William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History Weinberg Center for Holocaust Education



BOX 1, FILE 23




The William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum ● 1440 Spring Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30309 ● (678) 222-3700 ● thebreman.org CubaFamily Archives

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. THE KIWANIS CLUB OF ATLANTA " IVe Bttild''



Administrative Theme


OFFICE: 707 FORSYTH BUILDING CubaFamilyMin Lesline Rainey, Office ManagerArchives Telephone: JA. 1-1443 Atlonto 3, Georgia

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. The official roster of the Kiwanis Club of Atlanta, is Ior the member·s personal use onlr. It is under!>Lood that the roster will not be l o~wed by a member or made a\'ailable to an individual, company, or organization.

I n case this roster is lost, the under· signed Kiwanian will greatly appreciate its rclum lo him at the address given below.






Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. CONTENTS








CHAft'l'ER MEMBER:; 91





CubaFamily Archives

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. CLUB OFFICERS - 1 961

W. KELLY MOSLEY President Hurt Building 529-7776 P . 0. Box 2211, Zone 1

l\IARCUS BARTLETT Immediate Past President 16<11 West PencMree St.. N. E. Tr. 5-7221 Zone 9

JAMES R. COOK President-Elect 414 Ponce de L~'On Avenue, N. E., Tr. 6-3673 Zone 8

LOUIE G. BAUMHAUER Vice President 544 Collier Road. N. w. Tr. 2-8448 Zone 18

S. RUSSELL BRIDGES, JR. Treasurer 1197 Peachtree St., N. E. Tr. 5-0621 CubaFamilyP. 0 . Box 7325, Sta Archives. C

C. D. L eBEY, JR. __secretary 423 Trust co. or Ga. Bldg. Ja. 1- 0680 Zone 3

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 5 THE KIWANIS CLUB OF ATLANTA INCORPORATED 1961

Organized February 18, 1918 OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1961 W. Kelly Mosley Preslden\ Marcus Bartlett lmmedlale Past President James R. Cook- President-Elect Louie G. Baumhauer VIce President S. Russell Bridges, Jr. Treasurer C. D . L eBey, Jr. Secretar y DIRECTORS 1961-1962 Eugene C. Barrett Jn. 2-6668 W . Lee Burge_ Tr. 5-8321 John R. Carmichael 521-3400 Robert M. McFarland, Jr. J a. 5-8323 William M. Suttles J a. 3-7681 DffiECTOR$ 1961 John A. Dodd Jn. 3-7331 S:un E. Houston. J r. Tr. 2·136-1 Wayne K. Rivers J u. 4-5435 rreslon C. Upshaw Tr. 5-8321 Chnrles •r. Winship Mu. 8·3400 P AST P RESIDENTS •(;EORGE HUNT 1918 t HENRY C. HEJNZ _ 1919 tGEORCE F. EUOAN I\S IYZO •WAL'fER C. DA RN WELL . 1921 t J. SmmnARD KENNEDY 1922-23 t ARTHUH I.. llltOOKE 1923-24 ROBT. H. JONES. JR. - __1925 •WILLIAM A. SHELTON -.l926 JOHN L. WESTMORELi\ND . 1927 •FREU H. SNED J9~o t J. WALTER COOPER 1929 ,JQS. S. SHAW .. 1930 •cOnDON G. SINGLETON 1931 •WlLLlAl\1 J. HAMMOND 1932 SINCLAIR S. JACOBS 1!133 • MERCER LEE 1934 t JAS. f '. de JARNETTE 1935 JESSE DUAPBR 1936 •DU. W. H. KNIGHT 1937 R013T.A.CLARK 1938 •Gk~ORGE A. cn:sf; 1939 tk'AllER A. l.IOLLINCEJ~ 1940 tJ. C. WARDLAW --1941 A. LINTON ZACURY 1942 MORRIS M. EWING --1943 t LEO S. GILBERT --1944 C. EVERETT J.ULLICAN 1945 CARLYLE FRASER 1946 tVlRCIL P. WARREN !947 WILLIAM W. BROOKS 1948 CubaFamilyFRED L. CANNON Archives1949 FOREST L. FOWLER - 1950 f'RED J. TURNER 1951 tOR. GEORGE M. SP ARKS 1952 G. MAYNARD SMJT I! 1953 HAROLD G. CAHITfiERS 1954 CHARLES M. BROWN 1955 J. LON DUCKWORTH __ ---­ ... 1956 LU'l'IJER S. TATUM 1957 CARL T. SUTHERLAND 1958 EDWARD C. HA111MOND 1959 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers,MARCOS The Cuba BARTLETT Family Archives for Southern Jewish1960 History at The Breman Museum. l •Rcahrned. t Deceaaed. 1961 ROSTER KIWANIS CLUB OF ATLANTA

ADAIR, JACK- "Jaek" 1956 ll~tJI f:•ta/1"-Salcs President Adair Realty and Loan Co. 66 Pea~htree St., N.W., P. O. Box 2C60. Zone 1 Ja. 1-0100 Res. 290 Argonne Drive, N. W., Zone 5 Ce. 7-0651 Atlnntn, Gn. Jan. 20

ADAMSON. ROJU:RT F.- "Bob" 1952 F inance Unnkina.:- Croup Exec. Vicc-l'reli. Cit. & Sou. Nat!. Bank Marietta at Broad, Zone 3 Ja. 5-3811 ltc•. 27~G A•·den Hond, N. W., Zone 5 Cc. 3-90&7 Clll'l'ollton, Ga. Oct. 31

ALMAND, J UDGE BOND-" Bond" 1957 Govemment- State-Supreme Court Ju•Ucc Su1>remo CourL of Georgia 519 Judicial Building, Zone 3 Mu. 8-1195 Res. 20 Putnam Dr.. N.W., Zone 5 Ce. 3-6624 Lithonia, Ga. J an, 13

ARCHER, WILLIAM G .-"Skeet" 1960 Jlfaclllnery and Equipment- Industrial Supplies VIce President In Charge o! Sales. Fulton Supply co. 342 NelSon Street, S.W ., Mu. 8-3400 P. 0 . Box 4028, Zone 2 Rea. 1471 Pollard Dr.. S.W., Zone 11 Pl. 8-1130 CubaFamilyAtlanta, Ga. ArchivesJuly 7 ~RM S'l' RONC. DONALD U .-"Don" 1954 MaclliiiCTJ/ & Ertllitlm~ n t- Valves. Fittings and P lu mbing Fixturc•-Mfr. District l\fnnoger Cmne Company 1372 Peachtree St., N.E., Room 110, Zone 9 Tr. 2-4711 ReB. 3072 IJnle D•·i ve, N .E., Zone 5 Co. 7-3889 Biloxi, Miss. June 4 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. ARNOLD, A. E.- "Gcr~c" 1954 l'ulltic Utilitv-Tclegraph District MRilf\ltCr Western Union Telc~:raph Co. 48 Marle~tn St., N.W., Zone 3 Ja. 1-2100 ReJi. 1728 Dyson Dr., N. E .. Zone 7, Dr. 8-2279 Athenw, Ga. June 28

ATWATER, DR. JOHN S.- "John" 1951 .1/r

AVEY, ROY M. "Roy" 19U 1'1lwtrc• - Uuying and Booking Vloc-Prcsi

BA Ill,, GORDON llENRY-"Gordon" 1960 1'.'/e.tricot /::(lotimncllt- Eieetrieal Equipment & Appliances Wholesale Vice Pre~~. nnd Gen. Mgr. Allnnta Branch RCA Victor Distributing CorJ>. 1000 l\1srleltn Uoulcvar

BAILEY, KING-" KI11g" 1924 COIISintctJOfl Service-contractor & Builder Owner 218 Healey Building, Zone 3 Ja. 2-7876 Res. 1450 N. Decatur Rd .. Zone 6 Dr. 3-2186 Lo ~a n svllle, Ga. Aug. 13 CubaFamilyMember ot the Legion Archives or Honor-35 years BAILEY, DR. 111. K.- "M. K." 1!131 Mttliciur Urologist- Pri11ilcqed ll06 Medical Arts Bldg., Zone 8 Ja. 3-5206 Res. 57~ Jtidgecrest Jed., N. E., Zone 7 nr. S-2322 l,;uhnt'lcP. Gn. Sept. 4 Member or the Legion of Honor- 30 years Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 8 BARGE. OTIS A.-"Otia" 1949 Construction. Servte<>-Ceneral Contractor Prtvilettged Associate Barge and Company 290 Fourteenth St., N.W., Zone 13 872-5895 l!es. 2730 llnbcrsham Road, N. W., Zone 5 Ce. 3-992•1 Atlnntn, Ga. Sept. 7

BARGE, OTIS ALVIN, JR.- "Aivin" 1955 Co11•trwclion Scrdec-Contractor and Builder Pnrtner Barge and Company 290 Fourteenth St., N.W., Zone 13 872-5895 R~s. 2:iSO Woodwnrd Way, N. W., Zone 5 Ce. 3·b162 Atlanta, On. June 30

BARKSDALE, HENRY F.-"!ie11111" 1958 Electrical Equipment-Electrical Contractor Co-owner nnd P artner Wllltchend Electric Company 210 14th St., N.W. , Zone 13 Tr. 6-3755 Res. 923 Bnl"Lon Woods Rd., N.E., Zone 7 D1·. 7-4849 Columbus, Miss. Sept. 14

llAltNgS, LEWIS L .. JR.-"Lewia'' 1951 1/cati"O· lle/rioeration. Air Conditioning-Air Conditioning President Carrier Atlanta Corp. •119 Peachtree St.. N. E .. ZoneS, Tr. 6-3i01 Res. 3 65 Wicuca Tert·aee, N. E .• Zone 5 t'<>. :1-l:iM I Atlanta, Ga. S ept. 19

HAilNf:S. SAMUEL !.-"Sam" 1954 TraniJ)Ortatfon-Rallroad Passenger Traffic -On Line Uivi~i(')n Pas~enger A~ent ~nuthern Jht.ilwa)· S)·Stt:'nl Terminal Statton Bldg., Zone 3 Ja. 2-6414 R~. 46. 8 North~ ide Dr., N. W .. Zone 5 Ill. !i-3i9i CubaFamilyOrnnge, Vn. ArchivesFeb. 15 llAHin:-r•r, EUGEN),; C. "Ge>~e" 1944 Marlti llrYI/ & EquiJ>m<:?lt-Vnlvcs-M!r. Southern M 1:tr. Jenkins Bros. 1608 l'ulton Nat'l llank Uldg.. Zone 3 .ln. 2-GGGS He• 2r.9r. N. Dru:d Hills Rd ., Zone 6 .Me. 4-6484 Atlnnllt, Cn. Aug. 29 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 9 BARTLETT, MARCUS-"Mark" 1940 1Jror.dcasti11D- Telcvision Ccnel'lll Mnnnger WSB-TV 1601 Wes t Peachtree St., N.E., Zone 9 Tr. 5-7221 Res. 1039 Svringdnlc Road, N. E., Zone 6 Dr. 8·6736 Ricblnnd. Ca. Aug. 19

BATES. LOUIS T .-"Lou" 1960 l1l$urance- LLCe-Home Office Executive President United American Life Insurance Co. 494 Spring St.. N.W., Zone 8 Ja. 3-7231 Res. 1732 West Wesley Rd.. N.W .. Zone 5 Cc. 7-0081 Cherry, Tenn. Jan. 11

D/\'1' 110, ORUCI~ W .-"Brt~w" 1954 f11surattcc--Aclunry Vico l'rcs. tuld Conwtn•llc•· J ~i rc l mwrnnNt Compnny of Georgia 573 W . P'trec St.. N.E., P . 0 . Box 6207, H Tr. 5-7521 Res. Gl Woodcrcst Avcrn•e, N. E., Zone 9 'l'r. 6-8389 Winnipeg, Cunndt• May 27

BATTY, EDWARD LIONEL-"Ltonel" 1957 Automotive /1Htustry- Park1ng Garage President Roy Livingston Co. 98 Cone Street. N.W., Zone 3 Ja. 2-5645 Res. 4490 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd., N. E. Zone 5 Ce. 3-1591 Nnshvllle, Tenn. Nov. 16

Oi\l"r.IIII\Uf:R. LOUIE G.-"Lowie" 1945 Retired Res. 544 Collier l!d .• N.W., Zone IS Tr. 2·S44ll CubaFamilyMobile, Aln. ArchivesDee. 19 DELL, WIJ,I.IAM B. "/lill" 1946 Paints, Oil• ,l\ Decoration•- Painta- Mlr.-- Prlvllegec£ Reglonul Director Sherwin· Williams Co. 320 Peachtree St., N.E., Zone 8 Ja. 3-6676 Res. 3731 Haddon Hall Road, N.W. Cc. 3-6987 June 12 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 10 BENTON, MITCHELL 111.-"Mike" 1931 f:lcvator-lllnnufneturer-Prieilcged Prn. Genernl Elevator Co .. Inc. 400 Trabert Ave., N.W., Zone 9 Tr. 2-8821 Res. 6585 Roswell Road. N . W. Bl. 5-1484 Ocala, Fla. Nov. 16 Member of the L<.tion of llonor-25 years

BERNSTECKER, EMIL-"Emil" ( Re-elected) 1959 Privileged- Retired Res. 1171 Ooodwm Rd., N. E .. Zone 5 Cc. 3-7484 New York City May 28 Member or the Legion or Honor-30 years

BIRD. F. M . -"Buster" 1954 Law-cotmsolor at Law Partner Jones, Bird, Williams & Howell 401 Haas-Howell Bldg.. Zone 3 Ja. 2-2508 Res. 89 Brighton Rd .. N. E., Zone 9 Tr. 2-9951 Corner, On. Sept. 4

OLACKSHEAR, HlNTON- "Hintcm•· 1936 Privileged-Retired R~s. 1237 Penchtree Battle Ave.. N. W., zone s Ce. 3-7391 Am;ustn, On. Nov .8 Member or the Legion of Honor-25 years

Ul,ICK. JOII!'. S .. JR. "Duke'' 1938 Co,••frtlclion Srrt•itt"-Contraetor- Pnlntinlt & Wall Coverin~:-Pri11ileged Owner JohnS. Blick & Son t2:i Ivy Street. N. E .. 7.one 3 J n. 1·1362 Res. SlAton Manor, Pharr Rd. 237-6642 CubaFamilyWaahin~:ton, D. C. ArchivesAug. 16 DOWERS, JOliN 0.-"JoJ.,.ni~" 1941 7"ra.Jtii1>0rlafion Fr()ight Forwarding ~1unnv.er Universnl C11rloadin~:r & Distributing ("omptul)' 1'. 0. B<•~ I UiG. :'.on~ I a7l\ Jtlhn ::it .. N. W. .ln. 4-3846-7 Res. 405 Olenn Circle, Decatur Dr. 3-8958 Chum1•nicn, Ill. July 10 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 11 OOYTF.It, HASKELL-"1/aekell" 1962 f:lluc

BREWSTER. WlLLIAM R .. JR.-"Bfll" 1958 Educatfon-MIUtary Academy President Georgia Military Academy P. 0. Box 119, College Park, Oa., Po. 1-8881 Res 230 East Rugby Ave., College Park, Ga. Po. 1-2176 Fort McPherson, Ga. Nov. 6

lJRIDCI·:s, S. RUSSt;LL, JR. "/?u••" 1941 ltt•t"""'e Lire llome Office Executive President Piedmont Southern Life Insurance Co .. 1'. 0. Uox 7825. Station C 1107 P'trcc St., N.E.. Zone 9 Tr. 5-0621 lks. 2805 At·den Road, N. W., Zone G t;c. 3-075ll Atluntu, Cn. Aug. 10

BROOKS, DAVID W.-·•o. W." 1949 Assoclntton-Cotton & Merchandising Coopcrnttve-Prlvtleged Ocn. Mgr.-Scc.• The Cotton Producers Assn. 3348 Peachtree Rd., N.W., Zone 5 Ce. 7-2251 P. 0. Box 2210. Zone 1 Res. 2374 Dellwood Drive, N. W., Zone S Cc. 3-3662 Roy6lOU, Oa. Sept. 11

BROOKS. WILLIAM W .-"Bill" 1940 Iron ana Steel /nctustr.v-Steel-Mfr. Prlt!tlcgecL Olst. Sales Mgr. Wheeling Steel Corp. 527 Healey Building. Zone 3 Ja. 3-2727 P. 0. Box 1144, Zone 1 Res. 81 Peachtree Pl., N . E., Zone 9, Tr. 5-2423 CubaFamilyChnttanooga, Tenn. ArchivesSept. 14 UROWN, CIIARLES M.-"Charlie" 1939 tiiOJ'' /Jrooma-Coltlm Yarns- Manufacturer l'rt.' JJ, und "l'r<'luf.. Ficketl-Urown MCg. Co. 1010 Snmpter Way, P . 0. Box 30, Zone 1 761-8821 H~~- 1070 Cnscade Rd., S. W., Zone 11 Pl. 3-~6SO Ui••miu,:rham, Alu. Nov. 20 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. IJROWN. Ji\Mf.S H,-''Jim" 1948 Jlot.-ls tlraort-Rcatourants-- llotcl & Restaurant Supplies l'resiringlnke Or., N. W., Zone 5 Tr. ~-1669 C,>dnrtown, Ga. J an. 2i

RROWN, JOliN II ERNDON-''1/cmdon'' !956 Clotlting / nd.utry-Relail Vice President nnd Mer<:handise llgr. Zach ry, Inc. J a. 3-i661 117 Peachtree St., N. E. Zone 3 Res. 120 Peachtree M ~morial Drive. N. W. i'-one 9, Ce. 7-4797 llarLwell. Ga. July 21

llROWN, JOSEPII E.- "Joc" 1958 l•'i,.allr

1956 /•'imnte·t-BnnkinJ:- t-loJdinsc Compc.ny V ke l'reaidenl 'fruot Co. of Ga. Associates 230 Tru•l Co. of Gn. Bldg ., Zone 3, Ja. 2-6000 Res. S3 13ri ~,: hlon Rd., N.E. • Zone 9, Tr. 5-2622 Du!JI in, Gu. Oct. 23

BRYAN. WILLIAM B .-"Bill" 1957 Public UtilftJI-Telephone AsSistant VIce Pres. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Co. 305 - 805 Peach tree Bldg. 877-3549 Rl's. 422 Valley Oreen Dr., N. E .• Zone 5 131. 5-6440 CubaFamilyCair o. Ga. ArchivesAug. 31 DRY ANT, ALTON F.-''AI" 1959 G eneral McrcllandfSe-Retall- Varlety SLores Oenernl Store Manager w. T . Ornnt Co. 82 Whitehall St., S.W., Zone 3. Ja. 2-3954 Res. 3735 Nnrmore Or.. N. E., Zone 19 ce. 7-4429 Win tervlllc, Gn. Aug. 3 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 13 UUGC. WII,LIAM A.- "Brll" 1939 11lfllOrtatto,. Ind uatris l-/ ~rivilrged ~oulh~Ml~rn Re~tlonal Development Mgr. Nutionnl Assoeintion of l\lanu!acturers 878 York Ave .. S.W., Zone 10 758-6726 Res. 2750 Dover Rd., N.W., Zone 5 233-6808 C::olumhu .. Gu. June II

BURGE. W. LEE-" Lee" {Re -elected) 1959 I nsurance- lnspecUon Reports VIce Pres ident Retall Credit Company, I'. 0 . !lux 10'1. Zone 2 1600 Peachtree St., N. w., Tr. 5-8321 Res. 2625 Brookdale Or., N. w., Zone 5 Ce. 7-2682 Atlanta, Ga. June 27

BUTTERWORTH, LINWOOD-" Lin" 1942 I nsurance LlCe-Privflegect Gen. Agt. New Mut. Lire Ins. Co. 721 C. & S. Uank IJidg., Zone 1, l\lu. 8-3900 Res. 27 Cl'lntbnm Rd .. N. w., Zone 5 Cc. 3-6234 Dewitt, Va . May 24

('A IN, JAMES A.- "J i"'" l i49 i>'Oil n11d Sletl IH

CALDWELL. B . EUGENE-" Gene·• 1960 Ffnattce-l nvestment Counselor Partner Montau: & Caldwell 1110 Fln

CANDLER. C. HOWARD, m -"Buddy" 1960 Real Estate-Building Management As.

