Lady I “THE TATLERS.” “ The Circus of Death,” a sensational and highly on Monday, at a meeting of the committee of the above CANADIAN SOLDIER IN CUSTODY. interesting drama in five reels, will be the principal association, other members present being Mr. C. H. I WTbenmct play to be given by Messrs. Murray King Despite an almost impenetrable fog, quite a ooneider- attractipn during the opening half of next week. Many Gave, Miss Huggett, Mr. W. E. Wood, Councillor G. At Lewes Police Court, before Alderman (L Holman and Clark’s Resident Company will be the powerful 5*}®, B. Soddy, Mr. C. H. Crisp, Mr. G. Gasson, Mr. S. r. ».iw> ni.oi>i inH t.Via M um . a F. I I Monday night for the opening performance of -Mr. Mr. of the incidents and scenes are of a very striking and (in the chair) and the Mayor (OonnoiUor A. E. Rugg), Leah Kleschna. Louis Rihll’s clever vaudeville company, “ The Tatlere,” thrilling character, and hold the observer enthralled. Buckland, Mr. A. E. V. Dennis (secretary), Ac. on Wednesday, Edward Spring, a private in the The story has to do with a young prince’s infatuation Canadian Army Medical Corps, Seaford, was charged a combination of toven versatile artists, of whom four From a statement prepared by the Chairman and are ladies. And extremely well rewarded they were for for Mdlle. Evelyn, a beautiful ana daring equestrienne read by the Secretary, it appeared that Eastbourne had with stealing two pipes in care, valued at £1. Is., the in a circus. They are secretly married, but after a property of John : William Gearing, at Seaford, on their courage, for the entertainment, whioh consisted been consistently advertised in the Press and by pic­ ROYAL HIPPODROME. almost entirely of humorous “ turns” (solo, dual and brief period of happiness, there is a separation, and torial and other posters, leaflets, &c., and it was stated November 6th. j i Evelyn is rpsoued from a river by some gipsies, with Mr. J. W. Gearing, stationer and tobacconist, of High- ensemble) was replete with artistio merit, and wad that the number of inquiries respecting the town and of genuinely original and entertaining. Smartly costumed, whom she and her newly-born child settle down. The applications for the Official Guide had been larger than street, Seaford, identified the oase and two pipes pro­ .■-.! . •.^ ,, “ W HAT’S ON.” / ■i,. i; child subsequently dies, and Evelyn, being forgiven by duced as bis property. They Were safe about 7.30 p.m. the members of the oompany appeared amid pleasing in any previous year since the association was formed in This week’s revue, W h a fs On t is of the customary soenio appointments, with skilfully-manipulated Ulumi- her father, rethrns and soon restores the glories of the 1906. on Monday, November 6th, in a glass oase on the wall irresponsible, type, yet there is an abundance of cirous, whioh has degenerated in her absence. Scenes of of his shop in front of the counter. He missed them nations to give an iUusive but charming variety to the In accordance with the co-operative arrangement amuaement to be had from its many humorous Boenjes stagepidturet : : v great splendour occur in the circus, while an allegorioal made with the L.B. & S.O._ Railway, paragraphs have about an hour , later. He did not remember havto and sparkling jokes, whilst the tuneful songs are; pantomime is being shown, a great scene depicting a seen prisoner in the shop. The pipes were not so! . Mr. Rihll, who has a ready command of facial appeared on several days in each week in leading entitled to be regarded as sores of the most acceptable! expression and has a droll and eccentric manner of circus on fire, and many other startling sights are wit­ London and provincial papers and in various illustrated that day. A customer was coming for the pipes that features of the entertainment. Moetbf the rollioking nessed before the finale is reached, when Evelyn is evening, but he did not come tiU the following Saturday. acting and ainging, worked very hard throughout the magazines. These advertisements had resulted in fun oomes from Mr. George Dan ton as “ Wakes,” a CV^ipg, and was uniformly sucoesaful in whatever he re-united to the prince. hundreds of inquiries for the Guide, and there could be The pipes were shown to witness on November 13th by shopwalker, and Mr. John Pastor'as “ Harold;” tbe For Thursday and two following days the manage­ SergL-Major Cameron. The sale of pipes for 21s. oqntfitmted or helped to contribute. His opening solo no doubt as to the success of this form of advertising. doorkeeper, both bf Madame Mnffitt’s Stores. Their jtom, in which he was effectively supported by the ment have secured a William Fox production of strong The arrangement with the Great Northern Railway has Epicial Accommodation for would he such an unusual event that'they would not nnoonventional methods of dealing with customers give human interest, “ Should a Mother Tell ?” featuring the forget it for several weeks. He produoed tbe check oompany, was a capital production called “ Poppies.” been partly continued so far as the guide books and Storing Private Effects. rise-to incessant merriment, and subsequently* ur tbe Later he made a great hit in the very amusing songs Danish actress, Miss Betty Nansen. The 'problem posters weite concerned, but owing to the large number coil from his tUl showing that there was no entry as to other two scenes, they appear with oonsiderabtesucoess,' which confronts Rose Baudin, who has seen her pro­ the sale of the pipes on November 6th. “ My Advioe” and “ Confessions.” . In a burlesque of inquiries reoeived, and the record number of visitors MODERATE CHANGES. and give the audienoe a thoroughly enjoyable timet- j vooal number, “ The Major and 'the Sergeant,” he was fligate husband commit a murder, is whether she snail arriving, it was suggested that they should defer the Sftrgt. -Major Alexander Cameron, of the Canadian Miss Eva Ellis as “ Madame Muffit ” is also seen to ive the worthless man up to justice and by so doing Army Medical Corps at Seaford, said prisoner was a joined by Mr. Con Oolyer, who soon also won his way newspaper advertising until the autumn and winter great ad vantage, particularly in the pretty renga for mtq the good opinion of the audience. The last-named last the prospeots of her daughter, who is betrothed months, and this was readily agreed to by the repre­ member of the same Corps and had been m it sinoe they which she is responsibla The popular “ Tennessee ” is to the son of an important public official. Already an came from Canada, They landed in Bnglanid at the brought down tbe house with a lively patter song, sentatives of the Railway Company. As to the issue of one of her best “ hits,” and the audience invariably ending with a merry danoe of a semi-aorobatio and very innocent man is sentenced to death for the crime, and the Official Guide, this has proceeded as before, but the latter end of August. Last Saturday afternoon a kit assists with the ohorus with the usual gusto. Miss- inspection was ordered, by the Commanding Officer, quaint order. Again Mr. Oolyer was extremely fonny the latter’s aged mother is distraught by her conviction applications were more numerous than ever, and , for as “ Mra. Dallas”nail able representative in the solo part of a humorous ensemble piece, a special that her son is wrongfully convicted and that the real many weeks the applications averaged 70 per day. ama witness respected the kit belonging to the accused and not altogether refined person. She author of the tragedy is known to Rose Baudin. A and safr the case produoed and one pipe. Witness took accompaniment to this acceptable feature being the B usiness T ransacted. contributes largely to the pleasure of the audienoe both oomedian’s clever balancing of a top hat, with which cruel struggle rages in the mother’s breast. But a no notice at the time, but later he received information in song and patter, and proves one of the moat popular A statement of the association’s finance was produced as to the loss of the pipes from Mr. Gearing. In con­ almost impossible tricks followed one another with the solution is found—surely the only possible one to the figures in the revue. Miss Maisie Merle as “ Dora greatest facility and neatness. problem of “ Should a Mother Tell ? ” Miss Nansen, and was duly approved, the general opinion being that, sequence prisoner’s kit was again searched, and the case Dale,” the film actress, finds a congenial task, both her) with the limited funds at their disposal, the association andiwu pipes were found. In reply to the ~ Mias> Cynthia Cooper revealed exceptional talent as a the star artist, is said to be the most popular actress in acting and ringing being a source of delight to the comedienne. In a humorous ditty her spry, insinuating her own country. had maintained a most useful system of publicity, from Officer, prisoner said he bought the pipesu assembly. Mr. Jack Binns, as “Jaok Drake,” also >which the town had benefited largely. It is hoped that George WtUiam Whittington, a young assistant to manner greatly aided in the general sucoess. An One of the latest Chaplin films will also be shown, appears with. .distinct oredit in some of the more enoore was insisted on, and in response the lady reeled showing the redoubtable Charlie in “ The Floor the list of subscriptions may be appreciably augmented, Mr. Gearing, said he was serving in the shop on the humorous scenes. The ohorus is strong and efficient, as there are many ndw ways in which, given the evening of November 6th, but did not sell the pipes. off a succession of witticisms and short stories that ,WaLkef.” The Pathe Gazette is exhibited on each whilst tbe dancing by the Stella Girls lends additional manifestly tiokled her hearers. Miss Cooper and Mr. occasion. ’ requisite funds, the objects of the association may be The pipes were in a sliding glass shojv case onJthe walL oharm to the production. advanced.’ Witness opened the case that evening to serve a Bibll created irresistible mirth in their burlesque . CENTRAL CINEMA. C U T PRICES duets, the second of which, entitled “ Differences,” The oommittee approved of, Eastbourne’s further customer, aud it remained open about 10 minutes. VARIETIES NEXT WEEK. ’ “TRAIL OF THE LONESOME PINE”- - participation in the co-operative advertising scheme, in There were several soldiers in the shop at the tima supplied a most laughable and spirited finish to the pro­ A special programme of varieties will invite the gramme. “PEER GYNT.” whioh the L.B. & S.C. Railway Company contribute a Accused, when formally oharged, pleaded not guilty. A t the top sum equal to that subscribed by the whole of the con­ On oath, he said be went into Mr. Gearing’s shop on °f tee publioduring next week. At the txjP j ^V ^y^uoh enjoyed were the humorous duets of Miss This week-end the above favourite cinema is “ going of the bill is Queeme I^igbton, the obarming^ocal gtellaRansonand Mr. Patrick Thayer, the latter of whom strong” with that superlatively fine picture “ The tributing resorts. A re-issue of the attractive pictoriil RUBBER November 4th or 6th for some tobacco and matches. poster was also agreed upon, and other items of business FINEST QUALITY He made inquiries as to some pipes, and tbe lad showed comedienne, whowul appearinaH did both vocal andinstrnmentalduty, his pianoforte work Circus of Death,” the concluding exhibitions of which S i. f being as dexterous as it was grotesque. The duetti^ts take place to-day. transacted. * them to him. He selected the oase of two pipe? T he Chairmanship. HOT WATER BOTTLES. produced, and gave the lad £1. 2s. 6d. for the pipes, ° f 1 were compelled by the insistent applause to add from Next week’s arrangements are again on enterprising tobacco and matches and took the articles away. -!.^i-.?°i i? 1 teeir repertory several examples to their opening “ con- lines. For. the. first three days we are promised a Alderman Simmons tendered his resignation as chair­ iSijihlr-^*hnd I ooorion,’’ qalled “ A Hundred Years to Come,” when capital Lasky film, “ The Trail of the Lonesome Pine,” man of tbe association, a decision which, he said, he Whittington (recalled) said he did not remember ’The Star O , v u r jjo w u m ; w m SOW IS THE TIME TO PURCHASE prisoner Doing in the shop. He denied selling the aepording to the vooalists some almost unbelievable featuring Miss Charlotte Walker. The story is of June, had come to with reluctance, as he valued so highly the amongst other artiste engaged)gaged are MissMite Rosalind Chard, | ^ fn conditions are likely to occi,r. the moonshiner’s daughter, who is loved by her cousin, work of the society, and had seen over and over again AT STORE PRICES. , pipes to anyone. . . ,. oomedienne; Fred Land, comedian: Tbombur ■ The Bench decided to convict 4 -i,<>T Miss Elsie Ingle used a refined, well-trained mezzo- but who falls in love with the Revenue Officer after she the fruits of its practical operations. Failing eyesight, lightning painter and entertainer; and to has enticed him to their cabin and he has been made a however,_ made it necessary he should restrict his Prisoner was further chi id with stealing three in their comedy singing and harmony soena. soprano voioe to admirable purpose in a number of 6 by 10 3/3£ 12 inches fountain pens, valued at lls. «**., the property F. ^ v . «, vof Walter pretty ballads, which were highly appreciated; while prisoner. The cousin’s jealousy is aroused, and he locks energies in matters involving the reading of reports and Mias Gladys Millage supplemented her efficient work as the officer in the cow-shed, whence hie escapes by burn­ correspondence and the making of calculations, and I Robert Wyntar, at Seaford, on November 6tb. writing generally. He thonght the chairman should be 1 0 9t « „ 4 /6 99 2 » Prosecutor said he carried on business a accompanist by a sparkling, indeed brilliant, piano­ ing his bonds. H e organises a posse and returns for the and- tobacconist in Broad-street, 'Seafbrd.' fe Stock forte solo, and subsequently (by way of encore) by a moonshiners, who escape from their beleagured cabin .one who could take a close personal part in the associa­ 6 99 12 ,, 4 / 4 couple of brightly-delivered humorous songs. • after June has held up the man she loves with a rifle. tion’s business, and under the circumstances he thought similar pens to those produced. They were (is. 9d. each. the time bad come when he should give way to another r f On November Oth, lata in the afternoon, hellung a card, W AR FUNDS. A bnrlesque act by the Tatlers, “ A Musical Menu,” The moonshiners escape. Through a note sent to the illustrating a possible new custom of serving dinner in a Sheriff’s posse by the Revenue Officer, and whioh June ohairman. on whioh were fastened six of the pens, on a mirror, in _ The resignation was received with unanimous expres­ GUARANTEE the shop. ’During the evening the card was found lying restaurant was too ludicrous for words, and fairly con­ has translated for the moonshiners—and translated vulsed the audience. , »'' correctly while trying to do the very opposite—they sions of regret, and also of hearty appreciation of We guarantee to replace free of charge on the floor of the shop and all the pens had disappeared. We ahe constantly being asked to; Alderman Simmons’ invaluable services over a period of Tbe three pens produced wei-e shown to him by Sergt- To-day the Tatlers are to give two performances, the waylay the young man and shoot him. He is brought any that with fair wear give way within insert, F r e e o f a n y C h a r g e , Notices m atinee being tim ed/or two o’clock. to the cabin to die. June prevails upon her oousin to many years. It was decided to ask Mr. E. C. Strange 12 months of purchase- Major Cameron on Saturday, November 11th. Them (deputy ohairman) to take the position of ohairman, and were many soldiers in the shop on the evening of of forthcoming Events, or Appeals for! go for a doctor, and he brings tbe posse under a flag"of and Acknowledgments of Gifts and Sub-: MR. T. CURTIN'S COMING LECTURES. truoe. The Revenue Officer is saved, but the cousin is Alderman Simmons, at the wish of the meeting, pro­ mised to act as ddputy chairman. WITH REASONABLE CARE THESE BOTTLES PolSe^ergt Fairs, stationed at Seaford, stated that 1 scriptions, the proceeds of which are Great public interest is being shown in the lectures shot as a “ traitor” to the moonshiners. Later the id articles of Mr. Thomas Curtin, the famous journalist, moonshiners agree to give up the traffic and are set at WILL LAST FOR YfARS. svious day he received prisoner into custody devoted to various objects connected with X: ^ -^ j—^J^litogy Authorities at Ra venscroft Hospital. who.has oome back with stores of information of life in liberty, and the Revenue Officer and June are betrothed. the Way. Whilst we have full sympathy Kaiser-land. Mr. Curtin visits Devonshire Park on A Qharlie Chaplin film, “ The Floor Walker,” and He received .the three pens produced as part of the i With Stlch o b jects, we are bound to state Friday next, when be will give his deeply interests other good examples will likewise be included in the DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. . prisoner’s property. On the stay to the polioe station /that it is sprite impossible to comply with prisoner said, “ I will tell yon what I did steal, and that lecture, “ Three Hundred Days in Germany ” at 3 ani programme. 1 ? ' these fountain pens from a store opposite the Poet 'these requests for free insertions. The 8 o’clock. The lecture covers a wide range of topics On Thursday and two following days the attraction WELCOME AT OTTAWA. ffioe. -T het« was a card and three of them were loose Proprietors are, however, prepared to and should prove well worth hearing. Considerable will be “ Peer Gynt,” featuring Mr. Cyril Maude. and I pnt them in my pocket” When charged prisoner accept such Notices and Appeals at; interest naturally oentres also in the personality of the Muoh spaoe would be required to elaborate the myriad reduced rates provided they apply’-to leoturer, who is mid to be as fluent and entertaining a incidents that pack this wonderful film, which is filled The Duke of Devonshire, the Governor-General, the said) “ I han’t think what made; me do i t ” , speaker as he is graphic and forcible a writer. Seats to the brim with colour, romance and adventure. Duchess of Devonshire, the Ladies Maud and Blanche events connected with the War only.! may be booked for either of the two occasions. Adapted from Ibsen’s masterpiece, it introduces both Oavendish and CoL Henderson, the Governor-General’s Sergt-Major Cameron, in reply to mo ■» The teftns can be obtained on application humour and pathos, and only such a versatile and olever military secretary, arrived in the Dominion capital on had known prisoner for several months in Canada. His MR. MARK HAMBOURG’S RECITAL. a t; ourMi office. -V r. t k . • ■"_■ M i. I - -.1 ’ . . actor as Mr. Cyril Maude could have satisfactorily Monday morning. Theyeyi were reoeived by the PrPremier | military record was dean, but it was suspicious. T The muoh looked forward to recital by Mr. Mark |Sir^Robert Borden) ana qther members of the Cabinet, “ E a s t b o u r n e C h r o n ic l e B u il d in g s , undertaken the part of Peer Gynt. . ------s o f the C On the application of Supt Vine, prisoner was Hamboiirg, the distinguished Russian pianist, is to be Miscellaneous supporting films from the latest pro­ nr W ilfnd Laurier and civic officials. A large gather­ remanded till to-morew (Saturday) in order that official S o u t h -s t r e e t , E a s t b o u r n e . givdn in the Winter Garden on Thursday afternoon ductions will be soreened. ing gave the party an enthusiastic weloome. | inquiries might be made. Indxt at 3 o’dodk. Mr. Hambourg’s artistio qualifica­ At toe railway station the Duke inspected the guard ======tions are so well established that anything written by OLD TOWN CINEMA. of honour, after which Sir Robert Borden called for way of recommendation would be quite superfluous. three cheers. There was a hearty response, the people *¥> “ JO H N GLAYDE’S HONOUR”—“ TH E THE SONG AND THE SWORD. The talented performer has made many visits to East- BUIliDER OF BRIDGES.” heartily cheering. Crowds lined the streets as the party bourne, always with great acceptance to musio lovers, drove to the Government House, the new Governor “T h e B a t t l e o f t h e S o m m e .”—T h e f ir s t | Good assemblies have enjoyed the abundant and phase of the Somme Battle has been written tor Mr. and w? foHy expect he will play before a full house next and the Duohess repeatedly bowing their acknowledg­ m m Thursday. He will submit a thoroughly representative popular fare provided at this pioture palace. On ments. PUBLIC John Buohan—none better able—and is now published ■a . if m rm selection bf solos. Tbnrsdaihraday an.entirely new programme superseded the The Dnke of Devonshire was sworn in at Halifax on in a Shilling volume ,by the enterprising firm o< Thos. excellent series of pictures screened daring the earlier Saturday, on landing on Canadian soil, by Sir Louis The following reoent book additions have been W ith inspiration high and holy, Nelson Sc Sons; Ltd. Mr. Buchan has produoed a ‘ MDME. KIRKBY LUNN. days of the week. Chief among the films now showing Davies, a Judge of the Supreme Court. Mr. Pierre St ihibited m the show oase during the past week, and It ohampions right and kills the wrong. deeply interesting aoooont. of the straggle, all the Lively interest has been created in the forthcoming is an adaptation of the charming play, “ John Glayde's Blondin, the Secretary of State and Minister of Mines, wjm be in issupxm Monday morning next Behind the sword, it is the force essential features of whiohate dealt with, and whole I virit of'the great contralto, Mdme. Kirkby Lunn, who Honour, whioh both in episode and individual charac­ welcomed him on behalf of the Dominion Govern­ That rolls a kingdom on its course. forming an invaluable history of toe greM Advanoa. » bring accompanied tor Miss Marjorie Hiay ward (the ter may be said to be a really strong dramatic produc­ ment. * CENTRAL LIBRARY. In summarising toe position and outlook Mr. Buchan Rn<,iiLh m , w ;n ;. m.98. Fraser,RobertW. “ The Seaside Naturalist," I t speaks as it for ever spoke tion. It will be exhibited again to-day, the hours being The throes and-thoughts of mingled races, observes; “ Like some harsh and remorseless chemical 3 to 5 and 6 to 10. outdoor studies In marine zoology/and botany and the waxing Allied energy is eating into toe waning arlUmegeology; illust; n.d. ' That in our blood so early woke; . W. srtistio combination “ The Builder of Bridges,” a pioture version of L e a f H omoeopathic C o t t a g e H o s p it a l .— The Celt, the Roman’s iron paoee, German mmw. There is thought and care in tbe plan, 1 irresistible bn toe 9th prox., when the concert in Sutro’s play of the same title, will be welcomed by L iterature (French T ext) R ela' o to the W ar. Patients .in the Hospital on November 4th, 7 ; When through thwart bare the Legion broke, and that resolution which is so" strong that can dare to question wilp take place in the evening at &15. patrons during the opening half of next week, when also discharged during the week. 1; died, 1; admitted N0.0L Begonen. Comte. “ LeGue Actuelle Devant | i The red ripe blossom of our might, be patient. The guarantee of the Allied effort is its shorter films of a sentimental, scenic and humorous during the week, 9; remaining in Hospital on ConsdenM Cathollque ”; 1916. orderly and accurate progress. The heroio dash may j PIERROT, PIERRETTE AND PIANO. It leapt in glory to the light. , v character will be presented. Nov. 11th, 14 (including 4 i ______~ Patients’ M I L Blanchon, G. “ Les " et la Guerre fail arid be shattered by the oounter-attoOk, b at this j Mr. Brown' announces a return visit next week of ActoeUe”; 1916.. . . , ^ None ever caught a word, ii goes visits during the week, 21. The institution is open to ' BM.9U MAle, Emile. “ LaCa de Helms” ; 1916. sure and. methodical pressure is asresistlees as the.fa “ Pierrot, Pierrette and Piano,”, with Mr. Will Gane, visitors on Sondays, Tuesdays and Fridays and patients’ Straight on, its living breath is beanty. of Nature;Nature. !f it It is attrition, butout attrition in toetne i toe popular and successful humorist. The entertain­ 9*0.91. Perret, Robert. “ L. e, les Neutres et Transfiguring war and all its woes ; A n U n d o u b t e d A u t h o r it y , Dad,” asked friends Sundays and Wednesdays from 2 till 4.—M r. Droit de« Gens'UUD ” ■; 1916. lO llh form—not lik e the slow erosion of buffs by the « ment will ;be given in the Pavilion every evening at 8 A l f r e d T abor, Horn Treasurer, Sunnydene, Grassing- “La Guerre en Cham- It ridge of death, it sings of doty; - - * Hie toe steady orqmMing of a mountain to tiny Tommy, “ Does the dictionary contain c all the Ti*si«r. Moneeigmetip. and on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday afternoons at words there are?”...... No,” replied bis father; “ new ton-road. ' J oe; au__ Diocese____ de Chalons mi. ~ , 1917. i That slays the evils which are foes. 8. Seats may be booked inadvanoe. 9*0.91. “ Vlndex.” “ La BaslHque D6vost6e Destruo In many tongues its burden talks, ^t^'^Gia^M ^te^^w^OT^he far^ words are constantly coming into use.” “ Then what is Man’s highest merit always is as much oa U»n de la Oathedrale de Reims; Faffs et Dooumenta; And with Goa’s step divinely walka ROLLER SKATING. JB the very last word ? ” asked Tommy, “ Go and ask possible to rule external circumstances, and as little as U li ' I your mother 1 ” said his parent. possible to let himself be ruled by them. i MA.9L “ Vie Herolque. La Conferences Donndes en I It murmurs on in cloistered hearts The invigorating aud ‘altogether enjoyable pas' ! rtCnglise de Satnte Madeline, a Paris. X X X Nos Jeunes That old refrain, the eternal message, the salient at their throats,_ may be fought the decuuVe of roller skating ■ is now in - full swing, at Which shapes in one tbe shattered parts ; action of the war.”—The book is admirably lllostraf* ’H it on three days of. the week. Next week the “Albert, Le Bob par Pierre Nothe ob”: 1916. with maps and photographs. arrangements are as usual except on Friday, on which Maurieler des AndO it hath the prophet presage, j Rlisabetb, La Rclno,” par ’ That ftom » heavenly fountain starts. J no skating will be pcanble owing to the lectures of 1915. O b j e c t i o n O v e r r u l e d .—A c u s to m e r Oartm. There is to be a special skating assemble Jofflre, Le General," par G. ] anchon; 1915. I t gathers to a whole men’s powers, being fitted with a pair of boots when he •MUesrj 1916. Dreader than steel, and aoft-as flowers. he 27th inst., from 7 to 9.30 p.m. "The 390 J, i “ Mounoury, Le General,’ f that he bad but one objection to them, whioh wye tnat;, will perforin on th at occasion. ?•+• Fion«w. l No speech can utter it, otr guess the roleT W a little too think. ,“ H tU t is e p F oster C lark ’s e Wooing O't The splendid fil e it gives a nation replied toe shoemaker, ““f putjwt on toe . boatf and- the week aw ay!” Cand£tin the gripe!; dire distress ; objection will " “ Once r y ear th e llsides of tbe Malabar A lexandre. “ Le Chevalier: J’HarmenthaL” We feel, we’know ltemspiration. Foster Clark’s 2cL Soup Squares make 9 varieties of “ Colonel Quai ' * , Y.O.” That turnetb loss to lovelinees. oaM toflm fia sire toe so >f great commercial activit; ’ and Kings." (Muryest is under way? Oil of th eF r In battle it is righteous rage, V ? '.'-.g M Delicious Nourishing Soups of unequaUed excellence And burns alike in youth and age. ' extracted from the^nS jloyed in the manufactur J uvenile L iteiIatube—N on-! obt B ook. ' ny**tecial perfume. The tllsides are burned over ti 5 murio of the strong and brave rfim iCK S^M Ukl s n i You Simply add W ater. 60* J , , u Boys’ and Girls’ Book of Sole .the/*; illustj I Six months later ___ d charged with paission more than Bering, the fresh crop is reedy to he cat, and at onoe the y, zoology, physics, . the microscope, Itjbnrate toofettereof ^the slave j. ^ farnaceB^ stills. i and moths,i .SCO. .t . -p- While opening evehthe very grave.^6*11* J his bbok will teach yoi i J uvenile. ■ The Song is greater than therSword, ! AUoHORUCK3MJJ-p.ik < n ior

h e t h e o s o p IC A L SOCIETY llm eet to- T IN ENGLANI and WALES. 8TBOURNE FLORAL NURSERIES, Orpheus Lodge, l— , ------rjnjdXRS is mnohthatis ludioroos anil tunny E astbourne, over toe Gallery Klnema. , Limnore Road and Bolton Road. -L and not a litlto wit,” -Bolton OhronSj Twiiay, Wedneuhty, Not,. 21 THE MEETING on W ednesday, November 22nd, at N o t e d f o r p lO S T FREE SIXPENCE EACH. 3.15 p.m., will be devoted to Questions and Answers •' resting to Theosophy. APES, APPLES, PEARS Am> BULBS. “ The Builder of Bri ^ Admission Brec., Enquirers art invited. ' From toe powerful Sutro pley, EOT W NTS, PALMS, FERNS, ■\TOTE PAPER, V isiting Cards, Ac., in xhost DAILY .. .. 3 to S and 6 1.1 fashionable styles, at Farncombe and On.'a. Ltd.

