בס”ד Shevat 5770/2010 SPECIAL DAYS IN SHEVAT Volume 20, Issue 11 Shevat 1/January 16/Shabbos Rosh Chodesh Shevat

Plague of locusts started.

Moshe Rabbeinu began the review of the To- rah, the Mishneh Torah, for thirty-six days, until his death, (Devarim 1:3) [2488].

Jews expelled from Genoa, Italy, 5358 [1598].

Yartzeit of R. Moshe Shick, “the MaHaRaM Shick”, Talmudist, 5639 [1859].

Shevat 2/January 17/Sunday Death of King Alexander Yanai, opponent of the Chachamim, 3690 [76 BCE]. “...Yanai arrested seventy Elders of and told the jail keeper, “If I die, kill these Sages so that if Israel rejoices over me, they will mourn over their Teachers”... His right- Mezeritcher Magid, 5660 [1800]. He was eous wife Shalamin took off his signet ring one of two people chosen by the Alter when he died and sent it to the jail keeper to write a Haskamah to the ; in fact the and said, “Your master released them.” They Alter Rebbe agreed to print the Tanya, only went home and she announced that Yanai on condition that it be with R. Zusya’s died. They made that day a holiday” (Megilas Haskamah. (Kitzurim ViHaaros L’Tanya). Taanis). Shevat 3/January 18/Monday OF HANCOCK PARK OF HANCOCK PARK CHABAD Yartzeit of R. Meshulam Zusia of Annipoli, First printing of the Alter Rebbe’s Torah Or, author of Menoras Zahav, student of the by the Tzemach Tzedek, , 5597 Yud Shevat Sunday Night ~ Monday / January 24 ~ 25

“...In reply to the many questions about a of the congregation, as determined by the detailed schedule for the Tenth of Shevat, the majority of the congregation; alternatively, Yartzeit of my revered father-in-law, the the choice should be determined by lot. Rebbe, I suggest the following: 4. The congregation should choose someone 1. On the Shabbos before the Yartzeit eve- to lead the prayers on the day of Yartzeit. It’s ryone should attempt to be called for an Ali- proper to divide (the honor), one person to yah to the Torah. lead Ma’ariv, a second to lead Shachris, and a third, Minchah. In this way a greater 2. If there aren’t enough Aliyos the Torah number of Anash will have the privilege. should be read in different rooms. However, no additions should be made to the number 5. A (Yartzeit) candle should be lit to burn of Aliyos (at each reading). throughout the twenty-four hours. If possi- ble, the candle should be of beeswax.

CONGREGATION LEVI YITZCHOK CONGREGATION 5770 Chabad Chodesh Shevat 3. The congregation should see to it that the Maftir should be the most respected member (Continued on page 5) [1837]. [1925] he emigrated to Eretz Yis- Chanoch Glitzenstien, and Basi Le- “...It contains most of the roel with his father in law, the well gani 5711 (English) Kehoth, New from the years 5556- known chosid, Reb David Tzvi York, 1990. 5572 [1796-1812], most of which Chein - known as the “Radatz.” the (Alter) Rebbe, of blessed mem- Less than one year later he passed The Rebbe undertook the leader- ory, himself saw and edited and away. He is buried in Har ship of Chabad Lubavitch Chas- agreed to publish . .” (Letter of the HaZeisim. sidus, and publicly said the first Tzemach Tzedek, Shevat 3, 5597) Maamar, “Basi L’Gani”, 5711 “...They only managed to print Yartzeit of R. Yisrael Charif of [1951]. the first volume, because as a re- Stanov, student of the sult of informing, the government Tov, author of Tiferes Yisrael. Yartzeit of Rebbitzen Rivkah, the closed many Hebrew printing fourth Chabad Rebbitzen, wife of houses in Russia. In 5608 [1848], Shevat 8/January 23/Shabbos the Rebbe MaHaRaSh, 5674 the second volume was printed in The period of the Zekeinim ended, [1904]. She was the daughter of R. Zhitomir, under the name ‘Likutei once a fast day. (Megilas Taanis) Aharon of Shklov (who first Torah’. (, Shevat 3) “On the Shabbos before the printed the Torah Or) and Reb- Yartzeit (of the previous bitzen Chayah Sarah, daughter of Shevat 4/January 19/Tuesday Lubavitcher Rebbe) everyone the Mitteler Rebbe. Her parents Yartzeit of R. Moshe Leib of Sassov, should be called to the Torah for died when she was young, and Chassidic leader, 5667 [1807]. an Aliya...” (Letter of the Rebbe Rebbitzen Sheina, the Mitteler 5711) Rebbe’s wife raised her. Yartzeit of R. Avrohom of Kalisk, “...When she was about eight- student of the Gaon of Vilna and Shevat 9/January 24/Sunday een she became ill and the doctor the Mezeritcher Magid, colleague “Moshiach’s Sefer Torah” com- ordered her to eat immediately of the Alter Rebbe, author of Che- pleted, in 5730 [1970] at a Far- upon waking up in the morning. sed LiAvraham. 5570 [1810]. brengen for the twentieth Yartzeit Since she didn’t want to eat before of the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe. davening, she would wake ex- Yartzeit of R. Yisrael Abuchatzeira, The previous Rebbe started it in tremely early and daven. When the “Baba Sali”, Kabbalist, 5744 5402 [1942], to be used to greet her father-in-law, the Tzemach [1984]. Moshiach. The Rebbe said a Tzedek, found out, he told her, Maamar, “To Understand the con- ‘...To bring energy into mitzvos, Shevat 5/January 20/Wednesday cept of writing a Sefer Torah.” you must be healthy and happy: Barley for the Cutting of the Omer It’s better to eat to daven, than to would be planted today, seventy Yartzeit of R. Shlomo of Lutzk, stu- daven in order to…’ and he blessed days before Pesach (Menachos dent of the Mezeritcher Magid, her with long life. (She lived to be 85a, Tosfos “VeZorah”, Baba author of Dibras Shlomo, 5573 eighty-one).” (HaYom Yom, Shevat Metzia 106a, Tosfos “VeKayyma”) [1813]. 10)

Yartzeit of R. Yehudah Leib Alter of Shevat 10/January 25/Monday First live broadcast of a Ger, author of Sefas Emes, 5665 “The day on which our saintly of the Rebbe, heard internationally [1905]. Master and Teacher, R. Yosef Yitz- through telephone hook-up, on the chok, sixth Chabad Rebbe, de- occasion of the twentieth year of Shevat 6/January 21/Thursday parted this world. Born Tamuz 12, the Nesius, 5730 [1970]. Wedding of Rebbitzen Devorah 5640 [1880], the Rebbe RaYaTz Leah, daughter of the Mitteler succeeded to the leadership in Shevat 13/January 28/Thursday Rebbe, and R. Yaakov Yisroel of 5680 [1920] and passed away at Yartzeit of Rebbitzen Shterna Cherkass, son of R. Mordechai of 7:45 AM, Shevat 10, 5710 [1950]. Sarah, the fifth Chabad Rebbitzen, Czernobyl, 5671 [1811]. His resting place is in New York wife of the Rebbe RaShaB, mother .”(Sefer HaMinhagim) See of the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Shevat 7/January 22/Friday Joseph I. , The 5702[1942]. She was the daughter Yartzeit of R. Sholom Shlomoh Lubavitcher Rebbe: A Short Biogra- of R. Yosef Yitzchak, (the Tzemach Schneerson, brother of R. Levi Yitz- phy, R. (Kehoth, Tzedek’s son) and Rebbitzen chok Schneerson, father of the New York, 1947), Sefer HaToldos Chanah, daughter of R. Yaakov Rebbe, 5686 [1926]. In 5685 Admur RaYaTz, R. Avrohom Yisroel of Cherkass (the Mitteler