CANNON. FRED L.-"Fred." 1934 Beverctges-Carbonated-Privileged Pres. & Treasurer The Red Rock Corp. 115 Jncks:m St., N .E. Ja. 5-6236 P. 0. Box 5387, Stn. E Res. 1955 Cnnnon Farm Hill Rd., N.E., zone 6 ME. 4-4876 Lincolnton, N.c. May 22 Mcmbc t· o! the Legion or Honor-25 years

CARITHERS, HAROLD 0.-"Hal" 1930 UJ/ico tl!)J>Iiancea. f:qulp. & Statio"el'll- {llfico Ewmnn, Ga. Feb. 28 Member of the Legion or Honor-30 years

CARl!ICIIAEI,, JAMES V.- •·J imm.ie'' 1947 .Ueelianical IVritiuq lnatrvmene­ MCr.-Privileqed Pr('Sidcnt Scripto, Inc. Ja. 3- all 160 Boulevard, N. E .• P. 0. Box 4!>-17, Zone 2 Res. 1031 Cherokee St., Marietta, Ga. 42 8-2050 CubaFamilyCobb County, Ca. ArchivesOct. 2 CAR?.UCHAEL, JOHN R.-''Rea" 1946 Pttol1c UtWty-Eiectrlc Power MRnnger or Purchases & Supplies On. Power Co., P. 0. Box 4444, Zone 2 270 Peachtree St., N. w. 521 -3400 Res. 62 Peachtree Hills Ave., N. E .. Zone 5 Cc. 3-7450 Jackson, Ga. March 29 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. lS CARNEY, ROBERT D.-"Bob" 1952 Advertising-Newspaper Representative Southern Manager Story, Brooks, & Flnley 933 Henley Building, Zone 3, J a. 5-8388 RCJJ. 383 Springdale Drive, N. E., ZoneS Ce. 7-6032 New York City Nov. 15

CARSON, SAM M. ··Se~m'' 1928 lllftlra"-Privileged Associate Oen. Agent Aetna Life Ins. Co. 1717 Fulton Nlll'l Bank Bldg., Zone 3 Ja. •-1735 Res. 112 Inman Circle, N. E., Zone 9 Tr. 6-0676 Ro~:ersvill~. Tenn. Oct. 2t Mtmber or the Legion or Honor- 30 years

CARTER. CARNET"l' A.-"GarneU" 1942 Pi>~

CASTLEBEltltY, AltTllUR C.-"A. C." 1956 Printing and l'ublialoillg-Printing- Commcrclnl VIce Pres. Tucker-Castleberry Printing, Inc. 22G Luckie St., N. \V., Zone 3 Ja. 5-8654 R~s. 422 Hillside Drive, S. W., Zone 10 Pl. 6-4268 Atlnntn, Ca. Jan. 16

CATES. WAI:l'ER T.- "ll'c>lter" 1952 A,.odation- Chamber or Commerce-Stat.«>- /'rit•ilco

CHASE, WILLIAM J . J. -"Rill" 1i38 Co>UtrNctio" s~r~ice-A rehi lect 502 Candler Building, Zone 3 Ja. 3-2868 Res. 3566 Piedmont Road, N. E .. Zone 5 C<>. 3-2401 Unllimorc, Md. Nov. 4

CIIKl•;L,Y, !, AMAR J.- "l..a1nar" 1960 Coto81r~

CHRISTIAN, PHILIP D., JR.-"P. D." 1943 Construction Scrt>fce-General Contrnctor- Prlt>llcgect President P. D. Christian Co. 3130 Maple Drive, N.E.. Zone 5 Ce. 7-6459 Res. 1060 Spalding Dr., P. 0. Box 437, Sandy Springs, Ga. . 01. 7-9085 Baltimore, Md. Oct. 24

CLARK. OR. JAMES J.- "J im" 1920 Mrdiriroc Roenll:enoloaist-Pr iviuged liS Peachtree. N. E.. Zone 8 Ja. 3-ll~3b Res. 1081 Springdale Rd., N. E., Zone 6 Dr. 3-3129 1\ew York City Jan. 28 CubaFamilyMember of the L egArchivesion oi Honor-35 years

CLARK, PAUL A.-"Paod" 1988 Con"truction Service-Building Specialties Clmio·man o£ tho Board Industrial Equip. Co. 78 llnker Slrcct. N. W .. Zone 8 Ja. 2-2615 Res. 569 Collier Rd., N. W .• Zone 18 'l'l', 5-6040 Wno·r<-n. Ohio March Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 17 CLA RK, llOB~:UT A.- "Oob" 1931 Prlvlleqea RCI(Ionol VIce-President General Electr ic Supply Co.-Retired Hctired Res. 1761 E. Clifton Rd .. N.E., Zone 7 Dr. 3-0870 Hins:ucold, Cn. Sept. 18 Member of the Legion or Honor-25 years

CLEMJ::NT!':, C. ~IVItiCK -"Mvrick" 1943 Privileged-Retired ltet~. 91G W. Ponce de Leon An•nue, Decatur. Ur. 3·1'22 Eutmnn, Ca A u ~r. 12

COLE, RAYMOND T .- "Ray" 1943 Co>tatrurtion Servic-Building Specialties - Prlvllcgl'cl Owner Lnwco Building Ma terials Compan y 14o Linden Ave.. N. K. Zone 8. Tr. 4-1686 l:e$. !14 Hl"il!"hton l(oJ., N. W., Zone 9. 'I' a·. 2·08!7 Newnnn, Gn. Aprll 8

COLLINS, JOHN W ., JR.-"J ack" 1948 Broadcastfng-Rad lo-Privtlegea General Mnnagcr WGST 165 Eighth St., N. W., Zon e 13, Tr. 5-8441 Res. 954 Wlnnll Down Rd., N . W., Zoue 19 ce. 3-2975 Chntt.anooga, Tenn. March 1

COOK. JAl\IM\ R. "Jim" 1947 ln•urancc- Company Manager-Life ll•at. Mann~er Lif<> 1nsuranc<: Co. oC Va. 414 Pon ce de Leon Ave., N.E.. Zone 8 Tr. 6-3673 llN!. 31 llcrk.-Jey Ruatl. Avondale Estattos, Ca. Dr. i-78011 CubaFamilySocial Circle, Cn. ArchivesJ uly 23 CUI.PEPP~n. CAIJGllEY B.- "Caugltev" 1964 'fratli/IOrtatitm - Frei~thl T rnflie Counsellor Secretary nnd Gcucrul Manager Atllautn Freight Bureau Wulco B ldg., 26 Auburn Ave., N.E., Zone 3 J u. 2-9668 H•·•· li17 North Hock Springs Rd., N. E. Zone 9. 1'r. 6·1618 lll"Utt8\Vick. Ou. November 9 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 18 CURTIS. HENRY--"Henry" 1957 Env.elopes-Manu!acturer President Curtis 1000, Inc. 650 Ethel St.• N. W. Tr. 4-7541 P. 0. Box 2495. Stn. ]). Res. I 185 West Conway Dr., N. W., Zone 5 Cc. 3·5610 St. Pnul, Minn. June 16

DAUGHTRY, WrLLIAM LeROY-"Ro11" 1950 Privileged Trust Officer Trust Co. of Ga.-Retlred Rc-e. 940 Clifton Road. N. E .• Zone 7 Dr. 3-3858 Flovilla, Ga. Aug. 2

DAVIS. AR'fllUR T.-'"Ted" 1965 1/otel•- lle•ort•-lle•taurants-Restaurunls Owner Oo\Vi& Fine Food Cafeteria 30 Mnrlctta Street, N.W.• Zone 3 J a. 5-3386 Hcs. 1061 W. Pnccs J,"en·y Road, N.W .• Zone 5 Co. 3-4973 llcn:ry County, Ca. Oct. ll

DAVIS, DR. SHELLEY 0.-"Shelley" 1944 Meet !cine- General Surgery-Privileged 900 Doctors Building 478 Pcaclltree St., N. E., Zone 8. Ja. 3-4278 Res. 1259 Peachtree Battle Ave .• N. W. Zone s. Cc. 3-4286 AL!anta, Ga. May 15

DEMENT. OR. ROBERT L.- "Bob" 1930 De>~ti•trv Periodontist 923 J)oetors' Bldg., Zone 8, J a. 2-iii6 He,.. 929 Adair Ave .• N.E. Zone 6 Tr. 4-3528 Meridian, Miss. Nov. 24 CubaFamilyMember or the Legion Archives of Honor-30 years DEW, OR. J. HARRI$-"Harrlt" 1934 J11edfclne-Surgeon-Privileged Sultc #4. Howell Rouse 710 Peachtree St.• N.E., zone 8 Tr. 4-5728 Res. 214 Peachtree Battle Ave., N. w. Zone 5, Cc. 3-3377 Calboun. On. Sept. 19 Member or the Legion or Honor-25 years Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 19 OEWEio:S. IIOWA HD K.-"Petc'' 1945 f:lrcto i~al l':mc>tt- Electrieal l\1 ebdse.- /'ril'il~ocd Owner II. K. OcwL'C8 Company 500 Amsterdam Ave., N.E. 875-2753 P . 0 . Box 8276, Sta. f', Zone 6 ltes. 430 Wcsl Pnrkwood Road, Decatur, Ga. Dt·. 3-12:;3 Clc,clund, Ohio Oet. 25

DICKINSON, fNGRAM-"Dick" 1943 Macltlnerv & Eqzllpment-Leather Belt- Ing Mlr.-Privlleged President Sou. Belting &: Transmission Co. 236 Forsyth St.. S. w_, Ja_ 2-7221 p _ 0 . Box 4296, Zone 2 Res. 1227 West Brookhaven Dr_, N_ E .. Zone 19. Ce. 3-2405 Brockton, Mni>S. April 12

DOBBBINS, BOWDEN-"Bowden" 1957 Building Materials- Ready-Mix Concrete nnd Concrete Block Mlr. President Soulhern Concrete Products Co. Suite 140. 3166 Maple Dr .. N. E., Zone 5 Cc. 3-6788 Res. 3155 Verdun Or., N. w _, Zone 5, Cc. 3-0287 Atlontn, On. June 2

llOD!l.• I Ol!N A_ "Jolll~>tll'' 19•2 .lla<'lr;,, ru & /~(Jtdp mcnt-Power Plant E

OONAJ.USON. DOWSE 0.-"Dow•e" Cbarter Privileged Hes. l>29 Penn Ave.. N. E .• Zone 8, Tt. 4-1244 Aulloeh County, Ga. :\fay 14 CubaFamilyMember of tbe Legion of ArchivesHonor-40 years IJONALr)SON. GO IWON W. "Gordon" Cha rter l'rttti&IIJI & /)ublishi'tty- Printing-Commercial Pt·e~. T he Donaldson-Woods Co. J a. 2-6660 222 Mitchell St., S. W. , Zone 3 Re~. 998 Albion Ave.. N. g,, Zone 7 J a. 2-6639 Florence, Ohto Jan. 30 M~rnhet· or tlw Le11ion of Hono•~40 years Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 20 UOHN, I'AUL L. "Paul" 1944 Cortjcctlonery-Cnndy-Mlr.-Privileged Presldcn~ Crown Candy Company, Inc. 320 Hunter St.. S.E., Zone 12 Mu. 8-7110 R~s. 1611h Doncaster Dr., N. E., Zone 9 Tr. 2·!):!74 WoodSI.OCk. On. July 9

DOYAL, ROY L .-·'Sitorty" 1946 /nsurancc-Casualty- Primleged Owner R. L. (Shorty) Doyal & Sons Insurance Agency 1393 Peachtree St., N.E., ZOne 9 Tr. 5-5697 Res. 1030 Peachtree Battle Ave., N. w. Zone 5, Cc. 3-3665 Nashville. Tenn. Feb. 20

DOYAL. ROY L .. JR.-"Buck" 1959 /nsttrancc-Cnsunlty President R. L. Doyal & Sons, Inc. 13!13 Peachtree St., N.E.• Zone 9, Tr. 5-569'1 Res. 976 Peachtree Battle Circle, N. W. zone s. Cc. 3-0415 Atlnntn. Gn. Aprll 8

ORA PER, J ESSB- "J rsse" t!l:ln Ural f:•tatc-R

DRENNON. RALEIGH E.- "Raleiuh" 194fl ANI, Ca. ArchivesJllarch DRUMMOND. C. E., JR.-"Edd!e" 1953 Construction Service-Engineer-Municipal Partner Wiedeman and Singleton, Elll'tlneers 760 West Pe11chtree St.• N. w.. Tr. 6-5862 P. 0 . .Box 1878, Zone 1 Res. 4700 Dudley Lnne, N. W., Zone 5 Bl. S-6362 Ccdnr Rapids. Iown March 5 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 21 OUCKWOR1'11. J. LON " l.o>•" 1942 / nallranco-Jnauranee Lawyer Vi~o l'rca. and General Counsel l .. lfc ln sur~t n ce Compuny or Georgia 678 W. l'cnchlrec St., N. E. 1'. 0. u.,,. 6207, Stnllon II Tr. 2-9923 Res. 1277 Onkdnle Rd., N. E., Zone 7 Dr. 3·6175 Blairsville, Cn. Oet. 29

OUO I.EY. C II ARI.~;s S. "CIIurle11" 19H Lou: ALtorney aL Lnw-Pnt'ileged 305 Tingle Bldg.• 1627 Peachtree St., N.E., Zone 9 Tr. 3-2~16 lh . 176 17th St.. N. £ .. Zone 9 Tr. 6-4637 Ollll\hn. Ncb July 22 M eml~<:r ot the l.el(ion of Honor- 30 years

DUNN, CLAHK "Clurl'" 1947 'l'n1 UHIHnlf,taou ll.ailroud Pa ... scnger Traffic-- On l.mu J)ivhtion PusKCr\gcr Af.Ct-nt Louisville & Nnsh ville R. R . co. 523-2777 Union Stntion, 2 Vot·syth St., N.W., Zone 3 Res. 676 tiiiiplne Dr., N.E., Zone 6 872-2777 Columbia, S . c. .Aug. 4

DURRETT, J . FRAZER-"Frazer" 1934 Fl?!atiCC Stocks & Bonds-Local ExccuUvl' VIce-Pres. J . H . HUsman & Co.. Illc. 1410 Cit. & Sou. Bank Bldg P. 0. llox 1578, Zone 1, Ja. 1-0433 Res. 38 Muscogee Ave., N. W., Zone 5 Ce. 3-1466 Eastman. Ga. Dec. 4 Member of the Legion o! Honor-25 years

DUVALL, WAI.I.ACE 0. "IV. 0." 19•1 Flrtancr Savings & Loan-Privileged Pr~id~nt Allnntn Federal Savings &. Loan Auo. Atl:onut l'e.lcrnl Sn~ings l:lldg. Ja. 3,8422 P. 0. Box 1023, 7.on" I llc•. ;;~G Wbt We.ley Hoad, N. W .. Zone 5 Cc. 3-7~~0 CubaFamilyl'cnrson. Ca. ArchivesJ llly 23 EBERSOL~:. HAROLD 1.. "1/ucl:" 1942 Gcncrnl Mrrt'ioo-ivc, N. W .. :lone 5 Dl. G-4067 St. Lou iK, ~lo. Set)t. 24 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 22 EDWARDS. KENION £.-"K enton" 1943 Mouldings and Picture Frames­ Mnnufacturer-Prfvfleged Chairman Board ot Directors, Georgia Art Supply Co.. Cor. Spring & Garnett St.. s.w .. Zone 3, J a. 3-6991, Bolton, Sy. 4-7677 Res. 127 Avery Dr., N. E., Zone 9, Tr. 6-6196 Cuthbert. Ga. Jan. 3

EDWARDS. KENtON E .. JR.-"Ken" 1959 MoNidinga and Picture Frame..-ManuJaeturer President Georgia Art Supply Company, I nc. 280 Carnett St.. S.W .. Zone 3 J a. 3-&991 ltes. 520 Spring Valley JWad, N .W., Zone I Tr. 6-541& Atlanta, Ga. Dec. 27

k:DWAROS. DR. WILLIAM T.- "Bill" 1947 Mcdlclne-OcuUst.-Prfvileged 340 Boulevard, N.E., Zone 12 Ja. 3-7694 Res. 1021 Suringdnle Rond. N. E .. Zone 6 Dr. 7-4656 Cedartown. Gn. Sept. 3

EQUEN. Dit. MUT!DO CK S. "Murdock" 19~9 Medicine- Nose and Throat Spectallst-­ l'rioileoed Owner Ponce de Leon Eye and Ear Infirmar y 144 Ponce de Leon Ave .. N. E.. Zone 8 Tr. 6-7811 Res. 2505 Habersham Rd .. N. W., Zone 5 Ce. 3-9898 New Orlenna. L.'l. April 9

EROS, DR. TIIORW ALD. JR.- "T.'' 195& Dcnti•try-Orthodontist Strickler Bldg.- !293 Peachtree St.. N. E. Zone 9 Tr. 6-2046 Rea. 223 W. Pnces Ferry Road. N. W .. Zone 5 Ce. 7-4835 CubaFamilyTnmpa, Fla. ArchivesSept... 4 EVERETT, FRANK C .. JR.- " F rank" II ort it nt tllrr- Seetls-Privileocd l're•i•lent Everett Seed Company 629 Whitehall St., S. W., Zone 3 Ja. 4-1366 ltCA. 101 Herkeley Road. Avondale Estat.ee, Ga. Bu. 9·7696 Atlanta, Ga. March 1 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 23 EWINC- MOHRlS M.-"Morria" 1937 lfrt~l H•latc-l'roperty Manngement- Prlvflegect Chnirm"n Honoxl J . H . Ewing & Sons 66 Luckie St.. N.W., Zone 3 J a. 1-1511 n e•. 6'1 Pea~htr<'

fLOYD. BOWARD L.- ··s. L." 1935 /l()tir~d ltes. 1691 ltidgew~ l>r .• N. E., ?.one 7 Dr. 3-36il Troup County. Georgia Jan. 2' Member of the Li!glon or Bonor-25 years

FOW I.EH. F OHJ,;ST 1.. "'Foreot'" 1942 Tnmrance-Acc lden t-Prlvllegect Pnrtnf!r t··o .. c&t L. l•~owte•· Ius. Agency 650 H urt UuildinSt. Zone 3. Ja. 1· 1805 Res. 6 Brookhaven Drive, Zone 19 Co. 3-9978 Liberal. Mo. Nov. 27

FOWLER, FOREST L., JR.-"Forest" 1958 Insurance-Accident Portner F'orcst L. Fowler Insuranqe Agency 650 Hurt Building, Zone 3, Ja. 1-1805 Res. 14 Lnke Forrest Lane. N. E., Zone 5 Bl. 5-5824 Atlanta. On. July 7

FOX. PAUL HARRIS "Paul" 1960 h tdu$trlal Metals President Reynolds Aluminum Supply Co. 756 West Peachtree St., N.W. Tr. 5-8521 P. 0. Box 1367, Zone 1 Res. 3191 WOOd Valley Rd., N.W.. Zone 5 Ce. 7-9301 CubaFamilySevierville, Tenn. ArchivesMarch 29 f'UANKL.IN, JOliN J..- "Jolm" 1948 Marh i11 rru & f.'

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives2+ for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. VHASJ;Jt. CA IH,YLF:-"CarLylc" 1982 Autumolit•c /,ufi•lltry Parts Privileged Chnfrmnn of the Hoard Genuine !'arts Co. ~W!t Picclnlont Ave .. N. E .. Zone 12 Ja. 2-1·100 Res. 2 Vernon Road. N.W .• Zone 5. Ce. 3·6582 Coruwall-on-JlutJ~on. N. Y. OPe. 23 ~lembeo· or the Legion of Honor 2S years

FRASER. JACK C.-"Jack" 1958 A utornotit•e I ndustry-Parts Vite l'r~~- and Central ~lann{.-e•· (;t·nuint' l'arb (.,omll:\Ol' 299 Pi~dmont Ave.. 1\. E .. Zone 12 Ja. 2-1400 Rcl>. 280 Blncklnnd Rd.. N.W., Zone 5 Cc. 7-0059 l'itt•hurl'h. l'a.

FULL~:Jt. ALVIN E.-"rll" 1917 firH'ri'UntJ·llf ('ountv County Manager Fulton County lUI Courlhnu~c Ann<·x Ja. 2-5310• .,;xt. 393 'l.urw a l

FUI,LER, UREW R. "Drew" 1956 Ntuc&ttf~lf Sf rl)i<'C· Tax AccounhnJZ" Owner Carter nnd Fuller, c. P. A.'s 515 Wllllnm-Ollvcr Bldg.. Zone 3 Ja. ~ -5416 He•. I!IU3 Ao·dmoo·e Ho:>tl, N. w .. Zone 9 'J'o·. 6·S34i Atlunlu, Gu. Aug. 14

FULLER. DR. GEORGE W.-"George" 1938 MedtCI11t'- -Surgeon 171) Penthtree St.. N.£.. Zone b Ja. 1·2376 Rca. Peachtree Bouse. 2637 Penthlre.! Rd., N .E.. Zone 5 Ce. 3-i990 CubaFamilyDublin. Oa. ArchivesFeb. 12 FULTON. T . HERMON-"Hermon" 1935 Electracal Equipment-ElectrtcaJ Controctor President Fulton Bros. Elec. Co. 1:5 Pcnchtree Arcade Bldg., Zone 3 Jn. 2-5160 l"l.t'll. 1000 Oriole Drive, S. w .. Zone 11 Pl. 3-3592 Sn~,;lnaw, Aln. May 9 Momb('r of lhe [,,•gi

GARRISON. VEltNON W.- "Vcrnon" 1951 Pood I ndustry· Groceries-Chain Stores Real Estate & PrQJ)CrlY Manager- Atlanta Division, The Kro~tcr Com1mny 1239 Oaklei~h Dr., Bnel Point, Ga. Po. 7-4351 Res. 789 Longwood Ur.• N. W .• Zone 5 Tr. 2-4315 Lexington, Ky. May 31

GEARHART. WALTER V .-"Walt" 1937 Electrical Eq1dpment Electrical Equip­ ment and Appnrntus- Mlrs. Agent-­ Privileged President The Gcarhnrt Company Gearhan Building. Zone 19, Ce. 3·4431 Res. 3195 Arden Rd., N. w., Zone 5 Ce. 7-5186 Dnyton, Olllo Aug. 2

GEORGE, lHLLIE B.-"Ui/l' 1930 Food lndtulriJ Icc Crenm Wholesale President & Gen. ~htr. Aristocrat lee Cream Company, P. 0. Uox 1137, 7..one l JG5 Hayn('ll St.,$. W. Mu. 8-34~3 Res. 389 Pinet reo Ori\•e, N. E .• Zone 5 Ce. 3-9623 Morro•v. Ga. June 30 Member of tbe Legion of Honor-30 years

GEOR GE, WILLIAM ELMER-"Eltner" 1959 Associa tion-Munlclpal Executive Director Ocorgln Municip al Assn. 406 Fulton Fcdcrnl Bid ~ .. Zone 3. Mu. 8·0172 Res. 705 Woodland Dr., Griffin, Ga., 7712 CubaFamilyStone Mountain, Ga. ArchivesOct. 6 GILMORE, JOHN 0 .-"Jolm" 1959 Public Utllltv- Telephone Commercial l\lgr. Sou. Bell Tel & Tel. Co .. AU. Div. 51 lvy St.., N. E., Zone 3 529-8014 Res. 2037 Desmond Drive. Decatur, Ga. Me. 6·3870 Portland. Oregon Ma rch Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. b 26 GII.MORE. JOSEPH 11 .- ··Jo~" 1941 PriviLeged Sou. Rep. Mead Johnson and Co.-Retired RC$. 1394 Emory Road, N. E .• Zone 6 Or. 3·4362 Cullnlin, Tenn. OcL 4