; n ■-S • a s u a i EASTBOURNE OHBONIOLE, NOVEMBER 18, 1916. 5

1,15. Trade Mark i STRAY NOTES. LOCAL NEWS. A n c ie n t D o w n l a n d T e r r a c e s . — A t a agr- -V P S W S u ppo x tih g ELASTIC IS1 ■ „ t meeting on Thursday evening of the Natural Histoty l l from Ufu 6d. each. »11 oociety, Mr. H. S. TomSj of Brighton, gave an interest- ;:;ji ■ T h e L a t h A d m ir a l B r a n d . mg lecture on the ancient valley entrenohment and TRUSSES, BANDAGES & SURGICAL BE TIMBS OF HIGH WATER ft LIGHTING-UP covered way on Willingdon HilL He said the close &P, of every description. •Y littleh&d beenseen of the late Admiral High Water. Lighting B ra n in Basbbourne of recent years. After Mom. examination of valley entrenchments had opened the ARTIFICIAL LIMBS, CRUTCHS8, tea., Altar. Up problem as to the prehistoric origin of many of the LOCAL MADS AND REPAIRED. his t’ d efeat as a L iberal can d id ate in 1900 Saturday, Nov. 18 ... 4. 2 4.52 - 4.36 downl&nd cultivation terraces. T h e!“ Mill Fields” Lists Free. he determinedill to abandon his ill-starred Sunday, Nov. 19 ...... 5. 5 6. 1 „ 4.34 u 1>ey en^enehment, situated in Willingdon parish, lay wooing of this constituency, a resolve which,] .M onday, Nov. 20...... 6.19 7.13 _ 4.33 about 2,000 feet east of the cottages on Willingdon Hill. PARMER’S indeed, be .extended to the extreme point of Tuesday, Nov. 21../... 7.30 8.15 _ 4.32 Mr. Toms gave a detailed description of his survey, and making no further attem pt anywhere bo enter W ednesday, Nov. 22. 8.29 9. 4 - 4.31 on the subject of the covered way ob Willingdon Hill 1 8 2 8 — 1 9 1 6 . 8URGI0AL SUPPORTS DEPOT, the House of Commons. In a personal sense T hursday, Nov. 23 ... 9.10 9.18 _ 4.30 said it traversed a distance of nearly 1,000 feet. Prob^ the decision .was an unfortunate one, as the Friday, Nov. 24...... 9.47 ably the majority of ancient covered ways were thrown '< r 80, QUEEN’S ROAD, BRIGHTON. 10. 1 «. 4.29 up across our hills during the latter part of the Bronze Succeeding election in this Division was deci­ Age. Tfi® objeot must have been to enable persons to t o ­ sively won by the Liberal nominee, and would cross the downland ridges without being seen. probabty have given Admiral Brand, with his R o y a l S o c ie t y f o r P r e v e n t io n o f Cr u e l t y W h is t D r iv e f o r R e d Cr o ss F u n d .— I n these days when so many busineipes, although BURTON HOU8E, Selw yn-road, stronger claims, an even more brilliant victory. to A nimals, Eastbourne Branch. Hon. Sec., Miss He chine nearest to success iu 1895, the second Lookk Paddon, 1, Compton-street Subscriptions Under toe auspices of the Eastbourne and District owing th< iir origin to private enterprise, lose their EASTBOURNE, are urgently needed.and may be paid to the Hon. K f l ? ^ c1T s, Association, a whist drive, in aid of ocCfttion of his contesting the seat, when he Treasurer, H enry Holyoakk. Ksq., “ Fairmont,1 the Meat Trades Red Cross Fund, will take plaoe on identity under the anonymity which is characteristic Is NOW Opkn as a was only beaten by 60 votes, four votes fewer 3, De Rooe-road, or at Lloyds Bank, Ltd. All com­ Wednesday, the 29th inst., at the Saffrons Rooms, of limited companies, it is rather, the exception than than the small majority by which the late Mr. plaints should be addressed to Inspector K. W. commencing at 7.30 p.m. Prizes for competition have School for Domestic Science for Cowley, 1a, Compton-street, Eastbourne. the rule tb find a private firm established locally for George Wallis was defeated at the first elec­ been kindly promised by several local business firms. Gentlewomen. t i o n ^ 1885. L ike his nephew . L ord W illing- H io h -c l a ss F o o t w e a r . No better value. Tickets may be obtained of Mr. C. O. Godfrey, secre­ a century which retains its old name and New season’s goods.—J. J. Saundkbs, 106, South- tary of the association, 34, Grove-road. nearly don, Admiral Brand was essentially a Btreet (between 8t. 8aviour’s Church and Devon- which is controlled by a descendant of the founder— RESIDENT A DAILY STUDENTS RECEIVED “ moderate man,” and although subscribing shlre-place). D e a t h o f E x -L if e b o a t Co x s w a in ’s S o n .— The death is announced to have taken place at Van­ for Training in Cooking, Dressmaking, Laundry-1 generally to the official programme of the L u m in o u s W a t c h e s , invaluable for night the fourth! generation. work. Millinery, First Aid, Gardening, Ac., under a party,- his patriotism was never wanting in use, reliable time keepers, from 18a fid. Clients couver, on the 19th ult., of Mr. Archie Huggett, youngest sincerity or robustness. His withdrawal from own Watches and Clocks made Luminoua—F. G. son of the late Jesse Huggett, for some years coxswain of ■ ,i .. 1 . • - V *• i . Fully-qualified Staff.: Clkmknok, Goldsmith, Silversmith and Watchmaker, theEastbournelifeboat. Thedeceased, whohasa brother \ This is the meritorious record of political activities enabled him to devote 18, Cornfleld-road, Eastbourne. Phone 782. and a sister living m Eastbourne, went oux to Vancouver For Prospectus, apply to . increased attention to one or two other depart­ with his wife and child about five years ago. He was an N o t ic e .—All those who wish to Warehouse MRS-LATHBURY. ments, of public life, notably the Bast Sussex active member of the Salvation Army, in which he held their Furniture should not do so until they have the rank of sergeant-major. County Council, of which he was an alderman Inspected Messrs. G. E. Maynard’s, Limited, Ware­ and, for a period of five years, the chairman. houses, which sure the finest In Eastbourne.^ Estimates FOR OUR BLINDED HEROES. free.—Note the address, G. E. Maynard, Limited, Removal and Storage Contractors, Grevstone- ASTBOURNE CHORAL AND i" • . (. A d v e r t is in g A s s o c ia t io n . buildings. South-street, Eastbourne. n E ORG HESTR AL SOCIETIES. EASTBOURNE RURAL TH ^ . . ice of maintaining the work of T a il o r in g for Ladies and Gentlemen at H a r t Town Hall, Wednesday, December 6th, at Fivep.m. thi^^saociatiop duringm i war time was strongly and Son’s, 24, Terminus-road, also at 184 and 186, TRIBUNAL. and it is further enhanced by the confidence inspired (Tickets can now be secured at the Town Hall). ■i emphasised oh Monday by the Chairman, Regent-street, London, W. Service Outfits anc <* m e m asses X a *, x a t : ” ; , Breeches, Coats and Skirts, Riding Habits, Astride in the pi >lic, during that long period, by supplying Aldermanlder U.‘-F. Simmons. It is highly Coats, etc, (West End Cutter and Fitter). Band and Chorus of 140. " ijnprobable’ that, without the wide publicity -i estjerday afternoon the Eastbourne Rural Tribunal th e ( BE! QUALITY COALS at the LOWEST Oonduotor ... Francis J. Foote, AR.A.M . .. S a v e t h e P l a n t s !—A little “ Domus” Gas hold a sitting at Avonuo House, The Avenue. Lieut- systematically given to Eastbourne’s attrac­ Boiler will keep the frost from the greenhouse for a LOCAL PRICES. tion-and'ad vantages,'the to wn would have Col. O w e n , C.M.G., C.I.E., presided, and there wera EASTBOURNE DIVISION halfpenny an hour. Absolutely no attention required also present the Rev. A. A. Evans, Mr. G. Hornsby, tone anything. }(k,e so well as it has, and when once lit.—Gas Co. Mr. A. S. Haynes, Mr. J. Youell, Mr. J. Birch Mr *£.*; oJ MILS rgues, with considerable F u n e r a l o f a Mu s ic ia n .—T he funeral took J; LV,ReAd’ ^ Ir- ,C- Thomas. Mr. F. Jj Hickman, of reason,-, that the efforts made to place on Saturday afternoon of Mr. Robert George Mr. E. G. Smith, Mr. H. Matthews, M r. Hunk (military representative) and Mr. T. E. mt' popularise Eastbourne in the North of England, Macartney, a member of the Devonshire Park Orchestra, V. Kirtlan Head Office: 2, STATION PARADE HOSPITAL SUPPLY DEPOT, seeing what encouraging -success has already whose death was announced in our last issua The (clerk). ' j , ./-i.v - './■ | . ;::f . • . ■ ■ r KNIGHTSBROOK, GRA8SINGT0N ROAD. afttenaed them, are likely to prove increasingly members of the Eastbourne Military Band attended THE QUESTION OF SUBSTITUTION. fruitful as time goes on, and especially when and played appropriate music, while among those who Hunt remarked that the scheme of substitution j Telephone 864. ilK , I the war is’over aQd pre-war facilities^ or reach- sent wreaths were the Chairman and Directors of the was now under weigh. Mr. M. H. Beattie and him­ Since our yearly reportfnas come out,'wMohL lighting, it was suggested that the Eastbourne Outhbert Hawley, Mr. Fedor Otscharkoff and Mr. W. Adjourned for substitution. INDIA RUBBER . . Corporation be asked to run a ’bus to the Bay. J. Read. The opening concert takes place at the A question arose as to whether a substitute would This stirred the Hampden Park member to Saffrons Rooms on Friday next at 3.15 p.'m., when we bo sent on trial. advance what he claimed to be the stronger hope tb see the enterprise of the promoters rewarded by Mr. H unt: Oh, no; I am not going to offer sub­ clafffiir of the Eastbourne suburb to a ’bus the presence of a full house. The works$p be presented stitutes on trial. I shall not send a chimney sweep EASTBOURNE on this inaugural occasion are Mendelssohn’s Trio in to drive a farm cart. HOT WATER BOTTLE. service, and thence’ followed an expression of D minor, op. 49, and Schumann’s Quintett in E flat, ADJOURNED FOR MEDICAL EXAMINATION. 7 r conflicting opinion about the relative “ import- op. 44. Besides the three directors of the concert ASSOCIATION. ' ance ” of the two places. This latter question scheme, the instrumental artists will include Mrs. James Winter, aged 34, general labourer, was asked is not, perhaps, an easy one to decide. Both Warren and Miss Dorothy Darbishire-Jones. There for by his employer, Mr. George Funnell, of West- GUARANTEED fcOR places undoubtedly ATe on the up-grade, and, will also be vocal contributions by a special artist, ham. POSTPONED BANK HOLIDAY, with Mrs. Row&rth as the accompanist. Two guineas Mr. Funnell said he had tried to replace W inter, :: 24 MONTH8 :: but had had no reply to his advertisement, He had Monday, November 27th. too scavenging, contract for the village. printed m an advertisement) The case was adjourned for medical examination. dbcidtTwhich is the more im portant place of obtained from the Secretary, Classical Concerts, Saffrons In accordance with the vote carried at the [ the twoto indicate which has the prior claim Rooms. Part of the proceeds will be given to the funds AN ALFRISTON APPLICATION. PRICE 7 / 9 Mayor’s Meeting held recently the Drapers to Eastbourne’s motor ’bus service. Pevensey of the Red Cross Society. Percy W. Golden, plumber, in the employ of Bay being outside the borough and Hampden I A n g l e r ’s F in e C a t c h . — A cod weighing Messrs. Pettitt & Son, of Alfriston, applied for an have unanimously decided to GLOSE their extension of his certificate. ESTABLISHMENTS on the above DATE. Pqn^.Within it, ®Rd the Corporation having . 16-lbs. was caught by Mr. G. Gooders, Firle-road, while OBTAINED OF been legally precluded from running ’buses j fishing with rod and line from a boat near Langney The Military assented to conditional exemption, ■r beyon^J. their own boundaries, the question for Point The fish was taken about three-quarters of a and this was agreed to by the Tribunal. BEADING & CO., Ltd., Ironmongers, GROVE ROAD j ail practical purposes settles itself. from the shore with a small piece of lugworm as APPLICATIONS BY A TRAINER. bait. ’ " : ------Albert N. Gander, electrician and chauffeur, of G l e e C h o ir S a c r e d C o n c e r t . — O n S u n ­ Alfriston, aged 29 years, was claimed for by Mr. L B A B N T O i SM O K E, v — 8nioking is a Fine Tonic. T h k Or c b b s t r a i. C o n c e r t s . day evening, in order to raise funds for sending J. H. Batho, trainer, of Alfriston. FOB ALL KIND J? OF TOBACCO, CIGARS and CIOABBTTB8 TRY Thb Devonshire Park orchestra now has the .Christmas parcels to Eastbourne men in the Army ana The Chairman: Have you taken any steps to I Additional power and capability afforded by Navy, a sacred concert was given in the Central Cinema, replace this man? in. | the use of which bad been kindly granted by the manage­ Mr. Batho: No. He added that he was obliged D O U IiL , .The Tobacconist, 56b, GROVE ROAD. ’Phone 608. the sendees of the Grand-parade band, which SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1916. continues to perform every morning on the ment. Under the conductorship of Mr. G. T. Cruse, the to keep a chauffeur as he was not allowed to travel choir contributed very effectively a number of anthems by train to race meetings. Parcels sent to our Troops in any part of the World. seafront under the skilled and painstol and excerpts (solo and chorus) from oratorios. A short Exempted until 31st December. CARRIAGE PAID AND POST FREE. direction of. Mr. Giacomo, but thereafter is address was given by the Rev. L. Hands.. The hall was L. C. Jones, a jockey and travelling head lad, aged KEEP THE TRENCH PIPES BURNING. THE ■ "2 I available for dut;duty in the Winter Garden. well filled by an appreciative audience, and a silver 36, who had been passed Bl, was also asked for by I Tfrus appreciablybly augmented, the orchestra collection produced £ 7 .10& ] . Mr. Batho, who said Jones was his only steeplechase r r r r r rtfs has JMbtyc House. The excitements__ of the election .re filledAiybut ^ ____ theF present______audiences,______both after-__ rucuumwouirheumatism would find great relief if they ate mole now over, but the minor excitements of tti? I noon and evening, might undergo considerable I vegetables and fruit and "less pastry and meat.—The asked little Monty, “ did you hear the step-ladder when it tumbled over'm the sitting room?” “ ]No, dear,” DAILY—2.45 to 4.40 and 6 to 10. Europeanpean war still go on, and those Of us wno I expansion without suggesting the prevalence lecture was listened tot with interest by all present, and are separated by the Atlantic from a. cl! df m usical I at toe end several questions were asked ana answered. said the mother. “ I hope papa didn’t fall?” “ Not IN OUR locally of any alarming excess yet; he’s still climbing to the picture moulding!” COMER . TODAY fSATURDAY), November 18th. contact with the struggles of Republican And eqthuriasm. It is. something, no doubt, that Councillor Prior was cordially thanked for his practical and helpful lecture. GREAT SENSATIONAL DRAMA, Democrat may be forgiven if we find ourselves the ^tendances have shown a tendency to TEA LOOTGE. thinking rather more of them_ than of the improve, especially of an afternoon, the C a v a l r y C o m m a n d D e p o t . — Additional ‘The CIRCUS of DEATH. Presidential contest. We are interested in accompaniment of light and popular music to gifts of books and magazines for the library at the the relation of America tq ,the world-war,, and the serving' of tea being much appreciated. Convalescent Camp,•'Victoria-drive, have been received MUSICAL TEAS we feel that the situation has been complicated from M riW atte, Station-parade, and-Mr. J . H. Wright, To Likely Buyers MONDAY,TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, Tp, howeyer, enBure the orchestra the pupport Arlington-road. 4 to 6 P.M. Nov. 20th, tlet and find, hitherto bythe necessity of regarding election duqld such asuperlor musical force, the rate prospects- It is a little hard, perhaps, fojp of improvement needs accelerating,, and we ORGAN R e c it a l . -» On Wednesday after­ I . OP SM A R T U “ The T R A IL of the the British people to appreciate the signifi­ wotida urge upon our readers to mark their noon, at Holy Trinity Church, CorpL F. E. Wilson VOCALIST: cance of these matters. Certainly the attitude seii8e of tne enterprise of the Devonshire Park (R.AM.G.), F.R.O.O., L.R.A.M., gave an organ LONESOM E PIN E.” recital on behalf of the sick lines at Summerdown MISS EDITH TAYLOR. of the great mass of them towards the fie directors by utilising more frequently and Convalescent Hospital. A congregation of goodly pro­ Autum n Coats F eaturing CHARLOTTE WALKER. wars of the rival candidates might find exp: widely the liberal facilities placed at their portions evinced hearty-appreciation of the programme, MISS TANNER, npanist sion in the familiar lines of Kaspar i—.. . and Pianist disposal. - ‘ * * in which vocal assistance was given by Pte. J. Atten­ CHARLIE CHAPLIN to What they fought each other for =fc borough, Royal Fusiliers. The programme comprised I never could make out. the following pieces: Overture in 0 major (Hollins); TD., But let .us .remember, , with all humility, that I . Humoreske (Dvorak); Toccato from 5th Symphony NICHOLSON L “ The FLOOR W ALKER.” fferonmi mb Social. (Widor); recit and air, “ Ye people, rend your hearts,” ARTHUR the good American.merican finds himself in the same 1 from E lija h (Mendelssohn); Andante (Batiste); Prelude Successors to Evendens, THURSDAY. FBIDAY and SATURDAY, P1osition when he is confronted with our more in 0 sharp minor. (Rachmaninoff);_(a) Berceuse r November 23rd, 24th and t5th, blilood,y European quarrels. His concern with The Rev. Father J . O’Donoghue, who has been at S t ‘ isue between Mr. Hughes and Dr. Wilson Peter’s Qathplio Ohuroh, Shoreham, for two years, has EASTBOURNE. been appointed first assistant priest to the Rev. Fatber C H R 1 M E S , ‘ CYRIL MAUDE ra • whatever that issue may have been, has led Lynch,,,. /. / . 1 .. 1 some people to think that there is an essentia) P resbyterian Ch u r c h : S e r v ic e s in S y m ­ “P E E R G Y N T.” difference between politics on the two .sides of Councillor F. Hollins, M. A , has been elected Chair­ man and Rev. F. S. Williams, M.A., Deputy Chairman pathy with THsdSfational M ission.—AtS t. Andrew’s Tlie Furrier and Costumier, the Atlantic. A candidate here; i t is said,, of the Education Cjommittee of the borough. Presbyterian Church, Blackwater-road, are to be held OF Other Filins in addition to above, including ] gets elected to carry out a .programme^ A a series’ of special services “ in sympathy with ” the GATT ICO N T G R A P H I C . candidate in America has a programme in Mrs. L. Allen asks ns to state that, now the Christmas the Church of England’s Mission of Repentance and TERMINUS ROAD, Seats, 4d.,74. and la including Tax. puddings for the troops fund has been taken up officially, Hope. In a message to the members of the Presby­ .. r order to be elected. We do not commit our-f she is forwarding to Mr. Leatham all sums received by terian Church and congregation, the Minister (the Rev. ■ selves to that view ; are tempted, ip fact, to her as an authorised collector, together with a list of the Jas. Reid), referring to the Mission, observes : “ Ours PROP08ES OFFERING ask whether the American aspirant for offl donora . ‘ * is in no sense a competitive effort, but rather a CONVERT YOUR does not carefully avoid haying a programme, N E X T W EEK OVER EASTERN Telephone 70S. Tbs late Colonel W. A Cardwell; The Moat Croft, sympathetic attempt to deepen and widen the interest, 'OLD GRATES. . for the purpose named. jv j] Upperton-rpadj Eastbourne, left unsettled estate ‘or this purpose the week begihning Sunday, 19th It is just this obscurity, this fact that each amounting to £50,995. November, has been set apart, and three special meet­ INTO NEW BY SEASIDE. .CINEMA. of the contestants has been f‘ just a cahdidate, Captain O. I* T. Matheson, R.E., has been awarded ings arranged on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday lO O N ew C oats in short,” that ynakes it difficult to formAU the Military Cross for conspicuous gallantry in action. evenings, that we may concentrate with one mind upon USING . . . . . seeking God. Dqring that week Also the church will estimate of what the presence either df Hughes Lance-Corporal H. W. S. Wynter, M.P.S., London OF LATEST DE8IGT T O -D A Y Including all New Wine Shades. A. Welcome Hot. r & l ( W e t s , by repayment or by discharge of Property T a t or other Price, Sixpence. Postage, id 8d., • , 2is. to 63a.-^r. a Assessments, they charge for their services a small jBthil he aentjkto the Hon. Treasurer and To he obtained of the IB, Oompton-street, inclusive fee baaed strictly on the amount of aotaal ‘ to the Camp. ' - c w w . - “ Free by post. fw o8. repayment or caving in Tax. > Prices 49/6 to 80/- m EASTBOURNE CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1916. ______1 ■' ------■mmmmm—>.mmm—imm* n -i ■ ■—.tL.J.. . .1 . . *■*■ ■ " ■ ■ ■ ■ ■' '• * 1 11 1 t FARMER’S “CONDITIONAL” WITHDRAWN. WEDNESDAY’S CASES. EAST SUSSEX APPEAL The Military appealed against the conditional EASTBOURNE LOCAL exemption granted Dy the Eastbourne Rural Tribunal TRIBUNAL. to Mr. John Gosden, aged 38, a farmer. TRI] THE CIVIL LIABILITIES COMMISSIONER’S The grounds of a,ppeal were that it did not appear that the national interest would suffer if the man REQUEST. LOCAL AND DISTRICT CASES. joined the Colours. He was not in a certified occupa­ '.'.K ti -V'S' tion, and as under present circumstances he would MONDAY’S SITTING. not be called up before January 1st thefeSvas ample Major H. P. Molinkux presided at the sitting of I Moth-er de-clares The East Sussex Appeal Tribunal sat at the East­ time for him to dispose of the stock. , ^ v the Tribunal on Wednesday. otheOmembera present bourne Town Hall on Thursday. Major R. L. Major Grantham: Do you sugge APPLICATIONS PROM FIRE BRIG. being the Mayor (Alderman C. O’Brien Harding), every-one should doing is of national interest? j T hornton presided, and other members present were MEMBERS. Councillor C. W. Bolton, Alderman E. Duke, Mrs. Mr. Gosden: I do; it is for thi/Tribunal to.dpefde A Campbell, Mr. Claude Bishop, Mr. T. B. Hasdell know Bird’s Egg Councillor S. N. Fox, Mr. E. J. Gorringe and Coun­ otherwise I should not be here/ ’ and Mr. R. J. Mines, with the Assistant Clerk (Mr. cillor F. J. Huggett, with the Clerk (Mr. Montagu Harris) and the Military Representative (Major W. The Agricultural Representative supported Mr. MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS. Batchelor) and the Military -Representative iMr. - Sub-sti-tute. It is Gosden, remarking that_.tho/ farms were efficiently Hu trill). W. Grantham). managed, well stocked ancUthe most was being made MR. RAVEN’S LETTER. such a mon-ey sav-er. ADJOURNED. out of it in the national interest. The following letter (addressed to the Tribunal) E. May, of Danehill, aged 26 (Uckfield Rural), Mr. Gosden: I dm willing to do my bit for the Another sitting of tie Local Tribunal. took_plaoe a buyer and manager in a butcher’s business, was Town Monday, Major __ __ was read from Mr. J. E. Raven, Commissioner of One tea-spoon-ful£of country, and if tho Tribunal think I ought to sell the >nt were Civil Liabilities (Lewes) claimed by his employer, who applied for a renewal stock 1 will do so. I I cannot say more than that. r *---- 1 “You might impress upon applicants who come of the Tribunal’s certificate of exemption. The Military apbeal was allowed, the conditional before your Tribunal with the intention of applying this gold-en pow-der The man had been given exemption until November exemption was withdrawn and Mr, Gosden was given to me that they must fill in their forms properly. 28th, no further application to be made without leave. until December 31sk, Mr. ?! B. Hasdell.