VOLUME 20, ISSUE 11 Page 2 Rebbe’s son-in-law). She was born all Israel in song; how, while birth of the Rebbe Rashab. Teves 15, 5620 [1860] in crossing the sea, between walls of As it is known the Rebbetzin Lubavitch. She did much for Chas- water on their right and left, the Rivkah had a dream on Kislev 14, sidim and for the Yeshiva Tomchei children picked berries growing 5620 (1860), that her mother and Tmimim, and helped her husband miraculously out of the walls and grand-father came to her and told in his communal work. fed them to the birds singing hap- her to have a Sefer Torah written, In her last two years she was pily overhead. The Maharal told and she will have a special son. very weak. Even when bedridden, the teachers to give the children The Sefer Torah was started on she kept her schedule of Avodas kasha, so that they too, could feed Shevat 15 of that year, in the room HaShem, davening three times the birds to commemorate the of the Tzemach Tzedek. It was fin- daily at length, saying Tehilim be- Crossing of the Sea. The joyous ished on Cheshvan 13, 5621 in the fore and after davening, learning event concluded with the Maharal same room. The beginning and Midrash and Chasidus. On Shab- coming out to bless the children.” conclusion of the writing of the bos BiShalach, Shevat 13, 5702 (Sichah, Yud Shevat 5721) Sefer Torah were done privately, [1942] before davening, she said, “The previous Lubavitcher according to the instructions of the “Today is Shabbos Shirah; we must Rebbe apparently didn’t observe Tzemach Tzedek. The Rebbe daven differently.” While daven- the custom of putting out Kasha, Rashab was born a week later on ing, at ‘Nishmas’, she passed away, (though he told the story), proba- Cheshvan 20. her Sidur in her hand. She is bur- bly because the Alter Rebbe ied in New York. (Sefer HaSichos (Shulchan Aruch, Hilchos Shabbos, First Siyum of the Daf HaYomi, 5681-87, p.13) 324:8) says it isn’t correct for us to 5691 [1931]. feed animals on Shabbos which Shevat 14/January 29/Friday aren’t ours, or for which we aren’t Shevat 16/January 31/Sunday Erev Tu B’Shevat responsible. It’s important, never- Yartzeit of R. Chayim Palaggi, au- theless, to tell children the story, thor of Moed LeKol Chai, and Yartzeit of R. Yaakov Yehoshua especially since it teaches them about eighty other Sefarim, 5628 Falk, author of Pnei Yehoshua, compassion for all creatures. (Note [1868] 5516 [1756]. in Sefer HaSichos 5749, p. 22)]. Yartzeit of R. Boruch Sholom, the Wedding of Rebbitzen Brachah, Yartzeit of R. Nechemiah [Berach] “Rabash,” eldest son of the Tze- daughter of the Mitteler Rebbe to of Debrovna, author of Divrei mach Tzedek, 5629 [1869]. He R. Yonah of Zhitomer, 5568 Nechemiah, student of the Alter was exceedingly humble and did- [1808]. Rebbe, 5612 [1852]. n’t wish to be a Rebbe even after “He was the son-in-law of the his fathers’ passing. He was the Shevat 15/January 30/Shabbos Alter Rebbe’s son, R. Chaim Avra- only son of the Tzemach Tzedek Shabbos Shira ham... He was a major student of who didn’t become a Rebbe. He Tu B’Shevat the Alter Rebbe in Nigleh and Cha- was the Rebbe’s great-grandfather. Rosh HaShanah For Trees sidus and was a friend of the Tze- The Friediker Rebbe relates: The There’s a custom to eat fruits, espe- mach Tzedek... they would con- Alter Rebbe had a great fondness cially those for which Eretz Yisroel stantly be sending each other Hala- for my great-uncle, the Rabash. is praised. (Sichah, Tu BiShevat, chic questions and would discuss From the time when he was a tiny 5741). issues of Halachah (and Chas- tot at the cheder and onwards, he Shabbos Shira sidus). would have him over to his house “On Shabbos Shirah we have the He passed away on his birthday, every day. custom of eating Kasha at exactly sixty-four. His passing When the Rabash was six, the (buckwheat)”. (HaYom Yom) was wondrous: all that night he Alter Rebbe began teaching him “...The Maharal of Prague learned and wrote Teshuvos. In the Hebrew grammer; when he was would tell the Melamdim to gather morning he listened to ‘Borchu’ seven, the trup. the children on Shabbos Shirah in and ‘Kedushah’ from the Minyan Afterwards, with the outbreak of the courtyard of the Shul and tell outside his room and passed the Napoleonic Wars, the Rebbe, them the story of Kriyas Yam Suf. away.” [Beis Rebbe] together with his household and a The high point of the gathering number of Chasidim, was forced to was telling the children how the The beginning of the writing of a flee . birds joined Moshe Rabbeinu and Sefer Torah in anticipation of the

VOLUME 20, ISSUE 11 Page 3

From that moment, and until the end of his life, he Yartzeit of R. Menachem Mendel of Kotzk, 5619 kept the Rabash always at his side. The boy sat with [1859]. him in his carriage and slept in his room. Sefer Hasi- chos 5703, pg 88-89 Yartzeit of R. Yehudah Leib Eiger, author of Toras The Rebbe Maharash said to the Rebbe Rashab Emes and Imrei Emes, 5648 [1888]. He was a Cha- during a yechidus: sidic Rebbe and R. Akiva Eiger’s grandson. “I was not given to tears, nor had I anything to weep about…but my brother, the Rabash, was the Shevat 23/February 7/Sunday opposite. My father, the Tzemach Tzedek, wished for All Israel gathered against the tribe of Binyamin, himself just such a “broken heart” as the Rabash pos- after the incident of Pilegesh B’Givah. (Shoftim sessed, a quality he came by through his great close- 20:1, Megilas Taanis) ness to the Alter Rebbe, and the fact that the passing of the Alter Rebbe affected hm profoundly.” Shevat 24/February 8/Monday Zechariah HaNavi prophesied the restoration of Shevat 17/February 1/Monday Yerushalayim and encouraged resuming rebuild- Purim of Saragossa, celebrating (with its own Megi- ing the Beis HaMikdash (Zecharia 1:7) lah reading) their escape from destruction, in 5188 [1428]. Yartzeit of R. Meir Katzenelenbogen (“MaHaRaM”) of Padua, 5325 [1565]. Yartzeit of R. Moshe of Kituv, student of the Baal Shem Tov, 5498 [1738]. Yartzeit of Rebbitzen Menuchah Rachel, daughter of the Mitteler Rebbe, 5648 [1888]. After the Mit- Shevat 19/February 3/Wednesday teler Rebbe’s passing she moved with her family R. Levi Yitzchok Schneerson, father of the Rebbe, ex- to settle in Chevron, on the advice of her brother- iled to Cili, 5700 [1940]. in-law, the Tzemach Tzedek, in 5605 [1845]. She was known as a Tzadekes in Chevron. Every Kallah The descendants of R. Aryeh Leib, “The Shpoler in Chevron on the day of her wedding, would Zeyde”, gather today for a festive meal and tell the daven at the Maaras HaMachpelah and then come miracle that happened to him. to the Rebbitzen Menuchah Rochel for a Brachah. She lived to be ninety. The room in which she lived Shevat 20/Februrary 4/Thursday in Chevron still stands. Birthday and Yartzeit of Asher son of Yaakov Avinu. Shevat 26/February 10/Wednesday “Resettlement Day”, Oliver Cromwell granted right Yartzeit of R. Dovid b. Shmuel HaLevi, (the “TaZ”), of residence to Jews in England, 5417 [1657]. author of Turei Zahav, on Shulchan Aruch, 5427 [1667]. Shevat 21/February 5/Friday “...The Alter Rebbe said that all the authors of Yartzeit of Rebbitzen Devorah Leah, half-sister of the Sefarim until the “Taz” and the “Shach”, them in- Tzemach Tzedek. After the passing of the Tzemach cluded; wrote their works with Ruach HaKodesh.” Tzedek’s mother, Rebbitzen Devorah Leah, the Tze- (HaYom Yom, Shevat 6) mach Tzedek’s father R. Sholom Shachne married “And similarly it says in Shearis Yisroel (of R. Rebbitzen Rivkah, daughter of R. Aharon of Karlin. Yisroel Dov of Vilednik), Drush LiSukos, in the name of the Baal Shem Tov.” (Likutei Sichos, Vol. Shevat 22/February 6/Shabbos 12, p. 70, Note 5) Yartzeit of Rebbitzen Chayah Mushka, daughter of the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, wife of the Rebbe, Shevat 28/February 12/Friday 5748 [1988]. Antiochus V lifted siege of Yerushalayim, 3505 [165 BCE]. (Megilas Taanis) Decree of Caius Caligula to place idols in the Beis HaMikdash voided on his assassination, 3801 [41]. Shevat 29/February 13/Shabbos “Shimon HaTzadik heard a heavenly voice from the Shabbos Mevarchim Adar Holy of Holies, “The idolatry the enemy decreed to put in the Heichal is annulled.” (Megilas Taanis) Rosh Chodesh Adar Sunday & Monday

VOLUME 20, ISSUE 11 Page 4 Yud Shevat

6. Five candles should burn during prayer services. 15. In the course of the day, people (to whom this task is appropriate) should visit Shuls and Botei 7. After each Tefilah (and in the morning after the Midrash in their cities and cite a statement of adage reading of Tehillim), the Shliach Tzibur should study from the teachings of the saintly Rebbe. They should (or at least conclude the study of) Chapter 24 of explain how he loved every Jew. They should make Mishnayos Keilim and Chapter 7 of Mishnayos Mik- known and explain the practice he instituted of recit- vot. He should then recite the Mishnah beginning ing Tehillim every day, studying the daily portion of “Rabbi Chananya ben Akasha…”, followed silently Chumash with Rashi’s commentary, and, where ap- by a few lines of Tanya, and Kaddish D’Rabanan. propriate, studying the Tanya as he divided it into daily readings, throughout the year. If possible this 8. After Ma’ariv, part of the Ma’amar (Basi Legani) should all be done in the course of a Farbrengen. that was released for the day of the demise, should be recited from memory. If there is no one to do this 16. In the course of the day, people (who are fit for from memory, it should be studied from the text. the task) should visit centers of observant youth, and, This should also be done after Shachris, and the in a neighborly spirit, should make every endeavor to Ma’amar should be concluded after Minchah. also visit centers for the young people who are not yet observant, to explain to them the warm love that 9. Before Shacharis, a chapter of Tanya should be the saintly Rebbe constantly had for them. It should studied. This should also be done after Minchah. be explained to these people what he expected of them; they should be told of the hope and trust he 10. In the morning, before prayer, Tzedakah should placed in them, that they would ultimately fulfill be given to those institutions related to our Nasi, my their task of strengthening the observance of revered father-in-law, of sainted memory. Dona- and disseminating the study of Torah with all the en- tions should be made on behalf of oneself and of each ergy, warmth and vitality that characterize youth. member of one’s family. The same should be done before Minchah. 17. If prevailing conditions allow, all the above should of course be continued during the days fol- 11. After Shacharis and the recitation of the lowing the Yartzeit, and particularly on the following Ma’amar, each individual should read a Pidyon Shabbos. Nefesh. (It goes without saying that a Gartel is worn during the reading). Those who had the privilege of May Hashem hasten the coming of our Redeemer, entering (the saintly Rebbe’s study) for Yechidus, or and then “Those who lie in the dust will awaken and at least of seeing his face, should (while reading the sing joyful praises.” Pidyon Nefesh) picture themselves as standing before him. The Pidyon Nefesh should then be placed be- And our Nasi among them will give us wondrous tid- tween the pages of a Ma’amar or Kuntres, etc., of his ings, and lead us along the path leading to the House teachings, and sent, if possible on the same day, to be of Hashem. read at his graveside. [Letter of the Rebbe, Rosh Chodesh Shevat 5711] 12. In the course of the day one should study chap- ters of Mishnayos that begin with the letters of his name.

13. In the course of the day one should participate in a Farbrengen.

14. In the course of the day one should set aside a time during which to tell one’s family about the saintly Rebbe, and about the spiritual tasks at which he toiled throughout all the days of his life.