GLASCOE, ROY E.-" Roy" 1960 Flnotlce- Factorlng Southern Representatl'l"e James Talcott. Inc. 1424 Henley Bldg., Zone 3 Ja. 4- 1936 Res. 16 Lakeshore Dr.. Avondale Estates Dr. 7-7025 Greenville. S. C. Sept. 9

GRAYDON, STAFFORD W.- ··StaU" 1944 Got•rrtunrJJt ?f!un;eipnl Snnltnry Engineer City of Atlanta Dcpnrlment o( Sanitary Engineering 103 City Hnll Ja. 2-1•163. Ext. 24i Res. 3400 Spreading Oak Dr., S.W .. Zone 11 Pl. 8-1276 E. St. Louis. Ill. March 4

GREER. FRANK H.-" Frank" 1948 Fhaance- Federnl Government Agency Manager Federal National Mortgage Associ a tlon 41 Exchange Place, S. E .. Zone 3 Jn.. 2-4121. Ext. 6251 Res. 765 St. Charles Ave., N. E .. Zone 6 Tr. 5-2631 Mansfield, Ga. May 2

HAmE, JOHN ROWARD-"Howard" 1935 Furntture- Ftxtures-Furnishings­ Furniture-Retali-Privfleged VIce President Lamar Johnston Company 457 Edgewood Ave .. S. E .. Zone 12. Jn.. 2-5!168 Res. 1092 Colquitt Ave .. N. E., Z~ne 7 Jn.. 2-8742 Selma, Ala. Nov. 19 CubaFamilyl\lemoor of the Legion Archivesor Honor-25 years IIAMILTON, HOilERT P.-·'Bob" 1959 Tra>liJIOrtatio>J-Pipeline President Southeastern Pipe Llne Co. 177 W<'St P~arhtrec Stroot. N.E., Zone 8 Tr. G-6591 itt'l<. 1!\96 Crcyslone Road, N.W .• Zone 18 Tr. 1>-2166 Pittsburgh, Pa. F eb. 4 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. ~7 llAMMOl':O, EDWARD C.-"I::rl" 1951 P!41>lfc U tU!ty-Eiectrlc Power S<-cr('lnry Georgia Power Co. 270 Peachtree, N.W. 521-1480, Ext. 508 1'. 0. Box 1683 Zone I Res. 79 Brighton Rd., N.E., Zone 9 875-3340 Amerieu.o. Ca. Sept. 14

HANNAH, ARCHER BERRY-"Arch" 1957 Tran&portati01t-Plpe Line Public H.-lntions .!>tunn:.:"'' t>lnntntion Pipeline ComJ>any Ja. 3-4621 161 Sprmg Str«l IJid}(.. P. 0 . Box 1743 Zono 1 Re,. 366 Brentwood Ori,·e. N. E .. Zone 5 Ce. 3-4911 P ortsmouth, Vn. J une 28

HARLAND. JOHN H "John" 1934 Printing & PubLishing-Lithographer Pres. Jolm H. Harland Co.. T r. 5-8771 655 Lnmbe.·t Drive, N. E .. P. 0 . Box 13085, StnUon K. Zone 24 R~s . 1027 oxrord Rd., N. E.. Zon e 6 Or. 3-3889 Dessbroo:-:. Irchuld J an . 22 Member or the Legion or Honor- 25 year s

II AHl'Jo;H, GLENN H. "Gicr~n" 1956 lt~•!Cranrr-C'omouny Mgr.- Life Brnnch Mann)C~r Jeffenwn Standard Li!e I 11R. Co. 704 Grant Building, Zone 3 J a. 3-8431 R<••. :l~7X Club Or.. N. E .. Zone 19, Ce. 3-6011 Oou~elu. Cu. Feb. I

IIARPEH. WILLIAM 8.-"Rill' Floriet Retail VIce Prestden t H&J'per·s Flowers 1201 W. l'<'li

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives28 for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. HARRIS, JOSEPH WARREN-"Warren" 1960 General Mcrcltandise-Department Store Store Operating Superintendent Rich's, I nc. 45 Broad Street, S.W., Zone 3 Ja. 2-4636 Res. 3328 Briarcliff Rd .. N.E., Zone 6 Me. 6-6193 Atlanta, Oa. July 24

HARRISON, JULIAN M.-"Julian'" 1919 Prfvllege

IIJ\ItTI.~:Y. JOliN JI.-"Joim" 1941 h13urnltrt'" (:cncrnl V. Pre• . & Trcns. Dickey-Mangham Co. U20 First Nntl. Bank llld!l'.• Zone 3. Ja.l- 1541 ltt·s. 21~ 1 West Wc~lcy Rontl. N.W. Zone 5 C~. 3-HM:iH Zebulon. Oa. Dec. 8

IIATIIAWAY, AJ.;\NSON R.- "'11!" 1948 I' 1<1Jlit- (lt•lillf Cas T~E'nsurer Atlanta Ons Light Co. 2 1:1 l'~uchtree St., N. F:. Ja. 2-!>051 1'. 0 . lim< 4569, Zone 2 l<~s. 2!110 Dnle Urive. N. E .. Zone 5 ee. ~·~lt;r, Somerville. Mo••· May 15

!lAVERTY, RAWSON- "Ra•c.,»a" 1946 PurttUtlrt>. Fiztwrt•. Furniahinga- +Furniture-­ Chain Stores-Privileged. l 'r£~. & ·rrea"ur~r Jla,'erty Furniture Com1>nnl<11, Inc. 22 Edgewood Ave .. N.E .• Zone 3 Mu. 8-4000 Re•. I'G3 Mc•·edith [)rive. N. W .. Zone IS T•·· G·.JIS6 CubaFamilyAllan1n, Cn. ArchivesNov. 26 IIA WK. JUDSON J.. "Jud" 1944 Drugs- Retail- Privileged Own~r J . L. Hnwk Dru~t Stor('• 1176 W. Peachtree. N.W., Zone 9 Tr. 6-1535 lies. 277 West Wesley Rd .. N.W.. Zone & c~ . 3-3449 Morgon County, Ga. Feb. 15 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 29 HAYES, ROBERT DUDLEY-"Dudley" 1959 Building Materlals--1\iJlnurncturcr Atlanta District Mgr.. Industrial Bldg. Products Dept., Johns-l\iJlnvllle Company, Ja. S-2021 Room 800 - 101 Marietta St. Bldg.. Zone 3, Res. 149 Rooln Hood Road, N. E., Zone 9, Tr. 5-9635 Marlon. S. C. Nov. 9

HAYNES, DR. CLAUD M.-"Red" (Re-elected J 1959 Churcll Adnrf!Listratlon- Executlve Secretat·y Methodist Church Extension 420 Wesley Memorial Building 63 Auburn Ave., N.E., Zone 8, Mu. 8-7172 Res. 1184 Briarcliff Rd.. N. E ., Apt. 1 Zone 6. Tr. 6-8790 Hall County, On. Aug. 11

HEAL~Y. OLIVER M. "0/u:er" 1938 Real F:atatc-Buildlnst Owneruhip--Pritrilegcd Vice--1-'rcs. Jlcnlt~y H ~nl eAtnle & Jmp. Co. 1003 Willinm-Oliver lllclg., 7.o ne 3. Ja. 2-3266 Res. 7 Vernon Rd .. N. W .. Zone 5.

HENDLEY, ALUERT G. "AI" 1940 Transportation-Taxi Cabs-Prlvtlegect Pres. The Yellow Cab Co. 20 Hous ton Street, N. E .. Zone 3, Ja. 1-0821 Res. 5081 Riverview Rd., N. w .. Zone 5 Bl. 5-:559 McGregor, Tex. May 29

HENDON, CLAUDE J .-"Ciaude" (Re-elected) 1959 Pri11ilegcd VIce President General Electric Co.- Retired Res. 16<16 Frt.1r Tuck Road. N. E .. Zone 9 Tr. 5-5964 CubaFamilyCarroll County, Ga. ArchivesJuly 6 HENNINGER, FREDERICK A .-"Fred" 1957 Machinery & Equipment-Tanks-Mer. Vice President nnd Treas. Superior Tank Corp. • Box 601, Tucker, Ga., Hi. 3-7151 Res. 1922 Collnnd Drive, N. W., Zone 18 Tr. 4-8454 Columbia, Mo. Oct. 29 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. l J(} llEROERT, WALTER C.-"ll'all" 1951 Music Director of Music Ga. Institute of Technology 225 North A\ e .. N. W. Tr. 6-6701 Res. 1813 Mount Royal Drive, N. E., Zone 6 Me. 6-5572 Newberry, S. C. OcL 11

HESTON, WILLIAM M .-"B in" 1950 171suranc.:- General Partner Manry & Heston 301 Grant Building. Zone 3 Ja. 1-1272 Res. 1515 Emory Road, N. E., Zone 6 Dr. 3-0383 Asheville. N. c. Sept. 3

WLES, EDWARD WESLEY-"Ed" 1948 Association- Trade-Savings & Loan­ l'rlvllcged Exec. VIce-Pres. Georgia Savings & Loan Lengue 13ll·12 Wl111am-Ollver Bldg.. Zone 3 Ja. 3-5471 Res. ll5 Btnckland Drive, N. w .. Zone 5 Ce. 7-ll56 Hnlcyvlllc, N. J. Dec . 28

HOLDEN. FRANK A.-"Frank" 1947 La10- Anorney M Law nnd u.s. Commissioner-Privileged 1210 Healey Bldg., Zone 3 Ja. 4-5379 Res. 64 Muscogee Ave., N. w .. Zone 5 Ce. 7-3112 Crawfordville, On. Feb. 24 Member of the Legion of Bonor- 25 years

HOLMES, RICHARD M.-"Drck " 1950 Business Service-Credit Bureau VIce-President and Gen. Mgr. The Credit Bureau. Inc. 1600 Peachtree St.. N. W., Tr. 5-8321, Ext. 409, P. 0. Box 4081, Zone 2 Res. 2587 Dellwood Drive, N. w., Zone 5 Cc. 7-6634 CubaFamilyOraaon. Mass. ArchivesSept. 25 tTOLTZENDORf'. DR. OEN-"Ben" 1928 Privileged-Retired 1010 First Natlonnl Bank Bldg., Zone 3 Jn. 1-2415 Res. 2a44 Woodw•ml Way, N .W .. Zone 5 Cc. 3-3076 J/il•-I{Ct'old. Cu. March 14 MemlHlt' or the Legion or Jlono t·- 30 years Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 31 HORNE, W JLLIA!\1 A., JR.-"BiU" 1938 Office A1mlianc~8, Eqttip. &: Stationeri!-Offie• Equipment,-Priuilcgcd 1'1-enaurer Horne Desk Co. 57 Pryor St.. N. E., :tone 3. Ja. 1-1463 R~a. 1670 Ridgewood Drive. N. E .. Zone 7 Dr. 8-UGO Dec.

ROUSTON SAM £. J lt.- ··Sam .. 19f>5 Build mg ill a tcrtals-Lumber- Wholesale Owner Houston Lumber Co. 714 Frisco St., N.W., Zone 13 Tr. 2-1364 Re•. ~!119 Mornington Drh·e. N. W., Zone 5 Ce. i-9il8

HOWELL, ALBERT-"Albert " 1934 Ccm.,tructlon Servtce-Archltect.--Privileged PartuCL' Tucker & Howell 8 15 Rhodeo-1ht\'erty llld~e .• Zone 3. J "· 3·6241 Res. 601 Peachtree Bottle Ave .. N. W. Zone 5. Cc. 3-2477 A~lnnt a., OL\. Sept. 27 Membe•· or U\e Legion or Honor- 25 years

II UCII ~:s. CLI FTON- "Cli/" 1954 Celebrll!l Bureau Rcpresentntlve Alknhest Celebrity Bureau 952 Peachtree St., N.E., Zone 9 Tr. 2-8853 Res. 1696 Cotswold Drive, N. E., Zone 19 Me. 6·2603 Wilton Junction, Iowa June 13

IIUC IIES. JUCIIARD W.- "Dio:k" 19~6 Tcltui•ion St11tio" Rri>TrSI'nCIItit·~ Brooch Monoger Edward Petry & co .• Inc. 1375 Peachtree St., N. E .• Zone 9, 875-8547 Suite $74 Res. l.\20 Loridans Drive, N. E., Zone 5 Ct>. 7-0 9 CubaFamilyAurorn, Ill. ArchivesJune 10 JACKSON, ELLIOTT R.- "Elliott·• (Re-elected) 1946 Govcm,..cnt Civil Defense Director Athmtn Metropolitan Area 30 Cou•·tlanil St., S.E.. Zone 3, Ja. 5-4843 Res. 7!) I Ptu·k Dl'ive. N.E., Zone G, Tr. 2-4682 Stut·~rls, Mi•• Oct. S Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. JACOBS, ROGER DEAN-"Roger" 1957 lleatfng-Retrfgcratlon-Air CondltiOtlfng Rc!rlgerators- Mauufacturcr Executive VIce President The Warren Company, Inc., M u. 8-1601 905 Memorial Drive. s. E., P. 0. Box 1436 Zone l Res. 3597 Rembrandt Rd., N. W., Zone 5 cc. 7-5895 Orayson, Oa. Apr il 25

JACOBS. SINCLAIR "Sine" 1923 Co•mdic~ ~Hr. l'rivile11ed Partner The Onlenol Co. Ja. 4-0606 447 Marietta St.. N.W.. P. 0. Box 264. Zone 1 Hes. 200 ~lontgomery Ferry Dr., N. £ .. Zone~ •rr. 6·4U33 A tin nta, G8. O

JOHNSON, HARRY H.-"Harrll" 1942 Privileged Mcrriii-Lynch·Picrcc·Fenner & Smith. Inc.­ Retired Res. 550 Collier Road, N. w .. Zone 18 Tr. 2-5051 WlnLcrvllle, Oa. Dec. 17

JOll N!iON, T . 1... Ill "7'. /,." 1949 Pllotographv- Blue Print & Photostatic Scrvlce--f>rivileged Owner AtlnnUI Blue Print & Supply Co. 112 S1>rin~: St.. N. W •. P. 0. Uox 155i. Zone I Jn. 4-l~IA Res. 3594 Haddon HaU Rd., N.W .. Zone 5 Ce. 3·4030 Dccntur, Oa. Dec. 5

JONF.S. ROB~:RT 11.- "Riu Rob" 1920 IAttl' Attorney al Law 1012 Cit. and Sou. llk. Bldg., Zone Z. Ja. 1-21 Re•. Iii Pe.'\Chtree Circle, N. E .• Zone 9 Tr G·S69i .J,~·k•onvilll', I ln. June CubaFamilyMember or the Legion Archives o! Bonor-40 years

JORDAN, OR. ROnERT-"Bob" 1956 l)rnti~l'11 c~ncrnl 310 Medienl ArtM Bldg.. Zone s. J a. S-7743 Hes. 1300 B~h Valley Road, N. E .. Zone 6 T1·. 4·6677 Unllimorc, Jlld. Aug. 10 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. KAGEY, I . BEN-"Ben" 1940 Con8tructfor• Servfce-Engtneer-Alr Cond ltlonlog Pnrtocr Newcomb and Boyd, Engineers 1205 Spring S t .. N.W., Zone 9 Tr. 5-5344 Res. 254 Alberta Dr., N. E., Zone 5 Ce. 3-5795 Weyers Cave, Va. Oct. 15

KEITJI, OWICIIT T. "SpudJI' 1949 Printing & l'ubli•hifw-Soorts P ublications Editor & Publisher Coach & Athlete Mngazlne l'uhli•nf'r. Southern Outdoors Magazine 1905 Piedmont Road, N.E., Zone 9 Tr. 5-8589 lie•. ~644 W. Wesley Rond, N. W., Zone 5 Ce. ~-3220 Argo, A Ia. Oct. 19

KEMP, WI LSON-"IVil•o"" 1952 F"iJt(UJCc- <:onsum('r f10uns Jo'icld Director or Public Relations Community r.onn & Investment. Corp. 802 Volunteer Building, Zone 3 Ja. s-S431 Re•. 10 1 We•tminster nrive, N. E .• Zone 9 Tr. 6-19uo Atlanta., On. Feb. 27

KEN1'. Lt\LJH~;Nc~; Jo'., JR.-"La11rcnee" 1955 /lratittg-Rc/rigcratiott-A ir Co,.ditioning­ l"'urnnce·M1Lnuruclurcr President Moncrief Ft•rnace Co. 935 Chattahoochee Ave., N.W., P .O. Box 1673 Zone 1. Tr. G-3611 Rea. 73 llelmont Drive, N. E., Zone:; Ce. 3-9611 Atlanta. Gu. ~l:ty 3

KILGORE. W . WALLACE-"JIIallace" 1949 Tou• ~lanurnclurer President All-Metal Cooler Corp. 'i64·'i80 l>once de Lf'Dn Place & Sou. Ry. Zone 6 Tr. 6-5868 Res. 24<1 Penchtroo Battle Ave., N.W., Zone;; Ce. 7-2302 CubaFamilyMuscogee County, Oa. ArchivesJ an. 22 LAMONS. DR. FRANK F .-"Doc" 1934 Dcntf8£rv- Orthodontlst 250 Doctors' Bldg., 490 Peachtree St.. N. E. Zone 8. Jn. t-2321 Res. 3438 Woodhaven Road, N. W., Zone 5 Ce. 3-2766 Orcencvllle, Tenn. Sept. 25 Member or the Legion or Honor- 25 years Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. l 34 LANE, HENRY F..-"1/rnry'' 1952 t:lcttrual f :,,uiJWICIII ~~leelricnl Equipment & -'1111liuucet~ Wholcsnle f>lsta·kt Mnnn):cr Ccn<'ral ~~lcetric Suppl>· Compuoy Ji2 lln)n<'3St.,S. W. Mu.S-3 II Rea. 3128 E. Wood Valley Rd., N. W., Zone 5 Ce. 7-9i01 !lilddlebury, Vt. March 9

LANCI./\ND. DON J.-"Doro" 1'ta,•I1JOrtlltion-Air l.ine DiotrieL Sales l\lanl\ger Delln Air Lines, Inc. Ja. 4-154~ 10 },'ora>'lh Str~t Building Zone ,, ~. 730 Park Lane, Decatur. Me. 6-1820 lntt•rnntionnl F'nlls. Minn. Dec. 5

J,A'rii E !\1, I.OUIE P.-"Louic" 1946 1>'/cctricut El)uipmcnt-Employees Time Cl•>ck3- Mfr.-Prit•ileocd Choi rmnn ot tho Board, Lalhl.'m 'l'im<• Rf'corde•· Co .. Inc. 76 Third St.• N.W .. Zone 8 Tr. 2-2286 Hca. 4495 Club Valley Drive, N. E., Zone 19 Ce. 3-7~23 Gttlnts\'illc, Ga. Aug . 21

LeOJ::Y, C. JJ., JR.-"Dave" 195G J-•h,a11t"r l\111rtt;rnu:c [..o.Ru'.l Secretary and Treasurer C . D. LeBey & Company <123 Tntst Co. or Ga. Bldg., Zone 3 Jn. 1-0680 Res. 374 1 Vermont Rond, N. E .. Zone 19 ee. 7-!1745 Atlanta, Ca. Oct. 9

LEE. CRADY A. "Grady" 1944 ,... ,,ntiturc. Fixturce. f "unu•lacttu•- Furniture-- Rctall Manager Sterchi's 116 Whil('hsll St.. S. w .. Zone 3. Mu. 8-3100 Res. 3190 Ridgewood Road, N. W., Zone 5 233-5757 CubaFamilyDcKulb County, Cu. ArchivesOct. 3 LEWIS, R. Cll ERRY "Cherrv" 1943 ElcrJricol Equi1>mlune lll eter Co. 200 Parmnlum e Pl., N.W.. Zone 18 Sy. 4-8215 Res. 205G S!>ringlnke Ot·ive, N. W., Zone 5 'l'r. G-2230 Lumi)kin. Cn. l<'eb. 3 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 35 I.IMRERT, DON A.-"Dm" 19• 2 Co11structton Service--contractor-Heating and Plumbing-Privileged Owner J)on A. Limbert Heating & Plumbing ComJ>IWY 1'22 N. lliJ:hland Ave.. N. E .. Zone 6 Tr. 4-7118 Rc<. 2ll5 Ponce de Leon Ave., N. F;., Zone 7 Dr. 3-1391 Akron, Ohio Sept. 7

LOCATEI,L. ROIIEHT J. J.-"Bob" 1950 CoJtstructton Sen:lce-Archltect-Englneer­ Prlllflcged President Locatell. Inc. 12 Third Street, N.E., Zone 8 Tr. 4 -3264 Res. 6789 Peachtree-Dunwoody Rd.• Zone 19 255-5994 St. Louis, Mo. Sept. 15

LOCKHART, MALCOLM-"Mack" 1958 Association-Mental Health ExC(utiv<• Dia·cctot· Atlnntn A~l!Qcintion Cot· Menlnl Health 209-12 ll<·t>ry Grady Office Bldg. llfu. 8·2732 Re"· I Iii lluo·on Avenue. l)ecntut· Dr. 7-8381 Attgustn, Ga. April 28

l.ONG, AJ,llJO:WI' 11.- "At" 1060 I/ eating, Uc/riucrntiott. Air Cortditioning- lh•nting und Plumbing Supplies- Wholesale IJrnnch Munugcr Noland Co., Inc. 61~ Spring St., N.W.. Zone 8 Ja. 2·8034 Hes. 4311 Club Dr.. N.E., Zone 19 Ce. 7-0215 Concord, N. C. Sept. 5

