Public Record Office London, Bngland T. 1/4

Treasury: In Letters and Files, Treasury Board Papers, 1689, June-August

1. 1689, June 28. Custom llouse, London. Presentment by (Customs Commissioners). Concerning tobacco, incl. details of manufacture of various types of leaf. 71..1317. l-J

.. rublic ~ecord C~fice LO~LC.Or;_, o../nsl and 1'.1/7

Treas~ry: In Let&ers ancl Files, ~reasury ~oard I a~ers, ~~&3:; 1b90, J n..• -Larch

1. 1639/90, ~.arch 20. --us ton r ou s e , london. Pr-e s errtr-eri t '.Jy (Custons '-'or''iissioners) c o+ c e r-rid n g marrufac t ur-e of' tobacco.

7i . J 313. 1- 3 "

I u ] ic :.ccorc Cr':icc I Londor., Ln g Lc n d J'.1/15

Tr e a S\. r _.: In! ct t r sa: l' i 1f' 'r-c a s ur-y Boord _~_crs, 1691, .u~.-(,c"'.;.

1. 1691: ~uS. 6. C storn: cuse, Lon.on. Irescntmcnt by (Customs Coruud s s.Lo..'t°s). Con c e r-n Ln .. c'estrl_ction of tobacco stalks.


" "

rublic ~ecord ( fIico Lo n d o n , ~n,",:!..:lnd T. 1/:5

'l'rcn-llr~: In Lo t t cr s and l ilcs,' l'rcasury Boa.r-d • ~_""\C!"' , l' 91. .vov , - e c ,

1. .0. (At'ter I1ccc::-ber, 1 91). Lc.:ard a: d o Lp h to Lorc!s (:o;-Ili s s 1.oner s 01' tile ...~rc, ..c.?re s ell t a ~ion conc crT' in:; his "cl iliscnt Survey of t r; e wood s lY.l.l1':· on th0 f..:n-i~.:t:-'le .i\.·c.-s, in ,J ..rcjt!L:~, Lc r y l arid , and (:aroli:lo", a rcpor~ of 1,:lich is e nc Los ed ; r-c qu e s t s confir:-aviol~ of his u.l.po Ln t a.cri t a s ..)..1t'vcyor 0_ «o o d s in c on t Ln.en t o L ,\I7:crica. 7lr.. I 'to 0 - I Lrrc L, 2. ...·.J. :.e::>ort referred to above: ",\ da s c our s h ow to .. a dor tile ! La n t a t Lon s , more beneficiall [ .dv a ltv .:;cous t:> this Lngd ome " • Amer Lc nn Z" ... sources 0" n av a L s zor-e s ; s u gg c st s

t h. t II" e c e s s Lt y 'I-ill force, to rriaxc I as t s ox' Cypress t.r-e e s " , '~tlic:' abOU;L(_!in ':irGinia ;'and 01150 in Seyerall

Rivers L~ : orth ":n.rolir ..e " j ,l 0.'5 ibili1:io"" ~ .J. production of pLa nl , ':'410 ti ....').!r lor bu i Ldzing ships, _ i ch and tElr, rosin, heMp wlU rl~x, saltDc~er. 7~. - ..I./-L{- _. ..

PuLlic -ccard ££iCD ~ 0:1. C.', :"r.;:lu!:d 1'.1/17

TreaAury: I~ LcttRrs ~~d Vile~, Trcnsury Board ! .~pcr~ 1 16 9::! I J

1. llJ91/2, l- arch 15. <-us t om lo u s e I I 0,1.,0.1. Re po r t to ?reasury on Virginia Law a Ll ow' payme n t .i.n c e r t a i n c omraod i,ties. 7~. 1,/02.. I-If ~ncl. ,.., -. : •D. Scheculc o1~ co rro dd t i.e s p r opes er: [or p ayme n.t of" d ~hts in \irt"inia, ....,ith r a t c s ar. d p r Lc e s : tobacco, Hhe:'lt, Cn~lish .. ea s , etc. 7&'.I'-/bj.1 And encl.

) . :.• D. .5chedllle 0:- rates and <..luties Lmpos ed "u:' Yircini.:l on cx, orta-cion of fur s and 'li c;c s , 7&. /404-1 i.. 16~lC~), ,:)rch':'1. Cu s .ou.s e , Lo nclon , ;resent~H:nt by .: S:O:1":: ';0 ••.lissio.l rs to Trc ...s ur-y c onc c r-nLrrg request by rncr-c n an ts and o t h c rs c o nc e .me d in trac e to "I:~rsinia and ·.,:\ryland tat a lao be passed prevcr:tin:; e xpo r t a tion of b u Llc tobacco fro, t.ho s o colonies. (.i'hc raemor La L re:ferrcd to is not incl cd here.) 7fs:.1'i,)-.1-2 ··0· ...

Public 'ccord Office Lv_,J.on, ....n J.a d 1'.1/13 Treasury: In Letters and Files, Treasury Board apcrs, 1 92, hpr.-Ju·c

1. 1692, June '30. Cus t om Ilo u se , London. (;l.!st003~ners to tire.: snry). ~oncerl in"'" levy of' one p erm.y per pound on To~acco c~rried ~ro~ one colv~v to another. ?~_/'fO


• ruul~c ~ec~rd Lffice Lo n do n , ....~...Luri d T.l/26

'.:'re ..i s ur-v : I:: Lec be r-s and foiles, T'r e a s u r-y Board ape~s, 1694, Jan.-G ~urch

1. : .. :J. Cus t r '"'5 Co don er s to (Treas11ry). l!eport on the z cmo r; ~i:r .n c e of _':~or.a;5 : .e e c' c J •• c er n Ln "d~ v e+s f r au "u.Le n t ~rrl :11 ~a1 ractiscs of 3everall ~c~tc~ merchauts and "tr~r e r s rOI.: t:.cpcc te· firg.L'nia a'n c others of their t~es t~on,:;I.. . . e,. .r .... f • uJ .1 .!. ~;1 d.l(;~~Ca ~4'l Y 0 ("oc~ctt ..", e;;)~ecial1v in i l'ortc.tion of to'b~cco. ., ?~./'iO-S.(-2.. - Encl. • ~. :.• !) • eery of :Jroposals ('?by mcrch'lntsbelO1. ...) concernin;; above 1 es e c La Ll y reGa~dil-;' du t a o s 0), collectors ~n. Vir~~T1~o. arrd 7t&. 1'10C(.1-1. 71d encl. •• T ----- .\ .). CvrY of 11 •• ce the ao r-chc n t s a n d :-r.:'dcrs to Vir,;inia and . c ry.L ;. II to I~US't: ·:s Co..:·issioncrs requestin~ t·, ~t ! roposa1s annexed ('? ...he ones above) be fOr1.rorded to t:"le

...'retlsury. Si,~ned by :'icnjo:l s: e r r y D. 1G 1G others. '1L:_. ''ilO./ ,\nc! e n cL, 4. 1693/':, l'eb. • CO?Y of Il~" Perry .;1 .... d eyeven others to ~ustot:..s ",C ..:1issionors concerninG above • • 1.. 1411.1-l. Public ~ecord Cffice I -: on ':ur., Eri g La n d T.1/27

Treasury: !n Let t er s ann Files, TreasHr:: Board Par>ers, 1694, S ~·.arch-15 :.ay

1. 1 93/ft, l.a!-cl: 22. Cus t om riou s e , Lon don , • rcsentl.lC~nt by 'usto~s Cor~issio~ers to Treasury pro~Qsin~ vessel to r as e ;-ithin Capes of V'ir,sini.. CY eLs ewber e to pr eve n t

fr-a uc.u Le n t; traclilt~, especially !'rol'1 ::,cotland arid Tr-e Lan d , 1'.14 (1...1-3 "

ublic ~ccord eft ice Lori do 1, ....r ~.and T.1/30

Tre.:l.sur~·; Ie :"ettcrs and Files, 'l'reasury Board .. a p e r s , 169'1, 19 (,ct.-10 Dec ,

1. 1594, eeL 27. ~'Q,-:~m:c; "o';ni:3sioner'" ~o (T'r-o a s ur-y L, ::ncl. dr a f t of "1-' s-:ruc t ions n e c e s s a r y f'o r' th e ":0 'na~ders of" the tWO ve ..sells {rd.?red to ~")eInJJll,)~ cd on tl~e Coa s t s of Vi.l.'~i~ia -.; ; az-y.l an c, for the bet ter o b s e r v a n c c of the :.cts 0.... frac.e an c, :.(l,\·i ga t ie"' 1" • 7~.Itr

'l".a.. 1/-r.....I\"

re oar)": In otters a. .' J• .Le rrc~st!ry Soard I n:, rs I 1696, Jnll.-· a.r c n 19

1. 1695 (iJ), J an , :5. USt0r.15 Co' .1:Ji ssioners, London, to O:ouse of Lords). to order 0::' Ho us e of' Lo r-ds fer ir.t'or::lation c ....n c er-: il!3 "11 •• e t l e r' as t hc L.:1.~.·rrow .3tn!' t~1cre is a SUi.~~ici o>;!!: _ 0' er in ";ry color.ies_7 to· Collect ~:.~ Kinss Juty", and LmpLi.c e t a on s of Lor c t i.or, ot: a ~;co"tis·i. 't.radir...::; ~ cor.tpnny. Is enclosing a 1 tter lito be .::;,en'tto the Covern .... of t he .te s p e c t; "v o .lantac •• 5 i"1 .'•• er'Lca !", , 7~. 1l-fIS. 1--, .rrc L, -'J . . . lho let~er referred to nbove. 7fR. t'l l I«, /-G.. • .... &" , '

Iublic ~ecord Of£ice London, Ens1and T.1/56

TrPBsurv: In Lettrrs and ~iles, Treasury Board ... 1.f'c=~st 1( 98, ~c s:) t. -(;c c , 1':

1. l'J93, Oct. 12. I{el)ort of Cll:-:;-';Or:1S ~O-i'li~sioners, London, to ('1'rea3ury :'oard). ,)c cr Lpt Lor, 0: r.liscella.neous p ap er s rori;.:1r~ed c ouc er-n i.n j ;-1 'ntatiorl trade az d "sor:e thin~s '-;0 have o os er-ve d f r orr our pLan t a c ori Lres Ifor the Trea~ury's considcratiol, i~cl. trade in tobacco, etc. i.\ile! Lur0!lCCl!1 soods be t w e en plan t a t ions ant! c.u r op e via ~,e,\'foundland, ,-ithout toucbin:_: ~J1Gland; a nc' l:sevf>ral1 pri va t e _ropri(' til's" " ere t: .e r e is I coo e .. sy an a s Lon

of n Irre,!ular .crade" t z s t iie _so,-crnors "',.-e: not

~p~ointed by his 6 ajcs~y ..~' rrc ~orc interested in their O,',"'Tl a dv on 't ..1._ e than in ....1"'::. t c i:-.' 5 't r-ade II. :->.1{"50 co:o;wcnt.3 On naval of_icers and custons col!ectors. . 7&, Jt17. /-4

.' .~ ..' .'

I ublie .!{eeord uffiec Lo .oon, ~n~lanu 1:.1/S7

rrcasury: In Let~prs an' Files, Lrensury oard P~pcrs, IG9G, Let. 15-.ov.

1. "1.098, Gc t , '27 •.• m• ro pp Le , "••itehall, to ~,-rn. Lownd es , ., 'I ". 1'7 (g. J - ~ ':ncl. .... 1698, Cct. 27. (CO!Y) of (Council o~ frade) to Lor~s ~ ztices • Tr,ll:lSnits c"r,,:ftot' ins true t i on s to colonial .;overrors, c nCerni"l...,em'llo)l:1c:l-C01 naval oi'f"icers; propose seneir-- :s;:~:i:p3 t:,.. ins I.r'lctions to Dl'C ...rietar:- Cl:1d ch rter :ovcrn- clts; ',~ervc ~hat no pro~ric~~ry or c'nr-cer governnerts h~vc sivcn seclrrity for cord~ct of "C~eir governors or deputies, as orde:-ed. 7~. 'Lf I C{. t: '2. .;r!c.~ encl. 3. ; .D. CLIY of instructiolS referred to above. 7k. IljZO. /-J._ ( .. .0

~~blic Leco~d lJi'l'icc Loncor., Lu:;land 1'.1/60

Treasury: In Lntters ~ld Files, Treasury .coard ! a pe r s , 1699, ~.arc:,-April

1. 1699, ;,"'r. 27. rho. Ffran.kland nn<.lH. Cotton(?), Gen er-aL 1 s~ uf.=ice, to Trcns:.:ry. C(,;-:cerl'ir'S c s t a oLt shme n't; of' postal service i:n .1.1~crica, Lne L, pro:Josed ext en.s Lon tllrnll.;h Vdr g i n.i a an d I a r y La nd , '7~. 1'1?.I.I-1. :ublie .ecord Cffice I Lor.dori , "'n, land 'I • 1/64 I Trc i s ur y : Ir. J...etters and Fil es, Treasury Board Pa.ers, 1699, Let. l~-·:ov.

1. 1"QV. 11. C. s t orns Cor..r.issioners, DubLa n , to (l.'reasury). Coneer~ing ~etition of tobacco ~erehants in five Irish , orts. 7&'.1'1--:2.')..1-.3 Encl. An aCC01.~nt of t.o o i!l.iortel~a 'C: 1._nC:e(~ at po r t s of D'ub Lf n , -'ro,;:>ileda, vor , ..:n:e:-for(:, :.. Jnl onderry, 21~ ~ec. 1693- 27 J D.... 16,)3/9. 111c1. ""u~:e5 01 51 mer c' ants in tho s e or t s , 7'1..l.ILf2...J· 1.. I ... .' 4 ••• !

~ublic ~ecord Lfficc Lorrd ori , ...n.:>l and 1i73

Tre~isury: In Let ters and Files, 'I'r-c a s u r-y tloard _ ap e r s , 1701, : arch-:.pril

.. , .t. • 1701, oil. ~ r. -{. Cu s t ori s Cor.'miss:'oners, illLonClin, to Treasury oo.rd. 7itt. I '-/ Z Lfo -». _ncl. :::!. ~etitiol1 of tobacco erc' ants 0,- wivcr"looJ. concerrin. 10" 'r.; n t of tobacco b on d , :24 s L...;naturcs. Incl. entry 01' rc~ly of' «ri: , Lown d e s to the I cr-clrarrt s , 7 ~.arcl' 17";:)/1.