VOLUME 20, ISSUE 11 Page 5 Kesherim & Ben David Inc. Established 1947 Tu B’Shevat - The New Year for Trees Diamonds, Rubies & Sapphires David Kesherim Shevat 15 ~ Shabbos ~ January 30

706 S. Hill Street # 320 The central and focal point of this month is the New Year for Trees, which Los Angeles, CA 90014 brings to mind the well known Biblical analogy, “Man is like a tree”; an Tel: 213 622-6006 analogy that embraces many aspects, general and particular. Since this Pager: 213 506-6000 analogy is given by the Torah, Toras Emes, it is certain to be precise in all Fax: 213 622-6007 its aspects, each of which is instructive in a general or particular way, for - - - every one of us, man and woman.

Shomer Insurance Agency For such is the purpose of every detail of the Torah, (meaning, instruction) Insurance Specialists to induce everyone to reflect on it and derive practical instruction from it in everyday life. Joseph Schneerson Principal & Broker Accordingly, I will refer to some general points of the said analogy.

7461 Beverly Blvd. #306 To begin with, the essence of a living tree is, above all, that it grows; its 323 934-8160 growth being the sign of its living. Fax: 323 934-8170 License #0717982 The purpose of a tree is to be - in the words of the Torah - “A fruit tree - - - bearing fruit after its kind, whose seed is within itself,” which is, to pro- duce fruit with seeds from which will grow trees and fruits of the same Martin Fishman & Assoc. Inc. kind. INSURANCE Indeed, the perfection of a tree lies in its ability to produce trees and fruits 6300 Wilshire Blvd. to all posterity. Los Angeles, CA 90048 To translate the above points in human terms: A human being must grow Tel: 323 866-0830 and develop continuously, however satisfactory the level may be at any Fax: 323 866-0838 given time. This is also indicated in the expression of our Sages, whose License # 04188981 sayings are concise but profoundly meaningful, Ma’alin B’Kodesh, “holiness should be kept on the ascendancy.” - - - Similarly in regard to the second point: A human being should produce Frank Revere Lawyer “fruits” for the benefit of many others beside himself; the kind of benefit Revere & Wallace which is coupled with delight.

900 Wilshire Blvd. #730 The meaning of “delight” in this context will become clear from the dis- Los Angeles, CA 90017 tinction in regard to the seven species of produce with which the Land of Israel is praised in the Torah: “A land of wheat and barley, and vine, and 213 239-9900 * 310 553-9200 fig, and pomegranate, a land of olive oil and (date) honey.” Wheat and Fax: 213 239-9911 barley are basic foods necessary for human sustenance, while the fruits of trees are both sustaining and nourishing as well as enjoyable and delight- *** ful. Melinda Dauer, Psy. D., A.T.R.-B.C. And the third point: One must strive to produce “fruit bearing fruits,” so Art Therapy & Coaching that the beneficiary enjoying these fruits should, in turn, become a “fruit Children & Adults bearing tree” like the benefactor.

310 892-6988 Needless to say, the “fruits” of which we are speaking here, are those [email protected] which our Sages specify saying, “The fruits of Tzaddikim (which includes “Find more joy in your life!” every Jew and Jewess, as it is written, “And thy people are all Tzaddikim”) are Mitzvos and Good Deeds.”

VOLUME 20, ISSUE 11 Page 6 These are some of the basic teachings of the New state of completion only when it bears fruit. This is Year for Trees, which have an immediate practical so to an even greater degree when the kernel relevance to each and every Jew, man and woman. within the fruit serves as the forbear and seed for There is a further allusion to this in the meaningful future trees in coming generations. Jewish custom to eat on this day various kinds of tree fruits. Man too has roots, a trunk and body, and pro- duces fruit. In many aspects there is a remarkable And when a Jew firmly resolves to proceed from degree of similarity between man’s development, strength to strength in all matters of Torah and even his spiritual development, and that of a tree. Mitzvos, both in regard to himself and in dissemi- nating them in his environment, he has the assur- Man’s roots are his faith. A person’s faith unites ance of realizing his fullest potential - “Like a tree and binds him with Hashem, the source and well- planted by streams of water, that bring forth its spring of his existence. Even after the Jew grows in fruit in its season; its leaf also shall not wither, and Torah knowledge and in the performance of divine whatever he does shall prosper.” commandments, he still derives his life force through his belief in Hashem, Judaism, and Torah. Until the time will be ripe for the fulfillment of the promise, “The tree of the field shall yield its fruit,” Conversely, a weakening in one’s spiritual root sys- in the plain sense, meaning that even non- tem of faith can have dire consequences even on an producing fruit trees shall produce fruits. otherwise well developed individual.

[Letter of the Rebbe, Shevat 5738] Having achieved viable roots of faith, a person might rest on his laurels. Here the tree teaches us * * * that it is composed predominantly of trunk, branches and leaves. Man, too, should be pre- The Fifteenth Day of Shevat, Tu B’Shevat, is “New dominantly composed of Torah study, and Mitzvos. Year for Trees.” Since the Torah likens Man to “a In spiritual terms this means that a Jew can never tree of the field” man celebrates this day as well. be satisfied with faith alone, for he would then be like a tree that laid down roots but never developed A tiny seedling’s germination and development into a trunk, branches and leaves. Such a “tree” is no a fruit producing tree is one of the most inspiring tree at all, its roots are there, but nothing else. In transformations in all of Hashem’s creation. First addition to healthy roots a Jew must have the full and foremost, comes the tree’s root system. Then complement of trunk, branches, leaves and so on. comes the tree’s trunk and body as well as the branches and leaves. Finally comes the time when A Jew’s trunk, branches and leaves are the study of the tree bears fruit. Torah, the performance of Mitzvos. They should The roots are for the most part concealed. Never- compromise the overwhelming majority of his ac- theless, from them the tree derives its main life tivities. One can tell a Jew’s “age” by measuring force. While the leaves also nurture it by absorb- his “rings,” how many of his years have been spent ing sunlight, and so on , the roots are its mainstay; in pursuit of spiritual knowledge and substantive sever them and the tree will soon die. Furthermore, deeds. Just as a tree’s body grown constantly, so the roots enable the tree to be firmly embedded in should there be constant growth in a Jew’s trunk, the earth, to withstand strong gusts of wind or branches and leaves, in the study of Torah, and in other elements that would uproot it. the performance of Mitzvos.

The trunk and body of the tree, including the Yet as laudable as all these things are, man attains leaves, constitute the overwhelming majority of the his state of wholeness only when, like a tree, he actual mass of the tree. This part of the tree is gen- bears fruit, affecting his friends and neighbors in erally in a constant state of growth, with thicker such a manner that they too fulfill the purpose of trunk and boughs, additional leaves, and so on. their creation. By doing so he bears an endless Furthermore, the age of the tree may be ascertained yield of fruit, generation after generation. from its trunk and body, especially from its annual rings. The physical predominance of the trunk and (Likutei Sichos, Vol. VI, pp. 308-309) body of the tree notwithstanding, the tree attains a

VOLUME 20, ISSUE 11 Page 7 Yartzeit of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Shevat 22 ~ Shabbos/February 6

Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, the wife of the Rebbe, was For approximately a month, the Rebbe and Rebbetzin born on the 25th of Adar Rishon 5661 (1901) to Rebbetzin lived in 770, in the room that would later become the Nechama Dina, in the town of Babinovitch, near Lubavitch. Rebbe’s Yechidus room. Afterwards they moved to 346 Growing up in Lubavitch, in the house of her illustrious fa- New York Avenue, an apartment building off President ther and grandfather, the Frierdiker Rebbe and the Rebbe Street. In 1958, they moved to 1304 President Street. Rashab, she imbibed in full measure from their greatness. On the tenth of Shevat 5710 (1950), the Rebbetzin's On the 16th of MarCheshvan 5676 (1915), as the World father, the Frierdiker Rebbe was Nistalek. At first, the War battlefront approached their area, the family left Rebbe was firmly determined not to accept the Nesius. It Lubavitch for the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don. was the Rebbetzin who prevailed upon him to accept it, On the second of Nissan 5680 (1920), her grandfather, the pointing out that it was unthinkable to let her father’s ac- Rebbe Rashab, passed away and her father assumed the lead- complishments of Mesiras Nefesh over thirty years dete- ership of Chabad. riorate for lack of continuity. In 5684 (1924), she became engaged to the Rebbe, but At the time of the legal proceedings to establish the because of the oppressive conditions that prevailed, the mar- ownership of the Frierdiker’s Rebbe's Library, when the riage did not take place until five years later, on the four- Rebetzin’s deposition was sought, the defendant’s attorney teenth of Kislev 5689 (1928) in Warsaw, . asked her: “What is your view - to whom did the books When the Frierdiker Rebbe was arrested in 1927, her belong, to your father or to the Chasidim?” To this the quick thinking in alerting her Choson, the Rebbe, to the Rebbetzin replied, “Not only did the books belong to the presence of “honored guests” (N.K.V.D. agents) in the Frier- Chasidim, but my father belonged to the Chasidim.” diker Rebbe’s home, proved to be very instrumental in dis- In later years, when the Rebbe frequently came home covering the prison to which her father was taken. She also after a night of Yechidus at 3 or 4 a.m., she was always played a key role in the efforts to have his death sentence patiently and uncomplainingly awake, waiting for him. removed. Despite the fact that she was the one who prevailed upon When the Frierdiker Rebbe was exiled to Kostroma, it the Rebbe to accept the Nesius and she was the one who was his daughter - Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka - he chose to sacrificed the most from her personal life for this gift to accompany him there. Klal Yisroel in general and Chassidim in particular, never- theless, until her last day, she remained determinedly and The wedding of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka and the Rebbe absolutely in the background, totally shunning any and all was an occasion of extraordinary joy for her father. After publicity. their wedding the Rebbe chose to live in Berlin, where they were until the winter of 5693 (1933), when the Nazis came In her last years, the Rebbetzin suffered considerably into power and they then moved to Paris. In all these wan- in her eyes. Once Rabbi Zalman Gurary asked her, “Jews derings, the Rebbetzin willingly followed the Rebbe, al- from all over the world ask the Rebbe for a Brochah. Why though it involved leaving the holy environment of her par- do you hold yourself back from asking for one?” Her sim- ent’s home and city. ple answer was: “It is important for me not to cause him pain.” Only for some of the Yomim Tovim would they join her parents in Riga, and from the summer of 1933 in Warsaw, Once, on the occasion of her birthday, the Lubavitch and later on in Otvosk. Women’s Organization sent her a bouquet of flowers. The women had sent, together with the bouquet, a list of In Paris, the Rebbe and Rebbetzin lived in a one room names for whom blessings were requested. The secretary apartment, which was not far from the Shuls in which the received the bouquet and passed on the letter to the Rebbe, Rebbe davened. There was only one butcher store in Paris who observed that the letter was addressed to his wife and that the Rebbe used, after personally investigating the quality asked his secretary to give it to her. Taken aback, the sec- of Hashgocha and Bedika. When the Rebbe found out that retary explained that it had appended to it a list of names the butcher used to kasher the meat in the store, he came to of people requesting Brochos. To this the Rebbe replied: the store together with the Rebbetzin and asked that she be “She can also give blessings. allowed to watch the koshering procedure. Only after the Rebbetzin indicated her satisfaction did the Rebbe become a The Rebbetzin passed away on Wednesday, Parshat steady customer at this store. Mishpatim, 22nd of Shevat 5748 (1988). She was interred next to her grandmother, Rebbetzin Shterna Sarah, and They stayed in France until 1941, when they were res- her mother, Rebbetzin Nechama Dina, and opposite the cued from the Nazis after months of perilous wanderings. . The Frierdiker Rebbe made strenuous efforts to them out of France and bring them to the United States. They arrived in New York on the 28th of Sivan. Adapted from The Rebbetzins by Rabbi Yosef Kolodny and Yimei Chabad