MAcDOUGALL. ROBERT L. ''Bob" 1946 Constn•~tiot> Scr~i~e- Ronds and Ready lllix Cun:orN~I'rit•ilt:gcd President MacDougald-Warren, Inc. 1'\urth~id~ Orh·e, N. \\', Tr.4-'i59~ P. 0. Box 1112, Zone l Res. 4111 Club Drh·e. Zone 19, Ce. 3-8400 CubaFamilyWilmineton, Od. Archives MADDOX. HENRY A.-"Henry" 1950 ltuurance- Llte General Agent Ae~no. Lite Ins. Co. 1717 Fulton Nan Bank Bldg., Zone 3 Jn. 4-1734 Res. 471 Vnlley Rd., N.W., Zone 5, Ce. 7-3834 Atlnnto, On. Aug. 21

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives30 for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. MADDOX, N. BAXTF.R ''Rao:tcr" 1938 Finance- Trust Service-Privileged Senior V ic("·Pr.._·tdtlcmt and "'ft"ust Olnc::cr !o'ir6t Nutl. Bunk Fir8l Nutionnl JJnnk Bldg. Jn. 5-6671 1'. 0. llux 111R. Zone 2 Res. 3488 Knollwood Drive, N.W., Zone 5 Cc. 3-9735 At.lunta. Gu. June 2

MA DDOX, PAUL C. "PaMl" 1943 R~ol f:•tatc-snles Pri~i/egcd Owner l'nul C. Madtlox Co. 5Cl6 Standard Oldg .. Zone 3. J a. 2-6655 Res. 3091 Ridgewood Road. K. w .. Zone 5 Ce. 7-3430 Jncbon, Ca. Aug. 17

MANNERS. PAUL E.-"Pau!" 1954 Flnance-Bnnklng-lnvestments VIce President First National Bank, P. 0 . Box 4148, Zone 2 Peachtree nt Marietta. Ja. 5-6671 R~s. 982 Lullwnter Rd., N. E., Zone 7 Dr. 3·1943 Dover, Tenn. Dec. 28

MAit'l'lN, JOliN WESLEY-·'Wcslell" 1954 <.:mJ•truction Srr•'ir(':- Patnting and Deeorati n ~ Owner C. A. Adair & Company. Ja. 4-2841 73 Wc>t Penchll-ce Place. N.W.. Zone ~ ltcs. 2~r,1 Arden Road, N. W .. Zone 5 Ce. 7-8274 Atlanln, Ca. June 18

•IARTLIN, SAM L.-"S11m" 1939 AuiO~~tOii~• /lld~t~lru-Tires-Retail Owner U.S. Tire Supply 603 West Peachtree St.. N. E .. Zone 3. Tr. 2-5S36 Res. 32 Fifth Ave., N. E .. Zone 17, Dr. 3-27&4 CubaFamilyAtluntn. Ca. ArchivesJune 3 MASSEY, DYAR-"Dyar" 1959 Education- University-Resources Develop. men~ Director or Development, Emory University 403 AdmlnlstraLion Bldg., Dr. 3· 1621 Emory University, Atlnnta, Ga., Zone 22 Res. 1691 Mason Mill Rd .. N. E .. Zone 6 Me. 6·4203 Greenville, S. 0. Dec. 1 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 37 .MAY, STEPHEN R.-"Steve" 1952 Advertlsl1•g- Out

MILLER. DR. PATRICK D .-''Pat" 1952 Rellg•ous Work- Executive Exec. Secy. Board of Chucb Extension or lhe Presbyterian Church or 341 Ponce de Leon Ave .. N. E., Zone 8 Tr. 5-8921 Res. 1327 Fairview Road, N. E., Zone 6 Dr. 8-1941 Franklin County, Ga. Jan. 13

MILLICAN. G. EVERETT-"Everett" 1924 l'cl role"m Oil fndu•fry- Cas and Oils- l'rfvllegect Vice President Oulr Oil Corporation 1375 Pcnchtrcc Street, N.E., Zone 9 P. 0. Box 7245. Station C 876-2431 Res. 1610 Doncaster Drive, N. E., Zone 9 Tr. 6-2218 Harriman, Tenn. Aug. 31 Mombe·r or the Legion or Honor-35 years

MIXON, .1. CLYDJo;-"Ciydt" 1954 Tl'niUI IJUrlatio·n- R.R.- Exec.- Privilcgtd l'r<'ll. & Ccn. Mgr. A.&W.P. R.R.--Ga. R.R. 4 Hun~er St.. S.E., Zone 3 Ja. 1-1722 lles. 39() Mnnor Ridge Dr.. N. W., Zone 5 ee. 7-6813 Wnterloo, ::;. C. May 29 Membe•· of the Legion or Ilonor-30 years

MOULEY. CAitLTON- "Carlton" 1955 Gov~rnmcni-Stat.e-Supreme Court ASSO<:inle Justice Supreme Court of Ga. Judicial BuUdJng, Zone 3 Mu. 8-5380 Res. 3163 Habersb:un Hoad, N. W., Zone 5 Ce. 3-5039 CubaFamilyJ on011 County, Gn. ArchivesDec. 7 MOORE, FIU;O ll.- "f'rcd" 1940 Ileal !;state Building Management Freel M<>orc ComJ)any, Jn. 3-6646 82~ lthod ~3 Hnvcrly Bldg. Zo•le 3 Res. 57J Moore's Mill Road, N. W., Zone 5 Ce. 3-5367 WnycrOS6, Ga. Aug. 22 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 38 MOORE, JAMES BENJAMIN-"Ben" 1957 Fl1t(l11Ce-Trust Service Vic<' r ..esident and T.-ust Officer The l'i1'8l Nntionnl Bank or AtlanL-. Firs~ National Bank Bulldlng Ja. 5-6671 P. 0. Box 4148, Zone 2 ltc• 95 t:. Wesley Rd .. N. E .. Zone ~ Co. 3-2070 Te\arkann, Ark. Oct. 24

MOORE. RICIIARD L.-"Oick" 1955 ltuu ra'ltrr Group anri Pension ~mnnger Oroup and Pension Division tor Oa. Aelnn Life Insurance Co. 1717 Fulton Nat'! Bank Bldg., Zone 3 Ja. 4-1735 R<>s. 3175 Arden Rd .• N.W., Zone S Ce. 7-9S75 l>unlat>. Iowa Jan. 17

MOORHEAD, DR Frank-ffFrank" 1958 Churclr Pastorate-Pastor Pn•tor· t>eachtr·ee Rond ll1ethodi•t Church 31S() Pcnchtr·co Hoacl , N. E., Zone 5 Ce. 7-7592 l

MORRIS, HOLLIS E.-" Hollis" 1945 Finance-Building and Loan President Fulton Federal Savings & Loan AIIIIOCintlon, J n. 4-2686 11 Pryor St.. s.w.. P. 0. Box 1077. Zone 1 Res. 4400 Club Or.. N.E., Zone 19, Ce. 7-1300 Birmingham, Ala. Dec. 17

AtOitltiS. JOHN R.-"Jolw" 1944 f'rit.tikg~d 231 Heale)' Bldg., Zone 3 Ja. 2-8021 Rca. 4010 Peachtree-Dunwoody Rd.. Zone 5 Ce. 3-7035 Allant.a, Oa. Nov. 3 CubaFamily Archives MORJUSON, W. LI!:E. Jr.-"Lee" 1950 ..tdtJertisltrg-Speclaltles-Sales-Privileged. Owner W. Lee Morrison & Son 29 Twelfth Street, N.W., Zone 9 Tr. 6-1561 Hes. 32.i Ar~onne Drive, N.W., Zone u Co. 8·0428 A tlo.nLn, Gn. July 26

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives39 for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. MOSLEY. Wli. I.IAM KELLY - ''K•Il11" 1951 Publfc Utflfti/-Telephone-Publlc Relations Asst. VIce Pres. Public Relations Southern Uell Tel. & Tel. Co. Hurt Bldg., P. 0. Box 2211, Zone 1 529-7776 He •. 31!~6 N. St•·atrord Road. N .E., Zone 5 Ce. 3-0536 Rembert, Ala. Aug. 26


!llOTin; HS IIED. HOY W. "Rou" 1945 Building Materials-Glass - Plate-Privileged P r<'Sf(l<'nt. Gt•nrrul (:ln 'l~ ("untsutr1)' 777 011k ~trt>et, S. W. 1'1. 8-4636 P . 0. Box L09G3, Zone 10 He•. Jl;~o SuK•<•.\ HJ .. N. 1':., Zvnc G. Tr. &·G366 Looxnhom11, Mig•· Oct. 22

MUMFORD, HOWARD-" Howard" 1959 Educatfon-Pnbllc Schools Counselor Roosevelt High School H5 Rosalia St.. S. E., Zone 12, Ma. 7-6860 Res. L711 Beechwood Blvd.. s. w .. Zone 11 Pl. 8-4997 Oswego, N. Y. Nov. 6

MURPHY, JOSEPII R.-"J ott" 19S2 Govcnuncnt-t'cderal-6ocial Se<:urity Mnnn~er Atlnntn District Office 275 P eachtree St., N.E., Zone 3 Ja. 2-4121, Ext. 241 Re~ . 1220 Roxboro Drive. N. E .• Zone 5 Ce. 7-8037 CubaFamily.Morrow, Ca. ArchivesAug. 12 McCARTY, JOHN OTTLEY-"John" 1957 Maclttnery & EqulpmeTit-Automatlc Time Maehine- Mrr. Mnnagtr The Audlchron Company 1151 W. Peachtree St., N.E., Zone 9 Tr. 2-2262 Res. 4036 'l'uxedo Rond, N . W., Zone 5 Cc. 3·3467 A~lanta. Ga. Oct. 17

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives40 for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. \leCONNELI.. OWEN C.- " Ow~t>" 1942 Go~tnal Mcrcha11di•e- Five & Ten Cen~ Store11 Privileged l'nrLner S. E. lllcConnell Sons Co. 62•1·1;31 North llighlnnd Ave.. N. E .. Zone 6 Tr. ·1·5723 He'l. 2190 Woodward \Vny, N. E .. Zone 6 Ce. 3·1216 lliawoasee, Cn. July 21

MeFAIILANO, llOUERT M .. JR.- "Bob" 19i6 1••t)rintio•• ln ~u rnnee---Rntes R eglonnl Director Insurance Information Institute 319 Trust Co. of Oa. Bldg., Zone 3 Jn. 5-8323 Res. I 199 Emory Rd .. N. E .. Zone 6. Dr. 3-2262 llend<•r;;on, Kl·· April5

McKINJ,EY, LAWRENCE A.-"Lawrence" 1936 Uc!IL /·:state- Rentnls Mnnn~e·· Comme•·cinl Lease Dent. 111\ I'Niehtree St., N. E .. Zone 3. Ja. 1-1011 Hcs. 23 No•·thwood, N.E., Zone 9, Tr. 6·4294 Atlnnln, C:o. Oct. 8 Member or the Legion of Houor- 25 years

McNAIIt II. CLBNN "Gleim" 193S Clothing l ndll•lru Tnilorinsr Owne r J,.. 2-3241 nnd l\lu. 8-9919 12 Wnllon St.. N. W., Grant Bldg.. 1'. 0. Box 368, Zone l lie•. 75 I ~:lkmont Dr., !'<. E., Zone 6 Tr. 2·2981 (hnrk, Aln. Oet. 2z Member or the Legion of Honor-25 years

r-; ~; A 1., J . ltOUt.RT- "/Job" 1944 f"i~tu nc•f ln,~eslment.a Partner Wyatt, Neal & Waggoner 1420 FlrsL Nntl. Bank Bldg., Zone 3 Ja 2-4700 Rea. 1136 Oxford Road, N.E., Dr. 3-5042 Zone 6 CubaFamily~·mn klin County, Cn. Archives Aug, n NEEDHAM, MAJOR JOHN D.-"John" 1960 Association-The Salvation Army Divisional Commander The Salvation Army- State of Georgia 699 Seminole Ave., N.E. Tr. 5-'1845 P. 0. Box 8217, Sta. F Res. 1174 Lanter Blvd., N.E., Zone 6 England July 13 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 41 NETTLES. WILLIA M J.- "Bill" 1949 ll111i"c•• Service- Certifi ed Public Accountant Hcaident Portner Arthur Andersen & Co. 703 William-Oliver Building, Zone 3. Mu. 8·1'>838 1<1'1!. 200 l.aurel Fore.t Circle. ZoneS. ('e. 3-79G7 Tunnel SJ>rlngs, Ala. March 9

NII>P•;nT, DH. 1' 1111.11' 11 .-"P/ail" 1941 Mrdid"' llerrnal<)logist-Prioil 3 J a. 2-5339 R~s. 22611 Woodward Wuy, N.W. Zone 5 Ce. 3-1751'> Beaver FnUs, Pa. March 20

NORMAN, DR. ROBERT S .-"Bob" 1960 De>ltl st rv-Exodontls~ DenList (Oral Surgeon) 1120 Doctor" Bl

OBENS HAIN, WILEY S .. JR.-"Obie" 1952 fo'ooa Industry- Dairy Products-Retail and Wholesale District General Manager-Seal test Foods­ Somhern Olv. or National On try Prod. Corp. 593 Olen Iris Or., N.E., Zone 8 Tr. 2-0711 Res.3111 Ridgewood Road. N. w .. Zone 5 Ce. 7-1049 Charlotte, N. C. Nov. 14

OLOS, RA \' Jo'. "fla11" 1938 Privileged-Retired Hes. 21M P eathllee Road, N. W .. Zane 9 1'r. 6-8102 OuhutJUI', Iowa Nov. 10 CubaFamily Archives OLIVER, WILLIAM B .-"BilL" 1946 FOOd / ndustrv-Potato Chlps-M!r.­ Prfvfleged Exec. Vlcc-Pl'CS. H. W. Lay & Co., Inc. 01. 7-4421 4950 P cnchtr ec Industrial Blvd., Chamblee Res. 3741 Paces Valley Rd., N. W., Zone 5 Ce. 3-2821 Chateaugay, N, Y. Oct. 3 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 4Z OSGOOD, RIC:HARD HOE-'·Dfck" 1946 Electrical £qufpment-Electrlcal Equip­ ment and Apparatus-Mtrs. Agent­ Privileged Pres1dcnt OsgOOd & Associates 988 Spring St., N. W., Tr. 5-7804 P. 0. Box 7383, Sta. C, Zone 9 Res. 443 Chateau Drive, N. W., Zone 5 ce. 7-4431 Jersey City, N. J . April 14

O'SULLIVAN. M .l\1.-"Scrapp!l' 1952 Food ltoduotrv Coffee Vicc-Pre.iclcn~ Southland Coffee Co. I Wn~hin~eton St., S.W.• Zone 3, Mu. 8-1870 Rc;.s. 3·197 Piedmont Rd.. Zone 5. Ce. 3-2556 Atlanta, Cu. Sept. II

OUTU;R, JOliN M., JR.- "John" 1943 Prlvllcgcct-Retlred Res. 2865 North Hills Dr., N. E., Zone 5 Cc. 3-3946 Metcntr. on. Aug. 19

PADEN, DEAN S.- "Dean" 1928 1/ar

PAIGE, DEL R.-"Del" 1959 Bu$lneu Service-Auditor Resident Portner Ernst & Ernst, Ja. 5-8401 717 First Notl. Bank Bldg., Zone 3 Res. 2952 Howell MJil Rd., N. w .. zone 5 Cc. 7-1276 CubaFamilyTamaroa, Ill. ArchivesFeb. 27 PARKS, JOHN L .-"John" 1945 Prfntfug & Publl$/ting-Prlntlng-Com- mcrclai- Prlvileged Owner-Manager Parks Printing Company 18 Mangum St., S.W., Zone 3 Mu. 8-2336 Res. JGSI Lndy Mnriar1 Lane, N.E.. Zone 9 Tr. 4-2482 F'ores~ Pork, Ga. April 12 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 43 I' ARSONS, H UllER R.- "Huber" 1940 l• '<~u {;lt·)'•tnne Roud. N. w .. Zone 18 'I r. 4·:!2:i2 Parts, Tex. Sept. 27

PERKINS, HARRELL L .-"P inky" 1948 Trans)."'rtatfon-Rnllroad-lndustrlal Dlvllllon-Prrvileged V lce-Preslden~ Central or Georgia R,,llway Company 1212 Rhodes-Haveny Bldg., Zone 3 Jn. 4-5021 Res 3300 E. Wood Valley Rd., N. W .. Zone 5 Ce. 7-7071 St. Slmons Island, Ga. May 9

PERKINS, I'ERCY II., .1 R. - "l'crk" 1948 Co,tttructio" ,<;crcirr - Arehiteet 3110 Mnplc Or.. N .E., Zone 5 231-1740 It('!<, 54&0 l'cuehtr...--Dunwoody Rd .. N. E. Zone 5 Bl. 5-4608 M ~tlC l', Cu. Sept. 8

PERKINS, W. RJCHARD-" Dick" 1959 lusurancc-Group and Pension Mnuager Group & Pension Dept. Union Control Life lns. Co. 1215 First National- North Avenue Bldg . 875-8996 R ('S, 4060 Glen Devon Drive. N.W. Ce. 7-7628 Rugby, Vn. Sept. 16

PIEHSON, A. Rk:EVES. JH.- "Sunohi.,e" 1936 PinatlCf" tnv.... tment Certificates- Mutual Fund• Oivi,.ionnl ~htr. I nvel!tors Diversified Services, Inc. Suite 1116 llenley Bldg., Zone 3. Ja. 2-34i3 Hco. 7 llaber10ham Way. N. W., Zonei>. Ce. 7-Glbll CubaFamilyNew Orleans. La. ArchivesFeb. 24 PIRKLE, GOLDEN A.-"Pirk" - 1956 Food l lldustry-Cerenls and Other Food Products Gen. Mgr. S. E. Region General Mills. Inc 1371 Peachtree Bldg., Suite 600, Zone 9 Tr. 6-4381 Res. 1860 Flagler Ave .. N. E., Zone 9 Tr. 6-4678 Hn11 County, Oa. July 18 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. POPE, MARK C .. III-"Mark" 1960 Printing a11d Publf8/lfng-Lithographer Pres. & Treas. Williams Printing Co. 345 Peachtree Hills Ave.. N.E., Zone 5 ce. 7-1684 Res. 42 Woodcrest Ave.. N.E. Tr. 6-7832 Washington, D. C. Dec. 14

POWELL, LT. COL. WlLLlAM T.-"Bill" 1953 ( Re-elected) A&soclat!Oil-The Salvation Army Principal School for Officers' Tratntng 1032 Stewart Ave .. s.w .. Zone 10 Pl. 3-4167 Rc.. 425 Montgomery Ferry Drh·e, N. E. Zone 9 Tr. 4-4537 Porlamouth. N. H. Aug. 28

PURDY, C. l-ULBURN-"MiLburn" 1952 General Mercltancllse-Retall-Varlety Stores Olst. Mnnager F. w. Woolworth Co. 1740 Peachtree St.. N. W .. Zone 9, Tr. 3- 1231 Res. 179 Rollin Hood Road, N. E., Zone 9 Tr. 5-5084 Sprlngbank. Va. March 21

PURVIS, GILBERT "Gtlly" 1058 Iron and Steel Industry-Steel Products- Mfr. 'l'o·eusurer Alluntie Steel Co. 16th nnd \\lecllslln. N. W. Tr. 5- 3•1·11 P. 0. Box 1714, Zone 1 Res. 2185 Monterey Drive, N. w .. Zone IS 'l'r. 2-7000 Americus, Gn. J:o n. II

RAMAGE, GRANVIL.LE-''Granville" 1958 COII&ular Service Consul British Foreign Service 422 llurt lluilding. Zone 3 Ja. 4-2691 Res. 2672 Pcachtne Rd .. N. W .. Zone;; Ce. 3-0116 CubaFamilyW nnlockhend, Scotland Archives Nov. 19 IIANCK. nRJG. GF.N. JOSEPH R.- "Joc" 1955 Government U.S. Army Quartermaster Unltect States Army, Europe (Rear) / COnlZ. APO 58, New York (Orleans. France) Leola, Pl\. J uly 13 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. -4S RAWSON, CHARLES A.-"Charlie" 1932 Advertising-Agency-Privileged Owner Cllarlcs A. Rawson & Associates 223 Peachtree St., N. E., Zone 3, Ja. 2-3594 Res. 37 Palisades Road, N. E., Zone 9 Tr. 4-2501 Atlanta, Ga. Dec. 11 Member of the Legion or Honor-25 years

REEVES, W ALTON-"IValton" 1943 PllotographJI Owner Reeves Studios Boulevard at North Ave., N.E., Zone 8 Tr 2-1124 Res. 80.J Oakdale Rd.. N. E., Zone 7 Dr. 8-6024 Cedartown, Ga. Feb. 6

RECENS'I'EIN, ROUBH'l' S.- "11ob" 1951 Ccntr(l! Mtrcila>tdi•c-Women's Apparel President J. Regensteln Co. 200 P,•nelnr~e 8(., N. E. J n. 2-GG25 J'. 0. !lox 1403 Zone 1 ltes. 1240 Jill. Vernon lligbway. Dunwoody, Ga. Dt. u-t 2a7 AUnntn, Cu. June 23

RHODES, I'll ILi l' A. "Phil" 1950 /'apcr- Wholesale VIce President S. P. Richards Paper Co. 826-28 Nelaon St.. S. W., Zone 3. Ja. 2-8734 Res. 70G Gr<.'enview A,·e.. N. E .. Zone 5. Ce. 3-7849 Atlanta, On. April 22