7 ~ 0 1'12'" I 3 ."}. 1701, .vp r , ). --us t oras Co.. '1is':>iv1.ers, Loncon, to T'r-ea s ur-y Ul r. - C::. r ';"Iort f! ~-:...ob or- t lttary en stu. t c of trace a ru pLr c c y if. t n e plc:l±ations; Cus t oms Ccmmds s don or-a r e c o . mATH! v e s t Ln g Ln t. c ~rolm the ._ovcr;::-;lent of al:!.. nro riet ..r' colonies. _.. . '1&. lL{-'l..(.,1 1-3 Ertc L, ( 4. 1 99/1700, I' c l 6. i'h e re ort r-e f c r-r-ec to above: piracy, tobacco tr~~e, etc. '7~. lL/1..'i. J-Lf r .blic ~.ccord Cffice LO'l_l')n, Errg La n d T. 1/75

Treasury: In Letters ~~d Files, T~casury 10ard .. ap er s , 1701, July-J I\U:-USt

1. 17t 1, July 25. eti tion to _'i.-easury of: ..n dr ew H..:uuil"'::01': and .'obert \.e,,;t,II .. of c h e 1--ost in ~.orth ,"r:-:er~c<:l.rr, 1'0.' ::rant, e t c ; , for c n c our-e gernon t 0: rcst

~re sury: In Letters an~ Files, Tre~sury Bo~rd .apers, 1701, July-C August

1. 1702/3, ho.rch 2~. .ill:"c..l!:lulath"ayt, l.hitcha11, to Treasury ~oord. ~ccount of rcv·'n~es payable to the Cro.m from plan t a t i.ons in .'.:lerica ; incl. (f01. 73b) C rolina. 7&.. I I oJ.. 1. I-I?..

( ..

.tub.:!..' c .,<::cor' \. f f Lc e ::oldon, ...nslnld T. 1/87

T'r-ea e !":-: In Letters arid /ile5, ....sur y Dce..-d .a.ers, 1703, Au::;.l-:\ov. 30

1. 1703, Aug. 2 •. ;illia~ Llatbloyt, .hitehal1, to (:i'rca5ury· -,oard) • .-{eport on reyenl. (,5 c.u e the C'rown frOll v ar-Lo u s colonies. Incl. "I hav~ n150 ..cquainted the Lord uranvi1 . .:'.1a t Ln e of Coro.!.ina. • tha t unless those I-roprietors. • do . e e Jd L: ~'r:nl" ,;it!l the Po n t; of ~heir ~ent I-of :159.1u.O as o~ ~ast ~ovenber~7, process would be Issued out D~aiast·then •••• ~ 7~· l'i: 30. 1- Lf Pu b Li.c .voc o r d '" .I.'fice I Lon d on , .....T1-::>lald T. 1/90

Trens r~: In Lettprs an~ Files, Tre~su=y Board ~a~ers, 1704, Apr. 1-June 15

1. 1704, _ a) 18. St. Jarues's. ,L~LICA~~ of ~rder in Council COl cernin~ pre:urntion o£ procla~atiop conccrni~~ the "5ettlin ... the VaLu e a t ,.-hich. • ForreiGll Coyns are to be r-ec c Lve d " i71 the 1<1'1~n.ions; pr-o c Lar-c t Lon to be "'Jlis:lec in all"'t.L'.- Loris in r :I':'lerica 1 ".., s ;.-cll un de r- I roprietor~ _.:1l1d ~h rtcr liovernnents as under Governors bY . er ...•.a y s ieda... a t e C·o,"nl.ssion". Sea.1 7 c . J Lf.3 J. 1-3 ,." 1 .... 170 i, t 1.ay :;0 (read). ~~Cl res e. to. ..ion to Tre .. s u.ry Bocrr-d fron rner-ch an ts 4_:nding t o ..i 1;" :inia, - ar) La .0, ~.C\; ~n ..La n c' ,

~'C1 Yor' t ! erm s y.l v, ri.i a ".'.nd p rts crijace1.t" r e qu e st Lng e s ta bLds hmen t of r ost c : _'ice p ac ke t service l>et,reen London arid : e., Yor lr , 73 signa t I!re ~. 7feL .iJ2... 1-3 .ublic Racor 0ffice Loncioa, "::nt:1a1<1. '[. 1/92

TrcL'sury: In lI.ettcrs a n d F:'IC's, l're::tsury board ~a ers, 1704, ~ct. 20-~ec. 31

1. 1-;04, ucc. 7. .ve 'ort by Cu s t orrs Co ,:lissioners, Lorid n , to ir ce sur-y Board , (;o·1cer..liro,.: let tar of .. iehuel Cole I "rr:1.0 la t'} [,;0.0 <'.$ .' as cer of a - .i;:> to ;1.' r1'o,. CnrolL1o '::nr I,.n:;. y e ....r-s ... sL"; ....o Lo is c c nc er n e d '0 ." t' ~ I'._r<..""t u an t Lt Le s of .ice .,) iIlt at ·.>:rol:i.:1D. Elld S0.~"!.1:c':'=cctl:.r fc~- .0110, cll, bat t 10 av.i .ation .~ct does n ot prohibit t Ls I rice n.ot b oa n a..·• orrmune r at c d c crirao d i.t y ; Cor':"iss- i ~ers roco: cld pl~cil~ rice, ~te., on t~e list. 1 7~. 'Lf33~ (-::t , ..r.l: .. 1I v r, lo.l....YT';c··... Co., Le- to ( --,"r oc,"",s uz-v"".- _ o""-d)...... • - ecent 1'i5"0'-"j,. • .... "" • of tl e rice tr ...d e t .,)IJUt:1 C~r~Jli...... ,nUor5t:>r, that Ie"!::cr to 1) se. ~ to Cust ::I~S ~o . is si on er s , to ..ere. or t er 0.1

f' a s S!1C '( i1) ,15 .0: be". 7&· {'f3~. {-1._ 1,;"c4, So~e t s~~c. Cuncerni,s sa~c. 7 c . I 'i 35. J -;Z " " ..'.

_ub:ic ~ccurci ([fice Lo n , ~n,<;l

....'re,ls~-':-:;·: In Lc t -c r s c,:, d 1- i1 es, 'I'r-e a s ur y Boa r d sapers, 1705, J.:lnu;:::.ry-:.arcb

1. 1,;,,()ld5) , .In!1. 31. ,iIIi-\i' ulathllayt, "hitepul1, to (!'rcasury .oard). ~i Jrt o~ r~venue from tl e ?la~tatio~s; incl. Crol. 128) ~;-rolil ...a , 7Lc.. {'f3 ~. /-7


... I;R " " " "

lublic ~ecord ~ffico Lo n do '1, =n~lnnd T. 1/101

Trensur:r: In e t e r s Ll. • .':'1 O~, .1 rc r-y Boa r d li::._CrS, 17...7, Jan.-l\.ri~

1. 1706(7), J_n. 7. Custo ~ en. ~is~ioners, London, to (Lord Hi~h Trcnsurcr). ..."os Is co. c e r n Ln g pa yme n t of :?rel;li~ on n av a L 5 ~orcs. 7{q_. 1'-l-3? - (-2. J.:.l1c1. 1,uG/7, J"n. 3. eu ~( 1 I.Oi..:.SC, Lo n dori , Lus p e c t o r- ,-tc'lera1's Cf':fice. ""n .c c o p t , S: e L ' ..» t;lC Io~u.:lnt.itie.s of Pitch, r r r , .o z e n , ...', r·)~l1t':".l~. • II o r t e d to Lo ndo n f r-o+- the •.nc.Li !":l 1..-11t a . ions i' _'meri~"''', ::"5 ')ec. 1,05-25 l f)ec. 1706. I el. tIC r oLdna " -- ni"c , a ad t~r onLv , ~~::1e 'f :)r rnqnm:z:x 0u t - por t s , : :; 1) e c • 170':>- _.9 .3 e i" t • 1706; inc 1. .• .., r-o Li.n a " -- p a c c ....r· t~::. .. o n Ly , 7~ _ I L.f '3. 8 - /--;;_ .). 1~o6, JOC. roo CustOMS ~O ~issi ~crs, London, tv ~ord nis~ !_ 'I'rc·-\surer. Hep.)rt 0.1 let tcr to "avy Goard fro'" : r • .rid~e- c cQ.nir· nroduc ion of Di~ch Dnd tac i1 Acerica • ._ ?~- ,43<1. I-Lj- ~ 4. "."\0 ~evcr~l Pr-o errrLums <.1:1 ;..;uties on i'~ava11 Stores From t! e Inn tncO! ..s in . :lcr ice.. I ~(,e. ,'-1'-10.1 ). 17 /7, J.lL. 10. ~t~sto 15 ~o .. issiGn~··s, LO!l oa, to ...url of' uodol~hin. fobncco trade. ?&./'I'fl-I-:< :i-;-06, . 't~-. :;0. (CU::-Y) 0 ":1.. .-:.eil of ':ir_i'in to (.r~._sury o,rd). _ob~cco trnre. 7~. 1'i'i~.1 s 7. _. D. ( .....ll:'=orscd 117he Ans' -'}r ot: the Yirzinia ? crc - to the Lc-t~cr of the ~o' 'ncil o:f ',ir[inia ...... ~oueh:_ns ~o voysll). -;3 signature;;. .'

I u'.Jlic ,ccord \..{'t..l.ce Lo n do n , _L..,I~n(: r. 1./102 I T'r c a s ur-y : In LI~+' c c r s a n d .··ilc"" -i'rc.:1st..ry uo.:\rd P.:\_1cr 1707,: ..:1y-5 ell te:-:bcr

1. 1707, 1I... t. :.•.Y:- ~o~rc! to Lown d e s , Cone e r n i n g produc tion of n~~:l s~ored in ~~Qrica. 7~. 1'-/'-1'/.1- 3 170 , iJee. 9. cc Y o f s r re to nO\!rci. of' 'l'r.:lcc. :.a'\'. .l stores fro:r: pI a n t a t L 0n ~ • if.:,. l'f ,!-S. 1-.3 i ub t ; c . e c o r-d \ f.c-i c c 1 0.1C.O:1, .....11. Larrd T. 1/105

T'r-o e s ur-y : In LQt \;e r-s a n> 1 il ~s , 1'rC

1. 1\.D. ("'lor-;cd 1:; Feb. 17C8, b·~t os s LbLy date of minute. r encil1ed la t e 1:2 Feb. 1707/.J w a s a dd e d at t' a ..ub1ic rv!') eC( r dr'C ... .L~ce., ) II _'} lU ..• ' r.t• 1eel. t .t loon. 0 ...... L" ..:..ut,ar d __t r y de 'I tv t h e u o en , .: t h e 'e:: i tio:-- or 11.' di v er s sre,... ,is- fortunes i", • it' hi ....1" reduc'd to a very de :'or_blc CoudLt Lori!"; ~I"'S h a d o:f.fer 0_ la sn 1" ,,;ovc - cn t ..~ ·":.l·olin ..l" m d o i i.rt by Ju!· .... o f _O~l.l ... ort, "n.: .:'5.5 {"!u'~cn's

oo ,t~·to CI d Le hip to trans or t; to C~rol.!.:i.:l hi:nself I , iJ e, 10 four ::;0. II ch.t Ld r-e a ; a s k s t~ t r

1 roprictors -- :::1. "or t:1 rr-e L ou t s '! , : inutes concern arr0ars, : l'uj. 13.4., rl,_.c !==i.r·ce ~'} :.ovcn~cr 10?7. 7&. ('f'f~. /-2 'I lOu' lic l~ecord l;ft~ice Lon on, _n .. 1u:d T. 1/.112

Creasur:,: In Letters arid Files I '.ire, s ur y Bo ..rr d Inpors, 1709, Jan.-~eb.

1. 17C u/9, Jan. 20. '"j 1" ir., Lown d e s , Treasury C; arno e r-a , to i 11inCI ~:I 13l<:tit hwa Lt e, Au d i,tor General of I Lan ttl tions. I s 'to c n s a d er- v a r-j o u s o s pe c ts o f' is =u cn c e of co :•rn i, s sian for settli:1'; b o un d...ry b e t ween V'iz-gi.n a a and "Cn t a Lon i a!' ; 7~. 1'f7-7· 1--:1_ :."!. 1703/9, .I.°cb. 2. ..i11i"m ....d. it::h,aite, ,i1itehall, to (Treasury . o ar-d ) , ~U"'· o s t s that "i.r~i!"inr s s: .r-o or s et t.La nj; Vir- inia-":nroli l1d :)ounCt"'ry can be [-'.:tiel from qui +r en t s , ?(p 1l./'j3 ...)-2_ ;;. 170~(9), In! •• 13. Jl_,_ LL':A':r:. .vt the COL.rt, St. ,]..\11E?S'S • . e._riin,:;:s: of r(:! ort of Bo a r d of l'!-<_,,, 0, d a t e d 7 .Jn~l. 17v~/9, c...r-c ernin~ bO'llnc:.~r: b e t· c e'1. Vir::iniil a n d ':aro Li.n.a , orucr c .nccrnin~ same Girecteci to Gunrd of rtnde. 3enl. ?~./Y'-{9. I i: "

I ub Li.c .. e c- rd rice LOl .Io n , ~n.:;l. ...nd T. 1/1~2

T'rce s ur-y : In Le t t er s al'C. i'i~e~, i'rcD.s",ry Do...:.rd ~a~er5, 1710, June-July

1. 1710, June 6. C'ha : Carl~esse, Cus.:')J';1 Hcu s c , Lo n d on , to l~icr.ord O\,"Y<;. Ct)nccrni1J~ ad: inist:rot:ion of oa t Ls to :;Iflvernors in p Lau't at Lon s , 7~, 1'+ SO. I-..?,. ur::cl. -r- . ",.v. F'or-m 0 o a cl.• (:I:.!.nLstc.ed to :;,)vcrnors i'or up~.oldi!'l':; of r.

: ,~:'lic ..c c or u :i"':'_cc 1 Lorrd on , ,nloZl.d T. 1/139 I

'rc ..s-:.:r·~: J •• Lo t t e r s " ( ,- , j_'rcc.'I.cury uourd I ~a:ers, 1711, ~2 Cctober-50 :ov~rn~er

1. 1:11: •.ov , 15. ..; s t orn House, ,ci~=.l.'llr:;h. :.cco.lnt of tobccco i or t er! in tl n he:: Jr t ed from 22 Seo t t Lsn ports, 1 ; ~y 1707-:9 Sept. 1711. fL.. 1Y.';),z_ 1-1.

i ...... '

l-lllJlic tcc or d Cfi'ice LC~1C r', ...n._;la;-d T. 1/140 I T'rcn s ur-y : In Le t t er s rd J.'i1es, r~e es ur-y :3oard 1 a er s, 1711, LJ ec e 1-b ("r •

,. •• I) • (be1or_ 3 Dec. 1711). !etition ~ror ·~nders to Vir~inia aBC • ...!]; y Lrm d to ...... ;\1-1 of ~x:f()r(l, Lor d f.i!:h Trao.surcr. 3C S1...n a t u r e s , ?~. 1'+53 . J ------.... ,.