VOLUME 20, ISSUE 11 Page 8 R. Chananiah Sinai David Halberstam, who was in- Shabbos candles. volved in helping out in the Rebbe’s household, told this about the Rebbetzin, at a Farbrengen, on the occasion of Two years went by and nothing happened. her Yartzeit: Once, the Rebbetzin came to the library, and pre- “..I was once driving the Rebbetzin someplace; we got sented her library card, with the name Schneerson on stuck in traffic, and I had to take a detour. At a stop- it. I asked if she had any connection with Rabbi light, we saw a family on the street; the father (as it Schneerson of , and she said she was his turned out, a Russian Jew) was yelling at some people wife. I told her I was upset with her husband, and taking furniture out of the house. told her the whole story about the Brochah, and how The Rebbetzin asked me to stop and find out what hap- I still had no children. She answered, “I also have no pened. Evidently, they had been unable to pay their rent children.” I started to cry, and say that I’d gone for a few months, and now were being evicted. I drove through the Holocaust, and there was no remnant of on. my family, etc..

The Rebbetzin said, “My father told me that from eve- The Rebbetzin asked me exactly what the Rebbe told rything we see, we must learn something; go back me to do. I said, “To light Shabbos candles.” The Reb- there.” betzin then asked, “Nu, and did you light?” “Yes,” I said, “I’ve been lighting for two years.” She asked, The Rebbetzin got out of the car and went over to the “when do you light?” “Every Friday night, when my family. She found out how much money was involved husband gets home from work.” - apparently, more than eight thousand dollars. She wrote out a check for that amount, and handed it to the Then the Rebbetzin explained to me, at length, what landlord. When the landlord received the check he Shabbos is, and how we have to light Shabbos can- called the bank to verify that the check was good, be- dles at the right time. A month later I was pregnant. cause he didn’t believe a stranger would give away that amount of money. She then took out all the money in After I was blessed with a son, I got in touch with the her wallet gave it to the movers, and asked him to Rebbetzin, so that I could thank her. It was because please bring the furniture back in. Before the family of her the Brochah worked; if she had not helped me, could say anything, she got into the car and told me to I would have continued to light incorrectly, at the drive away as quickly as possible. wrong time. This was a fraction of the acts of kindness the Rebbetzin did, always in a very quiet way.” And we set a time today, that I could come to her at her house. “...When the Rebbe would Farbreng on a special occa- sion, the Rebbetzin would Farbreng with several ladies, * * * who were her regular guests. Long Term Care Specialists On one occasion the Rebbetzin told me that if the ladies Insurance Services, Inc. came, they should not stay later than 9:30. When they left, a lady arrived, somebody I didn’t know. The Reb- Blue Cross of California betzin received her warmly and spoke with her for a Authorized Agent long time. When they finished, she asked me to give the lady a ride home to Manhattan. Phillip Grossman

On the way, I asked her what her connection was with License #OBO1071 the Rebbetzin. And this is the story she told:

800 400-9949 “I work in the New York Public Library, and the Reb- betzin used to visit there sometimes. I didn’t have any 323 936-6310 * 310 657-0723 children for close to ten years, and as a Holocaust sur- PO Box 76936 vivor, I was very upset. I once heard about the Rebbe, Los Angeles, CA 90076 and I came to Brooklyn to see him and ask for a Bro- chah. The Rebbe said he would give me a blessing for children, but only if I accepted upon myself something - anything - in connection with Yiddishkeit. I asked the Rebbe what he would want me to accept, and he said

VOLUME 20, ISSUE 11 Page 9 In honor of the twelfth Yartzeit of my father, Rabbi Menachem Shmuel Dovid Raichik ob”m. Shabbos Parshas Bo, Shevat 8.

By: Rabbi Shimon Raichik

My father’s base of operations was 770, specifi- Talmud Torah. After ma’ariv I spoke in the shul - cally the yeshiva. He traveled from there for the Gomlei Chesed, about the same concepts. Sunday, Rebbe, speaking in shuls on Shabbos to enlighten I was in the house of Shmuel Stone, and we spoke the congregation, setting up shiurim in the shul and about how the level of yiddishkeit in his city is in a in the community at large, and speaking about very low level. I told him that he has the responsi- kashrus and sending children to yeshivas. bility to strengthen the spirituality. Before I left he told me that when I come there next year, I’ll see To understand my father’s work at this time, we great improvements in the shul. He built a new must understand that attendance at a Yeshiva and shul with a Talmud Torah, and they were hoping to observance of Shabbos and Kashrus were not “in bring a young rabbi from Yeshivah Torah V’das. style.” People did not make a strong effort to attend daily minyanim or regular shiurim. Many Yidden Anytime when I go to different cities, at all oppor- lived on the east coast and Rabbi Shmuel Dovid tunities that I have to speak with people, I speak Raichik’s job was to travel to the cities and to speak about Torah and Mitzvos in general, and that every- with them about keeping a Jewish home – Shabbos one should accept upon themselves a certain mitz- and kashrus – and sending their children to yeshi- vah. One person that I spoke with, promised me vas, as was noted in previous letters of the Rebbe. that he would close his store on Shabbos.

From various reports that my father gave to the Beis Iyar, I was in the city of Paterson. I visited R’ Friediker Rebbe: Bentzion Friedman and I encouraged him to send his grandson to a yeshiva to learn. For Shabbos Parshas Vayikra, I came to Bridge- port. I spoke in the Lubavitcher Shul about the On Shabbos Parshas Acharei-Kedoshim, I was in work of the Rebbe, and especially about Merkos. Pasaic. I spoke in shul Ohavei Shalom Anshei To remind them about their roots. I also spoke Lubavitch about the same concepts (keeping shab- about the importance of Limud Hatorah - making bos, limud torah etc). Before Minchah I taught time for Torah classes, and the importance of a Pirkei Avos, and at Shalosh Seudas I chazzered a Jewish education for their children. For Shalosh ma’amer. After that I spoke with them about the Seudas I reviewed a Ma’amar Chassidus in the importance of Hilchos Shabbos and R’ Shlomo Ashkenazic Shul. Yaffe promised me that from the next Shabbos he will start teaching a class in the laws of Shabbos. Motzei Shabbos, Beis Nissan, I traveled to New Haven and we farbrenged in R’ ’s Sunday I went back to Paterson and I spoke to R’ home. Menachem Mendel Tzukerman, and he told me that he will try to come every day to the Lubavitch shul Shabbos Parshas Tzav, I was in Norfolk, and I and teach Ein Yaakov. spoke in the shul - Beis Avrohom. I spoke about, keeping Shabbos, learning Torah, and educating the I’ll mention one typical report children in kosher chederim. my father gave the Rebbe about his travels and efforts. Sunday, Tes Nissan, I was in Portsmouth, I spoke with Reb Yitzchok Greenfeld, and I spoke to him The translated letter with minor clearly, that he has the responsibility about what editing reads as follows: type of education they give their children, in his