^rith the Clerk (Mr. H. W. It is quite impossible for me to deal with them, unless im-parts the rich-ness, The employer said there was no.other butcher’s shop Fovargue) and the Military Representative (Mr. M. the forms are carefully and properly filled in. within a radius of four miles, and May was the only GOT ALL THAT WAS POSSIBLE. H. Beattie). ^ gAVE TIMB “ I have no hesitation in saying that the forms flav-or and appear­ man to buy and manage the business. . G. Barnes (18), aj cowman; S. Woolgar (18), a. which oome from Eastbourne are the1 most difficult The case was adjourned to enable the Military to carter; and G. Mockett (19), a carter, were claimed Several cases in which the Military applied for a that I have to deal with, inasmuch as it does not ance of new laid eggs apply for a review with regard to another employe. by their employer, exemption having been refused review of a certificate ojf conditional exemption which seem that there is even an attempt made to give by the Rural Tribunal subject to satisfactory sub­ had been granted to m^n were adjourned for medical the information asked for upon the forms. to pud-dings, cakes, CABINET MAKER’S INVENTION, stitutes being found. examination. It was' suggested that in future all “The filling in of these forms is not a job that $uch fun F. E. Kenton, aged 37, a cabinet maker (Uckfield The appellant was told by tho Chairman that he yr>ftn who are oalled before the Tribunal in order that can be simply understood and finished off in five W E had buns, bat-ter, etc. Urban), asked for a renewal of his certificate. ' had got all ho could having regard to tho ages of their certificates may be reviewed should go before minutee. Each question should be carefully con­ when we! dic| our In reply to Mr. Wellsted, the applicant said he had the men. the Medical Board and be examined before the case sidered and should be directly answered. As an been passed for general service, though he produced The cases were withdrawn. ia heard. As all the cases in which conditional instance, I will take the case of rent. I can assist cook-ing. Moth-er said a certificate showing that he was suffering from exemption has been granted are now (joining under People in paying rent, but only when I know what Send to your grocer physical defects. He had submitted an invention to review it would result !in a saving of time an round the amount of the rent is. When they put down so many shillings per week for board and lodging, it we could make just the Authorities, but it was “ neutralised ” by certain LOCAL NATURE JOTTINGS. if men who are to come before the Tribunal would defects. He had asked for an interview in order to present themselves voluntarily for examination. It simply means that I-have to write and ask what is to-day for Birds Egg the amount of rent—and this only one of the ques- submit improvements, but had received no reply. appears mat the Military have no power to order a what we pleased. , & The Tribunal said the man was not to be called man to go before the Medical Board, but as the tions. ” J, ' Substitute in tins 6d. SOME AUTUMN FUNGI. CARTER’S TWELVE WEEKS. So we mixed and up for six weeks, and if not found fit for general Tribunal now almost invariably adjourns cases in i i \d. and id. packets. service the Military Representative undertook to put which men have not been examined it is obviously in . Mr: J. Lay appeared in support of an application the man on work of national interest. the interest* of those who are to oome under review with regard1 to R. Randall, a carter, remarking that baked a love-ly York- This month has beer, quite a favourable one for to ascertain for what category of service they are fit the latter was the only man he had on the Motcombe A CASE FOR SUBSTITUTION. the appearance of fungi, and the numbers to be seen Under such ciroumstanancee the Tribunal is placed' in » Farm'. 1 i ■ . shire pud-ding with A G. Merrifield (26), a baker (Chailey), a single on the Downs afford Considerable material for study better position to cases upon their merits and Twelve weeks’ exemption was granted. man, was the subject of an employer’s application to anyono interested in the somewhat neglected to consider whether the Military applications for the TO JOIN THE RED CROSS. rai-sins in it fdr eat-ing for a renewal of the certificate. withdrawal of certificates are justified. The idea The oase was adjourned for a month for substitu­ branch of nature study known as mycology. In, that a man is likely fo prejudice his case by going F. J. Stoner, aged 40, a grocer and provision after meat. Ilf was so tion. these days of war economy much might be said anent before the Board does not hold good in view of the merchant, who had been passed for home service, A NEWHAVEN CASE. the subject of edible fungi which I have broached Tribunal’s policy of requesting men to be examined was allowed 12 weeks’ exemption and told to join the Red Cross. .1 fine and rich. ■ We The employer of J. J. Ince, a slaughterman, aged before in these notes, but thero are not many before deciding their claims. 30 (Newhaven Urban Tribunal), applied for a renewal particularly nice species among those growing on the- FURTHER. APPLICATION REFUSED. MUST HAVE LEAVE'NEXT TIME. used Bird’s Egg Sub­ of a certificate. He also asked for leave to make Downs. I have noticed some ietters to a local paper Mr. F. LawsOn Lewis asked for leave to make a S. Fisher (29), a house furnisher and decorator, Little another application in the case of a man named on the best means of distinguishing the mushroom further application for exemption on behalf of two applied for a further exemption on business grounds. stitute, like moth-er Dann, aged 36, employed in the butchery depart­ from its innumerable relatives, but in reality men employed at the (J ueen’s Hotel. These two and H e Btated that he had been passed for garrison service ment of the Newhaven Co-operative Society. definitions of the characteristics of a fungus seem to the manager were the only men left, he said. abroad. , - . al-ways does. It appeared that Ince had been passed for home fail in actual practice. Nothing but a thorough In reply to Councillor Bolton, Mr. Lewis said that Applicant said that before the war he had six men, service, but Dann had not been medically examined. familiarity with a particular species js an entirely with the approach of Christmas an unusually busy but he now only had two. He had three brothers In reply to Major Grantham, Inco said he offered safe preventative against unpleasant, if not aotually tim e was coming. serving and he himself was doing Red Cross work. to join the Army Service Corps 12 months ago last fatal, mistakes. Of course it is now a well-known Mr. Beattie: People will fly about in spite of the He had (had two exemptions of lz weeks each. Whitsun. He went down and had his papers made fact that the mushroom is one of the least tasty of war and waste their money. A further 12 weeks were allowed, ho further out with the exception of being sworn in. The British edible fungi, but if this wero even more The application was refused. application to be mode without leave. recruiting officer subsequently told him that the widely known I very much doubt if it would have The Mayor, in his speech on the 9th, made some the slightest effect against the concentrated prejudice J EIGHTEEN. A.S.C. was closed. He was told that only line regi­ ALDERMAN DUKE’S SUGGESTION. SPORT—AND OTHER very complimentary remarks about the assistance he ments were open, but the doctor would not pass ot countless years on the subject of “ toadstools,” as Mr. H. Glenister represented the managing director H. Taylor (18), an apprentice to a dental mechanio, had received from the Corporation officials, and in a him for that. they are stupidly, if romantically, named. of a firm of local drapers, &c., whose manager of the was claimed by his father, who said he had given burst of confidence stated that even the flappers had Inoe was granted conditional exemption, but the This prejudice would be felt very strongly if it linen, carpeting and liholeum depot was the subject three sons to the Army, one having been killed. THINGS been sweet- to him. Which almost sounds as though application with regard to Dann was refused. were attempted’ to persuade the average person that of an application for a review on the part of the The case was adjourned for a week to enable the these Town Hall flappers had been giving his Worship the bright orange red fungi just now so plentiful on Military. man to be medically examined. BY SPECTATOR. the glad eye. Shouldn’t wonder a bit. LEWES ENGRAVER REFUSED. the hills are in reality quite edible. It is not much ' / ■ * * * Alderman Duke said he thought this case ought to FOUR WEEKS’ GRACE. Frederick C. Bridgman, a monumental engraver, recommended on-account of its watery nature, and be considered with applications with regard to other I have a dear old friend in Eastbourne whose one aged 37, who had been refused exemption by the this quality is shared by the other members of the- drapers. It was extremely difficult to decide these E. A. Parsons, aged 40, a married man, a gardener, A fog which blotted out the hills in the background and only pleasure in life is gardening. Music, drama, Lewes Tribunal, was claimed by his employer. fapiijy, which derives its name, Hyf/rophorus (water­ cases individually and, the Tribunal could not deal was claimed by his employer. literature and. the other fine arts have no charm for The appellant said the man was employed in bearing), from thjs habit. Bright lours are fairly with the trade uiiless they were taken together. It was stated that the man had been passed for and partially enshrouded the football pitch in’a white common to this group, and tho red species on the mantle of mist greeted me on Saturday afternoon, him and only tend to make him irritable, but put engraving inscriptions on tomb stones, and if he went If necessary the drapers, the grocers, bakers, &c., labour duty abroad. him into his garden or his conservatory and ho will the business would close. Downs (probably puniccus and coceineus) are typical should eaoh have a separate day for the hearing of The application was refused, the man not to be when I went to see a team selected from the Brigade amuse himself for hours and be as good as gold. As The Chairman: We must do without that kind of in this respect, the yellow and green kind (psittacinus) the applications relating to men engaged in the oalled up for four weeks. of GuardB at Seaford play the Convalescent* on the a matter of fact he knows no more about horticulture thing in war time. Wo cannot help you. and the pure white (nivealis or virgineus) not being various trades. SLAUGHTERMAN’S CASE ADJOURNED Summerdown Camp ground. The fog prevented a than a Laplander, but he thinks he does, and as it The appeal was dismissed. so noticeable. Brightly coloured like these, the Mr. Beattie pointed put that the difficulty was that clear view of the whole length of the pitch'but wfcs + amuses him and hurts no one else, what does it sulphur tuft and the velvet stem are readily detected all the cases did not come under consideration Mr. F. Allen appeared on behalf of C. E.jBeaney, HAILSHAM CASES. by their yellow orange tint, but whereas the sulphur who was the subject of an application by Mr. Whit- not sufficiently dense to hinder a conception of the matter? Well, ho discovered .he. wanted a short together. j ... length of hose the other day and went into his iron­ ■ A. Relf, aged 27, a farmer, application for renewal tuft is of a peculiar yellowish preen underneath, the- Alderman Duke said it was no use .reviewing I bourn. general run of the play. of exemption.—Until December 31st, no further velvet stem is to be distinguished by its blackish- Mr. Allen said the man was single and was monger’s to inquire the price. H e was told it was exemptions unless the whole of a particular trade * * * elevenpence per foot. “Elevenpence! Why the last application without leave. brown furry stem. These are not edibie, but, strange was taken together. They could not do justice if slaughterman, horse-keeper and roundsman, The as it may seem, the ill-treated puff-ball is. Not, I applicant had only this man and a lad of 16. There was a big orowd of convalescent Tommies lot I had was only 6d.” “ Ye6, but the price of H. C. Carter, stockman, aged 27, application for first one case and then! another kept coming up. present, and as the Guards also brought a large con­ rubber has gone up, and we hate to oharge 3d. extra renewal.—Adjourned for substitution. 3 hasten to add, in its powdery state, but when still The Chairman remarked that the Tribunal had The oasd’ was adjourned for a, week to enable the white inside. In this condition it should be out in manan to be medically examined. tingent of most enthusiastic supporters with them, for the rubber now.” “But that only brings the previously expressed' the wish that the cases of men matters became rather lively at times. There was price up to 9d. W hat’s the other 2d. for? ” “ Oh! CAB PROPRIETOR TO GO. thin slices and fried, but just now its brown, spongy in the same trade Bhould be. taken together. NO POWER. - plenty of noi»e and excitement, and much good- well, that—that’s for the amusement tax 1 ” J. Harrowing, a cab proprietor, aged 40, made shells are being blown hither and thither all over . Mr. Beattie said he | would endeavour to meet the tho Downs, only its small relative I/yeoperdon In regard to the case of G. C. Best, the Military humoured banter passed between the rival sections an appeal on business and personal grounds. He wishes of the Tribunal and the case was adjourned of the crowd. A greatly ; needed improvement frt had been passed for garrison service abroad. He had gemmatum being still in the edible state. This latter m e die. . j . Representative said the Tribunal refuses' a former I have often wondered what Eastbourne would look species grows in clusters, each pear-shaped individual application on May 10th. The man was oalled up the Camp is the roping in of the ground so as to four brothers in the Army and two in munition , “FANCY WORK.” prevent spectators encroaching on the field of play. like if you couldn’t see it, as it were, and on Monday works. being covered with small warts, which, as was- and went to Chichester, where he was placed in a night last my. ouriosity was satisfied. What with no remarked to me the other day, imparted an appear­ The same, point wia raised again by Alderman lower category and sent home to civil employment, Both the referee’ and the players woiild welcome it, Appeal dismissed. Duke in regard to thecase of W. Bernard, aged 34, I fanqy. T lights, no moon, a shrouded sky and a fog of unusual ance of being covered with dewdrops. Just above subject to 'being oalled up at two months’ notice. density, too town was about the blackest spot to be A DENTAL OPERATOR. employed by Messrs. R. H & J. Pearson, Ltd., the He had now been oalled upon and he had put in a . ’• .■■*! *. . Jevington Halt they are particularly numerous, and Military applying for a review of the conditional Playing with the slope and what little wind there found in all this dark world of. ours. It was dark H. Milligan, aged 29, a dental operator, appealed the remains of another kind, Jiovista phimbra—a little fresh claim. enough, I should say,' to almost satisfy even Mr. against the final exemption until Deoember 25tli lead-coloured ball—are equally plentiful there. On exemption granted injApril. /jtV. The Chairman': We cannot deal with the case. was in their favour, the Guards were seen to Alderman Duke: We should take these cases in advantage, and it was not long before they opened J. J, Page—but of that I am not sure. I hae ma granted by the Local Tribunal. the beds of decaying gorse spines two charming little regard to the trade as a whole and leave the traders TWELVE WEEKS FOR FIRE BRIGADE the scoring,- Then the Camp got together, the. for­ doots. • Groping about in the fog was a weird It was stated by the Local Tribunal that in their elf cups grow, tho orange.and the brown—I found rjnst enough men to carry on. MEMBER. wards ’showing pretty footwork, and the war was experience. It would have been impossible for a opinion the man was not in a certified occupation and both in the upper part of Old Kiln Bottom'last 1 Mr. Beattie: We are worked very hard at the office carried to the other end. Now and again they were stranger to have found his way, and even residents there were a sufficient number of dentists still practis­ week. They require a little searching for, but one end we have no time for fancy work, 0. Clarke, aged 39, a carman, who had been passed beaten back, but they persistently returned to the had very considerable difficulty in locating their ing in Eastbourne to attend to the needs of the is well rewarded by the discovery of a group of these The oase was adjou ed for a week to enable the for garrison service at home, was granted 12 weeks. attack and. sorely tried the visitors’ defence. How whereabouts. Not many people were about, and public. The appellant had been passed for general curious, but elegant, little saucer-shaped fungi. On m an to be medicall; ,ed. , t ‘ : ' He is a. member of the Fire Brigaded the Guards’ goal escaped hereabouts was a miracle. those who did venture out mostlyrth lost their way and service. the dead or dying gorse branches may-be found the ; jt . TWO MONTHS’ NOTICE. ji Shot after shot)—every one almost of which looked were precious glad to get back to the light and com­ In reply to Mr. H. W. Roll, the appellant said he yellow jelly-sprout and the Jew’s ear fungus, both TO GO. certain to score—was rained in, but partly by fort of their “ain firesides ” again. The most worked largely amongst the working classes. He gelatinous in consistence, the former being more or With regard to e case of F, J. Spreadbury, Mr. W. T. Walston, librarian in th,e firm of Messrs. remarkable adventure I have heard of was that of had a wife and four children dependent upon him, less transparent and orange yellow in hue, while the Kenward & Co., who had been passed for garrison accidental obstruction and partly by some marvellous employed by Mi Lereculey, 'which had, been play on the part of the goalkeeper, not. one of the the man who wanted to get to Devonshire Park and whilst he also contributed towards the support of his latter is opaque and of a blackish-purple tint. Lastly, adjourned for medi< examination, Mr. Beattie said service at home, asked for a further two months, Mr, found himself entering the doors of the big motor mother, who was in delicate health. He was doing there is the little champignon which causes the fairy- Burt stating that the applicant formerly held a shots found toe net. ■ j the man had been . for general service. The ■ * ‘ * garage at the bottom of Seaside-road. Re was work for soldiers free of charge. rings. He is small, unimportant and unattractive, in point was that then ’ere two men in the firm’s certificate entitling him to two months’ notice, but evidently a bit fogged; The decision of the Local Tribunal was varied, the ipearance, but he has one counter-balancing merit, employ who were bol oing the same work. Cheal, this was taken away and a fresh certificate given him. It looked as though the Camp would fad to equalise word “ final ” being removed. ou may safely eat him. the other man, had been passed for garrison service Two months were allowed, no further application in the first half, but eventually after a good run the Leave was. granted to the Military to take the case fo.. . . R. G. abroad and was under notice to join the Colours. If to be made. ball was passed to Lieut. Sidebotham and the clever to the Central Tribunal. < v inside left, with a nicely-judged shot I high up in the the Tribunal would release Spreadbury for the Army TILL THE END OF THE YEAR. GENERAL TOPICS. the Military would undertake not to oppose a condi- net, brought the teams level. Even play followed after MONTH F o r a c h i m n e y s w e e p . tionalv* exemption >tion foriforjthe toe other man. W. Saxby, a grocers’ manager, who had been this, but there was no more scoring up to th^ interval, By our London Correspondent. G. T. French, aged 37, a chimney sweep, appealed GERMANY FROM THE INSIDE. passed for garrisonn servioe abroad, asked for a further . „ . . I against the decision of the Local Tribunal to grant Mr. H.- Glenister,enister, who ." appeared for the applicants,m I exemption. said toe firm would agree to this and* thefo< application The Camp team had bfon distinctly the bettor him final exemption until November 27th. There with regard to Si ibury was refused, conditional Mr. R. A. Niedermayer said 'the man was single- There is a determined effort in some quarters to was also an appeal by his father, as employer. Mr. INTERESTING DETAILS. handed and he had had a notice calling him up within side so far, but it was in the second half that their exemption being gi ited to Cheal. superiority more particularly asserted itself, The turn the present unrest about Admiralty administra­ H, Glenister appeared on behalf of the appellant. three weeks, whereas he was entitled to two months’ tion to the advantage of Mr. Churchill. Lord It was stated that there were only eight men TVER AGE. notice. ’ r . . fcj stalwart Guardsmen were very hard i to it. They a good defenoe and a brilliant goalkeeper, Rothermere’s defence of the ex-First Lord in a Sun­ employed in the work' of sweeping chimneys in East­ GOOSE-LEGS AT 4s. 2jd.£EACH. H. J. Westoott, manager and buyer for Messrs. The application was refused, toe man not to be day picture paper has been followed by a vigorous bourne, which was only half the number’ engaged called up until toe end o f the year. . things went all against them, whilst their Hudson, furniture stores, produced a birth certificate ts added four more goals to their credit, campaign in another journal under the same control. before the war. showing that he was 141 years of age in June. Al; MAN REFUSED. 1 be first oame from a hot shot from! toe left wiiig. No _ doubt a number of charges have been made Mr. French stated that his firm swept 8,600 Some interesting details, of the state of Germany The application was withdrawn. agamst Mr. Winston Churchill which are not justified. chimneys a year, not including steam boilers, &c. Mr.i R. A. Niedermayer aimeared on behalf of which the goalkeeper skilfully, but only partly, saved, Politicians who work with his vigour and recklessness are furnished to friends in Lewee by a young woman THE FIRE BRIGADE and the Camp inside right, pouncing ion the ball, put Some of the work was dangerous, whilst large who, after two years’ enforced stay in Germany, Raa C. WL Lyddiard, employed at the Army and Navy are liable to get less than justice done to their virtues chimneys required at least two men. Mr. H. W. Fovargue made ap application on behalf Stores in London, toe application being made on it between the posts. been released and has recently arrived back home in if they happen to miss-fire. The question is, how­ The appeal was dismissed, hut the Military under­ England with a party who had been similarly circum­ of Capt. Hounsom with regard to ten. men. of the domeStio grounds. Mr. Niedermayer said the man ■■' * *.'