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Designing Buildings Wiki The industry knowledge base

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CIAT announce support for Designing Buildings Wiki Construction Manager, 6 June

A Dutch professor has developed self-healing roads using microwaves.

We are delighted to announce the Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists have become our latest sponsors. GCR, 6 June

“Architectural technologists have a pivotal role in the development A diplomatic row in the Gulf of complex buildings, and their knowledge will be an invaluable could wreak havoc on the addition to a fantastic, free resource.” World Cup.

Construction Enquirer, 6 Norman Foster - a profile June

The architect behind some of The two-year rebuild of the the world's most famous Battersea chimneys is structures, including the complete. Gherkin and the Millau Viaduct.

CITB, 5 June

A BIM for site managers course has been launched by BREEAM respond to Trump CITB and BRE. The cross-continent approach to sustainability will not be affected by Trump's Paris decision. RICS, 5 June RICS and BBA sign a Memorandum of Understanding on commercial valuation. BSRIA response to Trump

BSRIA express disappointment about Trump's decision. Construction Index, 5 June

Safety guidance has been published for powered access machines.

Legal indemnities BIMplus, 5 June A quick introduction to legal indemnities for property. A new Sketchup plug-in transforms 2D to virtual reality in seconds.

The Guardian, 2 June

What's so great about the Construction firm Mears bans Eiffel Tower? workers from having beards.

A new book tackles 70 of architecture's most sacred cows. UK-GBC, 2 June

UK-GBC reacts to US withdrawal from the Paris agreement. Infrastructure and the election

What do the election BRE, 2 June manifestos say about BRE launch a new version of infrastructure? LINA, the life cycle assessment tool.

Construction Enquirer, 2 Google HQ plans June

Google submits a planning Construction growth rebounds application for a 1 million sq. ft to 17-month high. groundscraper in King's Cross.

Featured building

This innovative form of modular construction re-uses shipping containers for apartments and offices.

Designing Buildings Wiki is supported by:

Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners Institution of Civil Engineers BRE Trust The Institue of Historic Building Conservation U and I Group PLC Chartered Institute of Building BSRIA Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists

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