VOLUME 20, ISSUE 11 Page 10 On Shabbos Parshas Emor, I was in Scranton, Pa, and they are anxious to provide education for their chil- I spoke before Musaf at Congregation Ohev Tzedek. I dren. The level of Yiddishkeit is higher than in the addressed the congregants about the work of the surrounding towns around, but they have no schools Rebbe, the importance of learning Torah, keeping at all. Shabbos and proper chinuch of the children (chinuch hakosher). Before mincha I taught Pirkei Avos in On Wednesday, I came to the city of Hazelton, Congregation Machzekei Hadaas, and after Shalosh where there is a shul called “Agudas Yisroel.” Seudos I repeated a Maamor there for about eighty Rabbi Rockove teaches Ein Yaakov and halacha people. R Shmuel Shapiro gives a daily shiur there in between Mincha and Maariv, and on Shabbos they Ein Yaakov. Sometimes a different person, R. Gutter- learn Pirkei Avos. I couldn’t speak to a group, but I man, gives a shiur on Shabbos in Pirkei Avos. When I spent time with various individuals. I also spoke to taught Pirkei Avos there I emphasized that they should R. Yaakov, who stems from Anash in Russia. set aside time to learn before Mincha. They made a commitment to begin that Sunday, but it didn’t happen I came for Shabbos Behar-Bechukotai to the city of because the person who was to give the shiur was too Wilkes-Barre, PA. I spoke in three shuls, Bais Yaa- busy. kov, Holchei Yosher, and Ohev Tzedek. about the work of the Rebbe, and about the importance of On Wednesday I spoke to R. Meir Fink to emphasize Limud Ha’Torah, Shemiras Shabbos and Chinuch that someone should be involved and teach at Mincha HaKosher. In Holchei Yosher, there was a man, R’ time for the community. I also spoke to Tzvi Harris, Davidson, who teaches every Shabbos, Medrash. I who knows how to learn; He promised me that he will spoke to them, about establishing a shiur every day. try to teach. There is no Ari shul in that place They promised me they would do it, they had just (Scranton) or the communities nearby. In the shul hired a Chazzan who knows how to learn and he Ohev Tzedek, R. Aaron Yehuda Nadler teaches Pirkei would be the one to teach every day. In Ohev Avos every Shabbos. On Tuesday after Maariv I Tzedek they had a shiur in Ein Yaakov or Gemarah, spoke to the congregation, telling them to establish a every Shabbos. I tried to convince them to have a shiur every day before Mincha. I also spoke at length shiur every day, but I had to leave before I was suc- with Rabbi Nadler. On Monday I visited a shul called cessful. I made up with them that I would IY”H Bnei Israel-Anshe Sfard. After Maariv I spoke to them come back and speak with them on Shabbos Parshas about establishing a daily shiur. They responded that Behaloscha. (In the report to the Rebbe, regarding their new Chazan (whom they had just hired) knows Shabbos Parshas Behaloscha. My father speaks in how to learn and he will be in charge. detail about his accomplishments in Wilkes Barre, PA, on that Shabbos.) Tuesday, Parshas Bahar/Bechukosei: I was in Ele- phant - a small city near Scranton that has very few Monday, Parshas Bamidbar, I came to Allentown. Jews. I met with the President of the shul, Meir On Tuesday I taught chassidus in “Cong. Agudas Rosenfeld, who is a Shomer Shabbos. I spoke about Achim.” There is a regular shiur in Gemara and Ein the Yiddishkeit in his community and was told that on Yaakov and on Parsha. The Maggid Shiur is Rabbi Shabbos they learn Pirkei Avos; they do not have a Shneur Zalman Kerefsky. daily minyan for Mincha. Also I met R. Asher Zelig Goldenberger, President of a shul in Dixon City, an- On Wednesday I visited R. Binyomin Shaffer. He other small town. I spoke with him a long time, and he lives a bit far from the city. I farbrenged with him, promised to set up a daily shiur in his shul. and it had an impact. Later he took me to shul for Maariv – He hadn’t davened Maariv for 10 years – I In Scranton people mentioned that they wanted to spoke with him about the necessity of putting on open a yeshiva, Achei Tmimim. Now they are build- tefillin every day … I hope he will. ing a big building with a shul, a mikvah and class- rooms for a Talmud Torah. They are eager to finish This is how my father traveled, visiting small towns, the classrooms first, for they have no school for their speaking in shuls, speaking to individuals, and col- children. They very much want to open a Yeshiva, and lecting funds for the Rebbe. My father’s routine was

VOLUME 20, ISSUE 11 Page 11 similar to Merkos Shlichus nowadays, but it wasn’t week, and my words made a great impression.” the “in thing” then. To this the Rebbe responded on Beis Nissan 5707 as His travels eventually brought him to scores of com- follows: “I read everything you wrote about the hi- munities in the continual U.S., and Canada. Among sorerus about the shul Shomer Shabbos Nusach Se- the cities he frequented were: fard, but you have to know that a temporary awak- ening is not sufficient. The result must be the establish- ment of regular shiurim, and each one should encourage others to attend the shiurim. They should also offer en- couraging words about the conduct of the family and In Igros Koshesh, we see how much the Rebbe cher- that boys and girls should ished my father’s work, and his accomplishments. In learn in kosher schools. Vol. 9, p. 480, (9 Elul, 5708 (1948)) the Rebbe writes Hashem should bring you to Reb Moshe Chaim Kesselman and gives him the success.” responsibility to visit the communities of Anash, and we see openly my father’s real accomplishments on One can imagine that this traveling was very tiring, his travels: and anyone who knew my father knows that he was very particular with the Kashrus of his food, and the “Rabbi Shmuel Dovid. . . one of the students who es- amounts he ate were minimal. This greatly im- caped Shanghai, who travels through the country and pacted his energies. Canada who visits may different people, even not from Anash, to awaken then to strengthen them in According to the shemiras ha torah, and in establishing a seder of learn- schedule. I am ing. He has had great success, and the Abishter should supposed to travel help him physically and spiritually. this week iy”h, to Washington (DC) Not only did my father speak out-of-town, but often and Norfolk (VA), he spoke in New York, and even Crown Heights. but since I am weak and tired, I am thinking of going for one week This is the draft of the note my father sent to the to Lakewood to rest. Rebbe when he spoke at the Sheva Brochos for his friend, the father of well known shluchim throughout The Rebbe responded to this on the fourth of Nisan America. 5707. “In answer to your request, it is proper that you should go for a week to Lakewood, for good “This past Shabbos air, but resting from work is Mevorichim Nissin I against what Chazal say: We was in Boro Park for are day workers, we must Sheva Brochos for bring light – the light of Torah Rabbi Mordechai and Avodah – into ourselves Brezsiky (known as Bryski). On Shabbos I spoke in and light up others. These are the Shomer Shabbos Shul about learn- two different tasks, but the ing Torah, Chinuch and keeping kosher, and words of effort is the same. It has to be hisorerus. There were over 100 men there. After with the internal approach of davening I encouraged them to say Tehillim after ‘giving yourselves over en- davening. As our Tamim R. Avrohom Weingarten tirely.’ And this was the path told me, his father davened there; he was there last of the Chassidim, the Baalei Avodah, from genera-

VOLUME 20, ISSUE 11 Page 12 tion to generation: they put themselves into it with all them in a half hour and display a masterful grasp of their strength, and this was their success.” the details.

Those who knew my father, know that davening took Rabbi Perez Hecht shared a room in the dormitory up a major part of his day–of his life--so when he was with Rabbi Raichik. The bochurim would recite traveling, he didn’t give up his schedule of learning Shema, and go to sleep, but my father would con- Chassidus and davening. R. Yitzchok Groner ran Ye- tinue learning, and he would fall asleep in a chair – shiva Achei Tmimim years ago in Buffalo. Once my and in my parent’s home if I would awaken in the father was there, and a driver came to him, saying night I would see my father at the table learning. “Rabbi Raichik told me to be ready for him after My father never really went to bed. davening, so, I have come to the shul at 9:00 after davening ready to take him.” He commented, “Till Others who shared a dorm with him told me that Rabbi Raichik is done with davening a half a day is Krias Shema al Hamittah would take a very long gone! How does he expect to succeed?” time. It took hours (literally) for him to prepare and meditate on his daily cheshbon hanefesh. They One Shabbos he came very late home from shul (in would see him begin saying Buffalo) in the late afternoon when Rebbetzin Groner “Rebono shel Olam,” and when was giving a shiur for women. They were surprised to they came back hours later he see someone still eating Seudas Shabbos so late in the would still be in the same spot. day! She merely said that the guest was eating Shalosh (This was related by Hershel Seudas. My father said, “Please don’t give me too Ganzberg and Shimon Goldman) much cholent; I can’t eat too much.” My mother’s brother, Shaul Rabbi (now of S. Louis) was sent as a Rapaport, came to the Rebbe in bochur to be a Rav in the Lubavitcher shul in S. Louis. 1963. He recalled, “I came to the The Previous Rebbe said, “You will meet Rabbi Rebbe for my own problems, but Raichik, and he will help you establish yourself.” The the whole yechidus was taken up first morning, he received a phone call, “Sholom, are with the question of why I didn’t you there?” and my father was there to help him. see to it that my brother-in-law Rabbi Rivkin once related that every time he moved to went to sleep at the proper time.” a different place (Seattle, etc.), my father was always R. Shaul used to joke “Rabbi there. Raichik keeps a yahrtzeit on the day the Rebbe instructed him to go to sleep at the My father’s davening took many hours. Although he proper time – once a year, on that day, he does it.” traveled, he always returned to his base in Yeshiva. He would daven in the cheder sheini upstairs. Rabbi The previous Rebbe’s instruction in Vilna was that Leibel Groner recalls that once my father had just fin- the bochurim should not change their garments or ished davening around 2:00. The bochurim had gone style of dress. My father adhered strictly to that de- out for lunch and had returned with ice cream. R. cree, so my father related to us, so that he even as a Raichik shouted, “Taivos in Tomchei T’mimim!” bochur he wore a kapote and a silk bekisher on Shabbos. The Previous Rebbe lived upstairs in 770. Some people told me that when the bochurim in 770 For davening, they held minyanim in and outside of had questions in Ketzos HaChoshen on Choshen the Rebbe’s room. Not many people could go into HaMishpat, a mainstay of Yeshiva studies, they came the Rebbe’s apartment, and on Yom Kippur, when it to my father, who told them the explanation – no mat- was time for Maftir Yonah, the Previous Rebbe was ter where they opened up the Ketzos. very weak and no one wanted it to be crowded and overheated for the sake of the Rebbe’s health. So Rabbi Shia Braunstein told me that he was the same in during the break between Musaf and Mincha, many Otwosk. If two bochurim having difficulties on a sub- people were asked to leave the room – my father, ject would ask my father about it, he would return to was in a corner, bent over saying tehillim. In those

VOLUME 20, ISSUE 11 Page 13 לע”נ days, who wore a silk kapote? – Only the most ehrlich יעקב בן ר׳ משה .Chassidim – so they let him stay נפטר כ״ב שבט ת״שנד R. Zalman Posner related once at a farbrengen the ת.נ.צ.ב.ה statement of the Rebbe “One who doesn’t daven shouldn’t repeat my Chassidus.” After the farbrengen, * מלכה לאה בת ר׳ אפרים he went downstairs to review the farbrengen and no נפטרה כ״ט שבט ת״שיז one wanted to review after hearing such sharp words ת.נ.צ.ב.ה ,from the Rebbe! R. Jacobson was there, R. Simpson elder Chassidim, and they insisted and pressured R. Raichik to lead the review of the farbrengen Dedicated by R’ Moshe Fishman and family In memory of his parents