RlCHARI>, WALTER L. "IVoJter" 1950 Adt~ertiaiug-5plocialties-5nles Owner Atlanta Novelty Company ..,; Wnltoa St., N W., 1'. 0. Box I~Oa Js. 2-934:! He•. 2273 Bh·d. Grnnudn, S. W .. Zone II l'l. 3··19Sl CubaFamilyBristol. T~nn. ArchivesNo\'. 25 RICJJAROS. GUY II. "G1111" 1961 TT rat i ny-flo!rigcrat ion-;1ir Co>tditioning- • llcnllnl! nnd l'lumbin~r Supplies-Wholesale VIce Pres. nnd Sales Manager Cowan Supply Company 485 Bishop St.. N.W., Zone 13 875-9021 Rc•. 204 Shndowmoor Dr.. Decnlur, Ga. Dr. 7-2757 Wilaonville, Ala. Aua'. 27 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 46 RICHARDSON. GEORGE F.- "Georoe" lUI Ploor Gocerinoe Retaii-Pri.,ileoed Partner Ceo. F. Richardson Co. 188 14th Street, N. W .. Zone 13. Tr. 5-1603 Res. 224 Peachtree BaWe Ave., Zone<;. Ce. 3-9676 Dalt.on, Ga. May 16

RITTELMEYER. JOII N M.- "John" 1955 Macltincry a>Jd f:tJ!ment Owner Rlttelmeyer & Company, Inc. 150 Nassau Street, N. W., P. 0. Box uos. Zone 1. Jo. 4·1&31 Ues. 2332 Woodwat-d Way, N. W., Zone 5 Ce. 3-3972 Holly Spring, Mii!B. Oct. 23

RIVERS, WAYNE K.-"ll'oJ111e" 1939 Medici1u:.• Proprietary Secretary Crcomulaion Company. Ja. 4-6435 345 Glen Iris Drive, P. 0. Uox 1214. Zone I Res. HI West J\ndt·ewa Drive, Zone 5 Ce. 3-1420 Valdosta. Cu. July II

ROBINSON, EUGENE F. -"Gene" 1958 Bui/.dtng llflltcrfai&- Millwork-Mfr. secretary-Comptroller Randall Brothers, Inc. Jn. 2-47 II 665 lllnriettn St.. N. W .. Zone 13 Res. 712 Park Oril•e, N. E .. Zone 6 Tr. ~-9ri:i New Rochelle, N. Y. June Ill

ROGERS, ERNEST P .-"Jellv" 1957 Law-Corporntlon Attorney Pat·Lner Smith, Kil!lnlrlck, Cody, Rogers & McClatchey 1045 Hurt Building, Zone 3 Ja. 2-7420 Re6. 2938 Andrew& Drive, N. W., Zone 5 Ce. 3-9518 CubaFamilyOld Millon County, Ga.Archives Sept. 10 ROLLESTON, MORETON. M . JR.- ''Moreton" 1959 Corporate-organization and Management 1103 C. & S. Natl. Bank Bldg., Zone 3, Ja. 3·1566 Res. 2426 Woodward Way, N. W., Zone 5, Ce. 7-3666 Atllens, Ga. Dec. 30 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. ROOKER. WII.LIAJ\l A.- "/JiU" 1943 Warehouse- Public Merchandlse­ Prtvllcgcd Chairman or the Board Southern Bonded Wn••chou•a ('o. P. 0. Box 4927, Zone 2 J a. 5-4521 H~s. 516 Westover Drive. N. ,V., Zone 5 Co. 3·5900 Atlnntn, Ga. Oet. 29

ROOKER, WILLIAM A., JR.-"BiLl" 1960 Real £state-Property Management VIce Pr!:bldent Rooker. Inc. 95 Marietta St.. N.W.• Zone 3 Mu. 8 -6550 Res. 200 Montgomery Ferry Dr.. N .E., Apt. 25. Zone 9 Tr. 2-9742 Atlanta, Oa. Dec. 15

ROTHSCHILD, JACOB M .-"Jack" 1949 Church Pastorate-Rabbi-PriviLeged. Rabbi, The Temple 1~89 PCliChtreo Rd., N.W., Zone 9 Tr. 3-1731 Res. 3205 Arden Road. N, W .. Zone 5 Co. 3-8365 Pittsburgh, Pa. Aug. 4

HOWLAND. ~' HANK ,1.- "Fr~u•k" 1956 (.,'()iftttr-uf'lion Strt'ic(· Contractor-Roofing Owner AtlnnLn Roofing Supply Co. 6~; ~·•rth ~t.. N. W .. Zone 1>. Tr. 4-9727 ltes. lOG I Oakdale Road. N. E., Zone i u.·. 3-Mii2 March

IWOUER.. ti\Mt:S MACLII' "Jim" 1945 Jc•ulru \'tN• l'r~•id••nt (;laude S. Hen nett. Inc 207 Peachtree St., N.E., Zone 3 J a. 1-1355 Res. 4315 H arris Trnil. N. W .. Zone;; Ce. 7-4347 CubaFamily Archives_,.-Aug. 21 RUMBLI::, DR. LESTER-"Lester" 1957 Church AdmfnlstratiOII-Executlve Oistl'ict Supt. Wc•t Atlanta District MclhodiRL Church G3 Auhu1·n Ave., N . .E .. Zone 3, J a. 5-7734 Res. a3 Wnlke•· Terrace, N.E., Zone 9 .,., .. 3·3041 Smnn·~. Ga. Sept. 23 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. SAGE. OR. DAN Y .-"Dan" 1932 Pr!v!lcgcct- Rctlred Res. 47 Inman Cir., N. E., Zone 9, Tr. 5-6553 Oaincsvllle, Gn. Aug. 24 Member or the Legion of Honor-25 years

SAUNDERS. KEETON 0.-"Red" 1960 Mac/tllterv and Equtpment-Mlll Supplies VIce President J . M . Tull Metal & Supply Co., Inc. 285 Mnrlettn St., N.W., Zone 13 Ja. 5-3871 Ret. 1756 Friar Tuck Rd.. N.E .• Zone 9 Tr 2-3274 Chestnut, Ln Oct. 24

SCHAE~'E:R. ROBERT E-"Bob" 1959 Ad rcrtlsi11g Agency Vlce-IPresld~nt Tucker Wayne & Company 1175 Peachtree St.. N. E., Zone 9. Tr. 3-2021 Res. 438 Tarn Trail, N.W.. Zone 5 81. 5-0523 ROciiCSter, N. Y Dec. 9

SCHILLING, RO.IHNSON W .-"Bob" 1944 Pmaucc Bnnklng-Commcrclal Senior VIC<:> Pres. The Bank of Georgia 24 PenC'htree St., N. w.. Jn. 3- 1461 P 0. Box 1234, Zone 1 R~s. 926 Pt)·mouth Road, N. E .. Zone 6 Tr. 6-054U Blrmlnghnm. Aln. Aug. 15

8CIIIlOOF.II. Wli.L.IAM 1!.-"BiU" 1954 /,n11· l'tilitit·• .\ttorney Partner Troutman, Sams. Sehroder & l •'<'k~rmnn 1607 Wllll&m-Ollver Bldg., Zone 3 Jn :!-7~80 lies. :!62" llnl.et1lham Rond. ~. W .. Zone 5 ('('. 3·71 '-6 CubaFamily,\tl:ont:l, Gn. Archiveslllar~h !!0

l:iCOTT. DR. CHARLES, JR.-"Scotty" 1957 Mrcticlnr Urologist llr~. Jo'lot·encc nnd Scott 340 lloulevurll, N.K, Zone It Ja. 4·50S2 li e~. 37:1 Allison Drive. N. E., Zone 5 (;~. 3-3773 Rome, Gn. March 18 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 49 SECKINGER. D. JAMES . •JR.-"Jimmy" 1940 Cou11trurtiuu. Scrvitr· Contractor- Heating & l'lumhlng l'rt"8. nnd 1'nt8J!. St><:kin~tcr Sons Co., lnc. 180 Fors)•lb St.. S. W., Zone~. Ju. 1·1063 Jlcs. UlO Lrouie•· Blvd .. N. E., Zone 6 Tr. 2-3260 Savllnnnh. Cu. Nov. 24

s~;I,IG. SIMON S.. J H. "Simon" t'11< mi~t~llndu•lrv-Disinf

SHI, J. E. B.- "Joc" 1958 Aclvertlsl11g- Agency VIce President Burke Dowling Adams. Inc. 1750 Pcnchuee Road. N. w .. Zone 9 Tr. 5-0121 Res. 289 Colcwood Way, N. w.. Zone 5 Bl. 5·1473 Leesburg. Gn. J uly 6

SHUMATE. JAMES C. "Jitn" (Re-elected) 1959 Prlvlll'gcd Retired Senior VIce Pres. Noland Co.. Inc. 512 Spring St.. N. W .. Zone 8. Ja. 2-8024 Res. 3218 Wood Valley Rd.. N.W.. Ce. 7-9341 Wyoming June 12

SIMl\10:-O null Slrd llldua/rJI- Found")' Prit•lll!ged VIce Presldcn~ Cox Foundry & Machine Co. 9~6 Co~ AH• .. S. W. Pl. 3-5191 P. 0. Hox 10~13, Sta. A Rea. s3!1 West Wesley Roaol, N. W., Zone 5 Cc. 7-6600 CubaFamilyAtlnntn, Cu. ArchivesNov. II SDIS. 0. M. "Jt1ck" 1~4 4 llt:ftl i~tl) 6 llf!/r'illtrraiicHt-A ir ( 'outUt io,•inn• Refri~tcrulin~r F:ham l!tl .. N. W .. Z.on~ 5 Ce. 3·0811 GI'IITiu, On. Oct. Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archivesso for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. SIMS, WADE KING-"K1ng" 1960 Hcatfng- Relrlgeration- Air Conditioning Rc!rlgcrottng Equipment-Mfr. VIce Pres. and Asst. to Pres. Larkin Col13, Inc. 519 Memorial Dr. • S.E., P . 0. Box 1699, Zone 1 Mu. 8-3171 Res. 50 Biscayne Drive, N.W., Apt. C-1. Zone 9 Tr. 6-3458 Mlanta, On. Sept. 22

SLATER, WM. TI.-"IIamp" 1938 F"urlliturt'. Fixt••r~•. FNT)Iisiaing&-Furniture-­ Chaln St.ores-PTitJileged Executive VIce-Pres. Havert;y Furn. Com- oanieo. Inc. 22 Edacwood A•·c.. N. E., Zone 3. Mu. 8-•000 Res. 25 Brool.huven Dr., Zone 19, Ce. 3-2 77 Savannah, Ca. July 2S

SMITH, C. MAYNARD- ".\/uynord" 1~4; Law- Attorney at Law- Privileged Law Firm Smith, Swift, Currie. McGhee & Hancock 1405 Fulton Nat'! Bank Bldg., Zone 3 Jn. 4-4353 nes. 590 West Wesley Road, N. w .. Zone 5 Ce. 7-2•183 Cairo. Oa. Oct. 5 Memb<>r of the L(>gion o! Honor-25 years

SMl'fH, DR. II. 0. - "H. 0." 1937 Prfvlleged-Retlrcd Re11. I Ansley Drive, N. E .. Zone 9. Tr. 6-1267 Ponland, Maine July 21

SMITI:I, HAMMOND 8.-"Hammond" 1959 Gover11mcnt-O. S. Civil Service Re~lonal Director of 0. S. ClvU Service Commission 275 Peachtree St., N. E .. Zone 3 Ja. 2-4121, Ext. 261 Res. 610 Park Lane. Decatur. Me. 4-7768 CubaFamilyMemphis, Tenn. ArchivesOct. 19 SMITH. SIMON A., JR.-''Simon" 1960 A ~sociatiO!I-BOy Scouts-Executive Deputy Scout Executive Atlanta Area Council 167 Wa lton Street. N.W.. Zone 3 J n.3-7805 Res. 2143 Cloverdale Dr., S.E., Zone 16 Ma. 7-6345 Bontray, Pta. July 2 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 51 SMITH, WILLIAM 0.-"BiiL" 1957 Beverugcs-Carbonated Division Operations Manager Canntla Dry Olnger Ale Co. 1910 Murphy Ave., S.W., Zone 10 Pl. 3-2183 Res. 5188 Roswell Rd .. N. E .. Zone 5 81 5-2162 St:ncn Jslantl. N.Y. May 2

SOWBLJ.. A WAI,DO. JR.- "lValdo" 1956 /!•.catM'" Strt:arft-Ta' ,\ccounting Partner Sowell and Harden 1107 C. & S. Bank Bldg., Zone 3 Mu. 8-7195 Ues. 1~96 N. lk.-catur Hoad. N. E .. Zone 6 Or. 7-3169 Guyton, Ga. Dee. 6

STANTON, OI.IN M., JR.-"Olin" 1956 /uttaro.,,rr- Firo Prov. Stanton lneuntnc~ Agency I 004 Henley Building, 7.one 3. J a. 2-3155 l!cs. ~4 ll H id~:cwood Rd .. N. W .. Zone 18 Sy. d-1022 Dccntu•·. G11. J uly 3

STEPHENS, JAMES W. "Jim" 1957 Busf!te.,s Scrvtcc- Better Bus!ness Bureau c~ner:tl Mnna!(CI' llctl<)l' Busine>S Bureau c•f Allnnln 212 Henley Bl

STERNE, AUGUSTUS H.-"Billy" 1959 Flnance- Banklng-Oroup Senior VIce Pres. Trust Company of Oeorgla Tru~t Co. or Oa .. P. o. Box 4418, Zone 2 Ja. 2-6000 Res. 2655 Rivers Rd., N. W., Zone 5 Ce. 3-5671 CubaFamilyMontgomery, Ala. ArchivesFeb. 28

STOtt\', l:l . HAMMOND- "/Jam'' 1949 InsurartCC· Surety Bonds-Privileged President Story Agency, Inc. 222 Hur~ Dlclg, Zone 3 Ja. 4-0626 Res. 4~ P'tree Circle. Zone 9 T r. 6-2278 Cadlcy, On. J uly 18 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. STOUT, G. M.- "Tommy" 1940 Real Estate- Rentals Chairman or Lhl' Hoard or Directors Sharp-Boylston Co. 10 Auburn Ave .. N. E .. Zone 3, J a. 2-2929 Res. 316 Argonne Dr., N.W .. Zone 5 CE. 3-7305 Dover , Tenn. Sept. 6

SUTHERL AND. CARL T-"Carl" 1946 Got·enlment- Munlclpal Director or Personnel-clcy or Atlanta 4 City Hull, Zone 3, Ja. 2-5163 Res. 684 E. Pelham Road, N. E., ZOne 9 Tr 4-0188 Gordon County, Oa. J an. 13

SUTTLES. DR. WILLIAM M.- "Bilt" 1957 Edttcatioa- College Dean or Student.s l;< Ol'~tia Stut~ l'ollu:o or Bu•iness Adminis­ tt·nLion 33 Gllmor St.. S.E., Zone 3, J a . 3-7681 H~o. 1293 Cahnlm Dl'ive. S. W., Zone I I Pl. r.-1902 Ben H ill, Gn. July 25

SWILI.EY. UR. MONROE F .. J R.- " Mouroe" 1946 l'hurl'h l'a•Loratr--clergyntan- Privileged Pnotor Stocond-Ponce do Leon Baptist Church 2715 Peachtree Road, N.E .. Zone 5 Ce. 3-1181 R~•. 273i Pe<\chu-oo Rond, N. E .. Zone 5 C:e. 3-0766 El llorado, Ark. Oct. 12

TARPL~~E. UR. SCOTT L.- "ScotL" 19SO \lrdieine Internal 113 - 14th Street. N.E .. Zone 9 Tr. 5-2766 H•·•· 12li Pnlisnde.s Rond. N. E .. Zone 9 Tr. 4-1~36 CubaFamilyCartersvllle. Ga. ArchivesSept. 4

TATUM. I.UTH8R !'..-'·Luther" 1943 P111a11c~-Snvlngs and Loan Vi~o J>r~•- Atlnnlt\ F'edcr~tl Savings & Loan Ann .. P. 0. Dox 1723, Zone 1 22 liiiHI~tta St .. N. W. Ja. 3-8421 Res. 81Rr. Arden Rd., N. W., Zone 5 c·c. 3-7988 Ronnokc, Ala. J uly 22 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 53 THOMAS, C. D.-"Tom" 1942 Trtm!portatfo•~-Rallroad-Frelgbt Tramc- PrlvllcgerL Asst. Oencral Frelgbt Traffic Manager Southern Railway System 99 Spring St.. S. W .. Zone 3, Mu. 8-0800 Res. 321 I J\1nrne Drive, N. W .. Zone 5 Tr. 4-3431 Selma, Ala. March II

THOMPSON, Il ERMAN ~I "T<>mmf' 1933 Chemical !>OdllalrJI- lndustnal J>rc•aidenl Southern States Chemical Co. 1001 West l\'ltlrlf:ttn St.. N.W.. Zone 18 Sy. 4-2436 Hea. 400 Argonne Drive. N. W .. Zone 5 Ce. 8-9ii0 Puln&ki, Vn. June 21 llf~ml.>t'r ..r \h(' Legion or Jlonor-25 years

TILLY, NESBIT- -" B ttck" 1947 Prlufl,.ged- Retlred Rc~. 98 Peachtree Memorial Dr.. N. w. Apt. 1. Cc. 7-8439 Co.vc Spring, Oo. April 28

TITUS, CLARENCE A.-"Clarence" 1942 Prlt•flcged- Retlrcd Res. 222 Melrose Ave .. Decatur. Dr. 3-2139 Brooklyn, N.Y. June 16

TOMLINSON, ERNEST P.- "Emest" 1945 J eu:elrv-Prlvfleged. Manager Claude S. Bennett, Lennox Square 3393 Peachtree Rood, Zone 5 Ce. 3-8201 Res. 1730 Flagler Avenue, N. E., Zone 9 Tr 6-4005 CubaFamilyAtlanta, Oa. ArchivesMarcb 30 TOMPKINS, ROBERT L .-"Bob" 1960 Elevators-Mnnufocturer Southenstern Regional Mgr. Elevator Division. Westinghouse Electric Corp. 1299 Northside Drive, N.W .. Zone 13 Tr. 4 1641 Res. 3765 Parlan Ridge Rd., N.W., Zone 5 Cc. 7-8897 StlltCil Is lnnd, N. Y . July 15 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. TOUCHTON, GLENN A.- "Gle>m" 1950 81t1i>tt .. Seruic-Cer tified Publie Accountant 1415 C. & S. Bank Bldg., Zone 3 Ja. 4-769'7 Res. 3384 Embry Circle, Chamblee, Ga. Gl. 7-6~!12 Jacksonville. fla. Oet. 9

TURNER. fRED J. ""Fwl" 1944 Prlvaleged 1211 Willinm-Oiiver Bldg, Zone 3 J a. 4-7133 Res. 330 Dlncklnnd Road, N. W .. Zone 5 Ce. 3-3737 Philadelphia, Pa. Jan. 31

TURNER. OR. JOHN W .-"John" 1944 M edfclne~Gencrn l Surgery 756 CYJtr<'SS St.. N.~; .. Zone 8, Tr. 2-5865-6-7 Res. 3~85 Vermont Road, N. E., Zone 19 Cc. 7-3133 Dawson, Cia. June 1

UPSl!A W, PHESTON C.- ""l're$" 1944 lfteuraucc-lnspcetion Heport~ l' rivilegcd President Hetail Credit Co. P. 0. Box 40SJ. 7.one 2 1600 Penehtree St.. N. W .. Zone 9. Tr. 5-8321 llt". 1671 W. Pnees ~·erry lld., N. W .• Zone 5 Ce. 3-0322 Loganville. Ga. July 28

VAN RIPER, L. H.-''Van" 1942 Furniture, Fixtures, F umi$1tings-Furnl­ ture-Multlple Retail Stores Executive VIce Pres. Nat!. Manufacture and Stores Corp. 554 Peachtree St., Tr. 5-1641 P. 0 . Box 6325, Station H Res. 560 Elmwood Dr.. N. E., Zon e 5 Tr. 2-1734 CubaFamilySibley, Ln. ArchivesNov. 16

WALJ,ACE, DR JOHN W.- "" J olm" 1956 Dc,ltistru-Genernl 904 111<>clicol Arls Rldg .. Zone 8. J a. 4-7:!92 Ros. 2373 Jll ontview 0•·., N. W., Zone ;; Co. 3-4372 Allonln, Ga. J an. 29 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. ss WALTER. M AJ OR GENERAL MERCER C .- .. Mercer" 1960 Govcrnment- U. S. Army Depu~y Commanding General T h lrd Unl~cd States Army HQ. Third U.S. Army, Ft. McPherson, Ga. 752-3902 Rea. Quarters 5. Ft. McP herson, Ga. 752-2795 Washington , D. c. May 13

WARD, VAR:-JEY $.-"Varney" 1930 /n ~t•raJtC"c-Caaualty- IJorivileged Vicl'·l'rc•. Libt'rty Muluallns. Co. ~28 W et~~ p .,ochtree St., N. W .. P. 0. Box 4026, Zone 2. 'rr. 5-4Sll n.,.. b I Wnkeficld Dr., N. E .. Zone 9. Tr. 6-4965 W)·theville, Va. Oct. 25 Member of the L<>gion of Honor- 35 years

WARNEH. S. JACK "Jack" 1946 Chemica/lndttstry Onsollne Chemtcals­ Prlvllcgcd Dlv. 1\htr. Tho Eohyl Con,.orotion 1621 Rhodes-Hnverty Bldg., Zone 3 Ja. 5-8484 Ttes. S76~ Vco·mont noad. N. W ., Zone 19 Ce. a-~106 Atluntu, Cu. Ap ril

WATSON. 0. W. "/)a"" 1n11 Pinfnrrr Mort~nJ.te t .on.ns 925 Wl'st Peachtree St.. N.E .. Zone 9 Tr. 6-5507 Rc~ .. 3122 .;. Wood V