■ ■ ■' • 9 ■*’■'' [ r ever, whether public confidence has not been too took not to call the man up for a month. Fire Brigade. The names of the men were; C, V. N. was formerly employed by Messrs. Cave, Austin and The next oame from a penalty for hands in the fatal much shaken to make Mr. Churchill’s return to a stanced. They were kept at Rotterdam 10 days, P ro d g er, aged 29 ; (L Teague, 29; H. B. Prodger, Co., but was now in the horticultural department area, and the next from a free kick close in for carry­ NO FURTHER APPEAL WITHOUT LEAVE. Holland being over-run by spies, which necessitated responsible position practicable during the war. searching examination and inquiries. She says +- w39; < F. W. V» . Tarrant,j39;iOHftUU, j W J XJ,E. W. vv I Willoughby, luuouguuy, 05739; • XT, P. | of - the T Army v and Navy Stores. He had been passed ing. Both decisions which led to these points were Some shrewd observers think he will do well to clear The Military also appealed against the granting of W Deb ms, 38; C. Ej Wilmshurst, 37; J. F. Carp, 33; f°r generaservioe. rather hotly appealed against by some of the Guards, there is a great deal of truth about the Germans himself as far as possible of aspersions on his past exemption till January 1st to F. E. Colhran, a pig being very short of food. They cannot get fate of C. H. Payne, 35; arid J. J. Christian, 35. I The application was refused. but the referee was absolutely right in both decisions. record and look to the period that will follow the breeder, aged 25, who had been passed for general Payne and C. V. N. Prodger had been passed for I happened to be standing within^ a few of any sort and no milk. They we>e allowed one-tenth ANOTHER TWELVE WEEKS. war for his re-habilitation. He is still the most con­ service. . of a of soap per month and one:tenth of a garrison service abroad; Teague, Carn, Tarrant and both incidents, and was in a position to see and siderable force in such opposition as. may now be said In reply to Mr.1 Glenister, Colbran said he and his Christian for general service; H. B. Prodger hid A. Berry, aged 31, a market gardener, &c„ was judge dearly what happened. Then out of a hot to exist in'the House of Commons. pound of butter a week. Bread (rye) gees sour and represented by Mr. W. H. Burt, who said that two father worked1 in the business, , but the latter was 66 almost makes one sick to eat it. Although people been rejected; and-Willoughby and Wilmshurst hid scrimmage in front of tlie Guards’ posts, Sergt. Downs Judging by its interim report, the Women’s years of age and suffered from physical infirmities. been passed for borne service. They were all married previous exemptions had beep granted. : it on his side’s fourth point with a teriifio shot, whilst might be able to pay £5 per week on food they were , A further exemption of 12 weeks was allowed. National Land. Service Corps has / reason to con­ He had five brothers ir. the Army. H e also produced half starved because they could not buy it. Half a m djep .. ■ Sunner Kirtley completed the tale with a lovely gratulate itself. In close co-operation with the County foodstuffs for his father to sell. Mr. Fovargue said the men' had1 been members of goal—the best in the whole match, perhaps. The pound of meat per week was allowed and there was REMARKABLE ALLEGATIONS. Committees set up by the Government, it has applied The decision was varied and the man was told he no sugar and no rubber. All the brass from the tile Brigade for a long period and if sent away it S. Moss, aged 35, who said he was an hotel manager Guards were thus well beaten by five goals to one. itself to a really serious question, and the-work fell could not appeal again without leave. would materially affect toe utility of the Brigade. houses had been taken and hardly any motor cars in Ontario, Canada, had put in a claim for exemp­ . ' .. ..*• ■ h into the departments of (1 ) propaganda and organisa­ The Military appealed’ against the grafting of con­ were used, and some of those in use having wooden The ordinary strength was 46; but at present there tion, and was asked by Alderman Duke why he was tion, and (2) the provision of workers. Five full-time ditional exemption to 31st December to J. A. were 43 members, 16 of whom.: were • over military In some respects it Was a very good match, and it wheels. Tho working classes are in a very bad way. before foe Tribunal? is a pity that it should have been somewhat marred organisers and trained speakers were appointed, and Fewings, an assistant schoolmaster (29), who had been They wait in thousands for hours for their butter, age: Some of thesei men were getting on in years Applicant: That is what I have come here to find their help was largely applied for, and was fruitful and were not so active as formerly. One man was by a show of temper on th e part, of ] One or two of passed for general service. His employer (the Rev. and then perhaps only a few hundred get it. Then out. ’ the visiting team. The Guardis Were a really srtrong of very good results. Recruiting meetings were held E. L. Browne) said the man was necessary to con­ the women smash the windows and tho soldiers whack 65, another 63, two were 60, two 59, one 58 arid It was stated that the man was not ordinarily in many centres, and the women selected were those seven were between 41 and 50. Of toe original side and hardly deserved to lose byi such a margin. tinue the work, which was of national importance. them with their swords. resident in Great Britain and had only been just over' of the right type to create a good impression and He also submitted a letter from a doctor regarding Brigade there were ! only 26 members, including the one month in England. ^ In goal, at back and at half they were seen to most The young woman’s relatives, who are still in ten now applied for; the other 17 being made up of advantage, the forwards, though individually clever, not discredit the cause, while to prevent unsuitable the map’s health. Seven of his masters were in the Germany, went out on one occasion to buy something Alderman Duke: Why have you put in a claim for being not very well together as a line. candidates from taking up farm work Miss Fraser Army and three had been killed. A t present ho was recruits, as they had only joined recently, some by exemption? was induced to become honorary medical officer of for their dinner and all they could get was two legs the order of toe Tribunal, men, having been exempted * * ' • - employing five ladies. . This man was very necessary, of a goose (the goose itself weighing about 7 or 8-lbs.), Applicant: I arrived in England on September foe Corps. Provision for training, too, has been especially in regard to the teaching of mathematics, on condition that they joined the Brigade. There 28th and I was advised I had to go and attest with The winners gave a splendid exhibition, and there made, and the passing of women forough the train­ and they had to pay 4s. 2£d. each for them. These bad been practically no drills because, ofrthe dark a subject in which he was an expert. served for a dinner for three. The better class people the Military Authorities. I went on the second day oan be no doubt that the Convalescents have a team ing farms gives another opportunity of weeding out The Chairman said his two sons were educated at nights; In the case"of a threatened air ’raid the Fire after my 'arrival, but toe sergeant told me I had no at the present time which the whole Camp may well the unfit. Since the start about 800 women have are beginning to see that Germany will not win the Brigade turned out,: and one never knew when their the school and Major Grantham said he had a nephew war. The pooter people are driven like sheep and business there and that he could not do anything for be proud of. There’s no holding the Blue Boys just been trained through the combined effort of the there. services might be required. There were also toe me. He advised me to write to Capt. Argali, who now. They go on'from victory to victory, and, to Women’s Farm and Garden Union and. the Land it is drilled into them that Germany is invincible ordinary fires to be dealt with, and1 it was impossible The case was referred to the Central Medical Board, ana cannot lose. The people are told that the Eng­ would give me any information I required. I wrote, judge from their play on this occasion, I should think Servioe Corps, and 1,312 others have been placed out. and it was decided that if the man was passed for to put men on that duty] unless .they had had some U”J------ived no answer, only a calling up notice. they are very likely to go through the rest of the lish print two different editions of their papers—one “Solidarity ” was the principal note at the Lord general service he could not apply again without for home and the other for foreign reading. They Hugr—nil: How long have you been in Canada? season without having their number taken down. , Mayor’s Banquet, which, in view of the presence of Mr. Beattie: Wa went, into the matter and we * • ' • don’t believe that the Zeppelins are shot down; they —-were satisfied the Fire Brigade must not be depleted. have been in toe States sinoe 1912. and representatives of our Allies, was quite appropriate. eaVG‘ A FRIED FISH SHOP MANAGER. are told that the cause is that the engines go wrong. , months in Canada. I came home to fetch my The secret of their recent success lies, I think, in Those who imagined that the feast would be a mere You must have a brigade, but we took exception to but she refused to go and I did not want to go The Military appealed against the granting of The people are put off with: “ I t will bo over by two men because they are passed for general servioe their wonderfully improved forward play. With the shadow of its former self were evidently mistaken, exemption till 24th January to a fried fish shop Christmas.” That passes and then the story is that alone. I am taking up my residence here. halves and the rest of toe defence! there was never and tile cynical have suggested that economy was —Teague and Cars. Wito regard to Teague, we 3 Chairman (reading from a certificate): He manager, J. T. Colstick (36). it will be 9ver by Easter; then Whitsun, and so on. felt bound to ask foil him, and we think that in taking much to grumble at, but their front line has always confined strictly to the menu card, leaving foe actual The Local Tribunal pointed out that the man had iteered for active service with the Canadian been toe Camp’s chief. weakness. ... , ___ , On . .... Saturday Jrday lit fare unaltered. Mr. Asquith’s speech could hardly The English prisoners were treated very badly at these two we shall hot be damaging toe Brigade to "tionary Force, but was rejected, •even children and he managed the business for a first, but latterly the Germans are' only too glad to any great extent. was about toe strongest element in toe team. Thi'ie have been expected to oontain anything new on our widow, who had four children. They were all depen yply to a further question, toe applicant said combination was excellent) and the three inside men objects in the War. but he was heard with particular receive food, soap, tinned milk, &c., from the parcels Alaennhn Duke: You are taking the most fit men. dent upon the business. which the prisoners receive. Her relatives have not Mr. Beattie: We think it important to have these been before toe Medical Board, but was not indulged in some of the prettiest short passing it was interest on the subject of Greece. There is a ipore In reply to Majdr Grantham, the man said he had ed. “ I was stood up in front of an officer,” possible to imagine. And not only foe forwards, but general disposition than formerly to recognise the much to complain of a* to their treatment, only uiey men for toe Army. ” id, “ but he didn’t know what to do. H e said, been in the Army previously. 0 have to report themselves twice a day and not be out The Chairman (to Capt. Hounsom): Suppose we the halves also adopted the same methods, keeping difficulties with which it is surrounded. Mr. Balfour’s By Mr. H. W. Roll (who represented the man): A t know what to do with this chap.’ That was the ball low and pushing it gently along the ground speech has been hailed in some quarters as a result after 8 p.m. without special leave. J take tfaess men, what do you say? i of my certificate. They took that away and woman could not do the work, while the customers Capt. Hounsom: I cannot spare them. Many of to’their forwards in most approved style. It is this of the “ stirring up ” to which he has be^n subjected, were practically all poor people. toe men are practically passengers). We have very to call the police in before I could get it baek collective play, coupled, of course, wito individual but it is not easy to disturb the present First Lord. Appeal dismissed. little ohanoe to do any drills and 16 of the men we dull, that wins matches. H© was in a serene mood on Thursday—as who would ANSWER IT HONESTLY. HaLdell: I think there should be a protest not be at the Lord Mayor’s banquet? BLACKSMITH REFUSED. have get are no use for ladder work. that sort of thing. We should call upon toe 7t. * . '* i(i . Mr. Beattie: Our request is an extremely modest To-day toe Camp are playing the.Royal Sussex The death of Mr. E. A. Redford recalls the violent W. T. Baokshall, a'blacksmith, plumber, &c., aged ARE NOT THF. OPINIONS OF EASTBOURNE side for an explanation! J controversy which raged, not around him, but around 32, appealed against the refusal of the Local Tribunal RESIDENTS BETTER THAN THOSE OF one. We are only asking for two men. licant: They accused me of bribing a police Regiment at Chichester and the Summerdown Camp The Town Clerk; Will Mr. Beattie undertake to will be utilised for. a . second eleven Ynatch. East­ his office, in the distant days before the war. On to grant him further exemption. _ STRANGERS? put out fires? to jgeb them back., ' locking back at that quarrel, I belieVe the dominant The Local Tribunal were of opinion that there was Duke: Of bribing one of our police bourne College are listed to playiB. V.'Gordon, Capt. Hounsom: You have had 26 men up to the Esq.’s XV. on the College Field. f impression of most people who were connected with no reason The above is a vital question. It directly concerns present. ; , • ■ * m ! ' it is that a good deal less than justice was done to father was Eastbourne people. It can’t be evaded or ignored. Mr. Beattie: Did we take them or did they go licant: Yes. the tact and discrimination of Mr. Redford himself. The appellant’s tather said he had to give up The Eastbourne woman who speaks here, speaks for voluntarily? Fire rigade men are sportsmen as a Duke: If that is true it is a very serious Now that toe dark winter evenings are before us, It was too often forgotten that his decisions were noi hess on account of ill-health. He could not carry on the good of the district. the Miniature Rifle Range at the Ti ical Institute intended to reflebt his personal views: but that he his son’s business. Read right through for yourself, and acknowledge Alderman Duke:.Our duty is to see that toe town ant: They refused to give them to him and is . , certain to bb well patrol by shooting was merely the representative of his office. During In reply to Mr. H. Glenister, the appellant said the truth of these fact*. . I had never had any. enthusiasts. People who have ed 4 rifle or fourteen years of office about 7,000 plays were sum he had two brothers in the Arm/, and he himself On May 15th, 1914, Miss L. Godden, of St. Clair Mr. Beattie: It d be toe Empire first and East-. ierman Duke : It is a very serious thing to make taken part in the League conn ave no idea mitted to him. of which only forty-three were con­ was a member of the Volunteer Force. He was Mews, Tideewell-roed, Eastbourne, said: “In my bourne second) first and the Empire gainst one of our poiioe inspectors, of the fascinations of this Useful._ I t is hi demned. and thirteen or fourteen of the banned were frequently employed on work for the War Office. He case I believe it was catching one cold upon another Mr. fell: I think the other side should be asked to start the competitions early in her, so that that led to lumbago. One day I was taken with a second. ver. re-considered and licenses granted, while almost every had been passed for garrison service abroad. The Town Clerk!: I don’t think Can be said entries should be' sent in as possible. The week modifications’—— — 3 • * ’• ' ‘ Appeal dismissed, but tho man is not-to be called sharp, cutting pain like a knife going through me. o f toie Eastbourne ~Brigade. credit should Chairman aaid toe cue would be adjourned League is open to teams of m members of One of foe up, for a month. I could scarcely hold upright, for the pain seemed to to them r putting toe Empire first, a week to enable the man to be. medically firms, oadet corps: and sections of e V.T.C. For tioned was make my back quite bent. It required a consider­ nr. MVBeattie: thing is certain; if we don’t wiwin examined, l Wtoe Wbenefit P . ,, 11of,11, those , ....witoing ...Rf to jajoin .....I mayI ■■ add that Bernard Shaw’s Mrs. Warren’s Profession ; and A HAIRDRESSER’S COMPLAINT. able effort to straighten after stooping, I was so fixed the war the Germs. sjsill be over here. u. Mr. Hugill: I will make inquiries as to whether he entries should be sent to toe Hon. Secretary, Mr[ A. V. H. Hawkins, aged 31, a hairdresser, who with the pain. There was a miserable, aching pain, r third D’Annurizio’a La Cittd, Morta. It was around he Town Clerk j “ ou need not tell ms that. has i been examined or not 1 H. J. Burrell, Town Hall, or can be made at: the these that the controversy jraged, and; Mr. Redford, had been refused exemption by the Local Tribunal, and weakness of the kidneys a* well. f a loaf is better than no bread, The Chairman: You might make inquiries concern­ range itself in toe Technical Institute. thotigh not compelled to do so, gave his reasons for appealed on domestic grounds. He stated that he “ I found excellent relief from Doan’s Backache us both, give us one. You will ing his statements. ’.yl ?■ m ; banning them at some length. did not think his case had been dealt with fairly by Kidney Pills, howevgr; they eased my back directly, e up young men permanently as Lovers of literary' relics are likely to swarm to the local body. ultimately removing every bit of pain and enabling _____ , - Brigade. I Sotheby’s next month, when a number of papers and The statement of the Local Tribunal was to the me to move about in comfort. Once or twice since The Chairman: [We shall refuse the application articles associated with the Bronte’s will be on sale. effect that they understood the appellant’s wife was then, when my back has troubled me, I have found tgue, but he will not be called up U N 1 A B B LINE. not helpless, but was able to look after the children Doan’s pills as beneficial as when I first used them. LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK. Each of the trio of famous sisters will be represented be other men will eaoh have .12 last convoy of wounded arrived (< the 9th inst.) at the sale, and the collection will include not only and do the household duties. I ‘gladly give this little appreciation. (Signed) L. Hounsom): You must do your Laieonia...... 3&t,Nov. 18, ______only four motor ambulances were Appellant: I am sure the decision went against me Godden.” Orduna ...... Sat.. Nov. 281 Saxonia ...... S at. Dec. I attendance fo foe remaining papers passing to the i widow of the convey the men from, the station, was a seriou R ot. A. B. Nicholls, whose first wife was Charlotte through one member of the Tribunal. If what they On May 11t h , 1916-TWO YEARS LATER- LONDON TO N E W Y O R K , matter, because it meant much of time an Bronte, but of the remarkable relics' belonging to say. is-true I am willing to go to-morrow. I was M iss Godden s a id : “ I c o n tin u e to k e e p clear V ia Plymouth and Halifax, N.8. long waits for some of toe poor who were Mr. J. H. Dixon, of Harrogate. Perhaps the most asked unfair questions by the Local Tribunal. OP LUMBAGO AND KIDNEY TROUBLE, THANKS TO THE Asoanla. Toes., Nov. 28 sufferings and whose oases were urgent. It interesting part of the announcement is to foe effect The Chairman: We will riot pay any attention to PERMANENT GOOD DOAN’S PILLS DID ME A COUPLE also meant extra woft for toe R then and that Charlotte Bronte’s piano is to make it* appear­ that. _ OP YEABS AGO.’’ » TO C A N A D A a n d UNITED STATES, certain amotint of dislocation of railway .Appellant: I am no shirker, but, hang it all, a man FROM LONDON AND BRISTOL. ance in a London tale room. The “pedigree ”. of Doan’s Backache Kidney Pills are NOT for con­ traffic, caused by the prolonged of over An hour this upright cottage (made by John Green, of London) with a wife like that must think About her a little. stipation,-liver complaint or stomach trouble. They CONNECTING WITH CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY of toe train at the station pla1 On previous is thoroughly substantiated, and the pianoforte was I exoectl shall have to go sooner or later. V .* SYSTEM. After answering questions by Major Grantham, the are solely for disorders of the bladder and kidpeys occasions Eastbourne' has relied i the help of originally sold to Haworth Rectory on the death of —such as dropsy, gravel, sediment in the w/iter, London to Halifax, NJS., motor attibulances from Brighton, Thursday Charlotte’s father ’m 1861. With it is 1 Charlotte and appellant said: “You are not too old, you know, would sooner change jobs- with you any day. ” urinary troubles, backache, lumbago, rheumatism foe latter were not available; and foe scarcity) of Emily’s ■•travelling 'trunk of black wood with iron and uric acid poisoning. They relieve the kidneys transport became painftdly Atr least ofie bands, the arched top being lined with blue-flowered Allowed until December 31st, no further, appeal ,to and bladder like laxatives relieve the bowels., ■* other fully eqi ‘ badly needed, This was bought in the Rue de 1’Empereur, be made without leave. Here’s a chance for some id Eastboumian Of all dealers, or 2s. 9d. a box, from Foster- to show- his patrii TILL THE END OF THE YEAR, McClellan Co., 8, Wells-street, Oxford-street, London, it A. J. L. Atherton, aged 28, a stationer and sub- W. Don’t ask for backacke or kidney pills—ask A man and his eldest son w ere, According to a 14 yew old boy charged with theft, it be photo- oetmaster, appealing against the decision of the d istin ctly for Doan’s Backache Kidney Pills, the same foeasy foonghto jr"-*'^ w—^i~-— graphed together,, and the photographe.___said, to ___foe jocal Tribunal, asked for time until the middle of as Miss Godden had. young man, “ It will make a better picture if. you put January. He had' had an offer for the business. a penny. ^1 you ) ■■ „ at Victoria, .. ______your hand on your father’s shoulder.” H’m, said the Exemption until December 31st. father, “ it would make a more natural picture if he put £100,000 f o b C h u r c h i n W a l e s .—U n d e r gt>u get ■ to' Efott»Urne, if you j^ytfjip his hand into iny pooket! ” A CASE FOR THE CENTRAL BOARD. the will of the late Lord LlaDgattock, who died in M i ■ I W. Bassett, aged.34, a fish salesman, asked for a France recently from wounds received in action, the renewal, of his certificate of exemption. He put in Central Board of Finance of the Church of England Mackintosh’s M INT DE L U X E —a i ew favourite, medical certificates regarding his health, and the case receives the sum of £100,000. The money is to be beldF try i t was referred to the Central Medical Board. in trust for the benefit of the Church ip Wales.

3352223! I rS: , - „ r:. a a EA STBOURNE OHRONIOLE, SATURDAY, NOVEMRTCR 18, 1916.