VOLUME 20, ISSUE 11 Page 14 ד"בס כמה דוחו" ת שכתב הרה" ח וכו ' הרב מנח שמואל דוד ע" ה הלוי רייטשיק "לכ ק אדמו" ר מוהריי"  בשנת ה' "תש ז אודות נסיעותיו כשליח המל .ח"

"ר ח ניס באור ליו ב''' הייתי בבית ר ' שמואל סטא והתוועדתי על ש""" ק פק פ ' ויקרא באתי לברידזשפאט דברתי לפני עמו , ג עוררתיו ביותר אודות המצב הנוכחי בהעיר הקהל קוד תפילת מוס בביהכ" נ אנשי ליובאוויטש שהוא בשפל המדרגה מאוד , ואשר עליו מוטל אודות עבודת כ" ק אד" ש ובפרט אודות המל" ח להשתדל בחיזוק היהדות , קוד הפרדי אמר לי שהוא ואודות זכרו מקור מחצבת אודות לימוד התורה בטוח שא אבוא לשנה הבאה אז יהי ' המצב הרוחני וחינו הכשר, בהעיר באופ אחר לגמרי לטוב, אחר התפילה הי ' קידוש , בעת הקידוש ספרתי סיפור עיקר תקוותו הוא מפני כי ע" פ השתדלותו נבנה בש חסידי , ודיברתי דברי ה תעוררות, ביהכנ" ס ותלמוד ת ורה בניי גדול ומפואר מאוד , לעת הש לוש סעודות חזרתי מאמר דא" ח בבית הכנסת ובעוד בער שני חדשי יוגמר הבניי , והוא משתדל נוסח אשכנז . כי בביהכ" נ אנשי ליובאוויטש אי להביא ש לרב # תלמיד ישיבת תורה ודעת אשר גמר מתפללי רק בליל שבת ובשבת בוקר , כי הוא רחוק בקאלעדזש ג כ" , הוא מצפה אשר ביחד ע הרב יהי ' מהמרכז היהודי. באפשרותו לפעול הרבה בהחזקת היהדות , וג יפתח תלמוד תורה כשרה (, עד היו אי בש תלמוד תורה במוצש""" ק בק ב ' ניסניסניס נסעתי ביחד ע ר ' ישראל סטאק כשרה ) , אפשר הי ' מהראוי להשתדל שיקחו לרב א ' לניו האווע , והתוועדנו ש בבית ר ' משה העכט ג מתלמידי ישיבתינו דאה ,ב" היו ש נוכ חי ר ' זלמ שעכטער , והרב זאב שולדקראט בעת היותי בערי הנ" ל וכמו" כ כמעט בכל העיר שהייתי עד הנה , הנה בכל הזדמנות שהי ' לי לדבר ע הנני נוסע אי" ה היו לנארפאלק א ' מישראל הנה השתדלתי לעשות אתו מדובר אודות ית ה ' שאצליח בעבודתי ושאשלי הכוונה של כ .ק" ענייני תומ" צ ועוררתיו או בכללות או אודות איזה    מצווה פרטית 'א, בעל חנות שדיברתי איתו כמה

ה"ב פעמי הבטיח לי שישתדל לסגור החנות בשבת. "כ ק אדמו" ר שליט א" הרב גרינפעלד הבטיח לי להשיג תמיכה מהפעדעריישע בפארטפמוט בעד המל" ח וג מר באור ליו ה ו' ' ווו ' ניסניסניס נסעתי לנארפאלק , סאט הבטיח לי להשתדל אודות זה בנארפאלק. בש"בשבשבש""" ק פק פ ' צוצוצו דברתי לפני הקהל אחר מוס בביהכ " נ בית אברה נוסח אשכנז ( נוסח אר" י אי  בש ) אודות    עבודת כ" ק אד" ש בכלל ובפרט המל" ח ועוררתי ה"ב אודות לימוד התורה שמירת שבת ואודות לימוד בני ביו א ' דחהדחהדחה"פ"""פפפ דברתי לפני הקהל בבית הכנסת בית ובנות בחדרי כשרי, ע הרב סיימא לעת השלוש סעודות חזרתי מאמר דא ,ח" ביו ב ' דחהדחהדחה"פ"""פפפ דברתי בבה" כ נוסח ספרד על רח וב ביו א ' טטט ' ניסניסניס הייתי בפארטפמוט ( הסמו פרעזידענט אצל ראדזשעס, לנארפאלק ) דברתי זמ ארו ע הרב יצחק גרינפעלד ביו שביעי של פסח דברתי בבה" כ שבת אחי נוסח אודות ענייני חינו ועוררתי בדברי ברורי אודות ספרד , דברתי ו עוררתי בחיזוק היהדות בכלל ובפרטות גודל אחריות עליו מפני כמה פרטי באופ החינו אודות שמירת שבת וג דברתי בפרטיות אודות בתלמוד תורה שלו , וקוד נסיעתי צלצלתי לו עוה פ" , החינו הכשר, אחר תפילת ערבית דברתי ש לפני הקהל בבהכ " נ " גומלי חסד נוסח אשכנז אודות תוכ הנ .ל" 13

על יו אחרו של פסח התדברתי ע מנהיגי ביהכ " נ מנח מענדל צוקערמא הוא הבטיח לי שישתדל בית דו ד גרשו ונתנו לי רשות לנאו קוד יזכור , רק לבוא בכל יו קוד תפילת המנחה ללמוד לפני הקהל בפועל הי ' התנגדות מצד אחדי והי ' מחלוקת ולא עי יעקב,

דברתי , והי ' הזמ מאוחר ללכת לבית הכנסת אחר.    בשבת מברכי אייר דברתי בביה" כ נוסח ארי אנשי ה"ב ליאדי קוד מוס , אודות חיזוק היהדות בכלל "כ ק אדמו" ר שליט א" ובפרטיות אודות שמירת שבת ואודות לימוד הל כות שבת ואודות חינו הכשר, על הש""" ק פק פ ' אמור באתי לעיר סקרענטא , דברתי לפני הקהל קוד מוס בביהכ" נ אוהב צדק נוסח ספרד לעת השלש סעודות , חזרתי ש מאמר דא" ח אחר אודות עבודת כ" ק אד" ש בכלל ובפרט המל" ח ואודות "דא ח ספרתי לה ספור חסידי לימוד התורה , שמירת שבת , חינו הכשר , זמ קוד ג עוררתי עוה פ" , אודות לימוד הלכות שבת והבטיחו עלות המנחה למדתי פרקי אבות בביהכ" נ מחזיקי

לי שמשבת הבא ילמדו ברבי חצי שעה הלכות שבת. הדת ובתו זה דברי התעוררות וסיפורי חסידי , לעת    סעודת ג ' חזרתי דא" ח בביהכ" נ מחזיקי הדת , היו ש ה"ב נוכחי בער שמונה מניני כ .י" "כ ק אדמו" ר שליט א" השיעורי בביהכ" נ הנ ל" , בביהכ" נ מחזיקי הדת לומד ביו ג ב' ' בבב ' אייראייראייר בקרתי בעיר פעטערסא את ר ב' ציו ר ' שמואל ד שפירא בכל יו עי יעקב לפני תפילת פרידמא שי ' הייתי בביתו התוועדתי עמו , עוררתיו שחרית ולעתי לומד הרב גוטערמא בש" ק פרקי ביותר אודות נכדו ישעי ' דוב שאינו רוצה ללמוד כלל , אבות , בעת ל מדי פרקי אבות כנ" ל עוררתי שיקבעו מר פרידמא הסכי לשולחו לישיבתינו רק נכדו הנ" ל שעורי לימוד בי מנחה למעריב או קוד תפילת היות שהוא ר בשני אינו רוצה ליסע מביתו, המנחה , וה הבטיחו אשר מיד לאחר היו א ' יתחילו ללמוד קוד תפילת המנחה ש" ע או חומש . אבל בי מנחה למעריב למדתי חובש בביהכ" נ נוסח אר " י בפועל לא בא זה כי האיש שהבטיח לי שהוא ילמוד אנשי ליובאוויטש ובתו הלימוד דברי התעוררות לפניה לא בא לביהכ" נ כי הוא טרוד ביותר באותו וסיפורי חסידי, העת ב, יו ד ' קוד נסעי עוררתי את ר ' מאיר פרנק על ש""" ק פק פ ' אחרי### קדושי באתי לעיר פאסויאיק הפרעזידענט דביהכ" נ שהוא ישתדל אודות זה שא ' דברתי לפני הקהל קוד קה" ת בביהכ" נ אוהבי שלו ילמוד לפני הקהל בזמ הנ ל" , הוא הבטיח לי בזה , ג אנשי ליובאוויטש אודות עבודת כ" ק אד" ש ובפרט עוררתי את ר ' צבי העריס הוא יודע ספר שהוא ילמוד המל" ח ואודות שמירת שבת ולימוד הלכות שבת לפניה , הסברתי לו אחריות המוטל עליו , הוא הבטיח ואודות חינו הכשר יותר משעה, לי להשתדל בזה, קוד תפילת המנחה למדת י פרקי# אבות , ובתו זה ביהכ" נ נוסח אר" י אי ש , וכ בשאר הערי דברי התעוררות וסיפורי חסידי, שביקרתי. לעת השלוש סעודות חזרתי לפניה מאמר דא ,ח" בביהכ" נ אוהב צדק נוסח ספרד לומד הרב אהר השיעורי בביהכ" נ הנ" ל בי מנחה למעריב לומד יהודא נאדלער בכל ש" ק פרקי אבות , ביו ג ' אחר לפניה הרב קעלנער עי יעקב, תפילת ערבית עוררתי אות שיקבעו שעור לימוד אחר חזרתי דא" ח עוררתי אות עוה" פ אודות לימוד "בכ י קוד תפילת המנחה , ג דברתי זמ ארו אודות הלכות שבת כל ש" ק קוד תפילת מנחה , ג עוררתי זה ע הרב נאדלער לבסו הבטיח לי שהוא ילמוד את ר ' שלומה יאפע , הוא הבטיח לי שמשבת הבא לפניה  בכל יו קוד תפילת המנחה, ילמוד לפניה הלכות שבת, ביו ב''' בקרתי את ביהכ" נ בני ישראל אנשי ספרד , ביו א''' נסעתי מפאסויאיק לעטערסאו ביחוד לעורר אחר תפילת ערבית עוררתי אות שיקבעו שעורי אודות קביעות עתי לתורה , בביהכ" נ דיברתי ע ר ' לימוד בכ י" , ה אמרו שזה עתה קבלו חז חדש 14