WATSON. J. JIUGII- "Hwoh" 195! Rooh a>od l'cri<>diralo-Pub'isher l\lnnftgcr Ginn nnd Company 165 Luckie St., N.W .. Zone 3 J a. 2-9628 Rl'tl. liG l'inecrest A\'t!., Decatur. Or. 3-3295 CubaFamilyCobb County, Go. ArchivesNnv. S WATSON. JOHN $.-"John" 1943 Bullcltng Matcnals- Giass-Wbolesale Privileged Regional Mgr. Llbbey-Owens -Fo rd Glass Company 602-608 Whl~ehead Bldg., Zone 3. J a. 4-5239 Res. 1860 Anjoco Road, N. w .. Zon e 9 Tr. 5-3301 Lttchllcld, Mich. J a n . 22 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 56 WATSON, THOMAS C., JR.-"Tom" 1956 Adtter( i•i.,•tJ-1nstitutional Georgia Representative Atlas Advertising Co. Res. 1759 Wayland Circle, N. E., Zone 19 Me. 6-1721 Athens, Ga. Feb. 3

WAYNE. TUCKER-"Tucker" 1946 Advertlslng- Agency-PrivilegecL Owner T~:cker Wsyne & Co. 1175 Peachtree Street, N. E ., Zone 9 Tr. 3-2021 Res. 3227 Habersham Rd., N. W., Zone 5 Cc. 3-6140 Portsmouth, Va. April 9

WBIR, I' A 1 1 1~"/'anl" 1944 l'ulllir Ul!lii>!-Wat~•· Wurks (;oncrnl M11r. Atlnntn Water Works City II all. J u. 4-1303 ncs. 2;.n nrookdnle D•·h•e. N. w .. Zone 5 Co. 3-0696 Nuw Yo•·k City Mn•·ch 17

WESTMOftt;LAND, JOHN L.- "John'' 1921 /.-

WEST.MO RELA!\0, JOliN L., JR.-"Joh1t'' 1952 /.aw- Counsellor at Law l'nrtncr John L. Wet~tmoreland and John L. Wc•tmoreland, Jr. 1216 William-Oliver Bldg., Zone 3 Ja. 1·1935 Res. 87 Peachtree Battle A,·e .. N.W., Zone 5 (;<>. 7-~16~ CubaFamilyAtlanta, Ga. ArchivesOct. 30 WIIEEI.ER, WALTER M.-"ll'alt" 1956 Con8lrttrti(Jn Service--General Cont.rae:tor- Hegional Vice Pr('jl. nnd Mgr. ,\ llnntll Branch Office J. A ..J ou~s Construction <.:o. 805 Lnmbert Dr., N.E., Zone 24 876-3721 Res. 2867 Lookout Plncc, N. E., Zone 5 Cc. 3-8312 Crab Orchtll'd, Neb. Feb. 20 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 57 WHITAKER, E. E.-"Whlt'' 1931 T!teatrcs- Reglonnl- Prtv!leged. Vk~ Po•u. & OJ:>erutions Mgr. Ga. The00 Pinelree Rd., N. E., Zone 5 Cc. 7-1269 Asheville. N. c. May H Member o! the Legion o( Hono~30 )'ears

WHITEHEAD, HUGH P -"Bob" 1959 Publf<' UtJllty- f::lectrlc L ights Vif', Pnoc. Ceul'lCin Po\\er Company 270 PC!\Chtree St., N.W., Zone 3 521-1480 t

WICiOINS, ROBERT S.-"Bob" 1957 Govcn~mlmt- Multl clpa l-A ttorney Associate City Attornc)' City or Atlnntn M03 Cit. & Sou. Bank llldg.. Zone 3, J a. 4-7731 lt1•8, I~ Oo l'otwc de Leon Avenue. N.E. Zono 7, Ut·. 7-6668 Toccoa, On. July 22

WIOHT. JOSEPH STEWART-"Stewart" 1956 Real Estate- Appraiser President Stewart Wight Company 330 H ~aley Building. Zone 3 Ja. 3-6913 Res. 855 Lorldan Circle. N. E .. Zone 5 Cc. 7-1165 Atlanta. Cia. March 28

WILKERSON. WILLlAJ\1 H.-"BiU" 1945 MoehiiiUJI & Equipment- Nailing Maehinery- ~lrr.-/ 'rit'ileqcd !'res. Auto-Sol~r Company 267 Ma rietta St.. N.W .. Zone 13 J a . 4-3445 11cs. 3D3 Pc:tchtn!(! Dnltlc A,·e., N.W.. Zone 5 ee. 3-s:;&& CubaFamilyRom<', Cn. ArchivesJan. II> WILLIAMS, DREVARD S.- " Brevard" 1935 1111 crier Archf tect- D ccora tor- PriviLeged. Owner " Laurelands Studios," HighlandS, North Carolina Tel. 4690 R ~s. 5 Habersham Way, N. w ., Zone 5 Ce. 3-4731 Charlot te, N. C. Nov. 7 Member or the L egion or Honor-25 years

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives58 for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. l IVINSIIII\ CHARLES T. "Cit<>rlilY Co. a42 Nc·~•

WITHERS, JAMES D .-"Jftn" 1957 //eating, Rejrlgeratron, Air Condltioning: Roofing and Insulation Materials-Mfr. All. Br. )lgr. Owens-Corning 1-'iberglass Corp. li~G l'ulton Nation<\1 Bank l:lldg. Zone 3 Ju. 2-61!11 Hee. 4379 Tre

WOOD, C. P.-"Pete" 1960 Tra113portatlon- Rallroad-Freigbt Traffic Asslstnnt General Freight Agent Atlantic Coast Line Ra1lroad Co. 87 Huynes St.. N.W., Zone 3 J a. 2-8132 Res. 176 So. Colonial Homes Clr.• N .W., Zone 9 Tr. 2-2631 Atlanta, On. June 2

WOOD. WILLIAM A .. JR.-"Bill" 1959 Printt119 and Pul>lfshing- Bool

WOOLFOLK. WILLIAM W .-"B ill" 1947 Governmcnt-Count)'-Juvenlle Court Judge Fulton County J uvenile Court ~~5 Capitol Ave .. S. W., Zone 3 Ja 5-6557, Ext. 3 Res. 1700 N. Pelham Rd.. N. E .. Zone 9 Tr. 6-8748 CubaFamilyHatchechubbee, Ala. Archives Oct. 17

WOOTEN. JAMES J .-"J itn" 1951 Co11Structlo11 Service-Contractor- Roofing Secretary Lance Roofing Co., Inc. GS Weyman Ave.. s. W., Zone IS, J a. 4-4771 Res. 505 Echotn Dr., N. w., Zone 18 Tr. 4-0386 Lonchopokn, Ala. June 10 Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 59 WORRALL, CHARLES J - "Charlie" (Re-elected ) 1959 Privileged-Retired Res. Rt. s. Austell. On. Austell 94-8-4491 Brooklyn, N. Y. Sep t. 18 Member or the Legion or Honor-25 years

WYLLY, W IL L IAM ll. "Hill" 1962 P "">IJ.-Mn n ufuclu rcr R egional enles Mgr. Dean Bros. Pumps, I nc. 3363 Wood Valley Road, N.W., Zo n e 5 Ce. 7-~8J7 Res. 3aG3 Wood Valley Road, N. W .. )\one S Ce. 3-8133 lndianai>Oiis, Ind. J uly 12

YOUNG. JAMES BLAKE-"Jnn" 1946 Paper- Manurncturcr- Prlvileged Regional Manager Gulf States Paper Corp. R es. 2367 Alton Rd. N. w .. Zone 5 Cc. 3-4875 Roanoke, Aln. J u ly 19

\'OUNG, 5.:\Mli~;J, lt. "Sc""" 1947 Privileged· Retired Res. 3578 E. North Main St.. College Park, On. f'o. 1-2b01 Coatesville, l'a. Marc h 3

YOUNG UL.OOU, l:I!AHI. t,;::; H. "/Juddic" 1944 1/ortictdturc !';ct'il• Treasurer ll. G. ll n•lius:~ Co. 13 I .Ma r iellu Sl.. :-1. IV .. 1'. 0. Uox ~0~8. Zone 2 J a. 2- 9464 Res. 141 Lamont Orh·c. DeCAtur. Or. 3 -555 ~ CubaFamilyNorlb Augusta, S. C.. ArchivesMarch 5 ZACHRY, A. LINTON "Zark" Charter Clothino lnduetru HNnil- Pricil

CubaFamily Archives

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 61 MEMBERS' BIRTHDAY DATU

JANUARY Kenlon E. Edwno·ds s Louts T. Ba~es Gilbl!rt. Put'Vi& ------11 Judge Uond Almund 13 Dr. Patrick 1). l\llll~r 13 Curl '1'. Sutherland 13 Jc~•e Or:wer 15 Stephen n. Mny 15 William H. Wilkcroon 15 A. C. Cn•tlell<:rry 16 Richnrd L. Moore 11 Don c. Mothershed J a.:k Adair ------:g John H. Hnrlnnd 22 W. Wnllnco Kll!lorc 22 Johl\ ::;. Wnt•on 22 F.dward L. FIO>'tl 23 James Jl. Brown -- 27 Or. Jrun~s J. Clnrk 29 Or. J ohn W. Wniluec 29 Gordon W. Donuhl~on 30 ~·red J. Turner 31

FEBRUARY Glenn lt. llnn>o•· I n. Chol'I'Y L~wl~ 3 'fhomaR C. Wulson, Jr. 3 Robert P. Hamilton -····-- 4 Wnlt.on Rcov<·a 6 Dr. George W, Fuller 12 Samuel 1. lln mt'8 15 Judson L. llnwk 15 John L. W<•,tmor<·lnn

CubaFamily Archives

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 66 MARCH } Pnul A. Clo.rk ______J ohn W. Collina, J r. 1 J•'mnk C. E\•erctt, Jr. 1 J ohn 0. Gilmore Samuel R. Young --- ~ Raleigh E. Drennon 4 Stafford W. Graydon 4 C. E. Drummond. J r. 5 Charles R. Youngblood 5 Lamar J. Cheely 7 J udge Thomas L. Camp Henry E. Lane ------~ William J. Nettle!! 9 f'rnnk J. Rowland 9 C. D. Thomas II J>r. Utn lloltzendorf 14 H . Eugene Caldwell -----16 P:wl W~ir 17 Dr. Charita Scott 18 Dr. Philio H. NiJ>r>Crt 20 William II. Schr<>der 20 C. Milburn Purdy 21 Sam E. Houston. Jr. 25 J. Stewtu·t Wight 28 J ohn R. Cnrmichn..t 29 Paul H. Fox Ernest ]>. Tomlinson ----~3g·

APll.IL Rooor·t M. Mc l'n•·lnncl, J r. 5 S. J ack Wnrnc•· - 6 n uym onU ·r. Cole} 8 Roy L. Ooynl. Jr. 8 Dr. Murdock S. 'Equen 9 Tucker Wnync 9 1 ngrtun l>ickinso" 12 J ohn L. P:\1'kR 12 J ames W. Stephens 13 Richard H . Os~:o<>d 14 Philir• A. Rhodes 22 R o~:or Dean J ucobs 25 Wnlt

CubaFamily Archives

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 67 MAY 1-'rnnk II. Gr·ror - 2 Willinm G. Smith - 2 Lnur{)ncc P. K(.•nt.., J r. 3 J ohn JJ. linr·rls 8 T. H ermc.n Fulton 9 llnrrell L. Perkin• 9 J:un<·S 0. WilhCrM 10 J udJ B. Donnld!\On 14 Jnck C. Frn>cr 14 E. E. Whitnkc-r 14 Or. Shellf'v C Unvi• 15 Alnnaon R. H nthawny 16 Grorl!'<' 1'. Rlchnrd110n 16 Frro J,, Cnnnon 22 Linwood Jiutll·rworth 24 Bn~r<> W. Rntho 2i Emil 13ernste<:ker 28 Allwr~ C. llcndi•Y 29 J . Clyde Mixon 2~ Vernon W. Cnrri•on 31

JUNE Dr. J ohn W. Tur·nN' 1 Lconnr·d J . Cnm t>bcll 2 JlowMn DohhlnR 2 N. RnxlM Mndrlox 2 c. P. Wood -···---·-- 2 Snrn L. Mnr·tlln 3 J>onnld If. Ar·mstrong 4 Robert H. J on<•• 7 Alvin F.. l•ulh•r· 8 Ttlchnrd W . 11\r!'!hc• 10 J nm es J . Wooten 10 Willinm A. Rupl( 11 W illinm B. Rcll 12 Jnmea C. Shumnte 12 C lifton 1 hr~thcs 13 H enr·y Curti• 16 Ch•rcnco A. Titus 16 John Wesl<•y Mnrlin IS Eugene J.'. Robin"'"' IS Gordon H. Bnhl 19 H r\Akdl Royt.-r 19 l!crmnn M. Thom1>•on 21 Jnm e~ A. Cnin 22 W illiAm B. llnrf'('r 22 Lloyd W. ('hn1rin 23 Robert S R~l.'enotcin 23 W. Lee Burge 27 A. E. Arnold 28 Archer B. llnnnnh 211 Otis Ah·in llnrl(•, J r. 30 CubaFamilyB. B. Grorve Archives30

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 6S JULY Simon A. Smltb, Jr. - 2 Olin M. ~tnnton, J r. a Clnudc J. Hendon 6 J. E. H. Shi ______76 Wtulam G. Archer Fore•t L. Fowler. J ,.. 7 Pnul L. n orn 9 J ohn 0. &wer~ 10 \\'nync K. Rh·cr1;. II William 8. Wylly 12 MaJor John D. Needham 13 Uri~:. c~n. JOHJ•h H. Hnnck 13 llr. I· run~ E. ~loor · ~nd 15 Robert L. Tompkins ------15 C. A. Pirkle Ill S. II ununond Story 18 Jam"' II. Youn~r 19 J . H erndon Brown 21 Ow~n ('. McConnell 21 H . 0. Smith 21 Charlt• S. Dudl<·y 22 Luther S. 'fntum 22 ltoberl S. Wiggin• 22 Jrunt'll R. Cook 23 w. 0. nuVnll 23 Willinm R. ll:ieglor __2324 J . Warren Harris Willinm Jl!. Suttle• 25 W. Leo Mol'l'i>on. J1-. 26 J o!!Cr>h E. 131-own 28 Dr. RobertS. Norman _,_-28 Willinm II. Slntco· 28 Preston C. Upshaw 28

AUGUST Sim011 S. Selig, Jo·. I W. LeRoy Dnugh1.•·y 2 Wnltcr V. Ceno·hnrt 2 Alton ~·. Drynnt 3 Ch~rk llunn 4 Rabhi J n<'Oh M. n oth••·hild 4 S. Ru;•ell Bo·idl!e<·, J r. 10 l'>r. Rnht•rt J ordan 10 Ur. Clnud M. Hnyncll 11 G. l\lyrict.. Ckmcnto 12 J O>CIIh n. Murphy 12 King Balky 13 Orew R. •'uller 14 R. W. Schilling 15 John S. Bli~k. J r. 16 Paul C. Maddox li ~(arcus Bartlett 19 J ohn M. Outler, J r. 19 L.ouio P. l.nth<·m 21 H\'nry A. Mnddox 21 J nmcs M. Rudder 21 Fred B. Moorl' 22 J>r. nnn Y. Sngo ______:2624 CubaFamilyJ. Robert No.~l Archives W. Ke lly lllo•l~y 26 Guy H . Rlrhnrd~ 2'; Lt. Col. Willlnm T. Pnwell 28 Eu)!eno C. Barrett 29 Dean S. P aden 30 HUJth P. Whitehend 30 Willinm R. Rrynn 31 C. Eve•·et~ Millican 31

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 69 SEPTEMBER Or. Wlllirun T. Edwards William M. Jlc,\tiH Or. M. K. Dnilcy 4 1''. ]If. 13i rd 4 Or. 'fhorwnld Ero•. Ja·. 4 Dr. Scot~ L.. 'l'IU'Pk't: 4 Albert. B. Lon~:t 5 G. ~t . SlOU~ 6 Otis A. Hnr~&c Don A. Limbert ; Percy H. Perkins 8 Roy E. Glascoe - 9 Erne..t P. Ho~&cr• lU D. W. llrook• 11 M. M. O'Sullivan 11 C. Hownrd Candler, ID _ !3 Willinm A. Wood, Jr. 18 Henry ~·. Dn.rWnle 14 W. W. Brooks I~ Edwnrd C. llnmmond Robert J. J. I.A>c:utcll 15·~ Ro!M>rt L. Macllou~tnll ___16 1~ W. Richa•·d Perkins Robert A. t:lurk 18 Chnrles J . Wormll IS Lewis L. Du•·ncs, Jr. tn Or. J. Hnrds Oew IU W . King Sims ·-·-22 Dr. Lf'~l4' •· ltumh1o 23 Hnrold L. Ebca·•olc 24 Richna·d ~1. Holmes 25 Dr. }-;<'ntnk J•'. Lnrnons 25 AIIM>•·t Howell. J a·. 21 Huboa· it. f'ua·•ons 27

CubaFamily Archives

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 70 OCTOBER

0. M. !:lim~ 1 James V. Carmichael 2 Daniel W. WaU!on --- 2 Grady A. Lee - 3 William IJ. Oliver -- 3 J oseph H. Gilmore 4 G. .Maynard Smlt.h ___-_ $5 W. Elmer Geol'lf& La'Hence A. McKinley s Elliott R. Jack~on li Julian M. Jiarri.on C. D. LeBey, Jr. -----: Glenn A. Touchton 9 Arthur 'J'. Uavia 11 Walter C. Herbert. 11 Dr. John S. Atwater 12 Dr. .Monroe Jo'. S"·illey, Jr. 12 John L. Jo'rnnklin 15 1. Ben Kn~ey 15 A. Linton Zachry 15 J ohn 0. McCarty 17 J udge William W. WooJrolk 17 Dwight '1'. Keilh 19 Hammond a. SmiUI 19 Roy W. Mothershed 22 H. Glenn McNair 22 W. Evnns Bruner 23 J ohn M. ltittclme)•er 23 Soun llf. Carson - 24 Philip D. ClwisUan, Jr. 24 J. Bonjnmln Mooro ----··---- 24 Kec~ou 0. Saunders ···----24 H:. K. Dewees 25 Varney S. Ward -· ·---- 26 Sinclolr J ncobs 27 J. Lon Duckworth 29 Fred A. Henninger 29 William A. Rooker 29 J ohn L. Wcst.mo•·~lnrl!l, J r. 30 Robert .P. Adnml!On 31 Roy M. Avey " 31

CubaFamily Archives

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 71 NOVEMBER John R. Morris 8 William J. J. ChuH) 4 William lt. U•·cwster. Jr. 6 liownrd W. Mumford 6 Urcvard S. Wlllhuna 7 Hinton Ulnckshenr 8 J. Hugh Watson b C. B. CuiPcllll<'l' 9 R. Dudley Hayes _ 9 Ray 1-'. Ol!Li 1G James W. Simmons. Jr. 11 Charles T. Winshh, 13 Wiley S. Oben.buin. Jr. 14 Robert U. C<~rneY IS Edward Lionel UnltY 16 M. M. llcnlon 16 L. H. V:tn Ri1>er 16 Howard H11lrc 19 Grnn\'ille RnmniCe 19 Chnrlc• M. Brown 20 Ur. Uobert L. Uemtilll 2•1 B. Jnmc~ ·'>ecklnger. Jr. 24 W11ll<'r L. Richard 25 l~nwson H;wcrlY 26 Forest L. Fowler 27

DECEMBER William A. llo•·nc. Jr. 1 Dynr ll1nssey ---·--- 1 Glt~·nett A. Carte•· 2 J. Ft·.uer Durrett 4 '1'. L. Johnson, J I J !i Don J. Lnnglund 5 A. Waldo Sowell 6 Judge Carlton Mobley - 7 .John 11. llnt·tloy 8 Uobert E. Schncfe•· 9 Charles A. Rawson 11 Mark C. Pope, III 14 William A. Rooker. Jr. 15 Hnrry Jl. JohnJ>On 17 Hollis E. Morris 17 Louie (l. Dnumhnuer 19 Henri Chnppellct 20 Carlyle l-'rnser 23 Kenton E. Edwards. Jr. --~1 John A. Dodd 2S Edward W. llilce 28 Paul E. :\tanners 28 Morris M. Ewim• _____ so3Q Moreton M. Rolleston, Jr. CubaFamily Archives

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 1961 ROSTER ACCORDING TO CLASSIFICATION

ADVJ::RTIS INC: Agency ( Pt·ivileged) Charles A. Rawson Robert E. Schaefer J . E. B. Shi ( P rivileged) Tucker Wayne Institutional Thomas C. Watson, Jr. N eW8l)ODCr Repre&4,.: nlfltive Robert D. Carney Outdoor Stephen R. May SJ~i:tlty-Sules ,Pt·ivileged) W . Lee Morrison. J r. Walter L. Richard

A IRCRAf"'l': Mnnuf11cturcr H enri Chappetlet

ASSOCIATION: Boy Scout&-Executlvc _ Simon A. Smith, Jr. Chamber of Commct·cc State (Pt·ivllegcd) Walter T. Cates Cotton nnd Merchn ndialng Coopcrntivo (Privileged) D. W. Brooks lndu•ll·lnl (Prlvilclfcd) Willinm A. Bugg Insurance Rttlce Robert lit. MeFttrla nd. Jr. Mental Henlth Malcolm Lockhart Mtmlclpnl w. Eln1er George Salvntton Army M aj. John Needham Lt. Col. William T. Powell Trndc-Snvlngs 11nd L11on (Privileged) E. W. Riles

A U'fOMOTJVE INOUS'I'RY: Pru·klnlf G:lrngc Edward Lionel Batty Pm·ts (Privileged) Carlyle Fraser J nek C. ~'rnser Shod< Absorber. Brr.J.e and Svrin~t Service Raleigh E. Drennon Ti rea Rclnll Sam L. Martlin