_.. 1 i c . Be .rei E:fice LOT' on, e.ri ••l a n d T. 1/165

frcosur~': In Lpttors and Files, rreasury Bo~rd .urcrs, 1713, \ctober.

1. 1715, Cct. 21. \J~stons Conmi s si on or s , London, to (Lord Ifi:-h ~re,.surer). Concerni.', a lic. t Lon of :.rt. rei t h to be ::::. ;-'lrvC"'or .en e r-aL of Casto .s fer :lOLlt ern Division of "~ner- icu; incl. dct~ils of ~l e ,crv'ce there since .uer y ' s death. .'

u o ic ,.:: nl (ffice o","ur, ~n., l.:ll.d 1'. l/174

ury: _n Letters ~ld iIes, :raasury Board u;' ar s , 1714, 15 .. c r-ch= l O april

1. 171I.!: , .vpr , 10 •.. aport by ..i1Jia- 1nt'lloyt:0 (Lord ::i,sh 1'1-Ca:iurer). uric!' r cv.i e of r' e v e rrue n c nd c:x:-cndi1;'r~s of !11L"tIt.l Lon s , incl. C. rc1~H..l.

'7 & • I'tY5. J - /0 " ,. ,

lu~lic _),'cc::-c. Cf':ice I Lon do r; , n'.lar:.d '1'. 1/198 'I'r-e a s uz-v : In I etters a n d fi'ilcs, TrL'DSury Board i lape;'s, 1716

1. l715/16, Jan. 2. Caleb I cathcote, :ew )ork, to Treasury .oar-d , Lr .:es t h a t nl1 c. a r+e r ~ovcrnr:1ents b~ trLlnsf'crred to Cru,m. 7 r.o. IIf- ')- G, • I- ~

( ------_ Public Record Office London, T. 1/222

Treasury: In Letters, 1719, July-November

1. N.D. (1719). COpy of A. Cracherode to Treasury board. Heport on petitions of various persons for rewards for capturins pirates; incl. from Col. ~m. Rhett for taking, on 27 Sept. 1718 "at Cape Fear river" the Hevenge, or Royal James, commanded by "Steed Bonnett"; and from Captains Gordon and branda sent to North Carolina lIf'orapprehending &: destroying Edw Thatch a r-.otorious pirate •••• "

7~. Ir57. 1-1 Public Record Office London, England T. 1/223

Treasury: In Letters, 1719, Nov.-December

1. 1719, July 4. EXTRACT of letter from Capt. Brand, late commander of ID1S ~, to :Hr. Burchett. Complaints against Tobias Knight, COllector at North C ro1ina, for "his making abundance of dif:f'icu1ty, and ad~ising the r Gov not to assist me, and ••• constantly assisting the Pirates"; similar complaints against Collector of Lower District of James River. 7&. Jlj5S. /-3 2. N.D. (after 31 Dec. 1719). Petition to Treasury from "Divers ~erchants trading to America, and others who are possesse of Bounty Bills for Importing Nava11 Stores from our Plantations", requesting payment. 49 signatures. 7G:.. lif'S(_ /-3 Public Record Office London, England T. 1/227

Treasury: In Letters, 1720, January-April

1. 1719(20), March 18. Report from A. Cracherode to Treasury Board on petitions from various persons claiming rewards for captures of pirates, incl. from William Rhett for cap.ure of Edward "Thach". 7~ .j7ft,v. 1-1 Public Record Office London, England T. 1/232

Treasury: In Letters, 1720

1. 1720, Sept. 30. Ch: Delafaye, Whitehall, to Treasury Board. Concerning presents for Indians "bordering on /-south_7 Carolina". 7~. l'f~ {. /-2.. Public Record Office London, England T. 1/233

Treasury: In Letters, 1721

1. 1720(21), Jan. 28. Report from A. Cracherode to Treasury Board on petition from Raj. Henry Irwin of Virginia, for reward for apprehending four pirates there. 7 i, J'1 (p 2... l : 3 Public Record Office London, England T. 1/234

Treasury: In Letters, 1721, Apr.-July

1. 1721, June 23. Bishop of London to Treasury Board. Complaint against the Treasury's reluctance to grant the £20 bounty to missionaries. 71..c, 14~ 3. I-If Public Record Office London, England T. 1/235

Treasury: In Letters, 1721, August-December

1. 1721, Sept. 8. BXTRACT from Board of Trade to the King. Urges that rice be allowed to be exported directly from Carolina to Iortugal; incl. various statistics. 7L. ('-fl.,-/-. J-( 2. N.D. (1721). "The Humble Representation and Petition of' Several Persons whose Kames are hereunto Subscribed in behalf' of themselves and others who are Importers and Dealers in Tar made in the British Plantations in America" con- cerning the bounty. 47 signatures. 711<- .'t(.,S"". I-~ Public Record Office London, England T. 1/236

Treasury: In Letters, 1721

1. 1720, ~larch 20. Customs Commissioners, London, to (Treasury Board). Report on complaints of Capt. Brand against Tobia Knight and Richard Fitzwilliams: "As to the Complaint against Mr. Knight the Collector of North Carolina, he being dead some time before we received Your Lordships order to examine the said Complaint, we could not proceed further in the Inquiry". 74. I{ {P {q ~ I-~ ------_ Public Record Office London, England T. 1/238

Treasury: In Letters, 1721

1. 1721, Dec. 18. Ja. Hilhouse, Bristol, to Daaiel Campbell, ~!.I., London. Sales at Bristol of tobacco from Scotland; incl. numbers of merchants' names. Public Record Office London, England T. 1/240

Treasury: In Letters, 1722, July-December

1. 1722, Nov. 1:;. Petition to Treasury Board from "Several herchants trading to Virginia and Maryland in behalf of themselves and others", asking Parliamentary relief from importation into England of tobacco from Scotland, which tobacco is imported from haryland and Virginia into Scot- land in "vast quantitys" and is then re-sold in England "at such Low prices, that it gives the ~lerchants & 'trader of England Just ground to Suspect that the Dutys charge- able on Tobaccos Imported into this Kingdom, are not paid by the Traliers of Scotland •••• " :;6 signatures. 7~. 1'--1&'8. 1-3> 2. N.D. (7end of 1722). Petition to the King from Capt. George ~ Gordon, late commander of HMS Pearl, concerning disposa of effects of "Capt. Thatch (commonly called Blackbeard)" Public Record O~~ice London, England T. 1/242

Treasury: In Letters, 1722

1. 1722, April 17 (date o~ Lowndes's minute, re~erring case to Treasury Solicitor). Petition to Treasury from Thomas ~yth and others, Virginia, concerning reward for appre- hension of pirates William Sparrow and others at Virginia. Ti: .. ILf7C. 1-2. Public Record Office London, England T. 1/244

Treasury: In Letters, 1723, July-December

1. "Copy of An Act passed in lI.orthCarolina in the Year 1723, Intituled, An Act 10r Settling the Titles and Dounds of Lands". 1!.ndorsed "From Nr Pownal SecY of ye Board of Trade". 7~, 1~11. /-/2. Public Record Office London, England T. 1/252

Treasury: In Letters, 1725, Januury-May

1. 1725, April 6. Alured Popple, Whitehall, to John Scrope. Concerning taking of £1000 security bond for Sir Richard Everard, Deputy Governor of ~orth Carolina. Securities Richard Mead, Bedford Row, Middlesex, and John Burgh, Bedmington, Somerset. 7t . I 't /1.. - i- ~ Public Record Office London, England T. 1/253 Treasury: In Letters, 1725, June-December

1. 1718, uec. 21. PRINTED Hoyal Proclamation concerning pirates. 7f..o.. 1'-f73.~ 12. Public Record O£fice London, England T. 1/254 Treasury: In Letters, 1725

1. 1725, April 16. ~lemorial to Treasury from Cus~oms Commissioners 7f.t. • 'tf I'f. /-3 Encl. 2. Scheme of payments £or customs officials in America. Incl. collectors at Currituck, Roanoke, and Bath Town in ~ortb Carolina. 7 ~~ l'f 7 S. 1- tf Public Record Office London, England T. 1/266

Treasury: In Letters, 1728, August-December

1. 1728, Dec. 26. COpy of P. Yorke and C. Talbot to Treasury Board. Report of Attorney and Solicitor General on transfer of Carolina from Proprietors to the Crown. 7~ < I 'f 74. / - '7 Encl. 2. "Alterations proposed to the Draught - by the Proprietors Agen ttls • 7~· 1'i7? /-3 3. 1728, }Jarch 28. St. James's. Order in Council for purchase of Carolina. Seal. 7Co. I L.f 78. /-~ 4. N.D. (c. 1728). "The humble Petition of the Lords rroprietors of Carolina" to the King. "7&. I Lf 19 . , - 2. 5. N.D. (c. 1728). "Copy of Some Queries, Sent by the Lords of the Committee of Councill to the ¥roprietors of Carolina, for their Answer". 7~· 1Lf- '80. 1-2.. 6. K.D. (c. 1728). COPY of answers of Lords Proprietors to queries above: survey of grants, mostly of land, made by Lords Proprietors, 1714-27. . 7 &.. I Y. ~ I . I-f) 7. N.D. (6. 1728). Memorial to Privy Council ~rom Lords Proprieto asking payment of £5000 for uncollected quitrents. 7~. I'T?; :t ../-<- 8. 1728. "E.stimate of the Arrears due to the Proprietors of South & North Carolina". 7&;· ,r.t-83. 1-).. 9. 1728. Petition to Treasury from Richard Shelton, Secretary to Lords Proprietors of Carolina, asking that his arrears of salary be paid, since he "hath been Secretary above Twenty years ••• without Receiving any constant Regular Payment for his Salary, or Disbursement". n c, I'-{%'f. /-1. 10. 1728. Memorial to Privy Council from Lords Proprietors of Carolina. Concerning arrears of quit rents and officials' salaries. 7f.t.. f4-gs. /-)_ 11. 1728. Estimates of arrears due Lords Froprietors and "Several Claims upon the Proprietors not yet adjusted". 7~· I'-{'Slo· 1-2, Public Record Office London, England T. 1/271

Treasury: In Letters, 1729

1. 1729, l'lay9. Commissioners of Customs, London, to House of Lords. Account of premiums paid on naval stores. '?~ 1'7 ~ 7 . /-3 2. 1729, Narch 26. EXTHACT :from Gov. Gooch to Board of Trade. Concerning settling of boundary between I, d 1'\, e, and NO r'tb Carolina. 7&.. 1'1 s 6, 1-3 Public Hecord Office London, England T. 1/272

Treasury: In Letters, 1729

1. 1729, July 30. Saml. Horsey and IJeter Leheup to Treasury Board. Report on demands of Richard Shelton as Secretary to Lords Proprietors of Caro~ina. rn: , J ,.Z1. (-3

• Public Record 6~~ice London, England T. 1/274

Treasury: In4Letters, 1730.

1. 1730, July 11. Opinion o~ P. Yorke, Attorney General, on two queries concerning ~orm in which tobacco may be imported ~rom the colonies. 'n: 1'1(0.1-3 2. 1730, Oct. 9. Report from same to Treasury board on petition o~ Henry Hole, alleged creditor o~ the pirate "Stede Bonnet Esqr of ". 1lP. (Y-'11.1-10 3. ~.D. Vetition from Henry Hole to Treasury Board. Incl. re~erence from the Board to Attorney General, 2 April 1729. ?~. l'fr:(_ /-3

4. l72B(29), Jan. B. Barbados. Certification by Hen: horsley, uovernor of Barbados, concerning documents in case above. 7L_ I I t..f 13.. l : 1. 5. 171.7, June-July, various dates. Barbados. Abstract of proceedings in casex above. 1 c.. • 1'7''1'-1- I 6. 1729, feb. 6. South Carolina. Certification by Benj: hhitaker, judge of vice admiralty of South Carolina, concerning documents below. 7~,1'f1S",1 l7lB, Oct. 2B-Kov. 12. Admiralty Sessions, ~harles Town, 50uth Carolina. :hinutes of proceedings in trial of Stede Bonnet, alias bdwards, alias Thomas, for taking sloops Francis and Fortune; the Francis taken at "Cape J ames alias Cape Inlopen ", and the F' ortune, Thomas Read, commander, taken at Cape Fear. Details of Garsoes talcen, etc. 7~.ILfrlo_) ...~ 8. (1730), July 18. Certification by Hen: borsley, Governor of Baroados, concerning Hole's case. 14 I~r?-) 9. 1717, June l4yJuly 24, various dates. Barbados. Abstract o~ proceedings in case above. 7~. 1'"178 I 10. 1730, ~ov. lB. Chao Carkesse, CusLoms house, London, to Scrope, (Treasury). 7 t. 1'1 79. I Lrrc L, 11. 1727, Nov. 21. COpy of deputation ap ointins hichard ~i~z- william surveyor general of customs for southern district 01 America. 7~ , /.:5 DC;. ( - 2. And Encl. 12. 1727, l\ov. 29. Instructions by Cus't."()[D'SCommissioners "to rlichard Fitz~illiam Esqr Surveyor General of the ~outhern District on the \"ontinent of ~me:-ica, in ,~hich is contained South an d ~ orth Carolina, l'!aJ'Yland,Vir ~inia, Pensilvania, the Bahama Islands & Jamaica". 53 clauses, statins in detail the procedure to be 10llowed in entering and clearing vessels. Incl. lfols. 2l4-224b) the follow- ing forms: Customs CommiSSioners to "l-Iessrsll, 9 June 1707, concerning Act of Union; "F or-m 01 a !{egister of a Ship trading to the Plantations"; 10rms of lists of vessels entered and cleared; PRI~TED order in council, 2 vct. 1721; ~orm o~ list of ennumerated goods exported to other plantations; ~orm o~ account 01 Kin~'s share o~ fines and forfeitures; form of account of ""incidents paid; ~orm of accounts current; form o~ surveyor general's certif1- cate at foot of accounts current. 1(g. 15"0 J, I - Sf Public Record Office London, Lng1and T. 1/278

Treasury: In-Letters, 1732.

1. 1731(32), Feb. 15. Account of rum imported into ~ngland from sugar colonies and "~orthern Colonies in America", Christmas 1720-Christmas 1730. Incl. "Carolina". 7~. /.)0:<.1 2. 1732(33), March 12. Account of quantities of tobacCO imported into and re-exported from 24 English ports, with account of gross and net duties arising therefrom. 7~rI5D3.1-7 Public Record Office London, england T. 1/282

Treasury: In-Letters, 1733.