MOBWiwaaiDg.—Mm. Betllg. Miss Devonshire. Mm. Hammefctb • Mn« Edwards DEATH OF ADMIRAL^THE HON! .appear f /g g ^iimablt ffitsitutg’ jR st. PBvanmrr House.—Mr. Moors. Misses Moore (8). Mr. I BAPTIST FORWARD MISSION F* Lodger Morns (Lewes), Mr. W. S. Hammond, Mr. A. Cheale, | and Hilda. They had each discovered a new in ten t 1 J t t l O O l V U . CARLISLE ROAD. § S. BRAND. Mr. H. Cook, Mr. F. W. Lusted, Mr. S. A. Lusted! in life. Previously ------neither —of them------had ‘ really any­ 4 P fl n n n accuracy VUlm ate intlted to send Mr. J. Stanford, Mr. J. Diplock, Mr. J. Haines, Mr. Bouthborough.—Mrs. Stewart. Mrs. Simpson. Mm. body to think or care about, or to feel they belonged RECOGNITION OF THE REV. ALFRED Hamm and Corrections dearly written, either to Maxwell. Miss Maxwell Mias Fanning. Miss D. Gunn, Mr. G. Bray, Mr. M. Burgees, Mr. E. to in any real sense, but now they had each other. MM Publishing Offices, South-street, a t at either or North all Laurie. Miss 8. N orthall Laurie A prominent figure in public life in Sussex has Eade, Mr. J. Brookhurst, Mr. W. Diplock, Mr. A. Hilda entered upon her new work with a new hope BUTCHER. the Libraries or Principal Newsagents. No charge COMPTON STREET. been removed by the death of Rear-Admiral the Honi. Beech, jijf. H. Walker, Mr. G. Wood, Mr. A. and ambition. Away yonder in the trenches was a Is made lor insertion. (For the letter/read/omilp.) Thcmas Seymour Brand, of Glynde, which occurred Meadow*, Mr. H. Potter, Miss Wynn, Miss Ennals, big fine laddie that held^her heart, that would be HaZBlvtiUL—Miss Barnard. 'Miss Gordon Mrs. Funnell, Mrs. Brewer, Miss Freeman, Mrs G In February, 1914, a mission work was commenced in t to decide* « r This list la not Intended to Indude permanent Wabatak—Mrs. Johnson. Miss Newen. Mr. and Mra at a nursing home in London on Friday at the age thinking and caring, someone who would be sending Freeman, Mrs. Fitch, Mrs. E. James. Mrs. G. Weller, her messages of love, and hope, and cheer, someone the Seaside district under the auspices of the Baptist Angelinetta. Miss Peachy. Miss MoMIcham of 69. Very few knew that the deceased was seriously forward Mission.’ During the past two and half years _____ Mr. | if Mona House. — Mra. W&ithmau, t M ra Maloney. Miss Moore, Mrs. E. Jennor, Miss M. Jenner, Mrs. who filled her life and to whom she could write to Mrs Constant, t Mm. Silvesen ill; For several months he had not enjoyed his usual Knight, Mrs- Kidd, Mrs. Thompsett, Mrs. Stanford, and help. Wouldn’t she send him some nice little the services have been conducted by ministers and lay­ » efficiently men, whose help has been much appreciated. In July 'n g m ad e ROYAL PARADE; Sr, CutHBBRr'a — Mi-®* Pickard Cambridge. Miss helalth, but he had only been really ill four or five the Misses Stanford, Miss Holford, Miss G. Lusted, parcels and things with the extra money she was Lallamund. Mils Ethel Walker. Mr, and Mrs. Mrs. Pflbeeim, Miss Weller, Mrs. Dedmari, Mrs. earning. He should have something to cheer and last an invitation was extended to the Rev. A. Butcher .-M rs. dolman, t Mrs weeks. He paili his last visit to Glynde early in to take the oversight for three months, and at a meet­ it for the- Obamnml V m w .. six*, Rogers. Kneller Duly, Mrs. J. Baker, fto. comfort him in his hours of solitude and danger. Whlttlngham. Miss Hardy. Mr. MO HYDE GARDENS. October and he was engaged in County Council work His djities at the East Sussex Appeal Tribunal And our hero shouldered his rifle, and with head ing held on Wednesday last he was publicly recognised to sell the- as the Superintendent. Tea was served at 5.30, when that, •ft—Mrs. Elliot*. Mrs. Downer, f. 7.—Mra Haines. Col. Uppleby. Mlrae° Cpnleby (8) on October 10th. Since then he had suffered from at Eastbourne prevented the attendance of Major W. erect and eyes gleaming with a new hope stepped sv.—Mrs. Downes, t Mr. Haase. Mrs. Marshall Marlborough H iusr.—Mrs. Hugh Bonn's f. Mr. upwards of 130 members and friends sat down to the conditional, heart trouble. The deceased gentleman was a well- W. Grantham, and Mr. W. F. Ingram was unable out briskly and more resolute than ever, determined BtDASTBAKD.—Lady Smith, t MonkHmith. Miss Monk Smith , , „ , jo be present owing to A business engagement. to do his best and prove himself worthy of his new­ good things provided. This was followed by a public was given- AO«A.—MtsB Armstrong Oiabmnoon House. — Mr Howell. Madame de Monlx. known figure in East Sussex circles, and hi? genial meeting, presided over by M r..J. S. Garrard, sup- Miss Ran-ome. Mm Wooltorton. Miss ihies. Mra disposition and the practical public work he1 did in There, was a request that no floral tributes should found treasure. He had a new stimulus, someone now 1 to fight and endure for. No Ilocho should ever lay •orted by the Rev. and Mrs. Butcher, Alderman E. MARINE PARADE, i Blmma Mr. and Mrs. Ponleije. Master Portia,je. many directions had gained for him a host of friends. be sent, but there were four wreaths bearing the Juke, Councillor J. Duke, Mr. A. K. Maland, Mr. J . 3LE. ______I H ouse —Mr. and Mr*. Heslop M ra Nicholson He nad lived at Glynde until about eight years ago, following inscriptions: With deepest sympathy, from his dirty hands on his Hilda. No longer did Alec look with envying eyes as his companions in the Jraske, Councillor J. Hoadley, Messrs. O. C. Barley ?ar .(18), a. Wkitb H onsa.-M rs. Broad. Misti Broad GILDJIEDGK ROAD. and since that time he had to some extent retired his’ old -comrades the Ward Room Officers of the and A. W. Crumpton. IdUUBM. — Mr. and Mrs. Elliott, L Mr. and Mrs. from public life locally,, although he continued to trenches read their sweethearts’ letters. He had yore claime s> . i Nineteenwomen navvies were killed and three fatally Reserve, and during the three years he held that came over to help the Old Country against the Huns ladies, known as The Mandarinettes, gave a highly remarking that he knew there was a need for such a i said anent. A—Mr. and Mrs. Ring wood. Miss Blngwood. Mr. and injured outside Berlin by the Balkan express on Satur­ office he did a great deal to extend the movement was a fine strapping English boy—Alec W----- . Alec successful entertainment at the Town Hall on Wednes­ work as this without overlapping work which was being Mrs. Morris. Miss and Master Morris. Dr. and Mrs. which has proved of such valuable aid to the Royal done by other churches. He was glad to show his broached Sills. Master Kills , day morning. IThe girls stepped aside for a military Navy in the present war. After his retirement from had lived in Canada since when, as a lad in his early day afternoon, in aid of the fund for providing winter sympathy with and express his good wishes for the not many 10.—Gen. and Mrs. Barnard. Miss I laniard. Mlsi train to pass when the Balkan express dashed into the teens, he had been sent there with a number of others comforts for the inmates of the Queen Alexandra midst of them .Apparently nobody in the express the Servioe he still continued to take a great future under the ministry of Mr. Butcher. " on the- . —Hartley (tl . interest ill naval affairs and was an active worker in from a Boys* Home in Surrey. From a puny, home­ Cottege Homes. The hall was quite filled with an Mr. Barley outlined what had led to Mr. Butcher’s local paper IL—Mr. and Mm. David Daviesi. Miss Debenham. D r.. noticed the accident, for i t ran on withou t slowing down. I and. Mra MoCann the management of th© United Service Club, of less, friendless, unwanted street urchin he had, under audience that included a number of wonnded soldiers settlement among them. He explained the objects of mushroom T he “ T anks” in P ictures. which he had been a member since 1882, being elected tile kind care and guidance of the “Home,” grown from the Red Cross Hospitals, whilst some of the aged the work, and said he desired on behalf of the com­ in reality W est Vuw.-M r. and Mra Pain. M ra Galloway. Miss ~ Camm Sir Douglas Haig is considering the question of a trustee in 1912. ' j I into a good disciplined, well-developed, sturdy youth. folk from the Homes greatly enjoyed the privilege of mittee and members to extend a welcome to Mr. and seem to - <8.—Mis. Waller, f. M ra Nicol allowing pictures of the “ tanks” to appear iu English Admiral Brand had for some years been a director H 6 was making’good in'Canada, and his employers witnessing the exceedingly bright and pleasurable Mrs. Butcher. / thorough , Ideal-Col and Mrs. Calieodrr,J H B t Miss Marshall were proud of him. With .the exception of the Waifsr entertainment. With an unassuming modesty the This was followed by an earnest address from Aider- an entirely newspapers. ' , of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway .1 *E—Mr. and Mra Hopkins. Col Chapman D warf W ho L ived to be 87. Company. As a Justice of the Peace for Sussex Home in Surrey, Alec had no real home ties. No ladies comprising The Mandarinettes preserve their man E. D uke, who expressed a hope that the work not actually ) !« "* » Housa—Mr-. Chambers. Mr. and Mra Kent. since 1886 he was the senior member of the Lewes Sister Susie ” or other near and dear ones to fight incognito, at least so far as the general public are con­ would be continued as a mission, for he felt that the well-known ---- Master Kent. Ma-te- P. K»nt. Mm. Appleton. MC-es Mr. Charles-Softley; of Godaiming, who passed away cerned, and consequently the programme did not recently in.his 88th year, was well known owing to the Bench. Ho was one of the four surviving original for or to »Pu.r him on to deeds of derring do. But faitbfql proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ was lleast tasty oF . Appleton. Mrs. Heillger. Miss W. Ash. M.s. Hariop- members of the East Sussex County Council, being when he realised that Old England, the land of h'is divulge the names of those who have spontaneously tbe paramount duty of the Christian Church to-day, even more ‘ ' VStaebottom. Mrs. Joohua. Mrs. Coupe. Miss «haw. fact that he was only a little over 3-ft. in height. He birth, was in danger, his blood was up. “ I’m going given both time and energy in support of many war and that there was plenty of room in Seaside, for if only would have lira aenior was a man of considerable mental ability, having elected for the West Firle Division in 1889. The three remaining original members of the Council are home to fight ” exclaimed Alec to his startled and philanthropic objects. Though the entertainment a quarter of the people in that district made up their : prejudice “ BEA View.-M ra Mnspratt Williams. Mrs. Cavendish, f. written much about the records of old Godaiming. He jj p u employer, and to England he came. Alec was good consisted almost entirely of vocal items, the variety mind to attend Divine service the churches would not Mr. and Mra. Chandler. Mrs. Kennedy. Miss Adams. remembered the coronation of Queen Victoria. Mr. A. Burtenshaw (Hailsham), i Mr. M ra and the Misses Grlmble. Miss Ross. Rev.' and Newingtonwington (Ticehurst) and Mr. R. J,J. Streatfeild at soldiering and quickly got his stripes. “What was so great as to maintain the interest of the audience hold them. Sire. Eaton. Mra Wood burn Robertson. Mr. and Carried off by F loods. (Uckfield), all of whom ar4 now Aldermen. Admiral will I do with my pay? ” mused Alec. “ I’ve got throughout a somewhat lengthy programme. Such Mr. A. E. M aland, who had on many occasions gly if it M ra Harry. Gen. Rost-Church. Miss ttayuer. Mr. A Weybridge milkman left his horse and cart dose to Brand was elected ah Alderman of the Council in no relatives or dependents; wait a bit, now I’ve got popular songs as “ Mr. Rubinstein,” “ Follow the conducted tbe services, expressed his opinion of the ‘.person that and Mra Moran. Mr. and Mrs. Tabam. Mr. Blow. the bank of the overflown River Thames above 1895. In 1889 he was chosen vice-chairman of the it, there is the dear old Boys’ Home at C----- ; they sergeant,” “ Kentucky home,” “ Back home in united work that had been going on qujetly during the "plentiful on- M ra Tuilook. Miss Cowle, Capt. and Mm. Buckler Sheppertou-Lock while he visited adjoining houses. On gave me my start in life, now I will be able to repay Tennessee,” en. was “ weighed in ” on his election as Mayor of High S' ______Mrs. anil Miss Reid. Mrs. Heddon. Capt Manager of the local school to himself as Chairman Alec noticed how eager and anxious they were to get ness, for there was hardly a camp in Sussex that the During the evening the choir rendered musical selec­ «~ath, 'th e Wycombe, closely followed the outgoing Mayor as tne them; the letters came from parents and sisters and tions, and an excellent recitation was given by Misa and Mrs. Bacon. Miss Trevorthlck. Mrs. Sims. Mr. heaviest member of the Council. of the Education Committee condemning the pro­ ladies had not visited and given their performance •blackish- Miller. Mrs. Edgar. Mrs. Wins tone posal of the latter Authority as to the alteration of from other men’s sisters, the latter, of course, were before wounded men (applause). It was 12 years ago Smith, of Tunbridge Wells. strange L S andhurst.—Dr. and Mrs. Steele. Mr. Duncan. Mr. Objector's Marriage V ow. certain windows at the village school. specially welcome. Aleo would occasionally get a since he addressed a public assembly of townsmen with The thanks of the meeting were tendered to the is. Not, I Chairman, speaker? and workers by Mr. A. W. Start; Miss Byrne. Mra. and Missos Sindiford. Mr. A London Post Office sorter, appealing as a con-, The deceased gentleman figured as Liberal candi­ glance; at the mysterious crosses which oft-times took regard to the Homes, and on that occasion he stated when still ana Mrs. Creer. Mr. aud Mra. Itayuer. Mr. aad Mrs. ecientious objector, declared that his marriage vows up quite a large space on these welcome missives. that in his opinion they were not doing their duty by Crumpton and Councillor H oadlkt, this terminating be out in ukarn. Mra. Beers Lieut Beers. Mr. and Mrs. date in four hard-fought contests for Parliamentary Sometitiles a confiding chum would read to Alec a very pleasant and hopeful gathering. on. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey.. Mr. and Mrs. Marnham would not permit him to be separated from his wife and honours. In July, 1886, he contested Hastings and their aged folk. In the alterations that would take place i, spongy children.' He was given 28 days to get work of national snatches of the “sweet nothings” these letters con­ after the war he hoped that none of the fathers, or all over ra Marnham. Mr. and'Mrs. Maroon. Mrs. and was defeated by Mr. Wilson Noble by 535 'votes, ____Baker. Mr. aad Mrs. Stratton. Dr., Mrs. and importance. but he subsequently had the satisfaction of seeing tained. Poor Aleo would heave a big sigh and with mothers, grandfathers, or grandmothers of those brave Mis. Bhattook. Mrs. Shoubridge and friend. Miss W ar T himbles. his nephew, Mr. F. Freeman-Thomas (now Baron his khaki sleeve hastily brush away a big tear a9 he lads who were doing such splendid work to main­ BRIGHTON. Wiloox - | muttered, “I’ve got no mother, no sister, no girl, tain the integrity of the Empire, should ever be Every patriotic German woman and girl now wears a Willing don, Governor of Bombay since 1913), win P resentations to M r s . Ot t e r .—A p re se n ­ W est Rooks. — Col. Chamberlin. Mis? Horn. Mr. ‘war thimble.” It is made of iron, and is inscribed the seat for the Liberals. In July, 1892, he was nobody to send me a parcel or-a letter either with or allowed to seek tbe shelter of that “ big house on the as was- gingham, silss Ktngham. Miss C. a.Ingham. Mr. without crosses,. Nobody would know-or.-care if I hill.” „ Throughout the length and breadth of the tation was made to Mis. J. L. Otter on Friday of avellum . an appear- I Mra. Jor. Mr. and Mrs. Roilason. Miss Kollason. with the years 1914,1915 and 1916, with a cross between candidate for the Eastbourne Division against album, in which was inscribed the following ; “ To Mrs. the figures, and is' sold under official auspices for the was shot.” Then Alec’s thoughts would.'take him land he trusted the Local Government Board would see Just above and Mrs. Campbell Warn, f Mr. aud Mrs, Admiral Field, and this truly naval oonteet^resulted the J. L. Otter, Mayoress of Brighton, 1913-1916. We, the Miss Morris. Mra. and Miss Gurney. Lieut. benefit of the Red Cross at 2Jd. in a victory for the latter by 363 votes. "" that such a thing would be impossible in the near fnture eroua, and | (applause). They would re Member that One of the undersigned, beg to offer to you our grateful thanks for ea—a little . Miss Mason. Mrs. Liston. Mr. and Mrs. D uke Committed for Trial. candidates had another stem struggle in your kindness to us in corfnection with tbe making of Miames Soott. Master bootu Ml-» Aldridge, when Admiral Field again led, but on this occasio: itest . Statesmen of the time, the late Duke of there. On i Ashelford. Miss Kendall. Mr. and Mrs. Peroy. The Duke of Manchester was at Marylebone Court liked her very much. What romps and games we Devonshire, opened the first portion of theHomes in I for ‘he Arf“& Clothmg Department during the uing little by only 60. votes. In October, 1900, Admiral Bran' __, Peroy. M r, Mrs. and Mies Skin. Miss Burgess. on Monday committed for trial ou a charge of obtaining opposed Sir L. Lindsay-Hogg for the Eastbourne had together to and from school,, and in the holidays. 19M, ™ tie Sid ,ta, not for 75 | ^ ^ “S.»(tr d.GyTho'£S ofnS ,___—I found Igrs. and Miss Taylor. Capt. Blade. Mr. and Mrs. credit to the extent of ;£45 from Rosalie Rubens, a I wonder if she is still alive-;, why she must be a had there been any alteration in our Poor Law system, Bottom last Wannaoott. Mr. Haver. Miss Newman. Mr. and Division, and the latter secured the seat by 703 votes. woman now, she, was only a few months younger work depot presented her with a handsome gold watch Mrs. Tomkins. Mr. Thorold Belgian tapestry dealer, without disclosing that he was although there had been two Royal Commissions with for, but cpe an Undischarged bankrupt In the life of Glynde village Admiral Brand took than mg. Perhaps she’s got a chap, p’raps engaged, that object in view. After giving a brief description of bracelet. The gift was banded to Mrs. Otter by Mrs. >up of these ^ ‘ Q ueenbbobouoh H otel (Grand P arade). keen and active interest, as shown by the fact that p’raps married. What’s the use of worrying, I don’t Graham, and a warm tribute was paid to the valuable “Silk ” Stockings. the Homes, and mentioning the generous gifts of the fungi. On .Mm. and Master Reggiorl Mr. Prlddlm Miss Glynde is one of the very few villages which possesi suppose I shall ever see her again. ” Rev. H. Alston, Alderman Simmons said that if the work performed by tbe ex-Mayoress. FV_e found.die 9. and Mls-ee Tralnor. Mrs. Phillips. The temporary removal of the ban on the importation a swimming bath and recreation ground. He wai One midnight last spring there stood knocking at institution was-carried on under the Poor Law system R a il w a y C o m p a n y ’s E m p l o y e s C h a r g e d t fungus, both ton. Mr. and Mrs. Clogg, f. Mrs. McLaren. of the “ silk” stockings which flaunt themselves iu this also instrumental in establishing a rifle club. H< the door of Mrs J ------s residence a mud-bespattered, it would cost £300 more than it did to-day. The inmates with T heft.—T homas Alfred Cross, railway checker " ing more or Mrs. Young , j age of short skirts has caused great indignation in the was a keen agriculturist and secured scores' of prizes war-stained soldier. It is our hero, Alec, home on , .were very busy on work for the soldiers. (40), was charged', at the Borough Police Court on r .e, while the at shows for cattle, sheep and com. Glynde was. one , ; MjBJWTN (Oa ru blx R oad). cotton hosiery trade. The importation was prohibited leave. Arriving at Victoria, Alec exclaimed, “ Here Monday with stealing a hair brush, a tin of milk cocoa i tint. Lastly, So recently as October 3rd.> of the last places where the time-honoured harvest Air. Gdulbqurn Lovell, who was on leave from. Mr. and Mre.moj«ei8taj-k. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ann. ;I am home on leave. ‘ Home,’ where is it? I’ve France, gave a . brief account of his work amongst the and about 1 -lb. of sugar, value -2s., the property of the i the home was kopt alive. Landlord, tenantry and work­ got none, not a friend, where am I going to put my L.B. & S.C.R. Company ; and William Henry Robins Mrs.,Oliver. Miss N elite Barton £000 c i Gold. men used to meet in happy harmony round the festive troops. He dealt with the present state of affairs in an Reoently a Devonshire farm came into the market time in? What am I come here for? I’Ve got it extremely optimistic vein, and connected the operations (23) was charged with stealing 12 combs, two slides, a . IiARCRLTJB H ouse (Laroslles sob). board. At the harvest home in 1900 Admiral Brand I’ll go to Mrs. J—— and ask her to let me, go back bottle of paste, a tin of oocoa and a hair brush, valne H im HllL Mrs. PrteeUand. 1 Uwins. and was knocked down to a farmer for £1,000. Within rather astonished his guests bv telling them that he on the Somme, Verdun and Roumania as parts of one •[•» l Doreen Unwins. Mrs. Foster Lamb a few hours the farmer brought to the auctioneer bags to the Home. I can pay for my 1 digs’* and doss ip gigantic scheme. Mr. Lovell spoke in his usual breezy 5s., the property of the Company.—Both men were R. G. had grown seven quarters of wheat to the , nearly with the boys. It will be more comfortable than the given good characters, and they were each fined 40a. or MOSTYN TER! of gold and poured it out on the table for him to count. double the average yield. Glynde Estate was self- and humorous manner, and his lecture was greatly I There were 900 sovereigns and a hundred pounds in trenches anyhow, and it’ will be Home after all, so appreciated. 21 days’ imprisonment. Hotel.—Mr. and lbs. GavendUh. Mr. contained, all smiths’, builders’ and carpenters’ work here goes.” Mrs. Hennings. Mr. and Mrs. Q. Thomson. ailvei;. fj ' . being done by estate employes, while all timber “I’m come home,” said Aleo to the lady as she H o v e F ir e m a n G a in s a M e d a l .