בביהכ" נ שלה הוא יודע ספר ואי" ה יקבעו שהוא בביהכ" נ של ה מנהגי קאנסערוואטיבי , ה ילמוד לפניה בכ .י" הבטיחו לו להשתדל להביא זה בפועל , ג נפגשתי ע הגבאי דביהכ" נ בני ישראל א הבת על הש""" ק פק פ ' בה"בהבהבה ב"""בבב באתי לעיר ווילקעס בערי דברתי אחי , בכל ש" ק לומדי ש חומש או פרק עוררתי לפני הקהל בביהכ" נ בית יעקב אודות עבודת כ" ק אות שיקבעו שעור לימוד בכ י" , ה הבטיחו לי ובפרט אודות המל" ח ואודות לימוד התורה , שמירת להשתדל בזה, שבת , חינו הכשר , קוד תפילת המנחה דברתי ביו ג פ' ' פפפ ' בה"בהבהבה ב"""בבב נזדמנתי לעיר אלעפאנט , ישוב קט בביהכ" נ הולכי יושר בת וכ הנ" ל רק באריכות יותר , מיהודי סמו לסקרענטא , נפגשתי בש ע לעת סעודת ג ' חזרתי דא" ח בביהכ" נ אוהב צדק הפרעזידענט דביהכ" נ ביקור חולי ר ' מאיר ( אונגארישע ) היו ש נוכחי בער ששה מניני כ ,י" ראזענפעלד הוא שומר שבת , עוררתי אותו להתעני בביהכ" נ הולכי יושר לומד הרב דעוידסא בכל ש" ק אודות מצב היהדות במקומו , בביהכ" נ הנ" ל לומדי מדרש , עוררתי אות לקבוע שעורי לימוד בכ י" , י" בכל ש" ק פרקי אבות ( למנחה בכ" י אי מני ). והבטיחו לי בזה כי קבלו עתה חז חדש הוא יודע ג נפגשתי ש ע אשר זעליג גאלדבערגער תורה ולכ י קבעו שהוא ילמוד לפניה בכ ,י" פרעזידענט דחברה אוהב שלו בדיקסא סיטי הוא בביהכ" נ אוהב צדק לומדי בש" ק עי יעקב או גמרא , "ג כ ישוב קט , התועדתי עמו זמ ארו הוא נתעורר התחלתי להשתדל שיקבעו שיעורי לימוד בכ י" , אבל במאוד והבטיח לי להשתדל לקבוע שע ורי לימוד נסעתי מש באמצע העבודה , כי נדברתי עמה לבוא בביהכ" נ שלו, עוה" פ לעיר על ש ק" , ואפשר אסע לש אי" ה על בסקרענטא דברו אתי כמה בע" ב אודות ליסד בעיר "ש ק פ ' בהעלות , מצאתי ש שני אנשי מאנ" ש א ' ישיבת אחי תמימי , אופיציאלי דיבר אתי אודות זה מוצאו מבארוסאו , והשני מדריסק הסמו לארשא . ה ר ' מאיר פינק פרעזידענט דביהכ" נ מחזיקי הדת , הוא חתנו של ב ציו אחיו של הרה" ח ר ' שמואל דוב מסר לי שזה עתה התחילו לבנות בני גדול בעד מבאריסאו התוועדתי עמה בייחוד אודות ליסד ביהכ" נ שלה ביחד ע מאדערנע מקוה ותלמוד ביהכ" נ אצל, תורה , ראשית י יגמר חלק הבני של הת" ת כי זה בלוצערי ( "ג כ ישוב קט מיהודי ) נפגשתי ע הרב מוכרח לה ביותר כי אי כלל בעיר ת" ת ולכ הוא דוד איזאק ועוררתי אותו שאי צריכי להתייאש כ מבקש לרח עליה וליסד בעיר ישיבת אחי תמימי צריכי להשתדל בכל היכולת אוד ות מצב הרוחני והנ" ל אמר שה מקבלי עליה לכלכל כל ההוצאה , של אנשי מקומו , וב רית כרו תה לתעמולה שאינה ה בקשו כבר כמה פעמי אודות זה מהמרכז תת" ל חוזרת ריק, אבל עד עתה לא בא זה בפועל , והנה באמת הרחמנות ביו ב ' במדבר לעת ערב באתי לעיר אלענטאו, עליה  גדולה עד למאד כי בכלל מצב היהדות ביו ג''' בי מנחה למעריב חזרתי דא" ח בביהכ " נ " בסקרענטא היא במדריגה גבוה הרבה יותר לגבי אגודת אחי , השעורי בביהכ" נ הנ" ל בכ" י בי מנחה ערי אחרי , אבל בעני החינו הנה המצב נורא מאד למעריב ד גמרא או עי יעקב , "בש ק פרקי אבות , כי אי לה כלל ת ,ת" הלומד לפניה הוא הרב שלומה זלמ ב ר ' שמעו ביו ד ' בה"בהבהבה ב"""בבב לעת ערב באתי לעיר העזילטאו , ש קרעוסקי מוצאו מסמארגא הוא מאנ ש" , יש ביהכ" נ אחת " אגודת# ישראל " הרב ראקאלי שמש ביו ד''' בי מנחה למעריב דברתי בביהכ" נ שערי דביהכ" נ לומד לפני הקהל ב "כ י קוד מנחה עי יעקב , שלו אודות לימוד התורה שמירת שבת חינו הכשר בי מנחה למעריב קצש ע" , "בש ק פרקי אבות , לדבר הבטיחו לי להשתדל לקבוע שעורי לימוד בביהכ " נ " לפני הקהל לא הי ' לי ש אפשרות , רק דברתי ע שלה , יחידי ועוררתי אות , ג עוררתי את יעקב נערו , , מוצאו מטשערניגוב הוא מאנ" ש ואחד משה גאלד ביו ד''' בקרתי בבית בנימי שעיפער הוא רחוק קצת ליסד מני מיוחד בש" ק ויו" ט כי בזמ האחרו הנהיגו מהעיר, התוועדתי עמה איזה זמ ונתעוררו במאוד , "אח כ הוליכו אותי להעיר , לתפילת ערבית לקחתי


אותו לביהמ" ד להתפלל ערבית , אחרי תפילת ערבית לעת השלוש סעודות חזרתי דא" ח בביהכ" נ הנ .ל" אמר לי שזה כעשר שני שלא התפלל תפילת ערבית , ביו ב''' למדתי ש חומש בי מנחה למעריב ובתו זה עוררתי אותו להניח תפילי בכ י" , ואפשר יבא זה דברי התעוררות וסיפורי חסידי,

בפועל. ביו ד א' ' אאא ' דר"דרדרדר""" ח תמוז אחר תפילת הבוקר לעת לקח    משקה ספרתי סיפור חסידי וא ' מאנ" ש משה קצב ה"ב מוצאו מאושא ספר ג" כ ספור חסידי מה שקרה

"כ ק אדמו" ר שליט א" אצלו , על ש"ק"""קקק פ ' בהעלות באתי בפע השני ' לווילקעס ביו ה ב' ' בבב ' דר"דרדרדר""" ח תמוז אחר התפילה סדרתי התוועדות בערי , דברתי לפני הקהל קוד מוס בביהכ" נ אהבת ספרתי ספורי חסידי ודברתי דברי התעוררות , ג אחי אנשי ספרד אודות עבודת כ" ק אד" ש ובפרטות עוררתי אות לסדר התועדות בימי חג הגאולה י #ב" אודות המל" ח ועוררתי אודות שמירת ש ק" , קביעות "י ג תמוז , והבטיחו לי בזה , השיעורי בביהכ" נ הנ" ל שיעורי לימוד , חינו הכשר, ה בכ" י קוד תפילת המנחה משניות בש" ק עי יעקב , הלומד לפניה הרב דוד רייני , עד ביאתי לש אחר התפילה היה קידוש , הסברתי דברי התעוררות לא בא הרב רייני ללמו ד לפניה רק פעמי אחדי וספרתי ספור חסידי, בשבוע ולא בכ י" , כשבאתי עוררתי אותו כמה פעמי בשעת מעשה כמעט כול נתעוררו והבטיחו שיבואו שיבוא בכ" י ללמוד לפניה לבסו הבטיח לי. להשיעורי אבל בפועל לא בא . אמרו שהסיבה היא כי הלומד לפניה חסר לו כח הסברה להסביר מה    שלומד , קוד נסעי עוררתי אות עוה" פ והבטיחו לי ה"ב להשתדל לקבוע שיעורי לימוד בכ ,י" "כ ק אד ש" לעת השלוש סעודות חזרתי מאמר דא" ח בביהכ " נ על ש""" ק פק פ ' קרחקרחקרח באתי לעיר ראק איילענד , דברתי לפני אוהב צד ,ק הקהל אחר שחרית בביהכ" נ בני יעקב אודות ג ' תמוז אחר דא" ח דברתי אודות ענייני הנ" ל וג אודות ואודות לימוד התורה . הכוחות שישנו בכ" א מישראל , ספרתי לה ספור לעת ש" ס חזרתי דא" ח בביהכ" נ בני יעקב , השתדלתי חסידי , אחר ברכת המזו נתעוררו כמה בע" ב ודברו הרבה שיעשו מקווה דיברתי ע ה ר ' לעוינטא וע ביניה אודות לקבוע שיעורי לימוד בביהכ" נ שלה כמה מב" ב וכאשר היה נראה קוד נסיעתי מש , "בכ י ותבעו ממר פריפשטיי ( הוא לומד לפניה בכל עבודתי עשו ב" ה פרי ויבוא זה אי" ה בפועל בקרוב , "ש ק פרקי אבות ) שילמוד עמה ג" כ ב י"כ "ע, ז ענה ש נזדמנתי ע א ' יעקב ארשאק כאשר סיפר לי אב וי וי לה שמצדו לא יהי ' שו מניעה , ביו א ' לא למדו ר ' שמואל חרשק הי ' איזה זמ שד" ר אצל כ" ק יכול להיות שהמניעה הי ' כי הי ' ש חתונה , ביו ב ' אדמו " ר מהר" "נש ע התוע דתי איתו בפרטיות. שלח למד לפניה . השעורי בביהכ" נ בני יעקב ביו א ' בי מנחה    למעריב גמ רא בכ" י בי מנחה למעריב משניות בש" ק ה"ב קוד מנחה עי יעקב בש" ש תורה , הלומד הרב שלומה יהודא לייב לעויטא , ראקפארד הרב ישעיה על ש""" ק פק פ ' שלחשלחשלח באתי לק" ק דעטראיט , דברתי לפני אייזלער הקהל קוד מוס בביהכ" נ נוסח אר" י אודות עבודת