1. 1733, Apr. 2. Customs House, Ldinburgh. Account of tobacco imported into and exported from ~cot1and, Michae1mas 1721-l-dchae1mas, 1731. 7l. . t sc-}; 1-.2 2. 1733, harch 30. ~ustom House, London. Account of quantities of tobacco imported into and exported from England, Lhristmas 1716-Christmas 1731. 71.t. I ') 0 s, I 1733, l-larch30. t.ustom House London. Account of "Gross and New Produce lin revenue! arising on Tobacco" from Christmas 1716 to Christmas 1731. 7{P. S-O~ /-3 4. 1733, Apr. 12. Custom House, Edinburgh. Account of quantities of tobacco imported into and exported from ten ports in Scotland, Michae1mas 1720-Michae1mas 1721. 1(;· 15"<.-7. I-z 1733, Apr. 12. Same for nine ports in Scotland, l-Jichae1mas 1721-l-1ichae1mas 1722. 1<..c IS-OS I 6. 1733, Apr. 12. 'Same for eight ports in Scotland, Nichae1mas 1722-Nicbae1mas 1723. 70. l":l 01·' 1733, Apr. 12. ~ame for 14 ports in Scotland, ~icbae1mas 1723-Nichae1mas 1724. 7!rJ.· [::)10./ Public Record Office London, England T. 1/284

Treasury: In-Letters, 1733.

1. 1733, lJec. 18. Board of Trade to Treasury Board. l'roposes sending to each government in ~merica a copy of Henry Popple's map of British Lmpire in America; asks leave to "be impower'd to make so necessary an Expence". 7~. 15"1/. 1-l_ Public Record Office London, l:.ngland T. 1/289

Treasury: In Letters, 1735. ~

1. Affadavi t of' \\illiam lJry concernin:.; cOl!fl~cting claims of Hammerton «nd Allen to collectorship of quit rents in Ivo r th C~rolina. Subscribed "This is the Substance of what I swore to at Cape Fear North Curolinc l.ast June"; and 1I~)emorb.ndum"by J a: Abercromby that "m. DrY swore before him on 8 oct. 1735 that he, Dry, had signed the document above. Torn. 7r;-:-, S 11. • /- 'f 2. 1735, Oct. 8. Affadavit by Thomas broughton, governor of' ~outh Carolina, concerning Dry, Abercromby, and Hammer- ton. 'I'or-n, 7k. I S 13. 1-2.

1735, June 25, 30. Brunswick, t,orth (.nrolina. "Protest" of Hammerton. Torn. 7~ tS-I'1.I-2_ 4. l.735, Edenton. COpy of proceedings, Council of ~orth C~rol.ina. Subscribed with statement by H~mmerton dated South Carolina, 8 Oct. 1735, concerning his appointment of ~athaniel Rice as his deputy in March, 1733/4. Torn. . 7 ~~. I 5"" 1'5". I Lf 5. 1734(35), Narch 6. Edenton. COPY of proceedin s of Council. of Korth t:arolina concerning collector of quit rents. 7~ .. 5"1..0 .. (-3 Public Record Office London, i:.ngland

Treasury: In-Letters, 1737.

1. 1736(37), Jan. 5. ~leazer Allen, ~orth ~urolina, to John ~crope, Treasury. Has transmitted to Treasury Board his accounts of receipt of quit rents in horth Carolinaj inquires about procedure concerning "Ny Lord Carterets eighth part of the Revenue here". 7~. 15"/7. 1-2..

.. Public Record Office London, england T. 1/298 Treasury: In-Letters, 1733.

1. 1738, Aug. 15. bnporsement for below: "Petition of Henry ~lcCulloh Esq ". -ic; 1'51'fS I 2. K.D. "The most humble Nemorial of Henry 11cCulloh Esqr" to Treasury Board. Seeks appointment as officer to inquire into state of collection of quit rents in North and ~outh Carol.ina. "These two great and important Colonys are now in a confus'd uncertain and lawless state with regard to his l-!ajestys revenues • • • ."

1(. 15' / 'f • l r t« ~. "A 5hort state of the many Frauds and Abuses committed in the time of and under the Lords Proprietors in South an d l\orth Carolina wi th respect to the Grants of lands and the Quit rents reserved thereon, with such remedies • • • • " 'r t«. 15'20./-0 ---And encl. 4. N.D. "A short state of the many Difficulties and inconveniencie the Crown labour under ,d th respect to their Lands in South and No r-t h Carolina". 14: ./SJ._/. /-& Public Record Office London, Lngland T. 1/303

Treasury: In-Letters, 1740.

1. 1740, July 24. hill: blakeney, ~ew York, to Sec. at ~ar. ~oncerning remittances o~ sterling bills to colonial governors, incl. £1334:6:0 to Gabriel Johnston for subs±stence of four companies of troops in North Carolina 'l L: 152..'2... /-'-(- Public Record Office London, England T. 1/305 Treasury: In-Letters, 1740

1. 1740, }I'eb.23. Ii, I.alpole to 1reasury Board. Encl. account of quit rents in ~outh Carolina, at foot of which is a memorandum giving the reasons "why I am not at present enabled to lay before Your Lordships the like accompt of the Qui trents in No r th Carolina". (The account not included here) 7~. J51.3. 1-2_ Public Record Office London, .b.ngland T. 1/306

'lreasury: In-Letters, 1741

1. 1741, 1\ov. 10. Order of' Council concerning establishment of rates for foreign coins passing as currency in the plantations. Seal. ?c. I S 2.. 4-. I -1.. Encl. 2. Table of values for French, Portuguese, and Spanish gold coins, showing assay, etc. 7 ~ - 15 1. 5. l : z Publ~c Record Office London, l:.nglnnd 'f. 1/311

Treasury: In-Letters, 1743

1. 1743, ~ay 16. (COpy of) R. Phillips and others, General Officers of the Army, Horse Guards, to Lords Just~ces. Concerning petition of officers now in Britain who served in the late American Regiment of Col. i Gooch. 7~. Is 2. Co • 1-'2_ Encl. 2. "List of the Officers of Col. Gooch'S'R"e'giment of Americans with their particular pretentions & tbe station each Served 1.11 before he belonged to the said kegiment". Incl. from North Carolina (f. 31) Capt. Stafford; (f. 32) Lt. Harrison and Lt. Douglass; (f. 33b) Lt. Man- waring. Brief but interesting details about each. Incl. (f. 36) list of officers in preceding list still remainin in America, and those employed in expedition to Rattan. 7 ~. /S" ').I. /-J 't Public Record Office London, England T. 1/314 Treasury: In-Letters, 1744

1. 1744, Aug. 2. Rob: Craigie to Commissioners of Lustorns, Scotland. Concerning fraudulent practices by merchants in the tobacco trade. ic. 152~. I-'f Public Record Office London, E-nglund T. 1/316

Treasury: In-Letters, 1745

1. 1745, Apr. 8. tach: Bourryau and five others, LondoD, to llenry ~elham. Announcement of intention to apply for payment of premium bills for importing naval stores. 7~. 15.11.1-2. Public Record Office London, !:,ngland T. 1/323 Treasury: In-Letters, 17~G

1. 17~6, Oct. 23. II. Fox, \:ar vffice, to Treasury Board. Report on petition of hr. ,almesley, agent on behalf of two of the three independent companies raised in South Carolina; incl. reference to certificates XK~ signed by governors of ~orth Carolina dx and Virginia concerning Capt. Hodgson's company, and fact that all the men of the company were raised in those colonies, lIexcept those carryed from England". ?~ I s- 30. 1-3 Encl. 2. K.V. Petition of \'illiam \';almesley.----rIlcl.minute by Scrope, 16 Oct. 17~6, referring matter to Fox. 7~.1)31. 1-2. Public Record Office London, England T. 1/326 Treasury: In-Letters, 1747

1. Account 01 quantities of tobacco imported and eXported, Christmas 1709-Christmas 1719. 7~·15 :)2.1-:2- 2. Account of quantities of tobacco imported and exported, England and ~cot1and, Christmas 1739-Cbristmas 1740, with remakks. 7 ~. /5:>..3. /-3 Account of quantities of tobacco mmported into various ports in Bngland, 1742 and 1746. ? (p )- ~ i. )-1 4. Account of quantities of tobacco imported into London and out- ports, Christmas 1739-Christmas 1746. 7 r.... 15 3S-. t> 2 5. Account of all tobacco bonds outstanding in fort of London, 24 vct. 1747, "then in the Receiver Generals hands Exclusive of those that are or have been in Process", ldtb names of principals and securities. 7(. IS-3 (,.1-7 6. ~ame for outports. 7~ ( !S 3 7. 1- t. 7. l;-rota1sof Tobacco Bonds Outstanding 24 Octo 1747". 7~.153 S. 1-:2 8. "Tobacco Bonds standing out vct. 24, 1747" 7L ./5 3'. /-3 9. Account of tobacco importe~ and exported, England, Christmas 1737-Christmas 1747; same for Scotland. '7~. {54-0. {-'J.... Public Record Office London, England T.l/330 Treasury: In-Letters, 1748

1. 1748, ~ept. 19. heport lrom H. Italpole to Treasury Board on petition of Henry McCulloh. '7G. /5'1/_ t>

1. Account of quantities of tobacco imported and exported, ~ngland, Christmas 1725-Christmas 1745. 1lA 15tffst I 2. "l-'roposals concerning Tobacco"--its importation, home consump- tion, nd eXlortationj incl. numerous details concerning • current practices. 7i: I ')"'f? I - 1..0 3. !\.D. "Remaz-Ic s upon the ech eme or Porposa1s of the Tobacco herchants for preventing the Frauds in the Tobacco Trade". 1t: I ':>- ~ g. I - 7 ~ub1ic Record Office London, England T. 1/335

Treasury: In-Letters, 1749

1. "An Abstract of Eleazer Allen, His Accompts of 4uit Rents in ~orth Carolina", l735-~8, in currency, sterling, and proclamation money. 7~. 15'-1;· 1-.2. 2. 1749, May 30. Report from ,&. Walpole to Treasury Board on accounts of Lleazer Allen. lJifficulty of obtaining compiance from Allen. 7 c . 15"50. I-i Public Record Office London, Lngland T.l/338 Treasury: In-Letters, 1750

1. 1\.JJ. "List of l'assen g ers u.o~ng iJ the Industry John Alexander r N for \,ilmington". One name only: Peter SL'"I1Pson. Public Record Office London, England T.l/339 Treasury: In-Letters, Undated Memor~als and Pet~t~ons

1. r...D. (after Nay, 1782). ".::i~rIlerrr-yCl~nton' s Observat~ons upon Return ~o. 2 of the Heport of Generals Fawcett and Hoy"; comments on various loyalist military off~cers. 7&, I 5" ~- '1.. • I - ~ . 2. r...D.(after 1 March 1782). Same, on return no. 3 of report by same: various mil~tary and c~vil off~cers. 71.r:> ISS.~~ /-10 Public Record uffice London, I!.ngland

1reasury: In-Letters, 1750

1. 1750, July 17. v. Ryder to Treasury Board. Gives his opinion thab warrant granted to l-tcCu1loh is "legal and valid ••• Tc . i s s r, 1-1 2. 1749, (Jct. 28. Same to same. Report on memorial of McCulloh. 7&. 15)"5. (-/0 Public ~ecord Office London, Lngland T .1/345 I Treasury: In-Letters, 1751

1. t\. D. (c. }Iay, 1751). "Observations on the Tobacco Dill now under Consideration in lJarliament". Lndorsed "Mr Denson". Vetails of various aspects of the trade, both in England and America. 7~- 15" SCs, _ i-t: 2. 1\.1). (c. 1751). "The present l'iethodof carrying on the Tobacco Trade in the vut Ports". '1&. 15"57 .. [-if. 3. 1751, i"ay 10. Custom House, London. "An Account of all Tobacco Importee into England for seven Years ending at Christmas 1750 distinguishing each Year & each Port, & also distinguishing the several Quantities which have been Annually Imported into each of the said Ports for the same Time". Torn. }'ublic Record Of'fice London, England T.l/34n

Treauury: In-Letters, 1752

1. 1752, Apr. 13. Holdernesse to Treasury Doara. COlcerning }.etit.aon of' Capt. <"'harles hcl\aire of ~outh Carolina, who enters a claim for his -kisque & ~xpence • • • in gaining over a considerable Body of Choctaw Indians in the British Interest •••• " 7~.1S;5t:fo(-'l. Encl. 2. 1752, !-larch19. COpy of (Board of TTaCie) to IIoldernesse. Concerning Mc~air's claim. Minuted (a~ endorsement) "To be paid, out of the Quit Hent of Carolina", etc. --Torn. 7~o 1"5~o.I-4 3. 1\. D. "Minutes Relating to the Case of Charles hac1\aire • • • " Incl. liAs there is no pessibili ty 01' Raising any }.oney in England on a warrant on the Quit Rents of No. Caro- lina • • • ." 7~.15rs,1.1-1. Public Record Office London, england T.l/350

Treasury: In-Letters, 1752

1. 1752, Narch 24. Hoyal warrant for payment of £6200 to Henry NcCulloh as "our C.O missr for ~upervisins, Inspecting ari'dControlling our Hevenues and Grants of Lands in So. 3nd ~o. Carolina". ? & . I 5{.,:2. l : ~ 2. 1752, vct. 3. }emorial and claim of widow of Gabriel Johnston. "Arrears of 5..dary to the amount of 13000 sterling and upwa r-ds" were owed her husband at his death 17th July last. Minute of reilrral to Auditor of Plantation Reve- nues dated 2 ~ov. 1752. 7(,_, l)"lD3 .. 1-3 1752, Vec. 20. hemorial of Charles MacNaire of South Carolina, "employed on an l!;xpedition to the Chactow Nation". Treasury, pursuant to a report of Board of Trade, author- ized payment to hacl\aire of £1000 from quitrents of horth Carolina; l'lacl\aire"begs leave to assure your Lordships that to his certain knowledge, the Quit Rents of that Colony have for many years past been greatly insufficient to pay the Services assigned out of the same; several Persons having for a long Course of years large Demands thereon, ''II ict. for ''''..m t, of a Fund remain at this time Uhsatisfyed". Public Record uffice London, Lngland T.l/353

Treasury: In-Letters, 1753

1. 1753, uee , 4. \. Horsley to "Sir". Computations concernins; conversion of tar into pitch in England. Bndorsed "at the desire of the Carolina l-lerchants". 7(p. I S-Cs, 0, I 2. 1753, Dec. 12. Chas. l-Jcl'olaireto "Sir". "In a little time I can have a passage with a :friend to No. Carolina •••• "; Dsks that lithe Order on the Quit Rents of that Irovince" be made out. Public Record Office London, l!.ngland T.l/355 Treasury: In-Letters, 1754

1. N.~. (c. 1754). hemorial of Arthur Dobbs, Governor of horth Carolina, to the Treasury. Concerning need for small coin in the colony; recommends minting up to 50 tons of special copper co~nage of weight and value proportional to that of proclamation money of ~orth Carolina to sterling -- fou to three, or 16 pence to a shilling. })inute refers memor- ial to the hint, 24 June 1754. 7~. /5107. (-3 2. 1754, 0ct. 1. John Jeffreys and others, Mint Office, to Treas- ury Board. Technical details concerning implementation of ~obbs's memorial. 7~,/5~g.{-3