—S erg e an t INSIDK ___ 'Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knight. Miss R elief for Scarborough. requirod was grown on. the estate, which Mr. T. W. came to the door. “ I’m on leave, Alec W----- , one G. Ward, Royal Sussex Regiment, previously a member L. Crofton. Mr. and Mm. F. Hudson. Lieut. Wisken. Scarborough has already received £12,500 from the Pickard, agent to Admiral Brand, has ably superin­ of your old boys; T’.ve nowhere else to go. Will it EASTBOURNE RIFLE CLUB. of the Hove Fire Brigade, has been awarded theD.O.M. Mrs. Shepherd. Mr. 8hepherd. lb ., and Mra. Latta. £250,000 provided by the Canadian Government for the tended for a number of years. for conspicuous gallantry in action by leading his LS. Mr. and Mrs. Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. Root ham. f. be possible? Can you let me make my home amongst (Affiliated to the N.R.A.) bombing party across the open under heavy machine Mrs. R I. Crawford. Lieut. Thlrkell Mr. and'Mn. 'relief of distressed East Coast boarding and lodging bouse On December 4th, 1879, Admiral Brand married tho boys in my old quarters? I’ll pay you whatever keepers, and this amount has been distributed amongst Miss Annie Blanche Gaskell, daughter of Mr. Henry you like-if you will kindly allow it.” gun fire, it being largely due to bis skill and courage Haldoastle. Miss Kedshaw Miss Hearn. Mr. and that the enemy trench was captured and held agains* ~Irs. Browning. Mrs. CiUt Ford. Mr.and Mrs. Syrett. nearly 1,100 applicants in the resort. Gaskell, of Kiddington Hall, Woodstoqk. Mrs. '* Alfefc” you dear, good, stupid boy, ” exclaimed Mrs. THE CRUMBLES. ACH. ~ ' Miss RnweU. Mra. Hobbs. ^Misslbbercon. all attacks. “F ather” of the Commons. Brand and a son and daughter survive him. The ——. “ You certainly will not stay with the boys. On Monday, 27th in sl, commencing at 11 a. m., there , Lea. Mr, and Mrs. Bli son is Lieut. Humphrey Ranulph Brand, R.N., who What, after your'splendid action in sending u# your B o y a n d Ca r b in e .—A boy named John land Mrs. Petrie The Right Hon. Thomas Burt, “ father” of the will be a shoot for badges and certificates. To arrange is 21 years old, and was mentioned in despatches for allowance 1 You may visit tho Home as much as y for targets will membera kindly send in their names as Henry Steedman appeared before the Borough Magis­ of Germaaiy r. Mrs. Barton. Hoose-of Commons, on Monday received at Newcastle gallantry in the battle off Jutland. The daughter, trates on Monday on a charge of firing a carbine in ______ybone SMa and irge number of messages congratulating him upon the like, but you are to stay with me at .my bouse;- You early as possible. r -— l young woman Mrs. Davi->. Lieut. Lloyd. Mra. and Miss Richmond. Phoebe (named after her father’s first ship), married are my g\*est. We are.proud and 'glad to have you, Southampton-street and causing injury to Miss Louisa attainment of his seventy-ninth birthday anniversary. Cap*. Edward Anthony Fielden on July 27th, 1914. I G I L DREDGE PARK. Norman and a boy named Pentecost. It was stated ^Germany, baa Mr. and Mrs. Chow man. Capt and Mrs. Wickham. Mr. Burt entered his eightieth year on Sunday, ana, my boy. Come rigljit. in, and get those mud-stained 1 bade home in Mr.PeaU. Mr. Agnew. Mr. Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. As a mark of respect to the memory of deceased clothes off and have k good bath, and make jteurself Municipal Outdoor Miniature Rifle Range. that the bullet from the carbine struck the right foot rly. circum- Buokley. l b . Thurnham. Miss Williams. Mrs. having recently recovered from illness, is now iu remark­ the meets of the Southdown Hunt this week were of Miss Norman, and afterwards entered Pentecost’s ably good health. quite at home. Stay With the boys, 'indeed, after takes place Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Boorer. Mr. and lb s. cancelled till after the funeral. your goodness to the Home and coming over to Eng-;. I .at this'range, through the medium of the club,'who left leg. — The Chief Constable said Steedman; had Harding. Mr. and Mrs. Everett. Mr. and Mrs. Baas Gas E xploskjn. explained that the carbine was the property of his A street gas main was being repaired at South wick, MAGISTERIAL TRIBOTE. land to fight for your old country I Alec, we are provide rifles, targets and instruction in shooting to the says LANSDOWNE t e r r a Ge . proud of you;you;”v • : ■ • ' • •— public. r,uV” - Charge----- ~ for ammimition — -----• - is five shots a penny.;6 brother, who is at the Front.—The Bench remanded the Germans Sunderland, on Monday, wben a violent explosion At the commencement of Lewes Petty Sessions off “ I want a word with you alone,” said Alec to the ■the prisoner for fourteen days. . j S.—Mr. and Mrs. Lemon. M rs.______Jb. Gny Lemon I B occurred. Robert Smith, a gas company’s foreman, and ...... I nduokmSrt to L ads. get fate of iNorton. Mies May. M rs.Sohilt Miss Naylor Tuesday. Mr. F. B. Whitfeld (chairman of the Bench) lady on the- morning after his arrival. “ Since I’ve P r o p o s e d M e m o r ia l to t h e L a t e C a n o n f x One-tenth at. and Mrs. Paul Dalton. Mr. and Mra. •two residents in a neighbouring bouse were seriously •made reference to the death of Admiral Brand, who; been in the trenches I’ve been thinking; I’ve felt a The club will give 2s, 6d.' to every youth making his J ohnston.—A committee has been formed for the «one-tenth of a injured, and much damage was done. he said, was the oldest member of the Bench. It bit lonely like. Except in you, madam, I haven’t first group anywhere on the target with five snots, purpose of placing in St. John the Baptist Church goes sour and .-Mrs. Morland. Lieut. How. A__ P risoners of W ar. was only a few weeks ago that, they had to deplore got a friend in the wide world. My chums in. the between 14 ana 18 years of age. (R.O.), Bristol-road, a memorial to the late Rt. ’Rev* ough people Miss Low. Mite Luff. Mr. How. Mra. Pilcher tho death of the then oldest member of the Bench; trenches have all got somebody ; somebody who cares Range Officer for to-day, Mr. H. S. W. Eyre; (party. Mrs. Bryce. Miss Bryson. Mr. and Mra. We have captured 44,030 Germans; British prisoners Monsignor Canon Johnston. The scheme which finds ' they were Mr. F. S. Shenstone, and it was very sad that in and would miss them if they went under; somebody ’Wednesday next, Mr. J. Browning. most favour is one for the decoration of the walls of the ky it. Half a ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Dounison. Mrs. Brand. Mr; in Germany number 31,101. Mr. and Mrs. Teesdale. Mr. and Mrs. Finch, such a short time they should have lost those old- to remember them with parcels .and letters and things. W. W. DENHAM, Hon. Sea church with frescoes representing the life of St. John, t and there was sway. Mrs. Brook • ] I nterned German Civilians. colleagues. Admiral Brand was a very busy man; I seem to be all alone. To Cut a long story short, I the Baptist ass from the Mr. Samuel stated in Parliament on Tuesday that and by reason of the fact that he had not of late want to get engaged whilst I’m on leave.” ny motor oars CAVENDISH PLAGE. about 2.400 of our interned Germans over 45 years of years lived at Glynde and that he was engaged so “ Why, Alec, my dear boy, you almost startle me; aving wooden M.—Rev. aud Mrs. Carroll 1 age desired repatriation and about 1,800 did not. •• much in connection with the County Counoil and get engaged whilst home on leave. Well, that SUSSEX VOLUNTEER REGIMENT. very bad way. 19—Miss Dowsett. Mrs. Lancaster. Miss Jackson HAILSHAM. * was a director of the L.B. & S.C. Railway Company j rather a tall order. Who is the girl? ” 5th (EASTBOURNE) BATTALION. eir butter, 8L -Mr; Bookie ______* Bettes off for Being F ined. kco n d ie u t il l a r d T-; ,, • ELMS AVENUE. • and other Boards in London,_ he had not often been “I—I haven’t'got ore.” • S -L . W .—C.Q.S. A. E. get it Then In a case before a London Munitions Tribunal on on the Benoh. . He (the Chairman) was sure it was “ Not got one. , Then how can you get engaged? “ A ” Company. Willard, of the Royal Sussex Regiment son of Police > soldiers whack Courtlandb.—Misses Harding Tuesday it was stated that on an occasion when a the wish of the Court that a letter of sympathy After a moment’s hesitation, Alec blurted out, “ I Headquarters; 81 South-street, Eastbourne. Supt. A. Willard, has been promoted to commissioned Vtii HARTINGTON PLAGE. mnnition worker was fined 80s. for being absent his should be sent to Mrs. Brand and the other members don’t .know any girl except Hilda K——. I was Orders for week ending November 25th, 1916. rank. Second-Lieut. Willard joined the Royal Sussex fellow workmen the next day collected £2 among them­ of the family in their bereavement. Regiment at the outbreak of tbe war, and after rising . :*^e still, in ; OntHAM Mansion. — Mr. and,A Mrs. W — Pond. Mr. and wondering where she is now. Do you ever see or i buy something ■ selves, so that the man was 10s. better off. It was decided that this should be done. hear anything other? You remember we \yer9 chums • Platoon' Orders. rapidly to the rank of Q.M.S. he was sent to France, Mrs. Yates S B M H Platoons l 2 and 3. j was two legs oton awn P rotracted Otter H unt. in the old days at the Home.” . ..j-. . where he has been for over a year. « L . — Captain and! Mrs. Ohiohele Wednesday, Nov. 2Znd.-Platoon drill, parade at Head­ Lit 7 or 8-lbs.), Dwden. Miss Hopkinson. Mra. Landnlph Bmlth. ‘Why 1 of all the marvellous coincidences,” T h e H a r r ie r s .—The Hailsham Harriers them. These The hunt for an otter, extending over four months, THE FUNERAL! quarters Ap.m. • • >-?•- aud Miss Rioe. Miss Roberts. Rev. C. Monk terminated successfully at Walton. It was shot by a exclaimed Mrs. J ——v “ Hilda called on me yester - Sunday, Nov. 26th.—Platoon drill, parade at Head- met at the Royal Oak, Pevensey, on Saturday. Scent •class people - A. Mra. and Miss Rowbury. Mrs. and Miss The funeral took place at Glynde at 12.30 op day. I haven’t seen or heard anything of her for a Hvoao. Master Evans ? 1 local boatman whilst it was swimming across the river. | quarters 3 p.m .. was very indifferent, and the going in the marsh was ill not win the Thursday. The body was conveyed from Victoria very long time. She called to inform me that she heavy. The first bare was set going near the Old .ike sheep-end Evidence as to its destruction amongst fish had been Nora.—Platoon Sergeants must take the names of all DEVONSHIRE PLAGE. traced since August by the 9 a.m. train, which was specially stopped at was leaving domestio service and was going to earn men of their Platoons attending parades, with the excep­ Haven, but after a slow hunt a fresh quarry was put up, jr i* invincible big money driving a motor van .in the City. She is tion of recruit-drills, and deliver a return to Headquarters H ubungham House. — Mr. and Mrs. Campbell. Mra. Glynde. The station arrangements were in charge and after following for some distance hounds Were } that the Eng- and Master Hook way Christmas Shopping H ours. starting on her new work next week. ” each month.--Platoon Sergeants must report at onoe to stopped. An attempt to pick up the original hare apens—one T swrnbobough,—The Rev. Dean and lb s . Copley. Mr. Mr. H. Samuel stated in Parliament on Tuesday that of Mr. W. M. Dyball (district superintendent of the i "She is still single, then? said Alec excitedly. Headqimrters whether they have any enrolled members failed.—The tryst on Wednesday was at Rickney, but igf^ They and Mrs. Stock. Mrs. jacksou an extension of shopping hours during the Christmas L.B. & S.C. Railway). The coffin- was borne to the “I would like to meet her; can you give me her of the at. John s Ambulance Brigade in their Platoons although the weather was bright and pleasant, only a t down; tiiey T he HANMmnw.—Mr. H. H. Coles. ^ _____ or not. holidays will be authorised, but he has not yet received church in a farm yagon drawn by three horses, and address? ” .. Recruits. limited field assembled. After a fruitless draw extend­ i go wrong, m m Mbs. George Burton. Miss Burton; Mira J. “ Why, yes, certainly,” Mt-e Ph. Barton. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur the views of the local authorities be has consulted. The the bearers were the following employes on the See Orders at Headquarters. ing oyer a considerable time, a hare was turned up on 1 be over Mr. P. Pearkea. < Mr. and Mrs. P. A. decision will be announced in good time. estate-. Messrs. W. Holford, J. Dedman, G. Weller, I “ Can I have it now? ” eagerly'asked 'Alec. Mr. Boniface’s farm at Horse Eye. Puss afforded a story ’is-that _____ Mrs. HUL Mr. and Mre.jAndrew Little. H. Brown, J. Booth, E. Tasker and G. Levett. Tho “ Yes, you may have it irrimediately. You ‘ Promotion. good hunting run and then had to yield her life. and so on. impatient boy, y'ou haven’t seen Hilda since you . PrivatetC. Wood to be Corporal in No. 2 Platoon, to l b . and Madame Golrau. Mies MoGregor. Mira school children assembled outside ithe school under data October 15th, m a Another capital run almost immediately ensned. very badly sit Angell. Mips Blrcher. Mrs. Percy Jones, f. Mrs. were children. You don’t know what • she is like Mira Wynn (head mistress) and tbe teachers as the , .... Shooting. Altogether hounds kept up the chase for nearly an hour ly too glad to Daly. Mrs. Charles May. Mr. George Chit hom LEWES. procession passed. now. You will not recognise her.” , -r and a half, wben scent failed and the pack returned to 1 Aleo had his cap in his hand and was fidgeting with Thursday, Nov. 23rd.-*Mlftlatnre Range, Technical the parcels BURLINGTON PLAGE. , T h k N b w Ma y Or .—Councillor A. B. Rugg The officiating clergy were the Rev. Preb. Poole, the Kennels. Lives have, not the handle of the door and looking at his wrist watch. Institute, 8 to 10 p.m. Membera may also attend on P ark House. — Mr. G. Goldie Taub-nan. Mra. Hill took his seat on the Bench at Lewes Petty Sessions for R.D. (of St. John’s, Lewee), and the Rev. W. E. Wednesday and Saturday evenings. the first time on Tuesday as Chief Magistrate of the “Go and find your Hilda at once,” said Mra J- Mrs. LUlle, Miss Llllte. Mm. Ha ’ Dalton (vicar of Qlynde). The service wag choral, scenting a romance, “and let me know what you Signalling. P rkbtburv —Mr. and Mrs. Naylor. o. FitzClarenoe. (Borough. and opened with Psalm xc., which was chanted. The Sundays, Royal Eastbourne Golf Course, 11.15 a.m. HASTINGS. • ,8b . and Mm. MltoheU Innes . think of her as soon as you return.” Hilda was L e w e s H u t W e e k .—T he accounts in con­ hymns sung were “ Eternal Father, strong to save,” .Cuasses for novices can be arranged by applying to Head­ E l e c t io n o f M a y o r .—Councillor Hutchings sham House.—Mra. Grey. Mrs. n. Mrs. Turner. spending her “ leave ” in" the home ot a fellow quarters. nection with tbe Y.M.0.A Hut Week at Lewes are and “ Peace, perfect peace.” , Mr. R. J. Beard, of domestic. She was astonished beyond measure when was on Thursday last unanimously re-elected Mayor of Mlse Lethbridge. Tilbnrn. Miss Dot yet ready for publication, but it is certain that Lewes,'presided at the organ and played the “ Dead* a tall, bronzed, good-looking boy in khaki was Orderlies (for week commencing 19th November). the Borough and Councillor Perrins was again nominated Mr. Keyta Mrs. Morris. Hooke. ML* there will be a balance of well over £400. March ” in Saul and Chopin’s “ Fiineral March ” as ushered into the room whore she was busily engaged Officer, Platoon Commander T. B. Miller; Sergeant, as Deputy Mayor. Iss. Mies 8yme. Mrs. tCeriui uton Madame the cortege left the church foi$ the graveside. Corporal and six Privates from No. 3 Platoon. 3URNE luilbls. Mdlle. Bquilbin. Mi-s hnpm>n. Wtis T h e C hairmanship o p t h e T o w n C o u n c il peeling potatoes. “ I’m Aleo W----- , your old chum W o m e n ’s W o r k in L ocal G o v e r n m e n t .— i The grave was lined with moss. The coffin bore at C Do you remember me; Hilda?” “Oh, (For week commencing 26th November). iOSE 0 7 rood: Rev. Bull Mm. Ward. , « edge wood. CoKinTTESS.—The committees of the Town Council the inscription:. “Admiral the Honble. Thomas This was the subject of an address delivered by Miss Miss Barton Lieut. Vaughn. Mr. - Mr Hardy. met on Monday evening and appointed their chairmen Alec, yes, remember you; but how big you have Officer, Platoon Commander H. R. Leach; Sergeant Ruth Kenyon at the Suffrage Club, Havelock-road, on ; Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Buchan. Mrs. Richard Seymour Brand, bom 20th September, 1847; died | grown, how tall. Ok, yes, I remember you, Alec. Corporal and six Privates from No. 4 Platoon. i fallows: Finance and General Purposes, Councillor 10th November, 1916.” It was covered With the Friday afternoon. ay concerns ; Miss Hawke. Master Hav loyd; Highways and Works, Councillor Farncombe; Oh, dear, I am surprised. You have given me a Headquarters will be open for taking recruits, Sec., £ Union Jack, and on it were placed deceased’s naval turn. However did you come here? How did you during the following boors: Every week-day morning, E d u c a t io n C o m m it t e e .—T he annual meet­ o r1 ignored, . HOW ARD Sanitary, Alderman* Every; Hospital for Infections cocked hat and sword. except Tuesday, ll to 12. * ing of the Borough Education Committee was held on speaks for Diseases, Councillor Fowler; Fire Brigad' find me out? Who told you where I was staying? H oward House Hotel.—Miss M. K. Edmond*. Mrs. le. Councillor The mourners were Lieut. Humphrey R. Brand,; Well,, qf all'the wonders—they say wonders will never A. J. Hart, Friday evening, when Alderman Mitchell was re-elected Brio Edmouds. Mr.-J.“;a,Pe»o3olt 8. Peaoook. Mias Sheraton . Taylor. The ex-Mayor (Councillor Robert:iberts) was elected Company Commander, “ A Co.. chairman and Alderman Stace was re-appointed vice- acknowledge Committee. R.N. (son), Mra. E. A Fielden (daughter), Brigadier- cease. .Gtoddnera.me you are big. What, come all 6th Sussex: V.R. Baker. Mra. Lowe. Miss G. C. Lowe. Mr. and Mrs. chairman of the Bunal Board Con General Viscount Hampden (nephew) and Viscounties the, wiEy from lo'teign paHs to’ filfht'idr your old chairman. Mira A. Coburn was appointed head mistreea H. a . Maokson. Miss B. EL Edmonds. Mira M. of the Special School at Hollington. ,.trf St. Clair Ooooer. l.lent Eric Edmonds. Mias Monteflore. W a r H o n o u r f o r a L e w e s Ma n , — A b le Hampden, Mr. David and the Hon. Mrs. Bevan country?’ Fighting in the trenches, got your stripes. aid: “In my Lieut. H. W. HUI ! Seaman Richard Andrew Knight (son of-Mr. and Mrs. (brotner-in-law and sister), Mr. | Henry Sturgis Alec, you always was brave. You remember now 5th CHICHESTER CADET BATTALION f.L.B. V a l u a b l e A d d it io n s to t h e H j upon another Q ukndon Lodge.—Mr. and Mrs; Dorman. R. Knight, of 11, South-street) has been awarded'the rother-in-law), Mrs. Kennard (sister-in-law), you used to stand up for me when those rough boys M useum.—A part of the collection of interesting obje taken with a _Mastermaster uorniauDorman i _ Distinguished Service Medal. After serving 19 years gon. Mrs. Frank Parker (sister-in-law), M ra -Frwiit used to tease me going to school; didn’t you give formed by the late Mr. Charles Dawson has been secut through me. H olyrood. Mrs. Prebhle.Pre Mira German. Mr?. Davison. in the Royal Navy he was placed on the Reserve and Gaskell (sister-in-law), the Hon. Rowland Leigh, Mr. that Jones’s boy a licking wben he threw mud over Orders for week ending November 25th, 1916. for the Corporation Museum, the articles inoludin Mra. Peach. Mira ILawrence. Misa Blzmund. re-joined at tbe outbreak of tbe war. In May ,of last Vernon Magnioo and Admiral Mann. , ,. j,' my dean pinafore?’ I.shall never forget how you ran Orderly Officer...... 2nd-Lieut. F. Walton. silver-mounted mace, bearing ithe arms of Hostings, i seemed to ___Morrison______(8) Mts.lPayne : t-sf’,(•’ J; ' i ,_i—v i,!- i— an<] threw him over. I ’m a consider^ I m n r w Hone*.-Mra. Btanhozoneb* Mira Street, year he was on boat service in the Mediterranean when his There was a large attendance of public offi right between his legs Orderly N.O.O...... Lance-Sergt. Brooks. two Norman spurs found at Hastings Castle. was so fixed -lira. Mooyaart. Mr. Southwell I vessel went to the assistance of a British steamer, which tenants and employes on. the Glynde Estate am glad, Aleo,, you are fightifighting for your Old Country. G i r l S e n t to a R e f o r m a t o r y . — D ai had became stranded on the coast of Morocco. A party villagers of Glynde. Among those present were Mira I ' “I’veI’ve foundund Hilda.” HiloHilda,” delightedly exclaimed Alec to Sunday.—Church Parade. Parade with Band at Town aching pain, LASOELLES TERRACE. villagers of Glynae. Among those present were Mira I Hall, 2.3U p.m. May Colbr&n, aged 15 vears, was charged, on a ' 'uk» ' -miir" of several bluejackets was left behind in charge of a Betty Brand (Little Dene), Earl of Bessborough (chair- Mrs. J-J—— - the salsame evening. Mrs. J—— detected Monday.-St Mary’s Company. Parade at 8 p.m. at the Borough Bench on Thursday with assaulting lieutenant to assist the captain of the vessel, and some man of directors), Mr. J. J. Brewer (secretary), Mr, I the gladgla; Mr. Rupert S. GWynne, M.P., Mr. Walter Bartlett I “Yes, lovely. Pm going to see her again to­ Signed) L. i. Morris. Mrs, Bmtth H. F. Mathkson, at witness. Prisoner afterwards threatened to murder (Under Sheriff of Sussex), Mr. F. B; Whitfeld (chair­ morrow, and, Mrs. J ----- , can you please tell me the one of tbe other girls and witness accordingly forced her raVk. — Mira Wtuiams. Mira W a r Sh r in e At St . M ic h a e l ’s .—The w a r best place to get an' engagement ring.? ” . . - . Captain and Adjutant. 