"כ ק אד" ש בכלל ובפרט המל" ח ואודות ז כרו מקור על ש""" ק פק פ ' חקתחקתחקת באתי לעיר דעי מאנסי, מחצבת שמירת שבת , לימוד התורה , חינו הכשר ,    אחר התפילה היה קידוש , בעת הקידוש ספרתי ספור ה"ב חסידי וג הפרעזידענט דביהכ" נ מרדכי זאב כאשר כבר כתבתי במכתבי הקוד בש" פק פפפ ' חקתחקתחקת אקסעלראד מאנ" ש מוצאו מראמעי פל פאלטאווא הייתי בעיר דע מאינס,,, התועדתי ש ע הרב פסח ספר סיפור מכ" ק אדמו" ר הזק ששמע בעיר מולדתו 16

גארעליק ועוררתי אותו אודות השיעורי לימוד ובכלל , לימוד התורה , שמירת שבת חינו הכשר , קוד מנחה הוא לומד בביהכ" נ בי ו א ' עי יעקב בש" ק בקי ... למדתי לפני הקהל פרק י אבות ובתו זה דברי ובחור חומש , ובכ" י לומד לעתי חיי אד, התעוררות וסיפורי חסידי , לעת השלוש סעודות ביו ב ' בלק י"ב"""בבב תמוז עוררתי א ' שבא לאמ ור קדיש חזרתי דא ,ח" בביהכ" נ בני ישראל שיניח תפילי , והניח תפילי , עוררתי אות לקבוע שעור לימוד בכל ש ק" , ועוררתי ביו ד ' באתי לעיר סי#### סיטי , את הרב בלאוטניקא את השו" ב זלמ ואל מאיר שילמוד לפניה והב טיח דש לא מצאנו בביתו , זה , הוא לומד ש בהת" ת בכ" י ע 14 ילדי וביו ביו ה''' בי מנחה למעריב דברתי בביהכ" נ בית א ' 52 ילדי, עוררתי אותו אודות אחריות המוטלת אברה נוסח אנשי ספרד לה אודות פרשת חג עליו בעניי חינו הילדי להחדיר בלב י .ש" הגאולה י" ב וי" ג תמוז ועוררתי אות לקבוע שעורי ביו ג ' מטומטומטו"מ"""מממ באתי לעיר סא פראנציסקו דברתי לימוד ב "כ י לעתי לומד ש הרב באלאטניקא לפני הקהל בש" ק קוד מוס בביהכ" נ אנשי ספרד ואותו לא מצאתי בביתו – בביהכ" נ עדת ישורו אודות עבודת כ ק" אד" ש ובפרט המל" ח לימוד עוררתי את השו" ב לעניי שילמוד לפניה בכ י" , ביו התורה שמירת שבת חינו הכשר לעת השלוש ה ' בוקר עוררתי א ' שבא לביהכ" נ עדת ישורו לאמור סעודות חזרתי דא" ח בביהכ" נ כנסת ישראל.

קדיש שיניח תפילי והניח תפילי. השיעורי בביה "כ נ הנ" ל בביהכ" נ אנשי ספרד לומד על ש""" ק פק פ ' בלקבלקבלק באתי לעיר אמאהא , דיברתי לפני ר ' פייויש הורווי בכ" י אחר התפילה משניות קוד הקהל קוד מ וס בביהכ" נ עדת ישורו , אודות מנחה לומד ר ' אברה יצחק האל ע י יעקב ובש" ק עבודת כ" ק אדמור ובפרט המל" ח לימוד תורה וחינו לומד מר הורוויס משניות, הכשר , אחר התפילה בעת הקידוש ספרתי סיפורי בביהכ" נ כנסת ישראל עוררתי הרב דוד מא יטר  יטר חסידי לעת השלוש סעודות חזרתי דא" ח בביהמ" ד שיסדר שיעורי ללימוד התורה בביהכ" נ שלו והבטיח

הגדול, להשתדל בזה , ג עוררתי א ת השו" ב יוס השיעורי בביהכ" נ הנ" ל בביהכ" נ עדת ישורו לומד קוסטלינגער אודות זה ובכלל אודות מצב היהדות הרב מנח נחו פ דעל מא בש" ק מדרש , עוררתי אות ו הרב מארטי מנהל ש ישיבה קטנה לומדי בה בער שילמוד בכ י" , בביהמ" ד הגדול לומד הרב 63 ילדי , ידעתי וג זה דעת הרבה בע" ב כי א מאושאויטש בכל ש" ק גמרא , עוררתי אות שישתדלו ישיבתינו קבלה הנהלת הישיבה אז גרמה הגדלת ליקח לה א ' שילמוד לפניה בכ" י בי מנחה למעריב הישיבה באי ערו לכ הוא מבקש שמרכז תת" ל ביו א ' פנחס עוררתי א ' שבא לביהכ" נ אחר התפילה יקבל הנהלת הישיבה, להרב שיניח תפילי והתפלל הוא עשה זאת , והבטיח ביו א ' דברדברדבר ייי עוררתי א ' בביהכ" נ כנסת ישראל להניח תפילי בכ י" , ביו ב ' עוררתי ב' אנשי שיניח תפילי והניח תפילי אח" כ דברתי איתו שיניח בביה נ"כ שיניחו תפילי והניחו תפילי אח" ז דברתי תפילי בכ י" , ביו ג''' עוררתי א ' בביהכ" נ אנשי ספרד עמו שיניחו תפילי ויתפלל בכ" י והבטיח זה, שיניח תפילי והניח תפילי ביו ב ' פנחס עוררתי ב ' אנשי בביהמ" ד הגדול ג ביו ו''' עוררתי א ' שיניח תפילי כ י" שיניחו תפילי והניחו תפילי , הייתי ש אצל ד ר . ר ואג סט ועוררתי אותו ואת גיסו שיניחו תפילי בש"בשבשבש""" ק דברי עוררתי את הרב מארטע שידבר לפ ני

ויתפללו והבטיח זה ובעת היו תי ש  אמרו לי בכ " י הקהל אודות חינו הכ ,שר שהניחו תפילי והתפללו היו והבטיחו לקו זה ביו ג ' ואתחנ באתי לעיר פארטלאנד בסדר,    על ש""" ק פק פ ' פנחס באתי לעיר שאיע דברתי לפני הקהל קוד מוס , בער מאה משפחות בביהכ" נ הר סיני אודות עבודת כ" ק אד" ש בכלל ובפרט המל" ח


CALENDAR TIMES ARE FOR LOS ANGELES everyone should be given an Aliyah everyone shouldbegivenanAliyah Tu B’Shevat - New Year forTrees Tu B’Shevat-New Shabbos RoshChodeshShevat the ShabbosbeforeYudShevat- Light CandlesFridayJanuary29: Light CandlesFridayJanuary22: Light CandlesFridayJanuary15: Last TimeToReadShema: Last TimeToReadShema: Last TimetoReadShema: Shevat 10/January24~25 Sunday Night ~Monday Sunday Night Shevat 15/January30 Shevat 1/January 16 Shevat 8/January 23 On thisShabbos- Shabbos Shira Shabbos Ends: Shabbos Ends: Shabbos Ends: Yud Shevat Beshalach Beshalach Va’era Bo Bo

9:29 6:05 5:02 9:30 5:59 4:56 9:30 5:52 4:49 Light CandlesFridayFebruary12: Light CandlesFridayFebruary5: Sunday/Shevat 30/February 14 Sunday/February 30 14/Shevat Yartzeit of RebbetzinChaya Monday/Adar 1/February 15 Rosh Chodesh Adar Day 2 Adar Rosh Chodesh Rosh Chodesh Adar Day 1 Adar Rosh Chodesh Shabbos MevarchimAdar Last TimeToReadShema: Last TimeToReadShema: Yisro - Aseres Hadibros Yisro -AseresHadibros Shevat29/February 13 2:27AM +12Chalakim Shevat 22/February 6 Parshat Shekalim Shabbos Ends: Shabbos Ends: Molad ofAdar Mishpatim Shachris: Shachris: Tehillim: Tehillim: Mushka

9:23 6:19 10:15 8:15 5:16 9:26 6:12 5:09 CONGREGATION LEVI YITZCHOK CHABAD OF HANCOCK PARK

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המעשה הוא העיקר — Directives of the Rebbe for Shevat

Yud Shevat: Make 3 for Yud This custom should be emphasized to the Shevat: children. 1. Yud Shevat 2. The Shabbos following Make a Farbrengen on Tu B’Shevat. Yud Shevat (Shabbos Shira) 3. Motzei Shabbos Shabbos Parshas Yisro: Children should Shira (Telegrams of the Rebbe, Shevat 10 5748- be in Shul to hear the Aseres HaDibros. 5752) Chof Beis Shevat: V’Hachei Yiten El See page 1 & 5 for a complete list of customs. Leibo-Through learning from her conduct, and Shabbos Shira: See Special Days, page living in her spirit. 2-3. Give Tzedakah in the amount of 470, this Tu B’Shevat: Eat many fruits, especially is the numerical value of the Rebbitzin’s name. those special to Eretz Yisroel (Sheva Minim).