• Public Record 0ffice London, En gLan d T.l/360 Treasury: In-Letters, 1755

1. 1755, No v , 27. COPY of John Pownall to James ';est. Encl. copy of 1\orth Carolina Act passed last January concerning payment of quitrents, and copies of Sir Mathew Lamb's report thereon, and of papers presented to Board of Trude by l'lr. Abercromby, agent for 1\orth Carolina, and hr. <"hild, agent for Lord Granville. (1\one of these documents incl. here -- see T.l/361) 7lP.. IS-~ 9. I-l- Public Record O£fice London, England T .1/361

Treusury: In-Letters, 1755

1. COpy of "Objections" of ~Ir. \."hi1dto qu~trent act passed it r,orth Corolina in JanuorY«J 1755. 7&. IS?O. 1-/0 2. COpy of act referred to above. '7'. 15'?I. /-1'1 1755, June 17. COpy of l-iat:Lamb, Lincoln's Inn, to Bo az d of Trade. His opinion on points of law raised by passage of act above. ?(p. /5'/'J.. I-to q. 1755, Oct. 21. Everard F'awkene r , ueneral Post uffice, to Treasury Board. Arrangements for packet boat service to America. 7~. 1~73 .1-'1

5. 1756, Nay 2. EXTRACT from "Accompt of }Joneys paid ••• f o r' the Contingent and 1:.xtraordinary Service of Ilis Najestys J<'orcesin No r t.h": £500 to Hugh \\a1lace for sub- sistence of troops in ~orth Carolina. I~. (57~, 1-3 Public Record Office London, England T.l/36B

Treasury: In-Letters, 1756

1. 1756, Oct. 20. l{ollt.Palmer, Po r t Bath, l\orth Carolina, to James nest. ~oncerning Palmer's seizure of a vessel for violation of trade act; references to acquaintance (James uswald) and patron (Uuke of ~ueensbury) in England. 7Lz. )5/5. J-2_ Public Record Office London, England T.1/3G9

Treasury: Ill-Letters, 1756

1. h. D. (1756). 1-lcmoria1 of lienry l-lcCu11oh to Treasury Uoard. concerning his arrears of salary. 7 c. 1~7&'. 1-'1 Public Record Office London, Lngland T.l/370

Treasury: In-Letters, 1756

1. 1756, Oct. 13. hensington. urder in Council concerning Henry hcCulloh's arrears of salary, and grants of land in North Carolina. Seal. 7~. /5)? 1-3 Public necord Office London, Englnn

1reasury: In-Letters, 1756

1. 1756, Nov , 26. I'ntho: Bacon, London, to l'rincipal Officers of liN "vrdinance". lIas orders frum his "Correspondent in 1\orth Carolina for Twenty five Barr-eLs Gunpo\.;der, for the ~se of the Planters in that ~rovince to defend them trom thel.r Lnnemies"; begs leave to export same in the Granville, James ~ennel, master, for North Carolina. Subscribed "\~e have no Ubjection • • • ." 't L: 1S""?8. {-l. r Public Record Office London, Lngland T.l/376

Treasury: In-Letters, 1757

1. 1757. COpy of' "To his Lxcellency Arthur Dobbs l::sqrGovernor &c in Council -- The: Lxplanation of John Ruther1urd Esqr Receiver General of' his hajestys t.tuitrents •••• " Incl. depositions of Ste~hen Cade and John Hamer. 7 c . J S 7 I. (-7 2. (1757). "Apportionment of the £50,000 granted by Parliament •• • to ••• Virginia, Korth and bouth Carolinas •••• " Si,bned by Jas. Abercromby "in behalf of Virginia & 1\0. Carolina". 15"~O.I-2. Public Hecord Office London, !:"ng1and T.1/378

Treasury: In-Letters, 1757

1. 1757, Jan. 24. PHII\TED promissory note to be accepted a s pay- ment for quitrents in counties of New Hanover, iJuplin, or ~umberland. ~igned Ja. Nurray and J. Rutherfurd. 7t.e../5 ;3/./ 2. 1757, Jan. 24, March 2. Same (without copies). 7 to. 1532.· I 3. 1757, Dec. 5. PRINTEU proclamation by Arthur Dobbs, James I'lUrray, and John l

Treasury: In-Letters, 1757

1. 1757, Apr. 28. John Pown aLk , Board of Trade, to Nicholas Ilardinge, Sec. to the Treasury. ~ncl. extract of letter from Gov. Dobbs concerning "a Law passed in that Province in 1723 under Colour of which Persons had fraudulenly got possession of Lands to which they had no legal Title"; encl. also copies of two relevant cases. (~one of the enclosures incl. here)

7~ # /S'3 t..f. /-3 2. 1757, Vec. 24. BXTl~CT from Gov. Dobbs, ~ew bern, to Earl of Loudoun. l<.equests "proportional Share" of !:50,000 granted by the King to southern colonies: "I. e have already issued £50,000 th~s Currency for the use of this and the other Provinces • • • • \,e shall want some Artilery and Stores for Fort branville at and ~ort Dobbs at Topsail Inlet". 7L.· /::,-~S-. /-1 1757, vec. 30. EXTUACT of letter from Sec. Pitt to various governors, incl. ~orth Carolina's. Plans to request of larliament compensation for expenditures made by colonies in p rcsecu't Lori of war. 16J - 1:)'6 ~~1-3 4. 1757, Dec. 31. Arthur Dobbs, New Bern, to Sec. ',est. Ln cL, report for Lords of Treasury, "which I was ordered to send them by l-!r. hartin last January, but cou 'd not answer sooner to any purpose". 7c . (-S-8 7 . I 5. x.u, (c. 1757). "The Claim of the Province of North Ctrolina to the Sume of £50,000 Sterle Granted by Parliam in l-iay 1757". Total of £45,575:0:0, with indication of reasons for which the sum is cLa Lr ed. Signed Jas. Abercromby, agent for Virginia, and Ja:, agent for South Caro- lina. 7 f..p • 1';)-'i5 'g. 1-1. 6. 1759, June 19. "The Claim of the Province of North Carolina" for sums expended for the wa r' in 1758: £11,000 proclama- tion money, or £8250 sterling. t 7~· 15&1, I-..L 1760, Jan. 31. "Acco of ~oney raised b) the Colony of North Carolina for His Najesties Service", 1753-57. Certifi- cation signed by Lord Loudoun. 71e./5'10.1-1. Public Record Office London, England T.l/380

Treasury: In-Letters, 1758

1. l75B, Jan. 16. Order of Council referring re}Jort belo\,'to Treasury. ~eal. bndolsed "Head 19 June l76l/Hy Lords can't comply/vide minute". 7G,. /5&f1. {- 2. 2. 1757, l-lay28. Council Chamber, ~ew Bern. COpy of liThe humble Petition of the ~embers of Your Majesty'S Council of North Carolina" to the, asking for an allowance to be made them from the quitrents. 11 signatures. ;(p .15"1'2.. I 1757, Dec. 22. CO}Y of Dunk Hali:fax and others, \lhitehall, to Lords of Privy Council for Plantation Affairs. Recommends that allowance be made Council members. ? ~. 1:;;-9 J - /-1. 4. 1758, Dec. 20. EXTRACT from minutes of Assembly of ~orth Carolina. Resolutions concerning payment to James Abercrombie for his services to ~orth Carolina, and appointment of him as agent for the colony. 1~.15'1Y. f-'f Public Record O~~ice London, England

Treasury: In-Letters, l75e

1. 1758, Jan. 10. Custom House, Edinburgh. "An Account o~ the quantity o~ urain, and heal, imported into ••• Scot- land, from Nichaelmas 1756 to the 6th December 1757 ••• " Incl. Indian corn and pease from ~orth Carolina into Port Glasgow and Greenock. 7~.151S. 1-5" lublic Hecord Office london, hngland T.l/383 Treasury: In Letters, 1758

1. 1758, Feb. 17. Order of council concerning petition of lIenry t-lcCulloh. Seal. 7&'-./5;1&>.1-2 Ln c L, 2. 1\.0. COpy of peti tion of i-IcCulloh to'"'hingin Council. IG.. IS1? (-1 And encl. 3. 1758, Feb. 16. COpy of report of Uunk Halifax and others (Board of Trade) concerning above. 7lu.JSi~.I-J..

• Public Record Office London, England T.l/3C7 TreusurYl In Letters, 1758

1. 1758, Jan. q. l\elvbern. COpy or deposition of Joseph Carruthers concerning accounts of John Hutherford. Torn. 1~,JS-CJr·I-3 2. 1758, June 16. Order in Council concerning payment to Henry }lcCul1oh. Seal. Il.c>, /(qOD. [-5 Public Record O~~ice London, Lngland T.l/388

Treasury: In Letters, 1758

1. 175L, Nay 22. London. hemorial of' John huther~urd, lrovincial Troops under the Command of Brigadeer-General Forbes". Incl. l\orth Carolina under latter. 7 (, . / ~ 0 ? /-4 Public Record Office London, England 1'.1/389

Treasury: In-Letters, 1759

1. 1759, Aug. 28, Sept. 12. LXTHACTS from letters, incl. referenc to one received from Gov. Dobbs "in a Letter datC'd the 23dll/August7 an Indian "plott". Lndorsed "E.xtracts of Letters To Hr llanbury •••• " 'lL,/Go'Z·J-3 Public Hecord O~~ice London, i.:.ngland T.l/391

1rLasury: In-Letters. 1759

1. LXTJ{ACTf'r-om "List o~ Persons Victualled on the Ls Lari d o~r Cape Breton • • • between the l2 November D~cem . l & 9 ~Ollo\dng 1759". Incl. "Colo Bagley's Hegl.- ment". 1~./~o'i. i-« Public Record Office London, l:.ngland T.1/392

Treasury: In-Letters, 1759

1. 1759, ~a) 10. Customs Commissioners, Londoll, to (Treasury Board). Difficulties of enforcing acts of trade in the plantations. ?& ./l.o 10.1-5 Encl. 2. 1759, Anr. 5. COpy of solicitors to Customs Commissioners on observations above. I(,.J~({. I-~ Public Record Office London, Bngland T.l/397

Treasury: In-Letters, 1759

1. 1759, July 21. 1<. Cho1mondeley to "Sir". Auditor's Office. Concernin~ payment of money by "hr. Rutherfurd" to Sir Samuel F1udyieres. 7 ~ . I ~ I~. I- 3 lublic Record Office London, England T.l/400

Treosury: In-Letters, 1760

1. 1760, Feb. 19. James Abercromby, Craven Street, to "Sir". Incl. reasons for his declinin~ to act ~urther as agent for North Carolino; apparent deception by ~ov. Dobbs. 7 &, ICc / 3 . 1-'-( 2. 1760, Nov. 6. Robert Cholmondeley, Auditors Office, to Treasury Board. Report on memorial of widow of Gabriel Johnston. Torn. 7 ~. {~/lj-, I-~ Public Record Office London, England T.1/415

Treasury: In Letters, 1762

1. 1762, Kov. 1. Jeffrey Amherst, New Yor-I; , to Samuel Nartin. Coverin& letter for no. 10, below. 7~. f~/3.1-3 2. N.D. (latter years of J\merican Revolution, or after). EXTRACTS from "List of Provincial Officers &c upon the Establishmen of ~orth America". Incl. King's ~

Treasury: In Letters, 1762

1. 1762, Sept. 21. Charles uarth, I gent for South Carolina, Inner Temple, to Treasury Board. Asking bounty for presents to the Indians, with comments on Indian aff~irs in the regio ?~./~17.1-'t .. • .. • • T.1/418

Treasury: In Letters, 1762

1. 1762, Dec. 6. 6ustom House, London. "An Account of the Value of Exports from ~ng1and to the hor~h American Colonies from Xmas 1739 to Christmas 1761 distinguishing each Year & each Place". Incl. "Carolina". 7(p. I (p 2.. s. /-3 • • • • •


Treasury: In Letters, 1763

1. K.D. (1763). "Return of Troops Furnished by the Several Provinces in North America, for the ~ub1ick 5ervice, in the Year 1762". Incl. none for i'iorthCarolina. .. .. '1~. I~ 2_1· /-1. ~ •


Treasury: In Letters, 1762

1. 1762, hov. 1. "!:>tateof the Recruits Demanded of the several Provinces ••• 1762". Incl. reference to ~orth Carolina and Gov. Dobbs's activities. Signed Jeff. Amherst. '1~ i: 300 l-~ 2. 1762, }.larch26 (read). "Re t urn of the Troops Furnished by the Pr ov Lnc e s in !\orth America for •• 1762". Signed Jeff. Amherst. Ti», I~ 3 I w J-2._ ...... • •

T.1/423 Treasury: In Letters, 1763

1. 1763, Dec. 17 (Customs COl1lMissioners), London, to (Treasury Board) • Have ordered Hobert !'almur, Collector at Bath Town, North Carolina, "to be pwt under Instructions, by the proper Officers"; encl. certificates from various officers. 7~. / G. 3 <.,. i >. encl. 1763, D~c. 13. , CornJtroller General's uffice, to Customs COJ'lmissioners. I aLrne r- has attended this office, and ax accounts submitted by h~m apparently qualif) him lito transact this branch of his idNXR Business". T.l/4~3--cont

'\nd encl. 176:;, Dec. 17. llen , Bul ton to Customs ComlllisSIOn~ Ila s de] f.v e r-e d v a r-Lou s documents to Palmer, and lllstt:llctec' him ~ in various aspects of his duty. 7(p.lf.o~'i.I-".L And encl. 4.. 1763, 1\ov. 29. Phi Parsell, Deputy Collector-:-and another, Custom House, London, to Customs Commissioners. Have given Palmer various instr~ctions. 7<... _ /~ 3.S-. /-1 And encl. • 5. 1763, Oct. 31. H. Saxby and another to same.---Sa;e:- 7&· {(p3(p. 1-2. 6. 1763, Oct. 19 (read). "Return of Troops Furnished by the Several Provinces in ~orth America for ••• 1760". Incl l\orth Carolina. Signed Jeff. Amherst. 1~·/~57.1 1763, Oct. 19 S ~ 1- 3. Appending 8. 1\.D. (c. 1761). "A List of the Several Aids Granted by the Province of North Carolina for his Majesty's Service, since the beginning of Hostilities just before the Declaration of the Present \var to Narch 1761 Inclusive". . 7~. I ~ ~1. ( 9. 1763, June 30. Report of Robert Chomondeley, Auditor General of flantations, ~n the Quit Rent Act passed in Korth Carolina in 1755. 7~. (~'-I [) 4 /-? 10. EXTHACT from custom house books, vessels cleared, Fort Royal, Grenada, 20 Jan. 1763-20 Jan. 1764.. Incl. (17 May 1763) sloop Endeavour, ~lich. Sissholt, registered in North Carolina. 1&.· 1I.e if/. J-~ 11. Same, incl. (29 Sept. 1763) sloop bndeavour, Fra. Noon, cleared for ~orth Carolina. If.s;. J~'i2.1-~ 12. Same, incl. (16 Jan. 1764) Industry, i'm. 1-Jorton, cleared £or North Carolina. ic.u» 3. J-Co. 13. !\.u. (after 17h3). "~tr. Kn ox i s -e st; India l-'lan"concerning postal service; several references to the Cnrolinas. 7f.r,. ttotti. l-(~ • • * • •

T.l/425 Treasury: In Letters, 1763

1. 1765, npr. 16. Custom Hous", London, to Jno. Tomkyns, Asst. Inspector General. Account o~ the amounts of duties collected on masts, stives, planks, etc. from foreign p parts and from British p~antqtions in the years 1761-63. 1C, I c.c 'f 5". 1-2.. 2. :.•D. (rec'd 22 Feb. 176:;). London. Copy of petition to Parliament for permission to ship rice direct from South Carolina to any part o~ America, ~adiera, Canary Islands, etc. Signed by 36 merchants in London and South Carolina, planters, and ship-o,mers trading with South Carolina. 7 c, I (p l.f~. I - 3 3. 1763, March 27. Custom House, London. COPY of H. Saxby to "Sir". r.,xpresses disapproval of an "application of the l\orth Ame r-Lc an s for a Uounty on \~ood & Lumber from the Colonies" and permission to carry it direct to Ireland and southward of Cape finesterre. At present there are bounties on masts, yards, and b ows p r-dt s , and pitfh, tar, and turpentine, but also duties on these goods. No duty on wood and lumber. 'lL . / ~~tf 7. /-'f • • • • • Public Record Office London, England T.l/426 Treasury: In Letters, 1763

1. 1763, Larch 8. Custom Houf;e, London. Commissioners of Customs to Treasury Board, submitting draft of a bill for the imryrovement of customs revenue. 1~·{·1 2. 1763, July 21. Same. Same to Same. Report on how to inprove revenues from customs duties im~osed in American and tbe \:est Indies.