1 _ LATER— Miss: Weir. Mr. Barclay. Mira V shrineerected in the courtyard of S t Michael’s Churoh on man of Lewes Bench). Mr. Har Soarlett, Mr. F.l| into a bedroom. Colbran then used obscene language Moffatt Smith, Mr. Beckwith i ith. Mr. G. M. “ Well,' Alec, you are getting on, and no mistake; KEEP CLEAR Russell. Mira Bawd. Mre. and the initiative ol the Curate-in-cbarge (the Rev. G. H. RELIEF TOE ALL. and became very violent, wrestling with witness and ~ ' ew. Mrs. and Mira Manse Godwin) was inaugurated on Saturday morning Maryon-Wilson (Fletohing), Mr. Mrs. T,_W.J you are in a hurry. You don’t happen to be gettine hurting her side.—Detective-Sergeant Ditdey proved >!K8 TO THE the wedding ring at the same time, I suppose? If * HE A COUPLE WILMINGTON SQUi brief servioe conducted by that gentleman. Vested in Pickard, Mir. J. Godwin .King b airman of arresting the girl and said that when asked the cause of oope and biretta and preceded by the cross-hearer and Sussex County Council),, Mai'lor • J. .Lister, Mr. you hustle like this at the Front the Germans must B R O W N ’S all tbe trouble Colbran replied “ Nothing else but £ R. J,' Streatfeild, Mr. F. , Mr. A. Burton-! get a warm time of it ” They _____ (OT, for con- Vlsojudi era Voyne’s f i , r I two acolytes bearing candle-lanterns, the Rev. G. H. remedy tor the alleviation o t temper, and I can’t help i t ”—The Magistrates sent the shaW, Mr. Edwin Young ( if the East Sussex Our hero got on fine with his “courtin. . Coughs, Hoarseness. Sore able. They Mansion.—Mrs. Books. Miss Book*. Mrs. I Godwin proceeded from the ehnrob to the ahrine, where “Hustle ” was an apt description of his progress, BRONCHIAL — . . . *.L 1 he addressed a fewsuitable words explainingthe object Education Committee). Major Liahi (Chief Constable Throat, Bronchitis and and kidneys n —Mr. and Mr*. Archibald Wood. of Eaat Sussex), Alderman C. . Brien Harding the ring was on Hilda’s finger the second aiternoon Asthma. They contain no the water, of tbe shrine aa being a reminder to those who Mrs. McPherson. MUs McPherson. (Mayor of Eastbourne), Counoilli A . E- Ru; “ their acquaintance. Hilda, of course, TROCHES. opiate, and are much appre­ taken there. rheumatism Bobert Bain. Mrs. Mol»- Mira Moir by of that their :*eyers were needed for thot_ ____and shopk L-er pretty head and toji Alec ciated by Singers and Public had gone forth to .fight for their, King and country;in (Mayor of Lewee), Councillor T, Roberts (1 Speakers. the kidneys ir Lloyd, Copn- to- be'careful,' but really the was pleased with this g a b x h the battle ta t freedom and justice, some of whom had Mayor). Alderman Every, Do m rr i n O sa r Ham* owels. ( Ullps. Misses cillor King, Lieut.-Commander W K. Stuart and “ hurricane” wooing. And then, of course; it was THE Foster- fallen. Tbe hymn “ O God, our help in An elderly Scotsman bad returned to bis appxab. Restores Grey or Mrs. Capron. followed by suitable prayers. The shrine was Lieut. Hughes, R.N.V.R., Lieut. C, Blenoowe, war tone, ahd' things have to be hurried to. meet White Hair to its original don, Edward Dank. Mr; W. E. Nicholson,'Mr. F. Newt Mr. L G. war’s requirements, so Alec got his way and Hilda native village after a visit to London. On being asked MEXICAN colour, where the glands are by Mr. J. Brook, sod was made by Mr. W. what be thought of the great city, he Said, “ I t is gran’, the names being inscribed by Mr. P. Oooke. Vinall, M t. J . F. Plaister (Seaford), „ .„ 0 . ? . got her*. Alec confided to his kind benefactress the not destroyed. Prevents Simmons (a director). Mr. E. G. ercy jw progress he Was making, and she was really pleased but the folk are no’ honest.” “ How is that ?” be was Dandruff, and the Hair from t the shrine bears the names of 11 nlgpwho have asked. “ Well, I bought a box o’ pins labelled ‘a HAIR coming out. Restores and and 53 others who are on active service. and Mr. F. H. Nias (manager), because she felt that Aleo and Hilda were sensible, Creameries^. Ltd., Mr. W. H. M. and good, and, if spared to become man and wife, thousand for a penny,’ and, coming home in the train, I strengthens tho H&ir. ____ Capt.. and Mm RE n e w ER . I* NOT A DTK. ' Fnraey .-i/v; • i and Mr. woujd be a comfort and help to each other, so she. counted them an’ found they were thirteen short! ” . Jenkins:,. '* And do you think for one ath Heighten), gave them her Meeting. Aleo found time to pay an B r it is h F a r m e r s’ R e d Gro ss F und,—O ver G. Freeman, occasional visit-to the boys in the old'Hdme, and he Davson, L moment, my dear friend, that that horriUestnff is going ■700 agricultural jumble sales have been held for this “ You talk about your sufferings. I ve got to quench your thirst?” Burly navvy: “ W otl This Mr. J. Freeman and Mr. W. Freemi ave them words of counsel and advice. He told fund, and 200 more have been arranged, 120 being repeat dyspepsia, bot you never hear m,e growl about it.” Vveoneglassl Not’arf!” Mr. C. H. Green (Highcroft, Hi__ . Sbem of the good he had received there and how it sales. Over 100 of these sales have produced results “ Never growl about it? Well, then, you haven’t got Dabson (Firle). Mr. W. JEL Rogers, Mr. M. Knight, gave him a tij*rt in life, and helped to keep him ranging from £6,326 to £1,000. t ' i t ! ” ; • The orifice of the whale’s ear is scarcely per­ Mr. J . A Knight and Mr. J . Avery (Mayfield), Mr. steught. ~ To' the boys he became la hero indeed. Cowper Mira Oowper. ceptible, yet it is said that the whale’s hearing u so F. Matthews (Berwick), Mr. and Mrs. L. Eldridge They were all sorry when the time came' for him to Dewly: “ Many wise words are spoken in monte that a ship crossing its track half a mi> ' (Heathfield), Mr. K. Lie leighton), Mr. return to the Front; some of them actually cried Maokintoa FFEE DE LUXE— jest.” Grimm: “ Yes, but they can’t compare with the S S * ■ wifi osose It to dive instantly. Hollingdale (Ringmer), W. Howard Smith, Mr. because they were afraid he would get killed by the the old favourite. number of foolish ones that are spoken in earnest?” a ;


■IT,,i ~ :.***•

EA STBOURNE CHRONaOIiff; BATUEDAY NOVEiMEBER 18, 1916. 8 •# I t. ‘I,'..’ T f !'" ;' INSURANCE. SPECIAL PREPAID RATES. WANTS OF ALL KINDS *C7 YBSTkaDAT’S s i t t i n g . - t r f e -----»■ •I "I" ... «• Jl.. MAYNARD LIFE, PERSONAL ACCIDENTS ARTICLES FOR SALE, EMPLOYERS’ LIABILITY, •E&VAXT8 WANTED or SITUATIONS RXUUOID,. o f LIMITED The third sii the Local Tribunal this week waa FOB held in th e ...... _ beret the Town yesterday, Bfe W . N i c h o l s o n THIRD PARTY a n d MOTOR POLICIES. BOUSES or APARTMENTS TO LET, Ltd. when there were it Jjlajor M o l in Are Advertised in the Whole of Aircraft and Bombardment Policies Successors to BVENDENS, Alderman Duke, Councillor' 0. W. Be REMOVALS at Low Bates. PaTBCombe & Oo.’s (Ltd.) Sussex Newspapers Claude Bishop, Mr. T.B. Hasdell and , - At One Charge, viz i EASTBOURNE. with Mr. M. H. Beattie and Sir. W. _ ISSUED rone 465. representatives) and Mr. H. W. Fovargwe (olerJ ’BV Scottish. Insurance Corporation I I n s e r t i o n ____ O n e S h i l l i n g , not over 20 Words- Covee E very Contingency. 8 I n s e r t i o n s ...... T w o S h i l l i n g s a n d S i x p e n c e A BOOTMAKER’S CLAIM. AND STORAGE 7 Insertions------....J ------Five Sh illing s. The case of E. W. Spokes, bootmaker^ in the employ of Mr. Daws, of South-street, had been! adjourned for LOW RATES. PROMPT SETTLEMENT. Longer Advertisements at Proportionate Rates. medical examination, and it was now stated that Iy Booked the Usual Rates will be Charged. applicant had been put in Bl.Glass. Hd is 80 years of All such Announcements appear in the following papers: age and married, with two children. . j i F ull P articulars and Prospectuses from The Military Representative dissented because, the Goods Warehoused in Separate Eastbourne Chronicle,' man was 30 years ofage. He added that if he ha«l been ALFRED E. KETT, East Sussex News. ' j | 31 he would have been in a certified occupation. • Lock-up Compartments. D istrict Manager, Southern Counties, Hastings Independent, The Tribunal granted eight weeks’ exemption path the Volunteer condition. * 90, PEVENSEY ROAD, East Grinstead Observer, Sussex and Surrey Courier, NOT OLD AT 63. EASTBOURNE. Finest Fireproof Warehouses Horsham Times, Mr. F. H. Stapley appeared on behalf erf the Devon- in Eastbpnrne. Thereby securing, at a very small cost, an amount ol' F. Rich. He said Rich had been in the employ of the publicity throughout the important district of :J Company for 18 years, and was in charge of the lioensed or to J e t . Bast Sussex, among the most influential premises in Compton-8 tree t. H e also managed the • inhabitants. refreshment department Owing to the .oellarman Smart and Up-to-date Vans. r \ RAWLEV.—A ______PAIR of well-built______FREEHOLD UNEQUALLED BY ANY CTHEE LOCAL MEDIUM enlisting he was doing the cellar work with the help of HO USES, with large gardens; price £410.—Milton Bridget', Land Agent, 1, Three Bridges-road,, C raw ley. an old man of 53 — - Orders should be sent direct to F ahncombk ft Oo.'S (Ltd.. The Chairman: A man is not old at 53. Experienced and Careful Men a s t g r i n s t e a d .- t o b e l e t or s o l d , f r e e ­ Head Offices, or left with Authorised A g e n ts, SPECIAL The Mayor (to Mr. Stapley): Where do you oome in ? E h o l d COTTAGE; three bedrooms, bath room, - Prepaid at the above Low Rates. ■j The Military Representative said Rich had been only Employed. tw o reception rooms, kitchen and usual offices. — passed Bl, and they thought he should join up. They M erretts,,25, Great James-street, Bedford-row, London, consented to eight weeks for arrangements to be made. W.O. PONY -CLOTH The Chairman: He iwill have eight weeks’ exemption, OR SALE, GROCERY and PROVISION STORKS, Serb ants S c Assistants SSanteb. I ‘ 1 but he must join the Volunteer Regiment, and he must ESTIMATES FREE. F EASTBOURNE, doing extensive Family trade in ask leave to apply again. good Artizan and medium Class Aparttnent letting CHEERFUL LADY REQUIRED as COMPANION Councillor Bolton : Tb[he Company should do its best neighbourhood. House. Shop, Warehouse and Premises A for a few hours daily.—^pply, by letter, to Mrs. L., COAT would bo Let on Lease, 7,14 or 21 years.' Price f3r Good­ urand Hotel, Jfiastbourne. to replace him. will £800. Stock and Fixtures at v aluation.—For further APPLY articulars, apply to Mr. F. Stimson, Accountant, 18, A P £ L Y O X F 6 R D R E G IS T R Y , S u san s-road , EastT- A CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTION. led ford-grove, Eastbourne. bourne, for good Situations.—WANTED, Cooks. Cook-G'"™''1"■Generals, Houseparlourmaide,'lT—*------*j - ^ Goneraie, 71 ’ —Housed W ith flounce at foot and collar Strong R emarks by the Chairman. ! /'I • *rp Tkr k X7~VT A T>Tk T ?OR SALE, old - established CONFECTIONERY maids, Kitchenmaids, N urse; also Nurse for France. L. G. Ford, builder’s merchant .and ironmonger, of vJT. JCi. 1V1 A I N A Kl). I / I T ) , , stock at of Black Fur Trimming, lined Station-parade, was represented by Mt.JJVKl Yuriev]1..- 7 A PPRENT1CE to the PRINTING TRADE Wanted. Eastbourne. i x Good chance to get an all-round knowledge of the throughout, similar to sketch. Kirtlan, who said his client was 37 years of age, married, business. Wages from the start. Lad just leaving and had six children.! He had4been passed B l. . He J Complete House Furnishers, a y w a r d s h e a t h a n d d i s t r i c t . — For school preferred.—Apply, “ Observer” Printing Works. was a conscientious Objector purely J from religious'I H Particulars of HOUSES TO BE LET OB 80LD in 64. London-road. East Grinstead. grounds; he objected to taking life. this charming and healthy locality, with excellent rail­ OY WANTED (all day); errands, windows, &a— way service to London, Brighton_and Eastbourne^ apply ion tojother.- B _ Apply, F. H. Coote (late J. T. Cowey), 28, School- Greystone Buildings, T. BiBannister & Co.. House “and Estate Agents, Market­ hill, Lbwos. Special Price \ is eii :i place, Haywards Heath. r remarki. K/i ill i 1ARMEN WANTED, over military age; w a g e s 26s. . Mr. B eattie: I think it is quite fair. ini &ii.y OMFORTABLY FURNISHED DINING ROOM per week.—Apply, James Chandler, Coal Merchant, Mr. Ford, replying to further qu< [stud his: X.‘;i *«'HM E astbourne. C (two bedrooms same floor) TO LET; good cooking Friars’-walk, Lewes. family was entirely dependent on the . wMoh and attendance.—9. Royal-parade, Eastbourne. 3 GUINEAS. ^LEAN. respectable Young Girl W ANTED as DAILY would have to.be closed if he w ent |AU staff of OMFORTABLE BED-SITTING ROOM TO LET.— Cj SERVANT; hours 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.; wages 10s. and | military age, except those who were medii l [unfit; C Box90, “ Observer" Office, East Grinstead. insurance ; recommendation necessary ; private house —Box 2t, “ Chronicle ” Office, Eastbourne. had joined up. JO INING ROOM and BEDROOM TOILET, for winter; The Chairman : Do you press this on ;the grounds of I |di0all«neott9. __ extra room if required. —13, HartiDgton-place, LOTHING.—MAN REQUIRED for Ready-male and conscientious objection? E a stbourne. . C Juvenile Departments ; ineligible.—Hope «-'Co.. - Mr. F o rd : No. Eastbourne. , I Mr. Kirtlan said a point to he remembered was that REW ARD.—LOST, on Thursday, November 9th, a s t b o u r n e <2 1 . Enys-road).-PAYiNG g u e s t s . near West Hoathly, a golden-brown POME E R E C E IV E D ; w e ll a ' sunny position; IO WMAN WANTED to______take chja a rg rg i e o f 20 c o w s ; good Mr. Ford would be put in a non-combatant corps and If AN; black muzzle and eyes. Answers to the comfortable for winter; as fires in bed- Cj c cottage o ttage ; garden on farm ; wood and milk as Dart that they would not be getting & fighting man. name of “ Rajah.” Last seen near Ardlngly.—Above rooms if wished; highest re. F red T o v e y . wages. — Apply, Brown, Newick Farm, H ea th n eld reward will be paid to anyone returning same to Mrs. S u ssex . Councillor Bolton: He is an ironmonger. Does he x c e p t i o n a l opportunity . owing to war.- Harper, Plawhatch. Sharptnorne, Sussex. not sell artioles that will take life? ___E Furnished HOUSE and POULTRY FARM (tw o RAPERY. - WANTED, LADY with Draper’s MILLINERY. Mr. Ford: No. REW ARD.—LOST, between Thursday and Satur ) TO LET for 30s. weekly ; stock at valuation; D experience for Men’s and Boy’s Trade.—Hope and Our Entire Stock of Models, a l s o Semi-Trimmed Hats, are being offered at Councillor Bolton: I thought he sold things that ___ day at Eastbourne, TWO GOLD RINGS; one a period of 10 months or longer ; near Eastbourne ; suit Co., Grove road, Eastbourne. might he used to destroy people. liainond Marquise and other diamond and ruby; both practical ladies. Fullest particulars to genuine appli­ Mr. Kirtlan: The qnly point is that youi are getting a In a ring case.—Anyone returning same to 4, Rylstone- cants.—ApplyrH. ErF^ “ Chronicle” Office, Eastbourne. RESSMAKERS REQUIRED Bodice Assistants, road. Eastbourne, will receive the above reward. D Sleeve Assistants'Assistants and A.Apprentices. — Apply! Reduced Prices NOW. r non-combatant. 'URNISHED______DETACHED . ____ -— HOUSE ;. two receiptition, Plurlummer Keddis, Ltd., Eastbourne! Mr. Beattie: He is making money oat of the war. ►ABY-GRAND PIANO WANTED; about £40.- th ree hedrooms, bath (h and c.), kitchen, sculleryli Mr. Ford handed in papers relating to his business. State length, maker, age, Box L.P. A. “ Chronicle g a r d e n ; se a v ie w -; 21g.t w eek , ,T. Wenham, St. IRL to Assist in Greengrocer’ s and Carry Small WE INVITE AN EARLY VISIT OF INSPECTION. F G Parcels —Apply, Bradford, Ui , Eastbourne. Anthony’s Mount, Eastbourne. Greengrocer and Fruit The Mayor: He sells things for military service at Stores, Old Town, Eastbourne. Newhaven. His conscience does not go very far if he ►OOTS W A N T E D .—G____ oodprice paid for discarded YDE GARDENS.—TO LET, for about three months. does that. B o ots and Shoes, also Cast-off Clothes, Underlinen, H SELF - CONTAINED FLAT ; well furnished /GARDENER WANTED twice weekly. — Apply, electric ligh t; 4gs. a week.—Terrys, VJT Southwood, Ditton’s-road, Eastbourne. Mr. Kirtlan: AH Mr. Ford’s objection is to taking 19, C ornfield -road , Eastbourne. | life. It is the perfeotly clear position of the Plymouth b m irn e^ ^ ^ ’ M Morgftn’ 6a’ E a st- ENERAL SERVANT, thoroughly experienced, Brethren. It is a point that a man is entitled to sav. I — ------OUSE TO LET in Green Hedges-avenue, East G W ANTED for private family^of two; plain cook­ ____ Grinstead : rent 9s. per week inclusive. — A. ing essential; no basement.- -M iss M uller, 12, L u sh ln g- T h e Mayor: He would not %ht, but he ^ u ld lL k e f^V E N D lSH AVENUE, Belmore, Manifold. Tides- H‘ ton-road, Eastbourne. .J mrm«v nnt nf thnnA wKrt nm we“» Afihford, Longstone Koad8 J will PurchO 80 A m bridge, Ea9t Grinstead. A DESERTER. money out ol tnose who are fagfcting.. Non-basement H ouse.-Price, &c„ Osborne, Agent, OOD GENERAL SERVANT Mr. Bishop: Itia a serious point for a conscientious j Gildredge-road, Eastbourne, | “_EW ES.—FURNISHED HOUSE, retJdebtial district ; W AN T E D .—A p p ly, Sun Hotel, Crawlev. borough police court. William Ripley was charged with being a deserter objeotor to make at the tim e he is making money out of ■ f ___ semi-detached, double-fronted; three reception, G fo ur bedrooms, bath room (h. and a ); piano; south from the 6th Bati. Middlesex Regiment. t h e w ar. FLOODPLAIN COOK and HOUSEPARLOURMAID. Deteotive-Sergt Curtis stated that he went to a The Chairman said they thought it was entirely aspect; rent moderate.—Apply, Z., “ EastSussex News,” V X a g e s 20 80, for small house in country; two in YESTERDAY'S CASES. house in Seaside and on going inside he noticed that L e w e s. family.—Apply, Mrs. Brown, Newick Farm, Heathfleld, irregular and deserving of censure that the case had Eastbourne. S u ssex . the coal house* door was partly open. The prisoner been put forward oh conscientious grounds, as .at the > INGMER.—BOARD RESIDENCE in comfortable came out, an$ on being told he would be; charged /GENTLEMAN DESIRES ENGAGEMENT (Kast- V> house; bath h. and c.; motor house; motor omnibus ^LENKRAL SERVANT RE HIRED at once ; a time he put in a conscientious objection he was supply-1 v T bourne); Clerical Work or Drapery and ClothiDg; om Lewes; moderate terms.—The Lynchets, Ringmer. Before Mr. A. Mayhewe, D.L. (in the chair), Alder­ as a deserter said,' “ I have never been in the Army.” ing goods and other requisites to the Military Authori­ A an aslain riowo htr Ofinnnnomnnf _ A nnltr A O U* X pleasant place for a nice _gir! ; age 18 to 25; wages 1 d a ily, or certain days by arrangement.—Apply, A. C. E., HE LONGER YOU PAY RENT the more money £20.—Mrs.£2? Garrard, 4 Moat ~Croft-road, ' Eastooume. man H. W. Keay, Mr. C. A. Leathanq, Mr. C. H. Prisoner said his age was 35 and that he was a single ties for the purpose of carrying on the war. They “ Chronicle ” Office. Eastbourne. tnan. H e had no papers to show he .was exempt from T y o u waste. Apply to-day for “ Personal Ownership, ^LARDENER WANTED in about a month's time Evill Mid Sir Steyningung Edgerley. therefore thought that part of the application fell to j which will be sent post free to applicants 1 mentioning military service. At the police station the prisoner the ground. On business grounds they granted 'NITTING MACHINE WANTED, for use of r thoroughly experienced kitchen gardener; married SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. l> Wounded Soldiers, at moderate price ; please “ Eastbourne Chronicle.”—Address The Managers, The or single; to live on premises ; cottage provided ; admitted he was married and that he belonged to applicant eight weeks and he must join the Volunteers. Provident Association of London, Ltd., 246,Biahopsgate, tna full particulars, or would hire same. — Apply, permanency to good man.—State 1 0. wages, experience the 6th Middlesex Regiment. He also said hie had London. E.C. Minnie Hurd, of Leelie-street, was summoned for * Mr. Kirtlan said Mr. Ford had only an objection to I , B. G., “ Chronicle” Office. Eastbourne. • a n d r eferen ces to 199, “ C h ron icle ’ L ee, Eastbourne. disobeying a school attendance order made in respect been absent for aboiit five weeks. When asked where himself taking' life It was absurd to say that this OS 1, ONE Odd Gentleman's BOOT; fluder rewarded. ASTBOURNE.—Well-Furnished HOU8EorAPART- IRL WANTED to ASSIST in general HOUSE to her child. his uniform was the accused said, “I don’t know man, became he was supplying covering to the troop MKNTS; dining, drawing and four bedrooms more than the dead. I got to Maidstone, had a bottle J —Boot Manufacturing Company, 196, Seaside. East- E G WORK; comfortable home ana good w ages.— The Town Clerk (Mr. H. W. Fovargue) said the at Newhaven, was doing something contrary to the urne. electric light; piano; terms arranged.—Clarenceviile, 9, Apply,. Mrs. Reed, 254, Seaside, Eastbourne. of whiskey and I had . too much. When I came to I spirit of conscientious objection. Elms-avenue,1, Grand-parade. child had attended sohpol 40 times out of 55. There o s t , ig of November 16th, between TOUSE - CHAMBERMAID REQUIRED immedi- had been a previous fine in respect to the same found myself dressed in these clothes.'” The Chairman: We have our opinion and wekeep to ___ _ D e v o n sh ire Park Pavilion and 17, Jevington m O BE LET, FURNISHED FLAT, with cooking and Prisoner was remanded to await an escort. L J. ately. — Apply, Manageress, Cavendish Hotel, child. " it. He is supplying goods for the purpose of carrying g a rdens, Eastbourne. PAIR GOLD-RIMMED KYB JL attendance; large rooms; electric light, radiatore, stb ou rn e. . who did not appear, was fined 5e '. , on the war. 1 GLASSES; reward given if returned. telephone.—Apply. 102, South-street, Eastbourne. £ OTEL.—CORRIDOR MAID REQUIRED at once; • ! ' CHILDREN’ S ] COURT! A CERTIFICATE WITHDRAWN. •F a n .” fJIO LET,_FURNISHED DINING. ROOM and One or H active girl of good appearance; wages 10s. per WAR OFFICE PROSECUTION. _____ r sa m e __ more'BEDROOMS, or Part of Honse; week and laundry; live In.—Apply, Manageress. Oaven Phillip Luck, jun., Waa summoned for removing 23 “ A- TRIVIAL OFFENCE.” 1 The Military applied for a review of the oektifioate of , E a s t G rln- o r o th e r w ise.