BJ::VERACES: Carbonated (Privileged) Fred L. Cannon Willi:un C. Smith

BOOKS AND PERIODICALS: Publisher J. H11gh Watoon

BROADCASTING: Radio (P rivileged) John W. Collins, Jr. CubaFamilyTelevision ArchivesMarcus Bartlett BUILDING :MATERIALS: Olas.&-Plate Donald C. Mothershed (Privileged) Roy W. Mothershed Glass-Wholesnle (Privileged) J ohn S. Watson Lumber-Wholesnlo Sam E. Houston, J r . Mnnu!ncturer Robert Dudley Hayes Millwork Mf1·. l!:ugene .F. Robinson Rendy Mix Concrete nnd Concrete Block Mfr. .Bowden Dobbins Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 73 BUSINESS SERVICE: Auditor Del R. Paige IJettc•· IJuslness Bu•-cuu Jnmes W. SU.phens Certified Public AccountnnL William J. Nettles Glenn A. Touchton Credit Bureau Richard M. Holmes Tax Accountin101 Ot-ew R. Fuller A. Waldo Sowell

CELEBRITY BUilEAU: Clifton Hughes

CHEMICAL INOUSTHY: l>isinfec:L&nUI Simon S. Selig, Jr. Gasoline ChemitRII (Privileged) S. Jack Warner Industrial Herman 1\J. Thompson CUUT

CLO'nt1NC INDUSTRY: lt~tui l J. Herndon Brown (PI'ivilcgcd) A. L. Zachry 'l"nilol·lng H. Glenn McNair

<.:ONFECTIONERY: Cn mly ~H•·· (Privileged) Paul L. Dorn CONSTRUC'flON SERV!CE: Architect William J. J. Chase (Privileged) Albert Howell Percy H . Perkins, J r. Architect Engineer (Privileged) Robert J. J. Locatell Building Soecinltiu Paul A. Clark (Privileged) Raymond T. Cole Contractor nnd Builder King Bailey Otis Alvin Barge, J•·· Contrnctor Heating nnd Plumbing {Privileged) Don A. Limbert B. James Seckinger, Jr. Contractor-Painting nnd Wall Coverint:t {Privileged) J ohn S. Sliek, Jr. Contractor- Roofing J.'rank J. Rowland James J. WooU.n Engineer-Air Conditioning l. Ben Kngey Enrcince r-~1un icioal C. E. Drummond, J r. Geneml Contractor {Privileged) Otis A. Bafl!e (Privileged) P. D. Christian, Jr. Ccner:tl Contractor-Regional Walter M. Wheeler Painting and Decorating J. Wesley Martin l

COSME'rJCS: Manufacture•· (Privileged) Sinclair J acobs Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 74 DEN'nSTRY: Exodontist .Dr. Robert S. Norman General Dr. Robert Jordan Dr. J ohn W. Wallace 0 rthodontiH Dr. 'rhorwald Eros, Jr. Dr. Frank F. Lamons Periodontlet Dr. Robert L. Dement

DRUGS: Retail (Privileged ) Judson L. Hawk

EDUCATION: College Dr. William lit. Suttles E..xeeutive Lloyd W. Chapin P ublic Schools Ha.•kell Boyter Howard W. Mumford Military Academy William R. Brewster, J r. Unh·ersity-Resources UevelOilment Dyar Massey

ELECTRICAL EQUIPllfEN'f: Electrical Conlrnetor Henry !<'. Bn rksdale T. Hermon Fulton Electricnl EQuipment & APJlnrntus- Mf•·a.' Agent (Privileged) Wnllcr V. Gearhart (P•·ivllesced) Richard R . Osgood Elcctrlcnl Equipment & Applinnces- Wholcsnlc Gordon H. Bahl Hen1·y E. Lane Elcclricul Mcrchnndisc (P•·ivllcged) H. K. DeWees EmJ>Ioyt-U T ime Clocks- Mfr. (Privileged) Louie P. Lathem Lrunmc- lnrn ndcsecnt· Fluor-cftcenl- Mf•·· Leonard J. Campbell Liquid Mole•·• Munufncluring and Sales R. Cherry Lewis

ELEVATORS: Manufnclurer ( P rivileged) llfike Benton Robert L. Tompkins

ENVELOPES: l\tnnufneturer Henry Curtis

nNANCE: nankinl( Commerciul Garnett A. Carter R. W. Scbllling llnnkinl( Grou1• Robert ~-. Adamson A. H. Sterne llnnkiniC Holding ('ompnny W Evans Bruner nanldnl(- l nvestments Pnul E. Manners Buildlnl( nnd Lnun Hollis E. :\!orris Consumer Lnans Wilson Kemp Factoring Roy E. Glascoe Jo'ederul Government .Frunk H. Gr<>er I nvet!tnlent Ccrtltlcl\t~s - CubaFamilyMutunl r\Jnds A. RArchiveseeves PierS(In, Jr. Investment Counselor B. Eugene Caldwell Investment" J. Robe1t Neal Mortgnge Lonns C. D. LeBcy, Jr. D. W. Watson Savings and Loan (Privileged ) W. 0 . DuVall Luther S. Tatum Stock8 nn1l BondR Listed J nsepb E. Brown Stocks nnd Boncls [.ocnl J. Frazer Durrett 'l'•·ust Sct·vico (Privilecgd) N. Ba.'

FLORIST: Retail William B. Harper

F'OOD INDUSTRY: Cereals and OUter Food Products C. A. Pirkle Coffee M. M. O'Sullivan Dairy Produe"-netail and Whol~anle Wiley S. Obenshain. Jr. Groceries ~ Chain Storta Vernon W. Garrison Ice Crenm- Whoh"!@ale B. B. George Meat Packing Huber R. Parsons Potato Chipoo ~trr. (Privileged) William B. Oliver FURNITURE-t'IXTUR E5-rUHNISlUNCS: l''urnitur- Chnin Stores (Privileged) Rawson Haverty (Privileged) W. H. Slater Furnitur~ Multiplc Retail Stores L. H'. Van Riper turniture-Retail (Privileged) Howard Haire Crady A. Lee GENERAL. MERCHANDISE: Department Stot·e (Privileged) Harold L. Ebersole Joseph Warren Harris 1:1 ve n nd Ten Cent Sto•·cs (Privileged) Owen C. McConnell Rclnil Vur·iet,v StOI'cB Alton J:t"'. Brynnt C. Milburn Purdy Women's Allf>nrel rtobert S. Res:enstein

GOVERNMENT: Civil Defense Elliott R. J ackson County: Civil Court Judge Thomas L. Oamr> Juvenile Cout·t Judge W. W . Woolfolk Manager Alvin E. Fuller r·cdernl: Soeinl Security Joseph R. Murphy Municipal: Stafford W. Graydon Carl T. Sutherland Atlot·ney Robert S. Wiggins Stale: Supreme Court JudA'e Bond Almand Judge Carlton Mobley U.S. Army Brig. Oen. Joseph R. Ranck MaJ. Oen. Mercer C . Walter U. S. Civil Ser\•ice Hammond B. Smith

HARDWARE: CPrivileged) Dean S. Paden

HEATING REF1UGERATION AIR CONDITIONING: Air Conditionin~ Lewis L. Barnes, Jr. f\JrnRc..-Mnnurncturer L.'\urenee 1-' . Kent. Jr. Reatlnt; and Plumbing SuppUes- Wbolessle Albert B. Long Guy H. Richards CubaFamilyRc!ri~erntini'C Archives F.quipment- Manurncturcr (Privileged\ () M. Sims RcfrigerntOrii- Mnnuf;\clut·er \V. Kin~ Sim~ (Privilel(edl J. 0. Hnrris Roger D. Jacobs Roofing nn

INDUSTRIAL METALS: Paul H. Fox iNSURANCE: Accident (P rivileged) Forest L. Fowler Forest L. Fowler, J o·. Actuary Bruce W. Batho Cnaunlty (Privileged) Roy L. Do)·al Roy L. Doyal. Jr. (P rivileged) Varney 8. Ward Company Mnnnlfer" Lire J :unes R. Cook Glenn R. Harper Fire Olin M. Stnnton, J r. Geneml J ohn H. Hartley William M. Heston Grou11 and Pension Richard L. Moore W. Richard Perkins Inspection Reports w . Lee Burge (Privileged) Preston C. Upshaw lnsumncc Lnwyeo· J. Lon Duckworth Life (Po·ivileged) Linwood Butterwoo-th (Privileged) S:un M. Carson Henry A. Maddox Ll!e-Homc Office Executive. __ Louis T. Bates S. R. Bridges. Jo·. Stu·ety Bonds (J>I'ivlfegcd) S. Hammond Story

tN'I'ERIOR AllCJJITECT: Oeeorntoo· (Po·ivileged) Dt·cvurd S. Williams

IRON AND STI:~: r, INUUSTRY: Foundry (l?rivilegecll James W. Simmons, Jr. Steel Mnnurnetuo't'r cPrivile~red) w. W. Brooks Steel Products Munufacturer Gill>ert Purvis Wrought I ron Pip~ Manufacturer J ames A. Cain

JEWELHY: J:unes M. Rudder (Privlle~red) Ernest P. TomlinS<>n LAW: Attorney nt Lnw (Privileged) Charles S. Dudley Robert H. Jones ( Privileged) G. Maynard Smith Attorney at Low and U. S. Commissioner (Privileged) Frank A. Holden Cori)Orl\tion Attorney Ernest P. Rogers Counsellor nt Lnw F. l\L Bio•d (Privileged) J ohn L. Westmoreland, Sr. J ohn L. Westmoreland. J r. CubaFamilyUtilities Attorney William Archives H. Schroder

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 77 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Automatic Time Mnchlne- l\lanufacturer (Privileged) Johr L. Franklin J ohn 0. McCarty Industrlnl Supplies _ William G. Archer (Privileged) Ch;u·tu '1. w.nship Wm. R. Zeigler Leather Belting ~Hr. (Privileged) ln.rnun Dickinson Mill Supplies KO*ton G. Saunderl! Nailina Mnehiner)' Mfr. (Privileged) William H. Wilkerson Power Plant Equil)ment J ohn A. Dodd J ohn M. Rittelmeyer Tanks-Mfr. Fred A. Henninger Valves-Mfr. Eugtne G. Barren Valves. f~Uinga & Plumbing t'ixtures- Manufacturer l>onald H. Armstrong MECHANICAL WRITING INSTRUMENTS: Manufacturer (Privileged) J ames V. Carmichael MEDICINE: Dermatolo;iet (Privileged) Or. Philip H. Nippert GnatroenterologiSt Dr. John S. Atwater General Surgery (Privileged) Dr. Shelley C. Davis Dr. John W. Turner Gynecologist (Privileged} Dr. Dan Y. Sage Internal Dr. Scott L. Tarplee NOeelnli3L !Po·lvile~

MOULDINGS AND P ICTURE l~RAMES: M:tnufacturer (J>rivilcl(ed) Kenion E. Edwards Kcoloo E. Edwards, Jr.

MUSIC: Walter C. Herbert OFFICE APPLIANCES. EQUIPMENT AND STATIONERY: Office Equipment H. G. Carithers (PrlvUeged) W. A. Horne, Jr. PAINTS. OILS AND DECORATIONS: Po.ints-lltrr. ( Privileged} William B. Bell

PAPER: Manufncturer (Privileged) James B. Young Wholesnle Philip A. Rhodes CubaFamilyPETROLEUM OIL INDUSTRY: Archives Gas and Oils (Privileged) C. Everett l\lillican

PHOTOGRAPHY: Blue Print nnd Photost.ntie Seo·vice (Privilel(ed) T. L. Johnson. lll Photogo·ovhy Walton Reeves

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 78 PRINTING AND PUBLISlilNG: Books ll!fr. Wm. A. Wood, J r. Llthogrnphcr John H. Harland Mark C. Pope. ill Printing- Commcrclnl Arthur C. C..stleberry Cordon \V. Donaldson (Privileged) John L. Parks SPOrt.a Publrcntiona Dwight T. Keith

l'UBLIC UTILITY: Electric Lights Hugh P. Whitehead Electric Power John R. Carmichael Edward C. Hammond Gas Alanson R. Hathaway Telegraph A. E. Arnold Telephone W. B. Bryan John 0. Gilmore Telephon-Puhlic RelnUons W. Kelly Mosley Water Worka Paul Weir PUMPS: Manufacturer WWlam B. Wylly

REAL ESTATE: Apprnli!Cr J. Stewart Wight Butldtng Mnnngcment C. Howard Candler, nr l,red B. Moore Building Ownership (Privileged) Oliver M. Healey Pt•OJ~l't'tY M!lnnKcment (Privileged) Morris M. Ewing William A. Rooker. Jr. nenlnls (Privileged) Jesse Draper L. A. McKinley G. M. Stout Snlcs Jnck Adair Judson M. Carner (PI'ivileged) Paul C. Maddox RELIGIOUS WORK: .Ex~utlve Dr. P. D. Miller TEJ.,EVJSION STATION REPRESENTATIVE: Richard W. Hughes TIIEATRES: Buying and Booking Roy M. Avey Reglonnl (Privileged) E. E. Whitaker

TOYS: Manulnclurer W. Wallace KillrQre

TRANSPORATION: Air Line Don J. L~ngland .1-'reight Forwnrding John 0. Bowers Freight TrnfTic Counselor CnUJ~hey B. CulpepJ>(>r Pipe Line Robert P. HamJiton Archer B. Hannah Rnilrond-Executiv~ CJ>riv;l<·~etll J. Ch·de ~lixon CubaFamilyRnllrond-I•'reight TrnfTic (Privileged) Archives C. D. Thomas C. P. Wood Rnilrond·l nduetrinl Division (Privileged) Rnr~-ell L. Perkins Rnilroncl-PMacnger Trnffif On l.inc Samuel T. Barnes Clark Donn T~xi Cnbs CPrivileged) A. G. Hendley

WAHEHOUSB: Public llferchnndlse (Privileged) Wm. A. Rooker Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 19 1961 COMMinEES OF THE KIWANIS CLUB OF ATLANTA, INC.

Tho President ill an Ex-Otlicio Member or All Committ.ees

ACHiEVEMENT REPORTS Louie C. Bnumhnuer, Chairman TR. 2-!>44!! James A. Cain, Vice Chairman JA. 6-4500 JA. Kin~ BnlleY 2-7876 M:

AGRICULTURE AN() CONSERVATION William A. Horne. Jr.. Chairman JA. 1-1463 Wlllillm A. Rooker. Vice Chairman JA. 5-4521 M. K. Bailey JA. 3-5206 lllilchell M. Benton TR. 2-8821 David W. Brooks CE. 7-2251 C. Howttrd CMdler, 111 JA. 2-3970 J. Harris Dew TR. 4-5728 Fmnk C. E'•e...,tl. Jr. JA. 4-1366 Waller V. Ce~~rh:trt CE. 3-4431 Billie B. George li!U. 8-3453 William B. Harver TR. 6-5766 Oliver M. HeRiey JA. 2-3265 f"rnnk A. Holden JA. 4-5379 Stephen R. Mny TR. 4-0801 Lawrence A. McKinley JA. 1-1011 John R. 1\forris JA. 2-8021 Rny F. Olds TR. 6-8102 CubaFamilyHugh P. Whiteheod Archives521-148()

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 80 AT'l'ENDANCE

Robtrl A. Clnrk, Chnil·mnn DR. 3-0~iO Archer U. Jlonnnh, Vice Chnirmnn J A. 3-4621 Donnld ll. A rm•trong 'fR. 2-4711 A E. Arnold JA. 1-2100 Olis A. Unrge !>72-5b95 Henry ~·. Barksdale TR. 6-3765 Hinton Ulnckshoor CE. 3-7391 J . Herndon Uro" n JA. 3-7661 L. J. Cum1>bell CE. 3-541b J. n. Carmichael 521-3400 Roberl D. Curney J A. 6- 3!>S Arlhur C. Cnotleberry JA. 5-8654 W. L. Unughtry OR. 3-3 5 Arthur T. J)nvi• JA. 5-3386 Howard K. Oe\\ees 75-275S T. Hermon Fulton JA. 2-5160 Claude J . Hendon TR. 5- 596 ~ Laurence 1-'. Kent, Jr. TR. 6-3611 Henry E. Lone llfU. -3811 A. ll. Long J A. 2-:!034 J. Ben Moore JA. 5-6671 Eugene f' Rob! n110n J A. 2--4711 Williltm A. Rooker JA. 5-4521 Frnnk J. Rowlnnd TR. 4-9727 J. W. Simmonl, Jr. PL. 3-5191 G. M. Sloul JA. 2-2929 John L. Westmorclnnrl. J 1·. JA . 1-1935 Chllrlcs R. Youngblood J A. 2-9464

CubaFamily Archives

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. lS I BOYS AND GIRLS WORK John 0. McCllt't.y, Chnil·mnn TR. 2-2262 'l'horwuld J;ro~. Jo·., VIce Chairman 'l'R. 6-2046 J. Uen Ktlgey, Vic e Chairman 'J J{, 5·5344 John S. Atwater MU. 8- 1911! Roy lit. Avow TR 2-0791 E. Lionel Dntt.Y JA. 2 -~645 John S. Blick, Jr. JA. 1-1362 Willitun R Bre""er. J r. PO. 1-SSS1 James H. Brown TR. 6-1041 Joseph E. Brown JA. 1-0231> James A. Cain JA. 5-4500 H. Eu~rene Caldwell JA. ~-7976 J:.'rcd L. Cannon JA. 5-6236 Henry Curtis 'fR. 4-7541 J"""" Omper JA. 2-9511 Rnleigh E. Drennon JA. 1-132 C. E. Drummond. J r. TR. 6-5:!62 Hnreld L . .Ebenoole JA. 2-7612 Kenion 1::. Edwards, Jr. JA. 3-6991 William '1'. Edwnrds JA. 3-7694 Murdock S. Equen TR. 5-iSll }'orest L. Fowler. Jr. JA. 1-1805 Paul H. l'ox ·rn. 5-8521 John L. l·'a·nnklin 'l'R. 2-2262 Drew n. t'ullcr JA. 4-5416 Archer U. Hunnnh JA. 3-4621 John H. t lnrlnml 'l'R. 5-8771 John 11. lhu-tley JA. 1-1541 R~lwson llnverty MU. S-4000 S>un E. Houston, Jr. 'I'R. 2-1364 A lbtH't. llowoll J A. 3-6241 Sinch\ia· Jncohs JA. 4-0606 C. 0. LeOey, Jr. J A. 1-0680 Owen C. McConnell 'l'R. 4-5723 ltichard I•. Mooa·c J A. 4-1 735 W, Leo MOo'l'iKOn, Jr. 'fR. 6-1 561 I'hilllo II. Nivoea·t. JA. 2 - 583~ M. M. O'Sullivnn :MU. 8·1870 Denn S. Paden JA. 3-7211 Philir• A. Rhodes JA. 2-8734 Wnlter L. Ilichau·tl JA. 2-9843 Guy 11. Richnrd~ 1!75-9021 Jneoh M. Rotluwhild 'l'R. 311731 James M. Rudder JA. 1-135;; Keeton C. Snunder• JA. 5-3871 James C. Shumat~ CE. 7-9341 0. M. Sims MU. 8-3171 Olin M. Stanton. Jr. JA. 2-3155 Scott L. Tnrolee TR. 5-2i66 Mercer C. Walter ';52-3902 James J . Wooten JA. 4-4771

CHARTER llfDtDERS Dowse B. Donaldson. Chairman TR. 4-1241 Gordon W. Oonnldaon JA. 2-5660 CubaFamilyA. Linton Zachry ArchivesJA. 3-7661

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives82 for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. CIRCLE K Alvin E. r'ullct·, Chairman JA. 2.-5310. E.~t.. 393 Emil Llcrneteekcr. Vice Chnlrmnn CE. 3-7484 Willirun R. UI

CIVIL OEF'ENSE John 0. Gilmore. Chairman 529- OH l)ont.ld C. Mothensbed. Vi~ Chairman PL. ll-4636 A. E. Arnold JA. 1-2100 Alton ~·. Brynnt JA. 2-39;;4 Henri ChappelletL 424-3213 Clark Dunn 523-2777 H . Glenn McNair ~ru . 8-9949 J ohn D. Needhnm TR. 5-7S4i> Wiley S. Obenshain. J r. TR. 2-0711 Tinrrell L. Pet·klng JA. 4-5021 Mal'l, C. Pove, II I CE. i -1684 RoherL E. Srhnefer 'l'R. 3-2021 Rob<·•1. L. Topmklno 'TR. 4-1641 J ohn W. 'l'urn~r TR. 2-5865 J ohn W. Wnlla<·e JA. 4-7392 Paul Well· JA. 4-1303 S:tmucl R. Youn)l PO. 1-2801

I'JNANCE Chrhy JA. 2-4121, Ex~. 241 Ne•bit '!'illy CE. 7- 439 Glenn A. Touchtoll JA. 4-7697

1-'UND RAISING Cnrl T. Sutherland. Chairman JA. 2-5163 F. M. Bird JA. 2-250$ W, 0. OuVnll J A. 3-8-122 Cnrlyle 1-'nu;er J A. 2-4400 J ulian M. H nrri110n CE . 3- 1445 Willinm A. Horne, J r. JA. 1- 1463 C. Everett MillicRn TR. 6-2431 Willinm J\. Rooker JA. ii--1521 C. Mnynnrd Smith JA. 4-4353 CubaFamilyFred J . 1'u rner ArchivesJA. 4-il3~

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. SJ HOUSE King BaHey, ChairmAn JA. 2-7876 E. Cherry Lewis. Vice Chailrmun SY. 4-8215 William G. Archer MU. 8-3400 E. Lionel Batty JA. 2·56-lS Louie G. Baumhauer TR. 2· 44'> J ohn 0 . Bowers JA. 4-3$46 Linwood Butterworth MU. b-3900 James A. Cain JA. 5-450U Joseph H. Gilmore DR. 3-4362 Frank H. Ga·eea· JA. 2-4121. E.'