Au~. 11. J. Fremantle, Custom House, London, to Charles Jenkinson (Treasury). Covering letter for copies of four letters from customs officers. 7~ .1(.,50. I-J... 4. 1763, ~ug. 5. COpy of Robert Palmer to (Commissioners of Customs). Reply to letter of 29 July. hould immediately return to his station, were he in a condition to undertak the voyage, "but my health is so broke by living in that Country almost Ten years that I was told by the Physician there that I had no Chance of tetting better but by comin to hngland". \':ifeis on her death bed. l\evertheless, rather than incur the displeasure of the Commissioners an Lords of the Treasury, would immediately embark, "tho' it should be certain death to I e on the passage or soon alte 7~. 1& SI. I 5. Aug. 16. "Hott \;ells, Bristol". Robert Palmer to Treas- ury Board. Legs indulgence. Unlike officers who have lived here for years, If I have been but a few months and that intirely on account of my health after a residence of very near Ten years, and I would with all submission beg leave like,..ise to acquaint your Lordships, that it is a very small Port, and nothing arises to the increase of the Revenue".

6. 1763, Sent. 28. J. Fremantle, Custom House, London, to Charles Jenkinson (Treasury). The Commissioners having directed a case to be laid before the Attorney General, encloses a copy of same, and opinion. 1(...·/ks-~ (-2 Encl. 1763, Sept. 22. Opinion of Attorney General "on a Case relating to the Uistribution of ~orfeitures on XH±XXRX Seizures nade in America by any of His hajesty's Ships of \.ar • • • ." t"bether the Governor ~ets a share. n 1~ ,~5'i .. u. June 1. S~. James. J rUNTED COpy of order in coundil. Distribution of shares of seizures made according to Act b eLow , I ~ ss, I-'-/- 1763. PRI~TED Act, 3 Geo. III, c. 22, for the improvement of customs revenue and prevention 01 smu!:.!,.ling"into an) par of' His l·.ajesty's Dom i.ndon s v , Shares to off'icers and men. Courts of A~liralty. ,(,p. IlD5"~. 1-10 10. 1763, ~ov. 3. COPY of Co. missioners of Customs, Custom House, London, to all the officers in America and the I.est Indie encl. Lord & L~remont's letter to the governors; enjoins them to strict observance of all instructions. ?Gt.. i u s'], /-.3 Lrtc L; 11. 1763, July 9. COPY of Lgremont, \.hitehall, t~overnors of the American colonies). Enforcement of customs and trade regulations. tc. tt.s». l,L{- 12. Sept. 16. Customs CommiSSioners, Custom House, London, to Treasury Board. Report "concerning wh at further Cheques and Hestraints may be necessary • • • for pre- venting Frauds in the JLIJ:xxx. Uri tish American Colonies". 7 l.t ~ L~5"1. J-(P • • • • • "'nLIC T, --;CO"'J (\ f:-'IC n

Jon (1 n I :il ( 1., n (1

Ti1r.A -·rr.y. Treasury Board Papers.

1, 17(5. 10. "}\1 .'\. co n t 1').(' t ho D ,Vc'" 1"0'.' ("0 'nr1 :l.n( o - t'~,.., F'Ln o n :-l1r' F'o....·-oj tnT"':-- ::ccovorccl in tlo D,..,·'C' 'n,l "I} no" un d o r t~o An~ricnn ron~'Gr:on hc~r""on tor ?,..,t~ !),,~. nf Scntc"bf'r 17('11. :>..n· t"I) 1.0t'1 ] t'Y 0.(' Oc I:.o'hor 1'1'>'1, rlr-tinc:'" r:}'inc t.ho :Cutton on orvc h C"n"'1ndj t:; i1.11t' '7110 t~hrlr Lh o r' nc o [In' ror ....c Lt.trr c c wo r o r-c c o vo r-c r h t·,., OJ"fiC''''''c 01 the i':,.v:' 01' Uuct,f)tl!1 't"r;,.,thrr 17ith an Account f)f the E 'jlon"o~ C" 1.011Cl• nf" t.l-to Rc c c Ln t.s o.f' t ho ~a..i.(l Dllti("r," Includec 1'0 ,th r.~"oljni1. no ....Lc , X80. 1(,17. J -3 2. 176), Oct. 10. "An Ac c oun t of l,h .... Tn o o no of the Duty 0 f I { ~.r- r on '"':-.. ')t\r' f) n n an r1 the Leeward Iclt'n'R for 8 Yc~rr t~ 10th

Oc t o be r 1763 ' the pr o o on t. c c r t a Ln Annual Ch:-..rrc bh or o upon ~t the E.:che(J.1 er." Incll'c1es a ch~"'{:;c of .!:l,OOO to 1.hC' Go 'orl",r of 1:orth Ca-olinn.. X~O. I' 1~.I-.2..

.. PllRLI C RECORD OF'fQ CE London, Enr=La nd

'1' 1/hJ1, pt. 2

'rAEAS!!RY . Treasury Board Paoers, 176h.

1. 1764, May. Memorial 0f Arthur DODhR, Governor of North Carolin~ to th~ Lords Comtm sst one r-sof the 'rr~astlry. Concerns the refusal of the Assembly to raine a bony of troops to St;}rV8under Amherst in 17A2 an~ the subsequent expend j tur-eof £l~OO ou t of the pri va te fortune of Dohbs in or~er to raisp. thp necessary recru1ts nn~ appoint a proper commanner and captains at Ft. Johnston, a9 well aR ~arr1son1n~ thp fort with 40 men. Dobbs drew two bills of £200 elich llpon the a~cnts in Lonoon to be paid to his order to reimburse him for the sums aovanced and to he pnio out of the money ~ranted by Parliament for the us". of the provtnce. The aRents have refused to honor the bl11~ and the A~sembly have also rpfusp-d to pay him, even thou~h reprlmanned by order of the Ktnp;. Dobbs asks the Lords of the Treasury to order the a~ents holdinp' the money ~ranted by Parliament to honor the bills or reimburse him tn some other manner. 8 o. {O so. 1- .::2.. 2. N.D. Part1culars of the Revenue and Establishment of various North American colon1es. Inclunes North Carolina and notes that expenses of government are largely supported by a poll tax upon wh t tps and blacks of 49 par hean Bnd the tax in 1761 shoulo have produced about £6,000. Also, there is nn impost duty of 6~.per v,allon upon all rum, hr~nny and other disttllpo liquors amoun t Ing to about £800 or £900 per annum. I <;{O.IO'tsI. 3. N.D. Amoun~ of the annual establlshmpnt in several of the Amerjcan colonies. North Carolina is included but no precise compu t at t on can be made. gO. (0 ~;{. l- ::L

• PUBLIC R~CORD OFFICE London, England T.l/h3h

TREASURY. In Letters and Files, Treasury Board Papers, l16h.

1. 1166. "An Account of the Amount ••• of the Duties paid on Molassess imported into the Northern Colonies for the three last years ending at Xmas 1165 •••" Incl. N.C. Xi7, ~ 1?8. \--:2_ 2. 1164. Assembly, House of Representatives. Copies of letters to their agent in London protesting the Sugar Act, the proposed Stamp Act, and others, as taxation without representation. By resolution of the House, a committee of correspondence appointed to encourage them to resist the Sugar Act and to prevent passage of

the Stamp Act. X ;7, G8 c;, I I -s:

3. 1164 July 2. (Board of Trade, WhitehallJ. John Pownall (Sec. to Board of Trade] to Charles Jenkinson (Sec. to Treasury], transmitting a letter from Henry McCulloh concerning delinquent quit rents on escheated portion of 1,200,000 acres in N.C. X?7,l1D,'I-2 h. l16h June 2. London. Henry McCulloh to Pownall. Copy of request for inter- vention in the matter of setting off salary arrears of 1258h against delinquent quit rent on escheated portion of 1,200,000 acres in N.C. ~ '(..,77, b,91, \-3

• • • •

• Public Record Office London, f..ngland

Treasury: In Letters, 176~

1. (1764, Oct. 13). LXTRACT from account of imports into, and exports fron, port of Leith, ~cotland, Xmas 1759-Xmas 1764. Incl. one vessel from North Carolina (un-named). fJes, 1(P& C. 1- 2_ 2. (1764., Oct. 23). Account of imports and expor-ts , port of' l>reston (Scotland), sanle dates. Incl. one vessel from ~outh Carolina -- the only colonial vessel entered.

1f.r; ICc&>/. l r I; h.lJ. (1764.). EXTRACT from account of same, port of Bcr-r-owst.orr- ess, Scotland. Incl. vessels from South Carolina mK and Virginia.

4. (1764., hOVe 10). Same from same, port of Dunbar, Scotland. Incl. vessel from South CarOlina. ?l.s,./G:,~3. (-2_ .. • • • ..


Treasury: In Letters, 1764

1. 1764, Aug. 15. COpy of memorial from merchants in Belfast, Ireland, to Board of Trade, praying that iron and staves from plantations may be landed direct in Ireland. 7G. (G,(pt(-. J-tf 2. 1764, ~ov. 14.. Lord ~orthumberland to Treasury Board. 7c. I Ie G..)_ I Encl. 3. 1764, Oct. 24. COpy of memorial f'rom merchants in Londonderry, Ireland, praying to be allowed to land staves from Amer- ica. 1~. llJ;.k~, 1-3

• .. .. • •

Treasury: In Letters, 1765

1. 1765, Apr. 2. S. kFludyer, Drummond, & Franks, Basinghall Street, to "Sir". Concerning their contract for pro- visioning troops in America; incl. references to "Caro- linD", southern colonies. 7~. ,~~?~ /-3 1 * • .. ..

T.l/439 Treasury: In Letters, 1765

1. 1765, July 6, 9. 'I'hor-us \.11ately, Treasury, to Commissioners of Stamps. ~oncerning salaries etc. of stamp officials in America, and proposed numbers for each colony. -ic «c», I-¥- 2. 1765, Sept. 6. (COpy) of John Brettell, Stamp Office, Li~- CoIn's Inn, to Caleb Lloyd and others. StaMps; incl. reference to distributor at horth Carolina. ?~. iu:«. I-if ...... • Public Record Office London, England T.l/440

Treasury: In Letters, 1766

1. 1766. L; st of "several Pap er a laid before the • • • board of Treasury relative to the ::,tampduties in l\orth I"\merica". Papers dated between 30 harch 1765 and 4 Jan. 1766. 74#/~)O. (-.3 ......


Treasury: In Letters, 1765

1. July. EXTRACT from list of stamp offices in gift of Treasury, with salaries: Am rican officers. ?~. Ire ?/. 1-1 1765. Account of ships by which stamps were sent to each distributor of stamps in the colonies, and date shipped. 7(P./G,?)_.1-3 '765, Sept. '4. COpy of circular letter from Ch.:!rlesLown des , Treasury, to governors in America and \,est Indies. Stamps.

4. N.D. (c. 1767). "An Account of the Duties collected and of the Fines and Forfeitures revovered in the several ports now unaer the American Commission bet'Ween the lOth day of October 1765 and the (10th) of October 1766 distinguishin the duties on each Commodity and whether the Fines and Forfei"tures were recovered by tile Officers of the l\avy or Customs, together with an account of the Expences attending the receipt of the said duties". Includes all ports in hortb Carolina.