—A p p ly , 19, B u rlln g to n -p la ce. dish Hotel, Eastbourne. exemption granted to E. H. Williams, boardinghouse trusses of wheat straw; without the permission of the Leonard Willis, of Terminus-road, was. summoned I O LET. OCKLYNGE MANOR HOU8E ; small oid- 1 T been mediaaUy examined sinoe he went missile struck a girl on the cheek bone, inflicting a jfcEWARD.—LOST, on 17th inst, between Gorringe. a u n d r y m a n a g e r e s s w a n t e d take possession of the hay and straw in the country to Chichester at the beginning of the. war, when be wa8,| for small, so as to be able to regulate it amongst the civil slight wound. The boy took her home to her mother, k i 'pAtwa* road, Cavendish-place T.AmiTQ' nnTTi and urutaTi the Parade ur*rnm to r.beyond LL AVAILABLE HOUSES. — Selected lk ___L laundry . (not . steam),.. Eastbourne Lastbourno; ; wages aand 0 0 m - and he (Mr. Matthews) considered it such a trivial told he would not be wanted. He was praotically biind rish Tower, LADIES’ GOLD WRIST WATCH; black A receipt of requirements.—Killiok & D avies,! m ission ; replies treated as confidential.—Write, ‘ L au n - in the right eye. moire straps.—Apply, 19. Qorringe-road, Eastbourne. Agents, Eastbourne. dress,” “ Chronicle” Office, Eastbourne. offence that the boy was not punished, Mr. Beattie: He was passed Al, subject'to the eye , . ... U supply. u The lad waa dismissed. ; | j HALLOTS W ANTED, any quantity.—Apply, Elphick JpO R SALE.—Cotfc in Green-street; let at \f f ‘AID REQUIRED; useful [living out; good needle test...... v ' •) - 1 i, S and Son, Ltd,, The Seedsmen, Lewes. Us. per week; ) £320. 8101. ..YJL w o m a n .—C all, b efo re 10.30 mornlDg or 7 evening, like that bf the defendant were serious. He would BOYS IN TROUBLE. Applicant said he had not undergpne the.eye test; L. Ti, Mostyn-Hotel. Eastbourne. ' i not have been sent down by. the War Office unless and the case was accordingly, adjourned cfimiJcimhen. Teeth, Jewellery, broken G old OR SALE.—Cottage in Green-street; let at the ease was regarded as . important. Leonard Swain, Avond&Ie-road,, and Percy Collins, ~ , Gents’,. aud Children’s___,______Ward,- .Card- 133. 6d.,per w eek; price £300. S 95. FFICE BOY.—WANTED, at once, an lutelligent Ashford-road, were summoned for attempting to medicalexaminatibn. ’ ^ ^ 1 ) p a id .—L ocock , 200-201, Q n een ’s- O and eduoated Lad as OFFICE BOY.—Apply by F.C.' Morris stated! that on October 18th he saw OR SALE.—Greonflcld-road; let at Us. 6d. per break into Messrs, Hudson’s shhp. Terminus-road, on A HOTEL CHEF. F week each; Four Cottages; price £1,200. letter only, in applicant's own handwriting, to S„ core the defendant leading a horse attached to a van' November 9th. 8100. of Devonshire Olub, Eastbourne. which was loaded with straw. He spoke to defen­ The Ghatsworth Hotel Company made an application Detective-Sergt. Curtis said the boys were taking OR SALE.—Hanover-road; Two Cottages; e r v a n t s o f a l l k i n d s r i n q u i r i n g s i t u a -’ dant, . who said he did not require a license, as the for their ehef{ W. J. Russell 1 unuaren: moaeraie terms.— hold of the handles of the windows and endeavour­ Mr. W . H . Burt supj F let at 6s. 6d. per week each; price £250 the S TION8 should write or call at Mrs. Reeder's Employ­ straw, came from his own farm. Subsequently, how­ Apply, by letter, Mdme. S ., 14, W ilU ngd on-road , ,E ast- pair.F ment Bureau (e.s.). Rotten-row, Lewes. ing to raise them. They also went into, the shop Mr. Steinle, the managing 1 Russell was bou rn e. S 101. ever, he said it came; from Mr. Hanrier, and added, doorway; and tried to open the door. Witness ITUATION8 VACANT (Lewes and all p 1), for all “ It is straw the Army has cast off and I have got it I the only chef at the hotel, lehargfiof the ARDROBES.—Being the Largest Dealers in the OR SALE.—Hampden Park; Detached Honse; followed them down the road and when he caught 2 reception, 3 bed, bath ; price £400. S 96. 1 classes of Servants ; send postcard for iculars; for my own use.” Defendant said he had 23 trusses. kitchen and did the whole, of the ring for the W South, we are prepared to pay Highest Cash F Servauts Suited Free. — W. Earle, ’ Sussex them they admitted having tried to raise the windows establishment He was the only employ^ of Prices for Ladies,’ Gents' and Children's DISCARDED TOR SALE. — Latimer-road ; Cottage; £275. Afterwards Witness found that the defendant was. of! other shops. Registry, Friars’-walk, Lewes. Unloading the straw alb Mr. Russell’s loft in Ocklynge- military age, except a waiter, who ■ jtist 18 years of WEARING APPAREL; if necessary, bnyer will call F c S 99. The Chief Constable said Swain was fined in age. Theiire was an average of from to 70 guests a with motor van by appointment; cash forwarded by ANTED, good Parlourmaids, Housep road. Witness asked 'Russell' if he had a license to September for stealing apple*. • return for parcels received. — Woodwards, 34 to 36, OR SALE.—8easide; Three Freehold Cot- W. . Cook-Generals,. Generals------and Kitch enmalds for purchase straw, but the latter replied, “No, I have day in the hotel. - I I ! I Oamdep-road, Tunbridge W ells.______F .tages; let at 6s. 6d. per week each; price P r ivate; Houseparlourmaids, Generals and Kitchen- Both lads were put under probation for six months. It wasstated that Russell had been passed for Bl and. £550 th e l o t S 69. maids for Boarding and Apartment Houses; No b ook in g- not; I don’t know if {my father has.” Luck had no ANTED, the CARE of a N URSE CHILD, or would that he was 27 years of age. \\ T OR 8ALE.—ijidley-road; Two Cottages; let at fee. ’Phone 646.—Myrtleholme Employment Agency, 32, farm of his own. T V take from birth; goodgo: " hom* e; good references.— Uildrodge-road, Eastbourne. Capt, Weir,' A.S.C.] the district purchase officer for Mr. Steinle said they originally had two chefs. ' U Apply, E.“ Y." O.," “ Chronicle ■ Office, Eastboi F 108.6d. per week each; price £300 each. 8 99. Sussex, said he had not given Luck permission to In reply to Mrs. GampbeU, Mr. Steinle said they OR SALE.—Cottage in Stanley-road; £275. ANTED; at once, H0U8KPARL0UKMAID, also ARMYAL OF WOUNDED. ANTED, small HOUSE at'Hampden Park, in good GENERAL —Apply, Findon House, Hart- remove strew. conld not get women to do the work, which was of a F 8 9 9 . W heavy nature. He had made an atteinpjt’to find some­ W _ good repair (no children), end of February, 1917, ington-p ace, Eastbourne. 'Defendant said hei would, like to call the Chief or early March.—Address, B . R., “ Chronicle” Office. OR S A L E . — Whitley-road ; Two of these one to take Russell’s plaoe, but without success. Eastbourne. capital little Houses; let at 14s. per week ANTED,'immediately, superior young Girl as Constable, hut the latter declined to go into the box EARLY MORNING CONVOY. The Tribunal then prooeeded to hear an application each; price £375 each. " 8 101. W USEFUL MAID; no objection to one not been union subpoenaed, j by Russell on private grounds, namely,! the state of his W f ANTED, to Purchase for Cash, OLD OIL PAINT- F o u t b efore.—19, L u sh in g to n -ro a d . K'astbonrno. _T v J1NGS,. Coloured Prints, Water-Oolour DrawiniDrawings. For particulars of the above and all available Houses, Luck said the straw was not usable, as it was wife’s health and the tact that he has to partially ^sup­ Scrap Books and Old Needlework Pictures, a and n d OldC apply, Killlck & Davies, The Property Auction Mart, \lTARKHOUSEMAN.—WANTED, cnptble Ware- damaged, but it ww stated-that the straw was after-, Anothel convoy of 120 soldiers wounded in the port his widowed mother. China Figures, &c.—Address, W. F. W itt, 72, Ship-street, Terminus-road, Eastbourne. TY houseman.—Apply,, TBobby * ’ & “ Co., ~ 'Ltd., ' ~Terminus- wards sold at a good! price. recent fighting in France arrived at Eastbourne Eight weeks’ exemption was granted with the Volun­ B righ ton . road. Eastbourne. Defendant called aj young man named Harmer, a yesterday at 2 a.m. The British Red Crdss (V.A.D.) teer condition, and applicant was told he must get leave ANTED, a BETWEKNMAID; two in family; to apply W cook, parlourmaid and housemaid kept.—Apply farmer, of Hampden Park,. who said the straw was Section were at th e ' Railway Station to meej, the Jlrticks for gale. damaged. The Army had taken straw from two Councillor Bolton (to Mr. Steinle): You cannot keep LONDON SCOTTISH CADETS VISIT to Mrs. W. L. Wallis. The W ish. Eastbourne. stacks Mid that which was left he sold to the defen- train. In spite of the bitterly cold east wind and chefs in hotels and you must try to replace him. ORKING COOK - HOUSEKEEPER or dant. The Army _ id him 66s. per ton, whilst the the long and wearisome journey, the wounded EASTBOURNE. o s t e r s e a s t g r i n 6 t k a d l i m i t e d W _ _ General^ REQUIRED; under 40; wages i defendant gave him Tommies displaced thirir usual wonderful cheerful­ OTHER OASES. F CANTBLUPH G A R A G E . T eL 131. B. G., “ Chronicle ” Office. Eastbourne. A man named R 11 said he asked the defendant ness, and by the help of the Red Cross members were F. Lowin, watchmaker and dealer in antiques^ J PETROL. TYRES. REPAIRS. OARS STORED Junction-road.—Twelve weeks with Tithe Volunteer if he oould oblige . with some straw, and arranged in less than half an hour all safely conveyed to the On Sunday last two platoons of the, Cadet Battalion, AGENTS. HIRE OARS. BIGGER DEMAND THAN EVER FOB to pay him back wil straw. condition. affiliated to the 14th Battalion County of London A various Red Cross hospitals. ’ »>• MOTOR DRIVERS.—LEARN MOTORING An inclusive, fine oi £5 was imposed, in default one Regiment, the London Scottish, visited Eastbourne, Machine Department. AT ONCE.—Good p&y, excellent prospects. THE month’s, imprisonment. The local assistance in the tray of motor care and when-field operations took place on the Downs near LARGEST INSTRUCTION WORKS IN THE vans, kindly lent, is highly appreciated, and the 2 6-ton Trucks. ' WORLD. Tuition on heavy Motor Lorries or any Beachy Head. ' 1 12-in. Hack Saw Machine (nearly new). type of Touring Oar as desired. LOWEST CHARGES " .c a s e s ., appeal recently made to the local trade to spare their tion of correepondenoe wii The Cadets arrived in two parties, and caused a great 1 200 GalL G a lv a n ised T an k . IN LONDON. TRAINING UNLIMITED WITHOUT John Dryden, of Seaside, was summoned in utpeot motor vans occasionally for this purpose! has met with CivU Relief. deal of interest to the people who wffre just coming out 1 Complete Set Exhaust Heater Coils (suit Laundry). EXTRA CHARGE UNTIL PROFICIENT AND to ah unobecured light on November llth. a very generous response, but still more help is W. Maynard, paper hanger and deodrator, exempted | & >n> the various churches. They soon however, passed 1 Engineer’s Power Drilling Machine with swing SATISFIED. Secure the B.8.M . OFFICIAL wanted. The ambulances in attendance were the CERTIFICATE and Free Benefits of the Lioensed P.C.. Gopping said there was a bright light show­ 1 High Speed Drilling Machine (new). ing, from a fish sbiojp; Sussex /15 V.A.D. ambulance driven by 'Miss until abojut. fonr o’clock, when they were dismissed Motor Employment Agenoy. SPECIAL T.AnTfea1 Thornlc ' " ...... no further appikatii it leave, 1 Contractor's Sleeping Van (well fitted). COURSE. Individual Tuition. Special Guaranteed A .fine of 10s. . was imposed. until 6 p.m. They certainly are a very fine body of lads, 1 4-ft. 6-in. Threshing M achine, ring oil bearings and Course until Royal Automobile Olub Certifioate Piloher. — option with and as the Hon. Colonel of the Battalion said quite double blast (iron wheels)? Ida Hutchinson, of Silverdale-road, was summoned Volunteer conation; o b ta in ed . S p e c ia l APPRENTICESHIP COURSE. for a similar offence on November 3rd. ' l; reoently, “ They are of finer physique than many men in 1 4-fit. 6-in. T h ra sh in g M a ch in e, r in g o il b earin gs, Mr. P. Ellison, manager of the Motor Omnibus B. J. E. Bennett, ter.—Twelve weeks omcondi*' Franoe,” we must say the same. . ' iron drum (iron wheels). Call or write for full particulars. -P.O. Reed, stated the facts, and defendant bad to 1 Engineer’s Emery Wheel Machine. Works, sent ope of the omnibuses; and there was tion that he does, The Commanding Officer, Cadet Major L. E. Haynes, THE BRITISH SCHOOL OF MOTORING LTD., pay one ambulance of the Motor Transport Company of I is a great lover of the town where he was educated (at OONTBAOTINU DEPARTMENT. C. W. Cole, builder and deoorater.—Twelve weeks 5. Co v e n t r y S t r e e t , P ic c a d il l y C ir c u s , ‘ Lily McCurreJr, cjf Chiswick-plaoe, was similarly **"the Army A-----a Service — r< Cbr------* ^ is not out ol place to I Roborough Sohool). ■ t STEAM ROLLERS FOR HIRE 16,8 and 10 Tons with the Volunteer condition. ; L o n d o n , W. summoned for an' offence on November 5th! . ' - ' mention here that the Red does V.AD. Section’are According to P.G. Frost the light watfshowing from most urgently in need of more men over military T. Waller, in the employ of Mr. W. L- Wallis.— a front window, as I the result of an unshaded gas age, and the kindly assistance of volunteers will be Refused; applicant not to be called up until the end of ANTED, Immediately. COAL PORTER; good lsxni)* most oordially welcomed. ^ Tha work need not the year. • . |-; DEATH OF MR. 0. J. DALE. W wages; also ODD MAN: age unimportant if' Fmed £ 1 .' . j ■ >'• quantity of good Seoond-Hand Furniture for Sale'—Jury active and strong. — Bradford’s,Bradford’s. Goal Merchants, * encroach but very little oh one’s time, or one can Ti'W. Grant, gardener.—Adjourned for a week.^ a n d 8 o n , Trinity-buildings (near Trinity Chnrch), and Station-parade, Eastbourne. Blanch Mary Upham, of Compton-streeH, was give up the whole of the day or night to this useful 131, S e a sid e , E astb ou rn e. jta K 3 S > '< « iia 'o c o m W a ai N0.10. Chiswick-place, on aummpned for a similar offence on November 9tfa. work. The voluntary workers now include two Eight weeks with the Vffiunteer condition; leave to be \ WednesdayAy of ’*Mr. ,.T -••Charles . ___ ’ Joseph _...... ____ Dale, a ^partner______in LUE COSTUME FOR SALE; fine serge; wonld P.C. Champion said the light was showing from a officers,, two doctors, two clergymen, several profes­ obtained to apply aorin. suit slimu _ figure u i^almost wiuywi UDnew; vT f vttllcan l/vbe BCCliseen Ujrby sional men and master tradesmen all over military tiie firm of Messrs. Dale & Kerley, drapers, milliners, woman essential; roar enuaren ; n-5 y e a r s ; two at window at the Park {Gates Hotel, the reflection being H. Goldsmith, in the employe: of an appointment- -Apply, H. H., “ Chronicle” Office, East- Boarding. School; clean night nursery and wait on self; age, and many weekly wage earners giving up no D. iniSeaside^l Ac.l erf' TeriUtniis and Seaside-roads. The late Mr! bouB rn e. visible from the sea. road.—Refused; applicant not to be good reference.—Apply, 660, “ Chronicle ” Office, East­ inflicted. small portion of their spare time. up until 14tk pDale, who was 06 yeai% of age,' was bom at Capel, b o u rn e. . ’.f- A fine of------£1.10s.V k i February. '. 1 Surre^,' and at the age of 14 he came to Eastbourne YOLKS. MOTOR 0Y0LK8 and CYCLE OARS.— We have the Pick of the M arket Trlumph.B.8.A., ISMISSED. 3 sibling oftheH 'tfrjavMrj. Holmes; who'took over the business at G ANTED, a good USEFUL MAN (married) 'o do rkbrook and Bali h. BARG AIN8IS tn 8EOOND-______W general work on an estate and also toj' yeret ,’ The Beadi Co. were summoned for failing TbefOuad'anif l and 1 6 ,,Seaside-road. Gn the death of Mr. ND______MOTOR OYO 18.—R u g g , L ew es. 'P h o n e 147. 63 the business was taken over by Messrs. Dale rabbits; a good cottage and garden on tho estate; "also to poet up a list of male employes of military age. OF REV. DR. F. B. MEYER. UC^ KLING8, Aylesbury and------pfkin » stock birds, 3s. a u s e fu l M a N for general work.—Apply, Bailiff, Goldens- ^ " ’ey. and, under their supervision the under- c o tta g e s. R a tio n . Inspector Diplbck stated that on November 9th he ~?J’y developed, the premises having under- D__ to 6s.; table ducklings. Is. 3d. lb.—Sallysmead nailed at the Reach Laundry and found that one man P o ultry Farm, The Common, Liugficld, Surrey. ANTED, a LINESMAN - FITTER for Electric nf-military'age was ! being employed. Witness asked On Wednesday next Dr. F. er hopes to .visit,] 6d )meet the requdaniente of Lightbt_ Station, Cooden Camp, Be-1-’”BexhilL ”Must ‘ v i m m w : , „ —io of trade. Mr. Dale was [OR. 8ALE, really good GENT’S CYCLE. 12 months W to ae&the list, b u t Was told it must have "Wowti down, Eastbourne. He^rill oooduct at the Pevenae wear; perfect condition. All accessories, including understand wiring*-J and ^ fitting *lamps, ips, and give general He called again on November 14th and found that Mad Congregational Church let the auspioee of u . keenly-interested in the work of the Presbyterian. £.ectrio rear-light and strong front gas lam p; £4.—Apply, . .nee in Engine Room.'MS.—Ai piy, ‘ RolandBurke, ‘ D.O., Another man of military age was being employed. Sunday School Union. Follov g service at 4 o’clock, Church, ,of .which he was for many years an elder. Avery, East Chlitington, near Lewes. R. , Royal Engineers’ Office, mpton Place-road, East- tea and oonferanoe will take plaoe at 6.30, the subject To ^hjc E ditor. The Himpden Park' Mission claimed bis special atten- bourne. The Secretary of (the Company, Mr. Perkins, said S ir : Theinhabil tk>w knd ne devoted much timo there, whilst he was the list had been posted up,j, but on the day when the School Teacher’s Ideal.” At 7 a H rrANTED, a : ______a respectable______BOY____ to assist O rator and held,At which Dr. Meyer vyill Eastbourne have ab»-isuperintendent of the Sunday School. Mr. trade make himself useful; kqnd gi ‘ opportunityj to learnlea officer called it . was j not there, as it had fallen down. . _ ,. ^ „ atherings are in connection with day, 27th Ni for ■Dale was married in 1885 to Miss Bradby, of Brigh­ SK anteb. -Apply, Eastern Cinema, Eastbonme. the Presidential Campaign o f the National Sunday holiday is beta ton, 'wh«i mlrvivee: H e alSo lCaves a daughter and ANTED, COMPANION for child of five; hours Bank Holiday; s P L A IN COOK School Union, which waausaugnratedatthe commenoe- ■two sons; both of whom are in the Army, one being T k H o u se k e e p e r ; n in e „ 10-12.30, 2-7.-W rite , Mrs. Everall, 20. Hyde- OBSCENE LANGUAGE. . -year by Mr. Joseph Ward, of Sheffield, the Government, ''iftilndia; disengaged now.—Apply, lens, Eastbourne. fc*M9i& In order to secure Dr. Meyers the August Bank *• The funeral takes place tb-day, the first portion of Eastbourne. ANTED, a HOUSEMAID or GENERAL; corn- Thomas Bowen, ’ofof Towel-street, was summonedsumm | by thetradert " for using obeoene language on November 12th. • date for the meetings had to be booked 4?eaj -'fee'sService being at St. Andrew’s Preebyterian fortablo home^ fjoM outings; wages 10s.. Insur­ many months ago. Much good work has been aooom- this year. Yours faitniuliy, anceW paid.—Apply, ~ ~ eate said the defi it ran ah a man outride ’ Church, Blackwater-road, at 1.45 p.m. stb o u rn e. m recent years through the adoption of the ^ to . O’BRIEN HARDING, , — .Parlourmaid, ANTED, MAN or SMART LAD for boots, knives, lotel and used t offensive language com- lystem of teaching and by improved method in The Town Hall, Eastbourne, || Mayer. two friends, Cook-General and Houseparlonrmaid; two W ___ Jurnaoe; early morning. — X. B., “ Chronicle* . y Sohool work. Now the time has arrived when 13th Novi sisters. Cook-General and Houseparlourmaid ; several O ffice, Eastbourne. . . . ^ waa ...... t 2s. 6d. | workers need to oonoentrate upon the supremely RABINDRANATH TAGORE. good reliable daily maids. W anted: Cook-General, £20- important object of winning the youth of our nation for l i £30; Houseparlonrmaid, £18-£28; Parlourmaid, £26-£30f ANTED, STEW ARD for ConservativeClub, New- EMBEZZLEMENT BY A LAUNDRY CARMAN. Generals, £16-£26. soon as possible. W anted im m ediately W _ haven; above military age iligible;or fneligi! wages ’ Willi am Cyril Rqbqrteon (26), of' Eastbourne, was the service of the bhnrohes. To this end the campaign On Wednesday, at the meeting of the Orpheus good Nurse for France, young baby six weeks. per week; live out; guarantee requluired.—A p p ly ., iwe are bathing in its silent music, though' we may w a g e s a n d e x . ,to the Secretary,( rpcaived a letter in the defendant’s handwriting, ami ie, Steyeley tib o u r n e . containing five £1 notes. The. accused stated that 1 .live and move and do our work in the world remain­ he thought he'took altogether £7. fis. Witness said 'oote. iyhis ing a stranger to H all the while. It ; is behind all V V ANTED; .middle-aged MAN to work on small R i s e . — M in x to n a n d Bibfc th e . thousand sounds ,Ser’ JPan,*e’ M»«»ael' Angelo, Shakespeare, had no wish ;to press the charge unduly. The our hats in theatres!” Arthur Pearson’s great effort to alle' the sufferings Shelley, Wordsworth, Keats, Tagore, all the great Betweenmaid or Help with ^HNG~BADY REQinRED. as APPRENTICE to of our Blinded Heroes at St. D u n sta n ’i U Children; age 18; private’ family: Church; 14 the DRAPERY; wageegiven.—Apply, P. Haines, ith a . very good character and , ,'le who can’t see over The quartet *9 “ ° . “ "eed. sect ] ^5'ntbsYre------^ 'Uta r^ resse .-; x -te rrac e . Newhaven. of artists will be weU-known favourites. or nation, th^y belong to humanity; they never^1 —“ ~ £ .per. High-street, Lewes. >•.. . l t gp to the theatre.” “ That’s what ORKING . iund over in a rain of £25 to be of l,’’ said Mrs. Croons, “ and he said, dogmatise, that is why we love them. At tiie close practical in ^ - »> d i s e n g a g v . 12 months. ' 1 of the add the leqturer charmed his audience by W . ------ches, light and heavy soils, F arnodmbe St Oo., L im ite d , I’tgo,’ and wedtm’t l ”! A L o n g T r a m p .—A j six foot Ugh. of (he child stories of India. bridge, h S!"* “ d r0Palr8-“ WOOdaIde' Vale- I S u t h S t ^ ^ f c ^ 8^ 71“t:thelr'0flloe8’ 1 trtixUia i aS wV I- - . l*4W*p*' ai u; Sio * i-. . :’lt- J • / '

ifltoteifcriii rMSfPifriMidai