INTER-CLUB RELATIONS Elliott R. Jackson, Chnirmnn JA. i;-4843 Thomas C. Wnt•On, J a·., Vice Chttirman ME. 6·1721 Louis 1'. Bates JA. 3-i231 William J. J . Chase JA. 3-286M Dowse B. Donaldson TR. 4-1244 l>rcw n. Fuller J A. 4-54 16 Robert P. Hamilton TR. 6· 5591 Ro~e·· D. Jacobs 111U. 8-1601 Don J. Langland J A . 4-1&4S A. B. Long JA. 2-8034 Guy H. Richards s;5-902 t ~foreton M. Rolleston. J ,.. JA. 3·1566 Hammond B. Smith JA. 2·4 121. Ext. 261 A. 'Valdo Sowell. J a·. MU. 8-i195 Ernest P. Tomlinson CE. 3·8201 Robert S. Wi~:J.

KEY CLUB Howard Mumford. Chnirmnn MA. 7-6><6U Samuel l. Barnes. Vice Chaiamnn JA. 2-6-114 William A. Rooker. Jr. MU. l\-6550 W. King Sims MU. 8-3171 Willinm G. Smith PL. 3-2183 J. Hugh Watson J A. 2·9628 C. P. Wood JA. 2-8132 W illiam R. Ziegler l\1U. h-0345

KIWANIS EDUCATION AND FF;LLOWSHIP Luther S. Tatum. Chnirmnn J A. 3-8121 J ohn 0. Harris. Vice Chllil·mnn ~ru. -1601 Charles llf. Brown 761 -8821 Fred L. Cannon JA. S-6236 Dowse B. Donaldson TR. 4-1244 CubaFamily ArchivesJA. 1-2376 G""rge W. Fuller Dynr Massey OR. 3-1621. E."

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. LAWS AND REGULA!J'IONS Robert 11 . J ones. Chllh·mo

MEMBERSHIP Preston C. Upshnw. Chnirmnn TR. &-8321 Chnrl~• T. Win~hip. Vice Chnirman MU. b-3400 Juck Adair JA. 1·0100 0. Alvin Hnrf(e. J r. S72-5 95 Marcus Bnrtletl TR. 5-7221 Thomus L. Cnmp JA. 2·5310 Harold G. Carlthc-. JA. 2-9200 J>. 1>. Chriotinn. J r. CE. 7-6459 Jnmes K. Cook TR. 6-3673 Edward C. llttmmond 521-1480. Ext. GO!! Sinclnir J ncobs JA. 4·0606 Henry A. Jllnddox JA. 4-1734 WaYne 1\. Rivers JA. 4-543S Hohinson W. Schlllin" JA. 3-1461 Carl 1'. Ruthcrlnnd JA. 2-o163

MUSIC H u•kcll Boylco·, Chulo•mnn TR. 5·9206 Wnltco· C. lfcrhcwt. VIce Chnit·m~tn TR. 6· 670 1 Muo·cud llnr'llctt TR. 5-7221 l:lo·ucc W. Bn! ho TR. 5-7521 J esse Draper JA. 2-95ll St.nlford W. Omydon JA . 2-4463. E:'(t. 247 Clirt<>n HuKhcs litE. 6-2603 Richnrd W. lhtl(lu:• b75-85-l'i J ohn M. Outler. J r. CE. 3-3946 Golden A. Pirkle T'R. 6-431!1 William 1'. Powell PL. 3-4167 Wulton Reeves TR. 2-L124 William H . Wilkerson JA. 4-3415

PAST PRESJOE:NTS l\Iarcus Bartletl. Chnlrman TR. 5-7221 Edward C. H:tmmunrl. Vice Chairman 521-14 o. E.... l. 50!> Willinm W. Brooks JA. 3-2127 Charles M. Brown 761-8821 Fred I.. C:onnon JA. 5-6236 Harold G. Carithers JA. 2-9200 Roll

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 8S PROGRAhl W. Lee Burge, Ch,.irmnn TR. 5-8321 Oyar ll1n8!K!Y. Vice Chairrnnn DR. 3-1621. Ext. 396 William M. Suttles, Vice Cbnirmnn JA. 3-7681

QUARTERLY CHAlRMj,.'N Fin;l- A. H. Sterno JA. 2-6000 Second-Sam E. Hou..ton, J r. TR. 2-1364 Third- Paul E. Mannen; JA. l>-6671 },'ourt.h- J . Ben Moore JA. 6-6671

l\ION'"fliLY CIIAIRM&N J anunry Del R. Paige Ji\. 5-8401 1-'ebrunry- Willillm H. S<:broder Ji\. 2-7480 1\lnrch J. Wesley )lnrtin JA. 4-2 41 April Paul Weir JA. 4-1303 May- Richard W. Hu~<:hes 875-8547 June-RoberL S. Regenatein JA. 2-6625 July CIRrk Dunn 523-2777 Augu'!l Hnmmond B. Smith JA. 2-4121. Ext. 261 September FrRnk ~·. Lamons JA. 1-2321 OeLober--Gicn n R. Hllr~>er JA. 3-8431 November--Uruce W, Ontho TR. S-7(;21 Decemher- R. lll. Mcl-'urland, J ,., JA. o-8323

PUBLIC ANJ) BU S INESS Al-'1-'AillS F.clwn1·d C. H1unmond. Cb~

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 86 PUULlC ltELATiONS J. E. B. Shi, Ch~irmnn TR. 5-0!21 Robert !II. Me h rll\nd, Jr.. Vi<·c Chnirman JA. 5-SS23 J ohn W. Collins, Jt. TR. 5-8441 J . Warren .HI\ro·ia JA. 2-4636 Edwnrd W • .Hiles JA. 3-5471 WilO!On Kemp JA. C; - 5~81 .Frank 1'. Lnrn<>na JA. 1-2321 J ohn M. Outler. Jr. CE. 3 - ~946 John 1... Park• MU ll-2:!36 Golden A. Pirkle TR. 6-4381 Chnrles A. JtnwO!On JA. 2-3591 Simon A. Smith. J r. JA. 3-780S Jnmee W. Stephen& JA. 4.-i>636 'J'homu" C. WntbUn. Jr. ME. 6-1721 Tucker Wttyne TR. 3-2021 E. E. \\ h1tnker TR. '2-0793 Willinm A. Wood. J r. CE. 7-1611

RECEPTION J . lwhert Neal, Chait·mnn JA. 2-4700 Eul{erw C. Llnrr·ctt, Vice Chnirmnn JA. 2-6668 Charlca M. Brown, Vice Chnirman 761-i-!821 H. EU,(enc Cnldwcll JA. 4-7976 R. L. Doyal TR. 5-5697 'J'hOI'WU ld ~~1'0&. J I'. TR. 6-2046 Jack C. 1-'l'ltac•· J A. 2-4400 W. Elmer· Ctor·J{e ?lfU. 8-0472 Glenn r<. llnri)CI' JA. 3 - ~ 431 F. A. Hcnningc•· HT. 3-7161 I. lloll l< aiC~Y TR. 6-5344 Cmdy A. l.tc 'MU. 8-3100 J oacph R Mu n )hy JA . 2-4121. Ext. 241 Robert. S. Nua•rnun JA. l·L6~3 Ho1Je11. S. R~genslrln JA. 2-6625 Simon S. Sellsc. J o·. JA. 3-fi051 Mercer C. Walt.e•· 752-3902

SERGEANT-AT-AMS Alnn&On R. l!uthawny, Clmirman JA. 2- 051 Chnrle.. R. Youngblood. Vice Chairman JA. 2-9464 ltol><>•'l. 0. Cnrm·y JA. o-sas::~ Lt\mnr J . Cheely lllU. 8-7210 W. J..eltoy Onughtry DR. 3-3h58 John A. l>odd JA. 3-i331 Willi;un M. Jl~•tnn JA. 1-1272 Richard M. HolmeM TR. 5-8321 T. L. Johnson. lll JA. 4-1916 &un L. MarUin TR. 2-6 36 H uber R. Pnrsons TR. S-2571 Pen:y H. Perkin11. Jr. 231-li40 B. J nmes Seckln~t<>•-. Jr. JA. 1-10G3 Olin. Ill. Stnnton. Jr. JA. 2-3155 Varney !l. Wnrd TR. 5-4511 Walter M. Wheele•· i6-3i21 Chnrlet J. Worrnll 948-4.491 CubaFamilyWillinm B. Wylly ArchivesCE. 3-8133

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. SPORTS George F. Richnrdson. Chairman TR. 5-1603 H ollis 1::. Morris, V ice Chairman JA. 4-2686 SnmuPI I . Bllrncs JA. Z-6414 S. Russell Brid~:c&, Jr. TR. 5-0621 J nmes H. Urown TR. 6-1041 Cnrnet~ A. Caner JA. 3-7511 Robert A. Clurk DR. 3-0l>iO James R. Cook TR. 6-3673 Hown rd K. Uc" eeo b75-2i53 Fores~ L. ~·o" ler JA. 1-IS05 J ack C. F'rru.er JA. 2-4400 R. Dudley Hayes JA. 5-2021 Ed d,lox JA. 4-1 7:S4 J ohn M. Rittelmeyer JA. 4- 1531 J nmc. C. Shumnte CE. i -9341 C. Mllylll\rd Smith JA. 4-4353 S. J ttek Wurncr JA. 5-8484 J ohn L . Westmoo·eh\nd JA. 1-1935 John L. Westmorel:uld. J r. JA. 1-1 935

SUNSHINi: Willinm M . ::hoLlies, Cbt\irmt\n JA. 3-7681 Gilbert Purvis. Vic:.~ Cbrurman. 'l'R. 5-344) Bond A I ma n(l MU. l!-1195 nonnld II. Ao rnMlt'Oill.( 'l'R. 2-4'011 J ohn S. AlWiltCI' MU. 8-1918 Goo·don II . Hnhl SY. 9-5364 LewiK 1-. flnl'fle8. Jr. TR. 6·3701 Saoo ~1. Cou11on T R. 6-0676 Llo1d \V. C:"ll>in 'I'R. 6-92ll J orm~s J. Cl.ork JA. s-ssae Bowd t'n nohiJins CE. 3-678P Roy L. O >ynl. J r. TR. 5-5G97 lft)w:"..-t Jl nil•e .J A. 2-SSGJ Roheo1. M. McJo'nrlnnd. Jr. JA. 5-8323 Carleton Mobley MU. S-53SO \VIIIinm H. O liver GL. 7-4421 Willian> T P<>·.v~ ll PL. 3-4167 ft. Ree,·es P i~•·•on. J o·. JA. 2 - 3~13 Dan\. l:'lll.'C TR !i-6:,53 S. 11:\:nnuuul Story JA. 4·vo26 Scot~ L. 'fart>ll'

CubaFamily Archives

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 88 SUPPORT Ok' CHURCHES IN 'l'HEJR SPUU'ruAL AIMS Wnyne K. Rivers. Chairmnn JA. 4-5435 Owen C. McConnell, Vice Chairman 'l'R. 4-5723 Robert L. Dement JA. 2-7776 J . t'mzer l)u rrclL JA. 2·0433 Kenion E. £dwnrd8 JA. 3-6991 Judson M. G16 Crady A. Lee MU. 8-3100 Carlton Mobley MU. !S-5SSO Lester Rumble JA. 5-77M H. 0. Smith TR. 5-1267 Monroe t'. Swilley, J r. CE. 3-1181 Clarence A. Titus DR. 3-2139 James J. Wooten JA. 4-47il

VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE Willinm J . Nettlell. Chnirmnn MU. 8-5838 Wolter 1'. Cot('8. Vice Chairman JA. 4-8481 C. Myrick Clements DR. 3-4822 Rnymond T. Cole TR. 4-1686 Caughey ll. Cuh>ePJ>er JA. 2-9668 Shelley C. Onvia JA. 3-4271! Edwnr-d L. }."loyd DR. 3-3671 l)on J . L:wi(ln nd JA. 4-1648 l)on A. Limbert TR. 4-7118 Hobert J. J. Locnlcll 'l"R.. 4-3264 Pata·ick D. Miller· TR. 5-8921 l<'t·unk Moorhead CE. 7-7592 Howrto•d Mumford MA. 7-6860 Richnrd H. OoitOOd TR. 5-7804 J ncoll M. Rothachild 'rR. 3-1731 J nmes M. Rudder JA. l-1355 Lester· Rumble JA. 5-7734 Cht~t•les Scott, J r. JA. 4-5082 D. W. Watson TR. 6-5507 Willlnm W. Woolfolk J A. G-6557. E xt. 3

CubaFamily Archives

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. r Kiwanis International Objects (ARTJCLE II OF CONSTITUTION) To give primacy t.o the human and spiJ:itual rather than to the material values of life. To encourage the daily lidng of the Golden Rule in all human relationships. To promote the adoption and the applica­ tion of highe1· social, business and professional standards. To develop by prc<'ept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive and serviceable citizen­ ship. To provide through Kiwanish clubs a practi­ cal means to fot·m enduring friendships, to render altruist.i<' service and to build better communities. To cooperate in c1·eating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which makes possible the increase of right­ eousness, justice, patriotism and good will.


O FF l C~~ II S 1961 Governor: Larry P. Martin. Dec:-ntur Immediate PMl Co,•trnor: George T. Smith. Cairo Treasurer: ) l yles L. Cook, l>oul(las SeeretarY: IWbert H. Mitchell, Northside Atlanta LrE Tt;JIIA!\T GOVER!\ORS l"irst Division: Herbert J. We•t. Northside Atlanta Second Oh·ision: Harr> t\. Urown, M<\nchester Third Division: Jnmtg K. Hun>er. Thomasville Fourth Division: S1un lluBo.e. Waycross Fi(th Oiviaion: Jnck Kt·lt. Vienna Sixth f>iviaion: Chnrl<"' H. Evnns, Jr.. Warrenton Seventh Division: Kermit Lo\\ rY. Winder Eighth Division: Oti4 J. Clittt. Jr.. Metter CubaFamilyNinth Oivision: N. llarria llt·aiCg, Jr.. ArchivesJ ones County Tenth Oivision: J«me" I. Wright. Clevelnnd Eleventh L>ivision: Ch~ur '1'. Braden, Floyd County Twelfth Division: William J. IHcl.cY. Covington Thit·leenlh Oivision: Jim N. l)~nhnm. Ashburn Fourteenth Oivision: Hont·y '1'. Maione. Decatur l•'ifteenlh Divi~ion: :;. A. King, White

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 90 CHARTER MEMBERS



King Bnil~y Dr. M. K. Bailey M. 1\f. Denton Emi I Ilcrnstecker !linton Olackshear Fred L. ("annon Knrold C. Carithen; $am M. Carson Dr. Jnmcs J. Clark Robert A. Clark Or. Robert L. Dement I>•·· J, ll:u-ris Ocw Dowse ll. Oonnldson Gordon W. Donaldson Je"~c n.·nper ChR •·lcs S. Dudley J. l•'m•c•· Durrell E. L. Floyd Cn ••lylo l•-.1·nscL· Alvin 1::. ~'uller '!'. lie•·mon l'ulton B. 0. GC(H'Il:e IIO\Vtll'!l Hru re John H. Hnrh\nd Juliun Jlf. Harrison l·'rnnk A. Kolden Or. Ben Holtzcndorf Albert Howell Sln~lni,. Jncob~ Rob*'rl H. Jones Or. Prank L. L:unons C. Everett lllillican J. Clyde Mixon 1..:\wrence A. McKinley Jr. Glenn McNair Dean S. Pnden Chnrlea A. Rawson Dr. Dan Y. Snge C. Maynard Smith Herman M. Thompson Varney S. Ward CubaFamilyJ ohn L. Westmoreland Archives E. E. Whitaker B•·evard S. Willi:tms Charles J. Wo•·rnll A. L. ZI\Ch1·y

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 91 r OTHER KIWANIS CLUBS OF GREATER ATLANTA

AIRPORT AREA: Wedncle Thomas. Bus. 1>hone PO. 6-S3 6.


BUCKHEAD: Monday. 12: 1r. P.M. LUAU Resltournnl. 1n99 P<•uchto·C<' Hooul. President: IIOI'II('C McE:Veo·. IJus. phone JA. 1-0147. Sccretolo·y: Hco·mnn Scott. IJua. Jlhonc CE. 3-5391.

CASCADE II ~;IGliTS: Monday, 7 :00 A.M. Audubon Restuuo·ant, 2312 So•well Rd.. S. W. P n·•idcnt: E. B. ("Ned") llakeo·. Bus. phone PL. 5-4:i51. $eco·ctoH·y: Guy Winter•. l:lus. phone PL. S-S766.

CROSS KEYS: W«hone GL. i -i249. Secretary: Vincent 0. Snuck. Bus. phone TR. ;;.n;L

UECATUR: ThunhoneArchives DR. 7-1119.

DRUID HILLS: Tuesdny, 6:30 P .~l . l)cclltu•··DeKnlb YMCA Bldg., Claiom onl Ave.. liecntuo·. Po-c~idont: 'l'. 1'. StuhhK. Bus. phone 629-7632. SCCI'CII\1')': c. 1::. n~drel'll. Oug, phone CE. 3-6i6j.

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 92 NORTH DEKALB: Tuesday, 6:30 P.M. Standard Club. Brookhaven. President: Sidney B. Ehrlich. Bus. phone CE. 3-7465. S<.>Cret..u-y: R. T. Sills. Reo. J>hone CE. 3-1844.

NORTliSIOE: Fridny, 12:30 P.M. The ALinnta Bilunore Motel. President: Don Elliott H

SANDY SPRINGS: l:<'riday, 6:80 P.M.- Hommond School. Sandy Springs. President: John B. Jlloore. Bus. phone BL. 5-0556. Secret..Lry: CharlcJS G. Shet>herd, Jr. Bus. phone TR. 6-7731.

SOUTH DEKALB: Tuesday, 7 :80 P.M. Tom's Restaurant, 1760 Cnndlcr Rd.. Decatur. Pn•Jlidcnt: Roy B. Holland, J r·. Bus. phone DR. 3·4466. Sect•clttry: Dolton 1•'. ScotL. Bus. ohone JA. ~-3 4 51.

SOU'J'H l!'U.LTON: 1\Jesdn,v, 7:00P.M. Fulton County Health Deot.. Pnlmctt.o. President: James Jkntley. Bus. phone J A. 1-1722. Sect·ctnt"Y: Harvey Melear. Bus. l>hone 964-6i51.

TUCKER: '1\Jeaday, 7:00 P.M. Woman's Club Building;, Tucker. President: Conrod J. S<.>ehler. Bus. nhone 1lt. 3-7195. Secret..Lry: Philip C. Pou, J r. Bus. 1>hone. PO. 7-1581.

WEST END: Thursdny, 12:30 P.l\1. Top Hnt Restnurant, 626 Loo St., S. W. President: Charles E. Bowen. Bu~. phone. PL. 5-6611. Secretary: W. Jun Keller. Bus l>hone PL. S-6136. CubaFamily Archives

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 93 INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS Convent ion Year 1 960- 1 961

President, J. 0. 'l'ALI,Y. JR. Fnyett~vllle, Nnrth Cnrolin>l Pre•ident-Eiect, I R. WIT'MIUUN Milwnu~ee. Wio.conain Immediate PnsL President: ALBERT J. TULLY .Mobile. Alnbnmn Vice Presidcmt. C. L. "HOC" MORRIS Springli~>ld. Viee Preeident, J. l'. HOBt:HTSON Edmonton. Alberta

~asur~>r, MF:RLE H. TUCKEil Cnlluv, New l\lexico Seeret.'\ry, 0. E. PETERSON ChicnJ.:O. lllinoi3

TIIUST I,ES ERNEST C. UASliOR Los Angeles, Califo•·nin CLUM BUCll f:H. Bloominl(ton, lndinnn HAROLD 0. DANNER. Mndioonvillc Club. Cincinnati. Ohio W. CLYDE CLASS Louisville, Kentucky EDWARD C. KEEFE Oklnhoma City, Oklnhomn EDW,\RJ) U. MOYLAN, JR. Minmi, !-lorida DON E. MUMFORD New York. N

~tEL ft. OSBORNE East York Cluh. Toronto, Ontario DON I. PARKER Lincoln. Ndna¥ka OR. R. GLENN REED. JR. CubaFamilyJlfnricttn. Georgin. Archives CHARLES A. SWAIN Cn!l

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 94 KIWANIS PROGRAMS OF SERVICE FOR 1961

Li1·e by the Golden Rule and demon­ stJ ate sumJo?·t of religious cmd spiritual ralues. Encourage youth, by precept and ex­ cmt]Jle. to become responsible leaders and citizens. Support our Key Clnbs and CiTcle I<. Clubs th1·ouyh constcmt adult associa­ tion, counsel and guidcmce. H elp youth in 7Jhysical, mental and nwml dcrelopment. and in the choice of ct t•ocation, to yroll' to lncttw·ity and excellence. Fostu more elfective fa1·m-city Tela­ lions and p1·omote souncl consm·vation }JI'O{J?'ams.

Use the "CQ" JJI'O{J1'(Wt to inc1·aese par­ tiripcttion in responsible self-gove1·n­ ment; promote inte1-national good will as exetnpli/ied by Ccmada-United States 1·elations; ancl adt•ance peace th1·ough the rule of law in n•orlcl ajJai1·s. Build sb·ong clubs through positit!e, ef­ fecti~~e cmd eonlinuiny programs of edu­ cation and the joste1·ing of good fellow­ ship in eve1'11 Ki1canis expe1·ience. Increase Kiu·anis surice by expanding ow· membershiJ) through personal spon­ sorship, the building of new clubs and diversified p1·ograms and ·music. CubaFamilyMaintain a high quality ofArchives sen·ice by continuous eml!wtion of club accom­ plishments.

Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. 95