7iD w /(; ?LJ. (-(p 5. 1765, Oct. 11. John Brettel1, Stamp Office, to Cbar1es Lowndes, Treasury. Concerning distrmbution of stamps in tJ.e colonies. ?~. I ~1S". i-I?- 6. 1765, ~Jay 6. her:lOrandwD from plantation clerk con cer-nan g lax- ness a..long officers in colonies in sending lists of shipping. ? Co. I &, ? Co • 1-'1 7. 1\.0.(c. 1765). "h List of Civil Officers em! 10) ed in North America whose Appointments arise at the Treasury". Incl. three officials for North Carolina: Receiver General of lU'lS Revenues (John Rut~erford); ~urveyor General of Lands (Robert Palmir)j and Deputy Additor ("Nominated by the Auditor Gen of t!lC plantations according to his Patent and approved b the Treasury": Benjamin Iteron); incl. also ',illiam lJe Brahm, couund ssi.on ed to make survey 01 tile sou hern district of No r-tl. America. 7 ~, ic r: I • .. .. *


Treasury: In Letters, l76G

1. 1775, Ivov , 2lL "Account for Attendance, Lxp en ces incurred in securinr; the Stamps for three Provinces in America, Voyages, travelling--&c &c &c", signed Geo. hercer, London 7 ~ / (p 7&. I- 1- 2. 1766, Sept. 16. ?-lemoria1 of Geor~e Nel'cer to Treasury Board. hercer appointed chief distributor of stamps for Virginia; sailed for that colony with stamps for Virginia, North Carol~na, and ~aryland in his care; etc. ?~. /~7t. )- ~ .1/ j T ' 45--cont '

3· 1766, Apr. 5. \;111. Lr-y on , Urunsldc , to 1reasury Board. J\rrun~ements for distribution of stamps in North Carolina; resi,(!lldtionof j"·r.Louston; ri o cisturb"'nces an tnc pro- vince since "the Hio"tous ,\sSClllblyof lien" ill\!ilmin::ton and Lrunsli'ick, 19-21 February; "I continue in Opinion, these Southern I rovinces ,...il1 regulate thcir Future Obediencc, and Conduct, agreeable to the ~easures that are adopted by the more Formidable Comonies to the l\orth- ,..ard" • 1{po/C,'B'o. I-~ • Encl. , 4. 1765, hove 16. cory of resignation of wm , Houston as stamp distributor for horth Carolina. 7~ , I c ~l. ( .. .. • .. •


Treasury: In Letters, 1766

1. 1766. DRAFT of report of Treasury Board to llouse of Commons concerning HM's order for statement of annual expenses of colonial establishments, and debts incurred in late war. uifficulties involved in preparing such statements; no statement concerning establishments in }.aryland, ~orth Carolina, and Bahamas, "not having any Returns or Accounts from those Colonies"; etc. 1(p, IfoS2._.I-/D 2. h.D. (?1766). "General Thou!_!,ntsendeavouring to demonstrate the necessit) of Creating a ffund for the use and Service of America • • ." bndorsed ,,}o rom l-Jr.l-)cCu110ch".

'} (0. J (pg"). t r I» :>. i~.D. (11766). Comments bylo.r. Jackson and Nr. Bollan on Negro slavery in North America and \-est Indies; incl. estimates of numbers in various colonies ("in Korth but few'")• ?~_/ ~3Y. I - 2

4. 1766, Jan. 28. Statement of debts incurred b' British colonies in ~orth America for extraordinary expenses of last war, whc t part of debts rem~ in undischarged, and provision r.lade1:or dischurge. Incl. Horth CarOlina. 7(p·I{pg$'./-2_ \. 5. 1766, Jan. 28. Statement of the annual expense 01: "the several Establishments of the british Colonies in hortb America" and \,est Indies, ,d tb date of latest returns on which information based. Korth CarOlina not included. 7(q./~~~~/-l • .. • .. .. T.l/447 Treasury: In Letters, 1766

1. 1765, Sept. 24. "Distribution of ye Troors" in America. I',orth Carolina not included. 1f.;.1&~? .. 1 2. I:. D. (1766) • "Extract from an ~ccount of the Gross Proc.uce • • • of thcr Duties chargcd rin the Colonies ••• from 29th Sept 1764 to lOth Oct 1765". ortL revenue not itemizcd, since less than £300. 7~ . I (p 38. 1-'1.. 1,.D.(1766). Total amoun~s received for imports of various gOOds. runounts given of molasses imported into various colonies, incl. ~orth Carolina. 7~. u.s«. (-3 ( ? 176 5) • "Plan of a Stamp Act for the Coloni es !",'lC, I-IS- 5. 1765, July I-Dec. 31. Cover page for noval office entries and clLurances, Halifax, Nova Scotia. 7~.1(g9/.1 6. 1765, 1\0\'. 23. Sloop Sa.!.l)'of Piscata, James bunning, cleared from Halifax for \irginia and J...orth CarOlina ,d th ballast 7~,/k_cr2.. )-2_ • • • • •

T.l/lt48 • Treasury: In Letters, 1766

1. 1766, Apr. ll(direction to stnd copy of following to Commission ers of Customs, whose opinion is to be sent ",y-ith all speed") • Peti tion of E.dwd. i--lontagu,agent for Virginia t to House of Commons. ¥rays that southern colonies be allowed to import salt directly from European ports, a privilege long enjoyed by northern colonies; southern colonies at present obliged to procure "greatly inferior" salt from other sources; southern coast, incl. area of Cape Fear River, "abound with great Plenty & variety of Fish", for curing of which salt is needed. 7L.{~~3 . • • • • T.l/450 Treasury: In Letters, 1766

1. (1766). "A List of all \varrants come to the Auditor General's Office granting ~oneys out of the Quit Rents in North nmerica since the year 1717 to the year 176611• Incl. North Carolina. qw_ LJ_ 7~. /(P (,/-1 2. 1766, Oct. 15. R. Cholmondeley, Auriitor General, to Treasury Board. Account of warrants for issuing money from quit rent revenues, etc., in Korth Carolina, Virginia, and . 7Cc. fl..r 1-)~ /-3 3. 1766. EXTRACT from list of plat e , etc., given out 'by the J ewe L O:ff"ice,It Cct. 17'11-7 Iv ov , 1766: to Arthur Dobbs, gover- nor of ~orth Carolina, for chapel plate to value of £80, 14 Feb. 1753. 1~.tV' 9lc.1

4. 1766. Same. To l!illiaM Tryon, governor of North C~rolina, for same to value of £90, 9 July 1765. 7~ {(P't7-1 5. 1766, Nov , 14. Auditor's Of':fice. "Establishment of the Annual Salarys an d Discharge on the Recei t of the Quit :{ent1 s arisin~ ,d thin • • • Korth Carolina b et.w een Apr. 1756 & l-lay1757". Total to be paid from quit rents £2029: 14: 8i. Incl. £150 to Gov. Dobbs for running the South Carolina bounuary. (JJnclosure in no. 7, below') 74.,/~9'g,1 6. 1766, Nov , 14. R. Cholmondeley to Treasury. "An Abstract of the l<.ec~it and uischarge of his l-lajesty 1 s QuitRent s" in No rt h Carolina, ll! bay 1751-30 Aug. 176[1. 1(", l~cr'f-J-2.. 7. 1766, Nov. 11J.. U. Cholmondeley to lrcasury. "Hemarks and Obscrvations on the ~\orth Carolina Re v errues" r no rent roll since 1729; present Hcceiver General has compiled one himself, in 14 folio v oLum os ; huge La n.d grants have been made ~ith exemption ~rom quit rents; revenues should increase to £6000 a year from the present £1200; customs officers, uS in South Carolina, refuse to pay the King's share of seizures; escheats very difficult to recover; every officer of the government there ha large sums due him for arrears in salary; hopes Treasury will refuse requests from l\orth Carolina for more "l!.stablishments payments" to be char"ed on the revenue. ,. • • ,. • 7(p. /'lOO. /-5' I ublic Record Off'ice London, England T.l/451

Treasury: In Letters, 1766

1. 1765, Dec. 20. Jo n Pownall to Charles LOlindes, Treasury. Board of' Trade favors proposal f'or establishment of two more packet boats to "est Indies and southern colonies. 7~ ..{7ol.1-2 2. 1765, Vee. 6. Lords Dessborough and Grantham, postmasters General, to Treasury Board. Concerning proposal of I!.dwardLewa s to establish two additional packet boats b et.w een Falmouth, the ..est Indies, Florida, and South Carolina, a scheme that would "greatly contribute to facilitate the Correspondence, which it has been thou~ht necessary to establish, to and from those Parts, and enab Us to dispatch a Packet in general once a l-lonth,instead of the uncertain and precarious Nanner, wh i.cb, '{e are at present obliged to conform to, with the three Vessels employed upon this Service •••• " 7~~1701.. I-tf • • • • •


Treasury: In Letters, 1766

- . 1766, Nov. 14. Report of Auditor General of Plantations on quit rents in r,orth America; ref'erences to the Carolinas. 7 (p, (; 03. I-I~ 2. 1766, Jan. 28. List of off'icers of customs in j'orth America, with indication of ones absent. 7&>. tloC-f. t- s-~ ;;. 1766, Jc-n. 31. (COpy) of list of civil off'icers in Korth America ~hose appointments arise at ~he Treasury; incl. horth Carolina. 1&>, 17oS'. /-1... 4. 1766, Dec. 11. Report of \uditor General of Plantations on memorial of Incl. information concerning procedur in his of Lice, and ref'erence to ~arliament's address to the to have the C rolina accounts laid before them. 7L ~{lO~- I-~ 5. l~.D. (c. 1768). "An Account of the Duties collected and of the fines and Forfeitures recovered in the several ports now under the American Commission between the lOth day of October 1766 and the 10th day of October 1767 disiinruish ing: the duties on each Commodl.ty •••• " 7 r... ~ J 7c ? I - 3 • • • •


Treasury: In Letters, 1766

1. 1766, Oct. 31. J. Penningtun and others, Custom House, London, to (Treasury). Concerning case below. !{l k ' , 7 L '6 • 1-.:( 1766, Oct. 17. Opinion of Attorney General on several points relating: to collection of customs duties. Incl. comments on various pract1ces in England and America. 7 tv. I 7 Gr. l> 0) Encl. 3. Forms (four, :tIllX two of wh ach are pr'd n t ed ) relating to customs. '7~. 17/0.1-4 4. ~ndorsement for above. 1G:. i'}JI.1 1766, ~!ay 3. J. Fremantle, Custom House, London, to Chnrles Lo~~des (Treasury). Encl. T.l/453--cont'

6. 1766, F~b. 24. EXTR~CT of hm. DrY, co1Jector of customs, Brunswick, to Customs COMmiss~oners. Seizure of a vessel by Capt. Lo bb , liltSViper; etc. 7'-.1'7(3, /-4 And encl. I\.D. COPY of state 01 the case concerning seIiUre-of sloops Dobbs and Patience. [. f.s • 171 J ~ 7 f, 2. And encl. 8. 1766, Feb. 15. COpy of A. Nac1aine and 39 others-;O-~\vm.Dry) • ?r..a - I 7/Jj tI )..-1 And encl. 9. 1766, Jan. 14. COpy of Jacob Lobb, filS Viper:-Cape Fear, to ~m • Dry. 1fa _ I 715 . J And encl. 10. 1766, Jan. 16. COpy of '~'illiam Dry, Custom HOUSe ~rt Bnunswick, to Robt. Jones, Jr. 7f.R. 17/5", /-2. And encl. 11. 1766, Feb. 14. COpy of Lobb to Dry. - 1(p. I? I s. 1. And encl. 12. 1766, Feb. 3. COpy of Jones, Occanechy, to Dry. ?~ . 17' 5' 3> And encl. 13. 1766, Feb. 20. COPY of Lobb to Dry. 7~./115.3 And encl. 14. 1766, Feb. 21. COpy of receipt from Thomas Homer to Wm. Dry fo sloop Ruby and cargo. 7[P. /1/~, 'f And encl. 15 1766, Feb. 20. COpy of Lobb to Dry. 1 • 1~.f115.. If And encl. 1766, Feb. 21. COPY of' receipt from Hm. \vardtO Dry for ~6. sloop Patience and cargo. 71Q. J "(15"' • 5' And encl. 7. 1766, Feb. 21. COpy of certification, unsigned, concerning gaoling of hands from HMS Viper sent to lVilmington for provisions. ?~. I ~ 15". 5' 18. K.D. (c. 1766). "A List of Ports in the Plantations with the Collectors". Incl. North Carolina. 7~. rnc . /-5 19. N.D. (?c. 1766). Endorsed "Proposal". Concerning collection of money from the various ports in North America by deputies to the Paymaster General. 7{p. 1?/7. I-f * * * *

Treasury: In Letters, 1767

1. 1767, Feb. 17. Office of Auditor G~neral of Plantations. "An Account of the Expences Incurred in making out the Rent Holl for ••• North Carolina". 7~. 171 c6. 1-2 • • * * *


Treasury: In Letters, 1767

1. 1767, Dpc. 30. Custom House, Edinburgh. Account of all corn, grain, meal, malt, etc., exported from Scotland before 24 ~ov. 1767 by virtue 01 liberties or powers granted by ~ct of 7 Geo. III. Incl. meal and barley to South Caroli 7&·/711· 1-2 2. N.D. (read 15 July 1767). }.emorial of \\Tilliam de Brahm, Sur- vevor General of Southern District of North America. Inc mi~ute by J. Pown aLk , 8 July 1767, informing of Board of Trade's approval of presentation to the Treasury. 7&· 1720. 1-2.. July 7. EXTRACT from Gov. Tryon, Brunswick, to Earl of Shelburne, urging establishment of comptroller for Br-unswa ck , and recommending John Hawks for the post.

1~,17 2.1 ~ J J 3 T.1/457--cont'

1767, Nov. 6. S. Nacleane, \fuitehall, to Grey Cooper. (,overing note for above. 7~,/71.1. 2-3 • • * * '" T.l/lx59

Treasury: In Letters, 1767

1. 1767, r\prl 30. "(eport of Customs Commissioners concerning remitting of money from customs in America, and establish- ment of Board of Customs there. 7£0. 1'/2.2. i-Y. 2. 1767, Nov. 27. Thomas Noffatt, l'ew London, Conn., to Treasury Board. Concerning his losses in the riot at Ivewp o.r-t , Incl. "As the principal part in attending petitioning and otherwise solliciting a recompence from the Assembly 10f Rhode Is1and/ has fallen to my lot because of my Fellow· sufferer -l-lrHowards residence in North Carolina as His Najesty's Chief Justice in that l-"rovince •••• " 7~, I ') 1 S .. I - 3 '" '" '" '" • T.l/lx60

Treasury: In Letters, 1767

1. 1767, Dec. 30. Custom House, Edinburgh. Account of quantities of rice, sago, and vermicelli imported into Scotland from any British colonies in America, with quantities of same exported, Ix hay-8 Dec. 1767. Rice the only such import (from South Carolina), and rice exported to Holland and Germany • 7 ~ , I 7 'L 4-. I - 2_ 2. 1767, Dec. 30. Custom House, Edinburgh. Account of quantities of wheat and whe at flour imported into Scotland from any British cOlony in nmerica, 1 Jan.-8 Dec. 1767. Incl. 1\orth Carolina.

'" '" '" * T.l/lx61 Treasury: In Letters, 1767

1. 1767, Feb. 23. COpy of I. Gordon, New Bern, to (Gov. Tryon). Concerning proceeds fron condemnation of a sloop and cargo. Incl. report, signed P. Gordon, on same subject, same date. l:.ndorsed "In Gov. Tryon's of 5th July 1767. (no.5)" 7~. I 72..f.e, I-~

2. 1767, Sept. 3. TRIPLICATE of '..entliorth,(Surveyor of '"oods in America), Ivew Irarnp sh Lr-e, to Treasury Bonrd. Incl. comments on "trees, nnval stores,cultivation of hcnp, etc. in tLe Carolinas. 7~· 171. /~ I-~ 3. 17G 7, Larch 28. \1"171. Tryon, .urunswick, to Treasury Board. In response to Lown des 's of 30 Sept. 1766 is encl. xi: folloldng. "I have with the utmost assidui tv collected the ~aterials necessary to such Information;'and digested them into the three inclosed Accounts". Torn. 7~. 112'§ - /-)_ En~ Ix. 1767, Feb. 27. Auditor's Office. "A List of Salaries payable out of the Quit Rents in ••• North Carolina". T.l/461--cont'd

And encl. 5. n.d. [ca. l7c7). "An Estimete of Xonies Emitted and raised in ••• North Caroline from •.. 1748 to ••• 17(6 .•. and to what purpos~s the same wes raised, by wh8t Taxes sunk r-eplsced &c." '7{,. 1730. t-: 't And encl. 6. nv d, {ca. 1167). ItAnAccount of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Expences both Civil and ~ilitery of the Government of North Carolina which are defrayed by Provincial Funds of the sc>idGovernment 1767. It Torn. 7'.1731.1-g 1. n.d. [endorsed as read 11 Nov 17181. Account of monies received and remit~d to London by vGrious CUB oms collectors in ftmerica since 8 Sept 1167. North Carolina not incluned. 1'·1'731-./-2- 8. n.c. ItAnIccount of Receipts and Payments in the Office of the Cashier and Paymester of His Majesty's Customs in America, distinguishing the sever~l Branches on which the Monies have arose, topether ~~th the respective Eranches out of ~ich the P~ents hsve been made, pursuant to the direction of the Honorable the Commissioners of His Majesty I s Customs in Americs, from the 8th September 1761 to 5th January 1769." Includes Roanoke, Bath Town, Eeaufort, and Brunswick. >< gO.I~/q. 1-2- 9. n.d, "An Account of the Duties collected and the and Forfeitures recovered in the sever<-11Ports now under the American Commission betoreen the lOth of October 1767 and the lOth of October 1768 distinguishing the Duties on each Commodity and whether the Fines and Forfeitures were recovered b,y the Officers of the Navy or Customs, together with an Account of the EYpences attending the Receipt of the said Duties. It Includes Currituck, Roanoke, Bath Town, beaufort, end Brunswick. X gO.IG,:}.O.I-4-

• • •

.' PUPLIC F£CO~n OFFICE London, England T 1/L63

TREJSURI. In Letters, 1768.

1. 1768 Sept 9. Opinions of 2ttorney end solicitor general concerning various cases arising from 2 clause in 7 Geo III, cap. L6, an act for preventing clandestine running of goods in tmerica. 7 ". 1133. 1 - S 2. 1768 Ppr 19 (read]. ~ernorial of Wm. Graves on behalf of Lancelot Grave Berry, collector of c~stoms in North Carolina. 7fo.17~4-.1-3

• •

T 1/46L

TREASURY. In Letters, 1768.

1. [1767]. PRINTED fo~ of bond for non-enumerated goods, in conformity with 6 Geo III, cap. 52, s. 30, and 7 3eo III, cap. 2. 7(P.I735"".I-2. • •

T 1/L65

TRE~SURY. In Letters, 1768.

1. 1769 Nov 15. Custom House, . Account of the gross receipts, p~ents, and net produce of each sort of duty leviGble in America, 5 Jan 1768 - , Jan 1769. Incl. ports in North Carolina. 7ft>.1734.1-7 2. 1167 Dec 15. Boston. Solicitor's opinion on a clause in 7 Geo III, cap. L6. 7b. 1737. I-3 3. 1768 Jan 18. Custom House, Boston. Solicitor's opinion on 7 Geo III, cap. 46, concerning entry of vessels into ports in North··America. iCo.1738.I-g 4. 1168 Jan 28. Custom House, Roston. Sam. Verner to Grey Cooper. In- forms customs commissioners that Gov. Tryon has made representa- tions concerning appointment of a comptroller at Beaufort; when accounts of trade and revenue received for that port, the matter will be considered. 7 b. 17 '3 ~. I - 1.. T.l/465--cont'

5. l76B, Jan. ~G. lien. HUlton ilne]others, Custom House, Ro ..ton, to (Treasury Boord). ~stablishment of officers of reve- nue in America, C ~ept. l7G7-~ Jan. l76B, incl. list of off'icers 0 bsen t; incl. !,ortb Carolina. 1~·I?lfo.{-)_ 6. 1768, Nay 12. John Hobinson an d others, Custom llon se , IJoston, to (Treasury Board). Concerning need for better postal service in America; incl. "the warrt of a proper establish • ment of the posts in this Country render~ our Correspond- ence with our Oflicers, especially in the southern Colon- ies, very tedious and precorious". Torn. 7~,/7'+I.J-~ 7. 117681. COPY of "\\~ritt of assistants to Commrs of the Customs" 7~. /7'72.- 1-2 " " " T.1/467

Treasury: In Letters, 1768

1. 1768, Oct. 13. Edw. Stanley, Custom House, London, to Thomas Bradsha",' concerning letter of Gov. Tryon to Lord Shel- burne about a vessel presumed guilty of violation of Acts of Trade. 7~. I 7'13 ~ 1-1 Encl. 2. 1768, June 24. J. 1-'ownall,\, .. I ?lfi.1 _An_d ~. e. 1768, Apr. 2. Certification by '{m.'Dry concerning document above. I 7(P·1150. 1768, ~ay 11. Edw. Stanley, Custom House, London, to Thomas Bradsbali. Concerning security to pe given by Lancelot Graves Berry, collector of customs at North Carolina. ?(P.1)51.1-3 Encl. 10. 1',.D.(c. 1768). l.e"lorandum by Henry }lcCulloh concerning above. ~eference to Jomes Iredell, lately appointed comptroller at lort Roanoke. 7~· 175'2.. J - 3 And encl. 11. 176o, July 21. Opinion of Attorney General on Graves's case. ?(p. 115" 3. 1-3 • ,.. ,.. • Public Record Off'ice London, England T.l/4GB TreClsury: In Letters, 1768

1. 1:.0. (1768). "Narne s of' Ships for wha c h the l'.astersmade A:ff'idOlvitat Hotterdam, in order to procure }Jedit, erran ea'n l'asses". Incl. several f'or "Carolina" • tc. 11st. I • ...... • • T.l/469 Treasury: In Letters, 1769

1. 1775, Feb. 2. Custom House, Edinburgh. Account of value of all goods exported from Scotland to British colonies in ~orth America, Xmas 1768 to Xmas 1769. Incl. ~orth Carolina. 7(q. I? ~ .s: ) - )._ 2. 1768, Nov , 14. Thomas l-lOf':fatt,New London, Conn. to (Treasury Board). His losses in the riot at ~ewport, 1765; his lack of success in securing compensation; his resolve no longer to solicit same, "but at the intercession of my Fellow suf'ferer :t-1rHowar-d Chie:f Justice of' North Carolina" w~s persuaded to try once more; his lack of success. ?~. (7 S""(p. I -:L. 1769, 1.arch 14. Same to same. Concerning same; re:ference to j'lartinHowa rd , 1G..1?5"7. J-2_ 4. 1767, Nov. 27. Same to Selme. Loncerning same; ref'erence to rJartinx Howard. 71.0 175-8 .. J-tf 5. 1769, ~.arch 18 (received). Petition of John Su~gitt to Treasury Board, asking assistance for h1S plan to manuf'acture bay salt on coasts of' Virginia and haFyland; betbeen 36 and 38 deg. ~. Latitude. 7t.. I? 5'1· l: J... bncl. 6. Sketch (pencil and ink) of apparatus for manuf;Cturing salt. l' .I 7~ o. /-1 .. • .. ..

T.l/470 TreClsury: In Letters, 1769

1. 1769, Jpnc 7. Custom House, London. Report to Treasury DOClrd O~l merro r i a.I of' I.m •• {nndall, late :;urvevor G.eneral of' Customs for southern district of' Mmeri~a. 1ft, 17~ I _1-3 Lrrc L, 2. 1769, Apr. 26. l·.enorial of' 1{andall concerning his travelling expenses. 7&. /1 L 2. /- ;L


4. to

• .. .. • .. • Public Record Office london, l!;l1~land T.l/47l I Tre~Rury: In Letters, 1769

1. 1769, .vo v , 15. J ccount of gross receipts, payments, and net produce 01 cus toms in r\meric~ bye. ch act frot 5 Jall. 1765. Incl. North Carol~na ports. Torn. ?tP,'7ftJr; /- 9 - 2. 1772, D'c d , 16 (read). J~ccount of receipt s and payments, and remittances to the Receiver General in London, 5 Jan. 1769-5 Jan. 1770. Incl. all ports in Korth Carolina, wit names of collectors. a 7&;. /766, 1- I 1769, Feb. 21. hen , Hulton and others, Custom House, Boston, to Treasury Board. Concerning coasting trade in America.

7to I 17~ 7, (- L!- 4. 1769, Apr. 14. Same to same, concerning reports to be made by collectors in America. 1~,17~8. /-l- Feb. 16. Same to same, concernin~ duties of Messrs. \.illiams, \vooton, & r.:ills, The last-named inspected Charles '1 own , ~outh Carolina, "and the neighbouring Ports his reports will be laid before you ~len he has completed them.' 7(',/7~9, l : 3 6. 1769, ~ov. 14. Du~LICATE of Chas. Paxton and others, Custom house, Boston, to Tpeasury Board. Various concerning i~erican ports, incl. several in North Carolina. 76./770. (-7 ...... • ...


Treasury: In Letters, 1770

1. N. D. C,d th documents of 1790). "The r ractice now pursued in ~;arehousing Tobacco in the Port of London, on Importation and in delivering the same for Exportation, or for 1I0me ConSUMption, compared to the system propounded by the Albion l-~i11Company". {0./77J, /-(0 ... • .. ..


Treasury: In Letters, 1770

1. N.D. (c. 1771). Account of receipts and payments, and remittances to keceiver ueneral in London, according to the various cus~oms duties from 5 Jan. 1770 to 5 Jan. 1?71. Incl. all ports in ~or~h Carolina. Torn. 7(P./772, /- r - 2. 1770, l.arch 9. Hen. Hulton and others, Custom House, Boston, to lreasury Board. Lncl. plans formulated by hr. Irving, Inspector of Imports and ....xports and He~ister of ~hippin~, for conducting the business of both offices; the plans "have been found b' the 1a~t Years ~xperi('nce to be well calculated for ascertaining the Trade and I\av~gation, & checking the Imports and Exports of the several I o.rt s under our COllmission •• " 76,/773 1- 2- Encl. 3. The plans refcrred to above. ,(P, I 77Lf\ (- y • • • • • .. Public Record Office London, 1 ngland 1'.1/479

Treasury: In Letters, 1770

1. 1770, Jan. 1. COpy of Jno. ~illiams, Williamsburgh, Vir~inia, to Lord Betetourt. Encl. clause concerning tobacco trade, which he has "solicited to have ••• passed into the provincial Laws v , (No t; incl. here) • 7~.117(./-:3 2. x~~fil+x;ib[Jax~ r .D. (c. 1770). "Observations upon the Tobacco Trade in Americax and Scotland. Chiefly concerning fraud Indl. estimates of annual production of tobacco B in Virginia, ~aryland, and l\orth CarOlina (V1rginia and Haryland "above 70,000 Hogsheads", North Carolina "about 10,000"). {Included with document below} {fD·/77fs, t- 4- 3. 1770, Jan. 2. COpy of Lord Botetourt to :hr. \,illiams. Con- cerning proposed law concerning tobacco trade. 7C,,/777,/ ., ., ., * •


Treasury: In Letters, 1770

1. "The l-Jemorial of the herchants 01 London trading to No r t h and South Carolina and Georgia •••• " Concerning the customs rate for rice; incl. statement of value of rice trade to the Lmrire. 22 signatures. Treasury minute of 31 Jan. 1770 referring same to Customs Commissioners. Torn. 7~.(77K./-5 2. 1770, l-larch30. Heport from Customs Cortmissioners, London, to Treasury concerning memorial above. 76, J779. ( 5' • • • • •


Treasury: In Letters, 1770

1. Lis t of ships and ves sel s cl ec red ou twa r-d s , port of JIampton, Virginia, 5 July-lO Oct. 1771. Incl. vessels to North Carolina , and/or own ed there, etc. 1fo. /7fO. 1- ~ ~. Same, clearer Lrn..ards, same portx., same dates. Incl. sare. r«, 17'8/, I-~ 3. Same, cleared ou t war-d s , port of Yo r k 1,iver, Virr-inia, 24 June- 211 lJec. 1771. r-ie i , same. 7~. 11~ J.... I - 2.. • • •


Treasury: In Letters, 1771

3. xx 1772, Uec. 16 (read). Account of receipts and payments, etc., ....mcrican customs. Incl. receipts from 1\orth Carolina ports. 76,llf(, /-C( 1. 1771, l\ov. 16. J. I owne Ll,, ";hiteha11, to John l

receipts, payments, and net produce of customs in Amcricat 5 Jan. 1769-5 Jan. 1770, "so i'ar zs the Accounts arc come". Incl. horth Carolina ports. Torn. (',I?F~,/-7 - .. • .. • .. • T.l/486 Treasury: In Letters, 1771

1. 1771, Aug. 23. Custom House, Plymouth. Certificate that 85 bbls. of tar imported from New Bern are deficient in measure and do not qualify for the bounty. (Encl. in document below) (6,17 n. / 2. 1771, Aug. 23. Joseph Squire, Plymouth, to Lord North. Con- cerning the "great neglect of the Inspectors of Tar at the Port of Beau:fort in North Carolina". (~f/7fjf, /-2...... *


Treasury: In Letters, 1771

1. 1771, Oct. 18. "An Account of the Gross Receipt }'ayments & ~et Produce of the Customs in America by each Act from 5thH January 1770 to 5th January 1771 so far as the Accounts are come to my office". Incl. North Carolina ports. 7&, 17f9, I - 7- ...... •


Treasury: In Letters, 1771

1. Port of r.nMpton, Virginia. List of vessels entered inwards, 10 Oct. 1771-5 Jan. 1772. Incl. one from North CarOlina. 76, rn». /-2- 2. Same. List of vessels cleared outw~rds, 10 Oct. 1771-5 Jan. 1772. Incl. from Korth Carolina.

76 f 17q I. (~2- * * *


Treasury: In Letters, 1771

1. }Iontserrat. List of vessels cleared, 1 Feb.-l Oct. 1772. Incl. several to ~orth Carolina, and/or registered or built there. 7~,'7q2, {-? -." Same, entered, same dates. Incl. same. 7(o./7Q 3. J- 9 ~evis. Vessels entered, same dates. Incl. same. 16./79t.f. /-5: 4. Same, cleared, same dates. Incl. one re~istered N.C. 7((;,/19( ':7 5. st. Christophers. Same, entered, same dates. Incl. several from North Carolina, and/or r~istered or built there. 7',/7'1', /-/0 6. Same, cleared, same dates. Incl. same. .. * .. 70.11.97.''-/3 ..